OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, August 08, 1866, Image 8

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1866-08-08/ed-1/seq-8/

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we mm^ m F.r?-(4LMv.
Ir^Mf?tay ol RriW? liar? ->iii--ng
:iic Riot.
TMr-yViHHT ? .: ?(I?V
R(-|?ll! lo lill*
i It? : nt?
M',?!^!^ (t Ti,. GGK.ENTIGKISTS.
Bm Riel . ' Viewe? i.y fin Eye
S-Vt.nclf> frene. tie Kew Orleans Tapers.
BBatrlatrert ef mttm. tbiridsB'i I>??pi.t? Be?.
-Bt*?a*l PiefBM U Ita H Y ?.tosas
' ? ? , --.?ay. Ann:?t
'[ |a a. t, . ., ..(???
iased'tpit'T? el 0? ? teeto Jil /
?ted . ? - ltOMs_r/
?alala ?- ii : , * ' .
tty ti ? ? 1 ,...".::! ? (i- If. Many
ef ttn (rta ..??'?- ? ??? Ita m
k.gh ia pawn ,? i-iy ?ny te? place Ita
-Oei.( ?.?.-!( ato j ? >?' ii.?- Mapa
Usa. Grai? i tela apt? . I? .
?toe o.?pat? h wat? a?dMaasd te fa
My bl il ?Inn.?' ? i ? ti. Dp to a
??t? t,???.,, bt?na .ni.. l aan ? ? ? I
rar to vfy.fs Ita : ? ? '? -, ?til
? ?Oheg(i.(r;T ?up"- I ?'B'? l.ol'orrcu alni (bul
ti?? . ? 'l . : '"i:"l;?
IB? ???play mt Hebel Slag?.
???.ail ..-??-h ?o TI? N Y T.ih.iir.
s'. BaBBaaas To*?d?y. /??pu?! i an.
The I? Ho?tag ?!"? alltapntah to ti,'? lo.mi tu'in Tat
Tlilhl ?k B"ir? ?-.: riNfV' ?. e <.?-k, i? re
- ?ived to-ti-f!? M 10a]. The fact ?fa label Cog L.iving
? Bern die* laved ? n ?he dsyof the not, 1 an*, 'o'... i? gener?
ally i.dmui? n ? i Man?
???e-n? on that fatal day:
NlW OkU-A?s, ?iSg. ??- Mr ?"...*? li ? ; ? i mt
i.rfttlerate tia.'ir s?..i be OnsSB te hythe J ?
??Uatifed it before Hie hi ?litcry Cii.ii -- .?. .1
? af money Luv? bet n oBered Lyi_tere?.teil pall ? ? :
the reports from t' ?? city, Im-on'rovertilile evidence- of
? t ?ab Ik: had if BtCttltiy. T?B BMBB IMIImuBI
st trvirt worthy gentlemen now on -nord l??-iore :! a Military
Danksttoateni Dal l bj bbbbbvtaetesdti heisg
-, tOaajgfi uni toil ha bbmbI ??t Ita
Ali*? tile? sf the i-rtseeaere-Iis Pit??? aa ike
?p.?u '.?ii.it ? Y. Ti.bane.
WA"li~OTON, TatadlV. A Og 1, i?ti*>
A t*ai.ilem?i), ?ii.,red to-uight from Ntw-dilecir?
v Mute (bat Dr. Pf'?'??, t?ft?r lie was ?tot iti .1 ? i
II BM Mutely BBlitelH and Lot lecogt.ua bit, ?hat Got
' Wahr, stated that ?Lie being hsnled to (he prison, L? w?s
?m?. i .iii (inver snd the crowd !h: ; ?.. low? i.
Al tee Stat io) -Boura ?-0 men wore crowded ??lo a eel! tliai
was in'cid? ii for 9 O' tLe number hBBOfhl m all ?ere
?Baaiiy beaten or slabbed Ile estimate* OHM li.eie ?ere
nearly 10.?W hy?: Ba?l eai$ ,n Louisiana, perbsp? halt ..f
them ?.?'i.ii.f : iii? i|?e?liei;t for tbta f'oiuention to meet.
John T. Monroe rr? portioned bj T a I're? dart Shoal the
|n?t< i M..; . - . Had ...? pantos ? ? radi day ot
kuti i ? would b?ve I e? n nade a. poa
hly might have piereuted ?t. I he efleit sf?B the ui?>Mls
t?f N? wOiK-aii? ss?? the wor?t. It gt?<e 'he tal]
that 1.0 tcau mind lu? i? bad ni lo Le a ! of tin- pall al
PrtndtuMsl tnenry. Thuggery renunsd ?" ana
Mayor Monroe s.irroun.l.d l.?tr..e!r at oi.ee ?hh a p?ltea
taree composed of that governing . :???? ?ho bud been
MM?m?niy dis]aer?>4d when (len. Mutier i-aoie. Had-hen.
?1? btti. in the c.ty fit ihe tim.-o' 'be lind May ni Monroe
?rauld ..ave been r.rrested aud the bioo'lshed arolde?'
? _. tiodus fiom ile South if rn.??i? (sid V
ta-kiiies in ant i ?.i pa u'?n of similar ???!?- aaars
l?t5aKt)r.g busineM.
Basneviaai ?terrr.pen.-rmt
teeperl ia Ike l'r??idrs?
New-Obi ?_???. Tne.d.y a-.?- ?-a
The following ?onvipondecee is p 'n'??lui!
His F.j-i'lhi.t-u. J', inm ?I A*?bkiw .l0H?ko.M.
Bib Yo.?r I__(-i-lle_iy in already in pOMUBon of ths
Main ftc'.t in regan! to the conspiracy v hh ?> I" re? ?nug
the Convent ion of l8?. I ?pnrpeood i" - I -v.-". the 'ivil g?.v
?aumer.t of Louiiaiiiua. An ???lonna?! me?'!,rig ti '-"-' mea.
tstn. TV) being the whole ember ??d ?fi a ?fnanUB pro?
_ee?det! to depose the President of the Co
who considered the (''?iiveutio- itali c-itiiact and hiin.e I
aitbout fuuetion? ol office, and t?> elect B. K. Howell ?s
?Freside-t pro tem. They sdioiiined :<> ii.'-.-i igaa_, aud a
yi?-aclama(ion was i??ued Lythe ProslOant ??ro tem i-??n
roning the Contentiou to meet on iii?- TOiii ?>' Jtt* last,
and direetiug Hi? Etcel!eu<-r ibe Oove-i "r <>f Ita ? ? ?
toiMi.ue ? nu ot stectioa to lil! ? a?-?).? aa,
?Bo far Ibe whole matter ?a? teehsd ?.pou as a
tar m leis experiment tliouf-h mischief wet ii teadad, the
peoBito being conhiieut tlifet. the t? pot on
. F?r??-en?l to notio?* th?-.r proc.ainBtt(?n, snd tt:ui .n ease the
atkavention should comm.t any act <>i iiitsTfaianss. Le
would at once bese it liepMytid. Uutornuiately, how
?sei after a lapse of nearly a month UmO?t?i*b :
ants of eleciion to ST np -.1 ?neaneto? B 'hat kntty.
This doeuweit. to nfe iii tha >?-. e ?sr. , ; ?
fWaed to girt hi? at',e?t?!.ou under tn? M?l ?>! stale, ?r,#
j, iMood under the atti.tatiou of the print* ?,(
p tatt jftovernor. The [?e?.ple ?i the Otate ta?MM a
e alan no dour-t could b? entertained ?? t<? the ia?t ihai
?^tajOeir Chief M?_:?t._te bad g.vtu eil?
?Mea? to subvert the Goveiumeoi, lue ptnasB i
-iv1lr(_ ?is ei^-seiiMy iuirn.'e?! to hil \tptu\ng.
0_>rt(laV fie i:t_?pt 'Jil'?-, .? tar.*? ? ujwi?-.c,. ?
le th? hall of the HoiiV ol itepreaeri (taira pro
BMtta adroee?*- .*>?..?.?-:?-*?' ?? firs.'.- '? ?la r-i -y ??* r-?
-?rganizi- lui ths BM ? ? I M ? I
ttep followin.. 'IneoWecl'" <?f fc? BMSHl <->??' ?ice
th? paMioas aad pre/,dee? t?f ?B coliref pop It U M
na toa.tke C.e-u the vie'i-M "' a riot he onj
gieadlong io'o a co.-.et wi'_ ?_? .St?:? n 1 V ;'-i-' tm so?
0 <?n the other '?anJ ne w-r- L-rtafta led to ? erenl riot
aad l.Jood?_')'i hy f ? I ?A coane m w<?\ I b?t_->
she dt-s.gui oi lahmt Bf teton Ont rested/, sad '\ ??'>>'"
Ssme.ly, niait bo b.r reOOUBB to.tbO u.ial procssi o> I?**
?rea thoa to pro ?sd in oiah knuM-HS MMtatan .> "'?a
the r?*p.i>-!?.-j..?'.M of si! coll-Aoa wSatevs-. iV1*
?rase was auhatitteJ to th? ? i irj> fay ths A * tii-.v
Ornera! a: : in ti MS fajte I. - i
Mwri-i-uor ".j?i tiie May-r cail-hl'ipja G?):i B? A '?? s.??r- )
pnir wi.e'i.ef ????. , ;? r?. ?i poaaiBBalsi
taaal. ?eie pla?ai ,u j- ,n 11? >t- iho Hienff /or i*te ar- :
ujapysnt of the i ? '.'->av--at.o:i. t1*.? U italy
-W-Xld .1.'. f?-ie. 'I- -i.,/.?. ?a. Lui lae .SjarrT hiaialf .
aoi?,'*l "*? ?BMBtod end thB ?h? CteBtnnSiOB. niae'.ia^ '
jeai-t-a.'.. ? -ret a.- , ' . t "... .? ?Ar? i-f ?
fte law
Hie prop
-T.?* ha
e.,ira.tl I. '
i say
'l?em&mnHmtu^^ ?tH^-~-?fcSU?
? ?
' I
Ma at?
... b1, who
,, ar.d tht uiii'.tcr
, ??-.lUi?ltedlolI" I 'icsi-i' ?t.
??? aatlatrntorytobat? ptfttaa. Oi
J-Otmttti and the .aeaaat
,-m be:.? on he le.
: I,.- thwarted by ?
be Coat- OB-aaa-T.tM-M,
ikt gmm ?md ai uteip-I oothi i ltd apea 'Le
. m to Hie proper conduit
. . ? ? tO I '."id - ! ' ';' I
,,, t, ,:.,| ;1, M ? Ml proclamation to tim ?ame
ta ti.- eaeapttoa of tbo
I ca-i-rlH lo the BBO
KMU v ?.! . ? ?it)oi't
c ?..I, uni ?o ilimi-.iu ti.i-iii?.. .us willi ?' ,.
? lion.
di, '.in b . ? la.1 tnc Ltaataaatt-dlartrMi
- ip.ni Ota. I* ???al '" cmii'iiiiicu'e *.. bim the Presi?
d? nt's dispi tcb, r.nd also iiKpnad f ? in tbo Oeneial if bo
??.nid not liHAtt ?onie triMipi? in tho vi. tait" ol' the hull to
... id good arder. Oca. Had boiboi ed
n Ht appin .ilion hud i'ccn Mida hythe lu-iu'oci? ol' tbo
The aaggeatlca ?*? ia than made to havt lopltcgeapolitl
it ne ( ii tin- tfti in'.jht b.? constr ?ed ni. uieant to 0W8BWI
il.c iiun.U.s, Kui inasinii.-h an I tie civ.l lotho-iti
i - t i: ! ii'! !ii'?rt'ei,.i--'w?h'h" C?tnvei!t!on tu.iil in?!r".
nie ?ceoived from tbc i'rc.i_i?nt, as abovu BfHMl
-,;i OB.
It was pr.par to hi ... atti I ?mall
police fmee to prater*, pea laadararaai ?til paaatUeat
templa to Wag taoot a eo?iako. 'lies aagaBaataa ma
the njiprovul of the ?eiieri!. who dieu ?tat.-that ho would
immediately otra aldan to BOB- tiie troops in nadln.??.
Hefore the end of this inten Mw, k1 wa? eirain api. ed upon
??? I val". 1 (?til. liail'il illi.l ti.- l.ieiiteliaiit-IJoVi nor !'.t
B_ levi r ?1-iiri.int of arro?! mi-bt be placed ii the l-uid-i
ol':hc Sheriff,-a? idhi? Mibaii'tod to him kefal any ,.t
tempt I? have it executed should be made, mid that upon
Ita iadortattaal of IktOtaartPa ohjed "ii*, 'he Matta.
via."1.1 be leirircil to the l'rc?li!cnt.
1 io Major, belog info n.m ,i .,i tha HmafMraat, ?cut bo
li polloe ?.,1'..' le ?b? v ..linly of li..! hall, and the
1 iroops that were '., ki in i oi'jiiiicliou v? iib tue police
! eere eegaaf*" B-BBBtala
l Iii isall that hs? heeu received st the 'itrieoiii'
j The .Un??errr- rnll Aicoiihi by oh Bye M ni?"?
I ?p?ci?ir(rr-?rni de-. e t,f The ( In. ?nnni (. .
I .lui- .Inly .
In ]rto ni ft priini'ou to the pliy-ioinn? to avoid
i newiiiijrt'1* writing. Bad Of I promiNe lu my?e!f lo it..id ?e?r
in,; uul a welcome always ton kiudly gtott BJ the malata of
annal, I c?! not avoid ?o.uo ?o. min*, of ?r-L
i work. N'eceent? i? iipiui m", m apea tvary beeeit maa ark
1? leilib tho BTeuil"! Of pilli..? Opinion la tell the; nilli ii .IT
eyer? han'?cen and my oar* heard at i'.e laten Rabel I
?? eily, and the inen who orgnoli .1 ;l
? Per it wa? no drunken brawl or lew ?treet If at that clotkad
. the tier? of Mei-'iaoii?' laetitotl mth gore, ?...I Riled lie
I cem that hauled d??d men ?Ik? freshly slaughtered ?win?
I through the ?tre.'t?, I ?aw the GoTemor of 1.? ?til?n?, far
j ivho?e inatigurstin? Itank?'? emu in tbeadtred Itali Bier al
; ??Ou!?, aDd Abrub-'o I 1 ira pnhlie thank? ... .
| lntno a? be wai, for i?o-i -. boot in g m
graced by such men a? Hamnare* hlmahull. nailing di Ugh ltd
?p?u.it .1 from 11.*- vmaall-l abov?, shiut?d ?ii cheered,
1 Bafle thep?rol"d V' ? Bl of the
l'iilii" oi Vew (Jrlesn?, rooghly Jerked bim forward, aad tia
. from behind ?liol ?? ???I cut at ?nd e?rnnk II
la* bare he?d ami kia MtaMeri a.!" Irlpplag with tea
I fieth flowing ?jlood i-"|r-g,,?r;?- i|ipei.:iig .???rsuii? ?.?laming
j tb? ?eieeteat pla.?? in the ar lettie rattc society of th? city,
Isapad apea lae Ufofoea bad i irtered bmb m tai
lay an CadaI st, wubin sight ef the City ?tatu?, nod i ?
i fl??h ?ad honet with their heel? ( beru ard tangkltr grmui
a r nrr., ?gon thai polled ihr .,?
I containing :A? biditi oi n ra . d'r-d . ?griiti. heaped a? mt up,?
? ??diti.e yago-, tontp i man fen?a fat
who?* muiderott? c*reer no Bl Ing reim? ttaM t-e foo- I ??
I yeal? ago, the aMMBBB, hy ooiiiiiiod cor.seut. b_tr.iw.-d * naru?
'? irom the ?tnxiiiie? ?f th? Ka?', ?t. 1 otilad kim tli? K.:.? ?..' '!.?
led I Ikody of ?O p? I b1
ef piiioerneo to tb? chirg? apea ia? "Caaraatlaa an.i the
neirriK"?.'' Ii it not right to cal. ?nob ?oenei and ?ae_ t.maii.Ji
a Babel ?lctor? -
I And yet oae mu?t do! conceal i BBMaagaiaM
whom their atttck w*? primarily direetrti wtre peni tupra
I ?erji?i?T?? of tb? I'al'.u elt?m?ni ?ud were ?ng?K'*d in at
i,a ??rekiag of .|'i??.iiin?ble lege
The Consent .on oi ?904, ?l.?clo?l n.der lue ila>,k? retare?.
hraya a aaeb_y bety. Ifttbeei a m*n ef ., ????audio-;
. atiiitty, or luanT ?i ipi :.g mtrt >ot hou?e pnlitu'.,t?i_> we ' ?le
linne ????a tii*l ii wai not v ..... 1 . .,' ? e?
m-u h at ?bee l.to?e.! i i I ? ??..- r|
negro ?n*_?ge foi wk oh It ?? nu- ?o ?ux at'?, lett.-Ted Ibl
Hue I'niuii in?n like Duiaui ?ml Plaalera, gare it ?iii" oi.ir
i-, ihameieil ?tetiingt tu i m lupton;? ! urt-giiuoi*, iu
woik was long ???,> Beeeapilaked? itssdjootaanmi ??? L?
. Diember* ?ud poblio ?ilka . naai . ? Y
' oouid not _?? laauoed to call ii i" if sin, an!
! lawyers sad tr. eat men of tbo liiuici?; pant ia h'ta Ol'am
lee? led the po*?ihilit.r of iii now ie?niui,ig ? ??gal fi
1 Hill nobody douhted the ahtabtt i gl.l ?i lit m.-mlier? I? 1 I I
a? n:?i? meeting* a? th?y j.?.??e.l. ?ml i-t ? t,? *? n *n? . r*r?
lire:?ii?jua* ?i tuer plesi?). io lou?- ?- i.'icv k?tt It? | e.
bioke ..o Invti. 1 "ituiiaieir, i'.? i ?L' ?<: Aatei eau
io i-i?,i,?de t'.?-..'.'r Jo-1 opia
lew-0 I' d Jndget, or 'ii? ? ?h?i o: *.|? I
1 ' aten.
? lg .-???un <?f ?lie lu?: '
? im movers in toe eltbrl to rea-wtembl? . ? < .
Bl in !iie t'fiiled ?.?v
?- - ! I . I wli.ila !
? r**..re petty 'ti'luiiideil t'.ei, a.l. ,. ?...n SBd ?
i u?ile? s-jinue. ?ni Ben, ITada resorted to I lerit
proT?n: I) II ? I inn? . v
on? ot !T??e Senilor? e'.?ct, ilr. V. k :..: ?
Btdrem te hi? teaatltaeata, leatttiag eompanutiea tot the
?uiaiieipsts'l slsve?' Nu?, ibc wind hnritg I I ?
thiaki h* bai been .?miiu.iog iiui'crsa: Bagroial i ?? al ??I
li ?lu .-'!?
t'ii'lr-i h ? ???.! i -i j "ii! o' o: er umre majeataMa m?- a
tempots. t Pieiidea? ???? .n.iuc I tu nat? a es'I tor - I .
I ?e m Kir: >.o reatteniblt. ?nd th? trebl? traitor. Qer, VV?!!? to
j iisu? n'uoc.araation for an rl<"-t:i>ii ta il. reel-in :-a (j- Lu
day eveuiog a mt*? meatiLg wa? held at the Corite.-itiaa bn.ld
. iDg'ihe Meehan:."? lB?tltale na-' dell?ut ?eeeebM were
1 maaTe by )'uil?r. I?- Irnttlt Tedga Hittlinl tin] mbtll tttfl
1 dsy ?ke d'y ws? ?li attame. '1 be i.speis repotted that ino.-n
I diary loecohe* bad l.oe-i mad? Bad it wa? in *T?ryt>?_T t
' month tha*. l)r. bott.e and K:ig Ca?W lud ?driied the ne
' triiei to arm tbena?f?te? ?ii Meeley, ead eland hy the l'on
. i ??t.t.ja 'hit wa? g'i.og lo g.ie tlietn ?iiffiage dut? off iht
police ?bout ?ia'i ?nd d?*uuv I hair lae Bl lu
I wm marn?t m the latter part of tkii iue"?i;ig. ?nd hen i
' mott rjf.r'ii .?ij('ci,-e,?b:e ?peche?, but heard a. t!,r ?? of lal*
kind. Ihe demand f..r ?,?gro ?uflrsge w.a the gi cal foatur? of
1 tb? ???aiag. Tirta'.i k?<i bit', h.ndt i!,nt ? l null
I I? timk", np. and ilifiundi < nat "'H' NB ? ??" t, 6" ' '" ??'??'?',
,- reell iged In at \i II" : n.il. >
o ? ? ? ! ,i !" I a ,,-,, ; but
| I It'Ulr ra? iptei.hri r. , I ??
t'l.,r?' "|. I, .Ut,'.' In'glpoYl, ?I tOtPtittgt,
, Abouti! oi lock tt nlg.il oowarer, a mitai pu. ? ? i
?h.'** snd negror? hsd hseu t'irnie.l, whieti mtrehet mt i"'.i?l
?ad Ht. CberuMkBtB. li ??"t? la-irmtttt mee ai twlee, ?.",1
it?r?es, t.issking irom i.? raaka "?.i c)???d thon t
, aiske tha dlMitbaaceoat ef Ibt ?n^?*, Afi?r ihli.'I wu
t..!'l liv ? |".r.tiT)iiieit tn?ml>?i of tbtConv? "?ai. th?'. h? kate
there wa* reatta to tyttt e rim aa Healey, ?nu ?hat ii ?i
i c? ..? the Kebe:? wnn'ii sBfjgi.
A., day ou htiii dsya-id 8aiid?y men t?lk?il of Ibu re?..?a
? ioitsiy meeting and tha icvoliiiionsrv OenvaatMa thst a a. t.
meelon Mou-ay, the infl?miasiory speerhe? and tbe ri"l we
a? ?re mr? to hive. 1'itl.i:? were puufiss'- ) in luge numl. ri
nnderervrio'Jy te?*n?l p-.|,-ti.iV' (?n Sa-1, ;,, "t th? Rebel I
kl??.,r of itie cry Mr. -lo:.? T M'.-.m seal to the Dry Ter
tug?? in Batfoi .'---i in ia? Mnyoralty b? th? t?:'ui',*d I
r.?b?i?oid.?rt ?? a reward f?rkll ?uffeiing? and e?|??ci, hy ?
ptidoi.ed hy the Pie? lent il.?t he might ?i,i?r upon lue du- |
tlesof h'? ?ftee. call"d ? Bli ral, meeting lo i?Ti?uii ID* ,
Prenden! had been lelegmphe-l that t?? l'onreutioB ?as i
ahem maeaaiBhle i*defl?i,ceof tbeeeatt? I e ... .it?* .roof
ineobsrgeof .luiif* AlieUi? petn.lnL I ire) | 'l,?l,r?Bd '
slTecl ihtt tlte.i ?ia?uiljl?ge ? (?aid le- a rin!?|ion
o! i-ro??.ri o! ,.1i ?? i'iet |,Ad (??.eu in ?".I , ?ud ?boa d lie l
'? i? I'leiMleat hld lap ledihat thoDidi i
- ..ad ?u?U;n tbeeitil couil?. (.onoeiving e*?iTih.:it fi
Be noa .D their owe li?!iti?. lue i'.nle*! tuthoiliie? llo.jv
>e able to ?eui? iii-( ..avent.ou asiI the nig?-?i? "
?V "''""t g erin,:,.,,;.. i?C.t? -'? ..,? ,) , mop I?
? Ill li??." , ,la t?ll H HI 'of,m r-,'? .,,-rr .i?? , , |
i. t-? ? -,.,4 b?'i o': (/-*. Ji,??:i?ci, tin ful!. tD,| n-iar'.? ti'
ih?r?A .iirit. were ?rm?l. 'lue BBBBwMtng>f tb?Cenr?n'tl?a
, ?e?t?.me lo ii? t.v?.?ej ti ihesia tal foi me eipe.tt-l oatbretk.
tkapti ?'? ? ?'(.?' ...'/ r.'iv on, ,,li then fritudl rl.nueri
i 'ingfi'i i; 'bl etty not to ki , " -?'.... , tritti?? ., 0?, ?rl_r
maur? to go toni'kihi . i ? ? _.,. -j,
lAmykneie lAtre m* Id k* klangt) .,,
By li?ekrck i ?a?, ant Ceaueen-ati., -e ?*?!i ?kiah the
; M?e.a:i.oe ln?tit:re - - ? .al a were ernirded. Hen gaib
1 ?red in ?iyn?d groupa ???o it ih? door? o' lae ui.-vet and at
I t-iorata'.'jg? ead tieebaneeeptearaaeaof a negro ?-???ure
i tepya-Mtaoe that iBdetaaMe murmar wb'ch ?i e lepoiioi? are
iaafiBd ef cttiitg "sansatlOB.' Kaaior? ot orTiaT?-bet?etn
nagi ne? aad whee? in tfount psit?.??- r ocOMlonelly
p?S?''.l ft',? nio'.l : lu mo?t ,
A unieaiT.r iBeeleek ib? loeaiari ..t t..? <'o,"?eniio?. wao
h_d r?(.?.r?T iota? ln?utut.)H? saostiotal.ea?i ai poasib!?,
wt:tctl.td tterdtr. t)niT .: .i 3in'i?ii..l it their nsiae?.
but ? few m ?i? ?a?,., .u ?:i?r tke re*] tal Tie C?rge?ot.?t
Aran wtaprdtrtd tobnaglB ?(.AeD'eef aad raesniiioe a re
ate* ?f ?a boar wa? to.b.1. b? Hill ila,? ? c?-.?id?rab!? ci???d
?? aa lTt-gro?! h io M?erot?le. m 11? ehtoabir or.tii.lo
tae'mr. ?ada lt.-<?r crowd, compoied munir ?f ?(?io??
? nterly *?: ??r-td i u- ?ith uli.i-t or reroiTcn had aat-crud
-dour. Hal'e?i| .???..if on ( bi.hI al
. . ? were ??_??,. ..ntr. M?aif?iiiy beni
; ?ar<- ihr ?Mt?.-! t,.- ?n ?ipioi.ua. Jt wasted l?.i a ?park
?i ? n., -.?ent, ,u._- ? ?? r? ?h.
t! 'binn iiegroe?, prs- I
e?v.*d hy . bsijofnjs?!'.- cara* msroki ,? p fram the Prei.cb
. ?riTiwd in iro-t of ia? l_?t,i?i.. cheered the in
bttruly -?it.?? suur-aaiasd to whio.i tk^y leiponded. amid
b? car??! a ii *?ri o', te- wk let on OneMat What a?it foi
fowtlei ?uitiirtsle t.tfllr-i Tt?r utgrot? ity
ftitt ?;??:? ariaj wvjln.l? *)i?I uto ihe'.r o. utnn. Tin pu
??ottOf , ?ly i'j?: r.ei-.ig omi islssd Us cry o' Kail tied ? .1
Kill-I. aaset_sef iheni wars ?ti.:nptl.,g to mik* a eaetfal
ist thai ? wMm man, tae-leaaaUy er la
,.. s?u? jo? ?*d '..-i.',"? isrb-itoat by a mi-.-.b.i of th? ,
????ru ored al thioiiiij*! inddrew oat a re: ira
?ki?! ? - torn ?toba
. ,1. tv'i? aalt, .'??giiift ?rd ?. Ill iiSgeli lb?*? I'irgei
lit oorrii tad : ?'??ii down t?,?
?_r??i t..?.,, ?lue'i g? ?io nal i),? t eptio?of a ?trie!
felt ' rr| ,?
: ?
if (bl -t'r.'ni; riot
I the
? ,? I tot .t'/rn??.' ? ? ., | , ,, . .
a , ;. ,.? 11.0 t I I
er tee linn
? ??
I - lie l.
't\ ?leiern n.e.l to await ??..h ?
:? wally a rael "-as boord ?t fie ?to?- tate? .
noel ?i??"i ti" besa., tra*D|ricg of many f.-? ob ?
Kverr one ?u',,p??ie<i this io lie a b?*d> U titi
nott aaow?. te hats tata a party i roa
hesvy Brt> aodlsaly pOBI*Sd doWB tlie ?tree; from ?be BU-BBS
Kiid polKemen st ttn* ?-?.iiier of ( -?'...'. -louie.
SSM-liBg s ni ti ?I polie? men into ibe li ?*l to ?rr;. ?". I'.?"
l>t<, th? Cearantoa Miltara el what to I? A
' Wird?, 'I? - Mi. A'air-.1 Sbu? Hi Sh
'? leans, ?:?l ? |*MtV*auaaf cha i
'omale ur-'Ct. With tel? nie? aire k8 J I?
Wl.ieh he was ??" ?'.-- li ???! ? ->-. !" . BIM "
With ? white bandi r< ii nhlihani Ila on'
,.. tried dei
? time a strong body oft ho pon. hml drnen
! groes from ilic ir.ml of Hit? Lui.? o ? by a ?.!.'. t
ttttt ni th-in, gataiBg t'i ?<
it air I - ??en ti, :
" T'fi-ri ' i
1 ii.I " wer,, toe I r-t .-> ?' IB UtstSS, u-i.l thOB? I? hw SO? |
i i-iiwd np hil : ? '? i -?"ii at In' a. OtaSMSaldt ".??'?
Thtourh ti.a h'l'.'il.l. .etsa-il.il in D
oderitsi)'! i." m- ' i? i-igut. I?', ti'-"
???.., eniils-, -, Kill Hi it ?1? ?I * -"" dral
i .t 1 B n p..I!-?-li -li ' !? Ig
kia flraly, and another foi . I roaghth? ?rowd i "d
kaeptog aaailents off Iher ?ueceH ?i In rtacblag ?be par?
ment. Bsrssistogl ?! ?n.?b st -rilli '-r.-, r?ltoeaM sinl ue
i i-ii? te lbs -. !?? ?Ik .? i a in door y ?
? a exebatariag i-ota. A rosk w_s made for Bbsw t'i? n<?
rieni h?? apraenr-.l, in the custody of the poll? >-ii?? n, sud the fir'
St i?? ? ? ? Ililli. I'll - li I. -, i ?
Ita abealder, end lhere wss ?ne y in '-. ii laen
or t-.ii1iiiig.-r hil ??o .11 i-.-i ?lolly 1.- I. Ii '. ?hen the ?
men. dixlgi.ig ATooud a corner, bustled bia ol' 'o Ita |a I
? hrn, vrit'inat ?-litige ?I ? 'lin... .i ? ??(, ??oundell BBI
hBBsted he ?n. ter (tra into? a sea.
The tiring r?ir: inn ?<! aba .' Hie Meek si ? In?, ..ne ipreal
tenaol ?be BOM sion?* Caal ?rd Oaasaa ala, ?????
hroko out ta the ?.piuu BOM of II.? Iti-iiiut?', ?long I
deiei, Tta-ohtiag segroa i I nut leswa ia iktovaj '?ii
tTe mob fallos?-.! ? ? i |.. ?'?:?? ii ?I ?i? Uh i '?. ''-?i ""?
and attacked on ?'ght ??ery nef i< fn I is Ik? vlelalty. I ?
bed* ?errBBl ni li on; !.;??* Marshell ?.i? ?ho? p.ir?ued ai.il
fire.l at along CaroaSdwel I* hi? nie-ters ?igft. A iii'iinenf
1 iler. ?"?.iher ?BMBSl i"?trro, bb?"?i s? MoBglsg le
Tue niljin pi.r uti - - oaf t" flnuk tlieifroet im pla?.:
?. ni, l.-?jan to inn. lu an instant two psilCIBiM al BMJOTS
??? MttesM ?ere after baba, the policemen ..nut ?? ttoj IS?
> .?,? ikea won Ira-, sad ita r.er-.i ft II pieree. with (bra
i. -...I? wa? only ?In? by piny, and wars a
? Bj to a doran dil Th.- M i-hanic. li.itilnt*
WM ?till Ita i-nt:a! , . Ii't. I I citiSSM bkl p
?'???:.>n ?it ila? towel story and of te* si ? mm* 'ile Bet ?
! ni Arm? h id barricaded lb? door? to the chamber? of IS
I roatten wMa IBaw weat ?mt 'i yu thal the bo
: area to tta tabby Bike chsrsbei began Irtog ft ?s ita wisdowi
niiuBtlia msMtiMBiif brirferoeii stothM
j till V ??Oil- llllllh ?I I .e ?lilil?.?.? ? .1. Hie I'ni. I .-. I ?i.ifi, null 1'lSt
i tbe'ne?i-oe? i?i the iPey?oaddoery?r*!?w?r?Irtegsttksa
j and thai brtohhate wat? shw fuel, Bj lag, s ue-BllarabB
! Bomban of eitiwBi hal Jatead ita police im.-.- ka and ?i?.at ia*
l i?.?i.uite, sal iiisat eiowd?, sattatoOM tes eoinsMsf t ai.ai
i .-.ed ? ..-?iuioii ???-?I? mid iil-itig (he loi.ie n 'i. < a Ila I
I weit) lirliag al or lu?Li:i? opon lite I? ? u.i?,ul
t.nillir a ?rowd ol' policemen en ! i ik at (he
? ?'. Ita ?Csarosttoa s-aatar sad seek iksa las a, Tta
?iotnrder.it svl.it ii_i? <? intels- i. MB ti
I? ooly eert titi ?hat h? Ita* ?Bia??! I ka St IniK I* ? r t v I?
tis eieil n tolley in'a It..- huddled bi??s oi ii.? - i!h-h ?lol apel ' ?
r?>.a. BThtei kille?! and s?iioii??e?l aversl i? ?1 ISSSlTSd one,
sryi iel. WoundT-i ??uni n! lha pulii-eireii ana killiug ?ollie of
the ciii.'r; ?. I rg?a tket Ik? ? it, sad
whether from the Ic-trnony Ol psnlelpeatS Ol ' B ti M '
ot ibevullei ? i? say ettai ? -
ti'.i'i. than tSBt .l?aatnUeOBS.
There lollowcd u ???'is i?: - n.: .. 1 Btesl] nulls iilital c'.n
N groM were ?hot down, aanban .?i ttaCesr*sl ???
?..' and the ?cane? ... ? lo n s lath?
ii.ie.-,i:-d tenfold a? persons l.?,;ao ;? ra ga (??in the
i.nil liar.
i? unl'pg M thla mu.n?n' la th* ?ti - -; "?
Bestsaroat, tookie? lire? 'li ?te? * ita Brest to the I
wa? a IlIi-MiiTt. Beril Of tl?e I'uited Mai", ?rrvn-r. .!??
???v ds'.i- |a.lit ? i*i. hear ? n Iks ? ?satoglj I ? ?? ? .? ?: I*.
1?. ?tie. nt. BBIBIBI. ?tooan larl.u,?? (-.?!?? -I n BBS!
? ? -?ii a prnii ?-.. . -.: .1 ? i ??? 'I niall i* ??-?'
WboM : ..',..... ii -
I linn, lew? lill li !
?Irramln?: ?roin his ??.????in!? ?n?l Bsrfctog Ike |.?'h by ?
1 w*a taon.e. Asesad kle toeateMta body tke crowd rnt
I btesphes*?-. oi a- l--l a fir ?? -
i rbeeked. ?nd the boo? waa thr un? to, skss si .Isiaatoed
i ru?li than ?a? | >.??? made, aad Ik? indera or. ???
-, la'
' at o*t man'i ka ti i ? ' ?>
? -, :? i? .? i ?,< ? k v.l
i snd it w??ei. b. s ?..i?
- a of th?- at?*
i aacio With eiprr aiai ? of il?:"feet.i.'i iii. 1 p.aai'ir ?leliglil
MeanBhile. ?xlir'.ins' Ira I
jn?t ?rrnrcd ? plai-a eil ?_? veril'd?' ..i i a , ?I . I ne?-?
i'in coi at-r i a e'ir? ii ? .on- ? p '.;?
I-i.-.lint" aa<1 Sd -? i.????? ? .-? i . i ?I. toward
..1 1 l.iakr
n.l ?",.|,r i:id la their mll!l?
erith i?*it a? M illari
with bl-jt-l. loit '. .'?-t ? k. wuk eli.
? '
p.rtlv linipiiig ara -i..-e.|
... n . ?me Mu ha?! H .1,1, . ? S|., ? , I uted
I Siaiee Uoum ?i li-, ? ' '?* *
?ud Unllael ?Slair, BeBBior ? ? ?'? ? ?I.?
i - tea - ike Baa ' ? a ka I Ai;r ..??-. : lu? i n c ,utl.!?r.t,.! ?
1 Tait? thai ne. .1 ? -, ' i -I ?
? , .
? : ii f. i e , -
j Ita eily jail i li?* ? ' ??ti? eu?l
} BtSBBtoul ? I ?l.e l-??ti"if >ana-o?r ll?i. lum inaar
? 1.1 ?rlc-r-lv He hrio ?hu
| ?enid do sBd ds ? i i?t bil ???? ? a tota ? i i??ro
? . , ? liri ? ?
? i pesta? ?it
beria eheste-, Be d arl ? ' Csan si
-.mu inti.ii.~i by lb* ra t of K. Bles I
i ! I en ?luv. :i ?n?i llo lui
Berro ?tabbed
liar other riiateii ainl Ibedeadi bul still lae here was s
Uti ?tr.uk ? poiieemafa. I!? et| loir.; the
a is usrio? ?1 I I- - ? ? Tei , l.xjy ???
? ?i-i? k '
I i i mon,en! a rou, ? ,
1 '
?. ? lei II- ,1 !.. . (' .ir'
??i ?i. '.. li.? ?i : loi. i ?;.': kn.-l
rat ?ia-1 cal?, like a ?, 1' f -n. le.I r '. ;. st -.? , ri'i i _ ?
lett, li ?*???? cost Lbb? -'-'??u r?i 11 ..k ???triioii.
Ill? ?i-rltlnig ?tiri Iroi.i ra. ?? ;? . ! ti,,-iiif. lo corr?a
ratotbaad of ali tul mt ?. st elis ?
that waa ?har? ta st a I and ?? ?na?i I.
T v.e ( i,:,u-iitl-oi i. I an kew ?ga
li ?ere Ita ."'<?? I oi'Mr. J-.In. ? Mont... BBS I - I
.. Idler polleetnan. The n.gio pun a.-, ?it li?,I \iorti acattertxt,
?I? Isadari I lied, in?!'I?."?ni nf n.? S li> Ida
lame hap!*?? tete. It 'hot wire llirlrt-' ??' hut mil (be
kvut-orlttoe sad s-rtosas sesMtosed : ? rtol
An lonooent m gre ssrryisg a ralli a! ?Mai aaptea Bain
his ara) ?lulctlv ps?i'?d i-s?*"! <-'??ii?a Betel Pe i - lutkmen
pounced upon him. le-ican liradng l-l frigltoBi 1 i oi. r?sistant,
and t olleetsd a sravd, A pilieeuisn raibed up and wllkout a
word of itiqtiiiy d'^elaerred tiery b?nel tif l,i? ra?.?Iver at the
p.-o?tiate negro, wini kapi i i ?lag .4, ?rr ??? '. 'u , ?>, g
?rtll Ol', but lor 0 util '?' iau't '. . ..' I I roll ? ??ed, ' lo ?he
?inaiemeot of ?II every ibol un.? ii mu, " Hut. el li.lmrd ?
reputabl?) elti/eti?let ihu ti >" I Iowa for*T*r M bli
honor with thoie who knosi lum- ' ?Id i.ji; ? pistsl I'd bat?
killed the miacieiiii p. Iiccinan. '
Cans wire eoastoBtly psssl u dca ?.-h ?he l?od.ei of
murdered negroes. In im? 1 . ountsd ?:? . BMS] lad IBB and
tel*! Au (arti ' ff' illr- laugkle I o,,., ,n ... .nut, kid*
cheer. A'ow ?nd iden a carriage pi ned ? nil ?oinn wounded
white ma-, ?ud no1 in.fr.,,mr tlv ti.?, erewlt ?-<.?! I make a
nub opon hi?., ?n sa if he wein una of the Lb? ?lion. It?di( iii
Meaalime. the fighting nrrrioe*. ritre.t'ng tetes Canal ?t.
into the 1 ii-nel. ? ?latter of Ihr ? ty i?d S8M m iwice rtoi
???nire.1 * el ?nade ? hsrije* on the iKil.ce ,n Hi? hope of ?? ten
lag lowie of i heir fuebili or aven^t?g theil daslh. it? Ita
ooorieof ihe aftrru.eiti bet?t. i, SO and ' imiIIi ? mea wire thus
wounded. Tbe minilaer oa theothr ,? ?Ide r o? .ti? be gnen b?
cioij"?.-:nie When, ?er a Myro, ?all-ei enllrrli pe?r?ab!? o'i
by ??'?-iderii eut oft from hi? MSBSSBSj w?i fe .in) Le ?as pur
a?ada ?ml. ii [.ni.T?|r, eliot.
(?ne fell thus sear lb? _>.'-?'. BUliBery-shep ? i Jd*d?me So
pin?, a fi'iv d?Kii? I,. I >? IT lock's Louksl'ite A K?iilleinnii?
so tor a. clothe? co and geiiiol deniranor? ?'? p, ? 1 out (rom
(he kidc?alk end dtvote.l a mliints or (?o i ? rig? eesll kick
it.g the deaj landy. A ?..? ?'mulei made lorn? eij.-?f inn. ot
barrorand <!i?g???t, when ? jmh?r nr.ti lara?! ?i?rp on him
with " Arc v?a one of thom. i"v ? ' He p,..!eair<l mat I.* ???
not. ' 11-luv," tsclaitnad ?notlti; ' li* ? ? I*ni?, ooline "
The lueklaa* perason protentc-d ibu? he wa? bo-, : ita* p. J.-nu. ti
flercaly i|.ie?tloned bim, ?titi it U.l alMiwed hi in to ??cape on
the ?lpie.? gioiind tlisi he "?rsaadtas?*?' - Ft?timt tut?tn
ujier eil." TkU OSOtiltBd te iigtl mid Inn tug t? ui ?eust eut
lau ()'..iral oj une arl, i, v'w tluod on u . n? a ? ? ' r ),?ie< PtrOnOU*.
It wiii neath o? nnile ! o'clock. Tren ?r?r* artillery,
cavalry, and black Banwhtta inianiry ?itliiu sa bom'* ?all.
Tuere wu? a (?eneiil ot the Initad S:atei % t-t.inicai* In MM*
siiml. and. dun .g th* unexpevteult pestosarll tiltieur? of
Mi? ..I.ii. in l'uni? bs "it ?ii SllpMMS MM ?lal '? I I ? wa?
uni inn ely e denen! c1 volunteer?. He ??? one of ile blgbrat
.?liken iu Iii? Kreed'i.irli ? linn 'ni. lill UBi'orin mide it In?
duly io maintain orS?r. but IT? ipe? iel po.. ?on lusde It bi.
ip'-.isl duty to nee tbst t hu .'icedairi. in der hil li rael pertoual
tharss wars sot esseelaatly l.-itchr, e?i kypareWd Kd^l iol
liars, Yet ke ?lid notting'. One l?t? M?jn? (.enera) of our
volunteer* sossta ii v?in to ?jala alBa-tteB to bia ateosly
BU ir.,.- I keast T ?o olber. )M>i?l.lnd 1,11 the? k?>: m. ?ud M
lound? d IB? caraeof hi* am*, mg ir.se: mr. li? uidiiT know
Itii.l i hei? ?a? any ti, rae i?,-u.r,r.|.' hi? luiatiei'limi '. Not to
know ?I,?? wa. to I.? ?o ldi..?. >ot to ?c. SB 'u II wa? to lo
an .-n-, ni,.
linally. at it ?liould ?eetn BSWas I 'ned late ?SI :.g. l'as?
Mwatowa (*?r?is_stot-st ?uh a fnend u? line. 1 ihould Jud?*.
?. belweeo I nud ."i, we ?rame out min ? .uni kiel s? the ino?
wsie ?hooting down a kelpie??, .olitaty negrn.'who wa? Tamis
ettiaifUng to (.mi, ?nrutt* th? ?traMM? pteMB isf.-lr.
lurnlntr .?mi the u-vili.h ?Igbt we MWtewerd the river
be-)ni.,1 ( -nal-,(., ,hr ?uttenngof s ?.ugle g..,?.or-, and tu ?
moule:.. Mow?r. o ..?J.lieil? g.ner.l, wai ii.? ?? with a baiili
gniii'i.d Luir stall be lode scroM bv ihe ( lav itetur bul at
that tnnir. ,,| t, ,. re, |, ihot ?obtihb..ii,ii futr?.i.' lu snltmlaa??
section of arlllleiy-rnarolai? 1 shoul 1 thiBk-desued np, anil
B* Iii?- pl?ra* Weto BBat-Bbeisd BBl WkSSlel BpBB the tnob a
taatiag aagre earsd kia Ute t.? derl m M?ta?aas
^_LT?__?_.__ ""?' "-""" "-"""J '"' Inlenlhana
ntmt? a i ??In.?ni io blao?tb??k ?.?ad foi the cahir al Isa! '?
caine ..p (.aiiaP.i. on th? double eelah t.nd obliqulag from
? iii? lia ?ide. left iio riolei* Ijeiiiid lau ?ililierv
thai w'_17_.r-'.ie7..lr-,,f-1'"*- ?'"j;" lhr?":-!' "'? ????:??. hal
mal v?as (be end el llo rioi
dan.,^fVlM"iwMl''n''r',1W,U'',1':'n*' ?- '"'"?- >*ter, IO
demandof Mnyor Mneroe, lu r
Is IbU Mr. M??aioe.
Te?. S.i "
??'I uti ??Irecie?) i?.r to reliare yM of i ? , .,, ,, y ., ?
of ttiscity. ni ?Maa? coniBand ?? nd?t*n goreinor <.f
NewDrle.ns' l.i.rm-lf ?ad oltal 0*1 la ? . -, - , ,?,|
?tay u.y.
i Mitt tliil"? tim,tt te ?h. I..,.,-.| J.,,.
'.. e- - - ? ?
r?rrr.n?t in tia Btladi ef a ; ? . ty of oar t ?.?ear, we take
- ?
ai tbreegi
: fe in tbamwi :.'?
i, .ii ii ?
i a? ;f tho
?lth au r tne
Dow 1 ' tag?. The cauie of i I ii: I a
' "
by ?.riler of Major-Urn. Baaki dienersl Order '?
n t dercfthl? Icpnrtmtnt, tor tie pur!."-, of amer .
('oaititutlonof IW-of the State. That i.n lix
? ? ......1 o i??i ti -ir ??'..ir? '?.?
- a blob ira? s.' on 1
: :.;. then),
i '.e U7ih article of th? ' ? node <
- ? laerrj pointed ..at. By ti I of ti
i w js ordered,
n ant immediately irtoiffcci and ki io- in - ? . .?
; ?ti .a for resriy two i ?
ie could hivt expected ima.
? a tr.
? ? ? Ung e complet. I
opie, a ?HJitio!) of til" nie ulr .
.... .id anea
(bl &TO??d I
. ; a. that 'VEN n.-'. ? r Bli le a
* i tloa, and i 'ji.'" "''?? d by ,'
i ?l.err, ? ghi! ( legal 1'ieo ??
. ,
?lit, r ii: .ai?.-..'.?i witt the retolutiea a de.-whit,iii
tend '.. bin.! ii c right m meit,
li. it.e - id ait el? ?', ti i ' evliloe ii i
aproelamatioB ,f*- i ?rordi If .i ?ball
?p|H*4 I al " . . I .?.' th?t a Ulolo, ?le e.' n ' rot*? ij'.??!. '
re?-yllgtkrl ?'.)ii?til.:tlon, thin t ihi li LB) IBB latj
<rOT?rn .r to ii?i'"-pnM'l i ation of the f... r i Ibei
1 ned eatehlithed ai ti? Coo?
li . -loll of Iii? ??. .1? rif LO llelBliB. '
i la- proel .mai.on B a? duly ina.le.
Ia lue 147th BrtMa of the mam iutic meb! the ?
Beat i- ni -ail? pointed
v- v .? i !!??!' rr ?'n't I, te l
|.r .?..a. J la ii.? .???i.?I., or 111 *et if Ker"??"'?'.???.
ii b.? ?vrr.tl ?o by ? n.? city ri ile
I . ,'h lio'il?. ?u-h pi. ' ? t . :
. ? e ' te ai.teied "?i ll.ilr jr..?mi!. With the ???? ?ed
tuyi tak'n I \t | ?-.ted air.?, .?no :?. or ?SMut
.,,.??? -?.itl ks ?..b.., ned 'o the r-f.|.,e t! iii eli ti. .. !?b? ?I ?
..ill , :y diy, ra*? I li.? idto
?I .? ?i . -, a. I a.'.?- ti itiy .lav', i. .h ?.ilion, a? lerdiag ?> ??
-?? af |bt ????r,, it ni li . i .
.mit ei luieii'liieeuti lliv ol' e tai b? um* t tail ol
I f ... .re ihm ?.?!? iuier..!rne..t be -,..mullel ii ? I.. .
ililli '<? n.b.i.ltt.tl lu ?rich mAL!a r st! furn. '.li. p? ile I ??
! nt ?-pirite'y."
liiel.lt!, Bittali oidori a yr-'. ..-rsl ? !?:?
'1 hi i I '?ii arti-lo adont? the liwi of Ib* ?
"All In . n ,n fort! li Ihe ti*re of II
tattoo and net lacoattoteet than a III ?Indi
i . . i. ' ?. ...i.ipted. '
r ? - d el. ? ? ' t tia ?3d ?r'.e'e of tlTe e> ?I
.1? lareeth I tke etty of tlawAirtemo? tb?) etlnteln a i ? ".
tihii'ii i| i .. ? ifort ed v? ?th ,:
at perateeem ? :ii'?ni ..f the fit-t? nt Lat?a ?i.?. ? A
teneea u ? oil*, oo utitutlona,
J i '??'? nord? .?nd . leam In tin .. nil totii n of ??i.; i
ihm? ih>' the m.re ,'i in ha 1 i
mai tattoo b r ititi I by ti., i -opie, I ii thal thai
un and it the itroagett ?,?f ?*viArd foi it? rh -leatli B
tv iu, their) futa udtttng it could ant i ? a i-p"" d tki i ?
. II mil.mlt to have their fondamental law al
an? parti, ular? willmot their c?,_??r,t, und 1 du i "t bl ?
therett no? ? lew?, oitj "-. ?: li ihr??g
I . . o| ? ? .: - : ... a
mu t.? :: ?v. their ?Borter or eonititutten trtered
rmil oi law . r t'oii-ei.t "f ?li? people t(, be govei I ?
V .'.'-. ni!, ii. ? i. i-i ii? tne ? c1 I ?--? ..... a
n.?t up! .-..,.. .|... n. ? ? thal wooli grew eat ot th?i
ago It wn? nonotneed bj iTor 40 ef tit lata <
lint In MM-ret coiilsve, and afterward M the j" ?rus
? adtd t, mu t >?n tl.e ?J
v CoBiiitatioa tkat Ibty kad ai
?t ii! |p.' Ii, I.i.l l\.-'.d oti i ,
.?.??a of tho (. i ledi
I time bj ? ? * mart vapor ol
P in tea ambition or the 1 i led pcr?"?i?i
? rd ti it tbey i-i it i - ; ? ? ? I!?
v ? ? ?i.e nd. i of the lu*? .-..?.?ei.iion. r.' :
j ??rv?ti>r? ..: ti ? p??( .*. Ii i ? ?. I pre?
. herwts* ialrv?ry eenibla?neaaa ? **?i.- indiugtl
IBtgnl tteeeamaai Beet preeeadlat kbti k)
i whick n ml) nil belti red to Ui a i. ? >? fore?,
,t'"l it r_.t Ila?, li- .- ? ???!??,'.?
?ra alike uni? .
-.7-th tfj-ty, ?B-..1?? n.ee? I ?
I I.? them ?n.i lerg.-I? ?tt?' l'?'i I.? 'ord people. The ? I
i,?.. ,! iij ?eT."?i part awe! lal
i ton relltag apoa the freed reaanddeti ?
? ven tloa. ead the day tsat for ila a? ; , i
! ,.'? ?i:?.'.. ?lo . --I,! '?' ,
. | r. by roi. rea? ? (-. ii? pioi? '
; ??,..,,: ?I ? ? t will partel? e that th?rt v? i
: ii,en .. : - gtaal the : 'ht ot f t
| t I'e v.'-l"i"! in. pi? by ? Vol? ? : :?
. I ' ey I ol t'i?' ?? ?..,'ri.l < f ?!.<? ?'. r ?i.:
... - it lort un??? net ii
-tad t!.e?r own bleed, t-i! 'te l?
I ?iaar t it ?r.? ? id olil. ?r?.
... lay of alaly. the time ndr.
.-( 'I.-- ? n.,-- Ihe f. te dm en si*?m.ir?i ia
Bell, end ?ihwnpfd I ' r*. ill? Ota? it a?-'
li lit! ?? ..r BO li.iuh'a b?d sr. ra?.! *nd I tlml
. a 'in? inderi!" ? n
I i.ii ?-ii'.nulli?, the rl<* would here baenai this poll
? th. i laeat ol den I ' ' ?..- I ?
. . Isa? .: I ?tan early hoar in the .. .< t l|
i lu ? lara? number ef iaCarntUI I
. aaaiire-eial i da?. Ilntbelsvi r
min I.? ?rea ?d trun?, i ? ? .. .' r ! . a
iel ?;> 'I '
! teeteiw. rt Beek e eely of mea ev??M am have toiled i
I gi*nt wighi In li? ?BPfTiralnn ol s rita) sine Is? al
. Mira "f ihe pr.i??? >.f ?I.?-1
eg, fl r ('??I
l..ng .. ...
I ?m-? io iu? t?i .i aat the efl-rta thal will ?um l-ktrj
' a? to pt? i ?
li Viet bet.
,! t It Ktw-Orlaaai .... Mor,!i?T laet ?*
a Tt .-m I ! I , ' ' e ,- I , ?',,??!...
??n illeaded by ttttrter. and ??. I ? i iked, wh.i ?.
, . i? .te- ".. ? g! t ii, ike _??
1 el-ul Ita ?
t.eilleiuen of lb? (irsr.d I i i, " I I ul.- ? t* ? i ... . s I .
. !.. '.? facu .1
a : ? '?,- li a- ?i,? ...
, rt teetloa of ?. ? ? i li
m aaalst st ear ri*? r~?it or .? ia .: ? -? aid)
iBilhr lu* ot imprlionrnsBt, or both, al "?
li ty I? (?Id. Lr Bari
i- ? , , 1 | : ?' ? ? It I
: n g?-r ti.? jo .1
A ? li u
nitioa of tai ? ? .- . | ., ,
? ?ti , n tlewfhl eui aWy ind ? ron!, a 11' rr?i,
? ?i"'" :?? per?ot! tr mor?; lb? atttltg ntui be ..I
.? lawfal aao eieealed la an aalawful Biinni Badu
; aeeaarpa ??'? ? f ' mnh ,ir ?.? ?? .->? ?ad a
in.i.rfit.? iinuuc"!sataahrttd m teerifj * i pi? t ?.
I t li,.Ig" i ni gr I,?Dieu ?I fctlT tOt I I "? T|
i t)*-n lO'ot.'.U'J. ?11 ?loi sl.t.I Lan- tn?ile. .., .,,-.,
ttiteJ, ti. entity ?? prieetpal?, ?ad ai sack ait liable I .....
leal o ''in'iuenc?? ?I al id ow, up to tlie -l.ui.donment
of th? lllegil puriMMe.
1 further charg? rou.t-iAt ni coi?' any mnr.tir a
y waa comni't!. .1, ill present ir abeidrg, i.i : . ,:
aud ?idlug lo (!.?? en-, uti.iii of toy Bafownd] , -? ? .
*? (.niieipil?, ead all li.?.? ?lo t .e.ii??!i.il. I, -rd atfti
It to ba done, but silent it tltr c?)iutn!f?l ni tie lae' ni?
guilty a, ?te???uitei i??for? tbt feet, and r .nlabnblt l?v ?,
iii!i t?, ?lth the ?ame ?cverity thal the |?rln. ?pa!? are.
?Jeuiieiiie... if y.ei ar? i?tl,f id li n* a r!' ". ? I* men nil i
tl.*o!tyof New i)r?e?n?, then I .?barge yea thal ii kitti
of ?I' peso? otttier* nf the SiaIi to t??nt iu iip*a*tn|
rl'.t using no more loree aal ? lolenee thau i? n?c?i?.u |
it ia the doty ?f e.rry duren lo? d the officer* of theil?,
the like CAiiti'.n. and If li herooio* iiet-eitaiy lo ?lay ..: ? . ,
more of th? tinier? lu order ti put it down, It i? lui u
hil eitu'nhl? beaib ide If more ion* ard t.oltnot was i ??.,)
tb?n wa? ti.ta.iSelily necear try Bp i. lie tin a ?'tuff? af the
Cnie. )h.-u th* party Uittig tb* rx :??s Will be gu.itv of mun!tr.
uianil a.gi.ti-r or assault uiid bi.'.teiy. acuordiug to tb?.iii
?i m. e,t oi the cale, aud the r.aiute, lierceue*? ?nd msgn.tude
of lbs riot to hu inppr?iieil
The Rrhele A*h??*?d Bat Pat Omi ?r 4 ?mir
Prom Thi Ni?? (?rlitni ir.l,.u,t
We continu?, to copy W. II. C. Kill?.'? ?Iispati-i oa
lo Tke Hire O'?toni Tim**. Mr. King, a* we ??tod Tnttiday,
ia?mortlly and politic.ily? a fair apvcimeo af the .lohniou
Bta <i 1 -.?t.?.
wa will llrit giri tbt tolegrato. and then uiako lorne le
" ?.Viriiii?,..rirN. Aog. 1. lift?.? Th* Hadlcnl? nie -??king.,
gre.i eater* ai-jinil tb? 1'iendenl. charging him wau m nu
lb," eau?. >.I ti.? liol?. Ou the other head derelupiucui? ?rill
?.?in appear fully astaMi?blng the fnet that p!?n? f?.r inciting
the riot ?i re i nie?, ted lu this city.
It i? reportad that Mr. IUba *?tnt in ?fia Oilaaai filly,
pr?parai t? huaamali messures wMahweeM laad to ita
cummi?'-i(.'? ( f -, loience.
?" Mejor (Jen. Hurd 1? loudly ?.?nsured. and ki? co.irae doe*
no1 Ul*.:l t, :l i ihr ippl~V i! of me A.lt :? iiti.iliui . VViai ? fi.'.l
knot-ledge oi wLat wa.? likely Li traii?|iiir, it iKchsrgi i
after the mau mia-tiag and pteeaaalBB af eegrees, he took nu
prove? tire ?l.j.? until to.i late, and bl? evtiy hu! unmlittkably
proved 1.1in in fall ?Tmpsthy with th? Conretiiiuii peo|le.
" Hi? r.liiire to inimediately Ttrngntrn the order ??ut li? At
leraey-flea ll?rrvu his brea met v? itlt a re|te?t?il sud rary de?
cid, d tameod,
" l?ov.Welle I? denounivd It BTtrybedy?Keilirul? ?ml ?'..u
g | .o f., ,1 !.. ,1 ! I, T ? i -
"li i? (ju'.te !ike:> b ? fonttl-mi will I.? laineadel unt'l mi
pe??h?Tient tele? ti .ee. He can only say? himself by ret Ig n
log. lb.? li o.?at?re.
'Ger, VV. ,1- ?...I i,'.-n. II .iii! me regarded ?, Hie tut)..a?,
a a. ? ?ud tlw'tturs of the ri .ti ii
I , ?? I'm dent fully couipreiiii?' the it tua! loa, and l.aihlv
col,.!ed .iiipi.ti in-?, no tattler Bet whl maret, tra ??der
Hood ted re.ai.led at (heir propei rain?.
"Tho aaneefl tadptopl? of NewOilen? mint, ii.ii.i?
ri'ip. ct taearl themieliei In Mil. a wai 'I it tl.e a'su of
r,.,?'t o,, . r'ii-ei losy, si mic.i.n po-.? id-, I ? wiped out.
'I ne !'r> ?I.lent de'uile!* Hu?
i,t t? a numlicr of promiiienl l.uiii?i?tii n?e here.
Vi- ie? first that the imprest,.,.;. in..,le ..n the tuii.it i.l ihe
rvertbera paapMha. noi abeted. li ?ill i?> dcooauii lasili.g.
fue'. A wbulriale msitacie t,l Cn I lui ii, lue guan Hebel
tni'impi'li? n ill h .1 lie Blthott tt'ret. Tim tatt paragraph ol
King?'tip l.-h I? prrll ? <?!? sr Tem I ?v. :o keep very .,u. ii
?nd very orderly, or you ara pollttotlly l?..i!. 8hotild ?tingle
tateatinatloB lia* il?i?. ?i tha prtttol ntoioent ?houid a
?i.-igi- nama bowel etatamM m?y h?. lie added to the li*t
of T.eliui?, your po?er would he ni.-ti einbly lo?! lo*l
tar,- ? I
We knniT whal I empuilou? p '? '? I ?-ii la beti
o? Pi .ai i lehBtee to do away ?M only v? 111? iba military
i?j?ii hal before all ?lth ibi lav-talijratl u Bal bi
-Upit.'b.'f King ikowithit I i aero ?n bad, aad tbe ii
dlgnatioB ia the Korth rae ihe Preeidett r.ur..nk
frnm Ina r-"i?e?n?i ti. lit y "f i leveed n,..- -.:?. tat hu!
slthot ? , . m iel ande, ut ?en?
1 ??,. if ? ,,'1,'r | ..in: i. . ? ,. . i i. ;..? li?bala al IV.sh.
.nglon ,t? !i..t (,,.? Hain.' . ..e. ", ".-d li. r.- t'.e | l?i id ihe
riot, Rraiybodi kua.?? v?b?ii ii,.?, lin.I it
wat tlia i . c t' " ( ? i.v - : .,-? ,,i .a rhlt waa a?
I lad. ' ' It ?v 11 .t den? fl.i i .:. (-roaod ?
tn??t t It v. ? . ?.it...
, .. .'. m ?t.? I'a? Coan i- o ? tiled i ?
ihe lionel ,
? , .
-?j?! upi in-st Ihr??, bf e ?I? 'lelBBS fad ef nivlrg
.' li '.hi .i llvf thoOovcrniai.
Iii? i.V. .,mitti la the Itisf?.
IBB I'' X. 0 1,1,1. I ; '?'.
ita woar.'le.l. . .
,...t to ttahr piiTiat* ra - ..i?-... -.-a ?tnil-r? pair?
of tbfl.r wounds ilitlicuit lo ?turn.
;;. ?Hospital ... u'nav?! ut .?? r ?nwcll
?In 'n |.r ivi.i? I? r the svi lift, ninl ?atin'v (!.?? rassllSBOSt? "I
t ... . ?
ia . Large us O H iii., .a rta la- laen In custody of the
?thraa waaaa. rta Bar. Mr. Horton is
a asrtra eantoatea ?'ti- fa ?', *rh n e?_wd
rv ens nnd re mi. red the opoiition of trephining
Tbeooerat re wnsperfoiincd by ttorgeon Avtry
.' : Um piece of icail with th? laitrus
?. ?as found pritMingOL the Liai.i, Tia pillent is
. . i\v itnio. ooinatcii' anconi be pro?
..-, ,-.:? 11. I. MT R ?'.'i. lontu- ;
I the heart frome I ?nut iMtr-BMt, Ii" ?a* silo
; al ito? ?a Lbs
?,;,.,.? ,? and .i? wardi ?>i the i
. . r-.r "0 regroc.?yletii/i? of '.'!<?! fe riot. I hey
; v magtnahlt way. O mieu ;
i ailinn f?-a the aeon?' atery te ?atari toeieape. I
( the | BttoaM bam at ?ea?t one woind fr??in a :
i*i.l?" A i;rest Buniher ?re ?tabbed. A n-tniber ni? ?nfleiing .
item r? o t oied wound?, toUuWl I y ?otne ti! m' lastrtnaaat. In ,
. ?.; .. sa, the wonsded taetifytoth? t-non
fal | ia their d isp?? ?ni to prote? ? them, ,
hilo eil ?.i.? ni inar.y liiltsnces, wre?*ed !!;?' liiert
i ti,?* grasp of Ita weera. Son.a wlioe?<-sped by
i ?e.e beaieo ilowu as th'-y BSBeanl on Har-june-st.
?? euided by ?h?te thrasgb las wladoai others by ;
11-nbo'r j
?ridentlv were yer? mnoh terriLcd win!? in the bull line, as j
I I teMII i ? ?uiatcly to wrhnt o? euvrrd. ?I., ir a
? i tuaaj ?nstaaoa. The-our? of tho hull w?ic torn ?
toa ? ?o-.l who aooght to |.i?)ie?t (hem- I
? a . h '.. ... Of ti ? ?1 sai ?,? ...'^nt that rre I
?.. .. I oa the part of ?'??UP ??>' iroi who I d .?r".i? ;
! - ? ?. nie?! teitif* I m it- j
ter? ti 'h?i I'un.ni lion for uiestigB'.ioo. ?et ti.eui take
I no important witnee. he nltscn!. Tta ?MJ poBos- |
i... i. a io ?atrre wouu'led are te?tun'>nv o( ?ome slmrp firing on I
el iii? i. .i'.'.i.tf ol' the limtit'i'e Liiil?'i!i'g. It ;? ?mr ]
II ? rea;.!?', of tin! pal I? that mi.-li iliMU'ei* h?ve
d. lhe ?.-jilt IbciO il n tin? metter i? f<>. thlf ?PM j
'? le ??ti .ii?
l. Ill AITTM.
*?*.. ' . r.o Bara '?.ri the etty
fer BTastinc'.cn ? 'Cctmnt
Bf??? l.i.M l pon tki Hito #llSOB? Kiel.
te tke Luili r if J'kt ,Y. /. Ti if I .i
:?t!t: In -?.' r.Uy'a ISBtff, itulei tht he
"Light thrown .?[tn th?) Now-Prlean? Iliot," Ml editor
- -'Vela's T- Doitie iid La-T g _BM 'a btateat alta
i i, ? i Ula Bah? sdltetsl Ti-* time*
? - a. . an b> late.* Bp ti? tollu g fortune? of iii? Pblledal
? .veuilon hj sia.ia ?.? ickfii ti..?represen", .nor.? efa?. ?rue
nssTJ] Dali? ho it? certainlyroonatiog ? nbout
llheresB to the Rebel mbb? aro nM apt to he Bar
a thal I.Kia'.ity. Mi. D?.'.. ???? ?ho wa* for ?.teil y a r? ?i
I ,.... ??..ana, MBOtad to Wa? OaTBBM M ?eral yean
if. -f.; i? . . .??'aiVi-il.e?.... ihn nrsetteBof dMtntry.
4) .-.ti-.- ! . I Sf-.IiB dal?? ac.lil.l_Cl.!>, fi ?'. :ita*l
. ! the KebeluoD k4 ?M ?-o'la-i'illid to leave h!?
Bt?re tor a tin.? Betnrnieg to bia koani snd b-ctaes? ? noon
a. lit ?.- ... .1 :t ? i, ? ?tinned na :?! 1 ? I ?d naram
?i ? i. : is te Ihi - i I-i murder I r the
)'.-f >'?.'? ?'?? t-i.r!!?' TccoT'rj ted !'? ' ? i
1 he ?barr? ia? ta a? ti -I r Dillie ? ??ncbantring (Tatos ?Mt!
? ?? aided hy h ? Mter? written puer to ?
.-? ? ai '. ? ?ia?.. ? of Aa_steid_ni. ?.
y, i og t. it" .
<__rv NKW*.
- .1 M P N. ftoo, I."
1 . 1 ?, Walker and A. ii. Cans
ffj P !I. Kelley. St. IV.ai. ara at ihe Mein?.
. . | I : nkner. >?.-r? O.lea'.?, tad
the Hoi J!, vit.; lit atreal aie et ?he S?iuta?rii Hotel.
. ? B? I. M-, Oasasa? ?? b ti? rote Atnana note..
.i..u of P?a0i??ylvaiiia, (Jen, Bask, Chsaaag, and
hisyor Hu uiLt.d i-'tcia. iireat the Ai'.or .
An BJ ng of iii?- iiirin'
?aasttaaM '.?i's-i Ita kttt 'i* mssI-b *' ??"?
i i ??. i.- ?i a !:??? UikfaBj ?o
)roui ?.'.a ?a sf ira ia
incii to a'tCi.c.
Tfii? . i Mi 11 ?'-?,..'
? .'.? ?' ia? taara hnssd n Ml tar? ?JshaaM aas
t.. , ?; fifBBl -i '".t ?,-p-srr.r
. a
?? i m? a i .u. ita ra a
M obi raport?. n it?d. A; 5
otto k there bad asasabtol Irai Oawawa, two Uibrinians,
.. ipo-Ueol >.i a Usergie nee ?[.?p. in abo
?.?f ti.? u.rt l.i.g. 1 hi '.
. . - . , . .
whilr f ? ? afioiana pli.ye?! rosses" for beer Bad eBsass.
.- i >., a -i ? .??ig.i gbihennir, ami the i-.ig,mer
-tail ...n r. t arler lefr. i :
,?i fac* I ?a ' r Koine |?,u.c ' .lol,nt?'ii I ?
I | ' i ?'? i aal '-? i?? ? 11..* Bl i
I e,M,L- Pir?i.iet.l Henry BOBtthk BOO.?? mtleii.ar.
i . i, ita Board s?i)o ??i.cii ? Iii ?)?" I ?'e.
\ Snoot :t I ?
M "- ?r Von Met.ck ol 'la. ?e BOM
' ' ?. ! ?'? ?ina ?in ti? ? lis? T he
... | .? ..al t ?taft? tin t Le ?'is, . .. . I .!.e | i ? ? i-f I ? i . ?? .if
?I Sfo .' I? fir' '??I ita 1*4.11???.; t< ..." :.nh' an
? Iris'ia t!? .?tlii ? r i.mc '.11. ???? I >! le- Bt'ered
i. - . kia.'?n tkeobjeet of bia ? ?
? .- . . . ? the I ?rnst nr.d ace?.???I bim <??
? Bl to ?.?e it At Ita
?nu-ti... ???? it??, ?! r .-t i ? I uri! .1 '" ' i? |, ',???'!. alni .,
?a? li., n- .,- wiall s waiiet coulainiog ?
? ..i ? ? .. t? | i. ... i -si.- i . i . uiailanl m ?
?I??.. ?. ii tffSB le.d ll.e an , . l! e , .-i: ,,- ?
? . ? a ?nu '?"r. cn" I ?
l . 'lil!a .? .? .
0/1 i. a. ? gag? ! Often trukn
' I m . 1 ? ..|p?ata-' a, and h? I
rd I? ?' '? ? - - ? ? k ty i'.ailii. liier I ,
:? Hag -.alton ???e?i ??ii er susptotoss, tM oBeer I
I ide ?treet to nuke sil?>?ir rxsminsi en, wki
bp? Tta aaanawa asM ?bbossssS ia ,
I ? i. was overhauled BBdtehan
? ??.?I.?, indalteltef ?.?.?heua? ts?ter<!
? ? .1 ? . i!??r.i
A Uob?l Tmrr Arbestbd.?....<>ui is??? ?'a-k?
?.nea Kjemstu? l'rvot ?tole from fata OBStayM, Mr.
T'rapuagen. ol'N?.'..' E.elthuse. a rainal?Is l.oi.eai
hur is this i.iy for ???? , ? .1 tie proceed, tf ll.e iht'?
lo I'niiijrkrepti?. ('?it Watd of ?he Tiren"?
ein! wa?tatara*! of lb? i ti..?cine ard Harotetad Otacet
i .iireii of ?.i? BIM 1?. ll:at piuco to eniiofnei 'o a-tesl the
Bhlto *_ffsgsd In Ita Barth Ita sOtosr teartad ttal
Dru e 1: ni ?toles u I ? r?c and wairoa sullied ?ti
"Mr. I'. I' DasBM ..?IsiDiL.it, and that li? ha^reliirl.e.1 to
ihi* city vite lbs atotaa propprty? Tke ofbeer ?"Tiur ou Irre
a? mice and ?lib" , ?el ?is a-, ?ti ill.?: 1 ihut Hie t?T ?? ?lui ? ?w<- i
tad I.a rrll by laa tbtel ?nan ?t Ita Bott'? Band Her??
li n?.?' yesterday tksoOIsm MCMededIb btsbt?bs Pav?a?
in .lettes ( itv. Alf ol the itoleu proparjrt? ?v.-i? rseSTSIsd in '.
leitored to the owner?. Jsattea Kelly comm ited Ike i
for trial wt'beut h??' He Ita astlvw sf Ihi? Stele *?.
j ?am. ___________________
BBOOBiata iviaton.
TllH I'rrtMAS-ST. "-II.'OTINO Al ' Al'l ? I se
t? i-n. I'riiu k Mctiwi.t' who was ?hot st .ila ui.n.i.rl?
Eugene I-'ergo? in Kiirnosn it. on Mondas ?sening ,? ?lil
?live st the I? I. College Ho?pits!. Ile was delenou?, ho?
??er, v.iterday ?flcri.oc? and no hop?, wusieu r aie enirr
iSiSM if Li? n Ml ??v. I'ergu? i? in cmtody,
THK ( ARPkNTKBri? '11*141 J0lirilClii.ii ci?n,.?-itter?
have ?uceeeiled in induen.g ? majority of then employer? to
ace? de lo tb'ir (taaaals to discontinuing lah? i ?i l ? clock SB
Mi titrday afternoon ?i'e??-i week.
l'A l'A I. ACCIDKNT. ?AljO'.lt T O'ohtak 1;.-! ? lOk-ll g ?
?nan u.ituei! .lame? iTuii.iy, JO years of age, ?ans liri.? ii BsB
hu i? sgou while driving through Clynirr-.t., I. I?, au,: s? ?
laandtejtortea?rbtehraesltel ?u deaih m l n asta n
i I'aicd le.av.-ia ?a ?ile ?lal tw?. children, li.. Lou? v? i?. taken
u ctargB I'? Ita police ol the lor'j DTll. P.?- n.t t ami Mel le
?it- Dcad-lliiuie eonei ol I uiou-avs. nu?I Kath limit.,
is here au tn.|ueil will L. L.ld Ly Coiouei ktoailk.
HlH(.l,AIII)> I> Ti.e ( (?r.lTBV.? 1 lu I . llShS Hotel, '
kag! I'v lohn W. l'rierd. iu (iraveeeud on ile ('?.ney Uland '
road, ?i? I. Iniiiunily ?nt'isd vu Uuiiiln Bight tatt '11?'
ii ?m ?va? lobbed of ?ii :be ojoney ii eeutoiasd will teen
.--piiiii of lea? pes?tes A pair ?f boot? ami cil.ei ?riii-V? ,
wars sha Botos. The btrlrl sf H toll Put, nn th? ran? tsbI.
ante ?bbisIbb stgkt bat trash, and .?.?-id
?Mole aiuoutil in iiio.,1 ? and clotlupp.
riKKS, im? AN Ai.'RaT.?The llnhll LB ?cur ..f N... |
18 (ongrc'44 i.ioet. o.iucl by Dasid l.y.tii. *.? dt?tr?<vr?l l?y ]
be about IJ o clock on Monday niyl.r 1 l.r hoist? ?rre ?a??d. :
Dainnge tWJ. Not iii?i;iti.. Bagpoaad lo hate i.eet; ti e wauk :
if au uteeadtory.
Diinnit .he am, n ii?.1.?Ti?r.ce ..?eiarreil l-nei.u tai. in? |
eeapeaiaa, ia ?hiehJona Kutrlu of l.otiir? e, N?. -. - p
limai?. l>?!n??i with i ',' io!, lie bull ?*r?,ed kia i.e... .i
intlicird no Mt*nott? ?lyu. t. Kim m wai arntted.
Absst 8 o'clock lui re?irte;, tken ?was ai i '?nr, !r, n-r ?tU j
Dlittict, eii'ined hy thu lni?n?ng of nome itrss ii k rai
JaasBTC'rn c?._Mi'\ <?,i-.n<*,' -s ,( ,
lug of the -Itjisey Clij (.'. n..?a Cn U .1 . i ? t ? ... ts-l ?ven.' |
al whtehosaa-tatahtaMatteshstissM s?r. iisaaaslsd. Th?
folios, uij b.ii? foi mOSBhnj and ??-aiiii.fr nersre- J
? .?eil, aad ntamd ta itoiteroet ? ,
Buter ato a lantraci for ont ?ear. .lobt
Mi-l'.-iiii?. *>.:?; Tlitiua. h 'Shmv. ?
I? .?jo, Juan Itoelly, *-., ? ii- , , Keg
?sir? I ??? spot .-,: the t ??-,.,. taf n . rd pi
i i toi ? ??: Rsfistrj aad ??? -, ?. .
i. sed
rif.l l\ .?,( _ |...r?, ?. .,.?., ,... ?.
?..ami SSaid-Ctri, k lia,,, I,
I. ? -I
T. ll-l ? |l ? ? I ,
? la . ,
I? l- iap? Irr-t. I? ii 'im An, Uli' , ?r. I
Fire in Br-elitye.
dag, -boat 9 o', lock, a ?re baeka ? t ,?.
?OaewerMtltBhla t,f Henry Y. liirr;?, iu 1, |
i Hillsea era T?u i one? wera t..?.ii i r?. . .
! One bekmged to Mr. Martin Alphn?, a grocer, de!r_ I
, ?n the corner of Duffield it. aad Fulton-ate., thi .:*.?. ??,
| owned by Mr. Hin,?. Mr. Alphui ruined throog:. tbt I?,,
j to save hu horse, and being overcome by the teat was ha i erf
?:. Tuefle?honhl?l?gtaiid inns w11 aloa,*. ? ,
' i ft- Hi w?a f.HMU bjCbi?f-Engij:??r Ctasiactow ae|
? AniiUntl-nglneer Barr, who had tho remain? cocrryeo ...
.'??ne?. The 1-ro h?-??* wtt? ,,w nr*ti^,
i,..!,,nglng *..??. Alpoa?. ??_ b*rn-d. lie m
wa? abont 40 year? of age. a German. H? leave* a ? m ?,
four children. Loss ob proper'y about tl.OtX). Iltur?.'
?v. ort al ned.
Phlle??lpbla Cattle Market.
Atig'itt 7?The market for Beef f'stt's e-ntin--? ?
week, hut price- i ?u, ,l . y j,,ui the same as Ia?
nteriats ni:.ounted to k,_7_ bead, ami taiVs were ?uadett ! s ,,,
?Jj .'-J per 100 Bj for felr to good cattle, tod fi
I - fur prlxe Weiter.i stock.
' i*?Thi? market was:rather ?ore sctive, ap?1 !.
retobad '.'roo bund, at pri.es, runging from < o '?i t
g BBS, m lo condition.
BOOfo?Tha 'ierBsnd for IT...? ?a? gomi and prime
rather better. Sale? ot l.iiO. heed wen effected ?t in n. I '
lo |IS V loo n net.
i OW4.?TLere hi? been nochang? in tMsmsrket. 11? ??I-,
smo"::it to I!'?) head, at from $00 to |.i for Bprirger? a-.l
. -a) to DIDO for Much Cowa.
I'na.enirr? Arrive?!.
?BOM BAVA_R*AB--M ?tsamtliin AIihasta-K M (,
IL l'iliii-r VV. II. -?(?too ?ud ts'lv. P. U'j.Mlto?, M.?. I. I 1 iU|*l
i.ki-id'-MW Ali,. Alk-, fen, A. ?-!.?. hrl?*r. John V. *?On?-!w... 0
( uii.il, J. Muter, ? VV. (???'?. Mr? VV. S. Vroaui, lliM.tl. Vi?? o
M. JoTini'in? d?l. 11. II. P. W.|..?t H. ret-r, '"
A. Bailar ?na as, Mr. tod vin. Dk Bee?...- iii! rfatld, Mr ??.? Mi? ti
> ? J , laid.-e? ?nd i.r??j,t. U. ?eeia.i, A. llene?, Via
?v I. ki.iion, Mr. ind Mr?. ('. Kritry. 2 ,'a'lrea ind ?TT?, ? VA .
.-y Mid im, A. At So.uer?, J. L.'ga ?lou!, VV*. II Knu'r "?
I I. li MeN-rl.l. K. r. killl-l (i A. s.i.uli. Mo I'.I....
?I .!. MKiitrt. VV. P. Do-aery. P. O. .4-il'b * >V I
'. I 'I , .:;.. A. 1). IU:?, li. Blow?. ?_v! 4 ia ?tter*.?
E.?leal Bhip Newa.
*-'e?n.?hip A.tbtmt. I Im-bii.Ber. Sith, nah 75 i.o . .a i, r ...
I i! pntt. lu Oirrine - A.len. Ali?. 5, ililli m Oe'.r.D, .1 Meint
|m- d ?teanit!. p Mlitourl. bo-md 8.
| ->,ip. J. K i?'i?pia?ii, .?*r on. C'ltrdilll day*, with iii.H-.i ?. ' .
, l ?-.na:, lo. Darin? 1.1? lr?t part of tit* purnta ;
er,t ?ale* ; latter pert. I ?ht bafliug winda an! KpiaL.. < ? ??
' Ban.? ti) ?t". ti. in! taw au h? tfrun-i
| -t'ttlpi ! e -.! o, (I'r ). Tone?, L'v rtivo. "*?> diy?. ?.:?
, p*ii. to Willi?-;? li Guion. Hsd inn ooath ?tia twu ? ,? ui
-epUlBr ). Whitehill, Pedm? (.??iniair*?, 1??. ? ?
io ( nu. i'rieeiidcii. Pmsd (.?jj? ol Cou. o.|t ,*?? '??
be F. ?nitor J .?? IT, l?l?n| IS.
Berk I ai,.o, (iildi-er, Cirdent* IV !*yi, wi li mo-.-*- mit B
- ?rio Helii-her (lt?J ), Co,t?. M?y?t3ei ?0 di?? ?" I
? 1?., to J. V. (>ti?t?vis It Co.
Hil- I.Hieit j (Billi!.), Ellis, Peniii-biioo'Mdiyi, ??? ' ? i ' "
Ii ?iwifttvCo.
The trhr. Nillir?, ol md for Hrid?err,'?. froej. I" ?I ?' .
nJetl willi Itie aiuir. sliiiiiu lottio, of l,louee???r, ?I a e ?
- ? Reel, ?nd bound for -Ik-bat-port. ?Loot 1? . - ? ?
: a. Titi., lo?! flylu? jib, cit?v?t-?. jib-ooio. k
I ? >o luflered niuch d*u._t* t" ?-???i "IS-., oii.wuk?.
i? Ip M?r? (P.i.). bound lo Ouadaloope, May 8, bil" ? * ??
.- ti diyi ant.
i Ship Jotepha Loi.I?? (Br ). 'rota Madrst for Londoi.. ?.?? ?
?..).?", lou*. . *.<? K. 19 d.v? oat.
i .i|. Creet of the W??e (Hr.). from MatiilT? for Q ?<B?!i??.i I
J II S. Ion?. 13 IS VV . na tag? not.
Ml ,u Delhi (Br |, froui Te lechery for .N?w Loido_. Ima II .
. N Ion,. W13 W, ST_T?oiL
? ??Niieedlr.i from Akyib for Filmotitb, Jaly il a ..
1 ?A, 114 day? oat.
Lu, RrachaiAB (finnb.). from H?*?*.o-ii fer Fimoi.lv k1?- . ,
? .? -" Inn?. T I.. S9 d.Ti out.
C.ii KiToriie(Ain I fr. m iNew-Vor- for Btrhidjet I ? 4 ..
, Jj SO II. long. ?0 JO VV M d.y? o..i.
/"TO TO THOMAS It. AGNF.W*. <?reei w??.
" I Monty *U.. tvU?!?? yoo will an! TtM, 4'orT?-?, tlth ,? .
? TerT'hlngei_?e??eApert?>ia*ay nur* ia *4?w-Y*?k. (?ne, ??? ,
. I\ I'l.'ec'Iy PI RK .1TAK( II. It hu not the Ar. "... .
?r ?i, ti by beiug P'.enthei fib Chr?, ni, to r .
. !t bit Oil Taino more _t.-?B?Hi tbaa toy ?.?'.?
It :"re ? l'oui my d?let?ilout or f.refii ,u, ??? a
.????" lere.t lor TetTt. It "?vel the ruo?' ia? ?
ii toLlaeu. A.k for KIM..-.(?::!' -? (i*?\V l.MJ B. AKi a .
i : tod Ule n? other.
4*0 lo M At r.vkl.AM)' Book S . r. .. ...
, *Jf .".v.nlv tlli.laf aLd Uro?d?r?T T.iereyrivTii! ti!? ?ia I,'?
? -I tl.e day n d k11 the o d BU_d_! VV ..rt,, mut. ?.
| -1,1 n uah __d .-?votiti Stttiouery
MrSKKT') VKTS at *l 7,'. pi piecr.
i t.nt.MKr LAC! _t'rj??rTi n,
O. L. k T. I . K I I TV, 'la. ?al . .?.y
! 1866.
(Or Doable Spring,)
i ?BJ are I.? .'.wit ELASTIC. FLEXIBLE aal Ulli?! I- M II
' v t\i FAlTlllKn. THEY will not BENOorBBPAB ??a?
? ol',* Spun?., bul will PRESERVE their PEBFE4 T act BFH ?
? HFI'L BIIAPK. ?here thr*? or four ordinary ?klrlt ki.? aaeo
raaowa aside ?? i-sklbbb. ii*y caMBiaa ? ? ? ? <
r?o, ? t-d Eronomy. with that ELEUAM E of SHAf?" ttl. ' '??
STa\?\DARD skirt
BY Tilt,
t! i\ ?(?I.BBALE, hy lb* Ksclualv* Hiotft't MM a?! "-??
,,. ... -li? PATEST,
N . r ' i!VMRKRS?nd~???dlt REt.DEBT.? N,a?*le.'
t.. VT VnOLESALF. hythe L'MTlN'i' all."'
r. ..-?,.;. )?\) li - ? ?'" ?

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