OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, June 08, 1898, Image 9

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1898-06-08/ed-1/seq-9/

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niAM'.'lxN JOPKBY waa RintNO wEt?.
;>r ...Myn -?"k<V Claa)"fl meetlr.g ls tnovin-r
''l.p,,-!,!, ai,.i preeperaualy. taeteaaay ihe
T ..,.,- wei thi 8l aal wM-h can he en.1oyed ln
* mto\ agreeabla month of the year. I?mls al
,n, lathared ai 'i!e oauraa in pp^clotia array.
"onn. the ehatnplon .lo'-kt-;,-. was eejual to ht* op
?_.-miiUlea, r.nd his name waa al the top ln thr. a
P ' o( ,., >;? eonteata He had no mount ln ihe
rrst race bal ln Ijw se<-ond i>.- wa* on "uto and
'~i ,_'.>'.-??>?>?? i'r? v ? ns. itdivn bf BtBIS, waa iba
adds-on favorlte, hut he waa aflrrylni iltf pounda
,c tba b_ ofl Wuto ar.d tba IM on Whlstllng Con.
fkeiafara Ihlrd place w?a the peet whteh Pravtaua
mM get, altbouflth Maaa rode hlm wltb ieal and
Mca Jn ?** ?wtchafiw ftakaa liaaa waa la a>m
Laad of Irlab H?ei, No rider eeald bave dot.e
''?-,. with Ibe raara thnn Bloaa <'i,l, bui Claophua
JTJJ, nt L auparlor to Irlsh RaaL Cleoptaua is not
? t al the bliheel point of her ronrtllloi,. hut her
" _. enabled her to outati?e irlsh Reel tn .4
lund.fip. an.a-hlnp jtrugRle at the er.cl. t-'itns araa
*n OVaeahiir in the aeeond ra~e Bloaa an Ituta
Ini BUtniB Slms on Prevlou*. ,'n thu PatchOBUfl
b.?K, * Blm* turaed the tal.le* on Sloan n::l
anatchad the prlae from lrlsn Keel lust under tho
fictl ot the "idf/e*
f-.rna had n? mount ln the Gr.zclle Stake* for
Ikiee-year-old flllt--*-. ar.d Arthur Whlt.'s ticlslia.
rtfdaa by -Maaa. waa at !ofty cnids t.;i fteporta
-.-are curret:f lhal Kltefoot, who wai Kulded by
Tanu had worXed swlft'v. nnl rauli nioney WB8
njked upon Ki'..f. >t*a chanoea. Taral aaai >? i
feetfii 'n front, whlla S|c*an wai pflttrnt and aool
-.??h ajelaha Arthur Wblte'a fli:> baa Impravad
a-ceptab.y 8lhC8 IM, nn.l |a flow ..ne of the most
?MflBt felmala of bar age and *ex io trainin^ ln the
Vnltel Itatea When Sloan called on Qclsha ihe
diu/htar of Iroquota atd Trade Wlnd raplled
?aawtir. and ihe waa fleeter than Kltefoot to the
do** The eonqueai flained by Arthur Whitea
jiiiy was eaferiy arriaiiiit,i baoaapa Artbar White
B popular _rni beeauae S.ohm r. da Oelaha. Theught
lul turfmer. however, may turn over ln thelr mlpda
th? eawteiia truth lhal Kltefoat lia* a t'un.re. In
cther worda, Kltefoot ls >>n th,- aparard path. i>i?
BrfStly flla > I, Kltefoot w|l| pet fiiat money ponie
day More ?eorflla meioi,-. are piuok>,i
Philip J Dwyer aaya Ihat ba -vv tn *oon ?eii a
r.umi*r o? n iraea arhleh do r.?t ea*ra t,ieir food.
j:> flUy i11-*5 Mtrtaaj ou_iu to be ?aiisfie,i wiih
cheap bay. Her ehtaa 1* not such that Bho can
falrly r'.airn Wtaaowed and aeleeted oats. Never
theleis *he waa thlrd to (Jelsha and Kitefoot ln
QM Ga=<-U? ftakee. whlle L'Alouelte, wlnner of the
Puturi.y |a U97, caflM in :a<t. |_wlbly L'Aloaetta
might not have hec-n laai if ti.e had l,.-cti iidd**n by
a J ., k,-v 14ut lrvir.g wns on, h^r aplnaj eolumn,
ar.d thi* boy I* ao sattira*ed with the Bleepy scntl
tni-t whlch pervadoa \\'aa!,lr.gtt>n Irvina's tale of
"Klp Yan Wink'.e ' that hi* rid!nir eonalsta chlefly
cf Rlp Van Wink'.e laorea la lha aaddle. This aama
Irvir.g tx.ii on Marcua Daly'a fllly Uniiya in th.
flrat race, aad had much ba kw.^,. Irvipa was t-lo4v
at the ?tart and Illtnya was last of tne tield to
aaaaa Yet she waa not lef; at lha t>i.*-t. .md miaht
bavi been in th? hattle wlth a competent rider.
Tr.;s Irvlna acted as if he were aound aalaep
liith>a. at.d on L'Alauette his work waa aa el-"?w
and atealthy a* Ihat of ? spanlsh Board of Btrat
??(;> Oa 4v'l,*t l-nsls doea iliirf youthful Kip Van
Wlr.kle get moums? Ili-r.iiie hc never wakee up '
Oaa of tha best-known tlieairi.al managera In the
eountry haa hi* homr ln Boeton H.. la a partner
of ai.other manag.-r v4h>sa nume ls no4 Poor and
*li wa nama reealla aome of th? ramaraa of Balry
Camp ln "Martln Phuaslewlt." Tv-,-- manaaer
lino4\s nothlng uOout horeee. He florlea ln his
jaaoranc* of iiuf affairi. Hn aaya franbly thnt
Ornairent nnd Whl-tlii.g <",.n lo..k aliko lo hin .
T'nii maaaaar, h,.wc\^r, reeolved al the ..i-.-ning >.f
tr.ib teuioii that he woul.l Im :k ev, ry ..ne cf
jloan'i mounta He has followed thla : an up to
a\ and la thouaanda of dolLara ahead :?. hla beta
tlng. \Vn*n Shilialah flrst loofe part !n a luaspli 8
rac? at Mirrt.a I'ark this iiosi ,n manaaer had beei
ba'kini, sioan's mounlB peralatently and wltb hand
mme retorna Knowitu: nothlng alv.ut raclng h<
naked a faoetloua frlead wha! horae si ..n woulo
rid? ln the la*t ra e, whl h happened to he tha
jumplna ronteat The Jeater w;th whom he waa
chaiiing told hlm thal Bloan wo I ? le B alah.
01 cuurir, the J.jktr bad no Idea lhal ihiHalah.
agt'nat where lo; x rrir,'> wera lald, would be i
c.-ifiil The ltoaton mai ager promptly baeked
Bhi.'.alah, V.ef-aviwe he aupi-osed Sloan waa in the
Mddle. BhUlalhh won at blg odds. Soma theattical
managera are Iflcky. Other-, _re no:
Tho hackers o' &.o_n s mounta wtre happy 4'-1
terriay. tor m wai flrat Ifl th* aeeond race wi;li
Nuto ln the four'h with Oelsha ar.d ln the flfth
with A-fflB. -?d yet they would have \. en far
haisltr it Slo-n oo-.ild *-flo have ne. n fir.-t in tl -.
ihird racr wlth lr,sh W?el and li. the la*t witn
PeJ?ar. Jl? nmr.y c&a ln't. Cleophua ont<i_*->-a
Irfrh ftrei, _nri 4aihen _oih xoara* are t.x and well
Cleophua can alway* vanqut-h Irlsh Reel at even
wclghta at any rtlstan.-e Th* trout.ie wlth He'..
rn*r w.s the sarr.e trouble whlch aJfllct*>fl Ham
h-.rg t th& Bt-lmont Ptakea at Morria I'ark. ln
tfce Belrnont HumKurc rr.et Ttowlii-..tr riroolt and
Prevl'.us. two co'.ia whlch ha'i l>e.-n thorougbly
tei'.cd ln publlo thla year and wer* properly sea
.aonr-1 whlle it was Hamburjr'a flrst race In ".'
In th* laat race yeeter-lav He!ir>sr waa \mflt to
comrete wlth the other hor*es entered. b*ca .s* ?'l
of them had taken pnrt ln nubli1 races, whlle Bat
mar had not. Plttsbur-; Phll. who own* rteimar.
Sack8d l.lrri heavllv, but ln flrlng thls h* was un
w!se. bc-auae the norso waa ln need of a race ln
o:_?r to put hlm In effe^tlve condltlon. Thouaand*
of yeara from now American owuera and traln*ra
may >a-ra sense enough to underatand that 10th
1nr'c*,n bt more fiol.in than to het nrnm-v on un
aeaicned Hamhurira nnd Belmara against horeee
whlch have beer. htirdined and seasone.J by publlc
DciRg'-tt won the flrst raco very eailly on tha
favorlte, V.rhlpl-iSh. Slm* won the thlrd on the.
favorlte, Claophua, and CLaary took the h.at r.n
tha lecond cho'."?, Thomaa Cat Hioan's vtefory ta
the aeeond r<axe waa woa wlth the secon.l ebolea,
Nufo. whlle ln the fourth and flfth race* be rod*
oddg-on favorltea. Oelsha and A!p?n
In the 8;>rtn?; Spe-ial. the thlrd rtl*t? at the
Gra4eaend tri'-k to-day, ffaaibarg nnd Bly Fot.,
carrjlng 106 pounda eaeh, are n>i"rmn^ed aa proba?
ble atartera at a mlle ani a glxtaenth agalnal Tlllo,
Dr. Catlett and Tvphoon, rnrrylni? 1?! pounrls
each Tbla firriri? ipeclal has a apeclal Beale of
Welghta lf Humhurr, Sly Kox oul fhe Othera
named atart tu* race wlll Le ot.e well worth eeelna.
and one long to be remembered. Ar.d why ahould
they nct all atart? No tralner e*n ge? Hamhurg
In proper con^:tion for the Reallaatloa wlthout
Tactr.a; him ln publle. And Why ehouldn't th?
oth^:s start alao? None of th'-m wlll heap up
rlche* by *tan<!inK Ifile In th* *t*ble
A cplt nftiti'-1! Croker, by Tammany. out of Re
llnda, ls announced aa n probable atarter In tha
aeeond ra e to-dav. Marcui- Dely, who 1- a rl'*a
peraonal frlend of Rlehard '"rokfr, owna tbla col?.
Ar.y Tamrriany men w^o falls to ko io the trnek
to *ee Croker ri:r. ls a trMtor to the W.srwam. and
1". would be flait^ry to c*H hlm a dastar.i
Here are the s'lmmrtrlas of yenterday'a raoeBt
B_?1 B ve?For Bfltee, t-i y**n *U; !?*>?> add?d;
aj-'.al nelgrbta; *llow?i)'*?. Flva furlMip
n pi.
'? W', Cclt'a t>- f- '"Tiiplath, j y B?n
Sttoire?WMpcord 11 ?* rt>.(D'ffait) 1 V -6 eul
E. I_ O^ve*-* b f. Theory, 108.. (Mahtr) 8 8-1 B- 2
W, C. D?ly'? b. f. Leplda, 118... fTaral) 8 ??l 8-3
Hgrmonlc* 108.fKtnger> 0 IrV- 1 .*. 1
Royal MaMtn. 108.ffpenrir) 0 tV 1 8?fl
Aitht*. ion.(.v*vii:*> a aa?i *- i
'*^_?man?? 10H. ,-:??-, 0 %--l n l
lllt:.yi? io*, <r?r. 10T). (Irvlna*) fl 8?1 2?1
Dr*-:.-, riv. IO*).fJC, J ner> O 28--1 fl 1
Tlma- l;,r2
Won cl-v-rlf br ? lenaih. four lengtha helw**? aeronil
?nd th!-'
BBCTlKr) RACT5-Han^vsp; for fh~- r**r ^-11*. 8*>of)
flUad, On? ?r? "r.t ?ixtr-n'ri B I
Broralay ?.? rv, , r-). <?. Nuf>. by Mas-Mo--?
-AaaMcCo- ;r>2 ro _ . (Sloanl I 8?1 1- *
?_? O'ltelly-a ch. C. V.-hlltllns f :.. _ ,
i?.....(ap*Boer)| 12?1 2-1
?. P. Dwyer't b. c. Pre\-.ous. 12fl '.'!iti?l 8 11? tn Out
^**??tlon*! ioo.fOTonnotlO 12-1 2 1
">***ga iinyl, 108...lHamllton)0 15?1 2- 1
Tlm- 1:49'4.
~'-.n ?a?l)y h? two lanrtha: '.ne leng-h balneen -e-ond
aal thU-4
TWT*'-1> RACB?PAT^HOOtrR FTAKRP: tl.non iflded;
-?'t*.*-B Pl* furlonga
* F. L-y?ri ch. f. PfoaB8W IV Waaner
~Lr.nl*. 4 yra . 110 Ih.fBIrn*) 1 1--8 oot
*^Ii,ohm-"-o'a 6..n's eh. m. Irlah H.c'..
v6?_.>S!*n>2 1?1 1-8
-? CoiUif, br. g 71a non*. 8, 10*.
a??_ . fO'Uiaryi 8 '8?1 f?1
t*?W*-8. 108 (car. 109).ilj.g*n:)0 to-l 4-1
l__,Ar,<,**n>- ?? 100.fM*r.?.-| o fti>-l r, 1
.-W4.VU1., 4. IU..Bpenc.'O IO 1 2 t
Tlr,-1 :!_?_
*?" ?? ? trt?? by a b??d; fotir langtha tatw*-n a?-<.nd
-nd thlrd
'OtT.r;. BACX-?A2FW.E BTAKBBl flr flil,e? ,hr'*
re*-* ?:|; v,.,,# |j or*); _;io?*ii'?a Ona an* on? ?
?:?hth m'.ita.
Ma-I-tlLS* IU rt,. .fflloa-l l 1-8 "?t
P J E*.-. a (T?r?l)2 ?-l out
* Dw*?'? 8 f. *l? l*tr1*m. 112 m_4
******.Jg223o li*r. ii
? Tlm*? 1:8C\.
n ??I ln h*n1 by a ner*; f',ur lengtha between geo
aaa __d tbiM.
PiPTH lucr-ror tw.a Mafl-aMai i?w *^4?*i: 8a__a,
Flv* furlr.n.,.
C'8!^n^hm'U"','" ?8BBr <h r A!Pen. l.y __
a*_. ? xo_- A'P#?a. 1"2 tl. .. -1? n)l 4~8 Out
11 ___5*?8 b. f. I. .iter. fti iMahet). 21 l-a
*? J- Joraw-a b. g Km?'? PrM*. 101
_sa___i??<?-. 10*).a^s<> ?\ tl
Uw^-r-f1. .iBong-r O 12?1 4-1
S?*-n-lr*. 84. (b'Cw-r,0 15-1 8-1
t~^P'r.a_tlon. 108. .ftrvlngiO JO-1 8 t
Tlma. 1-02'..
w?>n ?iilly by two Urgtha; ?am* 4l?'*nre batw**n ??*>
ECH| BaCEv flgB?t; I800 ad1?^. ?>n< *nd *M ali
???U phaa
W____JE'".Ji!ir" *. h- Thaaaaa cat. t.y
aaaawto . Tb* Cat 4 y.?.. U0 Pi.
W r t_. . fO'Learv) 1 11?8 8--5
w. 4.. r^iy , ch f Qtmmmi MaoU, i. oi.
p ? P _ . (O'x'onnor) 3 10?1 *?l
a?rt*r "lu}d?1Pn,? b. h. Knlgbt ol the
mSSS- .*? __? .?:? i_..i-f.''tr) 8 10-1
100 <e?r. joi)....(iflpene*T>4 12?1 4?1
"?? ?> w.t_o:i*er;0 IV?l 8? 1 I
! Dosgatt, 6, 109.fDogfettlO 8?1 8?1
1 Relrnsr. fl, 109 ..Sloan) n 3- 8 Out
Tlme -1:40%
44 on ln a 8*4V* hr a h.-a'*; a ner I; i.u, ? -, eeeond nn,l
I thlrd.
The enirles for to-day nr? as fol.ows:
Igsa six fiirlnnga.
'-'"'? 4vt Bam*. rri
Klnnlklnle .)4<i'.i?fif rtnn lt
lians ii .r>-.' Bastiss ...........il-i
Wimhenl .U8 V .im-ro .||.l
Pr. Sli*r,>. 1^7
BBrVVJfn R*4'Fv For ma!'<n Iwo year-oMa; eoiti to carrr
iu pooaba r.iiie, aaeVfjaKtlngi mo aoundi Fi\e fur
1 ?sa
Marklrtieag .||| erefew .118
!-us,l.?'r ;.ns ropaa .lla
, l?r. Parker.'!:? , h ,|.ln .Ill
Arm un?nl .|J2 Hi>* .I?i
WlnJward . III i,-,dv Baearwall . IBB
1 Imli itloa .i- ? ;,,, .|M
: Extrema .jij
TIl.HIi RACB Ti;r irftlKQ aTECIAlai lee thrae year
tZAa and upnatl; $4inn |4M; f"iir \ < *T al la imi
upward ie carri |*j pousda; tsm-reer-oWe 188
i' "i-'i.-. ueual alloiran ra ie mare and 1 wla
n?r* ?| f,-,.,ino inla y. ,ir ;,, ,.-,M\ ti%e ; indi extrg.
? ??. - nv.lA nnd n e'xl^nth
J Vuraey Brether*' <?), r. pr . mieH. hv .-an-'lr-ma' ?
41 ? '-j. 4 yra.113
1 - A Roaa'a b. c. Tiiio. by U inatua I'uritan
tyr*. . 122
Bmmley (. na'a ch, c. Tvphoon 11 hv t >p iiaiiam
I' iv \ srden, 4 yra .12'J
Msi >.a I',. \> hr. r Hsr.i'.'urg :-\ Hanover laid)
R 8 yra. 1*3
P .1 t>4vy*r'? rh. ?. Handl.all. hv lUnn*. Ke*p*ak*,
a - .\t'!>
Benaattna Btshle'a h ,-. M-nt d-..r. by Bayea 'i'Ar
M 1 1 \'oraea, 3 vra.10.'.
; 1' F. Dwyer'a ch. e, Bly F'x, by siher f.,* Asterla,
8 rra.188
;?-?'- .".tii PAi'F. iv,r two >v.ir oi'i*; eolta lo carry "?"'
pii'nda, nillea an.l grldlngl 113, -.'.'iin,!-, wlnnora pl
j',,'.- or |wo rir.... ?' nr ? iu?, 10 .-i.rv Bv* pounda
e\im: of 11,889, ?pi"n p undi exlra; aoa-wlanera ^f
4,1,1 pi).,fl?d flve posndo, maldena laralva pounda
Flra furionga
: n*isaarn .I8SI 1 i**rbaaad .tTi
Ui (laj .113 ? ? pln.ih.:
Mr. Phlnlry.118 v Reevea .
, Extrem* .103 I aaa l ..r.190
1 FIFTH KAi'E p4ov tnree ? '?r .1.1. ani ar?ar4 ,h?.
Iiave n t w,,n $|.0.?i; eellmg. ura inle nnd a fur
Baa Rona'.d.1181 Mannnsna .IM
i';n . lllTiaranter . P3
Ki'ia- T. I18l ll^ppaliannork . Dl
! 8ntTH BAOB TTIFJ k'K'.-S!\-.;T>N' HI'BDIjB BAND1
f'AP. fi- r...ir >ear oMa and upward; t-.4.i eaobi t'M
add*d, of whi-h euni the aecond a r. ue 4jlfi>. ar,l
tlia Thlrd $100 On* mlle an.l thre? qia-lera over
aeven liurdlta.
Bydaey Pag?t'a t.r. n B!r 4'assar. by Sla Dlxon
\i,-.?r. :? ,. .1?.4
J ? Qulateya b h Marahall, by v?itigeur- 7.or
i.ee'ta. aj!',l.1ST
t I t \ Blteheeek'i fh m F"..tget. h\ )\ii*
ft -ver. t. yra. .140
Ar,<!ir>, ft. Hl.ik-iya blk a ,'n'i?^ Plf,^'.'. ).v Funr
|BJP< rlauae, 4 ? rt l is
r K.? ?i'i-.p>ann's Son'a h h Ilai'hatArd. hv 1^, naiua
Neiue Howel!. 4 >-ra. 143
Patrlrk Dolan'a eh. |. Baby Bi,l. ly .".raa* T. m?
' .. Hllla, ;.ged.W0
Th.-iaa UooB?7's h a;. <*a?tleton hv i?lene:? -Ogartt*,
8 yra. 1,17
Jam"i s Wadavsarth'a eh g Btaqus, by Oan e
Hrl Ul. 4 in . 1S0
>1 K-u-neya I, h Urown Pel. l.y H?d Iron Majrgl*
D-, saH".180
? o
Tt.ilnera bava dl;.. overtd that woljrht DOtmtB *S
the I'.rnvrsen.l tra, k anrl that lt Is an Imi
td^-W 1. r | gonil hor?e to cuiiredo twenty-four
poundB to a fnir horaa of the s.<me age ln dlatan ? .
of a mlle or uptvarj. The aandldatcs for Buburban
HandKap Imnors are ho|ng eleael) Brai ibi 1 hy th-i
10111a wbo vlatl Ihe raostracka al dayllghl ?
mornlng. Omsmsnt, Tlllo, Ogdan, and Ben 11 ?
?-i4?y ai" in saeelleal eesdlUsn,snd if aii k?*. ??? i
ui.li th..m the ape.-:ators at lh*?B)Shaad P.av nn
Buburbaa l^ay are iih'-:y to wltassa nn laterestlna
i("\v!,ng Bro"k ?-nashe,l one of the sm-ill hnnes
ir. |ba paatsra yalnl af hla right foroie^. and in
all pro: ai.iiiiy wlll n.ver fact lha atarter agali
.Miriiiful wlll take ihe i>.na af Bowltng Brook ln
th^ II rrla .-Th. la
It Ul rumoreH that Jl.imrvirg ran s,> f.-isf ln n trlsl
at Biicbtes Beacb that he n-t tha track <>ti tire
and tnnt loata fr'.m Bh*epah**d Bay extlng ilahi 1
ihe flamei. Perhao* B ?1 r > I'.i'k BUlIB HBI
bettei than a muddj one Th* high |i- ? .i eon of
Hanover is entered in a r.ioe ai .ii ,v. a,::,i :
He wlll earry \K pounjh. Report aaya thal fl ? n
wll t:d? hlrn.
T'lio wilj ni>t atart in that raee t > lay ir.."i.
r>\viier changes hia mlnd Coneequentlj Haml irg
and Bly i?x rnay be Uie pnedlutn .-f a n.. 1......
betting he.wern the respectlve admlrera ol -ho pair
Tha epi.lem:' araona tha boraea ..? Bheepi :
Bay ihreatena to li.terfera aeriously wlth thi
prorrammea Coi ib< next month. Ft.r
diaeasr. whlch cloaely resemblea Btrangles, la ln an
extrem-iy mlld foim. and few bori - ara .-.rr* -t< 1
for more ? p, <j?. < rhat tb.f aaa h 1
appeared ai Bheepahead Bay aaa ex. Ively ?
ported .11 Tho Tribune laat week \\ ? ?
ot Infe Uoua complaniih llk? siranelen appear iti
a ftable. that atabla ahould be quarantined it
mlghl prove beneflcla! to tho raclna ciuba and tha
f"?n*i4 o' th-.ro ishnredi lf av offTclal vetti nary
s'.rHa'ii, g'la'J'i.d t" flll th> podtlon la appolnted ? .
Inspecl ti,.: s:an!is. aml 10 a?. thal tne aanltary
conditiona nre ,.;, r:^h-, and 10 repori any 1 ? ?? i
of oontaatoua dleeaaei anmns tlio h
A Btable of boraea wlth .4 alngli ?. ??? of [.inkeye.
atian^los. dlaten.pcr or other atlmenta frequently
oaara ihe aucceea of ,in enllre meetlng.
An-.opg the apectatora al Oravi end .-eaterday waa
Hugh J. 4iiaiit, wr\" m.'de his tirat appoerane* st
the rar-.-n thla year, The ea Mayoi appeared lo
enjoy the Bporl Immenaely, He la llkely to return
te tho turf a few ,e,irs hence, if fortune favo
hl* bualneaa venturea.
lt is jo"t barely posalbla. altbouah not probable,
fh.it ihe next tlme .irnn Beraud k"<-b fo thn p.'
he wlll earry ih': olorw of S.iliiey I'a^et
Wnlplaah ran bu?B a ' al ?? i>''i earrled h*r
bui len of 111 pounda bo handily in the flrat i
that si'veiai exp*rta followed h<-r to tho psddo. k I >
'loob her ovai ' Whlplaah resemblea tna tamous
Thora ln her make-up and aener l oonl .rmatlon
Borae ef 'he tralnera remsnied thst tha l ?
lik.ly i" glve the fa:'t colts nn argument wh?n sh"
rn' '-'s '! am
The r..re hetwe?n Cleorhua s'li Irlsh Iteel fro-n
th* quartar-mlle post t,, ihe r;r, 1 - *?. waa one ?.f ihe
most eseJttaa of tha year, Cleopbua m,.raite,i 1.,
win hy a head. Klfher of them, mares jg g ,
severi.i thoiifaiid tfollars. >'-t nobody ma,i<> a :, 1
or the wlnnsr. Some of the ownera ?: moderste
oellmg-plater* ar<? earnestly prny.ng for the, n'l
\. nl of h Thomaa ririfTin or somehnd-.- who la Wlll?
!; ,? io fiiir.i th* une reojulrem*nt* of aalllng raee*.
11 is renorted lhal :< declalon wa? ina^le ?h.-it tiis
engagamenta "f a horse p'ir, tia?e?i in a aelling
1l.1i nol a" wlth th? boraa if xu^h a d*elalon waa
mad? it ln contrsry to t\:*, r.jle in every eountry nn
the nloi.a ul.ern aelling racea ar<- featurea pf tha
radng. Buch a daclalon nulllflas the lnt*mt of aell?
ing raeea ;,i,,\ ablelds ih<> men who enler hlgh-elai 1
horaea heavily engaged for $.viTi m .'?iiitiK races, ai 1
whe t'ly upr-n iheir posltion on the turf f, beep
the owner ef i r*sl aelllng-plater from exerclalng
hla n?h' fo bid, therel^- eejuallStnB his chanoes
with the owner of tba wlnser
Ctnalnnatl, June 7.-Th? aprlng BjBBflm 8f tha
flnf-innatl J/ockey ('lnb et 'inkley clofted te Bay.
w'th g large arowd tn attendanr*. The Dlamond
BtSkSS, Bl flve und a half furlonga, was won by
T. II. Rlnckburn'e T*rrs ':<.tla -Alntmlig eoit. The
Earrlater, Ijitonla's rprlng meetlng will open on
Thuraday. cntl the liullrntlons sro that lt wlll ho
?^ 1 assfai The Derby, arorth 97,801, arlll he rin, aa
tho op. nlng day. Rummnrles:
Flrrt rn?e 'aellltig; flve fur' nial Phrola. 94 lT>tip''e).
11 lo ."., w'n. Ne.'v.ira,. ir^) (i ' >t,l?vi :i io 2 and I la t,
m ond; N'Ttna Tayi r. loi (J, Itotibeara), 8 i" i, thlrd
Tlm* i "2
Seeond t?,<e tfttwt;: rl< farloogS) Motllla, 104 INutt),
(, t* I v ..i. 4 lol*t 1 araon. I<? I" ? >n1ey), 6 to l anl 2 1 ? I,
aecond; ?>?v " , l*T ?<: M'l.'weii,, 20 t.j 1. tlnrd Tlme -
! 18 Ki
Tbtrd rae* <ae!:ing. mlle an'l n alxt**ntb) aH'.latraam,
Hli (Bc*uebamp), 3 i* '2. won. j-:<i,iia Barka, 1114 lOrerann),
53 n ;, .mi '.-n. a*ooM Bkylark, ni; tOaaleyl, 4 ta I,
thlrd. Tlm* 1 4?
Pi.iirili eare lllie IMamond Ptakea; flve and a half fiir
lonr-l The Parrlnter 1-1 IBtttl) 1 to ft. won; P:?lur,
ina./ 1<>3 o^onlevi 4 lo 1 and 2 tn r, ?eo,,n,l orderl-tie,
us ii M'niiir?M 12 10 1. ti.ird Ttma 1 rr.*.
Flfth rare ll*nd|oap; mil? and one etgfcth) T?irae Pnra.
?no ,;., oii) :, la 1. w:-n, Banlahed, M lt)i,n*?), 4 f.. I
and .; 10 f'. see aSi WOBI I??nce. 10s (Nott), 7 |a 2,
ttBMxibttn**e ''"line; *ix furl'.ngM Boaaarasabt Wi
,ii,-.eei 3 to 1 w.i. K Im KrlngTa 108 'i afatthewa),
a to 1 anl av*n aeonedi Aaaeeno, W8 (Barrat), 0 to 1,
Vl,:rd. Tlm* -1 l.V _
Chleafa, June 7 Harieat rsanita u>t weather;
trn< lt fl-'W
aatrai .ua (fl-* fo?*nga)- ?t;.amer. ? v, t\_wtm\
Clie.a| d-<ir. 8 l^ 1. BS8*S)S| Mlaaawa, thl-d. TaSM
1"(l'',..'.,r? r,,, furlonfa>- Warren Polnt. 4 to 1, won;
WOO^S CTtet BsWSTa. -ra. ih.rd Tlm. -
2 *m? -.h rera (ala fuilst.fa; -Dalay F. 8 lo 1, won;
AllITtalTt Tt^SSi CavVrta F. thlrd. Tlm*
I:l?%; ., ,,. -,.a ? |,j|f fur! ,r,g() Rn.h 1 to .4.
?j.r.*%^^?.'? mrr",????,hiM-T,mp
ti>i\. , .? f?,ir,n?e>- Ti.m C*BSM I " 2. *''"'?
SSfctTSiK LtSfK W.. .t.lr-1. Tba* 1:17*4.
at lon'* J""' t."P8a4ptta the rain last nlght
,h" pilr CMBBsfS Waell wa. faal and go<.d rarmg
waa wltnesHCd thla afternoon. Summary:
anM rae. wm ^^^^2^^^^: li!
;!-'?':?';'"}? m,1 nm B*e*?di ?-'"?.. BB lEaa.
Time- I***,
rx.naid,. 1.^.4. I jrfjjj \W^fU,?ne. IIB ,M'In.rr.).
t, |o l *nt 8 w At r . ,,
^?./r*:. $>??**?******> *?.*-w*u-'
> 102 (J. M(T>onald), 7 to 6 and out. waa; M F-rre... 113
(Melntyre). 8 to i ann - t.. io, aeooad; Oaf Cbaflaa. l>?
(T ..elBhl. 8 'o 1. thlrd. Tlm.- 1 aSH
Flfth raoa -r i ,.ia.-. and rtlli.a. -even furlongn
y :., iaa .|-.n .?,.,. r. t.. a *-_ 4 ln 5. won: Brtw
Ward Wl <J Woeda), 4 i* i aad ?????>'?? "eeoad; Uri uk
t*a* .,', . Kr. .-?>. e,.-i. ihlM Tlm* 1 '-"V,
Bista rac* i**lllna ne mll*i iv_.,.ini. 114 iTr**ia*a?.
ia i . i ,ni I ? ? l ? i. I'.mi", 8n iM.lniyrri. 4 la I
?.,. --. , , i .... ? |; ]....,-'? - ?...; ! Wr?8*4, H tn |, thlrd.
Tlm* 1 ?3
KPNSlXiiTdN iir.tm.l-; HANDICAP WHl'tHTS.
The welghta for the Kenalnflton Mur.ll- Haaaaeap,
f .r four-year-aMa and upward, at on* mile and
,,,... rjuartera ..i>r aeven hurdlea, la r>? run at
Graveeend to-day are aa followa:
sir i iaaai . ' ?'? ?' ,i? .__
tTialleng-r.1>>' ? "*?.ar . i*?
M ? hall . 151 ? '?? ia t'-n . [fj
h .I.*m ,; ? i "forl . |g
:-? .... li ivn. IT, ? idll. |fa
. 110 Lady Pilntv. IM
P ... I, Hkater.....147 Blnvarr* . ;<*
Mi lea . UT Mlipah .J*'
r .I4A Waiermaa .Ig
l kl . 14.-. Itianua .J3
? ;. iin Pleraal. in >in*i T*n~ipann.IH
H.i.nazard.148'Brown ??<? .'?'''
I.. t r. it. .lur.e 7. Ha IhOUWad people paw th-'
? 1 renr-tvnl of tlie Detroll *?*rhy at the openlns
of the runnltie mfettn; at Hlshland Park to-dav.
Itantan ?? Toebar*a Itrathiaore bo|| iaat-ey won tha
mre and the fl 600 flral aaanay l? elaaaa atvie from
, and Mi i Ousele. Allee Parley nnd Laverock
were the other atartera Three of the bU favorltaa
araa. Bummarleo:
Flral rar? i*ia mr: aasl i-ni'P. IJfl iKafeai, I W ?.
w i t..k,-..,..-. na ii-- di a te l KSt,_*> ,'.]
v. nd r**4> (l ilf -f li B*i Mtchell, 18 B Urwlaj.
,,.??? IIM"., II, K. ????-.. ,. ; ,',,.?,, i .
ia -.. i ? ,n >... ii--. ? ?? ? ??iuV!Ka.T;\ ,* i
irrn, i.? ... ,. ..???. .....
? ? ? i Matzan na. Bfl .' " 'Whwiet). >r- I ' '? ",lr
" ,a r,._ (petroH perby, aai ee_ a aaarfar bbMib?
laabay, l- lKnapo>, 4 i,. h -ron; Nab^b, IM ?,?**$?
>:..,, !?_!*, (88 iH"'V 40 ia i, ui.ra
' ' 'r .. ,?_, ,?., an elgh.h rr...... MBB* M
(C*niro), 50 I* I. IhlN. TlaM I H
Henrva M Y . JWM I Thls W8I tho apealOl day
ol thi race meetlaa ln th* Weatara Mew-Torb nr
culi al Otrnw* DHvlna Park. ll waa made ai^ri
m,. by ehartalaa waatheti The ira k waa ln prliae
I eanditlaa, nnd a larae irrowd waa preaent. nae
i sumrnnry:
?_B n_\?x TiiomN'i rfRSF, ?3oo.
I welf-re, a ? rf?aa8 sieii-r^ ?-><;*f-'l'; ;._? ' ' 1
Pabla Al '...ter Ml ? "?' """,v N',T a 2 2
?-..m..: Vr r' ip Whii . '?-?-;? v.,v 8 * :''
Ki iaa Klia. * ? '*"' 'ri ! '*'? nr
i l.;).t^t.-hn.'rh r .?.-?:?? i*i r^jB4r_i .'.?'
Tlmr 2 8818. I ?? - M '
2 a*. rrLA* PACTita ptniai isoo.
f.innor Aleyapar. ? c (Wllliaai M"' - t ,
a?e..l> Na* rorh ? , ? t 2 2 2
! rora i ?'? lf M '?*- ' ' '
: Baltle, -n n IO ll \?n Aekaa*. ( . 4 ? ?
Brraeaaa ,
, K!:ty He-ient. br pi '? '?? ' 7 3 3 3 8 nr
| ,f,,M.'.',,ir. rh.'g ro ai aieaa-l. , , B 4r
N( Bheldon. h g tr >> TbeaBP .
^. n '? Oaw*B*>
, Aki ., rilrl ? i ai ?!? BUttcmaal, R lr
Haliw . ? - . 2 3*. trBBH
J ..?.'.. 2 -?' -. -! -
Bl NAiVi PIVB BOTMTMfl W I MIL4B Pt'8-_ ?"?
. ., ,,. , ,. ,ir M ?? 1niar>. lialtlm.-r*.
rM'.1>*h>'.">-h.' a.",\v"i'?>i.>. Wrla.llle . ..j TJ
?;Tr'-",i'"M. aiiu. :::::::::::::j ; ?
:' - ' Jbamio.:: . -
' ' ' Tlm* 1 ITTH I 88H. I ?'*
? ?
Albam fune I Tha nrat HMotloa "' the '>nirni
. , ., rroti i ? " ::' ? ? ''M "' ',' ;
,.,.?? ... ia- Thera were iwo raeea. aad i |
,f ?.re In ael
,, M*, tro4tlnfl_wai won hi
k. own. by V T ia - v'-?1 ' "? i
A r M t- i I in>, ?< ' a i
. .. i. r. ki i ?? ? ?? ? ?
? , , . wae t - Men II " -
N ? I
v ? ... ? ? Mh* ? -ond ai i ' u
i- neorae H ?<"' lei my. ""r'i " >'
- \T%.
POINT IIRBBZI Mr.p/riNi riF.;iNri
Phlladelphla, June 7. The annual iprlng BMOtlna
,.f tha Phltodelphla Diirlaa ? -rw Aaaoclatlon
opened bi ihe Polni Breeaa iri I l lai a.,,t wlll
,,. three daya Two raeaa were ei lhi ii i
,...-: .. , ... elaai
wer* d<
i,vii.o,i>i, -... *. beat tlrne.
... : . l beal ilma
. i-. ., v.. inut too) n nej in the
. ... : ! a waa aeeond In tbe tred
?ra BirntiM roi ubcihtwoii racm
Leslaatai . k^ , lune t -Tb? Keatoehy Trotllns
n,,ra- Broedara' Aee itlon pureee eleaad erltb Ihe
larreal llat m ita blatory The total namber el
I enirlee for larelre pur-e? (witb aeveral niaiam
nolnta 10 hear frnmi ls S?, dlaUlbUted h* f-llowt.
Futtirlty f.r th.>*ai-ol,1*. ,'J, Pulurlty, loi
74; 1 .-i -.-??. ,
ii.'. Aahland : 11 trotl. ri fc; lha i ??? i ? nn ?? - a
,.r- ai th* Walnui Hnii nup ' lt 'ttera ?;.
,,,. mue Oraaa, 1:11 irotlera K the Johnaton. 2-4
ra H th* We*t, 2?8 irotlera, (I; Ihe Ren
?u.-kv tlite'e y*ar-Old tr-.tier-. IV the I -x ll . ?
two-year .1.1 ir.it.r-. H, m.-i 'ho Wlleoft, 2 .'i
i . ara M _
trmemwH of mr. nom o? thb man amo
luvoicsfl w Tiria ao_Rio~_fT
From The BpofcaIM Hpokeaman l'.evlew
\ k ferkea Rdltor ol "Tha Boaeown fafont l
, ,, ..j,.], ?? |( aom< tin...a .nll-1 tio Bout Dough
I?o*.i of Montana, a lltle lhi i ow. - Ita orlaln to *
: nf llir atxtlea ll.it |:..7.1,1,10 floiir nlviny*
...... ... ;.->, Th. 11 pellatlon atlrke to
fnnni peraotia and 1 r. 1 r.j_--- in Ihe Oallatln \aliev
.into ihio day Mr r*rk*e rath.-r Hkea lha
illie an.l often auna ln* effualon* with H A r?**nl
? .,,. 0f "Th. f'hronlele" contalned ihe followlna
veraea under the ntie. ??Stru.-k a Horae'':
j ..] laaper waa a niin.-r flray, non.e bUty year* "f
Who'd been In evtry niiniim .*mp ln if.s Inelplent
Tn early manhond he rame M-st la ei.etitl a yrur
Arrt' then return wlth wealth to burn and llve In
11 warm kIow.
He 1. ? ajred Ar*1 aomf twenty year*, but n*ver
ma.lo It atlok:
],,.. v ., (. , |M -very ranyon creek, wlth ern,n*. t>on
A Btamped* 'alwaya took hlm ln tio wa* the flrat
ln lin- , _
Ti, aeareh of re^ion*. wblaper aehl. were ahowinK
colora ft?8
Tn later yeara he ttwned to qwarta, to hrlng hlm
li, ?.,m( wealth, .
An'l dUB ",1 Bllaed and workerl t?o hard he under
mii ? ?' hla h< aith.
Yet ?in ha Boushl to win reward rar ataadp paara
Py -iruifKlIni? on to wreat tho koIiI from under
n?.ifii tbe aoll.
At laai Dame Portune rame nionu, *nd iiKhttna; on
Nla elalta, . ... .._,,.
Kev-aied >i veln nome thr? feet thl-k. that nile-l
hlm wlth acelalm.
rtut tfnf la all It <-ver bionpfit, for aoon there came
Ami Bl a d'eptb of atxteen feot. old .Tnaper "atru, k
.1 boraa.'
And no tt la Wlfn mort of ua, nr> matter what Wl
We *f*rl trlpp-d up nnd trod upon, and rtaa up nll
aakew; . , , ...
We atati Wltb \ltfor toward an end, we work wlth
nll ..'tr force, ...
Ali'l V, hei: w ?' atiem to r.-neh our alm, we nn.l ?'? VI
"airii-u a boraa.*'
- -?
From The ''hi-.-11.-0 latei Oeeaa
The fnte ot Colonei Aleaaadar vraraar, of Bas*
|er Hi,r!n?ra. Knn . hnngs "ti a c-.mma. .'ol.nel
Warnei waa at onn t .me n promlnent banker. and
for yeara he w.,s i^art.-r of tha Republlcan party
of thla Btata In recooatruetk? daya h* waa
Irmvirer of MlaalBBlppI, and later wne ele-fed
Btate Treaaurer Of roiineetlr-ut. He waa a reildent
of I omfret, and M<-r\r.l fr..m 1W7 to |8?.
A few ,!.-, vs .-IRO ht- 44UB ronvleftd on flve rount*
aecuelnaj hlm of rer.e|vlng depoiltM for h!a bnnk
when ln- knew it wea aboul to fall \\ ben Btate
Hai k < 'ommlaalom r Br*?anthaj loo. eharae of tho
hiatitutlon all he found ??? rlabtcen Mexi-an
(in'i.ih whlch Colonei U'arnor lm,l used aa llluatra
Mona when eampalanlna xv? Btate In IM for th*
Kepubllean Natlonal tl-ket. Colonei warner haa
aiireal-d the eaae to the Hupreme <-ourt on the
around lhal the -?rdlcl ef th? jury la not in ne
. ..i.l-iii. ?? wlth the Kanan* ItankiiiK Inw.
fhe new PankliiK law, paaeed In I8t7, rept-,-4ie.i ?he
old law, but tbla provlalon waa made: "PrvrtAm.
thiit nll .rimlnai fjiffeneea eommltted, nn,i oriinitint
urtiona oommeneeil under a.ilo fhapter 41 of 'he
Lawa of laat, ahall la ao manner be a*fe.-ti,i .,r
abnted f>n ??>'??>" t of th- r-i.-al of mid law." Th*
,.ri. 11.- .,f which Colonei Waraer haa beea e.m
.loted V...H ....n.rillied prlor lo Ihe i*t>eal of tl."
old Ia4v hut Ih* proeeeullon waa not InatltUted
imtil af'er ii v.-a* repealed. Tba eoleael'a al
torney'a rontend thal ibe provlalon, 'that all
rrlmlnal nfrVn-e* rommlffed. nnd -rfminal arttona
rommenced" ahould b* ronatrued aa one aentenre.
and thal ll meana thal 1,0th ihe orfenre muM b*
coniniltt.-d and the pro-eeutlon b<gun before tbe
rei.al of the old 1?> . Innamu-h aa the proaerutlon
waa noi heg-un i.n'll after Its ifpe*!, th-i Judgint-nt
? |p ,.;,!'?? w'tn he let II h '???
*4.ri?d. ' lia-- Cj?miisioiiai _Heidci.ti.ul, who
| frnmed the new law. says that the provlslnn "thal
all erlmlra! nfietir-es c mmltteil, an'l crltnln il aet ona
i commenced" mu?t he ron?trued as a cosanound
i aenteaoe, aa Isdlcsted hj ibe Issaitea of the romm.
? after the word "? on a
j Thls blirgl :..?? intention down to where .-olo?
nel \Vsmera fats ?'?? ? ' '?' entlrely upen lha ?
sfrurilon plaeed iirmn ih..rnma bj the Buprem1
Ii . ,.. t mu ailerseya ulalm I ' :' e unma iu,
no lignlflennce whittever; lhai Ihe Popullat Legis
Isture, foliowlng lhal pa ty'a Idaa "t" punctustlon.
I thres ln nboui Ihre. 'ouimii. io ihi line In every
hlll. aml thai one of tht.mirni happt ed '?
I alrlki bahlnd ih. werd "e*i ? iltt. d ' 'f tha Bu
premc Court, whlch la ?< Popullal Irlbunal, hold*
( tlm the comma wa nci lentall) tlrooned In there
I an,i Bhould noi be I i I. then C ilopel Warnai
? arlll clther hav. t. rve :. term Ir the Btate p b
!?? ? ? arj aa paj , avy line, or l.oth.
171 ?/.'///;Vi?)' REFORM l\ THF WB8T.
Efasblngtss, June 7 (aseotet), Rspreseatstrv*
Prtaee, of niinois, who i.sh juat reeelved a re
neealnation ai ti-e hsada or hla Republlcaa cop
stiiiieiiia, is inoliaad ia ballare i'nn< Baatlasenl
ls atrengthenlsg bt tba West i" faver of a oub
etamial leform of the \';, ? lon i! irt.-iu-y t*y.-i"in
?The crsS*,M be agl '? "BO far as IIMti.'U Bl
eoneerned, la rapl.ilv runnlng lt-. courae, ' Btsr
aimltar n porta from other Wfeatem Btatea The
Republlcani nf my diatrlcl ar' aound-mopey m' n
Hut they go further, T\ ?. bellave n,,i o? -. 1 y ln I . ?
gold Btandard, bai they agree wlth lha PtsbI
.lent in rn* Bpeech befera tha af*aufacturera' As
ooctatlon, of Vew-Tork, Issl January, that it
nnut nol only he our purpeeS ln tnHlnialn the gold
?taadanl, but we bbubI glve ihnt purpoea the rltal
ity ef publle law.' iii other wasda, if we Rive the
laolated rei na of the Bouth an.l W*Bl adequate
bgnklag farKltles, th- Asaisad for frec allver arlll
grsdusll] oesaa If we retlra the gr**abaeks,
and btb do letire th.-tii, wuiiout any eestrastlss of
Ibe gurren ?-. or an laau* af bonda In ibe i>iii now en
ihe FfousB 'ai.n.lar, we fhiii remova tha menaee
to our Natlonal ersalll whlch non rxlati and wlll
continii" io Bslsl 80 long at. tho Oovernment ls r.
qutred lo r.- .?, m gi anbaeka ln iroi.i rmr MU,
you mu ' remember, plai aa lha redemptton upon
t he banka "
"The people of your djstrlct, then, helleve ln !?>
formlng the curreney lawe, ,i" iheyr*
"Thit quea lon aaa only ln Identally flaeuaaeil
Th- i> i, how. ar, , rt .. unll In deman l
in?r tha' o,,r moni i rm ahall !"? pl iced on a
more ata bla an.l ?'-ier;iiv ,.,. . i have three I trge
manufaelurlng towna in mv diatrlcl Qaleaburg,
Bo a laland -md M>.iine Thera la not in theae
towna . nualm ia man of an) promln e n
n?'t a ' rei eiormer Bome of these icntiem^'i
bad other csndldM/s befon lh< conventlon, but
ahen I) wa? -uh .;.r. i-t thai thoy rould nol arln, thalr
Influei ? \- Ihrown for nie T la wai largely
d'i" lo in\ aupp rl of ? . . atanlard .,n I n my
,-onne. : |on wlf .1 Ih* movemenl lo ln pl ?'.i "
L..I v 11 itam . i.i i isina a men v. III atand no ii"ii
?er ?? l.i.i I' ui* (he) who Ien1 th ?
arelghi . nl ited
o! Ihelr nio.iiiii ln itSrf to eleel llr IfcKlnley, ln
?.'??- .? irly a mtlll ,i of goi.i
T>?ln,, rata T
ne asslty for refornlna I i? 'urrency ,? i foi a rlgltl
mslhtenanc* al the gn i atai lard They have ao
pal ???? lu et .Ie tha I tue an I
-,. k ihe aiippott of hoth Id. Iliat* for
. '..!'.? iaaa s io I.?? I ? i hravely and
announ.e hla bell I ? 1*1 ' Btandard wlll fl.,,1
Ihe h islnei ? ? ? mi ? illdly array*d agalnal him "
Ini your opponi ? ' ? " '? ' ??? : ? ? on a Ith
t>-e irrenej i foi m moi smeni"'
i .,-.. ,? h '< Island ih- retKirt was alarted
Ihat I waa the tont nf Wall Btrec mirt tlm ?
t, ,,de,i .., inj ,? ti" e mdld I I nol affe l
me In i ???-..
,?,.[] at thi ihat I ws* thelr I I whi n
th* oomm t .. f'w montba ago nrdered ?. i
>?? . i*n< ral I- ... i ipprovi 'I
?!? ? r ! Ihe o. was ??'. ? ed by fl ?
lary Alger i Imtnedlatelt went lo the IVhlte
Houae -ti l apoke i . Ibe Pr< ild. i I iboul ? 1 told
ni n thai ?i" ral. >f wagi whlch waa nald ui
Demnerall'' Admlnlatrallnn oughi ??? b. '
, it- puhll ??? Admlnlafra i Tl ? l'i? i
,v j,,. and ti.- . ??:?!? r ? i ie m n
m h rea. Indad Whei * n>- of n ? op|
? ihe repnrl In R. rk l dand lhal i wi
? ? '.?? wnrklngn ? n
? ?? ?
,,,.,r ..:..?? [ wna only li illng th* ? ipli
aimllar ? oni ? \ w ''
falr to l'"ih i<|.|*-> ? ? , ! ?
?\j ? mghi me -he ?'ip
?? ?? if ihe htislnosa communlij wlthoul a alinri"
?xc*ptl.I Ihi | ? ?', ni>l :ne a vote in snv
nti pr Hr< ll >i ln im Judgmi pi. i
uaa the blll nn* ' " ' '"?;? *4
? J ? ut"
? . . ??>..? ii ml *ra ai ?
.. . ? ; ? id of gold Di ma ratlc . ta
. . . , part n th.
? !?-?'. .' ' do n .1 b*1l.ve
.? ,. ... ..a a Blnila dlBtrlcl ln the l>*t, v.?*t
. r Boutl
Ttmn f R P'm-| KR
Fron. " I i ' ???"' s; ir
,, , . a'poea ' eould ae* th* Sc-vretsry "f
U'ai" ' red Earmrr < ri *-'
>*] i . , know." replled lha mai T-hom h? ha.i
; t I,. tha - rn I, ? "II wo il i proi ab . ?'??
. H . | . tr, ,...i ,v - aatura af v ir BUBl>
"'? -tveii who 1 am doesn't fn-tke ao m-ieh dlffer
, , . | mj bualni ?' la lmTi"rtant.
.... hlm. I ' I-.- an'
t;.,i. |. orof But i ? ? ighi M 'ud he only i ollta to
.,, ihe He 'Kre'.,!> of WSr Brst."
>.|f ., ^ ., ? ? ? i : wsnt, tn? meninar^or
the || iubc "f Repreaentstlvea from yaur dlatrl *'
'? , ,, .. rn 8 I'm her.- Tn make u aug
.f ti.? buman raee i wsni
u can set sll lha latsai informatlon in the
ne* apapera . . . . . . .?
! son'l de?'.r* to get Informn ion. I wlali to
?l;a if BTar haa rh*ng*d li*sa*nd<M4a from what
i in t
??i nou,?' inably," . .
!? - moatlv a gUBSlbin of whlrh ha* th* mo??
flghiln' materlal "
"A. l flghiln' materlal rnve money
"Tliaf. th* .?!?>,' polnl '
??V|- : la fur eaeb sMe to iri? off some
? ...... ,i or rea an' aaeertals wnlch kin hoM
Thst'n it .
??! t'poae there nln'f no way thaf war I<ln hs
nre\ent,"i from n*ln' m-.re or lesti barbarouB. But
,.,,., \V uj y.u ever down
to Bw ? mp . 'enl I ?
"Never " , ,
"Well that there'a Ihe mo^t malarlouaest neiph
berhood !n tho gcography. Ar' lt ,vo?rre,l to mo
? '.. -ud be .i good '? I'-.i. m caae ?<( war, to ar
K ao-, ,,, ,,,ir iha opnosln' forcea .i"wn
..,., ctntn ? Ild of i
i.i,/ ,, ? ncnuragln' thi promtacoua earryln of
flrearma in '*n aottla rlghl down an* .-???? whl, i
?Me kln ifl rd io buj the moat q ilnlne Iti '
B? reaaonahlc to maka the aupplj of qulnln* ti'->
tesf ?h if la ls msk* the aupply ?' gunp<4wcier
Ihe derldln' arguinent lt brlngi li down i" the
I. ?:? out nualltlea of th* iwo part lea, un' -.- ral
|. n out rrrillil'-s 01 -ii'' i?" 1'" 4??. ?>? ? "
., ,, , ,.,.. ,] ns an mu 'h ln the a ly o nreworka,
i. ,.|. f.M tb* sohiier-. tn.'ie of ?? chsnes to ?*lt gwgy
i,ii\e after oaa slds or ihe oth*r han glve out of
ammunltlon "
* -
Krom The ChlCSge BaCOl I
Wsshlngton la lo hnve a flrsl claaa monsstery,
erected by tho aodety of lha Eronrla ana on a trar-t
,,f r.,riy four .. rea northeoel of Wsshlngton, nesr
,.,,. Soldiers' Homa smi tho Cstbollc ljnlv*r*lty
?|-), bulldlng is now abova the iir i atory, and wlll
lariod thi i aummer. lt la to be i heiutiful
structure modelled sfter the elaaele monastla
archltecture of i r.a - -.. Burroundlng a courtyard W
feel aquare w.ih clolatera K lael wlde nnd rowa of
siatelj plll'ais It wlll he the l..r?.-.it. mnal Im
poalng and aostly home of rellgloua aeeluglon ln
Ihe ITnlted Btatea, and hv esprsaa eommand of
Fo'.e I,.-,. XIII wlll be tii* general headquartera
of all the varloua branchea ,,f the brotherhood,
whlch hn? recently be*n conoolldatad Into a Mn
u],- body kti"\wi ai lha Reunlted Eranolacana.
Thla in a return to tha otiglnal organlaation,
whlch .Itirli.K the last tlvo f-euiurles has been
splli up by Bchlsesa and rtvalrtea Into a <i"zen <iir
f, reot ordera, euch m the Alcantaiiana tha Raool
i i, ihe obaervanta, th,- Reform Frtara, stc, Tbe
mi il memberahlp of tha ?? ?.. olldsted brotharh.i
u -, oscerd i!i""' an'1 the Rev Psthsr Aloyslus
' ,'?.r wbo h.iH been provlnclal af tha Pranclscana
in thlh eountry f"r aeveral yeara, wlth a realdence
in Psteraon " ?' ? has been nppolnied mlnlsicr
genei.il l.y th' rope, nn.l ln tho future wlll hava
i',i. headquartera Bl Wsshlngton.
In connectlon wlth Ihe monsatery wlll be s cqllego
for the fpeti.il preparatlon "' novltlstes for mi..
alonary -.-irbe. to wbleh the brotherhood ls ds
vle.l Th 'i , nnio to Ani'Tlea \sith :!i ? fii'Kt e\pl,,r
ar nid ii" expedltb n lefl Bpslh or Portugsl for Ihs
New World wlthoul Frsrclsi-sn prleata. roiumims
iiimseif wnk a isy brothar of the order, H?. aften
wore th" hshtt, nnd apent hla laat d.ys In 0H0 Of
th. monaateiiea near Bevlll* Aa long aa the Bpan.
luid^ held 'lomlnion In Amerlca tha Fran ? ^
w?rr aii-p w.-if ii. nn.l then- monasterlea are atlll
found in B4'ery Btata nnd eountry from Callfornla ta
the Brgentlne I>|iUhl|r. Thelr property ln Amerlca i
hns been valut-d at hundreda of nillllons of dolbira,
hut tb* gP-Hf. PSrt of lt haa b**n I'.at hy ,on
fl ara tlon The chlef srenes for mlaalonary labor of
ti.e Praiielaeana nt preaenl Hre Bgrpt sn,i the Moiy
1 and tvhere they ara ciisiodiaiiM of nll ihs property
be ? n'glng to the Cathollc Church. The \?rv Ber.
Oodfrey Bchllllng, of Bl Prsncl '- College, Clncln
natl iiol.ls ti.' offieo r.t commissary of the Roly
Land an.l iiaa lha iinni"iiaie dlrectlon of mla
slonary 44 ?rk there lf.. arlll asava Mfl h*ailqiinrtors
to Waahington . _
A powerful sdjunct to tho ErsnclSOSB organlxa
tlon b ll". thlr.l order, romi'oaed of tho Inlty. Thls
far-r?aehtng body. whoao rulee and ohllgatlons 1.ro
obMi-vsd by thousans* and tliousaii.u of ratholh-a
a|| over the L'nlted Ptaiea, orlglnnte.l wlth BL
Frnncla of A-lsal. ?nd was ..oiroved by Pop*
Hor.ori ia In 1X21 At thelr rfi?"i n^s the membera
aaa oarmlttcd to w**f a hsbll BlmUar to that of the
nrofeaaed monBBtlc. They are alao sdewoal tha
prlvllege of burial tn the rOM Of the order.
Krom The Memphls Srlmitsr.
-yoh knows.'' aald Mian Mlaml Brown. aa shs
took posaesslon of her esiort'a razor. "dat yoh nllus
orter love yoh enernles."
"Da's er fsck." replled Mr. Pinckley. "but some
i,.,w. It'fl a heap eaaler t-.-r lova ein aftuh I has
'am Hcked."
lt ha? he?n already reported In dlipatrhe.a from
! Uealee that publk oplnlon there ar.d al?o In Cent ral
! Amerlea har- beea favorably impreoaad by the fara
well addreaa of Be|vador .le Mendonca, the form-r
! Hrnzlllan Mlnlstor to this country. ln Whlch he ad
| vocated that a Bort of American Db-t .'houid regu
, late the Intrmatlenal rewtt.in* of thla boaalephera.
I Tho addreaa or the Braalliaa d|ploa?t, ao wali
| i. ii arn al Warditngton, waa caWed Immed?telp to
Europe. ll was not to be egpeetod Ihat tho PBB
Amerlcan Idea* expreaaed iy Mr. de ifendoaaa
-,. h; I raoeiee Ihe aam* appliuse on the oth-r a;de
.,f the AtlaptlC whlch they rerelved here. Europe
qilltfl naturally leara more for h. r ommerclal th?n
for l.tr palttlcal Im -reit*. that the New Wnrid
lld be ni il- Up Of a kind af confederatlon. utvlei
American liarmnny. aomethlna lll<ft the Prusatan.
whlch morally predomlaaief in Oaraaanp. "i>a
Pntrie." of Parta, aeeuratalp refleeta Buraaaaa arn
t.mitit when tt Bflffl;
Mr De Mendonca'a worda have a partlcular
? when li ia rrmymlii-rrd tiiat il wa* tha atti
tude ..;' Chlll and Braall whlea cauaad the fallure or
the plan f'.r an American Zollverelfl, propoeed by
Mr Hlalne at the Pan-Amorlcen Congre*e at
Washlngton ,n IMB. Tl.at plan ia not abandoned:
ll wlll ba taken up agaln after tr,-) 4var, an.i every
thlng Indlcatea lhal , eomm-rrMal treaty closlng to
Europe the |".rt,4 of the two Anier|ra? wlll be alKna.l
lt i.-< aapeela|ly ln vlea/ oi thla that Rngland offers
her alllance to ihe unlted F:..te
Tlie Rapublta of Bolivla haa glven recpntlv another
praol af her frlendly sontlments toward P*ru. 8ho
fonaerly had there only o "Minirtcr Realdent": now
!:.,iuia in repreaeated *t _haa i.y n malatar Pleal*
potentlari ar.d Bnvoy Kxtranrdlnarv The Inrum
rneni of thla new ..fTW ls Seflor pon Claudle H. de
la Pnnllla, who exehanged ai hla offlrUI reeeptlon
mrmal bui cordlal aractinaa wiih the Prealdent o'
I'. i u.
Tho elfluaflfl of the grraiiBaiina? conciuied be
144. en the Kovernmenta of Peru and Chili, whl-h r1"
nn end to the lonf-pendlnfl aueatloa ol the Tacna
.\ri-a terrltory between the two eauatrlee, win
probably be lanetloned hv >i-,e Matloaal Aaeembllea
al Llma and BantlaflO. These rlausea ar? not yt
.,11 known: atlll, ... la rumnre.l thal .,- tha negatta
tlnna coi?uetatd >i Baatla?o I.v fl-nnr Rllllnarhtirrt,
Vice I'i--ilent of IV ru, he refllteeted the O.-n.-m
nimi or chlll to return the fimoiia IrOflClad Hual
i?,.-, whl a wai captured hy the Chlllana ln 'he war
whlch waa ended twelva yar.? ago hy (he tre.i'y o*
An, on.
Aitho-iph tiie llealcan Oov?rnm?!it obeervea I ie
Btrtcteel neutrality in reaard to ihe fipaniah-Amer
can War, it eaaaat praveal tba private rfltataa ef
funda by Bpanlarda Those llvlrg ln Puablfl ralsel
na ire than 110,000 tn a few baura At San Luis
POt< 120,808 waa eolleeted, and fS.flfll at MereHa, to
ne forwarded to the war fund In Hpsin Somo 8pv>
Ish merchanta lm-a ..lao heught ? large amount of
f. ml :...- tbe troopa In Cuhn, which are noi sun t.>
re elv* lt, becauae of tne American riock,-!,i?
Whlle It la reported In .llapatehea one dnv that
fbo Arcc.itine Tlepilh'.lc hai lol | gOflM of iier war
?hi;,a i , Bpaln, and the ;;ext day that ihe haa BOt
!? : - a-> the intejit papera from Buenoa Aw ? pub
llah rumnra of a differ-nt eharacter They aay
that, Beeordlna to rellabla lnformatlon from i -?? ? i
tha <iovemtnen' haa reeolved ti purehaae
? ta, Two ...' Ihem wlll re eru?era
of flreat apeed, and of the type of the ChlHan veaaej
Almtrante Cinteao. ar l tha thlrd r-na would be an
armored crulaer ol tba t>p? of the Ban Martln.
whl i t ln ttal)
Th* "Veneavelan tferaldo," pubilabed it Caracaa
ln Bngllah aad Bpanlah, aaya thal ihe renaaaoenora
?? Bpaniah-Amerlra ? War.already being felt
ln V'enei ? ? riie price o* prevbdoni baa ireatly
Inereaaed. Par fnatane*. inan ia pa l for iw pnund*
' flour; 9 renta i ; mnd for augar; Amerloan but
?? ' ? ?? pound i arid hread haa be
? ,i luaury Meanwhil* tha ?'r?e:.,M.,'- ce,m
,i - of ihe '??? l aei Ice of tba Preneh cabie, wi-ich
ei ? linaly inlntereatlni newi."
Tbe Unlted Btatea auxlliary cruiarr fadrer foe
,," i ? ih* Ward I'ner Tumurl. ln eommand ef Cap
\ R Inow, r s .\ , *r.i raanned by lha Maw?
Naval Mllltla, tofother arltk ihe imtted
Btatei colller Ale.and r, formerly the Brlilah
r Atala. pa*?ed 81 11 4>
I ? ? '-.r,!,! v t n noon I mnd ta - i
^',.'?Tt^R PEATTTBEI r,F a IfTBOB**! ??tAr.HiA>'ii-i
'?? >n The Kew-Orteana Tim a-nemoerat
III noi very often fh-it l leave my o\4n flrealde
aft" tha -in haa aettled hlmaelf t?i*een hla crim
aon blankets ln ->." weai and tha froaa are ? r^aki-i^
H?h by the wlllowa, But from
tha momenl lhai .r< >r\ rame in io i.rmg an armf.il
- .? ri ? ? nlahi laat wnuer nt:.i lingere.i to an
? n th n ?olemn eyrreaalen of pret*rnatural
',- "?' ? in:: ? er aei marrled
\f.a flaflv Wllllarra." l detetmlned n attend h:
w< Idli even If i had fo f..of u ali tt-e w<?y, and
? ? ? -4 aucce?i If one u <>;, k w.-.niat: <?
n i, could n ke ii ??' Por .i?-rr\ w*i m^re t.. me
?> ... <h.> ordlnari plantatlon "nlfger" 44h.> "i
'.:. wo, d
Jerrv had told Ua. th 't ll" >saa t" he marrled bv
"e?rly randl* llght," ?o we hurrled a areal d*al,
and ? ?-? |i. -. ? i- irrlvi I ., I the eh :r,h unfaahlon
ably aarlj an.i had to wali a iong wiihe he'or* tlie.
i. r aatlon iiiui atraaallna in
A -.hiny b Wlth a pK.s.mt .xpreaalon.
? ? ? ? red ab ;t ih* ' ? - hul wlth . featlv* ai* nl>..'it
tna roai w wa n d ahlny ;ik.> hla f ?.???.
ne nr two lampi whlch ihed ? ntful radlan,?
,.i ?? th- aeen* Bui nn , ne aeemed much Inter?
eal lin fh-- pro.Itnfli untll a iall n>j.:'.> who a,u
i ben> h, roiled up hia eyea a,, that
? ,. whltei were trlalble and beger t-> chu-n
in h kind of a dull a?on iton* whleh r. aa I Igher m
i, ? i ? ? ??? ? i- i untll from every pari efBweei Methei
ahrill treblei ?>: d deep rich baaaee t..!-.. ?!
Iit. r'Ycr r.nd anon the irielod) would dl< away un
.l'.'kv brother would be maklna *
dr >iilii/ nol* ? Uk* a.inie greaf lasy btinihlel.ee on
i iry ? irnmai afl ???.he aflt wlth rolllna
would swell uflBln int?> a perfe-M
V.-l ltv<> ..f gOUl I
I v. ?at*d t>i the iiuific thnf I almoat
* ? i wai al a e 'ddlni ur."! auddenly ibai 'if.
ara baral wltb great vlm into
1*1 M-i- Umi? ti? Mmmed an' l.urn>ri',
W ? n ih*r f.rii-K' .c-i . ? n
I. r lampi h* irlmmad rm- bwrnln'
\\ >..? i ~f- . .ni-a
an alr whi. ii .1 ..-a dulj aa a weddlng march. I
tumed my head to *ee the brldal party advanelng
up ihe olale. Of courae there 44 .-. a grvai iiu'ferina;
nn.l lun na of I idi and Ib ? tall gentleman wltfi
the black oai erled "Order! Let there be order ln
the rioii**!" A ti- 1 i*.i or three ?l*t*ra ru*had fr.o.i
1 ? . 1 ihe rnngregatlon and a-,is-?,) tho
brldal party to arrange themaelvea .xii the wooden
I.. I. .1 faclna u* nnd earefully pulled down tho
dreaaea untll no' even Ihe 'ip-s ol thelr toes
w?r? vlrdble. The brlde was all ln pale blue and
w:,if.> mualln .in I la-e nn.l an illualon vell hld her
bltiahea, Flower* were twlned ln ber duakr locka
and ao f,:' down over her noae^hal ane had
to hold her head up like a beliuereni younif helf-r
ai.t'inir ready to h'>ok, 10 keep them out ot her
Tha brtdeamaltl, who 44.ire * yellow dres*
tilitl \*ll, too, had much Ih- 80888 BBpect,
Hut 1 have never a>-en *ii.h a plotur- of dlre
in ? ry n- poor Jerry 1 reeented ln this h .ur h* bH 1
looked forward to bo l"ng ife aal wlth hla chin
drooping on his 1 lin- tle and hi- whlte-gloyed hnndi
reatlng on hla kneea whlle the sinu.-rs anng ou
An' iV- o1 Ihem irtll rVxillah
w la B lhi 1 rldvgr* >n ? '?
ITI* month hung wld* on -n nn.l hla amall hlood
ahot eyea 44er> fix-.i on v.,.-,n >? 1 trtod to e*t-h
hla > ya and am;ie enrouraatngty, but ii waa ln rain;
>-...- he n ed I llnd and di if lo 1.1 ent-iiii\- thlng*.
When tha ceremony began and he repealed "i. Mr.
Jeremlah Taylor. take thla Mi.aa Bally VV'llllama,"
Bftcr the mln'-Mer, who waa >-, elepant 11 nd tm
preaalve ihat he ouite overawed me. Jerry'a votre
lounded hoaree wlth deapalr
After they had been pronounced man nnd wlf",
.u 1 Jerry, after a great deel of bealtetlon, aad
aaluted liis brlde, a f<">\ 01 the ?i.?ters ruahed up
and klaeed tbe bride and groom and groomaman
an.l brl.lesmald. ami we ahooh hai?a wlth them.
Hut tho r.-at of the eongregation eyed ti.em from
af.ir. aa If they had been a party ef lepere, nnd
thelr expreaalona of tenae rlgldlty never reinxed. *)
And tnen we auf dowi iiataln nnd otie of tb? ]
brother* polltely and klndly banded u? cake anl
wine. No one ln ibe church wa* forfotten or nen
I- ?? .1. Tbe amallegt itttle Afilcan Ihera had 1
lintili of cake, nn.l I f.oild nol but empare the
per feel order that reigned 4vith ttie confualoa I
hava Been in some faabloaable ehurchea. where
la.l'ea atood on benche^ i.nd jostled nnd pilahed each
other appnrently forgetful that they *.ere in the
II ne of <lod.
Tlie brldal pnrty refused nll refreahmenta wlth
hi, ,ir ot gentlltty, nn.) ns they aat holt uprlitht on
th? hnnl bench fnclng Ihe rongreKatlon tt wua not
eaai to reellse thnt they had eyer beea. 01- ever
wo-ild b- BgBln, bappy, earel-a? negroe*. worklnif
In the cotton and com. on terma of lntlma,y wlth
thelr fellow-belnga After all ihe rak^ and wltie
hnd been aerved the ainft?ra mnr another hymn
eommenclng wlth a rhant and ending eith a wlld
r.-f-aln. In whlch they Jolned wlth nwaylr-aj bodiee
?nd dark, fiaehlng eyea.
\nd as Ita ini-iiauro dled away r.n the sprlug nlght
we lurned our faeea homeward, leavlng J> rry wlth
lha look of awful deaolatlon atili Imprjnted on hia
ml'cr-iMe black fac- by the alde of hla duaky
brl 1- WhO aat Wltb nOBB hlgh ln alr. It waa a re?
llef t.', mv feel Inai when he came ln next mornlng-,
IM amlllng as uaual. wlth nniliintr out of the 00111
111011 run aboul hlm exeepf hl* "Sundav pania." and
aaeured me wlth a look of ruut ecatasy that every
1,r>dj aald lt \4 is *r llne weddln'. nnd that he'.l had
one good time lf ha nev-r had another. A *t*t*ment
whi-h goes t.. prova the wise ald aaytng thit ap
pearancea are deeeitfui. That everung tha deep
l.eat of a drum broke upon the aweet-acented *tlll
ne-h ns the brldal party, wlth a diummer at thelr
haa i lu tlly marened out to view the country ?
tlme-bonored cuetaai wlth tho n*Kroea here. whlch
anawera m lleu of a hoaejrmoon trlp. and alwaya
f..||,,4\s a faahlonable weddlng, Juat a* the "beg
Ktng baaket" and the written Invttatlon alwaya pre
cede li Tha two euatoma are ?.iaptod trom thoao
of thelr white frlenda Oai* the negroea are a llt
Ua more honeal about aoiiriting brmal present*
than we nre.
1 can ?x.n aee Bally -weeplng her -alierv wlth a
new broom when I look down the road these hrlpht
uprlnir mornlng*. and Jerry Informa me dally that
"m^ and Bally aln'l at'arrelled ylt." ao I guesa that
ao far all has been amuoih aalling.
Tit:; POatTtO*1 the Tiuti'EDn WILL nrrrpr AB A
Arluiirul ('olonib, In The L'nIU.l Servlci Revlew
Our ilefrnc r-onslat* ln th* niahllity of our naval
forcea and >? tr nOWt-rs Of i "li ? ntiatlng th.-m on
aay glven polal ln the short-.?: poaalbl* tlme Pos
i flhle snemie* -.r>- tbea >rlien t.i underatand that lf
' tr.ay iry to atrike al any glvea gelSt lhay munl eg
? saci (hai iheir furcsa m.i i? atruck si that
' polnt, and by >.t leaa' B" cqual forca ln thla very
short j. rlod of time lhal I-. before th? atta k can
be lully (loveioped Thls knowledge. ln the rcinda of
I pca.-IM. ttnemlea, f'.nni a loci... defenco; aa fhey
eannot be e*.-rted to atrlka unlew they luv* 3ood
iias,,n to hope for Buceeia, which thi ? canaot have
1 upder th* condltlona Oplnlon havlng swuj -'1 round
lenerglly to thta \iew, ?, an found to Bursua a
llBTcrent roursa ln reggra to lorptde-boata Ihaa we
auraueq ln i'.,tar,l m ooeat-da o ic* ?ini-v, ..-? is. Th*
t. ip.-,|.i-h, at, 4.4 originally ulanned, waa J"*t ua
inweffill an instri'ii.i ui ,i w i ? -.- ahe n< w n The
..Iffei.r.e is lhal a|ie la n..u siAi.-iIng an?l ?**
kevpiiiK-at leaat, iii theory a/hll* ti.< orl4;lnal tor
pr.io-;t.at waa rhHnod to her p irl *ni w*'* n*"ber
? aaagoing nor aenbeening, lii<" ih.i eo*Bt-4*fensa
Iron. la.ls an'l the giisbo ii? -
Bo, when f?r*|gB gatlona btil'.l 8i4-af numhers ot
thea* veaaela, the BrltUh Ai'miralty. thomrh much
preaacd by pnpular clamor, si.iv--.i its hand tili lt
; h.1'1 see.ired * ve-sel ll, ih-' ' 911'" ll I- ?' '' deatrOfWffj
i wlilrh waa afagoing ana aeak.-eplng. and poase.4aadl
th" blfhast quatliy of mobillt) i le ?. thei bullt ln
i profualos. Bo now li n...\ U -t\\ f.'i.-.i th< p'.tey of
Jfslgn in BngUnd la based on fh- Ura ol locplng
tbe aar e>* u from k?r c??a?t* snJ it ia governed
by sealra to ohtam aaagnlnii v. .-??'? of the hlgheac
I <-(,.?..1 and lha gresteai eeal-earrytni oapsclty, ac
r.i.ii hshtlsg fore* belng aomeilmen greally saerl
I fi'-o.I When th.se er, la ai.i I.i i .? Aa rea-ard*
atrategy, every naval Power tpual aettle for ltself
i wh.th.r lt can drlve th- nshl ,.r *ir f.r irom lts
own cosBta ar e/hethei i:v Ircumatancea .iro auch
li to | ,w it Ints a >'.f' n-'.'.e Bttttude, powrless
to ,1 , more than mlnlmlae th* .i.u.-. .o whlch must
necesanrlly arlse when the fi-M- of lattlr ai? ln Ita
' own a/ators. Parm^nency or type 'n sarahlpa, ao
far. ran only ba malntatntd ao long sj tha sir.itegl
? r.l |4aa Ueep* fh.i one i<.n,'itl'ii or ih- stbag ln
\t preaent we ar* ln fae? of ihe ffmendoua
prohlem ns to wheth*r tlm torpedo la to rla* to th*
poal tlon of aova-rnlns lyp*. "?? the rain dld; an^
whether, stippealng oplnlon p ieea lf ln the poal tlon
ppca heiil by liit) is'n. thi? wlll l.e Ua irue and
lastlne noaltlon or whether lt wlll rlse to power
mly to ; II igata, 88 Ibe rum ilifi n wsb -.i aa
rari) ,1 ?' proposc-d to bulld rama pur ? ond almple
i,i eoatend tiiin and ao i" auperaed. ih,- Iron-euut
bnttl?-shlp. Th-v w.to to hava be*n sm..:;, swift
and l"n llarntly aim..i. l |ust aufHc|.ntl> .niinred.
ln fsct. to liisuie tt-.-it a numerous and yet efr. ntva
flre could >".i h, employaa ae^lnsi them hy th*
knttle-ahtp, Bii'-h n ahlp waa never bullt, and lt
i- imp'i: ,-iti> to iin waa' mlghl hsva been the
reeull bad ona b. n hmlt ..nl tried. rtnt at an
en.|v ,., rlod ihe twrp*dO, whleh h.id till 'hen heen
ii ? to tii" baltlc-ahlp'i i--.m nnd r?im power.
w ? ,r.<;. -, v*s?i to iigel.'. ana from that inoment
(ho torpedo be?*gme an Independeni threal ta ?ho
b'nil ahlp whh-h tbe rnw had aever beea.
Thnt ihreat haa b**s grsatly developed In reoant
years, and ih.- placa i wlll take ultimately may
' bc '??? rm'ri-'l by oplnlop, even I x.ugh th tt oplnlon
In wroni ' A' publlahed eaperlmentB ?* Eng
lai'l go, oplnlon ndv-rsi' 'o ill* torprdo-bosl in tbe
esa* of open dsyllght nttai-ks upon the 1 utlr-ahlp
h ia I.--' n formed upwn tsperimenta *rhloh <i" not la
tl,? le.'st taisllfy KS| ? r in> o's triei aorond,
iwei\,. or iffteen ye-ira n;:o, * :?? even more t ror
1,1,io te tlie i.ii; ? loi.oat all ieU ln hr .:: 1 ij ?> lgnt.
The potnl here Ib ihni thls questlen la rltnl t<> ths
future nn...l war. rei w.< .lo not really Know any
thlng aboul l?, Wi hold iplnlona whb'h ll la poaal
blc ui ottHiimeut mc.de t" morrew would :.:.r,-ly
up^.i .-, ih.'i th.' whole p.'-i'i'in i- mu'h more aa
atabl. 'h i : .-" ins Hm ll la no- mly :lus un
itii v oplnlon. M-ihie i,? su.l'l-i hm, ?>, whlch
i m:.k' 4 tse foreeaal "f future- naval war alnaeull; lt
is thnl th? prsKrssa of lavertlos maj t ??. for all
we u ,"W undermlnlna Ihe whi?le i???> ti.ni by dls
turblng tha bslssca wnleh reatea exif-'ng war?hlp
Tho Immenae progreaa 'hit l,a? b. en mule ln ln
i. tslng tlie j I'-i.'Ul.. ipoaer ol th. pound of eoal
deBtroyed a -\ '?"?? r. ind thi r.. Ib nn re leon io aup
poa* itir <!? ?? ? lopmi ii' haa ci -? I f' h3B, by
gn>atl3 addlng io ihe apced of lh< lorpcdo-boat or
.-? i gr?atlj Btrcngtham i ihs threai af that ln
. atrumenl o| w^r a- aaalnsl th. I ittleahlp, nnd not
' Imposalblj maj destrcj the m- ln th* torpado
; ,.. mi .- haa b ? - Im ncna i' h ia
a BtraJghier, longcr ,.':1 more certaln trajectorr
than i; ? ilalnally had, i U'i li ira\ ? bi much
satai apeed Tne experlmenta now potng on in
upplylng I ayroa op. Idtr mn) posalbly
r.t'.i' th" afrectlva rangi >. the seopon io one
thouaai 'l v.-nde Tha dea effect of a blow
from ihe we.ipen h'.< bees eoatlnueualy ln-reaa*d
? ng the I .r.;. .
, m fi" othi r hand, th. In . ihe jntl
lo he.it L'un may i Tv h* ,1 - nip'< ,o ai ar*f
, to the lornc'lo-boal The Maxlm .1 '!????? ?? ,-mm.
ir ir haa h. .. brouaht, I '?'? ?" "?? '?' ' ' ? "
?hr-e h.in'li id r >?. da :i.r mlnuti and wlth taioke
i.-s< powdei ? ? terrlhle itr. 1 ol aur*
1 to be mueh rtrr* . p |e .? i . ? II) than that of
th* Kordenfeldt gun eould >-\er hsva bern. I aua
: .1-? .?. ahall presentl) aee thla cun in unlverjal
.,, . loymi' ? aa ,v 01 ly n il inawi r to the torped*"
I...,:. compelllns her ta adopt irmor aa ilone rs>
pable of malntalnlsg bar pe*M oh.
tnd here, a*iain, tba ln?entor haa hla anasrer.
1 The ?.ime ur.at flrm ln England. Vl-kers Bons 4%
\l.vai. ,vhi-|. i .lea rr* Maxlm Bun s:;ppllea
[alao ui-der i* rvey'a asd Krupp'a patenta), armor
reaUtlng power aa could noi ha-?> l^.n
dreamed of ten yeira ago l' rVi.> n t.m ^un
atrlkea al tho root of ihe Ideaa whlch h..ve pro
1,. 1 the tornedo-boat, H !a qulta p Blble ihat th*
m w armor wlll relnetate h'-r
?i-i, dlhicultb a of for ? isttng the future ,-.f taetlea
ar? great er than la foi 1 th.it of .-^tritegy,
?, . ? ? tt l* aa j et qulte a
matter of opini^n. ai ?! of v< ry loo*. ly formed onin
' lon whi fher th. futui 1 ** ill '?- b?iw t#a
battle-ahlpa alene, aa ln 1.-4 aatllns lava, pr hc
twren torpedo ressela alone, or t tween torpedo
v, as< ^ ai 'l baitli ihlpi ? ?? I torpedo
i it'.i battle ahlp* on th other ?i'ie 1 'lo not
.?? i? ||?ve :? p , -: il to tii hi nlxi ?! fleet*, hut
' others qulte n? compctenl to Judge 1 1 I rm. feel
ronfldent fhst if th-re are ?,. be IM rlzhts |,t tho
lmtne.il" future the* wlll be fou : t oti both sl<l*m
bv tornedo-veaaols and hattli ahlna cloa. V lB8oelat?
ed ar.d Intermlnglcd. Th- declalon to come to ls
! svldently cruclal and funuamental l b lleve It can
he trulj arrlved at by proper eourees of expenmenL
i: it ; am bound fo say ihat w< ? I r< iponalbLa for
th* naval expendlture of any 1 itlon I *l uld not
dream of larga and sudd n ?pi nalon untii l ?nev/
th? r.--u:r ,,r theae eariertmenfa When Eniriana
awoke, aome thlrtean yeara 120 to the convlctlon
abc w?? in ?' unlque naval aitu ,t ?r, r luirtns
ij imli ni -.ava: force, and thai n ? ln* Bhort of
domir -if naval forec could i" any defenee to B*r
i Empha she wa1" qulte t'.*ii: to follow :h" l*ad or
her p--sii,le opponenta ?nd I" 1'':'l what they
btilll only in greater number rm that would not
bo true poil ??? for .1 natlon whl' tl muat fear mul
' lary m. re than na\ il etta k H i Ii natlon aliould
Pl ,...!v : ?. isi and b r ?' il ?> 1 hli * avold tno
; rUk of throwlni Ita money awaj on whst mtght
i pi 14/4, to be nn obaolete force wb*s she wsntsi to
j as* it.
- ? ?
From The Chlcago <'hr,.nir:e.
If for.iKti ratlons ?oul.l become prOflCaSnt Wlth
' tha formidahie guna of modern warfare Lleutanaat
Wilaon recommende to thelr Mlnlatera the imroduc
I t|,.ii of the Am*rlc?n and Bngllah ram.- of playina
i msrblea The ^reat projecille-throwera and ahell*
dlatrlhutera Bre no I nxrr aishted as "f ol.l. when
, the aunnera of ho.til" ?hlpa fraquently puahrd their
r.,,tirola ln'.. the portholea of the enemy Houra
probably before tne eager captelna eam* wlthln
rsnue dlstan.-e the Junlor offlcera of th> Ame.-|f*n
N,.....<.. have ti>tiired out the pr 'lem whleh la to dl
re,-i the men who handl* 'i-.e br4*ech-loatl*fS The
, denalty or rarlty of the atHMsphere. ;ne prevaleno*
' oi' the wlnd. the helght of tbe r"-i. ;ir'* ?'' taken Into
? eonalderstlon .,
Lieutenant Wilaon eontenils that nlaylng marbles
| atea'llea the nervea af the preapeetlva naval cadet
1 whlle he la ploddlng through the ptimsry grade* st
. 1 Tne aport promotea a aplrll of i-al.'ulatlon
? o' dlatancea whlch isof Incalculable iralsa when hoa
tlle Beeta are man.ruvring for hattle.
?Spain wlll lesrn aho :t si\ doaen lesaons when
1 her fitets have been snnlhilatel and her M'.rl'tcrs
1 grs compelled ro sue for p.-aee," sald Lieutenant
! IV'lson "This game of mnrhles onght to he encour
j nge.i evetynbere. Naval eBleera really belleve that
tle yeuthful ar^rt favora proBeteney ln the art af
I war You hav orien aotlced a crow 1 of ho.-a gath
ered ahout a rlr,g where i Boore of ni.r'iles ha4e
| heen plaeed tn the eentr*. Tne younaatera are all
I aimlng to knock th. rollectton ot atjra ea, ete., out
of the etrel*. What heTt-r* prellmlnary method
eould he furnished in the aaethod of throwlng a pro
' Prom The Mlnneapolia Trll'iine.
\\ Ith feet ln the stlrrup nnd hand on the rop*.
Right into the round-up tbe cow-punehera lope,
UKe tii'- duat ,-lo.ids Ihat rl.le ..n n,".kota's Wlld
The kinRs of the grassland nre awnrnilng llke be*e.
On>? p?sl from the tocsln nt Kargo was rung.
An.l Into the Une every brnve OSWboy swung:
"("itir eattle ar* safe on thelr own natlve plaln,
Cems on, every OOWbOy llKht out after Bpaln."
Who earea for all Europe wlth these ln the van?
Make way ff>r the monurchs?tlio tnen from .'las
Let the Remilar* watch th?^ acoutrements shlne,
As Ihe Dat.'lles of Dssdweod fail into the line.
nii- Kl Toro may hellow: were Into the ring;
Bee the (lold Huga of Grand Forks th* larlat swlng!
"We have heard of the Malne; how she lles 'neath
thi) wave;
We have heard. tnn. of Csbbs, we gnllop to asve,
?There eanlers John Harvard. thtre rl.l-a Ell Vala
The Tlger of Prlneeton eom?a down <:i Ihe galti
At the eall of T4id Roosevelt -no lenderfoot he?
We will carry lo Cuba th- flng of the free.
Wllh the TVvH's Lake Imps st his left and his
Our TVridy wlll be ln the thlck of the flght
Then out with your guna. boya. and let the alr rtng.
lllp, hurrah for Te 1 Roosevelt, the eow-punchers*
' klng!
Wlth a rop* on hla pommel, a gun ln hla hand,
Make way for the eowhoy; he's ehockfull of aend:
The Bplrlt of Freedom ftlea1 on ln his traln.
And echoes his war cry. -Remember the MalneT
From The Atlanta fonatltutlon.
This ls a Florlda edltor's \ lew of the war:
?The coloasii Pon Qulzote prancea upon hla flerr
and untanie.1 Roslnante, cxcltiru the gayety of all
natlons and winning eaally the jackaes pennant. In
the mean tlme the tortured hull laugha at tha
niatador an'l hMlow*. at th? sunhurst ofblood that
baa for agta drenched hell'a earthly arana."

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