OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, December 03, 1893, Image 13

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1893-12-03/ed-1/seq-13/

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PACES 13 TO 24.
part n.
DEC. 3,1893.
Monday, Dim-. 4, will offer decided
inducements in
fopy tAOBmr'f
Including Hi*' following:
|)lain Satins ani)
Jtoufliij Silk.,
9P- $M5, and |,93 yd.
rejfiilar prices, $1.45 to $;..7.,>.
Ititi) Parisian
press (.rimminas,
for Evening and Street Wear,
75c- $I,I0, 1,65, 2,10 yd
regular prices, $..."JO to $6.75.
Panama Don Sacking,
_>0 inches wide, in jet black, navy,
and other colors,
regular price, $1.2.).
1811) St., 19th St. and Sixth Ave.
for the Parlor, Bedroom. Dressing Room,
Library or Hall, call and see the Great
Bargains offered at the Closing-Out Sale
of Brookway & Co.'s Bankrupt Stock at
39-41 W. 23d St. opposite Stern Bros.).
A rare chaine to buy any -.ingle
annie of I .mi it ii rt* lor home une or
for a ChriMinas l?i-*s?*i_t.
As the store tnnst br vacated in
a few days, an absolute and ti nick
clearance is imjieratice. Terms
strictly cash.
HOW MDCKU-Sfl W!>ril'.\ oitl'iw.s ASSUMED
OQM1-IOL ul \ i'l \i ?' i Vi i\ki
Canon City, Col.. Dor. - Grea1 excitement has
been caused by thc Hidden capture <d thc peni?
tentiary .shortly titer mMnlghl by B. J Toy, who
last trading received Hw appointment m warden
from Governor Waite. Toy had ooma from Denver
by tnp first train, arriving bera at l_M a. m. He
"-as met by es-Dtpvly -Bence, aon-ln-law of the
Governor, who was removed by Ward* n .M. !.?
this week, accompanied t>y an employe "t the
prison, who ha i permlaakMi to ba absent until a.
late hour. Healthily approaching tba prison, the
employe Rave tba proper algnal and tlr* outer door
-as open*-1 tot hil a Imiaali n. All three aprang In,
covering Um g_u_i and dlaarmlng them. Tba In?
ner Kat** was pass**- In Ihe tame way. Bence waa
then recognized and ordered out, but be exhibited
anew appointment aa deputy, signed by Toy, who
In turn presented his <>?" credentlala.
Guards who had become alarmed by th.- display
of fir.-arms began blowing the al .rm whistle, and
Molester v.a* awakened. As he stepped OUl '>f
his bedroom he wai ordered to leave t!i<- penlten
tiary groundi at oi. He ask.d permission to ko
to the orrie and arrange his papen, bm thal wa*
refused. With a ir.ntiMo each aide ol him the de?
posed warden *.*.as conducted to the outer gate and
ordered to depart Toy and Bence are now in eu
preme control, denying admission ;<> _1I comers
Under n<> pretext can any one ae< ure entrance. The
usual labor ol th*- convict* up n the Kreat Mate
ditch wa* auapended this morning, aa the Kates
would have t., be opened to Iel the laborers out.
tocl-ester ls still here, and says that ba will re?
capture the place from which ba was so uncere?
moniously ousted. %
St. Louts. Dec. 2?Seventeen switchmen In the
Louisville nnd Nashville yards at Ivist St. I/OUis
Btruek last evening becauee of the failure of the
road to restore the recent reduction. The men went
out without orders from headquarters, and the
atrike will not extend.
Washington, Dec. 2.-The north wing of the Cap?
itol BulldinK looked like the Ice Palace of Ht.
Petersburg this morning. Early In the morning,
while the thermometer was still suffering from the
knockdown blow given to lt by the northwest wind
laat night, somebody conceived the Idea of w.isli
ing off the outside of the building. A lire engine
was sent for, and walls and porticos were thor?
oughly drenched. Of course the water froze as lt
fell, and the walls and steps were soon covered
with a coating of ice. The water ran down and
covered the terraces and approach to the building
With Ice also, and the whole place resembled a
abating rink, lt was necessary to sprinkle saw
wat around tha approachea. and with tha aluah,
B. Allman & Ci,
On Monday, Dec. 4.
Alaska Seal Coats,
I 178.
Persian Lamb Coats,
These garments are newly
made up, in latest styles, good
quality, full umbrella skirts,
extra large sleeves.
Full Circular Capes, $co nfl
Mink, 24 inches long, W 01W U
Astrakhan. 22 " '< |9i_.0
Mink Neck Scarfs, U i ? <3
Mink Muffs, Ui75
Alaska Sable Muffs, UiOO
18th St., 19th St., and Sixth Ave.
sawdust and water the north front was In ? ?
Navigation waa difficult, and rn veral Renal -i .
vainly attempting t.i make pori on different tacks,
w.-re finally compelled tu stand away tor the cen?
tral entrance, where tte- channel araa clearer.
Eagles are rare Mi ls In this part of the ...
and it is two years cr more Since Tire Tribune re?
corded the shooting of on.- on darrell Rock, which
overlooks Paterson, N. .1. it was then i ?n
so phenomenal that tin- fortunate hum
tin- wounded hird in Paters..ti, and mad. ct I
able mon. \ then l.v. Til.- rapid grown, of I"
sale Count*, has m;e|.- p)\ m dd hi- la th?
rew remaining hits of woodland, hut on Ttl
another eagle was shot near Passaic hy ' I
Pilling, who, though only eighteen yean old, I ?
-.i shot.
1'llling lives with his father on thi* Otto Cir;
Just outside the city of Passaic. He saw a large
hird circling in the alt near th- otto Kt
well-directed shot brough I the hud down, an*, it
dieri almost Instantly. Though extrenv
it waa a tin-- specimen ol a gray eagle, whlcl
years ago, was no uncommon hird in tin- northern
New-Jersey w.ls. The Mrd'i body meagured
twenty-two Inehes. and the tin- wings, when spf I
out. measure*- sixty-four inches from tip to tip.
Salem. Mas*.. I. - <'la- m- Mot ,d, v. ,,-.-lyim*
? l ,,f tll. sal. m Ravings Hank, disappeared to
,,Kor some time the ,ll,e,t?r* of th- hank have
suspeeted tha. Hf. Murphys aCCOtUt. ?^???
what irregular. Murphy was rjaeenoned bj Ott
^ ol}1,,a,s this rn,, nu.g relative to ,,,nes,,n ?
,.ks To their a-etrtlOn? he made evasive a.
sw,rs A few moment*- later ba anton*- th- ppji
am."hen walk,. OUl of the doors Not coming
-,.,.k. the officials loobed ta tba aafb. A barty i ?* ?
i-_< ih.< fut that a package ro ntainlllr.
gatton reveal ed th*sra* n ? ^formed and a
*M> Z** .".mi midefor Murphy Mund,;.- was well
?earch is h. ring na ?*, ,, , Mceuen, reputation
known rn sal. '?;',,,,,. ,.,,,,,.1 areal surnrUK
V'" !!.'-*!_.'-. wor-t OB the hooks of th- Lank
Experts are at worn boarding-house on Fed
-?ral-st.. lt was ""^^ .nd Mkw- -or Mnu Mut
ser-ger ?lled atth. i; .u,
,,hy. Mrs Mun- >,'?.?. ,,m.k..,, up her trunk and
.7,g.h.tthousm 1 I ???<? ,hal ??* Murphy, who
?ft the Jjouae. m ?? h u. dresmng In a man
l"'^r,???#r-'iy beyond her hu-hands
n..r which waa mw* M?rpby has got,. *.??.
?l\in .? ,h- ? at. of Main- Warran,, havi
where _? tba Stat* ?- Murphy, ll- is thirty
RTySJ'"agc an-T.nar-l.-d a South BotOO gfrl
only two months ano.
ntiffalo M Y DBA 2.-I_>ke navigation for thin
Jason will practlrally close at this port to-night.
A n-mb^r of yes,**!*, arrived ta port this morning.
A numDer >r ggpgeUd. Only <
.ral ??~V??Xftw5 come in titer to-dav are.
few straggling . .aft ^ ??? (.orn,,-;ltiv?lv ,.,.,
to-morrow. Thc ut's hoar9 Hnd ,(,. V(.gHl.l8 hav,
during the lain y"''vfPom the masses of icc cling
B|Vt8B_i_l SW which might hav. been ex
Fine China. Rich Cut Glass.
It is Witta prent pleasure thal we announce
for MONDAY, Dec i. and aucceeding days,
a a].lal sale whii h is perhaps the n,-.st note?
worthy wa hav ever held, namely?a .sale
of Um celebrate d
English Doulton.
TIk- high character and reputation of tliis
War.- is too well and favorably known to need
any detailed refc i
The magnificent examples of tba Doulton
Wa:.- exhibited ut th" World. Pair at.- no
doubl remembered by many.
This will be an exceptional opportunity to
luiy desirabli <?lui.-!mas din.;.
Doulton Plates.
Very handsome!} decorated, Bullatale for
fruit, salad, entree, or dessert, with Dower
decoration, fane) edges, cream body, at
Rl.uu each; value ISO per doxen.
Atna larva neaartsaral \?*r> rich Doaitnn
Plates nt Biserial priers.
Doulton Vases.
W will ?!'! i- In all aboul SOO Rich Vases,
In assort, l shapes, sizes, decorations, .<??..
and for convenience of buyen have ar?
ranged tl em as follows;
led I .rt -...OO aro-h.
Lol 2? choice al $T**Oeach.
Lol :: ? i hi I ? al aio.no ea h.
I loni Hil* prlee ii |> _ ii ni ? r- lim ?? innrl.cl
iiiein (.iiiiii*.. aad maaj lia rna I aa arkteb lark
of apara preveata aa dearrlMag, *-> 111 ba
foil ll ll.
Doulton Bon Bons.
All artlBilc In shape and richly decorated,
ai inged same as plates:
Lol 1 at Mc each
Lol - at gl.OO . ,
Lol l al ?l._o.acta.
ANo irnti.inv tu I Mi KT IBTt, ?? I ?i *. !???.
ntt-MMM, li:\ POTS, I tMll.l>TK KV. IIAM>
l.i :i? BASKETS, a.-.. ,n decided barkala
in,, Hill ii<> yaarscll pssHIvs tnjii.tlrr If
* on mi** ini- aalr.
ll ii > saw, Will uhlp uni Hole ile.lrnl.
timi. No charge f^r
i ? lalogua
? r-towi
Importer* it ml llelnll.-r* of
line China. \rl I'nllrr), llii-h (ut I.In**,
50 and 52 West 22d St.
-. \n ? ?-. M \., *.- i
lad ITO Brllrvue Ivraar, Nrvrpart, ll. I
wi.niilM, cn I* . SPECIALTY.
A veritable World- Exhibition of
Furniture i> what will be seen l?y a
vi>ii to the wareroouis of
R. J. HORNER &, Co.,
61-65 West 23d St.
t Ail|?iiiiiiH Kileu Mil.er.
lt; addi ll n to all ti..- reliable makes of Fur?
niture of domestic manufacture for Tailor,
p.. li ".tr:-. Di sing Rooms, Dining Rooms, Li*
bran and ii i I, sra
Direct Importations
PROM VEX lt Bi 1 !'.-??;-. ' i ti i i imlMra lat
Un Ins .lid i>ir.ir,_- naoma, i.ita.r. ant Halla.
PROM PARIS) i igaaUj Carved, InlaM aad Metal.
,: .1 -? rtioit'-- j .\iu?i>-. inn., mid I'Una
i ,- lion,/.- , Mi ill ?? \' i-.-..
h, ; ? ni) oil I .o' >U j'i .Un. tloo* of farndon lundi
PROM i.omiom ''??" _?*_ v i"c Betas tai ? t,nt
i : '?: ? Din I bal - , thia t
v. j; -. li Ul?ad., i u ia ? :? 4 OeAata id., tc ,
PROM \ I ?:>\ \ i S-pertly Carved sad Otttt i Table*
I, oral d ? bi ? ord Iii I i-lirac*.
HOI.in.ll l'Hi.-?l-:\ I???.? i boat mba tc Ire ls k
ll?iida !?:? ? '- roi ii i, raralshlaa sad d. oraUan
? in Snd I i this *,'-i aaa \ *' ? I rta *
mi . i | matter.
Ri i-r> iiiinu marked ?? Initc.i prlaao for
ti hleli reliable nn.l *iill*fiiotlc>n-_.l* lng 1'nr
ii I tn rc cnn lie aol il.
R. J. Horner & Co.
nerti r| on account nf the sn Iden i hill In the <.*??
Vmong I ? '?? Ihe
Vmerka, thc i Ity ?., Merlin, th.- llonecr and Ihe
Curry non. Duluth, and thc Hudson and Klphlck,
i 'hi, ,j.'o \ o boal ir** tie 1 up !,. re ni ii
t of ll I-* fiii ii ? trike, rs ns unabl ? to get
mal, and thc lr om rs, lu cons, -, ic n< ? have lost
. raWc, _
Baltimore, pee. I Tba! tba Catbollea ol Mary?
land are divided In opinion en the que lion ol Htate
aid lt parochial achoo lhere I no doubt A Ro?
man Catholic wh.. has talked on the BUbJeci witta
many people of his Church, and wi,., is a con er
vatlve tionl.. i. aa) : ' I ts lleve tha majority of ta?
ni Catholii i are oppo-c I to tbe plan. I har?
li,., believe i irdlnal Olbbona has no hand In tba
plan and I lendlns neither active nor moral bop
pori ,,, h. ii- would undoubtedly see thal t" urge
tbe appropriation asked would be had polities, ir there
ajen h., ..iie-r conalderationa Personally I tiiink
ti,,. Cardinal hat I.auch reverence for American
Institutions to favor an) such mox.- I do nol know
Wl L| the outcon.f tin movement in New-York
will be. bul you can safely say that In Marv land
the Legislature will nol al this session be asked for
aid for Roman Catholic parocbbU acboola."
? - ? nr- ?
V long and vexatious blockade was caused an
the Sixth ave. eleval i railroad at I p. m. yeeter
,!,,> through engine No. M Jumping tba trark on
barp curva al Murray and Church st-., wini.
i twins a dosratown train. Tbe forward wheels
,,f tbe engine wenl entirely over tba ^.lea gnat I
rail, whit li waa badly splintered, and ? length or two
0f the tt.e k rails were displaced vTtaea the engine
auddenly left Itaa track the cars wara brought to
i standstill with B violent shock, which caused
! i,.,,* paule among tba paaaeagata, who afterward
clambered OUt and walked along th.* structure to
.,.. cuk Place station. A wrecking train wa*
from tba BatteiTi and after nearly an hour's
har I work with J.uks and hawsers the online wa*
replaced upon the track and was taken to Kector-st.
M.-anwhilc* train after train was '"stalled" until
the blockade extended as far as Twenty-thlrd-st..
dist mc- of over two miles. All the stations
. crowded with persona awaiting train.*.
Mallei was afforded aboul I o'clock by switching
,, ',.? uptown tra.-k at Bleecker-at., hut
fully i o'clock befon tbe train- were able
ia run on schedule lime again, and somewhat later
' tVI'.. i>,^ station- along the line of the blockade
wert.relieved of the Impatient crowds with which
they wert thronged.
& Simpson.
Ready For
rVhich means that our establishment is
low a literal Bazaar, where everything
n Staple and Fancy Goods from the
four quarters of the globe await your
nspection and choice. Not only this,
jut our quotations are "Money-Savers"
ill, by reason of the unusual conditions
meier which we have been able to buy.
Jewelry. Silverware.
Fans. Opera Glasses.
Leather Goods. Dolls.
Lamps and Clocks.
By tin* extensive addition to our
building since hi^t December, we are
enabled to more than double all
former Holiday displays in each <>f
these lint's, with tia* result thal no?
where can equal variety and choice be
EHnmonda and Precious st.mes in a larne
variety of s* tunga nnd mountinia.?Novelties
In Oold, Silver. Shell. Onyx, and Jet Jewelry.
?Gold nnd Silver Watches?Larva nnd su?
perb collection >?' (ln<- Jewelry, .???nsistlnp of
La >? rins. Brooches, Scarf nnd Bonne! Pinn,
Pinter ninga, Sleeve Hutt..i.s. Watch ('hains,
Ne klacea, Channa, Pendant a fcc Itnmenaa
variety .?' St.-tlinis- Silver Novelties.
lt. pu I ri nu nnil hinirro hm Depii ri menl.
Jewrln w .?? i ? ?.. tai <: treas - d. Dlaaoad hettinu
ravlnf a specialty.
Sterling Silver and Silver Plated Ware.
Tatala Wan- in the beal Hagen Silver Plnti -
Merlins Silver Ni-veltlea consisting of Nipkln
Ringa, S|.ns. Knife. Fork and Spoon leta f..r
. T.-a Malls, and Strainers, Fancy Trays
Button Hooka Bboe li rna All the
leading Souvenir Hi.ns of Amer! a, i (tether
\\.''i many of nur deaignlng and patenting. In?
cluding tba Hiatorleal Souvenir Bj.n of the
Suti-Ti. n*ur\ Iii.il.Unit In Wall-at.. New-York.
Paris Novelties in meta Fans and Opera
Olassea - ?Combinations of Ri al Lace and Pearl,
0 ti h and Shell, Oauxe and Enamelled Wood
Sticks Lcmalre Opera Glaaaea, In Silver,
Pearl Shell, Oold Plate, Ainu.it.um, ftc.
Sterling mounted i.- ither G da for the Koli
Ti ivelllna Raga In large variety, tin.-st
leather and beal manufacture. ?Furnished
Travelling Bags arith rich mount]nga and ater
lihn fittings. Bterllnc Mounted Pocket B
c.rd Caaea Walleta, Bill Polda, Cigar Caaes,
Writing I' illoa, Writing Tablets, Pho?
tograph Albums, Photo Frames, Drinking
Flasks, Toilet Ca ? Travelling Rolls, Collar
and Cuff Boxes, Jewel Boxes, Qlove and Hand?
kerchief Poxes, ftc.
Leather Oooda if every description repairedtal
sivrt notice.
French snd Oertnan Dolla, ? ii?-l>e Jumeau
Dolls.?--K.-iii.-y Dreaaad Dolla **><?? to I7S
i I Bisque, Kid and Patent Jointed Dolla
from 28c to $-?>.
Every make, ityle snd variety of Lampa and
Ctocka, from cheapest to (Inert grades, at pines
whi. h sra unapproachable.
Holiday Books,
with attractions and features
of exceptional interest.
On Mon lay our entire pur hsaea of Hooks for
the Holiday trade will be placed on sale. They
form the most complete and attra liva Una ol
statelani and Holiday P. ...ks ever shown In tills
city. On several linea ara have purchased tha
entire ..mi..ns al great sa. liii.e prices. Have
ala secured the excluaive sale in Mew-York for
many leading Holiday Hooks. An entire aisle
on ground door is devoted to their sale. Tha
pricea throughout are poattlvely tba
Lowest Ever Known.
Tiny comprise Standard snd Popular H....ks ol
every description, snd in all styles of bindings,
Holiday turi Hooks. Standard Beta In Hall
Calf, Half Levant and Cloth bindings Poems in
beautiful covers. Bibles^ Prayer-Hooks and
Hymnals, in all sizes and styles. Fine Art
editions of famous Works. Hooks for Hoy.*
and chis. Children's story ami Picture Book?
in endless variety.
Great Bargain Sale
of Standard Books from
the Lovell Book Combination Stock.
The assortment covers ail lines of Popular
Literature In Kine Cloth and Half Calf bind?
ings. An examination nf the line ls ti<- essar>
to realize the unparalleled aacrMcea Involved.
Games. Christmas Cards.
Large assortment of Popular Games at
specially low prices.
All the Novelties In Christmas Cards art1
Artistic Calendars, Including several chnlei
lines at half regular prices.
Sixth Avenue, 19th to 20th Street
West FonrtMitk Street.
For Christmas Now!
No efforts will l>e spared to make our stores attractive .... Assortments
will be great. . . . Prices will be right .... All those stocks for which ws
are famous will be kept complete .... Nothing shall _f lacking . . .
Dells and (lames and Hooks and Fancy doods will now have place to cor.
respond with their importance at this time of year-Our endeavor, will bs
o -rive the best, in great variety, at popular prices.
I r*
Attractions in Upholstery.
Beal Cbenllla Punli'isa Samel ail ovrr-20 -tylea in
1 M?t-fa] celertage?taoitb *lt ">0.
At BIOHT, TEM mid ELEV_.1I Dollars
1 xtri'irdiiirirv variety 'if ll"''
1 riF.vir.i.r. and mu ii.a POBTIB-UM
Tarfctsb. Oriental sud Hlg- Art lealgaa
,?*.. 1 v desiraM.lei sod ? waMnallaa
Including M md TS Indi Curtains fbi daaUa door* and
sleeves, of ?hii-h wa moko a specialty.
we win 1 -ii ?? the balsora nf
nil tatar*-levarslbla-vslue atooo
r*i?K' 1 Al. MAVCEEB EM
Tfimhnnr t'tirlnlnn tt.tts
\nlii|iie eurinilla 4.1'N
lira?ela tiirtnlna l-.i'M
iieiiui*?niiei. Cartalaa i.vdk
And tin. r to Fifty Dui lars.
I1i-.l1 Paint ( 11 rt ai ns.
p>*r n<*t.Be*t work.n?*t flnl?h
A'-.- yalda lang Beagaal larder ?.. os
1 yu rd* tong Il? n?l?'nn.-<* border 4 SW
I var.-long Extra wide tierdT ? SH
1 -.uri*, ions Extra beary beith 1 7 98
I..-t qualltle* apeab fur themselves I
Scotch I.*' e Curtain'?3*j and 4 yard* leaf ll snd M
Inches tri_. rtruaaela ?-rd Dalpura Aeatgna, ai*o exqni'ito
shaded effect* in particularly dainty de*icn*.
.lat.- ur" hitman and m_.lt.*- niStake-?hence offering of
.Inpnne*e Rlre need Portleree
f..r srhleh HM r-_ul?r prk- 1* lt JO.
Oaly one .-olor. bat that the beat.
tdjnuttnenl or affnlra of a
Great Blanket Mill
niir. ti* many thnnaaad mHlnra nnd Anent
White and Colored Blankets
thnt give opportunity to name
The Greatest Values
known In this yent- of extraordinary conces?
wi; wir.r. sr.r.r.
Ten qunrler While lllnnkela
Al W -?'?. H ''?? .f.80
1^ -irv. Iv wurtli do'ible.
WE wi i.r, sim,
"".leven Qunrler White lilnnketa.
Including shrank, pure w.ul and line ?'alir<,rnla In o
largs variety ol ?tri|n- moi da aunt borders.
Al UM.BB BB -.t M -vt yr*.il os
aasqaallad foi value.
Twelve (Imirier White lllnnkela.
Strictly Bil Wind,
At .1 OR. M M .-..H 96
'intil now Eigbt, Nine and Ten Dollars.
WI. wii.i, MM,
1-lcven C(nnrl.*r ll. IlliinUet*
At ">t OH r ...I ratM BJ 50
Kiev cn Qunrler < ninel'* llnlr lllnnkela,
with i_t.*t fnre?>? bargees,
At * 1 0* r<il vain* ST 50
Settable al*o for \Vr-.Ti|-*- - and Mea'a Rob_.
Kine ""carlet lllnnkela
ll* *}2 08: value I *..",
Ill California?pm wod I :?? r vain.* 7 50
Ul Kvtr.i heavy SOS: vain"* OOO
1..uni Ony H mil lllnnkela
Tan and 1 l.'M-n (jMartrr
At M eeats ll 2.1 *i 10 ...:*....$l os
Lest thiui furn.er srholesele castl
In.dud..(I nl-n In purdi**e were
-mei ul hundred
Ml Wool Pl 11 lil llorac lilnnketa
whli-h we offer n- follow*:?
Slse76sM ?.'OH : lmially ROO
WM SUM 3 98; -dually 7 00
In White Quilts
rSlUM ".ur|--?liic anv el-ewhere ti h.* found?atock Of
ri 11 undre tUTO! bought SI BteBl i otu c-.?lon.
Ninety Cent nullity .10 rent.
Dollar quality M caata
Dollar lift.en finality Ttcaati
Iiidliir tw.-nty.live nualitv WeeatI
Dollai lif'y quality M cent*
Dolla, rixty quality ll OD
Best Sheetings.
Illenehed. I nhleneheS.
101 IO1,.* 10.| 19'l0
M 1* ,.- 9-4 17 V
M l~V Ai Wot
7.4 l-'>'..* Vi 13V
M l***a ?>-' 1-V
.".Oin,ll li1.* -I 9V
M l*M *_ <rac
Furs and Fur Trimmings
Quail!!SS eqnul to anv ?tio?n by exclusive furrlera
pii...* fully a third, in nany ra-.'* one-half. lesa.
l*.r.o-. Mink. .1 ll (jennine Mink, S3.9t)
Italtli- tieai, 1 os Astrakhan. 2-40
Nutria. 'J.08 Dei "*r, *??*?
Stun- Marten S.'.i.s Al.i-ka Sabl.*. fi-4'
i.jii.x, _.._ Kaaasa -ar "-abie, KJ'9
Mut!*?to match-lt centa to 112-00.
Box snd cir ular tbBBBB BB to 28 mMOm long
laSJ-SaSM lining*?l>-st workmanship.
ntaeh Casey, ??'??* Monkey, amos
BaMta Baal, no* r.t riru-teal. ?'??>?
V-tr.Mui.. ll.1>4 .S?ble. -"*
Wool IBU I 'i.i?.l Ilud-on Bay Beaver, 87.01
BU wldUia ^..;...._,.W tom ?a 14.00
Attractions in Dress Goods.
Ready for Christmas with hundred* of Dre*. BttMBtB
neatly put up for pre-enutlon.Alto
l-ooUw by the Yard
At Prii'ra bo (on-lnclnff
that none need fall to hoy for lack of vaia*.
All Wool Dla.onals ami I--tn. le,*, 29?
All Wunl l'taide und (hnk*. _**
All Wuol ll. mi. tm* mid Tricot*. A'ja
All Wool Munn OetfM BSi '-.-inch Cloth-, 'foo
All Wool, extra lin.- Amata* and Mixtures, 49e
All Wool ty rp --broad wal"*, rjo
silk and Wool KeveMei twa toned effecto, .VJe
l,\'n tine Tailor Cloth?j Mn. li, 09.
Inix-rlal large*, "i-'-lin li, 7i^
Extra, lim- India leefe*?wurtli el 00, ugo
inijM.rted Muire Di.i.'imhiI- -worth *1 50, S4?
Belia lat ii.ii.it i '..di- sttdn.-h, ri ot*
Kxlra lin.- Silk imi-ii II.-ni letta*, 7Jo
i ri indi Mik and Wool l'lrnd.*; were 1125, 77a
All Wool (_,-limete l*;uid*; were Bj., Odo
lino French CbBBba ll lal he. wide, 040
Of above, vnii lam _ v option*,
au Calais -ml Black.
Boys' Clothing.
In presenting li -1 of values let n- request considers
Uon of fact that, let price bo what lt may, qualities mia
in no ..r-viu .. inft-rior?they *r. identical grade* als*
stiere sold at far hpher prices.
Boy*' all wool Cheviot suit.-. 4 to 14 yr* S_ 91
lt ??' Worsted and Finer" Ch-vlott 4 to 15 yr* SM
Bays' BagHah Wor-ted Suits 4 to 13 yrs 4 9S
Boy*' T?u plata Trl.ot suit* 4 to 15 yrs 5 01
Boy*' Three pleat all wool Suit* lo to 10 yrs 6W
Boy*' Three piece Blue Cheviot 10 to lo yr. 3 ot
Boy*' Three pi.ee Tricot -ulta 10 U> 10 yrs 7 91
Youth.' !?? na l'ant suito?all wool 14 to 10 yr* 8 74
Boya' Chinchilla Beefers 2*. to 15 yrs 2 96
I'lmr-wl'.h heavy braid binding '_>_ to 15 yrs 3 9S
Mill 1 -.iier-He. t Dye -. to 15 yr* 4 91
Fancy Kilt Overcoats --.to o'yr* 2 OS
Baan ail wool KUI Over.oat* 2*3 to tr} yr* 3 98
.'ino Hersey triple cape?fur edgo _W to . yra 7 91
M'dton Cheviot Cape Overcoat,. 4 tu I-'yr* 19S
All wool Cheviot Cape Overeat* 4 to 12 yr* 3 91
Shetland and Cheviot Overcoat* 4 to li yra 4 OS
Chinchilla Cape Ovvroat* 4 to 14 yrs ,'. OS
Navy Blue Ii. aver Cape Overcoat* 6 tu 14 ii-* 6 BR
Imported Cheviot Over u. ts 0 to ll yr* 0 98
Navy and Tan Box CtUg 10 to 14 yrs 8 71
Heavy Wool ri?fr* 5 to 1. yr- 8 98
Chinchilla and shetland I'l.ters 0 to 14 yra 4 98
Fine Frieze t'D-ter* 6 to 14 yr* 7 98
youths' Melton linter* 17 to 19 yr* 5 98
Youth.*' shetland litter* 15 to 19 yr* 7 91
? .ray and Tan Maa* 1'1'teis 15 to 19yrs 9 98
Fine Blue t-tnchill* llst-r* 15 to 19 yrs 12 98
Itlue and Tan Box Coato?-ingle and
double bre-st 14 to 19 yra 7 ??
Long rant-?14 to 19 year*?value ?3 50 1 SS
All wool Knee Pant* 4 to 15 yr* 59o
Extra quality C.rduroy Panta? 4 to 15 yra 79e
l__Ua "in. Worsted and Cas-lmere Pant* ito
Hata and Caps.
Everything 19 eenu to 12 00
AU qualities 19 coats to AM
In Misses' Department
at "till lower price*, the balance of great purchase fi*o_
Bernard Levy fe Co., together with their entire line ol
line Model Garment., which baa just been delivered,
Al tOOB to *1_98, should be fl_O0 to BBB 00.
At .5 OH t? *11 98 ahould bc *10 00 to Fid 00.
You can buv (URLS' ORETCHENS
At ti 98 to MS 75, should be 17 00 to *23 00.
Not more than two being exactly alike, gives customase
umiBiially diversltled choice.
Trimmed Hats and Bonnets
including the latest effects in Coronets.
Evening Hats 6 98 to 15 00
Carrlaee and Street Bats 6 08 to 18 00
shopping Bonnets and Toquea 4 98 to 8 00
atlases' na-* sos.- ooo
for ladle* and children?Black aud Colors?beat shape*?
large variety.
Larlltt' French Felts and Plateaus 69 centa
Mi*.*' Beaver Edge Flats-worth 2 00 98 cants
Four great special* In
Fine Umbrellas
Gloria -*llU.-*ierllii* Silver Handlea.
26-inch, 1 a. __dnc_, ISO
?.-alue 2.25 value 324
Flae Inion Silk?extra Sterling Handlea,
20-lnch, 1 *"'-. C.-inch, Z4B
value 400 value 4.50
Novell bs In Chased Oold Handlea
at .if a mw price*!
Engraving free of charge I
Extraordinary vnlneo la
Fine Kid Gloves
ladles* 4-buttoti Tan Suede*. 69c ; value 1.00
ladles* 4-huttnn Pr ?.-.-d Kid, 79.; value 1.00
Upturn* .lenton Moot Kid, 98c ; value 2.00
Men's 2-c!asp l'lque Kid, ? 1.49; value it31
Trunk Department,
Ut admit helter (ll-jilay of Bolls and Caines, In removed le
the large room ?e-t al Hug*, where this week we oOtr
a manufacturer's -tock of
at prl.es to quickly acquaint cu-tomer* with new test.
porarv change or location.The stock comprises til
iWlMai of club and Ulad-tone Bags, Knockabout*, sad
Fumi-hed Satchell, and I)n ss-Suit Cases In eole loathee
aid alligator-all af whlh we ian and will offer at leas
Furnlahed Satchels.
?6.98 to 13...00. usually 812.00 to 176.00*
Alligator Satehela. IO to 18 laeh,
98 cent* to el.98. usually 12.00 lo HOS.
Grain-Leather Satchels, IO to IS laeh.
(J9 cent* to Bl-98. usually Bl-00 to B8SO.
Gladotoae Baa*. 1- to BA laeh.
11.19 to ?2.98. uauallr Et.tA te 04.10.
Dreaa-Snlt Caaea, SO to 24 laeh,
all with Hi.i-t steel frames, hand sewed,
B398 to *12.00. usually 87.00 to
Dolls, Games, Drums, Etcetera,
Aa toter?*Ung display at ino** lntoiattlaff ptimtm.

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