OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, February 24, 1874, Image 5

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1874-02-24/ed-1/seq-5/

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AKRANOKMKM? lol?' rilli VMS M I \ I? P li? 1? I Al'
i-KMt A.; ?iv n. I'.iiK ?mer: lAMt-lllUBBIl
AIU>1I1??NA1 ?I I'lUMM! MTB,
l.oMxiN. Mn'iliv, Felt m, IW1
Ula BOM thal ??" Un -Men-Ming <>f Parilnniont,
it will bo iiiiint ?lia'.-U prttrectK-il until til? I-I h ti
Man-li. BO tliai ii ? ml"'.*< who have a, ,-eptetl otho?
fn?m Mr DIM.I? I m i.v have the ippiHtnaltf to t*
I?, f.tre thc:rc??;i?ii( neills 1er leMOCtkn. It i? lin
?..ml the y i?-? ?i-- ??.' ?? ii will noi i??- leal aatll l'a-.
Haaaaal w i
s.r M?.??I Hieka-Beaeh tit* been appointed
Chiefs,.. 1.1.1', '. i IreliiTi.l, ?m.! ?Sii Hem. Belwin
It.iK?rU?i,, Und-er-eeretorj tot the II ?me 1>, ?>.irt
It is probable thal the Righi Hon.8n williagg
Rotiert Begmonr FitageraH will l??- aparinted I B?BI
SMialarg ti ?State I e In-ia.
Mr. William Har! Dyke ami i lived tim Bpnoiat
ggenl of roiiiinigii .*-? oxetary <?f the i : >_n_ry?
I.eMiaS, Til- - ?. I ? >l '"?
The Kii7nt ?Ben. ?Sir Ohariei Addariej b
i'nwideiit <?t ihi Boerd ol li,nie.
I'l.c Kurili Hen. v ; Joba Pnkiag? m ana boee de
?AUS? !?-. tin- lVcnife'e meter lim titln ti Huon il.iui
roB-T. 01 M A. I .?ni? lorn: MONKD BV SIK
i. ?ii I ?A,, -lill AND Till: KINti OK a-811
******** i ,M,0y, Mular. Felt. 03, 1R74.
The i ?,rr. -pond, n' ol Tht Sluml.tril, on the
mtilm th ;t s U- ?tv of peace ha? been ?tened
. .?,,, . -, "ndthe Klag of Aabonteo.
T-T TTar Ottte. bn-* Buremval "" lalnweUaB
ihel pe.,. ? gad bo? i '?"?'t:"' ?wBiaaiigi
nd rAMIM'-lN" INDIA.
in . ni \:>nKi.AM)mi wv raousAicDpg-tfonawa?
-. POn v. IM Off l"'" (;<?vi r.NMi \r AH?.
i.oMH.s. Hondas ?lea.?, in*
A ?p-i'i.il dispatch to The 'J?DIC*, from Cal?
H MM gweena ara ?iisir? M ad treal w?nt of
fo^i io leo-Mrtoia of Tiihoot mel Bogllpoor, Pre!
Oeorv . '"'i?' saine (ll?piii,li aoya M 1? male
uabod I'' "' 9U Hie ?id fut iiia?ed hy th? <-.o\ crntucui
?, .. - -??"Hld p? r??ti
CAKMsl ui'CM? OK IWB ??I'H'AIloS?, Al'.ori I\>1(
II t, li I II'.
navoM-n, Monday, Fet?. 23,mi.'
'J li.? -?;? lTi'sh fleet v? hit li ascended the liilliuo
j?.,?r t.- Bee bom awiBeitil ?lo gmt le na
in aenaagninoe of ? heavy Kalo?
? . lUfUttOfl that Sen. Primo llavera who -na nd
.fOMleaee the town i.y land bas aloe rot-ted, -avion
IHM??, de ?Ired Bl the .-upport of the ileet.
A . >,.r carn non oi ian DUTCBL
TUF HA?. 1 K, Monday. 1.1). M, 1S74.
In theil ?asi flghi tho Dutch troops in
Ata-hi-'? .entered an ini;>ortai.t fort, -linne .iKiof It?
?etea I -?lulu? t xpeilitioii wjco:iiy6 kill? ?1
-u?l ?* oona h J. _
On vWai, Feb. 2-3.-A meeting of tho Do
tru min Hurd of Ti ade I?? "ins lu the Hillway Commit
- re i at the newee ol Oonunem tomorrow. The
atlee la M .? e_t be njoeo nnaa-reoi Ibea formerly, lora?
aaveat) lolegatee Belog eageetad. BeaMea tBeei from
f gel nie IBTOBJIBBBI f-aarta. a larne dele-cation
from; ii lil I.? ?!.? Nntioiial Beard of 1'raile Will Be
gnOBBn Arnon, others lhere will b- the follow
?g gOfOOOO; From M,lwauk?,1, \Y. t. Mel, tren ;
Meago, A ML WrigBt] Detroit, the Hon. A.
?Howler,- BaflMo, K. r. l)?rr: cSo.-mnatl, John
A. UHU), HeW-Tork, V. ti. W. f* irtej Boston,
c G. Hoare iPortlen?, Mi ITaa-oll. ead T P. Walbiril
Ir mi V ,ila?l :phia. BflBOea IBotOgtOOBOl down in Hu
?'In ?I Programme of the nieciiiiK fur OODOldenUoa ore,
reelgrorlty with lae United Btetoa; tbe i.e-t au l BMB!
pruci ible i-,-t.'uni ?,f ?oonBtiiKtlng a i * a - in?-, ra ilwaj :
i-ulor. -lueBt ol ? '.u.a.I IB OOBOiaj -ODOtril tloU of ,i
a-riHvi.,.- dook ol y i"i?i. ; el,i-ii? .oi ?ti ol vessel!on
miie?. i od rivera j asBOoeraariil ol inland hi?., in .:?; ex
aiiiii, I'.a.i for ma?t, i-:, 11 maine; loonlveol octj ero
l.-otu?'? '?? iiiHiiuf.n :u., i ? r Bro anti marr??- in?..
. taiaelivorj laelttee andtowooa
T!i?' : ?pert that (atdiii.'il Antouelli had eent
n n et?er to the BteBoBO lnvilii.it t ,n ... to vihil Hie
P . ' B Be died lo pi"ti?iuiict-.l lo be unfoiiiideil.
A . eeg ?roiii St. Thomas ie,M?ri the arrival
rlier- ? tie Hr.iZ.liau in IB "I war. the Vital i>.i\t tr,i. t<?
. ii.m I'.II.S int the *-t. Tboaaaa and Wo J miiro teie
gra#l .'?le
TIUTH w.i_ an eaith.piake in Vene;'iiela, al
i.ia-ii i-, ra, on me eh i>: gebrnary. it wea the tovereel
which h_s occurred sill?? 1-12. Tlie Beopta rushed in
tortor ?kio tbe ^trett-, ami mu? h 1IIJ.II> Waa dont) la
i*>r???in atxi gregortt].
Gen QongaVn WM in-tailed ?is President of
?onie iioiniiiKo en tin jTth of Jaanarya The offl?iai
rteclararion of the vote shows be was elected bv a large
dajoru.?- Al! BBOBbon ??I the t.tiiii*?. ol t-i. 1'rosi?!? lil
ir?s ls:t;ii b..i,i-hi??l frutn tin country.
'Iii?? citizens at Btraaborg demand of
Habop naeaa taereotg-otieael btaaoal latee do?een
ita-?,. hst?K M. Qeober aad ?a ??tiier delecotee totbe
_lei('hr'4t_ from Ai?.? ?. .o i LorrotM bave pabUsbod a
maiu'-xiaO repudiatao; hi-imi? 10000*1 Mam .
A diiipatch frogg Viitona, Britigb Colnmhin,
rut?? Deoosmo? ?nd Baooer, the leooetlg rid ted mcui
bento th? CanH'llan Kottioaeat, mr beti aepporten
.f tbe Uoveri.io.tit. The nsult HO fur li ?arlnfn ion-, a.?
It Indi, aton loynitj- to the I).,minion. l'h<-.?rherclt-ctlons,
bowoier, remain to u* Inar?! fr.?:n.
Mr Dillon, a gggagblC of the L-V-Of-tOM
Search Eipetlition, h..? (olniuitt?,! MMMO. Or UviBg
ItaDoe's reiDAlus weA exp gfed tt rea? li Z Uizihrr '?n th?
B)t~ o; gebroary. Tbe Comeroo Bzpcdltloo will pro
<V>??1 W? Ujlji t. olitam ile- ?lo, urn. nt? uri'l property le.T
oyt-oPooioi Bli i.. . ? Frere, at a BKOHBI of til?
Wgol -Oogrophlcol Bociety, yeitorilM evci.ins:. slated
Ulai, ?fiisr A ?-unferetic? w uh Ml. kuk. hi? bad conIO to
Uis ?uirltiAiou that the r, i"?rt or Hr. _4vlO<Oton's denth
WMirue. Tin- Qoooa, at the rooomBoodotlOB of Mr.
41lsd-ljn, . ha" t-i anl-i?l a IKI?KIOH of |I,( " p. i annum to
Bw?a_-droool Dr. Llvis-otoo.
Tf.e repO-t that the Grund Anny of the
Repulen ?u Beotaa h_u ioetared iu greforeaoo forSim
i-i.im i? gealod bv Henry H. r-i?,le; . A'l|,.Iunt C, .lierai of
?-Sort? ?, who declare.?, the BteteOBOOM " ??n uto fly false
?nd .? i s, J atlenipl to ir-ijnri the order, which is uou
politi- ,i m every sense."
The (ensure of Senator Alcorn, with a re
gu?ai toroelgg, Bf IBeH-Mlaalgg LeglolBio-V. leaoidBj
IBs |IP?"? ,,f ti, ,t Slate to have tx??<ii the \\oi? of the car
Nl-baaaaae, ??larwasthletOoom that lue colored
ineiirwi? ?f tti?, genaU', wnh one exiipilon. vo:e?l
Maioet the a-t. Iftbeeaaroee w ii OMke tbelr aepora
ti.m tr,n, II,,., ,ri?et ba^irei? poraMDOat, the redemption
4>f th -, i |M. i;ir ,,!!
The Miuin-.soia pr?-Hs, not Mati.-iit-.I with eni
??li?:iog t:,D -iijur vlrtiieB ol Mr. Iiriiatnts Donnelly In
flippant pi? try, are now ?ha.Kin?,' him will. IBM-ting
britira whit? It, . on^resa and with .hstlni* io the dis
bon???! I? rtpusite? ?,f M taft?! i?. ut. Of course, Mr.
_-*-_y ****** tim eBargaa i mm ngntafalto
.e-at?, __T>__? p**?n,,t ?i.., ottBoa on a?, IT liragi r.
b_n_.T!_i??a_??_? *.-""' *>? the l. A loUMuoT U..
Ihe insiinection "ver the BtHMMMia appoint
S! '*M*m-m'Tt "****** "***** * MieTten-nirv
fohl t unusually oud in W-??,,. ..
. ' mm w?MBhMnoo,ino tareateologa
>f the . "m,U< Btaarm mu.t bl mglooooaUj BOdlbk there
bWmttmiB. ID Boston.tooB. l.'.U.r'?,,r_,;i f 1 ;!j" J,
so,.-, "ion* in tBBBBUOt Vu l-veaid,-,,,. bu ? M.I ,?
ive. M-m.eg at-pi-tr. u, .,,- ZtmZm Tit
ttjimm, B^ttmttmmmitBmMotBt lead at ?Z pi
BB^/VtS?0,_Bd|bO|>|BIBlj IgUH HO ..,.., I- -Th? -?I
-as-oeuii.ltheriuoreuorle^it.int,, iBoklag of lim
8-itle.', tint in the face of Ma??,i I,,,., f,.. ," ri-yrny,,. t"r
lu do..hie r?pudiation, and as a thieai Hat he win ,.-",
ilDoe t , foree hi?, fl.Dt mrotn?t the HlfiBOgoet of an in
*IIliteui peopln. We submit lint this is a performance
?a ?hi? t; the l'reaidwit ol the t.nUil ttBtBt tau ill aff.ird
is> Uko a protiilnent part, and what OM haie li.du.e!
dea ?Irani to arriuuMy ?Iain.ii/. hlin?, If in aiding Hu
icheine? of a tnckator for w bom he OOM OaiBBlabBlg B
profo.tii.i cooteupt. li eotirely nerond our coroprehen
Ii~_.w " " ^ ?'*?*?"?'."". ?"'I 'f 'I" J'.'Ml.Ilt lu?
.Jr??a?ly _"ue to far as to wound tue io: fldeuco of thoa?
wtio hay? l,r--o Ol? bott frle.ida. It ia. al, UM BMM0 Impoi I
>___._ ?i. f_? i*? a."'"'""1 ??-"??.-iisilv 'ace tihw.it and
.??m 1 . "V" UJ0U*!,;'4: ****** ti let?BOblOg IIOBlf
It ??.?I Boord the reader? of TUB TRIHI SK
B fM . ". pie,?ure to ba- told th ?t the Baal ?.(mu of th.,
-?""i ,n +?ciely of Faiutoraln Water ? ,,',?r? Is pecun
."?V aO-e_B___L Tbatltbaa amply fi.m ??d the prom
m or m opeuioo la alroady an_nowlodged j bol it I*
e__t utaamaoi io tuw? thal vbou li^g ^ti ora oloogd
neil Saturday Hiero Will ht nu diaronrivgl?* daA.*0',
? n lliornah-tiox of Min Hoclelr on account of ??^*?Hr,|L H
-how which ga? irr.M-fd Um walla of tim A?iV"T
I- i h ipi tho BBbaanaS teni thal Mioy omi r.rt.*ai H?\
?gaaaewaa Bad aOatnaMatraw ?Maa laapssa aan of wottm\
li.; .in?, losan?. 41 nliy I.ile they lutve re* d ve. I lo pEWS
o-.to tl.f-o NSatptotO Hwpow The entire nv iiu from
ibe ii.- ofttafeBtaoo We i?an i tv. Wok 2-., win ?be gina
io th ' -un ?tag Basra! Bat mr. Htfa Banoon mm
..f n parpara ra praloewortby akoald i?, all ?Ural is
1 ". 1. d io in-.iro im,;.' raeetpSk sa Ural .lay
At nu- aaaaal rai attaa .?r toa ?Beotatp. bal 1 s raw Basa
-in..- r.t the stalin of Mr. Lum.? C. Till'inv, tin- repSS.
pr. -. nt td H?10wed the nil tr-or Hie. BTg our. it um to bo
in a heiiihy e.iiiiiitioii, mi 1 u ena noioi thal la ?pssss
. aa well as la reestpta froaa tlekri a, the proraal
.n baa f.11 aa ?.1 .1 iii Mo peedeoraa we, At toa
-un u.util? the otu an of laal fsar, ?Maras i>. H ai IM ..
l'ic- Saal , J. ('. Nicoll, HtM-roUry, and Loma (' Titl.niy,
were it. Died. _
ttaOEEt ?Mitti.
romniistionor Henry Smith, President of ti*?
Hoard of I'ohee, dud in Room Wat, Jil. Metropoliten
ll?t( 1, laut e\a ulu? at 10:30 o'clock. He lind been-ink?
ing rapid i.v nil day, and at 6 o'clock no fe 1 into a c ?na?
tone ?tate from ?A Inch lie never rallied. Mr? rt nilli was
callad in, but to her and entrcutli-a for renn, mi ion, the
dying mau mule no nun beyond rapid and heavy
breathing v. ni-h continued until death euiiucd.
At 5:50 o't'l.M li Ihn ia-l consultation look pi ice, Dm.
Vtnderpecl, Henry, Theh.in I, Batteries, BtlSMOB, and
Walker Satan prasset, TheHsw Wood wa? also in the
room, where lie had n-m lined SBBSl of Hie d.iv. The
consultation ended in tho denalon Hint mortal wirti! wa*
u-elo??. Tue dylntf man had taken no noiiri-ihtn.'nt
sineo 7| o'clock, and all eff.uts had failed to roiMo linn
from his comatose ?tate. At I0| o'clock hi-i friend?, who
bud thron..-. d the balli of the hotel MU? o the iii-t iiimr
of lils illness, wore Invited lu, and sui-rounded by thane
Beatf Smith w;u bom on October th\ ?ISBSj In
Hie fillans of A iii?! ?T.UIII, >I..iiIif.iiuei> <_tiii.il>, N. V.
T.ie aoa of a fui '?n-r. he basas Ufa aa ? Sny iros lae S le
Cauai. maa Quite paton hk speasd a ihopla the Til?
lage afFu'.ioiiviiie, where im soil grooenocaadsaaal
??.or? i*. Ba waa aaaaeajaeattp asB|Sa_rad us an agent af
the Albaiiv MCICIIAUU' line Ot canal bo,its. Ile did H
well that ho wa-i nelin-?.I. iibn.it 1*13 or lfttt. to (?onie to
New York a-tin- ?BfOBt for UM Fulton villo UM of BBS ii
be ikk Ba ?Iliad tan pa Uiea f.?r rangal yean sad pots
chased an lnterct m the Ila-. Hy his effort? he built up
sa asteaaln ferwardlas aad aoauataataa baalaaaa. Be
waasakssoasatly eeaaoeteel with narara van B mi vu.mi
in raaatag u line of tow beeta, and ?aflat asad ??-iii
Albert Van Hunt vo ard ni the Kami) bu-iuess. Van S.mt
vuord and he buill tlio han I..nu.? -le ii.tina!.- i 'iiaimM v
Vibliard and Dnw, and mia Bl BBS B dav UM t?> Albany.
Mr. rtinith. han h ?>n ft.r lb fOUtt ono o' lim BMSt arlive
politician? in Hie Will-? and H-pnhlicui pirti.'-., and for
tarara] yean pan Baa boon one of tim raaat lataenllal
H.'Piiblican pol tlciatis in the Sluto. He was for niativ
passa san oraoty papata? arttk tim working ?etteeai m
the loaras p mt st tibs aity, sad a ia nu ..over.ii ore laloaa
elected nrer his I>eiiioeratio opponent ina -?mut h ?ii
a.-ratii?. district, lu 1813 ho waa cho?on Ciiiiicilinrin from
Hu- 1st District, ami wa., r. iil.-ctcd two yoars lat.-r,
sorvmit In Hu- Hu,tri of (J niiiciliuuii dunnir tho year*
1-51. MBS, ?1SS8, and 1?'>7. Ho wa? defeat? I for Ald'Tin in
in the latter ) ear, but wa. elect.'.1 t .vo yours later.
and served lu the li >.ird of Alderman until
1888, Befrag bsaa ?issweM on tho sapsnttsa of
his Bnt term. I. 1-W.l he wxt clio.en
one of the Hoard of Supei lia irs, ami .six year, later was
anataelect.-1. ?Btassatwaa eaalesSaJ by john Foley,
but while the case was bc.foi ? tim courts tho Cuarter of
1.970 wini pa-sod. Bhsttahlag the Boofd of fSupcrviaor? mi
July * of Mai pear. lu tha mater of RUSS Mr. smith
WM .'honen by the Legislature to AU the vticmcv ot ca?
si.med by the resignation of I'tdlce (X>uiiniiHion?r Thoa.
('. Acton. When the 1* dice n ).ir,t |W;is norxaalSBd la
lsTO, un 1er Hie provisions of the Chart.-r pissed by the
Le_.iahit.iro of that year, Mr. Smith was rcipnointed bj
Mayor Hull, and drew the loin; term. Under the pro?
vision? of the pre-c.-it Charter he n-taiue?! lil.- .?HI | \t ith
several other heads of d.-pirtinents. II- served two
year? aa Treasurer of the I! Mid of Pollee. In 1818.08
t he n oi _-,iiii/. it io u of the Board of Polli e. li" was ehoeea
Preakk,-nt. Mr. smith b.i- ai-o ia- n U member of the
Hoard of H.-rrifh i vi-r -mc.- ho eoterod the PoIlM it >ard
mi 1er the new Charter, by virtue: of Ina pusiimn aa
Preeldeat ol Ike Board M Pollen.
Mr. Smith baa boee i i anti al polltletaa ant sim e be
ri icked in? majority. Be WM alwaye active lo priraa
rii s and Bomlaailag conventieoa. Tha Pint Ward,
where ha wn- liest known, mid when he resided f.r
many var., WM ctroogij D?mocratie, v.-t ha WM
. .in-eii t raoollmen on the Whu iii kel pa two M a
-.ians, an i afterward /Uderana, thaagb lunuini.
as a lipiiiill an. Be utteudtd nearly every
v\ li.te und ltcpubli.-aii Slate Convention held
In this Stale during the past HO years,
ead thoagh eeldora a delegate probably wielded more
influence Utan nine tenth- of Iho-e who attended tin
i uiivi ntr ni lu tn it capacity. Mr. Smith waa for a IOUK
Urne President of Ibu rim t aan m ni j Dlatrlel itepunii
.-.in Association. IV- WM also a inciul.e.r of the Central
Committee. ID I-;<>, wbea ibe rival it pabUc io Commit
t.. 11 ...ti.a-ieii lie WM one ..f the Committee selected on
i im H'piiiilic.ui Biete Bxeeutlre Committee to brin?,
about thal result, in tint year be A.,- mi.ie ,i nu mi.rr
Of the -"tate Kveontivi- CommitIM lind BOTTed milli ! .7.
As Preeldenl ol tim Bowling-green and NatloaalBa
vlnifs Banka, bath of whick fall? ?i dorina the W nt r of
i-Ti, he ?An? noid roapoMlblc for the adamaaagaaieBt
>< In. li l?--,i to th.-ir failure, l_.sneci.iil v was this the MM
wirb the form' r, where a 111ac?- aniBbei ni poor people
in the Pint, 9f coinl, md Thud Wai is had depo-lts. 1'he
lareatlgMioa Into ibe onlamaaagenwat el lhaihaak
khowes that the funde had b eneqModi red la the BIMI
n- ki.-? manner by the ofleera ia atook apeeolatioM
ami in other wapa The Meada of Kr, smith chum th n
m tin- eaea hewMBion aioaedagalael thaaanolog,
..i. 11 mit he-id?? lu dog a oonaldenble amoaat of araoey
winch fee bad tareated la tho hank, he made edveooco
after the failure toward paying the depositors.
No SStaasaSBBatB have as yet been determined upon
for the ili-ptisiti.iii of the body. Mr?. Huilth turn placed
UM matu if eiiur.-li in the hands of Mr. Ackert, a fri-nd
Of the family, who will, of coin-.-, MBOalt with Hie
PoltM ('?.iii.nis.sla.il.'is relative to tho funeral. The
Heard ? .11 lin-a-t tleday.
Arno tut the notaiilt) people who wer? r>r?s<.iit In the
bella of the hotel dorian aha dev wen- Tharlow BTeed,
Commtaalonen Qardaer. Charllek, Darroe, Baaeell,
Senator Tobey, Coroner woUmaa, Jame. Lea, Bherldaa
BbOOk. (?eui gc O. Junes of Albany. (i?-u. Starr, ( ouimls
Miilier Van Noil. Assemhli nilli Biglin, und Daniel D.
Conover. TheM geotlemen used Boora No. jot, oppoelte
the dying aran'a apartment, a? a roMptloa-roon. The
(jiiesti..:.-- of iniinr? I pal oom pile itrniis winch gtiivf out of
Hi?} d. al ii of PrealdeDt Hiu.lb were very jteii
erally iii-iu.sed hy the t ity aud State poll
ti.raiii. BVOB sitltu lils Boan se? med lie'Vital.le,
this matter BM buen the subject of ...ii
alderable eoUetntde. By his death, it ?iii readily he
seen, a He occurs ni the B?>ar.l of l'.diec Commissioners,
and the two in,-ni lim ? who enlist i tn'e.l what, with ProOl?
dent Hmilh, wa? urmed a "Blag" und governed the
entire proceedings of the Hoard, aro uow roiitronteil
with a SartP m 'he Hoard us .- troii_r aa themselves.
Ooaamtauoarn Qardaer, Boaeell, and Daryea, belog all
l{a-ji:i iel? .ms, It Is tin.im lit no1 iiniii olia Me that Mr.
( liHilick may ne deprived of his pow r. Hum-of those
present were so sanguine us to bella v?- that the Hoard
would now booaara a unit and work amicably to?
gether for the municipal __??. ? ?1 without regard for
"Binga?.' '" course the duraiiou of this ?tanateaod
(leud-l.?ek will exteud ouly to the time It Uiay require
M .ivor Havernioyer or the LegWatan 80 select a n?-w
member, bilton ibis point another coumlicatiou arises.
li v.ii iii- r. in. mr. ired mat li- II . Hmilh was retained
In offlce hy tho ( barter of 1X7J as " 1'iesideut of the
Board of Police Comiiilsiioners," ?md that a question of
law aros-- on the ie-_.t_.Ilt v o' a retention lu snell terms, li
in lag held by shievid corporal mu lan.vers that ai harter
could not rclaiu any Individual by name as
1'ie-lileiit nf a liolv whu h, in e?|.uti , lind the ri^-ht to
name Its own (trending officer. Tim trounle was bridged
over hi a formal eleetloo ?mid by the Pome Beard at
w ??n ii Mr. Smltk was elected Pneldeol. The snoot toa
uow ici urs whether tin- Legtelatan hu* the nulli to
nominate another raaa M Pneldeol of tho iioiird, or
Mai..r llaveiueyor therein to uumlnate another mem?
in .t'.i.Ks SBIBUT nnooBB,
A Loudon trisanua of yeetscday stataa that cnatwa
Bhlfley I!:....k-, tho novelUt and dramatic author, ia
dead. Mr. Hrooks wa? ii native of Eialind, and WM
horn iu I?15 I'rcferrln_r literature to law, be retired
from the Utter profession, mid devotm? himaelr to
diiuiitii- (omp MU?.m. h I wrote aeveral comedies ami
drama?, whu h met with aucoe??, and thin derided his
sun-, nu? nf oncer. He wrote the parliuui'-iitury ?uui
niary of /Aa Lindon Moritiivj Chronicle for several
year?, and ulsu acted an BSSIMBaadeal Bf that lournjl In
U'is-iii, B.. ria, aud V.gy pt, de-ciU'l.iii trie condition of the
laboruiir p'tpulation in these countries. Mr. Hrooks was
the author of ?everal novels, the best known boluir " As?
pen Court," "The (?orillan Knot," "The Hllverl ord," and
. i-H.oin r or Later." Hinco the deatn of Mark Lemon
Mr. Brook? had been ?adttsr St I'une.h. and alao wrote
reiruiarly for Wkt liluilrnlrd London .Steel
r Elmo s AL.
Prof. A. L I'crry decline;? to lie a r.imlul.iii
for tb? PMaMeaap or ?Wddlohaay CBliaaa.
Prof. I'iiu-tiir w (l(;livcriu-_? Iii.? laaBBBBS with
great si. tis? in ( Og lunati and Al. l/iiuia.
UM .Ncw-Ku)iluii(l Agricultural Sucicty hua
ooiitiiljiit.?.] tiso to tin- At.ii.si/ Memorial Fund, aud ha?
extended au luvitutiou lo all oilier avriculinral socieiie?
lu Baw Itnglaad to follow so iiood an eiamtde.
CaBBgNBBannn Dawe? i? viniting hin home in
KaaaaaSMMatt-k where bo will remain for a few day? on
private bualnesa. rhe remonslraiieesnf the Henton BNH
aipiluat his ..'.mi iu liol op|iosiii-r Hliniiioli? will lui ulm.
him . nt- 11.limn? icadiii* dnriiia lils ni,iy.
H.in Fr.tnciHco ia K<?i??lf Ut troct ti nionu
miutal teaatata lu honor of James Link, who ha? made
| ?tun gaueta.ua wuWibWtiwua ut md .. ?,,v_,.,iiv ptogre??. |
_CoatlOBod IV- Plrwt Pa_?.
Bolvoa not to sell their grain to browe.ro and diattt?
lera. Thit ia a matter which it was thouKbt wise to
le-ave to the discretion ?if individual member?. Tho
Oraiii-cr- farther allowed thinr sympathy, however,
by atteiiiliii?m ti hody tho surrender of the Kaloon
known aa the Sliii'l.-H of n?rith, at Xnnia, and their
hearty cheers n.lrted Bot a little to the euthusia.in
I ijq Yhti^ occasion.
ri?or.i.F.ss OF THF C4-8B.
DKI._\VAIIK,()1I?I?, Feb. 'M.-Oil Low ia haa Bent the
following telegram to the temi crane? prayer nieet
ioga to be held in Worceiter. MIMI?., to-morrow :
Dna_eaa_n. oma? K.??. ii. uni.
To the no,, TIBBRT T. ? BBB"! KM, iVmcetkr. _ ni Tbe
world haa n=ien toil hin/ 11 le*? tbla Wumen'o Tefopera-Oe
iru'??a?*i"?t, Rellirloii-t revivals ure often c1, ira? l?rl-*e?l
hy _*.*?? aatreveennee* goeoe s?i?.,,n BBOOtlon are
marken' *T eli tbe oatei dlgolty ami deep ?oleaiBlly oi
the lieat .family de vol lona. K.erywh io weeping la?
holden nrfl ?mared. Thousandi ansociutomed tore
I irions 111 iil.tit ?"WOleloi, "Tills is of d.d." If 1? BWOOp?
log over this coiiD?rv, 1|1<,' ? m ? ?ni tice ?it prairie Ore, 'lu??
wholesale ?lijimr (l,'i.'"i",< ef ('mi lillian hive air, a Iv Mf
f? re IImmmaely. Mote-baa!.B ?aoeompllabed wltblotbe
1 ist lett durs than druin?? the pn-vion- .'. ?. Tin- h ?ur li..?
struck. Tin? grand Am.-nr.ni |< '?pi?' will iBeke ?If Hie
foote el iiiteiHiwriiin"?'. My boon boola f.?xi M UBOBO a
.1 iy. 1 I hank Sod that I n iv?? li ve 1 in -, , i hi.? npii-l' %
of my counti?VWoniOB. Tin mimen "1 ObtoOOBO itr? .'
tug to tbeir N'?? I .ti c1 .??I -I?ter? nli.l I h-Hein... II, 'in lo
lim ra? i-i? i bofot.i I arm. lonBlag-rVtr t" tfrt OBptata c1
i?iirs,?lvail'ii. H?w I looa to be win y??u! In tool
?I us I turn inv f.ie?? i ii-l \c ir?l. M iv OedBOOg ..? lo he
wt-e. lian?.nt an I .1? iel uiitied while we lo nuurat? the
Work In I BO hoiit-liinil. Kow I OBI '.i -li? 1 Illili.
, ?m i mi oil t m? nui 1111.?en 11 . li I. ? i.iini |?o moolita,
niil War i r.rin Mdare. totut ever, Dml.Kvti?
The prater meet in?? in Worcester nre preparni??ry
to beginnibg the Vfotnen'i TniaperiBrii BMVetnenl
in that city BOXt M ? ?I?.
now nu:.,UKI.Nuii.ii r_r?\i>i.i'.s fOW-UniOO ml
HU TAI ION AT lill 1 -ll'.ll?) AM? li ItANON.
(UT TKI.K'alill II TO IHK TllllllIBBaJ
GKKENHKI.U, uluo, I'.b. Hw-The woggan*!
?aron whisky Baanged li rI for '.lu duy?. M???t <?' tIt?.
11.1 nor stores WHO -loud early, bul live hel.l out, lb?.
i.i lien ih nillir unreasonably lone. Tie. k ??pe?? of I licit
IveeoteBUabwenta Breamlean little tired ?f the ?n.?.?',
sont a spy into the eiiemn o' c amp litt wooli to ?...<? how
l.u.K the crusader* reilly in nil to mai, tain tue w.ir.
Tho ladlee tilt iciioou I.eM a nun line and utiai.n to i?iy
resolved thal Hi ??, wodli not relax Heir effort-? whllo
fioil Igored tie ir h\0ri, mili e? the sale of whisky ? ?. i ? 1
in QrooaOol i. mi forthenooret-?ey wliBdeeooleaiolty
* .no1 au aifieei.tent to mat e?le, t. Ima glaoodtBa
nutter In a n BW llgfel nil fo II of |Be live Iii) .or ?e il, r?
who Were li ddlOg out ?ill lill lire I. hivin, o \ oil' I
pl.i?'0 Iii town, uld th it a dru,; .?tore, win-re I . I4H i j
now sohl. Today the ladies will wait upon In - ir
?OBdailog dealer? for their fnrinal pie Iga, A groad
I niil? ?. mt ? un. w.i-held m Qrooo-eld I i-i olgbt, Dlo
I. .wl- uml 10 clerxv inen benn: ?ni Mu- pla! roi in.
NotWlt-OtOOdlOg the IOJBBI ObotOO-M in Hie ?.rill of Ul?
la ne linn.-, lill. ?I.lil ile Of I 111 l-l,lim H I III I. li I Ililli .Mil p? r
eevi te, toklBI tare lo tin nnlliiiii; .?uitl -icv to !.i\v.
TBere aro yet taree ooloooe ood ??ne dru,; start Klllog
li I inr lu llill.-il.oio, and in L hauau am BoloOB holde
The WOBMB'I tMBperanei moven., nt was bomen
l? tawan to?_lcbl in a larg, mortlag whieh, thout-rh
? ,,,.i at lita, i?? i ame tborournly eotboaloattd n -foie ad?
) ?uriilnent. lio Lewla i 'ondili'ted til? ?X1 l-.r?. at.tl
ep.c? ins wen. mail?'i>) l'r? -nient Merrtok aodeoreral
pruleooon of tbe Obio Wesleyaa Uolvereitj andotbei
pi,nulli, ni oi i ue ot Delaware. Tue women will y*o to
work on (lie eli, ? t.? to monow.
I'llll - A II ?MIN (AUI')I.I? I'l.AN.
Piur.vuiiLi'iiiA, Feb. -.'?.-The ph.use of the
t? iiiperauce movement conduit? d by D10 I.cui.?
and lils mili,units lo the We-t lias not foti I
li* app arauco In I'lnl ulelphin. nor d"? !
seem like y to sueceed If undertaken. Th effori
io ri.i tho city of lnpior dealerobf aetleg dir, eily on
tlniii thronen a Banora! leeal option or license lau
fail, ii (lia -iMvely nt Un- OotObor elotl'in. tile |?oop,, glf
lui* na 0 roi ebel lelag reta a^amsi grehlMlery BOBO?
Thi're Is, however, n movement here con'tuctc.l titukr
the aeagloeeel Ike nooma OalBolla OOareka in ti,..
diocese, within a fe.? BUntBay li -o? i< tie-, agaroeotlae
7,00) adult? llll'l J."?i celen, have bren formell. W lill
total abotioeooe. oader tbe Ueaaleg ami gaidaBOi
of the Chorea. a* their aiolto, Tiny ure
daily obtalalaa aeoooaloos i?? tbeli otnabera, and
on Wedin ??lay nliti.t will hold a oelobrotiofl in
lin? A a I.my of M,i?ic. at win, li many 0; tie
!?. ?, 1111 if .loray w<n be pian nt.
ran anona M_MD ITATI raomntroaT ooanraa?
Ti? i.V.
PnOTU>nW?Cn, Feb. 23.-The State Troliib
Itory Convention met in this city to ,l;n . It w_?? ? ,,u,
poi*ed of deloKiitc? elected from the tevoral town* by
the Irlenalsof a prohllutorv Inpior law. A. \V. OBd-tBg
ot Provl'leiicc presided. The I?M,W,I," ijomiusiioti?
were ni.,,le :
For 0 over nor, IT? pay Howor4?the*areoeal teeeaabeat;
foi Li.'in? iiaiil (),,ve.r, W. ?. -ni?- Ol Noil ti l'mvl
?I? n? ; foi B. ? rotary ol Male, J. M. Add? m ..,. the gre
??ni In, nuil)) nt ; for Ar roi ni Qooerol Ed wlu Metcolf oi
l'lovidi nci ; for la?.it nil Tiu.isuui, lit urj (jill o;
A pnoMoon G-oaana AT waanamtova
WA?IIIM.TON, Fell. it.-It was gtntod at tin
i'on"ies-?i ?nal temp? ranee meeting yf-'enlay that "ii
Baler ley BOSt a ems.,de ?lunar lo that MOW in pro.-' ?
la otBer ?sttteo weald be begBB bon MI teal iba Uqoor
M? 1 iiiKf?r,ibiH!.iiieii'-. Tbe ni,\.iu ni, layet,dooaoo
show euthu.iiusiii or h-TgenOBa of uumbcrs.
uuaTnMf tom oi iiiK MKiKoi'om AN oatnouc m?
I'KIIAN? 1: i moa
The third annu.il c invention of the Ifetro*
polit.in ('atholl.' Total Ah-flneine 1,'n,.,11 was held ie?
ter.lay at S(. Joseph's II ?II, In Hixth-ave. The or0- in./. i
tIon was toniK-d two years UKO for the pin gBM of unitiuir
the varioii? Koinan (Jiitholie Tiiupcra?,, c .???tieiics of the
Htatc. Of all the lioinau (atlioln MM n lu-, about lit) in
IIIBIW. one IBnrtb are already united m lae baoeBol
the Mttropolltaii Uni m, and tin-UUIH1.IT is con.iiaiitly
inereasiut'. Th? ne *?.rirlies HI gBBBW ?1 fi"i.i all por?
tions of the 8tate, au,1 aito.it i?u (?iiin'ies aie regie
stnlcl. The t?!t.u iiie?iib.i?liip i< a li? ? .?boat 4.r30Upei
sous. A fin thor aim of the Union ii to Mrrcuru to Ha
iii.-inbcrs the gOTBBtBgOl ipiierallv ?ierived Mlyt-N-gh
? tm% etlon willi the various -eerct Oi^.iliizntloil* Will U
uro met by the opposition of the grb ?thood. The Coo
veiiiion was form.illy ni? n, I nt 3 p. in. tilth praicrbt
the Itev. Fatli.T Ja?. II. M? (,t..\v, tiic spintu.il dneetor.
An addreiis waa delivered t>y the I'r.sldon!, anuoiiuiiu_
IliattheconditionoftheUnioii was uin-t sati.-fitctory,
and In Kpite of ihr bnuncial panie it? mnuerli al strength
was undiniiiilHhed. I!? prospects for the future were
most tia iU-rliiK since otl.er soeietle-t wire about JoiniUK
its rank*, and It? inem.iei ?lup wotihl thus bo mut? rlallv
streuKiliened. Its relation? to the clernty. too, hail
lu ,-n mi,, h in, |i< it ? d dm mt the past year, and the ra
e|.?ty was now it tvurded a? i-htablixhed ou a n?untl und
most satisfactory I .i-i?. lu concluruon. the l'i, .?uent
preseuted his icelifuatiou. The report of the X-BBI ir, r
exhibited a balance on hand of lil bt.
KcBiiluilnus were then Introduced exprrstii.e the un?
shaken faith of the So? le ty lu the ultimate sun rus of
the total abstinence ?au-e, if couducted upca truly
Catholic priiciples. Mitlioiit wlshini" to quiitioti th.
Iiitognly of the motives ol those, who in th ir .KIV.,? ,ict
of teiiiiM-rance r.lleil ui?on puliin-s or jK.pular U ile
ment, the 8oei. ty reiterated Its determination t?> keep
aloof fruin ?a, li lines of ardon .-ii. ! (o adhere to ils
lfgiuiatc sphere, which lay lu appeals to Ibe conscience.
It felt coutldcuce ni .Is efforts and pltdiceil the be?t
action in behalf of temp?rai.' e. It then fore urged the
re I li,'.ou* iibttiucnre system as praitl, ? d ni the Catholic
Chnrih upon th- kind attention and support of the? on.
muully, IMIICI mac thal (he Iru . ?orr? ? live of the BO, HI
evil wa? to be found ?t. ill-iltii-lniii* lif not desiroi In
the demand. I>? bringing the upp -tit?- of man umler the
control ?f ri'luious infl m-iii i > llirouirh NUI amen tal
crace. The loatgtf cxt'iid.?! I-, Hal ni?hi? to tbe
sinter unions from ulin h it bud roeiviil nul "m! sun
palli.v. Pympatby w,..s .xpn-h-ed for oppressed ?.
religlonisls m tanoni pan* ol Hu? B*orM, iiiaiiiude
wasexprc?M ?1 tow ard the Ar, hMobOf "f 'he PtOBBOI
for hi? clioicc of ggtTll-fll PI router of the t'lin.li. The
roBBtetteaa oeeern-ed wio, ih? wtowtntn I
Friolped. T not to ??III HolV toil ? r. POBB Tius IX
at- .lu? our l?>\?-, renew too, obodlenrc, and
pray?.!-. In the ?r..?r *'ia?-i;l.. IMI? ien the power
ot l-ltfht ?rd DefBBMB- we n- Oft-tll linn ..? Hu
MtOOUlg allon of le ?Js-llf plinli:. win ti al?u?
,.,,, ,,,,. MMlety. Mu loatiee moa provan OIN] ..a.
timl life IO ...?'.?ililli pt?,?on.,-,I not t< runt,ale un.ii
fr?*e an.l OBobooklod 1? aboil I?< r.?toi.-.| moll bil in/ht?.
|O0Bg-rBl and ?pu?ruai.|-.n?l lo lila r.lfii in the lient? ??I
a untie,I . liri-'et. lou?.
OB .ttteii.i?t woo ?.-'ie to aaoend IBo aoeoed ?artiem?-I
tt.e ?',i,-.ir,linn;, which cn?. ?I a ?iel my ?In Bael OB, li
.Bleb tit?- majority of ?Iel. ?.'tie? ji.ttiu paifl, bni thr
aineiidiuietilB weir lan! ou Ihr l.,l,le
Preal.leiir. A!?x Patten rranafliuntloii R C. T. A. D.
Hoiieiv. itetoriiniit s.. i? i.?. ?. BameeP. MealaBaa. tit.
Brldt/efs | c.T A II .?..? let) ; Financial t?r?r? tai v. Jai.
J Murpbi.Ht Aun"sU. 0 T. A. It. ft), uti : (oit.?|?oiid
IHK Or. retary. J.*. .M? (i.i.ie. Ht. A Og us! in** tm lely ;
Treasurer. Wm. gallie?. isi. JoBBOb. "?'?. ut? : Vue Piesi
?Icol, Tho?. I. (ro.iiu, (aounti, Ht. .Aun? HiMielj .
A mana ni?*eiiuK ha?? ?boeu nrranged hy the
Wouiuavl iil-ioalyii ly we livid IU .in; Ig-gfOltl A.?.: ?*"
rreabytorlaii Church (the Rev. T L. Cuylefa? ?w*i"_.,e*
day BrfiUn?, March I. The panton of the city will be
Invited, and tie ft*?. Dr. John Hall of New-York end
the Rev. Dr. T. L. Cuyler ti Brooklyn bave been requested
to ba among the speakers. luring tke revival w-hloh
ha? teen aolng forward In the Lafayette Avenue Church
for the laat two mouth? ncvornl Inebriate? were among
the couverte. The movoaient in Brooklyn will, It lu ex?
pected, luke the form of personal ap?cala to drinker?
and ?Ballan of strung drink, with a couibiued circulation
of the total abttlnence pledge.
A meetl.iK wa? held u"t ?venlm. In the Methodist
Church at Pourth and South Thlrd-ste.. h. D.,
to d'-rlne me u,? tot checking the liquor trafilo
In that aection. It waa well attended
*n(l IM ttVlMBMM x>y considerable aeal and dia
ciiMion. Mr?. Dr. Martin gave an eiteaded account
of tbe meeting! recently held in New-York, and the plan
abont to be put In operation by the ladies, and urgod
nunn her tararan the BSSSSBPJP of immediate ?Ttlon. A
'?.mmlttee of Ave ladina wa? then appolnt-d to meet
lo day to determine .i,,,rn a deflnlto plan, and to proceed
H ormnli!? th? ladies of the roinmnnlt v. The use of the
church ha? iiesn proffered by the trustee? a? the head.
qimrieraor Hie temperance people, and M Temperan??
H,* letiee of hut Hrooklyn, embrarang mo lodgea of the
iS.iJ"'"!'1," '"" fm* n'T"'Mier..!r? ... nil I llie Patbor
Muttiew Hoelettis of the Itoinnii Catholic Church bave
( ..pre?, ed thCtr WlUlacBMC to anlperate tn any move
lie-ut ?Inch tile la?ll?s miv deem wise. Hie Wish of
aoraa of theaa nrgaali it ooc ia i?. unite in a grand par ide
and rae? nis"tiii<_. nt on early d.iv. Meanwhile the
Inn? ?will hold temper IBM pray.-r-m intlnrs dailt, md
ni.' now gleamed to .i I.? ;. i A plan eiiuilar to Unit ot th ir
Kee fork -i-r r..
An effort ws? mad? on Hat'irl iv to httrOdom tetnp*r
ance pleilireaon all tho outward bound tra?na of tlie
Lone Uland Railroad, bu only partial asesara WM
a. in. red, Tutu ?gb tlie effort ? of a '. w earneet worn io,
..ver 40 u-irn.-i Wi r? added to the pledge. In a numb r
of dapota pledgee hanIraen pocSsd aa ead are anaaer
ilgned, ile temperaaM fe-..id.- of Borapetead
m ?. Ni>> v. II t; in i'..-ni ti the charter elect ton. Aaoo?
vi niion win meet lo otrbl for the pttrpoee of oomlnatti a
a Moraaraaae Makai toe allinga trustee. Taay han
never yet been em.aafol In the eaaaa of goti-llquor,
bat aeem determined to try agaio. In Oyster Hu the
people hare not become exetted on the rohjeet, botan
quietly wo?tlag for the adwieera. at al the cooee. The
womea bare In a number of Inataneea appealed io ino
liiiu?ir-.i? il r., b it ii.tv.' n oompllahed nothing.
in Iioekrillo ('.-nier u ifciiuliie revival hn? op.ned,
lind lue wi.iiiriu liave tai.eii lim lb-Id and uro Wiii-lliii
Mit .u the ?li-ni. ihopa. Li ud.tltlon to tua regular
meeting?, ?peoiat temperance prayer services ain bold
In tin-cluirclies every night. Ae pledge le largo!) ilgned
l?v lie ti ?Abo have Is- n known a- almost li.lilli nal
drunkard*. Tha liles are amil eooeuraged, and da
elan their dei. mini iti.m to work uni ii th?- ihopa an
alooed io. < m Bnodoy raia petal. aertnoM were
i.r. aeht-l in all th<? village .hu! CK S, aud pledge* circu?
la'.?.! aaioag i ii?. ongrog tttone.
Ia Oleo Con the women ippealed to a not..,! liquor
?iii. r wini hu? been aagag*d in ihe train? a quarter of a
ci..tory, ead on Saturday IMI he aaaaoaaoa in? deter?
lulu ilion to for. vi r ai.an.'on tim MfOTlOM buslneaa, hv
poatina the following notice upon hu door: "(in mid
ara . Monday, Peb, u, M moro liqaec will be bonght or
Binnaway from tin- eetaiillebmeot, which i> perara
aeutlj i-iosi i M a mi mr -tor" iii..' ?u. i- wera
g1 ree the proprietor, who eome oat and Mid he should
i-trtlilisii a arocery busunss on lim same gfonad iu u
f. ? ite. k -.
IniruiK lho past week, throuirh the effort? of a band ot
young Ladlee, iwo uotorhraa liquor MIOOBI have boan
. .-?.i mi in the vl-laga ot Bag Harbor. Only .?ix
i . iiM-d rum ?hop? tro opaa, BgnhMl twain for iii"
-un?, period laal jen. Tac Agawam Dirleton oi tha
-..ii- aad Deogbten ol Temper ince ar.? ti mi lahing, and
coatemplate a aerlM of tempor?nea prapei meettnnaa
-?. ? , M they eau concentran: their loi-ces fora doler?
in.n.-.l effort.
During lb? pii't week two liquor stores lu Astoria, ona
I li Hell Kills, and two on Hunte!'? Point have I,ecu
rleeedtra waal "t paltoaago Van women ure taking
gnat mtei'-st la the propoeed ntaria, aad an hMy ob?
taining algo ataree to the pledgee Aa eflbrl is halag
m ide to organhM aoother lodge of the (inhr af Poad
T? ai piara hy anne y enan aaea. On an Salearla and II m
1.1'.- l'oint borra ear, yeeterOay, a young man appeared
vtiih a pledge, uni ?neceeded in obtaining ?eyerel
na.-. A ti ? m p. raine mMting, uiid'-r ihe auspl.-.-- of
the new Washington -ocie ty , is to be herd at Smithson un
II.ul on Tutu-day night.
un: ni: M BAOntAW n\Y-H-III-KMK\ IV BAMH-B.
DKTKOIT, Feb. 2:1.-Tho heavy wind to-day
ha? driven the ice from the mouth of the ..aginuw River
late the bay. It is reported that about ;;00 fishermen are
on the floating ice, and at laat accounts they were the
mile? from the land. Ore,it fears are entertained thai
the lea will break up b. fore tim linn eau b_ rescued, .uni
thal ii f? ?irful dl-a-f'-r w iii rcsulr.
BAT Cirv, leb. JJ. -Iiitelli-.-euce re n hi d here to-day
i it al 9 o'clock tlif? in.mung a ?Jk? of tee several mil.'.
m citent broke off from the ?hore la BajlBBT Bat ata
I m* east of the mouth of the river. Extending down
t t | i-t shore SB Hil? lb Id of be there were fully 30.)
I ?In i men, several teams and ah ighs. Tha men me well
supplied with shantte?, find, and fuel. When list seen
r .y had drifted several mil. ? northeast, wheu a atron?
.-iillli-west wind, shifting to West ward, drirted the ice
row.ird th? eust shore of Hie bay.
I.ATKU.-A report from Behawalag this evening ?ay- 50
men have made a lau.Hu? there. Other report? from
various point.? sav about 200 have escap-d. Two men,
II. J. .-iiith and John Fourrier of Hank? are known to
have been drowned. The b e is ?olid, ranges from li to
io inches iu '.Incline-?, and is not ruell\ brokeu up.
AIIIANV, Felt. 2;..-The raitt htonn is .still in
paagnMal ?II p?tale M tin? Kadeea?aad anryahan
the ice .hows blgus of breaking up. T.n. water here rose
twi.fe.?' last uiKlit. and HIOIIIT the Mohawk. At l'a la?
tine PiIllB* H m "ver the track of the New York Central
ltUllroud. The ferry-boat at Cat-kill will breai a track
tliroiik'h tin- ice to-dar.
I.ami.- The be lu front of the city remain? ftrin, but
us u has risen uearly all day, and lnri;o qaasHltSS of
waSasanaaaitandawaap a It, aa aattp taaaasBsal i?
expeetad. it ?? rapaitadaan tha MohawkhMhtokaa
up, mid ibis afternoon is pouriug lu upuu the Hil-.?it at
West Troy.
CiNrivNAri, Fell. 21.-Clear, windy, eoldst
weather ha? removed Hie danger of a destructive Mo.ul
in the Ohio IHver. Ii?, l'un u . ..min?, iliwn the river re
poll tint! all the tribut u n - are I minnie ..ut liertvnv.
iin MMkingara uiver i- reportad M halan alnhac san
tliau it bus lieen for many years.
OMAHA, Feb. 23.-A MT<BB Stans of wind
and tiiow ?hajBB here Haiiiid ty uiglt and lasietl until
this luoruiiitf. lin- tkSBBBBSBStSf is below z -ro. There
la v?i? little ?now WMt, and no detent.on to trjv-1.
Ti aim- from the ea-t are six hours late to-.lay.
noTnnnnnrr aaponr.
WAU Daraarnaar, i
ni rica or THE C8US "-n.NAL iimcua. S
WASIIISOIHN-, II. c, Xaeeday, Wah M-la.BL .
et/'i""*'* '"'"' Ott iiti.tt .ii fu,uri
The harotiictcr has fallen since Sunday af?
ternoon m toe I.islern t?taCc.-, where itlsuowloii.it,
tun tuerteen etaewhera throtinhoatthaMonlry,aad le
highi ?t lo the N irth-Weat. The temp?Tature has fallen
in the upper hike rcK?ou and in the North-Weat and in
the (?ulf Stau-s.
It liAn riMii decidedly in NewEuiflaud. North-nest
winds, iraiiaaalaa to b.ir-k aad hiKh. pwrall in the Mid
dleStotM and lowerlake re?(i..u, *ith cloudy weather,
and with partly cloudy or clear weither lo the Ohio
Valley, npper lake reaum, and the Berth Weat Kurth
weat windi, with cloudy -?cathi'r, prevail iu theHoulh
For Turitluyi in the .Hiddle atut FmUrn St-rlet, rii,tip
koramefer, ilwal (" bruk north-teat mannte, ttoodp i"i?i
rieur,nu u-eather; tor the Middle Atlantic coael, norib
w.?-i winds mi.11 leur weather.
For the Ninth Atlantic tit ate?, winds veerlmr to west
and nord.-we-r. wiih Halag banastas, partly eurady and
ciiar ..eather; tor the ?oiith-West, I'alluur barometer.
mci. loon g north-, a-leriy wind-, eland) ?eather, and
po??ibTi i ala on Ihe T?-x is coast.
For tiie Ohio and Misi?i?sippi Valleys, up-per lake?, and
Nurth-Wi-t, ri.-inc barouii-lcr, ilniuiilshiiu' northerly
wind?, aud eli ar, Mid weather, lonowed by rising teni
per.ituie an I UMtfeaalog clou line--..
( natara i" ngna? eaatlaoB at cape May. reck'?
I.eei.h. Atlantic tliy-Lou? linnicu, Sandy Book, Bow?
Pork, New Tlavi-n. Nt?-Loudon, Wood's Hole, liostoli,
Portland, .?u I Ki-'poit.
Tin- (ililo and Mi?.ii>slppi Klver? (oiitiiiue to ri?e
?luwly. -?______?-?_-?-?
Tin: ni:uriiKKH(>(ii> OB i.o. >>M.>TIVK KN..IVK.K!??.
CLKVKI.ANI), FI.II. W.-Tha International l)i
vl-ion uf the lip.therliood of I_ocon.otive Paglmairi will
bold a ?pet lal _BBSHBg hen-, ?IWftaalBS to-morrow, to
coii-ul'-r the recent trotmle? in the OrdSf. and for a fn-e
fjpn-?ron of opinion fr. m BB su'.or.linat?- din ion-,
A larr? sasihw al th lasaisa han- allandy arrlisd, and
it la Ihuuglil Ih-?' 'his Will Be ore of tu mont luipi ?Kant
mt ( uni:- the Order HOC eui held. QMBtlBBBOTtOlng
out of the loti strike wrii b ? fuiiv dlactuaod, Md a mOre
pt i f> C1 ?i stem of roici iilnir such albur? will ??rohnhlv
ii liiiiri-i!. nu--i .-non i? exp'cii d to . (intiuue two or
llirc dajf._ _
A MNpnun -iAIHHNO AfnuT.
A \\T..IIK'I( tiKik i'i.i ??. Innl efdnian^ about 8
0 ? .o? k, ixl ?v ? u John ?DnSSJ uf So. 4, Cherry st., Ed
w.iitl MK-:..in of N-. 11 Alb.iuy st., au?l J .nies Cook of
Be "* i. Ulai.'It - r_ li.uey Anally ?tabbed M-ehan ?u
iii.? ;> ti -id? . ou both ?boulder?, und lu the loft arm. and
1 .H?k In Hie left -Itle. Tile wiiiiintetl men ti.ri. boin
taken to tlie PBfk Il'i-l'it.il. and i'ai-i-y wa? lodged In the
Twtut>-?ew-nth Paw met MialloU-HOUM-.
A -KlirilKHN (1UILVW KILl.lt).
Wn.MivuTON, N. C, Fell, 'it.- tot Mar of
Hu? city ha? SSSStSSi the following tpaSBSl dispatch
from Laurent.urn:
"Steve" Lowery, the Uat lurvivor of the not.nlons
i, .ml ol I...!.. - 'ii * ?unity aiuiiaiw?, waa killed lu the
appraparthf Boheooa Connty hy lana etttssas uum.-d
Piitierson, Hutton, and llol.-imii. Ile waa tuning bl?
l..ni|o preparauu v to |ilinn< loi ? une nu;.rs, when
lane abara wen deed at ham, taklan aaVel in til* h ?ad
and killing him inatsniiv. Hi? holy is now at Luui.er
I'JP, l?4?J WltUli v;a\ vV tW?f-'?VU '.<W-J
- -i
1-frfWM? A.SD Jtoor ARR-.i?jNri>-_riir. BAVKAI
i-'uc.vr nEaUtdii'KD.
Winchester Britton, cx-Diatrict-A It. misty <TV
Bang County, claimed yesterday tbat lie httd rcoetvu-g
no olUiial notlf*?, frovo Governor Dix that ho bad ??OB
removed from his position except what he bad men la
the newspapers and what he had ?leane?! from the l-jttet"
appoititniK Tliotnas H. Rodtnan to All his plan.?, win. ii
Un? latter presented ye?ter?lay. Ho iloto.l bist nlifht,
however, that he would wmv.i what he regarded M a
luck of courtesy on the part of the Governor, and take
It for iiratii.'d that be liad been removed, and therefore
lent, luil ulj-ht, to Uu vernor Dix the folio win? letter :
_ _,. _ " . IiKooaiatW, Feb. 31, iHTl.
Tom? Freelleney SotiB A. hit.
| -"?arttinioiinieiieutof my removal from the offlc? of
l>i?in l Attonn'V has heen received l.y DM? through (lo?
pilbil?- pre??? Ii created no ?ur(?n?e to me, ?lth<?u?.'h to
the cltii.ii* of llriMiklvn I ?tui.ht not it did. Ii nllevfo
that ibo chai ve? a*ram*t BM man io i>o decided upon the
evidence, l i muk I am Ju-ititl? d m the ?talement that not
??ne in ten in this etty consider iacb removal to be
pooalble. I confess Io my own ?arlv confidence that.
Hi?: Exe? nive of tile rS.al.' ol ?Ni w-York count not ar?
ro, ?1. ) h ? otber vise fii.ui Jual, lim i wa- not loos do?
omed. Ti..? positive oaoerttonaof my eee-aera la thu
eil? in.ii my niii,,va! wa? eerli.lii: the pr.iuil-o on the
part ?if one of them, v<?ly euri? In the proeeeilioirs, that,
the char--? beton made, ko would ????? nut grog? m
Qooaeo would 1H> brought upon th?? (iovernor to in
Mir?' Um email i me conttnaal and oanadeal anare lo
ii-t upon "uah result by thoie wbo CIBIMOA pal proved
to I??- in your coyadenoe lu ibis matter; th,- i",.i,-i?
,,f tomo of tbeoa ini'.i that i would be removed
before the i?i of Joooory, oltann?h ihn prupoeed
t UM was .."I lunn.m? I ir.nn I BO hands of tim
printer nntfl tbe Mtb da?. ,?f December, foliowod
i?v a notice ii.ar poa ?iroiil.l I, -ar counsel at Albany,
aiKtiu Hit! PuJ naif'? of avtdOBjOO ou rtit- wtli ,1 iv of
1?. i elul,-r, Uolwllli.st.iliill.it- tint te.l.iiioiiv WM Holier
tifl-d till the :7th, alni oltotbi refund by you to defer
* ...I iiriinni? ?,t bovood tbe li . ? of i? ?..,?mber. oo til. pieu
that li aboeld be Booed -arlao tee term ??f item Boy
(Jouerai Darlow, be "beleg familial wal. the foote,"
toil..v. el by tbe 'he iiii-i.m,,, lu.n Mr. Barlow t?.ok BO
I? <i l la Hie iir.ininriit before V"'i .ni ,,f HUM,? fai't?. BOO
?tliutod a eaee of olreaamtaattal evldoooe mu t?. ta
i.'i..?.? d ?,? o lawyer of tim mool uodorato ezoorleooe. 1
um ira ilk t?i tay to .??'i Ibal luj cool lenco, in.ii I BOO lo
1. ive a f na I upon ti.e rooiitl di i n?,' ooBtlnoe eT?'!i uti ii
UM orgumeot ores made. Bod n tbe evident lotoot '?.
r?iiio'. BM on Hu? boering Baa no1 carried lato elect, it
may not ii . ineorreot lo attrlb ita ti. it reaall to UM roiy
able argument uf my Oounael am tua p.?. u? of ti.?
eildon ??. ag-loat DM vblcb rxuul bare WOMBBBI aatoo
lebed evoo too Kxcoutive miad. H ?'??..picul ovoeta
?.?.??n dm not lead r.. matore Ibal ? onfl le oca.
Tue acii-er-, ??iii? teemed to be Boll aware of the
.rorklnjri ,,f tbe Executive ulod BOOB a ''J idUoml " quoa
ti.ui, tiioiii-rfi evidontli Ereatl] ?I (appointed and M -
prlaed at the delajr, roi oooUoued to bet vliB oooB
-OOM. lie II newkp.iper orgao failed not to ply tim
public tullid willi i (tac Ka npiii me uni to riri'iou.,1 o my
anticipated removal up ?n "general pria-Igloo." Wem
aft rweek.almoot daily,we were informed thal .. tno
?!e,?i?loii would te mote OB 'li I ?ivnleiice," le.t when un -
Bounced the! fact unat.'it not be perooptiole, aod during
I ,, ... ?, vu Week?, wit.i ?1 ulv .-su it' i.iii.-i' in <- ni- tliat " (ho
(?ovenior ia ?un readine toe toatlmeav" obieb wa*,
however, te bo aranod af,:,i- two ?I ?j. - i?y eomuel, Uu
Executive ?-?r w.i- ?,;.en t., il! ?oners, and til- Itock
went up ,?.nl ilown III tu?' DUUrkOt at;, oid.uj; to tint sup
gOBOd " influence " of th.: ...v.
To the reOeeting miada-I tin?, sta'e tins must have
preaeuted matter for mrlous conalderatloe, wblla toa
r?'w win? inn. ,v what tin? punlie .ni not, it na?t bare
bni'n ?iiiiii-inti m the extreme, floro am oeeertwo
other tir iiui-t.iiii e* lo wblob I amy, geraapo. be gie
nu,!, d to Ufer. There waa appointed by yoa,aoCom
oniatooor la ml* cow, a highly iotolllaeoi and eminent
BMoibor of tho bar in N wYiu, who wa.? afterward
elected by the people t??.". i? aorable Jodl ?lal P ?iltloa.
ii? i.,?- only boord tin? evldoooe bat BOW the wltueeate
and coul?l well JodfO of tli?-.r degree of ?Tediiiility. T
have never noderatood thal yoe avon consulted with
him on the ?tnije.-t. Wnetli.-r that was bOCaaee \ ou had
loomed tint ni hw ?lew there wat no BOOB whatever
mad? out, uinl his opinion would have emb irroBM i tue
iBtoaded result, or wnethcr upou a **J clie.nl" <iue*Uou
li would he gelte improper for the Eiccutive IO beer a
eaageettoa even from lum, I can ouiv BooJeetare.
A newly eh, (ed Atti?riicy-t..?;ieral-by law the |gag|
ailvMer of the Exeeative-oeoBBasa ni? dune? ot bio
.lillee on Jan. 1? It would bivi) biretl natural, p? I hap?,
loaamoeh as the final deolaloa wa? bund upon a i ni
propoaltlOB upon which very able I Kal minds diaoent
Ir'iu your ?MBcloatOBa, that you ?houi'l have coiuuntod
with him Whether tue omnaloo to do so wa* beoaaao
lu wa?, deservcllj consiil? led olio of tho ablest, .ia well
as purest law), is of this fttat ?, I am not to dctoiiiune
at neal I did not mistake the BManlngOf UMOO fuel.?.
And now, Sir, after MVOB week*. POM bave remaved
me. Of seventeen ciar.,? made a?f.iri-t mu, you BBVa
lit lOBgth lound oliu upon willoh voll ?au liuao thal ro
niovai, iiei that l propoee toexamloo. it la a* foi..,.??? :
" Thal ?ill rrp >r( ?nil iii luit (OOBMOI ci-rUm paper? utepir?! li;
lb? I '?ninii?'?? uf K.fi.) ) were pr?'?eiit? 11? a .?rtaoil Jin?, tlir ,u?;b tbeir
? r, Bill), Mr. BIT it, with t M4-Ni '-hu th.y .um: ,r mil rhirx?w i
ti,ti ii.?1 i-btrip-i ?na not ?iim,i,,-,l ()?. MU Onul Jur.,, I>r ihr r?> ?D
liiat iii? ail! ?? iBrii?tti r Hr,tn"i, th?ir le??l ?aliiaa-r to irreen and
la ,tc lit re,u fVxa ladit'tintiil iuJ pus,,liment 1er bli ?*-_fM-BOBS,
ln,,?ii.iil? ?n,l ?lila, I, Mvissd -a,J Owl Jury talaarlr al lo mail ?lal?
in lue pi, ,n e-t. bj tarlliiDi th^ui it w11 not i milt M lor :ti-ir iBtlUBJS
Bao, bat otlj tkomkjaM tat * c1? l priac"??!! ,<. rbalsaalUam
Jur,-, ?, nu?; tgat -inch it.ftlT;,- ?. ml ba-iu- Ure.- i, .1 tin-r-l?/. tot ii
f",.i 'tiih. in * it ti??? hm.eall/ lotiiei?! to b) tii?ir Atiif. relu?? tu
ia?' Ui|?U -a. I ?ior?;?.?.'
Now, ii i? ol?? lou* that this Is a charge, in brief, thst I
willfully and falsely advised the (irind Jury a? t?. tbo
Halter of chargea againat Badeaa. No* this and tin*
only is tan cmufgi up MB BBlch I was trie l ami removed
tiiil which l o*aecalled ui?ou to meet, whu-n th,? OooaU
tattoo provide- shall be *?r-c1 up?>n me, uni upon
winch I w.u to be heard, as a condition precedent to my
removal. Now, .Sir, is ii n??t a little *.n*ru!,ir that the
tooUmoavoobmltteo to vee not only wholly fail? t.
aliow that 1 over advised'the Grund Jary at all m this
m alter, but does show wKliout eoutr.i.lieiiiu, that not
oui? I never ?a?o such advice, nut that no such
amtier ?.s* over before the Grand guy f 'Ti*
'rue, in ?our opi'ji'.'i you u?!.;;e a hygetboU
? al gecellon pul to me hy the fOTOOO-B of the
Onad .In? BBd my answer thereto; h it jon wholly
oiiiil to stare that win,di every J iror, lucludliiij the fore?
man, cx.ioiiuei) at the luve-UKatloii, did *U.te under
??alii ln.il Ino ?lil-'-lion had no relaliou to llidem, bal
to a w iiolly ililfeie it nutter. ' li-i ?ip.uly true you , i?.
,i .jin.-.loii pul to Mr. Ha iii? In wh,ch Mi'. Ha<leau'*
name l? niseite?! I, latin,- to what Oieurr.-d bellin? , he
(?rand Jiirv, iu<lic.itiiig that tin? DadBBB uiatter wa* b .
fOre tin? (?ran 1 Jurv, hut you likewise emit to stat? that
afterward Mr. Oay?_epreeeated bimmil as a wttaoaa
an 1 oom ?''?. I Ids IvstUuniy lu tait i.jcaid, exproasl)
?talina tori this Batter ol Badeea BOO B4K bolaro ina
(?rand Jury. Von will pardon me for referring to the
record, walch doobtlem you have roan an afton eni *??
.MI? .ni >. t?. ?ui,?iaiitiuti? my aamrttoa.
The ??rand Jurorsexauiiued were Theodora BbOtwell ,
0.1 (?l.tve-. A. (ieldolli' It r, S. I'. Fowler. E. lilli?.', C. '
A. MiuiiJ, 11. E riackinaii. J. C. Kium-, a.,d C. ??- baylis.
Mr. Bhoiwoll teatige l tin-?:
u? Wil, um ti-.l ni wb?lla?r so'oiimplii-it i;un?t Mr. Hil, in, r,
1? carot . ?ie. ol Ibis citr, wa? io? ? i..h'ite,l b? the ??nail Jar/I A
g .? 1.1 m. rae . .? .un, tl?ei?' waa nun? it.? nil Mi iiailaiu.
U. ?Ver,- Ibrrr an? MftlBMM-| -? ks ?.kirie* i-ili.l.itel to the
? in di in H? '-' Mt. ili:??ii I A. tioi aay ObM 1 wai liiere, I nera?
?aw ? ?.thrii ?f ire- kind.
y IV,,re r"u U.ere when Mr. Britton wit rill?, up I A. I wi?. Sir.
u l??i laarg.a t|iinil i naiilt'' uSeec ?ere t? .. Draal jut. inf-m .
fi.tiaf abo? At. mutuo wiii-illad tal A. I ?tata li OMIg-MlMt,
Ja..l.a ,1)
i. ?. (ir,.?? s testifl ?4 :
y Vit? there in? e ur*" or ?MBftaial ttyeilitili^ ti? ti. ? ?ina?!
J.,r i., i ? . i ? ,, | A. No ??ir in,. I, "'i. 1,-irtijn.
y. Ws.? ran pn_??it ?inriu, erer? A*J ot tt.lt ?.i??iau I A. I think I
Wi? l-l Sb eut nt lit.
y 1? at lu? liitlri? t-Attonier ?er.t f,.r mil mr gOMMOl P"U '-o 'ina n
iel ulm tu Mr. Huit?n I A. 1 ibi.il nut. ?Sir.
Auenet UoldooMiomr teatlged :
y. W'?? lhere inj chiree bet?re or in?,-i'.itttiM li? tl.tt CrtnAiiry
.Mr Hil .-in, C ?, e, tor I k. N't IS Fir MI ??a teiaeiu >er , I
Ja II ' raia B_Wf ll?T. If lie?!- lb? DI.? UBlll Wlthu I few 4l...
E la u J India U-siUie.l :
y. ?? ?a lhere ttij . ?i.ri<e inteatiftte?! b? tin Grind Itij tenait Mr.
Bai'etn I A. I ntrar betel bit ntuie BiencuBuJ.
y BarSi Len i Im name mention??! I. all I A. Nu, Sir.
y ? -i, inn MO-BW 'nriiii nie a???ioB o' I ie .IraiaJ IOTJ all th?
Ilia? f A. With Iba ?treotloii of ?>n? or lw" Jan.
y. Nu i|ue?:,oo waa al?, J Mi. Uraloo in r?,.r,| t" Hi leant A. No.
y And ?ou ne??r he?rd bl? um' ther? I A. Ni, fir.
Challe- A. Moni* tOOtlBOdl
y Wit there in.? ch?r?TS inrettUitStl b? thal ?iranl'Jj,? t?;iin?t
.'..,ieet"r lill?- u I A No? an?.
y U ia ti. te any naeiuon pat to Mr Ort' m (n co ineeuoa ?iih to,
ln-t ,r Ha le.t , A. mat mr to u,r know.ojgt.
Beary B. .? leBaaae testnled :
y. ?v.,-i.-!-in? ?ii?'it* iur??li(ire4 io tbti ?IrinJ Jor? a-?a > ntl
l'- ae.ior li .,'.?..u .' A. OS Sir.
y TUB du. nut bear hit BUBB mentioned I A. No. .Sir
John ?'. Kiu?e leCUOa i :
g. Were ?u,. pr?tent it ill the lett'ooi of Ibu Ortnl Jur/I A. !
mt- all ?La,li Inn li,., I tliink.
y I' : mu hear in? rhariet reit? ?ia?r,,r? that (ino,I Jur? igiitit
Oa ie, u,r b-lisa I A. .*..?, s,r
y So .ti.h (but;*! rntrr intr.'iirilri I A. There n 'Ter hu b?e n.
ri.irlea ?**. Baylis reeaUea.
y. H_te wheiher loiidid linns the ebir|e? icnnit Collector Bl letu
b-i,?re ?he (ir.nu Jar?; or not.
A. M ' i ui r- . l ai Bal-.. I Mid he'ora on Mtirttr -t?,.t I did. ba>
BOSS I Start 'h te?, ni >u/ ol *? in tir ol tb? jjr?w n I Bunt Mr Ibat 1
?ai m,?'??-u io Um au i the pr.il,?', tar i. :l,it I >1.J um . th ?t I aaaj.
?Bal m il, .1 tig- Ile? n"Ml .ii the matte- an 1 b- lol : i> * I'm liiere w.?
o., hi a t in it. and th? prababiilt/ It litt I Ibea diiiaiiiaail Ibrcttela
it, ?1, mi. 1 adult Ibal. M
Now, ?lr. theee wire all tbe (Iraml Jurors exauilned,
ami bed ,ou Ihoaghl ii proper to hav?? ndvis.-d with the
( omenamaeer, .vir. dgeir, he aoui,i have told yea that
t,,e i... ??in in?' ottjeis v.? re not 0-OB-BOd was. bOOB-Be
ga declined to hear unv mule, .li'eu.ii,- the |M,IIII fully
,-ti iii.i -iii.-,i. I stay proporly i4d ih.it the aeanaad oor
n,l?oiate?i the Ow-fHMB of th???e wltne*??.?, nnil tli.it
tliire wa* BO BV Ide BOB lu ?olitradiition. Now, .?sir, in ,i
iiiju.i jtf-?iiii_ the charatiii and rOgamUOB of a ?iti
_,-i,, t.iou_ii noBible, would ir not li ive BOOB fair to have
ni ? 1>- -oin?' i, ft K'n??- t?> tins e vi tom e when you ipioted
le?tiiiio?iv winch yee Intended die |>e<>pte to bollev?
M abllohed the ?ulvers?. Iset I ?)r were liol si-v?-ii vteelc?
*,ilIJ"!eiit to enable you t?. reach this evidence, which
H em.? io be -o ?-o?! lu?.?'?? ne tin* point I
Utewbetber.Iooghtef au o.?n uotlon t?? have lnsti
fnleil proO-OdlB-g avainst Mr Hale? i, I refi_iu fiotii
ilommoot. a? that was a punt trot in vu. ve, I in the
. i nanrae BMMIO, bel I ??ni ??? ?..?. i? ?-um, that iu addition
to Jul.'e (i-orat? li. llryuol'l*, known IB -0 one ol li.?'
h .?t I no el? in the Second Judicial Uepsrtiiient. I aui
iu pi?-?? ??ion of the ??pilli.>ii of one ot the ahl-st j in???
in tae Bute, which also I bave rear-on to believe, WM
o. rus. d b? vou liefure you publicly uuuottuced tu? re?
ino? al, iii i lae eharipA.*iu.iili?.iiy the Oommlttoo of Kifiv
??juin-I Mi. li.nl'MU ( vhiiii I'ou'iiiiieil uo alleK.illou (hut
he ha?l ree.iveil an?'inten??!. nui- waa su.-n fiel ku.iwu
u? aie) eonatltoted BO criminal oilB-OB whatever. An?l I
?HSV be permitted to a-unim?- thal lud I a .ree, | with
Iii??,? emin? or I".?I Keiitlr.iien. tootlgn I lim ?lil?. : ed
a ith youl' Kxeelleucj , it would li.udiv be cause lor rn
n,..\ ,i frtnu i.Oi e.
Yoe bare taou_bt proper to iav mat for my um ui
e.ni.l'i, t in iin? eam * Mr. llntiou seetus to me Ut uara
tori? liol ail claim to tue eoaUdence ot his leUo? cili
WBolBrr the opinion of me which should bo enter
Ult.e?l I'?' in? f ?ll.iw-i-iil/.tua Si? l.efore you tor your
pi loi ii ii, r-i .oin ilion, it would hirdly bOOO-H ni? t?i
-.,,, nal ?nu lu', i? lu this presented un tiMHe Which I
, m .-fi.i.i) eoeoet. I bave i.--i.l.wl in llm-kiyu for
twenty years , ?I n in.: that period I am nut aware t?i ?t I
bave ever coiuuiiticd any act i-iraouaiiy, prufeaaioualiy.
,,r ort., ai.;y, wlii.ii I hesitate to suomi lu tli??.c J l-l?
meut, and at least. I mar say thai In me opinion of my
fell,,* , iti/.eii?. I mu .inn- aura thal luy oharaoler wi.l
noieo.niia.e un' ivoralny wlih thal <?f tay a???uier?. who
me | -UKI illy ii li.i V? luvt? <is-?l the proroBatlv?
| BOg V4 4 Ita. _?<g?H?H bj mTAtUt \aile ?J ?TU kOAUOtJ,
"rrr" -*? ? 0*^ -
I fear noa tpMkt-ht tv than /(.-_*__ '*?,' .*? *** ..?'re
?tlea^i InilYfidtionryyrTit <oi.tahim? . ?*. .*..* lasaran
n. winch yo? have UM advlacrt i7,r ,HI"* '?"* "e el
*?y*-wbi.* roi?chatte wa* demo fra. ,J r"""?'1 '*'
J*J**j* ntstutan I_K K-??T*.-*'th" w?*"
ha? the ndonMan power to ?remore nie ?. "" "".*.
\ ?lil r,lTl!Vl" ,K? .,**"'" *" tkAUbtiillr MeMM."1 * ?"'
ti?) truth Illili the 11,1,1 "rh,tor of Iho jliaflM ol ***
mo -the people Very aeaiieetratir.
?A i?. MOTi.n lien toa.
KR. BRUTON'? ?U(Xi:S80K.
nia Kaw i.iMTKicr-A m? vic Y IN PUHHBMIDN t*errt*tw
Al an c?rly hour yoeuriUy Thulium 11. kil?
man, who ?had t>o<ra appointed by (io v. Uix te Hi?. .*.*'
lion made vacant bribe removal of l>i?tilut At'.ir. vf
Britton, received ha? riinnn.-i.iii from the llorera *r
thron?<h County Clerg fl*o li Herman, wttn whom k*
baa been Bird. Mr iMmsii, alter baring Ukoa the *'
usual oitn of i.flir,., wiil/-ti waa .-wtiuini-rxr??'! to Ima hy
the Count?-clerk, af once aeauni.-O bia iluiie?. Ile im?
mediately ?.ni.- into the l_i_M.net Ai torne r'sertwe? witera
he wa? met by Mr Uni ton, who forra-illy ttrn.ii mer <m
l.lm the ?laper? ?mi record?. DI .trh-l Atti rney .to* tmaa
wout into tim Court of Sewdooa, when a uewejrend
Jaar?anhapaaakH toSBaassanras te Jud*o tSt na.
The gentlemen coinpiisini. t,m Grand Jim are Vi A ?
M. Wli.nple. ?FerSSMBI Klward L. Burran. Jobu t ft
.lohnson. B Iw .rd Byrne, William Willlam?on. JhSSfB B
Jone?. Charles gehahaft. Owen C. Cobb. Lo-u. Wei*?*
i:iias ?Beadttokeea, winiam iwetnan, OhaaBra Keiner?
ITallSS M. Lock. Jehn Keilly, SJaatp B Hantor.i, fy<-nr*i*w
v.". Alii'ii, H.'iiiri.'h 1^ Isa. 11, rsaid Dsfl*, BIlllaSB
BTilllaraaea.Jtoaa winn?. VUIMBB iiayii?i.
Judis'i Moor.-, in charging the Jnrv. BBli ti it tri? delar
Inlmpaaettag them hal beru caii-s.d hi taelaethhal
the Urand Jury of tue Court of Oyer and Ternnu.ir toa.
paneled on the &- li of January, li-vl kSM I onn- mi/ la?
?'.?snfti up to this tim?-, and wuibi ?m-h was tin- mm it
waa not lt-ual to imp mel anomer jury. Tim rule ia.
that a Bread J iry cann.it exist lon,_.-r th,,<i ?ii.? y, nu ,t
the court for which they are rino in I. d. iul M the urea
em i?,ui of the Court of SeeaioM ended on Hut unlay,
the ?.??-?ion of the Jury eould not extend heyond Her or
five day?. Althoiiich Hil? wa.? a r.?ry ?holt lime, ?uil
tnuchcoaldbe aeeompll?hed by elote atten ??i
ne-?, 'the ?natatory oBbnaa? extortion, lottenee,ea>
? me publication*, punry t,r ii.?ttiona, Intewp roaee.
r>-w.-re ad retted t >, ra required .. ... iul
tin? jur. ctiitionudanalasl dlrolglng the ?teoreU ?f the
The mis Onad Jury rannnt lawfully rcnum la ?. s-ioa
alter the ?preeeal WI.K. when tbej will be eupersuled
by me Qrand ?l iry of the Ooori ?1 11 roi an i T? rmiaor.
lue ?iit.-ml will Mt b . sutil. Cut lor ile c nisid r ?-.?III
o' til? Mumu in the city .li-paciuieui? ah..-li l. .*?,
(?niel Jury entered into, and it is ?probable thal thap
will do no m >r<- than t.tk.- a? non np ia tin- large tnimbur
of t rtaataal eaeea w!...-u will ?-.on i i..-for? ihem. aithotraa
it tnuv tK' deemoi expedient io oonaider the uuflnUBad
bu?tneaaof the luie (.rand Jury. Tie new Uisiricl Al.
toim-y ray . thal bejdoea not mtend, el in.-sen-, t.. make
Boy oBeogee la the OAM eiceM in i in .-?.,.-..: m? iirao
a-aletaat. l'n- aoeoeeeor ?( L i*.u ii. Caliea. It le Ira?
in-vii'i, win i,e Hi Adame,the law partner at Mr. Boa?
man. it is B ad?rateos thal L. B. ?inna is ra ko ?ratolaad
a? Cluer Clerk,lead thu -ui,oi.i,..-.t.) oin n-, will ?ita
ruina.u In tim olli _
tiAvaaa MARKBI*.
Hatiti.Yrb 88 -Kii-litar? |ni?t tut tra. mknt "ii'-l ?-.la?,
.lo lu., e irr? '.-.. 7". i?7 i pr.mi . u , tkmtt .-tot "<O*0 .,r?-?.?m . m
Loiiion, lilla .2-1 r- i mm in l'?r_l Miall, p,ma,,m ; A?.ui.i AAI*\
OdwteO ftamam. amciri
The New I.lust ti- Truss MSB Htmlmar). it?!? bat . ??n
el..?1, hi? ..?;?,,.i-.l ..i? wb?,l il-*r,'u_ ?L 1 ?.-Til?. ._; u:U, ?pltag
?i.?I ang.-r pal h.ic.ini ' .1 ?ill. ,U ral a' Uomlet.
Hrovlll'? niaod and Liver Myrup lor ?rr.ftil?. BBaManaaj
Viraient Kraptimi?, U.m'. X<-?n KI* ml Kil-*? Hi.?.- ? Tht mig
in-la-iiie in m Mr ure ?lin-u ?MM?M ? 'a. _i.rrnai .viuuit la ra?
f.'i tain k.-.tl .if iii?" iut.-a.ll-? |., ii,,, -,, ,,,,,,," , ,, ., ' - ni? "-M
?n?i inriformnit the biu"! rraiar*. tho.r not?. .. .-a ntlkA . BM "' ??.
L.TBRSTKCP TU?I i.Qia>r of li?....-- ftaaral-d . u_t_.u?t.ri ia.
jKii_.in.i_- nutter m ?h.' hi..?! ti aarhgraaKr iti.u la gea radi ?op
p.*! li no1 ?ni. n?rlu4e. di?orl?r? wbndi ?IT^t . i* tk] . h -*"i??li^
lli<? niu-ri.?., and Hie bom? IHII hievte lu.n, uerrnui -oin-aatata tad m
tut lyal itlatreaaing .naienu I? ?-lill Iii?. ... te- ?,,.-.?,..,,y t*t,??k.
Prierai psr billi? _
(Jrt.r othe Hhtp Semi te* Tknit I'mje j
ateatm-.o Kr.sr? , hr ) I li ?in:>.?>? I..IDI<IU f?b t. rn Hi.r? 7l^
eMb ii'.lse ?ni MM ni Y W J. H?mt
Hl??i'i*!ii? 'ed. lilr.i Ttwmp?.?!! I,irern?v>l Yth li, 4i_I ?Ji~M?
toan lab m-.y. udm su.l i>.<*. mi Hil. -?i<.-lia.
Me.'i.iiiiio I (r ot AaMta. K.irif-, Our .ion Ha1. IX .?.! B?W
Wen i?> .. "> .? mian. ."?? ?m left i? Baikal .? < .>
bark i'nui i ie.ii .u i ?ii (?i. r . BmogaC Uaoraaal T8kayo, OMO
Il-rk U Plan Pliilllp?. _1inie.ll"? J?? ? w.tb nwlv.
Bark Tere? lltf i I ?e-at *'t. II?. Ili.rel'.J?.. mob nota?
Mark Trenmore i Nor I Olo? I. r?rt>?x>l 71 '..'. ?uni'
Bara K-lle-r. L r.n?. M itisiiu 1 '. lu... ?uri MM
iii. naaeaai lal MOM K?I??IU . i-n-J. u< t c^meuM i i<r< van
U"t l.nir.ttue ( if 1' rll?nl), Kai? it. 5-?_?liM. 1 1 iUr?, ? "i ?<u
an1 luo.ae. ??
srur I, A Soliuci of P'aiUJripb a), Htniiti Mat.ni? J-li l. ?Uk
PameaauMua, FtU. ti Ani-ot eoaM a-uii??r.ii tr.m
Uti ri?.ni? P?h '.'.( -Arrival .t'.i-n.l.ii* S I Yiri tr,"n W*h
mintrt.m, N C w-? ? MO! from li aim, rMaealat l...n.N'? io?k|
lamm A. Otty fm * Sembnta, H l , hart? .ta'-u ?. Pt-'a ir?%
I. .:.:'., ??tvr??. from li.rfe it?.,.ju..?i-n. 'r na ll.i.W.. litany
truin Hair?; brif hclni. fro? Canlenaa "bia. .-.Han, lr? i. >l.i??ua__.,
Wia. A. MUITIII. ir.ea I'roriarn ?, _. It Ohm ka? loi . li'i.n ."W?Q.
K. J. Pickup, fr-.m ."f.irtli i.-rj.in?. t'l.ar?.), .1. a: ?Lu . ,)? oeat? .of
N ?l.irkr li -nrjr L. (jaw. f..t 1'hil.J.lplna. ??Urti ..t-._a-_up S roigo
Api.oiii for H.J-- >n.
BaV-UaoBe mk 2 t - Im?r?.l h.rlr? Mtllevule from l..??rr>.??l |
(.'.ikanu? tntia ni. T?KUBMI .kip K?ben? rr.i?.. lii.ra. ? r.r. J A.
Hr >?D. i.'.ni li., tua ??.l.vi tn-.ir? I ..in riri,..'.r.. IwDUMI Al
-rt i'Lo.upv>u. foi Uartnii.t'.. SHM. wrbi. ha, I' matoii. I... Hull
tuiiLBa-ro.?. ?S. C. P?b tk-ttdeei bri tknpWnltm :(,*mte?
I .' 1 l- 11 I-, i) ...1 M1 ? . i, ??-lir I?.- M m. tram SiliBaatn
.-?a iel htrk K anno, for Bare?!..ni, KUM. J W N 1 on, M Baa I At
.11 1 i?i for K'l.iaoetli i'e. g. C
Sum lim.???.. Kol?. -.M-_lrrve.1 O the Pa?e?a. aieanukp .loll
S'.r a? Irorn Snm-t..-?. I .-ar-il lurti I^unioim. (or Uvatgaell W.
li. PMB, f.r I'r.i.i.i. nre. Blilaa, Mea.,ie?ip Kn.il'ile'??-i. iii J 1.*
aj;u .^oira: barna fieeiicut be.lo. AUUJ, ' -??.?L'.III?. au: .". ,?. tal
Ur g ll?r./-..li.
fearmoM aaoaaa, Pek -'.! -.?aiioi. iin-j A II I'IWI? arang
ponnian roma.
leisiv.s F'b 3?.-h?iie.l toe U?ilr?l .MxUt pet. an?-* IM '. ?.???
I'll,.., 1.?-i Baitaa I ra.o O .??-r. t.aerr N-l- - ... 1 li.- I.ii.
Ain?.-.! Ir.im titil.-i S'? e, par-., pe'.ie? P.'? 2\: iS.r.rrr.a L .>.?.
K-ul-M Fe t?mi?. An?-' Pab. 81 *'.<?? BUM HeLaMMl? L?U,
Beril Marr.? Polo Inr? K?i*.rl l.-jeth? >o?tr. O.ntint Birt. lim.
tah ii. aiMiaa?.tait, ^??o Au*?!?, ?ataala aa?aaaa.f1aaaa
e?.-o, B.ir??ne, Au?r beal *-. 1. ?erpool. J. ?*. u ,, ?-. tttmU, >ha??a,
?I I) I!J.-.. r l.r.'.liuin.rn. Priwe hu.'jr, i.uiaruiuM. Il I-.
Riia?r_a*a, Cn-I. ililli a. M mu., yjeemluitr Wt Bl ! >l' u? .'.
PaiiM. SU*, limn.?. aiaarvt. r*?aa i ton. ?c S?t, ?..>t.aa,
Lia?, Aautrr. Ilr?/il W.-aUi.mtreli. Il W t Lip-uat llai'ir .1 IA,
V ,r ijor. ?Ippia. Al -illina bile? H lr,i,?.aiii len?, .le
i.i.t.iei* M 2 .-l'un .luco .i L.-o ?lr..i,,_ p lU u BOSM*
Yon. bit ?rrived ?JUI.
Iii.'i-./., l-ej J.i - Tile ?-raiiah p Wi.in.uuv.)0, fro J 8*<r-T?Mt, ?e?
rlT?I lou iBonnuK. lue o.r. J ii.II lir.u I :, nu ,N. ? ? ,ri irrtot
v ? .:. r 1 ?r.
' litur.I n.S lah 21 -Th* Mean.?i li M..t.ei?o fr?im Baltna?r\
tttitoimJataidaTalgbi Th? aaeoaklf Coi '... Baa iw-ru-^i.
?truel to? MMoeea rbo *ir t ObaSBaa ut baaepM ?U"?I>SIIIM
('.Jtluir. uti 'troti lo.I al *t. Therre? j?? ? .rn <o.i .1 Liierte?!.
bass anaaan oenaraViiab ukataraobaaraarsi saanraa
br me Kr? J ,n i guan ..( P.-rm.ul a_-?a??i br th? K-. tuhuMa?
S ?:.'?..,: ibt CtLbe.i ai I b?.iu?? II l..a? _t Mr....?.?o . gam* a_
l).gf*a. l.?_u.*r ?i ;ba lal? Hr Brrou li-itgta of lui? -Of
AU SottorA of Marruiptei mult >? tndjrini tenjt full
name and aJTrett.^^^^^^^^^^
IO Lit.
BBIIMS Oa M ...I.? Y.'. Il 1-.7I ?Cimt t bag-nag nianaa.
Y".a 1 I 'all i.e. ? .In??.
li?..-....-. ?al fnenla are ni ?. l-l lo alten?! faner?! 'na kir lu? rM.
lamm I '? A*?l ti tjintu ., . o. W'?lor?ia,, at I'J o rla^at
i DUN KI.I.- Al tuC.te re_j_rn,e. Bl I tia: : rirrt. ??* a >n Mulif
." ii'Mtn. lui?, irprni r e Jr.i ?uti A siepti". ii a?l ' barrie A.
Ciroril ei liir l'Jt i tra-?r ol hu ?<?.
SMI . of rua-rtl Ua-r?a:.rr
ponaiisnon ai anama. ai??.,?-, taaera-, tb? IM ara, r.???
I....>a .?..J. lu mr -.s.-i raaf .' kM *f IU.I o. S?t?r.;?f. UM ilM
lu?:, hliuneib Uuiu ?_??.n ?..i m le ia tier 12,1 ymt.
SaSliB Ila Mon.li? Pt i ii. 191k hj.hr/ M ant.at ?mamO.
Kane an ' lau/ I r. "i iatrn Tuarn ol !'?ae?ul?iil? M. X.
3*-..e* ot ntiirrai betrafWr.
f f *? lb i ntr o. _lei.1af. frh '21. wife ?J Th.?. Kid? M
ti iii'?iu?hur<li al brr to?', .r??lru< e. M? 2o .lUrt i.l. H. 1.
No_i_r <>t .?a?rai l^nwiu-r.
KdWLK-.M Wo.?l?iMirj.|. L. L. Hatunlar. Keb '?1. BdiU. ?It^kW?
J .Un A ?ni Blii? K Powle, a(?d 5 jr.ri .al 4 Boolba.
Y* out al W ... r.iauii'i oa I _-.?!?'. u 1 J gtdaafc. Iradi It?,?? Htm*tr
KB, K II., prr ..on... .1. 1. Hi. Ml-I. at 9.M) a. B
I1AWKI.1S-Al Bia rr*alen_r Laaraile ???., BrMklf?, ?-?1 YrUratiy,
i hart-'i W il.iwairia, ia the 7 ii jrn ot hi? age.
Hun?ia. ar O.H-1 UI1III(MUI l berth, cor. l.inwo ant l.ifa ?-Itr aroa,
ii. I'ur*la?. at 10..to?, ot Th? trteo-d? o( ibe (?ia 1? ar? infitni ka
. anira l''ie ..uria, wi.l he in Wooillaw? liatkr?, tit a<rtll( HW
..riu.i Oaaaaal uepoi ai 2 -in p. m
ilLUBIX-Al ?laun.irt. Peb. 8S. Re? Klwtia OUtia, tfi 7'ljat
Iii. fanerai wi I be ait-culol tria (he Mrn__aiM '. narrt ?a
Kelt. IS, aS Bg-m.
PIIST-O? S?nd?r. K?b- 'ti JUn? Roaur??. ?ifheT HCBI? U rm\,
n. Ox 7 U rea? ?t her a*r. _
The (nne-al will lake pla.-- from ker Iel? re??4e??e. Uo IT.) Srofclwe?
Wilnai? bariiti, ma Tae-lai Ytb. -_vt, M I o cart p BL . n.____a?_t
rWatitt? ?fe >??li,.I u. tie prncat.
Klt'll-()n suada? e?e?ln?. tob. ii. ThoMta B. Bieh. ia Me *>A yam
?raUmleraohUaMataaiamaa. Bat ii? Th??e?^e-?t. ? Ttomr.
.Jiitn mai., at I o elora p. m- a-latt??. mi frte?.U are laeaW M ?le
leaa, wilhoal larthar a?U?e.
ronaaa-41 AUr.. ?.?b C.mluM ? tmiay. th* -tii mut, traaam
Blrbr. f>? of Ibe lal? H'?r/ ?* BBBMa
?til 1H1 K.-S?KlJefll?. of ?aoprti al Booalon S. . , lamm Sehaac?,
late ?B1 J n Mf di?, igrd'i* "*n- . ..._. _ , _,
KuneTiW.<?.-.Ua.h.a.atb?-Vf.r?.-l CWreb IH^ta. Ml
lue^lai Keb 'l-l l_l o'ch?e? rraia? I???.- feirr fool ol i?(?aa?V
a. N J BMkaa a R BaBSBMT Di?? ?.'*) ? ? ; i??ar?, a??a
PmupuMi PI??.? ?X.I? 0- m. Yuaaot al the I.?.?? ?ra lantol ka at? u
tr_t.l ?.th.Mil funiicr aatioe 1
?eUCTHiKUau-UiaiB'.i?. ?a iu??ia?. I.-. ?. IBM ?mar ?.
Wrtir,i?a_a. lona?ilT ?I H?r?i SwrJ.a. eltlaet aoa ?t Ot* Urn Catt ?. |
Th? reBianu weer ?Mr-mi al UrnMW**l.
,??r?_l__t pat*!. yr*?m ao*,t- .
v? li IT A UUl-o? Baa___Pi Otk W. J?aaWhK?l?r MiranMraaey
. .a*- . _ -_.
_I*.aur?e ?ad ln-?-?l? ara maperi.t,. t .-.. km' U al*?^ *? BBBtB m
T'.kitaay. ib? 'l',kb .UM , al 1 ?Vloek y m . ttmt km um t*mr ^-^
gn nej M ' i ? i .-? ?.
_.k?!.B ana tiovh paper* pleam tmpy.
Boecioi Moiuen
r.i.i-ilffl. " Cottee. -Th? ???li SB ?kgaeS ? immaaA **muug
TuaaiiAi ?i l?MjliSi?-" .???o?r? AT.iio-SO-._--.-_a
tnvMaai ei.????-? aacuaua .* vi?^^ m ^

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