OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, June 25, 1905, Image 4

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Invcntor Proposcs Deviee for Cool
ing and Scenting the Air.
H I, l<_e!y that U?ILII M*?? ??*??_"___
pLrtm,ntof Health will take some drastic
aC-loV ^^"l^V ^1^
?? h,,y endurable. . ?He _ from
the terrible atmospherlc condition- ln th? tunnel
is not forced soon by the falling off ln receP-~.
Kvery day the number of those who are desert
Ing the subway for ihe oooler elevated "d ?"
face llne, ta growing by leaps and bounto New
Tork is in a hurry always. but lt must be fairly
comfortable while hurrying. Thla M ??P?Si^
in the subway. and ln the resultant loss of fares
is the strongest hope of relief.
Pr. Parllngton said yesterday that some
thing wju-d be done soon by bt- ^P**?6"'
to impnne the subway air. He said that be had
a prartical PIan in view. but would not say
what it was. He has been keeping hls mtentions
?ecret until be had sufficient proof of the in
r_rious effect of the tunnel atniosphere. he added.
He fears he will have to take the case into the
courts. aud will n?t h-sitate to do so if the suD
wav company refuses to change conditions when
a metbed of improving them is pointed out.
Tbe iatest scheme for making the subway
h? tle ta to m H witii cool. dry. inedicated
air from a portable machine. It is the invention
of Jchn C Witter. who has offlces in the Metro
MliUB Life Insurance Buiiding. It conststs of
,i? .c_lly operated fans. whlch drive- the
Ir througb an ica chest. The air does not come
in contact wltk the ice. but instead passes over
plai?s which are lntensely cold. In so dolng
the molsture of the air is condensed on the
plates jr. drops and runs off in streams of water
Th_ numerous loe cold plate undulations act
_.ic.nden.ers of the humidity of the air, leavlng
T-~T25W and drylng the air. Mr.TOr
deciares it is an easy thing to charge ft wltb
medlraments. A little curtain attached to a
hollow cyllnder. pupctured like a sprinklingcan.
which has a funnel at the top. .. U do the work
when the tube is filled with pine needles or what
M .-dlcament or disinfeetant is desired. This
_acnc? ie carried through the machine apd out
With the cocled air. giving any desired odor.
This cooling machine is so small that each
subway car could have one. while larger sizes
would do for the statldns. The expense is not
great enou. h to make the system an impracti
cable one. To the worn out subway trave ler the
idea of a comfartably cooled car. smelUng of
the plnes of Lakewood or the balsams of the
Adirondaoks or the rose bowers of California
ls almost too good to be true. The cooling ma?
chine will be brought to the attention of the
or?eratlBg company.
Deenfield (Mass.) Officia) Feared Insanity
and Financial Ruin.
Greenfield. Mass.. June 24.?A belief that he
was in financial trouble, said by friends to be
unfounded, and the fear that he was about to
become insane caused Martln Sauter, one of the
Selectmen of this town. to commit suicide at
f-outh Deerfield early to-day. Sauter put a re?
volver bullet through hls heart. In a notebook
lound on his person he had written statements j
tr.ai he had been speculating and was rulned, j
and also that. having been ill and fearing that |
he was about to become insane. a few days ag"
be went to Northampton to visi1 the superln- ;
tendent of an insane asyium, but was unable to j
Uembers of the family said tliat tbe statement j
I tad been Epeculating was the result
..f a d-Ktrdered imaginatiou. Sauter was forty
five years old and was not married. He had
been chalrman of the Board of Selectmen up to
two weeks ago. when he feei-ned from that
offlce but __t_ined his *->laee on the board. He
a^-o bad held otber offlces of trust in town.
Work of Milwaukee Convention Ended
Milwaukee. June 24.?The conventlon of
______ "W oodmen of America came to a close
to-day with the installation of officers and
the adoption of the usual resolutions.
Among the important matters of legislatlon
Q.cided upon by the convention during the week
were the following: The admission of metal
miners and railroaders to membership; the
. doptlon of a table of rates for extra hazardous
rieks; tne adm!_?ion of employes of brewers and
dlEtillers not directly engaged in the manufaet
ure of liquors and the exclusion of officers and
stockholders of such institutions from member?
ship; the adoption of a system of inspection of
rlsks ujider the direction of the medical depart?
ment; the adoption of a bylaw providing for
triennial instead of biennial conventions of tho
Head Camp; the seiection of Peoria, 111., as the
meeting place for 1_J_; the unanimous adop?
tion of a i.omrmttee report recommending that
the question of revising the ratts of assessment
be brought to the attention of the 1908 meeting
ln form for deflnite action; the admission of
rortions of Texas and Tennessee to the eociety's
working territory; directing that no privato
banks shall be named depositories for society"3
funds; increasing the bond of the head banker
from 1500.000 to $1,000,000.
W. nt Eowing in Leaky Bo?t with. Two Men;
Who Saved Themselves.
Detroit. June ~..-~-An -Evening News" dis
patch from Petoskey, Mlch., says that Gladys
Howe. fifteen years old; Bdna Van Amberg,
thirteen years old, and Alma Parker. fourteen
years old. were drowned In Walloon Lake yester?
day. The three girls bad gone rowing with
Henry Rathke and R. A. Van Amberg lo an pld
boat that they found on the shore. When they
had puahed off into deep water the frames of the
old boat began to give way. As the water
poured througb big gaps ln its sides the terrifled
girls stood up on the seats. Gladys Howe and
Edn_ Van Amh-rr sank with their arms locked
around each others necks. Xone of the girls
were seen lo rise after they lost their foothold on
the sinkmg boat, but Rathke managed to grasp
van Amberg, and the two men were saved by
clinglng to the boat. which arose to the surface
wben reheved of the welght of the three girls.
Appleton. Wie.. June 24.?Under peculiar
rircumstances nine-year-old Marla Derrick met
budden death to-day. She was skipping a rope.
and as she reached the hundredth mark she
_*id. "I have flnished." Almost before she had
-_*u?ed sp&aking the child dropped dead.
-m i .-_-?-1
Pottsville, Penn.. June 24.?Joseph and Plus
liierstew, L?a\1d Felst. Jacob Noll and George
Holvey. school directors of Shenandoah, were to
day sentenced to serve one year in jail for
bribery and conspiraey. The men pleaded guilty
of aocepting bribes for their influence in the ap
potntn)?nt pf sehool teachers.
when you eat
"Thcre's a reason"
Xew Traffic Regulations tn Stop
Confusion in Financial District.
Police Commissinner McAdoo yesterday issued
an order to his department provldlng for a "dead
line" for pu*hcart pedlers ln \the financial clls
trlcL This order requires such vehicles to keep
out of a dlstrict bounded by Broadway, ^Maiden
Lane Pearl and Beaver sts. between 7 a. m.
and 7 p. m. on weekdays. with the exceptlon
of Broad-st, where the Commissioner has pro
vided a special arrangement.
From 8:30 a. m. to 6:30 P. m. on weekdays
vehicles travelling in Exchange Place will pro
ceed in an easterly dlrection only.
These rnles will not apply to United States
mail wagons, police and flre apparatus, ambu
lances. Street Cleaning Department ^hicles and
other vehicles authorized by permits issued oy
the Police ConiH issiortr.
The one exteption is this: Between 9.80 a. rn.
and 330 P m. on weekdays pushcarts and other
v"hiIcY whose proprietor. sell only food re
fr/shments. fruit and confectionery w 1 be al
owed to range tbeir vehicles in the eentre ot
Broad-st., between Beaver-st. and Lx< lunge
Plare \i the north end of the Une of carts ihus
the middle of the street, will be a space as*?_nea
as a hack and cab stand.
_i-? ?
Counsel of Merchants' Trust Says
Action Was Advisable.
Albany. June ^.--Attomey Generai MWT**
cured from Justice Cochrane. at Hudson, to-day
an order making permanent the receivership of the
New-York Trust Company and Douglas Robinson,
temporarlly establlshed for the Merchants' Trust
Company. of New.York. There was no opposiiion
to the granting of the order.
William B. Ellison. counsel for the Merchants'
Trust Company. yesterday made the following
statement in connectlon witb making permanent
the temporary receivership of that lnstitution:
I am Just informed from Hudson that t|ie re
ceivcrs of the Merchants' Trust Company have
been made permanent and that judgment has been
entered dissolving the corporation. In my oplnion,
it was advisable to make the receivership a perma?
nent one at the earliest possible moment. and I
have so advised ever since the trust company
closed Its doors. As temporary receivers, they were
mere custodians of the property, witb no power to
do anything toward a li*juidat!on of the company's
affairs As permanent receivers. they become vest
ed with the titie to all of the assets. and are in a
posltlon to realize on the securities beloni?ing to the
trust company. This condltion will grcatly expedlte
the payment of depositors and general creditors of
the trust company.
A further benefit deiived from making the re?
ceivers permanent ls to avoid a dlvergency of views,
whlch occurred from Mme to time among the direc?
tors. Now the control of the situation has passed
from the directors and rests solelv with tbe re?
ceivers, subject, of course, to the direction of the
The postponement a week ago. at the request of
one of the directors. was for the purpose of ascer
taining if some steps which were contemplated
would lead to a resuscltatjon of the company and a
oontinuance of lt= business. The plan having
failed. the liquidation of the trust company will
now proceed without delay.
The receivers will be confronted with two proposl
tions: (1) To immediately sell enough of the quick
assets to pav the depositors and general creditors,
whlch claims amount to approximately $2,200,000,
and take time to realize upon the remainini? assets
so that something may be paid to the stockholders,
and (2) that all of the assets of the company be
sold at once and an immedlate liquidation arrived
Offers have been made for certain of the necurl
ties qulte sufficient to realize enough to pay the
depositors and general creaitors without much de?
lay. and offfrs have been made also for the entire
assets of the company. These offers will now be
presented to the receivers in tangible and concrete
shape, and the receivers will take such action on
them as they aeem to the best advantage of all
encerned. Tt seems certain ln the light of offers
alreadv prenented that the depositors and general
creditors will he pald in full. and I think that
something substantial will also be realized for the
One in Hospitai as Residt of Collision
on East Side.
An electrie car of the Christopher-sL Une
crashed into a Belt Line horsecar, erowded witb
passengers, at Avenue D and lOth-st yesterday
afurnoon. smashing the rear end of the latter
car and injuring four persons. The Injured are
Thomas McGivney, cf No. 439 East 16th-st.,
nature cf injuries undetermined; Rosle W*eich
sel, of No. 55 Broome-st., contusions of the
right knee; Annie Moskowitz, of No. 101 Can
non-st., slight scalp wound, and Michael Bar
rett, of No, 447 East Otb-sL. bruised back. Mc
Givcney was sent to Beilevue Hospitai and the
others were sent home.
The Christopher-st. car had just left the 10th
st. ferry, omy a block away from the scene of
the collision. The Belt Line car was hound
north. Both cars stopped at the crossing. Ac?
cording to the horsecar driver, hig car was
about two-thirds over the Christopher-st. car
track. W*hen Ihe electrie car suddenly shot
ahead. striking it with a crash that spllntered
the rear platform and tbe glass in several win
The passengers on the Belt Line car were
frightened and struggled to get out.
Both car lines were blocked twenty-five min
utes while tbe wreckage was being cleared
away. There were no arrests.
Work Begun on New Eedford Branch in
Officials of the Young Men's Christiap Asso?
ciation met at Bedford-ave. and Monroe-st..
Brooklyn, yesterday afternoon to take part in
the iaying of the cornerstone of the. new Bed
ford branch of the Young Men's Christian As?
sociation. When the building is completed it
will have cost $250,000, and the furnishings
will cost an additional $100,000.
Edward P. Lyon, president of the Brookiyn
Young Men's Christian Association, presfded.
The stone was guided to its place by Alphonso
Smith, chairman of the committee of manage?
ment of the Bedford Branch. The address was
made by the Rev. Dr. S. Parkes Cadman, of the
Central Congregational Church. The Rev. Dr.
L. R. Foote, of the Throop Avenue Presbyterian
Church; the Rev. Dr. W. C. P. Rhoades, of the
Marcy Avenue Baptlet Church. and tha Rev.
Dr. J. O. Wilson. of the Xostrand Avenue Meth
odist Church, also took part in the exercises.
? ?-?
Appellate Term Orders New Trial of Suit
Against Brooklyn Heiehts Company.
The Appellate Term of the Supreme Oourt yes?
terday reversed the judgment cbtained by Henry
McDermott for $225 against the Brooklyn Heights
Railway Company in the First District Municipal
Court, and ordered a new trial of the action.
Mr. MeDermott, who lives at Ne. 104 V?sey-st.,
went to Shetpshead Bay on July 2, 1003. He start?
ed to return on an Oceamave. car marked "Broad?
way Ferry." He teatlfled that he asked the eon
ductor when he paid his fare lf the car went to the
ferry. H*3 received r.o reply. but tbe conductor con
sulted the rootorman. and then announced that
the ear went to King? Highway only. The plaintiff
refused to leave th? car at that point, but lnsisted
that the car take him to the destlnatlon marked
<m tbe side and front. The car was put ln the rar.
ehed, and MeDermott later rode back and forth
from the carshed to Sheepshead Bny.
Tbe plaintiff deolared that frcm the exposure he
had eontracted tuberculosis. but Jusilces Bcott,
Dugro and M'-icLean decided that there was an
error in the trial and set il back for a new trial.
The chapel of th*-- Church of tbe Epiphauy. tn
feouth &th-st, near Bodford-ave., Wiliiamsburg.
wgl be dedicated to-day by Bishop McDonnell.
Tbe cliapel is a branch of tbe Roman Catholic
Church of Sts. Peter and Paul, ln Wyihe-ave. 1 h,
dedleation was lo have taken place lan Sunday,
but owing to a plsunderBtuntlir.s utlwt-en the
... ... H, ifnr-l !!;?? exert-is.es w*r? p'-st
poned until to-diiy, ihe Libhop Ulug kept away
by a iiicvloiiis ai'poir.trucuL
Attempts Made to Sidetrack Prose
cution?Stabbed Girl at Hotel
patmlman Edward Rlker, of the West ?_**?
station. under indictment for &""*?"*""*****
_l.arr_.red. and a general _.arm for Wm ha-been
Sent out from Pollce Headauarters. WMj -
been out on ball since h ie arrest. and, being "?*
p.nded from the department, has had to report at
the station every day. Priday he failed to report,
and has not been seen slnee.
Rlker and a companlon went to a 6Ui-ave. dn e
with two friends late one night. One of the
women. Mary Flanagan, says she was Wrapei*
tha nature of the place. She _?. that Riker tried
to force her into a -r oom and. -?>?? sh? re!^
h. .tabbcd her. Riker ne_ down the flre eso*pe
!ni.. ihe. arms of Patrolman Willlams, of the len
''. :lV..k-r,'was arralgned ln Jefferson Market
Z was learned that some of his fellow? patrol
men ?-4|owi_f thelr usual tactics. had tried to
caj"l'e and bribe Miss Flanagan to dlsappear.
Teamsters to Vote on Peace Terms?Grand
Jurors to Act To-morrow.
Chicago, June 24.-An opportunity was offered
to-day to the "rank and file" of the striking
teamsters to say whether the strike will con
tinue or whether it will be called off and the
men take their chances of getting employment.
At a meeting of the Teamsters' jolnt council
lt has been decided to submit to the men on
strike the latest peace terms received from the
emi .oyers.
The three principal clauses in the proposltion
which the strikers will vote on are as follows:
The elimination of the express drivers from the
strike settlement.
The maintalning of police and armed guar_3
on the wagons ;?fter the strike is called off.
The right to wear a union button concealed.
It is said that the emDloyers are inclined to
take back a big percentage of their old team?
sters, but it must be pn term- dictated by them,
and unless the teamsters surrender uncondition
ally the fight will go qn. Special meetings of
the different locals Involved wili be cajled the
eomjpg week for the purpose of taking a refer
endum vote.
Mr. Farwell gave out the following statement:
Inasmuch as a settlement glving adequate
protection to a non-unlon man seems unlikely.
the employers are now preparlng to refuse to
lake back any slriking teajnsf-rs. In such an
event. of course, no further conferences would
be held. The strike has ceased to be a strike,
but is ratper an annoyance. It no longer has
any effect on buslness.
State's Attorney Healy and Asslstant State's
Attorney Fake appeared before the June grand
jurors to-day and "summed up" for them the
indictable evidence secured by the April, May
and present grand juries in the strike Investi?
gation. The strike investigation ended to-day
and the jurors on Monday will vote what true
bills the State's Attorney and his asslstant ad
Members of the Chicago Grocers and Butch
ers' Association and of the organizatlon known
as the Grocers and Meat Market Men of Cook
County, are planning to force big express com?
panies to carry goods to them from the large
wholesale houses. If the owners qf the express
companies refuse, the grocers and butchers* or
ganization, it is said. will press the demand
made some time ago on Mayor Punne that ex?
press licenses be revoked under authority given
the Mayor in the city ordinance.
The twenty-fourth annual announcement of
the New-York Post-Graduate Medical School
shows that there were 540 matrlculates ln at
tendance from June X, 1904, to June 1, 1905.
Last year the largest slngle body of students
came from this State, whlch furnished 120,
A new professorshlp ln clinlcal pathology has
been created, to be filled by Dr. Frederick E.
Sondern, and also one in anatomy, to be filled
by L?r. Nell Macphatter.
The summer session of the school ends on
October 1, when the wlnter session begins, the
school being open during the entire year.
Paterson. N J., June 24.?In a few days a "fire?
works squad" will be established in this city, be?
cause of the large number of accidents due te the
settlng off of firecrackers ln the streets by young
boys. The matter will be brought to the attention
of the police authorltles and a special squad to ar?
rest vlolaters of the fireworks law organized.
A runaway accident. which might have resulted
serlously, occurred last night through a giant fire
cracker being thrown into the street directly be?
ncath the horse. It was caught a few blocks
further on by a citizen. None of the occupjtnts of
the carrlage were Injured.
.-m -?
Mineola. Long Island. June 24.?The contest of
the will of Ada M. Chapman, formerly of Kemp*
stead. who died in Ocean Grove, N. J.. leavlng an
estate of $30,000, was heard here to-day. Among
the legatees are eighteen foreign misslon socleties
and charitahle institutions. One-half of tbe r?
siduary estate is left to the Presbyterian Board of
ihiii.. Missiona, of New-York. and a beauest ls
.Uso made to the American Bible Soclety. Soine of
tho legatees ure contestlng the will. Dr. Lyon,
superlntendent of Bloomlngdale Asylum for fifteen
years. testifled mat the teetator was in that in
stitutlon for several montha in 1S91, sufferinj; from
progressive mejiuicholia. William P. Rae. a real
estate man, said that he had made a number of
real estate inv. sttnents for the testator. and In his
opinion she we i a good business woman and per?
fectly sane. The hearing was then adjourned to
July 19._
One passenger was slightly hurt and many
frightened in a collision between two 3d-avc ele?
vated roadroad trains at the 143d-st. station ear?
ly yesterday morntr.g. The collision was caused
by wet ralls, the motorman of the second train
being unabie to prevent running into tha flrst.
which was about to leave the station. Neither
train was much damaged. the platforma ln
contact being cnly a little splintered. and both
trains went on after the collisicn. When the
polioe appeared the trains were on their way
downtown. and the station amgioyes had for
gotten thet a collision had occurred.
Ylgo. Spain, June 24.?Advices received here to
tig from ibo Minljo River. whlch separatea the
? ; *-rn part of Portugai from Spain and emptles
Into tbe AOantlc near Carolnha, say that thirty
Spanlarda, who wero returning io Salvatterra, Spain,
after attending a Corpus Chrleil celebrailon ut
Monoayo, Portugai. were drowned on Thursday
tSirougn the f-apaizing of a boal on uhivh they *<???
I>K|>'.rlf, Irid.. J-i!)f- Zi (Special).?Mlss Helen M.
Oould ls to visii Ko< h*-su.-. !:i this State, to de
velop, with Colonel D. \V. Brown, the national btrd
jVOtaettM muvameat.
Contracts for Them Made in London
and Jajian.
Ten Westinghouse electrie loeomotives have been
ordered for use on the Metropolitan Railway of
London, England. These loeomotives. which will
be of 1,200 horsepower capacity each. will be em
ploved to operate 120-ton trains at an average speed
of thlrtv-six miles an hour. They will be equ.pped
witb four motors of 300 horsepower capacity each.
A feature of the enginss will be that. owing to
the terminal facilities being somewhat restrlcted.
lt has been determined to adopt motors of a smaller
size than usual. equipped with forced ventilatlon,
so as to keep down the length of the loeomotives
to convenient limits for handling.
The Japanese engineering and contracting flrm of
Takata & Co.. which represents the Westinghouse
Interests in the Mikado's empire. recently received
contracts for vertical, single acting type, both sim
ple and compound engines, from tbe Akabane,
Kure Tokio and Yokoska arsenals. the Kiushlu
and Nippon railways, the Fukagawa and Tokio
electrie light companies. the Furukawaf Vvestern
Bureau. the Tokio Imnerlal UnivcrS1t>. he \ oko
hama Electrie Wlre Works and the Joh'" VJ_
works, aggregating in all ahout 8,000 horsepower.
No Results from Reward?Engineer Did All
He Could.
Cleveland, June 24?The officials of the Lake
Shore Railroad who are Investigating the cause
of the wreck at Mentor on Wednesday night have
gathered much information. which, however,
they decline to make public. for fear of glving
warning to possible culprlts who mlght hava
been responsible for the wr*>ck.
The offer of a reward of $2,000 has not yet
brought any returns, but It is expected that de
tectives from all parts of the country will come
to the scene in an effort to earn the money.
It is the general opinlon of those who have
carefully studied the circumstances that the
switch was thrown only a few seconds before
the approach of the train, and that the engineer
had no chance to stop, although he sanded the
rails and applied the emergency brakes.
Springfield, Ohio, June 24.--W. O. Jaekson, of
this city, chief inspector of railroads and tele
graphs of Ohio, returned to-day from Mentor,
where he invesLgated the Lake Shore wreck.
He said:
That the switch was opened intentionally we
know. Whether or not it was locked open we
cannot tell. for all reports are meagre. The per
petrator may never be known, though both the
company and our department are working on
the case.
I do not think the speed of the train had any?
thing to do with the wreck or the number of
people killed. The number killed was due to
the fact that dlnner was just over and the men
had gone forward to the smoker. Fast trains
are no more liable to accident than others, for
they make fewer stops and many accommoda
tlon trains run as fast between stations aa the
Twentieth Century.
Columbus, Ohio, June 24.?The State Commis?
sioner of Railways and Telegraphs returned to
day from an investlgation of the Lake Shore
wreck at Mentor, and says that the wreck would
have been worse had the train been running
slowly. He saya that when the last train
passed the switch before the one wrecked the
switch was all right.
Four of Those Who Perished at Mentor
Brought East for Burial.
The bodies of four victims of the wreck of the
Twentieth Century Limited at Mentor, Ohio,
were brought to this city yesterday on the New
York Central train arriving here at 7:50 a. m.
The first body to be removed was that of
Samuel C. Beckwlth. Mrs. Beekwith fainted
several times, and finally had to be carried to a
carriage ln a semi-conscious condltion.
The body of A. L. Rogers, of New-Rochelle,
was transferred to a New-Haven train and
taken to Lynn, Mass.. where he will be buried.
The body of H. C. Mechling was taken to
Fort Hamilton, where he will be buried.
William D. Mlckey's body also arrived. Mick
ey was a negro porter. The body was taken to
his home in this clty.
Siegel-Cooper Employes Start Vaca
tion Season in Company's Cottages.
The summer vacation season of the girls em?
ployed by the Siegel-Cooper depertment store be?
gan yeaterday. Sixty of the girls went down to
the summer cottages at Long Branch owned by the
Siegel-Cooper Company Employes' Association. This
ls the seventh season at the cottages. The openlng
was marked by appropriate ceremonles in tbe
evening. J. B. Greephut, secretary and general
manager of the store. made the opening address.
He was followed by W. F. Forestall and the Rev.
Father Cantwell. The spefehes were followed by
a musical and a vaud.vill- entertainment.
Tht.e cottages were given to the assocla?
tlon by the flrm. Thty are on a large lawn al?
most hidden by trees. Thtre are fortv handsomoly
furnished rcon.a. whlch will .ccommodate sixiy
girls. Mrs. M. M. Spencer acts as hostess for the
nrm. Every Saturday a new companv of glrU
goes to the cottage a. The fun begins with a dan' e
on Saturday evening. On Monday afternoon there
is always a coaching party. |n which the girls a e
drlven along the Rumson Road or to Asbury Park.
The rest of the week is tatcen up with tro.ley
rjde . with excur .qup on tbe water in private
yachts, musJcals and entertainments.
. ?
Veterans of the Fortieth Hold Annual Re
union and Dinner.
Survivors of the 40th New-York Volunteers gath
ered at North Reach yesterday afternoon for the
annual reunion of the regimental assoclatlon, ln
the Spnford's Polnt Hotel.
The buslnes* meeting was held at S o'clock in
tho uftcrnoon. President Clymcr was re-elected.
Comrade Tlmothy Higgins was elected vlee-presi
dent snd Captsin Murphy wn~ re--lcet*d ~#C__?r-.
Henry P. Boell was re-electtd tre?surer and Pres?
ident Clymer appolnted Comrade C H. Maaon, as
tergemn-at-arms. and nemed the follpwing ?xec
utlw oonunlttee; Colonel Edward J. Rllty, Fred?
erick L. Schaefer. Wllliam H. 8nllea, John Unger
and D. B. Levy.
Portland, Or_. .tune 2*?The ,i>o-l Ii- ?-. ls <"?,>.,.
v.mloii __?'ui'ii?d a nonn.l condition to-day _h<-n
Ai'.i:. i.'halrm.n S.'i'it rupp~il for order. Al>! .r
briiii; n.rtri- hv, Frf-cltl.-iu <Jou<'<- of ihe I.i-wls ttiul
i'lmk Kxpoftltion, Governor i'ardee cf California,
Governor Gooding of Idaho, a._d Jefferson M>_r_,
of Oi-gon.
Washir.cr'on. June 24.
WIRELESS DIFFICTI/riKS. The wlreles* ?
perts of the government are applylng th*;msclv?*
with energy to the problem of gettlng rld ?' *??
influences which are destined to Interfere with that
form of communicatim ib time of war. or at least
to prevent secret exchange of rnessages. iner.
have been many assurances that this ******* *?
possible by means of special devlc-e used. but lt ls
found that the wireless stailons along the coast
ehtain many rnessages, in whole or part, wbUh
are not mtended for them. Thus. at the Washing?
ton Navy Yard. recentjy. there were recejved rnes?
sages evidently being exchanged between ships in
distan; Southern waters. There is BOthlng to ac?
count for this irregularlty in the action of the
rnessages; so mu*jh depends upon the wave tnflu
encas. At the sama time. It is reulised that spme
thing must be done toward a regulation of tne
wireless communication. Much may be *ec*>?;
plished by governmental control, but this may not
be possible, now that the wirele^s cnmrames are
fully organized, and have sold stock to people, who
may feel that their interests would not be heipea
by legislation along the lines suggested by the
special joint board. of which Rear Admiral Evans
was the senior member. There ie also much to De
obtained from an international discusston of tne
subject, but this appears to be out of the question
during the war between Russia and Japan and unt.i
the Brltish and Italian governmenls adjust their
relatlons with the Mareoni people.
military officers, who are members of the Joini
board for the revieion of the coast defenca plans
of this government, are bavlng aH interestlng time
over the subject of submanne defence of our har
bors. They are impressed, naturally, with the
action of the Brltish government in relegatlng to
the backgiound the submerged mine. and the ia
troduction of the submarine boat in tbe system of
harbor defence. lt is understood that the navy
othterB are inclined to favor thh? view, although
they do nut deny that tbey entertaln a wholesome
respect for the stable and floating mine. Tbe ex
periences cf the Russians in this war compel a
tribute to the mine as a means of destructien. lf
all the reports are to be r^lied upon aa showlng the
exact condition. Those who believe firmly in tne
mine point to the fact that we have heard pothipg
of the submarine ln the current war, and tbere are
those who nave much doubt as to the valut
of that craft ln the system of harbor defence.
It ls probable that at no dlstant day some
provision regulating the use of the submerged
mine and to Impose restrictions which shall
ass-jre protectlon to neutrals, the lack ot whieh
has besn the oecaslpn ot muoh complaint during
the Russo-Japanese War. will t/e adopted. It ts
possible that these restrictions W h**nwr. m
some respects, the value of the mine, but lt ls like?
ly to be retalned by the Taft Board engaged ln
changing our coast defence programme. There ls
no chance that the mine wlH Le set fsidein favor
of the submarine; at the same time the board will
recognize the value of the submarine for harbor
defence, a factor which has been urged upon gov?
ernmental consideration by the artlllery experts
at Fort Totten. N. Y., where there has been pre?
pared an elaborate plan of submar ?Jefence cov
ering the entire coast Une and proyiding ior a. great
increase in the enlisted force of that branch. The
submarine enters into this _lan. and iberels *?;?
liberal provision for the mines, mostly of the sta
tionary type. There is this distinction in the two
features of harbor defenee, which ls notable as
indlcating tbeir relatlve values. The mines will be
regarded as a secret. form of coast defence equip?
ment their positions. character and extent being
held a matter of the'closest privucy; th.pre*??
of the submarines may be widely advertised. since
their existence. appreciated by an enemy, may
lead to dlscretlon. which may serve as a block to
activity. _
ORDEPS ISSUED.-The following army and
navy orders have been issued:
Captain LOUIS C. SCHERER, 4th Cavalry. to Fort
W'alla Walla.
Chaplain HERBERT 8. SMITH. to Sd Infantry.
~.~,..? ?-<5SF O NICHOLA*. orcnance department,
apfr"m Ml?iW Academy ? Sandy Hook provlng
Retlreraam' of Brigadier O-n.ral THOMAS C. LEBO
^Cmlandy'H^lfprevmg ground wV* Point.
ChftPlaln AbLEN ALLENSWriRTH. from 24th Infantry
tnThis home and awalt retirement.
Be*r Admiral W. H BROVVNSON. to command tourtU
divlaion. North Atlantic fleet.
Commander R. HENDERSON. commlMlowd.
Ueutenant Commander F. K. HILL to tha Missourl
Lieutenant (J. G.) E. J. BERWIND. retired. resignatlon
MldiS?'j. H. LOFUAND and E. W. CHAFFEE. to
the Minneapolte.
Major E. B. IiOWNDES, coromissloned Ib raartna eorps.
lowing movements of vessels have been reported
to the Navy pepartment:
June SS?Maaaachusetts, at WwVf-*. Cravan. at
Newport; Polphin, at Newport News.
June 33-Rtandi.h. from Norfolk '?????*?"!'
?.v.? from Newport News for Gardiners aay.
^"hli.'fSm Newport News for WaahlMton;
Sylph, from Washinston for New-York.
June 24?AJax. from Guantanamo for Monte ChrtetL
Wilmington placed out of commission at Cavite.
.- ? -
Watertown. N. Y.. June 24.^-The 23d United
States Infantry. 600 officers and men. arrived at
Madison Barracks. Sacketts Harbor. to-day. from
the 1'hlllppine Islands.
. ? -
Trusting Man Pays $400 to Get Big
Job at Racctrack.
A timeworn crooked game popped up in Jeffer
son Market police court again yesterday, when
William Robbins and William Stewart. two leading
lights of upper Broadway, were held in default of
$1,000 bull each.
ginton Fliessner. of No. 1,812 Lexington-ave..
caused the arrest of Robbins and Stewart on Fri?
day night. About a week ago, Fliessner says, he
net the two men ln Broadway, and they invlted
him to become treasurer of one of the big race
tracks near New-York. The only thing that would
be required was a deposit on Fllessner's part of
5500 in c. sh.
Fliessner told the men that he had only $400 at
the moment. They said $400 would do for a starter,
and the money changed hands. Then the men went
around tha corner, telling Fliessner that they would
be back soon, or words to that effect.
Despairing Wife Driven to Adopt
Novel Method of Suicide.
Chief of Pollce Murphy of Jersey City recelved a
letter yesterday ironi the wife of missing John
Oliver Benson. in which she said that she and her
little bcy were going to leave thelr home and "walk
untl' they met death." A detectlve humed to her
house and persuaded the despairing woman to atay
at home. t?enson had been out of work. On May
10 he kiased his wife and six-year-old boy goo .by,
telling his wife that he was going to seek work.
Since then she has never seen or heard from him.
The Chief received the following letter from Mrs.
tienson yesterday:
Dear Chief: Please do not think me ungrateful,
for you have done ?very thing possible. I am afraid
l cannpt stund it any longcr, M> mind seems giv
lng way. I am going away, where 1 never ?1I1 be
seen or heard from. If you shou.d ever hear any?
thing from my husband tell him lu>w my heart was
broken over hls disappearu.ee. Thanklng you for
your klndness. Mrs. MARY Hi&tSSON
1. S?I am going to take my hoy with me, and
keep on walking until we meet death. God bless
Albany. June 24.?The Railway Yar .mustciV As?
sociation. a fraternal and benevolent orfanJjtation,
embraclng the whole country, with headquartera
in New-Yerk City, was incorporjted to-day wit .
the . c-cr-tary of State, The dlr<-t.ora for the flrst
year are William w. Brewer, James M*^C.rrlc_;
?.phen Mltchell. of New-York City.
The Bu-quehanna SmeRlng Company of New
York was lncerperated, with a oapltal of MMH
and the folli>win< directors: . . __ Vivian . oni
and Henry KUlo*. of New-York. und George C.
C.iVfll. of txioti. i'eiin
The HamlM"ii Hond and M.->ri*s?e Compsny "f
Brooklyn _aa incorpornit-d. ?uh a o.ultal of J_.i.
000 and th? tollowing directors; \V I. Hammond,
j:-., !.. tl i-...;.'. of X-w-York ai.I G. N Gllbart,
01 !.:? ? Kiyn.
__.._ _8T.\T_ IM.ROVliMBNT
completely ooverrU rm-ii day by The Trtbu__? i_?l
?_at? nma. nbl.-ta alau _lv_i trsiuftrs, _uctl?a*. inort
imr . U? _?_.?_?. U_>??. _t_
The Financial World.
This has hec-n a dividend week. Con. .d?ratlon
of *ent!ment_l adverse infiuences d1mln:.*hi_i be?
fore the signiflcant fact of the Increa--_ dl.t
<!~\ . on Reading placlng a 4
per cent basis. Here is direct evidence of pros
i'h.iis railroad conditions flsdtng t-r.*.,,!^
In conservative distrlbution of profits to shaa.
hoiders?conservatlve, because 4 per eent on
Reading common Is less than one-half ef tht
avallable yearly surplus. Effect - market ~ tse
was lnstantly stimulatlng: there waa awtft rao
ognitlon that if Reading could see its way dear
to raise Its dividend other companie* ~>. kin?
under similar eondttions and enjoying similar
prosperlty mlght be counted upon to ;ak? vm
iiar action. All the Pennsylvania group, tot
example, beeome very strong; and predictle*.
are freely made that Baltimore & Ohio and Naf
folk & Western will speedily follow the ReaA
ing example. Conditions warrantlng increased
dividends are not conflned to eastern and ?outh
ern roads. It Is confidently asserted ln well t?
formed quarters that Unlon Paciflc will do bet?
ter by shareholders on Its next dividend |
laratlon?which is due some four or flve weaka
hence?and there is talk of an early Sou there
Paciflc dividend which is entirely warranted b.
the road's earnings. Beyond doubt, we are en
tering upon an enlarged dividend perlod?the
direct result of the econemiea of past years and
the lavish disbursement of earnings for con?
struction, betterment and equipment. The . ?
ican policy will be found to have been wise.
healthful, and ln its outcome far better for
shareholders than if the English policy had
be.n pursued of distrjbuting earnings as fast
as acrumulated.
Bearing on this matter of dividends. Just note
these signiflcant figures taken from the iatest
report of the Interstate Commerce Commission,
comparing dividend statistlcs as of 1807 and
1903?flscal yeara Full details for 1904 (refarred
to later) are not yet available. Theae figures
6how railroad dividends only:
Dividends paid in J 807. J87.11O.50_
Dividends paid in 1803. 1-J._2S.176
Increase .Jn09.617.577
In the six year pericd under revlew lt will be
seen that ln amount actually distributed divi?
dends increased 125 per cent?surely a remark
able showing.
The amount of railroad capital stock on whleh
dividends were paid com.ares for the two pe
rlods thqs:
Stock paying dividends ln IS_7.... .l,603.54?._fS
Stock paying dividends in 1903-3,450 787,969
Here is an Increase of railroad etocks paying
dividends of 115 per cent. Of all railroad stocki
outstanding but 29.00 per cent were paying
dividends in 1897, compared with 56.06 per cent
in 1903, an increase of over S7 per cent.
Preliminary figures for the flscal year ended
June 30, 1904, Bhow an Increase over 1903 of
dividends paid amountlng to $_3,594.139, an In?
crease of 1- per cent. for the one year. For the
fiscal year to end June 30. 1905, these figures
will in turn be largely exceeded.
Confronted by such a stupendous record crlti
clsm of American railroad policy falls flaL More
over, this tremendous increase of profit distrlbu?
tion has been absolutely nlggardly compared to
surplus accumulation, which explains why so
many standard 6tocks are selllng at prices which
look high compared te esisting dividend rates.
Of course, the time is not far ahead when over
flowing treasuries will demand increased distrl?
bution to shareholders?calculating invastorg do
not merely take lnto acceunt the dividends paid,
but also equltles in asaets, the certainty of earl.
future larger dlstributlon.
It ls certain that the eomlng year will see
all previous railroad tonpage exceeded?that
railroad earnings will surpass all previous rec?
ords, provtdlng the means for yet larger divi?
dends. These faets?so far?meet with scant
recognltlon in seeurity market transactions. The
securtty market is almost wholly professional,
and professional tendency is to compare values
with prior low reeerds rather than with exlstlng
conditions, and, hence, assume that quotations
are high. This is delusive. The only true test
of value Is what the rallroads are dolng now
and can fairly be expected to do ln the future.
By thls test the great majority of railroad
stocks are still below merit level.
Thus we have now at the turn of the market
assertlve evidence that the very stanchest In
vestment interests of the country are in readi
ne-s for that market betterment which must ba
the normal sequel of prosperity, not merely
malntained, but continually and vastly expand
ing. To such interests increased dividend db.
bursements come as no surprise. They find in
them only what is natural. only a phase of the
situation that could be only temporarlly poet
poned. that could not fall to become in due sea?
son the ruling policy. We are now at the start
of a new Wall Street era wh^rem expanding
dividend disbursements shall be the notab.a
characteristic. It is an exceptionally healthful
to. en, too, that this new era has for its dw
tinguishing policy the stamp of that leadershi.
so safely conservatlve?the leaderahip of fen.i
sylvania Railway management.
This seasoned prosperity of our country Js".
moreover. in no sense seetional?ita scope sweeps
the Continent?and even over our borders. m
deed, extend the rislng waves, as -Jgnincantiy
denoted in the phenomepal records of the t-ana
dian Paciflc system at the North. andl ?nipi?
sized by the rushlng expansion throu_nout
Mexico. Study of any group of our transporta
tion preperties certifies natlonal progress-salns
everywhere in material yleld being simply ?"
tTarkiPthey'southern States for ?amp!e-Ju.r
any other section may be satisfactonly ta?n
ana the expanding figurea of Prosperity^leom nr
beyond what any ordinary consideration can
have anticipated. In half a <*?"V' ._"__?
value of lumber products tnercases from *~M
000.000 to Ktl99.00O.O0O. Farm value ? <?
ments rise a billkm and a quarter o? Jg?g
The cotton -rop of haif a dosen years agi ba?g
touching .aoaOOO.OOO. command-d U-t :?J
$000,000,000. Tbe number of national bar*
is 639 ln 1901 and this year approxlmates i.uw
-Southern natlonal bank deposits. ln 1JJJ
less than $230,000,000. swell to over * KWWWg
it the beglnning of 1905. And t* r^WfJ
tho "section" keep pace. Groaa ?* ?.?._0f> &
were J9O.O0O.000 and only tou-hed K<W*i?T
the following year. La?t year .hev wsr?*''t
000.000. and thls year pusb far furtntr toiaaro.
till the ja00.000.000 mark js ulose ..tb. .id
And not on* imllway ln all thi- ???****fg&
has falled to expand. The great ->^?^ ^
Samuel Scencer has rounded out from the
_%____.^ha. RieiUnd /ermlna.Wt njj*
flnally tha vantafe *ro_nd where its affa rs *~
n_ longer text for speculators msrelv^ ??W-?g_
maid Re calculating consideration of lnveajo*
ultra-conservatlve. abroad as weil as *? a?n?
Illlnois Centrsl progresses toward W_*jr o~g
dend levels. Norfolk and Western s>ml,f.?
mosperlng. and Baltimore and Ohio mountlg
hnalfy lnto an Importance which evert tn w
sunnlest days of the Garrett reglme *as ~?
???_.cb---~*o. lndeed. the entire Southera
mord runs?lllumined exceptionally by tW
aplendld revelatlona of Atlantlc Coast Une prrr
*2 . hU? tuiantlo Coast Llne qu-rter Increased
di._i._N ure surt. LoulfvlUa and Nasbvllle ?]?
. roflt and nandgomely. Na^hville. Cbat?no<??
_nd St. Louls (of which barely I1.000.0W no"
outstands ln tbe general publtc's hana*)
fin _ly to hav* 1U daaerta too. Tbe -f*m*"2i~
payments made for years out of current ear"
inn for new propw'tHa are to ha . e th#j?JU"Jg
.-i'-f-Mmrion t. sh~reholders. On the basiso?n^
aormaJ operating expense ratlo. Na?hviUo_*?
O_tttar.ooga _ir- - ! .-. -.ear (I quota aa e-**
nent railway statlstlclan) "fully 19 per eent upoa
__1 b_| oapltal stock." During a period wbereia
-j.. than 4 per eent Increase ln
mlleaae there has been an Increase Pf s0 _"
,.'.;. r I,, .. ,..g, - -. .!"!?" " ' '"
ever to capltal stock and with _x*d ehargee
actually deci eased. I ??--? = -- - ?
vvdh records such a~ th'."-- i-1.
Equltable affairs develop new ser.sa!i-|'? ^"'y'
ln elaboratlon of charge- already i'1-'13,^'
Touching the n.w n:ana?eiv.eiit 1't>*-I--*
Roosevelt voi.es public sentiment in his V**
sonal letter to Chalrman r.ut Morton i'
safety of huegrity will be there. A?VAl

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