OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, April 01, 1890, Image 5

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1890-04-01/ed-1/seq-5/

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12 TO 12.
WaahlnStoo. Uorrh 31. Another ln.n.,..t pnblic
Id-ut Penskm blll P* ??*? '?-? ? vote, " ?*- '" l"
5To?ly oppoMtioi. f" thla rommcndabte plcce of
, wh tl.'. too wenk In boUi branches ol
SSeaa to-aefe.1 ' ' ?? <*??*
^rtMabletodlctatclt- veto by a Northern Demo
ltl, ,*,-?i-iit. HMVae wero the M-natow who si.
t.i.iuv ln i ? Mr; ?'-M*ianda denlal
0 ? , ,i ,,.] ,.f to ti"- i i-ii'-l-.1 und <!? p nd
^ \ v,i,.- Rem amlJonesofArkan^s.
Knrn.ofKentucky; .* ? ?? * ? ? *; "*
' ,f Maryland. IVn Dnmorrata.
i:..,;...: i... ......I--,..,,. :v onthe
,,-,, ,,f their party and bla rccord
.;,;... pnhllcansln lavor of Ihe bl.
ierTs.n-: i ?ll. "' '? - rtl.'" ''?'' '
tam t.of(*a.lfor?ia: M? .*i..-,-..? -f N.
,,r-.,v Pavne. ol ohlo. and Voor.- and rurme. ol
indlana. Ten more mmocrats d.alged a vote on the
-neatton. Commenl on devotion like thlfl to thc
,.r..,,. of tbe nomlnal head ol the Dcmorralh partj
teema aMogether gratulti i .
,,,. ,,. .. .-, i- nl nu- dl ? .--. ;i lo-daj were
, ..?. ptnmb'a effort Brst. to wlpe onl all Hmil.*v
??.,. Ra to arrcarnges, and then lo .-.i'l I i Ihe blll a
itrvtce penalon cii. applylng lo ill i
whether disabled or not, who had rcaqhed alxtytwo
,,'..,..,. Both propo?ltiona were beaten bj .? large
?ajorltr. senatoi Veat'a tnggestlon lhal nn Income
,:1X be 1.'' to m -?' Ui.t of fhei lon* pald under
ihe blll. though perhnps nol offered In grem aerlons.
,,... had * ? i"- ?'??' ated bj h Rtr t partj voto I
,,, , . , ? ?--.- surreed'-d In geMtng Uie blll
ihrough Bnally wllhonl any I.Ilflcatlon-*, Mr, Plamb.
..',,. ,? --, pei slstenl i f the - ritl< -. ? ; after
h dozen "i' more ' amendmenl. The blll,
?. paaacd, 4llffera only In alkhl detalla from tl..j"
v^.,a-i by Prc>lden1 i'i ?*.-l.tr.i In 1--7.
Pi,,, blll !?? up, the flral 'i'i''-'
Mr. Hnmb's am. "Vlng t'1" Hmllatl ?n i
,., .,,..,.,.. ;,..,,.. : tl ng penslnna nn acconnl
: injurlea oi diaeaae beg ui -? thc death
Mr. i Mr. P el her any e?tl
mate aad ? ?-' of rei
x ? '??'*?
Ihe < Pcn
had ai ited - m ? w< ?:.- ac ? lhal th.I would
i .,'?-- -, *.ral itid 1 ial Ilu ilrman ol the
Hi-:-'- ' " ? ????:?.?
f-,0....an-...-.".. it wonld be aom twhere ah aii thoo
: |
-,- ., tn of the i -? . ? ;?
nM lhal that ( had n ??'?' brl
' :
;.r.*v utgec ' " ?''
dnty i" t i'v ni'
Uon, Whl' h -?...*?? ? ? ?? '!??-.;??
,,(... the ii ni. r nf pcn-lous. I ?
?'?? Kan?a* wa
on a ?
Mr. .
, -? *?l7-v
. ? . r '"".
000.000. and < half ot thal ve to bc
pald ...n at the I rterly paj menl
. ? i tl ere wonld havo
d for '
Mt, i;l ur favi red tlie prli I
. bul at .-i; ?l thal il ahould bc
f, ; ? : . ent measure i i
ment to the j ? . '?
memrare than lhal foi the paymei i of Bircan I
Ile thon|l t it lil t
t-i p.-naions wonld r...-!. *4K)0,<)OU,000, and II
ro,ifh fi.oon.'ai-,'.. -'...
Mr. Vtyt racretted tl il thi amejidmenl was before
tln- >.-!iate. i,.,t lhal II placcd hlm In a poaltlon
he had i ? vote foi II or againal it. bul becanae he
fh-iiikl rei^nti r- ad pl on ai b lerrl le menace to Ihe
KiJilie-w of the cvuatT- Ha bad imi'i i?e > lon* while
-uud be hwl ii'.-'- ll iu addn
|..a1ie? of -.?:.! - ? l'i' :?? *vWl- il
pom too impM altogethei fo
fOB4. Tmtt -??!? ol..'. erk
el pen-fons. Wbcn Mr. I'levelai ?? veto
l"--n~i"n bllla t,'.'- Dem rtj ratifled ??
fitd and not only 1 t many ol
Ik* btmlnea - ?. ln thc Rej . partj. t.
!!.- -inu U -? -.it-'i-a whn ? i-ro i -' Uv amend
rue-.t tbat they were Impei
of the soldlen .-..''i were ireatlng prej . . i
; .-. if the ? were adopted, and the
.. ted Into i law. i ed for
nard |o .-, _h ? . '
He dared ncd vote I tlon thal llevedi
be absolutclj de ti u tlve to Uie beai Inl
r.f t.',-- k :?: ? e ahould l-.mp ?
Mr. Hav lej I per* mai o
Mr. Frye for 1 I I ith In tho -.. >??? i
II ?? it the Am. ,:,.-.'
f ent. Ile wn d lake
.-, ? , ihat oul ol any MKi ..M
? would be lound :i rna]orlt> agaii I I
lleadlong cxl i rould brlng men lnt<i power
ild - - ind ,.??/. .?:..?? ?
? 4- a llmll In the matti r of ]
lli ippealed to c
|dat. 'i he '-. ,
? ....
? -..-,- -: . i.OOO.OOO. No i. ll
?rM had ipproj bd for ll
?nm thal i o iM ed to It. II -
? ,. .- . ? ? of can
t ihe i wiuei ?? - ol lt; and h.
. ? ? ?
rame largelj out cd tbe poeketfl ol people a_ pooi a*
li- ...:.i ?;i am ? ? ? .
: laal vlall to the < anltol. W ll
i ... . ;.. ;,t .. ,t ' 1 the f'luit ? ?
.- ln one of Ihe
...... -. . .. ll ni Intr aluced.
? ,;.i..: ? ... gym in
eame le
?I war
eral (iranl bad . ? ?
? 1-. b?: ln better bualm
.ii..- v ho I??? them
t ea ?- ome wl o hiid ., U?ma
or * ,. . , .i v:. ,
*h., v. . mitah Ilne. t?ome ol
Ik : . , .; were all thi bettci for beliiR
. : ','?:.. .,il (iraiit,
? "?li?t 1 woald do f J ??? ? ? i' ? - : ' ' would algu
my ,-? , . . .j ; , ;-:i. ve tu.- dl-tn ? ' . honeat
., of hl aldow - u! l would
fi'.t v.-. , -i mm."
"That la . -,,,'i Mr. Ila ' :? ???. ?? '? ?-'?'"
mj menu.r . i i .-. ..j. t.. ihat. riuil la mj pl ?'
i do noi belleve thal rm >tate u>h> me '?> add
? ? . - . . ,..-\ nt
I , I,..ii, -. lm i ." day ?
: ..anii nl lil- i-i-..'- i'i if"- Army I I
U.i.l :l -h.il .-., |,i?u ! -II n. Ilft4.< 11 '?. iwelltj ' ?
did :.. ' .;,,;? I"l ?' I' II '? ?'' I '?' ?
? .,. ?' ih iu. , ? -.7 t ? I"' '1
.- ,'i'..i..a,.i?,i, n ., i.iii.i i- i ???: lu -ii ide H pn ral ..
.,,,,,. I ii H Aim ..- :
. 'i t ike ? nre -
? ??'.'?. ,ld ? ? . bul do llol be sl illlped. <! bj ? I lllll
Ilo IWll.tl
l'.'l.'l.t. ..: . - li lt."
Aftei fnrt .? , Mr. Pl itnb'i umend
v..,._. . rin
. *.'.? liell, I'l.nul..
?u ni in in Iml.
-? r-ved in |,? . | 70 !;??]....-: \. . .
? I- '.,-,-,.,,! ... ,. c that Un
' ? . - ? ' ,
l.lll -i ,,1 , per -
Inroim . - || . . i, ,i, 7 | -j j?.|. i i-iii
i. r:,.i*it> ui M #10,004); nnd 10 pei reni ovei
Mr. it. . ii,,.- d ; , !,,-. ? Imenl on llie
tai.l'-. .>i.-:--.-,| 1., i, trl?' partj
Mr, l'luiuii offered au amendmenl lo paj i p
' - i month t.. i ? , ,., th
late war, who are kl.xtj two yeai-1 ol age, or a thej
attam thal age.
Mr. i'.i*. .? oppo od the -.. ,..'.?.'. i
not i ? ? ...... |. %i ,,,,,|
f""- tl.iit ha. |.i?-|.-1 revelaiK v lo 1 .- |.. idinti blll,
Mr. I'l .. ? ?
I-'- al ? igh t.. ihe old ildler.,
Mr. l lun r.
'?in-. :;?'. . he vea ivi-rc JI. ra. All
}>awc , Evatl I'rye, II :-,..,;i . Jont . . f Nev.ida :
Manderaoi ? .- r- ?-,. ? p
and v. II .
The i.lll waa tlieu pa -i i . . '.' .-. >?. -. u.
TIIF. CA8R 4>F 4-..MM INUKl: Mi AI.I.A.
?Jkahlngton, Mareh 81. ti.<- reeord ut the proo >i
httfl iu the Courl ..r Inqulry In Ihe <.-.-? -,f Comman
?**" Mt-iilU iii.jl aAlm oih.cii ol Ihti I'jiit-.'l stut';..
ahlp Enterprlae ?-.-., r_ elved at iiif Navy Deparl
menl to-day. Whlle II la Impoaalble at thk writing
ti. -int,- poaltlvely the flndlnga .,f the ___*., the
Imprea .on i- ir.-n.-r_l Ihal Commander M.i'ull.i and
__?__] otber officcra will be court-martiullcd.
- ? ?
S:ON, DW vi-1 Ul V PENSION., 1 1
Waahlngton, Marrh 31.?llepiwcntatlve MortM, "l
Kanaaa; from Uie Commlttee on Invalid Pcnainna, io
iiiiy reported to the Houae hla 1.111 provldlng I?r a
aervlce pci.-lon and dUabillt] pen 10ns, and for other
scrvires, The first aeetlon ,,f the bill propo*ri to
plaro on tl,'? penslon i-.11? .ill ,,i the mr ivm.- aoldlcr.
. ,,f the late Wiir who are now -ui-. two yeara of age
a".il who acrved nlnety daya ln the Army or Navy, ai d
the re t .i fn-r as they arrlve al thal age. Ibe ae ond
avction provldoa f,,r- thoae who, nol havlng urrlvcl at
tha age ol sixty-two yeara, are suffering from ?!!??
abllltles whi. ii Incapacitate them from pnraulng Uie
i ordlnary avocatlons ,>: llfe, and iim^ rendcr theiu
i -jinill. dl_ibl(_l froin i irnlii** a livollliood wlth Ihose
v. !i>. Iiavc reached the age of ilxtj two, aud are, Iberc
, fore, equally entltled t" tho ald ,,f the _ov_nin_
,i,?- nol requlre tlie appli. iiii io ahow thal ln- re
i the dlsalillil ?? ln the sen l< e. The thlrd ?
tion provldea for the widows ,,| the sohilets aho havo
i. li il the age "i alxty-two. Tho fourth
provldes a ? all wldowa >| oldtera, li
i i-,--| >?, t,\i- r_ tlu- i in ?c o| death ol ihe huaband, i -.
viii.ii it i- ahovvii thal tli'- aidow. are dependcnl >;.
.-. ii Ubor for aupport.
ln the . "tiniiit*"''?- report, Mr. Morrill >-i\ -: -Tiio
1 r>lll, .t enarted Into :i law, \iiil place upon the pen
. alon rolk ncarl> _00,.f Uie old and -
; vi'terana ,>f the war. aboul o.noo uldowa, and wlll
i lnrr.Ni.se t.'i?- pcnslons ,-,f nearly 1*0,000 ?.oldler? now
.......,v ,i, ? |f??* tini'i ..-> pei iiiotith. Th. ? ' r d
? _ . IP.A-5._lil lor tlie !?-' .' ??''?c' le.Hi-'l I, .i >i
tj |,i ., ??... il I ? . : ? ? ?? Iii tbe , oal f ir
iv i ye in. nf from dci.fWMi.iKK. !?, ?-'? ooo.ooo per yi'ur.
i.,??_-.. .m thia -.iii, may *. m, tli ? rom
rn, it.-.- lirmly bellcves, fn.m the nnmeroiia
?unl heart. Indorsamcnta v.:ii,|i thia bill haa
i n .'ived. ihal i ik .i Idltl mai b'.irden vwll b ?
clieerfullv lM>rne ln carln-* lor thosc l.rave defeiidcrs
.I the i nl.m. and their wldowa, who now ao gr. ith
. noofj tli- helplng hand <>1 the liovernmenf, wl rli
! they, bv their aacriilies und siiilcrlng-s defended and
Waahliigton, March 31. Tlie Nenatc m_ rin. morn
will be I ?? ml'- until otberwlae ordered, al 11
?iVl'H li.
Mr, Rcagan addrt*i__l Ihe Kenate on the bill for
Ihe ; _ i.i lYeasur* n 'I' ? on i lt. '? . ?
l hai bill, I.-- aald, wa Ini n led lo i I eve the
try i ? wt- iii the wi* ? tban blnt
i . ?], ii_]i ndti i i???? ln lf*_i. i ho
demonei /?>*? had redm c i
ill valmw :ki i. cent, and liad, ln
- .. ]n ipoytton, ?? i ed tlie N.
. ii, -? ne, i i .road and ? ? '? dn. --.
: ea ?* lm li lie would appl. . ??
fnllowlng: riic paymeul ol tlie bonded Indobtcdne'.a ol
-,.,.- i,,.\ ?;?:.?. ) | ,.. .|Ver, B - Well B ln C ild . Hh ll ?U<
?.,:??!?: .iii piibl
, : ? ...... ? wonld be legal t? i dcr ln the m
....... ,j. ?
. ? ? lendrr and National
?10, a ' '
? . Ik'iii i of lown, pi
ronfci Ihe Urgmt 1
. r*_ il to. A fnrtl er i ' i
Hi. llou iv.-nt litti <
lMr.4_ll.-ii : ln 1
I ....
( , ii i ) I
t ol
? ?
llll |j I ":?? i '
. '
Blld 1
, ? ;
M_N 1 VN A ? "M'i -'I : iKEN i !' IN THE SENATI
.. had pa
... . c
uiiii benator ....i> f<?- iho l__norraUc.
l.i,NI- ? | !!.!'.!' ANll V I !'l i D
I'.'U l- red
L',?iii ? I -
|;. .-..;-_.1 t 1 j ? ; 00, *t .".'??'?'. .,'
1.1 1 .
All the wi
Wa hlng - . Mi|i :*i - 1
>c . ,??? the ; .
'. ? . ...
i ? ?
- ?
-. - : ?
?' Naw.
IKrTH ' DMM11 1 il - i .' nltlNi. El.1.1*" I '
Wi ' - '
i ? Itniiil. .-..I
, . . .. _ ,
nf 1
V. ? - 11 of
: . .? I t**l
' '
a I
? ,
r '
.1 i'- !? ;
i . ,1 ,-? ?> '-.'??? r ,
' '
? ? ' :
, , ,... n.-i-. I' :? )1 ' " ;
,,.. A. . ,.,,/ oi liu-il '
.,!*.?.. !?
: ?;? ? -I I
:?..:?:-.-? :i- i ? '
tak -ii.
THK I.I'.N".III Of niE '- WAI, VC'ADEM* COritsi
? .-? ..I i ? ?
.. .n...t .i ! .11 m
. . ...
, I, l\ ?! II,: I ?- I "1 ?''!' ?
? ?
I , ,i i: | H i |..\ :s P< '- IM V rEK.-i tPPOIN III'
, _? .. y _ -, iii. I iiurtli ? laaa p - Ima ??
-,',;, io,! ij appolnted an foll
I- | \ IVIlllli. II. /'?.'?
... k. ii.-iii . t.'niwa Poln! . er.tre;
vv. li. Ji .. .- . I., t bldne*
- - ???-?
I-. i inh IMMHiU VN1 - \ l THE 11 W.'.i: "I I ICE
- li un, i. M .n-l :;: ? -? - n lan Windom h" :
ferci...: loduy'.wHh Mr. We er, th. new Commkaloner
f f Kn.i.i ,ii,.ti nt N. '.- Vi iV the ? '? ? '
tlial ordi i -? ??:? , iu ?! for lli ? pr f ?'??'"-n ol .
? .Ui, ?? in \--.i Vork f ii thi! i_i-.ii.ini ind .tn
,-,i,- after Apill |. . tlif ibil ?>!
i . i ? thi. I< ii i* v.i.'i ' ii
ilon -ia ,.| I
i .?? ii ?? oi rli- llar . ' >>'??? ?? tur ln nilei i1 m l.u-i
r 'iii| .-.i ? . atid , iu-n-l> .1. n li I
1.v . the p . "<l lietwi'i'ii the dl-i ni.liiitiai i
n? ii ? i.'i tle i.ii-,;,- i md lh ? pr, |>anit|,.'
I ,-.,,!>,' ?' .1. ln
ln! - ? reta . VVIudoi r . I ??.? .?,
i,l tin Uan.'.- "i!"' .*_?_* ba i*?l ";?? '
'. ? ni Uu. ii.'i.t.- lonal liiiinl. ratlmi roniiullt?*e
tlw e*ta ? ' t-itlou i.'i
l_.ll 1 1'"1
? -
I hi. in i v i ?N 1 ' 'll KIN WORKH UF Al. r.
I. ?lll i ??? to '
today. l'i dent llarrl ?n ti u inltt. 'I a rep n
, M.iini rn i lutloii I-i I- dWi-rlniliialiii ?'
, . .ii v .,i i> nf art. rin :
., .,t re. oiiinii'ii.l - Ihal I _ lall ? i ln 'hl .a to Ihe n?
,,,. ,,| , i ih. di_ rlmliiatloii !"? taken i-- . uneri
,,,,,? . thl ?? . lf |?i "?'!'' ;-'!l lil.ln.'.
?Mii-1 that 1 "1 inliinl
,?.,.,, ,.,,,'. the iil.lecl ,,i i ii-ni'-'i r? |. - ditatloi. 00
the part of -< veral forelgn _ov< rnmeiil .
? -
..,,, Q| i.j.i vi j.\ ? K -. \ I ,. I. ,1.. lil. .. KEKSIllN.
? ll, VI ,i, I, ..I .-:?? , il I li- N ll ,: ?
, ni iv, ? lon, lod : ',,- ' iifliln '" '?" '? i .oi '';'
,,. ||?, vote '" '"i Uiiii "i " ;? ' '? Ihe ' nlteil lule
. , ,1 I hli, .1 -liill '.II'" ' - 'i.I'M
. ,,,,,), Uui North. ? ?? '? irn-l ol I'loi ln
, , ,., . ? !? -I llll' 1,1,i
. , ,.,.? , in (I n.iii .?
?? ., ,.; ,,,,. I'., rl ...llll |. in Iw.i
?,..,,, iiiii la ? .. , ? llll. ll.
,..,. |?;...,?'.. ? . pn - Iv '""ii"'.
,,i,.. hiini: un.' ' ?nl. lliirt*. two i:< piil.li.a.i*. **<?.???
,., ;?,.,.,! ... votliiR foi the Dependeni Peiuion bill.
u,d io. than nmiv v.un.-I r.i Ihe execnllvc ;"- '"
, |lt< , (un ,...?!. vi, ? utoeUm wonld ceri ilnly be Ie
i,n picuoua ii nominailaoa wera ouulderod la ?__!
ca i-i.
FROM \ TOWS OP 1. ... \ . ity . r 11,000 i\
'J'l \I. i li m: |i T1 R . P I rS PROORI iS- -
I.if. .R (a Wl I.l, \- . il'.Tll..
Annlatnn, Ala., Mareh 31.?one "f the Importnnl
i.- ,l;. flowlng from the lale National I'onventlon "t
l.epublican I'luba ut N'r.al..ille .- In tlu- number "f
Northern . apil tl. I aml lm II brmighi Into
tiu- Mnilhcrn -? ... . i ?.- majority "! tlie league
>:? Icg it.--. afler Ilu ? 1 .?!;?? n ti il, ----nf t.. ch il
luiiooga i...i (he ? . ind al*o
t.< wit.H-a ihe progre . t'i.t in- been ni.ul.- bj lhal
greal rentre ..; ... ? . .? .,.,,! |ndu?try. Ifler it
twoday?' enjniim there they arutteied In var
i.-. 11..ii . laome wenl '?,?!. home, ,mc wenl wlth Judge
'I Inu . I. i , party lo Al lanl i, ' >a. i ?1 liera wenl ( <
i Injrham atni in-h ol Inve
? ?t tli.- deleg .;:..?. . . ij.'.ini l>. -.
J'l-iitii...n. ni Nr... Vork; I. brother, J. M. I?.
|.\ Poatma' li i ??' llaltlniore, i cleii Kn i;.;.. "i tim
Knapp Ma I r >mp iny, N>- " ". nrl. ?' >h . I?.
i 'll, ??: 11..-, i> : . i. -, ' -. ol i.l'*i l ill . fli i
other N.'.'. Vorkera, i imc down here with R. II
c bb, general man < - > of the i'm i. i rom
, panj. iit.il have ? .fn! 'uv. li itlon of the
. reaimr and i atei al pro :???<' ol ihl lu" joitng
rlval ol . rmli ham and rhaltnnu -. There i- no
; member nl the party uralu i ? liom Ihe rharge ..f
be ? .- nmlulj ? !:?' ii ?; ?.ild wlth |u ih e he
bruiight. i liej -I.- all \ ? .-' al, li u i hcaded Ln I
tn- ? men. I;n1 Ihere ... .-..; one ... ihem who <lt'l
1 n. t fi ii :.. ?-. ? !? .- in ? lhal be l. ui la ?
agreeably anrprlaod in wha! he had ee:i h re ln I i
, ol wealth, develo|>ed and iindeveloixM; p | i I
pi.' ..- .i fnture, .-1 ? ? ? |.t, .nal opnortn ? I ?
both lal or .- .1 eapital le limon.
i- i ? ? ? - ? il, It I the ? . :
. ome, i.- d 11 ',-1 tlial the large |*nrtj
compr ... 100 New 1 11 .1 and Ne? I - I
bnalnc - ti ? ? ey wlll
? ! -. '7 : l ?:? '-. i ?????? ? ItlC, in
d by s. E. 4
Ibe \ Iy 1 ? panv. Imong 1
perled from New-Worl
? l ? i: ? -.
daj - i
lialf ra I lo 1
,\ ? :?..-? r of p'H-ti, |
: ? ' ??
! lllll I
the moai
tv. Tlu- 1
:, :
' ?
i.f .'
i.il nf I
. . >
. . ? f nt.-tali
? , ? ? .
. ? ' ? '
i ?
'*'? '
? '
? '
? ' ? . Ha.
. '
17 or 4 '..
i '
. l
? ? | .1,11.
ireela iml ' r '','",
, ,,,. ,,?! i. , l.u.ll, .!?' I .-'.?.
. , , i m. - v "" n 'I
w?b_m.? ? ?
,. i 7 the popula! .11 of the 1
, ., ,.,,, ..?,,,t i:i ..... iiili il.llanl.oi mn
M rom IMaf ? ?' ' "' ''",'
,'i,, I, ..Va- here , '
v\M- I',-,-. IM" - I KH -4.
... i
l , . I a
" ui'iV," ""
? ? ?'?"?? !:' ': '
H.ri_.m. Ma
, ?.
- ml I --': .????' .
V'.' .' I" : *"" ' I.
I ' ??' ? 7 .,,,,,. .. , ?? ?
I-..-I.? V
.-.,-..- i . ;
,., , , ,,,.,,?
',-,,! '
? '
,Vi-t \
, ';, ' ,
...--, , ,.
i ? . ?? .-. * ' ': '
.',,,, ,,,,, , ii ., lu ? lllu imti.i ihe r.i.l l
,, ihe'uhol.miln .. um..rd i
,?.r,i . it:/. nahlp Ibun Innlal ... i- ? ? nijro
.I. iu. to one l.bi' '? prolaiMj ' "*
;i?pyrti .. of whll > i evea nMnewhal torgcr. Tho
Pl.maj well be ralled u.Brooklyn ol tbe Bonth '
'"' Uw clty of rhurehea. There are UHlny In aetua
u?e tweniv-hve rliurrhei ln thla .Iiv. rcpre?entlnn
nn nenominnllona, >..,i .,?r> ,,f whlcb ,,,-? Ims tln.
?*)?.'? three .f whlch ..,i 950,000 and one thal ..,.i
pl-..i,ooo. -;,,i?-.| i,,]?,i- , ,m alwny- flnd pniltabl
onuilovnienl iu Annlaton. Mechanlca are needcd mni
The clty jc aurmunded on rvery ilde ;??.- mnim ol
the rn...- i>-.t.'-:-.:: nnd fertile farmlng vallei in thi
'*?''"? The . ?.- ,, | ?, , \'aUi v and Alcxandrla Val
lei nre loiown n.ntlre rountrj n\ >t ;.> tbe i-l.-h.-.t
cotton and ernln-nrodurlng valleva in the -...-i,
i ? ? re i ,,;i, wlthln t< ii mllea ..f Annlaton, and the
entire i..i?7 . -, and prodm .- ..f both ..f theaa ron. en
Irate in this cliy. Annlaton receive*. al preaenl
nboill |....a... |,,|... ?..< ,|,,. ||,?.,.v _.,.,,,,,. .,,,,, ,,,,.. ,
llgurea ii re ia>ing r*apld1*4 awclled ? ?? erj ? i in lt
w*"'l<l '- luird t., nnd a better plaee ou the lontlneut
wr '..tt-.ri imii. than here.
? ?i
Hlj ... Mexlco, Mareh 5.*?. \ rontrucl liai been
:' "'?? between tlie Covemment ..f Uuatemala aod
llenry i.. i. rottn, tii- represcntatlve of :. Freneh
?? ite, for tbe roi trui tlon nf tl..- Northern Rall
i":..i nl i.uatemala, rxtending from Ihe eapital tn the
Vtlantle .an. Tl,,. Ilne wlll ronneei wlth the
? .1 Railway, nn ning between ilu- rapltal au.l the
l*acia. Oi-ean, aud wlll tim- complete tl,.- Inter.anic
i ? '*?? a. ? i'l- Republie. Tlu- n-.-u li com|iany wlll
pi i ?? ? ? ?? d ,-.? .i ..f th.vernn I ,*-.-i.:.i ?-'.?'.
'-'.!. Wlth thla monej the nation "iii purchi u
the liuatemala t'entral Rallroad, ralued ut #.*>,QOO,000
iu liiiatemalai. and wlth ii.malnder the
.onijaiii will roi niel llie Nortliern Itallroad, wlth
i '.?? ii.- ? . nv w Ii uve- .-.: tli ? -?? i|?,i r-. .tafloi . ??-. .
I' ti mlillon* ..f tr.ui. ?- -V iii i,.. employcd in e tabli*hing
Vgi iltural ilortgage llauh. \- ,i guaraut.ir
? nl ..f i'..- prln. .;.iii aud Intereai ..f tlila loau
, ti..' ;? ', ? rnpany will receive .. mortgage on lha
t iv pii - - i.., -.:-. rii.. Ooven.i.t wlll
? m.tr..1 i-.i] inamlfe tli-- riilroad uud bauklng luatltu
Vail'.n-ii property, tim National trea*ury
; r tho ..r bearlng tbu lo ae*.
|.efl . <. '.!?? V . ,i rn ? enl ol the Weat
-.'.-- Rallroad, Ita i ... 'i thal offl< o tn ia < pt
tlu- get ? ,' i . ? ..f the M ii.it'iin -
noa .. , ???? fireat Northern Rallwaj and iSteam
; ahlp v iu| my. il ? -.' Ill lt ive l.is ofllce In thl
itiii...i., li ..-!!. ... '!..- Wi- ? ttUore, flUCCeeda Mr,
' ? - v . , ? ... i..-, Uutl. - Ap. U 1.
lt. AXB " M... .< Il'U.l't.i:-- APPROVIWO A I.I*.-17
ii, ? ll.? v. ,. ., geoetnl ai.
.I.v . f .? - ,.f thl 17, :.u . .?? .1, ! .
? i ? and ? nni.:.. t i.f t.,i- IVi .:
.-. IH69 ; tl..- I-.,- 1 . ,. I-;.-.,
. ? . 7 ]-?.?<!. from ? . II
.;.. i >-.1 . ?? .,,,,,. t , ",, M<
i.., - - - ? ? ? i.i,
? ;
- iv,,i I'l., -.- iv nf tv - . - f IUIU
IM \v. ,,,ll ._, ,., tviSK N IN NF.W.JI l.-r.V.
i ?-?-.. * i Mai '?! -
.,1 1,1 Aa-,
: ? ? .... ?
, . .
,- ? ?
, ??
| , inu,. |
? ?
? V AND *-?
l. II
,'||.\ AVf> OHIfl
. ?? i m
? ? - -
, . . . ? i . r ti
?. ,
il and I
mi: sEPARATl "
; ? ?
I ? ..- ? ! '
..... ?
t V.i- l
? | of tlie ->|
: ? ? : ? ?
I ??
? ? ? -..-:. I
r ? Iders at their nd
I ' '.
? ,.. m the pr-operl
i ? ' waa tra
gfll -. . ;i ;? ..... AM? \ i I.A S 1 U*.
i .
, ? I
- ?
- ? ?
, ? I ItO.M ? III. ,\(.0
, . , ? . -.'- i.f II , i, .: I
. , lllll --
? . . ? ?
I ifl I
? ? I
,H> II ITH Tlll . i \ H IN Kl I'.'.'l 1
, itlon ..i ......
i C.'lr
- ? ? .? ? ..?-.
i . I
. ? lrl|i and tli r?.
I ? ?
r\ ? -
? ? ' '
? ?? ?;:,,.....'
riuii i ? ? ? if ii
, ?? ,. iini-nt i lerh refer
i ? , Ui '.:
\ .! ... nnf tl, il ' liuinlred I.i - friend.
I . .- r,ld i ?? n't d? nl." at .11 -- i . ni,
im 1.. t v . .,: ? . bill ,\\ NallillH
I onlioned Irom Hl_?l l';._e.
llallot Itcform i.iii. benator __fton lubmitted to tiie
commlttee a report he had wrltten adveree lo tke
lioi 'rnor'a tuggeaiion. Tbla report iu ;. larga ___*_?
un-' proved to I-- a replj in advaace to tha Ooveraor'e
veto of the Saxton bill, 'i he lioveraor, Iii tbe opealag
paragraphs ol hla veto hi.--.i_-- ,.f to-nlgbt, coaplalea
thal the LcglHaturc would not unlto whh him In r.
que-tlng an opinion from the Courl of Appeala on
the bill, Mr. Saxton in hla reply aaawcra ron
rlualvely thl. complaint ind glve. moal aa*__u__*y
reaaona why the Leglalatiire rieclined to accept hla
advlee. Tlw Judlriary t'ominlttee adopted Benator
_txton'a report .1- Iti own Senatora Llnaon und
11.rh, i).-iu..i mt-. dlsaented and wera autboctaed t'.
put in a mlnorltj report. The malority report wlU be
rt.ii to the Senate to-morrow. Efejoar ia ur,
? itni. t from tl!" report :
Tlie i i..|i,,-i'i.,-i ,-,,:,: ih ? d ;n iha Oovemor'a nrwaaaga I
1 i ,i-i.|. one, and ma. aeem at Brat tlancc t,> i.. falr
and I- aaonabb. Tbe niore rloaely it i- examlned, how.
ever, in thf> Iltfht n< both reanon nnd authorlty, the more
* il do. - .? bi ? me i.ily Uiat II ;- _itlr? ly in,
praetl abl . bnl n.i* if carrk-d Into elTcet lla reaulu wonld
li.- ini-lu..\,.,i- in the iMmi," inir.inn Si if ? one.
r ? "? in.,. nt, under .i ronntltutlonal provialon <>f
havlnn th. .i elloi und Jiid<__ ,.f the ? ? 11.r ine t'ourt
unl. tli ii . i-i |,i--in_- upon tl,, .,,;,:-ir,.l.r.v
and i on ,i Itutlonalit] of i l alalory
Informa ,P ihal the exp-rini-nt waa i i*.,-r unfortunate
mi. and it a i indoned ln 1832. The ftoverner
now ii-u- ua to revlve thi aj -t.-in. not by la i or roaettaa*
iia.'tment, but by a concurreol reaolutlon ?t tho
rienat. and v-- bly Ue Invitee the Leglelatnre lo
-i, In thia ? vtra< rdlnary manner tbe pre edenl by
llrtue ,,f wblch tb<.irt_ may at, aay time henrefortk
_ requMted ... ild in dlacharging the dnUea whlrh the
,. ii r. ed - j ; ...ii the Uovernor. vv. ire
fully ronvinced thut tho haolutloo ln queatlea t<. aak
Ihe oplnlon ol tbe ( ou I ol a-... nl- a< t? th.- rooatltutlon.
illty ol iho 1,1,; ihould uol bc adopted n_ tbe followlng
ti aaona
1'ii-t The .1' dfea of tl"- < ourl af Appeala .Id not act
uii,rn it irlthoui uu>rlflcl! i thel own aenae ,,t ?11j_-1111v und
Ita dul ? -:??.'. tli-- declalona ol la
? ? .'irf. upon ,|'i...t ii- ol law, It ha* i,? ,,rlj_liial
?hai, -.. i 1 :,. Uovi ni,.r 't.i'."- !n !,!- BM -- IgO
? on of ii." r..,;rt al Appeala la _"*. rea?
I by the . .. itatute" ; bul it aeeaaa
l ..f -.j |i :.i. -m? Intend, d b) tha
t'oiixtltiltiun r, i. ;,,, Pxi'lu-lv.-ly appeilatc court. VVImt.
? i.r dir.'reneea 'f oi may rxlat, bewever,
k.mi regard r,, the power af r ii - - orletnal
i i.irl of Appeala, no one wlll qveetloo tba fi"t
l i>i" Nlon ?' thi ' ourl of App lli ranaef
?llll!.' t'l
it "ii. a.- ? _ tcl -? parately,
ind r i by law, nor ? au anr
ible tn- ni t., act _*
,- The Judare.fhl
? ? , ," reaolutlon If It * idopi d.
vv. .ii - ir. that 1 ' - ' ; i Ith tn"
; . . : ? powera, even inf.r
?? rn . ??? 'l tn them by proper
?titutloo ui i ? - - never
: ? .1 have. They would nol aivi aa
ra J -i ution a queaUon whleh Dtlgbt aft-r
v..ir.| rom" I ? lal il
Th. M nal and l_i . . ive. alrcady cxpr_ned theii
? - ii..- .ii any way ? a Hli t a Ith
? . i . ? . , ?? ,1 upon that !'? li- f aa I
, loubt
tion the wh of tbelr
? ti - 'hla
. , - ? , i ol .-. why doe* h- not make
? : in hla
-, - ? ? ln 187- < i -? ?
? ? llofl . _.r;l .
, -I ? othei ,-..! ?? - ? i ? ? ?
t, thli wa* alven,
? ,. ? ? ? ? ? owrnor
If th>- | ' I ' d
i r doea !.?? ii >t follow tbe ? aai
i.i- )?! : - - ?? i
'I ..? ? I Ih* a ' ? ? Bhould
? ' ? ?'? i
? ? ii f tbe J '
: i thlnk, In the
. ? ? i ? _ 'i piy
. vvi.-u
'?? ? I*"
I that
what an Important and
requlred : ? play In
.?:<..- ? fully
tahliahed ^_
i iiNDF.MN vi lo.N 1 i: ? *-I Al.I. MDES.
d ihiii ih-- i*< ro of ibe Saxton
ui ? \|, . ted, it waa
I ? ial ntid
, ? . ill clasaea of i Itlwill
Hall rln_ and i ? _.| aratl\*ely
I ,??.-,. ,,-,.i ?? Fultj" W.il-h
r_,.y. i;. | iii ? .. ,fom *-. Democra. and I.uriuri
. _.,, ,, |n ;. ? iti ifi ,'f rl,.- ...... in.,r's I
i ho tutvi ? I ; urklng
one ol them aald laal
,-. ... V0|l ^ j
,.. r would have i a i- at
ttlnc I ii pardon
X,, i,p|i.i ,. nt , i irenulne li .11 ?' reform ?
i". ,? ? i ,,< ihe i : itcd -'.it.-, be aald. ',
__, ,| | || .- .".in f..t.-."
Ill I - SKiXF.I) HY I'HE f'fOVF.r.N'OR.
Vlbatiy, Mar.h lll. I ? ' ? ' ' ''?'' htt 'ine
. . : , vi ing tlu ?' provldlng for a lya.
.1, mnt Ven
,lm_ I i- '?? nei il tlllace ln< ,,rp.,ra
tt..ii \. t i : ? f Mouui V'ernon.
.'.., / ,r a ?tone ? .lv.-rt
il Miutti Jamea al .
,,, .) , ' j:i: skUltoF-i 1HF.I_ I IVIL HIOHT_.
N -.- - . . v ??-itit--.lv man Flah,
, ,. , ? ? ? ,.f rolored men
u; ,, ,;. . ih. r i ivll rlghta and privllegea.
iccure Ui.--- ri_*hti lor
n "! .,? follow*:
?: 1 ? .
-. i, ? . roler or re
. . orlvl.
[uoi aaloon*.
.1 ? :
,.,.. lualltttllnni '
? :' and
. . not be lawfu I
- mak au.
..ii,,,-,.-.. i. ) and - hereInuefor men
P ? ' " f "' * '?"'?"
Mm re us lullowa:
,..,.?. ? _, tion I i.l thl* ' * oi
... I" Ihall !"! ii: ' ?' ' ' ?""'
,_, tl ? ? l ibereby. H.id
? . i ,rr r be
md upon -nv ' ?
I th'-r-a-f ahall b* flnad not 1-na than 9200 nor more tbaot
ei 000, or ahill be lmlir!son?-d not las- than ono month
nor mme than one year. or both, or hla iicenae Jhall ba
Albany, Man li 31 (Spe.-lali.--(iovernnr lllll hafl
slpncd the (ieneral Approprlation bill, whlch appro
I prlatefl #-i.OOO.OOO. Tbe (.ovcrnor found that ihe Re
1 jnihiiiari Legtalature had been ao eeoMweal that he
was not able t" roto .11. ltem of it.
POWER ONE Br.ITi-.R- TAI.K Of A I.1BKI. _-t.1T.
Polu-o Juatlee Mutrui's attack upon I'olice JwrnOB
I'nvv.-r ...utiiiui-il |a .<? tiie tiilK of tlM li.'.lltlrian-, yea?
terday. Jnatfoe Po. er aud lns fneada ?.f tbe New
Ai.i-t.-Mam 4'luli ti.-i 1 more ehflWflJM "f dialuyaltv to
inal.e, agaln*. Juatlee Murrav aud a--erteil lliat his at
tarivs of gatarday evenlng at WtatBaUH Hall in Weat
Forty fourih -t. ilmply gave evtdence of Mai iny *? jnir
poae to get over into Tiiiniiianv lli.II ria .....u as pn*.
Mbic. Murrav wai ehar_ped witii "eroekei" wwft ln
i.ia dlctrlet (the xvini,. aa far baek a- th.- MMmnHf
eleetlon In 1---. and it wna ?__. Ihat he oaaatat in a
deal wlth Um Tammany kflalcra ia-t *,'-.-.r i.v whieh he
and bls frienda aMefll In tbe retarn "f Um T.-.mmauy
Senator, Eugenc o\ Ivea, and In exchnngt gel his .\e
temblyman, Kcrrlgaa, elected. lie wne al*o aetiuei
<.f dlflloyalty t<< Judge ntignald laal vear. .lusttce
Power hlm?li lald thal Mun-iv's eovert fleevleefl to
lluirh .1. Qranl he teared were too old now t<< be reeoa
? i.i/'-ii by ,1 reappotatmeal a- Poliee Jnatlee ne\t sep
lember, when Ui term explrea, taat InUmated that hla
, outbreak on ftaturday eveolng waa to imt Orant under
; freah obltgatton*. Mr. Hrwer alao recnlled what he
' tleiK1tnin.1t.-t! Mr. Murrav'a -reeoN H .1 pnlicem.in la
| tho draft rlotfl of 1003, when he was auwfeed dorni aa
..ne nf Um f'-w men on tlie fnr.-e uho * flunkcd ' ln the
, (aee of danger."
.Ju.ti.t_ Murrav wns s-.tii bf a Kporter at his houae
last evenlng and replied hollv t.i UM a.?rtlon. and
! Inalnaationa of Jnatlee I'ower and his frienda. Eiv
1 garding the rhargea <.f eowwiiee in lha firaft rlow,
I Ju-llre Murrav aai.l th.it Um ttatj VM tnimped up
i and atlcrly falae, aad thal ao man iu New-York kne***
I it better than ItaBaa P?mrer. - Bnl Potice Jnatlee
I Power," be added, -abowM not be Um b__b to call
attenttea t.. tha r.r.ts of 1-?;:.. Dwriag tha riot* tho
leader was a weU-known ontlaw wha roda a whlte
(."i-i- and wa* kl.iivii as ? lliirhe, the rmier.' Aft?.r
the ti-uiil le ?raa over Hr, I'nw.-r p>t Ihla man a phMt
j ln tiie Park Departmeol and iv-pt him Ihen f..r years.
1 Aa to ln- rharfea <.f dialoyalty ln tha laat eleetlon.
I they ar.- a*.solule.lv talOB. Mv il.-trirt g.tve Flttger
1 i.i.i next tu tiie Inrgeal majority he tecalvad last fall.
j aml 1 gave my pci-wnal ehark to Power
f..r ?830 f..r efectlon parpoeee, When I
found that I'n-.vi-i's eomaUttea had pro>
1 viilr.l imt 108 for .a. h eleetlon dlatrtet "f my dis.
, trlet, I mvs.-lf added 9600 iti eaah. maklng tSSO whlch
I I pal up. wii.-n 1 gave Power my eheek hc slaptwi
' mo on tl.- baek and iald ? it wai prlneeljr.'
"Three weck? ago Power rame to me and said thal
the New Araa-terdam Clnb was ln .1 hoW and Ju?t
aboul bankrupt. I gave hlm H00 to aaefflt lt ..ut ol
its ?iiiiin,* atui, al Power*! luggestion, popoNed tho
name "f Congre*a__in U-inn for memberahlp in tno
rlub, whlch Power said wh- m good as .*ioo more.
1 Mr. I'l.w.-r itumld b- ver<- , an-ful Imw lie ral.es up
lemlnlaceneea. 1 ean reeall one whlch may prove
1 lutereatlng. After a eertain ClvU Juatlee waa etaetei
in 1--7 a promlnent County Demoerat wanted a
friend of hii appolnted n 1 lerk under him ?rtth a talarp
of 93,000 a year. Judge Power waa tpplied t.? and
the plaee waa promlaed Hut when tha Ume eaaai
iu make the appotntmenl Ihere wm b alh h, and peatty
koon Ui.- blg man who wa? backli -* hla friend f.ir tiiu
plaee got a tlp' that 15,000 waa ne.arjr to cUaek
mattera. The appolntment waa lar a ilx yeai-1
term, and al P3.000 was valued therefOre al -t-."-..).
The blg man declded to pay and ieni a. eat Ined i
for ?*''.'?'?. adiir-sae ? t" Richard a. Cunnlngham. rii-*
rherk \"..i. returned, however, ?itti the itateawnt lhal
??n--; baiku, m t checks, were wanted. Then tha eaah
v-.a- .r:,- and tiie Hppointment m-. made. If >fc*.
Power wlll guarantee protectlon agalnst pioieeuttOQ fur
brlbery to thc blg man -.?- ri? ? sent the money, he wiU
romc lon ird' ind testlfy to .ill tlie far-ts ln ronneriioa
wlth the tranaaeUon. Lei nrt uy liera, ho<ra*rar, ibsx,
I ri,, not belleve that the ClvU Juctlce lni'"x anythhig
i.f the payment of the money, but made the appotnt
ment aolcly on th" itrength of thc reeomuieudationg
Mr. Miirray -aid that li? rould refer to many
promlnent . itir'-t.a .1- to his condnct durlng the rluta,
among them Samnel Sloan, now presMent of tha Dcla
ware, Laekawauna atui ll'eaten RaUroad Company.
lt -v rumored laat evenlng that Juatlee Power in
tended to brlng a mll for crlmlt U 11 t--i agatnflt .Tus
tlc* Murray f"i lome of his utteranees at the -aturd.iy
,nlght meeung, and thal es Excl ?? CommUsionar W. P,
" Mit. h-li waa contemplatlng tbe aame eonraa.
Boaton, March :n (Speclal). r'.'.> regnlar meeting
nf I'ougrfgati'.iial mhiifltet- initav ln BelglUI Hall wa*
liveiv. The weretary of the American lioard of cm
mlulonen for Fordgn Misalors read a letter tr>m
j. 0. Poater, of WTaahlngton, calllng attantton to tha blll
whieh liar* alreadv paaaad the llmise .ind is i.ow faaAV
Ing iti the Benate providing (ar ihe enn-nerathM of tho
Chlnewe In tne L'nltad ftnte-. the efleel of whieh wiu
appan r.r iy ba to exrlade from thl* eountty all Chlnaaa
merchanta, Kadents, t<>uri-t. and all otliers exrepl
nie-^t.ei-s of the dlplomatic rorpa.
l.r. Miiifii offered reaotatloni and mored their adop*
tlon, proteatfng agati-.at the propoaed lesiaiatlon as an
unrighteoua vlolatlon ..f the exUUng traaty with ciitna.
11 a wanton di?regard of tha welfare and lafaty of .mr
falthful and devoted miaalooarlea now .t work ln
I'liina, and a- lojnrloui allke t.. the bnalneaa Interaala
aod Um good name of onr natloo. The Kaaaaehnaaato
-.1 .-itnrs aud Repreaentntlvea "rere aaked lo do their
iitmuat tu provenl tho anaeUnent "f tha prr.posed
Bcawely tud Pr. Kmlth flnlahed reading tha resoin
Uon when the H"v. Jeaae II. Jone*. ..f AMngton, -pi-ing
to hia f**et ati.i vlgoeonaly proteated agalnri Ihe rea...
lutlon a- a ? hrUtiaa mlnlatef and a Knlghl ?.f Labar.
Ue dei lared that the < hlueae ought t<? b<- exi lu.i. >t troa
Tlwliev. Dr. Wil'.iiin K. (iriflith w.irmly ..eoonrtetl
""V'i'i- 'r..'-\ "11 1* Beaeh, a mliiMnanr who ratarnad
f,-,?ii rhlna aboul a week ajo. IndtmianUy prateated
,hc pivpoaed blll. The Rev. Ur. \\..odwortii
,i-n w.irm'i a.-,-",.'..-1 tbe raaoteUooa, whlch wcr<
,, ipted .in....-1 ananlnioualy.
Montpcfter, Vt.. Mareh ,'ii -**i"*- ^1 -. .in-iaii H.
in,.., .., retary ( the National Granlte Cuttera' Chloa
aad Rdltor of " Um OraalM Cuttera' Journal," and
iiv,- offleen ??! Ihe local anhm, P. Korrlaen, J.
Ilawklni, P. Hemmion, II. P. Ujflvetter ;uni P,
Unluo, wera arreated hara 00 iaturday rharjed bjr ?
man named M.ciure wlth eonaplraey. McC4ara*a
rton .- ihat theae bmo have 1.n followlng hlm
wherever Im went, and have peneruted hlm baennat
he di'i .."t belong t-. the anion, and becaatM >>f thli
iier-.. uti.'ii hc ?i- unable bi gel aorh at hi? tnulo.
iu relmttal, l>yei and hia brotter ofllcerfl dectare that
tliey never belore lieard ol MeClnre and have ha4
notiiiug to do -aitii hlm. Thejr wera held for trlal.
O.ttu'otic Sitnoti.ti. lUiinti'-.
i ,'_n ii,--.
A?A -A --
MKJ. 1.. _____
tfoinn'i.v .M.-? _. t a.flub'll).
08 WKaT __??**_
fc-i'KI |,.N ANI) _0.H__T1I. ^Al.fc.
AM) IJ...AI.I. I..M. I.U. M_M
11' iW'.vl.
a,i rj____e< i iirictly inreitigeied.
__iii.ni. broaiof M,...-ii!.. i._? wiu _?
aumlia i from oiiico ai,a terfelt all ciaim
?o i ? i ,.u
... i". SO BHA_C_ OH 1. K
Oa Wl.si _'.'i)-?T.
II ,,, m ivmiK n- i "Irona .."im,
I. , i-i 1.i
nre. n rfer.-i.il >'ltj "'
lll ,i.i ,,(.'.-a\, . ie J.
n.\ nm ||, ', i ouuu
i |.i.0"
.?I.r ? i. -i rll tlll
II iii -,i v.i im ii- i" ni. tl-j ro.iii ?
1 ?-?'? ""-.
? ? lt| |,- unl il
. : i- - .. Ilal l '
if; utli ??
? i .1-.
nni lAVDllK II. neal Norlh ol ll u I
.... ,? ?. -,i to do , i.tlro ??-.'? ii; "'
M_ Uth-avi
i-.s xi it .1 ..I n
I ? i - > ' r ?? "i ".? '
\ , . . ,?,. -i,r i" uk
,,.| |..? uli .ii I...III" i ? "I ' Itj
, _|i ? iddte. vl vv i ,tli -:.
? \,.. - M.vlli ln i yo ""? '. nuan
| .. Ki ?? -n ii 'I I _*"? !'
I.m'.d t? tl_4el r
? ?.J ""'
. .... || h wonv
...,.,-: mndr, -- all hn.' wa-h
. ii . ulli -- II. I -,- ? '?'
, i.i .ii ?
I : .ni .., -
I VI MlVll ?> IH '"' " '
L ........... Wlll !.__ 10 -1 ".,!?-?'-"-I'
: r |.M :,...,' famlly workfi haj .....
v ,,-l.i.l- '?'M.I...I-. i'i. ittll .U |
. ,, ar IS . _.
Doiitcotic 011111111-113 -Oiinteb
Lil s IlKKSS iu a I - - '
.:,. r.?. i""
?i?.i ih.il i..*<- .'-''?
-i . i-i n.
LAt MH.lv- ||i ., :
uudou i .1 ? fereii, - .? ?.? ?
. ..r-r-.l aud -11 '"',";'' '; "
00 ? uih- ii- . ":?-?'" i .' -' ' ** **
Iil-Vlll' i v^ !'., .,
a ,1,11,1 I" .,. r.l- ' - - ? *?? '
1 x ,11111 ... ll. a '--; '-"'?>'
Ij \..rtl.ru..? ' ?' | "?
, . . th t .aml" t > i- ' ??' ? 'l ??
IIIKK'. |1!l I i.-l l-'lh-at., ii- ir llll I."
? \|i, .- M Vll> \ ' !?' I' ???_"*'
ll ,. mald '.! "I '*ld.*rlj I I) ? wllllllM
: . il
IM; 4. ind ..--???-? I'
1- , . ,i! :? -. l '?' il-< "' %1 ?
I,. ? , ! i . ..'..? i, ? I.'i Wl'*l_
il . :
jaait- li.M ?>> ? l-'.n:| r.l Iln...'."i I".
M l hiich i.'_i.?n '.U-l. ""-.. . *
, ? 10 Otl. ' ? . -" l*e.i I- ?''"'
_ ?!
, ,. fi t" rov.ii up
M ehiw '";," ?
, : . :u , imm, . - V 11 II ?
, , ,, ? ...t?. I -..- Hroa
?.a Alll V """-' I '? ?' '
.>_ i I- Il-M-I lh_l
i ,i i . i roi l
V. I lll |._ I ' '' ??'
Vi v.a l_ ll I" (?dy. "'?"'??' V','V
,, i ll.. -i>
i. i?
.,, i irrlvid
. ann i
I "* . . V. I I
...... IVII ITI ni
\V ? . I -r . i 'I
^, ?SK . ,,,, d hy a ><><??>?*
'.. ."" : '
,?,,.,. . ii ? ? ? i
\ " :,--,'!
|ii?. Vi '??? !"'- ?"'?
, ,r. t|. .-.il ,', addieaa
ii.. i ,i i i it\
J m i. i.vi v\ ? au. -'.
j_t r i'sl I.i ii 11-1 maii
i\ Jf.i.ii??' Mra. iiviiiv. 3J0 Oth-eve.,
>, iwecu -i-i "nd _-'d *_
Doincatic 9ttttatld.lt- tUuntei)
l'l-in., lea.
v i itsK v II a ?<mao of taiierli-nce
,? ?, Htleiuun i v,.i-. hlgbeat r- I i- n.
v.ij. - ATl'MiAM.
p.'l lVe?t laih -i
^l j;>i. ,.,,.i s; \. ii. j comprtcnt voiuia
, ? ,lu, full rharge of chlt
., I. ii..- - rltj - ? I'ouaii ?
,. 7411 I i iv,- 1.4* .r 47-.l--,t
^l i;sl I'.i ll iif.lt. ?L-,-., ??. .. au a- -.. a
,,,.,?. ,,, :t,, , an ol -. terl? lady ". lu
- . i.l ,,: ...1-I-. M V4l.ll
; ,,,:i ulam, Mra. M . !"'? Alaaii* ??"
^l i;ai who :? . i.ii.|.'-tii.t. arlll iri\e m<"'_
,,r- t.fii.it ... the bottle lall nr
., IH... M . I.AHINM.I. .UO Weat il'lli
-I . I..|i II.
^l K^l li-. . Illl-llg ..'lil.Illi -.V II
ri i, ...... i.:. rem .- ittHI i a-'
Ni k*-i ??? niK\ UA V . '.. an Invalld ?r
,;,'.,! latli i.v an Kngltah iv?:?_iu. arlll
.inil ublii ii.-- t.I I'-f't'-'.. --a. h ??.
I-. ttotlli-e, l in .town N l_
>? i i:m. ii.' ., im ,|..t -nt Sa..-1-h glrl
I .: ., or ? ..M.v 1-41 . i-o."1 ".'ii.
,,.-,, v , ? uiulll ii I'.I ' ?'" Wra.
M VI.MIU.II" ?'?'?' Ith-ave., b-f. W*h -nu
?_.-,?:, -r- ,,,.-:,..
Ni n.si: itv .. ;.. .. itdj yuiiiia Ai... rl an
I-,,,,.. ? . tlrat-cfaar. r. f.r. ..-?-.
nuL'.H.. " ii!,:,.- .i t,i obiialoa. city
.tl . ? .11. - W 1,1,, IV. Call -ll IU
I ,-t tl-t -?
^l uWl and r*K vM-Sl Ki kh uv young
marrb-il i_eru.an n.-t.-t-m aroman;
, m,-i|,i,, ,-t iii.tne and I l - ?raatreaa ;
.ll 231 il'l.iv.-.
^^?^ts| ii) :. I...M-U l'i.'t.-'.ii.t irtil,
li.uia i.i.- i" take ..ii.- ni one ur
. ,, ,,, |,;.v.i-..- faiully. -iu tti -t
^l Ii-i i. i ?' x > 1 -1 li' -- l'*- ?
,t ,,f i ..-r. il-?-. AdUr>-a
Hl. r...\ I.l 107 I*. arl -?
>, nsr .. faKAMSI lll">N U.V ? ''?"
?e., .,,, | \?| .11, ::lrI ..-'M)ll -'-.4-,,
., ? ,. ,| ,,. ... work. , :.-?-( 'I refer-n. '*:
,,. .,.,,, ,, . nnn rhlldren . .... ob
:,,?, tn -i?- i-ouatr. ( ill il Mra.
,,, -- 1 li. t... -r l-.' -, ?l n Of M '
II ll.l.OUM Ml".: .11 \Mllt KM\H> I'v
1 V..-H. ? .?? man pirl. apeahtna Eiimlah
,.mn,... obllalns .it.tl Iruatweruij unquea.
ii..ni.i.l.. i,-i,-r.-u..- f.i but muloyer.
7.11 or ?ddri-? JJ7 4ih-ave., bvt. 2-Ui aud
Domr.tic Siitititiono tUantr.
RfcbPi i i'\iti.i. ntiii v\ artabea the
?raahlna and Iroalna nf lidi?- ini
..nti n .ii, by t, > day nr mor.th; onde.
?tanda Krenel. dutln. , rh.tur.-n'a cintti..
lli).," ap in tbe I'.-at".' I,,.mn. | ; nr _?ul(f
(?.n i" ihe -.? . '?-?. :? r.rrace. Mra.
M.t'OKMAi iv _:V_ i.i.r 70.li? ..
R, sri i taiii.i: v\-,,M.\ ? roitari wi
r,, wn-h, diahea and do ui, tai>i_.
rlotha -:??... ho_?. Mr. _____OE. ii_
vv -- -,-.M . t._
Sl a "M lll --, .! drtvlmeker wo,,,_
llki to i.alt nn lad\ ,.r n.-lst i.lth,
tnan i>. i wnra : -i_<t rlty r.f, r ii ??. eaU
113 vv..: :,tth ?t . t..|. fl.nr
* I.IIM.-n. ln . rounf Uerman Imlv;
C" .1 refereni -. Addreae .'. .... Box aj.
Aa.nr.T, io-i vv,-.r. ue il
WAMUNi Ilj ,?-i,v i.: ii.,n.ari te
tak. in waahtng. _22 \ie-t lota-at..
?? . -???
W1.SHIX.I ih ;. r apeclahle ...;?? ?_
>'."ia:i a' ".V. pei il"-"ir_w.. J... .:?
soS, ..h iv.-.r igth -t , r?ar, :i,i rtoor.
ti*AlTK__s iii .."....- .i-i ?- eeawe*
" tent, naitr"4- oi pa Ie rAaM ean f'.r
i ? ? t ? iv-: .1"- ut.-r.-ii,-.- fi..n, . ? i . yera lt.
,v i'."\ '."'. Trlbune L'ptown ottee, l.__*
Bi j l? j- _
Waitkis? or vi H-i in _____ Ean.
Uiii woman; blaheat t_.il moolalat
iteat, patleai aad compotmil; city or ,o_.
tn ; ?ult? on til,:. ni.,-.\. With Mra.
l.'LF.I. S8? llth ave,_
ll'.uiii! m> ii-. a rouna airl; arllllag,
? f ohllglai and tr.i-twnrrhv : raa tak" a
.'- place: 'iiii|ii''-t!oiia>il'- referenre
from U-t rmployer. .all early 3J7 ith.
..." , bel ...tli and __l_ ata._
U* AITKKss! tiv ir.t.la_> prlvate farnU.
?? uiii!,-. rarvea ?erve* wtaea, under
? nml- tlir ,;,.?? ,,f allver, I',- |la_> I
tieal i? ?:, r.-n. >??, p*__aial. Ptraaa .-all Tli
n?-r i :t -t
%!* AXTl D vv.,r\ rl nr pu_?
*.? II -?. - ,, yeai-' experlence: r -fer?
I.," i'ii.-ii Aililr. _ Mr-. A. fl., ..H'. aml
-.1- IliMilwai _
r i am.
4. ,,r
L?4.-n.' --. Vim.'.i m Kev. A.
V\ ITIMKTF.K, 210 VV, . 23th at.
Vi.t \,. 1 Kl Sl il I. vnv htithly r.
in. ml. il, teeka poaltlon aa goveme.
(For wUer awall a_>. ?_ 9th y_g_* ,' -v

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