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New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, February 03, 1905, Image 10

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"The Dickensian" Is the title of a new period
ical which has just appeared in London. The
first number has a hitherto unknown portrait of
Dickens. This publication is to "be the organ
of the Dickens Fellowship. More than two
hundred thousand volumes of Dickens' works
were sold in -island last month.
It Is needless to repeat th* worn phrase about
• prophets In quoting a story told by the English
"Author": "I remember a crushing reply that
I received about a year ags. when, in the lend
ing library of a certain wall known watering
place, I sugrgrested to an acquaintance, again a
l«£y. that she should read a book that I named,
a book by an author whose works are generally
popular. 'What:' she exclaimed, In a tone of
great contempt. 'I fa.l that man's books?
Why, he Jives here!' Xow. 1 have every reason
to believe that this L&dy v =ts by no means sir.
gular In her views, "out that, on the contrary,
there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of read
ers, men as well as women, who would scorn
the bare idea of reading anything that is written
by any one they happen to be personally ac
quainted with, no matter how excellent the
article or the story may be."
It Is as well rot to go to a novelist for a
condemnatory characterization of a real per
son. A Sydney lawyer has pust recovered as
much as $1,250 from a publication which men
tioned him as having "all the unscrupulousness
of Dodson & Fogg, without the astuteness
ascribed by Dickens to these two legal charac
It Is scarcely necessary to say more of Vol
umes XVin. XIX. XX and XXI. of 'The Phil
ippine Islands" (Cleveland: The Arthur EL Clark
Company), than that they amply maintain the
high standard pet in the earlier volumes already
noticed in our columns. These four cover the
period from 14H7 to 1624. the translated docu
ments, largely official and ail authoritative,
dealing with almost every phase of insulnr his
tory and colonial development. In their dis
cussion of necde.i reforms in administration,
even at that early date, and of the development
of industries and commerce they are often fruit
ful of suggestion profitably applicable to present
conditions, nearly three <enturies later. It is
really a dishearten in 5 reflection, and one not
cr^ditahlo to American scholarship and munifi
cence. th.-»t th!s admirable compilation of simply
invaluable historical material should have met
Wttß so little enmuragpnvir in the country In
mhich. of all ta the world, it should be of most
Interest. We should think that every important
public and academic library and every private
collection which aims at historical fulness would
have regarded a set of tho<^ fine volumes as
Indippensabl". Tet not a tithe of such Institu
tions, we believe, have sought them. It will be
a curious anomaly in the next few years to find
en American publication of lf*O4-'Of» as scarce
and as difficult of a^c^ss as rare prints of cen
turies ago. How. if it had only been an his
torical novel or a bucolic dialect tale!
It is slatod that Si&nora Crlspi is quietly pre
paring to issue, outside the Italian frontier, a
volume of her late husband's memoirs furnished
with an introduction which he wrote during the
closing months of his life. This work, it is
rumored, is divided into three parts, and con
tain?. besides unpublished letters to Mazzini,
Garibaldi, Victor Emmanuel II and Gladstone,
details of Crispins life as a refugee in London
and documents by living men who had relations
with Crispi.
"The Gambler," we are told, is to b» the title
of the forthcoming nove) hy Mrs. Thurston, the
author of 'The Maequerader."
Her husband. Mr. E. T. Thurston Cwho has
dramatized 'The Masq-aerader") is about to pub
lish a book which he calls "The Apple of Eden."
The subject i« that of the celibacy of the Roman
Catholir. clergy.
"Warren Hayings is said to have written to
his wife letters of singular interest and charm.
and these letters, heretofore unpublished, are
poon to be brought out in a volume edited by a
British novelist.
Three piece? which have not until now seen
the light are toctaded in the new edition of Ros
settrs poeme. These are "Dennis Shand: A
Ballad"; a sonnet. "After the French Liberation
of Italy." and another sonnet. "After the Ger
man Subjugation of Frame."
Mr. A Jf. Sullen is now at work on his
"Stratford Town Edition" of Shakespeare in
Stratford itself. He has established an artistic
prirting press, the '"Shakespeare's Head." in
the house which Julius Shaw, the maltster,
leased in l. r »97— the Fame year In which
Shakespeare nought "New Place." two doors
away. The type which Mr. Bullen is using is
tho beautiful original "Old Face" type cut by
William Caslon early in the eighteenth century;
the paper Is English hand made, with the
Shakespeare crest and coat of arms for water
Stratford Itself does not take much interest in
the edition. Apropos of this lack Miss Corelli
tells this anecdote: '• 'You will hardly have
much demand for such an edition of Shake
speare In Stratford.' observed the vicar (himself
a trustee of Shakespeare's birthplace, and there
fore accredited with special interest In all things
Shakespearian) to the smart office boy of the
•Shakespeare's Head Press' the other day.
'Please, sir, we don't work for Stratford,' was
the prompt reply."
No review of R. L. Stevenson's attitude to
women could be complete, says the commen
tator "O. 0.," "without a reference to Mrs. Sit
■* now Mrs. Sidney Colvin, the friend who
bore so large a part in hla development and en
couragement during his transition period. It
was under her influence that he began, for the
first time, to believe In his own powers. During
the most unhappy and unsettled years of his
life he sent her journal letters made up almost
weekly, chronicling his moods and doings while
his letters to his friends in general were sn;u,t>y
and Infrequent. A long time after he wrote to
her from HW-r,s: If I am here and happy 1
know to whom 1 owe It; I know who made mv
waj for me in life, if that were all. and I re
main, with love, your faithful friend. Robert
Louis Stevenson.' "
Elinor Glyn, the author of -The Visits of
Elizabeth," Is making ready a new story called
-The Vicissitudes of Evangeline"; Benjamin
Swift will bring: out a story entitled "Gossip "
and BJCrnson. who ha E long been silent, is writ
nolnced Ome v n°VCIn ° VCI Wh ° 8e name 1S not "e™>
: An I
I ' i
: Excellent i
x t
i Practice I
i• ! ±
* IS TO SCAti THE '?
i Peal Estate Advts, ■■
~ tK&t appear !n Tshe Trt'bun-s \l
Z\ : - ■ : :r: r %
2 ever, da. v. Many n bar^a*n !+
» : oppeera tf^ero t i-d**v. but %
I gone to-morrovv. f
Washington. February 2.
rection of the President a joint army and navy
board has been detailed to report on the physical
trait. ing of the cadets at the Military Academy and
of the midshipmen at the Naval Academy, and
also to report on the qnee-Uon of swordsmanship
lv the- army and navy.
dent has appointted the Rev. George J. Waring, of
New-York, a chaplain in the army. Father Waring
was educated at. St. Francis Xavier's College. New-
York City and was ordained at St. Joseph i S«mi
nary, Dimivoodle. in June. 1903.
DELIVERIES OF ARMOR. -Acting Secretary
Darling to-day transmitted to the House .reports
from the bureaus of the department relative to the
delivery of material to the battleship Connecticut,
being constructed In the New- York Navy Yard, in
competition with the Louisiana, being built in a
private yard. The Information is in response to a
resolution of the House introduced by Represent
ative Fit.-r-rald. The reply from the Burrmi of
Ordnance refers to a letter, <"<\ m P> ai "'"S ° t £J h ° *?7
liv. rv of armor for the Connecticut from the navaj
constructor at New-York. September 1. }»*. Th«
complaint states: "It Is evident that up to August
"7 the delivery of armor for the Louisiana was
?hrce time" as great as that for the Connecticut.'
MILITIA EXAMINATIONP.-ln accordance with
tlie provisions of the Dick militia law. boards of
army officers have been detailed to meet at various
posts throughout the United States for the purpose
of conducting the examination of designated mem
bers of the organised m«lltJaJforTcoinmlssions?ln
volunteer forces In order to determine th ! r qualifi
cations for the command of troops or for the per
formance of staff duties with such volunteer forces.
AMERICAN HEATS.— If American meats were
furnished to soldiers In the Philippine Islands the
cost would be doubled, according to n letter seni
to the Senate to-day by Secretary Taft. replying
to a resolution calling for Information. The com
munication inclosfs a report from the commissary
general of the army, giving the total cost of fresh
meat bought for the soldier* in the Philippines for
1903 and 190J at |1j056.M3. Most of the supply was
purchased from Australian dealers at an average
COSi Of BH cents a pound for beef and * cents ,<>••
mutton Secretary Taft calls attention to the fart
that there were no American bidders for any of the
tive Foss. of Illinois, introduced a bill to-day "to
reorganize and increase the efficiency of the per
sonnel of the fleet of the I'nlted States." The bill
shortens the course at the Naval Academy until
1913 to threo yearn. One year's sea duty after
graduation Is required instead of two. as at present.
The age of midshipmen entering the academy is
fixed fit from fifteen to seventeen years. The bill
creates a "reserve list" on which captains who
have leached the age of sixty years shall be placed.
This age limit is gradually reduced to fifty-five
yenrs. Commanders are put on this list at the age
of fiity-flvft, the age thereafter being reduced to
fifty. "Officers on the reserve list are to perform
shore duty only, and every transfer of an officer
to this list shall create a vacancy on the active
list. Two grades of vice-admiral are created.
ORDERS ISSUED— The following army and navy
orders have been Issued:
First Lieutenants ROBERT N. WINK and HENRY D.
THOMASOX. assistant surgeons, before board at
Irestdio for examination for advancement.
The following boards of officers are appointed to
examine applicants for commissions In volunteer
forces :
Colonel SAMUEL. R. WHITAIJU 27th Infantry: Captains
LICIEN G. BERRY, artillery corps; WILLIAM C.
ROGERS. 27th Infantry, and CHARLES E. MAR
ROW, assistant purgenn: First Lieutenants ROBERT
SMART, assistant surgeon, and ERNEST VAN D.
IIVRPHT. 27th Infantry, recorder, at Fort Sherldßn.
Major JOHN' PITCHER. 6th Cavalry: Captains WILLIAM
W. FORSYTE. 6ta Cavalry; WILLIAM R.
DASHIELL, 24th Infantry, and FRANCIS iL C.
USHER, assistant surgeon; Flint Lieutenant ED
WARD F. GEDDIKGS. assistant surgeon, and Second
Lieutenant CARL BOVP. ,M Cavalry, recorder, at
Fort Yellowstone.
Lieutenant Colonel ROBERT H. PATTERSON", artillery
corps; Majors WILLIAM STEPHENSON. Burgeon,
and ROBERT C. VAN VLIET. 10th Infantry; Cap
tains FREDERICK P. REYNOLDS, assistant surgeon.
and IYREE R. RIVERS. 4th Cavalry, and First
Lieutenant HOWARD L. LANDERS, artillery corps,
recorder, at Presidio.
Colonel FREDERICK A. SMITH. Bth Infantry; Majors
LOW, artillery corps; Captain EDWIN BELL. £ th
Infantry: First Lieutenants GEORGE H. CRAB
TREE, assistant sursreon. and A. LA RUE CHRIS
TIE, £th Infantry, recorder, at Governor's Island.
Major* WILLIAM W. GRAY, surgeon, and FRANCIS H.
FRENCH. 16th Infantry; Captains JOHN B. KEN
NET, 16th Infantry, and MARK WHEELER. 16th
Infantry; First Lieutenants PARK HOWELL, assist
ant surgeon, and GEORGE H. WHITE, lflth Infantry,
recorder, at Fort McPherson.
Major EDWARD H. BROWNE, 2d Infantry; Captain*
Infantry: First Lieutenants WILLIAM N. BISPHAM
and JOHN R. DEVEREUX, assistant surgeons, and
HARRY D. MITCHELL. 2d Infantry, recorder, at
Fort Logan.
SNYDBR. surgeon, and JOSEPH A. GASTON. Ist
Cavalry: Captains GEORGE E. HOULE and GEORGE
D. ARROWSMITH. 26th Infantry: Second Lieutenant
FULTONT Q. C. GARDNER, artillery corps, recorder,
at Fort Bam Houston.
Major JAMES B. IRWIN. 9th Cavalry: Captains PAUL
F. BTRAUB, assistant surgeon; MUNROB MTAR
LAND. 18th Infantry, and JOHN P. HAINS. artillery
corps; Firm Lieutenants CARROLL D. BUCK, as-
Flntant surgeon, and WILLIAM A. MITCHELL, corps
of engineers, recorder, at Fort I.«eaven worth.
Majors RUDOLPH G. EBERT, surgeon, and JAMES B.
GOE, l!Uh Infantry; Captains ARTHUR B. FOSTER
and TRUMAN O. MURPHY, 19th Infantry; First
Lieutenants ARTHUR W. MORSE, assistant surgeon,
and CLEVELAND <'. LANSING, artillery corps, re
corder, at Vancouver Barracks.
Major JOSEPH M. T. PARTELLO, 2"ith Infantry: Cap
tains EDWARD C. CAREY. 30th Infantry; JOHN E.
HUNT. 25th Infantry, and JOSEPH H. FORD, as
sistant surgeon; Contract Surgeon ALPHA M.
CHASE, and First Lieutenant ODE C. NICHOLS,
30th Infantry, recorder, at Fort Reno.
Captain JOHN T. MORRISON. 20th Infantry, from sec
ond division general staff to regiment In Philippines.
Captain W. W KIMBALL. Ueutenant Commander O. F.
' COOPER and Lieutenant F. MORRISON, commis
Lieutenant Commander A. N. WOOD, to duty as as
sistant Inspector In chargp Third Lighthouse District.
Tompkinavllle. In charge llghthouss establishment of
Porto Rico.
Medlca' Director J. W. ROSS, retired, detarhed Isthmian
Canal Commission.
Lieutenant Colonel H. C. HAINES, commissioned In
marine corps.
lowing movement of vessels have been reported to
the Navy Department:
February I—The1 — The Wyoming and the Perry at Mare Island;
the Sterltnc at Monte Crtstt.
February 2 — The Maine at r.avy yard, New-York.
February I—The1 — The Yankton from Provtacetown frr New
port; the Wyoming and the Perry from San Fran-
Wnrn for Mare Island: the Hannibal from I^amberfs
Point for Guantanamo; the Topeka from Ban Ju IB
for Ponce; the Saturn from Mare Uland for Han
February 2— The Maine from Tompklnsvllle for navy
yard. New-York.
A Bill Growing Out of Buffalo Bank Scandals
in Preparation.
Albany. Feb. 2.— A measure growing: out of the
scandals in the case of the German Bank, of Buf
falo, is at present under consideration, and will
later be Introduced in the Senate. The hill will
amend the present banking law by making it a
misdemeanor for any officer, director or agent of
any bank to borrow from the bank with which he
Is connected nny sum of money without the consent
and approval of a majority of the board of di
rectors. Under the present law the transaction la
forbidden, but the penalty is a forfeiture of twice
the sum borrowed.
This, of course, absolutely cannot be enforced,
for a man who thus illegally borrows the money!
If he uses It for stock speculation and succeeds,
will return It. and the bank will neither know nor
lose, but if he Is unsuccessful, then he has lost all
the money, and cannot oven replace what he has
taken. His forfeiting twice tho sum to th« State
Is. of course, a manifest impossibility; but when the
offence is made a misdemeanor, with a fine of $500
or an Imprisonment for a year, or both, the penalty
win reach oil cases and will act as a deterrent to
many. I
Goverior H lna . " a!d to-night that Arthur E.
Apployard. of Boston, who In charged with re
sponsibility In connection with th« German Bank
ens*. had sent word to him that In the event of an
a;.yl cation to Governor Hlgeins. risking for his ex"
trillion from Massachusetts, he wished to be
pTdkl Black". 1 PJBt - H1 " atlorne la ex-Governor
•Wc-i iw-.1. Vf\}. 2.— Frank <;<.! h threw "Tom"
Jenk!o« twice out of tin - !•:,•• >v their wrestling
match to-night. Jenkins got the first fall in twenty
eight minutes. Gotch took the second In one min
ute with a crotch and wrist hold, and the third
fall In twelve minutes with a crotch and arm hold
* /
Mercury Foot Seven Lose, 6 to 1 —
Two Referees Work Well
The Wanderers' Hockey Club defeated the New-
York Athletic Club hockey seven nt St. Nicholas
Rink last night. 6 goals to 1. This l.« the worst
beating the Mercury Foot men have received this
season, for, although they have won only one
game, the games were lost by narrow margins.
Their only point was made by Bullen. after a nice
run down the Ice with Stewart These two men
played well together, and repeatedly became dan
gerous around the Wanderers' goal. The Wander
era played a fast, hard ' game from the start.
Souther. Howard and Carruthers doing particularly
fine work. Horn feck received a bad cut by being
hit by the puck early In the game, which affected
his play throughout the evening.
The two referee, plan suggested In Monday's
Tribune was adopted at last night's came, and
worked well, especially in the second half, when
the men became more accustomed to the new de
parture. Rupert Howard watched the puck and
started the plays, while Mackenzie looked after' the.
men. Both were from the Hockey Cub of New-
Clarke was twice punished, once for striking at
HobUtZ, and the second time for hitting Stewart.
Hunt and Henderson were also ruled off, the for
mer for upsetting Clarke, and the latter for trip
ping Hornfeck.
The Wanderers opened the frame with a hot at
tack on the Athletic Club's goal, Hornfeck and
Clarke making; hard shots. Stewart and Bullen
took the puck by good combinations Into Wanderers'
territory, and the former got a shot which Car
ruthers stopped. Hornfeck at this stage of the
game received the puck on the face, making an
ugly cut, and play was delayed some minutes.
Shortly after his return to the ice Henderson, in
attempting to lift the puck, made a bad fumble, and
Clarke getting the rubber shot the first goal from
the left of the rink. Hornfeck followed this with
another goal a minute later, after dribbling the
puck from the centre of the- rink to within a few
feet of the cage. Bullen made a good effort to
score, but Heyward timed his shot aside and
Stewart's shot Immediately afterward was stopped
by Carruthers. The half ended 2 to 0.
It was fast, hard checking throughout the sec
ond half, and at times rough. Clarke got the first
shot at goal, -which was beautifully stopped by
Williams, and Stewart and Bullen made another
of their runs down the rink, but were unable to
pass the -strong defence of the Wanderers. Car
rubbers, getting the. puck from them, took It the
entire, length of the rink, dodging every one of his
opponents, and shot a goal unassisted. Hardly
half a minute inter he tallied again on a paps from
Clarke was put off when the puck was again
put In play for striking at Hoblitz, and the Mer
cury Foot men struggled hard to score, with only
six men opposed to them. Stewart had an ex
cellent chance for a goal when the rubber was
passed to him by Bullen right In front of the
net, but his shot went wide. Bullen then tried
his hand at it. but with no better, success. South
er, after making two good attempts at goal, both
well stopped by Williams, finally got the rubber
by him after good individual work.
Hunt was ruled off for two minutes for tripping
Clarke, and Henderson followed him for the same
offence against Hornf»ck. This left the New- York
Athletic Club with only five men on the ice, and
while thus handicapped Souther scored from a
scrimmage. Bullen got the next goal, the only
one for his team, after clever combination work
with Stewart. Hardy was the next man to go to
the fence, for two minutes, for tripping Stewart,
and Clarke was put off for the second time for
striking at Stewart. He received only two min
utes, which was too light for his second offence.
Stewart. Bullen and Hoblitz made hard attempts
to add to the score while their side was one man to
the good, but without success, as Heyward stopped
everything that got by Howard and Carruthers.
The line-up and score:
Wanderers H. C. Position. N. Y. A. C
Heyward Goal Williams
Carruthers ;. Point Hunt
Howard Coverpolnt Henderson
Hornfeck Forward Stewart
Clarke Forward Bull>n
Hardy Forward EToblltl
Souther Forward Coolican
Score — Wanderers. 0; N. V. A. C.. 1. Orals — By Clarke.
I; Southern. 2: Hornfeck. 1; Hardy. 1; Carruth*rs, 1;
Bullen, I. Unfereen — It. Howard and T. Mackenzie,
Hockey Club. Tune —Twenty— minute halves.
Th« Brooklyn Latin School was defeated by t.ie
"Poly Prep" seven at the Clermont Avenue Rink
yesterday afternoon. 1 to 0. The teams played one
full period of thirty minutes without rest. The
only score was mado by Captain Schmeltzer on a
pass from Wooden in the first five minutes of play.
Spalding's Official Hockey Guide for 1905, just
published, contains half-tone pictures of all im
portant hockey teams of the metropolitan district.
of Pittsburgr, the champion teams of Canada and
the college sevens. Arthur Farrel'. of Canada,
writes on "How to Play Hockey." T. A. Howard,
former captain of the Xew-York Athletic Club
team, writes on hockey in the X'nlted States.
The book contains a history of the American
Amateur Hockey League, with a list of officials
and a directory of the players. An official review
of the championships of 19i'3 and 1904 is published,
and there is a special chapter on the Intercollegiate
Hockey league.
The Crescent Athletic Club hockey seven will play
the Brooklyn Sk.-iting Club to-night In a league
championship mutch at t'ne Clermont Avenue Rink.
Captain Smith :ms materially -strengthened the
Brooklyn forward line. The Ottawa Hockey Club
will play the Crescent team in tht- Brooklyn rink
on February 18. meeting the All New-York team
the night before.
Wins Amateur Skating Races at
Saranac Lake.
Baranac Lake, N. V.. Feb. 2 (Special).— With the
storming of the Ice palace and its capitulation, the
ice carnival here came to an end to-night. Under
the direction of the Pontiae. Skating club and the
sanction and rules of the National Amateur Skat-
Ing Association, the races were run off over the
six lap track on the lake surface. "Johnny" Nils
sen, the professional, won the most of the races de
In all th" amateur races Morris Wood, the Ameri
can national champion, won first honors. George
I). Bellefeuille, of Hat Portage, N. W. T.. did next
best. The racing teams of the New-York Athletic
Club and Verona Lake Skating Association and the
professionals left here on the midnight tfain for
Canada, where they will compete on Saturday in
th ■• world's amateur and professional speed skat-
Ing championships at Montreal.
Th« first annual lnterscholaßtlc skating cham
pionship, under the auspices of the J«:ro.r.e Skating
Club will be held at Beacom's Skating Rink, W*th
st. and Jerome-aye., on February 13. beginning at
3 p. m. The contests will be a half-mile for the
elementary schools championship, one-mile high
schools championship, and half-mile Interscholastic
championship. Gold, .silver and bronze medals will
be awarded. Entries for public school races close
with Dr. Luther Halsey Gulick, No. 500 Park-ay**..
and entries for lnterscholaMtlc event with 11. M.
Holton, of No. 6 West 132d-st.. and Dirges & CIUSt
No, 15 John-st.. on next. 'Monday.
Park Commissioner Pallas issued an order yes
terday permitting skating on the Central Park
lakes on Sunday evenings, beginning next Sunday
evening. Heretofore the lakes have been closed to
skaters si sunset on Sundays, and the new order
Is in the nature of an experiment; but will b«- con
tinued unless there is serious objection raised
Commissioner Pallas says that on account <><' the
shortness of the season he believes that tikutera
should use the lakes when they can.
Scene of motor boat races.
Xexc-Yorkers Object to Boston Man
agement Meeting To-night.
Leading tennis players of this city are much In
terested in the questions which will come before
the annual meeting of the United States National
Lawn Tennis Association to-night. They regard as
of miner Importance th*> subject of sending ■ chal
lenge to England for the Dwight F. Davis Cup, de
claring they are out for reforms to be carried
through with an active body of officers. Several
of these players have been outspoken in their criti
cism of the failure to send a team to England last
season after the promise had been made to the
visiting Britons.
Again, it Is pointed out that there are more larce
clubs, with a greater membership, In and near this
city than about Boston where tennis government
emanates. Dr. James Dwight, of Boston, president
of the association for many years, has often ex
pressed his desire to be relieved from his duties,
and it Is possible that he may be replaced. For
several years Dr. Dwight's request that another be
made president has been Ignored, and the office be
would gladly relinquish has been forced upon him.
The secretary. Palmer E. Presbrey, has been
criticised because, according to representatives of
tennis interests in this city, it has been often im
possible to get needed information and replies to
Important queries from his office in Boston. To
Richard Stevens, the treasurer, there will probably
be no opposition, as he Is generally regarded as the
best man for the plnc«\
With an active governing body, the majority of
the English tournaments have. it is pointed out, on
entry list of more than one hundred, and the tour
nament at Eastbourne last autumn had the record
breaking entry of 960 competitors. The national
tournament, at Newport, has never reached an
entry list of one hundred, and has usually about
eighty players. The New-Yorkers believe that
some adequate championships should be estab
lished for this city, where, they declare, the sport
is on a better footing than elsewhere In the coun
try. The Bostonians, according to the New-York
er-;, form a close corporation by getting many
proxies from clubs unable to send delegates, and
thus put through any movements which they favor.
It seems likely that the Boston and New-York dele
gates may have a test of strength to-night.
Diavolo Brings Top Price of $860 at
Garden Sale.
This Is the last day of the Fasig-Tipton Com
pany's annual midwinter sale of trotters and light
harness horses at Madison Square Garden. It has
been highly successful, as the grand total will prob
ably foot up to more than 1300,000. This compares
favorably with the Old Glory sale late last fall,
which was a record for recent years, and a standard
by which future sales will be Judged. Yesterday
could he characterised as bargain day. Consign
ments from various owners were sold, and while the
range of prices was low the genera! average was
good, considering the quality of the horses offered.
In the morning and afternoon sessions Diavolo
brought top price of JSfiO. while the average for
eighty-seven head was only a little over $200. Many
the horses, however, were well Bold, and Mr.
*Tipton expressed himself as entirely satisfied.
In the evening session the prices did not im
prove, and not a single horse reached four figures.
In spite of the fact that there were no Direct
Hals or other stars catalogued, the attendance was
quite up to the average of the previous days, and
there was no lack of bidders,
In the course of the day 126 head wore sold, bring
ing a total of 127,850. In the four days 4iS head
were sold, with a total of $234,016.
Ahout 7 o'clock, in the intermission for dinner,
what might have been ■ terious accident was
averted only by the cool, quick work of a driver
who was exercising a horse to sulky. A big bay
horse, which was being exercised to halter, broke
away and galloped about the track at top speed,
threatening to run down the sulky. The driver
turned In his seat and swung his whip in the face
of the runaway, bur this did not prevent him
crashing Into the rear of the sulky, getting one
leg over the axle. The driver, quick to see the sit
uation, grabbed him by the head and pulled up his
own horse at the same time, while the crowd ap
plauded uproariously. In the evening, John Ilen
nessy, the horseman, was knocked down, in front
of the auctioneer's block, by a trotter being shown
at top speed, but he escaped with a had shaking up.
A. J. Forbush.t of Boston, bought Diavolo for
$860, and got a bargain, in the opinion of many
shrewd horsemen. With a mark of 2:')9' 2 and a
trial in 3:06% be is a pacer that will show to ad
vantage on the track, speedway or road. A. J.
Km bush also bought Sister Marion. 2:17*4, for
$;."'•. and will drive her on the road. The late
Robert Bonner paid a big price for her as a two
year-old, but she is now fourteen years old and
was well sold at the price. Edgewood. 2:12* 4 , the
well known matinee horse, aroused some little
competition and was finally knocked down, to a
bid of John McGuire. for $530.
.The best sales of the day follow:
Edward D., b. p. 10 years. Jerome Eddy -A!, a
Medium; John Doyle $310
Sablo Hunter CJiITJ 1 *). br. 8.. 8, gable Willies' l
Huntress, by Athurton; G. Woods. Ptttsbun . . 325
Baroness Portia, b m.. 8, Barnn Wilkes Portia
Wllkes, by Charley Wllk^s; \V. Woods, Brooklyn. 345
Rose, cli. m., Foxwood — dam unknown; H. Willis,
Lynn. Mass . . ' ' •>•>•;
Julia Marlowe, eh. m . 8. !,• nnc Bel — Emily B. by
Bayonne Prince; i:' BakfT. East Aurora. N. v..." 405
Tabasco (pacer, 2:24' i), l> m.. 7. Direct— Pepper-
Sauce, by Onward: \V. i: Lak«, Wilmington i).-l 4--,
Sister Marion (2:17%), br. m.. 14, by Wilton -M. -
sella, by Harold; W. J. Kurbush, West Newton
Mass a. ' 300
Miss Brady <2:2S',i>. li. m.. *. by Autograph
Temps Stout, by Jefferson Prince; W. K. Thome,
Great Neck, Long Island ' g-> 3
Hard Bird (pacer, 2:24 Vi), ro. g.; 7, by Jay Bird-—
Hardly, by Red Wilkes, 11. W. Losee, Dobbs
Ferry 373
Don Wilkes (pacer, 2:24^4), kt. *„ 8, by Johnny
— Stack Lady, by Gray i>un; C, S. Jolin-
Free Lance, l>. ■;., 5, by Alandorf Helen Wilkes,
by Carleton Colt; H. lirohn 335
Diavolo (2:00 ! :i>. br. p.. 13, by Kinj; Turner— Daisy
P.; W. J. F*urbuao, West Newton Mass fflO
Jnyaon. b. c.. 8, by Jayfoot (dam not Riven); F. S.
Wood. Plttsbnrr; ' 460
Star Heart (2:lS*i), b, r.. 10, by i;. ,! Heart— Ha^e|
Cossack, by Don Cossack; Henry Feud, Brook
lyn 3.-,o
Gadabout (2:10%), b, m.. 10, by Hummer — George,
by George Wllk?s; John Jones Sf>o
Edna Ft' sin (2:2T>). br. m., 8, by Prodigal — Edith
Ryan, by Albert W. ; Walter Smith 4*3
Fred C (2:20 l n). eh. p.. It. by Myrtledon— Daisy, by
Hannli ; J. McGinn r3O
Grls* online, eh. in., 7. Garto King- — Nellie, by Ken
tucky Prince; "Ilarney" IVmarest, BM
Annie Knox, eh. m.. 8, John Kni-s — Jollity, by
Cuyler Clay; E. M. Smith. Springfield. Masa. , .. 325
Louise Stanley i2:'J7 1 -i. b. m.. 10. Nuthurst— Galla
tlr.a, by Mambntta Wllkes; George H. Cornell.
Kail River. Mass '■ SCO
Billy 15*4) b. k .. '.' Strawn — dam by Bob Renner;
Walter Boyd. Plttsburs 360
Dexter Girl. eh. m.. 7. Dexter-Prince — Violet, by
Kloctlor.eer; Smjscr Itm),, Louisville 4*3
EdK-'-.v00.l (2:I'J%). iir. R.. '.». Election— Doris, by Jay
Gould: John McUutre BM
Jayfoot, b. K. 1". Jayfoot — dam no! Riven; J. H.
Turl, Newburg. N. V MB
Etarlaoe t2:l7 1 » 1. b. m., B Quartermaster Silver
Lace, by Silver Chimes; W. 11 Mayer, Brooklyn.. 625
rt;-.'<-z.-ia:.,l |2C3V,>, <*.'.■• . Br<'ez"ivc<od— dam by
Hailstorm- 11. A. Brehn. Baltimore 3."H>
Peter K. eh. «.. 5. Red Lake GlendeU, by Whip*;
John McOulr*. Bridgeport <50
Capital Stock of the Association to Be In
creased April 24 Opening Date.
Members of the Morse Fair Association held
.1 . ■: annual meeting at the- Hotel Cadillac W-....- -
Jay night. About sixty well known horsemen were
present. They elected the following ticket: T. M.
Ware, president; J. D. Carroll, vlco-president; G.
C. Clue, secretary; Lehman Strauss, treasurer. Di
rectors. M. Q. Bycra, Allan Macnauchtan 3 V
Hoxter, T. li. Gordon. Jr.. J. i». Carroll' F. m!
W.i G. C. *:u<. man Strauss and Albert De
Cernea. It wis decided to hold a six days' exhibi
tion at the Unrilen, Dfirliiiilnß April M, and to offer
$V) 000 in pur*M for ■ ring, pacing and pony races
urwer Ha<Ml« i»n .1 miniature track to be built fci
the arena. On tlies«- and Qth«r feat urea of th,»
■lion the assiicipttnii decided to expesid about $•»'» -
000. and to this '" ; - the board of director* was au
thorlaed to lnr-rrn* 0 the capital stock of the '»*
coclation to 125.000. c a-
Challenger Covers Mile in 1:21—
Tide Helps.
Palm Beach. Kla.. Feb. ".—The most notable per
formance in to-day's races was the exhibition kilo
metre and mile by Proctor Smith's Challenger.
With the tide the boat did the former distance In
the fast time of 1:21. and the milo In 2:112-5. The
Challenger broke her shaft In a later contest, but
wi'l be lixed in time to take part in to-morrow's
The popularity of the meet shows that" these con
testa may rival the automobile race 3 in Florida.
11. L. iioud.-n, who made the fastest automobile
time in the world in his 120-horsepower Merce.Jea,
covering the mile in 32 4-."> seconds at the Orrannd-
Daytona B« ach on Tuesday, will, it was learned
to-day try to break all records in motor boat rac
ing, lie will take the two •-horsepower Me-reed«-s
engines from the car in which he made the wonder
ful lini" and place them In a 50-foot boat he is to
have built. ITerreshoff will design the shell.
Owing to the fact that only five cars have been
named for the Cuban automobile race, it was de
cided to receive entries up to the time) of the con
test on February 9.
The summaries of the day racing:
Elapse.'l Corrected
time. time.
Boat an.l owner. H.M .S. H M.B.
Porpoise. J K. Clark «:2J>32?4 0:_. ;.>..*
Everglades Colonel Thompson <>:2S*:22*j 0:^7:»>-'-i
Bluff House. A. P.. Whitney 0:32:27^ 0:32:O«H
Iris. jr.. I. K. Clark i»:.";:ol-» £ : £: : 1!£
Lutua, jr., Colonel Thompson O:3;':01H 0:o.J:41H
D. Moot, T. G. Roland -. 0:32:33% 0:27:15%
Htated. E. W. Histed •■• 0:33:26 <..!.!_..
Wriggler. C. <;. Burgoyne 0:36:84 «' .^l :^
F. Ross. W. T. HuSstetter t>:r.fl:4.l (.J1.44V,
Grant Karris. T. B. Collins 0:3«J:5S»»4 0:. MAM A
I'r.a Ralph V»'orthlnt;lon O:ii.<X>H
Amberjaek. V. E. <■. H. Co <>:28:l;iH
Orchid. F. Foster 2 : iS : J*
Kingtlsh. E. 1!. Warren 0:3^:1-
Senate Committee Favors Bill Allowing
Them to Use Their Own Power.
Washington. Feb. 2.— Tho Senate Committee on
Commerce to-day reported favorably a bill au
thorizing gasolene automobiles to move on and off
ferryboats. The House Committee on Merchant
Marine and Fisheries, heard argument for the bill
from W W. Niles, representing the Automobile
Club of America. The presant regulation makes
It necessary to extinguish the spark, push the auto
mobile aboard, and get it oS the boat in the same
Herbert Smith, representing th" Department of
Commerce and Labor, said the Secretary of that,
department, while neither favoring nor objecting
to the proposition, wished it amended, If action
was to be taken, so as to make the driver of the
machine punishable for failure to comply with
the regulation.
•'It is safe to consider." remarked Chairman
Grosvenor. of the committee, "that automobile
owners or drivers do not consider that they are
under any law, human or divine."
No action was taken on the bill by th© House
Stewards Revise Harness Racing
The stewards of the flrand Circuit, at a meeting
in thf» Waldorf yesterday morning, adopted a re
vise.l schedule for the coming trotting season. The
new schedule Includes Cleveland, whic.h. had been
OOt »f the circuit for a couple «f seasons. Detroit
has one week instead of two. The revlted schedule
Detroit. July 22 to 29; Cleveland. July 31 10 August 5:
Buffalo. August 7 *2o l:.'; Em; tre City. August 14 to Id.
Readville. August -1 to £6; Providence. August 2S to
September 2; Hartford. September 4 to 9; Syracuse. Sep
tember 11 to Ml: Columbus. September 18 to 23: Cincinnati,
September 25 to 30; Men-phis. October 18 to 28.
The rules of last year were readopted. No action
was taken on the application of the Professional
Road Drivers' Association for a change in the en
trance fees. They had asked that the present sys
tem of charging 5 per cent for each horse entered
In a stake race be changed, so that the owner who
enters more than one horse be not required to pay
the full percentage for each entry. This request
was presented both to the stewards and to the
board of review in the winter, but no action was
taken by either body. It has been left entirely to
the managers of the various tracks, who may name
a percentage fee of less than 5 per cent if they
New President After "Mug Hunters'' — To
Organize Southern Clubs.
Joseph B. Bflaccabe, the newly elected president
of the Amateur Athletic DsiOß, has instructed
Secretary Sullivan to send a letter to each Titml
dent of each nisoclstlon of Urn Amateur Athletic
Union, askintr that tl'.ey at OBCS tak" step!
their club saembershtp, ami that saco asso
ciation appoint a special committee; on canvass
and n< w clubs.
President Maccabe favors a rule prohlbH
American amateur :it>ilete fi..m competing
without Am.U'iir A ; i i ! . - 1 i . - Union sanction, ai
other to stop foreigners competing here -.
i from the governing athletic body of the
country from which they >\>n ; -
He also wishes a new law to prohibit club mom
ber9 of the Amateur Athl< tic Union from maintain
ing professional or disqualified team? President
ataccabe ;..: : railed a meeting of Southern i
organisations to be held in Sew-Orleai
the purp€»ses of the Amateur Athletic I nlon. ll*»
expects thai at least flftj 9 lubs will >e
A jiu Jitsu exhibition will be giver, at the Harlem
branch or the Young Men's Christian Association
this evening by Tsnnejlro Tomlta and ESsei Maeda.
Tomita is prepared to meet all comers and as a
number of well known wrestlers are to be found
in the m. mbei - of the association, several live
ly contest* are expected.

Score of Chess Tournament Now Two Games
Each, One Drawn.
Paris. Feb. 2.— Frank J. Marshall and D. Janow
ski began the fifth game of their matevi of eight
games up at the Cercle de Philidor this afternoon,
when Marshal] again opei ' the contest with a
Quren'.s Gambit, declined by his adversary. They
proceeded on even terms up to the time of adjourn
ment at I '•". ■ In the evening fossion. however. J;i
nowski gained through retacr careli«s play by
Marshall and won after 47 moves. Th* score now
stand*: "Janowski, '.': Marshall. 2; drawn 1. Th»>'
sixth game i« scheduled for Saturday. The con
testants agreed to play the m.it -i to tV-i rauies ui>
In case the score should be at any t;-r,- *.. •,,-:> euri.
but if th" score should reach nine ea.»- the match
to be given up si drawn.
The yawl Columbine has been sold '.>>• Charles M
Gould, of the N«w-York Yacht Club, throuch. t.ie
agency el Stanley M. Seaman. New-York, to George
Taylor, ir.. of Huntin*tnn. N. V. The Columbine
Is m feet over ull, 30 re*t waterllne. i." f«-*i beam
,m.i 5 feet I Inohen draught. She w; i .{,■• U >.\
Crowninshleld and built in IS9& at virV '. V,ii
Accommodations provide one larj • m te'rooi' m»**i
■uloon. toilet, galley and forecastl" aj»« •« *&!*«*
fh?f J? rmt nnn n d.d .t one of Xht Bmttrtes craft b«i {>. ou
Fox Hunting Wins at l?, t 0 /
Xrw-Orleans. Feb. ;.-Good. firm foot!-? *
tainablo to-day on the outer half of V *' s%
Only s on the inner ra:! was goir.j at all'tv-j* tIC ' 1
even there. If a horse we ye trie test, heh ***
chance to get out >,', his difficulties and wl _ •■***!
future race, a handicap at a mile, broueht T *
beet field that biu started in a ra<- c here fo ***
including Kickshaw. Old Stone. Dan McKen* *'**■
Garnish. Toboggan, which ran a fair **■«•]
initial appearance here, waa well played -J* *•
fSSa S^" ™bY a n ° se froßl O1 * SS
The fifth race, for thre<»-y»ar-old3 a -,,
won by Jake Sanders. Karr.'i Horn r-. • •••
Tn« ion- distant, feature a sSln^alE? 0 *
mile unda tartans, which brought out I m at »
w*-nt to Vox Hunting, at IS to 1 <>! *Ma t«^
I 1??I 1 ?? gojedlCtoctanatl politician. " i, 3£i£ nß'n B ' <*«
'< urle.V Browns interest In the n#w t!?H?* for
summary: «* track. £|
i .F. F i lrS » r . a v Ce , inn ' mI! *>— Trlumrir. 93 »Ba!rl> *.
UJa lA-ii,, 01 .Orfgart. hto 1 »^ nd nL 2 *» '• »»
i-hilitpa). « to 1. t,,irt. tX^ImSucbSSS lU S
WhorW. Fler.e J.. J.,hn De^'fnußftftS'S ?s *t
n?ss a!a« ran. ' r ** a "Wj*3t aaj c *£
rare r«Jx furlr.ng« *"*Sltllllß t(V v _
-.. 1. won; Baywwvi US (Nlcof. ft £• ■ . fW; «ars> ,
gom. tia IH. i-hiiHp«). Vto i ihir.i V-***7 ml:m l : O**sZ
T'.pi i •~'>*3
1-oiirth rate <han>!i.-ap; ,a* m!l.)_K;?«.-» 'i? •"««.
'■na. -r.ji.'.ji^ i „.
Jor.'an. Dan McK»T.n.t ami .;» n U al^o n» TltDt - >^H
Fifth race (llv* an<! on»-h«lf ruriom»2 i ■ ' **
(Nlcol) r, to I. wen: Ran,-, Horn V* FfiX" »
\ IP«rta«. KIIU*.. Kilts a-M EscStch^S?!:
Mxth race (one ir.ll^ an^ a fartoß«-jvl r !2L - .
U. H* n n*s*p. 15 to I. won: B.liindUn M i^SS* O
SMS? ""'•**•
Lei Ansele?. Feb. 2.-A heavy show w «..
the morning caused the handicap to be ,i iei h
and a sellinjr race to be substituted. San^T ° S
First race (rr.!!<» anrt a «lx?e«n-h) r»a«.
(Mortarltyi. 7to 1. won: Vl<\ n BridJ :« 7z> Js"~ M
1. secon.l: Ml Kelna. S«> i.MUier) 7 to S'« mSS I*^>k1 *^ > k
Second race isix furlc.iKS>— Met!atk!» 105,=. _„
• to 1. won: Aunt I'olSy. 115 «jt», 5 ,-, »" W|J *>.
Kunr.yslda. 100 <Su!llvan.. 3 t.> 1 tairf t "" ****.
a Is., ran. 1^ o°riC0 ° riC - R<>^ °' Hl ''° ; «Th-^
Third race iS?ausr,n Cr>ur«<») — Suv« o.^ „
(Morlarity>. 4to 1. won: KonmrtM K» (^S?! 1*?1 *?- W
1:1!\ Sen I>^ r . 107 «H«l S 's^n.. kTo lUVi*
l-.m. Krt'nborourh. Mullah. ClovPnon £h Th *-
K.ik Delias and Ericula a!.-o n.n ■ &i!E «H
Fourth race "seven fi:r!onr'»— Th* N'ovlr-e •* ,-*^
6 to t. won: Hllona. ft.l fMd>an!»:) j tn -. 1 .
D&nc«. 94 (Kent). 3to 1. thlrJ. Ti-^e 1 ■'•>v, v ■ H **
rer;^. Doctor Tom. G^r.e Berry aniGo^S^
Fifth ra-» (aslto an.! . ,^
ity.. •
Ray. 100 Miller). S to 1. thlrt. Tirr.e. ia«? %% P £*
Invirtus also ran. <»taj»Hfl
Sixth race (3ltrjr]f.r.p)-ni!»f -Al^a. vn Vnrl .^.,
3 to I. won; Palm!*. Xc (Mcfaaie!) S 7> 1 iJf' 1
<*arllsl<». 10." iDillon». a> f> 1 third Time hj S
Estrellado. Sugden. Punctilio and labute" also'ViaT"^
Flr?t ra.~« (ttv* ar.d one-half f-irta3irs)—R,ii» •* «_
land. 100: Comentiou*. 10O; Maffnoltn. 10..; Mai Mas. t£
Kj Ing Charcoal. 102; Norman Holt. 10'J- Bar-w^ vi
109: McWllltains. Ill; I.endin. 1U- Hikia^m? I*,!1 *,!
San' -y. Ill; Missile, 1M - Bler.n«wSS£*lHVD>S
Thlril rac«» (selling; cne m!ln>— Tmr-a. 89 o»t,»—-
Mezzo, 104; Arachuo. 104: Merry A-wba"" IM-*l?\!2
109; Death. 100: Favonlui lloTß^^i l 3 3t *■
, Fourth race (six furlongs.— Rar-s-r 100- tw« «_•
100; Simplicity. 102: V!c Zl-el^- 103- Si,, !S '„
108; Darius. 100: Autonornr. llftVc^to Bteta?U? 8%
Fifth race (maiden two-year-olds- th-t» Tv»" ™i-»
furlong— Waßstaff. 10.1; As>h Wedk-rtiT M? S-^i
Clure. mo; Mark!- Mayer. 103: An^T ' VK ™il£ i
ascon. 107; Mrs. Sharp. 107- ReuSen 110- TmriiSZ.
110: MoPoußal. lio; Pick Frown, lli);"^ ■ *
Mxth rac« oeUin?; a mil* and a farloKH— \nwi.i* _
Ghost. 83; Gravlaa. Wi. Homestead. 93. SSsssstlsVm^
Hot Springs. Ark.. Feb. :.-On account of a trosQ
track, to-day's rare., at Tmm» Park were deelant
off. except the Kentucky Crab Stakes, which ■*
been placed among Friday's contests
Defeats X orris. 300 to 262, k M
iard Championship.
Chicago. Feb. 2.— At the end of the third tan
play in the amateur billiard tournament twrH
national championship, Charles F. CtankHn. of C*
cago. am] Wilson H. Slgourner. of San. Frwsatc.
are tied for first honors, each havirs woa tsj
games. J. F. Pojreenburs. of Xew-Tork. 9mm
champion, is next high man. baTing won otte pa
and lost none, but there is little likelihood is:
Poggenburg will return to finish, and the gamst*
he played against Rein, of Chicago, aceor&j3
thrown e ou't. f the tournament - W »H. in that can i
w2£"srfl h n? t C K° nt K St N>t^ ConkHrx and Jfes
nient :iV li he , b est * am « »O far in Uh tour*
ConkHn ; kh led aII the «** a " d W(ln - X
Conklin- S high run Was a - uk* hls average »t£
Morris s arerage was 7 3-37
» ,"« ' ■ 1 -r." fte moon pame Charles S. Scteitt *
™ .;--, '?;• won from Edward G. Rein. Chic*
him th R^ ms jjabj 2 abJ lity to juri-© his stroke
him n the contest. Schmitfs hi£b run was 34 a
i 37^ Rein's high run was 30, bis av«3
T? tar w: of .. Brooklyn. lost the evening- ga=» a
Thresh c, of Boston, ;S4 to 30... in a srrocg am
Thr?shie s high run waa 43 and Stark* ■
Thrcshie finished with an avora?** of 617-47" 3ort»
was 6 S-+5.
Edward G. Gardner, of Passalc S. J.. recehw*
telegram to-day announcing the death of a tarn
It is believed the news will have a bad *wtH
his playing in future games. He !s the third staje
with when sickness or death has Interfered 9*c*
the tournament began. Wright, of San FT»nts«
withdrew on the first day. owing to the sndJea£>
ness of his father. The "next day Fosrgesbu^. ti»
present champion, returned to New- York os *>
count of: the sudden .lenth of his mother. Tiers*
a small attendance at the games. ar.d the club
probably lose on the tournament.
Close Billiards Wins from Open Table Hf
in Local Tournament.
it was a match cf close ball to ban iU2a-"*
against open table play, last nisrht, in which C 2
White, the exponent of the former atsta*^
defeated Louis -A. Servatius, £o<> points to 263. •
contest was the last save ona in the schedule of *
intercity championship in Class B. I!. A. "aUBB
and Albert I.ewenberc meet in the las: tnatcS ■
the regular schedule to-night, and ■mM •
former win he will receive the champlosshis •*
blem anvl first prizo. with an ur.broke.l lir-aoft*
tories. In case of his defeat. Cblexasa ar.d L* 8 * 1 '
htrg ore tied, aad wi'.l play ofT tor the bo* 1
There will alsojbe a tie In any case for SKOSi &*
with William Gcrshel.
The summary:
C. E. White— 1. 2, 1. 0 <\ ?. 9. 0 3. 19. 2. t i. 1 ",?.
l. l. •_'. «>. •-'. Z i. :■». ft s. 4. a. i. n. 3. n>. »*.•£*
it. i. s. vz. s. ;. 5. .•;;>. »\ .-». \ \ \>: 3. 2. ja .»*•
Si>«» point': average. s."vT>-.V!; hish runs. X:. 3»>a=<»^ L »
L. a. Swrrattas—O, 4. :.. 4. i 17. 6. 4. i>. U*tj
c. 3. Z o. 1.'., 1. i. 4. ft. o. 3. 4. ft •?. o. > ; '-W
('. T. l>. 0. £>. S-5. S. 6. •_'. 3. t>. 1. •< 13. 4. 1. 3. 4. '• JT™
2K3 points; average, 4 il-i3." r.is^ runs. 33. 3 •a*"'
C. Cameron, of the Eighth Kegiment ••
pended fcr lighting in Games.
The athletic committee of the Military A^ 1
League, at Us last meeting, tried C C3J^#
Sth Regiment, on the charges of stri'AiaS *^
ooirpetltor at the games held at tte Bth Xe »^
Armory on January 7. Witnesses were eXiS^.
on both sides. A blackboard was used by iW*^
r;iittet> to try to find ci;l just what haPpe^Mi
at what Dart of the track the trouble «JJ 5
It waa shown conclusively that "wide '-"W.
cl«ar the tleld'" was o\ordone. and an ac ,
followed by Mows, occurred. . Nh> », »?*
■..'•ion admitted having struck ''",. *rs: *]
was found Kuilty. It »as, however. W'^ji*.
f. tice before tho league so he was onl> -' "'
tor one month from the t::ne of the ::1 ';";'; oia !r.J *
It w\is anuoonced Ibal conduct «■ -. k ,i ut^.
4,-entieman or a M>ldier In any contest* n "i^*
th.- rules of the MiMUrv Athletic l^.iS"< >* a v
Feverrly dealt with. The meetms pp-i^jest-
January -• at tl'.e armory of tnc lJta "c *
Cln^lnnatL Feb. i— Tbe contentto c 'J^,£e2S*
t. r'V. V > olub that the New-York Arse.- -^ I
cl'iu »:•••:.: pay for an option s»>« n
Ci.;;ir.... i.as .'.v.n admttteU by the N> * b^ n p*- 1^
:..in league tluU and tho money Jj^Jite*** 1
Tho case was btought before th? natj* '^.Hi.
commUslgn. whose report was S»« B *" ■

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