) Go on Recorrl as m Favor of Their Election by the Peoplr. ARE ALMOST UNANIMOUS Amerdmrnt to Joint. Refolution Oiving CrOV-frttt Snpprvision of Pollmg Almopt Apsurrd. r ? | \? ,<: ...r' Maj I v rote ? i _gtd eom titutional for tbe election of Si-ratn- klraei eota rs .., . .-.??'? ured to ftay b* ? ?? on of th* Benate maklng I . -Bnlahed buainaaa and i ?> i.- it in a poettton ?" a potferv of tbe > co-? deratlo -r ajea a i alnaoai ? | ri- tne ? ? i-otlng dleeent!*- Beaator* i ? .... i rabam, Oalltngei Heyborn aad Panroaa voted ln ih* pegatlvi - ? Ad\artazr> to favor of tna r*M**4utlon T, ? ? | thi il i allghl ., \vv n Beaator Borah moved that it ba mada 1 nleh* - ' for* tha com luglen of thi . ( ., ., , v;.... |g until 1 o'< le* k, r.f,-^-r- Hej - ? ;?:? - ited lo Ka ,,- jerai .ao-. r" ' ? ?? ? ? enati laka a - .... nti ? rlork. To 1 re waa -,(?? .- objertlon, .-""I when thi r< .- lal ? aaaiaaad it i? iha r ii poge nf the Renatori - ippoi t ing rha Bmo ira ? praeg Iti ronatderatlon, aUowlag ? ri igotiaMe thn* l h mak ir.g. Tbe raal l c t, howew, will i I , , . , . Maelf, bui ovi * ? r ? lerland ai ei ??' ent i ? puri ?? upei ..... . ? tate electloi ? .... .,.. . ... ..... na of votera ard io ih ? aa i plae* ll ll if g*-?~-able lhal thi Bu ? ? mn: will b* adopted la thli amended forn, thr reaolUtlOfl ?? I ***? llk< ib. two-tl Irda n i k iii '?' 't* adopi i., . . '? "> ?t,a Houai e found i .,, if, g protei -....in-. !? - tor Martln thi mlne tj '? ad< the falruri of tha oo* tta* , | . g for n iortlon raei t ot Congrei al dlatrld ??mcr- , in 1- ly 1 . tor La Foi ,.tt.-. ' ? ? nent b>'l .,, ....... providi i ' aemenl - ? . mittea ? ? ' - tba reai ' . | were neil ? - ? .-..?? Itia gatial ? Benator from V mlghl ' ' ? thi tt. . reply wa ' "" r'' '???*" v.a- arlth ':? * ? i ' ? ? ?"' **** Tn* '>-*;' made . ? ? ? ? . ? ? ..v. gfachlnl - ? trolling th* aho* na* Ing industry 1 t?r rf i??ai"s: patented mael Ot fr..tr t< la troduc* the Benate. Ona wi ??rts ??" - iai tl-truat lai ?? ? . r ?? ? iting patan , ?.*?. h t. > ni. -be- wen tt * an ln ... ? ' ? < - ?. | CUI*\MNGHAMCLA!MHEARING Mr. Piiher Heart g\rgnmenti on Alaikan Coal "Locationg." ngton. M ., . ? ? BheuM rx ... ?- ? ealled Cun ? f the Bi . ? ; , . - ? flnal i ..... . ? | board, eoi - -??'?'. of la* evie* I pei klni '? ' ' r only attorn* ? . , . . ...... thoughl ot comblna i .-.? a em Itaa ? - i.t. - ? lalmi a<\ ... . ? sdged ?men-'. . ?.-...- ptlCe th* lar.n* IV- At- \o rats>i hll ? looking t? ? ? ' ??-??(' ii ggaoftetton ik* to aell hli . . . ? ,. -* deemed - . - ??.,?? i Hled ? ?. ? nningbai ? tr i Ibe coal lai .in2. ? ? . (hei ? allow him to -. . preaent all daj *_fi Hoghe* ta, of tha .--?-??? c< ' ... | . . Or ??? ? .M ? ??? . ..... I . : ? - '? - ? ?? thi |ir.,. rt thelr ''almi ? - a, pretei ? - ? ? ? tha rr>eai * rrrteed htm to m*k* tt ll ? ? ? . .? o | r . ? ? ? .... r ? . ? . ? > *?n ? ad' hl ' ? ? ' t ? rj " VVARftHIPfl n?"r r^n MAN0EUVRE8 * ? ? me it ': i Charh i ? ? foi tbe I .... - ? j Kngland ad far ? 'ape i ( ? - ? ? , 'i . ' r . ? ? la ' ' ? . I place el 1 a__ 1 ERAKAUEP ?? BROS. *^ fmr,- , rf, ,.' Betrgaint Uttd 1 J/i X' rS at f f< ii " ? i 17 East l.tli St, N. Y. Bfla" ? . >'?o Moo* ...... . ?-o $11." Br.-ln-t-v SItJi ?A'-ener .BUA . .100 S,inu . . 1100 nd ... t.fl.p.lna NEW FIAIMOS r ? ' AAM k- ''>?' & Bone. *2.M) ?ftagfier .<1.3 Ifuales'* Player *:m grakr.uer Plai '?* (aew), rj .conMnufd ? . 1S00 itiiviv go -im pi.tNoa m him I?. TA.yifl WASHIJxfGTOJV ? Tnhi;i? Purfln" 1 Waahtnfton, v *A"f,i i.r, i\, T.t i-r STATE BANK8 T>,. National Maaetary C^mmlaslon, ?',*; '? 'iiratrri tn (inmd extent hy Benatirr Aldriel Ib New vork receatjy, I* rasaklni to ethoi whereby tha beaeflti ? ?* the *,r" poeed Vationni Monctary Aaaoelatlori ibaj |i fi(\ v. IthtTn th* rr-B.,-1, of flll ' ' ' banka wblcl bare aUaJaed ta aalllcleni to warrant lt It Ifl bebeeed tl l? ';U1 ''. ? eompllshed with-oul Bartoufl fllffieul. courae the two rr,,nt*- to wbleh, ? M**f '' tantkn would be _lwete_ Ifl frueli ? i "n\ IvrouM be, Brat, tl ? reeoureefl at thfl r'a*i*ir. method of saamlnation ir to thal now p*Tformed foi l i Itlonal benkfl by the national banfc ? tteaaloti ol the, plaa tri1! meflt vtewa of a raMialderabla naaibei , embera ' Coatrresfl who i"f- hetdtat. io cotnroli thetrneelvee until thej a ara "?d 11 .*?t tbfl cotrnmlflelon'a a beme a ? .. ? )i. | | ardahlp to thi atatfl ("f-'i*'1 ?,. . - . . , ,-.-. aeiiou this a ibjeet ar* ronelneed thal itata banka ib ?*. all tl emai ? .* ,? . |.. ? a abui l. - .,.., .... raaaed ? oafldenca a I , . reaull It la nota ti ia eoima tloa ihal manj bankera hare already wannly Indorsed tlw ? i - itltned h\ *>nstor Aldrit' f ? oum ln i.' ' th?? rlae I thfl eommlsa w flfl *? whole ? ? ? sthto Bankers* lase rlel. of i/outslana forrnally Indorsed 'r"> **"**??? ,n'a plaa, and oiaera he*/? Antnt to hr <. r. i- i.; t'fi. oplnlon of oaafl ol ?''? ? om mambeni ol i onixeea tbai atenslon nhi.ii would admll ?ta??* bnnks to ih*- propoaed assoclstion, thi Boutl ? ' ??? cartalfl condltiona whlcb previ wouM bs i>er->flT?-ii more than anj . . ?:. \ <-.. thi djoornm*nt nt Concn arei ; ol the tnetabeti of ft"' . .., ?? ii] ?c epl Im Itatioi ? to * lall merelal rentrea and explsia ihi i lat, it, the mean l m? flrranfrementi iri | belng li ? ei snklng and com. merrlal oraanlaatlonf to vlstl Wsahlntrton '<, explain tbelr rlews to thi commiasion and to ea imtne the plan oadei roneMer* tlon hi Hrsl hand. DEMO RAT1C TROUBLES Deapite the aeterminatlon of flpeaker Clark and Chalr man IJnderwood lo *avi nt leaet one half tbe exletlna dutj on wool tnere ? Ica ... . , it the moi ? m< ??? foi fr< ? wool will arl ? ? i] from them, wnd tbat i icua propoaed for neal week arlll nol I-*, amenabli to the leaders. The r>.,,... membera ot tIt* New Tork delega. . .. f ... ,i;,.. ,, ,..,.. m and ?. uted II to I for free wool, and later in the d I * Ne*? ? .? Demoerata raueused snd roted I to I for free wool. The thougl I ? Btrlkes terror to the hearta of Mei r flarli nnd ' 'nderwood Thi ? < , arill thej sbj lose ilmoi i t de r i. [vote ir. thi Mlddle Weet, ind lhal al aldlng tbe farmeri ttli % .... other thlntrfl us* | b 11 ? .... ? ? . .,..-.? i/iii i-fi. for naiifl I i -p-tfl. pl ?" ' - II itlon ', to ther i evei ' m. ro i . h* faet that 1 ... -. ... ? .; ih. revenm I nol c- I ?-.?.-. rhi ..? r recognlsed ill ~emOcrsti ,..'?? ?? ' -. -.? ? from .i ?, lated lead***** pii of ?? -? ? t ln an idjo*irnmen< r.f i"*on_reai mu*. ear r' thn>, hfli been r \ |.f. ti , ?,T--'r-<,' v-t.-.m ii | r- it I.*-- aapected - .. ? , .. me Ho i ?? would I M-arp the i ea aad parllaanentar* prooed , ? ? - |? ..... .,....-..? . . iBion '?? ... . r. ... . . . - . . lyned j trr Demo ral '?? mski polnl of amendment fo *e?*iir? mediste reiectlt ? rae.lt t th* ami ? ? jtiiichr h?. Mr. Atexandoi had onl; ?.. n ? The < halr iui taii nf order ..,..-? , N'h'iir ir, fi.:,-.- why; 'ts ll io do or \i\i] thi chai performed . ,fi < | ? ? that th* ??.??? i .,?,,, ? ? .. ? ted Mi A?r an i chalrman. 1 iln dhl ..-...- ?. Inorlty . . r '! r Mann ? - -,p:\-<- < i - ' >iopr?-- i ???'?? ?. - ? ? Hind proti ? ilm ti,o unj ented I ?' ? ? i ullngn ,,t Hl N DED PROCEDURfE ti ?? ... ? ? rled i SENAT0RGALLIN6ERCH0SEN Reput)Hcai|8 N;inir TTim for Prei iri',nt Pro Tenipore of Sr-nr>t^ ? ' 1 ( .- ,H'"nctr i ? . ? re ? ? ni r ? bb rr-vi-if^- | '0 * ' 1"" * of th, ? ? . R i , ? . ?.. r the flfi ta ^*-n Bbeent ln i ? Progr* |. Th* fAUr frocrcf.-i- r- in nl ? ? :,. fi\ is*.n--r-n roti ' '? Ut fjalltnfer Ren .-.- :? ^^.. ptseed "i ,'..-'? ' . .,-,? Wft-rnn ???'?r> eUlOSl****) i r-. ti ? ng pn rldenl it i= . \\ > eted lhat tbfl eaueu rhoiee ?> r.t ....-- ? n morrof ?? ,f there Bl ould N ? i ? ... . ? r* roi meni Thi f so many Progri * rion S'-ti1** - ' r. . nOer n.^ riroumtilei pi ? l ? r" for 'ir On itngei lt la ei ,.. ? elther *Bl fr?m ? r? ? ,,.'?!> balloi foi , , of their own number BZPL08IV-S8 r-KOROBAOE '^ry' t;overr.f,ienf 0 fl C111r- JHVf AffHrSIICC *\firr btrpeetioii m Bsrbor, i ? - . ?? . .. afti i thi expli -i o f t h i Rallroad ? ? -?? .ne?l ... ... , no ? hanffl needed it,. made hy B. J ':,,ii fjeeretarj --t f'ommerce .,'"i I i bor. aad l I ? ;. tlon !" -\-i ? tated l . - i ? ^, .. ? . ? |or tbe use of 1 I i ? i- ' "" . , , ? ? ,, ?! ...i.i .,- , ... , .... . ... .,!.i ,iu .. I.I..-.. up - ? ? 4 ? ? ? -.' ifl ICifl fi ?? ? , ? - ? '?. a',- bod .ii " ? ? , ,. irges, sraua of tha ala* tano* , .-.. , ., Bald thal !' , ,i, ould , , ral - r i sn ol tha an'horai II \. i fort and Wsa Jersey '?*' ^f ,|lr; ?? ? .... dei nl snel ? i -,,< ? ...... ? ? Of .i-r]er i ? ,? , , v,.,,._-, ,, .f lh? Hot?M to-dajr, uitbout r-\Pii thi roaw ,-,i | .le'oat g| |be 4h,,n. of ue majorli Ihe 1 dl ?'?? Infl t ,t >.. - . ' ? ' ot- upon the frei Hai when Imported from thoaa ? ? ntrtei thai atlll m Untain ? dut) ggalnal ?m*rlean ihoea; thai thi fr^ M I ahould n; piv "t... to ihoae countrlei wMeh gdi ill " ?" "!? " hram the. 1 lhal natlona Impoaing an egporl l - _*on greaaional Dlrector ubllcatlon In - membera ? ao himaell Hen Ihi ilfty" Uttle eulog* of bln ? ? ? ' ? ? gg] ttlepagc atai and ..'-... ? i lati He v - - ' ihe i ? ? ? othi tatei peeted |o '? '? ? ??- lutllne ihetr attltude !??? Itei?-? '?? t i t. ? . programi II t. , i t.. ?., ig{*d ? ?? ? ? ? ? I the New I. rua Indoraed i ? Ig ? ? ' Repi ntal Rurton Harriaon, Uh N'ev I r^emocratli rnamber ot me *rTa*-i -. . ; . :ommltt*M f ? tT4:t. ,,-,? . , a;_ ?? ?. ? ? ? , evenui t fa ? - -. ? ? r Clarl ? i ? ? : roi ' enl I ? ? ?' '? nrk ' an. | , ?, . . . ? ? ?-??.. || .... ,.?.. r./ ' ... ., , . . . ._, ,,, .. . , .' ' ? ? ' ?? ?>< <:?-,? e,\ ., a. ? ? tarirT. -.?'. =too,| oul agalm la] ing nfr thr ,, r the bill ? Ith IN i-r". i-r, thal lt i ;iir>'" onl] to th<>fl?* countrte* whleb ?riiiiitr4>,i fyr.f. from ihie eoantry Imp I flonr. cottonseed oll IHrs eettle, fresh Bnd canned meet* ?i"i other artlclea, Tho FJe -iii, r.ionri together on the motlon to reeommit During tbfl day |fr Man" an" Other n* puhiieanfl m;irjn repeeted efforta fo obtaln amendmenta dfltnandlng onei othei nattoni befon they mlghl derivp beneflta under tbe Democratlc p'an t.. ip< down thi bera arlthoul return. noaena n* these amendtnenl propo ?',,i to perfeel ',,r ',?*,ii,i partakfl aornewhal of ihe attarfl ol a reclprocal ir-nt sere ruled oui on polnl ? ol o di?,. lb* Houaa belng denied thi oppor tUSjty to pyi-n t ? !?> ?::,...:?) t!i' 11 The fov. thal weri pul lo a vote \frp ? ? ' ti.- i>. mocratie phalai *-. Btandard bearer ln Ihe beglnnlng aerved notlc* 'hai tho Democratlc blll mual be pasaed Jusl ai ir rami f oui ; - Wayfl .1, -i m- ma i 'ommltti - Put Democrflta on Record. \ r i by Repreaentatfvea Pajme Cannon, Olmstedi imi snd ptbei Republieans, Mr. Mann, in nrrior to pul tho Democrsta In the posltlon of rotlag agalnal rariou* amend. t.. broaden the aropi of thi free iiFt Mll, condueted a flllbuati r against measur* ln the end Mr. Mann hsd BtlsfaetlOn tlmo tlttr-r Tmio r.f p ;tTi-'S tho Demoerata on record ? ??? germam Aeeording to the Pemei rata th* free ? Mll rlll i nt ih j.-r>\ ,4rr.ni'?tit i revenuei only **W,OTjo,flflo. Representailv* Payne, foi lowing Mi ii? it. ai ,, b RopuMlcan, metn ben of thi TVaj and Iteeni Coramltte* ,' ? , itimated tbsl Ihi eal losi In ri enui wlll amounl to IBO.feo.OW ' flcl'T in f!-fl H__ t\ rnr,4\ r)rve|np?r| '.mn _a "--ii-ipatv e tr,,. Angered at Ri puhlican nii mpta fo amend th* pei Demo ? ?-,-.!!. meai ire, Repreaentatlve I TVr.orl rlnr-lln"') tr, pofltpOM 'l TOt* Until ll rnorrn**-- *>? in o'clock to>ntghl after nearli a hundred anendmenta h;i<] h??n propoaed, Bnly To _?*? r>it ot, poipt- of nrArr n' ,-irrt ?f >r on -i p,.? 'h*. Repuhiieena ca-*4 uv the eonteat hopeleaa and onn ttn'or* fhtni.oi. p. ?? nii -, f\fir\*?A merely for w rr ord rollea 11 eote Chgtr**B Arbitra**) Ruling, ? oi oni >tbi**d of thi ? . stnead menl ? kllo***ed to rxMTBfl lo * sot* ln ti,r. cimunltta* of thfl whole. if*1 ehairman Rspreaentatlvi tlexandei nf Mlsaouri. complerentl* riied an amendmenti oul ol ,.i'i-1 when Majority Laatfer L*nd*i*wood took tl ? r'mr. te mek* such a potnt against them '"ndT the arbitrary flaclBlon* ol thfl oh,ir an-i tb* *-issiio taterpretatlon nf thfl ? ticall) no Bmendmenl -i ? - r^n mnane Thfl r|,atr ii^;rj t;^, Hr, amendment ?-i-ittig otl er Brtietfla m tha ? .-..... mfl to thi Itema bf tiiA blll, atM t>iat aaaendntentfl propoi ng to itrtki from thi Mll anj artlcla numf-j, thui plactng ir on thr dutiable Hat, ^s llke* te not genn um ro thi ?,.. i t r tl , Representatiei I her Hinds irri sataUva Payne, proteat xg-'n | --).:, ntsd rulfngi L li l tetnper. Mr Cannea Baalalnaadi "In other w, r mend n*nt li n o* 'i?r ber* h?r...,,u.. 11 n-oMiri Bheng* the hin r--o,,-ht in by vou.- tvaya -ha Mesna Con mittei Thla commlttee haa >.r.-tnr. crBqiar . tl u tb, Housf itaeif a hicb li r).rrivr-ri of ;, fiUsti.fic tO '?>?-?? vr.tr , ,, Trt*T r..-o:o . i pan a' >r rneal dotll ? ? ???<->fi>r tfi'fi) that he hath -.-??nr. .-? great? Ton DepieeratB ihlrk r-*_rpons!Mlltj- ^ru.?,.; ? r.r nrn-fi-r. but do n--,. imagin< lhal bu ou hldi your head ? trli htlk* ln rand. thor **ou have hldden i - of ? our r.'iri"-.' t ? Rapresentatl . iiiii ? Oonnectlcul v.' pUhliCSn x>rn.,t-,fi.,\ an arv,_r,.1t,ifl|)t To tl,r. Mll provtdlng thai il ahould not to ,?,., Bl ' ' ? Ivr-'*TI - hql, l-n. f? hBd ? .- tr. im estlgat* and pa Flfld .1 pp tion fr*,iT,e f.,, r, thoae ? ounti ?? ,, > -, 11 rnatntaln Impori dutk againil th.. ? | !~r>),r on .M-ri.l. - in the blll iv.fnt of ord. ? , , -,i | amendmeni ? ?-,-..' i . % That thi Mll '.vo>r.i not n?u . ?, . thi sxptratlon o\ ,xt. ,,.,, ,, .,?.,,? f,? jn orderl' Imintri i \ir n, i Rapreaeatatlva Henry r?f Texaa -x~-fifi. wlth Mi Ffill Bul i-i, .;>??.- .... ? '? .-..,.) i n,-. proelamatlon ' - ? ? ? pablii i i and tl ?? > a ? i 11 ? take effeet ln r.-h.r ?. .fi,\ our poiie: u ? ? m ti" admlniatratlon rAtort?ri \\. M, , T.-ito floven* of othen hu inr, - . - ? -? *. ...jt of o, dflr *? utneron appeak fei**jn tbe declsien of Ihi || -'-, M| \l;,. . ii i.. ever tanci Bolld Dernoerai *itb great guata md ai , itatlen upheld the rmtr,* i . tt ? ??'" ? ihat wsn alloa ??.mi >? on Xnt Ir m*.- ita wen a pn down by 1 > In ea 1 i * bul ' ? 8X| ei > . ?- ? i. it thi ineadmeni ? tM a defeated.-aa be Oi ? ? H ? || inti lb * I . ,, , . - ei i. t-r; | ?4.,.,.,,... 4 nden . t ? L?*a--e**t**h, Mlller, Volstead Bnd ???- ? ot Mi ?. \t ? , J . ..- ?? M 11 , Murd ?' of Haa Hannaand fli . ? b- ii. o ? Korfh I'ak'-r.'- I.rP'. r ' i ? Selson f b ? ? -n ?, ' |l ttr -, l V . . .,, \? :, I r ,.(,.., | ,' fertj. ot . n. B*on ' emi . ??< ? ? ? . lorgan rasi nd Roben ? -> '. DELAT rn RAtSIrfG THE MAHfS CjrlindSI of C?*_fCtdSW PtHl Ton |)^vr to Rspsir Dsaaffc \l , ? ?? \|, Bl I- ' ' ? 1 , i i. ,,i ,.< i.ff. rt tt.- a bi k are a from 11.a bui Clvll I !n?le* ? i Hai i ? la i- mpoi bi ii ln - h*rg?. **l lhal thi ent d ? ? iffi rl H" P.-Ph ? ll,. )t * lll Involvi - i ln tn i.? " '" II.' I I.yllndUi ? FUSS OVER MARATHON MUSS MrAnony Orders Invrstigatton - It Doesn't. Bother Gaynor. Porr.llgb fi-estrlnnt MrNpen- Wgl ?""'" r..neertre madi l*n itdi nl afr *?"? "'? arho la In Atlantlc fltj, arlll ba ai ' I ?'? ? ,n ihe i lli Hall i" day II . .?? rja] nor dld noi aeem to ';'k'' "''" matter o ae louely, rjoaelbly be**attae hej h?? no raaaonalMllty for lh* aara ol the r,iH"- bulldlng*. wiit-n omr ona aaked him II he would make an UUraatlgatlon hi - ???' it eould "im' be botharad over auch ;? ii"1" matt< r " Ha alao aatd Uial If he had ? " ,,, i... . it* Hall he would bara glren aataa ot ihe rnnner. hla room (" -atd ' **aerd ty that they i tgi r aah foi an Inveatlgatlon ol tl a ,, ,., ,. ? t n Un bl torlc gtrui ture aaa treated. The kaeper of I.tj Hall ha I ? rarea ,? ntea . aanlng up the muaa on '?'- j ami thtagi ei' ? nti 'i a ralrlj gi ad appaar aaca ] egtardas Mr. Baat] atid lt* wouid tepari to hi ,;inef ihal the Council t.*he_aber araa agata I,, pgrfect condlUon, aad lhal Um ahniagi ,lorie Wai lrl\l?l TH* fad 101811**. bOU grar, thal lha hlgb pollah aa iame ei tbe furniture La gone, gnd I bal the emrpoX M hadl] In need ol B thoi ough cleai OLD HOFFMAN SALE BEOINS Fivst Hav Renlizrr. |6,000 Sonvrnirs To Br Dis-posod Of. Au*Hloaeen began to aall iraatardaj tba furniture nf nh.-u ??;< once the Holfmen Hot . >, rr. gn1 yeea* II haa been ralled Ihe Annei, for the paii nr ihe buitdhu openlng an Flfth avenue tooa on th* ragu I ,,- ,i,t,.. |n WA\ B?i ?? buyera followed min tVIo* ai d Benja'mln Redaler, the gccttoneera, *? >ui d lh* lloora of the 24th atreel alde yeaterday, Idoklog over the arlr ,,.r?i. beda, poker tnblee, broaaaa and tapea irleg gj rj oll ? tl ttg ?-''? " ' "'''" wtn old* gueata of the hotel, anxloua to aava gouvenlra of thelr long realdence there. The ..-,: wlll contlnue to-day, and Iaat poaalhl] until the and nf the week. The furniture ol tha rulte lhal Orover Clave i;,,,ri ,. . ipi, i ihi furniture ln th* room where Roaeot Conkllng dled, the onya table ? a-hlch i Langtry had her breakfa ? . , r- morning, i! e furnlehtnga ot the, "Moorish" room, th" bailroom, five Ho , . , . iiptnenl nf tha "Dutch" and ??plnk" rooma, a blg rimii- thal DavM " Hlll wai very fond of, end other thinga arlll all be old The furniture aold y*_ten i n ordl nnr'- e?iuipment nn the two top floori and arlth nttie hlatoric aaaoclallon. Tha aalaa reached gS,O0r}, f'RANn JUEY RF.ADY TO RBPOET Fnunrl Nn TnriVtmrrnts. II. Tr K-tjrl. Acainst, Collertor Egan ri.. Hud ?? i ounty grand |ury wlll 'iin^ ? ;r .. ojatni-ni" th" afternoon ?,f ihe COUHty Court Roue* Iti t^rr-r.,- city, '"it 'he batch it i. report ed, aill coalaln no Indletmeat ?rrowlng oul of Juetlee Bwayse'a rherge rgiiing ettsntion to tht conduct ol i ounty M ] gan, a> dlaclo ed m rt \, -,, .. bre ifht oul ln the ?"? uri Bulldlng ? omn ltt?* inveatlgatlon Tht grand 1,,1-v, it i~ underatood haa " fuged to ln lict or to cenaurc d lli. Kg^f ground that there ia nothing to al ow ? ... ? , . ? ].-? the lllegal ii - r.t the fund of whl II r"'; r.odian ITtfl TAIKS IBMDiy I .ntlniinl from STS( P-_* ,oii her even mon ;-f'<" "" ' ?' ' ' ' Into ? ffe I Thal li .:,l-: ' ' ' ' ''"" i 01 atgulng, I am rw rely fltat*1 ' roncluflloni rf 1 dld noi i" l*tvi thlfl ' Bhoujd nol bevfl taken thfl reflrpotaelMlltj of doing irhat i havfl ''?"'? ?" P*?* raclproettj treety through. I am nrllllng to Btride thr. judginenl of. htaloiy, tba ludgmenl th*t n*Ul r*om< afler the everrt. whol, you fentlemen came lo aee the raault, i i- li< n thal ? ? ?>? m f"'' '""' ,CK" man, wlll admll thal you have been a t-ong In ? ? 11 ' and I hai ' h*v? !-or n i i. *j i,. delegatlon, arhleh rame to v --'i Ington lo preaenl the grrtevancte trl the , ,r, . before thi B l ' wee ? 'om ? mlttee, was rei sli ? i ln thi Eaal Room 0f ti,, ivhlti Houae, ihi nnpelntmenl h ,- |ng been mai tl the augg< H ? certaln .'-'? ? atot ? ' I ' <":"', *hm oplnion thal thi Ir pi.A ***** mad** -i"-.. ti' to tho prealdenl Earlh r ln ?? ? ?' ' ";. , re| r, senting thi N'fltl Orange and book papei manufactiirer* pn* ir*d b*for tb* Benate ' Inenei Committeo a- ,| Bttempti d to flhiv tl i.,i,irir- that * o i 'i be suetalned by m riiistrlea of tha t nlt?d Statfl i I "" rec' p-a.-itv meaaun ii *d->r'"i Th* obj*'** l,on, nl the farmera, *vhe reprea rourtei i, **-**?? gometrhat gi ? ?nd ln son ntradlctoi -taUook f-? ??, malnly thsl ranada e |o ? idvantag* ln rheap*. , ' .' ,. ti ^t American I irrm ????'? ' l"'" 'Pu ' ?t? ,i.,, ea.>f ualng ferfllW l 0URBOW8 M'NFir. DIVOHOBD Wif> WlBI Ciistnrly of Chllnren. Pf :.pitc Her Alloged Ncgiect. Mra Allen* Bl M< Helr th* ??????? or Bnrrowa McNelr, won a dlvon e yeai __y h- ? dectali B ??'? Juatic* Hon ai is/hltfl Plslns. md also - - * " f,i theli.> ehlldren. "tt" ?? ' tentiona raleed by Mr. Mi Ketr durl n trlal o< tho action *t White Plebi* nght for th? twetodj i I ' ehlldren was thal Mr mi Hob only batbed her babj one* i day. MH Judg* Morschaui i oul ' il ? mp .nn ?> fi i- olo . ' ... The t.rln ' 'iL ri,o? -Thi, re* oi Ivanced * V th* mother 'houid " depriyed of rhe . -?,?!,?, the r-oiiri ln deprlvl rare and eu.I ' ?? ,. mplnim aga nal her waa that t i? bathi on * o dsy and w ... ? nallj pi'l to bed without ih* rlnth - looeened or remeired, and tl al ah* the bab! to n?n iln In i ? , .. ? .,,,,,.. Born- ery unnstural remark In n '?? ? ' ? !" "? .-Per hfl * th* plalntlff did nol *x*i lae ?'-'?? ' l*'' f na tho*i ? ? ' j, ,., ,,-.-,,. ot indgmi. her pert, foi whli h il ?'? la not to bjama_ AP.IZONA ANP NEW Mr.VTCO Confre?8 Mav OontldeT Joinl ftt^i iiond Reaolntion To tncrrow. p Bshington, May * The Houi te< ,. . i erritorli ? ? ... lu deltl eratli on tatebood l _B ??? ' ? "'n' lution ? ' ' ' '|1V ' WHERE DO YOU BORROW MONEY? ii/E atand ready to v make any good mortgage loan in Greater New York. Reasonable charges flndnocominlssion.s. TiUE GUAJIANTeE .AND TRUST C9 Capltal . * $ 4,375,000 Surpltn- (tl eernrd) 10,625,000 I7B _ ^V-^V.uion st.. jamelra. CHARGE $115,000 SHORTAGE Qervltad THW Sairi lo AdmH Eighl Yoars" Poculationn. ' ?'.-piand. afae v l*OI e'l*>g*d P* '?? amOUltthtg tO n?erl ? |llR,4*Vrg) ?1.'* Hophlni paytng felfo of tha Firsl NatkNial Rank arah P'a-e'l ,ni|.r ;,rre?1 Ifll. 1" t\i.v ttr |g . \*jrg?./| lg*>s rlfir.11* wlth lha ttw of 160,000 ii ig ata ted thal rferpftftii conf***)**] ?r? iiutrii-r Attorne; Day, pvd.rai Pan' i FTganVrn**r tr""- \ ?? ? ?, .- ?? , ini- oi ui-- banh ihal I a iaat efgh't . ? .i . txted a total of fll l. t-W) of ih* Inetttutlon'a fwtdi iro-tv'na -., nnahl ' ? | - - ball of |00,000 aad ? -i ig] ep io |all " la ?*nrrtrr\ fhai | , i , jr.T- ? ... in nftaBBg* reaafui h -???-'. d a i>hati< '" i" ?-'. ? ?. ? r ahler of d_a iirni-.w n... '? iii roriowlrig Btatemeht ii". ?' ur tri|gt4?d eiiiplov.a. .ItlllU" W Hor.kin-- |* I <1. frvilter ln tt*- *T-B1 "" ?*? i j 4j."ui whloh amount he haa gaaataaeted ! from 4?\|v< aa paca_*J**J r..ptaining CUr* oeney aenl ua a; th* Natlonal r'.ankmc | Dppartm' "' al VVaahlaajtoa -Tho banh la fqlry p>rt>ter*a_ ??? " i blanhel guarantj po.ley laaued H ( 1 i^ndon rslo>*di - thal the loea '?*' tl"? ,,,,,., arlll noi fall upoa tha bai h placed ron tha ia they i.. .. ii prop* to u to Mi Hopklag'1 \,-..,rii" a i" tha ban? ofBdala Hoa nnf*-alon to 'hem tbre* ago Tl - ? p ,irs' ': n7 arongdolng. TT ? ? | O! lha ...pesfOPdAlV-e. rdlng to ihe oti'. lala b *? ae* counta would -: ? .'? ,,'"'i'1' **f ... raaa i ?" lo1 ? ,nK>un( a ? agurea He han djed $1 000.000 almoet - ' itai tl Moet . , ai bexaled tn**sn*ry, hanv. ott.cta~ , ., . .... ....4 ia ?? rnanufacturing BbbAAba, waa *? HopMw ii thirt- peraa yaata - - **? 4ofreT. aboul =i tnotttb *?o bla . dled, and - i "?? '?''?-'^", ... ba und>1 4 cr^i nerwig **__*_, I Hoohlna e.,tered tha aid ,.,,rk Kattonal Bank aa ? maeaeagor boy twenty yeara ago and gmdua , ? ,. .. m until he lw?-_*aa t4a\or. The Siorr That Satisfies Somebody Blundcrcd Pnnted Too Many of These Standard Sets of Books Thosc That Were Not Sold on the Subscription Plan r.ome to TTs at a Small Part of Their Subscription Prices srnnr of them we shall sell .1 even Less than cod to produee. The titlea ipetk fflf th-__nselves 'I'I" editfow are such as are often terraed, ... catalogs, 'editioiM Hr luxe We trefer to call them "good lfcrary editions." Where wt speak of ttiTee^uarter Iwthn in tli- description, the hacto And corners of the binding are of levani ^mleatlier. Quantitie** we limited in several instances, t Bglxac's W ritin-j*- edited by George Saintabury; edition dc juxe ?n vrrv attracrive */k\ 'edthpr; publication price $r*4?0; our rr'' * $i**50. Cooperr'a Wotfca??editten 'i* luxe. 4?-ith 1^ f?ii page engrtvingfl anri other illuatrattoni i'1 halftone; |r> volutnefl cloth; publication Pr*ci $48.00 our price $?.O0. ?/? leatber; ubllcation price $64.00; out prkr i 1.80, Dante'a OMne Cornedy- ewn plete tranelation bv Henry W. Long fetlow with noiei ind cojored Iron lispiece; buckrarn sidee, _ vo\ publication pric? $16.00; rnif prica $4.00. Dickcn*' irVorka editiow r]f luxa; very ittrective leathet binding; print er] from < 'rar type on gOOfl papei ! profusely illuatratad; publication price $45.00; out prica $10.00, Am othei edition- extre large typa with rol'Tfti frontiapiece; buckrarn >idee, v-Mii * i,f<- hy john Porater, Publi* , ation pi ice 3-1?" 00; our p- ice $28.00. Handy Library Edition ?? VI volumea cloth; illuatratad, $0.n,>; 5_leather, *l_..-*o. full feathar, .*t>* 75. Dumas' Mistorkal raTivali- rHu'nM dr luve. is eotuthea; illuatratad; 'i testhrr hmrlmfj . publication PtricC $80 00. ni|i- pn. p $1.1.5'). I ' binding; publication price $45.00 oui price $0.." ?ienrge BMot'fl Wo**fca*-Sl Jamee rdition; extra la-c'* lyp*! illuatratad; io volumca; '4 irathf binding; P'-11 liration price 550.00; our price?9 75. Cloth binding; publication prica $30.00; r"it pn, r $6.75. 'ioethc'** Worlra ,franfllatfd Iroro thfl Oeraaan; niitrri nv Nathan Ifaakell Dole; illuatrated with col oierl Itontispierc. " voltinies. \ \ laather; buckram lidee; publication prii r I2SJ00; oui prica 15.50, lireen's llistor*, of the I nglish Paopla ?edition de ime. illuatratad with < olorrH frontiapiece; S volutnee; '4 ifrithr-i. buckram stdrs; publica tion pru e $?0 00, out pricfl $5.25*. Charle; kingslev*'* WOaita | !i tion He luxe: |flj vohimes. bounri in 7; large i lear tvp?*. on roo'1 pripet, ? loth binrlinR; publication pixe $20.00; oui price 15" $0. Victor Hujro* Wofte ? ediHotl rk llJXe Wlth ro)rred ffnn ti?pif C? . Iat$t, rle^r typr. '. leather hindme with buckram aidea; 'n Tolnmaa; public*** tton prir^ $40 00: mir pri< 1* $8.00. Klpllnz's *ri orks >-ltand*/ litoary edition prin'rd nn thin p*pet ; ln rolurnaa bound in '\ with colored frontilpiece; huckram ndes, publici tion prn e S700P, otli price $4.80. Another edttjon, 6 VOlumCg, edition de luxe; cloth binding; pubiication rtt\r $ 1 T 00 ; nijr pri.r $2.90. Longfello^ s Frose and Po_tt\al VVorto ?handy library edition; i0 volijrnes bound in S: prmtfrl <->n ih-n paper. with ro'orcd Ironttt?piec*; pub ln. atinn pticr $20 0?. OUI ptjj r **4 ?'*'* I ranci? rari* man"'. Work'. and ! ?fe ??arith photogravure frootiapiece; II rolumea; cloth binding; pubiication prire $7n0n, cill pr'- r S'3f"> i.dgar Allan I'oc -Cameo edition; in rolumes; i* mo 1 ' leathet bind ing. publuation price $6.00; ow piirr 12.28, lohn Ruskin .** Work* ilhiatrated edition He luxt; < '? volumae; - loth; pubiication pri e $26 00; oui prii c $9.00. Herbcrt Spcncer ?. Woiks -new unifortn edition; 1R rolumes; cloth; OUl pri-r $18.00. in volumes--em hnriymc Syntheth PMloaophy, ? id I volumee ni mia* ellaneou ? <*,; ijrg ind W 1 |t iOJ}S Scblllar'g Woffca edition dr luxe. iranalatcd from 'he German; edited by Nathan rlaakell Onle; illuatratad with colored frontiapieca; volumes; ' 1 irethcr, buckram ?.ide<;. pubiication pi i< c 120.00; oni price $1.00. shakc?,peare'r,CompleteUnrk* ? -1.1 volumes. ptinlerl from lame typc nn extra ouality paper with historual aild analv'K al preface*.. Pjritical note*. fjlossanes anrl * hfe of Shake sprare. li loathri binding; publica* tion prii-e 836.00; our price $8.80. LaureiKc Sterne's Compiete V\ ork? --edition de luxe bajckratn binding 12 volumes: prinird on good paper. pubiication price $*hnn, mr prtc* $12.00. _hambei-? EgKyctopaedia of hng li Wiverlv Novels. itluetrated edition "r '" '" ;i yolumea; '? leather binding; pub? lication pnre sonfin. ou, priea $12.00; cloth, pub1if-'?"",ii rt\ret ?4!S'->0. OUl pn. r f.O.J'O. Pobert Loui.*t Stevenson s \\>rk< . ?T,;tinri He IliX*1. * j lagthCt . '*'"'* t olorerl Imnt,Kpie< e : biKkr*.*" sides: pubiication price $40.00 oui aefee ?-' '-?' It4(ickcra> 's \Nork? edition ,u i.ixe, in >rolun*ca; doth; illuatrated; pubiication price $?0.0- 0111 pi"-* $5.28. liugene Sue's Work*?adition dl luxe, bo-itd bi 't laathar, aritli rn' otad frontiapiece: br_clrrani lidtta; pubiication price ?i?nn. oui price s?l;?.00. Or>car \N dde ? Compiete NV ritine* new erlitton poimH in I , V^tVie. ; puhhe,t,oti pt|( r $10 00, mit pi"' $0.00. Worlds Bc?t Poetry ? haprly _ brary edition; '0 volumaa l*etn__4 ia 5; pnn'ed 00 tlun paper m l^ree. iie.n ivpe. illufArated with miored [rontiapiece; M leathet; pubbcation price ,;."a 10; otu price $$.80. Cloth?pubiication ptnr *f 13 op, otj* Vtwc $4.28 !)e |r__g4gga*BjB_B-'a Novel* and ^hott storics - -10 rotntnaa bc*_tid 1"1 '*? hand*) library edition. illuatt^'rrl arith ? eilored frontispiecr. Bttbtkl non price $15.00; our ptnr *t r?0. lord Macaulay's Compiete Work* ?edition <^c luxe; 20 volumea. with photogravure fiontispiccr; publu 4 tion price $60.00; our ptnr Jlo.*-!' Another edition?20 volumes. clottll edition rlc luxe; limited pubiication price $40.80; ?uir prica $0.00. PepyrV lliary and C*.?rre.*.pondenie ? Lord Brayhrookc's edition, 4 vol? umes. *. leather. ilhir*lrate{1; publi cation p<" <* $lh 00, oui ptuc i.i..*?