OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, May 08, 1911, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1911-05-08/ed-1/seq-1/

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IAM...N0 123,549.
ila, aad ii.-ii'iTrm, .
...ll' ','s| >4 lsi,l_.
nf New lo'U. l/'i" ' IM and H?Ml
Ex-Memher of Castro's Cabinet
Cnmes Herr from Havana to
Prrparc for Insiirreciion,
Prpprnt OovprniTiprit I Deipot*
lim, Hr Baja, Descrlbing Rf*
forl nf Fmit Oompany le
Qb\ foothoM There.
Plana are balni
to urni
I . , ? .t.: in \ ' ? nt< ' ??'
power ihe buo
n n lea tlon In Ven4
? .??
? N Rlvai ra, one of
.... .. . ?.;' en who
? |fl trity i" ; ? ? for tha
? .
. \ aaque*. "h'> even now 1b
Ven< suelan < 'ongTeaa
the Btal ? ? "'>'
f the Btati office
I ? rnor hen ,
? . aatn H<
. ? ? ? , of thi mov*
aertlng 1 I
. ? ild be siH
t h ^ made an
aaal u ganeral
wlth tbi goi -
? othei thi ti: x
? - tor bu< h
' ?
and hl
? thi
th the
liona, 1 tald he ai
? ?? . aup
? d, v Ithout re
\4-allric thi
? . . ? ? ? , i i i . /.
Btrongesl military
omearta la rldden
Impossible for Castro to Return.
? ? Ithatandii g I
'? ? Dr. Rlva aaquea
I have n ? ..; thal
I Prei . aald to b*
U. Tl ll i4l!.H.s i .?
er Int* real In thi purra
J ?? ame to 1 rltj
amlly. Ha left
aid i ? ? aua* thi pollUcal
? rablo, and
4,1 thC I'l |
abandonii . . ? ? -1 and
? ...
? . ? ? ......
Um| ,
? i -...ti' na, he aald . ? tci
i >.
i'l. ' I unuid I"- .<
? mi and i n< rgj and
' ' | aay thal
i I ? ? . thal m* ...
r?. t an < nd t?? i
a> ? and t ven men ?ho
**** ? i ;. i .-r.-il i 'itstrn ,ii,i
I ba< t-. than
< ? ? ... . i , | ? .
ln undi rtuklng t!'' k adi rahlp . | ?
, | ??. ?!? r i i ion ?
i ? R Vaaq ?> /.. al*
? ?- one nf the
? ? . i i tl Ing ? iti." .t ii
_i,i in ;ii leaal
, ng m * n ap
i ??? ..'.??..? ? -
... laaing Iiii mU
... nt ih-.i to him thai
. ..,'..i hin
I , ing hi had
i bui ' '
. . i ..' . i )? aai
Support at Home and Abroad.
\. rui aid D Rlvaa Vaa
..... i. ?
? pn ? :.t iJoiiiea
ance that I will havi
? getting thi
ng read i ln
'*?'.!. i then ii. hi'
ti ' Vanei u ... i ba ?
>7sti aajanclea for our <
a prlnclpal fli
be '?. \f.v v. H
v ., ha.*- ". do tba a
K-.i aoini iir ia ih* .i repurta
4 un.iu.ir J an i.. rt ll |i i, ??
Henr*f Chaplin Bt&ggtxutn Bnfjrlasd
/*riopt Her Own Tariff.
don Ma, 7 H<-nr\ I'haplln, <"r
.;, tarlfl reforrner, . ontrlbul
- ttrr t., i hi Tlme* ' v ith I ?
iWlng tl-- ? .'.:-, ]... |
gi ? ? ? :-' ,,,i. Cai
? ? be i fnlti d Rtatea wlll hi
, Vne moi red nal lon prla |p|,
polnl ol hla argument i? i hai ' i ?
? ? ? ? i r/ill have to recognlae that
? ? r ,.| m, ni .. a flyati m ol r*<
? ?.aaada nn-i th<- Ualted
mua! Inevltablj entall ? i
nl dlacrlmlnatlon ;,r*:iiti>-i I i
., ,,.i-. and lhal i "anadfl b iii flnd herael'
. \ 1 - rii i I hi
i ded to lh*> I'nli tati lo i
thlrteen other i.' ? a hl? h
- nic ln ? ? i urn.
Mr i 'h.-ir-iiti ronaldei a lhal Ih* i m
. -? an ? -? remedj a ..ri-i I,,- r - n
. Bumptli n b thli ? --ni.ti j --t her fnrmei
, . arer of n? gotlal lon b' th< proml '
. ,; iption and negotiatlon of ? u I
: h< r own
Pregidenl'fl Aid Anxiong t.o ???
rnrr Georgia Bfdsprcari.
itti tnta Oa . Maj T 1*t anti d kr,
faahioned roiinlr* quilt. for a hlch ?<
handaome prl< e wlll he pi Id Thi qu I
lfl i., ,i thi hed of Major Arch ba
Butt ald '?? Prealdenl Tafl
. ,r)\ ertlaerm nl i ppearing ln I
. |. ra -"..I ai a reaull hun
drods of qulltfl arr belng flubmltted to
tlbeii Hnwi II, a" attorna! of K\
aa-ho hai undertaken lo aecure a qulll foi
Major Butt. !": Ma; 22 Mr Howell ?? II
-. ., rommlttee an.i aelect the <
Bome tittu. aK-> Ma kw Bult
? I thal he wns rompletlng b home
Waahlngton and ha wanted an old*
fashioned Georgla qulll for th? bed In
l i .: room, nnd i ? qta ati -i Mi
Howell a ald In flecniing lt. Howi
?? - ihr- advertlaement, and the qulltfl
omlng Among then an I ia fol
- gna
The Bunflower." ' im Pa** "
.... itit." the ? LfOg ('abln '
the "Lone Btar." thi Bi Q l " th*
ii. v i or the "8u| - oaf." the "Nlne j
; " the "81 ir Quilt," the ' Block j
Qulll (j Bear'a Paw* and th< ' Boa j
Knol ?'
The namea Indli ati ihi d< Blgni
Hoids Animal, Though BittenJ
Twice. Until Others Are Safe.
Women nnd chlldren oui tm a B
;.lrin*T fled ln pantc yeaterday afternoon
-,. hi ii a brlndlc hulldog whl< h b< ted a?
thcneh mad ran among them, anapplng
am* .. ni t 1 len Parkwaj i i d
avenui Eaal Nea 1 orb 1 lerman
Turk, ten ? ? ara old. ? f No 1610 Eaatern
, .,... ihrow hin,s<:i upon thi dog,
. ng ita rollar nnd attemptlng ti
drag 11 Into ? s ard
? ru heid htm in hi w ' i ibi'l afn
? 1,, . ? ? bod run.
Thi ? ? .: upon th* .-? ind hll
him in tho rlght arm twice, hul the
I ter elung t" th< dog until ei ery
pIso 8 aa eafi . when hi li api -i upon
? and madi hli earapi
1 bon ' rorman i ; k d thi
dog ?nii -i bulli
The lioy waa tn ulance
. a onnd ; v er< allght, bul
surgeon i ? I vialt th<
l . tt InBtltute
Twenty-five Will Go to Work as
Kouse Painters in Fort Worth.
, . ' r**.l
Korl Worth, Tex., M;i> 7. "Wanted
? |ntei ? eralla fi rnlshi d.
i . \ ,' Bad
v. hlch appeared In
;i loi-al newepapei on Baturday. alread'
tw? nty-flv< appll< a tlona
and all thi women ha ? c
....... i ? d in new blui ot ei -
? hey aill commi nci houw palnl Ing
to-mori o\\.
? .... racl
th iii*- iinion palnti ? - and tti???
him. Having man
? on i and, i i offi red w omi n
$1 75 a day, whlch ia mon than thej ran
.... bb clerka No ?.bji ? I lon waa i
? omi n recogi
ar> in tl><- work.
Home of I ntera
., ? ?. ? ? n m a r r I rj ,
.. th, ii l- ? l
Up for Thcft. Tella How Long
Fast Was Brokcn.
muel Klnalcr. sixteei reara i d a o
homi i- ? aded gullty la
-i nighl to tl"
$1*3 w bt ii uaki d a hai h ,'i
. ,., i ? ii.'j hi di. lan d thi ?
i,, i,r,,i nol eaten foi threi da \ - nd
? ?'- ni ii .ill
Th< ? lalnanl l ?? ' : ? ? was
? ?
mllk buali Si th w? ni i.
... i , ., . i , , Irand Btreel t ?
., t :m ,. .im. ? mi i?l $*?"?
Hi learned thal Klnalei had
...... .-..:. ,,, ? . Hllllth
.... later 1 nd Klnel r
,,i,i ?? ,t ? pll< ' ' ?
H, b rcflled
Klneli i told Ihi co u I hi nd liei n un
. i., .. i worb ? - !l|!,!l"
1 , mplu) Bl ?? ? dl pl I '? l""" lMl.i
? ,,.. <,, ',,i.i,,.i aakwl liim
i ? ii ? ? d un : ? ?**?'
' and h* bfl
? | all on '" -I
ii, ., .,. id ii, f.-mi i ;-;i roi ^ia
Vlttglatrut, ? ? i ??!.: -? rxprcaaed thi ii??i>
land llie i x|m i,
! B|ipetlti .
-. *> -
M . Bummei
? ? rounl i i ? i
'i tall .... i. . . ? ? r n 111 _
lo \',. uthi i Hun ii ? -1'
?i. i ,,i it ,i in , . II
?: . ? an I
? i
? -?-??
r,, ?.
? n ,
:. '.i Advl
TIIK TWO Ml.\ Wlio lh>U> MEXICO'S I lli rRK I IN THEIR ll.WDS.
Leadcr of l l . w ho in! ?*?''
? : tion nf 1
Thonght His Life tt Paflnrc nnd
Took Life by Strangiilation.
? ampalgn, III. Ma\ 7 "1 ha - mao<
n fallure of Hf< Ph a*e look ovei '-i ,,a'
i hai? done "
Thla meaaagi addreaaed to hia ?,f- ?
aaa found b* side thi hodj o Profeaaoi
Frederick Lemai Charlea, of thi Unlvei
Bltj of llllnoia olleaufuea brobe
open thi door of inn room laal night, H
had buckled an ordlnary 1 ookatrap
around hla nei i and th< n pul i d 11 until
... Btrangling hlmaelf.
Mr Charlea aaa an aaal tanl profeaaor
ln thi . ? n il di i ai tment. Por ala
weeka he had been affected "ith Inaom
nia ln th< ? eara h? had had
, . ?.. | . ? ?.. prootral
Frlend i aa reaaon for hlra
ionaidei ??n: him i ll u fal i
prof< -.,,; L'harlei * aa thlrty elfht
old and ??? ea and two
. r,. i|i aaa a giaduate of North
-. . i. r n ip:i n st gnd ? ami to th'
Btati Unlveralty from the Normal Bchool
,-ii i tr- Ki' ii. t a o yeai .<-?*
British Excavator Miim Rpffard
inff Dospoilinc Omar Tomplp.
London, May v Captaln Montagu
Parker, a brothei of th< Earl of Morlejr,
ah< ? adi d a partj of Bril ih ? ap on ra
ln Ji ruaalem, * ho ha >? been > hai ged
a Ith d< apolling the Moeque of < >mar and
carrying awa; aacred relica hidden from
th<- Roman . ' a* r* turned to Kngland
and glvi ? to ' Th< T m< b" an ai rounl of
1 ? . . \ : ? ' H<
? (Jnfortunatel . although thi ri rk
from ii Brlentlflc vlewpolnt, aaa of ex
traordtnary Inter* I wi re unable to
dlaroi er Rnj H< br< w wrll - I ? t w e
fou d di Bniti v thi ipol ??? h< n thi i 'Ity
of l>;ivi'1 and thi .!? buaite Cltj * hlch
I ?. d< ?! '!. had exlati rl The latti i
doubti dl: . ? ' i"'"' ry a e d
en .I. .'. oa ir: ? xlati nn ' ? eai befon
i >. .n.t uri ?! th< cltj
Captain Parki r addfl ' i ?
Ing abnul lh?> rumura In ? miw '?"??"
i* Ith tli Moaque nf i imar until
|8h ? timmli ' - ol Inquii \ Imi pn a< nted
ti ? ?
, ? ? rangi'd
a nl. Ilx 'i url lali ofltcl
,, i ? i;.. ?.. ni < iguat 1
Bzpectfl to Trebk Oapacity of
Pre.sr.nt Day Honry Hstrvesters.
i toaton, Ma* 7 To produ* e ??? bot al
x\li] noi i iu u ?! i ai i'l ??' ii"' aaiw
linn i.? twloi or three tlmei ?? li lu
e of to-day, i? < ;-' oi thi
Impoi i -s i.i taaka undi i laken b* the
nea bee ki ? i ug b in i.l I ? Maaaa
. rr - ?? ilturul Collegi ?' Vl"
A t thla I
htiirtou N llati ' '? 'a*
? ? \ | . ? hargi f thi
1 .;. . ? ' ? f?f il
? I . '" "Is
ex|x riinenti promiBt lo i : ?
.. i .. : ing not onlj In the ? nunti
in ? it
.n ..i.ii, ,i, Mai
i..i lK?ea lhal will pruilui
. now I
Iheoi i?
ipaign i
? ? ..i i ?. li) a .!?!'?
.i . and ll
i engttieneri ln pii'lal .' -;' ;|1 '?''
kc ping tn <?? h< lil from m.i- -I lo June
7 ,.i the si., '? i Ainheral
Onr Di^d from Fnjilit. Howovor, Wh?B
Orphanagc Biirncd Down
,,..,. M.i . .- i i >.'... liabii ... i'
? ? ? rnlni en fl
. .i ih< M i Mai llla Hob i
,, n mot<
,,.t tl i?i i' Ighi ?t\< r it
til ?" '
? ? .i : i . m I'lian -
, . ? ? ? ill.nl
? .attnn wooda i?fit?i? tVhita Mta . N H.
\\\ i'l. i di " , ii '??'
lto.il ingrep II' '? ? ?? iii. Mad Hq
\d i
I'RESIDl v'l PORI IRN I i'i *.Z.
Who bflia announced his williitgues* lo resign lo brinj* peace to Mexici
,.,;.? gtll B) t I. ' Bl *.)
Five Workmen in General Chem
ical Company's Plant Risk
Almost Sure Death.
Ambulance Surgeon and Dnvcr
Made 111 by Fumes from the
Clothing of a Victim in
Laurel Hfll.
Wlth th? knowledg* thai thej wera
faclng iiini'.st Mir. d'.'t ind wen tah
Ing thelr llvea in thr>ir hands, Bva work
men ln t ifl blg plant ol the i ? ?
i" . mi- ?ii i 'ompaay, b1 Laurel Hlll, I ong
laland, ruahed to t. - ald >-!' .!???? ph
?,, er, oi)o ot tha humbleal laborera i'i
tln faetory, arho bad been overcoaie i-y
fumee in one <,f the big tankfl Fred
Blain, forty-two yaara old, of No. 758
Metropolitan aveaue, Brooklya, one oi
? ? old, eaperlenced handa in the faetory
and tho leader of tha reai ulng party,
|< *t hla hf'-. whlle four othara In the
\-?-., readered uaconBcioua hh i
were taken to Bt. John'a Hn pltat, Long
iBlnnd rlty.
Theae men wrrr- John Oreen twenty*
r pht yaara ald, of Mo M 8d
Brooklyn; Joaeph Deleaky, twentj aeven
vffirs r.id. of No 14J rilnton avi
Maapeth; Theodore Poluskl, flftj yeara
om. r.f No. 528a II mbold
Brooklyn, and Henrj Barton fort l
yeara old, of No. 1864 Paclftc streei
Deleak] nnd Poluskl cam< around after
Beveral houra work, bul Green and I
tr.n. Ihe men a ho wi nl Into th- I
had nol recovered con clou?neafl up ti -i
|at< hour.
I >r. "rVUIlam MacTlernan. ? bi an
aurgeonofSt John'a Hoapital alao came
ii-.-ir lordng his llfe In hla elTorta lo n
tate \ho \ Ictima of the aulphur gaa.
\\ . i, tho \ Ictima from the faetory wi ra
bclpg attendi -I tn om of the I '
i . f. ii un< ona loua and ?? '? ??? ??
rled ini" an adiolnlng ward and n
tated. When brother Burfeoafl on tha
hoapital ?tafl began worklng over him
they found thal 11 waa neceaaari l? ad
minlater oxygen Immedlateli to
life. After worklng over hlm aevet il
1 ta it ? aa aaaerted lant nighl al the
, tal lhal h> waa ?? -: ol du
At the fn. torj thfl raa mat
reduced bj dlffi n nt pro* ea* i Into
foi rommerclal conaumpllon rha appa
,.,, - used 'H the n dtw I lon In idei -
aerlee ,,f t>ic tpnks made of b.I. from
|.-n t., fifteen feet ln helj ? l rom
tweli <? to twenty feel In ? n imfi ?
lt t?= ri- ?, aai r*i to remoi ? I:>. ft
from thi bottom of th< ne tanki
qUi ntlj Thla k>b ifl rom Idi red one of
ihi moal i ?' >>? ? '?? thi from
thi poaaibillt* of flome of the noua
, ... . ,,r llqulda I- Ing ini i- hlnd
nir throughoul the factorj ts Bl ;<il tim< ?
fllled wlth noaloufl ,>.l--r<- Kverj man I
,-,,,,] b* ii" managemeni to tak, : ?
> hanci i
. irtlng tn work aft< i n *>n
....... aet about to i kan oul om of
the unks in whlch ?ul| hui had i-1 n n
i,. | i ,, '.,,].!? i t-. go do* ii nn
I . tank, and a aa In hla bare t.. t. n
In gan Btli rlng ln the Blll b! thi bottom.
,- hi ti uddenl' ?? ard lo i ?
? '.
MHelp!" ihouted Blaln a ho
nd thi oth< ?. knu n. undi i atand
ln| ihe -ii latkin, ? ami running w Ith u
i,,1?. Th i raa to lw lowered lu lle ? .
I.iii ,,,,, |ook Into thi tank ahoa i d him
unrona loua ;<' t1'" bottom Hlaln
. lambered doa n thi laddei foi the pur
. ,...,. ulng the i..i- Bboiil i -? ?
Thi in' n .it th< top Ba him fall
un< on* loui JubI bi hi had fa iti ? ? -i i h<
rop, about ileyi i 11 u ......
. , i to draa U< er'? bod ip ith thi
,;,,, i: and i'-" '"" i.t tln ,.i' ? ?
, ? kmen, i"-1'' '? ?' '" ,l" laddi i il th**
.. ihe lan* nnd wenl
l,ri,lg up ilie bod) of Klaln Tln -
.. ,i.,i iii gi ttbng li i p -i .'- thi
, ,., |;i.,i th. amall platform at th d ?
,,,,, ,,f the tank thi - hoih f, n un
,.onm loua i" I* k' ?""l Poluakl ?er?
(,i-,, un< oi ihen othei workmm
?i |,,. alx ,.'.? ??""' '" :' "" ' ' ? " ' "!' '? 'i
)llt,, ii,. ,,|,. I, -ah and an ambuiani ? ?ua
, Hll?-d from W John'a Hoapital. i"
i.... i.;,w i> ii- ? and I ? Ma? i ? i nan
li, the ambularn ? i M Mai Tli i nan
l,la ,,,i. nii-.ii to ' :? - i ....I Klaln
,i,,, ,,, thi --'v f'"'" ti" Ir ? loili ??
. i -? ? rpowi rlng h il for full)
,, uiinuti - I ?' M ? Tli i nan torked
Ihi ni Bflplflti d b th.ibulan< ?
drivi i tlallagb lt waa thi ? n thai
. . . ..,,,! .- . ? " " '?? ond .
.,',,,, ihelr bodlea a.rden .1 removi d lo
',i,. Hunii i ' r '"' ?""'' latloB.
Announced That She Will Not
Witness Son l Coronation.
London, m.i' I it ta* announi ed thal
. Qtn < 11 Al< xandra a III be abai nl fi o
l.<iiiii"ii i hrotighoul the coronation fi a>
tli Itleg.
M .... n i.. ndon hnrt itated thal
Queen l i u Ira atlll grlavea d?epl* over
tho death of Kme Kdward an'i b ool In ?
! r..r partlclpatlng ln the sra^eties an.l
. Incldental to the coronation of her
.. King Qeorge v _Bkte from her
nr, ? Me ha? n?t in matiy vfars been
. .,i ?- Btrong.
... ..i nt iiiTi.i.ii ??? irl mourabAg rr?r
1 v'll ended laturday, and 11 ara -
, xht thal Queen Ale-ouadra,
ii famlly, would
.. ng i n'! an**i li to tha
. atai to tl i rro rnlag "f
KI - fJeorg* v._
Widow, Who Fears Thieves, Is
Tpkrn to Bellevuc.
Mrs ajarb Thela, wl o had llved alona
; ,ii her Bal al No, II.1 WTeal 46tl
for yeara waa mlaeed by the nelghbora
Iaat ? ?? k .-; ? refu* d tn ai ? ?
tiona a bi n they knoeki d al her door.
They reported th.- mattei to Patrolman
Bblllvan, who forced a paaaage lo Bad
<->iit whal the trouble a aa
?, ?? i rlffhl oul of here!" ? i led Mra
Tiifis;. who waa aeated ln i !"<-ker. Bo
-ulllvan toob her to BeMevue for ob
aervation touehln_ her aanlt.
On the way ahe madf it knenvn i" |!|*"
patrolman thal ahi waa Hfty-aovoa
I, waa a a Idow and lonelj. and
ti ,t ..ii. aranted to go to i ;< rmany. Bhi
araa afrald i eini ? ??' '"??? rv
i plalned, ao sh* had atuffi d everj ? ra< k
: and , r. vii ?? '??"i" B to her room with
raga and pa| ? i and locked heraelf in.
Perhapa ahe maj rel aei Oerrnany, for
, thi ? examined her clothlng al I ?
tal thej found .re than enough
t,. pay her pai tag< and inaure a wel
. |l.7flfi ln fai t. and qiilte enougb
to won nn "i'l woman who la 8 nido*
and I" m Ij and fear thli \ ? -; Bome of
? , ;i,, .. ,,..(, s " ere In her Bhe* B
Mrs. Ford. of Monistown. N. J .
Brings Bttit in Reno. Nev.
i;.. ? ,. \. ?. . Mn) 7 Mr??. Barah rath
... :.. tt an aaventj yeara ?ld,
... home ln Morriatown, S. J., " ?' '
.. , hi adquartera of Waahtngtoi
hegun for the -.id tln.e a Blvorce aull
, sev< ntj -three-year-old hua?
band, Mlllen, < harglng him ??? Ith el
-I--,,. ? . re marrled In New Tork
,,n June 10, I8W. Tl ?? n alden na
the ? I ? waa Howl i tl Th ? lli d to
K. ther until Ma; . 1880, whi n the hua?
band moved i" ti" Weet. The Brai
,,.. t afti r thai tlnn aaa I
rourtrooi al lt' w laal "? tober, hi
j ,1^,, oi ?? "?*??,! lo granl i dlvo
Mra. Pord
Ti.nlj son of ii" i ? ?
I ,,', . ,ii..,i flvi yoara ago,
... r| two reai Mra I ? '
^,,,1 Ri no to avold ll ?
tnriet) thal would rolloa a Buil
Kantl - The ' nuple never :?? og
? ,;,, |. other during the trlal. Both
have .-i" array of la* yera n I ilned I
Th? ? laa wlll come up
ln two' _
Attorney ln Hajrwood TriaJ and
Horace Orandfleld Victims.
I pnv, r -laj ? K*lm ind Itl ha
who ?
irond trlal.
. ! , . , ? imn'
p* V., b ! l*rg*
??'? arere kllled i
... . , ?
n an auton
,hev' aen rldli '?-? d ?'" ?" ??" ' '"
? n ni
M,. '.; er tt.Idn l '"'' '
',,.,,.1 ? ?-.<!?? ?? ""? _
Thraa Hate Bntored gg CtoBtegtaBtg ln
the Harrard Meet
, ?,,,, ii ..; ?<? Ma Ma I l*he tlai rard
ilannlng h
lo ita
. h alil I*
? "i.' Three
? Mmi it-""- ''?
Ini i ?" ? Mi lame*
ntina i ng ??' ?"' *!??*?
.... ..t Malro ?. M?
,, . i nited rtlati ? anil all
.?" ' ''.?
. . || in
, , ,,,,. i.. im IiiiIII ni tl ? - "' ' ??"?.
i, ,? i? bi im ihi '" il l; 1 ?
, i hai ? h "i bi ''"ii ? m ? '!? ""? ln
. ? i.i "'
President to Decide for Himself When Peace
Is Restored ? Madero Agrees to An?
other Armistice?Halts His Men.
Diaz Will Fight to Maintain Dignity of Go\finmeni dnd
Personal Prestige Must Be Assured Intcmai. Con
ditions Are Such That Resignation Woo'l
Plunge Mexico Into Anarchy
, .... , Bp, , ? -..? ?? rt f - TrtTBaaa I
Mexlco Cltj Maj "? Oaaetal Portlrto
Dlaa deelded to-nlghl lo teauc ? mar.!'
f.-to to tho paopla ol Martco, daclarlng
hla Intention ta rtalgn taa Piaaidanr
ai aoon ai peaci Ifl reatored Ha **,,1
aa) that hfl ballavaa U hla dutj t>, re
maln at tha he.,d of tha -fovernment tor
the preaenl i" thlfl manner the Praa
denl has \irtually flccaded to thfl ,1f *
mp..,i? nf FYanelflCo I Hadaro, .ir.. ib*'
ho rnaki announcemeht "f ?ach latan
"Praaldenl Dlaa aill no' resif-n now.
He "ill refllgn onl> whfn. acording toj
the dlctatea of his rons<-len<'e, he 's ab
Bolutet) certatn that th*- iniernal condf
tlona of Mexico ara flnch aa to aasur* hlm
thal hi? r^Pii-nation ulll not plunge the
I ro inti> Into anareh>"
in BTflwaurad and ear-*fuiiy cl**aiaa
phraaaology Penor d* la Barra. at th**
' clos* ,<f x Catateat nieetlns? tn-nlght. I
[laaaed a Btatement, ?-f flrMch the above
la a most vlta.1 part. definttely srttllne;
thfl mont qu'-stion <>f tho decision of Oaa
eral DlBI in resard to his repignatlon.
With his back Hf-atnat the wall the old
i ll>,ii ,,f Mexlco ha* roared defiane* at the
rebela Hfl arlll Bght to th* last dlt< h to
malntalB the dbmlty of th* government
md hli peraonal prestir**. He raal th?
??: ed ofl him l>> IfadflTO fairly and
aquarely. In eafacl he aajra t<> Madfro
I,,, ?,, ? ?, ral' Pul me out of oAVa if'
., i rai bul i wlll raUnguiah the Presi
di , i voluntarlh ?'
End o* War Now Up to Madeio.
lt i* n-u\ 11 p to Madero elther to accept
j lus otBclal promlaa to aa issued to>raor
row b) I'l'Sldent Diaz that he will r*
la ^,; when peaee coiaca or to keep on
! fightlng,
rhe CaMnel meeting this Bftarnoon
Ilaated more ti.an t^o houra Th* time
Wl.rupied in re\i?;r,K a draft "f thfl
Iproclamation upon whlch I'laz. Liman
tour an<l I>?* Ifl I'^irra haTfl baan work
Ing three daya, and whlcb wiii t-e braued
to the natlon to-morrow ovar Diaa'fl
j Blgnature.
Befkor de li Barra a*aa mudi mo'e.i
when ii" Imparted tha lat*lalofl to Um
Trlbune rorreaponden!
?jt wlll nol 1- poaalble to Ibbub a com
pli i. ,| --t.it.-in.-iit to-nlght," sald thfl mln
later, "becauae *<> many ehanges have
been made in the languaga that it wa*
neceasary thal we copy It. f <an gtvfl
>nu the Buhatance <<t the addrcaa it
wlll i,e dlrected to the wholfl Mealcan
natlon and wlll '.? algned bj Praaldanl
i. i hlmai If. it la couchad ln Blmple,
Iconriae and dlrecl form. bo aa la bfl
underatood by all the peopie. IU
tone i patrlotlc and rdncere. The
!-,.-,;. mly declarea it t,> ba th?
purpoae of the government to grant all
I', aedltloua part) .,sks. Includlng aat!*
. , ,,ti?,n. n free franchlae, Judb >ai ra
form everythlng. Ha callfl attentloa to
the manlfeflt facl that tha fl^vernraanl
haa k| ...., ii daelre t-? foltow publle
bi ntiment In reg ird to I n reformfl ln ad
minifltration rhangea. He tdlfl of the
m gotlatlona, Ihi demandfl of the aedt*
;ti-,,is part) an.i mentloBfl i>:at h<* haa
.,,,,i,s.i of tnan] private Indlvld
t uaia aho hnoa llealeo and its condi
> tlona il- Btatea - mpl atlcally that the
'. propoB tlon ol the rebela for his realgna*
! ,(,?; |,,,. n0| ?,..?. n Bocaded ta becaaafl he
' |8 nrml) ronvlneed that ?och ? "tap is
.-,. in I,, prectpttata ? state ,,r Anarchy
in Mexlra if he ahould qult orlleo Imme
,,,.,,, |j ,?? 1\% B deflnltfl date for his re
111 . IIKIlt
Not Guided by Greed of Po^er.
..,,, M , . ithoul ? head the 8jov?*rn?
? menl i.Id be ->owc-rleafl to r*onipel nor
; ,?.,, ronditlona ol peace or tranqullllty In
th* government. He declarea thal in
. , , thi deelalon hi la noi galded b)
vanit) or gr. ror power. b.
; owlng to hla ag< and Inti rnal
llon?, ... - i- nol attractli e to hlm.
-fn preaenl n ? | onfllbllltlea of odlt. ? a ?
,.bv: as to bring onl) work and
? worry. 11 aould be far eaalei hi |
oUt. to ??.?nr". onl) the unfortunate con*
,|.,.,,,, 0f the countn Impala hlm t" do
,, rather than to foiloa hla pei
,.; im iiiiat.ot,. .-4H.1 ti?. mlnlflt, r con
, | ?,, ,i a Ith thi.i-tatioi, ai the i- gln*
nlnS ol the dtapati h, addlng thai tl ??
; meaMage alao conUlaad a aarm < alog)
Lf thi arm) aad a fervenl appcal to all
m, V1. . i, t,. .l->iii In reatoiii -; peaee and
I :.,.,,,. rli) i.. the co intrj
>.| ,,,,, aure ih*' rnaaaagi v i; prad ? a
,,,. B-reateal poaslbli effect, nol onl) ia
M v,,, bul fllao in th? Unlted Btat< ? and
I ,, |. *aid Mlnlater de la u.fio "lt
^ NS1,i piaa,. thfl reapoaarlblllt) for whai haa
h cl ,?,,, ,i hera and for arhal raa) b ippen
i quari I; ? '', re il bt iongi
ih-- rnlnlatt i aald that no orllctal cop)
,,, aaagea would i- m nl lo Madero.
I .orn| . ??! ti, ? i'r.-si.|..|it la made
,., ,1,,. peopie dI Hflib o, aad u*- racalpl
bJ ,,,. ravolutlonlatfl wlll be lacMaataL
, (l,, || i i.ui to thi in Imrnedlate
,x |,,,v,.v,i b] prlvalfl IndlvhJualg and
ceatflMflg aa ?*",,,n<i poga
El r??" Taa Maj I Oeueral a**v
r;.r,. announced lat* te-ntght Uaal h?
U..11M ae-rrr t-< ancHhrr armlatlea, dnr
ina whlch peace negotleUojig might h?
arhen Maelero board the n^^ rmm
Mextco citj (NNHiernlng PraaldJaal Waa
raelBaatlori ba lmmedt?tely gavr order*
t.. ha*re trnnp? ats>p narehlnaj. Caajrtaaa
?,,,.? sepf atV-iT-l to hall the gdTg_4* ?
? t natura'ly am verv glad t<> hrar that
F're.?ldent Ma7 hag made th" aaaa**_BI 8
ment." aatd Genere' 4\Tadrro i aaa go
1pk t?i ?eno a telegrani ta him at iti'-*
i nngratulatlng him on hlg ratrhirsm. for
U i ertalnly waa an ad that r<-qinred tha
hlgh?-st klnd Of i;'rr?r,na] M-rlflre and
patrlotlam "
Dr Vatsquez iJomex, head of the r*hel
peare rommieaion. on the arrival of offl
cial Information 00?a**nmtag the rr.anl
festo anrl ?n rerelpt af further 1n?truo
tlona from 'Jenfral Mad<t-n. aaM l>**m ?*
negnttatiops arotaM t <? leeaaineal.
?Th.- primary .ondith.n haa be*>n BaVtia
fled." lie said: "the othrr rondltlon* wfll
not prrs^nt any difflrultiorv baaaaaa thfV
are th" f;:Il!ltnent of semmiary maftera
The manifesto of <;fn<-ral DbU ohom I ?
good iie^ir^ for th" welfare of th" eeana
Judge Carabajal Not Informad.
Jneleje carabajal. tho fadoral onvai *? i
he had raeehred ao pmat, advi<*f*- hut M
is a^m.rt he all U arn af tr" matter
PYanclecfl i Madero ar 0 ta
MaH.!" and othar membi - of I ?
dere ratntl] * bi lelegra
l>ia/. i-origr;itii1atliiK him on bl
Excltenirnt in El I'as" tO-nlghl
\nten?e. Mexkram reail
istreets abouting aad ? alobeal i
crownlng battl* of tb* re* lutlon
Jheen woe. A i"'"*-*' baaid ai
i,,s,ir?^'it ramp and n
?.is lietrii'
*ri,. rebel ramp : - ;"'
shouta of joj as Boon ?? tbe nawa
Hia? announcemenl
ramp Bugler were Mou n ai >'? Bree '
klndlad, around whlch th* *"r*1 *'" ':
aVlth Joy Oeneral lladi ro retnn ? d from
hia teni to headauartera to iwali farther
?,,- c. He waa ptalnlj e?elt**S.
? The trlumph ??'" Ihe rerolutlon. ? *?
the phrase moal i...ir-.. i.'it Interrahigled
Iwlth Ihe noia) - lartter '.t Ihe M
headquartera war* manj aror* o*t praiaa
for i ;? neral Dlaa.
The mo-retnent ??' iroopa had i'*lin
when n reporter telephonod thi Madero
headquartera aad read th.- dlepatch from
Vexi"> City. Genefal Paa* aai Or.>
rccelved ll and aald 11 probably *rc*ald
ct, p the movei lenl "f lh* in
Oeneral on /..?,. hlmaelf mounted hla
horae and galloped awaj wlth t>,r nea
tn the ta-i.t. a aalle away. when Oen<
Madero had retlred for the night.
Insurgents Ftb oo Federala.
\t aboal l o'eloch to-nlghl th.- reva
lutlonan outpoau Brod ?< few ?????
toward tho federal irenchea. Tba fod
eraia returned the flre. i"it bi a fen
mlnutea the rebeht rnoTed away. f? H
thoughi tho r. ..-I \Ht,?-i..-.r.i whlch U
tead) had M.irt-i aouth declded ?" k?v*
. , federala ln .i?''<r.7 i fan well ?.'\?"
Courlera araro irnrnedlately .iiKfai. hod
from the Madero headquartera ?" <'"
termlne the reaaon f'"- Brtng. As
aa'tbe ahoU wana i"1-"' " ' f?db*ata ?<?
juan Mea ?? ?? on tb* alaan.
i;. gitm aounded an.] i" raona wera oa*
rjered off tin Btreeta II wai l lougbl
the robaAo had i baafad tbala niaM i__a
beg .ii the :itt;i. u
n araa later explained thal thi Brfclf
aaa done I.rer the ravolul aa ? n
ln .1 BO ithuar.i. The f l" I COlUBWg
began t" tn"\f alowl) over tbe hllla
north of J iar a al ' 30 o'ckx k i 'oloni i
Qarlbaldl led I ? ??
H araa learned late to nlgl i thal a paui
of Madero'a army had planned to attai i
Juarea nt mldnlght. Tl ?' ?"">
arith -i ('ian whk-h aom* uf tb li iar
K.iits had for preclpitating ?? battb*. da*
ij i ordera to Ihe coni "' ? ,( '"...!
.i art<
whfti word of Prealdi ni >> ? aa
nouncena nl reach* d thi in irg*-ni
tl. had moved cloaei to ?'
.,. , aan t. i- the man h at d had
hroughl I ? ? guna
rangi The Bghtlng waa to havi
in earneal al mkJnlgbl
i ? enalon ? nong Ihe li ."ir'
. . rotty
,, h ii waa .""I !'>?"
loatb to ndire from thelr poaltkN
. ? rtgaglag "" '. ! ' '
th ? oul I i" humllUiti 'l ?'? -; f
thi world if th. > .ihi n"i '"-I1-' *' 'lUH k
,?, th, , ,i whlch th. ? had iwlce <i>
CORON.-t: OF 10.000 MILES
Australun Astronomer WnaYnWM ?ha
Eilipse of Sun liom Lifu latwi
Auektand Nea ' aland Maj I Th"
NiiMrailan aatronoiner Vvragg* reporta
ri.vlni * tn -?> fr. LJM l*^n*____"
?f the Isoyalty ,;'??"'?? '"' ",,al 9tmm
... the aaa on Aprll > .baarmti.
u,,a ,??,. ..mi., i4f.il.... .ondltlona, iaa
g, belng cle dleei Tin I -? ' ?-*m"*s
? r* ? peHall.I'bed I ?? -'?" *'oron*'
f-tendlng I.' M,,,r'

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