OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, May 12, 1903, Image 12

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1903-05-12/ed-1/seq-12/

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14 del phi Hall, at Fifty-sccond-st. and
Seventh-are., Resold.
There trere indications rß atar4a3 of considerable
Activity in nrarly .-very rtion of trie rity. An c\
titMiM liaaawiOa for th.- apcslns day of the week
iHtb, Hie at |_|ll»lii Hall. M the northwest
corn-r of nfi>-s*onnd-*t. and Scvcnth-avc. The
atm of the, pr^rty i- iS^n.l f^t- Honry Corn
look th- property last week •• I«rt payment for
th-, Ward Une Buildinc. at th.northt.ast . corner
of TVall and Wat«r *=ts.. v.hich he • <>I<l to ljOdls
Ett!jnr* r rtwtnw* M. & U Hess.
D * W Mnllin? have ■«*• for William Mathews
to an ■nu^or. Xo. U .'H-l .'ri:,r-,t.. ■ four story
t?n*rntnt house, on lofSJxQ feet.
Max M«r.v has MM throuch Jwaep* Knni.<=. of the
£rm of J. Rom*lr> Btw. - Co.. to Mrs. Ernestine
PtilPon. th- ttiree story and basement l' rlv;1
In-elline house Xo. «U Wemi One-hundred-and
«lhty-«-venth-st.. SXJMiJI feet, and ha* taken in
rsrt "ray:n«nt ■ lot on the soulh aMa of Onc-hun
<3r-d-and-rfxtieth-st.. =30 f-et west of Amsterdam
* Hall J. Ho« & Co. have sold Xo. 75 Manhattan
ave.. Z>xW feet, for Charles A. Cowen. to an ln-
Martin K. Dotson has said to Henrj' \V,crck and
E«rtha r;:k-3 a five story tenement house, Xo. 13S
\\V«t <?ixtv-first-st.. SOxSoxH') feet.
rv Wld ii~ h.roth.i.-= were the brokers who nogo
(liieil ihe talc <•! No 37 lCast iy-ninth-sl. lo
Chart* r. l^attinV for the Forty-ninth Street and
Mud'son Avenue Company.
Kredt-rick XJttel has sold for Selina Moses to F.
Griper Xo. 47 Wtst Xinety-seventh-st., a private
dweliinß- house, <•" «• >ot J"x;«' feet.
MirvX H«-i has soM to John B. Ireland No.
*r3 *Kast •> --i.\th-st . a three story and base
ment rirownstoTK- front dwelling house, on lot Six
"Piia Brothers have bought from the Aldridge
csta*e N'ks a« and 21S East one-hundred-and-thir
teenth-st.. two three story brick dwelling houses,
Jacob *R.>senbaum and Herman A. Schmidt have
o!d for a Mr. Ehret Koe. 12 and 14 East One-hun
dred-and-filtecnth-st.. two five story lirick flat
heuwc. on plot SIkIM.II feet.
Lefkowitr. Kramer &• Levy have sold for Paul
ShaW No. SO to 647 l-:ast Thirteenth-st.. three five
atorv tenement houses, on plot 51.<5x103.3 feet.
Rrisle Vojrel has sold to Samuel Wallach Xo. 352
£&st Eiphty-first-st.. a four story brick flathouse,
on lot 25x102.2 feet.
Hiram Rinaldo & Brother have sold for the es
tate of William Staeom to Louis Rinaldo Xo. IS
Broome-ft.. northwest corner of Manprin-st., a five
«tory tenement house, on lot 23x79.2 feet.
Georpe R. Cannon has sold to James J. Stewart
IEoVSn West Seventy-first-st.. a three story dwell
ing house, on lot 15x100.5 feet.
General J. Watts De Peyster has sold a plot JOOx
30U1 feet, on the south side of One-hundredth-st.,
lio feet west of Central Park West.
Joseph Roberts has sold to Albert Peiser Xo. 43
TVr«t One-hundr»d-and-thirty-second-st., a lot >x
f*?]l feet. In part payment for Xo. 43 West One
hundred-and-thjrty-second-st. Mr. Peiser gives to
Mr. Robert? Xo> 1- S J Madison-avc, a three story
dwelling house, on lot LSxSS feet.
Clara Strauss has sold Xo. 254 West Thirty-first-
Et . a four story building, on lot 25x95.9 feet. Sam
uel Semis r >" & Co. were the brokers.
Charles Ruhinper & Co. have sold for Samuel
"vVa<-ht to David Zipkin Xos. 30S and 310 Kast
Zighth-st.. old huildlJitrs on plot 49.6x97.6 feet.
A. Kassel has sold Xo. 143 Orchard-st., northwest
comer of Rivington-st., a six story tenement house,
on plot 34.10x57.« feet.
Mary E. Purchop has bought from the Brown
estate* Xos. 119 and 111 West Sixty-fourth-st.. two
four story ard basement dwelling houses, on a
rloT 3SxlfX>.s feot.
A J. Reid has sold No. 121 East Fifty-«ixth-st..
a. three story and basement dwelling house, on a
lot MaW.j feet. John T. Brooks has bought Xo.
4<^ Eleventh-st.. a two story frame building, on a
lot 24.$xJf") feet.
Clifford N. Phurman & Co. have sold for Daniel
Bobert to Mathilda Hoykendorf the southwest cor
ner of Sixty-sixth-st. p.id Park-aye.. Xos. 634 and
€35 Park-aye. and Xo. 7<> East Sixty-slxth-st.. an
apartment house, with stores, <<n lot 40xK>> feet.
W. E. & F. B. Taylor have leased for a term of
years from Dr. Alfred Walton a store In the
\Valton Bulldlnp. Xo. 503 Fifth-aye., botwoen Forty-
Eecond and Fbrty-third sts., to which they will re
■aswc on June 1.
Amop.p the mortgages recorded yesterday was
one which read as follows: "The Church at Har
senvllle according to the doctrine and discipline of
the synod of Dorth r.'.>w called the Bloomlngdale
Reformed Church in the city of New- York to the
Bank for Da»lMKi?. Bro.idwav. northeast corner of
Sixty-ejR-hth-st. ,1 yarf at 4 per cent $I'«>.<»CK)."
Tlif c<=t;it<- of Cecilia Dougherty has sold for im
provement with a factory Xos. IZ'2. 134 and 136 Wfst
Thirtieth-Rt.. old buildlnjrp. on a plot 63x95.9 feet.
I'aily A- rarlson have sold Xo. a State-st.. run
nine through to Xo. IS I Pearl-st., a four story
rtore and a one ptory buiUlinß. on n plot 24.3x213.5x
Zt.Wx Imajwlar.
Fillmore-st.. >4 f^.-t soutli of Morris Park-aye..
In Ftory brick dwelling. 22x50 feet; John E. Ba
dium. No. 1.273 Madison-aye.. owner; James K.
"\Vare & Bon. architects: C7.4M.
May Irrvin transferred title yesterday to a parcel
2^.2x70 feet at the northwf.si earner of Fifty-fourth
ft. and I>«?xinjrton-ave.. to William F. Donnelly.
The Ftai«-'l consideration was nominal.
By P«er F Merer: I MB For-lham-ave. w s. 393.1 ft ■
cf Hail la -'. S7z3Cx*Sx£l: - story f <imp h: foreclosure
eaJe. Bertha M^n'l art Theodore 9chmitt, mdiv, etc, et
a;. Fnrster .V Speer. attys; Pavid B naly. r >-f- due on
ladrt }I>WS3; costs and allowances. $:;<JOIS- taxe? etc.
$1,022 13; a-ijournf-i In May 25 '
F; Herbert A Kherßun: 173 d st ■ a corner Topßinw-
Eve. prixia*.; 2 Ktom h dwp h; torec]O«ar« sale; Elisha G
Sel-how »t al act .Tani.-< X Ri-rnes .>t al; Edward B <"lincli.
£.«;•; William R (Tlloax, ref: dv» on lodst. 11 -"11 <>7
cc^tti. etc. $.::.:; ta*e«. etc. ajoi i->. prior mort (11.000;
to the plaintiff f< 1 ?7.r»iti) rn-er prior atorl ai: int
By James \. We] is; Vywe-st, n c corner I79th-Ft.
AMIQI i:«. n Kins. BBS.
CHANGE. IM West 34th-*t.. near 7th
ave — Th* ideal Fhop for lover* of antiques
and s*«k*rs after t"Bigaln« In odd pieces ie?s
than *» va!ue. -We buy. aaJL exchange.
MANUFACTURERS of billiard and pool
tsbles; high grade bewwag alley bwMera;
lewett price*. MARX BROS.. 24 Union
a:— a .- -A !— ATTENTION!
Attractive Saota. aoMea, •jrltl private
bath; with or without board; single, rooms;
ioctorf' cfKc-s; all JeeiraJ 1-v-utions;
highest referents Information frt-e.
g. C. UELASD & ••<>.. ! West 33d-st.
DEIJGHTFUL ROOMt. en suite or sir-cle.
rewly derwated and fumitOn-d: parlor
fimint room: Southerners and transient!"
tccommoJalwi; ni-ry correnlenre; table
board: near U 7*> Waal MMa-at.
Pr, JTTH-PT.. (TEST.— l'aVties oontemplat
tng remaining in tawa iray secure spa
cious room*: <Jrrsir.g r'..orns; private hath;
•!! 'int^-d house; «xcc!lent meals; ref
erences ev-hareed; moderate.
IGTH-ST.. •1 nST. I-arg»> room, with «r
•v:thouT bca.4; tab!e excellent; table
beard; r* *>>«-«.cee.
ITTH 17 EAST. Hotel Van Rensselaer.
El«p»r.t]v furr.ished nf« apartments;
rri-vale tains, elevator: private telephone.
«7e<-*rfr light; hot-: service: $17 U weekly
and upward. Including \r£.
22R WEST 22D-ST. — '.arre. front parlor M
Jet. with biar<2; suitcble for one or two
p»rill»wit; t«rm mvderate; references.
ffSTH-ST.. <3 WEST.— Handsome Urge and
*n ill «"«YnnTtln»r rooms; parlor dining
room; ■>«■ «r.Tv^ir.re<! hasjac: reference*.
Oft MAfHSON AYE <C2d-*t.l— Parlor suite
ai3 r»th: oise hall and one larce r.wm:
ffflv crt- block '• «n Ontiml Park; unex
c«lJed taMe: table Viard; terms moderate.
CHAiSPION. Proprietor.
P-nuij. *'.r r • ■ Ma, ---*»h private
riath*: tgaor'* ofBr»: <i'z.is>w room, parlor
flnor: electric llrht: »xce-;Unt taMe bi*-rd.
>- rr- -t'i PRICES — 500 •ecmnS ->•.-•
wood and Iron working m»rhlne«: fully
ruaraateed: mechlnerjr bougtit and *x
c^rc-d. GEO B. KDDT. 8M lladlaio-at.
AiT)VKT!TIP t :MnJ>T5' «nd »üb«--ir?' rai for
T*.». Tribu-e e^..| V at their L'pt^r.n
O";'*'. >•'»- • & r -* «■.«■»>. hatvaai Sath
rt.l 37t)i *t«.. until » oVlorj» p. m. Afl.«-r
»V-<ner:T* r-<-p*^»<3 at th« fo'.lowtnir branch
r,<Sre% at TT r *W' rn'*s umil H o»?k
■ m.. vlv: C*.» f*h-«*».. « c. r.,r 22d-«t.;
IS O!. «i» . BBK. I*"h-e'.- « 7 En«t 14lh-«t.:
553 t\Vft 42i1-*".. ireen 7t;i an-1 Sth ■■— .
jr 0 . n>«: i2ys-«t.: i.ss* 3i«ve.. t»i«»j
7r.;V pni 77t»i etr.; l.fM M-ai»., n««r <n«
»« - I.7W> 1«i-2">.. ne.ir 'ftth-rt.: IS7 Tan
j;"*Jt»« ■"*•- : ;:■<■, Trem'.nt-a»e. ; «C^i '^l-av*..
re«r 41-- '• ">4 M-«rt: SRi rsTeerker-rt. :
•»•. Clee«-JfT- •■ Hrooklyn. N. V.— 210
Court-tt.; Smlti»-*t-: 1.004 Gates-ay«. I
HftillT>Halllt 2 story f bIdRS on Vyse st. a I story f
dwg h <>nd vacant on 17Wli partition sale; Annli
Gleason agt MaiT A Jaques el al: Gantz, Ne|e r A- Mc-
Kennell. attjs: Grenvllle B Wintlm-p. rcf; to josepn
Rfaixlon for *m."C-0.
I?v Br>an T. Kennlely: 2t»«. sxth-ct. s s. 171 ft w of
An:stcrdam-ave. 27x11X1.8; r. etory 11 h; public aacttoa Ble :
I<> Bcthunc-et. n c cor <;reenwlc!,-»t. •.t2xG5.1x22x.0.8:. t 2xG5.1x22x.0.8: »
ttory fl h with utorrs; paMic nuctl<<n tale; 2W> Ist aye.
n c rv.,-. 17th 23>P4; tn-.. ■ *tnry «en hs with stores.
executor's sales; estate of Tbomaa Jcnnett, deceased.
3.211 and 3.213 3d-ave. n « oor IC-<1 st, .VlxlM.b; 1 anj
2 story f bUfm; aberUTa iale of all right, title, etc, which
O H Oooi had on February 5. I:".:, i>r slnco; James Kcar
n.>. atty; W J O'Urietl. sheriff.
i<y HI liar.; V Hainett & <"o: "Xl Thompson-Rt. c s.
10<» ft n of HleecUvr- st. SxIOO; t».. st..ry bfe U<Jg; execu-
r's aate: actate of X Anthony. deeeaeed.
By Parlsij. Fisher. Jlnorey & Co: 4.234 Park-aye. c
■ 1<53 ft s cf 17Sth-«t. 27x130: three ftorv f ten h with
■tore* with three rtary f bids on rear; Harlem Savings
Ba:iK act Daniel Flynii et al. F H Wlghtman. atty; A
Ji I^wr^nce. ref: «mt due. $4,58928: laxaa. etc. $250.
Xv faaiea L Wella: Proapeel ■ s. 22 ft m r>r LafaY
ette -Kt. -J.vS-. <; l>e \V <.'lotke. as or, agt M B Condon
et ai: T X "'lorlte. atty: A W Stump. i.f. .-.nit ou».
(1.3J5 34; t:.-;-s. r-tr. «4SO; Old Post Hoad. " w s. 27<J ft
r *r nf lands of G H Pe<-k. 14i>.lx — xl<»> to land of Patrick
Hooley x142.1l to road xloO; Old Post Road, ■ •• a, at in
t«r«eetlon p o <••>.■• land ot Garrlt Garrison. W».4x82.8K4ti5x
14«5.K to lanri r.f Garrison \ c — , rontalna abonl 524 MO
acres; N. -« -York .n: i Allat.y lost K->ad. ■ «■ •-. «bf>ut
1i!».7 ft n nf Sltst <t. «9.«rfUx4«.7x5«.11: OM Poal Hoad,
n w . ■-.! kM N<> 7. on map of ptuyertjr of Cliarlea Parke.
runs <■ — t •> — x w— X a— x again s — to a post whi«'h
Rtai ds Bear the n c cor of ■ vault now «r late nf tin
estate of Jm oh i'..le x ar along n ■ said vault about 4«x
v — t-. point where saM road Interjects the New-York
and Boston Tompik* Road x n w— x c S»l.Pxn about 40.-,
to ■> stake x w nirtt to road x n and c — ; Old Albany Pnel
Road, c s. T 1 ft sof a gate leading into the srerataea of
r>nrk-. runs n c --0. 1 to » stake x s c 422.6 to a <-ut In
slat fence x ■ m 20v3 to a stake x rt w 301. 8; exception
from above ,]Kscr!.f.l prftriscs. lots No 24 to 2!>, 32 to S5,
74 to 82 and W to 93. map of property of Maria Sbrady;
G V Shrad^- a(t A n Van Kirl; et al; McCarthy & B.
Httys; partition.
Auction Sales of Real Estate
PETER F. MEYER. Auct'r..
will sell at public auction on
THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1903,
at 12 o'clock noon,
at the Exchange Salesrooms, 161 Broadway.
Supreme Court Partition Sale,
Oeonre Goiflon Battle. Esq.. Referee.
Valuable properties for business purposes.
Two three-story brick buildings, with storea.
Forming an " L," with -Vo. 10 York St.
For maps, etc . apr!>" to E. G. Duvall. Esq., Attorney.
Z77 Broadway, or at the Auctioneer's office, 155-157 Broad
way. N. Y.
BRYA\ L. KF.NNELLY, Auctioneer,
will sell at auction
Wednesday, May 20, 1903,
at 12 o'clock noon nt the New York Real Estate Sales
room. ICI Broadway.
to close the Kstate of JOHN DEWBN'AP. deed. by order
of MARIE 1.. DBWSNAP. Executrix.
1, 3, 5, 7 William St.,
AND ' -
1, 3 South William St.,
Northwest Corner Stone St.
Opposite Cotton Exchenge.
Fcur-story and basement brick office building with eight
stores; size of plot 80.7x49x70.4x53.
70 per cent, of purciiase money may remain on mortgage
at 4 per cent, for two years. .
JOH\ \V. BRAI>snY. Att'y. 1O -\VaII St.
Maps, etc.. with Atty., cr at Auctioneer's office., 7
Pine St.
City Property for Sale.
Riverdale on the Hudson*
A larp-o roomy houre, with all improvements and about
one acre of land; good view of the Hndaon and I'alisades
Near 3*th St. 4L>s Fjf'h Avenue.
5 bef::.man st.
BAY RIPGia Brooklyn. — S6th-st.. l^tween 2d and 3d
ayes. — La .-R-. new house. 14 rooms, two bathrooms
and cellar; stable; fine grounds and garden. A. MONT
GOMERY, on premises, or Si E. S»th-st.. New- York City.
near Riverside I>rlve- Subway Station. 86th St. an-i
Broadway; a three-story h'.frh-stoop brownstone dwelling,
H f p(> t wide, in fir.-t class <-ondltloi!. -nitli butler's pantry
extension and six bedrooms. Modem oper. plumbing.
Apply to SLAWSOX & HOBBS. 254 Columbus Aye.. near
73d St.
Sfcl ii iUU\ EASY TERMS, buys a brick hat factory
*H>-L\Ji\jyjlJi now In operation. OWXFTR, Room 70S.
203 Broadway.
To Let for Business Purposes.
FOR RENT OR LEASE. 2 new. l*r?e stores. No. 4.413
4.417 3d-ave. and lSlst-st. ; one for a bakery, with r
Kin* ov.n; one for a combination market; this Is a good
opportunity; a new. good locality Apply to BUILDER on
A RPSLFA*. T>ol.bs Ferr>-. Hastings. West Chester fra Jn -
J^. Or. country seats to rent, furnished, un
furnishecl. season. yea>-; al?n bargains for sale. Dobbs
Ferry, elegant cowatiy 6«at. 15 kcres; grand shade, fine
stone house. 18 r^ms; stone stablo; greenhouse; elegant
river view; 500 feet elevation; $50.«U0. TRAVIS. 15 Cort-
OFFICES, also suites: river view: $lSfi. $24". J360. S4SO
yearly; twelve stories; fireproof caoatraction
BKARI) BUILDING. 120 Liberty.
Real Estate for Exchange.
Private house locality, near 135 th St. and KlKhtb Aye.,
near -nation, five ptory. IRxlf). modem, complete, hard
vioi«l flnlch. Equity SIo.OOO each over first mortgage. Ex
change for clear country places, flats, or Brooklyn.
Principals. I. B. WAKEMAN. IM Broadway.
ADVERTISEMENTS nnd subscriptions for The Tribune
J\. received at their Uptown Office
Advertisements will be received at the following branch
offices at regular office rates until S o'clock p. 111., viz. :
"i."> 4 Sth-nve., s. -. cor. 23d-st. • t.%:{ «S<h-nve>.. cor.
12th-Ft. ; f»2 BsKt 14th-Nt.: 257 AVe»t 42d-nt.. be
tween 7th and Sth ayes.; 2CKJ AVeitt I^.">tli-nt.: I.HHS
Sd-ave., between 76th and 77th sts.; 1.02«> Hd-nve.,
211 Rast 42d-st. First class domestics are
supplied; also managing housekeepers, ma
trons, governesses, tutors, etc.
and female help direct from the South;
references investlcated. P. G EPPS Pro
prietor. 31* West I2sth-st- Telephone,
2.240 A Mornlncside.
HKRALD Square Salesrooms. IV) West
34th st.— Antiquities and modern furnl
'ure houctit. sold, exchanged, restored, re
flnl<=hed. racking, shii.nir.g.
1.000 TELEPHONE BTANDC Mt r.->und
tables. deEks. urtttlaaa, raiiinpe. count
ers, tables, chairs, wardrobes, letter flies,
letter pr.-'-f« and stands, telephone booths,
«iu<>tatiors boards: Ftnres, offices fitted.
FINN BROS., 2S 32 Centre-st.
itlil t i 111 I 1 CO.. *>: World Bide-
X, Y. Tel. 2478 J»hn. Best of ladders de
livered at 20c. per foot.
r(HM*lii:i) ROOM!).
C3TII-ST.. VH WEST.— Attractive, sunny
rtx-m for one; 6'jperlor eervice; private
American family: references.
S k TH ST.. BAST. 121. near Park-aye —
Handsome suite of iHrs*- roome. with pri
vate l>uth: one srr.&n and ana large room:
refined; homc'.lt:e; rofarci
1 31S WEST BBTH-BT. —11 indsomeJ fur
; rish*<!. large, lipht parlor and bedroom;
use of piano; private hath: all conven
iences; private house with OWTttT. near
Central Park; references exebutcd.
67 LEXINGTON-AVE.. near »stli st—
gnnt furnished large room; running wa
ter: all conveniences; sumnjer rates.
43& STH-AVI3. — Bachelor apartment. 2
rooms and bath, June to October. In
quire Janitor.
HOT and cold water; bath and large clotets.
114 East 45th-ft.
TO LST. — Furnifhed. June tn October;
■twlto apartment; two persons; light
housekeeplrg: bath: cool: ft a week- 'ef
erences. O. G. X . Box 79, Tribune Cptown
Oilce. i..y.« DroadHay.
gMJTH & EXCEL. r-'lable lawyers, ZCO
Hrl«^' wa^. Ne«-Ycrlt: accidents, domes
tl- <Jif3cu!tle# «jul:M!y alJu?te<l; consulta
tjfn free.
~" ;"iti : -N^ r H~B'X.»K *:■ ' 1".
rstabliihed l«:i. 107 West •jJ'ii, it Par
isisn Bor.ks and Papers. New catalogue |
ready; furnithed on appllcition. i^J
"H?k Assessment and
Water Rate Bills
furnished to owners of Real
Hstate from the Company's
tax plants.
These plants are the oldest
and best in existence.
C A sJ RAR A . LLlssß,ooo,oooL L lssB,ooo,ooo
The Lawyers' Title
Insurance Company
of New York
37 Liberty St., Manhattan.
38 Court St., Brooklyn.
arrly tc ROMEYN & DEMARBST. Real Estate Deal
ers. IJaokenpack^N ; J ;^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ i^^_ —^ —11—i
Unfurnhhcd_Apartmentß to Let
REDUCED RF.NTS, S2S to $30; cannot be duplicated
for $45. corner apartments; steam heat and hot
water supply; fireproof halls; six all light rooms and tils
bath. Decatur-st. and Howard-ave.^ .
Country Property for Sale.
Select modern iottages for rent. $500 to $7..VK>. on Ocean
Front and Boulevard. J. A. STRATTOX.
2\. New Colonial house. 7 bedrooms; city water: electric
light ; heat; exposed n;<-lv^l plumbing ajid shower; parquet
flo..r*: ."I ..j.cn firf-plao«>.«; piazzas all sldrs; new outbuild
ings; 2,"> acres fin? land; fruit, asparagus, garden; 63 min
utes out. Penna R. H.; I i miles from station: macadam
road-=; koo.-j mirkct; schools, cliurohes: value. $21..V»0. price,
$16 000: also $3,000 worth new furniture; horse, carriaga,
etc. Extraordinary rffer to party taking everything for
cash. An ldral complete home, in perfect order; elevated,
cool, healthful; no nuisances. No trades. R. C. Room.
1.100 26 Broadway. New York.
Po not make the mistake of buying elsewhere before
Inspecting these; write for illustrated circulars. A. D.
THOMPSON. Owner. 207 North aye . Plalnfleld. X. J.
LAKESIDE and mountain summer houses in Northeast
ern Pennsylvania. 'Write for circular. E. A. CORAY
&. CO., Wilkes- fiarre. Pa.
Cheapest house in city. Send for particulars ATWATBB.
171 Broadway.
For Sale or to Let — Country.
CHOICE COTTAGES FOR RKNT, furnished, modern:
two for sale, bargain. Box C». Stamford, Delaware
County, N. Y.
"T3OR RENT OR SALE.— Delightful summer residence at
East Stroudsburg. sacrifice. Write for par-
East Stroudsburjr. Pa. T\ - ili sacrifice. Write for par
tlculars. K. A. OORAT & CO.. Wilkes-Barre. Pa.
Real Estate for Sale or Earhange.
EQUITY of tUi.OOn in niacnifiront live story Ameri
can basement modern dwelling, with f-levator, lo
cated most iVtirtrahht section of Riveratde Drive, to ex
change for I>ots or un.-n< umbered country Property.
Plot of five Lots on west side of Sherman nv., near
MSd-at.; prirf .f.t.(nK» each. Will exchange for equity in
one or two double flats not too heavllv encumbered.
Desirable modern Villa, located south shore of Ix>ng
Island, containing 10 rooms, stable carriage house, car
dener's cottage with l">i> feet frontaee on (Jreat South
Bay; depth 1.800 feet to main road. Exchange equity of
JIO.IKK> for Brooklyn or Manhattan inrome.
Handsome IS room P.esidence. hardwood trim, located
on Broadway. Tarrytown. New York: has all improve
ments; also stable for four horses: Hot 10Ox20<>: equity
$9.<* Jo; will exchange for Lots or small Dwelling.
"T>RETTY modern house; OTange. N. J.: 10 moms and
X bath; open plumbine: Ft<\im heat; inlaid fl'^rs.PrK-e.
K,M»; mortgage, la..'^*; bargain. OWNER. Room 11. 181
Broadway .
Furnished Houses to Let— Country.
A gentleman's place to rent for season; fully furnished;
f.OO feet from Sound; fine view.
WM. H. HOTT & CO.. 13 West 42d-st.. N. 1.
Harwich. Maaa.— BeaaUftU ■eaafaore cott—w. rented fur
nished, fireplaces, bathrooms: • x.-.-llent water. co]d hot ::
delishtful climate; long season: fine bathing. LAI L, !X»
West 124 th st.
A T RYE To rent, furnished, or for sale, house and
xV ttVe acres- rhoi<« location: most desirable home fur
family: nil conveniences. HENRY W. QUIN. Hotel Endl
cott. city, or your broi«-r
.il. Modern furnlsned cottages for rent.
CIHOICE SUMMER HOMFS at Asbury Park. Ocean
/ Grove, Allenhurat nnd Deal for rent, furnished; Ideal
section for h*alth and pleasure: Renter's "Illustrated
Booklet" mailed free. J. STANLEY FERGUSON. Asbury
Park, N. J.
Ot'MJIER COTTAGE. -Iviree. luxuriously furnished
>O cottage, -with nine bedrooms, to rent for tlio season,
at Crystal Bro.->k. near Port Jefferson. L. 1. : every Im
provement. Including gas; rent $<>*•. .«end fnr circular to
BI'RRITT. 413 Adelphi st.. Brooklyn, or to Crystal Brook.
yUFFERX. - To let, for summer, handsomrly furnished
»3 housr, 13 rooms, hardwood floors, electric lights,
all improvements; near station. Address ERIE. Box 32.
Tribune Ofltce.
Country Property to Let.
IONG BRANCH. West End. Hollywood and Elberon
J cottapes to rent from $300 upward?. Apply to
EMANITEL fc CO.. P. O. Building. lying Branch. N. J.
Real Estate Wanted.
HAVE CUSTOMERS for houses and store property in
Brooklyn. Send JACOB BAKER. 134 Boadway,
ROOFS JRepairing; metal patntinc:
v " c *' i^uarantewl. American Roofing
70 Maiden l.r. \- i'Blnl c. Tel. 3044 R J -.lir..
FOR LUNCH.— The Woman's Noonday
Club. 37 We^t 19th-«t.
R o t. L T o r
in great variety
of tiyle and
T. G.
11l Fulton St.
AOCORDiOK I'leatlng. clde pleating, plnk
ir.g. etc.; feathers curled; work guaran
teed; parapo.i pleating. Works. 515 Sth
DSKSBMAKBB. — French: from Paris; 18
y-ars' experience; In private family; <3oea
not fj.csk Kaj;lish. Miss JANE. 162 West
DRESSMAKKR to sew by the day. $1 50
119 West ;«.Vh-st.
SEAMSTRESS. — Understands dressmaking.
wants work l.y the day; terms moderate.
4r.i \Wfit -»Qth-st.
auctioneer. 152 and 154 Canal-st.
May 1- — By I: Simpson Co., 9 Myrtle
.-. c., Brooklyn. dJamonds. Jewelry, etc.,
pledged Nos. 1..'.» l to 6.0U0.
May 13— By B. Iz-hman. 3>2 ColtunUa-at.,
Brr<ok]ya. leweJry. etc.. to May 5, 1902.
May 14— By M. Well & Co.. 2.247 3d
avo . diamonds, jewelry, etc., pledged to
May S H<o2.
M«y I.*.— n> A. Schlang. 1.556 3d-ave..
diamonds. Jewelry, etc.. pledged to May 9,
May IS— By M. Lavery. 894 9th-ave .
clothing, pledged to May 10, 11*02.
Ha] is— Bj H. McAleenan. 4(» FuSton
■l Brooklyn, dlami-n.l»=. Jewelry, etc., Nos.
s.i«i to 7.03!».
May 10 — By J. Simpson & Co.. 22."> Park
Row. diamond*. Jewelry. etc, pledges to-
February I, 1902, Nos. 4, 0"0. and Roods
held o'. er.
A*PVFnTISKIIE.VTS and -lubscriptionn for
The Tribune received at their Uptown
Ofilee No. 1.304 Broadway, between 36th
nnd 37th ets until 0 o'clock p. m. Adver
tl»«»m«nts received at the follntrlng branch
'•ffices at regular offirp rates until H o'clock
r». m.. viz. : -.'.4 Sth-nve., • c. cor. 23d-st. ;
1.-.:; r,tl »ye.. cor. I2th-st.; OS Kast 14th-st .
2."." W(-rt 42fi-*t...t*tween 7tli and Bth ayes.;
m West >2Mh-st.; l.a.ip .Id-eve.. brtwMs
7<":b and 77th ita . 1,020 3d-av<'.. n-ar filst
«.; ■ |M Ist-ave.. nmr Mtll . |&J East
li'.".th-5!.: "•*''• Treninlit-ave. ; lV>n 3d-a\e.,
near 41M-:"!.; .V.4 Sd nve. : 210 Bieecker-st. ;
tt7T> •••!■-■ H Hi..okl-.!i. N. T.— 2lfl
Court-st.: I'l.'i Smllh-st.; 1.004 Gates-ove.
-Heal Estate.
KT>I POBRU Auct.. 9S Bowery, sell* iq
a. m., all goods pledged to May 1. 1902.
>la> i_ -.!•■» eiry, watches. diamonds, sll
verware, etc.. all goods ]iledged previous
May 15. I!ki2; Wni J'rager. 447 7th-ave.
May 13 — Jewelry, watches, diamonds,
etc.. Thos. Newman & Sor;. Brooklyn.
May 14 — Clothlne. dresses, shoes, etc, J.
A. Weaver. 512 West 57th st.
May — Jewelry, watches, diamonds, sil
verware, etc.. C. Sobel. sft lst-ave.
May 18— Clothing, M. J. Grlttefield,
May 10 Clothing, dresses, remnants,
shoes, etc.. M. Rothman. 443 Canal-st.
JOS. BHON6OOD & SONS, Auctioneers.
salesrooms No. 94 Bowery.
May 12 — Men's and women's clothing,
etc.. H. S. Isaacs. 2.43S Sth-ave.
May 12— Jewelry, etc.. pledged to May 1.
1002. D. Pilberstein's Sons. 10 6th-ave.; Sll
ber^teln Bros.. 2.457 -"rth-ave.
May Jewelry, watches, diamonds,
etc.. E. E. Fox. 02R Oth-ave.
May 13 — Men's and women's clothins.
etc.. A. Krledmin. 344 K. Houston-st.
May 14— Clothing. M. Levy. 2.C1« 3d-ave.
May 14— Jewelry, watches, diamonds, etc .
pledged previous to May 7, 1002, BenJ.
Auff=ey, 279 Stanton
May — Jewelry, watches, diamonds, etc.,
John J. Aaron & Son. 101 Grand-st.
May 18— Clothing, etc., H. M. Wolfe.
Joseph & Co.. Jersey City.
L.. L. FIRUSKI. Auctioneer. 70 Bowerj-,
sells, lo a. m.:
May 12— By B. Mayer, V. Meyer, Jewelry.
May 13— By L,. Burger, 7C4 Amsterdam
ave.. diamonds, watche«. Jewelry, brlc-a
brac. palntlnfTs, cut Rla«i.«. Dresden china,
bronzes, all iilcdges prior May 6. 1002. and
all older dates held ov»r.
May 14— By Ooldatooe Hros.. r.lB 6th-ave..
fannerly 7<3Q <">th .-we., diamonds, watches.
Jewelry, all pleug.'S prior May 4. 1002.
May 14 By A. I^awrence 252 lst-nve..
clothing, etc., pledged prior May 4. 1002.
May 15— By M. Stsivrnhagen & Co.. suc
cessors H. Stavenhagen & Son. 29 Woodhull
st.. Brooklji:. diamonds, wntches. Jewelry,
all pledges i.rl"r May B, IWI2.
May IS— M. Simons & Son. 94 Hester
5t.. diamonds, watches. Jewelry, all pledges
from No. 114.330 to 117,440. Inclusive, of
May — E. Dreyen. 101 aye., dia
monds, wßtches. jewelry, all pledges prior
May 8. 1902: all older dates.
May 10— By H. Baruth. «08 Myrtle-aye..
Brooklyn; S. Lawrence, 251 Ist-ave.. dla
mondc. watches. Jewelry, all pledges prior
May 9. l!<02
May 1»— By Mr. Manning & Sons. 1.070
3d-ave.. SS4 aye.. clothing, etc.. pledged
prior May 0, 1002.
Anderson A Mlntz. Aucts.. 54 Bowery, sell:
May 13— By L. Bernstein. 2.&58 Sth-ave..
all men's ard women's clothUig pledged to
May 1. 1002.
May 13— By I. M. Conn, C 29 6th aye..
evening druses
May 14— Py B A. Flatto. 1,205 3.1-ave.,
and Eli Sobel. 1.64S 2d-ave.. all clothing
pledged to May 7, 1002.
May 15— By A. Wollheim & Son. 1.453
Ist avf . all men's an<l women's clothing
pledged to May 1. 1003.
ATiVERTISEMEXTF and subscriptions for
Th» Trlbun*- received at their Uptown
Office No. 1.3R4 Broadway, between- 3«jth
«nd 37th sts.. until 1» o'clock p. m. Adver
tisement* r'r>h«l at the following branch
offli*e« nt regular office, rates until 8 o'eledl
p. m.. viz. : 2.".4 Bth-ave.. s. c. ear. 23d-st. :
I.Vt «th-ave. ror. 12!h-st.: 92 East 14th-»t.;
237 \\ est 42d St.. between 7th and Stb avea.;
for Be. ya 1. Send postal card. CARPET
CLEANING CO.. 33S> West 50th-st. Tel.
2,/»54 — Columbus. . _
353 W. 54TH ST. c&wJS.
CARPET OMA3t*HQ. Hstalillshed 1H75.
437-0 W. 45TH-ST..
Has for the last 4« years enjoyed the.
well merited confidence of housekeepers.
Cleaned, packed and stored If desired. Tel.
611--3Sth St. .. " •
TWIN BROS.. 375 STH AYE.. have the best
hand cleaning, repairing and storage de
partment of Oriental rugs nnd carpets in
the United States; have us pack your furs,
rugs and woollens with TWIN'S ORI
INE. the positive perfumed Vegetable Moth
Destroyer In the World.
210 W. 77th-st. T R,'ve 2^d.
Carpet cleansing. Send for circular.
ORIENTAL KUOfl repaired. »a*al by
expert specialist. HAIfJ S. ISKITAN. »4
AV,Ft istt,. s :. Heference. the H. B. Clafiin
Cleans by compressed air. steam, hand of ■
m floor. I.OBS Broadway. 421 East 46th -st
COE & BRANDT. Tel. 133 Mth.
RUG! RUG! RUG!— Oriental rugs, repair
ing, washing, cleaning specialty. SE\ EN
TATOSIAV BROTHERS. 70 West 30th-st..
corner flth-ave. Established KftO.
BANKBOOK No. 301,049 of the Union Dim*.
Savings Institution Is missing. Any per
son having a claim to it Is hereby called
upon to present the same within ten da>s
or submit to having said passbook cancelled
and a new one Issued.
BANKBOOK No. 324.183 of the Union Dime
Savings Institution is missing. Any per
non having a claim to it is hereby called
upon lo present the same within ten days
or submit to having said passbook cancelled
and a new one Issued.
BANKBOOK No. 1C5.00S of the Union Dime
Savings Institution is missing. Any per
son having a claim to It is hereby called
upon to present the same within ten days
or submit to having said passbook cancelled
and a new one Issued.
LOST. — Bankbook No. 740.150. Bunk for
Savings. 2SO 4th-ave.. New- York. Pay
ment stopped, riense return book to bank.
LOST OR STOLEN. — Bankbook No. 357.20:!
of the German Savings Hank in the City
of New-York, comer 4th-ave. ami 14th st..
issued to Alexander rtuchwald. AH persons
are cautioned against negotiating the same.
If no' returned to the hank on the 4th day
of June. 1003. a duplicate will 1-e Issue. 1
OTARANTEF.n PII.KP. b!a<-k. white, col
ors, direct from Iootis; factory price saves
you IBc. to 4.*ic. a yard; mail orders filled:
10c. brings samples and memento. L.ENOX
SILK WORKS. 1.1.T3 Bnvadwav N»w \ -rk
good Income corresponding for news
papers; $5 per column for work In spare
time: experience unnecessary. Send stamp
for free booklet. NORTHERN PRESS
SYNDICATE!. L^ckport. N. T.
AN I'MBREtXA MAKKR to ro to Canada;
must be thoroughly accustomed with all
parts of umbrella manufacturing and capa
bie of taking cl.arge. W. K. F.. Tribune
no technical knowledge, but active, all
round hustler; established, -well rated
house. F. R. JENNINGS. Pales Mgr, De
troit. Mich.
WANTED. — Competent railroad machinists
and boilermak^rs for out of town; good
wages Apply, between oa. m. and sp. m..
to GEO. H. THOMAS. 31 O'entles Slip, one
flight up.
WANTED. — As messenger In a New- York
bank a young man about 17 years of age;
must reside with parents r.r relatives; bonds
required. Address, giving residence, age.
previous occui-atlon. if any. with refer
ences. Box 1.20 M. I'ostofnce, New-York.
WANTED.— Capable newspaper and book
canvassers; on 6 of the moat attractive
propositions ever presented In New-York.
une Office.
COOK —Wanted, a <ompetent cook; city
reference; viliing to g>4 to country. Ap
ply at 14 East ftMh-st.. on Tuesday, be
twem 10 and 12 o'clock.
FAMILY of three desire assistant with
housework; good home and special privi
leges to right one. Address G. 8.. Uox IS.
Tribune Office.
LADIES COIN MONEY at home by facial
treatments; new method. Call or address
LORAINE. 232 East 115th- St.
A LAI^T who takes interest In young
French lady caji -ecomrrend her highly
Bf ix>mpanioi In refined family for summer
nvnths. Aiiress W. S.. 63;« West End
aye. _^__
COMPANION. &c. — By lady of refinement,
for the summer, In the country; under
stands superintending, and is a cheerful
companion. Miss P.. 402 Columbus-aye.
COMPANION.— By experienced young lady.
to a deaf lady; tiest refeitr.ces. Address
L M . Boa 3>. Tribune Uptown Office. 1.364
By rerined young woman; willing to
travel. Address SITBURBS. "Box 10, Trib
une Office.
COMPANION. — Young lady, wishing to go
to California, will act as companion for
invalid for transportation; references given
ar.d required. Address J. P.. Box I.'. Trib
une Office.
COMPANION, or as governess to ycung
child, by well educated young lady, who
si'aks French: accustomed to travelling:
I -st of references. Address Room 12. 57
West 4r>th-»t.
CHAPERON. *C — A lady, .10. with highest
stclal position, will chaperon young la
dles for the summer; or companion or
housekeeper for elderly lady. Address Rcom
12. 57 West 4.'.th-st.
HOME WORK.— Mother and daughter
would like work at home. Address, only.
Mrs THOMPSON 324 East 81st -nt.
JANITRESS. --Woman as Janltress; small
flat preferred; highest reference. AD
VERTISER, 407 West Mhh-st.
L\DY former public school teacher, de
sires' pupils: coaching or regular Instruc
tion In echo)! and elementary cortege sub
jects; highest references. EXPERIENCED.
311 West 13Bth-st.
lish woman: practised reader and aman
uensis: knowledge, of French and German;
best credentials. Address V.. 590 Colum
By young lady; experienced; can furnish
reference and bond If necessary. Address
F V... Box IR4. Woodslde. lying Island.
rate willing and obliging; permanent posi
tion: salary >« $10. Mi?s L. M.. 132 Rlch
mond-st.. Brooklyn.
rapid accurate, with business house; one
year* experience- references; Remington
and Williams operator. Address ELLA, 109
Fxnerienced • moderate salary; with ad
vancement A. C. BHIMOd. 449 39th
pt.. Brooklyn.
TT*TOR &<" — Position for the summer as
tutor, 'governess or companion, hy woman
of SS* high school and normal school gradu
ate" five years' experience as public school
teacher. Address Box 125. Canaan. Conn.
switchboard- also typewriter. Miss M . 10
Marlon Place. Jersey City.
excellent references from employers and
physicians: speaks English. French and
wTt'hTnvalia abroad. Addreae Miss KEMPB,
care of Vermilye. 342 West ÜBth-st.
WRITING or some work at home, where
experience !s not required, by young
woman. tM« J+ O. .Box .0. T.-lbune
I ntown Offlce. 1.3(U Broadwuy.
ACCOUNTANT.— Expert; employed during
day; dtslres evening work auditing or
keeplnjr small set books. Address A.
SCHNEIDERVcare B 4 S . 11& Sprlng-st
BOOKKEEPER.— Thorough, prartlcal, e-r
nerien,^ accountant; at reasonable sal
ary: capable taking charge of office or any
position in an office. REXNER. Box 32.
Tribune Office. . £,
nn.O\VN and lime ston« rubber, narer; all
Jobs done cheap. Address KMIL TKHRT.
4.-.3 East 71st-st.
DROP HAMMI'R and hydraulic pre*n hand.
I ] I.IKMF.R. 342 Knicke.rbocker-av*..
BOT attend** bigh school one year. In of
fice'- has had some experience »t hooks.
recommended. ARNOfJ) FOLITZER. 2*J
East 4th-st. ' |
EXECUTIVE. — American. 40, university
.- . -iiton. broadly experienced, now offi
cer large corporation. desires position of
trust an<l responsibility; salary required.
*5.000. EXECUTIVE). Box . 12. Tribune
Offlrv ' ' -
ELEVATOR" RUNNER.— By young man;
colored; references. J. ROACH, 69 West
jofith-st. -
ENIrIXEEB.- First rlass; city or c->;intr>':
l^est city reference. K4«» 3d-ave . second
ENGINEER.— Night or day. understand
ing Icemaklng. refrigerating and dyna
rnos. Address J. I* F.. P. O. Box 262. Col
lege Point. N. T. ____^
e\ery description; estimates given; refer
ence. G. SCKLIR * SON, 13 Manhattan
•t. : 'phone 3.020 Morns.
JANITOR. — Small Oerman family In flrst
class Janitor's place to care for one.
stand improvements; best reference, per
sonal or wilttea: W<»st Side preferred. Ap
ply JANITOR. 72 West fiOth-st.
LINOTYPE OPERATOR. 4.000 per hour;
steady, relinble man. C C. NIXON.
Stroudsburg. Perm.
MILLHR. By flrst class flour ar.d Baal
miller: lifelong exnerlenre Addr^s-;
BH7RT BfXNELL. Cranford. N. J.
M4CHIXIRT.--Uaed to marine engine and
locomotive work; floor hand: needs any
kind of employment. Harlem House. 113th
st. and 3d-ave.. Room 02.
XIOHT WATCHMAN.— By young man. 30;
give promln»-nT »'»»n as voucher. Ad
drfwt CROWLEY. «3S 3d-ave.
TIAL CLKRK.— Stenographer and t}T<
writer; best city references. C P.. 449
West 123d-st.
PORTER or any lucrative position; 12
years' city reference. S. P. RICKS. 628
Fulton-st.. Brooklyn.
bookkeeping, stenography and tutoring,
desires situation during summer: can fur
nish best references as to character anrt
aMllty. Addrees 8., 17 N. W.. Princeton.
N. J.
REPAIRING. Ac— Work done at your own
horns at mechanic's wages, flne furniture,
repairing mattrerser made over; carpets
laid: varnishing and polishing of furniture.
CHARLES STUDE, >>27 6th-ave.. elec
trician's store.
Five years' experience; reference; no
went.. B A MA.^KIN. 110 V.'est 101st-»t.
STENOGRAPHER, typewriter fany ma
chine), correspondent, bookkeeper, general
clerk: aged 30; knowledge of Spanish: ref
erences exceptional. G. WOLF. 1.0b» Daw
son-st.. The Bronx. .
SALESMAN— Five years In wholesale
linen business drumming retail trade,
would travel. CROSSLEY. 2.333 B way.
UPHOI^STERER.— Out by day «B -^"t"
ture. mattresfes, carpets. C. F. WOLF.
COl East 14iJth-st.
YOT'VO MAN. refined, saves you money by
controlllng expenditures: new system for
city and country property " w , ners = T m S 1 . n i t
reports: terms very reasonable. PRI\ ATE
AmiTOR. Hox 64. Tribune Uptown Office.
1.364 Broadway. ____
TOfNO MAN. 26 (Itallar): stronjr. Intelll
irent honest and willing: position In
wholesale or retail house: best reference
furnished. COL.UZZI. 00 East lOth-st.
TOCNQ MAN as t»acher af foreign lan-
K-iaßes. Ad<iress PAI'I. FtXK. 147 F.ast
yOVXG MAN. 1!>. willintr to work, at any
thing. Apply c. BECKMAN, 295 At
lantic-aye.. Brooklyn.
YOUNG MAN. 21. with business experi
ence, speaks English and French, any
where if advancement; good references
Address W. S.. Box 20. Tribune OmVe.
YOUNG MAN (21): willing to work at any
thing. NICHOLAS TARANTO. 43 Oak -St.
YOUNG MAN. 18. in office .«■ wholesale
house; experienced: first clbss references.
C .TACOnSSN. 62 Windsor Place. Brook
YOUNG MAN. 20. -with knowledge of book
keeping, as assistant bookkeeper or clerk,
where advancement Is to be had on merit;
salary expected. $10. THOMAS BDKL.
1 1 2 A fowers-st . Br.->oltl>Ti
ATTENDANT or NURSE.— Highest refer
• ences of physicians and employers.
FRANK REICHHARDT. 246 West 25th-st.
ATTENDANT, to take care of elderly gen
tleman or invalid: unquestionable refer
ences; employed at present. H. H. W.,
care of Credner. 123 4th-ave.
A YOUNG man, with excellent references
will be of sen-Ice in any capacity to
family going to Burope. THOMAS FRETCV
IN. 914 6th-et.. Simpson's bell.
BUTLER.— First class place with first
class reference. A. CLARKSON. 21"
West 29th-st.
BUTLER- — By French Canadian: strictly
sober, honest and competent; first class
personal reference. Address BUTLBR. 44<i
Hast 78th-st.. second bell
BUTLER or VALET— By an experienced
Swede. aged 26; excellent reference.
FORSBERG. 216 East 51st-st.
BITTLER. with footman or parlormaid: very
experienced: English man; good valet:
four years' excellent reference from last
place. BUTLER, 174 East Kith -Et.
BUTLER or VAIiET.-By exi>erlenced
Swede; aged 2rt; excellent reference.
FORSB'IRG, 216 East 51st-st.
lIT-TLEIR and VALET.— By thoroughly ex
perienced young man tn private family;
honest, sober, willing and obliging; city or
country; best city reference. WILLIAM.
Box 72. Tribune Uptown Office. 1.3ft4 Broad
BCTLHR. — By a competent, sober, honest
colored man; a flrst class server, taking
best care of his duties In a private house;
«o away for the summer; best city refer
ence. HAZEL. 43 West 86th-st.
BUTI^BR VALET. — Three years' city ref
erence from last employer on Sth-ave.
Addrese. by letter only, G. A.. 27 West 42d
st.. Mme. Tessot.
BI'TLER. — Age. 28: a lady wishes to secure
a good position for her butler, whom she
can highly recommend. Call Monday be
tw*en 1 and 3 o'clock at 21 Weit 4,Vh-st-
BUTLER. -Swedish; first class references:
In private family. CARL WESTINE. 115
West ft4th-st.. care of C. E. Wilson.
ISUTI.JCR — COOK. — By man and wife; city
reference. Address W. P.. care of Toller.
349 West 3Sth-st.
BCTLER. — By reliable colored man: pri
vate family or fashionable boarding
house; reference. BUTLER. Box 40. Trib
une Office.
BI'TLBR. — English, eober. honest and re
liable; $50 to $60. ENGLISH. 106 East
COMPANION. — By refined, highly educat
ed, middle aged German; speaks English:
city, country; experienced as private nurse;
references. W.. Box 260. Tribune Uptown
Office.. 1.364 Broadway.
CARETAKER. — By a respectable Protes
tant Scotchman: married, no inoum
brance; 11 yearß" reference from last place.
Call or address 528 West 51st-st.
CARETAKKR. — Small family want place as
caretaker or light work at seashore: nne
reference. Mrs. HARRIS. TSO West 43d-st.
wife only; two years' experience; polite,
honest, temperate; quiet houfe; part rent
and sen-Ices. Address CARETAKER. (£o
CARETAKER tor the summer, with private
family husband, wife and baby. Address
MLRTIIA, 237 East 20th-st.
CARETAKER -Swiss couple, no children,
to care for house for summer, high city
reference. A. R.. 128 West 2Sth-»t
niKF— LADY'S MAID.— By man aji<J
wife- French: wife gootl dressmaker;
br.th experienced. Inquire ILTIP. 116 East
CARETAKBR.-By man and wife: Ameri
cans; best reference; will take charge of
pi*\ate or vacant house; no children.
LILLY 31 West 9Uth-st.
(■AROTAKBR-Bt man and wife: private
bouse; b*st of references. Address 8..
CS2 Madison-aye.
C\RET VKKR.— By neat. Intelligent couple;
care of residence; reliable and truat -
worthy; highest olty reference. Address
IIAINS. 1,51" 2d-a»e.
CARETAKER— Man and wife to take
care of house till rented or for summer,
city or i-ountry; best references. A. U.. Box
372. 1.854 Broadway.
COACHMAN.— Single: middle aged: height
5 ft. 0 In. ; understands hla business In
ev#ry respect: city or country: strictiy tem
perate; wUUng and obliging: first class ref
erence. .J. D.. Box 14. Tribune- Uptown Of
flce, 1.364 Broadway. -
COACHMAN.— SingIe; under»tand« horse*
and carriages; careful driver: care lawn,
ioa<ls; generally useful; etltetlf temperate;
country • preferred; reference. Address
SCOTCHMAN. Box 43. Tribune Offlc*.
I'flAl'llM'N single »«cel!ent references:
ax«o<J rltv driver, laft employer i-an be
seen. WHITE US East 4lat-st.
COACHMAN.— Married: -««.»d ■»; Protes
tant: careful, stylish driver: personal ref ■
erence; prominent ,-itv famill»s; up in ap
pointments: first class stabl* coachman.
12S West B2<!-ai.
'"""' ' ~ Mmlm. , ,
COACHMAN — Experience -'•■«: »*»™;
lawn., roads, etc.; gent 1 -man c Pirate
Place; single: willing, sober, competent .
reference*. C C. Box 7. 15.1 Btn-*ve.
COACHMAN.— Thor.nighly understands '>!i
business; firs: rlin city or <^o n s!7 r *n\
er h-,, city personal reftrences. >El>o>.
12» East »7th -»t.
COACHMAN.— Married; no .-MMren. first
class recommendatlona; »lxteen mnntrm
In laat atasa; -.en years Ir. former. rmir
yearn In previous pla : l«at and former
employers will ce.t;fv is 'n go«Kl character
aid capability. M. D.. M| Park-aye.
COACHMAN.— Married; American; fly»
year* with last employer; .-in b« hlgniy
r»rommeniJ»d: wiiiir.e t.. go in leaawrjr A l
irtti X. T.. I.3C»> 3d-ave.
COACHMAN. — Married; sge.l -•• nvdlum
helrht dl'-iSJT- 1 through fnmli going
abroad will **■ well re<-oninier>de<J; exper
lerce<t; car»ful -itv drrrer. R. A. >»-. — ■
aye.. Brooklyn.
COACHMAN. Kr.x.ni and aaaM man: sin
g|e- thoroughly MTi.ierstari'ls his duties;
will be found willing and strictly honest;
first t-lass references. JlawMOa JAMES. IV»x
24. Tribune ofti.-e.
COA«,"HMAX.— Strlrtly sober. m«Mlitm size;
h«s lived In best families where private
stable* ar» kept;jdrlves four: highest New
York references. J. X.. R«x 7«. Tribune
Uptown >Jri< —. .1.3*4 aweawwar-
CO AN.— Competent, neat appearing,
middle aged, niarri<-i : no children; li«
man: oi-er twelve years' reference ;rom
prominent rity fam'lies wher- private, sta
hie, are kept. R. !». care Moseman s. •».!
COACHMAN ' ' mp«tent in nil brnn'-hes;
■afear. willing an.l oMicing; has lived with
three of the hlg'ne.r t^mllles in New
City: highly rerommended. Call X . I.>S
East 3T.th st
COACHMAN.— SingJ*-. 'aged 32; first c;ass
city driver- twelve years' experience In
private familie"!: will be found first class in
every way; personal references. WALL. m
COACHMAN. — Thoroughly understands .ar»
fine horses, harness and carriages: oblig
ing; city or country; best references; last
employer <-*n be seen. D.. Box 11>. Tribune
Uptown Office. 3.3R4 Broadway.
COACHMAN.— EngIish. first <!«ss n.ir.
with trotters; ten years' reference fr.m
last employer. Ajply ITS South -
Brock lyn.
COACHMAN.— Marrtea; reMaate sltt»»n
years last employer Call or
SLATTERV. 2»>« Kbs- 3Pt;«t.
COACHMAN.— Ac»l 39: rrarr!e-i. cit>- or
country: long experience; aervawal r--f»r
ence; last employer can be seen. C.\ LA
HAN. 803 Amsterdam-aye.
COACHMAN — Protestar.!; Nor'li of Ir'
land; thorougnly eceapeteat: loaa eaaer
lence: Rood city driver; excellent personal
reference. Call or address VILLIAM. 147
Went 54th-st.
COACHMAN. — Swede: single: thoroughly
understands his duties; very best mt ref
erence frcm last place. AdaTeaa J. G.. 154
East 32r1-st.
MAN. Strong, willing. Intelligent, stea.'.v.
competent all around man: fear yearsT ref
erenres; on gentleman's place. Call 14S
COACHMAN. -Married: «mn!l f.-iml!v: aaal
thirty; | feet t inches; good city driver;
neat appearance; first class city reference;
will go to the country; single If requir*«l;
first and lnst employer can be se;n. M.
GRANT. 100 East TUth-st.
COACHMAN. — Gentleman glvlnsr up hanaa
can highly recommend his coar-hman. who
has been in his employ for nine years; mar
ried; no family. JOHNSTON. .'! E. 7«th-st.
COACHMAN. — Just disentraßed: ten years'
reference: present employer can he Sf?n:
careful city drrrer; willing and ■■M.- J.
KELLY. 1.301 ay,-.
COACHMAN. — Thoroughly understands the
care of horses, carrlajres ami harness:
p-ood driver: will be jrenerally naefol in pri
vate family: city reference. JAMES. Box
12. Tribune OMce. #
aged 3"; sinple; can he generally oseful:
care lawns, ilrhes. milk, etc ; strict]
nerate and wel! recommentle.l. At CAR
PENTER'S, 1.-U tit
DRKSS. —By .-apa't.le man 1
tidy people; man be useful in any ea
wife good eoak. fine hiundreas>; cw
milk p.""i'«i"y. etc.; both abstainers; well
re.-'.mmen«>fi. At CARFEKTER*B, l.'> 4 »vth
COACHMAN— GROOM By a respectable
Protestant Scotchman; marri^!. Be fam
ily understands p»rfectly his business:
wtfe care small dairy or p-.ukrv; 11 years'
reference from last pla^e. Call or address
410 West s«th sf.
COVHMAN. — Tbre^ an.i on»-ha;f •
last place: best dry refer*-nr>-. Li
ployer can be seen- city or country. •'LIN
TON. 455 Amsterdam -aye.
COACHMAN- Scotch: thor^uehiv compe
tent; good, careful driver; n»a; ■
ance unquestionable recommen-:
prominent family, strictly sober; obliging:
city or country. ROBSON. 570 Amsterdam
steady place, year round; flrst class ref
erences' A.. Box 42. Tribune CNBea.
COACHMAN.— English: s!ncle: OMMe«kIS
understands hlr. work: best referencea.
KNIGHT. Greenwich Pcstofn>e. Conn.
iIiVHJIAN.-- Marriel; no family; city .->r
country: five years last employer;
good appearance; ttrnr 'Uglily unders'Jn.is
his l.usiness. Addnaa X DABNBI, IM
East 6»th St.. private sraMe
COAtWMAN and GROOM.— By young
man; best of references from last em
ployer. T. J.. care of Feeley. 414 West
couple. In privat- fanitlv r Instil
man as conk: wife as chambermaid; refer
ences BOISBONXBAU. MB West 2Tith ?t..
top floor.
crlored, young men: best refer.n<--
or country, or to travel. IM Weal 17th-st-.
rear house.
FARMKR —Young I>ane for general far.n
work- also used to all kinds of farmine
machines; city reference. JESPERSEN,
395 lst-ave.. Brorikhn
GARDENER. SingIe; greenhouse. fruit,
flowers, vegetables; has lived with first
class families. I. I. GARDENER. 43 Ful
ton-st.. Brooklyn.
GARDENER.— Married, no children; on
gentleman's place; man as gardener, wlf
as cook- best reference. GARDENER. 153
West 25th-st.
GARDENKR. By German. "2: single,
competent take charge gentleman's place.
Address 7J»4 WajhlP»ton-st.. drug store
GARDENER- Gorman; marrie-i: take full
charge of gentleman's place; six yeaca In
last place; best reference E. GROSS
GART. 509 Hlghpoint-ave.. West Hoboken.
OARDENES. FLORIST.— SingIe. .t>: com
petent all branches: sober; greenhouses,
violets, roses, carnations: wants charge
gentleman's estate: rood worker: I^njr ex
perience. Address GERMAN. Box 26. Trib
une. Office.
GARDENBR and FLORIST.— Py man of
thorough experience In all branches «>f
the profession: certificates of ability and
character good. Address GARDENER. 10
Sprlng-st.. Morrlstown. N J.
GARPEXKR. Single: -frlrtly t'mp»rari>;
honest: steady position: gentlemia'*
country plac". shore, preferred; knows a!i
about work: reasonable wages. DITTMAR.
Giffords. Staten Island.
GARDENER. — Experienced, single: care of
place, hordes, carriages. la-.vr.. walks;
only for permanent work; written and per
sonal references. J. 11.. Box 17. Tribune
GARDENER. — A Frenchmnn. having a
wide practical experience !n the growins
of vegetables, fruits, etc .. wishes to put
himself In oommuntcation with a land
owner, with a view of starting a nursery
for the growing r.t articles of merit In this
line. This business will at the same time
Increase the value of the property. G. LB
GENT. 2.'>7 West 2t;th-*t.
GARDENBR. — English; married; twen;y
four years' practical experience, under
rlas« and outside: good references. Address
F.. Box 3. Station A. Hartford. Conn.
(i.-rman— American: best r^r
class rity institutions. Address LINK. 4iVs
East ftlth-st.
HEAD WAITER.— By reapex-tabl* colored
mtn. In small country hotel; reference.
Address W. V.. care .>f Toller. 340 \Ve«t
JAPANKSE. experienced, capable steward.
nent "yacht owner SHICKIJ-HIMA. l<-3
Samls-st . Brooklyn
NURSE and VAI.ET. — Lonar experience;
understands perfect care, of gentleman's
wardrobe and bachelor apartment: best ref
erence. 132 West 53d-st.. T. M C. A.
V9KWVL MAX. *<• o n yacht, or as u»e
ful man to gentleman, by a Zulu stud*r.t
In college: very willing; active and faithful;
best references. If* t\"est 135th-st.
WAITKR. — By vouns: or!r.re.l man. la tfie
cruntrv: willing, nbilglng and sober: can
furnish first class reference. O»ll or addre?a
WAITER. 10T. Henry-it.
ATTENDANT. Y»unc woman would like to
take car*, of tnvall'l «r a.« lily"* malt!
an 111 1 neam'tresji; nix yenrs' >!ty referent"
177 East 83th St.. care Mm. Tully.
linen roam of a hotel for the summer, by
widow. Address E. G . 2 Court-st., Brook -
a»* !!■■ I ' ** *"■ — — in,, |M, 7^^
fined Krwli girl; win ut» to rj rJ»*
b»at references. Ad-Jres* H. M.. Ui **'■
COMPANION. *-.-By a bright and^T
ful Urty. companion, chaperon e*~*- '
children in parent'ii ab«ea<-»- ' JT? at -
wouid a.-'-«-pt moderate salary jf -"-nSSS^ '
horn* with refln* ! family: ref. r eac4i T* :
dress L. M.. r:ox 245, Tribune tot£. n , i ~
fire. 1.3*1 Broadway. P °*» *<i
i: A P. VTT A X ETC. —By Sw~edl*h^n7riclr~r
sumiTi^-i or lornter; ••*T*onal r«'»-*2,
been e>ght yam with one family 'iTs?
SAN. 4.-k! ;\ett l«J4th- St. ' *&U
CARETAKER.— By Am^rJra^ wn^^~~"*; ••
Mrth and education, where fdeijry ',V^
otighnes!. an.l a. tiv-.ty w..;,id »» app^JS?;
etl; assume rare fcou** durirrg •urrnj^ „"
A.. !!ox 7.1. Tribune Uprown ■ XTI'-e "t r?~ •'■
Broadway. ' l -* : *'-
private family: *on|,| go t,, ,h., h . 'MM?
PU-ase .all *n IVrgen jit.. Brooklyn. ™" \
COOK— LAUNDRi-:sS.— ny two yooni"^' l
T»-n. together: <,r,~ »-xp»— i»n. «■!. r., ml^7r
cook; the other thorough laundress; | n I
private famfty. *riort ,!>..-.-,,* ta c .- n .^T~ t
4<« W»st 31st-st.. basemfnt. a
«'fH)K~S-*»r}| s h: exreii^nt; in prlraf.fn-. '
ilv; best rltv r»{*r»nrr*. fi\OiT3 STX^*
I.sii a»;i:ncy. jja Kast 4ist »t.
COraC LAUNDRESS.— Ry -.-v».i!»h m-4 9m
with on* ch!M attending whvj; <*)tB3«L
tent. wages *2<i. referer.ren; »h->rr "»NBe»
In country. \.;,lre.» ASHLAND. m OMwZ
Place. I!ro<;klyn. " "
CT>OK. A<-.— A North of Ireland co«i'< tT i
laun»?re.if» : alsn rh»mVni«!i!. "'^ltssiS
rlfy or romitr v**\ baker; ■»*'r»nc*^B
i;th-ave.. -.eron.l floor.
CHAMBERMAID— Lady w!»he, ?<> p!a^
her chamhermal/I. whom she r»<t3ia_
mpn'l«. fan b* seen nr. present employe,
on Monday, Apartment 42. '-ZO Park-ar*
Kd-st. "*
wi=h»<» tn find Bifuation In country fo»
two girls: one a » rhambermald. 'h* <Mka>
as parlor maid or rhambermsld. th»y w«
t* <ll«engage4l en June .«. Apply t.t Zut
MM «t. m
wishes to find situations in ■ ">'ir.'ry ftf
fA-o gir'3; ne as chambermaid; the trinr
as rarlormaiil nr fhambermatd: th»y itij
he disengaged on June A. App^ 4% Eaa
CHAMBERMAID or plata laaawnai ■>
private family; b»st references; no tar*x
Call Mon'!»T and Tuep.iay at present ea.
pk.yer's. ZZi West "th-st.
CHAMRERMAID.— English girl as ebaat. "
bermaH or to take rare of children. iris*
S. T . 133 West 3."th-st.
CHAMCEIiWORK.— Girl: :n thecar*
of growing children. Call ' I!.DE«, tT*
West 1021-st.
family: highest r'.rr referenc*; r.-,n--:j
for summer. A. T. 2T»I VT»«- Slth-st.
DAY'S WORK, by colored wemaa. JC
GCAMANDIZ. 147 \V»«r .
ELDERLY WOMAN, with r»flned fwaUy
who enn ei-. » li^r n pl*<i**JitiT h^*ffi? t^f
tiie sumn-er. with mil compensation. C 43
I.V, P>i!a«ki-st.. Bro<"rk!yn.
FAMIL.T WASHING.— Ry youn? irWow; «
home: rpen air drying; no iror.ln?: tezn
or bundle. Mr 3. MEINRENKCN. 446 'X^t
—By rn!ore,l girt; sleep hmn». STEVEX3.
224 We t;^d-»t.
HOrSEKKEPKR.— An American wMm tf
refinement, possessin)? tact an<l pxersrtr*
ability; r.n in<umbran<-e: eame^f.y .I»«irH
situation wh^re domestic hf-lp if k»pj. «
any pr>niti"n of tm*t: ivrwrisl r*f~rtKf*.
»d ( !re-s SMALL. RKMfNKRATI' >N". X
Ea.«t 12-"th-5f.. Tribune Oflc^. Harlea
HOrSEKEEPER.— H«f!ne»I yotinc *omaa:
in small fr.milv: wMotlfl rr»f-rre4 : -->
pwtala answered. SUM M. MDOXAIA
General Delivery, Newark. N. J. . V-g
HOUSEKEEPER.— A Spanish lady. fcrfsiJ.
»du<*afM. arru«rr>meil t.> fir.c ««rrou™}
ir™s. urderst phy^tcal «-are nf e!>!t
drfn. ex^el'. ■ m.-.n.T?«r ft f»-n-anis. tf*.
sires ensacTn-'n: where «he <-art 'iav» t«r
little Wiy, tfiree years "I<J: wiilirtr *» a>
anvif- mor^* t'>r h h»»Tr-? rhar wserfc
A?£t*m ADVERTTSCR. SD Wen' nTt».-st
HOrSQKEKPfaL- By a refin'-1 America
woman a« wnrkine kuilNtn lN T, fir m
nr two gentlemen: state wajfe*. Adlr«»s
EX R J.. Heneral Delivery TWluOee. Moat
clair. N. J*
HOUSEKEEPER tat wiJcwer. hacheicr
doctor or <i»nti3t: refin<>-1. niH<l!e aan
German; jr'vid rrw^k: b»-st referen'-»«: ritr f
rrmntry- H.. Kax 12T. Tribune CPtOWS Of
fice. I..T«U Breawway
jrorsf-TK'-Kf F-I' — By vmme worrnn. eK?
or country; references. H.IK 1.". Z Conrt
•t.. BrDoUyn
HOT'SEWORK. — In a smalt family. *T
Fteatlv woman: city or country: wci
wages; 'city reference. »>i E»«t 2*th-!>t.
Py ynur>sr American woman: very n»at;
good cook: plensant companion. Addrw*
Misa MORAGAN. 35 WladfleW-f*. Ea-t,i
Norwalk. fnr.n.
"o' n ■■ -.. - ■ ■
> P 1«2 Kast XI
LM'NDRESS.— Toons girl; rompetAnt; t3
private f.imi-r: best rity reference. 113
East T.'th-.Jt.. Tonhij?'s -11
L-\T"Nr>RESS. — First cla?.»: wishes f>> *>
private families' warhine: home or <w*j
rity reference 1.47!> Madison aye tbM
floor, back.
LA''N!'Ri-:s> — ReapaawiMe French •••'tnajß
wishes laundry work. h»m« or out by tt»
day- only fine rert* an.l fin* <1r»««es. <^ao
orad.lress TAMISIER. «* West .VS'l-st.
LAI»Y'S MAID.— By Italian: has gorf
knr.wle<2)te dre.««mal;lng: scK^i packer ««
seamstress: r." objection to <-oiinrrv; -pe»'iiß
English. M M.. care of Gerard. 225 v\«n
37th- st.
LAPV MAlD.— French Swiss: near *""£■;
an.l packer; o!t yreference* L. t-. 3»
West 54th st.. H.i. ae— t Home.
UU>T*S MAID.— A ■!>- wishes s» posttM
for rean«l young w.itrtan. former.y B
her employ, as useful la.!y'3 maH. Arr'T
at 51 West m >.t _
—1 n-ierstan-is her .luties In "MO capaw
ties: s<W hairdresser. .ires.«:na.<er aca
packer: best city references. Aodnta VB
West .'2d-st.. third bell.
years' experience in management of first
class household*, desires any similar posi
ti- n of responsil or a» matrcn el
trained nurses' home, chaperon nr coTT-par>
ion. Addr«m BEST r-RKTF?NTTAI>.
vertising office. 2 Ccurt-st.. Brooklyn. —
MAIT> — Swiss French mai-i having be«
in Paris and London, wishes toaccvTira.'*
lady abroad as mai- ! good oi;y ' •■•■<■•■
Address M 8.. 540 Pearl-st.
MAID. 4c. — Respectable woman as -is-.*,
light chaaaberwoek, sewing; reference
222 West 35th-st.
MAID. Ac. I-a.l< ■
to find pla.-e I -
maid an. l seamstre«n» ais.- '
c^ii ,in Monday fr»->m 1 to 5 , at «■
West 7.V
MAID in a dental parlor, >-v respecraM*
colored girl. Sen»l card t.> l.(C« Peaa-st..
second floor.
ar.-1 exjx?rlen<-e,l North German to i-nn
dren above three years, taklns mm * r -' r '
charee; excellent city references. M. t ••
Box 70. Trlbuna Uptown Office. 1 .-.*« Em«3
North German, speaktaa fluent Frenc.
competent: full charge of rhiMrea i ««"
three- city *>• country: references. H- r^.
Box 23. Tribune- t'ptoem Office. I*
NURSE.— By MBjMMnt cht!»: »or tofaT£»
nurse: take full charge; sowing: oe«
reference*; country. Call Tu*sd4jr. *•
East 50th-st.. Whltford's bell.
NURSE. Trained nurs^ to invalid: ex?«»rl
ence v.ith all diseases: also nervous '-asea:
city, country: reawnab'e; best referenre*
E. i; . 1.1» East 4Bth-st.
flnely educated North German; best tae»
timontals: fluent French. Italian: experi
enced: fond of children: «t>->! sewer. p«cli«-
GERMAN. 3»<3 West 3t>th-at.
NURSil— lnfant** or child**: trttstwnr***
light cc-lored woman; faithful and ■'■"•
best reference*, "ra. FISHER, 13 *«*•«
NURSE and ATTENDANT to. eldortr >•*»
or gentleman: thoroughly competent »«*•
an: hospital and aanatorium eapertayag
highest references from doctors and l*B»a»
no cards. E.. car* Duns. L 063 Lealn#*
NURSE.— Respeetab!* widow would fcoSß*
Infant or child: gtv<» best of mother's
care: tertna reasonable. J|r«i CORNELI*
87!> Grand-st.. Brooklyn.
IVCR9E or COMPANION.— To tavaßd «*
nervous younu or elderly lady: refaraawak
190 Washington t'l&ce. Passalc N. J.
good llniruiaf : eTper*enc«d Burope— tr»r
eller: good sailer; packer and se*rastrjs»:
r* objection t.» jrachtlng: be«t city r far
ences. MICHEL. 312 East oOth-»t.
family: best .-!ty referer.ee. S!T K*sx
40th-st. «Farre»y*» beU). No carta.
WAlTßESS.— f>rerlenc*>l. with «rst clar*
references; wlshen t«» go tn t!l« <*'** r*J
rnil Ttlltnj «n.l Tuesday. 2fß East «23-st.
prenenf employer**. ___»_———
WASIIIVG.-BT yam woman. •»«•_¥**?•
(Say. Mrs. FIXNEGAN*. 63 W«« 100U»-K.

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