OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, September 15, 1866, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1866-09-15/ed-1/seq-2/

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Film O it ?p?ei?l CorAtp"
i in C'en! I i. ? i ?
? i 1 say that 1
: i four
a , I ti lii'in
v . i ...h v.hie!,
I brou '1? lo?
to i" otae nt
for the ??...?t pan han? greyaith burned
awi pi l " ? ?, i-1 ' ii- bo theil
t? mo, tal
Hain i ..? i ta? ia if ii! : I ???
n.? riding range, to Um weat al
?till nu
|| s'.ulch, from ?top t?? boltoin?? distance,
appem '?, of twaertkne ail
hiiim i i been i
?1 i;it').
i Arm ia ] ? 'ti. solas
i mt aiiaors, i i
riuuK.B si.ii ne,-ii-.. i i h. t.. ! then, j
. ? ? cul?h nilli:. bal ti?? lies-?'
? "? i" II aaii ti ' ?o ,i lu ti
? t .- i , all ?d' primitive
patten', wen ino ;.> idle; yet ?tx??: ? ?? ?i m this
region i- cororad bj ela ???-, and the apt
?koa in ?it grei li. if, i?? elsewhere, the
owner- .-? waiting f ? ?ii" DIW DTOt
Our : ii If 1 steril ard, SCTOSS .-'-vi,ii -'.Hillier- Of
tindiiln' mi-??Ni!' th ? ???1 ng. until
tv,- reached Hie divi?] bet ?mai Ile waten al ?North
and Smi-i Clear Crvik-. .it an elevation ti awn U-a-i
* ? ? m h ? ;.- Two or three peaks of dealing snow
tit, apparently very Heir u?, so sharply
Man th. y reltaYea aga ?'., dark blue o? the
i-:. ' .?c.ncly to be distin.
?m the .oa?appeared to the o.vtu.-uti?
ly in iront ol' us rose the three picturesque
f linn - ?lim h have been n ??ned the Chi?.f, the P.ip
I mil the Squaw-. Tin? lir?t of the. ?? re; lu- ?
!. ?ii mon than I8.QB0 feit, ita han pynrnMsl
MUauiit sbootiag far alnre UM tiiuLer lino. It has
pet -i a-,???..lill.
'Ih !. ghi from which one looks upon these monn
ans theil apparent altitud -, and tims
diiniii! ii?? tho cfTt el of the soeneiy. When you bata
pen,-:-1, .1 ?ofar wit-fin the Bockj Mount dna thal all
? great I'l.i ? "?it, yon naturally
moasitn-ilio olovation u!' the nag? tana the beds of
Inc vnllf -. Bat these beds rise vi ry rapidly a? yoi
adTAQi i"l von are constantly brought nearer the
Im?? \. and ?now beging. The thin air
and ',!??>, >? color of the sky Im?cate the level you
have re i ?i 'I, hut the uiouiitiiin-, M Ml M 1 iga? thfiD
lie ft ri.
Aft? cnesiaf tbo livide, the road descend? to
? ii Creek, tbreagb eloag, winding slea. I
here no.? ii a husii-iii Tj'lc, a variety ol' th ? ?ilil'T-'.rco,
nul gi. ii ??iitiiititic? d' wild curran ta and gooao?
berric , lu und neu, .ill or? Um ate p sidss and
Hank '?! the saoantalns, wan tia tnnoid preapaetu*.
1 " lins .i;n rock " had Inn n I "ii.nl und
abaiido :? '', probably making a pen: assay, in others
holo.s i ?ci barn qnaork*] to the depth el six or eight
feet adtboat any pet-eeptibl i result. Ii. Um lonowest
fuJi-ii, howarer, wa eine ipon a pile of
kaohme.which ibowed i itrong "color," and W?
?aid to yield tam !_>,<ij te $l_(W0 per tan. One ol'
the (>?:. r . at least, wa-very t .ltlmsiii t,,-, ?nil it a M
plainly to ho seen that the vin wa-, h-iiig actively
vXMk I was admiring the hold, ?grand ontJlneiof
t'ie ein?-!, which heaan? non ami mon ttrikiag m
are d? - iTit'el, the j;.-?i sudden!', opened, ead we
(onad m the valley ol' the South Clear.
**Ab, tin. begins to bo Alpine I" I exclaimed, ll.-ie,
at la-' * i little br adth and tp ic -. A flo??r,
from an eigth to ? quarter ni a mile inn idth, bold ?red
hy nir?'!!!' lins, winch towered up. ap, behind tin ii
huiro e? iiptnentsof rock, into t)io regina ol' .now.
Hore the raagn wen ann detaabed, aUawiageone?
thint< ot form to i?e tneed) tin? fanotewen Ml all
burned or h-vi-led; ffHwpMl iaf grono meadowsibone
down Ir-in tiro higher ?*1 ?pcs; and the oolil olear
stream, lad from the fields al melting mida, foamed
and laabed in the sun.
Wi tun? at once upon a atragglii f log
i. after baring outlive \ n variety <?f names,
is n.iw i died " Liai.o "?tlio insabitauts f? ndly sup.
tbii word r.i -m- " ii',, ?gam 11 I
ti.?is." [1 neill bardi? BJ that ti
. Idaho i.? i eli?ved to !? -."] I
lie re nu lbs l?ge, Vi. ? ? edi
take ne on to Empire in the afternoon. In thi queer,
ahnst abnigiaal Tillage, with its al ution,
UiiToi.-?)' beM hotel in Co'.iri.tdo. It. ha jn
comple? ; the opening ball occurred afloi I:
Central C-ly. Tlie attunished str?nget here linds a
parlor with carpets as ibowy, boTse*h ur -
und slipp tecg, Ictokhg-g^lasaea witli n much gilding,
lah-HM marl'le-topped, uad everytlii,;^ ,i ? ?radi?
ant with mrni-h or gypsum, as tho laws ol American
titilo in si;?!, things ooiil?! iT-quire. Hie Led-rooms mo f
s j .'re.?l:?e laanggastire of a thousand unwarned ;
previous ?n. upauis?that I regretted not being aide to j
eujiy the luxury for one ni_.Lt.
While I was preparing to accompany Mr. ?**i-ty to '
t'ie Boda-springs or Idaho, I wa? iu.-t-?>-i ed by an old
Norwegian, a native of Drammen. Tie kindly IV-'I
ing vvhn h all Sean.liniivi.iTis have for any ?MM waa his
ever visited their eonntry, is remarkable, lu Kana ??<,
I boitL'hl u pair of hlankets In in a, Baroda, who in?
stantly almted one dollar ol the price, when I
dressed uni in his ulive tongue. Althunj
Bank i- v ry halting, li?>ui long di-u*?', the old
borrowed a lishi!i_r*riitl, and in an hour presented ni"
with {?even raountfii.i-r.oiit for my dinner. And such
trout' Admirable as w? tho hotal-diaaeT, e ir
which Mrs. Beaba presided, I was obliged to alight ii
for the Special disk bob prepared and plaoed hefoeeni .
I hope to fall in with many more Norwegiaae I
leavo the niountan*?.
The .???du springs are alreadv tvnad la ?rita i
Two bath-house? have been built for .Summer goeeta
In on? of therve the water is so regulat'-d th.it tke
batbei star? temperatnre be prefers,
the bot spring being about 96 us it i- .;,-? from tho
earth. It has a deliciously refreshing and exliileratiiij;
quality, ? I found aft I arana. '1
i ml lea n weak au?! rather flat citrnt ? of mi g
Bat, iv the water has not yet been aniil,_"(l, I cannot
p?v the i gredients. The hot and cold springs cuto
np snclu?e together thalouo m_?y dip a baud in eithi -,
at the saiib' tiuie.
Bntneither the*e ftprinps nor the cold mines cm
prise all tke ric1,es of lilaho. Further down the
valley, ..m. where, there ia a vein of rou^h opal, \>i
lui lies thick. I havo a piece of it in my pocket, at
this moment, and it is undoubtedly opal, tkOUgb d
faint, imperfect fire, as if its quality were fal'.-d hy
long exposure to the weather. Small sp.-i ino tis ? I' a
eirnilar variety, from Montana, aro frc-nt-nt ia Colo?
rado, but I have seen nothiii.? palari b Ike la?nite
Sarkle of tho Ilitngarian or tlie prismatio luster of
o Honduras opal. It is unreiisoiiahl?, h'iwever, to
Bnk for the prtcii.u-j gems, where so much other wealth
fcas Ih'it. niven.
After dinner, Mr. Si-*ty prinluced a baggy and a pair
of fast hi rses, and we set out np the valle.?7. The
road was smooth as if mucadann/cd ; the cold, pale
green Miak roared Ix'sidc us, .?weeping around pine
clad capes or under the shadow of mighty clifi's, and
the snows of the higher summits brightened in the
Biinshino. This was inspiring travel, remiuding me
?dimly, I must oonfe?. of the upper valley ol the
thine, between Spliigt-u end the Via Mala. Aftei
two or three miles*the valley contracted, l-ecoming a
mere canon, walled m hy overhanging pmip
stream, which we crossed on a toll-bridge, carno do.vn
through a gorgo on the right, lleyond the bridge
Ih -re ?vas a hotel, commanding a view of tho wod!? r
f 'Notch." 1 ii'tiltil t! at one of the upper win?
i s hotel had been nmoved: thm 1 saw* the
.!i!-stiik moving about iii the ? j>. ii place?
i n ???of ?owiog lock-:, an easel, and
o. It was Mr. Heard, woking with might
to cstch the lovelv, fleeting effect?, of light
? on the rocks ami pines. On tho veranda
1 Gen. Pierce, his companion, more patient
t a usually is. when it must wait for Art.
Wi ' -"1 an hour, sud I made a wretched atti n pt
at a ??ketch of the place. You cannot crain this
feen.ry info the compass of a block-book) it rerinires
a large ciuva.*, aud the boldest and broadest handling.
Tno eyo is continually cheated, the actual being r-o
lunch" more than the apparent dimen.-ions of all
t'lij ?cts. Though so familiar with tho effect of extra?'?
dinar.ly nure, thin air, and great clearness of outline,.
I am still frequently at fault. What one teti small, is
always small iu the drawing. F.v.n photographs here
aave the ?ame dwarf?-d, diminished expression. I can
now see how naturally Berstadt vue led to a large
Lenvinz the artist at hie work, we drove through
<!,?: s rga into another open ?tretet**, of the v .
"?Ve.stvittr.1, directly iu front, a peak of the contrai
anovvy range towered over all the intermediate
aVfliit., ululo on the left Mount Douglass, throwing
ita own ?lindow over a thousand feet of vortical pred?
ice, guarded the entrance to Ovorgetown vailey.
'bree or four miles up this valley lies the little village
of that naaie, with promising leads and lodes, while
lioyond it, among the snowy tangle of mountaina at
tbo south-eastern corner of the Middle Park, is the
Ismen? silver district, recently discovered, and now
known be the name of ?' Argentine." Tho mineral is
there said to bl of fabulous richness, but more than
10,000 feet above the sea. ?Maya,] am inh'ii !
give between Hine and four I ho 1MB nd dol?an ta tin
In asceii'ling ?lie Boat! Clear, the n<e a
!iHi!, -t to Hi" Iii I
.? i?,? o feet Takl the altitada of tbe
, ;
? * . :?.- 'i yon
will i ? ra! on ol t. pi
i re, v.... t., h,i.l ,? m) m busim -.???? here, in ti !.
Iloantaina, cattli lave excellent pntrere, sod
? i. re, a mile from ihia pi ? e, I
I, IO0 feel bi en yet eren tin-re, Ih ? inh i
the \. int. r v ?ih it* ? di i 'mi.cn than one ? < old s_p
aaaa. Ol Iks labia landa of thi Andes, and? toe
! .'"!? we fni'l towna at a. aq '?I bight, hut no
In the wrl-l. Among lb? Ali??, al i
\u*.i'u (l 0,1 re ia nut a blade ni *.
cv ti nan nul b- ? ,r
Bmpin enjoys a tin picture qui situa'ion. The
]i tpulatkiB ii'-1;.'p"- ibly i? '?'? I I I mootl.
,,C h u ?i li ?' , i ' i ' ? ii Inh ?' its *? in men of
. .a.d eutorpri ?. On rei cning the White
lionse ii.?-??* bj Mr. Wh '? ) 1 finn I Mr. B *< -, e lit??
I UM Rothy Mountain WtuPI, who is to tie our pilot
andaonpanion thro gh ti Parki Mr I; ird baa
.?nu o arrired, and Ike ?tier two gentlemen of ("?r
patty (llessn. IfcCandlen and Davis, of Pit! burg )
ware alreadr awaiting us. Here, therefore, ?
take leave of snob oivil.ntlonM gold-mining ? i
with it, urid r'iski? into the wilder r f?ioita bojoods
i ? in preparationa mc law und easily nada. 11
und Brans, bekragiog to darloy Utter, the I
trapper and trailer of the Middle Park, will be to
ciiarge of Mr. wi it. v ron. Mr. Byan baa Buporin?
? I tho laying in of BUpplwa (conaistii g ohiedy of
biscuit, (at i>orl.. ham, ?octava and tag?/, aud our
blankets and arereaal aill furnl ' tbe nei
haddiag. Lnxaiieowe di-cnd?e-u??])!, in my aingw
i few oigan of doubtful quality. Ho earn of
bottles.? Iitixt - ol'i i.-c lus, m? ? mj inj a : wi haw?
no Iori?., nor plate?, but one tui-n;? spjece, and a
Bingle ipoonfuc the whole company. Ti' oulinary
utensil.? ooaiiit of a frying-pan and aoofl e-pot To
he Mile, vvo bave vision.(T inoici'u l.-ir? u!, at"! of
(Ik-steak, broiled ? n ski ????:-; bul IbaM i in. be birly
permitted, without branding ui ??? epicureans, lae
whole outiit is ?if tht Robinson Crusoe character, and
necessarily so, for ?nick uiiiui.ils must be lightly bur?
dened, on the trails which wa iiiti-t fellow.
?I have jut been Ii. .taring in the Methodist church
(the same in which the Colorado Confennce lui been
bald, this weak) to an sodieneeoi more than a bun?
dr ii per-ons. TI. ? eifel t ol sp< .?!' ng, Bl (in al! tnde
of 9,000 feet, is not attended with thi ?. - wbichl
anticipated lunl d iring the acti bul it la li llowed by
a sen? of complete eihaustian. Tbi audi nee, for
(i!m, steady ntteiition, nigbt hnv? I. lonj 'I lo Now?
York or New-Englaads No ?me aaal oal i"r ? drink,
as is tkasastom latka niahng commnniii? of I
brail, I wined and to nay regret?i type al b ?
which I ban lound ii (".? ry Cilonulo udli ni i, Bl I 1
tins araaing? In foot, J eama to look foi tbi
uaturaily; it itrnok my feucy in Denver, tbe brat
ng, und I (bund it. Blight!? varied, fox eight
ill -nu ISsi 11. It it ?>.. M Lis h t? ps. I li.?I '
..:: eng i". iliac?] i tee . and only i" l fo um (and thal
o:iiy of late yean) in the United Butti?\\j\
pr? ?*iii?" tin? prectte point when tbo elements of the
begin todl appear and thon of i <? _r?*.ii:
manifest tu .me.. .. I ol ; be ruin: Is
Kin ?he oral? tin fore ead i* good, tbo eyabrowi
f.ir ?i.ht aud dn-k, t!.o bl Hy dark sl_oi the
i markably hi mtifel) tin ? I
but foi tbe least lut (i tendency to tarn np at iii??
eiul; there la M 1 ? m nat anho, fall yet linn li m,
a-tioiig, um .iv ihn. nid (li. rdyasark re?
main* ') a annan anfanal law, Tv
fini: and noble qaalityai manhood, i 't yal wbidl.
detached tam a roane, rod o in?
terested me, that I tunad mytsclf involuntarily In?
?iiii._*out thal uaodaddn sing mi eli
in him??lui 'ti. tv s wit !, a ..(?..,? that it was
right to do so. Iiboukl bo glad to Cuni? that (kia
. : i'.t'f. ii. t.
THE IBTtOtB BTOB lAiiiriTios?Till' PBBBHTB ?
Tile SL*t ( Ess (.| ,??1. IAI li.
Km ni Oat 9p t -1 ? ?rutpri '
i-ATlA ? IM.
Tbe groaads apoa which tia Bl '
i !,n:! play. T
moat maki s ?t too - I
Maud v ti ?ty b1 other oi .
WOS )'t Id i't the st. Ne ., "... - li., 11? r ? ie <?i-.
I"! lire sil'Jei-t 1.1 '??:": i!. Mr. YYlii?. . ;.:. i 1 i I'.
.- nd th it u il'i't -i. m ihmi'.?l have a B_lU.lt -l tra. with
platfortDfl for the t at to Ile on, i id toa pe? on le
on. m. ! .i.?'( r Bud '
(he Bow's udders. ]f.mi r
im., tmoot by lbs i t of th met d, i
M?. i; iu!?!, riiiiiirki.d tfi.it the ovils i Iba
kafliwa to oxi?! f( r a loag lime, and tbis accounts t i tie
1>,el tii-t ? ol'butter . i ?
Mr. M-titita. of lompkiaaCoaaty ia I thal good dairy
products cannot be made of lbs 11 *t gi ?? and ?. .?t?*r, uu
1(8* tho milk is propi rly tt?k< li cure ol'. In m.ikiiig pur
i of butter a.id Bkoere of | ri s vtlin task proper
ii. : shreodon i ????*. is Mau
and sweet he h.'1 iif'.'cr 1 st, nil 1
tod t!ic-o Cii: : dly lasts He Male tis
Baan statement with retomwo to bardan! soft ?a
l'.iiTns, fir th ? ??lieii the Wst? is hard, thi bur
Mr nd -kim an iii
Ur. Taxen of Oat di dlnented f-oi Ihl h tpoMtioa
Be had used batter for 20. DaUsMsteai
?t '. le _i i Boi t Mb b
Mr. Medra v I | !i ?! I iel ! S li.,! b? *
to Lave tequiad O tuite ior It,
Mr. Allen of Trie Coanty ki ' ntl ir
on lim? Man? to ?gel
(..??I butter ?s made in the We it n
wi. ?i it reis to NeW'Torh it m sold tor s i
last in '.'.i.it j) ?rt ' I' Brie Count) whi re there Is llin tstoi a
1 rid, th'-y had attempted lo rao i - ?
toiled, Uwagfa ha e [mitti
the grass soff? n dm?:. ?
_- are very limiii ?I. They Ini
England, tiiim-'ii t: ? Hadaos Uiver Ci ?Btlea. eil
i.orthcru Hew-Ji .* I
i ?bio West? m l.'< ? tv , ana the roll
Siuto ot New-York, wkitrh be named, and wi i
uno to ii the wi as ia a ft Loada in
HerkimerCounty, ubloo, veretkonghtwert i
for $10 an acre, li. . pbj in toes, who
as into the diurv b ..-??i' m ?i,ti bt ? ' me rich.
Mr. deddts nid baw? sfraldthey wen I
: too much, hi
Now wltut an- Meta T '1 he County of Court Inn Iii us . i-- ti
?fce ?unter as ouv Otk?, ..ml j it iii?- vi ?it? l i- M bnr.1 it ltira
lko tea-kettle. Tbetois tlie MtkOtrk Ysllny; thors ?u?
aVuistr-rilini, tomona t i fins buter, and j
magnificent lime?sl II a
the >ft ittv to lay down ti. - p io pie, tot H mil Lot bt.u.d
the te?'
Mr. 1 homT? DerklaMt I kid Otk? tlin.r*- than li':)?- 1 lt_d
! is the troulile. ( lovel i i I Doi make _ I i
it require? high Ml 1 BU t iii.c SWOol irra.-s in old pa.-t ?re?.
Mr. Il-.wley of ?OaOBdOgS laid BOI k.i_?-i -I,', lid DO tight,
for if the air get?, in the butt, r m 1 Bow. T! i ? shoold be
1 soe.ked in l.nuo, to pnviut tLe wood dru? mj.- the salt out
ol' til? butter.
Mr. 13 ure se, Addison County, Vera mat, stated thal
they kan tried wat?, and make 1rs! rate initier. M.my
of the torm?n then anaboat to quit ti.?' sheep hi
and try cobs. I-.-i y r one mau with .?I cowa u?ot $?ki a
tew. "'l!.is year l.e titk. | iii? milk to i toetor. ?"?? u mile?,
endisdoiiig still hotter, 'linee panada M batt? ?a be
piOiliiccil as cheaply und tu?ily us ouo pound of BOOL
uoca an fetten ?i ??a this arkay. A voice, "Panwksp
will n'it make ?i ah '
Mr. Thomas?Aman !? iviag90eowi can male bli 11
? r thaa to smd it tu metory. Be thoa bt the toe
tori? ?ould ?,"> ?l"Wii, and that u ; i-? wo ?11 ern bogs the
cholera. A little ? ra ? nalangil pnveatthia Ona
in? ?ill pcedu? three pooada of ehe?
? h ,ii!o by the Le inrits ?re not in demand as for?
merly. Hi? jil in t'i paspan ibe tiki';* i? to soak three
days ia swill aailk, thca ia pat hot wal?, io m ta gat tke
tap out of the wo..d.
Mr. Mc(iraw lives two n,iles fnm a toett ry, kc? ps frorn
MteUaawai Ikentloof production is uni lb ?i bitter,
300 lb of chees. . a?. i '?! U. of milk make one pouud of
He {?ititi $'1,000 for nOcovvs, Diirh.itn gr..'l" col
i7 cent??, then ii) t ni? for bu't<r. lad whea it fell, ne
L lie npplied iii< ? - itlll. som
with all their care, some lot* woull be rejet tea. I" i
I ?tar? ..re important for milk or beef. Clan, i.? nqt 'le
suable. Stott gro ?ra fuatest and d'i-n be?! on bl a
and wlnte rlner bolt..ni?, Bud the old? the botst?. Al
the factory five cow? ?apport me hog on uliey al<ne; but
tins food gins growth more than fal; ai 11! bj a ?1 them
'?if in Bopteoab?, never keeping them till tho weather g.ts
Mr. Hawley said that in working butter, the hard Mt
dom sh?oild be u?r?d, a? iboold nagnlaka destroyed
Winking it in water desire? ? ?1 th?.- Ino flavor. 1 he rule
is, an ounce of salt to s pound.
Mr. __?l!)li, Uncida Coally, pave a nile for feeding hops
?bey, wbieh ia to feed 1, hours old snd not out ,1 Lo????
old. Iloth sweet and sour whoy are bnrtful.
Mr. Hulsline, (!oldiubia Coimly, said they ?nnsl i
their style of farming. They hau be<>? a-ndin?.? milk Into
the city, but the milkmen take advantage. WkaaMilh
ia plentiful they keep back tho cans, and they were pro?
po.ing to establish factories; for, beside fre?riii|_ !hctns?Tvos
from tbe milk men, thor wanted to make tho work of
their women lighter, which thi-y felt it their duty and
privilege to d?>.
Mr. Perry of Catskill said that their water was very
hard: their feed was timothy and clover, and they always
got good prices for their butter. Thir cominenced to
make Winter butter m September a I'.h kocua well till I
, I
Brr-ir ? A ?Hr..'.- part nf Ib ! DttCf ii"'? I? made iu f I Io?
ri' K. li . ' 1 IO ( -1 I .li''
The weather li flot; ?retterda*-- loi i r
nru e i
I.n . t, ? : . .
I?. !.. I. i 1 .1 ii, r.lT.i' d S. A. W. S AH ? A'
i I
ii, Be :* I
A. J.. > H'
ll. ('. ii . u ?, ()? ab i "-?i". '. Uti Ii H D, I.' i
li. ?V II. - '? rich; .1. 0, J
? | i . ?rt, \ c .1. Ha. Mi d,
, : 1. I.' II :..i -, l.
. ? -.: Jam* K i i. ? berl iii.
Km Hookj t'.il.,* n. lu B i ft Har igt : I
I B- 0. HtuH
I: lift! r. ' , II. II:.' ? ) ' ' i '- < -??--; .1. li. I
N.?" i ; W .'. VV. !.' ? " i '
B. '.' - . ? . .- tit! b . I - 1'- i: i . fia 'i"..!, i). VY.
; . th Doom k I'd ?' ?*? " . do.: H?
Cutt?, Orwell. Vt.? D. Bramer, do. ; U VY. Child, Wir
Vi. Dt.r.iiai. S- . tga; I). \Y. L'latb, Onrell,
Vi.; lm.it N. r.ui.'r?-, North lloot-irk I.. J. Burp?-?*, d'?.;
J, li. ?-.pi . me. Walthai i. Vi.; 1 boi : u B, :-' ?le, ?' ?? ?
Ma -r.,i, , ud K. K W. i It -, '? i... " , I? II. Btrlier,
Nt ? n - . i - :. , li. I. ti. , '.i .:.' i "?. . N. ?'?
'.. i -, .. c nile ; ?I.
* P, |) , , '? "t-A , :',, V- 0 Ot! A' C;i'i...i'"'l.
N -A. l Mill?; 1 . " I'.ins; .1. .?,. S'.-il
ii i.-i-. Nea N'.i.k: lr-in Mlnnej-, Bethlehta Catttr) I??
L li'tri.la, V. tel Kunu-.: <'. I Io?, lind, A.ilnnii ; \. David
?...i., Cn.i.Hoi". Certain-"*) tin-, ii ? ttry long lal ol ?_ ?? P
I hnve DCTti neeri so larne u nlm-.v of poalttjr, Van*' do
.,'? In.? l:ii:i-'ii nu- BtiOO I? Paid IO I
ni ii partir aa ? cu,i-? ii I Birt h liai r f tin- difltraal binda
of el,nice...?, i.e.; White, Im!., ?Tia)*, ip-Okled, black au I
i ; black, . -, ? it) -i i Pol i I?, Ki'- i?1i
f. tile, Rumpl I Bl Bbangbl -, Hullen (. . -
lira:.run I'., t "8, Bil k 8| luit .1 tlAt i'uii.c., Si-mu'rt
'?-Tillie?, Nari of D-r.y, lu ? Mounl ?**_? ? Muck
j I in.? - Doi inique*, r-ta?bri?*bl BanltaM, ted B?-?
I.iiiiH, .li.lil I! ni'itli:?. Nouben II.mt las, l'i le I*.Uli"',
Sp-, k1 d Java game, Bltol Cro- g mm, ayleabur- duck?,
two kind?, -iutoong, 8-nth ,\ neu: ia ltd Cnbaa do ki,
ttonin .!'..?-?, Ca a : t di '. . Bl? . 1*1. a ? ..-.'1 Whee
duck?. Beiid ? Ibe-ie ?ero On net (bali, bieaaud tarkejt.
obblei weighing .;.'? ponndi, and wild Bram?n and
Atrit.m gteoo. Ibea then tie i- difleftal kiu_. of
pigeant, mt ?ofthen ray b .mtifil.
ii, ??i-*.
The ibo? of bogt, niel n! -I imong otbt-^Cbettenrhltt,
lmr?>>. I ii -., Y i rt-rihin ?, Hnll M -. Chethl '?
, : ,i Berki I? -. 1 the* ghi I bad *?'?? ? Bo - ebon ? ?i b gi
befara, bal neret inrtbinjj eqtal lo Ibis. Maa* ? rt
In y lal tod !-? a'"y, Bl d it 1 in I
i big theui elvi ? ui tho
li: ii. Hall I.u., -..',??- ti..' -J
On tbe ?bete I tbteb I ban ?eftreeeaapaarertbea
ofcnttlr-. 'ii. it i? \u lilt] i.-?...?, or ImlM
? i ii empty
1 i tn i? i. .*- ?? 1" ' ron i oa ?, b
for .. i - .i ' |*. I wai told thal
k baa J
li ?? ? i--:- iii lo ?*??! t"> ?an
in- triada) ibual lb getting many
>.!b? r tflb Itt Lu*.li? r.
Iiv. _t*_a K1 IT
At Hi- opening ol I Prat
i .;l it.?:
LI Ko. l8, and Vi
Hubble of (he Iwofii
? . . - . renjiroond,
:. Cul ? i 11 -,-- i: . r '
i ? .
um en ti n ? ? I Ibu ilii',.
,!. and tri re i
. lit'.-.- M, : Back?
'; II. I. C1 np r. 11 , W'
' On Hie v- ?, 1 '.. t?
I; ? - ' Il H
I- 1.3 : . lit 14
. lit " .omi" " T'l T: '-'.'I.H I! ;
but on i p-i tib?** do -i
.?. ??. ii ibilitji ibrci-.i
i- pro? : I I . ' [iu it pi
I ' ' . . ' ? ??.
i , ? , i - . . v ; ? ? . ?
-i Bad
l '
i -
t i . i ? .
t : , f
Clam P.?D m (>-?..?.-?? a c, ? Kn-.-r - - ? i ?
I r -' I
(T. ? ':? ? ?'?'' ''' ''
ii :; til. .1
t r?l,l medal to H v. .i- ir, Mor-" ii .V Allen for >?
i tbt dnil i? SO
CL '.';- -I. - t'i'iril-,
?Tb- i ? iiii.irly a. II
? i nearly buk
1. ?ii d. 1 in
(I . ... ung
i I
tri. 1 I ! 'I.H.i lilt. Nina: b lil HI
| ...nt ; i,"l I, It Co,
tht great i it number, :. t Ibe ?: 11 ni
ti- ! M?.Tn found
ii ? -. Hold i : iwnriled le li. I. Alb", 'n'.y
Ra ?i. Ko .- .:? -1.
? D . S .Mll'Ai.
i ' I . ? ?? lit r, bc
otute it rame -o ni ?
. i ? I ? i '. \a in 11er,
' ?; I o 4 ?'. Bi ? .??'?"'.
? ?'. -I . 1" . 1!... : !.. . ::, l ' '. ' ' ; *.'.'. i Bl li.
( I. i *-:?-'. II .A Al ? 1 . $-' i . i-tl.
Cl.a i 7. Horse-Pi I I _ i Chi in.?A
Ion? ? toll l. H . Im.
IT A- i K ?11 ?> ?? -/'- i / .'.?- ,/,.?How it
i r 'i be m i" bine de t ? r. lie,
Qold medal recommi idedtol bE ? ntire Commll
( ? ?.?? '.'. - V . -// . i
re, with ? bal it
pram! .'.. r-ii ended.
Clam 10??7 ? / ? i ?
i Dedal reeoantndi ?! la R, ? II, ii. rdat,
i"!..*--? 11? // . li-' Bererel t-ompctitort, ?nd a
? i ? Po H .'? r, ?beldon ?v ? o.
ltd. to A.] .11. I-f. I;., y al P. S
Carrel.Indaed ---? ?-- - ii -. ti te-ond pi aiomi I i
? ? .? ititi bmanti, !"r tht))
( "?nil Ilii '!'..)>,,.. IIerring'?Tedd r wa.? jml.eil
iviniiiv if n gold in. dal foi the
? r uni li.i..-, bat it wm .-.
i". ."I Int..ii-e tht workmanship "rat to I riot c-ni.ally
? d v urt; foraed lo t ?,tn1'T.iii pooi B*oi_ri??n iblp.
[?LA P ? Hmy Ftrkl, 1'-ir kinds tom
jl ted. Goldmtdtl aw-iribd to J. hltntfl Id iV ''??., ?.'.?
?o Chapman, (lawler? Ia Co., vbieb I aeitii
ippuoabbi to b,'.r!i'V tad oatt, A i eond prciaiaa, or
t lent, ii i*? nuil nil ii te A. li. Spront, for harpoon
'ii,i? i? ali. Apertttrf thortpettwatrttd Aflertl te
fruit ditcOMion. .Mr. Wilder, from Booton, and otbett,
.-i r '..'. Tin: grape aad wiat tuj ti til iii-i-ui??t.d.
ffty Trlei??lih.|
Sun lim, Tniiinlay Sept. l'i
TI e b1 endtnee ti tht ?tate Pan It it ty large, li ii H
? ibera wera -O.tWO pt-tone on thtgrowadt xm,
.ti t.. tin? c-v. iiiii).' wert g7,00'. 'III.)
dellri red thi? erenlng ti the St. Ni> bola* Ho
iel. bj tbt H":.- ?naon s Hil ti ol Itertford, Ut ii ?M
di voted prinolpallr t<> (ha hUtotr oft^cnltan, and it.? re*
? in tht neil,.re m.d in!'..?i... im at <.f the bornait we.
i la and i ia nif tbe il'ir
nityand Impoiianoe of (armers. li show, conert rey
ttiiit farming ihoald be regard? (l mi rarrioc in win? h only
i.iis uiul cm rg( tn i-i id.
plying tin- Hund. Tbt gtireloeM lo laoiiow, wh?
tho po/.- taimtla will bt ptrtdtd. Tbt ihow of
. ia ina au-l implemet t? li huge ii 1 .>i i.I -, ?
that of catii? i? tb i.it.-ni ii, nun,bir?, tlioar;li Ihtqnalilj
isa".i['?r." t. _
Horse fair at SOMERVILLE.
i an tia?- tb.n! gad la I d \y af the Ho i
Vhll alni C.uti., i-'how held annually at li i ?-j vill,. N. J., nml
the fa. t of iu being entirely ?le? ?tel to r ting drew togitber
O'lite a large concourr? of bur."?- amateur? und tut fmen. Al
lu n't \k k -,. m. th.- buaiti? ?a-? of ti e ila- co M e uti I HI I bed
ono milo beat, tegMI iromi ? $9tt to t'? rut. ned |Mltt
tho tccond lient. Horten on ne 1 by tha fol!ov,iug gen'ljmen
were ent'-red: D. Mace. M. Kolan, and I, J AA'l.-elrr. I)
Mice't I orvet won the reipmcd Ihre- Icatn out <?t live cmitec .
ntlvely, M. Rodan'? hori" comitig In Metal, lim? I f Lent?
"-1. The ?econd ?va? a ninnliir* rneefi.r n prcnii
um of I..O? ?1?? far the but nnd ? ? fa tin- ?eui.ni, one
niile beat, and ben 1^0 out of ibi?> - itarted ?< re
!v I> Mu?, .lauii? (ni''". M ID ? Blcbard
BndW.8t.knm. D. >!,.???'- bori t m ibt rletor, tad
liic'.ard llrttet't caiiir in ?et omi Time of bent? 1 '?14. (_ ;,7.
?bo Hird race, a Walling borlo ??< nte?t fur tia. bctii\en
bortet owned by Altrtil 11. Yali ?..ni vY. ?YlltlfBne w?t won
l>? tie f luier. gt?) aatM tbt Itabit ?tataa, #100 prai
I7."i for tin-Litt a-?! I:', for ?Le ??onad Tbt tttofl ti titt
borttfiwcrt U. Mice. 1. C. Cbtmber ncl K. T. IT.lt.m.- I?.
M,.'. "a ?.t? k.,. tiela? l. < ' lambell ?-timing in -?
Ih?, ihr*, beata oat of lire; tirai of b-ati, ! I . ; I I- i Then
the hone? that M1 er trotted before for moiieT lind a i li >?< e
to win at-5 premiu-; I-'?, for the faitea and t_-f.ir the
?ecoi d. (?-.e tinte heat, beat three ont of Ctr. p Smith, Ja?.
Collin?, AV. Carireater. Wm h?ith a i. I. C. Chandler en?
tered beriet. The flrat preininm wat giren to P. Smith, Win.
Kmlth getting th? ioeon.1. Tim? of heuit. . 5'-'. I ii. '.' tt.
Teuui i Lit auver trutltr. bolore for biomi ?uw tutted for a
I7*i premium; t'lh tor be?t nr.d I.?.1? for next. I?. Mnee and P.
R ????.1 1 r.??nr??*t'??l for the tnt>. . ?. Maco ?? ir.nitu.- ni ?I D.8.
I s, ',; . ltd ?ce t J Be i i' r ? o il ?.f li
? m. ofBMIts, 1 II .11 .Hil, ti I:? Uors.'s h m1 been
? de sveams ??as nu? ?o far a-l
I Bot to ?I tv looa to ?inrt. ai.d tlie
exhibit I 'ii a :? ?ci 'V
C/F?I i '?'
SOT'IU'MI. CUJ1:T-iTiv?'I:.-4-.Sbi r. II -Uofore Jatloo
Bl I IT ti I
I. I ( I I M ' ?a | ,
I?. M. Vi '!-?? e| al. igt. Bridge! C. llcCullough at
Bl Uefel ? ? aie-l,
t Clirlitiaa QMa. MMtoB for certmr?!*!
'l nels Vn.t.r. | A. ?tV,r:i?_-..''f reno? or
?',-r. I
ii.: Ill MB ? IIB in IOABB of iifilih?TU1"
?*ii..iK..A..i i v. . i un M.Min.
l.i.- uti.es
T ii oiorniiiir the poa I t Iseaae, . njiie mo'loarorwe
? eeofai 'rttsranlatl ioo?ofCaroBlooOtoo,woren
' lilli -i' llI'lTlll i, i .1 ii.
I . . i) na liqnired "f ' ? r"i*rt what the rronnil-t
?rere foi Um I? b1 ti. J .Mire .-? tile 1._><l stated thnt I S oad sa
like ?.t.tes ?i.i st , i ,.'!?. lu? Mi-i ?p'"i?t fair hours
- ,' , . ! ? ? i , . 8 8? ti" v At ("iilil. nnl.-r
iront ?ii.li o ?certterert bV'tdebolM nm ??-e Umi bo
" i?tf ol?!' i wild never ?h?ed, wtiic.i was th? only
lu the i t-e.
taita Deas n?l?rl if ihert? wat no ? iy of roviewlnp tho do
ii. en ni r '? C urt "t S et lol S ?
.1 i !.-,- s tberl tat- saM '"ni i Igbt be a loto? of too Mari h?
li d i'-ii ? i-i v i" ucti p. /./ .??! lot I e v,ir:.'.i? prin i'?.j'.? Be
..?I mu l.i..".? i.j ra ihe ree? si ? oadar sa? uara?
rea Ile ?oobteda ?a sr a ?oeeealoaeeo, retaroabls
t, .. mi l. i ii, ti.ulil b ? nf e.d. anil it Houuiotl lo lum
u it torrs ?as ? l-nuiy bare ead al? lere o'J atlee, Ile koa.
ey, r. ueui., tioi ) tit It tit? that SMinn.l, bul ti.'-re did t-ot soeui
I., lulu In li rak m. an? ilnialit t ? t?? 'h'? ?ullii-iiBoey of tho ?vi
T. t ease had been of hiic'i IkpWtoa? not only In
rrli-iiioti.'to thi? c im? lint ?tatt) the irci.s-r..l practice,-_h?t li.?
. [it-1 ?i f .inn hi? mu ?i ?ir.sctic?- i.iui aBotral HaooasMa
nft'-r tleeatii i tke ciue.
.??. in. further Use*t?S on 88000, lodge I) in ii .imlniT Hilt ke
li i.l leen ?topped fi'ini tli?tn-.?i!'S it' tiuctii i? of probabltj
?I ula ?nil iciiiie?iiii|t pemiU?ii,ii io discuss Unit point.
Too tooan f.'' ?ei. soi ?Malua, sv iii g to es JodaeDeeo ih ?t
I . i:nii. a farther aotleo If bo bad aay olkor araoals
ti mi i ii..-?* tu*eii??Hii. The writ ?roo doola! ?uJ tho prMoo?
i ii tu iii ?, Mied} b boo? ko so ?<
I' til iii i, te. ?ill >i?it Blue ?.?.ell? Ii and, not with
iui. ung ii.11 ibais of ins osaasel
?UfSBIOft COVBT?Bracui Trim?Sri-r. I?.
Louis It'ecl..n!ier!'i-r Bgt. John K iinnii'nr.? Pcti
tlou HsOhargola KiiK-en.iV. Ilntci.u? i?i?t. .1 s?. liBS'on? et
al,?llrin-r graOloA KrnnCi? DOOMS u_t. lieo W. Areher,
As.?M-.th-ii greatod ead .s rersrrrd. J?eol> Beek '??'t
( las S.'iii't.iiiti. ?M'tion ir ni'ei!. dum !(*h* to be iistc? ,.-il \,j
a, "-aii.riirs j.iiy. Arabella BOWtOO Bgt. Alphonse BrettL?
Metis n ?.?r Ulled, ead detooll ?-jr.?ii???l oo kui.t of iTeoota,
.leim Bimamoa ?irt. Samari I? litterrr.?? 'tiou -upaiel cid
?u itiliuu ?P|?iit'letl. ('i,r:-ui|!i'i lin? (t al. u?.t J. Ki .til
1.1.mil? ',!..!!.m grant? .1 v n'ti'it ooeta Basse rut. Kilm
I-, ni ? Motion 1,-ritii'ii ?it ant eoets, Wau F. Drehe aft.
.*? t.'t. ri II i'liMier. ? Mut iis.-s .1 ? i.i- -I nil.?out ...?I?. .Ii.tii.-i
livm-' . P. .inn"! el al (twwweeee).?-I?|eaett?
Uciilcl m c .. li lie ?? ? lill t.'l c.i*t?.
Hclotr .1 nat it . I". ?.'::? I i
An.tin Ktsoshaar ?t b1 ugi, tot Baa Hivcu Itaamhoal
Id" .'? ? r rk flin. I ut ? ("tu pmv ?gt. The Xcr Haven
tj'ia.iiiii'it ' ? t ?m.) - .vi'ih.'U mated,
t t tei gaarui a, I . . I B ryX. OlaoeMeetsl
. tit mt m1, ai.d eau ? ?? lei real t i u n brae t?? lo-iir. Be.
A.b.'- I 'I r l ,-' l.i.t.? r 0. liol? ?'ti.?Mutuo
g1 -II te,!.
Jit ra. Tltomes Carroll.?Writ _;r
' i. i, i i.i ti ?i jfjt. Frederick Baase.?alottea
r-r . t .1.
li Ti? I t upt. lticbard I*. II ? i ?.. r .ailie it al.?Injune
ti .ii i_-i.ii.i."i.
eui Ki or OOMMOB ri,?A.?-s|, m Tasa Bill ii.
, I.i el J ' I.Lii/.n.
" liar agt. lliodelsry.?Motion denied wit!.nut
? : . other sppBrotfc n :
t.!. m.i-. I?aiake. lekaaMag. ntasaaa ?siB?
I'M IT. 1? si | i r ? i 0MMISBIOKBB1 01 PIC--Bart II
? it- f. Te ( . ' :."ll.a|.
Tin: r-H'Aii,i' R iiniiTV \?nn IWIMB.
Appbi it ion l.i- !"? ti msds bj tbi Consul for
HweoVo, ooderthetraelywBbthe UoBkM s iles sflBH, f'r
ti i Ita i r.? "li >l the ti.* ?'I Hie ?!ii|?
?. I it un Itiiird of her. Ih? boc toe
?>?.-? aimted stul broogM befbto tim Csmalosleeor ?Mr.
' | ?1 i.ir Hu?
' ' ,' ?.,'?! Oil
i !. ,.i BS n ii.riuilttc?! er liol M
b'.iiu the sltipB i li" ( T.i :..i?-i ?t.- II iinie ti lill ile? ?nil
... .1 lu ?i i MO BOtfl UM s!iiii t! -p tri. f i i er
Vii sue ..'jcrlii.i ? Were ro!?e,l bj Mr .lune?, the OOOOSBl
' .- '. . '?'.,? .'. U ID lie r.l.at'd H! ti ills
: I lill- lu toi I'???Iel
? " It.
- '??'Cms* !; >Ifi?rs. KJwia James
sod io ? ,?!') f"i ike i? '
I ila i.,:. is CAII?ALLBOBB I'M 01 a IBABSFBI rBES?!
1(111 M IKIXO II IT! H I IT I'LlTl.S.
i ? ? . .
. iras oh irgi 1
. |. -, ,, :-, ..: a ?a c> iil-.ts-? to Le
Mi, A. 1 i . en t.| rater in
I I ; I ' '
pt ita wai r muk
? ". .; S.?tlTl latani.
I wl s
I , 1 tt t
wo:-- ii." ! fur e h ? ? - parpnees. (Bag soo
. ?I.iiwti u:?
I ' .? ? ?. .inT it? e.
, t Hf. wore fun d lo :i in'"'ti of'irjiiiffi
rfi .!. Mid woiilti bj ?lull ti? Liken (loin
i r ? ? i?? ? aearv eareMiy, ?nd
?r;? 1 I'ltintrf. .t rtaeetbefeag wai taken fruin Mr.
aa Makai op M oa miic? ?aero to uno
le It.
.Taro ! -Ti'ii-1 lire st Ra ?vine S?tes Island i ia
I ?'?. 'i um ??ore tooad
:,!.?: d ter oeooterfeltlog parpeoea
;.. a ' T- j t lated tram the pi ne? a i lok I ti n.?
i ivcri' oil seed Be eaotitorfdilog par*
I I'ltl? of
,t ol ?el oil A
l!,t.? ? nh 'w?!i! ?? I/, ii In my ?0001 I knew tit" |
? I
f..it;i vi; min part?a? ? on,) Irou, J.nues
t .:. it rho re .1 ?sat tbe corner of Hoa*tea aeS Cn_?br*eta,
I iii? ',ot kaea who sxeeoted Me ; lut.-?;
; Ir , iireil lor iii-i".rii"??'of unntinsj t'?) face
11, ?r. -i. i arl? < Wo a: ',-?? ni tit? Bimi'.
sad 11. ?.!???-? It w?s ei-!-j't-il el last plaoei I sol one
or two I >-'eilrid|>e al dilt'cunt tii.es; 1 tt,
: itaa ?? ni lbs '.?I'lerstaudini," that tUcjr ?uro to bo used
poa s.
Croit-cMiitiiiiMi?I Inn! ut S?'ten I-lin?l for more than a
\ ?-ir, 8 ? Boola) -? i. -i BOOS Bel i ral in it? lutine: I li.-Vi? iiLsi?
t" en "!!?.'?.J in coii'.teritTti .il?; I -i.t? arrested .lu!? IS, last,
t..r eoaotei lolllaa;i nlto-r.-tn.-r I ?va? saa ?B*d in eoaniorfetUog
lorolroel loii'.n.ii.', I kuew the pieles foaed ia tin? Imute
a .t ? tu be, n?t i bad !' tea, seed for eeaatei ' ?t iu.- poi p i ?
M . I?. W" .1 i- I a- -1 ia
diii?i" kara Ijo ?aer?d saperi-tloa of
? .ii'tt i
\? ..ie v. . mr. ti 11 f'.iiiul ., p ii,. |] |ng og :, pn ri lu W'.tr- ?
to li t I ti |.
nut t f iii" be '? ?. I ?? ?- c . lain ti ii
ass ui a trassier pt? ? :. ,-. . ribod
t.i 00 tlie plate-.j
?. i I pot to BOMB. MOM Mr. Cutral |ir"dncftl a H*
.' .pt I r |hs in l| ? ?"l hud 1. ? .i | ',il f'tr ti)
i weat ??uti Breen ead ''1 roo to tho
i Stales Mir .luir* of e; Breea said ? ?rooM talk if
. WBS NI "I lim ?.iii llr.-ea Mil l.e-re '.util.I l-l
- h ?ml ?trim) ?. I: . .ii t bl :
Ibera woold bi irooble aboet tt' ,
'? i i r i? tlty er t??o. when i.lb.-r
t.i ? uilp-lit lu- oriielcl; ??i wuitstt ?t fe .. d i?s und t ?
taraedopoad wowsBtto Wa elsnreii
BODO Of 11. pu" , ,\ .'., i.'-I" ?l.liWIl to III" (' e rt S c.c I'o,.m| lu
Iii i ti? i.oii.c. we did ?ile! .i ? t place.
i ;;. ti in Mi. u. I. sltewarl ; i?l be
part aft? seaversattoa wkiek !.. 1. el
d? .ni-.?, imparte? to weOaveraOMM iu _et_U| i? i
r .:,, tie tuart he remimbored dUtinetlj
wa? tlmi in a I lob be ?i ok? of UM coarnraatios betweea Mai?
i" b'nil,! I I : r.l , Ihe Wro-?? fol'l lilrn lieloru tl.ut the (ioit-i n
aeol wM |alac te hnok oo toa baalaeea,ead nil seooeoted
'tit'. It ??usild tuvo trouble; Lo hid butter tell al! ho kiivw
?lmtit It.
i>-ilirci-t? I . "?iii! tint t. V the v.iliio of the soto or press.
i f Marrar, loo Oaitsd Hatea Marshal, tesfiled thst
I'.r cn W.I? lut'tit'lit to hil l? un au ou riui.duy moruiiii?, eoiue ii?,
oi ?ix v. oaks osa
Mr. Hawaii oajeet? t<> say arldsaaa ? MeeeaveeeeMea
?lush' i llreatsnnd l?? luis? a on t!..' putt of tbo
(i..? t'lltiiu-i.l olticer?.
'i ' " ( T.r?.rm- -?-.?ier i sled thal si Mr. Mnrrny'. teaBamy a?
imt.'Iv t t.i.I.riuitory of Mr. Wood'? ti-.tiuioii)- it uiiglit lio ml
Mr Murriiv'Inn eenfirrned ttre niiD'int "f Mr. WM, II.?
?aw Mr. Breoo -ti Ms i.se, ?na told bia that it ??? ?? -
mult- r. IT,lit Ilreen offered to tell all if ti.ey Woold lot Ima
iro. 'Ii.nt il.ev du'liued, but sdtawd l.lin to tell tim abela
?Hitter. 1 but tlie? prleeeer thoa asid tkst be bad beaabttha
pre?? fmni D Ti h Cniirlt y on tie eotiilitifin ll.at h? iliotil.l ?
permitted te ese B. 'That Dotek Ckarlss it--l n.?..! it (var
linit-a?oit " m l.n pi ?ei.ee?lor toe mairim of n tfty-aoot
ulate. Tbat toe Mai tfaoe be bed reoMoetratod with him thal
It was laagwaae, b? atBI had panslited bia te u.?e il Thal
??iii?' .pi.'ni,y t .T pi.pti?. ,| to ?"t U s Marshal pat
tv? o ..I'.i elr in !iis le If Ibej Wolli 1
let loin BO lit'iiiii for the pri-fiit. | | ?t ?f,, r ctniMiltiitiiMi
they hud ?Kivtid do ?o. All this ?ia, before ?uy ?-airaut ii?.
b-iH ii.
Mr Besraeabe?raerace?ed, nr.d testified io r.inl!ii_r a roll or'
I . tt.r the pans? "I impresMUia; SlaMS ou the arnUSM ut ti ;
tiite- vi ?? atag |!?" praaa
"Ih" ion, u.i isMari il.is'U sdjoirned tbo SOM ti to-morrow at
_\ :u._
L'dl'llT 01 (JllMlllAI, ?Sr.-s.SIo.NS.
[I ? " e( ey J.iJ.e It.!.|
I'i.f. I iTtlf. A IT-* IU1BMWL
'Ihe IflBl of Kriday in ti,c v.(*ck!y cicli) in, I".
come ? ith th? wit ted a ?? rim ym for the piinlelunent tt _mmt
arlan, It b? i?i?._r law aaa?AM_k_ag_a__*e_Mffl,aa_l in
tie Court i.r Ccmrul Sessions it is the established time whsn
tullin ! T arti nit:,mded prisoners are brought np for ten
lenco. Y i ?ter.! ty ?a? an MoBOMS of the proiflo n um har of
e*ue? of ""nullt?,'' ia vtl.ia.-li Ibu Court NOlSfOd J'ulgmeut.
I ...?re were IO olendeis lentenced to th? Slut? Triton ?ad
reiiifcntbtry-for teru ? an.u?jntln?? to 90 yeni? |q the whola
?_r_rre('i?iH. sad their naine?, ?ith the oompl.ilul? niraiuit them
a ? ? LLUiLfr vi yean Impruoiiui'.nt passed oa each, M M
?sa Buldwln, oonvUted by pie? of an ??tempi st bnr_r
liry lo the third deifree In hreaklue? lulo the Imtoher ii.op of
11? itry .Sohaili, o?irner of Kint-ave, and O le-huutlred-and-ili
teoota it.; lent to I'eii?eiitiar? fir on.vrir.
1 raab IVnny. for an ?ttempt at (rautl larceny io takiosr the
trunk of Antoine Ko??., ? foreigu cuiltftaiit, lo the I'raiteaila*
ty (or one ve?r.
?.?arl?? Kin?; ?ml It?ymond Carr, eanght la front of Pal
aoni.u'i. oo the day of the .'resident's U.oa.Uou. is th? ?ot of
ricking the tjocket? ot ITenry Neal of a gold watch; to the
?tata Priaan rec two yara Moat ?...
Henry KMiariltton, far miking an a?aau ! on hu co!ered
br'lhtr TLomiw Tboini-Oi', with a chu. knife, to ino Peart
tetitiar)' foi one year
Otto Bice, a b ir.ter, ter. wai _nc(* .a* for ti?lng onrec???-iry
force I', pnliln. Itoc-crGilbrid? ?"-I of ?i ?tili?>B In W II ?'
Kr-iiern k_)_,lc.nor?i', tue kccicr of tho -.lae?. *?_ au
eli, red. , _
I .I7..I. nott ? I'1"'' !-o-k?t. wlio-eofr.-n??. I? crertilly
: bete-, wa? .?>u?i?-"-d to the 6t_tt? MM* tor |M
PraaklUaao f >r aslng a Hungihot on oi-.cr Iloily -.'on.
I . foi two fears. ... ,. ?
!.. rta '??'?.ii. d ?>,-' nr-e.', on o pl?a of (tniltv. of ?-?'ault ?na
b tieri on J,.he P. Balli |
Clin.,, lioiiley ano John Hoyt, burglar?, State Prison, two
re r? hi ii tit ?motin. e_cT
T "-m ii Wh-vlan, an rtbtrl bnr'l ?r, Peniteiitb?ry qre V"*_*.
I, li - H nab, for u 1 ir?M_j ?rf ?T.lumg. wa? tent lo tbe lion??
of K f n*. . _,
. It.y.oni end John Oller, a pair of ?net? tit' vo?,
were reman ii d t. t Mat ?net,
co.NVie.rios vkd-r mmccLtim.
Theonlylr ii bad y.-?teru?.j wa on ta md "tuient for grand
I r. ? i ? (run Hie pertoi, la wbichtVlohi? _'ita*i'uuion? vu the
.1. f.idoOt,
Mr. (?.iTiingS. r.""'f.r'!. 1r., Animant Ditfrict. A't rney,
Ifutarad f.r ti..) iiro?-etition; Mr. C'harlet b. Sj.uior lor the
deni ?>:
Mr. JefT-'r'OTt N La F ?ree the e?.) plaina-!, to?- tho wit
(liai ?t md. aia', on the rlir-cl etimiii tloit. t'ja'ih.'d tuat he
biaiui-ad lae prlaoittr m beiag tbe ??Maa a*bt ai? k d nispoek
BIS i la .ti IBa Croat i]iir??iii..iiiui? bv Uifoudant't client be w?tuot
en a attira u. lae id? ?tug.
i i ni? deposition w-f no (bo Police Magi-tru'", he ?tate?
t!,i,i he rTos nt'ing on the an r,ung 01 Iii- Tilth ,?f July,
na, at I o'ol.-i k, riT tue corner of Hudson anti fin iiti.p.icr-st.,
rai ii rt op ana Fi t> luiuoii.i t ?iii.'and nat bennie li I ill, Beet
Biter b? felt hu land lu Li? ptttalnWII pocket, bul seeing
Baot her man co-Tit tu g up ?vii.ni In- te?.p??i. <i wa? an ?ceom
pitee, le ?na - f. aid to ?ay tttyt'.ing. but wlioti tht pi'kp"cket
1 fi tad Jouit-1 hilt corni wie M found that a ?it of t. eth. a
ti ur of tlaeve It ttoae, ?ud ? mall ga .ntity of frie-'lnnal cur?
rency h ni been taken from hiri p..?te??!>n. Ka ?lien foil j? ??I
I'lein. and itirt OHicer .fohii Coi of th? Ninth Precinct. The
mi out avi ? mude in a ?alona cloie by. in io roinuti-a or le.?
lifter ii,o thef-; and the officer, in bit twi rn evidente, taja
t t Mr, I.t Targa pointed out -Tt_M_imoii-, and poaitivelv
ti-. o_i und hiii) na being tn? pt>''.?' rc'r-.ot, and Which recogni?
tion In" m III rite.? ?t the 1'olii-c C "ir'..
Mr Iril-'irire w iihetl io have lie Dintnct Attorney wirft;,
dru? Hie ot inpi tint uf ? ?rint ..'./.?iiiimoue, but hi? r?-?|ne?t writ
rellim'?), Bad Le then tilled lo uppeiir a?i a witnea?. until nn
utaelaeat bad ibe elbel te bmi Lim. It w?? known to the
Cnirt u! Hie tim-j th it ITl-aiuiiiiois BB8 a bal ch-ructT. who
Lud ttreiltHitly ?erred one term nt 8 ng S ug. Dteoitt Ite
co.-liliiigat.iteinentaof the ceini|i|..niiii.t. Ibt ptitoMf wa?
eoavioted by tb? Jar** of petit IM-MJ, and waa ?eutouocd to
the ?ilute I'n.vm fit lire rear?
A- I NKXi _.-M> CAIL.
Charle? Donley and Joiin Hurt were tvccii<e?_ of burglnry In
tie thud degree, tad pleaded gmbj to nn ?tioi-ipt. B rthr?
Oluekner, living at No. _-7 ?li.t U miton-it fouud th?ni b?,th
In her ?[>?rt...ci,tn on the ?fitraoo? of the -Oth al Augutt
will out invitation or permi??ron. Sho left 1er bedroom to
;'?? io ll.r-kit |,,?ii and wa-? al.eut If) minute?, tad tbt thieve*
ril/.MCe n[>; iiifiinily to c-titer the ro?im with fil?o keys.
T icy went t?i ter room nu.I proeMd?! tn |?r??eii? t leinselve? ot
u .| 11 nt it t of ?earing appa; I. ?i rib c1' D, lb? proin riy of tho
complainant ant Caroon. Kmeniil'. When tho I id) ii-tarncl
to lu r PI. it-it.i r t' I tloor was found locked, and the thieve? dit
Bovert?! la their operations inside. Ju-eph Itaagto au ecee?
j, ti-t ..t th. Boom, trlett to ?tone the door open, whoa the prit?
oner?, gilt' the "?;i|.' uiiil j ?mi a il ont of tho windee*, AM
?l'i- stptarad ?laitt.y aftrrwaiil. Thcyeach ree-m-d from
tlio Court u toi m ot 1 M. HI mid I inn nu in the .Stat? Pilton.
a _i mu vvko.vc.-doi.b.
Katy Sir.lib, a bu.om )t?utig ".'tri ot II yeera, wiis brought np
on li?"?, it ?dieta cute. She pleaded guilty to one, whl-n
. tari d 1er trill steaUtg two ?ilk dr??,?e?, rilned at l.uo.
'?. i,-i. i. . . Ung of li ?<? I'l.ir.oii I'.. Matttttra No. Ill K.iflt
'lliirtieth-.it. S n. went Miera no the Htb of Julv to hire out aa
I Mad-Mid, but only loniainrd three hour?, when the
ile- itti| c1 Will ihe tirette?. Ktit-T iit.iekly got rid of them
ni ti e p i? n it.i o. hat did no) tara mi sall (rea beiag ?in-?ted.
Ihe C'.i..n 1 ???-? d It-nintly on tin- lattadaM on account >f bet
yotitn nntl ti m, rta tho ii?. ?_?*. of Ktfuge a bettei- pltM tor MC
til "Iti u 11 L o: .
lhai-.n.-v; tiii: akt or r-ri-ij.AK*-.
Thon:??? WhroliiB a,"d l'i, waa charged wi'h being a
l,.|-T'lir. Tbi? yoiitblnl tdept It (Tillie, Wai Bcctjm??! by KUM
Cid i \o. 11 BrooaaiL. ?nth bltieg an entratice into bl?
?toieon tbt tight of Ibe tell tfAa-rtat Ho wa? va?it???d by
inn m ' ? ai I Ibey Barn 4 aw?y betvtM tbta a
I'u.tntitv ?f iK'ildliig. .imita and blani...'?. ?Tntlry artic.et of
veariag ?pp iraL aad alto toa? eraeker* ?ure ami c? petmgof
i!-t til value of g1'8. Olncer llroilh? id of the Ti,iii. .-nth
Pn-clin t u ?? ..i waealM Bad une.ted kit-. He pt-knowledg-d
b.? guilt and ? ua ?out to fin Penitentiary for 1 year.
Tho?. Koggfini and Jo'.u (it.len were arraigned for ifetling
Cu?n At.?? ni Smith ou t! e 15(1. of Aligut. Tu-y Uti him .tt
ti ? Sen-York Hoi?I, Hinl through MBM h"?cii"-i?ot!ii.i obtai.,, d
I,.? ar?toh und t Lum. valued li t'Aei, linda lind in monev.
Tbe? v-re tu-p ctnl of liming eotnn Uti d ?'?r-io mi-teliief by
(?ilii r-r Hruke et tim I-'i!fei-nth Pr-cinct. who nrrettod the?
w let H' y ?.'?lino mit of the hotel The* both 11 aded guilty of
graudlaneny oud rere reuiitn.n'd for tenteno*.
Ilii-f.irr .i.at.i? li-,? lim].
Tbe pro?x?ding? la tbi? Oouit, j inter.ay, wero of
rather niore ;iiter-tt ?hnn for ?creral dayl putt.
Tun .??.???.Ar bank can,
Tht mm of Brlgga tie? t-n-r .i tb?' Komm Hint, ?nd
default*, to Um tiawel of Iboal iCti.?OO, waitoha.o been
beard, but wa? p '?u. "ned until Monda/.
Tun tomb? rocmtv-TAni).
Det-M "a latarral m the proeeeliagi ?if the Coart, onr
ro;..i(.r ?it nif i uifil of ?i renou? charge winch la lu i :r ti?
lt: lea, prirately, agalsit Jadga DowHag Ti - ehargo Is laat,
it.otean ol reirjiTiiig ibt p.eei'n't of the Tpetbt M unpl is nt
>!>, ?i.d tberaby eaaalog tloee tau-'n.,ed to vui.tte tit
I ia? to lu?;.I It In ?ll??iKi-e,)?lile metnorv. Le hnt MBMd ?urdrv
tpUndld ?|?"" linen? of tealt*? te be located ti|?in t:,i bf, front
tri i .t? .ni ii iltic incut to cn i muli ;,. I'?.-i o t-iut, it they can
only ?ticceed ii doing anjt'iii.g ?utllci-ant!y bul to ?ecure
i ,tion. th-y will Ixt M upon ebie?M broiled hen
rj mu? rrx-ier belled ?? bun: as torr roo-ela. Tbtn
tm be trMenct eftbt triif?tiiu.?? ot lit iberia for
uiron r? painui, te ti.- ?int lodioated there w.u. nui?! t aitlgli. n
mott belligerent-looking, elderl] raeeler. vtnarotamr om
?pti:iri"iiiiv rrj ticinir !'i tho pros MU of toon eot-apying tLo
protiii poaitlon of bia lather. I'.-nler tive protection of tlu-te
ara two wnlrf-d bear, ? ho m ?wer t? the chucki, of ile ?miar
Truster ?ifI, aapan-i.t dcliuht. Another itoi-y i? Unit tbe?o
iii,, ur- kept ia reed-teas far the moat ?ofaaM eeoaaieaa
tl.it ta, to fnr.ii?'! u luat cheering uienl to tlio*" for ?horn tlio
galloa* ibnll Lave becii prep -tri.
int nu.at ' I
In the erne of the i.-otnen v. ho vi en- ?baaed and thrown on?
of tlie boat (ireviiinly reported), application wu made for
ate of the girls, ? I a srs .! riaiaed m witm s?-t igalatl
the panie?. The Judge ?et? (ned to rahaM tb ? Itorlng they
niiglit li"' be fnit'ic.uiii-'g it I M ? ulled, uii-l dei'l'iu'd nt tho
? i... il.it to woulil bug the mau who coi_uitti"d tLe
crime, ii to bad ti:- pawer.
II!)', rim BCRtNr"".*.
Threo partiet tttn Tro.hr 1:1 a? a ebllgl of havinir vin*
1 lied the ordinance o. the Ile.lilli 1! i ir?l by e\pnM- g !..i I >;,?
in ne |i-.ii!i.'?ti-i !? till, which u:ni _etbeeaaleeaee und tho
lull? ud li:.? of which Liri ntl !n en ii.| ,,: . I. r inline*
I 'i:-? Geraghty, John Hart and Jumes Meehan. They
were co-iuii'tcil ti.r ez-imiaatlon.
a aiitiiiT _r__t*-_nrTa___i_r?
At Hil.? point, aiiiltiuring a luomentury Maaenc? of the aTtdgt.
twooillcer? eaterad with a in?,y rpeolBM of tim Bmerald
I ! t .? t if li ko 'I'm i .ti voice announced thit Li? Haine Wa?
I. ia r ?.(.' ?room if the Hath Ward, and that to it-uul gel
' ?,',nir ball to iii i nil out. H ? declarad that h? had "lone mitti
? iii i.-; but that a dirt j M-ckguardof a pobc-inan whole beged lo
I the r,iniiv It ti-- "nulli oaathry** who martbered l thcr
M i ..,-?!. d tollu,.."! hitn iTri ?? block? t.? ti.-" " ?t pt of bit
own dour," Hn-I Ji-tm? In? mti.i walking in to t'.ie nula woman
Ito bastard of a Inra-coai Iriahmsa''potbta linn on ? , . i
lock im u.iiiv fron in.? fttniiv.' In nuking fu- ?t-ti-iii'nt
? ? iliil With or. ,|,.r p.,v.-1-r ti,un i b .; i-iii-e, ho u?. d
inudtj ethi i- e;,i'!i.T?. w bl ih, altbi agh hmlllar to ti i ?? ar? ? f
Itoeoart, woeld M4 be andertt m hy the ??dan BfTrrt
Tait?! ? !.. II ? '...i. .-'.:?? th it if Jj Igt Hot: au lind ii "n
!.. i , I.,.; would bave been rol-aatd Imagiai** ,
?o am?.-, bo ? .ii resjored to tbt c- II? "until iiflialratl* .im it
io Lo beete."
Thotnna *VM?nn ?rd Willi nu II. TteaptM wer- bron.ht
np on coi'i| linn of Andrew "larda Ol N'" i'T A , -.-. ?t., i
depta Itboffi pteobertlt? rtol? fro-- lum a
: t- t iiile to, io i.? Ila. und that tho tea WM fouud in
theil poiat'triiou. Th.-y were l.i 11 tu mis* cr.
John lletXUf of No. tt Mad i ?on-if. cut-?
?gainst I irgltg bia aitb laving, bj force
u ,d rhdenee, taken from bim a l .1.1 aateb nml obali
BfgTtSO. lu default ot |l,cr-Ob_i!, lie waa couiniitt.d
loi trial.
Thomn? Fiither, on co't.plaint uf John Ongln. ?ni held for
ruscilt and b Itery. c, arti Catii ..t >.... it Cllntoa-at
Uro.kim. cniiipl'iMi--'l igenit John McCartbj far I
Mt.lcu frota hi-i I?*?? l_?-ut* o( MBobM of .the Aril uo of |7.
Three ttMtha for John. Mnry V rr?-ll oflfa H I'rm,.- -t.
eooolalaed ..f M irlalh r Mathea ? Bar Laving thrown a knife ,t
a child. I .o i rael w:m m t ?uttcu-nt. lira Mathews wua tilt?
il.i??ed. Tba Court tbeit adjourn d.
I'eforr .attira ?Ininn.
The foilonii-- Mae? mm tried on complaints mm!" to
-.ai. - i ?etui ?lttb (City Hall) Preolnei fur violattnaj
i i'l i.riliuaiii e?, mel'-iil;tratTiti renileietl a? folio W11 AA'illiam
li bourke, teoond-batn?! rb-aler, doing n toeood-haad btuiiima
witi.nu'. 1...-ti. o. i.l-.ai l.rrmc." If-Ouira, haekroan, ua
I dru. ,- la i largt ot e-i'iich. tilled Id; ?jiiiuue-l I). Blag?
hum, Lackman, lalieented c ?
Slli.M.lt Al Mt Al! .Uti'.-! FA?KAVHLI, COSCIl'iT.
'I').;.? \eri Iiitii'.il arli-t bciiit* about to le.iie i
rope, will girt a farnell eoaeor! ut Irriag BtOcaSata
darerening. Tht pragremaM an .-nts eirtraordlnarv1 it
traction, a p-n, ??( gabt-i "f talent having vol?i
??rillt-?totbtirbrethtrtititt Tbi i ilowii
litt of the u ii big ort Boechttli, *?l It De Ot-b.1.
Mile. A. Batonr. Blgnorl Manoltni, Orlandini, Yi
Mu? eateni. Carlo Patt!, Anlavuni, Wa?illeh ud Anto
nt.t-.-i, togetbtrf wiih t grandaboctia ainl orahettrt. Con*
I, M--O.HT lt..-a ami N'icolti, Such a a Urti ot tal?
ent ?ihuulil ali : ut t a .ri.ti tied audience.
maa mm.ay iTiauai oobcrt.
Br-tt????l . . , '- m.'I
n .it Irv ti?- Hall neil Buii?_!i/??Aihfr vu Xhis
occasion the riical trtiitt till be Modauie Johannicn tnd
Mr. Arthur M.ittbi-i'ii, un KngliMi tenet Jwttrrired,of
wlii.in rep".rt iptaki v.-rv blghlf. Mr. Thomas'? line
orcli" ?tra ?a ill be aiigin?-ut?-d, and ?ill perform several ol
tilt OltSttCtl OOttpoiitloiU i f tl.e gre it lli-ater?-.
Mcsic *.T('K.VTRiLr.\itK.?The ('.-ntn.l Park ('.,'!:
mimloner? announce that if H.eweuhor ia fine there will be
rnutic ontthe Mall, at the Park, to day (Saturday, Sept. 1.),
MMMttef at H o'clock p. m.. by the Central Park leal,
nii.ler ?he leuder.hip of 11. Jj. l>-dworth. Tho fallowintr
U the progrutnuie ?
_, . HABT I.
1. Amatan March. _____
r T'iTi, ;.TLe ,tar,'(r?f sev.ii.'":::.:::.::::. .Mir" _i
J. Ameli? Polka.Thome?
4. A;l?_r?tto b-licr.ando irom tho Bia _infoui?...._kethovea
5 M. rch-" Shell-of the Ocean" .Doilworth
6. Overture to "Preci?lo'. Wah*.
T. H."r?ld gtiadrllle..S-rfia.?
8, Urand KlecUon from "_*n Hallo in Mucher. ".V?rdi
9. Qtilekitepon Popolar Air?. Pra.l-?
.? nfi ; ' w;;_M ?h," ?' ,'uTe".M-_d.'__!,u
H. H lUolo ( Ih? Ki??). i, . ...
u. u.iop ' ?i'-tk?.di?.iD.r''......,.??..ra
An interesting gam cm.I' M fhlB fcnidlld Mt
fourO-er tb-.t. ?'ni K nu-ave., on W? pt. 12, Ictweea
thoCUotoes of Votkvill* ?ixl Starlight el Be-reoteoatkVt?
?hleh rienlteil io tovtir of thoCiiLlo.ii? i? ?? reoflWtolA
('Litros. O.
Cramato. c.4 i
D.irmtdy. m.S 8
Wrtdiwt rth Ut b_ S 5
M'.llhc?! 21b..2 ?
(liles, 3d b.?J 6
Oom ?. ? .4 3
I wood, L f.a 4
Meeton, e. f., S _
Carary, r. I..3 a
Total?).??7 3U
MeCrai ey,as. I |
r; d ii. LI.s ?
C r' ., t. C S
Walker, et. ? I
Bara?, e . 4 t
t, r. f.I I
. h. 1 I
Di ?.n, J?tb. 1 S
JJolau, 3db.3 I
Tot?.?.27 U
let 2d 3d 4tk m'.b Cth 7ih Blh 'Jth-T'.UIs.
("lintons.... G 0 2 14 4 4 1 7 1.3?
Starlight_I 0 1 3 2 0 0 5 3.li
II m* Kens?C1 nton, !; Stsrllght,6?
I ly Cateh'?*?(Tinton, IO. ?ti ru .-?a, fl.
I ajl'O MlQhfoiBB of Aifity II. IL C.
Beorctt?MesDis He?'.'? sad Cu ly,
The Minmi?? of Hewart aadtka Athletic?? of Jcraetr
(lily played a mutch game in L ist Ne wuk nn T.'.urtduy o' lok
was ?e-on by the MinmU hy a ?core r7 4?i to ?a.
A match was pim e?l in t tie same locality at the i-ime ti ?io
betweee the Moulton of Must Newark ?Ld the l'i**?ie? of
On Tfeiday next the Eureka? of Newark play a ?rome with
IhotTalaiMor Morriaariui on the groando of ike Baroka Cub
In New si k. O a the Sifnrdav (blowing tho Karckss play leo
return gatuo witii the Empire? ni Booekoo.
A flABU-ITKAPT.n ArnicAN.?A colored man named
Willium Mi.tthcws was arrested Thursday evening hy (?those
Crossman of the Bereen police, chanted with haviaer throws
hi? sitter down a cliff or miniature precip.ee about i l loot
high. The purtle? to the frayai reside at ??but it locally krowa
na " The Booka, " in tho "Kiggor Wood? ' back if Jer?ey
City, and William's anger at hi? ?Int?r lemobBm saooaMaMo?
Me, hesteosd end Ihrew herovortlicrl.it'. Ile guli heal
?Iruck on the rock? at the l?i*tom, and ?!,<? ? a? ttken up In-eo?
??'?li?, In winch oondttion she continued about time hours.
Tbo brother, meanwhile, wa? irr?- t?l uinl commit?."1 tohw?1|
iha re.ait ?tf her injuries. She nwiasod ?Ituut S o'clock,
when ?he ?aid ?he waa not hart enough te maV? it moth while
ti prosecute her biother. ?ml they bud better let bim ko. 8he
then dressicd herself and went to a colored bsi'l at Greenville,
six mile? an n j. end danced till morning.
A Writ o? Capias.?Benjamin McMahon, who
was arrested in Jersey City Wednesday, cknrg.d with ?mint
Unga Now-York Crin of lion, was yeitc-day delivered te
Sheriff Morsolf. on a wiit of iMsVm? ad re,pan! ni'i.m, no4
lodged In tl.<? County Jail for tri d. Tli.xff c? ef ti te ?.rit I?te
make the defendant answernble to tbe OOBpl iiii.n.i?, ?' li"t?ke
this aetloa te toeUltate too reeoveq <t lbs aeaoy. MeXahaa
??us ift in the emoloy of tin C ?n ?rd Coiipir?*', n? ! ni b cn ?r
ssaoa rip sBstel? als leeartaa on tos si sesee ?na pre.
t- io bl wblekbewas end?-Mv?ning to swindle a servant girt
aeaod Ilrhlrret Toomey of |o0in gold whWh ehe bad BO? nTled
to bin. to oonvc-y to her father ln?i r? I tr.d. winthcr lo told har
Lo waa going. The girl roeori red her money.
Tilt? Aocidrkt TO Mb. Ki ?ok.? The irccident to Mr.
Jo. epb O. Bdga the well known Jcrs'-v City |>?-n, ice h ?jet,
provis not ??> ?? i ??ii? is wa* st f?r.?t sepeoS-?L Mr. E Vas
rent?ed tobt? residence, ami Ms coniliti'tn ia n--, no muck
improved it 1? thought ho will bo about again tvitbia n day or
FiHRHFef-s Parade.? Tbo tiionnial parade of the
Jir--v ? ?ty F.re D-narUnent v? ill tnke plaos O'. IS tho
aaatveroarj of toe ia rod action of ti?o Pia-uIc Water, um?
reen Og?, lins ?i?l Be the third ninnie ?irce tlct evict.
Ihe route of tho pioc?-s?!oii will lie from .Ir'iv City SToeal
tho Beeerv( ir st? re Balseo City ?nd ictmu. The cutirr De?
part MM M di pkltieipate.
Coi'STY Fun.?The Somer*, t CoaatrF IreloMl
st Sotno.vill. v_?t'-r?Liy. Tho mfetini, was more tin-? oTvU
n.irily successful, on lag to tbe exe? lleut minaren ei t Bad the
attcBdaaoe wes very logo thraosghoot. Thor? wer I verso?
yt eferd iv, nil of ? h'ch weie won by boree? owi ? mid drivoe
by Mr. ?-..in Muco, tha well known sportsmen, li me IMssMS?
fuetion w11? expressed by defoated ov?i cr?, bat I? r .te- ?ero
conducted in the fairest aiar.ner possible, ai.d "ipccd* and
"bottom'?on. _
LiB?ARY at Hudson City.?At. a BM___g of
M'itual Hook ar.d Ladder Company No. 1. held on the 13th.
Me.irs. C. H. Moody, John Yan Horn. QesSBlW. Hiker,
Richard If. V. Steel, rind George, P. _?tW_B, ?vere appointed
a committee to r-port upon the feasibility of ergu? Isisg ? tren
publio lilriry and reading-room. This is a eoiotaeadabM
luovemeiit, and ahould bo encouraged by all the sMMBM ot that
place, _
DisiioMTiT Domkstic?A yonng woman named
Julia Ann Daley was committed to the Hudson C tu ty Jail
yesterday morning npon the cbnrge of having stolen from Mr
8. N. Marsh, in whoae family she vvo? o?r. [Toyed a? B (lomeati*
a dmniontl pin vi!'i"I at |I50 ar.d WOeriag BBff r-l und bed
valued m ?j?) more. A not' ?. ? I wa ern led wBfe
l.-r, bul -uli 'O'..?tilly win db-eh.uirea. it b"in_? al ?f. B tt at ih?
lud nothing to'ilo wit?! Ihe theft. A port lou o? the ?oods wa?
recovered, but the pin !? ?'ii rui*? -
Fito.'i IAVABBAB. s?pi. ti-'-? ttteoMhta KfaMtaple-O? a
Ayic. Mr?, .spier? tod d.iiglit? r, li. IV ?iii, A. B? l'oitnt.
Uno P.'s??.8 41 Si n S* ?.I te ! Mtoti Set? ...10?a
? ?Oil IVA .'KB Till! DAT.
Sandy Ii ???.. ..lli.'O I dot. .?Ji'ni.UM I Heil Uti?.1:41
?Mea M| los Oha, R:darda Phltal :??!.'?. I. Util.
??t ? Ip WVJker. Sh.-rin. I'hilide'pli. J H liri,;?.
BtoaoMhtp l?"evv Turk, Platt. Ali laicfiia. J. liai ti
liar's. May i'1'.w.-r. (. .:. ,w ..1. Baxtadoet, 11 Trc.. ! ni.*'* S?a
i K.-?'t is Al .r,'.*..:.a. II ?. D.vei.
Bark Baut ..- I: p n.l. Bos-i B?r--?loit? P, llatnioiiy'? N. pi ??r?,
Hsik ( vuibe.ii.?- ii:r.|, L Tey, Looiltu. V.'estoii J? Or
Hu? Lou.?a I.riymioii lilr.j, Tiuer. Qurei.itoaL. i? F Bailly
k Cn.
Ilerk Alexandre tYr.y Tonb? rt, lltv-e Boyd k Hlncken.
Balk Ada? rt?, K o ... Aipiawall, Mel bl 11? C ruin.
B-rk J. II. Ile?(Kr ). ... "-.?r. St ?1. ....-?, .?." !i? H? lataa Pro?,
Bark Tra-o (Hr.) Babtwood, S-. I .?. > P , M. bm a C?.
Bru? Alii rt I'ati? (Hr.), Oarl*, Lord to, l'.-i?iiateii k t
Hit? Der Id e? '? a.arl (NorWa), lieiiiick.en, Aieiid?! I, foi ordena
k Co*.
Bill Ti.ten l?r l. Wttsv, Birfctdo?! vi* Savaaiiah, P. B. De VVoil
ii Co.
Brig f.ariBi, II -?tis. \\ i ?ilngton, N. C, Ciibhon? k RamletL
ii Tritt a ?Pr.) I - ? n.? Sa c...
B. Iinir (Hr... in.-vn. H. A. ti. It. ti? Wo ft Co.
p\ht. J. M. I-rust. VVTIaou, V?, ., . i,.r?n, L?. C , JJ. IliUel-?
Sehr. Wl,. lleury, Tow?? ni, Bali.mere, M. Bidell.
8'e?nia!iip A.li't.'iJ, Norton, llostou, with tuJ?e. to MsBaaoBMi
Sr rim?! Ip ?'o.
Bteumalp Netaos, BtMne. Bootoo, with niJs?. t.? I-ts: (Veil,
e ? .?'??-in ?c .4??.
?n.l i ... l M ? ? -a
N of Hatter?. )??? ? '- '? . < tpa
II. nry liearina VV, et.'Ueii.nd ?!(??!? with iteauiiliip Mu.iaC.eJ?
Kui Uurriiih, M Oirnev, Batifor, with lun.b.r to Sin.pio? a
Bri? VTlli.e fl-11.? (Br.). G-or-e, Cow Biy 1? diya with coal to
ti. li. D.lV-.i k .
1 ru V ?lint (e A,'. '.,.?. C. B ), Oiulon, Gl*c? B?y, 11 d.ivs, svlih
. P. Sir sT V ( .-.
Brig ? Sir (of Lo? I' cd?-ry, V. S ? Curph-'1, Antut p .'} A.jt,
Hsi- II. I!. UeOQv? , ^p^lt. Boogll t>d?y?, vvitli !uu,ber to Sitar
o? S I
.-i ?ir. I .in? Pin?, ( tei.i.e-o? 15 Jay*, v? illa it gar ilJ m..l?.?e,ti
i v iters, Kulsctii, Piont? rt ?9 day*, with mabo.ony te
Mille! - liuuijhtou.
J.lyrr M III .l.-n?. 3T 13 W,sliipOrmofth*(?ce?n. TrUchu*.
fron Netv-V.srk for M? I!,., me
.s.-pt. i Lit.?, I. iij. li J.), sTlp C-lestial Kisipire, Taylor. 1res
Lit i ?leo! i r ?s*e?y Y'tk.
'tt. 43 3?, long. SI, ihlp ConsteilatioD, lloxl*, ?Vom N?w
it (ilk for Livelpoil.
Bril CT'e'ln?, V*?lh*pp, fro.? New-i'ork for Antsrsry., Ir-,-rrrert'.jtm
ported by Atlen'ic cb.? ?s having put Into an Kallista pt r !.. di-tie**,
put into IL st.ni .'t.-i. T-.. 1 .iky, ?nd ,, n ,w tam? riu.it Iii ii j re
lil -J ('. V. r? fioul Porlt.nd irriv.-.i al Netepoiiou the l??il?*?.
wi.ls f .r?r, .-.I ti.t,,. -tt.l ?ard ..in?J ave?-.
Sct.r. Ad.-iplil. Mi.itu. Iiiim IT.iVficii. ? pir N.w Vork rtir ?du
N?i? port lilli lust, with lui? o( Loth jaSi. havi.s; bi-eu ?s tai .. VVblM
coast or it?t?TH eaaaasBA?aa?iaaaaaaan ot nn lu?bt se
(?PI I.O?.?I>.
Turiicat DBManaa?. I POM Liorv-Hocsb Boas? 1
_ !"i', I) ( Sept, IO, 1 r?. (
Officiol ?nf.rtnitl.ini? hereby e|y,.u tt?t tie ??It m I
ii Key six yu:?, | out li ? c?trei.,.ii of th? sbaoll ?
1 tell Olio's ? ?Uti. We?' ol'tlle el,!.all. .- "I til? -^ r . Ki ;r 1?
Sonth Cito.mi, wl I ha ?lit oo ud iftei ? . u.elt?
? li tills?.
The litht will I. of the-rst order, r. v Mag, ihowtel r I i-'i ev??y
n ii...:.-, ililli,illili,,.. ., ne ,,( Irio d?ie, a ,.n 1 i-i. ..,1 ,- ,? .\ y.tlM
of 1J4 feet ebt.v? , rd . v s-t '?tri. ?nal ,. .t
? i at a distance el ii ii uti. ?1 bille.
Tam ?.iver li r-d brick. oe.Ugoiul it f-rtn ?? i ?i ? i
lewsr. wtu, h i, ti le.-t i,i|i;, palmed With i-?l ?in! i.,.; - "*1
In- ijl.t .ho'?ldbeti-?a IT onlei ?otstdoOf th* shosMefCB?
Th.ie nre two dvrellinfs f.,r keens-rs it this ? ??.??,
!i?*r.?r the ?,-a ii.i buck. u?i.,iii colot, tho t.-.r imr'.lio_ ml?? ti
brick ii ali ictt.tslr I
Tie (..wer stands M !?'. M : '? " .??.k.
By SOM, .v
iJort-U.itr?cu'o Notic<.
? ? , . j r - ? ?--_.
.??-Ara SO >'??? Yo
Port Warb? < j" ?;i ru a, No. ."
VOTICK i.* henby gives, m soeordaaee -- ita *?w*
i-l tic, 4 of Ihe. act piaa?d April li, lil'7 e- ?1 11?
or.inii- t! ? iViiii.ii? 'libre of II,? Poitof N. t. ?...? ' to ?II p??
sobs Inleieslml In, or Onrlui chene Blatter? se?*
lit ..irr. eism uanoi or . rv.y t.aitua fill!? ? 8?? vessel? a?e BOW
laBd'-t ?Illili U 't 0.1 I.V ?':? P.,It ?Va.ieil?. ?na tuet til* ?. ! .tt.v.yi ?>?
? taiii'.iii'ioiis will b? <?? i pis-led ?I?OU nu tieys uuit ?u.:c*?'??? 'I ?B??
uoli.-e en h.iard Ktl.1 ve,??'?:
Sl.ip Mr Robert Peel.W K. B.
Hhlp Neptune.", F H
?ipOrpta???.4, j K.
Il.rt J. a???.t.gj y. l{.
Bark 1 leriixn?..T li r'? t.
Bilk tun uri.i
Bu. I ?...?Iii Hunter.li I B.
?i e Kiitnpl?.Al ml!.* I
MgO, I. Viuk?.s.Purrep'iiit'i.
??hr. Kid.4_ ... K.
la? Jssaos B. Coottry.Kelli. _ .
J Act?! H?*l?!WAV Seeietaty _______mm
Killbd hy a Fall.-Vc.!.-.??>? afternoon Mia
rfoctnar. ?native of Oormanv *- from a third alor, window
ofhlsre.1denceNo.ai5S?c?>o?st.. ?t.d was l?'???1;';',^^
Coroner Wild?v waa ao?^l?d te bold an iu_ue?l oa li.0 hOmt

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