XiITTL-E ADVERTISEMENTS OF THE RE'OPLB. ACCOPXTA.NT. ! WM. H. FOSTEE, • CCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR. v , fttSdway^N^r. Tel. 0351 CortUngt. 1 . Osrtjfie« A wSui "wwntt't- 45 3r-_4»_y. N. Y. S".-«r" BROWN - CO.— Audits, rrajnl- i ■ , bor.s i'.^j __2:__i: : ' . k Ht*wnAitr». 7« VV:lll_m st.. N. Y. • r<_tnriHU BMC ACCOUNTANT. jr^r Corporation*, c.-iciiar.ts, etc. Tel. : **»>— '"-"• j ; r M. F. t-iCKKR, - tjtr Accordant si.-.l Auiitor. ii'> Broad- | «v New-York; tel -'3"» Cost land t: 13S . ri:_ui^-ave.. Jersey Cil>-; tel. 4.041 J. C. ; "- nTXEN 'BERTS, Certified Public | r_e_nS-M, f-S-5S s-«t.. N. T. City. ■ -_«ph_S«._l.~^-J«'»«- 1 WM. U HARTIXNG. | ', -uMle Exrcrt Afcouniar.t and Auflttor, ' ; ru f. o? - t2&. 150 X-a*au-st.. N. Y. i 7r VEHTI f "ENT3 and subscriptions for ' Th» Vr.buue rect'.vra at their I'j.tnwn j I nmct Nc. ;.''■-. ' : • way. beiwten 36th i Ss7ti t.» untU » o'clock p. m. Adver- | , S_ni«- '» received at th* following branch „ «*-_ »:■ regular offloe ratefc untli 8 o clock t • _ nT v;t : -.'<4 Bth-ave.. s. c cor. _3J-*l.; •a v h-av».. tor. 12th-st.; 02 Eart 14:!' ; £• \Veet «»i-et.. between 7th and Eth ayes.; «i ITsst'HWfll >t : I.S3S Sd-ave.. between i sf, mat TTtli fts : 1023 iave. near •■■-. ? • 17M _\e .; near M»th--t.: 1f.7 East TSfCat.- 7i6 Tremont-«ve.: 6M 3S-ave., ;_r • .•-•■ : .'A4 33 aye-: 11 1 Bieecker yjg. B!»e-ker-tt. _ ART ANTIQUES AXt» CIRIOS. tT^TliTi:^ ART OA_L>7r Y~. m" We^t iiil-*t . r.fax CUi-ave. — Antiques, curios. «M Jewcis. siive— .-re rare tan» : pair, ling.-, jpfcuivrea a: wespons. Old eo'.d bought. —I c»LVO BROS., antique furniture, brlc a-tri.- thertitld and solid silver. BSS 4th »v*.; r"«u- ~tis-«bt Tel. _._»6 Madison fcq<;»re r'VE tIL. FOTtTRAITS AT MODERATE TRICKS! US I.TH-AVE-. ROOM 2. CRXGO ANTIQUES CO.. 16 West 42a-st.. buys and sells old caiicca-y. silver, Jew rty. Colonial china. TOE ANTIQCE FCRKZTinUE TX CHANOE. lW Sfw B«th-sL. near '.'th ere Uts particular suop for th"* seeking bSTEt:'" tn:l S* 11 * 1 ™ of e«riui-"»e o:isi".al _-UQ.je»; :. • rooii are li«ris :or I. price, tut »■_(■. be sold We buy. cell anJ exch—nes. Tt OLD KHOrPE. — Ar.tiQ'Je Fvnitture. I Brlc-a-li ! »>c. Fainting*. Arras. '.■■>». ) tic. S4O 4tfi-*ve., near -I-th-st_. New- York. IBTISIiTJfE MENTS as ! rut«.c.iptj:r.s for "T^i Trlbuae ieoelv»'l tt tne;r L'tlo— n o»cc N« i - z ''* tfro*4«*y. t>c*.»»«n miti ■sdSTtt tt*-. tntli 9 c'clock p. m. Adver- I.'j— j tr.t» itceived at the following r__ctl *U KOOM3. _ AS_L&XG__U_™TB made for temporary cr croijaciuu residence, witb, board, at 1.. _»:; t*nl> at ; euare ujpt-r &oor pltunei -. \AN li_Ns:ii__WJ:i<, 1» I-Jl Jith-tt.. iiear SCt-ava. . '';■;■ SCEIV HOOS H, large rooms. ne*!y and eiejariiy iurniariei. Lores coir.!oi:s. re- j f»«d t_-:oi_icjiiga. for a ttw select £«n- . tlerr.cn; boaid cpuonsl; reference; ititpuone [ I !■:■:• >V. ;.: .: :..:.t-. -'■•. ~.» >■><■-■ t 1". i..-»t. J ■ — — - " 1 S\lirELt furr.lsbed frcr.t and back parlor; ; eleguit I*;:. i •:••:: a.iyj:'.i:.n; kUttaL.e fyr '■ l , MOUE.KA Vt;.. Eos itu. Tribune OSce. 6T. A__iA>_. 1 tAbT SIST-ST. Rooius. t::.s.», en t-He. ww_ private t»lhii doctors oSice -...ng room parlor . ' £oor; elecuic til— tj exce'leci table beard. < 1. — A LAKGE, ciiely fumsshel room and bat!:; ;ruatw house. 41 V\e»t 45tti-st. i liTH-ET.. 1C CAST.— Def;rab> room*, with , t~-rc; |xu_teßU iccc'iaaioil-ted; table fcoara; refertattg reouired. j UTU-fT.. 123 EAST, near Broadway.— I ; Eictpiior.al accommiKiaUorii: private hifct; parlor dining; iranritnis; reason- I ailr; jr.ta.s cpuoxuii; few table trietia. j CEI-ST., -07 WEST.— Newly furcisted. j_t,c. c^i mviut; tiarrlej jitop^j or ' . gtaUeEsea. IS>-ST.. NO. 13 EAST, opposite Hotel fcanhttt— r : . — I-axlor. beilrooia. v.iUi pri nte bati.; dMirabie bail room. 4tTK-?T., 17 CAST.— Elegantly furnished ' noßii nth li'.r.:. .ar.it . Doard tytion&l af.tr miat.e September; refexenot. 4JTII-ST.. 9 EAST. — Parties making ar- j rasger..-- fcr fall ted winter will rind a, ! ttv c_lrs.b;« joora«, with boari, tarough ; __?* : tiud £ep___ter; weekly guests Wts; rt?erencc-s. WTH-ST.. 23 WEST.— An eiegar.tly fur —»»: «*..<■ nd Rcor. wlih board; refer * ~QMe_b-r «-*d. f23-£T, 208-210 WEST.— BeauUfUi rooras; •■>'•. tabit; references g -.. ?;.i r*- MM WH-ST.. ICS WEST.— Desirable larg . jaac; tlso rrr-.aller room; ed?o:ntng bali^; _s___L rt * erelle *' exchanged. •Ut trrST A — I__rge. !_n_»' tn»:y lei siehei room-, wit- diesilrg rooms —* Witij bathroom. *— *T 44TK-ST.- Fine Urge u « eingle f*»»; a:i tx-wly furr.lyned; all coriven iwre*; priva.'.e Louse; re-if.»s UAOISOK-AVE. (Cl«?-«t.»— ***'T fjrtlihei; floors, eu'.tes ani s^pa . pnvat* baits; iisUonnly eo»d *t__»*Hw-B-_3rP| »atscripilins for rJz v Trllunc received at itelr Uptown k_sSL_* UW Broadway between 8«h »__•■'■ tv • unt| l '•» o'clock p. m. Advtr "?»*»»• rsctlved at lb« tol.u*'.::: bianch ■— =«t »; rn-jl.r cfr.ee r_tcs mtW. 8 o'clock f.. I TV*--: 254 eth-ave.. #. c co.-. 23d it.. £* w^*k«.. cor. lru—st.: C 2 BMt 14th-tt.: •-;• w— t 42*:-4t_. be;w*«n 7th and Bth aye«.; tS T>wt »tk-«.: 1.X3« M-3ve.. Telnet n J^sm.4 77 ih tl> . i ,j^»j zz~t Ye . t n enr Hi -t ■ •^«.'' us 5«-avf.. nfar Ht:h-ei. : 1.'.7 Ka«t '~»-st| 758 Tremor.t-sv*. : ■■I _ •I fc>r -« ; '-«- riscva WA<:rfsTET ___ • V-mM Zi<<-*t -ffl, hZi-H Orarr»c-y. ■ *~" '- C4R^?— 5 XBA> ' 1?t0 '..-,A J - 1 -u. PEIS CLZAHED Telephone ;05 THE PLOOS. 154 Or^erc. ,^=:»rtastd «,jr and suction combined. |7»t*' W^K thujough, aacliary. KANI rtV/ I*L'ST MOVINfJ COMPANT. L_— » B_ti_t_r i»ro««iway and 230-at. °^vr _T Colambus. «^S__l t-LCXXiTta. B-tabUsi.-o 1b.5. .;' f^~* _t 4 -. KAI * RT riJSANINO CO — ■ «•»!« * ! ''W eie*tr. , Cai7»-ts callea for, i*vi •-• 4HHered fru 750 Columbus- j '/HMjJ so *'* etcam <- A RJ ' I" T J_<« WORKS. «r_ Went fx«.i-»l. fciWlHHHlfiH'iiiliiM nu Miin'ii hiiw'iiii'^WFli CUTLEKV AND lI%KD\VAKE. I CUTLERY of every description ctt^hwd, made to onl*r and repaired. at U. | KNAUTK'S. at Joha-st.. near Nassau-su. I New- Fork. ! DENTISTRY. KeY- YORK PO6T-GBAOCATS DENTAL ! IN'FinaIAP.T. 824 Uadlcon clinic ♦"ally ot legitimate detective work. Cor.- I suHatlons fie*. Ad-rest F, Box 27 Tnt>- I une Office. > SAM WICK DETECTIVE BUREAU. Legitl- ', mate, commercial, criminal work; cor- ' poratioas nrms. i..iii 1 lua"v terms reason able; auiho:!zed. _*-. 167 Brcadway. ADVERTISEMENTft and subscriptions for Tiie Tribune received lit their Uptown Cfflce, No 1.364 Broad— ay, between 3Ctl> and 87th its., until 0 o'clock p. m. Adver tisements received at the following branch ! offlres at regular office rates until S o'clock ; p. rr>.. vli. : 204 Bth-ave.. 6. c. cor. 231-st.: ' 153 6th-ave.. ccr. .-Th st. : 92 East 14tu-st.; : _>7 West «2d-rt., between 7th and Sin ayes-: I _63 West l:»th-st. ; 1 S3S Sd-ave.. between 70th and 77th sts.- liOl Sd-ave.. rear 61st et. • 1.70S lit- -.v, near M»th-st. ; East 125th-st.: 756 Tremont-ave.; 650 3d-ave., near 41*t-«t : 634 M aye.; 210 B:«ec_tr- ; et ; 326 Bleecker-st. DKESSMARISO A>P _MIEX.IXEKY ;^ ATTRACTIVE GOWNS, latest fashions, excellent fitting, tailored and altered rea sonably cy day. out or home; references. M-y. SCHMIDT. . _a 7tb-ave.; teiepuont : 3.553 Mornincside. ' DRESSMAKER, form -riy with B. Alt— mm I _ Co.; excellent Utter; stylish cutting; : rcrr.pefxu and exrerl"n<-ed: will remodel; I *2 a 6i.v. AddrckS DRESSMAKER. _."3 West Utn-rt. Tailor*. NO MAN l.as ever maiie or will ever make : a rnls'ske if hf ccts his clothes rnaie by i H. WBSTERMAK. 1 ■'■« Broadway. ; EMl'LJlMllNr AGENCIES. ST. BAETHOLOMEWO tMPLOTMKNT BfREAC. 211 Ejutl 423-st. Kirn class domestics are j suppUed: aUo :\tr.az:;.s • 'e;.e.'§, ma- i trons, tovcrr.e»ic*. tutor*, etc. E. V. ODELL CO~ ~~~ BERVANT.S' EXCHANGE. Estabiished lUS. lncorpc.rat^d 1839. 101 West 42d-fc?-. corner 6th-_v*. Telephone S50 — S9th, Selected family servants, male ani female. REFERENCES INVESTIGATED. I AT CARPENTER'S ?-:rpV.yment House. I 154 6th-ave. Established 1547. We have i be*t coachmen, gardeners, gr«>ome. marring | couples, farm furrtr.en, farm hands. All nailuus, well recommended. CARL. GRIMSKOLD'S Employment Office. II- East 2_d-et.— J-ervanr\ all capacities. Swedish, >.'■ :»t»..:.. Psnls_. Finnish, other , rstinna COLORED Women's Employment Bureau. ir.j We.*: • 'Phone 1746J — , bus. First cls«s help; domestics, dresstr.ak- ; *rs and trained nurses; Short r.uti.s; refor- , in_«s :r.vesiieated. j COLLIN'S EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. Tel. ' 4811 — 38th. Reliable hotel, club, restau- I ram. private family ht!p furnished. 62$ \ 6!h-ave. j EMPLOTJIEXT UNION". «e!ert help for ' country ati 4 city, privat* families and ; hotels. I AVIS & BRIGHT. 1.607 Broad- i way. Telephone C.291 J — 3sth-st. FINLAND EMPLOYMENT BUREAU— l'rctestant Etrvants furnished to private families; city or country. 1.055 SJ-ave. ' HJ23-BI.). I HANOVER BUREAU 838 Weal r.?th-#t.— j Private and cublic niaie atid female ht!p; all naticnalities. Tel. 2uT>4 Columbus. JCHX U. DAVU.— Ho*el», dubs, restau- j rants, private famllle. furnished with ! eelect help. 6U3 Oth-tiv«r. Tel. OCIIS — SSth. I.*MBOTT A. FISJJER, C3l aye —Hoe- i piUls, hotels, clubs, restaurants, families supp'ied — '.th reliable help. T« ; oSfe2 SSth. LIND'i?. BUtll»W ISS«. — t Pwedlsh. German an EHKlish te!p. CC West I2sth st., near Lenox-ave. j 1 i MRS. M. LOWE' f Employ— 2 eth-nve.. supplies f!rct • lass help, all nationalities': Fnnch sr.d German a epeclalty; tefereQces investi gated ECHUEPIER'S OP~, 5 M -a-.-» .-..- Cooper Sa.). First class ••-.ar.tt All natlonaliti's. ' SEE Si SCHAEFER, 242 4th-ave— Reliable i tervjints: male and female: c:ty or coun try. Telephone 37ti Madison Square. SUMMER P.ESORT3 BUPPLIEO WITH BEFT AND MOST RELIABLE HELP AT IRWIN . HVKZAV. 77 WEST 11TH t'TRE-T. : 4DV__KTIEESCEXTB and eubfcrlpllcns for The Tribune received ot their Uptown OT:Ce, No. 1.364 Rrr_dT< ay, between 36t.i «n o'clock i>. ra. ,Xdi-er tlfiemeniß received at the following branch offices at regu!»r office rates until is o'clock p. ra, viz.: !?•» 6th-ave.. s. c. oor. 23d-it. ; ISS ftth-ave.. cor. 12th-«t.; 1(2 East 14rh-«t.; I 257 West 42d-?t.. between 7th snd Bth aye*.; 2K3 Wert 125th-tt.; 1,838 Sd-ave.. between "Cth and 77th sts.; I.o_o 34-ave., n>a; Sl*l st.: 1.708 lft-ave... near B9tb-*t.: 1T.7 East 12T.th-«t.: 7.V5 Tr«m- nl-«v».; CO 81-ave.. near 41i-t-5t. : &r.4 £J-a\e.; 210 Blccckcr st.; 325 E>ecker-st. jTOR SALE. UIRRORS, large and gmall. framed and J unlram ec3; LarES'.:i»; lor any purpose. I LYONS. 145 West 82d-«t. | MICROSCOPES, guns, mathematical, »ur glcal and lui-veylng r.r'.rji.jf. : v unrt <«rmrf pledge* a specialty. NICKLIN'd O'.D CURIOSITY KHOI'. 163 Park Row. HOrSE VI I.AMNG nUKEAt'S. LJU'illi: WINJA-JW CLEANING CO.. 802 | tat!t Zin. Tel»-ii!:cne M 8 J Grajneroy. Private no-jr* c lear.'.ng tr»«cl*!ty. for terms and reference* apply. METROPOLITAN UOUBEC-~AKINO bu- RSAU. — Window —11.1 general houeiy riear.lng; tummer r«l-ien r rs a cpeclalty. 157 West 24Ui-st. TffL 3053 i, _*dl»oii Euuarc. ADVERTISEMENTS ar.d suascnptlM - for !.-» Tribune receive! at their Uptewo DrtKe. .Nc. \.Z r A roadway, betereea 2-Mi. and bilh tts.. until 9 c'clock p. m. Acvi-r ::»e:iier.:s received at the following branch offices st regular Die* rate* ur.tl! 8 v■ lo k ji. m.. vli.: 254 bih-ave., c. c. tor. Ljl *:.; I&1 «»h-ave.. cr.r. 12-.h-»t.; S2 East 14ih-st. ; K»7 West «_. •• lj»t«een 7th ar.d Slh ayes. • i"-,-; West 12T.th-«t.; i.ZVi Sd-ave.. between 7i'th end 77f: Hi 3,"C»! B<3-a.ve., rear Cl»t st.: 1.708 lst-ave near *-'JU.-ft • l.'.T hiist l2Sth-«t : '•'■>'■ Tremont -_~a, : f'jO Rd-«.ve., Mai 41ct-st.; f*4 3d-ave. ; 210 Bltecker-st. ; :t-j% Bleocker-st LAUNDRIES. EXCELLENT _A"LNDRy WORK.— 27t>wj and -.713 Broadway, aim Ck'J Columbun i. ■■< Wagons call and deUver. HENRY nnCK. Proprietor. LAWYERS. ______ MANHATTAN VBOklt AID CO. 4 Sth ayes.; I 2C3 We»l latb-st.: LS3B 3d-; Tremoni . »X 0 Sd-ave., ; r«ar 4!st-*t.: KA Sd-avc. . 210 Ele«ck*r St., I KS- Bleeck«r-«t PIANOS AND ORGANS. BUYIXci A PIANO 7 Uuy "direct" of the V.u^i st Hie factory. Secure best goods. prices and «erms. LtSTNK. Manufacturer, 3«2 W*st CO'.h-tt., New-Vcrk. Writs for I !■•#•» and terras. TO FEfUP.B • good ntar.o without paying exorbitant pr!c»». mtu our Llanos. B. I*. . I It. CO.. L.llO Bui ford-ava.. Brook Iv_ i NEW-YORK DAILY TBTBIJ.SE. SUNDAY. AUGTST 14. 1904. MISCELLANEOUS. * The permanent benefit afforded a patient who takes r— THE _. \ ;L__ I j for ! up miis 'AHD .o Ds fin fls us en i can be secured by i no other method. KIEiEV I3OSTOTBJJTES. WHITE PLAIN'S, X. T. i BUFFALO, N. Y. WEST HAVEN. CONN. PROVIDENCE. R. I. i j LEXINGTON. MASS. o V V i^ N V_L g Sallade's Mosquito Elte Cure and Insect Exterminator Instantly kills bugs, roaches, moth*, fleas, ants. etc. Never falls. Won derful disinfectant. rut up In 25c bot tles; half gallon. 11.00; rallona, i:.00. at all dealers, or SAI.I,AL»E * CO.. 113 Cedar-Bt.. New York. Mall orders promptly filled. AjBUK GjjUE JS^IMIROJO Trial 29 . Satisfaction Guaranteed. Oth»r Remcdlca: fSS'ifP 4 ~!i?'Til IBnUf ,&/!» kAiT®, lslfi-3 lss!yiic_) f W. As'. a . HICKER ING. Itooni 1.203. 10S Fulton-st.. .New- Tork. Telrphor.c <01."» John. 10 Lns. Jay.i an.i Mocha, 1 1 SO; delivered free. Send postal fcr free sample, ham- BURQ AMEUICAN COFFEE CO. D 8 Wster-st. ADVERTTSEMENTB and Mbsci I us for The Tribune reeelverl at tri^ir Vptown Oflice. No. 1.384 Uroadway. between .'Kltri siil 37;ti »ts.. until 9 o'clock p. m. Ad-.er tisemerts nr+litd at th« followlns. brand) i.f_i-*s) at reitj'ar ..nice rate» until 8 o'clork p rd . viz.: ISA Mh-ave.. a. c. cor. 231-st.; IS3 tith-*ve.. cor. l^th-st.; C 2 Ean 14th-st.; 257 West 4.d-tt.. between 7th and Bth aye*. ; West J2sth-st. ; 1.338 3d-ave., between Tilth and 77tli ets.- "-''• •'■'• -a-e., near tilst st. ■ 1,709 Ist-«vi near K»lh-«t.; 157 Hast l_fth-'- : 7r«6 Tremr nt-ave. ; WO l-ave., r.tar 4tsl M : .'•"•J 3d-ave. ; -10 Rleecker- St.; 325 Bleeiker-st. . M. (IIINKKV. - Cheap Power from Kerosene. Blinpte, isafe. durable anJ reliable, grt. ep«-clal lntroluction prices »nd ca:alo£ue. L nivertal Kerosene tog. no Co.. 27« Wert-«t. " DUMBWAITERS. TI. M. Rot_tera at <"0., ''.I '• Uall-st., B'klyn. AT r.Klili i;i. PRICES.— S 20 tons; Scales bought, •old. e*ch»aKeia. weakness. Ley lever, by Osleorat by *,"'! movaments. Hours «-l^ . m. dally. 33t Central I'ark West, near l)3d-st. DR.* C* FR-DRIK WETCHB.— Hour* 9 to 4 i"i West N»th-i.t. Nervous . uroslra il.Tn a upeciaUy. Telephone 637— Itlverslde. nil JUSTIN. Ofteopath. Hotel Markwell. "•0 West 49th- St.— All chronic diseases treated succ«s_tul^. Open evenings. EDWARD B. TNIT.R-.VOOD. D 0.. VS. :. , „'. 'Phone 194 I-!: St. Hours, - to 4 ■>'< Haturilay. 1) t» __; o. V.-INI'IELD PATTEN. D. D 8.. D. °- IW. fAll». cor. rentral Park West Hours 8--4; Sat., o—l3. Telephone 2CI Columbus. TJfK imiN N.HEI-MER IKB'lll'U'l'll OF OSTEOI ATHT. 12S East 34th-st., corner iJ^ngton-ave Telephone 760 Madison Kau^c GrHduata of American School of ...r.t>.v'('ir..l-r the founder). OLD COI-D AND SII.VEn. A v V aKTICI.K containing Old Gold, Sil ver i. Platinum bought. UlKhest prices M '_______ ' * lfi Ka»t CDtl.-fct. OLD JEW'KLRV and duplicate wetldlng " presents at Ihi as?ay «'»ce of _ I". ROWA 10 Jolm-st. WORN-OUr GOLD AND SILVER bought ,y I- LONGMAN'S bONS. gold and sll er refiners. S John-Bt.^^___________ OPTICIANS. _„_,-_,.-^-,_, EYEGLASSES, $1.00 UP. RD.Seward >8p ja,y137E.23d lI'SDOUKF'S "NEERANFAR" Spectacles and Kyesiasie". rround In one solid piece f _ls»v nu cemfnt to loonen and blur or Lecom- detach"-: ar'l lost, avoiding the Li^mfcrt »■> well known of all others. THEO. ML-NDOP.I-r. Optician. . 1.167 roadway. ADVEnTI.SECIHXTS and »üb»crlptlons for The Tribum received at their Uptown Office No. 1.384 Uroadway. between 3<.th ■Dd .i"th st*.. untli a o'clock p. m. Adver •leerr.ents received at the blowing branch cfll;«-s »t r*RK.i: nrlloe rates until # o clocK n i, viz.: ~' A - Mb- »>•, 6. c. cor. IM^-st. ; 1f,3 «it'h-ave.. lot. 12th-«t.; 02 Ea&t ■4ih-jt. : v,7 Wert 4Vil-»t. between 7ih and Btl> ayes. ; •»3 West Itstb-*t.- 1.339 3a-ave.. between 7 9 c^ Lr L__ LnU \ld l__ Lrcr ©r 344 6th Ay., 21st and 22d Sts. I ESTABLISHED 1881. _-•»► BTEINSCHNEIDER'S ' yjBE&J Umbrellas are the BEST. , /K.-.Jf a F.ngiUh Gloria WJo. I I llrOeS*V lafTeta Union t1.50 ! I J »T*^ London SmoKe $3.29 I I Ty V '>>y Kecoverlns with Imported : ! -**JT__ AI.I. REPAIRS. 15c. : V^ 114 Fulton-M.. ear Nassau. j Basement. ! i ~ i j UNDERTAKE KS. j AitTU"I?H^K_ATINTr U licensed Undertaker ! 1 and £iu'>u !:;«•:, 2 .V'l fit;. -ave., near 13'ith !•_ Tel.. 449 Murmngside. CAPLEAS & DALY. Undertakers an.l Em balmers; »!ur';;lng crjers .-mpily at tended to. 672 10th-avc. Tel. 2.061— 38 th. ! COL.LINS-M'COY, Funeral Directors and ! , Kmoalmera. 72 Greenwich-**.; S.liS Core. j 370 Hudsor.-st,; 0 of>3 Hs>rtns. DU »1S BUCK— XT, ur.'.enaker and licensed embalrr.er; competent at'.eutlanc* day hh.| n!«ht. £>47 lOth-avn. 'Pn— Oft &.412-3Sth. OEO. B KKTCHAM, 147 East tldtb-s*_ cor. Islington Tel. »2 Harlem. N. T. : State llc«u»e KM. ! JAMBS F. Chtrovers. Jr., Undertaker i and HcoubeJ Kmhalmer. 401 Ua»t "UtU tt. Thnr.e. 1 ..k. . rr..e lelepNrn. j 1101 :'Bth-fct 1 i STEPHEN K. POOLET. established l "C ' ! J'hone 181. J. Or.-h. Funeral Director and rmb»lm~. 25 Madison. lles!n.-e. 12!) . ' Kast tiOth-ut. Houso Phone. 8101 J. 7. . ; WILL! A. CTTBBAJTB PAP.IX»RS» for i ' mcrly Curran 1'.r0«., l'nd»rtttker ana Em . talincr, 7CO lOih-ave. 'Pncna. 2.313 Colum- ; I r.u*. _^______^_^__________ j D'HOI IIIMIIi , i BCHREIBER * DORMER, uphoUterlrn. . ■ BS7 Amfterdam-ave. Telr-phor,« 44;t4 i ' River, social pur** for r«nnvatint nut ; tr«*:.e» arid furniture at resident* or shop; ■ - 1»:M -■ . n-Tet-T.-H i j llr:«' WANTED. Male. A POSITION AT ONOB V^nscer. S2.tW<'. bookkeeper. »1..V»O; ; . sal'sman. JI.MK). nenonrapr.Ts. $l,ono. For • nartitCUrt lniulre BUSINESS PPOR n;.i':Y COMPANT. 1 Union E'.■• canvass i sortil fur paitlc l j ulars. NORTHERN TRESS rNDICATH ; ; Lock port, N. V. 1 1 FIVE THOUSAND I'.MPIjOYERS are seek- I Injr men to rill respo»sit>l° l-opltloiis; op • portur.ltles pa>liiK tiom $l.imO to »5., N. Y. GARDENER nnl COACHMAN wanted on gentleman's private ■ fin in lUd«;ewood. 1 N. J. : -Ingle man wanted who unilerstands • I (.•(•"ticral :ilnic and cultivating, also enre • <.f \.- -i -.( m and carriage* and be _ good I driver; wUll-C "nil Generally useful; will ' t;lve a good mar. eteafiy. all y«:ar pla<-e, with board and rchvl home; when ftnswer i mr Elate a_«, nationality, experlencn and : wages wanted. Address F. MERTEN& 113 Bpiing-st.. New- York. Callers not soon. J »J. I.IPPINCOTT COMPANY. Philadel phia, have agreeable. desirable end profi table vacanclcj for salesmen on refarence uorks; tirit class references absolutely net ' ensary. ___^__________________ I manufacturer of merited novelties, specials, staples need reliable agents and 1 stor« inan«Kfi.-<. city and outside; cash cc ■ curlty with rood references, required. Ad j dress COMBINE, Tribune Office. ' YOUNG MEN everywhere, copy letters 1 home evenln— ; $'■> 60 weekly; send ad ; d reused envelope for particulars. MAN ' ; AOER Department W 118. Box 1.411. l'Mladelphla. ruin. YOUNG MEN everywhere, copy letters, 1,,,,,. evenings; *'.» T.O week, .-i"s to do Mccc wort at their koms: we mnitsh all materials and pay from «7 to 112 weekly. Bend (tamped envelop, to ROYAL CO.. 34 East MonPH.-st.. Chicago. WANTED.— A Grot rtasa KnirHsh or •*"«[}- , can KOVinmu (mi.ldla ase-i) la a ,, f h ;vii to take caro of girl 5 years; •""«''»»• first <■■*.« ;«ferencee; posltUm «?«" •"* of 6«ptemtmr. A. L.. Box W. Tribune Omc* 1 IVOHIt HAXTEU ! Mil* """"" 1 SITUATION AS EEPBESENTA TIVE, by man. £> years of age; have ' travelled the large cities of United estates. . especially the West, for the past sixteen >ea.iE, telling aitxs goods and wooilens; am out of busineks ylot U>« lirst ilmi fcln-e starting to work, in l»aj), J>y reason of fall ! ure cf firm; have represented large mills i and understand bow to apiiroucn men cluing ; large uusiness; tnis la my present, capital; i wlsn to communicate wlto t^upie vrnere in— telligent Industry and aoiluy will be ap preciated. H. P.. Pox 40. Tr.bur..j Ofuce. A HIGH GRADE MAN. bookkeeper. manager, salesman or clerU i cal man. whose reierences have Deen care luily investit;a-.ed. t.jL-uied tvunoui expense ; c.v apply ing to Bt'»_N__ti i.-fiOiilL company. 1 Lnloc bquare. • ACCOUNTANT.— Professional; corporation: au'litor; account books every description I ■ j designed, opened, closed, audited, systema i uf^ 1 '- *' J an >' "'«- United States". IX , PERT. Postoffica Box bb'J, New-York City. AN EXPEKT bookkeeper and accountant. having tmi-« hours i.-. the morning of nve days in the week to siMue. would like work tor that time. Address A.. Uds II). Tribune Offlce. BOOKKEEPER.— competent to taku entire ciiarge of double entry sat of books, dtslras cn&age; tir-anuiai statemaats. trial balance, etc.; mghebt references. AC COUNTANT. Box 100. 017 6th-ave. ' BOOKKEEPER AND OFFICE ASSIST- A.NT. with knowledge of Btenogtaiiliy; can also typewrite: ambitious; competent; with some experience; best references. Address D. MAY. 101 Clinton-st. BOOKKEEPER.— Steady. accurate and rapid; can do shew and detail work; hlgutßt city reference: trial if desired. t-Ni.i.'jV. m Rooney . jjrooklyn. BOOIUCEDPER or assistant wishes posl tion; us? 'M; first Mass references. Ad i dress I-. IVKISB, MS Rivlnston-iit. — — — — — — —_——__ — _ — , BOOKKEEPER and CLERK.— By man, 33; experienced; good penman: accurate tig urer; some experience -as salesman, good rcU-rrricefc; small salary. O. WAI—vKR 6 i Char It* 801, colored, as hallboy, bellboy or office toy tor a doctor, or to do anything. I CHARLES MURRAY. 217 Wesi Clm-st. BOY. 14. strong: German-American, wishes I position ,to learn traie. a. SCHNELI^ AZi East 9th-st. BOY. 1«. strong and willing, wishes posi tion at tiling JOHN COONAN 024 i Qreenwleh-*t. BOY. German-American, 18. to learn good trare. oi help in shipping department. Address USTAVE SIMONS, 145 East I 7!>ih-st. i BOY, 17. strong. to learn any kind of trade; j v. Ullnc and oblising. FRANK Ti'R BCUMIO, 814 East I.i4th-st.. care Janitor. CLERICAL WORK. — Stranger In city seeks I position, clerk— work; knowledge of I 1 medicine; excellent testimonial*. Address I 3. K. H.. 133 West I4tb-st. COLORED West Indian as elevator runner halluoy, porter. Care c' Osborne. 1,703 Bd v..-. COLLECTOR. — Youn* man. 21. wishes po sition as responsiole man; In or out •■' town; can fuinlsa bend; good aalary. DEN LAZARUS, -'« t_artcg»-«t. : DESIGNER, cutter an.l fitter; familiar in draughting patterns after sketches, with out • -ing: very successful. NKB.Z.. Sse Kalb-ave.. Brc jiucui), Conn. ENGINEER, thoroughly competent, on either steam. slectrlcUy or refrigeration; good r*-ftr*noes; makn .«n repairs, BN UINEKU. 344 Wrsi -t. ENGINEER and EL ICIAN. to take charge; expei lenofu :;. ell ! ranch**, of fice, s| arts* «.r crnuic; b»-*t license anJ reference. Wilte J. >'... SC>J Columbus-aye. FOREMAN of shipping department, or Shipping clerk: ran fumisrt best refer ence. A-iareis SlllPPlNii. 734 Broad-it.. Newark. N. J. MACHINIST. — Young man, Swede, as lathe ban . ten ears' ex:>erlence. 11. I. in ■ DIWOS, 2_i 3U:h-st .. BroukJyn. MIDI A«p:r>. ele, read*-, married man. ; steady work cl far »-i*». BAKER, 81* lOtn-ave. PAINTER AND PAPERHAN — G*r mun; roon^t palnteU |1. papered, $173, i material im- !>..-:. ii; gDOd work guaranteed. : PAINTER. 314 Kast ta-t PATTERN rOV.— Experienced. In skirt hou«o. MAURICE FERLMAN. 81 OrcU ard-st. PORTER, A.-. — By married man. middle OKed. as P'irter. watchman or any kin 1 of work: city or country. KI'ESTNKR. 1.513 I Avenue A. between Bfit_ and Sl.-i? '»■ ' PAINTER.— Rooms painted. $1 BO; rooms papered. $1 75; ceilings mined, from 76c up: roofs pnlnteU at the lowest prices. j _. GiqMM, 271 Avenue A. PORTER. — Young colored man, as porter: willing to do anything. J. S. 102 West 67tii-st. REPAIRING. *c— Work done at your own home- city or country, at mechanic's v.r.M-i: fine furniture repairing: carpets laid. mattresses made over, varnishing and pol ishing „t furniture. CHARLES bTUOE, b27 bth-ave.. electrical store. SALESMAN.— Travelling; drygoods. gro -. tiny biar:. r. . or *_UMC*T retail. long experience, aged' 48; best references RICH ' FREEMAN. 310 Saratoga-st.. Cohoes. N. Y. _________ STOCK CLERK.— Experienced commission and wbolesalo dr> goods man, as stock clerk or anything In this line.; can furnish best reference. U. B. etUIR, 204 West ' USd st ! BKIRT DE3BIONBR, experienced, with good reference, desires position. Addre-j> SKIRTS. Tribune Uptown Office. l.Sti* Broadway^ ' SHIPPING CLERK and packer; willing to make himself generally useful. FRED Law. MIA 4th-st.. Brook SINGLE MAN, 30, free from Intemperance, immorality, speculation and extravagance, desires employment after September 15 where above qualities are valued; former employer's reierence, thoroughly experi enced oitlce inanaKer and bookkeeper; sys tematic In eveiy detail; poaition must be one requiring hard work. YANKEE. Box ♦if. Tribune Ufhco. TYPEWniTINO SOLICITED. — Prompt at tention given New- York business; carbon and law work specialty: reasonable. BCRJ VAIN Room *07, \\ > ! ;.mi Building. J*r**j City. WILL BOMB MEMBER of K. *f P. give worthy brother employment? D. A. C. ] 1,364 Broadway. WATCHMAN.— Day or night, served In I "rut.'l States Army and Navy during Civil War: ticrmun descent; l»'r. willing ana obii.iiui. Wll. LOVETT, & All>uny-st WATCHMAN. — Younfr man. -7. as watch uiau; bast reference* for being honest, iw'K-r .in.l thoroughly trustworthy. E. BILL, -■'•• Warren Brooklyn. WANTED.— Honest, profltabio employment for spare tun- liliiieee T J. NAGLB, Hollls, L.r.s Island. YOUNO MAN: can write good hand; willing lo work. Address T. L. G.. 22tl I'rtnco it.. Brooklyn. YOUNi"? MAN. wllllns to work at anything. I PBTBH IIENCHT, 03 North lst-st.. Brooklyn. YOUNG MAN. 24, German, as assistant •■nglncer: 5 years' experience. I. KOHN, S3O East -Jlit-st. YOUNG MAN. speaks French, Russian, German, English, wishes position at any •.hlnir. CHARLES POUEN, 222 Lynch-*t.. Uroolilyn. TOUNQ MAN. 24. desires outside position of trust: well educated, active; best ref- . crence; part or all time. I. A. L"., SSD Cth-sU. Brooklyn. I TOL*KQ MAN. on gentleman's place In country fur a good home more than , r»on«y; care hume, cow, garden : nd lawn; ' i gs«d references. Address In sealed envel ose with particulars. EARL. K. COWER, I i __speth. Look Island. | , REMEDIES. _ _ r REMEDIES. _^_ | REMEDIES. ___ _______ T-EEC-E -rXJI^OJniOIIIC WFIaIVUM^ IS ««_7 CIVILIZATION'S GREATEST HANDICAP IN THE STRUGGLE FOR SUCCESS TOE iWEKip TiEITIEIT Destroys the craving within 48 hours. No detention from business. Mail attached coupon for liter ature on alcoholism. . |_j_ The ©ppenfo©sififii@ir Institiate. EXECUTIVE OFFICE, • Correspondence NEW YORK INSTITUTE, 170 BROADWAY. Confidential Iss Wet* 45th St FULLY EQUIPPED INSTITUTES at Philadelphia, S-il North Broad Street. Atlantic City. 2901 Pacific At«. Johnson City, Term., 24 Wilder Block. Waterbory, Conn., 53 Lea-env- ortli Street. Pittsburg, 110 West North A-&, Allegheny. (8) Name - Address ...»...........».......# WORK WANTED. ■__• TOL~s"G MAN. I>. mc:.anlcaUy Inclined. wants to learn a-itomobile business. R. HUTTON, 81M Wen 13th-«t. Fen— v to. MISS EMMA LOCKE, purchasing house keeper and stewardess, can be engaged to maik:t. and ship for country houses; prompt and economical service, and personal super vision of early shipments: highest town and country references. Address CO-OPKRA TIVE EMPLOYMENT BUttEAU. 831 Mad- Ison-ave. STENOGRAPHER and. TTPBWRITER.— Expert ; permanent position; 6 years' ex perience; iapi-1. accurate and neat; excel lent correspondent; Al references; *1» weekly. PRICE. 1 East laist-st. .STENOQIiAPHER— Experience: beet refer ences; reside* with parent-. C. Box i*. Tribune Offlte. WANTED. — A commercial position, by a woman of education: accustomed to meet- Ing all classes of people: willing to travel; good references. Box 8-. Oak Park. 111. TOUNQ WOMAN, capable certified ao u'ant; capabi* of manglng office of «:.rporatlon or trust: salary to start J-.r-00. niiv- jcar-' experlerice; highest references. \ K. M . 8.-x 11:'. «17 6th-avs. YOUNG LADY as office assistant; can oner-'* small switchboard; obliging, li X. C. Boa 30. Tribune Office. TOt'NO MAN 18. In wholesale house. J. HURLEY. 429 ;:g«r *«th rt. DOMESTIC SITUATIONS TrAXTED. Mate. BUTLER.— Competent voun« man: thor oughly experienced. In private family: will make l-.lit.self useful; willing and obliit- Irq; good city references. WILLIAMS. Box 60 Tribum Uptown Offlc*. 1.864 Broadway. BUTLER. — Frenchman, aged 27. In prtT_t* family; expert in care of silver; honest. sober and competent; good references. . H. 1) 177 West *tith-st.. car* Mr. Noßuex. CARKTAKF.P. or position of trust, by man ot unquestionable references: Industrious, sober and reliable. A. U. H., Box _J. Trib une Offio*. CARETAKER.— American as caretaker; honest aii ! sober; can give th* best of ref.rer.--a froni la-M employer; man and wife. Mrs. LKR 37 West 12«th-«t. CHEF.— By a Frenchman, aged 28. In ho tel or family, or as second oook; seven years' references from last employer; salary no object, as be cannot speak English. Ad dress CHEF, care of Mr. Beaulleu. Wood- Uaven. N. Y. CHAUFFEUR.— Tourg man. or-ratlns; French or American car; experienced; will furnish reference; ran repair and keep car In running order. Address DCXOW, 13* West 5*5 -St. ■*> .' COACHMAN.— By firs*, etaaa man; family going to Euros*; disengaged; can gtva saitsfactlon; will stand Investigation COACHMAN. I^4 Ka-'. 65th-st. COACHMAN.- years' reference from last employers; city and country: disengage*! at present time through family rivinjj up horses: B^fcer, willing and oblig ing. SLATTERY^£IEast4Sth-st. COACHMAN. GARDENER- — By German: understands homes, milking, poultry; willing »rd obliging. Address R. SMITH. 475 Pearl -»t. COACHMAN CR GROOM.— Finnish; two years la« place, has excellent reference for private family, also other»: lately tanded. FINLAND BUREAU. 1.055 3J-a.ve. COACHMAN.— German; single, la prlvat* family; thoroughly competent: careful, lone experience; best references. aI>OLPIj. 273 West l_.M-st., basement, care Korn bercor. COACHMAN. GARDENER -Married, small family; reliable every way: long tiros In late place; wire rtne dairy-woman; very best reference- KOB-UT. at Carpenters. 154 I!!!: mi). ' COACHMAN.— Understands horses and car riages- Scotchman: slncle: careful driver, care lawn- gen-rally useful : «*£"'»*-. perate; city reference. Address THOMAS. Taylor's Hotel. l*» Park How.. COACUM AN.— Scotch; thoroughly compe tent family coachman: tingle; middle ac -1 good appe— ranee; highest personal references; temperate, obliging: anywhere. WATSON. 263 West ltSth-st. COACTIMAN. gardener, general man on gentlerna:-. s [la.c; generally ua«Ml In any capacity; younc'tldy. well recommend ed At CARPENTER'S, 154 6th-ave. COACHMAN.— By Swede: first class city driver- single. "SO; weight 155 pounds; 5 feet 9 inches high: ten years' references: -niKi-.lv competent; careful driver: city or country. JOHNSON. ll't Kast 12ad-tit. COACHMAN experienced cltt .lrlver- best references; wages moderate; go anywhere. M. 8.. Tribune Uptown Of nce, 1.M4 Uroadway. COACHMAN. Understands cars of fin* horses and carriages. J. FINLEY. 300 Bast 48th-«u COI.ORBD MAN and wife; wife as cook, man as butter; first class references from last employer. BENJAMIN CAR BLOCK. care of Worr.rgoTi. 418 West 3Cth-st. FARMER. — Foreman: can work and man "age. handle m»n. etc.; capable and expe rlence-1 in every branch; stock, sheep, dairy, etc ■ best references; married: Protestant; two' children. S and 4 years; wife board men: extra dnlrywoiuan. etc X.. at Car penter's, 154 ftth-av-. FARMER- Foreman; married; small faro ily- has had lons experience en gtentlo ma V] place; experienced in all branches; stock, crop*, dairy: expert with sheep; wife fine dairy and ■'try woman: board men. ■*tc • both Protestants: highly recommended Addrers BERT, 153 fith-ave. FAPMBR. Horses, housework: Scotchman and wife; girl. 8; lately landed; youn«. *. *< people : used to work In country; wages moderate DOUGUAS, at CUrpen ter'3. 134 Bth-ave. GARDENER or SUPERINTENDENT nf private place: exceptional character ami ability- sober anJ reliable; proficient In all branches of horticulture. A. B. H.. Box '23 Tribune OrR •! man : married, one child; thnrougnly experienced; greenhouse-, land scape aria vrgetable; private position; good reference. C. H-. care Vaughaa's seed store. Barclay- it. GARDENER. — German; single; lir.a ■«*«« " taMe grower and good general man In even" way or plai's; strictly »olw»r, honest, Industrious: recommended. LOUIS, at Car penter's. 1M fit h- ave. . HANDY — Industrious. «ober and honest; on gentleman's p!-<*»: city or country; for outside or house work: **£*? with toots, and painting. 8. TOIIBKIIT. Reading, Perm. MAN ar.d wife, to children, understand hot water, wish place In Harlem: * »•»" best reference from last place. *0« We« Mttt-rt. DOMESTIC 9ITCATIONB WA-VTED. ■_■_ GARDENER.— gardener and «upertn tenaent of gentleman's place: Uioroug_ly understands Us business In all branches. Including landscape wurk and management of farm: me yean' lef-rences from last employer. U. li.. 100 Ellsworth-si.. Black rock. Bridgeport, Conn. HEAD GARDENER.— Married; practical all around man on lawn, garden, under glass, land scape, etc.; vicinity of New- York City preierred; first class references. W. T.. U Berg*n-st.. Brooklyn. HERDSMAN.—B y Scotchman. 40; single; long experience with gentleman's herd; can give thera best attention; ur.e milker; best reference- JTX. at C* rpentaCs, 154 Oth-*ve. v STETWARD for private yaaht, by capable young man, 30; sober, tall; good butiar and valet ; references. W11.1.1 >\1 J". CA_D- W_l_u 60'J l>exingion-av*. SUPERINTENDENT and working farm foreman; gentleman's place; tnorouga knowledge of farra.ns. gardening, floricult ure, dairying or any line of work on up to date p;ac«: strictly temperate. Add res* H. V., card vaughan's seed store. 14 Barclay st.. for full particulars, references, etc VALET, attendant to Invalid; accustomed to all dutio* which may add to their com fort. A. 11.. 90 — exlngtcn-avs. W AITSR. 28, Ge— nan-Amar.oan, wishes steady position; city or country. O. 6. ADAMS, 14J Kne-«t.. Jersey City. WAITER, porter or wcrk of any kind, by colored man. form«rly In own ouslr.ass. Address ISBY. 367 Wen vKh -st. WAITER. — Japanese as general houseworfc er or waiter; ha* referencea. TuVO. 3 Court-st.. Brooklyn. res— l*. MBS. DICKINSON'S CO-CPEEATIVE EMPLOYMENT BUEEATJ, 831 Maitsoa-ave. Tele. 3T3+— 33th. Sup piie.* high class hritsehold servants. m— i« •ad female: references pcrsuaally Investi gated; governesses, companions, nousekeep ers. all muunahllea; openli.g. cluslsg. cleaitlng houses fall and spring: bouses cared for during summer. CHILD'S MAID.— By young lady: sympa thetic, care of on* child in Christian, well to Jo American family; Immediate neigh borhood of New-York City preferred: speaks several languages; Jl-. S-. Box 3d. Trib une Office. COLORED WOMAN, with on« child, wants pUcs. Address 251 West 3<)th-*t.. Robla son'a bos. COLORED WOMAN? to go out by the day; laundry or cleaning. A. DOUGLAS, care Huraenaad. SJ7 West 40th-st. COOK, chambermaid or for general house work: good German girl; strong and will ing- best references. HA S3 Employ mont Office. 1.03 3d-ave-. near 61st-st- COOK waitress, maid arid seamstress; best reference*. —Us LARSON'S Employment Office. 33 West iUth-au Tel. B.o44—Miidi soa Square. COOK. — First class German; good baker; best of references; wages $30 to $35. Call at LANG _ BOECUER-R CO.. IS West 2itli-«t. - ; ! COOK AND WAITRESS.— Two young Fla nlili glr'j; com patent and reliable: have, fine refJrsnce* FINLAND BUR-_U. !.«■ 3d-«v«. '■•'ifJ COOK.— Neat, wlUlrg and obliging; com petent all branches; By« years" refer ences: city or country. M. T, Mrs. Col lier. 122 West 23d- st. - COOK.— By a young colored girl in private family; city preferred; references. 130 West tU at ' : -' <■■"■■ COOK and LAUNDRESS.— First class; i a*% sou> bake: or eneral housework; city or country; separate or togstter. 443 «th-avt. '•'■ '■'■'■ COOK, chambermaid or general housework. by good German girl; strong and wilhrg. best references. BAAS Emplo>ment om-.e. 1.026 Bd-a\e.. pear rilst-at. COOK.-Colored: best city references fam ished; vani $2^ Address THOMJ 18 West lSSth-st DAY'S WORK.— Polish widow wants work at cleaning; doctor's office or any other. OIi)YNAKA. «1- East „_-«.. SJ floor. back. _■ _^ DRKSS.MAKKR as seamstress In family an.l ma 1 * herself generally useful: coun try preferred All*- F. MAT—V. 530 East llth-»t. -i___ GERMAN woman to do , c kl - n «- t .. w "ci n , f md house 1 1— I— by Jay .-» West 8-0 st . Kan's belL _______________ HOUSEKEEPER— By a widow, ase SO; thoroughly competent: htsheat reference.; -it- V£ ■nifntrv salary $30 month. Mre. ME !'-U' carV Mr*. Robert Collln«s, Lincoln Brlige. Paterson. N. J. HOL-SRKF.EPIT.R.— IT • bright. energetic woman of experience; or any posit! of tnTst AJdres. MM. BROOKS. 3U East 15th-«t. ______________ L\DY'S MAID— By German; speaks ryem-h ami En*!lsh: hairdressln*. mani cur?n« an* irtwi^aKln*: wage. $25. best of referent. ■•all at L«SU 4 BOECH BRER CO.. 13 West 27th-st. LAUNDRESS.— CoIor*!, first class la all Us branches: shirts and collars done equal to new; tulles' clothes done In first class manner: at hum« or out by day; also clean in* don*: hl«rj»« references. Mrs. WASH-. INGTON. 234 East 7Oth-st. M\ID — Respectable colored jrlrl as maM fait one _Jbf * chambermaid and wait ress In small family (apartment). DARK ER. S3 ttlversMa Drive. ___^ M\N\GING HOUSEKEEPER for elderly cou'jlo or widower, or compan.on to woman or rrowlwi KirK by ■ woman of refinement, education. experfen;-*: bjjt ref erences given and rer.ulsed. Box 82. Oa* 1-ark. 11l- . nm'RSERT (HiVEWESS.- Refined North German: fall ch-\rg« of one or two cMl e£nc«.* r *A&Jewf FRAcSIX^Ui; East ,„„,. . FRAL'IJCXN. Ul East Md-*t. • -"■■• ■ TKVIXED NL'U3E.— Protestant; best rec mi~*MMt»tta—•; v.-ill talc* chronic case or Invalid lady or s^nt'.eman. or m aternuy; pleasant illspesltLiU- A. 11.. M:*. CuMer. fc_ Wl<(t —UKS*. Tn-M v|r T> Nt"R^~. — Twn years' hospital »_rvrli«m-» Address UNDERGRADUATE. I*7 Preslder.t-st.. Brooklyn.; ;.. WAITRESS.— First etsws German: intcl.l gent. well recomrnemiM: wages 1.5. Call it LAXQ * BOECHEKER CO.. 13 W««t 27:h ; -.-.-. WAITRESS.— Very neat; unSerstartds her duties thoroughly: will as* st other jot k: excellent refer*--.-*-; city or country. T. I_. Mrt. Collier. l_: West 23 f month: good reference. Mrs BENNETT, car. o< Mrs. Camels', 48« Uud-oa-al tt IN the _— __oio or r~>ic_srncw THERE 13 I_— 3 TO HinCAJOTT. Vii CAM EAT AilinrSil3!Kl_ TOU UK- AND ALL TOC IXECS THE DAT TOU BEO.IN C3IMQ ITCo® dDmQsf OD^s(p©[psaai (Sonop© Give. IMMEDIATE and PIBMjLVWT relief and it will both CURE and P»B VENT every form of Indigestion or atocuch trouble, and correct ail aUKtests incident t» Dyspepsia. GLTaRANTEEO TO CURE or MONET R_orrjx__x>. Tablets contain neither papam nor In jurious drugs but a new compouod that puts the stomach at one* in condition to _» its own work. PRICE 25 CTS. At Dracsiata. or w« win send It postpaid by — nil Famjlea Ft*, by MalL AiiOLlilE RESJIESDV CO., F-OB_I. PARK. N. T. Bold ocly cn4er label bearing our names as evidence of responsibility. Hon. JOHN LEWIS CHILD:?. Pres. Hon. CLARENCE LKXOW, Vlce-Pre». H. H. DAAaES. Secy and Trea*. PEAELS OF UNTOLD VALUE! Are Sound, Finn. TThlte, Natural Teeth. embedded in m . HEALi'HT, ruby _^ ua-ri a ""^f " ; - (T I TwTT'LjB i i -. • . ■ I IjU TPi ■ KIoGa i_L_JL J JB_*_y EASE" isa : i f^^y^ijiC^^i^' by dentists to b» gEt'.jj^ wtrSms^^" incurable). un (Copyr'^ht 1901.) known SPE "Cas* of Rigss Disease" ClfflC treatment r»«iif_ ;>' o R - 2D2 D , s n-: prorr.ptiy appUed. ALL. mouUs beauty and attractiveness. Is changed to RSPVI^- SIVEN The brother of a former Mayor of 9jmr~ cuse. N. 1., once said to an r.iti_tat* friend, t^.« then possessor ef masalfic«B!: ivories. "Jim. I wouM give $5,0110 cash If, I had la MT mouth the lovely set of naiu—^ t: teeth now glittering la YOCR3." In above cut. behold! a fac-«Unll* of tbi Identical "lovely natural teeth" referred to. after "RIGGS DISEASE" bad got In Its ! fir.j. but desXrucUve. work en t_eau (Swora tact.) VIR-DENTA No. 2 (trade— Cars* "TUGOS DISEASE." lniu_aly, r*lie— ■• pain after extraction of Teeth, removes and pre vents tartar formations, makes LOOSE! teeth FIRM and WHITE, gums red. ttard and HEALTHY. $1. at dru_»isra. US Ful ton at.. N. V., or •>/ MAIL, to any ad— rsss from th» HERBAL. LABORATORY, It* Court St.. ETC ARK. N. J. CJrpßr-iGi^TS: See p. M CrIUMM- Co. Catalogue *4-5. Cured by the X Rays Ar» you familiar with U» — iwxliful esres) brought about by tns X Rays? Do yon wish to consult a specialist? Do no: miStr on* tnornent with RHEUMATISM or kin dred diseases. EPILEPSY. PARALYSIS'. ECZEMA. LUPUS. LCNO TROCE__a. CANCER and ail skin diseases, sto.. In ; any shape or form. Dr. GCRTNER C_»s without oseratlon or medicine. CONSULTATION FRSB. and tho»* who »;sn can obtain accommodations at th* In stlrute. Here also treatment can be had In Manual and Mechanical Therapy. X and Unsea Hays. Electric Light Baths, Radium and Dletlc and Hygienic Treatment; ELECTRO-THERAPEUTIC NSTITUTB. Dr. GURTNER, i.S3$ Lexl_stoa-av«_ OK. Sttth-at. Open evenings. _____——_ A NEW DISCOVEBY. By careful study and faithful practise t have perfected a bunion cur*; tr— consul tation; mail order. 23 cents. S. - W. CO . 42 West S4ta-«t. 111 ■ ■ ■ i _-_-_-_----«-^_--_-l_W------_----------»--> ADVERTISEMENTS and sub*cnption* far The Tribune received «t their L'ptowa ' Office. No. 1.3&* Broadway. between *** %nd 37th sts., until » o'clock p. m. Ad— »• tlseroents received at the following braOCB OfTicea at regular office rates until 9 o'clock p. m.. viz.: 234 Bth-ave.. s- • cor. 23d-«t.: 153 6th-ave.. cor. 12th-st. : 92 East 14ta-at.; j:.T West 42i-st.. between 7th and Bth avesv MASSAGE will assist you to regain and re tain lost health: very benerlclal to — • aged; treat all ailments; physicians" refer ences. ULOCII. IM H*anr -at.. Brooklyn, BEAUTY 1 AND HEALTH.— toy las prove.i facial, scalp, electric and vibra tory massage aU facial blemishes perma nently removed; indigestion, constipation, etc., which are fa:al to beauty, treated br hygien'c methods: consultation free. JOHN F. NIIBBU d 1.. ITS Ea»t enfv-«t. DR. H. YON DESSAfSR-3 Pnar— aey. t7» At'.antlo-ave.. Brooklyn. 3 to 10 p. m. Vn extra -har:? for medical advice. E\"RR TRIED C. KHURN*S BMb«jr and Roach Exrerminator? lZc. and 23a. Elttct positive. 2.7Q1 -til-aye. (!Uth-st.K HTDROTHKRAPY.— N"»wI> equipped insti tute for treatment of nenraslhetics. K. FRAxris. ii»> w»st «4;h-st. N VTt'ROPATH f .— The natural system at healing: hydropathy, sun-air baths, diet. etc • a:l aUeases treated. Circular free. NATOtOPATHIC UEALTH UOME. IS* East SD:h-st. __________ pn.FS.— TUtl's Pl'e Remedy. lumMttat* r» lief Guarante-d cur-. Price $I.o*. GuW« to Home^jathT free. BULL* PHARMACY. S Ve«e»-st.. Nrw-Tork. ' RHEUMATISM, nervous diseases, obesity rednred by electric light baths. MS East I4oth-«t. ' SKLECT sanitarium: sunslcaT and maiti— l cases: both sexes: comfortable bo*— l for invmlMs: urns s moderate. "■» ~Te«f B*th-st. " — " ~ ADVEKTISEMENT3 ar>•* and 37th sts.. urtll 9 o'clock p. m. Ad— tlseraents received at the folio— ln* branch . oClce» at resnlar office rate* until " o'clock p m.. Tla.: U.M J>t?v-av«.. s. c. cor.-23d-st.; ir>3 Pth-ave.. cor. 12t!>-st.: 92 East ■ '-at: 257 West 42d-st-. between 7t>» and Bth av«_: ZKt W-t 125th-st. : I.3W* "M-*v,». between T^th an