OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, November 28, 1893, Image 12

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1893-11-28/ed-1/seq-12/

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pnnyir.ir piece..-, snail pay 75 per cent of the duty
feovlded for the gioi..s hi the fabrication of wt.ii.
hey arc ; ul table.
manufactures ? ! amber, asbestos, blauucra, coral,
catgut or. wbipgut or wermgut, jct, paste, spar,
wax. 2. per cent
Manufactures of bone, chip, grose, horn, India
rubber, i aim leaf, straw, weeds, or whalebone, 25
per ccu.I.
Manufactures of leather, fur. gutta percha, vul?
canised India i ibber, knows aa hard rubber, bu?
nn n Bair, i.ai'i''i-i-i.'-' in. plaster of paris. Indurated
fibre wares, and other manufactures composed of
wood or other pulp. 80 per eci t
Manufacturei of ivory, vegetable ivory, mother of
Merl aad afc il, or of which these substances, or
either of ;li ta, ls the component material of chief
value, and manufactures known commercially as
bead.--, or beaded trimmings, or ornaments, ? per
Mask's, composed of paper or pulp. 25 per c nt
Muttltr-' and mats made of cocoa fibre or rattan,
20 p. r cent
Pencils teed or slate j '-neils. 25 per cent
renell iee la nol bi wo \ to pt r c< nt.
Pipe:-, pipe bowls, of all materials, aad all
?BBQsera1 articles whati lever, ?'? ? pei.nt; all com?
mon ' ?!. ?' > ?? I o I ol elsy, Ul cn:., | r ;;r>..-'-.
Umbrellas, parasols and mashades. covered with
material O mpo?< I wholly or it. part of silk, wool
o.' ?-:oat bair. IS uer ccu; if covered arith paper or
Otb', r man rial. :',.*. per cnt.
Umbrellas, parasols and sunshades, sticks for,
? if plata or carved, finished or unfinished, 30 per
Waste, not specially provided for in this act, 10
? per cent.
Tin: tMBE I I. T.
Section 2 of the bill frees thc free list as follows:
Cu and after March i. UH the following articles
vrbea imported, Khali be cxtmpt from duty:
Acids u. ed fir medicinal, chemical or manufactur?
ing purposes; ue:'nit<", acorns; agates, manufact?
ured; album, ir. alitalia and alizarin colors or dies;
amber, BBaaufadored; ambergris; ammonia; aniline
salts; any animal Imported specially for breeding
purposes; annatto; and all eStractB of antimony;
apatite; apples; apples, driel; Brgal or enid'' tartar;
arrow root; arm nie; ai .-ciliate of aniliae; art edu?
cational stops, compose! of glass and mei.il. aad
valued at not more than 6 cnt:-; per gross; articles
for the use of the I'r.llcd Btatoa; articles in a crude
statc used in dyeJttg or tanning not i-peclaUy pro?
vided for: articles of growth, produce, and manu
fa ;",rc of the United Sta! ? when returned after
navlng been exported, without having been advanced
In value or Unproved in condition by any process ol"
manufacture or other means; Casks, barrels, car?
boy:-, paga and other ve - la Of American manu?
facture exported, filled With American products, or
exported empt) and returned filled with foreign
products, Including shooks whin returned na bar?
eela or loxes; also quicksilver, (leaks or bottles of
either domestic or foreign manufacture, which shall
have been actually exported from the i'nited States;
asbestos, unmanufactured; ashes: w.1 and lye "i",
ani beet-root ashes; aspbaltum mid bitumen, crude;
li.uoi, and hams, beef, mutton and pork, and
meeta of all kinds prepared or preserved, aol spe
cially provided for in thia act: balm of gilead;
btirks. cinchona or other from which quinine may
be extracted; baryta. Including barytes earth;
Bauxite; beeswax; bells, broken, and bell metal
broken and lit only j > be remanufac lured; all
binding twine manufactured In whole or In
part fn-rn isile or tempICO libel* manila, sisal
grass, cr sunn, of Bingle ply and measuring not ex?
ceeding C's) feet to Ute pound; birds, stuffed, not
suitable for millinery ornaments: birds and land
and water fowls; bismuth: bladders, and all ta
teguments of arni;.;.is. orude, silted for preserva?
tion, snd au ii. uti I- tore, i; blood, dried; blue vitriol,
or sulphate of copper; bologna sausages; bolting
cloths, especially for minina purposes, but nm suit?
able for thc manufacture of wearing apparel; bones,
crude or not burned, calcined, ground, steamed or
otherwise manufactured, and bone dust or animal
carbon, and bore asl: tit only for fertilising pi r
posee; bone char, suitable for use in decolorising'
Sussn; books, engravings phot -graphs, bound or
unbound etchings, maps and charts, which shall
have been printed and bound or manufactured mer..
than tv, nty years st the date of Importation, and
all publications of forclftn governments and pub?
lications, contiiiiiin;^ observations ot scientific
phenomena and the results of scientific observa?
tions; books and pan-pi. ta printed exclusively in
languages other than English; ali i bi oka and
mus?e, |n raised print, used exclusively by Ibe blind;
books, engravings, phatograpba, etchings, bound
or unbound, maps and charts Imported by au?
thority or for th.- use of the United States, >t
for tho usa of the library or Congress; books, maps.
lithographic prints and charts specially Imo rted,
riot more than two copies in any one Invoice, in
good faith, fer the use of any society Incorporated
cr established fer educational, philosophical, liter?
ary, or religious purposes or for the encourage
mint of tho ii"e arts, or for tbe use or by order of
ttuy college, academy, school or i tmlnary of li irn
lag in the United states, subject to such regula?
tions as the Secretary of tbe Treasury shall pi -
Berthe: book'*, libraries ueual furniture and similar
houser old effect:; of per.-ons or families, from
foreign countries, if actually used abroad by them
not less than one year, and not Intended f jr any
other person or persons nor for sale; borax, crude;
Brazil paste; braid:-, plaits laces and similar manu?
factures comported of straw, chip, grass, palm-loaf,
SrOlow, osier or rattan, suitable for mobing or
Ornamenting hats, bonnets and hoods; Hrazllian
pebble, unwrought; breccia, in block or slabs;
bristles: bromine; broom corn; buti.on, told or
aili'"-': burgundy pitch.
Cabbages j cabinets of old coins and medals, and
other collections of antiquities, bul the tenn "an
tiqnllles" aa used in this act shall Incluaa only
such article*! as ale suitable for souvenirs or cabinet
collections, -and which shall have been pro?
duced at any period prior to the year 17im,
cadmium, calamine, camphor, caster or casto
reum, catgut, whlpgut or wormgut unmanu?
factured, or not further manufactured than in
. ttrliK-s or cords; cerium, chalk, unmanufac
I tuiiJ; charcoal, chicory root, raw, uried. or
f undried, but ur.ground; cider, civet, crude;
chromite of Iron or chromic ore, clay, com?
mon blue clay in casks suitable for th>- manufac?
ture ol' crucibles; clays or eartha, unmanufactured,
not specially provided for; coal, aniuraclte. bitumi?
nous, and shale, a:. 1 coal slack or culm; coke. COS"
tar, crude, and uh preparatii ns and products of
i coal bur, Dot colors or dyes. Dot specially provided
for; cobalt and cobalt ore, and oxide of cobalt;
cocculus indi'"", cochinile, cocoa, or cacao, crude,
and abra, leaves .-nd shells of, coffee, cotna gold,
?liver ai.. op per; coir and car >arn, copper, im?
port- 1 i:i thc fenn of ores; old copper, Itt only for
manufacture; regulus of copper and black or coarse
e?pper nnd copier cement; copper in platen, bars,
Ingot'", c.- pits, and other forms, not monufa .lured;
copperas, or sulphate of Iron; cotton ties of iron or
or iteil cuttto lengths punched or not punched,
with cr without buckles, for boll ina cotton; <? >:-.l.
marine, uncut ant unmanufactured! corkwood, or
' cork hair:, unmanufactured, or cul Into sq uar. >r
cubes; cotton and cotton wa.de or Hocks; cryolite,
cudbear, curling stones, r quoits, ard curling stone
handle-::; curry u.ii curry powder, CUtch, cuttlefish
Dandelion roots, raw, dried, or undried, tut uu
groun I.
Diamond-* ;.?;.? othei prccloua stones, rough or un?
cut, mcludlnji glazier**' and eneravcra' dlau-onoj
not art snd diamond dust or hort, and jewels to be
ti-, d ?-, .?,. manufacture of watches or clocks; dlvi
divl. dragon's blood, drum, such aa barks, beans,
berries, balsams, buds, bulbs snd bulbous roots,
excrescences, inch ir; nut-galls, fruits. Bowers,
dried fibres and dried Insects, grains, gums and
gum resin, herbs, leavi , lichen*, mosses, nuts,
root3, and Btemi; ?;..?.... v tabl . seeds aromatic
and -weds of morbid growiu, weeds an nooda
Used expressly for dyeing; any of the foregoing
which are not edible, whether crude <t advanced
in value or condition bv refining or grinding, or by
other ? rocs:: of manufacture.
Kt'.?-?!, and yolks of, and ifK? of birds, fish and in.
Sects; emery ore. errol.
Kins, common palm-leal and palm-leaf unmanu?
factured; farina, fashion plates, feathei and downs
for iuds and feathers and downs of all kinds, crude
or not dressed, colored or manufactured; feldspar,
felt, adhesive for sheathing vessels; fibrin, In ali
forms; fish, fresh: (lek for bali, lish skins; Hint.
flints and Around flint atoms. Ho",- matting, manu?
factured from round oi split Btraw, Including, ,vi.;;t
1-. commonly known as Chinese matting; fossils,
fruit B-lgatS. tropical and aemi-truplcal, for the
purpose oi' propagation or cultivation; currants,
J-.:mI" or other; dates; fruits, green, ripe or dried
not specially provided for; tamarinds; cocoanut:,
Braal! nuts, cream nuts, palm nuts and p.dm out
kernels; furs, undressed fur skins or all kinds uot ]
dressed In uiiy mai.ncr.
Qampter-glass, on-ken and old glass, which can
pal bc cut for us.-. ~nj fit only to bc remanufacs !
tured; glass plates or disks, rous i, cut or un- !
wrought, for use in the manufacture of optli il
Instruments, spectacle! anJ eyeglasses, and suitable
only for such use; istie or Tamploo fibre, jute, j
jute butt.-;, manila, siial trass, sunn and all oller ;
textile grasses or fibrous vegetable substances,
unmanufactured or utdressi I; gold-beaters' molds
and gold-beaters' skins; great ? and olia audi as ara
commonly used In soap-making or in wire-drawing
or for suillin:,' or dressing leather, and which arc
flt only for ""^h u,?s; guano, manures, And all
aubjtancc-* expressly used for manui . gunny bagu !
i.:id (funny c.otl.s. old or refuse, flt oaJy i i i
manufacture; j'uts. salted; -ju-ta percha, crude.
Hair of horse, cattle and other anima:-;, cleaned
or uncleaned. dr*\W:i or undrawn, ani curled lui.
auilabie for beds or mattresses nod human hi;,
raw. unclean--] and not drawn; hid-s, ra iv or ua
OUred, whether dry, suite d or pickled. Andora
goat skins, raw. without the wool, uninaniifacUir'-iJ
usies* aktua, raw or unmanufactured, and skins, .-.v
cept sheep aklna with the wool on; hide cuitii.K*
raw, with or without hair, and all other glue stock
Bide rope, hones and whetstones, hoofs, unm.inu
ucture-t; hop rooti for cultivation, horns and parts
of. aoa>inufactured, liri..din: horn atrlpi and tip*
ice. india rubber, crude and in'.ll; of, ;...,! odd
scrap or refuse India rubber, fit only [or re
manufacture; Indigo and extracts or Pastes of and
carmines; iodine, crude end retubllmed; Ipecac
iridium. Iron ore, lncludln;, manganiferou-i iron ore'
also the dross or restdlum frcm burnt pyrite'
and sulphur ore, aj pyrites or sulphurvt of iron
In Iti natural state; Ivory uni vegetable Ivory
sawed or cut. but not otb"-.vis,, manufactured '
Jalap. Jet, unmanufactured; jos.-: stick or t -'<?
light; Jup.lt. Old. ""
Kel'i. klescrlte. kyanitc. or cyanlte. and kalnlte
LSO-dye, crude, a-od. butt >:i. stick and
lac spirit?, laetirine, lard, lava, unmanufactured1
leeches. lemon-Juice, lime-Juice and sour-orange
Juice: licorice root, ungn und; lifeboats and Hf,
aavl.ug apparatua, especially Imported by societies
Incorporated or established to encourage the savina
of human life; lime, citrate of; lime, chloride of*
or biecching powder; lithographic stones, nut ens
graved; litmus, prepared or not prepared; loa.l
Madder and munjeet, or Indian madder, ground
or prepared, and all extracts of; magnesia, 3ul
phate of or epsom salts; magnesite, or native min
aral carbonate of magnesia; magnesium, magnets,
manganese, oxide and ore; manna, manuscripts,
marrow, crude; marshmallows, medals of froid
silver or copper, such as trophies or prlx-s; -nlci"
and metallic mineral sub?tancc* In a crude stat..
nnd rnei.il*. unwrougnt. not specially provld i foi
In this act; nieers<-haum, crude or manuf:cpired;
milk, fresh: mineral wateri. ull. not artificial;
minerals, cri'dc or not advanced in value or con.
dltion by relining or crln-ilii" or by other proces.t
of manufacture, not especially nrcvlded for in
this act; models of invention and other Improves
manta moss, seaweeds and vegetable substance?,
exude sr unmanufactured, not otherwise specially
j provided tor in this act; Break, crude in Batumi
1 ,.., ls m) robul.in.
:? edies, bahd-eewlag. and daming; new "papers
an.i periodicals; but the term "periodicals, ss
i herein used, shall bc understood to enabtmcc onj>
; unbound or paper-covered publications, containing
? currenl literature of the day and Issued regularly
il stated ;?? ri "ls. as weekly, monthly or quarterly;
ni ki i. nickel oxldi ; bus vomit i. ,
Oakum, ."h." .md ochery earths, sienna -mvi
I sienna earths, umber and umber earth*, not
. illly provided for In this act, dry; oilcake,
oils, elmond, amber, crude and reclined ambere"*.
anise or anise-* ?:. aniline, aspic or spike laven?
der, bergamot, cajeput, carawoy, cassia, cinnamon,
otdrat, chamomile, citronella or lemon erasa
civet, cotton-seed, croton, fennel. Jasmine orjasi
? mine, Juglandlum, Juniper, lavender, lemon, I
mace, neroll or orange flower, nut "il or ol] ol nuts
j not otherwise specially provided for In this act,
, orange oil, olive oil for manufacturing or mechan?
ical purposes until for eating and not otherwise
' provided for In thia act attar of roses, palm and
c coanut, petroleum, i isomary or anthoss, sesame
..r sesamum-seed or bean, thyme, origanun.I or
white, val. lian, and also Bpermaceti. whali nnd
other fi.-!i ol of Ara-rican flsberles, and all other
articles the produce of such fisherlei . olives, green
or prepared; opium, crud, or unmanufactured, and
not adulterated, containing 'J per cenl and
over Of morphia; orange and lemon peel, BOl pie?
s'.; \ "I, canaled or otherwise prepared; orchil or
1 orchil liquid; orchids, Ulta of tba valley, azaleas,
palma and other plantsBJbsed for forcing under
l glass for cut Bowen or decorative purposes: ores.
I of nold, sliver and nickel, ani nickel matter;
| osmium,
Paintings, in oil or watercolors, and statuary,
but,, the t' rm "statuary" as herein used shall be
: understood to Include only such professional pro?
duction in marble, stone, alabaster, or metal of a
I statuary cr sculptor Only; palladium; paper stock,
I crude, of wiry description, Including all .;?
fibres, rags (other than v.ooii, waste, shavings,
' clippings, old pap.r. rope ands, waste rope, waste
? bagging, old or refused tunny bags or gunny cloth,
and po;.'ir or ether woods (it only to be converted
into paper; pa ra th ne, parchment and vellum; pearl,
mother of. sawed or cut. but nol polished, at
otherwise manufactured; pease, green, in bulk or In
l bands, sacks or similar packages; peltries and
other usual goods and effects of Indi..ns passing
: or repasslng the boundary line of th. United States,
1 under such regulations u^ the Secretary of the
Treasury may prescribe: Provided, thal this ex
j emption shall not apply to goods In bak or other
packages unusual among Indians: personal and
bout bold . (Teets nol merchandise of citizens of the
I'nlti l states dylne In foreign countries; pewter
and britannia met il. old, nnd fit only to be re*
manufactured; philosophical and scientific appar?
atus. Instruments and preparations; statuary, ca li
of marble, bronze, alabaster, or plaster of perts;
paintings drawings and etchings, specially Import?
ed in good faith for the us.- ..i .my society or In?
stitution Incorporated or established for religious,
philosophical, educational scientific, or literary pur
! poses, or for encouragement >.f the fine arts, and
J not intended for sale; phosphates crude or native;
plants, trees shrubs and vino.; of all kinds com?
monly known aa nursery stock; plaster of pans and
sulphate of lime, unground;platina, In Ingots, bars,
she.ts, ani wire: platinum, unmanufactured, and
vases, retorts and other apparatus, vessels, and
i pails thereof compoi d of platinum, for chemical
uaea; ploughs, tooth and disc harrow.--, harvesters,
reapers, drills, mowers, torse-rakes, cultivators,
threshing machlnei and cotton gins; plumbago;
' plush, black, known pommorclally aa batters' plush,
composed of silk, or of silk and cotton, and used
exclusively for nuking men's bats; polishing
i il lah, crud", carl...nat" of, or "black salts"; caustic
potash or hydrate of, including refined iii sticks or
rolls; nitrate of potash, or saltpetre, crude: sai?
ph,it-,- of pot...sb, crud.- or relined: chlorate of pot?
ash; muriate of potash; professional books. Imple?
ments, Instruments, and tools of trad.-, occupation,
1 or employment, in the actual p iseei rn st the ilma
of persons arriving in tba United states: but this
I exemption Miall not ba construed to Includs ma?
chinery or other articles imported for us- In any
; manufacturing establishment, or for any other per?
son or persons, or for sate; pulu, pumice.
Quicksilver; quUis, pn pared or m.pr ipared, hut
. not mad..- up Into complete articles; quinta, sul?
phate of, and all alkaloids or suits of Cinchona
. lark.
Rags nol otherwise specially provided for In ibis
. act; regalia and gems, statues, statuary and sp-H
i mena of sculpture, where specially Imported lu good
f;iith for ihe use nf any society Incorporated or
i established solely for educational, philos ipbl .!.
i literary or religious purposes, or i\r tbe encourag -
in "at of fine .nt', or for the us ? or by order of any
college, academy, school, sembary <>f learning, or
i public library in tba United .--tates; rennets, rsa cr
Saffron and safflower, nnd extract of, and saf?
fron cake; sago, ernie, mid sago Sour; sala, ia-;
' salt In la:!k. and Mil In lags, sack-, barrels Of
othir packages, bul the < .v. rin;:.-- shall pay the
same rate of duty as if imp rt..i separately. Pro?
vided, thal if salt is Imported Iro;n any country
which imp...-i's ? duty upon sall exported from Ihe
trotted States, th-n there shall be levied, paid
... collected upon such --..it the rate of duty bow
provided by law; sauerkraut: sausage skins, tk
Anl.-e. canary, caraway, cardamon. coriander, i I
ton, cummin, fennel, fenugreek, hemp, boarhound,
mustard, rape, Saint John's bi tad or bene, sugar
l. i, mangel-wurzel, sorghum or sugar cane for
S-. I, and ad Dower and grass ? ls; bulls and
bulbous roots, nol edible: all the foregoing nol
specially provided for .n thia Bet; actep, or saloup;
sh'-iis of ail kinds not out, ground or others-toe
manufactured; shotgun barrels, forged, rough*
bon I; ahrnuns and other shellfish: silk, raw or ...
reeled from the cocoon: '111:, partially manufactured
from cocoon or from waste silk, and not farther
advanced <>r manufactured than carded or combed
silk: silk cocoons and silk waste: silk worms' .xus;
akeietona and oth.r preparations of anatomy:
snails; soap, all not otherwise specially provldi I
for In this act: soda, nitrate of, er cubic nitrate,
chlorate of snd sulphate of, or salt cabs or nitre
cake: i dlum: spirterre, suitable for making or
ornamenting bats; specimens of natural hist. ry.
botany and mineralogy when Imported for cabtnei
or as objects of sen i c- and not for aale;
cassis, cassia vera on.l ea bbb i buds. un
grotmd; * cinnamon anJ chips of, onground;
clovis nnd clove stems, unground; glnger-rool
i umrro-und and not preserved or candled;
j mace, nutmegs pepper, black or white, unground;
j pimento, unground; seeds of all kinds aol soe
j dally provided for In this act; spunk, spurs and
I stilts, us-d In the manufacture ?.f earthen, porcelain
, and stoneware: straw, stone and rand, burr stone
! In blocks, roueh or manufactured or bound up Into
' millstones, clllfstone, unmanufactured free stone,
granite, sandstone, limestone uni other building or
monumental .sion-, sxceot marble, unmanufactured
I or undressed, nol specially provided for in this act.
I pumice Btone, rotten stone and sand, i rud ? or man?
ufactured; 'tor.ix or styrax. stroatm. oxide of and
1 protoxide of strontian and Btrontlanlt* or mineral
carbonate of it ron tia; sugars, all not above No ll
j Dutch standard in color, all tank bot (oma all
i sue r draining! and sugar sweepings, syruj ? r
can. juice, melada, concentrated mela da an I con
I crete a* i concentrated molasses and molasses; m.i
pbur, refined, lac or precipitated and sulphur oi
brimstone, crude, in bulk, sulphur ore aa pyrites,
or sulphurcl of iron In its natural stale, contain?
ing in excess of :'?"> per centum of sulphur and ? ii
pimr not otherwise pr vkled for; sulphuric acid
awi oping! of sliver an" gold.
Tallow ai, I wool '?i ase. including that l:n .wn
comm i Haily b di : or brown wool grease"; tapi?
oca, cassava, or cassady; tar and pitch of n.i
and pitch of coal tar, tea snd tea plants, i
teeth, natural or manufactured; lerra alba, terra
Japonlca. tin ore, cassltrite or black oxide .,f tin.
and tin In bara, blocks, pigs or grain or granulated;
tinsel wire, lanu or lahn; tobacco stems, tonquin,
tonqua or tonka beans; tripoli, turmeric, lurp n
tlne. venice; turpentine, spirits of; turtles, lypei
old and lit only to ba remaaufactured; uranium, ox?
ide and salts of; vaccine virus, yalca la, verdigris
or subacetate of copper.
Wafers, uomedlcated; wax, vegetable or mineral;
wearing apparel and other personal effects mot
merchandise) In actual ouse of resident! of the
roiled States, returning thereto from foreign coun?
tries, nol exceeding $?'><*? in Value and nol Intended
lor use ol other p. rs.,ns nor for sale, shall be ,.d
mltted into the ports of tbe t'nlted States free "f
duty; provided, however, that ali tba wearing ap
pare) and other persooal effects ol such peri >n
?o returning aa may have been by them taken
out of th- i'nited states to foreign countries and
which have not been advanced In value nor Im?
proved in condition by any proci ol labor or
manufacture in such countries, shall ba admitted
free of duty, without na...rd to tie ir value, upon
their Identity being established un i.-r such rules
ani regulations as the Secretary of tba Twa iry
may prescribe.
whalebone, unmanufactured.
Logs a.'id round unmanufactured timber nol spec*
lally enumerated or provided for In thi act.
Firewood, handle boils, heading bolts, stave bolts,
shingle bolts bop poles, fence posts, railroad ties,
ship timiH r and ship planking, not sp? lally pro?
vide i for In thia I '?
Timber, hewn and saw. d. arri timber 'l-l f r
spurs and In building wharves; limber, squared or
sided; sawed boards, plank, deals ana other lum
b?r; bino clapbosrde, spruce claohoarda, hubs for
wheels, posts Issi blocks, wagon blocks, < ir blocks,
gun blocks, beading, and ail uk.- blocks or I
rough hewn or sawed only; laths, picket! and
palings, shingles, staves of wood of ..ll kinds, w.I
unmanufactured; provided thal if any export dui) la
lek] upon the above-mentioned articles, or either
of them, all I dd articles import-d from said coun?
try aball bv Bubject lo duty sa now provkl d bj
law. V
''bair cane, or reels, wrought or manufactured
from rattans or ned*.
Woods, namely, cedar. Hj-nuiii-vltac lancewood,
ebony, box, granadilla, mahogany, rosewood, satln
? i and all fon ia of oahlnel nooda la tba log,
rough or hewn; lamboo and rattan, unmanufact?
ured; briar root or briar wood, and llmlla/ wood
unmanufn- iur-*d, or not further manufactured than
.ut into biod.s suitable for Ihe articles Into which
tl), v are In) tided to be converted; berni. ?
ana sticks of partridge, halrwood, pimento, . i
myrtle and ? ti> r woods, not otherwise specially
provided for lu thia act. in tba rough or aol further
manufactured than eu* Into lengths suitable for
sicks for umbrellas, parasols, sunshades, whips or
walking can.s; ani India malacca Joint.*!, nol fur?
ther manufactured than cut Into suitable lengths
for tba manufsctures into winni they are Intended
lo be converted.
All wool of th<* Sheep, bair of thc ca:rc 1. goat.
alpaca, and other ilk- animals and all wool and
b.-iir on the .kin, noils, yarn waste, card wa. te,
bur waste, rasa and flocks, including all veal , or
raga rompoocd wholly or in part of wool.
w uk.-- of at., the production of American nrt
icts residing temporarily abroad, or otbsi works
of art. bending pictorial paintings on glass, im
;?'tte! expressly for pres ntatlon ta a National In?
stitution, or to ?...:-.>? state or municipal caroon tl n,
or Incorporated religious society, college, or other
public Institution, Including stained or painted win?
dow glass or stained or painted glass windows; but
such exemption Ka.nl I., .ubjeet t" such regulations
os the isecretary of the Treasury may prescribe.
Works of art, drawings, engravings, photographic
picture..), and philosophical and scientific apparatus
brought by professional artists, lecturers, or s. li-n
tlsts arriving from abroad for use by them t< m
porarlly for exhibition and In Illustration, promo?
tion BBd encouragement of art. sci. ac.? inuustry
?.'.*?" "V1""- B*ates, and nol f..r salo, and tho
photographic pictures, paintings, and statuary im?
ported for evhibltli.n by any association established
/ 'J,'0'*,C?"h and duly authorl-; ?! under the lass
"?,i ???'. \ "?'*!'? State*, <,r of anv Slate, expressly
arid solely for the promotion and encuuraeremenl
?f science, art or Industry, and nut Intended tor
r- '-oinil ' ;'.!t",-<-'d free of duty, under such
f,'r"Lcr-w ,?? V"- ??*"<,-"ctiry of th" Treasury shall
?;.. il'.i';-'u^s0(lia11 -'?? siven f"r -h? '",y
hL <L?J.ll tl ni'ted ""t*--es ot such dulles, as may
be Imposed by law upon any and all such urtlclea 1
as shall not be exported within six months after
j auch Importation: Provided, thal thc secretary ot
I th- Treasury may. In bis discretion, extend such
p-iiod for g further terni ol BlX months In cases
whore th- applications therefor shall be made.
Works of art, collection.*' in illustrations of the
I progress of the arts, science ??r manufactures ph -
graphs, works In terra-cotta, parian marble, ppt
, terv or porcelain, and artistic copii I Ol antiquities
; in metal or other material, hereafter Imported la
good faith for pernsansnl exhibition at a axed
place by any society or Association for tbe pur>
poss "f erecting a public monument, and not In
I tended for sale, nor for any other pin;..? than
herein expressed; but t-ond-i shall be given under
such rues and regulations aa the Secretory of
| the Treasury may prescribe for th.- payment ?>f
lawful duties which may accrue should any of the
articles afore.aid be sold, tranaferred. or used con?
trary lo this pl..vision, and such artic] I shall be
subject, at .my time, i" examination and inspection
by the proper officers of the customs: Provided, that
the privileges ot this and the preceding sections
shall nol be allowed to association! or corporations
engaged la or connected with business of a private
..r commi ri lal character,
/'.afT t.
There are no Internal revenue sections attached
to the bill.
Section 8, sVhich follows the free list, ls suTi
Btantially thc same aa .Section I el Bbs McKinley
bill, and proyid.-i
S ?. 3-Thut lhere shall be letted, collected, and
paid on the import mon ol' all raw or unmanu?
factured articles, not muna raini or provided for
in till-' act, a duty of lu per c nt al valor.in;
and on ali articles manufBctured, in whole or rn
part, not provided for in this act, a duly of M per
- ni ad valorem . . .
Section l practically re-cnacta Section ?? of the
McKinley bill, lt embodies a general enactment
that "each and every Imported article not enum?
erated in thia act. which la similar, miser la
material, quality, texture, or th.* use to which it
nuy be apph-d. t.. anv article enumerated in this
kc! aa chargeable with duty, shall pay tbe name
rat- of duty which ls levied on tbe enumerated
urtlcl- which it mod resembles." ,
S-.'(lon S follows Beetloo i >>t Ihe McKinley bill
so closely thal even ihe date. March I. 1881, When
il ls to go toto effect ls Inadvertently retain..!.
This section provides tl,nt all articles of foreign
manufacture shall be legibly stamped wita tba
nan "i the country of th-lr origin. A similar
remark applies to section 8, which Ul section .
of the M.-Kinley bill, wiih the d tte (UBI) unchang; u.
This section relates to counterfeiting trade-mark*.
Sections 7 and \ relating i" ih-* importation in
bond of materials for shipbuilding are the ??ame as
Sections I an l I of ihe McKinley nlll. Section 8, ro?
uting to tbe manufacture "f export perfumery and
medicines containing alcohol in bonded warehouse,
li the same as Section 10 of the McKlnl :' oin.
Section 11. prohibiting importation "f obs< en; books,
ls tbe -..uii-- aa Section n of ihe oki la**. Sections
ll, U and U are thc aamo as Sectlona 12, U. and
II ot the old law. Sectlona n. U and Ls, aa lo flto
crimlnatlng duties on goods nol Imported In ves?
sels Of the I'nited .States, ale tile same OS Sections
17, is und ll of tue old law. Sections 17 and 18, lu
regard to the Importation of neal cattle and hides,
are Sections 20 and :l of tbe McKinley bill. Sec?
tion 19, bi t'> reimportations; Section bu, aa
t. abandoned wicks'; Section :l. as lo bonding
smelting warehouses; Section 22, as to drawbacks,
ara the sams as Sections 22, -"., "i and ?, reapec
il. ly, of ti.id law. m ,_,.
The last sections of the Wilson Tariff bill deal
with mattera embodied In the McKinley Adminis?
trative Customs bill, a separat- measure from the
McKinley Tariff law. Sections .". and 23, providing
thal all Invoices shall be made oul In the curreno
of the country, ore the same as Sections 2 and .;
of tie- McKinley Administrative bill. Section M ls
Section I of th- Administrative bill; Section :'. ls
Section :,. Administrate Section -?*> ls Administra?
tive Section ,;. Section '-"? ii Administrative 8 ellon
7, Section M v Admlntotratlve Section I (Section s
of th.- McKinley Administrative bill being omitted).
Section -l ls Administrative Beetloo IO; Section
0 ls Administrative Section ll, and so tbs numbera
run on d-wn to Section B of Ihe Wllsun MU, Upi
Intervenim; sections re-enact lng Sectlona 12 to H,
Inclusive, nf the McKinley Administrative bill. Sec?
tions SO, ii. ?'?- and r.i appear to be new sections,
providing detalla of custom bouse administration.
Section .'??: closes tbs bill. wi.Uh makes Ul printed
Dt* "' ?
iil'IN'ION Ol" N1AV I -.V.I.XMI llt.slM.NS MIA" i,S
Booton. N"V. tl (Special). Belsuliig to ibo new
Tariff bli!, tavOoVernor A BIBS Bald ihU afternoon:
"I dO BOt believe such B bill v. Ill ? . : i I thi High
Congress*. The Ii. tiioi rata- protectionists will light
agalnsi its i taaags bb w. ii as tba Bap-ul
1 cannot anderatand hov any one could b fool! i.
enough to (rasas ?? ssh a i-idnajJoaa bill, i am loM
thal sgrtcaltaral bankmanU arc ia ba adatittcd
free. This it a an? * t dlscrimlnatioa agatast the
Ani.rii.m auuaufaeturer. if maaufacturad sit
ar- ali to ba admit:..i free avan am anfartery in
n>. w-Knuiand sad -lau: ii.i- eoast alli wt ?-iuseu
up. Wages will i?" i laced, of mw . if say w.rk
11. a are fortBaata enough ie sat w.ik. om tidna
IS sure: lt Will be a ibath-I'loW to the. 1 'emocmtlc
psrty. ii 'W aaa Aaserlcaa soebmaa nba raaatva J.
a day coliip-te with th.( Kn ;?. vi.' -nly SJBt
7i (.nts a day.' Wc have about ."i m. ;i 1:. ., :r
rm] v at th" An.. ? lb< ref MMUfactorj,, at North
?? ton. Wo absU probably rontisaa in Lu.
bm wages will kass la ba nanda lover. Th- b 1
effects win i?e felt by tbe laberlas Beta si ra ti ia
aay one . ba "
"What do you think af frc. coal and Iruii?" was
"I believe In fr. e coal, of saafSS. I think thal
New-England and California would both be h.;; i
i.y fri- coal, in lac Voa mlaea ol Caltforala oohs
h.is lo be In.port' 1 from Australia for use lu Batall?
ing thc area As to Ires bon l would say that I
..rn in favor >f admHting iron ore free, bal uot
fin, Bad iran. There la a -Juts ,,f ~:> coats a t at sow
on iron ore end IS cenl a loo un cool itu;ii i-h....; i
I*' taltra "ff, I think The duty on steel, willi li WO
use largely In makin.; oui . I. ??. ? 1 .. is I" to ...i pr
cent "a Oatohed lian and st el the duty \> now
bo or in ir.- per cant lt should stay Ba To
th.- tana off manufactui I articlea i ... crlm
Inatloa against tba rfcw?a^ngleed manufacturer.**
"If We are lo have flee cual, what Mill 1". ,",a
sylvanla do ' B I ikl I.
"i do aol believe there wm ba any trouble. Tba
anthracite coal in..t com,* dom there will ..till b
iii demand. Bituminous coal only aili be Imported
from tba provinces, ..f course, and wiii be hugel)
used h. Nsw-Bnglaad, lt aili ba a good tbiag."
The lassoer nc a Beam rather IndUTareat Freak
w. Lnwresce, ol lawrence <v Wlggta, No BS Kilby
Bt( dealers In h.udwoul, said: "I don't | - ., , lt
will make mach diaereace. Boase Mleblgsa ama
have tom to C.ids and bi ughl pine landa think?
ing thi'-. WOOld OOma about sun,, day. lt will put
tin in ga aloin ti.c- same foo tina; u* tba Wisconsin
The Booton I.umbel Company people sall: "Fur
a . rio.ii ... lumber tba Do toa aad Alain.- ehargi i
MB in.ni ani point in Qucb c to i. ion, and from
Sherbrooke, tn. Kow, aa soon as inc duty la ofl
ia. road will pm up un- freightage, and so neutrals
lae ih,- whola thing. The duty is \: a boatload and
when th- duty || taken ofl the Canadians win
rall ? tue price lo 110, thc price now being ** The
price ol I umbel will nut ba materially affected
Au Importer of while pins said: PThc duly oa
white pine lumber ls only ll a thousand, The
removal would not be of particular heneiil to
New-England as the amounl of pine lumber tint
?? . - Into building ls not large; temporarily there
wi" '"? sn advantage to the Importer, because the
pureba ..r [umbi r i ir n. xi yeal have b n made
and tn. purchi i receives tin- lumber In r.u,., i.
aad p.ys ti,, duty ..a the Importation If t: re
ls "o duty ta b paid tba Importer win a i ....
advantage on thi year's purchase. When hr
; "'."?,, ; ' ;' ? the Canadian win Bdvanca
his prices fully
pis prlcea fully ;;, cents of Ihe hundred thal la
?"? Presenl dun. Ti, beadit of th, du.-. I, .; b,
tw -ii the (tovernmenl and the Canadian "
, ' ?? ' n. Nov. I. Si Judge Chark- I., v. Wood?
bury said to-day of lbs hew T.ulft bill: "i d it
see any ocea lon to specula ti Ju-1 now us io .. ' ?
the Committee on Ways and Means win rei in lo
! ",,,""?, v';",."'''',I'11 sha! tacks tb unroll
tee .sid mike before then. If we ore lo I,. Ileve th
' ??? pap. I.-, the commltlse I tacking ail thc limo,
rne main question io l- deail with ls tba raisins
?J ' '*?*< ? rev, nm ;., ,. rry on the Qovernmen
l"ll1. ' wrl , like an adverttsemcnl of ., oto foot
i,-: ';";';" "'"."?; ', :''"' ",' '"" l'"11' ' Ihousand
ih- a hole thia,; ls premature "
'''' ' '' :,: *' -X1 Whltnej of Hie Ilanhdor, l'?.
''??'? " ? ?><??? ifterncon hal be d7d noi ^>?
to ;o..u ._ Ihe Tariff bill wltbou more car ,
r-idi.;. lt was toing to help the i.??, , ... \- '
Compan! and New-England, and on g-?i?raf it''*
clples would exeri a favorable efl ii u-., ,
rt'e'y^tnl taaW Sf **" ^^^ta,
: ..." i win I- a dh- t benni ... \'.'v ." ?,
still, they break down the wholi i ..,, .',',",;
ultimately there will bo a reactton"' h'"""' ?'??'
ll!'A il" rUBCRAABA OP I'lttxr tlotus.
Call Ki\.r. Nov. '27 <K; cHal?.-Th.- ,?),- (|,,.(
mark"! baa advanced In price an Bight*) of a ..,,;'
i yard, owiag to an atradrdln iry porchaao by tba
At ii i-;. .a Printing Oompaay, af wbloh in^^
Pabyan a.- Os. aro tba New-Tork agtata After
ih- w-ekiy eioth stiitcmeiit v.as lassad BSturday it
became wh;-.p...i aboal among Bjuwufaoturera
md brokers that larflB sai.-i of gnada a rs ba>
Inw made on a basis BtttCb belier tl,iin ,h,. (|,?,;,.(1
?slea, it became known to-day thal t:,.- onerattona
fare Un |.I axteaalva uer known bera in a
'hort tuns. A half fl million pieces of Bt.n-arri
Bx8t -roods wen contracteJ for al . i.-..,.; centaand
? cents a yard, boob or uta contracts extenriinu
w f.?r bi April pf nexl year. Al tho Berne tu
Bo ton agents of thc company were burins: nd
ih-y succeeded lu placing ordrra for rood* in Th.'
'Xtent of 110,000 pieces. The combined i, ,, h . ? i
represent product of three wooka ot the mVnv
nilla in this div. The large salsa have ni.,, i
manufacturers and operators In aa un-vi,,',.,,,,...
B-cure position tor some months to com. aid
urandy tho prlcea of odd mabea have l_mn_dito
'yiu'-athy with those paid for regulara, ?ulJ-,'ei1 ?
how-jthe votes ix this county WEU1
BJE8JUL- oi'-TIII". LA ito;ls OB TIIF. BO\It*l OP C\N
VAssi'.iLs aa-xovajcpo.
Tho Aldermen, acting aa <"oiinty ranvaswra, yes
Unlay com;ileted their aantBSaB of the vote of New
York County nt tbs elect len of November |, Colonc
Oeotasj B. lld h Han. preaideat of the Hoard sf Al
di n ii-ii, and ci a I mian of the Hoard of four.ty Caa
raaaera, praosdod al the Baal Bwetlaa. Thc of
liciai ressll irae declared by Deputy Ooanty Clari
!'. .1. H. tilly from the tabal itel r-turns prepared li>
Jobs n. oatamleri asper* accountant, as follows:
?TAT! iMT"ii'i:its.
s. rotary af Stats Cid Beyer (Dem.), 147,874; Jobi
Palaser (Rep,), 81084; Joseph a. Ilusardua (Bro.). IBM
Daniel De Lesa (SOc.-f-ti*,), T.uT".; .lams Wright, (Pop.)
?ji::i: SafSBttve, SIS; bl-.ak, 1,088; total, -IJ. f>T.
t'ontrolW?Frank CBlBpfeeU il'-tn.). 117.ell: JflBBM A
ii -batta (Rea.), 80,188; Oscraa T. Chaster (Pro.), 2,8ii
JajBS I With, rs (S..e.I..it>.l. 7.-71; I>.? Mya S '".-ru (Pep.)
-,.'.'..i; defective, 888; lian.., 888; tMal, 843,888,
TiBSBiirir ?Ifagb Daffey CDeak), I474SB; Adaajoa D
.'.I'.in lit. p.). Ni.'.'7s; Wibi na lt. Hunt (Pro.), IMS
William r. Blast (Boc-Lab.), 7.77U; fraak ll. Paid)
(Pop.), 1.088; defective, IBl; blank. Wi. total, '2V2 -il."..
ntfwry Bairn al Blason w. BoaBBdala (Dem), 141781
ti... ,,i.? i:. Haaeecb (Rap.), 7\..ii; Kana C. Bngllst
Plo.), MSS; li. ..ii'!; n-nnetts (Soe.-Lab.), 7.sm
TlisiMini i:. srabiiBsn (pop.), 1484; SifaaUye, ?;.
bi.uik. 1,388: total, 341131
State i:n; in. r and Survsya-r^bttrtia Sehsoeh (Dem.),
IK..;..: ''.uaW-n w. .\.i un* IBep.), BASIS; Chi ??.
BuieBuj (Pro.), 1788; Chart** t. Wllsos (Soc.-Lah.), 7,883;
John Averil Wei .ter (Pen.), IBS); defective, "?"'->; blank,
Ml; lol il, 343,131
elate Judge of lbs Coon ... Appsala--Issae ii. May*
n,r.; (Dem.), i-'7.-.-:. Edward T. Bartlett (Rap.), PS.OBB;
Buai W, M'H.'ii (Pro), UBI; Prancif Qerau (Hoc-Lab.),
7,Tis, i,..i\i acs Jennala M rulla (Pup.), 8,884; dsfw ttvs,
71*3; tai ab, I.S70; lol it. 341.487.
Palaaslaa at I ergs to ConstBulloBal PrsiTanilon 8Bas
C. Beach, who baaded Um Deana Bc ticket sf Bftaaa
candidates, 117,438; i ..u il- Cboate, uiio beadsd Um
K.'i.ul lu ni ticket, 80,000; l.lnnlo ll. (irillin, nbs li-.. I-i
Um Socialist-Labor ticket, 8.088; PlsSailuk t. What ter.
nba beaded tba l-rohlbBlon taint. 8,888; ll-nry a. Ili'k*,
who beaded Um l*upulMt ticket, 8,177.
District ii.l.Kaus to tb- ConsUmUoaal Convention,
Vinli Senate District?William C. Wiiitncy, bead "f ticket
(tom >. 11187; Beary CUStea l!acUu?, bead uf ticket
lit. |el. '.?.'??"I.
Villili Sanata I'lstrlct?John lil-rcdiw, head of ticket
IT.iin I '2'-.27'.\. JOBBph rill.'l.in. ben 1 of ticket (Iti-p. I,
ixth Seaats Dsstrtct Joseph M. ni-.u.-:-. bead of Uckst
iT.uii i. HISS: I., psaard Stewart, bead of ticket iKe**.),
.\:ii Seaati Dtatrtct?OMcoa J. Tucker, hud of tirket
fl bi i. 81,017; Daniel <>. li. Hms, bead ot tiekst (Rap.),
lb BB
xitii Stnala rSBtrtct?Robert B. Dare, h. ad of Ucl t
(tom i. l.'f.t'-i: Boah Davis, bsed >.f Uckel (Sep.), 8.17L
xir.ii Stnati Wstriet?Nelsoa South, i id of Ucket
(Tam.i. h.ti3:i, lamed J- famptftll. bead el Ucket (Rep.),
Xllltli Sinalf District?Andrew II. OraSB, BM 1 Bf
ticket (Deas.), -Lin, William i;. SUgar, i. id of Ucket
(IU-jj ). 17.IUU.
XlVtli 0\ nuto District?Charlo* \V. Iiajin, bead of
tl. kel (Tans.), 18,718; Jeana ll. Kilh-li. .. I. ,1 . |
ti lot (Rep .. 11,841
XVi'i niel?Andrew C. "-"Mia, hi-aj of ticket
(tom >. 1.484; Winiam Sf. Niles, Jr., ho*d ot ticket (Rep.),
Vllth H-natf nutilit-Jljrtln T. Msafaboa (Tain). 18.
0~i, Ai. li.-I j. tami i.i-ii (Ree.), I0.8SS; Jain.-* ii. Davis
ir. ., SM; Juba Kasai ieioc.-i_b.j. is;, wniun. n
Monia (Pup ?, -?:.".. BssawUve, '?'. Mann, SSS; total, 88,880
vniti. Senate u,?tri.t-J Aa v. Abasia (tom ), 31814;
>1j\ Ores*, a.-i'.i, i.'.o.i. 'i in,, iii >? n. ii ?;: a ii':> >, .'.iii,
Deans Uadtt (Soa.-Leb.), 1,881; dafscUva, 113; wauk.
Sis, ;.a..l. 83, I'M
IXih Braill L: ul.' Tirjiotliy li. Siilllv^n iT.un ).
| ..ii. J ..;. : (Ri b.), 8.SS4; <i STrsy Daset
,r. i ...... august wu.1,..e., (Snc.-Leb.il IJSS; Bdward
r z.i.lia- .in .M. ii . i. -*j. Ssfi . (SB; i Ur.*, ?jon.
tot..I. BJJM
Xiii SlBall UBIllH' Bfaab A. O'Doanill IT.U1I ), 21 Ml;
PfrgaaBB il*.; l. i'i 187; Jobs ii .- iPi I -
Jwi.u Ila ? l-l I, SIS; Julia J. Daly iPos. |, 830;
j.'f". me. MS; t-Uak, li", telali 8S.41S
xitu I i...- Di uriel tomoo] B. u'..iir (Tsa-h 18,881;
ti. a...* V. Wsntwetth "Rae I, 8,887; SfUleM t. MtardsrsU
i , j.ii. Jaoab B. t'ltni (aecrbab.), Stf; 0 ?
pfltaar. i> ii'-i'i. mi, iisSHBu. ttl Mask, i'd. total,
.Milli Seaati M?!ilst-Tli .tai* i*. O'.Siuli'. .ia (Tani i.
- ? . if ix uram >i; . i. .'..ii"., June* s. w.
?, il ???: .. - . .-I.jli.I, "17m, Tita' Ml ;
n't il- j. .. i ? Bctlve, 42. Lui.*. 88; total, 18,881.
Kllllb 8 :. i . Di Ulat?Cbartea I- day (Tam.), .1 '^.i;
Abraham Oraber IBep.), 17,188; Bdwla V. hiui.i iPro.),
.. ii...a J. \\..li.r iS....-1-ib i. I 'it*; J?iia J. Kia.
U* a .. BBS; asfi ii... ">''.. H.m~. 811; laaal, 18,878.
XlVtb H Bau iMstrtei lacob A. cantor (Tass.), 18.BSB;
roluiabBS o, Jo'iri a inei i 11.881; Jami i P. Tibbltta
(Pi . i. iM J >.'in Jahm n*.: Lob i, MS; i i ah D. Pearn
il'..-,, i. .':'??'. -(? liva IS; M..:.k. B8; i.m. 8B.48S,
.Wm 8 Bala i'i-iii.t Aifi.i llsaaaa Itsrita fTSs*.),
ty, Boa ii :. (Ref .. 1.880; Clarseoo a.
: BIB . 8; talBBb, RBI I Bal, s.l."*o.
in iii- Mlowlas eely ratBiaa af un.ii.ute* ?ho polled
l ? . . . in al ran:
lal fasemMi i" '..i I Joba ii. ?? Vebalaga tTaa-l, ?'.
i . Hr.. ly ii:, p ..n l In I i. I HI
ni A.... rn!!' Dtstrl ? iii i..i.i J Ca .Lu., a (-hat), lt>.
i;. D . ?? ? 1.888
Hld A?,.mli!> I'l 'm.: laceb A. M.itnacht (Tua I. 7.
Bl; An li - .i J. M. QUBi y (Bi |. i. 1,781
iviii a.-nii.iy in ii-1 Patrick lt Bosba fTaas.li *?
;;7.'. Jane. A 1? -t,. .? ? :*. il:..I. I.TSf.
i/ib A ? DlairBM Samuel J Totot (Tami. B.SM;
? IS, UsBlic (Bap ), 1 *.'?:?
'.'Iii. AassBiMi Ulstn t Mei ? DlakelspM (Taa*.), M I
:'..u.'i. I i I.- ll !? ! (Rap i. 2 ol."
Vllth .'.s-.n.ily I*, .ul- r Jobs C, Stats (Tani). '..ICiI.
.....: iii.i. i><i:i,), ..'j;.'.. L'bariM Scbwtob (Rep.),
\ Illili A- rally I >>?? 11- i TbM I I ul' linell (Tam I,
ll .... Charil i l..i Maida iBap I. 8 888.
IXlb Ass-inlly i'lslfi. 1 John I'. McDsTIBOtl .Tan. I,
Ul i. Jans ? a. COwM iRi p I. ISM.
Xiii Assi-inl.lv liUlnei V. illi.un Hulrcr iTanu, U.I.'.T,
J. Henry Bsi her (Rep.), 2 rnvi.
Xlili A:.?.iiibi> liimirl Jiu.-.-* lt. r-'hetlleld (Itey i. ,'!. HU,
1".."!. rh .; ii. Mi ''I :? (Tsas.), ISM
x I li ti As. nu.i, iii.mi.i Bdward B. La Petra (Tiim.),
.".. i-i. John Brtta di. i' i. 1.57.'.
XIIHh Aa .ii.:iy District?Jamil ii. Bosthm rtb flss*.),
1.711. Willi.un .-- Wi,hi I,.,ns. ill, i. i, II, lilli.
XlVth Aiansbii District?Jana P. Corrtgaa .Tam.?,
8,8BB; i: ni ThocaaB (Rep.), 2.'2.'.i.
Wlli A . I> I-.. I-: Al. I|.li SChlUlagM' (Tum I,
8.811; Seth B Sba (Rep I, iota
XVllh \ i',il. M 'i.i li I r J. Dowling (Tam i,
1881; Jacob Kai las* r (Rap i. :.'."..''i.
XVUth .\: -in'iv Distrlci Patrick c. TralBor (Tami.
::.::?;i. Bobsrl Milli i .i- p I 8,184.
.winn, issessbir I'istii'i Daalal J- QI i*-n (Tami.
1.188; Wiiii.ni J, V.m l"lt I ll ?.
Sixth a. ?:... i> Distrtei i'stftek 1. Karriaaa (Tan-.),
I.M1; Bdarard lt Dugy IBep.), 1834.
xxi'i a mi i:ii.iv i-i url el Wiiii.mi il. Mn If bob (Tam).
1188; Assn Harry Stephen* (Bsp.), 1,481
\*.i ?: As .mil) ii, :i: i .-.:-. ? ii.m.i.m (Dani.), 1488;
Otto Irvine Wkm (Rep.), ISSI; Joba Braoka Las viii .ina.
|.. si .. ISSI
xml. a ?nilly Distrtei Micheal '?'. TeWa (Tam.,
I.i'.'.'l. Ilu..> >... Pags (Rep.), i.v.-.j.
xxiim ?'? i-mbj i-i ni i jua" ..n LewBoa (nen.), USS;
' ' :tni (Toto. i. :i.s.i7.
XX1VU i ? ...I., District Bobsrl V. BtaStfeM (Tam).
i ::,i,. i :...!...? . Lues iBsp I, I486.
XXVtb a. mUi Dlstricl Joba galihar (Tass.), IBM;
?..?,.!?. r.. m.-i.y iRsp.1, i..;n;, ii,u?.,u n, ,,. xiuUur
? 1 ri. i. I".-i.i '. kSBS.
XXVHh AssriShit Dtstrlei UooB DavMsaa (Tank)
4,00-'. Stired A rora | IBep.), I 843,
XXVIIth a ..ii, DMtricl Th-man li. i;,..mi,
(flop .. t BM; i- ?,. p, v,, ,. | , (Tan*.), i.:.,-,
XAVIlllli Asmi.,,1, District I,on.:. I'. 1;. l.ly (tam.),
?? MB; J 'I'll PlIM '??'id (1(4 ;, |. |,us.
xxixih -*?-? mii> Distnci Ait-i..! c Daua fTarar).
o.l'iti, BsSMMi H|.|.. lid. ii,i.-i .:'.,,.,, J.7.-.-,.
KXXth ABBBBiMy IM-stlci Cbartes ?. Kania (Tas_),
M8lj 'I"????'? "?' \.-l"U; .!: pi, -.'..Iss.
Crn A.'.li I'olN'n i.,'l',.|.Ki(.
julie- of Um Cowl of Common ri .... MBaa Basab
(I...HI. ii7.:>?;>. m.,-uni.r >'. AaVtonu (Rep.), HMM;
Cbartea B. Maalerni iPm.), :>ii, baa Bsaaetl Oho..
I. -), *,flU; il'fnliv.', |g); II.1..U, ;iii;,.|, h)U|) m|,fgl,
JsmUbbS ??< Hi" CBS 1*001*1 -Julius *|. lili?i,?.,ns .lanii,
147.017; I.-.its J. i'..iii.ui iT.r.i.i. 140,804; B'llllan) M. ll.
tXeoti 'll'.''- s:'.li.".. Jobs f/C?Bmst] IRsp.), lO.SOH;
?'--" I '? MaalstTB iPra), j.-...?. Jsjbbi ii. baird iPra.),
ISOOi lin... n K. Th lab.), 1018; Henry I'mii
liv." -1.1.1.. I, l,SM| M li I-. Al'iiioo.ll (Pop.), ?.'..V.J. IBs
arasIM ibertalfl (Pea.), 'J.KiJ: ikfeetlve, ni: kaaak,
i ;-;,, i-i ii, i>."i.i:7_.
Barrogata Jaha H. v. Arson] (Tam.), 117..vc, \v:in..ia
lt Townley (nen.), SASH; Th.uni,. Drss Ststsea (Pro.),
?.7i;i: riiiiis Pnuu ,;;,?. _Ll.t ,_ S._?P1| u ill)1|r .^i.it ls u
il'.,..i. 1488; '?"(.. to.'. MSj i.iaii:.. I.8S8; total, 841881
''?'Hr 1,.1 Bf lin ''ny .,( Msw-Torh A.lil.-I I'. Kilili
(Tami. it7.aa?, Hsary c Boblasaa (Ras>), M.S0T;
PraSarleb C. Alhrashi (Pas,), -_*.?i7':. Taaogara nun IRoe..
I-' '. lf*?*i II. Al. a ;.;?,;,. 1 ,(',,;, ,, ?;.-,,,(, ,|,r...l|l,..
31.*., Mash, I '-'?".". t .tal. 841,40),
liii-riir ''iiitiis m. ciaaey (Tam), laaJOS) Thntaaa I*.
IU111111..11 iit'i'?. S|, mn. wini.un Satan iii-1. 1S90|
i,.iiiii.i .i.....i.;..ii is,,'.-1,1,1,1, his;); joba lleags-rtytPsp.),
|JSS; iafsitise, 888; bbiab, l.tS8i total, -i-'i-n
Di*trici-Atlora?i-jyhn R. Pulliw-i ftomj, IHMli
CbSiim H. Murray in<-iO, 81.fl.-iS; Atkinson Seh-mmbor
(PBS.), L'.7i^; IIfiuar.1 I^.lkam (SSB-Lab), 8.0l>2; Thomii
J. Sandford ll'oii.l, '?..?,3*.; .i,.fwt|ie, 411; blank. 2.0TK
t--t.it. tll.BJII
(*oroasiS MSaarsI T. Fitzpatrick (Tam.), URABti wu
lam ii. ii.ii.tis (Tam.i, I4BJJV3; Bsbsrt P. Wm* m.-p.
bo.tivi; Poler ii. m.tDoaald (Baa.). 88^188,
I'.ir Civil Justice UM Mlearlsg candidates were-declarc
.1 tedi
l-l Judi, lal IHiitrli-t, Wauhi.pe Lynn (Tam); lld. Mei
man Baits (Tass.); ind. William P. Mooes (Tam.): lvu
doorga 1*. H.M.H'h (Tam.); Viii, Henry M. flalflfSgl
(Tam.I; Villi, l.'.iail 1'. Martin (Tam.): Vllih. John I
M. Kian (Tain.); VHUh, Juirph II. Stlner (Tain.); IXtl
J. ..|.ii I'. Tallon (Tam.); Uti*, Jun)'-'* A. o'Gorm;'.
CoBBBlsalOOar of Street Improvement* for tin- Tn. ali
third and Tiv.-nty-f.Hirth Wards?U>ul? 1*. HaflTaO (Tain,
ti.si'.i; rJaosga PT. Staphaaa (!>;>.), 4,'iVi; Cyras PreM
(Pro,), IBS; Joba li. SToldebaS (Ses.-Leb.), 8M; Charl.
Barghardt (Pod.), 117; detective, J-, tunk, ii, tutu.
MIks Martha |f( Nully hSS IxigBB) B suit in the !"u
promo court lo reenser Iio.ixjij from Bdwsnl J. Wool
a >? ami for ;in geconattag af tba Batata of her aunt
Mrs. Stalls P. WooBBB*, who was Mr. H'oolsey'i
mother, Mrs. Woolsay Riot) ob November 'i>>, Upi
I. IVing a large Batata. ffdWBld .J. Woolscy am
Judge Joba R, Brndp, of the supreme Curt, graft
appotatod OXaoutorS SSel administrators, unJei
In r Mill. .Iiiii),!' Brady ta now demi. Mr3. Woolscj
dlraoted that ber eau tutors should iii.--j..,s.- of hei
real .stat.', pay ber debta and the b't-acics umici
tba v.ill. TIl- sum of WBJRB was to be invested foi
the marni, nanci' of ber grBBdSQBS- QeoflS M. am
Bdarsid J. Wooiaey, ffaaay s. Woolaan, who wa:
theo Mr. Woolsey'a wife, was to reeaiira tiu.ooo ir
lieu of dower. Ann.nt other bOQU. nts svas one ol
gir.,i^jt? to Miss MeNulty, who luu) liv'( 1 with Mrs
WoOlsey for about tea year; before her death. Mr
Wooiaey waa the residuary legatee.
Miss MeNulty says that Mr. Wools, y has sok
part of th.' real estate ur. i mortgaged part of li
and has appropriated to himself tba proceeds ir
violation ot tbe trust Imposed on him ny the will
She also says that thora ls still I'.'al estate belong
lng to tho estate unsold, Including property al
Lexlngton-ave. and Twenty-aecond-at., ano also gi
Seventy-fourth-st. and Wes! I'nd-ave., besides prop'
erty In Queena County. Miss MeNulty says thai
bi r legacy has not been paid, and that IBtiOSS UH
court intervenes thete la danger that her seeurlti
will be dis troy ?d. She therefor! asks that Mr
Wo Isey ba 'ompelled to Bell some of the remain?
ing real estate ami pay to lier i!.'>,ij'.j from tt-e pro?
Mr. Wooiaey la a member of tho i'nlon, Mas
batten .-.ni i.uni../ clubs, and ls reputes to bc
,i millionaire. Mia wife, Penny ci. Wooiaey, whom
he married in l!>70, obtained aa absolute divorce
from lum about a yaat ago. Mr. Woolsey math;
counter-charges naming Frank IC. Bturgis, prsal
deni of tin- Block Exchange, aa co-respondent Mrs.
Wooiaey baa since then manie l Edward N. Pedal
iord. of Baltimore. Mr. Wooiaey hus also married
BOB REIVRIfSI) io xiii". ollEilll'"..
Mrs. Russell BaadarsOB was not to be found In
her apartinenta at tba it Marc Hotel, Thirty
nlnth-st. and Fifth-ave., yesterday uftirnooti. In
Ihe hot 1 oiliec they could not say whether or not
she had b'ouu out. They presumed that she had.
Mr. an.l Mts. i'usscll Henderson have occupied a
suite of rooms at thc St. Maro for nearly tour
years. Mr. Weldon, proprietor of the house, said
that BB lia 1 ii t intel i Bled himself In Mrs. H-.-n
dersSB's affairs las always paid sar hotel bins,
and further than that he was not concert...!. He
li J sal ?? BB Mrs. Henderson for ov.r two BOths;
bul that w-a not unusual, for tb BIS WSte some
gU ? of the hotel bS never uaw at all.
Mr. Walden said that, so far us he km w, there
ha I ba n BO one SI lh0 hotel to serve papers on
Airs. Henderson, if there hal been, whoever it
in ? I..i i 1... :i treated us any other caller would
be. Many cards Iud been sent up to Mrs. Hen*
derson, out Mr. Walden did not know whether she
rei ?Illili' or not.
un application of counsel for Mr. Hals, y, Judge
Ehrlich, of the City Court, yaaterday extended the
tina lu whii h the rfheritf may Bsrva the warrant
for contempt ot court upon Mrs. Henderson until
1> -.'.-iii.. .? '.i
Judge PttBabnona said yesterday that the aast
proceeding In case the Sherm was not able to ar?
rest Mrs Henderson would he to Issue a warrant
(or .-rlmlu.il contempt, on which ihe .Sheriff's otlicer
could br. ..k Into hi-r room to arrest her.
Deputy .?sheriff Wainering, who with other depu?
tes has bet b isohing unsuooessfBlty for u week to
i a uni in supplementary proceedings against
Un Henderson M tbs Ht Mire, yesterday re
tumed tbe process t.? the Sheriff, aita Hie indorse?
ment "nut lound."
iii: will thy tm: casi: in DOUBT.
jrrrjGB rui.n.M \:; WILL .sor rr..' nir. \*AltKi'.N"
DIVOBCI SVIff 00 TO A I'l'ri'HT'.l". ^_
Howe k llumm.l. In behalf of Minnie C. Warren,
??ked Juke Fr.'.lilian of tl..- BSBSl rlor Court yes
t.i lay for iso a month al.ni'ny and counsel fees
lu the suit which she has brought afe-alnst her
husband, Lysine i:. Warren, a member of tbs
law Brm Of lMl.ner, Boothby tc Warren. Thc BS*
respoadeal named by Mra Warrea bi I.lilyan i>.
Dani la, . tb rwlaa known aa Ltilyaa smith. Abbott
and Beerdslty, and also as Donna Madissa
Mr. and Mrs. Warren uer-- married on January :i.
' - ri:, i i Derated September M, UN. Since then
Mr. Warren his been (Stying hta alfa ?*?? a mouth
for li i -uppoit. Mrs. Wallen says that lur li.i.*.
basd ha- ni annual Income of *7.ouo.
li. c. lirtgss counsel for Mr. Warren, rasa lead
permlssi n to band la papata la opposition, laying
Hi it the idld.ivits were i.ot i i. li as should be read
ni open court. Neither Mr. Drtggs nor Mr. Warren
would dlaciuu tb cnaa li la understood thai thc
affidavit* referred to mention tm nam ?- of nett
knoe u |x ..pie.
.lu.ii:.' freedman refuaed t" send tin- case to a
referee Hu mid lt could be triad nulckly in court
Mis decision ia this respect caused considerable
comm*.ni in view i.r the nany esp-reaatona toerhlch
the Judge has given, uttarancs while tryini tba
Hates case that such actions should be sent to
referees and tba proceedings kepi private.
Till' ?tn.BEMI n'l'l'.T IdsMIsisES TUK kttBAL
Waeblngton. Nov. ti.?The Suprem.- Court of the
United States to-day, in aa oputioa read by CMef
Ju-tin- Fuller, dismissed the appeal of Janus Len?
non from th.- Judi-imnt of the flrcult Court of the
United Stut.-s for UM Northern Dlstrlat of Dhlo.
This was the ease growlag out of the famous strike
last aprtag "ti the Tel .lo and Ann Arbor Huilroad.
Tue Laka Shore Company procured a Rail?
road order from tba Dletrlci court p-rablb
(ting Itt ei.ipioyes from rif.lstntr to handle
freight ears COBaigni I to its road from
the Ann Arbor road Lennon was a Lake
Bhore engineer, and refused t.. haul his train be?
cause it contained ooma Ann Arbor ears He was
arreatcd "ii a charge of contempt of court, and
Judge kl Ki Dm i hun SSS. Ha petitioned the Cir
? ill Court for bia release upon ? writ of habeas
corpus, whlcb waa denied, ead h>- therespoa ap
p iled to the Supreme Court "i the United state;-.
Chief J us tics V'uii.r mid thal the casa did not
come within the provisions nf thc fifth section of
Hi.' Circuit Court of Appeals, Acl of March d, 1881,
the clauses th. rem provided for being alone those
in which appeals (foin habeas corpus decisions will
Ile. No eoiistiimioii.il or iiirisiii. (i.m.il questions for
tin. royle* of tin- Supreme Court of the Cnlt'd
Mutes were Invi Ived, Chief Justice Puller said, and
under the Judgment ol tba court in tba case of
Case] at-aliisi ins Houston and Texas Central Hull
v. ii, ..nu.i.meed lWo Weeks SgO, thu aiiiie.il would
i e di missed,
thi: BEAMAN wii.i. -casi: nut yi:t OVKR,
-fha Beaman win sass- like Tsanysoa'a brook, bids
f.ur to go on forayer. Everybody, except perhaps
ii... plaintiff, Pater .shute, and his cosasel, thought
ti.. |oag-drawn-out proeesdlnga would come to un
end yeatcrday. Judfo Pattersop intimated last
I'ril.iy that hit patience was nearly exhausted.
Hut lt appeared that there WU more testimony to
be takea.
JaBBM nattery, a UHisser In Mrs. Seam,in's ser?
vice, j.al.l he tbOBgbl that Mrs. .*-i'.iin.ui was lr
ratlonal al times. Ons mason wbtob bo gava for
this belief was thal Mrs. Seaman did not want to
hire him tba iirst time he applied rm- a situation.
ll- h. ard h.r say once whlli BIM lins in the 0OUB
(ry: "What a nice place 1 have lo bury my cats
an i dogs!"
Ur. Scudder, whoas wife was a first renata to
Mrs. Beaman, was Mrs. Bea ma n's physician be?
tween IBU and w. ile said that Mrs. Seamen did
ii,ii hu...', kim onie when bs called upon lur. He
ihoii'lit that her mind wis affect, d. The case will
Ko on to-day. _ _
BITS Off i.r.'i.w. m:\vs.
a Bastien free aabmlttad bj Jaaga ffrsedaMa yasurday
f,.r allin..ny uni BBUBBll Isea bl Ike suit for limiwd ,||
rorea broaabl by Anni'- Ooob -iB**'r-i AsgBfltea Obsfe, a
eumedisn la DaaM l*relaaaa'B miapaay, a-bleb i? n..w
playtaa ." ibi Lyeseai Tbaalsa. Tba purnim- mys ??.?
ii is Niioii.'.i io i'....k iii i'l-.. Manas, it. i., m BPI, sad
Hint Ike il-'i'.ti lum liss BB CO BM in:,nant.-.I nilli Kvelyn
1? Hull, ii foi in. r sliilt nt ut tin- I.) r.uni 1hI|....| ..f
\ inn- Mr. cook a.in.! ibal ba b Btarriad ia th*
i.i ustur.
.iel,,.- ins-rahani u*{ daoidad, after a eaaaaltatlaa ?*"?>
judga van liiiiui. th..i nie.-., b rsseaaabhi soabi sbBhsi
lh. .'.uni, n.ni .,f M.iiiii. ii I". PBl|y, iii" .'\-ioiinilsmun.
IU|| iii Hi.- motlier of Muitii- lliinii.ia Brill bS *i>?
Ultiod by .Hw Cona ot A|ii?.al* Ul Bald yesUiiUjv that
g s certlfU-nte ahould be Issuec" after Dally was In cuatoaB.
? He ls now out on $3,000 hall. **?""****>
; . Judse lleaoh. of the Supreme Curt, ha* appointed Joba
! Delahunty, Thoma* 8. Hubert eon an.l Theodore 8 S,nw_
- j commlaaloners to Inquire |/tto (he unity of Ur*. Lavinia
. , A. VortB, eiBhty oar* old, who live* at the nous
i Hrun?wlok. The Droccedln-;* have l**n be-run at Hm
i reou??t af BliaitSJi, a. Cock, of MalnCi-M. .v. j 1
| cou*ln of Mm. Vorl*. The only other relative* are Uta*"
. ; Victorine La l*hal*o.I5urK.'ous. ?>,, married a natlvToT
, Sallmiliali Hr. Hane-a r. co?t. 0r thi. .uy: l:u*?. ,
f ; I'amons. of Mtchllel-1, Conn., and William K. ('otk -f
? j riainncu. "? m
I Edward J. 8hea ha? begun suit against Ur. \Vlll|_m r,
. , Hell to recolor SSM88 for th.- ali. nation of hi* wiriri
aasetiOas Mrs. Shea secured a limited divorce from har
bsaasad In Feritomber. Mr. 8h.i chargta that she was
Induced lo prose, ute him by Dr. Ikdl.
IMirnrd J. Ssas, Jr.. secured a verdict yesterday In tba
Supreme Court of lia.,-**! again.-t the I?n? Island FUI1
r...id Company mt Injuries caused l,y th.- explosion or
.lie of lt* locomotive*. A piece of the boiler struck bm
kine, c.-iu?lng the. Injurl. s.
Albany. Nov. 27.-The Court of A-ipeala convened to-day
aii of the fsaasa sen present, ladas Mm san mm,.!
hU usual Boat on the bench. A ?core of lawyer* wera
present when the motion calendar waa called, amoas
Ci. rn l-clng James C. Carter, of Nea>York. Among Um
null.ns In ard BTSBBI
Eugene Kelly, app. Nant. agt. Jay Gould and othera
Order granted reviving and cat.nuing the action la tbe
nair.es of Oeorge J. Gould and others a* executor*, se
defendants In place of Jay QbSSS, deceased.
Julius RSBSllB agt. Hie National St.amnhlp Compaay,
appell.ini. Motion for r.-argum. ni; submitted.
Jennie Mit. hell Mt the BSBMaay OBd Seventh AveOBB
BeSeeed <"?mpany. appellant. Motion to dlsmUs appeal.
Asss-Bg BM appeals from orders which were heard mm
In the matter of the Inli. rlun. .? taxes under the wig
of John Knoedler, lt..land F. Knoedler and other MO
William E. Hlr.n. appellant, Aft, Cora 8. Sinn.
Dirck Dodi.' agt. Manhattan Hallway Company and in
otlier. r.pp'llants.
William E. Smith agl. I.ydi.i S. ll >? 1, ap;ellam.
The Court will probably adjourn over Thanksglwng Day
from Wednesday af this Week until next Monda;-. Tbs
day calendar for to-morrow ls: "soi. '1, ia, oyy, it ja
00, 7u and 71.
corni* c.u.KNOAus Eon to-day.
Supreme Curt-O.-n.-ial Term-ib-cess continued.
Supreme Court?Chambers?Before Beach, J ?1
calendar call.-.! at ll a. m.
Bu-MTBBM Court Spacial Term-Part I-Hefore DarrotL J
?Kl.'vated railroad cobbs H "
Supreme Court- Special Term-l'art II-Hefore haSSbSS
J.?Elevated railroad cose. *??---*
Circuit Court?Hart III?Before Pattsraos, J.-Nos wa)
1687, lyra 818, USS, UAH, Hr...". loisi. ,(?;. 111-3' |_B
law, isis, i.i'o, lassH, Ibm, van;, bbs, 27s:' ' ?
Circuit Court?Fart I?Heinle Andrews, J.?Cases from
Part III. ^^
'ii.ult Court-Part II-lief..re Lawrence, J.-Cases froa
<i!.it (Virt-l'art IV?Hef.-re Truax, J.-Canes from
Common Plmi flioirsl Term?Adjourned until Deceau
l? ri
Common I'leaa?Special Term?Uefore Eookstaver, J,?
CoSBbSbB Pl. as?Trill Term?Part I?BasaM Glefrerlch J
-Nos. MHB, 1814, laos, 18, l_TO, 1838, ti'..j, -JU i'{_,'
l.-*U'J. Hw. 1171. 8880, l-iw. 1.1111. ?
i*..mm..n fleas?General -Term?Parts ll and ni-vd.
Journe.1 for lbs lana.
Superior Court?Special Term?Before Freedman. J.?
Superior Court-Equity Tiri DafeiB McAdam, J.-Noa.
BIM, Cu", r.'.is MB), Sa), 881, 80S,
Superior Court?Trial Tcrm-1'aru I, II ani IIl-Ad
Jouine.l I. r the tenn.
Surrpjrate'i C. un Trial Term?No calendar.
Serrogate'i Couti Cbambera llefura ntaasraM, s.?
Motion calendar culled at ll o'clock. For probate: Wills
of Andrew Batter, Michael Heatly, ll-psi-eth C Shaw,
Hubert Bloomer, Salina A. Carroll. Garret I'. Eyde, ker.
Miry M'Allin), Joliann r':l"del, James ii. Crosby, Babette
('.afire. Ja. ob Sliuhl, K. E. Wynk<*-p, Michael Crows,
lo Jo u. m.
City Court?General Term?Adjourned for the terra.
("tty C'ourt-.-ptLial lenii?Ettore t lUsluioii*. J.-Mo?
City Coort-Trlal T.rm-Parts I, II, III and IV-Ad.
Journed for tbs tana.
Court "f General BlBBtoBB PflTt I-Ref ore Smyth. H.,
and Assistant District-Attorney Bradley?Noa. 1 to 20, le*
Court of Qsnarsl Sssbbobi -Part II?Besom Martine. j.,'
..ii l Assistant UMtltct-Attorasy Week*?No*. 1 to 28,
Court >.f Oeaersl Beaatoos?Part III-lief,re Fitzgerald,
J., and AlBlllBfll Distrkt-Attoraey Townsend-No*. 1 ut
ii. inclusive.
EY HEB n.Mi'Eovr::'. AT VTAOK.
lOnnst BJeirum. a w.althy retire 1 \> w-Vorb
wine merchant, llvln* al Nyack, narrowly escaped
lo.sln^ over Il'.Oix) in dlamunds. jewelry and caih
Bim lay afternoon. Whil" Mr. i.jeeruin and his wife
were out driving a dlaboaeet servant at their
country place secured that amount of booty by
breaking open drawers and boxes and fled.
Bbs then hired David I). Hmlth, un old man who
keeps a little store on the liol kiln;.i Dake road, ta
drive lur to Valley Cottage Station, on the Weet
Shore Kallroad. Tho uasnspecUng Smith a-rreed,
and he and the woman wen- soon hurrying to tue
depot. Meantime Mr. Bleeram aad ht.s wife re?
turned and discovered the theft and the absence
of their trusted servant. Mr. HJeerum at once
lieut a mau to Xyack station to head lier off, and
drove to Valley Cottage himself.
Mr. BJeerlim. Mr. Smith and the runaway woman
ranched VsUey Cottage station at the -am" time.
She Haw her pursti. r and Jtimp-l from Mr. Smith a
still moving wagoo, wimont Blooping '? sab shat
bia ebsrgea SOW f"r transportation of herself and
bl :' pjuader. Thea tko ran, more swiftly than,
gracefully, tbrdwing away a ,.air ol valuable brace
Iota and other Jewelry. She was soon captured by
Mr. HJeenim, arrested, and sent to New-City Jail.
The Woman will have u hearing to-day before
JuJtlce Ackerson. at IMckland Lake. All the
utoleii property was recovered. It Included (ive
watches uni some valuable diamonds.
It appears as If the posted ticket at the Real
Eftati- i:\rhango for the election of December ll
would meet with some opposition. The selection
by the Nominating Committee, of real estate men
only, aeaaaa to have gbrea amarata la some of
the r.ier.ili'rs. v. ho think that all classes of tho
BtoehhoMera should bs represented <>n the ixiard.
and nol simply those engaged la tin- real estate
business Some of fl. W. Luystcr-fl friends Intend
to nm him on a separate ticket Mr. Luyeter ta
not a candidate and does not solicit election, but
If re-elected, would serve.
Ender th.- cumulative system of voting, ablon
was abolished by the taara of lk'jc. and re-enacted
In l-.C the nun BOOOOrtlng Mr Luyster can east
all their votes for Him, and there ls no doubt of
bia re-election. _
This city has now acquired the title to the sits
once occupied by the old armory of the 2^d Regi?
ment in West Fourteeiith-st. It is understood that
much of the property was promptly purchased by
the city but some condemnation proceedings and
satisfactory settlemesta with minors who Brets in
|. rested In the estate CBBSed a delay to the new
adjustment of own.:ship.
President B P. Harker, of th<* Armory Hoard,
yesterday said that at th- last meeting of tile
board notices were issn.si authorizing the prepara?
tion of archltectiir.il plans, other raguUtioBa were
passed for the construction of the new arni, ry of
tin* nth Kgbneat, ulalah is to occupy the old ground
of Hie 2Sd Regiment.
Huron. 8. FA* Nov. 27.?Experts have succeeded
In placing an elbow on the standpipe of the I'.is loo
artesian well, which has been throwing an Im?
mense column of water eighty feet in thc air for
the las! tWO we.-ks. thus directing the (low Into
ditches dug to carry it Into tbs riv. r and ?.re?
lenting forth, r danial*.' U crops on tba .ow luiida
in th.- vicinity of the well. KsBxeseatstivIS Of a
Chicago manufacturing company and captUllstfl
fruin Minneapolis and Winona are tryliiB to K'et
noss, .-sion of the well, and ii their aegotbttioaS
prove successful lt will be med for power par
The following letter han beni sent to J. B.
bfcBlfatrlck m bsBB, architect.-, by the directors of
tba Metropolitan Dpera and Heal Batata Company:
The Bo'rd of Mn-tors o.' til" Me'.r..|ioir.Jti OCBII id
it.-iii l*itar UaaajBay have sbbsSbJ mau sSBsm t' Biam
um baa ii.u.ii Bag bbsbbsIbBi your tatt ana BBBaasa
sl.oAii iii MM alt'iatiii. ant i-palr* t? bm Melr.'i* MM
opera Ifoaao, and il.ev i.iijiiIi: ouely \oU )M U'lr lliaiis*
a.il the l ;i|.,ueclul oa o" BM | "1 B9?S SSB ISSI 1"**di
and tm. pio.i il.i'ss with whlcli it Ua? b.c. SSBBjM d.
Tho funeral of George Kemp, the well-knowa
wholesale druggist and reul Bataba Owner, was held
yesterday at Kt. Hartholomew's Church, the Kev.
Dr. David H. Ureer iimc-tatlng The pallbeareie
were Frederic ft t'oudert. .lames II. Watson. Cyrus
Clark, C.. lt. Smith, William H. Tallman, L"or-wlhlS
Vanderbilt, Q. O. William*. Oeorge A. 'Il'\^'-'l'm
joseph Larooque, William ll. Appleton. H. u Mor?
ris, W. ll. Butterworth, Dr. s A. Mam and Amma
Bf. While. The burial will be In Trinity ("-etnewry.
??. , s>-??
The New-York Commandery of the Military Or?
der uf Loyal Legion will depart from U? usual
custom in bevtas, Its OotmttatjaMorm Tues
day. instead or Wednesday aV?Blg. "? _m_jR
Tha' principal fssturs of tba "**W0g gXL
follows th.* dinner wlll.be a paper rea au i
gln-er-ln-Cnlef Oeorge W. Mtlvi le.of thc "sasy, oa
"The Hetreat from the Jeannette.
It ts reported In Army circles that legislative
eetioa la lo be asked early In the coming SaasjM
sf Obbstsss to authorial the |trcUa*j I?' *hen.\0B'
ton Krupp gun. which attracted so inch at tnnuon
Rt the World :? Fair nt Chicago. IfcorWioro.
port, lt la proposi-d to erect this n*i*inmo'!\ >^? "il
Sandy Iloob for uae lo the defence ot N?w-?ore

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