OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, May 01, 1866, Image 8

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1866-05-01/ed-1/seq-8/

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?Avine NEWS fUm.?ttXOT.
?a, j
l?amirk M-H'.. ly Public Opinitn.
W.* r . MOTE OP ii-,Mi.
Tin? !< | ? -I 6 . ? ? l'-!:< -i? n to CfcsMM
? ?
i i. ? - ? , .al ? . : :
A; i | "..1 IBM BOial
4l> ?I 1, lo t,. i lie.
. Naw-Tork, tr?
ab?) i i <, ?
V, "
The ??? !? ? | l Bti
Al t.
'li. : ?
ci j? ? 111. > h. i. a of list ?
Meaal MHeaBa.
I?.'; '.
Rattertb? i - < culai 4>ttb< pol IWh mvs:
Ti ?ti arket lor Ai i
? ? r . i ? : . ; II I . .' ' ... I. - .
li ?r- ?;?-..?-? ? ? . t Which ?..ive
Veiii n 11 I y a? active deaxaad for export t< America, Fir?
?Twn: i ? ?etl Bt . i ? 1 . ,. . ii a i - ... bat tbt re
lae bee? aa i as I ii ? v close at ot poet
imo.i ., , .".mi' ?i-? . ira?wen
1?| t renewed di iaud ipi lai
ia? aptiti unproved, <
'?H fi i i. le shire?, For hoods of tix ? i s Statt s ti en
kavc i
tli? ? ice pt ion ol
lim e i.n :? . . I ?.la ' 1
I . ?, tv MaBI 1 I wert t-idedlj timer
?ps> i ti aaiettof 0<
Bar?t-t etbei
l . - ? ? i .' I ..'
Ai I impi ? .
?ourses T ? e i ?.i.k of Frank t I .. sraM of dil
?sonni f ,ru ?j te .
I ??(..'. IB ? J pr.1 r.tc
BflM t'- 'ins. in
?hfl?,. ''-. biak war? returned ?a
fcv i l.i i 11 i... i i mi li It mi? f.I that tbi
?1 eba taak wert ?rgtly of ?spet ativi . I ? - ter. bat it was
eataat I i ? or? wen safe
Kal | k A I ? , '" Ihgai ril.i . :? of 1 ??? i l-d SO.
JIL?.?... I . .1...... ? V I ? ? .. ' g,
An? tri? ?mm Prassitt.
Di .. . ?'.: ? ? i ? ' i ' '. ' < U.. n r?. ?? i ? , .
1li . . . . . ' l. | ? in i .
.A\ mof tr.el8;b nyi 'Bivi a, Worten?
lim; ? ? h ... ! d Dai ? lew it* .1 oa
BIM Ol i ?iii a and Ti ilt'i si iiiim oo. RhoBld war otp *
v.!. 'd nil tv- cn thi ? ,i" ? I Ar.?tr,!i. TI
Bli?' ' .?in ed.
Tl.c I "i ' '. ii- r f ..f I ? < I I ... < sha?;
??Mi i ? sAtdli !? :.,!? red hie i - ,
?iti ii the )? *! !? ' bas i - ? i Btbb
tin ? of tin King to his ? tharawal. Ile im>'ii
Bnttiaaol n 1 rill probably bt icceleravted by
the Kn. ]??? ..r ff Ai.rir.u having ni. -liiuit the I .mi ? ;? i M
lire I'm tah that aadei ? i tain? ;.- mitt ceeht would aol
?pbef-rt to ?y IB? ,, ?-??<: i i 'le 1) . n Kuro
?Mun riiii'ri?-. ' ll.e vtr'ii shish.? ?t i?.- i u-h i lint n<>
??i ? . ps 1:8* takes pi,,, >u any part of
li.- . M ,??''.'? .
Iii 11 -.'. a i -? . ?.
i . ?nenlBjj . ?. t ?.?.?d i<> bt h?M ia thi tarfatasrae
tbro.glu ut I'rue-i .
1 l.i lexl "i il.e Prwasita i?).!;. M la? Au
?Al ti.i "ill I!;?!. :? j ? I lilht i . I? ?in? ?.?-. : v ? '?j ti.?
kdn it ti ii moven enta 11 Aaxjtriai tn swai Um Prtsaana
ita tier, 1 v vth.ri. I :? . ' re neat?
t.ri? i ' . si?,?. f C al bli ido B i ? "ii" I
rnvd i is* Ihn word i...' do iigg*???.- su inteadtd by
tiirtr ii , t I cantil ' - i?. ..... i ?i ,....?! ?, tetona)
?expected tint Prntsii. au eqvi
Int.'iit'ii>- l .iv.i'g lien s?.a?i, by theKiiTsf?aboaldralla*
?am?i, tie re di foi ?ive ii t ?.?ii', s ?bi? I- ?? n i alltd !? ni. by
tim utt.i.iu. of Austria.
The l'rii??iH.T answer to Iii gland * rctarot strutxe ? said
i? l- ?. M . ? ' i igl '?.
Tbc ?us'i io am nye: A uti a dora no1 ath aa
li.? b mt bud ia tke B et, aor will ?1 , P ?
?ia wishes to am ox toe l>.., hit <?. :?r.,i Asstria is bw i ' lo
Miff" At rights of tbt Scbletwia;-Ho)ateia people. 8be
lli.ot d.'.L'.e tO 11.? tr.. i.i.l r?it..r..r ti.il thi willoi
? pa- i !c ai ii 1.1 tl.u l>i*.t ali?.lilli le ti-poclid. Thi
ii ? .ii ead A'.iktr.H'i ii?i.6 slj?vi?(l ha withdrawa, aad
BBnpeatesshould nhooeoa eoisrnntnt bj lia,.?ni sf
fus?? Austria tvrcepts thei da lias, traa if to Men ta
A I . [-tT.h.ie. Ii tiig'filil my? til 1?i.v?-l in? 1,! (if Hen
Bhaik i i* raeeivad communitttici>i which will eciniielit
I? ?at ii. ? less pas ?ivi ..! iii.iii u the ('annan dii| le,
?lal it 11 S Xiiop'ii. len l.tlCL* ol HL iii |'fl. li ( l.?,!i.?'i r.
Ai. Inrei al at? ' ? gnet ?li (.?-Ii
J.'i.t SI.
?entreo? theil ..?-.., tt?71
In tbt risii'iiT ?I l'ipUies Iba MtoisUO ?! tbala?
ttM i ?tilted that tt>i i.i.tcrLiticLt ?a? toe-huaiit ol the
apsjratisiat of tatttta contnirator?. bal did anappfehOBd
?ny a?i.?, -s (i.?ii :l inca <i tbe rjoUic trm.iii.illity.
Tiitte wen? greut itjksV baya tt st. Painal tnj m d stat?
Mhart oa teaoaat ol tn?Knpster*i cmuj.? t.i,ui i-sirnssic.
f ?
1 le irjarj who attempted the Emperor s lite i? a Ku--.hu
lai d-tiwncr of ?niHll mean*, wi.o eeaetdoon hMntM n
|n??-d hy the tMtBtiaatlOB Of tbt serl?. II? disci, argi 4 the
tst? 1 viltbin a lew foe*, of the Kit.peror. sr.d the sh.it WkTtBld
ve probably taken ? tTect had not a pt-icant turned aside
the assassin s p.rm. 'J bM pcssmit had lum t iriiol.li d.
It is said thot the Kmperor, with atrfocl orteaaaa of
nii.d hiniM-'f. M /? i the i ii prit. e?king bin aajjetly:
?'Wh.'it have I i vi r (iorie to you thtt'on ?l.oi Id suk ii v
lif? r
Tke Priaelaalliiea.
A H? ilir, ili?;.?,t< ! msft it is extTtm.el.v d'.ihtful if 1'rn cs
sThaTle? if Ildiii-nxollera will scct-t t the hoOfOSMtaMp of
It wit* reported Hit tboOlOOl r.'tttrs bal dei lined to
?Ttonntei bia e tria tvMell] uligal tlt-tti? n
Mt'istEAV, Manh &.--Tbe bkBMB badajal hu* bl
BjaaakJ bl m ami aaoeed. Ma ONOh taata an leaptota. i i
?li.ty BO ?Sltpt-Url IS 1. .'.i.. e<| to ii p?-l < Cli! hil Ablon in.
POOBkaj April 14.?I.otton is drpresatd. 1'iete good*
lewer F'reigbi? tu I.irerpoo). t. 6. IT i i ,. I (J.
Loaanai, sVaail jo, 1Mb.
tfkrman MMBjTOBM ? ttiLOe to be !?? Barb] 11 ttj?' uiaiutc
favai.co of poon.
The Hon** of Commoii- is mil tlelm- i g Ketormbil).
taasaaerclal latellige???.
LivEhj-ooi, Ar? 11'.-, (,n. ?-Tic Mfoaal BkofoBrOswa
??m iii? .Cutsi bale*, of which 9.??A) wer? taken 1 v ipei iiIbi"*
and exr-orteri. Tbe market opened wah ?a t i.via'rd ter ileia ?
aad advanced Id.. but subsequently Lecame heavy and the it.
rsavement was lost, cl.'.n g nominal ?nu .iregi.lir. MtddliLg
eland is quoted Hil.
Ki at ? ..i Tt'Di. The italic Le? iei ra?rk*4 ? ei.l) and ir
BKiADeiUrr? have an upward tender.? ? lad a.! deicriptiuu?
are a trifle light). Kicbardson. Batata A <o. anti Wake
B? i !7asl A Co. repot i J'lonr fljaicr and i i I g'.o \Vieit
?rSksdi npr.ard and prices lOFU. higher. W?.tsr It?d. M tt
141/6. Corn firm ? Mixed, BJ "?v.-. tv
I'acv i-lO.v.? iliji J he ?am? ?Hilhoii' ei rejurt J.ief i".i :
avH'tk ?*.e?dv. Ba(one?ai*r. Laird dull tad irtiWiaaL Buttr
Icart.ve J allow steady.
Jr*m?,r?i Ct. ?A? he? -iruall ?ti al n a 33 (. fe? Foti. Sucst
??iel ?ad steady. ( ofles taaativa Lue eatol ?ud steady.
barite Titrueutihi'?i'iiet and *teH(iv. I'etroleun uui?lat9. a
t'l for nrfinetl
aVestMM klssii s.-liieidstnflsliic Sugar easier. <it;..
Oran. I es1.) rp. T ?Low oat.
Alt.vrT Mai kit - -('omuls h.-e .oled lodsy s
?y*iT?Je<i r-'sia? fe??? ?0?70| Erisiharei :xt III?buIiCentral,
l-iraisrooL Apm ... ,. m,_('ojiuji_lht ltroler? circular
iwpvrt* taw ?ales of ii* week at t> WAT l?ale*. iccln-inig e, 5ou te
ei-tsrti.atur? Bari l'i.out' u, exporlt-ra. The mat kel le beaty -ni
er*??*ui*r, ?ntl, stave, , ?i,,,,,, aaetuatiou? cloacs ni a de.
HO vii ou the wee? r0r Ameitcan and ? .J n.r ulher tie
iwjipt.ons. The uutho. s-d (iOot.lior? ?re as foltuwi I e,r
?!?????.a1'i-- il,','?^?^??^ Uii??? Vmx *<**. ?*i?i-, w?o
e?*si.,ie 141U. Fair I planet?, lod.. Mid 1'piatds I4,d 1 ie
?ale? to-d?y iFrid??.?. ?re ett. mated at iv.ntsj i,,!-i ,Uvliclue
?pao to ?peealston and exporter*, the market elos'iii?. airn'er
Ira? stock la port is Mtimatwd at FXC.tsTO bale*, uf a btch t?0 OTU
tf? Auieriean
jraAi.r. KaroBT.-The Maaelieiter m?rk?t n firmer Im
i(i?rl?yt BreaditulTs oQici and ?teady. Provisinns du'l
Lal'? A|iri -?i. i. m -< 'onaoil i iu.e at e? | ?r , tin.led
?a?r?a?Fiv?-Tw(ntie? ?..j, Trie *?L?ie? ..,. a .1 lUinoie t'en
?lalHluV??. 7yjtf4(H. ??"?sie..
Arrl??l ?f lb? Biraiararr Hwepharsi? al Baelaei.
Hostoii Jnondav April ao, latt
?'be Bnt.sli st???cr Rosrboru* bmm llniiatkul on the
I'jsj?, ins?, tod ytieeosttiwij tit, the lull ih*t emvtd ir?-d?r
?iiaejtss ? 7*Q v*?*Dp-n.
Oska ha. * "O siatJieifS ou boanl.
Hah be A I'?.' ?**; ??jC 4-'?, lot. ?Mj k'lsu.i i l^oMiiaij? fjom
THE tnitMRi at ?,t inAWTirrE.
*?? ?et* Catee- I ear IHaib? ?lore r r.il Utpart
- Letter fr?.o llr. ??wliibwriie - "tetitc io
ril?la nod "eiiaier* of fOOSOBB?
rho p -"u hot
??cm? now io le ?b?t.ng. No new nan were riietvto ea
I i tai tot ?t'-r- i ' ' beca I ? doatto alan lae dada aftk.
:?tt rejort in'ie't L*sh Mon -, lf| Saan) Kitr.u?
I', .-mu cr 9jmi49| Mai j Count II aged an 1 I mt? Larror.,
?cul ?itrio !'? ? ve. ' ret siiiir.f ?? ti . bOS|
. . dil ion of the patiei .. bowl ?er e
rapidly uni " * ' <
aBBTTAI i r 11 r.
Tto ttean ShlpKria, i ?lim t., ni rh t'.e
Vlri-i.it aad Knglaad tokroi arrived at I , v' esterdaj
i,, r,,., ? Di Ivsl al 1/1 .i.?..".' ubi wat examil
the II' n.tt! Officei ??: " (cona all
| ?
i..', pt wag i ? i emberted ut tp.-ih Oarth
lill, st st!,! 'I 01 P.'rt' Ml -
Al IT.
' ,
e. . - esnied oa rael ttetmer, thal
tot irry twondoltt lor even five I f the ?hip on
w I . i the] -.ni By this rate the ?o|
? I? entitled t - - - -
tor SAO earned was 1,99?. lleV .. ? t
i arden is entitled to 1.148 past ter? - J i ?n I i ? -
li i ,- .-i titl'd i y t'le. i ? ' ? i" uki*
i l/.< peseeagertoi board. "? ? i '; eddeij 1,180,
milli PROM 11
Dr.Swiiibur.n, ii..ibii Officerol Um Borl I ? i
ti-, bib wlsg it I'd lo thal V '..-.: .uUir
ditto of April 90i
l.'l'NTll MK*I 1 T ??? ,'. . . I . Bofl I *??
-. ? uriii. read ?
?atlee I ? ' . ? ? * -, ? ..
..... ?C1 .1' ... li t.Uie
i n ?.- bl 11 as ricka. ??I ii ?' ip
Hsmi ? ? ? ?
I mi\ ni tin i e? ataee then
t lita ?ii beni :-...
. ' . : ? mm) hopeful.
TI even ' ?s
I p, ..... - \ .. . r... It I? new 1 .' ?? ? ? ?
i i Uambi ?te- '" ' ? ?? ,1
Ai.? i . -?? C1 .? -, ??? :.. - ? I of t ? V i. '
. aa.. et Hie . boleri . ?? ? . I ' .'a ? i ? ? ?
re n
1 in le ? . ? O' * a..
heiu| carried oat
'pi r . ? ' True
,., ivt. . ? . ? ' iud. t't
?tber ?rat by.? ' I
\eii. uliy il,-.u- tr? et wai held e? Hie hei
ea Um .uhr* ?i ? - I
It vvi.t le... b) l'l ? " I ??? 1 ?
. . . ? i . , : . i, ? . .
.?-,!. | , . , ; ?
I.? ..Hi I. r,. n. i| tO B?W | .1 .'? e . - ? ? ? I
0*1 ii. |. ii ditton : the r<
[all deal ? r :- . >: ? . ? ??,....
. ! Ve V
'Hie ill- ..-. .? I ?
? 1 ?
.. I bare bat
:-. ?. rsl tl.o .m,.: Iii i ? >-?
i li* a-.d btv? I ? | ...... i :
!,.. .-ii. k11 I.,,.. . . ' t ? i t.. > te !? it ! .
? v ii?)? Were I ? ' ? ? ? ? '.
I ..e i , :, li: , ? '. I .- '
ue.l . li irt w ? ?
.L.eftei I.
li, r,-i, ii re Bl '
? ,1 , .
IU I IV | I. .
. wi et tim* li. | ?? ? i ? .i ?-. f titi i irnntke I
.'inn.. . . . ' ?
Hld l - Rei|
i ?' .
v-,.( i? i ip on iwrj ?i.'.-'in ,
Dr, Ba bahai n bat.. n tot.' ?! s Beth ? to \ ots si it
..; v..-- ? ? t'i ? el.-, i -, at;. Btlon . i
baw n throw or east oreikoortl, iasids ol Ban?! B
refuse matten nchaitodi tod aad bed t ?
other bed lilias torreM boxee, oi my ?
inn? be urn!"' in ? ' protect u
public health It It important that I
sen eil. IP .. ' I li
liol.- el Uni r!
I lil? .''
LAI'US ANMt'l- TO CAB! ? il'K.
Tlr. Ba , . I letter? 1res
laiii* i in v aritii* ptiis ?( itoir servtcw
to tttead the *u l oa i" n.i H i ? ?
-. -,.? alto have been i ? . ? ?
hy of this city Tber* seems to ?
tu- aervii ?> ?. of
tin y may not !'?? re.iii:., d . ? :.
I the less heaatifal on that ace? r, and ?vi
?koah] d.? ii its tSe ? dt?, we have
!,.!,!.li Vt Ulli g1 ? ? 1 ? ' I '
w to u. ??' ?ne-! U t-ii Btten th i
Horn. Bimi li > ami | liolrrn P n mi'i! Io lb?
Itonrrl of Ilcnlfli.
'lin- fitiilntiii ir BMOBonal waipn ectedtotk? I
of lle.ltii at tteir ni? lit J. Al ni .; roto Baal IWetotl
.?. ,1 -, rj Osa .i un?
Ti> I I - ? ?'? , I
//?. I ? - le mill ! - la. :.' I . . *? I ? ' J COI
poic ' ,l l'l it - Hi " ? p ii.it Mu..eil Society of Ile Ci I
Kew-York, respectfo'l/ pi*eeeat tbatlnthi t?|
reed tags of the Boat of ol ir. ?iib pnbll?bed m T'.< V
i lierai. A i r .-" . i li Matt i lb il
\ 1. 'iiti.v sahl I? took i ?..- ..n ti e .1. ? -, . ? i? lit
1 lt,l * l I Poni?opetlm- p.',-.Ii;.nl.. '.u .. i ?! . .nits
i lion free, i : .,'? ra Dr. Parker wa it
, f ? * , .etk ti jirofi ? lin ?: ? . e**? ? i I
ev.r io il.el... .-?? . . latent. He w?. li
; ti,,! ? : k1 ? ? I . i - li ' US
AsraaMag tto i rreettvees of thie report si . doiae
nike "tboroufli edueatiea' and the caadoi oi I'r. .
ti t Committee raepei if.i'i? ?ahmll
That the Beard of Health should no1 n-i tr ri fit? Hat
mian teaeklBg the ?atotoottrated vi .>? ?ad e1Hrler>cj of ho
, ?asepetbit treats ral In diet pby?
II? :.rI TV. ,1 ki."" ' li ti ' . I I 1' DI ly I" h? r , li ??
i of trestrnerir, and le Puk- ree? ived thai klad ni " ii are ..i ?.
ucatitm' wkuli tit tL:i g Pol nn ejp .., > i ? ? i > :.. ?
eau i'lif.
'ibe lriws of ti.? S'hle of New Volk bite COBSUtOtCd an or
i punir-ilion of e./.ni in e*eh eoBBt] t'. ? .1 n MetUeal ??
' t-iety. one of whose tawsCteai i -i'. " ' medical and
??in'tnrv inteitst? ? f tiei.-irtv ?ad ti nprcMBl the pra tice
es* aasantro ta tto near? f)ader theae towt tbe Homet
! LhieMedieelSs e Cona ties of New-Tori Khtgsand
, Westetoetar,havtag sqaa urn? datitopowers ?nil ii;?,
Mgn altk Bay other coast. .SBisitiot ? rrjire- ,
sent 3**1) boineopnld.e pl.t-', tawhs ; ' ? tell then mil,
tie?, st.d ike meaieal loten su "f Un largs :....? moil tos poeta
i bia elieatage eommlttcd to their ebi
In thrir b? toa?, tbe iin.lniii'i.nl < , mu. ir. i on Cb? 'ern t laun
! ia toeBeaad In pitassl is lbs Tliisid uf ITi?aTili tin loiiowiiig
, item? of te?Iini"Ev on ti e rnbjrcl of il ?.lire for! I I l
i.| ?bowiiif that in t'.e iiiterelts <f Iii peo| ? ?i! Ir?.
i ' bomeoputllc j,b.iici?n? t,u#l.i t" I"- nu .ttd lo uni the BmBM
1 in cate of a vlaitntloi. from citolera. '
i ?hebra bas hen Ironed la tonnpelhlc hosntu?* dariag
I .?rions epidemics In tbc tilles of Tirana, Uns, Lclptlc,
] Munich. Oyoiigjos, 1'e.th, I'aris and Lead**, lae total
t results ibow a mo? lallt* from cholera la hospital prat tue af i
? in .l| ctses?a little more, than 33 !*r t, ,,i
In this city, in IS'' tbe mortality in all itatl,it Pd-pitalo wa?
j offleially reported at 93.1 i?r cent.
tin ttis eoiiipari'tin the Committee might rut Itoir twaO.
? Hut they desire io submit to tto Boord coen it tttii kable cea* i
; ftrmatlon? of theil? favorable staten., ate, | abHihed by Btedb si
i tneii, who. ?t tbe trne of Mllllag BBII BlsSSIIIBg. tvere not
I ii.n.e. iiitl.:.-t- but werS oprKieeii to linn eopsthj.
Mr. Wilde, toe dittintrnlsbetl DabUo Bargoan, snyr in Iii i
work on "Austiiasnd Her Iustitntloii? p. 975, that in 1831 tie
Austriun prutotiudir ut reported to tbe ?it.vei imeit tim I In I i|
Vienna Homeopathic Hospital tiro-Vurdiof tl.et bolere patients :
rrn.rrrrd, while in the Allopathic hospital*- tu. i>n'd- of them
I died : ard that on this reiMirt ? a? based the ile, ne of tbe Em
, aetn. slill in force, legalizing the BtacSJnCf Ilomeopttby la
| Austria.
In i**5(i. I?r. J. P. ?eskier. Ak'fi'"*,'*? I'roft ?-or of Pathology
; lo tbe l'an? P acuity of Medicine. i-x|m ritnented vt uti tbe ho
meopathic treatment in tbe etotoa cbm? in hi? wurd of tl.e
Hospital 8te. Mur?ruerite (Hotel Dieu annexe). The oil! ml
rejsirt f ivei the mortality from cholera in his wards at M per
tent while, in tl.e otbir.wutds. it was :'.7 per ten*.
In lt-.M. in lyondon. the ?iotcrnraent medical Connell np. '
pointed I>r. Mcl.oughlin. an emmtnent allopathic pbve.cian.
nho bsd bid more expenenoe with Cholera than any otl.n?
I i kPrhmin. Irikw-tior of the (ioldtn SiiunrcDiitnct. in wblch
?rn ?ltuated tie London BAWaCCMthlc Hosjiital. He visited ,
the inslltnlion daily and verified the return? which were made '
to and published h) tbe House of Common*. Tbev gtvathl
mortality by Cholera Iii this Horuooptthic Hoipltnlas 14.4 per j
cent. In the lame iiiirrt Ur. McLoughlin taja, in a letter to
tto botpitai aartmeai
" I want to your boipital prepoi?*??. d ?tklnit iii? boronopktLli- syt I
t*u> * Hit there may he no iniiipprebei.iiou al oui the . ,?*? I i
u? lo your hr ?pilli f a ni add lint ill I ?a? were true t iiei .,| ,
!.. .ri u. ii* uri' .? iii|.-r of tb? di?e??e. snd the I ?aw trasto
? aM.wl..rh din well euder youl treatment v. lu 1,. I hare no I.e.,la I
i ..,. m ???.1.1, v.o., .1 I ave tunk tinder any other Io *earlB*ie*a I
I n.uit repeat lo yo i Ibat, thci|h an Allopath by iritnip'.e. ed.ication .
?nd praitlte, yet, wer* ii 11" will of Prorldence lo ?flirt me with !
t bolera and deprive rn? of the power ol pr*irhb!ii| f-r n ti*I|. I
? mi ti rather be in the habdi ol I homeopathic, than au allopathic pre .
j icriber."
Itasti?g on these evidences of the superiority of the Loiueo
? pathic treatment of cholera, the undersigned, in behalf of
ike Homoeopathic Mudiisl Society of ile County of New
Voik. leipectfully ?.ffer io forni?h reputable and ?luahiiedpby
sioiaui to appiy tie liotooeopalkie ticatineiit to cholera pa '
lienta, in su, li BOtBitsI uni dist: lol as u.m be Bss.il/ind for thal
put pose hy lim Honni of lTct.UL.
And in behalf of the larne ?ml reiji'-i tal.le Isxlr of iitir-n.
who pieter ?ml employ the hcmscsslhil trsafOBS, they re
'luesttlutt, of the lioapilali and dielricti which may be eitab ?
liahed by itfianl of Health for the railptlgl ond treatment o?
choier? |.nti?rita, CM LwafSMd mil dintntt In i m li loutit,
of the Mi't-opoliiun District n,n? le imlgaed to sato toen?
liat'iie physicians ?a may be iiorn?nati-d for ?lint piirpoae to tin
Hoaru of Health, bv ti,* BiMasnpalbb Muli, ni Boetety of the
County in whlcli this lurspital ii s.touted, ?to approved ntid
iictepted by the UobiiI. tl.l? hospital to Ire under the ?olo
charge and direction or the?? homeopathic phiilciau? ?abject
only io Ibeinprenje control of the Hoard of Health and to be
saaan ali time? to the visiis of ti? inspector! afwetated bj
*hs ll<)Brtl and of th- t Bhlie, in ?o fai a? Se Itonrd mu. i*eruni
K V. Bovvf.HB M 1>. Ii.vvinM KuL'ti. Mli) <
1.1...lill I ALUS. M I). H| Mi, M Mil,Il M 1) '
? Al hOI I. Dl'MIAM. M. 1)
atotsal fkkwaskaa n thh <??* <,j u? m\ y. , ? //0,, u,di Svtltlf
The BJgBMi *f He..lb mZ? the ?.. -|i,,,|,|
-?liri.aH of the staaltary 4 ?tnatlitrr Veater
slay Afiernooa.
Tht-re an* pi-ibups very MrfJ rc-itli-iit- (,| tja. city
who bav ot been fretioisntly di?gu?t.-d with au intolerable
odor of i .|.r untied btdrogen (bat periodically mee pi over It I
from one river to tb* OtaBB and fewer ?till ? bo have tiesn able
to account for its existence. 'I be sewer?, which hat? ilui '
enough of ihelrown toaniwer for, hate hen charged with
entitling ibu noiiome exhalation, and suntu beroi other cauto? :
. bara been asilgned; but iii origin BBBM to have been at vola
tile at'?self and effort? to fix it ripon any ?.ne tbiug hate
pro.?d altnoit fruitless Tb? Hoard of Health, however, had
B luipi loo that It came from the gas Work? In vannin parti of
'he city, and It tberefoie gave the teak of learning what ?vi
dence uottld to had opon the subject to it? .Sanitary Com
mutee w '
hut tb? CitlMBt Aitiaittioii was alto on the aame ?cent, '
and tb? ?vid.-uee it baa been able to obtain wa? laid before the '
? Hanilsry Committee )a?terday afternoou. I'.-reoDaily we had
Mea coBvtnced, long before the metter wa? ?pokeu of lo tto j
I *WUf Healtb H?t t?>a nuisance vf wb.th so iver.r com
|l\.ri??' MlelaneB M tb? g?Mwor.? Tulearoised from slttt?,
?t itiitintglit. I v thi ?etiatWtriBg efff.t if s (h*?greiah.e
-, ij ,', o'. -ii!, Bil (i it to til i". it ?ho
* Ho?
i Senil rv ' . t,m ?""' y.'?ier.i?T nn.r
Bool) Kiel'.rd M. Hetiilty Attu: ney for l18 < it.ti us' Astoria
tion. maali a f "'' ? '""' i
lyuj ?a tbt fas .m", ini't. I'r Psrltei sued
?' .t ti." ?.-ii? -v.-rke ?... reipot.?it, ?? '"i I ? '
. ' i:.t .?"!? t. i '? renn n plied wii b i?? !' t- iUbm?j at be
?i. ii- ?-?va t1 " :? all "f ? east
? ? I ."''V.:,
ti... ? ..i iti -? ? poa? li
v. , . I i ... .... i ptsBiei DI I li ''
lo?* Hu , ?
ground '? lire "it
here with its
( :
<? ?* cootah in ' '
sd avers that i
otter cities, for cociaming I - : "*l
, ? ' ? . ' . ' 1 ,
. ?? . . , .- ?biti Mel
' '
nne rtit?
.. ? m. ?t h. ittei sunn.g
which was tbi '.''ti.'ii!." sdkvv ?.kfJUoai with the pal
l r,.f rorry Chemlstof ti " '?' ? ? ledtbai
, na, whlflh, ti bed tt all t! . as
? i - Re said It wai . i
? h, . .,..11,bli h i m ' - ? i..:..'le.i uf sal
atwthal ssparienc? i.-.l iboa i lb?l tbt deeper Mm
r? i
uinually. whi
? . ?. . .
?: o a .i
it ?? ii f 11 ? ' v ii. bil
. 1 t.. 'i.i ' OBI in k111?, ni (I I
mlti . ?. ' ? : el ecu tin , "i ,. ?nante,
?''?'-' . ps '?
? . .:?'..(? ? ' ?.''.'? I
th?r? ia now aeaie prospect thal I he ?v.i m wk
iii ?
ii partially ovi
Mat Bf al ?
TiHRh OM B f Mlti'. .m ira im; hail.
i I.-,: ?rd Organ Coat i r; al Irrhif Dall ?.I
an i.Acifuwitig SI..?.I ? .?.glast, tad anal .'
. V ? ! ? I ]. -. . ' . -
idly m i.-.i :.( ' stlni ti i' i?i ?. nannel
? . . i itil itkan. Tbi i .
Mtilt Abtall Mt. TT Cnlls Mr. K ( Casal? "' I
i .,? . .i. . Mi ? .? '?? ?: a ?
[ra Marie A n ? tlaj et, a
, . a
? ? Iii .-'.? ' ? ?
? ? I
. . f . ? e
\ \\ I . t ' ? ? ? ? ' ' C
. . ? '. , ? ?
? I
Mi. la- ; ' , .1 is ?,? . ? ,
? ? i Irtl nrit ?ort ei
M ? ltd markt
. > -. Mr.
?: ;? i
Bjcttore, toe
nt r.e ?an! al ?...?-?
this di
I I ii :
to tot '?'.i ? ' | "i '" .>?
Beear Ha fal vigi ? i n I ? ? ? i ?**?
ii - , ? . ?. 11 ne'? I ,
' !.e?.i |! ? ii ! ? . ? .
?? , ?v ?:
?,..?,'. . Ile treal
? i . 'i ? - i tat
. ' ? '
laaw ? .,'-.,
? I.orkiiy for I
. ? . i
ii - eel ? I aaat i
eared i: .. rn, altogether, wm dei!,
: | , |
s ' , ?
? .KANU ( . , . (
A |1 , . , , nj| . ,,,, ? . j | ... .., m. i r' a iii
' . ,-.!.- ' l I .. ? " ..
. ? ,? ? MlesBtei
..i ii i.i.i r i r tu
toe at?I la?
. . - I.? g i.SI kl.il ,.
A slro?| |
. tell ia ti . ? - ? ' ? ? t, toe i
Ml .eh Ti ill lie l i inn iii d .. i ?:
Mi ? Bli ? lae ? ill I e a??, lied
t'.ti'iiii.. M i. ' ' .r.i li. Ban ? . Mi '? W I
i ,'gr.I. -I A BOM 'Hin! I'
ii AZI I I A Al TMB Ile A! BfAl I ULA. I H.
To am !? nu ? thal M t Adab I tara llaahea woold
appear at tai B?*tadwaj 11 tata, ta thi ?aartttat of M .
bom ', :! ?'' i a . ???'.; iii t , raatf, la i "t>
ia- ?h h i ''lei., ii. ? f ape? a lily asaeaobn
n.i..nu,?cn.i nt. uf in ..??. ???. ii -.ii li eil?, ii tu iii has ingi'.her an
iti.tiii esc ? omi h ir?" ? f .?.i i !.: .r. -u.-h ? ttaotOtM grei led
Mi-s Mi i.ki t/? i.i-t ?i i ? 'linn ? i,? . ii Bisjadwaj
ll'itei an? ,',. ? i ..'oin!. li. BBdiSt.?np RM .1
i ,. ii? of mine? v?,.?iii iimrse-t i ii ii.i.-i natal an
Ihlit We ! hi e i i'r i ' ?'.' i I tu see at a thrntir Uli 111,lill???.
Bvnj ??iiety of disBulijte life fi.? represented ii.it. TI?
purple r..,?e. the ii-.irlm'.ie count'-runuBj, t!ie glassy i ? a
beti l.< jil. r Le henty lowe; Jaw. H.c BOBOOl "f ITsngb d Mtrdl Ml
ead ferm ei?all ?us tia re. Youths. Whose ail.te eihllutcj
anerup'ive |e:ili r, ? o. i,.: 1 , (.lajijeaeirv Inl.e.l upon th-lr
??-.it? ehSMhpkaj tul a N ?nd aadibiy utteriu,' then tiltlsy
roinJ?. Old srmits were abunduut. Ti.? ?tin."sphere fmrly
nts, I-?.;!, vu'.-iritv Long before the i irt.in ruie. the
galleriei rtOOaadn B Kb the clamor uf the s'u I. jj, !?,,,rk?, u.'
a chnruttci nanplimeutary to Tot.} I'&stor. w?re fri-.iuriilly
nulli.le Such was Ile aid.elie t? '?hum Hi? ?'?limit
proportions of Mi?? Menken were duly exhib??-.!. ii
is nnnecesAiry to say thit tia IpBAtOOle wbi
cordially app'atiilcd. To ipeak of M ta MOBBBB 00 nn BOMMB
wnr.ld he lo waste words. Khe ha? not the f,,iuteit iden of
?hut fitlhig I?. She moves about tt.o stage with do mollie
and, therefore, hi a kind of accidental mauner? naiumni atti
Indes that are suioetlmri fin? ni,,I sometimes rldieuluui.
??i-l- lu a thin, weak voice, an.I willi bid elocution; n
i. i?.'-. death "' and " vengcauce '" very much us a mild and
hungry female might order tea and tonst, ami. lu ihort, invltei
? i ?t ical attention, not to her em. t. uni capabilities, her in
tellectnal gifla, or her culture a* cn ?rtilt, hut solely to htr
pnjilcul paapMBtaaa Thoie, we ? q si well lay, at once?'o
havedone ?iib a tiifling tc| ir?are. in many feipet ti, benuti
ful. Thst au) purpose cutinecte I with dramatic art is served
by their public exhibition, huwever. we fail to perceive.
Thst such su exhibltlun Is offensir? tu guud taste,
wo are distinctly certain. Miss Menken's prsiirs as
an actress bar? been loudly lunuded, but if ?i tittie
gstotnrsi is to be acquired by iuch means ai
Miss Mciikei? hal chosen fur its puuuit. there would leem to
be no good reamn why the inijority uf females extant should
not acquire It. if io di?poied. To be a (Jodiva. at Irait, in ex
tcrtial attributes, require? only effrouter?, ??? the pai t of baud
aomn women?of whom thor? appsur? to be uo dearth in any
i 'mu.li.i!v Yet we do cot, OjOtM yet. look to see (he stage
?wanning aith Majteppiut If Mm M??,,'?. i le.tea i,.i utter
un ful j iirpoir. she will ul least warn her professions! observer*
what to avoid. It would he nnjmt In leave thll topic without
remarknp thtit Mi?. Menken evinced no1 ? little daring. In
wini we may deicilbe ai the horse scene. Ihe hone, lan
evening, wai remarkably spirited, and. a? he daihed op the
circuitous ilcf.lt-, anti the At mi.an hound u|oo bli bick,
presented a lively iprctucle of energy, courage, and
(langi r. In reference to the piece?which li it y led ' Maseppa.
or, The Wiiil Horse of Tartsry ?we tnu?t Im content briefl?
to say l!.,it it 1s unmitigated trash. It) roi, ? |m em?hy nu
means one of thit post'? happiest inspirations?li Id baal?,
but, through the mass of illlinata and verbiage with which It
ia overlaid, one catches hut a faint glimpse uf Ihe Byronlc
original The characters suh.?diary to that of Mazeppa were
re i mi riled in that uniformly iinpleainnt manner for which
Ihe theatrical company al tbo limad uni Theater bat long
been distinguished. "Mastpp?." ?ill be performed ?very
night until further notice. If weh?v?suco?edadln inggsitlng
Ile character of the performance, our readers will not need to
he infui ined that we cannot und do not rommi ud It. 'I Le ?p
pearancc of Miss Menken's Maroppa *.( a tttafor ul flruadvvuy
ii nothing len (han a giievuui dfoefOdlt I" tie acted ursina
in this metr?poli!.
Mr. LookVM Wallurk lia-? (?et' ffl aajj to plaj tvyasrt
evuiinir tin r, eik. 'the bill last night wai "'lo Mi 111 ..r
Not to Marry " ?nd Hu Ktuu IM To night,'and again
on FridsT, "Don ('mer" will be given. To Macrae
night 'The Wunder ' will be acted, while ' How She
Lovea Him is aaiigoed for Thursdsy. "Tu Marry or Not
to Marry and " Hoon at The Swau will ha played un Sat
urday. The Intention ufpruduciug ' Money " hal been shan
doned Ou Munday next we are to witness the Hist repte
eenuin,!, in America of Mr ( harles Kesde a ' Never Too Lal?
to Mend.'
"All Hallow Kve,' " Ytnheel'iiurtahip "and " The
Irish Tiger " eoaitltoU the programme for eauh eveulng MJ
tte present week ?til? "VVJtUr tluulen Meant Lil,, Is wW*
?ter, Mr. Cutler t pb.? of "Tbe ? ?ernie Si" ?ah BinpitfOn
??'j':,?-11 'e', u Miamen pal ? - ?- itB M p ? i
s ?? io be ?itLilrawn. to make Ol ka
The ? ?' i ? , .'??'' "'
W,hu! . Theater, in the spectacle of " Tbe El vet; or. Ile
V\. rr-i ,te ?he.r fitt.r.g tor t onstderttlon at
?pot1-i U-..C T'aur aiu!.ence, la?t evci.ir.c- roirt'.etelv filled
the thi riler. Kor another occa?i.n. ?l?o. ?em ut reeerve the
new feature of attraction at Itern'ims Muifum- < laude
MT, ll.e l,li. t?.f Tai Pt? '-tntlMt. l'tii i.ew b..l at
i p. ?ii .v. m v.l.. :. I ???'?-;? ?Beak
,\! Niblos (?avien, Mia. BalamiB Bill ?'-?'?!? *?-? to
anilrartaeals air. ciisrit? Di., i len aee?ahnce aneu
.it?r n Ike lal d Hi | apfn ??? ,? >a a
d ipi.?{??r
\ ,:'. ',:".,IPt-llf ni:
ten ?tr. Jinn
p ,..-.'
,., | , ? ? ?? se, kvppiar everj
....... ? ? | ' -
la tl.e i?. ....rim ii .i i '''...-pi.ii? Mia trais*,
i ? . :.. rat Iveprcfi
.-i-f tto I .m? ' stk.
Obiti i r<
MRS, .'?:.'' n ' .
?.I ' O'lberl Biafi ftfce distingai bed cob <
di.u..- .. j t.. ? ? ? la Mr. W
, ,,? | ?ay.??tod in ti -, ? , .1 i . .yi- tuen
' winii, it,-i"i b.t line wi'W. MraOUki i ikaarser.
rrtd years past wltkdrawa from tto ataev, ?runeMtfcaea
v? eo ?i . vu 1,1,d ii rv ?i ! Baal ht'-' M
ed has ?-ri fes
, of old I i.gii.h com (
edr. i - neem '."ti of Mi?. II I
vate?! red, soi wn ?
pin?. Hot raak apea the st ? . Itfcltolofktr.
i ,..i. i.' ke I ?:? ' ?? ? ??- ? ' '? (swres
' i ,i.i ii. ??!. r.-. ? 1' i ,' ?? . . ?' .' :
bop geaatM worth el rharaelec ead el eattara. litr...?, we
. ?, ?. .?'.'? Ve.' '?< amil i bare bo s*i yi .i
lo Bnlsa far latenaeat 0 i"'' ia? lympatty?tcgethei
?toft to catire ti. pal ? . ' Gilberl
la the gi i itwrew ti i a? ? i
t r : v xi: .v?t.
lu n.'s Bbab, Mi ratea l\ HO.?Tke cattle nai
.-.??. i
. ' . . ' - ?
tinned I all ti ecket 16 Bil?
,... ? ? sr j es1
' ' ; ' . ' -,
?It v ? ? I
- ? ? :i. i . . k It le At 'I i
ofthe ?
...':: , ? t ? i -, ' ' ? big bl?
... , that I
ng the i
. ?
It li . i . .1
ill gmt]
? ? ? ball t
i . i ? .
A i.
..r no - : ? ? ?
ihr ad? , ,
? . i . <B> B> foi
I ' . . i ' .
}i : -. W
l.i- ISai
i ' Hat tot t
i retiiliradi walch
I u i-, .'i a< i u s-p - ? bri ? ck yes
tin gn 11 - ? ? ?
i i groeeiy; lea
bj a..: . ed far 8?O0 ka ? m Btaf Ct a pea?
, ? ? I floor were?
1 .... i
I for I b the Ht IS is I oa pu? las
? li I*, ..iii..-, i. .,- i
e i Mt. Mark'i
? . . | by A ?. ? ? i Traati
?-?? li.nr.il Ii., ? .l.i in ti.e Iii v.ut Ht
Mark'?. A I l Corop.? . ? ? li ii.
r ? i ? i . owned bj Mr
t of 11,0 i
488881 ?'i l'l' kpiii pi ra.? I...'.? on Bal i i
? I pi Mr .1 taw I : ?' ti <?' >? . . I 1' . : i -I an ?land
. . t.t . etiea room pla I Hseaaa-et.. to T-11 naneoa
bag ?t 1 ? w ii, 1. ? hii:n. al.ii I., kui- il.ov.-i lo md il.at M?
watch, ti rd at ? '. tui*ae Heat oaeei .-???' '.m ? Dil
las Brass?t s yoaag ass who vas rtraditg beside bim,
?md bo? 'is'.! h'm of the thi I.- v ? n - maa at frit denleil
batt allyn tared the watch to the oaaer, Oflicer
V. Bg. dein.'. ,I .1 tbt Pett-Ofl ? .-' .1 the thi. f, ali!
reaierda) I Hogan eessmlltsd lim for tri?t
i, : i ?. i .- .. i :.| ? i p.. i. . r. i ? ii el v. -t.-r.p v arrested
Edwsrd Bet sara, oa the charge of having awleo
u,',iiii ?iii.'i talasd at f ;.?i. tres? lierai i I .: ?. . while the
Uitrr a?? tiaadlag Is lbs rtre.-t. Kiben tell s I on* at bli
watch ekala ai I saw tto wateh ks the bead of Bentley. Ile
it. n for* i .1... .| ?ii. Bireet, sad ti:* wateh ?rat ree. ?.-..!
?i t. llagas i ?!.u.?tied the i rieoae? f.r trial iu dcmali of
lAl.ue .u.riu-uli |
1 III? lllRKAl'H mt? NOT N'KfrMsAllY IN A Si WIN!;
Ma? BIM? -Tb* Christian Adiu.-ale Bad leurnal ?ay. "V\h, ewe
' ?bal* in BB Stl M w. lad rv. J pulu ? ?e hare l'itri, lo Hie o'l rn,
wa nuit lu rilli Mt tagSSSI I o ? cnti.lt n' e in the mer.ta ni u.e M ti.
101 ASO lilBHI ??WIM. btsOBtWfl Vie uO.ldeltliatalteat.lr.il
, eial-.iu lui Wen i n.p'inl I,j, i' ni rr.rint beyond d.eilit that TWO
.Harte! Al? .tut, la wn ni| pmed, s ?i II.Alt toa BBfi ii SCaMM .< i.r
So IV, llBSBTII ItBOOBI.l.? . I.
Thi? li lo intlfy tint I hi.e teited and ?led the PaVaawMLWI
1 Udo.toli.b pirpaied by I tarira K. aWaSan*, ai.d SSashta it a
lara and rlirltriit ?alb foi ti.? 'Kell;
III ciiamiso raoBBBTiai ir? of th? firil er.ler ?li.lr ti.?
patBg ?J ? .*--.i... which it Imparta to tie nenin are inoit
A |i*|-r.r|. t. which combine! pr |a?r'l.l at BBSS tosh AUB?!
nu sod iiiAimrcv ciratUMi an,I ret ia?? to tie .!.,-.?
alla.i..d I v lb* iinoSTiiLlsi. Can tcarcely b? on-, tatlliule.l.
C. A. Hilo 1 Ilrl.ll.t.
(.ARII'.AI.Iil SUITS, FOU It'Ts ?Till? int),t aaOJanat
evei belote ..en iu II.li coi.nt'T. Ladt*, i all ai d ii.it e, t them.
HkOBAte likOTIi. KI
Nu ti l.afiynt? p'?,* alni .No it P..,,ill, av*.
r?i77.HNs'8 NaTIVB WlNR HOCSK.?The stink tit"
1 Natitb U ??a? atmgBtoS the |r*ateilTirl*iy in th* t'ulted Stale?
?eel , BrieJ k1 las lr.it*.
laiBiaic.-i Cenan '..?? HWamanaL,*?** v.ii.
KisTi.RN District 1'irb IIrpartmknt?-Ulm i ion
Di t lilli'.K.N0IMTB.? The eleotion fir t hlerEngltiiver of the
?a Ik lira Depirtmeot took place laitnlgbt Ip to a lato
hour theio iva? not Htilflclent reluriis iu to Ind?nate wah am
| lain!) the election nf either cato tidite but It w?s gmeiAlly
Osaeedad that Mr. Thom?? M. Doyle, the present motin,P. ni.
! would to ni-leiteil. Hit comitetit'or waa Mr. lient. M Dunn
. President of the Hoard of lCepreieut?tive?. 'the total ti v aj
1 the Depart unit it M ?hen tie Congeal?? ?re raia, hot it ,*
. uol l'l Ile?' J Ihttt tvi'l BBJ votet were t art lill night.
STHIKH (?P IfoPIWAI.K I.ABOHbRs- Suvtrai ltllllilri'il
hsiuls it.iludiig nu-u and women, einpiotcd lu ti.o ?lif?orent
ro|i-tt?lk? of th? Ke.tern Di-tilit. v?aien]?y ?truck for tin?
ten hour? a day ?..tem. they ha.inii bren bert-lofore i-ompi 1 ed
I., work f sa tla.llght todnik Ko d*irinitl for increased pit
Woeaetod It M nndeislocd ?bat Ile emplo.er? vt l'l accede
to their jual demand.
BtsTB IM? ANU KlLI.Kn. ? I.H-t tVvIlli/ | htatai
attached lo a cart, wbltb bud let n left rtaiidlng lu Mulberry
st . took fi 'glit and iL.li.-il off down th" ?ireet ut a high Pata
ofipeed. Jo?*,ph Hprouls ?ged II years, wa? knocket, down,
run over s-id aliuot! in. t?ntly killed. The Imdy wa? comet d
to the rei.dence of the paienlt, >'o. > Mnlberrra?. and a
coroner not lied.
l?AN?iFRorR Coi miebpiit.? OoOBk rtV.it JweriiifH
on tb? first Nttioual Hank of l'ortlar.d, Cor.Lictkul. nore lu
clrculallon through the city lint evening. At flr?t ?Ight the
bill If i ?Ici.laied to deer.ve, Pul *vnl not Hand Ute trat of |
glan. Heildet, thert li no tucb H'ate bank lu Coiineitloiil
Tin: !.iv,l*oi Dkalhb?.?Tberu wa, cinintloruble
excitement lu isgard to Iii? bu-iness of ? <? lujuor denier? lo
Hrooklvii. Th? effie? nf the Inspert .r of l'oltre and each
ofrloo if tbt different jn lice pteclaci?, wi-re filled with person?
applying for licaie. Tie b?nuba appear to be nil i cady, lint
no definite Information tau b* givnt iu iel?tion therein by any
of ths Cantala?. Tb? Captaio? ale virtually inn down witn
applicant?, ?ud but I. v landlord* can lie acoominodetcd
L i.d'T the pieiint r 11 : -:., not saje hulf of tboee w bo now carr,
on the licuor Lu?ii:eacan continue m the tintli,-.
Accidents.-?Owen (rill, in tttmupting to ti? get ?Hi
tka ^nt platfoim of a MyrtU-ave. caron Sunday, fell ond wat I
sstersly Injured. He waa picked up by Offlcer Baldwin of the I
jTorty-fnurth Polio? Precluot, ead cotirtyetl to Lit borne lu ?
BBl'enl its i esr Park ave.... Idr. Jiici/b Si.t.1? ?"i ?fe |
I ?err titiwr, ffrm a wi.t-on In Third-?ve. cn P?cda? ka ? I I -?
i queataeftk? l.nr?e lavn,: been frightened and 1..11 ni..<
Jaka '?? ? w.- r 11. o-er n Fulton ?t sear 1
, ty a team ? f 1 ? *< -, and lererely ri T Mr.
? ruiirii k I'... 1 ?, ..n was throw? Iroin ? wssiOE .1. I alton at.
. ? lavatd - iyl.rt. Ha wa? .vt.-.ided to rDr.Ottrft
( ni.,, i, ..ni??, itctii ?? MB -?: ira 1
The O'TIakany n?ddl?-Killinn aaia? te Have
little*] ike TIaveaaeal- Tfce < ?rdea Assam?
n -tlenniinu Altiiattc- Tfce Arrival ?I
, . ? ?..,'.. :,' i, tbe I'liion--?, ia ? i
it ii .??..?m .? beeoMaBA* daily eaan aadnaee ou., ii ?ten,
aad it .* genual!) eeonded that Mkbae napaeoo -i" Uly
".?.: 11 ntdi ? '-. g"i b lb 1 thara 1
, ' .?.i. nil. ii neland thal eaa n tai
flrpn ' t iinl..iii. The "'t., aie ? ' ihe V. fl.st
. ?re 1 ut' lap; tal sa talHt, 1.1? l lo p lie ? ? ? ?
incoorteous x?-i in s are returned. lui .?
?? !. 1 lae purpoio of gi 1? t eil
I . . , LeBi .1 dawa IM steps ?md 1 0 1 ??
i-.t'iil to tb? augnsl 11 1 .f "it lein..'. Majesty, ihe
:??? newdoatof als .tt
I! , v ij'g ? ? : y. Mr. (/Kavai '?.!??
,,i ii.. , lattl -, and'indeil'i.ii? of O'Maboi? ?? ?
.rot tbe? ad 1 1 of Mr. B. Doran Killian. 1 ?? . : -t
1,. ilka caaaaol toa ItWkttporl ? H/?'o: sad the ci ? 1 1
,; ?grec? -1 Fenlanii ?. lui K nil m ob thi
? re* to eertalB of bia friends la this city to the I I
? properly aatportod i>> O'.Muiui.t.. mid that, bad tbt
[roier nipptifi urui wousd
,, ,- ,,-.. ne tak 1 1 .1 : M
itcd and dissatisfied 1 coi
..id man? of thi in fawn rc?ulved t<
II my to tbt I ? .' ? ' . ii,',ii.?11.111. 1? Big?
lion i ill 1 ? !? ii! .' lo '? - late proceedlaj
,, pet v. Ni thing ' al tie Mpt-sted in ? *
,1..!.? prcvetts aa inmediato grand craal 1
11 ? t i i.,l t .? mci "t the Pi m.m .
? a . i. i m ?ii" atan art fl
: penlj three.? s ti." trsitbn a Ith d ii
'.... . Fair baa b as ? 1 sn| ksM foi ure,,-. y to 1 ?
? ? 1 1 . .. ? . BjajB ntl ais bat
ii mi i..!.. Autivi . ?', ii '...nt ?ne bt Ina I
reception of iStepbet ik ipeeted Io-bv r.. m A
? i ' ". ii .liny li 1 r iga| '??:
? :
? : traasactioBi of Esstpoii I eba
1 .IpU frota 'h' 1 in : ? ian d< ? ed
ii per ?tai ....du. tala el toa buhu? ....? uii,p.iLer
?, ,. ? 1.' _
i'i. ? .... '. IiiTtk|ir;uti?.n by (he rhiladrlptii'i 4 ir
. i. .loin lol. IIMkiiheny'a Tloilr of <-?;-.?! u ? -
in-. Hu- AAnirn ?I Ihe Oriler, ?kid ol 1.xjieuit
laeaj ifo? tumi?.
; i iiL'tiiA. Mi 1
ti . ?ii. ? iof Fenian < re-It
? ii mitt a wi , I, :d,.
bin of Din.rict ("enter Andre
jiiii to ? ? -1 ? from lol. O'll
i|?, . ; ? . 1 .. nun, t? ?it 1 :,, arten
? ? ?. .
li. committee it to atti - I
?l st] 1
T'tr- Niltiinio 1 at the Vin in? l"i?Hli?r.
M 1 m Al. V|, ,?| -, \
oui lot) Kei - 1, i- ?aj t "thi ??? i
? tannera t'onlt* lia and I ?
1. . (iinic i ewell for a ??
1 ? ?' : ... at .-iiti ' i ? is ;.".'?
lie is di ; ? ina*.
I a? ii"' M< Tanda] !
batch of I ??'??! - "?' bt tbt
, ., -
It l8 I ? I.-, 'i .
iii ii?.
. . , .
1.. . ?p. m to be sti] pi ?
? . rile*.
4 iiiiil ?t 1 >?><?(>? ni llutii.-is
!' WAX Mi..'. '81 lj'1 " -"
I I . ? ? . : .... I' I. ... A| !? .
...... ! ,t
ii., ?ti , bien .- It I.
1 ' ? 1 ? . .' tri aad
l ( ,? . 1 .
i ' ' 1 tbt ?'? . a.- r .Vin.it'- has ITli .' ?
I.Vl.jll ._
NMW?s#MMMM1 "Allia.
1 L, '? .. ii : B ROvTBBl I H LB l' K RIO I
? 1 ..ce. i . - \ I list AV aid i ?... ? Ma heel
? ?.! 1 II oin Mi U' ? m 1 ?luina? Ryal PatMek Ki
ti 1 iierret I aida h ..1 .luhn Pats -
? 'i ? . - . ? ?ii bt iiti k i.!..?.' ?en 'hV. i. . ??
? ? : for el ?renou?
a M .i 11 were na ?? oin?! iban by M ii ?
? a 1 ; ? 1.-...? Myara, wa? ?n? ? ?.n :
.1 . ?? . i .?, i- ?riff Andrew Ve? Hon ? h..
. ' i-,! 1 i.e i nun 1 a 1 k*S i'i IJ 1 letili
.. of iii 1,1 bartntrktn totpulabne?tbayre
- ? : Mr. Vaa Hum. i 1 ter* ?era
1 ? 1. uti 1! 'ii toa < 1,.: im - -ball -1 g ?i 1 -1 fa 11
.llii limul I 1 ? ?.. huh ?ill......
11... A stOBI nu.!..'.' ?iv pe.iiiiis vi.is eaMbitaaT
u. , t, ( ?ed Wltbll .? ? ? . I Mr. A nu H 1
! Wai hl.1'1 I v? .ti: s . h lol . 'l.nt t li,.nie .1 iM ; I
1 a tree ?go.- -I ulm li -mi. k .nu! vi..- Matea n-ti IBM ,
iaao i., apis niioBia Obi Bbb?4*i1tbxy.??Be
1 ta.in io ant 11 ii'.i. - ?? katani aaaaai . it ?
? farley Tawktodi sad Patrtrk Isataat, said
' baraaf ? iti?r"?-:si ' Entiae Canpaay, vth:'.?? under ti.
? ? 1 ? ; I , r, went Into I a b .?? 1' aa r.f a G*ri , ?
Francis Fredi - ?mai of Cal ? sad S?vi
?iii ej ' tj where ibey lu ipci tin.,-,' n" 1? ??
?111 ii tory refoeed la pay for. At altrreaibM ensued ?.?:
it I: 11.i1 l-e.' Ibll Ibt I WO Vet 1 ."lilli't.eeil r.. I e:it Fredera'*-.
eked bis w10 do ? 1 rtain. vi be < -.n.e to his sw
F i ii? : .. .- ?! ." a. ?r..' ii ki it. um! ...iblM'il ifci p
lagsevi ? ever? weaada. Ha to?? ran ?at aad started
Suit m iii i, 1 iiitni-.t tinn.ng donn Kewerkeve
u|ii. bj Bssnbafi of Eagiae Cea*rfaaj Nu A aad ru stale
k11 ki ,i'!( f :. nad i" : a, I ii uti ,1 y t se ii ed Into a g ? |
??'i ? 1 ! the 1 ? i'i cr 1 ' S tari ltd ? lei ???'. -itve*. M.. .ii. by a
ir.-g. nil si I " ' 1 si i Iht ey lo kill him 1 !.. ? ?, ??? 1 ??. 1 I t
"?I ict ""i ,'.'? v . I .-ed and hain.-ide?! tb- ?u-r? snd
" t? toe ?nbtttaat af 11 aBseee sad sever?: citiaer?, saa
,,...,. 1 ki, 1 .' s ii ? ..?ii 1 ut ui lil a pos?t uf p.
1 k ti.e and I i. ?".I F-'-ile: : al I to t lie lint ii 1. 1 " - I :mi ix
mi h 1, ? ' Tuuiiied? ?in? r.iit il M bava riii le?u bad Mab
in the I a. k ut IB? Beat Pi irtinti 1 eei ned fur stal??:wu on
li ,?? f.u e. 1 r," iii the ii.?? a ir.il ? eiieic it.t lier.?* the wrfcH
lie?, ii d 11. IBS ni. '? ?? , Inngcruns une bit the pkvsii
?vu? lu .hie tu ?let. ru || e WbMbtr It WOOld pruTe Kill . 1 Mt
Predtricta WM eeeanitt 11 nwaM Ma rc?uit.
Illl.NhVA l'cLilK IdlilK Off .ll.ilNKV 1 1TV.?Tilt
I nea 1'ulice liepartn.eal of Jeriey Ci: ", ? ?bon ?huh line ? 1.
qasstlea aa to toa validity mt the luw under ?rtvfob 'h? < an
i Uiia-iuners 1 tu|mh? t 1 aci ?will ku into oprrat'ou this Trie?
a ? aaa? Neaiiy ?i. ? I 1 he old fir e. rank the tct tooan
ton ligalstss ?at ?f 1 Bice ta tod ?fter to-day. ve..I ear.Uaas
! as Len o ft u- loaotBhtlei ile niiihunty of tho Mnvor 111.1.
?Toi.11 on O'.1.11' lie 1 iiuiiil??l nu ra hatiusr lieeu nfoaed
? tie use 1 f the Police St .lui. ?ml City Frison, ure titting Bp a
I'e.'nl'i'ini 1 .tutioli I ui.ic "' li '? first lloul uf the boildllT culta 1
,,f llei.ili'rsuu ami ?retarj ?'*. lh? new Police CoOmte.
sui.e.? aw ,)er>i>> luv. Mesan I'm.??horn iTlnlilaal l.iii
Bad ??' I-1 -ii 1. lui.. Skae I 1 I st Co?) er Mull btst eveuitur. s- .:
I 1 .?1.. in (I ;. ? .11 1 roi IppliOIBlS fur tt." pu-mun of palroiluec.
altor wbicl leay bbbobih . t!ie tollu? ing appointments Jes
B.Oaafow, ira ??n."'. 1.. iSbaffsr, MmbmI Walat, < apt 1
Cottrell MIcbaalCampUl lhuh K..ie,n. ?Toattbta H. Bald
? ?ii im..'tin Urina a? Charlead stiver?. Jaiwnial iFCi
lull, t'h.iriesL. K,,-e -I,.?, ? 1 li llunmel. lienigo A. MjL.ci
Kdwlal Ptatl v.., 11 1 i:,..|i-ii. Chavad BT. fjWrto, Augu*
tu? I) Fordham, AV'u, Ween, aid Michael Callahan.
1 l-i Bim aerea Bant 1 an Iba UM are appointed rrtsn lae
foi co. ile nit Will t'i? ?wini into ullice st huon tu-d.i?. an i
II iHirt.oii uf them u iii (? .ni duty at I p. m. Fur tin piesen
ihe aew fono will weer at uniform except a aalforn ? p : i
same u? wiirn bj the M troaelitta SBttt, djid il.et v? i.i alat ka
supplied With I" i.e.um. - ?iu?l. The balance ul let ih?,l;
, item?t?nakaibu foBaanbti iptoMwMt*)08sa?teei.in
the 111 piicnlit.? cal. It exaiii?.e.l.
I.ife-Savi.m. Tai ki k?Tue Hi??(on papei? contaiti
Idgblv eulogiitic accbunts o! tar trial, a few dayl ?Ince, In
that herbat, Of the ? a'- ft ? liIr.jiTWg tackle' of Mean*
Mruwu I live! cn Wrd the s.eam Kevenue cutter 1'itwt net,
F'enger Aa lo ihe can- af tbt ouller Cuyahogu. in N.wYoili
Hoy ?1 mouth ni two sgo 'lie uft'iosf ?uceen attended the ex
pen mc nts, ti hit h w. re w r??Stad bv a larne tanbar cf the
?olid mci!af bwatee Ueatra liiuwn A level have tecened
liuiii the S'eretniy ,t :'e I rtusury a? older to taa.il all the
lUtteta ID the l.evet ne ?i rviee ? ti. t 1 oi'i ntiuti.
'?I ' Mi'-iivs 1 XABUM h
I I HFC KA lllr BJ A III NHY AV I t !.!.< I. -
? "t rsi.?
1 - I . ' ? ?. ii mr.
H-Ti? he'd ii I'.,- 1 tbt OetaineMss el i (!? m? -F II
u Mate I hit. 1 il Hr...? ai
I' Ir.il'.. VV l?? s,?,,,,,. ?I AV'tl,.'.. .
A- H Ul . ?... .-airiH.i- -.1 k' ? lark*
A I?Au ti. 11 ?B iu the ( ,1.1 1. . ot 1 -i. ,?? VA H s ,1
Ml.- I dw.r.l Br.oki I ?
VIII.. li '?? ral ?i.'-r
IX- Bat 1 ". 1 .... 1
? ' ? I r ,r 1 r ai.li..??' *>A
I VAII ? Al I.I.I II tt muas
V .'.' I' .?.lu..?
rP<t I 1.1- \ li] t-ila ? r.tii;li4h-l>a-ciii. i.i HOI -'.
B - ni. ?I: li.? lu |i Hinein.?. c iiitn.ient to it.ie. ?id.?'? li k
i lariirti.i ,i. Iii -r- ?lrlv at Nu ".' AAr.l Furtt ti-.t .1
i,??r Freed????.
iy.VNIT.ii-a \, ,,| IKOM?R tor a l..ul: i?;?i . ?.
' * mu?. i., >,u .?.;... , ?ane .-ii- el ? CMM l$mtj ?is *.
jr_OAT for ,-vi.li?a Luge, well-trained Ul \l
?Al VA.aaa ?lan,.-., a ? BAU ? Ari,iy.t N., In Tthtbsl
..< ?Bal I " i.e In?. I I ?"--?I. ?.lor. ?Ilrr ' e. .-',.. k p lu
("io io illOMAs u. ?ON?W", N-.s. kW? and
VA *?? Orrei.? .c1 ?t ST?T Mat ?. ?1 1 there yen wi i roi.
Ten toter?, hi.h. ? 0 r i..d ev?,yi|,iri|i-lM rhraper than any ?:? rr In
New Yoi.. I ?Bl 1 i.rl.. ...
For I LO'kHI.S MOTH.- B?M hy Uruiiiat. ?verywheie
PA It Mi It BUO.S.
Xi-kui ?!?i'|s-d ty ?(.in ???'o ne Ik? sjsue* foi rossi meals, Iel
lanie. steak? it.ip? .oji* ?a ??!. k, iaipartiui au ui.11??-.I i.e?
las. and deina? j uf flatut lo alt mid* dl.hr.. Foi Mlle by all srooere
'mit, i.i ??i?? and 1 iki? 1 , ?, ? ?
Bril Aient Ne. Hfl seil st
THE NVriCN ?1 baWMjJto u toasi iwto a w..k ,r
DAYI ? ?- n.iii.vvs twauasataBj with ib? un.
May I. aid ti.? lubactipttuu price w.'l heocsforwk-d be t., y
'll.e ie|.i I., received ?nd continu?? to recelr?. fret ,
u.'-t ?u. Beni men In te country of k11 prcfeiatou an,! |.,
- las heartleit expressions of eommendetlon, ?,... .
- Ile w?nti of ail tLc.e who ire il .- .
in Art, tottoee tai Liter?! ire, and BOC Bat** rr.or.
ir.l d..i utt* .P.'. >?'. ni af pSaaaWl topi i thtai the awe*} ....
ii a ?ein?', ri e, li able to lupply, mere fully Ibu an? '
tvei atoare gahilshsd in ti.ii i
i '.?,?? ? ?j i?i taaasai I aamBhi C3. \vi.n ?. tarni i"
tanta in Ne? y.ik <r atosAtga, (i ?waBotoah
i H r:i ii rn hail -, Itotk ?
No. ri khama -t ?' i
I IAU bY all n?:v..-.m?.n.
? r
Uphills., n ami Iiousc-fiirnisliini; Giods
N?. in??? HBOADWAYi IN. v.
u, ' . |.i. .., 'I it -M \v Marr 1, el ' ''?'
: M AHb
rullyaeie-.il ! Plllll STJ MAU
I. s ' ? *lt::-i 1
IMI i,ii ?iMol i- mp UH'ORi . RA? Til) ? r
OP I CHIRK l.i.'.. '
...,,.- , , , . i I DITTON .i Lbs ' ?
,.| ,l,i\i i ?., h 'ill ?i il .?m i,,.. I . ' ? ? t |i *? ? ,..
mr ed, will pro vi d '.'??? | bl -..
lilli l l'I!OI>TI 11V DEPARTMENT
?. >.. ?!? lil M.M'v If h'Nl I " I ?
,, ?- i [LEY, late ?
I'.i'ur-.'l .',':.i > LAMP?BAOS.? ?AT?N DAM/
\; i- SILK ? U IN DKL
i ' . . .... - . . : LL Won.*,
A?K.? ARB \? I. './IN?. -Tl'ipi La. LINEN Ja?
t RTAIN? I.AMH1 . -I , i.*...'- '
Tiri IMA I ? ,. ? I
'li KI'.'. - - -?!.-? "<?i* rKiN"l. '
, r.h? . .
.... . . .
- -, rlSTA iBtll RE. AI'P.'.I PL
Min til i ? treal . u ? iv -ni ne, ? V '?- ..
? i -.! -. i ?: ' i !.. lac Er ? 'i'la h Lemo
W11 II I II 1 hND -MAN 11.1. OlaASHl ?
i ? ? : i
\\ IM)<>V\~MIA1)1.S
it; up ??? pi \ni? i.rt?rN holla:?'!?---. OOLD lol
Ia i PA1BT1 I? in |r*-t Viii.ty mil 1 Bal 1>
IIVNL? and Tit nillir R.
w .?.????:. Vii.', -LEY. Ih. ??
Kill '.1.N- r-llr K.'1'.i,*- PILLOW UMNS, ?!.!?.
? 'J vii.!'. HAM l?S -. DAMAHK t ?
lall ii/...i NAPKIN.? DOYLIES I IK, DIAPf.K
Ni.! ir ? IT. A I,'- k
M-vK-i..I.LL-iiii i H'il.: T QL'II.TP COUNTEIPANK? 't
? 'It KA*? Toii.E. COYEBB. I .The? ?ear? ??
. ?. ? torte? of Ear I w '
-, ? kia... HD'il ?'i ifl t. . I.N
I, TICKS,! .?MU . ILlNNi '
' ? .. r I? ? ?sid te ti i t '? ' II ? ' -
.?' i'i.i;l..i ,'i-i . ii . ; i-?' ST I MEIRS ted !
1 RI !l DE''?.?' vRRI \i.V i- I t AP'MC , M 'K
' ' v.: i 1 !1 ? Hip M I .. I i.l I. ti AN PL1 -* ? ?.
I I IH'! BTBU l*s AND~~l7rHMTrRK DI.
?.i- - ?'- m -t *'? arl . w..i kseff.-.e?!saaa ?
a..? ttMtsa? my titos beam ht Ih? Hy
Ila?- -,. ' w'th ti ? Re k1 I '
ti* well know - ?' P t
? -I . ? l'y i: . : '...I
??> |?aa-B>en with Mr I. K. Vt airaren. Ko. 6S* i.
waj . - ? ? I ? ?? J *o wait open *
_.1. I. 1TSHI.I N.
I II 1.1-1 I."
I l i II I.Y \*EOETABLr TDNir,
?Nl.r-.i.lt. Ml AMI ?T: ?iNii'IIPNIN'O.
I. rt :... ' ? ... . u .i..i'n?t tin-. vi1 tit.,".-. : iiiwraehsttate
? VV.1I f ul? I)t?| -pin. Vt ii ron arti in.
? . te 'Ve.k1,*... \\ ,
t\ -.ii. i.. Deb tr V\ i re liver Ceaaaaanwa
tv i , .v . * ,?? ? ' :? t
VV ill m Je.-itely in-r?. ?> .
t- u-.prrat r. . : i ? body ?to tto fet ?? ? MSB. 1.1.u? ? <
I of I I lyttei , i . .t..r ne poiicr.t , . *.
i ' ?. a ? ' n i. Marlka** ;:; ii? world.
A tir 'r a ?( ?ir: i' I lied
I..S .?I PI I i II
? i ?
tilt liliRHHI ? tilnPiHA 'H,IU l? tiiLir. HI I Ml
PAINS IN THI lu- H ILA, i iii. UP. ii? WATER. \.
IHK I ABi?i- I Bl Ml Y
Ilka beet, un.i willi ,'ino-t unpin. e'..l ? ? ?? f.,r the put Tv., 'v
tasa?' I ?IABAHIA, Ulul.LK.v Mo UBI'.?, n I i t*.
t"h .s.ti.i in all iTTt"? oi .ni-: world
leitral Uepct Iii.*Iikii Ii, Vo ^5 II.-. I at,
Bee fl ? t.r.l? I 'ti lil I fc i. lo., Propr - M?
. .|-.,.r?' .-i i-Mi-ni aled ?I a I., vii a'o, ?id r??tor*l o'e .. ?.
,i ... . .
o. .??bi. h ? ??..i tad ?ii thee? erl ? han la no ?sar toss ???
ihtli vltt'Uy byri *?>,.* n.ent?! or pi -, i ?.. ttlea, wilt Su.i ?i ?
Hi. t-. ? e '.. . . i I ?' It, ? -n..-::. ;?'? - s ?te rejan utrr w bl. h. ?' -e
i t. . .!? ?p ti* iBirtrred eoeatHnti n wul a ??? iatparl to ti? f.* . <a
. .ii , nd *r.*r<v i kith be! i I
. starr by w hal rai.? tnyertaa ! - !?.- me iif.?b... > .
Bl i.a.iierl rrenaratiou M II relieve that c.? iektit i ? i
. ,.| ??*
fi'viii. nv-pprsM. nvi'it --i ., i.o.-s op appkt? rr.
t ' vi K i \ iNNlT ii Has a most m pi .um l. di-'h i
ile. a ??'ir are in itiiv w.v pro-'ra:*.! Pv : . ,, . lita .ri-,iie?are
?' | >*-<l.a a lula in that SBtll MB*? i?ut ?toBBaMMSlM
| r, | aja' SB
? . PTEHLP -i? ?.iNtilil?. the l.'r ?i* ? iRfN.-i ike OLD
iiwrtblav? abb-u ai-ovsry ?'..a'. H w11 be Ih .?.i toully <il
fereel Heir ?II ..Ihei srl 'e? tor ti.? tai e i ?ra ??
IU Ki.MAI.r.?-Tb ? nrrparaioo ia li.rn aide In nerren weal
BSBSSS *t a I kin li ai ii v, ii! restore r ;e ara J -treii|tl. wilk ?.?ade?
li | eriiiai.rl re
It i. aiu ? ?rat .1 loi.ie, and will ii?* i* bl Dytpepaie wuk Ita?
BntSSBB. A Brief |?tiiit*ne? in H? ??? ? i oi. vat? v,,ert*mi. a la
a d*|rt* tf ?.e led l.eeiili. and bani-i, li?i|?; .a 'oie'St.
Oto I? ?t |?r b.l'e. i>r six botte, .r t Hold e? li"|t"t?
I".la )
Braal I) ratio* ti j wine, by ?4Ji.
HI I? H'NtiS It BILLI I K I epriet
No. o! I?t t - New i otk
lilli SAI '. II
N, 3:| NA?? Al l-T, one .1 .. kee? M.UDKJ, I tN?
I n?ie It .ali u mt n?a air eniiv-ly Mew. b.i'b ia urkaaip? Baal aaMta
C1 KI M li.? o .al ?bal?tatt- caaea >.| Rupl..,. Piiui'hUn tree.
Bolt ('rep?tatela.

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