OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, July 06, 1866, Image 8

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1866-07-06/ed-1/seq-8/

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The City of Portland, Me., ii Asks,
Two .?rvtHsKVBvl Families norato??,
?Over Pifty Buildings Blown Up to Check
t?e names.
LOSS an^rnWATED AT OVER $10:000,000
ruui rvRTicriARs of tiik msastki?.
anjaramb_ww? ? Otra M-:tv?r.vrnR?!. Foin BOTKU in.
nunn >?tv?. TI
LIKS 1.1 ViSt I) HUT.
t?i?>tai i'.?!*.iil a fat N. y. Tri. aa
I lia\' , v t> i; I'o.-U.iii'l, a] i
hato w r inflict?
?Ni on :: - i .? N I I. ''lin!. Xi'aiiy i.i.v-'..ilf the?eri:?
toiy li.. 1 ? ?OSS yeetCgd
ISS I . t'H.r.-Vlii.li'l-- s!l<>:>. j:.-?
Uro'.r.i a wind Mowin..' s gale sad
Bin,; for IS 1
DI)" linn.i liil?o IG Width, asVVBl
bonnes uri' a.) ig
looSaSa :..i. ! ?.i ii i..'rt!i-c;>tcily direction te K>.
chi.-nge ami Middle-st*?.. thencetsOoagreei uml ?
I?iid.ttta., tbenoedown thjtragh the town to tLc c.r.unl
Trnnkkaiiiv.vst.itii.il. All of Mitblle anti Exe:,
aire in nIsa, and all of 1 i ti..* United
T?ltt'oe Hot-11" tiic M.ninty Hill. All the Inn!;.?', I
C?ir-oC.iu.i\ M -.. . : I . i ti Fir?!
sml Sen-lili.? rn. All tue BtTtrepsa r i
bete, VU.: IV P ' l8
is ruin?. Tbe ri.-'-ii?iifi- sad tV:?to::i nasse 1st?tasa,
though it la tlii'ti -i
The Ann*..i.i:. Commercial, and International Dos?t,
ni ti WiKKVa ilmi-lf Hats! are burned.
Eij-'ht i'hurt b BBtl til" e?'v civ Vtulilir:? are di-'.
The Sal?n... 11 I BSBS?
Two ibssssai B?nlMes Is tin? beeal of the ort]
??put of' ?. . "On! pr?.? t-rty
?dei-ioyid .Vi ?: ti : .-i. ??? p irtimi af iho cr;
gViiui. i ivir. I ST?d from her.
?aamssBBs i o' a] arbes i hal l'on 1.uni nt Baastamasora
?nir. Theil. I latta, tli.-u.-li it asi
tboiij-l.t t ? 1 :ol. l?elo m hud ir...
filil? i. ni, 1?.: li G iil.i.t"', und l.t-'i.f?own.
Ta PI o A.iot _Bl Pira.
?ARlill'LAKS 0* ?-__ vibe?F1FTT LTlTTbasaTBI ?atOWl
?1-? li ALF THK CITY DE6TR ?Ylll'.
1*1 Bargas, M-?.. Thursday Jn!r
Tbe riit'Las cou.(.li-*t!y swt-j.t _tt*Staab the ci-y, from
thoiiKitil iii?-!, r-t. toHortaB-at?, on Mi.njoy, de?
avery: .ek ?i. it.ii.'!.'t?!y tliut IbS Vr.vi of tin*
st*,-i 'H Baa haru'.y as '.raced, ami a BBSSe i-f (me ami ii h.iii
?aileek rtcTi l'a n ?.!?? wuk* i-ppears MJm | f >r.--t
?tif l'?iiiiiLiy?-, with l'r.i.'iue'.itr af vv.i'.l?- ultnihed to BalBB?
The wii.d w:i8 Mowing n cale from the south, and a
treniondi'iis fheet of flame ?wept aaSaj lufre it, devour?
ing tverythir..' iii I ti the utmost cxertioni of
the tircmec, aided by a steamer and Land en-;:i.e.i fr-.u.
Several otiier plac?"?, coulil only BBBBBB? iu preventing it
from spr.piliog ia ne? direct.'
? Mu?.y bui?diDi.'?, peiliape 00, wcro Mown np toeheik
V.eflnniie. hut Baa inhabitants could st at eely do aron
than tice aita th- -.r ?u-.ii.l.es aa the upper part of the city,
saving sur -ligur-V-a?. they co..!'1 < irr-.-, thoiiu-h .?vr. I
lu the cty wa? emp!' yol u.ih excellent effect ia i_oiini?
The Ci.sto.n-Hi-?..?>?, beiag tire-proof, escaped. I
arreatly dannipe-l. Tin' c- uit records in the Beam? Ftory
are probal.lv deetroyi d.
The ej.leuiliil city and country building on Con ?Tress?*; t.,
ahiihwas nearly lii'i'-i'if't.f. SSB taSSarlared Bate, and it
ana piled full of furniture by tho neighboring resident.?,
and then it ?Maasf*1 BVSJ atti all its asaSt?S*?
Half the city ia daetrored, aal that half includes nearly
Bil the I'usiins-i^iiioii, eiceptiii? the heavy business in
The lire commenced a little below the foo! of Hi.'h-st., in
a boat-shop. It nest bat?I Ufamm't (louring mil!, and IbOB
?Brown's ?ugar-house w.th all it? surroiindiiies; the Staples
?V Son's ami Iiu hards.-n's ?imiiil-ne?, and nothing else on
?Co ii, ii.
It next ?ne; t whu! in called Graham's cerner, eeaSfftMSd
of .mall wooden In,,i lillian, i Van. It then bSBBsd t?Bl
lara? the old Vann'n H<>u?e, ou l'ka?aut st.. one-tl. ni
the wr.y up Centn st.. half the way np C-.lton-st., tom
tjletely upt.IBS-at,, I u?on-st..Tomple-?t.an?i ic?:?:hniic<*-?t.
It swept a?ara aa aba Bartbadf iMa "f atlas ab la indin
at, on tbe east, while on Iba St ?t it iimve-l aleSSJ taaSjas
ally ?vero*? Midai* ?t.. and doini t?. 0aBkbaj__4lsabtng
?t-e ?Jm House .le..' firwl 1 i inirch.
it Tbaa from C1.--' i--t. to North-st. it made a rlean
-fweep on the so (>i Cuuilicrlftud-st?, and the
an?aa asa the case with < mi] everything elie
te Fire-et., a* far east ?a li.dia-:t.
All the banks ,.r. g
All the newe?-.ij?i-r o?bvC-s are horned.
But three pniiinf- orl?cev are ii it.
AH the jewelry irttabV?hni-*n:?, all tie wh-tlefale diy
f^Crods ?tore?, several chin I aasit* |
? - ? ,.?i ,1.
i ilationcry ?ivav-j _?, ?n. ku^nrj o? l?c bri8incf>l i
reeareiUeti * t? ??
The hw ii itali ra^tt* h'\,v Cutobcrland-st., making
back to the w- M <-'i?^ t|ie v,_| Batial ihanged.
C'a pt. Iuiuaa La-1- tit aajsaaai t-r 1, jO'J teats lo act-jm
Bttodate the homeless inhabitanti.
It is almom impo?s.l'!e to led where tho people lived,
tbe ruin and aSatraetioa .s no fosasli
D?ivi?, Baxter tV I'"., on Kr.i?it., wholesale d-alirs ia
f?Bcy article.-. ?.-I'1..wa til-,r :-r.4 at $.J,<kk),wliiel!
insured in the Lina Lo . II irtioid and the H.iuip,V-a C..,
TLc iipper s ! ? of Fore-st. is swept clean to In-lis, e.?
Scpttwolu Id . L" 00 tiic oi'iiii if li,d.a-*t. "\Vi.?..i i.
blarble II..',; (be Fr* e*i..,u lim.?.*, tho American II..
tbe Kim H... 1 rtintional Houfe, the ('??
Mail Hunte, the Kturdevaat Hoaiie, and bingsbury's
?Hotel are all destroyed.
Congresa-.-.!., froni OhMtSaSab io the ?briervatory, is
tatvaLid on bo'h ade?. Not a building is standing ou Ex?
abai.gi-st. Fcilira'.-?t. ia entirely deatroyuil, as is Cum
?erlfti.il st- from Piar',-??, to the lull, on bot!:
ULion, r:um, Teuinle. L.me and Silver it?, are entirely
?irsiiiil, and Fraa-lm. bena P. to O?ford. All ?.f
abe aholee?'.e. a-J Bmsjt of the retail shoe storct ure
BaaraSJ] ed.
A ?team and Vii.d-en.nie eamc in from Saco, and haini
inginci from B.d-1- t.?r !, Gi.d.aur, Brungwick und IV. 1 -
The fiiliorinir is .ii BBmmn__B_tg hs! "f the lotses aid
Charle? Staples A Son rnacliiiiitl*. litss *40 W0; in.tircj for
liw.no .n the -'Hu?-..-. Kew TeTa?, and? Heaton (*aSBaaaa.
C|)L?-'? I'.ou'iii; Mi !, leal tliO.?UO, lusariMl for ?j^.OOO in J.
tf. ali. ctr t Agency.
J?. V. BbBj . . .?VoveFiiunilry, 1omS!?j,000, .
Tkt iVa tjsasa I'm? S1?.00t)? ia.ured for t7,r*0i> in tiie li
?rm?t nr.ti ?? < ? Oastsastta
Wnwr, * T! .ri'ni.nl.. (iniee los? g'-O.tyO ?r.virei I-,'-?.;
leliir roud)xla.se Matua!, aad Itelitr aud Kapaun* 'New
Voik> I ott!,aiii??.
Joilge I nfloni of the liilti-a] State? Circuit I onrt, list patt
?st his law library, sa! DMriSl -ludgt Fox lost all of L...
' tTajtt: r. Hut*!, ?Orr ?;.'..IAXI, ..jMlli-'l ??
MsJHii.a- EaJi.vritli ail it* content?, were destroyed, partial j
Bight i Uri)..-? art l.-irr. . Third
fauiab, Hie IVarl-at. (I'altaraftllat ti? Flirt liapt.at, St Me
tihen? ? (li. ?i "i? -i Un'?: S . ?,:? ..'.t. j,-?- nri?ti. i,
r;?s|-ei esa it'-'lopBii-JOt.'? reaidence, and < oarent Behool at
Jlie Cve-a? M .fine IflJUi-iinie toiiij>t?j)Xi.a-jei mUiLiAt lit -
lured fro j l8, OCX) to $10 TOO in the Howard and La ?Hard Com
Charlea t. Tbratattd ''?>. lam ; ned for te. Bl
. and Nui ir i < oin pal
.Im!,,. M 'lord . library?toM IllMOi M lr.?nrance.
Merrill A I I in m '?"F. -Vo " '
i, ruta I aad
lLiitfoid < ompanl ?.
( bundill) Hrownr? A Manson-lois UM.0 at- -MM ?
Among Hi" pr"iui_cnt linns ?Lo are totally hBBal Oil
aro the folio wini::
Lowell A Lentieand Oliver Cerri?h, lewelcr?, Walterf'am,
funiltaroi Davis Brother?, Bailey ?a Hovea shoot A Lortng.
I!, i'acktrd. An[ruhliii Bobina? 11 A W. ?'. Roi b ?on, li itton
era; I'roMhnian Alo, J. H. Lunt A Co., VV. 11. ?bor!. Stephen
I ? 1 ,?,', ? s -?it', ned St ?rd,0*. BeamawB d
I bakara. Ivory beak ia the city I? ? itroj l,si_afBtBa
eoatoel . n? aro rII Mp].1 to basa?, Wies
toa"! k V l-.dniuiid Small
and William A. (Jniieey, t?ookl.iiiilei-i? _. .<* U _?
i irboor, Daaiel fctor? .a Co.. Mttoala 1
Ai.dieivCouic.l lieCei rd Berry, Merrin A ?a I r.
Moulton. EdmaadNutt? ! - ? L Hommer, -f. Tnnk?bury
A Co, retail, h.leaJei M. H. Breed * Ca. Cashman, Ara
AC?., V. C. Ilanrion* Co, Moree, UthropA Over, A. A- B
: a ( hage, Lort _- rhayer, ( .J.
. 1 ? ... . ?, 1 ' i ?? 1 .? ibO
ard? rooketl bras?foonder? Henry M. PayMB, Joba?
t r Win. Ii Wood * Son, and Hear] Wood broken; W 1.
' ? ? laleri: vTdi,
|era; J. 1 A Co
!? M ii irtby, s. B. Lal
,r?e? Perry, <;. VT. Rli 1 ACo, Sa .1 ".. la
t .. .1 1 ] Peter w al, li. s. W( '??
?ter.?. Ca, and a I ? I . -. ?'
Grant ker; Jas. M.Carrier, Beal I
, : .1 Bamn 1 R, Rich .v ?-?.n. Mi?1 nek era; I!
Donglai on, and J. F. lind. ,r?..k.:
.' A' ?i. r A Co., li.ntn. iii
Mothers. Eiden A Wl a " I ich. Edwin i Munt.
N '. Mit' bell. Vickers ? - Drew, Fh idb ?oni
A Kendal] Deering M 1 ? nt Co, and Lane I LMtl
Lorenao !'. I ola, E, R, ;
ktiag hoasei : all 1 e
?. F 1. .a M. P ?T Iford, ! M. Bo 1 oi . 1 ii
. w. k, Howard Skin, Urabam ? Ca AMI.
( !?. y Iii ?,? ? Bhi ;..r! A Cn, .
i\ W. Carr A 1
.'. Borbonr, Orecnlraf, 8-iwycr A ; I D. Sa?
0. M. .A I' W ?Mb. A.] I. Bl il' H
li. K ! H. || roi li .. '
\ e?, ti ! C I A Hooper, fun ? Oilberl
I. l?nilci, I. ? Be a '
I Ma
' 1 . i -?.?. "? < '
II II. .! -I ' M ieiy, ?; ". N.
1: .-. .1 -
I", it.
- . . -
1 :-i John W. ' lohn I?. Sha
A Twombly _f. 1". I' ? ?'
; lae," li ?? ? ! ?-M - W im ?>
and ii. Wi I ib t t Hot I ?
i the C? Hector and A ' ?
Igo aad (' u Ii
I ? t-e ,l"'.ii ? ? - . !,.-? mlv founder. ' . V. J.
Gillman, W. II. I! Hal rVan n F. li.", I I'. Merrill,
Henry (Quincey, Jesse F 1 , ,t a IA K. Felt, with tboee bef?te
r A Bmitb, last manufacturer?;
.-.. v r. J. Sa v I? Lid back
t- 1'. 1', l: ink? I Co. H. I i.l'V, ;. .
ia-f -int' ntl I M'. 1 ' .' '. reed M
1 \V Kakrd Ce H - K 1er .v Ca. BJ. Colby, A, B.
.- and H 1 n :. D, d 1 . I I '
aad W 1 ii ?'
oyster!. ('. I. F '? C. Kail
and W. i'. I'l i ii oil : II? V? ageol,
J. a P. l -. m!., m, ( ??? Carlton, a .?. i'i-,- .!. II. Dnnoli,
J P? llri/cltoii, (,'-:,-.' M. 11"' '!M KI - if d H. ! .
Smith A Son, ; k Co.. ph itoj 1
m ititi..I?; ( all in Eds l: <
lal Powder Company'?ofl ??. Bro? i'uek
er, Jai : 1 kard A K dghf, 1 : lui i: Bal
? !.. I ? ghi ia, Jr ind I '. ?v ? ? ? pi 1
Baker,! te, A. E. Howell, and ra nyutberi pr"
ile r A. Hall r ber 1 ia & Dyer,
. io? hine?i M. L, Hall atn! :
Mow ' Peareo] ? 1 A Do? Joaeph 'ir ml
F. a nanson. J, re.D I 11 ?: ?
I - I .:, M ?
a Bo t'M- rta' 1 '
the real ofl i "
Thompson. ?'? I H I PI
?to ne dealer?; W. C. Beokott, J.J. B01
AV. I . 1 Ml. Down, Alfrcil 1?
pberDyer, J. K. FernaW Pel rli Frost, H, g.Q rd
? thoa (ii.iil, Lewis] ad, J( ho M
I. D. Heevee. Albert
!.. \v ? >b. Henry n ? a I .
,1. Di tv ,A -??,,'.?:?:'
Cbiaa tea stoftt) Dm b1 Bracket!, bank.? ai .
a: il (mit 1 placee of badBOM
li a ' .'." fwtUiog?b< ;?' ?, I.it
? .iv ba B ' :.'i" ' '. tin -'? "? Mr-. V?
?i., Mr. Bombit ead Mr. D I
; HiicoD, on Congmtt-tL; I. Bj I
li ?::, 00 < ilHilii ria 1-?'., a: ?I all
I a ?tore of Emery A. WaittheaM, 1. 1r.l1v.1rp. on Ali,;.
dle-8t.,8uii'il i r_MM u 11 -
IhOQgl BTtfTtklai VU Itrfl .. .
The Por '.mil Socitty < f Nnf'ir.il lUatOlT. tor a -
' it? nil.?alii.? c?,lient,on?.1 B?sfofttBt
will appeal t<? the p-niTOMty of OttatOOCtotMt tl.r
the coui.'iy.
It ia aot_aattd that aboal 8,000 buildings are 1
and property destroyed to the hub??ant of |10,(?'
vMeh 1.? pci baM] .-..- ?:? ?'. ? .;
I ? State viiliiiitioii w..? ?j_H (?hmhiO. ami t?.
t.ob must beavei 130,000,000. K Uy oat thai bb
been di ?t roy ed.
Rat-tag ian t e 1'.. ne in ihc tjtj le lay aaaaal la c
, ire ol tlia-- huin('l(ss, and that is actively being
Ettay tadya"laa aaat, BBiaaaataial und
buoyant BaBag prcv.nl.?. ThtM wa? no eeaftalM "r
slraggltdartagthe iirc Bvety on? w.ip eeattoaea and
kind, and all worked BBBM80J tOfBl?M. Tha liten..-n
Betanbroal worked nobly .ttiil aastoted patito in i.i'.n.g
Tie cliiirc'ics lal nianv other ad?OM 'ire thr H
.?i BQBMB,?"tS are Bppoiated !" r
the liiatn-see?].
l'?T B8BM honr.? ilariii?: Ita MallkgnttOB BOBInt;:
wa? cut ufl latw.cn Ita Beal mid hu? k ti t!.. ( Ita 11 ? 11
!v over a mi!OjoaiMf ?Tn.iiiid.
The LoAvcll Ilute Hall Club of Bolton rendered gall-M
? MB in BBttog property.
I., n- ia not a po? MflMI left :n UM ? Hy to atnltC off a
paper 1* j <?::.
At tho present writimr toJtet_0-B) ti??' flnmei are Hill
tfoabtoeocoe ? rten,aal bm watUag dava late
Ita Catteo BoaM badlj.
Alin<st nil UM taM 1:1 Ita MtjlM BOM hurst, und
Rome e- nu)'-? ttaed te?
Tir io?? ef Jaka B. Biova B Baai anettaallaaM
11,000,000; the] owatag 1 Bage uaoaat el latlMtaltla
i'Viry 1 .:::!? r'?! tie eily, tiny ure :!:??.n d for i.l.'.nt on.
hall ? - ??
Helicf for the CtuHrreia by ih. Fire.
? 0BTOB.
Ho-t-n. July 5.?Pi_aipl nu mi - have to
di i o..k".l ead n:.-..'.; .1 I . . 1
f d;ii ii..- city to Portland th s afternoon, where l?verai
pie! ... - bj the 1 re
tlnic, m.d vi u 1 .:t food Mayo) Lincoln,
1 . ? . '. ? . . ?
mu 11, en ii,"-:? 01 u>? ..... ,. . . , ...?.?___??
private ritltent aft inovfnp actively |_ the matter.
The terrible eonflagratlou in Portland exciti det-psyia?
?athy. A, diapateb doo the Maror oi Portlaad tatltyot |
jneoln nn;. 1.
' Ti oat I - - f ? : ; i] ! II nBgry. Can
yo-'. Mad n? mms bread and 1 00k . , r..v
The ;? 1 been as ?-roil n ai 1 lib irai u tis
allow. A large quantity ?i ,i oi J. li.
Smith, the wi.':-. 110? :. F by the 3
o'clock train, and further 1 pplie fill ?m to-nigb't 'l ...
thoattad teal mu 1 1 k ii !.. the I li d
g1 ii,-,. Genet n? of money to
paretaae aa]?paiea are belag reeelved by Mayor Line?lo,
??no ?i 1 Mt thal li 1? pmperly ased.
v. isius .;??, 1 bend 1 daly ". 1-",.
The following durpatel wa Mott? be layor oi Port?
land taxlay ii-ia ? . a Dtrcvtori offiec of t',?
Grand Natioi >.'. ( ? tu M : . u .? m til oi the (Soldier? uml
Sailor.-, 1 ii 1 bl 1.
\a'a?m" m a TI ri j data '?' 1",;,;
Dmw m m et eight f ?r ils - - for tbo'immediate
relief of the turi? r.-r? to Ib? diaMtrOM airela your ellj this
day. Bj ewer ot the mainiiti- g lot
Vv mu ? 1 Mini-i Scieiary.
The Ada!: ? EXOT! - ( . .?! thia di ' ff." '.? tai i-,
(lae of charge, any contributions for tin' iuff.i.ra by the
Portiu?d, Mc, Ira.
Vire? m iiii.ir narra.
Bowuxa Oana, daly I?a be brokt out bei
niorn.i.|i. irrijrinating io t..> tegro qotiter. a lu- b ?i> atroyed
Ita ttotkt orWilliam & . ., ,1 ;?t fS.MM)
that ..I Henry I'ottct, raloed at g_,l. S ?ii! otben
wtMaltoleeara. '1 i$12,000worl ? K<
intoii ance.
San Kranm-'o. .1 h I ', b U ??? Kareda, ra
Saoday, daatroyed |i
L '.'.'. Lr.M'K?l U'.. l.MnA -.V.
?'iiciNfAU. Jaly i.?A ure at Lawn, I
Biyaal ?*. Lord ? ?
Maota ? a in. - I. , IE ebergcr'i mall .
stoi'kn.aii ? v. mill Cbeek'a iee-booae and three private
rcit.denceg. Lo?? to*.,'?:?; partially ii.
Ci?- on ATI 'i .?You :'? - - di ga re
port Kv . ??? . . I , 1.1c v-if. rd .. l.
"frica. N. Y , .liiiy St?Tta actentivt mai hunrv works
ii'Roi"- \ ' 1 bum Math of thli
eoinunied hi tin- witti all? ,'.
? I'l ' ? ? the work :
ury. Tin- p m ;?i, omi -.
' "f $l<j0,(-i?i', but the loM 1? near!,
1'HII AHFLT'HTA ?li.lv '-. - M, Kel.I.Ti A Baker g paw
Bill in the n*; M lourti, below Rai .-? :., -.ia? bWBed I
titiig iiitctuvorc J lue mfm ?u aionw i,,?^ Ml la Ita I
{.?roi*!.!. It is report??d that several per-ons were 1 uri"-! in
l'an tir-rnt'i m rt? i artie I-ilT severely injure.!.
i - -j ' Bj insured onc-h.df.
' "V tl.WFV TPAMIlii IT IO',! PASY'S '<t.TnT AND
At ?! o'clock on Thursday morning, a lire wai di?
eoverod nrar the main entrance of the sh?d? of the New-Haven
Steamboat Company's Freight Dope?) at tlie foot of I'eik
flip, caused probably by somo flrewmks.
Ttie fire wa. first discovered by one of the watchmen and
at the time seemed very slight and easy to extiniuisli. s-u
ins'a j'ttil nf water ha dashctl it opou t?efiameii. Vufottun
fil.-lv iln T liotl already wurk'-d tbou- way uiiiVr tho pirron
s ?lieh tho sheds arc built and amone tho mereband'-io stored
t'irri*. . '.?1 in sjiitoof evtry tX'-r..tii), owing to the light ma?
terial of which the sheds were con?tructed, and the ItinVnniv
ate aeieie of las material sttb ablet t'.-y wari art aba
Armies tagend i ?t ;rB?l I v. and in an in ?"u-i'iiubly short sraco
of ti-i.t?. lal rr.tire huililin-i wa? la li.ni' ft
S 1*. ?.. .11 .'aek-nii, n , 11 ir- .1 in in. ? i ,1 ? 1 .pia the pier, .ml
i- rtl 0 it'.ri-.ik . f thi' lire run
ie '.vi ti 11.-, r for iii parp?te of i md lirn
. l n-t'irn
the ! I aerosi ? :.i? di j
, ?? doe n the] edtrhi re
. H il '.. aeatS, I.-- ib t-muned
in Blina?! lo is? ti I lae aieet by di klag ttu-osgh the Baixu.
1 I wn? "in-. ,'s?ful,t..,: ? ia mis ti rriv y
-I. m i-k, and arm?. Ile hu--, unified to
the Ni ? V,,rk lloepil ii by the Hecoad Pre liact Pel.
Coal I r., ?.,? ; ,'.,,. i bj the Kei ding K dlroadCoBpasy,
in the i.ntl-iiak of tas fire wasly.Bg ..t lae end ef ti.- I
.?i?.'.n In ii ?. f ? d for the coBsnfflptioa of the
Haven booti. Oa twardofla vas the Cep4?In,
lleniamin Long, bia wifeCtlharini1 an intint, and I
i C?ptala, a I-"? of IS j 0 -l ira
Bing astell, the barr ran forward i"i ? I itti li
- .
; ? -iii be
I 'i rli
i of the in ftal
i the I
. .Jira. Ij nar;.. ! I I #1,000, I'm!...: V
re early on t
ii ?tea net , l ni os el I I ? :
? i
d ?,. thal could - ?? .
l ft? " .lininirr, bt lot I
? 1 .
- . '
irk her int.
A : .? :.'. ? .if'- r ii St" .
i',i ?i:i.l towed iii ? barning : ??vein r into
?.. : .i .i-iv ?n.ni. aa '.
? ..i ? I-.!.Uni,
? , -1 . i : .-i'i.-.err-l in I
?!. 'I ..ere |
i bo .:.i m "ii the im r al the time of lix
Baltimore waa a rwtnparttlretr new I at, Bad pin.1 bel
thlaelt? asd Ti -I?', n :* Conn., - ?trying ,..i--.-. i-.-rs aid
Uri- ia i 1 ?i;.,ve a-ri ?tin.? mi n...i: m t . t
, a' bo li* I* i>. ? i ktiag t>. m .1
from their born? i upon her. it i< lb* Isteatiea, hewever, la
? .1 H 1 'l.-te H .if t! I lie 1 "II
Pier No? 2C fortunately, thtsy had no ii I liliUng,
g ?rill ? t|
i;. W Cor I let thesgentol Ike Company, .??it on pel I
ni ?.-i Not
l |... - ..I ii - Ni i I! ... *, i .* ;
Pi? i N portion of Pier
.. from .ii-, h lip. Pit :
..-.', ed ever I
were Bli d
? .. - paper, i
? th. i n.ii.r up the
? 11* gentil* a . i km ?baa
? - lieg for te ?
.1 i.
I. '1 li r? ii ni Im a ?: :i li n ? m
:iie o? l!. ? t 1 I .
eo.e! .
O . | '.i t'.e f.n-t of ti.ero '. fag ?,i ? Barry ,: i :,.-r-, it it ?in
? appri iii He . - - * ? ? . *.. inn it
? | ? .'?-i. im th . ? rery lilli
,. -. The the?i ol the Cctmpssj ware ? Is-ed i.t
l:.-:ir. d in tie 1
11. ? |- . (--'.i lo the
i ? - - ? . ? I danger, btv)
. ? .1 wivaga lae Joist i f the Fli
ton ?-.. Isla tl.e ?iremi l.v th. lett- r.
? I I. ; I 1% tal.
d In large una ben Beer the burning
i . . ? ? ii.
"I- ?ie.? 1 r-air. r i ,?
I ead a?!jylning are?acta, si ' '*?
li.i ,
i S HarenSteamaaetCo i tttse fire will
i."ti..'.ti: ri s 11 h the leg?Iel til| b1?.
CM!.- i lirra.
IV THIK! V-I'lFu! Iff
'.' IS :.'. o', li"k \- -teriVv n.. mu ?.. firs a
i la tl.e belMlag fur: .li ' i. i
I'.:'.." *?: ir-* Coi ipaay, 1 it, beta ea
I ntlKletenl ? ...,?, ?iel m
ft ?.'...rttiTo the rntir? -.t?irtute u?? ...,'1 red I
:' ".: u I act ibis ?. . ? .1. i if
" " '
Mr It!? i?!(-ri.al. "The two ,.,..iai
j a ?'lije r'Lad-) ro.nuftctorT l.v .lu.,,m A I'isek, 1 ?? >.:i
! ?l'*t k .. ' ' ? . . id tl.e
i Ale*r..??, '.Ir,.- ... 1 ,-.. ,,.,,: j , ig, ,
I.? I ' ? .....uia-?.. .?Ik, . .j., l-l..-,.
?ntl. r a ?light 1"??.
is ea.-t nonrr-SBTCTTi it.
S?mrtly !.. I.ni- I ni Iih k nu Thnrtdar mernina*, n fire
? broke ont In the ttsbl* or ned and ot I li Itougbt?
in Hi?*:,: ?? -, rntu it. fi.t.ir 1 hird nu*, i I ?? ?...rare .ii..I rarti >r ?
:? bj get oat bj .'-trk'i ant i. . ? ? i Ihm I (
tl.e'I u .-ntl ll.ird l're.-li.. t Polier*, bal t'?? nm .ung a a? teem
.. ilti.it.it ii. J...-1 ni.mil '. .
V . nil-man i.ri" ii. ni'.) ?Min t Brady of the Tenth
:? ? i na Wodara .- lire In
.:.; I....ni if I*, t-r li .? till, iippotilr
ii lies. Im .
a in..i :n em "i last we ? ??( Ile Hol i
.ti ii III ?B Hull eil, I,. , VVeainrtday
Blghl ...i.'.-.l l.i Borne i.r.A.t.? t ? ra tUnu-rn. an
nj ? a ?undow. Ilainatrrti I
At I n't foe?, on 'I'Vired.iv iihtihi | a fin w.i? di SOT?
er.-.l in ti. ,1 .m r tore t.f .Lu .?'t Barbe- So IK) lltotdwat
'1 l.e dca? i f tl.e J.lue weg Bri ? I "I- " I t or?l.'er l-f-na.!?.?, ai
the I ii.rt.. n't. ri.- m- ?, ?t.-> f.-ai 1 ii - Broto pro. ??? .1 from a
abea-pare* hesket filled with Braw. '11i? h* j-rouiiitlT U.re-w
iiilo the ?tret I, and Ibu? pretaatatl wl.at might bate L<- -n in a
la.?? uifiiuaitb ? ?arltnta Orr.
.t .'. j), m. Tuc'dai n fire .-n- dia or?irsd na
tin-|irrini?< ? ?o. i.'4'i I'enti. bl I M. liu?--lhe?i I,
a i-ij-ar maker. The damage BBaSBlad t , BSOSl S A
Di I Mimi. .1. it,
Sh-.rtly after 5 o'elcaek s fire w? di coTsred at Ko?
lil ridgl ?!., Is S dn.liiiig.hi.i,?.- ifi-ni.ir.l by BBVSI?I ?aBi
li.uaage tofuinilure iiIi.iii! g.- o.
Almut 8 i.'eloek ia t BTsaiac Jsaaai Bang, Baa
I Iojti ii la tlie phot.tgriiph eel -tv , r pai I Raaaasv ker, as the
?bird fleer of Ka ti Tlirtfate. still lest tag ft an urtu!?
gallery aaaat a bsttle ef ai.-nh..!. ?ml la li? oonfuaioa
ed S Bght4?d lamllta la ti,.. Mur,?. /tU einl.i-tl.il f, I .?.'i!.
Bad ?? a lunn eut Hie iiiriinei? tri? inn bl.?--. '1 ne Kiln
Dru inn . nt ?sic snnB np..n iii? i.*..m,;, gad em eaded la
i.iiiliii.. / llie fire lo tl.r third llunr, which, w! ': ?' ooi lesta I
waa badly datftagsd. The las* sa j BMterUlg _ I
al-'.-il 11,000, ?aid lo br n'.anr.-.l. I
Tai -t roi..! ii..cr i? oc u|.ie.i ?a ? ?:~. ii.-.?- by rfaha?___a
1er, i- 1m .ila,, ri-i murd the lirai ttW a . .;, ?nrl
te.ti in ?? ...I.li.l.r,. ?e I ?, ? I. . '? |
lil? lorn hy water will be about I'-. 1 tari I for ?'i.rn.j ga
fbrnltare,mIoobandlaaroreatal i thgAalei asd latst
CooperCamnaiile. aad?^,00flea ?TlBe? ta tb Tredtem.?'?
i 'p.ni. The buildiiti' is cawtn d V". Hain lton Pub, and la
daatagaItotse amen?t ef ?J.MB. laaartd fsr I'.ikjo in th?
1 least] aud lireenwich Comiianir?.
FIB!. IM iVII.1.1 \ M!? IHHOII.
\ fir.* broke mil in IteftWO* f*>odg Btstaof Mr.-.
M r.-i'.r- t Kirrhm, Na 190 SontU rtixtk ii Brooklys, H. !'
abesl ?-' " - I ? k mi Wi iliie-da.v uiaii.l Bad -I- atri.ie.l tne. em.re
laattftk, woril li. too. ] nun ed la isa alagara Itanram. I oa
peat, Mir. Kirchea and hi r tim, abo ?.*.'? slri'iilag lu the
Im. i, teomol lae atete, had a nari.n ua i oa dealt bj
tieo, l.ni Un y n .ie re? bi d bj tbeeflici r. of tim Fortj -
iii.ini it iROM latyraaiBTi m- n Kbbwiot-?Abi
r*t.. i in KsaaB?Lata b? ?e. Baan --'ii." tsnaajrlsf ? .-i
?. i? i-i-i.i ti hy Superlnlendenl Ii.-inn-.lv nn ii. .
I Dries : rr) m.-. i LMii nt -.r \ . Timrot n ??< l'inifr,)
Km ttma ja? .. mi. t
?ir ?i kal OanrB No. ?);-.'. I APrtiv It ha .a ? ..-.ai i
the |? III. li. Ir.jl tl.e .f|,-l ?! I. a. |,e I, li,.. rill ..I
i? i .'itli in.l .'.at-e. ,i. na. : ti? . . .? Law af IBM ... araaa
., ,. n . ..: *.l,r ?. t.. -j ni K?t ord. r ii?,I.*. ,i la? Coan o| General
?. i-, tie nae? ni T'r I". .| le n.i J? ?ft Ko I sag ?ti.I lie
? ?? ? I iMenilmitt, Indi ted bT Ila I rr.M luir foi m Linn? ..I il.ai
I 'Die ,, . I.y 11.? Il- r. r !? a. ,, . ? (,, f ,.
? I.nu ., mt ?Hil ,i,| I tl.ere ,. r.. ..| ? . , a, ,i '. |, ,,, ,,,.
I I? r?a ...I, yet, n-.tll r- a.i.,-1 1 |?: ?iill.i.rilr,
I I.:, ii..n n.n.i it- i. ipi. lad ititi ra
. ? t^ lara the .| itali ua o ? Ij . I ti.
? - a m. ?,...... I. f .1 .' n , ' ? ?j nat-u ? i ..
.?-. li? I ? I a .1 ??.,! I a. va. ithv t . | . , . .
? I a. I.t.I ?ti p-ii.l ti r .1 : !? | ...'.. t t' .- 'I . r|..r ? ..
, i-1-, wi ? : ??? ?ithj t i la ., ,i,t. i-i. J in ?! ?rae i ?i ? rr
? ?..J ihr op. rat.'.n c1 tLr l??r, In nj.? [.....iieii i.tiTiu'trei over |
'I ,'.??? ' -e, v. l.i t J'f.J l> i.l r ...t?. r * . ? el ..t.'.er j
'a,? - . I I1 . S* te I a? ?; p.lcible li, ll,e .,. e ,.| 1..,.. |., ?ml lu , ,|?,
? -? I ti.? ' I bat. .1-.- i rtlerr. 1.1er?, I
?n? a i.f.i. rea) i re.I. I fas i I. i if .
lia- Jobs A. Ka? ? l,.,,i
I'AMr.L < ABrtSTKB li -, ?
A Vu' I I'M ti Mt i.',*:,.*-. , at ?fUaTdtll v.M'.. ? V. -
ti-r?; n afttrnoon. Tviiiii- ? part1 ifflresft
b. ii ?bti in l.'jwer Morr-tiiii'. ii rj haaa ..' u !-. !. .m ? t kal
:?) the iranien of aU-rmm nairn I Kulki, nad em-ii
ftb (t mer li..* fence Into tbe ?'.nil r, f..r B? !,?!;, wa? or?
dered i-iT i ) the |t,.ii aas, ? I ? Ihre '..1 i*, ihaa te Ont
man wLo trt'.pitted ?gal-i. 11.. |gB BlftJBIB Bl BSei n.-ll:-!
B l-jileeaiBl. u ..i.-i* I ,1 , . i. -, arl .?t , .'.iuiiltar.ia.
of the tl.refit?, ni tia aSrajBB, Bad CSBl a I II ? I 0\ "r la I
?traie with Ua trbmaaa a lae ?? '?? tai ad anea
lum a:..i !? hi hliu if he di.? mt I- .rr le wet Id tho .1 1 .
a .,11 I ,rn lo n lue lull ? .t II u
- ?' ?? ip it 1...? I-- ? i n. i,.
thiftg I. ,i I .? .?..ij. . i a :??.., t t|g !?.:?-? pri/i
? na lanmcBS* - . mi tu !
? i.thei ?I
. l.ii-i m i m n d i onld do i , .1 fr-.in :
w Fslka oa las apse He arm aewerat .rrerted ead
. ??? - .-: asd B I. 'I.l tn awaH :
ti.i i.r i:.d afgry. An isgeeel ass held ob tie ',< ?i it 3p ra.,
Bad a rt.-'Vut wag rmdeftd m aa ?ard.Bil wub ib* above I
? al?
Ad-reie from Urn. Sweeney.
'. ? ' ... .
/ Af ' n ', ?' I : . Htm
Hrothe?s: In ?? ; lti'in of0'ir
organ.zation I deem it my duty to address yon. When or
retted I erpectcd I would be immediately rclengcd, or by the
int?>rf?reneo of the prominent official?, cf the Brotherhood rte| ?
would be taken to obtain bail. In both case? I have been dig
appointed, and a aorere attickof sieknei? prostrated me io m
!.. ?-i-ipacitite me to addren v in ' ? fi n no*. 1!. ? I
cat.oni have* hcen stopped, even r.iy telegrama in cipi.tr,-.vi.n'b
I am euro gave no information to the captors.
Brothers, in my n?'it tflaW ?Ice ment which I tafe goon to
addrefs froci head narters, jem will tee the nece?slly of organ?
izing into military componicii. and ai:io that of choosing ?i
your lesd r? the ir le ? 1 ' ,:.. ?< ri?n -a ho are am? eg Tou f> r
all tbe positions where military I act and MfSBBMfl are MMt
?nry, beana:* in mia.l from our rec at BBpetttaM that cret?
in be (ihn. nt mott h-.ee thi ? armed and equipped,
an?i determined to u?e them proni,'*iy when called on.
Be nit diiheartened, my Brothcri; the lito movements of
our troopi hive proved cvn to our enemies the pr u t:r I ility
of my plans. Wert? it not f,r th? interference of Ita Cattai
B ii. -1. ?>.-. .icen: ? 'lin rill, no power which England could
bring to Ix-ar could impede tho triumph-mt advance of onr
kraft kaya t!>" result of w!?; ii paal I 11 that to-day the green
lag 0f< ir fitl.ers would fl<? i! A . '
Capitol, eadw/haldeaowt I at oradef.rrcdmovo
mint, woi.l 1 t.e n glorious gnccili.
I-igland to day, throt.gh her inercer.iry pr.-r?. MB WM Ito
tnrn thanki and appl.i'iil AM.-ri, iBthM BUMW iMci-.at.co
of the neutrality law. I. Mi-Am. n ia oil 1, or I
th.-::i ?I.? Inn o n.aitI IhtMtatVM ot'iciouH, tend aeroia the
A'l.mtic their kind api r -. i ktiot. ft rwtodg'
B m1 , bel the great A
tbe wai i 'i, will
not eit! . m !'? -1 md he ? mgretul itii
ttdt MAmertaaa oaVlal? the righi t.? ret
f. r .-i I I ? ' raia, to
BOkM t. ?.ni?! 1 i Ir' -', a- .1 .??; ' ,e ? roaM I di 1 ? . -I I Bl 1" fi.r
the failhfel and ehVieat pre . i ea the
Ani..in ia bon .i' moo 1 ? I Btlen ? ' lo coi
willi the abort, i i it, oo b If at 1 tbt B
a ed, retara Ibeta all, eoili ? I
tban_i lor their manly and ? I , ? ort of
ived i ? i pie,
Bi ?i! ?-r?. I ? ire of the ti poUticlaa, ind do
charlatan. I ' II " ' '? ? Uion II I ?...,. ilion of pi
It i? aottl a U ' I Ko
It Li the gol lier, I ?
ranee . f I oaoppoeedl md la favor of uni
vcra.-il ii
[b au your relattoos with men who may dil
oploioa on thl
: gaatleaMB. I ; pro. f reiMO,
m,.i log
mi the igaor mt. ia?- w. ii, md tha r'ln.h. Tha
i ? r .-? oi t! c old er of the l. i:. A. ibotld be lofty a
Inlerloi t.. none, hi- ml ?mn i? ?m graad,
. ; ; . 1. 1 by tho god of
ii. Me ,-iri.iin.l yon. my Melba k1 the re.Hy true - *
mallei i they ere beeeet All are aquel la
i, ir ", g .' - ?.:??!. I. ? r ? I , ... ,1 1,1
vi I gai ' . 1 ? thi ir. Barties, la
lion with aval
?a -ii?:i ?iib med - or this de
part meat, the fahr dtacbtoraef Brio ihoai i rr> Ida
la.? i -abort yoe to gaard, abertal a d protect
our noa i i ??'iv rful oi Never before III it
thi elevated poeitloe which t has at this iiion,e:.t.
B irivo way. It ha?
a del . ba, in proportl m te
: i ' ?t. und
?i ; Il ti?
11 Rag! o .1 van ,t mt fur
? nd ft a sid.
: ? . t> immediately turwai
Deparl .'?* poa
rai ? I.
t aad i red o? ' .i? ,-i.cii, preli <-t It a?
? ra? Mtr iti M sod ? oatrovi ralee,
rrei' . in fi,?.t,
If tb ii ? theil
led m to do ?t
? follow?ead tho pall
Bg mother will
!??? rep ti ' 1 bj a h do "i, l '
H roar?, Ac ,
1. AV 6?weekly Secretary of Wai I'.11.
lliMIM .
B0A1 BAcixeoa iBi tanin iiiib ibb iimi un
the lajfOBB II 1MB- IBBAI ia in BOBfl I BAB*
IHIK ? BBB-ffl Of Jl b1 OBBSBY AN' I -.
Bpscl?: L..;?ich tu ii? :. A .
Bo -n? n. TI unday, .1 ni? :, Ml
I:i ' ' -, tha Iii -t r. h.? -.'.'. ii.ile -.
a ?liver pt. !.. r-- I
been ?'-' u'lnnt. ?, M Ma ; I miles,
ii. op bto a ' r.-t pr:/e- '.la.o 1 I... r I inn.'iHi. lo
? ?.ni?. Si ip '. ..... M ne.l the a, ,-:, 1 ?,t ?/ .
i -t prize wi? won
r.tri liie .-. omi bi -I -.p I 1 i lim the third by
: ' ' - ' I
I bom - ? ?. i ?? ' "nd?.
T., li ? '?? ??? ! 1 r?.?
I el i i Uiver were amono: Ibe
aM ' ? ? It].
i ? : ? v ry i-ily won I y W ti r
Brown of I ? ' -I hatch, r, bealing
i 17 m. I ' I?
I ; Ita J !.:: \. A '
..ii;--. io. I'.' ...i.- ., bMllngl a
C. I! H . ' oof H
I. ' ; ? -. ? f gi. i im. n.
It. I im.. ?Ihn. 3 Diatai i Young Nep
? i -? 1 I ? Geo.
( . A\ iggii i,i 1, " lita, of N' r?Y< rk,
uni Ive Booti l St? n i loo i di tam <?.
? I lo- ooah ,?t vi three Bl joba i :?? ? -,
im! .. e tods on tho r. rall
?. i
I r wat na ta ita I al
i ? i, ? og the
Pia Ha m?. ..i i ,...t, v, , four or five lengths, rho water
w.u. rough, ? , ?aaa to ti i | orbit h pren led,
1 ? towd.
I ?? bul Mi?? owed to com?
bed? Iht i. -i It ia ] -I :., viiml wag
? '
'I be !? illooi Mend or tar
? -d * lu- it had iii i about half a Diile
it . v? |.h|,.,1.
.A i'M.. r ball.'?: Val li ...cir.il ?ml Mr. Kinir
I I. - i ..u: ty.
thring to the ? a i raia Mona i ?
lbs ' ? ? ? Ibe I ". ?! ). ? la ta
? ..di! h .v.. givi n
Meat lo ove IuO.huO txople fin boar aad a I f had te
1 !. ?? -a seed ia hall m hoar, II - dtooppointing nany.
At ii eli eui .-i'- .1 al the Music li.in j
before ti City I. ited gUMts b) thi
Urn ;.r ,, i,- !. ktbrop . t li..-t o.
?J? t.-.- i Ii , tmenl f the eily bad a Im
| || .. p,.*"** ?-a?I B|l| ? ' I .l"!lll.
?-- k ._ ?/ ?.?... .
iiAi?:,'/...'. V.'.'.'.a ofUi ? C1 whit of Codifiant
fa. btM v. -leidi?. _. "; -
Mr. I :. ' v\m m . .. report
Ti??i.. ? ii-?i. ,ti t<fll I Sl?'e
? '.;., ne- I .i-l ?| i.-.; .u lo Wuuai ti ..a .. . -.r?.l ihr !
? iuii , .. ?I :. ,.. li ?? I! A
brig, di? ni I.'I. Mu In refeft ; .ItSitaunal
(Ag? i ti? hh ? ? i? i io Id
j N. real t ? i n ? . . mt yt ,r r- ?. eel I"j n e u Thal lb?} have ,
Ii??J tri.!, | kearn r? i ? >? ii l'eue?, ti.? !
Li.?-! . ...n ? .enlleinai. ti e .1, it, U k ,. ? :. I., ?lie ( ?
B-d l.i ,:l. rlh? !.b. tri ?M nil <nl-n. .1 ii, .i.e. r r.
? a . a. te ... tra . i i
II the I u|l a " .'? -. I i .... i ? I I Ira I .
?i. k.? grail e en m ii- laptl I . I IM I
n ,. ? Bal i . ? : ? , , ?. kia - I -,|? -.ci i i i..-1 , I f n,,. n... wt ei
I p, ,, lil ' tiwi
i - . . . ? . , . t.
I 'li,, j ? ?i? ... ? 1
,.-'?'.?., ? r. I
' r . ? ?! I lil
'.'?" ? ? ni ?i?d
l ; . ! ?, i .. ?i? t. e I i ' jl.,l.e- c1 ti r a.ltal.l .?r
?li.. .1 ? . . . r ? t tin I . U) I t. el.t.ul ilel Bl .1.. I
mi ;?. rr?.
ii. ?,? l i ,?? ?? ila tom ? , th? '.in .?-? ti..- ( ?inn,, t, ?
l.av? .. a., i ,.l ...,!. . i,. .?,????.. ? rl| ,1 r rarrfally ', .'?? d
ti., r.l. r ' M? ?I ?' i das, < natal Ovaei ii er I I ? I
? . ?,. ?., ? l ? i .?. n . ?
b, l ? i ? . rial li e .,.!') . ? lai public ti ' .-? tt.
1. . i t lure li ? ? ? I ? ? : ?i ??1'r- ?> o vi. ga
Kimbri! I .....:i,, ..pi,;.-, ?lum ol the eui.?T.len?.I . r? ?t-itl, -, l.,eti
her .on- ,:? lew >cb avsl Iba eipaattog i T,?i:?i.? ?iel n.ti n.alional
i ? I ? I - ' Its n.r:.r?t I.??I? that
.- .11.
un.i ... ,.? .ii ' . Big ; rio . t til cr a .tnliii ta
i.i? ka 1.1 .!*. . ' i ? i ; ? ? 1 ? . iv ri. ?
i. . iel there?! I? i ??? t ta- .1 i ' IM teeth
?. ? -, Mt'. ? t.. li.... n. ti..- r le I--.;. . A I .! v. n . h i
li: h ??.
.. r. RcMtaa.
1 .??MAT
Therei ? , ttd.
Mr. ' , . . .t il..
..: r.r iel . ntltl i "A Bil I rei
.... ...
... ..
. ?
.Mr i.
N i .i.i, t ; a bai
' ' i li ? ai a..,, i ii.? - ... n,? i
i 1 ll.eCI
" ?? Iwli n ' badi < r-, a -r
?. ? ? . -' . .
Ri ,. A I . .? ?
' ? . r
? nth wsy, la Ihr pert of H i? I lu . an,I
il ?? ' ' el ??ill li lit ' .1 le u ?u?
i! Undi i i ! ? ??..., n- I t - Ibe - ? -a I .?,.-.. I. ; i I
???,.' ?i g ia .
irse? i i . re 1
I? '? ?? ia.?ic? ?i? Japan, ?.
I ?? ... i ? .r ..'. . ti.? Su..it? ii
' .? lae
1 - ? I. '
theiiSAin.-iki ItOetLeithy lulbvrUM tMt)-i!| a. .... ....,,,,., ,,
tararla, ir, ' ? m i, !? '.he pagMBt of auld r. ? I .lion. ?? i
-. rtul _i J coDitneti'ial m?a. r ti uf thi.
/..../? i eretoiMeead leielatleM be i th?i ti
i- I ..l-rv. ? mil RepreientiitiTe? ia Con
ar.Rfnnl f, ?lowing re?o!a!io:i, whtih was
li a li- I Ti li i'-? ( '. -i - ??? Bl ? f the ?-'it'eot Mew Yetk
?re grat?n?.! tu :? . psatla| in th? ( oi.gre?. of th?
Uuited Sturt lor weiring uuiformitl in ib?. p..iUl lyueiui of ih?
diff?rent BaHooieflh? -MM I w?rH, by de.'ir ? g thvt I1-.. h?!f
uume?? ii palsihsl i. r | ???( ii pi rpotet he J.eied ?i.J Liken ti
Iba r.|iu?a.ei.t .t |5 grammit ii Ile nietllc wrigni, and hope lliat
??Id bill n, it lo pa.aed into a '?w.
Mr. Omit!, from the F.xrcntivn Committee, reported Hie
f< Lowing auit-ndi-eut to Article V of the By Laws at BBS
Cham! cr
" If th? f. e. of any rec iii cr ir , ?.ii BOBBM ' r ? lena rf two ye ,r?.
tht nan 0 of > kia ,iefsa,l. .| ne ii. hi i may ov ?tricken fruin tie r. .li hy
the Eaeeattet Cuniinittee.
The amendment waa ?..Inpte.1, and the Chamber ad/Va-ncd.
Bnae Ball.
(iiviiv ran m nooma ly m ni bumob,
Tho m?atisgaf Um Bank?aa ni Ita National?,
yeal? r-hiy. proved to I" (?nita an event in tho nacafa of the
game, it being made tho occasion of tho greatest ovation in
the wey of a reception of a vinting Club ever befors kown in
the city or in the b:?t. ry of 1.the bull. It was expected that
Hil V.\ Lsomo thing" in the matter,
but notliioir rf ?o extremely liberal a.d bBtaMal B a character
wiw ani ? led the daya' ? r i ?diega.
The pr> litamiiie iiulided a " eocial drive'' from Brooklyn to
Fort II ?milton und Halb ami back, ?'..?pp.
vv O.I to flew tl.<; moomin t ...t ? i raton the great ball
pliyerofli i i I thtoexeanioa waa MntodoM to the totter,
liri" ??1 ti ti.?) A ; r Houioat lu
n. m., and nil >ri:y afterward tiiey started With ! I irriat-es
RTled witt ti r i"..-.'-? and rroesltg Falt?n Ftrry stotptaIt
fr??nt of the l ty Hail, tuo whole party paying Mayer Hooth a
vl.ot. 'Ho v ti.cn vvei, taken to Fort Ham,It.m ami aft?.ward
to Bath load with a cold collation by
IhePaeifloCI ! ralea tamswtrd they
titil dGi inwood, driving , eat etty ttthe dead,
.nil ,i lol -i Fan Brant
\'.'y. ,...ti',. i|. ;i Heveateenth-it. gtlatta
recipient < in the, v.*y of du.;, gt Be.,
., t ".it ia ti . m1 m.
.ah." . in 'ni of ? ?.'n,!-iieiita. the party sterl '
fur t:.i- ( ipltollne grout.1:30 p. m. became eg I
in .1 ; . ' -" ofipectaton
i ? i
re ?i L? t.? ai.
? t'..'match, ti." vi Itorgwerc * iken it: etrri.irei lo tho
i Boally brtogiag tp .t I .-?
i . '. .
- ?
- found thern
ttbe Aator J
Minn they lind . ? r
u : i ore ? ftbe :
I \AI.OXt_. (I K.
3d b . j I Parker. .?I b. I ii
Crane ?Mb.j ; Herthroog, a. g.i 7
?V..I. It, ?-. f. -' ? li-ttb, 3db._ 4
I ggett, c . ? ! William?, p . I I
Urania! J. p. ile. J I
.. 1-! !. .i i Hodges, lil ii.i .
Mi .i.i ia. r f. I ...II
- ?. - ?. Bud ly, L I . i '
If .Ill ..ni. tal. I ?)
Ititi. '.'? M 'Iittal...H HJ
? L3d. it. -ti 6th.7tk Mb.Ml
F.xceliioT. io ii ?I -I f 7 o i 1?41
1."l?i | .-, :, (j ., 1 J?X1
t'mplr f ? I '-'?'.
I an '?on.
'1 nu :. i i. : . - . . ,.
i ' national, I.
OataaKoala- ? ft?oesi Batieaal ittoMa
A n i ?m Taeaday Itsl
? , . V\ . '-'JM "'? I !" '
rat interrupt?, m I
, Lio., . o lal iilitf, --' In;
toa Union againit I ti i : . .Viuoi. n
LX10V. O. B
Mirtie.Mii. I I
? ! ?1 1
?? mt'. IM I) . ...... 1 ?'
' .. > .. 1 I
Pit ker, !
B rrthioag, i . ii i
Baili '. t,. 1 i
Willi?-?, c. I 1
Fog li.
lab ?r. p. I 4
ii . ? ... :i u Hird 1.1,0. I 3
k1, I .-in, i.l .1 I H.i'!' IB, 1.1 .... J
'.. f : V ' . : i.l li . *?
A-..!!,'c.f. 3 '-I Au.-tin. c.f. I 0
Total. II el Tata . -? ?
1.1. M M. Hb. Iii. (?til. 7th.
Nil.on-.I 0 I J 1 1 0-8
Cunio.I I '-' J 1 1 6?22
D tatrt- Mr. Dar ? i f Ita Battbtor Clah.
> . - Mt iel a. Morrtooa : k ... r.
'!.'??! |
1 ,)i..?.- "... b1 ia?. I?
Aoirva aa uibbibub
The latan gtsM betatM ttaM Cltbt aas Mated at tue
Captto lay, which resulted in the MeetM
kottvei ?? ktloggamtef tcuwuiiiga. We give
' .'lu?
?CITO, i. i- im. -tiiii-i. . i.
- Jil!.. J :. Afurtba rf ....I 1
A ?r !. rwaken, cf.. I ? ?.I I
-.n. t. I. T '. Le iel . ? . II
Hatflekl.c .-I J look. If .SI
Morand, Mb. i Jewed M b .i
Koa?, r;i orawea, J<1 b . 4 s
.. " i' 'li. Int b.' I
ll.w.ai I. 1. I . . ' ill ' ??? o. I. t? i
Walker, p .j I 1'iukham. p . 0 6
Total.... M W' Total.M M
I.l :i M . M 9th. lOtli.-Toia!
AMite .... I . i . I *_ 1 I 1 '*?-'-?'.?
linterili?. I) 1 3 I 4 i 4 U j t-H
.n f me Alteaban
k elive, 14 e. m
- M .-:? Il ill el m.! I ... '. -
('HtiT'iN .QCiai < I' llKI'.tKriIK.NT?.A\\'AI!I) Of ( ?OB?
nuc?- \: . ' ? ?terihy mo.niii-'t!n-Cr.'ton A'l'ic
.ni -i ir !.-1 aab MM I
foil.. 11 l 11':...i a tala etta Bewarf eai
al.it i ., .,.,! m, -i, .i?, i t? I i-. Beady M aarfMBaaal
bait, un??, i - - i lal ? rtttaaich ?t?..
M i" ti. .- i.i:-t.led to I!. !'.
Bn 1;. a! _ ! ? p. : line?l f.H.'; time, IMhiv? St v cr iu Chri.v
Itali c1 ?waldi'd
'?li - ne II Uair. Sewer
in \\ i : \ ?t- . oatrad
|l I . ? : lae, i?' .Mt?.
Ita,, -11' rty-etgbth-tta., between
I ,te ? ? I 'r "'
-, .er in Cllrf-il .
i, tweei i ''?le.l to li. y.
pei li i. .1 I.?.11 - leWM in
. kVM . ' ?n
t. ne: i?arded to It Coaablan al |l I pir lineal tooti time.
ith-ave., bet? th ?ni Fwent]
geaaaid tawardi I it I I'.'!- , at It per hueak
Burra ia 1 Cobrt-Ro ia ? 'v i la * wklilla agwl
M mir in the '1
Pulke Court vi rdi ttoi t to beiag
? and ? .Tr.-c
Mea, m ipt ??? ? , -.linement. she wa?
. ..... . ........ mu i min rcA?m wai'at
Mm cleared by order of Jaet-M Dowimg>. leaving ol!. sf w
te n; ? teal ? 'i-.-ut. Meilii i! cul
? . the t mm wai.. ?
liveredof a tlui b ? I. li itraoger was daly ebriateotd
" Ami'. ?' ' i. ii. ? titi i a well soi li i i f tho
! .- ?'. a !.
Ton . Pi i vu mi- ga.??T ?il ta
CI t hi ? - re - - .?
I ? lil.S row? nid
tall.? ? -? I i i r- I... ?. ! I I."
?I ? ii i ? uRv ? i a ly ..i..ir.i?.i Mora ead Faacata
i . t?i i. I- ..i li.
V.'i; v i Mu. ( la UK BBABB
. . t...
?. ?
? i ? ? ...
? /-. . i..,.
'?? ? m ? i - ? .- ab tauaaraa
I;. '? BLAB ni? OWB IbFOBMBBi lifffftalttf ff
? .Bh? n. te Juar i. ?nu au.l i .?er
:?!?. y rlei ?: i, M -' . i"
( .i: r g*t Kcit?.i kan Wah M.vr.
J . I I'.I Ir ..SO,'.
'..iii. ? ' '.', in
(. AA. *. i H i ,. ,ro> 1 ( o.,
, i-.' W li , N V
mittlTI Mitte?.
Mc", i . IffAlB Hi 'ii''- talBHI Wakd?
I ittc t-i- i. m - - ?!-lu vni op Omi. <>k Til???Tua
. *? ?lii.iK-l. ino?t leehlSM use of
? ? ?. io ?i. .t, ci tarni m tbn ?!i
i .,.?.:. i.!..? in.unii.ar. The follow
? ? n ebtalatd At the boor
\ 'li/, a ptiatM by trade.
M tod Ktrea
I tiniidiur at
ki int.. ik crowd
? M m Me..; ....?it ? Miner What
I ? I! h?ve enter
? n. h? i.id know ike raatkrt
IM, uud
It la dis .,..,.. tor thi ?nt lu oooeeijaeaeesk
? i The fo'le i.iimta
of ii... ? s ?but look effect : 1
(yean lived two hour?.
II - , I '. a.? ?hut. Wkllkao.
M .. ..?'?-, id 01 . T ihol , li uni l
1 . ItS. Hil ir.ct. .) k1 ,. .'li gig
1 katoa B irgi i. scad iii
'?n- ' 1 I ? -.foiittud. n Tcrv luv?. aL.l
...... the!
an . i, ?i. 1 I m a 1.I-..I kag '.>?
foto Jw 1'n. Morth and \ irmond
d.?l Uti , . .'lid to muk.. ? rnfortul'le.
( . I ....... .cal M Ita 1?. ly ..( t! e
boy, li i wm ihotoo ihn otorolag ti ti.o
BX h: V. .1......? '? ...it al |b? M .i?, li _._-l? I a.d 1, gOU III.,
Il ?). A large BBBI BBS of testimony waa talan, wliiih rrorcd
, ively that tie shootm,, eui done by Voll/, tnt fbere
a? m bo i *, len s m te Ile n I ,i?
Alter J ... r i.,, .1 ::."!.ry ,-i.tarr.edtt verdict Inacco.'diiBia
with Ihi ? . ? ? rtpt , g mi i ?ed
- ei.ly Tail to i wait tl.e Battloa of the iiraiiil
I in. Iba |ir:? in.* did n, t -! nv l!.e t.. um?*, bstit.vt. .1 ti. _
it a II a. , : i BtSJ, i I I f?, ''
li rgrf, who were eh ? .._o bj th? taino n.j
main m u pria.ii lou? coauition.
Horrible Brutalitt to a Cimr.?On Tueaday
nirht a man named Aug-ust GoUman,re?idir.g at No. 40 Whip
pleut., aboba while In a ?tat* of lntotnatlon. took hi. little
-terrvon, aged 4 year?, into the cellar of tilt reildence. m1
without uti ftiilgaed cants, heat lim la a most cruel ? ? -
(if! I man .iterw.iiii tnt.'i theeh?d to the atti-?, prol ; il? r?s'.
I ? . ? .'.ii, .id, ai.Jb.il i| ?Hay aii.uiiir ?onie r??*?au.| .ntl .ali.
? 11!,. n- -i- il. -r?, be?li?i nu- thst a murder ha?! t - n .. ?*?
mitted. inf"r:r,e.l ii",i ? i> 1er of the Fortv-tiith Prei I .f
ti""" . v -altrd theil te nnd
found : ;: -d above. He tliexa ?nr-t-i i,,
man, who ? ?arrala lati. ?? Wiii-r
iu default el w?a 1. lb iva? M .mitte?l io tho County ?I?.I
A TOOM WOKA! Sl.l.KlNti 1.VIDBSC3 ,.?:.'
n**SK!.l'C-KR-A m ... I A.i S I Ml Ia BBB ?TilBtT ato AT A
I'' ' .Si.tno,.?TIbl tjamt ofil.it ; --rtioti of Jerioy t_ly
lyiUiT Bl the titi:.?ty of Grill a-n! Yan Vorst-ita. and tho
?'..ltion WM ilatnrl ed yi -i:asy afternoon hy aeiug .lar
scene. A yenni? won an of ? urlag appeeni i
?, ii - . :i to mai I v
ti ro.h'li tin) tiree:? : td by two bob m ?
t ker. Ike fug ii. te funftled
ker Btepo to the poliee ststion, wi., ? refuge, >'..
ii an '.mir protection fr.m the men vv bo w<-?/e> IbbowlBg 1er,
Ose ef las awn aeeaeed the girl tt eeantairai lu hunte iu
flrasd-Bt. and atleali g a dag ireotrpe, whJeofs > had la Ni
1 uni .it tl.e ::. .. EaaTga UlraJtlug tin re wai
:. re ti.iti ibii in tl.e case qn I ri'l, ?benn'.' MJ
and ditlBgeaaSSI manu?r that rariied
rr aalemeat it sp;? in thal abe
resides ia Kaw-Yorki that the formed ?? aasaataftaa ? aeeal
l8 morthsaiio witii the .na of th..- -)f ti.?
theftst the pattate, a ? -I Isr, The reeaN ? I
.ni abe it tau moalie
nae Lvstthelnflaatonlylitedtobesixwa Isold, Hcreer?
laing toitukeanvr?paration Ii l\ ? .rr.? ?"li no 11
' '? all
asd obtain ber i 1 . To ir vi t this lia paies
man al srt.inl. d. Dei er ii. i ned not to b) fulled, tin* (.i ? I
the eerekeee c1 i dttsetlre to rre.?t, and tia i
aekadtota pletare of the fugitiva to aid bim In b.s -.
ia .fciaey City, of the pun nts. t h r ?e.lue.r. ?bramall min n
t.na to the Mest*, aeeared tie daft ni rrect-type ?i.e wa? m
search of. a:.d was about to make I ?.
- : ii., i, mother, lister, and a BftB relai.tr, n.ade aa
r w:ttl tlie View to tt ir-ia p?)sarc?aloe of
turo. Hut tho ?ni fought derperately, sad I i- il; ii
B letalaad Iba pieturo ?ml ninda
.;.'. 1 lie officer bel.ned her ?tiry, aud thoutlat ?lie
? . laic the picture, even if ?he . i! ulitained it itVrail y.
Hu therefore sent tue men about Ihelt I. i-m. ??, provtdi ?I ti..
liri m it'., an e.ai.it to ti?tam, und "ii at pictiiri '
by this time in the hind? of the Jetective. It is to La . ? ?^u H
uni he the means <f bringln?, the ciV-ader to J. .
nv Bi.i.so i:t.\ ijvik ni 'a B?BJBftVa? Ta ?in.?A young: maa
nairn .1 W'.hiam Henry, re?.dingiu n.-raey City, died y- ?tri.lay
fin-.i t!ie effect of injurie? rece, ved nine week? a-.'., by being ron
, a Hain of tho Sew-Jen-cy HailioaJ, at Went lind,
B City. Daeeeeei, ia coaijany with s boy named
W.:i.l abl r, was aamSbSJ the track ia a Tagon at tho tune if
: '? Bl thi I .oin, t.te
. e ??ne
i .atmil? kiil.'d. and tho yvngon literally '' shivered la ?| I i
ier?. The DO lre?(?p.'d with nota lew Uifliag ess
t ii :.?, bo) li : i a is I-..*in Jj ii.jn. ?!. Hu ?
oneihenldn bon.? brsfcea a Saab Bautet ed, aaiaBS
foot sol atem ituipuuii un In ibis
ttosdittoo he) llngei I for nina weeks, wheo d?te*h tera ed
. u-*-e f-nr?iil in the extretm*. fases
ll.i.ry had itived honorably si n ftSriabaf of the Union foi Ihres
.ia!', be Rfrstted by a arge m
tie .if Mandi i ?? te?en! will ukeplaeeat 10o.i.-tk il m
.., linn tl.e raaidaaoa ef his mother Clifton |I.T.4?,
Hen,y ii a? tin ftl . i *. i u- of age, _,d un ?.a: i led.
i.m? ?i ship Hemm
'..! ?:,??.. ..'a ii. ). Baplgnta. UtTAtia l8 day?, ?iii ? .. ? o.
II. J vVraWg.
Bark Apollo | Nor a.). Malton 1 ? ..ndlBW
:. M m.?n a. v. ya Bal IUrtha n g the
i*..r?: '...i, st. J?, : ..r *.ov.ivorii
'. I
Bael CioorgiV.? '?>' ?"?'t- ?'??! ?"? N- B.). Foi? .r. ti.af,?. i.Od.T.
with tugu ? l .?'..-. ft Co
Birt to-l?al h (N ra i Jannn. ?orJe; x 44 A:y*. ?iib wine, ftf .
tia -. I i j- .dr.
I'ng liowarJ, S:,iit!i, Neuvitei 13 iLii, nilli i pt to M. t. if It
B ?Baas'
brig O. IV. Barter. Freeth??/, Hnrtn? IS dar?. wi:h?uj?rloThrir.B?
?I'M I-,le
Mng Nrlii? Aolriui. UalLtce. Ne iT-.tti 11 iltyt, willi a igar to I'rch
S, I lim i .
Brig VS.,:!i r. I' ? ? i? (Pi Baa.), t 'I ? 'n ai.j ?, ?l-l
roa??*A-f>f>d (o 1-iinetj. Mein, le ft. U eri.lt.
li i Ban - ? lui IVr.euro, N s ). i ?id, Cette Hattys *?t? ?'?a
resallas i i >?
Brig John ghaQuita, Smitb, Ultana 8 d.iyi, wiib n.olanet t?
M rr?y. Kain? ?v. Co,
: kj in? ? w rthlngtoo (Br.).Deiamt. B-eBai (Ittail Mabeav,
ni'., ma'ioau.*:?;. ii., to t. Alex iiidre i B*4 . i.?ft no Tr??el?.
BiigZarpbyr I fM-tls N B.), U< . .-. i?:., ti?: f. .gis IS ilaj?,
a?it'i a nar t J I". \\ i -.. a- ft Co.
Brig Meta. Praga?. Ha? .' *??/?, with ??gat la .-'i ? ?n ?V '.'!.??r
B I r. SI ir? I.oi.ne. Uhm 1. tVaan ,'i/n, N. C, d iltyi, with L??al
?t- te- *..i iiioai? r.
rtcbr. A. A. o ni .. :??? , (Jan?r? ? I-.lay?. ? le^woce,
II BaekttS i r
.? .,r. I. ev, tleoi.-etoiv i ' '-j ?, willi nat?!
"? II. Ill II W11.
?Ua? II i- I .I R, .?, .?idtvt, w.t.i i. du?, 4.- . o. Bra
; era k n.-ba. i.
K?.:n|. ril'r ! Jehnwn.WindVor, N.?..'.Id?yi, witbl!?-?!??
toll. J. DeU ?| v i ..
', ?it |?l Hal i,i t . irlo*. St t'.r.x It dan, with ?utir run
... ". ?I. J Del',,, | J, t ?
Sehr. Mar}. ??'.,?...,. t . ??r hty?, l.i Bt-J >? a..'li BSSbB t.
ne ??? r.
.1?ht "-[en.--i.ti lo a I m o ?.
las "?:? r I'araei. P.rliir. Virxii.lt.
HlaaBihlpt (ira. It?.art. .- ?) "leiirat
M'lllillN, Vc.
Jura I in lal. W I-i '. n: T4 ? I - P "-?., ...... f
frotiiu-otowu : a.! well. H?J IJn b'l ?. .?am. ail .. d S bl ? . ?
i ... ., .
IVISP-At ??.!?. e' S ter?' j''
rpilK cr.ADI VTK11?.
I (ti nnniig iffiini ?j mi tiBSim.
. . ?ty!? . ROI III l'Ai" 'er I.?St.?
?ml Mirar? ?r* I ir.ad .- . lilt I . I. \ III * I Y ! It ran I. I ?al
?i.inn .el , r a ii oil oat In M . ?? Pftawla, rl.? k /uti Drtb C?elas?
?ltd hut ian Milan Braid?
111 Ml
No B4S Proidniv. nrtr I.
bhs I
Bo. Its BUih ass, BamTeaSsaS.
f . 1 ?" md?l. | ]?... I ?? ?a te ali?,
1-, te. I'.'- i j.-filly E?pc?a l . ' '. D , ?l-l . un?anle?
? . . .".
MkRKKT .-WIM.s BANK, Ko. -J M aaasa .<f ,
Srw Yotk.
..,?.ICI.V IV. 'Di'N,' -\ .?n. .-.:. . .i ? goad ?' tea rata c4
U!X PEB CF.NT per ?i (frerrfll latnaoat lal) Bl Bl ?Bemm?
?-ie:?. w brpaid. it?loftef I la i:
lutrr.?t no1 ?Till :- ?. . lie?r i ?r.-I ?? 1 im-i,'?'. r-nm lal? L
W rl. IAN .NAMK, Pi. ?bSbw.
Ilrtssr B. Cobb ?< .- ? t-r?_
/??O to MbCPABLAND*1 riaaft rkora, tornei
Vil?' i m? .?.. -.t ! lil U.. NKW
BOOKS ? I ?'i:i-i?rd Worti aud, tito, chailty?
Unghal. I iei,,. ? - ?:?? jn.-rr. ?_
fJO TO THOMAS II. AOKEW?, c-.vivi'.h and
A M : - v ,, a lag 1? ? : rl ?-., Ki?h. lioor ?nat
eve.-ythlli. ?... - - 'er-li?! ?na- ? ,n Nela Y..r. line nrlre l.otioa.
KTI.r.l 1 ?v DEUOUEffl ? rJEWINO-MA
BINE, a i . ?nu. TI I? n.iriiinr hat row a
famulBttiiro'?': ti.ei??t,tia. o,.......?. ?. . . .. , .,-_
? ?!1 k.l.Jj ef ftmll? ???'ng. with ?I tl.e drtutbr Btt
., tun. b ' ? '''" ' ? I. ',::e- ' '" '
Du . in t 1 Se-J'.e?. el ? ''? ? ? i ?. til ?
"?V.r. ? w i^aX-aMt-D. MOBt.T, No-rri
Broadway ?t. . ?. ? ?- aa ltd __
, ., '- rlMl R? - IA ll'ST 1
1>l T o\ a i .H] N (?I'I'm . MOMKNThyans
? 'i ? ? Bj - ? a, r a -? , i t ir, li,?, t Irth.
- ' to sanier la sa ln"?i.i? win
n. aer i' ' v.r. IDIKb*,
a tori r AlitIV aid NAV?.
la oidrr lo I.t li.? pal ?t meta
|i Odt, W? Olfrt to I ,i Mriptnl
I .. - - I . . -. I'l.lil,
4-V . la.. -I'.- SHI'. I a ,
r . le A-of)!'. I t 1* l t>\ ? ? i : ? ; e ? I . I?, Pul.lt,
\ ettt asd Oemteali g1 li p-rt,,? Ali aVteiiplite Bal '?? u>
ii tin I. a * BJ ?..?ii on
?IM 1 i ?Olli l..W H IVftTKINB .?a/le A ???til, No. 4 ia
lliidvaay c.vrner t ? ?-at . New l-l? I* . - |. Ne ti-Ml I lr??a
.,? lb? ititertiari .,' II .. i... lo yatta SB?at
H.a. i w i , at ?n.i'Uil! BTAaOS ht I'Mllit i KNTKns,
? OUI- lliltlf e? ?. .1 Tetv . I .mienta A I 'f. I ?
. PI II ft !.. I'n. I. K Ulli :-l ?Mi
IV, th tlieli i i: ? j ..... i I'lNi.N-, DI .??Mil ,Ld iKA SKTB.
MAB BLE ,ASt> B lei.teJ pii ?a,
?nd O tal ul a I titter -.'
_ N ' " ' BrocBBB.
.?'..r.iuuitn'? ..ie -- . uri?, h.i'i. l-i (.r'.n. ipi? and tut'oS
?r - ALI. Oa:" . !'H_M
xl'Rt en the BACK INWABII ?ND I'PWABD ?I D'il tilt-?
i-l'HES tie :?!? ?? : a ii . I' i "'? ir?*.
IVUIli. ? I Ait.M i-..I r ? n ?? - ?
Hil? I'lOpiil tal?.
No te? ?i.?arat.

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