DA MAY DEW M Hostilities with China Are Re? ported Imminent. SAID TO BE MASSING TROOPS On the Point of Srndin? Ulti? matum. Fixing Date for Grant? ing Treaty Demand?. ?? i? | '?? TiitanM.] . . Mart?] 'J I. ? Alarm .-? p ???. ?*?*.. hav? h?-e-n received m i ?->.:n b* s ?ppthnin-tni buaineaa hrm dcnHng with th? ?fat ?Baal i i ?tin ?*dt?*ct thai ^?r h^ twetn R leata and CI IM maj be de? ?red al any ?motnent. B lineei ?men ai Harbin II Is added, ? . ? ; . ? lh? .??-<-?*. ' sitU ition a Ith that n | . ' ; ?..? -.. . I -p.- .In??-'. ;..-.?*.-,,-,- the .-??? reek tVf thd Ruaan Japan?** T n ? 1 >o.\ ^s f? CO? W v*: I ?f/11 th? ..i.iii. sk al ? ??? i thin font *>?-Ki ?jumped ih?5 from ?> to 'ft gi),.?. .> s yr - ,-?? lit ? ? th?- oth-er band il l?i " id I r ? < r ? i indlcai i gen ?r^i |. - *?" yn? ? ou the I -, , ? , . ? ? ?i ? i f. ? * ?heeelng i? na an uiti | ? - ? ? i flsli | ' ' '? itlefartkHi - f ? yy-r-.r ? ? ?; | ... : ? ?-?-)? t. rr-t-- .1^..i ?-c ?with lh? demand? of flusela ii Mongolia hav? been ?described h- ,'1" < hlnee? h mclhato the text li ?' be? unsa t la ?htetory ?? Russia I -? i>? ?? hut ?evaded th*? ?p-?int? ?i? laaue ?The i%'? ."-n?!? ? - - rived h? the - - - - | . - .-??;? ^.,-c , the ?estai ? i . -. , ?.- .. KoMo, whereas r ? = ..... i ->. - tlM ? Mnee? ' '"? ? ? -' ntitratlv? neat of? th? ? ultimatum with ... ( ? , , ?,??..- ?. ? tn oil st< lo the | from '?' . ? ? thai ? hli < rega , ? lo>n ol ? - i ? idi in Moi ? na that 1 iltled men ese g ? I ' ? ? . . ? ? ? -i ? mai ? ? ?pa ? ??' ? tl -: ? ntend* lo iM"i?-in>* the ' ?j? got la tlons In that Russia will ha k : ? - \ ladt? osipk, '?tar ;)??-.?? -, ? rrehl s that s mobilisation ??f ? t-?.r,;.. ?-.?.i! will red ? ? fa a I I lu ?books, i in ?.meri? i . , . ?. ... -,-,.? . ?J I ???;,.1 iferred, and errangt nad i?-? -?" ?i ih?? tua ? ' .' ?ire inda ; ?? ? ? H .-??-. mber ': r ..... it | ??? ? ? tak-sa J ?: ?- nil Of ! tn ? ? >ks for i ? i ? ? . ' mov? I ' - ry will e Asi Library : '??'.'???' li?|"??l. i the Ramal ?op? the a? the X? Pul Libr? *? ? f the be k?- have i ? ?ka the ) ? nlvei t the da . .:??-.?. \ ? Lei libra - t* ,n?, the epenl ? ??? . take p?a? e ; spcM i In fi- ng i SUES ON CARNEGIE NOTES Chenev Would Recover $55.000; f"om Four Nashville Men ! -??- .- ill?, renn . Man h It An echo of I ? t ? hire of the Caraegi? ?n\ ot sew Y<->r."." ?reached Nashville to?da: -, -, pulti ' "? i ? i th? ? sno?ery ? - .?-t ?agatnst f?t>u> Na?h?. m n ?er fecavai oi : la ? ? ;?. s c. - ? : '? ,..;... . . .... ! . I ? . ? nag? ? ? ? ? -i ? ? i " ? \? m t ? t< r pretd-? i ? o1 th? M L? tei ?igtmeni ? ompany, i ? t fe in ??? i t*. ?dam ?? ? .... ? ? t r\\w % Depa - of s ? ?? ?tot ? 'JHF WALKE MAKES M KNOTS Torpgdd F^a* Destroyer ?Sho'i'p BpcH Aithough Handicapped , . lv< . ? , ;. . . ? ? ... I ? . : knots in averag? ol i. " ? - FANN CROSBY'S 9lfiT BlHTHDAV. Mai ' : ann i - ? ? ? GREENE AND GAYNOR FE I i?ni.nnri1 from flr?1 p??e. buckwheat cakee. it make? gad feel like ?.?ine brack to c? fwtne " JOHN F. GAYNOR FREE Takes Pauper Oath at Atlanta? I Dazed at Hearing. g Ttiigiaak te Tba Tribut*? l Atlanta, March M -John r. Oa) hot who,J with aVnjsmin D Ofsefl?*, served a term] .n th? :c?iovai penitenUar) here for par 1 cipatiofl m th?i ?arannsti Harbor im provdnienl frauda, waa aii?r>wed to tak?? the rauper*? oath mi-- tht? afttiraodn an?i was reieaasd ttamx cuatedy. Tii1? sraesdur? iiitn to th?? as? n ?? Mr Qa* n^r m- ? ? "? ??- "?' Mors? ? night and foi in horn ron* si ???d ? ? .... .-,.1 r . .?? ,.f ? ? ?? - : ? nshlnei Oeorgla ? '-??? ?i nt > ?? rommon le." he ssld nd l don't under i . ? . ... . lon't glr? ' nt pi opei ? sr? ? ? -, ;? ?tmpl cutrageotii T 011*11 ^ ..?n i ??? ab\* ? " ? ?.- "? '?? ?' ?i m? his pr?t irrounding? i" ? ou il.in't. '? ? ?- iff? Il K e will go era .) not r,')"?? sgree ., ? < . tetina that she he? ll, ...... itS| ,.,.] ,.,,,,?. i he ibid t.. ind ' ? lin foi ? lime to < rone - ? ... ? ? ? ? - AN INTERNATIONAL CASE Recalls the Downfall o? Captain Oberlin M. Carter. >aa< of th? governm? nt against Pen rn nun i? Greene hit i John F Oaynor was one of the moat Important and unusual In ti.' antin!.-- of American urisprtidentre, ?for? than a decadl ??^?, i'? ??? taro ??fr?? get) -i .i contractual il.tTO.OOO Improve ment work In gavannah harbor under tl"* supervision of Captain Ai??rlin M. Carter. Trouble began when C rtei ecelved th?* highly prised appointment of militar txc'i?4 at tu?? < ?-??nt of s?. Jamee'a Tht army officer who aucceefled him a' Bavai ih, Captain Caasiua B. Gillette, found ? idenci I ? i : n th? ? ork, whl? h re? sult?**?! In ? thre? months' eourl martial for Carter, n flne, a term . Leavenworth prison, and ultimately in it on i>y th? governmeni of money ht as? alleged ? ? obtain! i thro igh i i? ha b ir fraudt Following Carter*? court martial Greene .in<-i Oaynor were Indicted In December. ' ? ?'? Potb wer? re?ouroefu1 men, flreene i.n hor.. r grad late at Weal l'oini. and ? ; t; nor n former N?v. York petltldan. i.it ?? fought through the preliminaries .-<-> long thai t!,. . ar* did ? ol ? omc t.? trial -.. innah '.n*ii Starch t, ir"V. There waa I an imrrif th? h i aat. and for iil-ont thre< :or.r*- they li\--ii In Qiieh*-?i up- I ill on Ih? ground? ?"?f courtesy ?t.i friend ?hip the British governmeni agreed to ?ur? ? ? The tri.ii ?it Bavannal before Judg? Btn-I Speer, In ihe Cnlted Btatei District !.?? : .n on January I, ::???.. lasting until April li, 1988, ?.? li??n they were vlcted '.t embeaxlement and sentenced to four yesra' imprisonmeni ?a<- and jointly lo ? i pa n.? nt of th igt ne of I 75,* : 7 If- :'*' ? n- ent ?" d ? la? nor did n ?i 11 gin -?? . - ins? their sentenc - Immediately, bu fought for niorr than u >oar longer, until the United Btat? i ?Circuit ? !oui I ?^f a?.|.< ?i? ;i? N. w Orlesna and afterward th? fi ? 'oui t of tht i n ted Btat? had acted on th? . a.-??. Tl ? case ? t ?''??-' Un m Cartel Ii w Ith ?.'it psralk I In tl e history of the t ti couaidering thi amount of money for ? ? eatocszlemcnt ??f which b? served .? t'rni in up military j-rlsou h? For! Lea enwortl ? ' irter, :?t th? time hi ? a r -?-. ' ? .- offence, In connection with which Oreen? ^?. i Ga*?'nor wer? likes ??onvlcted, \?hp well launched on a careei on ? - i i tu fui ur?. iii had , ? ? n gi.... ..r?-.i ' . ' ? ? Point, n. I8s9, nt ? id ..i last Hi a*as at ono .1 - ed at leirond lleutenai I to F? : t Leavt n ? a ,1e- Imprisoned ?lau n ?reai lat< ?:. '??? t w? ? ilgned to work In i ? une?! en wH the Ba i-... - barbo t- tenta th? seen? of hut later triumph j und dos nfall. Deaplit t .'. ,i mj . ul? l al ih? ai - "' engin? ? r ???? ? - ?hall ang?>?* advanced to lb? ? . ? ? - ? irrlval in . e rank of cap? tain, and I rat i i .ii in irgc of the ha? ? sr? left in abs? lutt tai vork. 'i'o e ndded thai ..f ?n angineer thi I n| .' ? ' ?"?? i hei ge found thai it ? ? ? ? ? ,.. i . i -.?...,.?.,? Ih? | * ? I la ? i | ? - , ,| enten? ?d I? 41? , nt of a fine of *i..'?" ind tmi ..--??? ???. .??<. -?i-,n? ?t ' , mad to avert Can i . - ? ? ,),-; .? ?? *. "?< till grpten l*'-'? ] ' .' ? tva? *?na'i ? pasaed ?nd net . ? *?' ? it he *?*?? sent tt \ ? ri-. |r.f? ?*. Koed eoaduft h? a-??i*,?i .?r ?dit niy four ;?ar? ?od it at ih? I? S1?PIN ?S BOB Two Reactionary Members of Council Suspended. WILL CONTINUE AS PREMIER Czar Will Punish Others Who Antagonized Minister and May Sanction Zemstvo Bill. It. ?Petertburg, Mareti ' ?-?Premier Itel?, pin, v. ?ho ???'?t in hi? r? ignatlon last Mm? ?Jay, his a*-**-??! y-, ?f.;, ,,in ?n o-t, a, ?and the 1 abln?fl ?"i.-i* ('?^r?-fr,|?r i- .it -hi end An imperial decree Iseued to-day ?sue? pends M TiepOW and M l>uroove member? <>f the counetl of Empire frota sil sittings df fhe C?Minell until January. 1912 M Itoly ?pin ?bad h.?*4sted o?? the removal ??f these r*a??riionary ???ppon?ht? At hi pollc ' a? th? price ?for his petetntng ?tdflee, ?"-t H i* un? Ao^-tnrvi that i. ???- t'"- negotiation ?' tiii^ p?-,!|it that v,i t-? a ??xoi?*aigatu>a of th* r'apinn>f c?ffcfia. Imperial decree? idjoorntng t'^ ?Douma ?nd the ' suntil "f ?Empire fot three ?da; ?ir? puMishi ?i Punlfhmenti In eth-er form? ??in bgm-eted .-,..? ??, ni? ?? ? ,,.. m tier? ,,r ihe ? outtctl ?f Empire who ?ssrtiripated In lh? dlseemdtur? ????" ? ?-iiii?*r i?to|.i.in ?by CSUtlng Ihe i?-K?' tien ?b* ihe ?**?*-?***?* 'i ?of lh? ?asantlal feai 'irM of hi? .emetv?* bill, ?which ?,???->? i-v * fot ?- if ??A- .?? I11../-1,- ),. i h? nine weotern prov? Inc? Thlt ?emst**o ?MU waa re)e?*ted a t ?arbole te?ds! The ?retention fc M Bt^yptn ?of im p . - .i.i p and the deelrioa to punish '1"r?p?-ifT end Dnrnovd ind ethers who hn?i miagonlaed Mm wai arrived M it*'* een? riderabl? heeitatlon ?,'' 11 -> ?"perl of tnptroi ... Tsarskoe Belo M Ural itolj ; . r?estgnation a ii secept-ed and nei ?* i -. -, entered into with M Koke? m?t >ii~???er of r.,?i->r. * ?. ??,?? the Prei?i la ?mdlthms Included fullhbertj n, t' o cni?, i?,... ,.f t'i?- member of his Ce pp? nin latter c?9ndltt?an ?prov?**) Inaceept sbl? Th? chorui of approval for th? aelec? lion of k -'.???? pofl h- ih? Russian i Ibera I prci >iiri |te in r-oneealed lubllatton over th? fall of gtolyplfi wer? ibb emp?*e>yed by ?* ated p rtle to persuad? hi majeat i., . ? .iioa Stolj i "i ? dem indi lii fi??'?-. atf?fa<*tion ??f Ptoiypin'a eon? Sition Emperor Nicholas leeniingi; has de? ?ided to .. n n ,; ? Zemstvo i?ni tr. Im? perlai . 'ei og itlvi fi ? ? ording to Para -1 -1 i'ii ^7 ??: the f ?n>r):? ?. ?o-, i ,i ?,.. ... v..-,r signed to-day adjourning th? Douma i nd the Council of Empli .lays. creating in Inter I during whl " ill ht i-?,??] ii? imperial action s h Isws must ? Mr.?) ??o the ?Douma, however, within two monthi after Ita opei nt Th* Zemstvo bill In that ? is?* nndn idly WOUld I" rn--,i?"'i Ih'-'i'icli both sen ? tin ? '?? m 11 ?-f i In ."??? i now thor? ough 1?, ? 'erawed WRIGHT DEFENDS HTS PATENTS A morir?n Aviator Testitios in Suit Against Farraan and Bleriot. 1 Mai -i It llbur '? i Ighl ? -? nitiM to-da: ?befon th? Civil Tribunal r?f Ihe Beine, w Ich I hearing Ihe suit the French oa n< ?ra of l he VVi ghi broth?*rs' aeroplane patents ?iK.iinKt ; "ai ? -i Bli ? loi and ol he i for Infi Ing? n ? : The ?American Inv-entoi <*k? avtet-oi had been especially summe e \ n the ludce.t elate th? hl?tory f ?equilibrium v.?~ ?Olved ?? ?'. .-????? -ii ?->f human flight ?an i- s. 'l i ??-??? principles, the ^?-t,.-- ?said, were ??tented In IM. and were ?nol divulged, ?i-? ihe ?.??:? i.?.ntend -. ?befo thi patent? ? '?-.i T\>o on: o waa adjou until March to, wlien argumenta ?aiH be Irf - ?I VESSEL LOST HER RECKONING1 Captain Dead and Crew Starving When ; Assistance Came. 11 olulu, March 51 ?With h? i aptain i'?'i and ?mourned by hla -ah??.'..- m no ahin, ;i ?scanty auppl ol f?"'?i on board ? n.i without .. ??.':??? rcck-tmlng ??! her pi tion, ihe American v>a!'K?ntin?- i lohn ?n waa rigbttod dying ?signala ?-.f dis? ii. - - ...... . imdrred mllea off this pon iteamei Persia, which arrived here today rroi i li^.nu Kong. \ boat from th? Parala wa aenl to board ii?..' almost helfdeca ve ?sel, ? ?? ?MU ?er ??: (viii.'i. reported thai L*aptaln ? ;in Jei ? ?i lied of heart failure nn January II, that the ahlp' b Bringt had ?been loel .?ii?-l that i1 . atork ol provieloni t i? almost ex? hau led After thi barkentlne'i larder had been re? plenish? d ' ? Persia and iirr flmt ?mate mi?.i m< ?'? ? i '?hi ? itltud?. i i.? ting ??Jin iii.-in?, 'i de? ?i?' i '?. proceed to Hot ?n lid? ?!? MERCURY CELLMATE OF DAVIE Amcn?.an Who Dcniandod Ooftody of Broker BhtrtM His Quarters. r.i ? Janriro, Ma-? . 54 ? American I Merci d here yeaiet day and demanded thai R.m K. ?Davle, i ? ol rg< ?? i" ? ?ml ?? ? tie i-;. ?i?. . turn? ?i ovi r lo n toi ei trad!* nd "? ; o a vaulted ti.? ? i lef of Poll-c? I demand as refused liai Ing :i cell In thi |ail ? ?? I m- Ii ;? ?Id that Mei ir? once wa th? ? I Ht at? ? . .? - ? ter >'?' Mei ? ir talk d i? )??? i< ,? ? on the ?Lan ihm i I i loll Mm B ?? .. \i ? | i , i , fellov i sv? ,i II !'? n??? and i. -1 ?A*. Kuri i ? . Bosi.wen eat te r ... .\a-.- " ?? ?.. ?.?? ? Roberl I ? Da* .? i . ouni bankei ? ??? t wanted then ...i? m? nt m . ? ..i" . who t well ;?. ? to?' 'i '.n Nlcai - ltd i iba Lan ?roi Havana i fea i . I hi Byron ill? i an< wen! I bout In ii'-i i flanni i ? loi hing i II .. .. ihi Bj ron waa boo ? ?.,.,;. 'i ...un . i ? ? .? ? ? ? i ca ? . ? of i he VraeutiiiM ? *u< hrsi o Com i ..,.? ,.f But n?" ?X.vr. i . I : ? ?... ,ii . ... ? ? Hi I , ?, '.i. , , . ?? ,; .-...| ,.i ?. .. | '1.1. m ? had ? .,1 |l OUI I'M- ..'.! I II o n by s 11 ol ? lo r J ? ? ? . a ? m.ATH WAS ACCIDENTAL ?Police Bay MiM Maserdli Fell frtwn Ml-CtM) "t* Ngflttl Hofl i ? i m ? pe? lee ?i st ? . i|t of lh? ? that M ? ? t ? ?:??;?? it the tii ?and ?Hotel ?> ?? *- t"-*? ,, p.-., r?,? but wae th? ? ? f an t i? . ?-.?. rri-.-v n ttiai the r ulMg ?**! lh? hii ? rakt wbilt ihe ? nt wemati leaning t tl II a-? I?PAN TAKTS (.HINFSI LOAN p?kln| " ' . ? I i ?? . ? I ? ?? irrupt?g a loa Pi r , ? i ? .? " i "?".'. |i . , . t r .. , - ..?? . .., i ?. .... | a defleil l I ? . ? ? . : . ? ? . . lin il fii-nili ?in e. Taste Pleasure in a Glass of Water From the famous White Rock Springs at Waulccaha, Wjs. Still Rock A natural uncharged water A refreshing remedy for Stomach, KidVy, and Gouty Disorders CAMORRA CAS B? Abhatrnidtiqio. tho Informer, Toll"; o? tho Ciio-roolo*. Murder, ! OCfMOHWCtS ORfiANIZAllON Witness W?M Pinnrl nf Hi? Pro motion in Cfim.HA] Bf*nH. but Il Nr?w A shan.''', of Tt \-i?^ri..-,. r??i* March ;t t;,.. ?Ma?! ?a?? .?.?-?. ,i .-..i..., ?,) m? trial ol the iTamor ? t? who h irged ?a ??'> ti ? minder of r?ennaro Cu.? i?. and hl wife ot*euered ?r, ,i-,, v nen ? I?'???'?? ??? \ hbst?? n u: c ??. th* ?\ tn-?nih---'- of ih? murdei iui gang, who turned ?-.t.?. _? e-rldenc? igalnri hl f?orm*r . ? n-crlme, loti l ' ? land Th?? . nrt room wa? i*rowd?*d ? ?? ? ? ?. ?... amia?d st?d ? ' ? . erect ?ri 11 Mi chest well f? ru ?r,; . though ri illeni ng the a ??il?: fi? ri Ihi ??' ghoul, I ?I ??n ?de?vo**>*>d ;., ?civ? :trrp th In argument? ? itti dram itl? -?-??..?- 11 ,?.- rll - ?i tii? .?? gsnla itlon f he t smorr ? ?? degre? pi m ?? and ? ? ? ? .?.!.?"? m, , ,| knew everything concerning thi ?'?!,'Pnf7. Uon ?? ?? ?u ?? ' ?? -? |t? ?i i actlv? m?m i- r until r??: and par? pated In all it". daring enterprl ? Th< wltne? ?rated thefts he h i-tf nimltted with ?LrUigl An ?? ? ?? ,? in th< bit; rug* wltl ? ? ? ????'? ....... . . _.?.,, big ,-it *tbbat?ema**?*to and biting hi? Up? n -i though ?he e ???: ?i Ilk? t?. ?eat the In former Abbatemaggto recounted how ? ; vannl Rapt, ireasurei of tbe ('amorra, era? ?made ?re?celver of t?i Ir stolen ?goods. When iir reached I ? climas of hi ? teat I tbbatti ?... ... ted the < ';i moi '-i :?? ?saying ? It i- a ti" ty a r ? i lion Abbatemagtrio ltd he begat hi rlmlnal careei nn?i th following ?>?sai aras i?.*?-i i ioii i to ?i ? amorrist -? promotion a in? ? - .Ii ? d ; eat - ?.i attain. o .,.|?|. : "I was ver proud then, i ist ?* y. ou i .i i ?m non ashamed I am glad to ho ? n prison, f?.i i deeire t-> c?ptate nil the < i ii i have done " Throughout la testimony to-da) A.? batemagglo bore him ? if it? i,? dlgnined man? n?er. He a ?? oughly sm?orbed with hi? mission ss Informer, and sa he re entered ige at tii?" ?conclualon ?>f tl e ?slttmg ?be bowed t" til?*- Jury ?as though he were . ?ascending .? thi ? ? ? ?Presiden) Blanchi open?ed Ihe proceed? ?tics itvtfs with Ihi examination ?>f ?????ii iiiio Ibelli, following this with l'i?*- qui -- ? ? ? ng ??? Lulgl \x* "???. Ibelli is gsaetied .?? ?be tl i ?fad? f thai branch ol i i C sorra *"-hirii ?-.pcra.??!- in t!i" V>aauvlan villages lie was ?one of the party thai dined Itl ttnrico Alfana an t'no ni^i.i that Uennaro Cuoeeoto ai ? hla \.,f.. aere murdered He waa arrested ?.n afterward, but released upot I faiael ?represenlatle ol ; 6 priest, ?Hro Vitos J.I \.. ording i" Abbartemegglo, one of the ?ef? ?.? ? ??'.? ? wa? i i a defiance of Ibeiu He la charged with ?having ?been ??i,. <.f ihoee who instigated the murder t . ...:. h,.-.i io-d and he also denied i,.,i i.. had dined wllh the other leaders] ,?f thr Camorra ?lt? i ?se lorn? of i, (.m mentioned among thoM a-h?i ?rs asid ; to '?.?.-? msds loam *?? r,r ?'"mmins *?r??i j hi ? to 1st*?? i have pot ?n.-t.-?;.*??-.,! thi? pt..-i.?o .?f ti.? qneatton b**ca?ise i 'o?t|.?\e ? n -i. -iii ?.. h? round bank? and ?"?, given iieh unsound practices ?- ';>r maklns ,? ? ..,,- f,,r the purpose of obtaining ???'? ; ;, ?in if r gnd other to ii" th? cae? I ?hall hat-? ".. i.-??Itatlon In lmnr*e?tlete|jr r-. Ith<1 rawing th? city monej from any ban? !??. |? evei ?i'irie euch ? thing Ma? i uiggeat, however, thai In ny ? ?i... t,?r? and other? doing busl .... the .it? ar? more .'.m?>fn. ? ?houM to further than the ptirclias? ol Une rugs and ftirnltur? and the whol ial< discharge ol experienced em ,,?,.-.,. to ..?? replaced by cronle? of th? controller for political or other reaaons. "Th* atateinent of th? dty Chamber lain la inane and childish/1 ssld Con? i i roller Prendergael when be *w it. "It la true thai I aslscted th? northern j Rank aa a depository, and it la ?quail true thai i have mail? thai ststement] for the newrptapera atrnce. II is mal true ! that I told the < 'it? t Ihsmbetflstn that the Northern Bank waa rondueted conaervs? | lively, Thai is a "Ml of Imagination on in psi i "How?t re, i later drew my peraonal a. r.iirit from Ihe Northern Bank, hrvmg ge-ad and aufllcleni i anona for bo doing. i immediately notified the Chamberlain ! lhat II waa InadvlenW? to longer regard ihn Northern Bank aa a *afi depository for city money, i ad reason? for ?o . ing, and it waa not ne?ceasnry for me t? state those reaaona to th?- ?'h.tinhT lain, Th?py name lo me confid**ntlally. ? it waa then and for the lirai time in t th testify in ii half ??i the department, but tina ?mg denied. AI the District Attorney's office n ? is f*.ii?i thai hla t?ratlmony might properl) be deferred lo smHher time. He \-ill probablj be called later on. Th? recent request of the Dtatricl At? torney that tii?? Appellate Divieiop aasignl Justice i);i\is t.. the Criminal Branch of n- Supreme Court for another month baa been granted. This probably meana thai the present grand Jury,which .ins-, lice Davis swore In, sill lie continued for another m nth for the purpose? of th? Csrnegle Trust Investigation, it a?i journcd yesterday until Monday. INSTALL THE REV. C. R. RAYMOND. Th? Rev. ? . Rexford Rsymond( pastor -if the Snith Congregational Church. Court ind President ?treet . Brooklyn, waa in ?tailed lasl night Although Mr. Raymond began hi? pastorate last November^ the In? stallation servie? was delayed until th? return to America of the Former p ? i th?t Rev, Dr. .\ .i i ?? man The date i". ?" ?elected waa th? sixtieth anni? versary of the organlaatlon of the church, ?MMMfJB?MM-^??^^^ . . ' ." I ?I ?a BROWN * ???*'-*' COVER Tribune's Book of English Proverbs Is on hale ONLY at the Main Office of 1 he Tribune, Spruce and Nassau Sts., at 25 cents per copy. By Mail ?'? ?ni? ir? r-??T)ir???i What Well-Known English Proverb Does This Picture Represent? f\m ! ?"must SEE JONES RBOur THIS ?***. IYWKE. 4(681 |flN0 JM ?C**-! Jt*jr> I CONMTil) You. '/S7HRT mrir it WOULD rtOl New-York Tribune's Proverb Picture No. 27 Another Proverb Problem m To morrots't Tribune, Important Notice to Contestants -? When Hie Tribune's $12,000 Contest was inaugurated, the lilies were carefully compiled by the Contest Manager, asi by various members of The Tribune Stan, (or the purpose ol making them f;iir to the largest number of contestants. It ^a? deemed advisable al thai time to pn-p each contestant the priv* ?lege of r?\?r? answers and to show no preference ?n case ol .1 ris bctwet-ni two persons as to the least nttmbei of answers used, but til?" ('?Mito-t Manager has received c,> many communtcatiom i lain - ing: that tin?? rule i i unfair thai lie ba; taken it as .-t popular ^?"?mand for a change, ami herewith announces "That ?ti the event of a til the contestant answering the largest ntimbei ??f proverbs cr''' rectly, with the least number of answers, will be declared thi win? ner an?! awarded the prize. We feel thai in making this impor? tant change ?'it this laie day we will not he discriminating against any of our contestants. Knie 8 is hereby amended to read as above, CONTES! MANAGER. I RULES GOVERNING THE CONTEST i TM NEW -YORK TKlBLNK'3! ?PROVER0 CONTEST Is open to a ?waders, excepting employe? ?>f THE TRIBUNE and member* of their fain* utea. if you ?r?' not ... r??rular rea ,".',U tope I.e.. and deliver or m?M ' ?l t,? 2 iie-it flat pa. kase (not lold.?d ?hrni.V..* r?U".and, if mailed, with ZJ"je i'?n'y ?aid. Plai'.il-v addrtsasd to Till?: CONTEST MAN.v.EP, THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. NEW TORK CITY ?1 The time 01 laeehrlng ans?'?*rs ?atll nave n?j effect upon award in*: of ?the prise?, with thi.? ?-.?e-spUo?: "am ?n ?wera muet 1?.! m ihn Itanda ?? th? Contest Manager of THE NEV'-YORK TRIB?NE WITHIN TEN PAYS af-e: the lat?t ?pi-Stare liai e?ppWl*ed. ?. Tn<> ?prlaea will ?be swarded to the ronfatantp M-nillns m tl a ??correct, o: neareet correct, ;?et of answers to the enUre series of sixty-three y,2> PiersTl Illustration?. I That in the ?sveat ??f h tie ?the eea : itant answering tht largest numbei ef proverb? ?ronecttv, erttli the least earn ber of answers, ?will be d?*>clared tue ?ain n* i :, ,?? aa ?i.i? .1 ?the : I. only one complet? net (-comprlstai not mon than ns IniUeldual answers) may be submitted by any one cooteets ant, .u..i "? ly one prise ?sill be .i^.1 rdal to ar.y on?1 family * ahould ? addressed to THE CONTEST MAXACKI?. THE NEW-YORK ?"F.'.F UNE. NEW YORK CITY. 1 ? PRIZE 11.-100 JACKSON I rOURJNtl CAR. fully ?equlpp?ed. Purchased from thr J?ackaon Motor Company ItltB B?roade a; , ?jn.-l PRIZE ?I1.0W PAIGE - DE? TROIT FORE-DOOR TOURING ? AR. Pin? ii:i-??l ?fro? tii?? Empire city Automobile Co., lv<"> Broad? ?A H \ . 3rd PRIZE |825. KRAKAUE R PLAYER PIAN?? .iii-l S'.'-*? wort of music. Purchased from Krekauer Bros., 17 Eaai I Ith Bt. 4t'i PRIZE **-,M' HAU i T *tt 1?\\ (8 PLATER PIANO end |5U worth of music. Purchaaed from Huii?t. a- P?i\i: Pia/to Ca, 505 Plfth A-venue. % 5th PRIZE 1750 HALLET A DAVIS PLAYER PIANO end 150 worth ol muele. Putvhaa?*d from Hallet ? ?Da? la ?Piano ? '??. 503 I Ifth v \ enue. ? ? t i. PRIZl ?fBW ? ON W A " PI -Wl.'l: PIANO ?mi WO worth ?>f i m tie. Pur? ha ? d from H illet ?>? ?Davli ?Piano Co . ."????'> Fifth \ enu? ."ih PRIZl 1800 M R ?I K ? U E R BROS PIANO. Purcl.I from Krakau?er Pr?-> . 17 ?East 14th SI -Stti PRIZl M80 DININO ROOM tin n? oal i" pi ? ?w Pw ? i ?, " THRl 1 PI??* l?.\? ENO BI ITE? ? -, , ha ed from D. T. Owen i i , i S?A Btr ? ,. ? six rnizE? woo. 11'!?, .?>, ,?:?? I7th, luth and 9 \ SCHOLARSHIPS in r ? International ' ?"? .;. i. . S?*hools, S? '??? I '?? ;-' ' mm rurtEi prizes >??"?? '-'.r,;v. ri d 22nd 1100 ??v.i N REP T ? . i ;\ p. tins "'?'vT ? ! ,i r? . ? ? ? n | ?? ::i l . ' ?' ' ,.v . SIX PRIZES ? '?' ,. . rPIPSTO RKRMI I ? ' 1? il .??,.? I i ... B< 't iuda-Atl?iii ? ' . ?-? ::'**' ???. .,?>. THREI ? sud .-.i - *.*? " ?? "" .....,;. ' : " ' ri't'ifl i?.,, i i rnitui ' ?? ? ? ' ' ?,... Bn eklj ? . Tv? i? PRI ?.?>> >??''? -' ?' ' ?;.?.?? fan old To\y> ? '????- rt. i h ised from th- ?V t? *? ? ? ' -,..'T. ?'.?''.?' to*** m; r ' . Fi ? ' ? |?Vi Mill. ? , ? !.. ' " ^vv* - .????'? ?i -.'?* ' /-, ,,,'n . .. ? ? ? Vi ? il it I - *! ?'" ? ?=,???>?. ?nti mi i - *????' ' ?' ' ' ?\\.r ? ,ium? -??#- of Pepa m rwu t.*. PRI71 ? - ?? *??*' ?; 7,,% i -. ?, ? ?s l irk< i ' ? - LJ Fountal Pi ? ?12 ,' ?*: , o.v?i .i ?i " ""'v '\\ ? po-mt ?" r m M ii M ., t??yRB .,?,, .ici????* "?^??^????i" ???sar^p^s