OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, June 23, 1911, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1911-06-23/ed-1/seq-4/

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Weather Has No Adverse Effect
on Enthusiasm of Crowds
That Jam the Streets.
Sovereign Has to Show Himself
on Balcony to Acknowledge
Acclamations-Princc of
Walcs Also Responds.
ra, cpMa la Tha Ttmmaa 1
london. Juae .2. Tho poUce gsrastaja
mrt,s. whlch had been ao -trongly con
dimned bOfOfOhand. ***** n.lm.r..bl>
,,,d;,v notwtthaanndtag tho myrUda oi
peopie m the atreeta CaaualUee were
happlly few. AU vehlcular trafflc etong
tho ht^o ot iho roy.l routo ,,, ,usVonn.
(<] before ntahtfall g**\ tha crowda hant
Oj, *l?W_ng the illurninations were kept
movlng In two eoawtant stream*.
The drizzling rain had M ?******><*
taei oa the extraordlnary brilliant ?B
,lav of eiectno Aeyleaa The ?hv*pd
!,(l)ld:n,s in tl^e Clty and the Weat Knd
.,nd the central gpACt at the Bank Ol
England abooe wtth BO-nethtai Uhe eota*
radlanee, and the homea of unromantir
commerce aeeaaed tranaformed into falry
Miacea WHhth thla'amall araa were
twenty thooaaiid electrk Ughta. caeting
IntO th" Bky a retJectlon that munt have
haen seen for many mlle* around. On
the Banh af England alone wara Bve
tbouaaad Ughta white ilfhu ahaded by
pink CUpB pred rminated. l.ut there uere
many maKnln>ent devices, priw Ipally
hupe gold laurel wreatha, eontalnlni the
royal monograxn and atmnounted hy
multi-roloreri CTOWna.
Piccadilly Well llluminated.
piecadtUy jweaeflBtad the flnest apec
tarle a_ a ??tre<?t illumlnated in nn? har
monioup deaflgB, but throughout the re
glon where the elubs, hotels and eml.a?
Blea moat abound Innumerabla examplea
of rostiy. etaborate nnd aomathnaa blgh
ly ingenloua lllumlnatlon and decoratlon
nrr< 5-ted attentlon and compellod the ad
miration of the petambulatlng multitude.
One of the grnndeal dlaplaya in the
WOOl Knd -as at l >nr. hepter House, the
hr me of the Ameriran Ambesaador, and
the Purdett-roiitta maiiaion, occupled by
Mr. John Hays Hammond. was alao ef
ferti\ely lighted. Another Mriklnp feat?
ure of the Iilumtaattona waa the liphtini?
of the camparille of Westminster I'athe
N""t I/^ndon only but the whole COUn
try joinfd m the celebratlona Twenty
five hundred bonflrea arere lishted simul
tineously throughoufl the klngdom. The
?tgnal for lightlng the chattl of bonfirrs
waa the r.rin? of a rork"t at ihe Crystal
pahvea, This was .lone by Anthony As
qulth, thv rremier's nir? ->'tBT-old aon.
Hl said:
? i hope tie roehel Bred to-night urtll
not only llfbl the eoronatlon beacona
throughout the land. but will kindle
fresh firefs of love (in.l devotkm to King
and empire In the hearta of every one ot
The peopie by common coueaerl mn
verged In thi evenlng to the front of
!.,)? klngham Palace until tbe throng
ned auch dlmenelona that it was im
;? sibli tomove. Agroupofboyeetruck
up thi ? ? ? . Inatantly the
?s wera taken i p by tbouaanda Bur
roundtng them. \s the alnging ceaaed
cheering again broke forth and, the
aound reaehlng the Interlor of the ralace.
his ma.jesty eame oul ..n lha balcony to
acknowle4lge the apontaneoua trit?*,t*?.
Kmg on the Balcony.
The Klng atood for aeveral mlnutea
wl :-' thr. peopie redoubled thelr cheera
Th" Prlnce of Uai's ; iso appeared at a
wlndow and waved his hand ut thoae as
aambled below. They reaponded by alng
Inp '?Rul" Hrltannia" to Bngland'a sallor
Offi.ial announ'-ement was mndn from
Bnrkineham Palace that thelr majestles
had eaatly urlthstood tha phyalcally try?
Inp ordeal and were bUt Uttle fattKued.
Aft> r luncheon, for which all the mem?
bera of thelr suit.? remalned, th. ir ma
JteiKs 8jj. nt the hours quletly. ln the
evenlng they dlned "en famllle." the only
gueata i"inc: the royal repreeentatlvea
regMlng iti the pauv ?
All the lllumlnatlona were extlngulahed
by order of the pollce aboul midniRht.
and the tlred crowdi retlred early to
ih? r i r'' ea In comi .,ri'-->in wlth the
ptevtoua nlghl the Btreeta are qulet To
morrow's proceaaion arlll i^'sin to form
at >t o'rlork. and the royal pfooggBJOB
rlors not. leav Ku.-kmehJim I'alH.e until
Jl The publlc arlll have ample time and
opportunity <>n the aeven miie route to
aeeure piacaa The poUoe arranajements
are on a atlll more extenaive acale, flfteen
thouaand addltional troopa belng em
pir.-. d along the route. Park campe and
? ks arlll be <aiiy astir. and early
ris*rs wfll wltnaea tnteraotlng mtlltary
<\. t ons a? the men march in revlow
i . r to thi lr all< ?tted Quarti ra
C. P. Taft's Impressions.
fharl's p, Taft. who had a sf;.t arlth
hlf wife and dauahfr t.esi-ie J. T'tonv.rit
Morgan over the BOUth chO-ff. from whlcb
he had a apleadld vlea ef the whole
Boat Races
TuodlT. Juni-27. 1911
Tickets Nov/ on Sale
via West Shore R. R.
legve Now York 10.00 arni
10. W i. ra.i ('!-'->' ff>;i( ho*
uvV. land 11 OOa.m, (parlor
can only). Returninf nft.-r
Coi ? ' ' >V.oht* for
parti ldr<
E J. 0*HAY?R,
f.rn Baat. I
: ?
Nev/ York Thcr.e.
6310 MUdiaon
Brook'yn Vh'nc.
1C7 Jvii...
( trrrmnny ln the Abbey, was greatly im
presaed "It araa one of the greatost
pajreants of ibe world." bo Bflld Bftef
arard 1 nevor j-aw anythinR liko it.
N? otiur eountry. it. my opinion. rould
crotrn a kit'r, arltli auch picat hnprea
sivonoss. To me the Idea cnntinually
domlnant. baek of the ugfajflBjOalf which
arag taklag fhwoo, was thr- waalgf of
WeatraJnaiag Aa-hey, with all its lUaUarlg
recolleetlons, with tha. mon who Iirv?
made nr.-at Brttaan lauawnia burie<i
wlthla Ita wniis, arlth nii that is Majheat
and Ki<at?st ln Pritlsh nohievemont.
Pnder thosr clrcumstancVa the crownins
of tho King. wlth tho or.th ho took and
tho promisos ho mido. was a functlon of
most oxtraordinary and Imprcssiv. char
Prealdeni 'g"r^,,'f, wpraaentatlva, John
Ilays Iian.mon.I. also was Inipi88881] ini
meaaurably wlth th.- caaren-ony. He
aald: "i think there has baan nothlng
like lt in hlatory, so far as majrnlnoenco
la . oncerned. 1 do not bellove that any
ona <-.'in daaciibe it What impressod ma
;.s mueh aa anyUdng was the Bystamatl
zation. Everythlnf aaemeal ta jro iiko
clockWOrk- ne delay. no discomfort,
everythlnf proaritled for.
"1 arent t<> tho Abbey without a tlcket.
I wns lnforni?d *hat a tlcket waa not
nea*?aaary, but I found that othera had
them. U'hen l roi in I mot a frlend
from the l*orelgrn OfBoe, who told me not
tr. wi.ny, bill JU8l Ro on until 1 "vus
Btoppeaj. Whon 1 had almost roached
the throne I araa shown a sent abottl
t\v ntv-five feet away.
'*Th8T8 waa no lovity about tho core
mom, whlch displayed an ovidont op
tlmlam for tho futnra. Thorc was no
queetlon ahout the cordiallty of tho re
(option of tho Kitivi nft>r ho was
crowned. Tho dlaptay of troops was
v.ondorful and Imprrssivo. representlni?
gj they did. tho ontlro empire."
Dinnar Parties Many.
Many dinner partif-s arara pivoii tO
mght, among tho ratertalnera i-cincr tho
Purhess of Marlb. i ugb. formorlv Miss
Conanelo Ynndorhili; Lady Paget, Mrs.
Ronalda, Lady Craven. tho Marchlonrss
of DiifTorin and Mra, WMMtM Astor, all
of whong had Ajnarloan rh'^'*
.1. Pierponl Morgan. who himself was
in tho Abbey, rented two floora cf a laurga
apartmenl building in riccadilly. near
Hvdo Park rornor. v.h.ro ho ontortnlncd
ona hundr.d and fifty frlot.d-. His sls
ter. Mra. Purns, an.l his dauahters and
Fon aetad tho part al boalBaaag and lmst
tn the chlMron of Mrs. Lewls Harcourt
Pr. and Mrs P Fatterwhlte. Mr. and
Mrs. AValtor Purns. Mrs <"*. Cavendlsh
Bentlack, afra John Ford Mr. and Mrs.
W. B. Thouipsnn, Mrs. Willium Praper
and many othors.
Mrs. Almertc Paget, who was Miss
Paullne Whltney. of \*ew York. had a
party nt Whttohall
Mr George nnd Lady C4>oejef enter
tainod fri<*nds on fl stand 1n Ft JnMios
Btrea t. and in other atandg wera Mrs.
RotMii Ooelet Judge Wflllam H. Mooro,
.Mrs K C. Bwlft, Mrs R. Butt. rflold, 1T
T T.eadbetur and Ifra MUlllagton Prak".
Hoto] wit;dows woro OCCUpled by Mrs.
Wllllam p. Leede, Lady Cunard, former
Iy Mlaa P.'irk. of chteagio; Mrs. <;. T,
Brtady, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Morrla,
Mr. and Mrs. floort?.. I? WMeno'-, Colonel
and Mrs. H. Power. Mr and Mrs. Julos
H. Pn'ho, Mr. and Mrs. V K J. Mackay
nnd Mr. and Mrs .1 P. Har.ihnn
Pjocinl Ambass;?dr>r Hammond dlno 1
to-nlafit at his rosldor.co, where I'hnrles
T* Taft called after the coromony. Mr.
Hammond, his suito nnd tho Britlsh at
t.ir-h's will *lew to-morf.w's prooflflBrion
from Btratton Hotiso, whote tho I'rincess
Lr.uiP'. and tho Duohess of Argyll wlll be
h*J Riiosts. Othrr Rtiosts of tho ambassa
dor Includa Lady Kiizai.oth Cust, Mlaa
Kitty ''heftthnm. 'Whitney .'.irpontor.
Mrs. Roberi Chaptn, Mrs. George |)
Dtzon, Everatt Everett. Mr. and Mrs. de
| rr li ae, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Qlbaon,
Mrs. Addlaon Hoad, ^'rs. Mounteney
Jephaon. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Perrln. Miss
pork, of Fnn Franclsc, Roberi F?nds,
Mr. and Mra. W. B. Thompaon, Mr. and
Mrs. Oeorga Poat Whealer, tho Mlaacg
wihorcr, of Clnelnnatl; Major Polta, ?.f
th.- Americaa offlcera at the Olympia,
nnd aeveral offJcera of the T'nitod Btatea
battleahlp Poiaware.
Tli" Qiioon Mothet Alcxandra. tho
Princo?s VlctOlia and tho Kmprop., pnw
nj;.'r >?!' Tlu>s.-i apent th" .lay at Snn
drinfrham. They nttondod coronation
pcrvic-s r't tht parish church and an
ontertalnment given to the workeis on
tha Bandringham aatate.
It wns a proud dny for the British
I !n| T". 1 ut of all 1t:= millions the r.n"
who pcrhaps had the moart rcasr.n t'< ho
proud waa denled by court etlcjvette the
j..y ?>f arltneaalng t)i>. triumphal event
A' Bandringham tho woman who f.>rt\ -
t-ix yeara a*.'" 'his month -.'ave Britain a
King awaltod tho no%vs that her BOn had
tr.ko'. hla place in the long Ilna of Hritivh
The only snioi-f, accident occuiinaj
durlnaj the courae of the day waa that
to Captain Leelle MacCowan, rommanu
inc: th" Canadlan mounted continajent
eacortlng the King i" the Abbey. Ha
waa thrown from his horae and badly in
jv.ru]. )io was taken to aa hcorpttaL
nwinu' to a downpOUT of raln thr* lllu
minatl 'i. or tho nee! at Bplthead "as
pOStponed until Frlday nliilit.
All th" theatrcs In Ix.ndon were clo^rd
to-niuht. _
America's Good Wishes for King
George Expressed.
\\'a?MnrTtr.n, Jua? -2 Prealdeni Taft
.?.??t.t th" followlng eable dlspatcri tn Kina
I ? to-<la\ .
('ii thla anfljptctoua eeeafltea i tak? sm
rfif pleaaure in oxundin^ io roui mai.-''.
eordlal feheitatlona in tha n-An>o ot tbe
propia of iha I'nii.d Btatea and in my own.
and in axpreaaing tha cherlahed li? -1?*> that
undei your jriidinK lafluaoca tl." Brltlah
I?. 'i !,-*,'>n may ftonisi. and preeper i aa
ttira |a?ur majaety -.f rai beal a/iahea for
its'.-ij! aretfare ai d that of your
ty'a ramll) a.m for ti.f. conttnaanca
of th. friendl) relattona axlating between
,. Britalin and tha Unlted ?tatea
\\ th Ambaaaador Bryea and i1"' antlra
?ti Rrabaaa-r staff ati.ndinr, pray r
er ! thanksalvlnif B8rvta*8fl wore held t"
< ohn'fl I":1 -' ?pal < hurch.
a -
f-.\,., n. ?. >. \ ?-> -.1 in thla B4W1 .I.eBSPd
Bhlrj ? . '.. t;.'. in honor of th? rroantaig "f
Kirag Georfe \ Ti.e i.ik Ht.t|>s in th.- Chel
! 1 tl'..- BB081 at undant and
ronsric ... .? aiaplay "f hajartlnf. Thg big
w '? Btar Haer Olymagc, tha Cedra* aad
Cretie, ,,t ti..- aame Ibie; ti" Qaebec ttaef
l dlao; ?'?'? Magrgal. na, ot th.- h... ii
\i : . '.:.;??? a, of tha Anehoi i
and th< Atlenti Tranapotl Iner Minn.
,,,. dreaaed from ganrtaa uniii tir,
? ..... arorn tnunpa ?>: am t.or tn
nd I'.ii! .'i. merc'iantman loflullBf
Bi go al f a 'ith" R-.st
| and Bouth H.'^klv. took out tl..*lr
? ik and i".? lt i'lr.rt. regai Ih of tha
tiipi ; -t ai .1 i ? raln of tha
Londoa l ? ? tn i... ? . ... aakl <r
r!.U mm n!nr' elOttdj and threBtamlng t^.ra-e
iodioa of treopa are . ? tha aaareg
f,- aa thelr t> mpora ? Mve ia h to i iha
up poaltloafl .'iot.r< thfl lin* of tha rearte of
. ? .1 Aa proeeaaiea T tram
,<?:? ?! t .!! rwln.;.
bul tli"..- i- '."t '???. a ?? ? ..iiri.i.M urtle aatn.
L.lt.i of spe-tators fer la>*aaijr*8 aaj-acafl toaa
Brilliant Pageant Cheered by
Thousands as It Traverses
London Streets.
King and Queen Received at
Cathedral with Shouts of Ap
plause?Sixty Thouaand
Troops on Duty.
London. Juna 22 -A drab aky and smart
BbOWera early thlai mornlng. thongh they
iMrrmei ihe freahness of the lavlsh decora
tirnR, could not dull thp enthuslasm <>f the
nu.ltltude, who for nionths had l>een plan
r.ing to make June .2 a red letter day In
their Hvaa
Thoae who think the Ilrltlsher too ceM
|,|ooded to enthuse should have geen hirn
?Coronate" to-day.
Iie ls flt to stand heplde the most ram
paal Ameriran "Fourth of .lulyer" or <;;,lli"
rrlebintor of ;i,e annlveraary <>f the storm
lnK of the Rastlle.
Tba weather was ahont the only thing
that ha.l not been prearranged wlth exact
ness. and It was the one thing llkrly to
mfir or make supremelv giorioua the day
th?u was to ?lve Hrltaln a new klnR.
Kair weather had beea prnmlaed. and
when John Hull lo"ked from his nrttdow
upon leaden skles this mornlng he ex
perleneed a pang of flloappolntnient. but
Ihi*. did not dampen hia Bplrlta to a noticr
Jible f ffert.
i?at<T his stoiid optimism was rewarded,
for B8 the royal ma. ii bearin? Klng <}eor?e
nnd yueen Alary te Wc-.-tmlnster AbbB)
for their crownlng amerged from the yard
of Bucktagham raiar. the clouda gave
way nnd th- sun burst through ln all Us
giory, peranlttlOg what mlght have been
? hedraggled processlon to beoOBM a spec
larle of splendor.
Denee Crowda at Every Point,
After the early mornlng rush of enthusl
asts, malnly of the humbler clapses. and
great numhera of ticket holders BBgar to
?ecare piacen of vaataga from whleh to
Brltneel the royal prooe.-aion b?-fore the ex?
peeted crowds errlved on the s.-ene, ihere
wai some falling off ohservert, and as late
B8 5 o'ciock. when the front gates of Buck?
ingbam Palace were cloged, there WBB Ut?
tle rllfflrulty ln flBOVhlg freely at nny point
letue-m the palace and W ? tminster
Theueeforwaid ihe crowda rapldly in
crcased, and by the tlm- the troops b-gan
tn take up thelr positlons along the llne
Of the processtonal route, at 7;1T> 0 dock,
there were dense massea. at every point.
From Ihe earllesr hours of the mornlng
the Mreets were llned deep wlth peopie
The front rows were made np of those who
).".] r>miained throughaal the nlght in theae
poaltloaa Even at iliwn aome had found
the Vigi! too tryhiR. and elther retlred to
Ihe parks to sleep on the grass or re
quliwd the attentlon of thr amhulanoen.
Roth routes of the processlon were fllled
up l?ng before the troops had found thelr
plaeea The early arrlval of cavalrv, In
brilllanl uniforma, accompanled bv band*.
affoided almost aa Interesting a ahow as
the proceaalon Itse'f, and then eame roval
carriaKea and eoache*. taklng robed ard
uniformed men and dalntllv dressed woman
lo the Abbey for the ceremony.
rnfortunately. threatenlna weather com
pelled most of them to make the trip in
closed carrlajres. whtctl drtracted much
from tbe lpec.taele. whlch. rievertheleas.
waa ln manv of Ita aspects r.tcture?.-<ie The
ridnlty of the Abbey Heelf waa a brilllani
ic?n,. From Hme to time until the King
nnd Queen had pnssed thronjrh th" en
tran^e to be crovrned fhe chureh he!l? rang
the hours. Here troopa had taken up thelr
; osltlons even before the earllest arrlval*
ard formed a auard about the squnre Oa
one side the Horae QuardB, fanitllnr fpur-*
iti London, atood ..t lha beada of thdr
blBCfe chargera. They were llsnk*d bv blue
COetad maiinea and blueja. keis. wlth a
lodv of hu'-sars In front to take charjre of
the ofncel?.?? horsen Bl they arriv-d arlth tlie
royal procecsionp. Ambulance men and
wl ite-aproned nur?e< Mtted aboul read*/ to
ren.ler ald to .-mv in aeed, whlle aome were
dlapatched t" the Abbey, to be >'" band
ahould any of t!;?- dlsUagulehed pereonagea
there requirc thelr s-rU-es.
Arrival of Gueata, Diplomats and Peart.
Soon after 7 o'ciock carrlagea and motor
. rtrn bepnn to erowd tlie envance Admirnl
Counl Togo and Qeneral Count Nogl. the
.lapanese veWans, eame ln the flrst open
earrlage, a royal one, wlth scurlet UveHed
coachman and footman, They awrn aeeem
pan led by Uritish BttaCb-O, and, befeg
recogntaed, were given a hearty wekome.
to whlch they grnvely bowod Then CBBBe
a Btream Of royal oarriag-s brlaglaa tbe
Klng'a gueeta to see him crowned. Mra
John Hays Hammond, wlfe of th- apedal
Anierlca:i Amhassador, Hrlgadler General
Oreely, reprewentina fhe l'nlted Htn'c*
army: Hear Admiral Vneland. repreeant
h_g fhe I nlted BJtataa nav>. and W'iHIim
Karl l>0'l_e. s-cretary to the speclal em
baHKy. were ln tb!* processlon, Whlch ln
clurled re)iresantat|\ rf of>very sta'e
Ti.e amb;i4?,*ilors, amorg whom wa*
Wl Itelaw Held. and the mlnisters .-ame in
thelr oxkti caniagea an.i for two hotjr?
flure was a contlnuous ftow of vehtcle^ ,,f
e\ery color and dealgn. The rojral cr>r
iinL'.-a and dreaa eeaenea were most
pcrReona afT,iir? They were fllled BrttB
peeis in thrlr robe.;, j;ome wcirlng their
c, ronets as the rn-lest way. and others
carrylng tbem In their haada an.i peer
aaaei arttli magnMcenl n br? over marvei
lOUl dressrs. Th<- varlety of color de
Bed deacrlptlon. There were gvertea of
yellOW and gold. blue, bla'k and red,
pnriile nnd green and e\-en whlte trlmni'd
with black. The horses. wlth allver har
ncav thelr manee nnd taiis bed-"ked with
eloths of tbe same eotors as the llvrrles
-it!: tohblng plum-H on ihelr he?ds, made
np a (Bntaatic color picture th- llke of
Whlcb may noi be -een again.
Tbe Lord Ifayor, ln a black and ^old
coach, drawn by ali horse?, araa hnrna
dtately recogniaed nnd given a hearty
cbeer. Then eame Afrtcana In thelr nafive
<!:c?.4, Orteatala in rarl-colored uatfornaa
and th- repre!4ent.itlv^s from the nivrrf.il
domlniona, wearlng court coatumee or nni
forms wlth tbelr order.* 0:1 th.lr irea.'tv
It waa they who re ehed tha BaiBBBBt
?rcMinK as they BBproaebld Ihe Abbey, for
thouBanda >.f tbelr follow coloalata o<-cu
pl-d HfHta >.r gathered alonir Hie route.
Lord Merley, wlth his robe dragglng In
tbe dUBt, made 11 h'inl-d dash from on*
doae Bl lh- Abbei to another, much to tbe
Bmuaemenfl "f ti.aloekera and Iba aged
F.oid Btfatbcana waa an r.h.ie-t ot admtra<
? ion. a*. hecomlnjr hnpatienl WBltlng m fhe
lang Haa of ,-?rria?re?, he alighted an.i
-.-.ilked brlf-kly t?. the Abbev eritrnu.e, etttl
ih taii nnd atatat] tguia deapite tus ataatf
I years.
I 1'arrlaaen . imtlriued to ,ol Bp 10 tha
! Abl^v ln a steady airenm until shorilr
f hf??? r ? o'-iock, th- Hme laed fr,r tbelf
larilval, bul that,. were ;4'?nie late com-r..
wbo arrived alagl] and in giuapa ai
i:,iugh huadreda ><t earrlagaa drepped u*
Igueetaad tbi vi.iey entraaca, bj aa meaBi
i ,n rame bj the read A ur>re aaatlngaafl
S of peers and pe-reaaes . anie dOWa Ihe
1 rlser bv Me;,mer l^veu a lara?r numl>ei
mada llietr way on feet, th- p#-er? with
their oeroaeta Ib theii baadi .""i taetf
robea ln many ca?e? iltafiKlng ln ine du*t
OT I" Ihe mni after tha ahowers fell tn
j,,.Mie caaei thty wera aeeeaapaatad by
Ipaareeaea arltb vella t\\\ng m ihe trkai
\> t'ie BMBniag ?rew, occaslonal beavy
iabrt?'B aweeping Into Ihe aUuda drv"
fc ?,n? only tem
ll.o ppoplo fr< m thelr seat . iIIlVinK nr
,,.rarll>. At laat. ???" ***T_. gleajgg and
rrvad, tha treofat trort dr??n 1)uko of
a tlnal Baapaatlaa made l? anrl itM
N-rfolk. thfl cmmandlMK Pon 0-Oocki
Chlel of Polkc. and ****** JiZe00*M, te
tho tlme aet for tho Brai ' for
l.ave the pniaco, all was ln rea
tha- receptlon at the Abbey- .nf
There waa a 88*81 *??"? ' ro3rh 0f
sound of mu.slc announced tha ?" f
?i.tcii conaisteu .?
the flrst procession. -"I""1 , M AU
the roya, and^^'''''"^^r.crea.lly
.'rove In closed carrlar*'". aaaa.
? BBB-raiBfll from their B8B88 ? ?? pro
g.amme. and the represen.atlveajf tha
...... wore aoeoroea
Letter known coiintiles wpr _
hearty racoptlons. John liaya ******* ;
the American envoy. was ln tha aavanth
carrlage wlth Vlce-Adm"al de Jonnuh -.e .
tha French ropresontatlve. the **?_**
braeht ef If-artaaaiagrg aaai ********
precht of Bavarla. drawn by ?i gI ^ of
baya m the laal i^rrtage ^aS pSSS
,h'rn?;;confdU,procHes.k,on. tae ^jaraof
thi Brltlah royal Uva?"{J
hour later. The Prince nf WaJa^W hlfl
Oarter rohos. 8ee4*m**anledI hla rteter nnd
brothera ln tho i*st cairtajre. Ha recerveo
an enthuslastlc greetlng. "^JM""^
to eajoy areatly. aniUlni *.ni Bflrartagj an
Wava of Chaera for King and Queen.
At KcYi o'clock a royal salute announced
tha .kparture of the King and y.ioen from
the palace. and aa the most gorgenus of
tho pro'-c-slons. the one In whlch naturally
tbo greatfBt intorost lnv. mado lt? way
through tha Ireop-llnad atreeta, whlch
wero baeked by gr"at erOWda in the stands
and afoet, ? arave af cheerlng apraad from
one end of th" rout' to the 8ther. Tho swti
made an attompt t<> broak th-*OUgjh the
elOUda, and partlally 8Ua ceeded. mi that the
paopia arart aMa to gratcfe ibe prngr?sa of
thfl King aithaul tho discomfort that had
rnarred tho earller proceedings.
Following a st.iff oflKcr was the ad
vanco jsuard, a s.-vcreUn's e^cort r.f tho
First Mfe (l-iards. In thoir famillar steel
rreauvtaiBtaa and helicteta with plumaa and
white breechaa. aa tbalr Haek .i.argor*
Tho Kinc's aarga Baaatat and twoi\o
namman. i" oualal t*eetun?a, reealaded
the Flghtsoors that tiioro \<as fl time wh"n
the King travelled hy water whon h?
"want to Westmlnster tO bfl orownrd."
Aldes-de camp lo tho Kine. naval and mlll
tary. and 0*408*8 of tha hea.|n,iiarters 8taff
fcllowed In fhrlr modern UBifeeinS, and tl.on
canie another rpialnt tOUCh whon tho Yoo
nirn of the <,uaxl. "beefeateae*1 as they
ero nl.knamed. walked solomnly hy carry
Ing long stnffs.
A wonderful disp'ay of uniforms pre
ceaSad tho royal coa. h. Afior th" guard
af Itonor Bt*auad tba earrlagea af their
niajohtios and sultos 68888 tha Klng's
Indian orderlles. mountod. !n silkon robea
covared arlth decoiatdooa; thr roiunteer,
regular an-i naval BJe*e-4le-camBe te BeM
rnarahala and generala, feeanea of tha
Ouard, eejuaiilfla and neeaNrary indian atde
aa^-eampa la a rartety of uaJfaxiaa, plct
UraSQIM and hiilliant.
Immediately bol.lnd tho royal coact* Lord
Kitchonor. in a floid Baarahal'a ualferm,
rode boFida the standard. and then camo
tho m.ko of COnnaught, Prlnea Arthur of
fonnaughf. tho l>uko of Took. I'rl.vo I.ouls
of Battenberg, Prtnee Aioxandor ef Teck.
prince chrlatlaa and Pnnca Albert of
F hh swlc-ltol.afoin, all on < harg.-rd.
Shout of Greeting at Abbay.
The. long awalted moniont whon their
majeetlaa arera to looh into the fn-es of
thoir sut'Jorts and tholr BObJecta upon their
Kina and Qtieon had arrived There was a
momon"ary hn;h, hroken onlv hy tho
tnimpoters and the i rash of hr^ss, and
then, as wlth "ne vctce, tiie mtiltlttide ac
<;iaimad tho soverolRns wlth h ro^r 'it
cl.eers that proco.|o,i nnd followed thom
fron. tl.o gatea Of tha palace yard to the
very deorfl of **TeataaJnater Abbey.
FmllltiK and howlnu. Ihelr majo*ties ac
kr.owledKed tho groetlnus. The King wore
a loni: purpla robfl ar.d retvat cap trlmnio.]
wlth ortniri".
The Qoaea mado a boatitlf'.l plciure in
her ro'.*- of ekrth of gcid
The arrival of tho xovorolgns at tha Ab
bay araa Bfociahned by tho rin^;ng <>f tho
hoi:s of ih" Abbey and St Margaret's
Church, tho flrina of a gnn and another
outh'irst ef ebeenng from tbe tl.rong on
.hc ofTI'-i.il Btaada ln Farhamont Square.
At tbe eatrance to the catbedral meir
majeatlea arera recelved by tho Carl Mar
nhal, thf Oiike Of N'orfulk and the gagas
Oeneral Kltcbener, who aaa In command
of tho treopa and 11888 pollce, hurtied here
and i hor.- and wa* everywhere cheered 11
uk? ii great day for Toaamr Athlna. Slxty
ihouaand of tha einplre'a pjeked men iin.'i
the proceafclonal route, and as they Bwung
ji..ti^ *... their aafllgnea] plaeea "iti a cock
f,,ir.. .tri.lo thov wintur a eheer frotn every
apoclator arho had a eheat in him.
There were mounted mon fron. ti.e Quard
regin.ta, arlth tneir gUatanlna 8reaal
platcs wnd wavlng plumea; mounted and
unmounted artlllery, Infantrymen In every
unlform kn..r n to tho utitiB'n army; here
an.l there a group of the ea*er popular blue
ti.-koti. ard fl. attorod alot.^ tho route
.'nlonlal linopa ln thelr workinanliko khakt,
arhlta and to'ored troopa frotn north, aouth,
<n*t aad w...-i. along with reterana from
: Uo pltal and othor namtea for nien
w?io havo foughl Fritain1': arara.
Give Large Space to Pictures?
Character Sketch of King.
I.ondon, .t'tne 23. Kntorprlso unpro. rUn: -
ed ln the hhvtor) ef tho rtrltlsh i.ross marks
to day'" i".a;iea of tho London i.Mrtiin?
newepapera, arhleh, wlth onlv one or twa
axei pti....... are voritabio Ulustrated aeara
papere. Moat ol the laondon dalllea herato
fnre. hava made aaaly tentatlara, and bkH al?
araya auceeaafol, attempta In tho aareetloa
of llluatrating ihe day'a aventa.
*fo-day almeel ell of them appear arlth
numerotis pa^o and half-pag.- pl-tnios of
all tho incMenta eonneeted arlth 'ho ..oro
nation. excellently produeed from photo
grapha or original drawtnga 't> rnaay
caso* tho Illustrations.upv ^roater apaea
than tho lettor preaa.
?Tho l.ally Nearar* prlnts an Int-Mostln?
character flketch of Km.: <;oorgo i.v na
odit.T, arho daacitbafl hlm as en*auflrntly a
sallor and a man <>f the middlo 88888, who
Ime* to be atnonr; hla people.
The Kmg's COmi adeshlp with th? .-..mnion
peoplo. (.H-s tha edifor. Is 004 an etabo*
rate pretenea te rain an end. htit sprlng
frotn B irontllne fellow feeltag and fl do?:r?
to wtn thelr goed arlll, aMhough ho ia fully
ronsr|l!.j? that ho lar-k* his fathor s royal
road to tholr hea.ts
Whll" King Bdward'fl orblt wss the con
tinort of Ku.ope. (leorge V ls tho first King
of Oreatee Hrit-iin Bdarard wag ayharttl. .
<"ienr?.. Btmeat Bpartaa Uward was eea
rnopolltaa; Oaeraja, Bhagaaarly Brltlah. Bd?
arard ?as dlptoaaatle; Oaorga la simple and
dtraa t in thonrht and apeaeh, *ith ne
BUbtlety 0T cunnlnit ln his Intollor-tual ,-nni
po.vition. nis ta..to'. ?eClietleatly all be
l?>ng to tho cnmn.on people. Eaeept for
Bhootlag, he haa faai BBaaftmg paaalona iia
BU 80 Hklnsr for games "f cittnee, but
prefera muaic ?nd tho draaaa in the eM
faahloned forta Wagner horea i.im. tha
rnodera prablea ptay laa raa him eoM. Kmg
.;^<rj{M im not a .lul.able man His frlend
t.tit' b ara faw. bul a*rm
Tho Qi.o^n. p]io. t.k- tha King. haa a
n.ldd'e rU^a aWrletJaaMn Bad a senae of
dutv Rha la altnost tha only avoin.n 18
BOClety ntm c.int.ot be .alla-l "a aotlaiy
a*oman." Perhapa tha 88*811 aaai i>>- laaa
pay thH.i fortneilv. for Ihe Queen flarBflBrfl
knlttlng le tetcaaony. <n.i tba K.ng llhea
H i.o..k better u.mi. i.ri'igo and bai etaBdrea
brltor thaa elth-T.
Dublla, .lune 71 The piln.lpal strortH <>t
puhiin hava aaea aJaaaai imaamahla to
nighi. Oreat eiwarda tdara*ai lha aaeara*
iloai and UlumlajtUaiia aad leeh part in
, th? atroot .el^bratlons BB 888881 <?f tha
i i-o.f.nation
j The Iriah Nallnrallet 8... letia^ prui.*lpal
i |? m^.nt^iB af th? Haa Kala So-ioiy, aa
semblrd oppoalta tha inaiom houae, f*?r a
... paanMratioa ln bahalf of Iriah mdepan
I deaca l'hoia \ .-l? apeachaa lejoclng luat
I liiahmaa aad m?>8aaaa m a*Ja*4aiaa aare
fi latratlag tn. i forta to aa*gay*latg th?
| Auglo An.arlout. i bitratiou tieal/.
Throng at Historic Edifice to
Honor English Sovereigns.
Impressive Chureh Services Are
Preceded by Luncheon Given
by the Pilgrims.
Kncllshmen ln fhl? cltv exptessed th*
hope yeaterday that Hia Majestv Klng
rieorge V nf the l'nlted Kln*dom of Oreat
rtillaln and Ireinnd and of the BHtt-h
Pominions bevond the saaa. Pefender af tho
Falth and Kmpcror of Indla. ?OUM be
pleaaed lo |eHrn -r !ria BBrvtce in tbanks
gtvlag for his ...ronation thdl WOt ho\>,
at I p. m ln Trlnlty I'hnr.-h AM* ****
would request U.rd Knollys. they aald, W
lai before his majeety a leatilpl ?f tb"
coronation lun.heon held bv th- rilKritna
in ihe Lawyere* <'lub at l o*eto_at
The Plljrrlrr* fllled thelr fclasses to the
brlm and rose wlth W. Butler Duncan,
I prealdent of the BOCtety, and wlth him
jdrank a l.umpr-r to tbe health, lOOg Ufe
[and proaperlty of his mn.lestv the Klne
And then ? ti- e more they Blled thelr glaaaea
and dralned tbem tb her crnclons majeety
the <>.i*en. Mr. Puncan aa!d:
Tha nierima express tbe imnr that tba
rieaent frlendlv relat!on? exlatlng between
our two nations whlch tha Prealdent or
the fnlted Btatea 1* at tbi* nioment *o
actlvely andeavorlhg lo aneourage, rnain
ta!n and imnrove. mav couttnue W
: f-'trcn-then. Wo pray that the horror o?
war between our peopie mav be ? thing
of the p;,st. and peace alwaya reign, with
the conndence that thereby th? i.erma
nenev and hies?in. of unlveraal peace
throughout the world may be encouragee
and ultlmatelv prevall.
Britiah Representativea Preaent.
The Itrltlsh <'onsu! rjeneral. I 'ourtcna'.'
Walter Rennett. and the vlce-consuls yren
erai attended ihe loneheon. Among others
preaent were .loseph H. ChOBtB, formerly
Alllbaeaador to Grent Rritaln; Oeorge T,
WIlOOU, Sfeph^n Wllliams. Jullua (lan, I '? '"
?nl Qeneral of Denmark; Btehop Predertch
Courtney, re-tor of st Jamea*a Cbun
AlexaaderC i(umphrey?. wmiam l^eh, fr.,
Bmerson McMtllth, Hamiit-n W. Mable,
the p.ev. pr Wiiiiam t. Itannlng, recfl t
of Trtnitv Chureh; Bradley Martln, Jr.,
Lawrenee r. <";niespie. .ioh B. iiedsc*, John
g MUburn. OeorgB Auatln Iforrlaon, Alton
B. P.irker. Levi F. Morton. Botta Ogden
Wllllam \. Prendergaat Uoyd B. Bander
son. F. runiiffe Owen, Henry B. Tbompeon,
FYedertek T> ITndeTerood, .1 << gehmldlapp,
Porter Clyde Bhannon, R. a C. Bmlth,
tVllllam Curtla Pereoreat, General Thomaa
f? Watson, Walter Scott. folonej Robevt M
Tbompeon, WHNam il Bdwerda, Frederic
V Moore. Frederic Tt I'oudert. 1'tank
Preabrey. Oeorge Wllllam Burlelgh, ti.
H. Bwart 8am.wl W Palrchtld, Com
modore .1 H. Flagler, Bdgar BuU, Oeorge
p Beajamln, J Pinciair Armetrong, H<r
bert r, Brtdgmaa, WltHam B Dowd, WUI
inm PMiowea Morgan, WHUam H. Hoi
lifter. Dr. ('leoriee F. KUM, llerbert Noble,
I H P. Peii, John W, Prcntl?s. Captain
F lf. Pawteiie, i>ederick Bterry, Bda ird
N Tailer. .'harles H Warran. Ixiuis Wii y
and F Btu-ki WIlBamBon. Theee men
were aleo among tbooa to attead Uie aer
vico in Trlnlty.
Whlle Roint: down 'n th- elevator from
the Lawyere* Club to the chureh i^v. P,
Iferton chefted Mr Cheate about bla H-ritt
fall hat "f peari gray Conaul Oeneral
nennett was In the party.
"WeB," *ai.i Mr. fhoate. 'i hare to try
to strike a happy medlum in i hat between
what mlKht he worn bv the Prealdent of
tbe t'n'ted Btatea and the P-ritlsh t'on-ul
Oeneral." Mr, Bennett was in untform.
?<}od ?ave ihe Klng " All th' Wall
.Street dlsirlct heard ?lie chlm-s af Trinity
rinc oul that prayor before tha eeremonlee
began. AdmiaakM wa* by eard until 8:18
o'ciock, wben the doors were thrown open
to the thrones that were cranlng thrlr |m
patlent neeka on the pavements cf Broad?
Tbe orsan ptajTBd I soothlnt: pr.!u.'.e
whlle the few raeaneiea in the pawa were
belng Blled In the prlnclpal pew aai the
Brltlah Conaul Oeneral aith bla atda;
I Major Oeneral F. i? Granl with two aldea;
Admirai i^utze. commandanl >.t the Brook?
lyn navy rard, wlth hi^ alda all In uni
form: alao, Mr. Choate and Mr. Duncan.
in the n-xt pew s.; Mr, Loeb, .t. p. Mor?
gan, jr. Bamuel Pklrchlld, W. H, Edwarda
Qeneral Theodore A. Bingham, Levl P. Mor
ton and Btephea WUilanu Acroaa tl e ai^ie
wc- tbe two liritiah i'lcc-conauui, ln uni
;;;^J "m'uM^nera, Frankaen.ofi.e,-!
n Ihe Fr.n.h COOBUl ?>'?"'?'? "<
B Y T.he Utlng ItaHaa Conaul Oea
iSV? a-' Fl^op.lreerwaaun.bl.
to attfnd the acrvice*.
Impoaing Proceaeion Begine.
Pr.mPtlv al I ***** the fgtMn ro-.m
Zr i-ra on-ned, Bl the aou.hweat eor
of the chureh, and the pro_eaal?n rf
?,,.ir^r ind after him the
piraf eame b crucirer, a_m_-?> ? __
, beartag ti.e nece. The reat of tbe
;:;:;;LMon waa r,n^l in tbe fonowing or
The Itight Bar. a J- K'n?mnn, BWMflB
nV?V;1Rigah.'Rcv Prederlek Conrttey, TBt
tor Chureh of Ht. Jamea. .,?_
nector of tha partab, the Re\. ur.
lam T. Manntng.
Acolytee. \-,nar? the Rev. C. n.
The Rev. E li Vlbhert. "g^fl-ger th.
Btetaon. Ihe "f^Siuter tl* Rev. Milo
,;,, -Mo-'krldga. the Rev <leoISe W. An
thony. the Rev. Dr. LoirndaB.
ggBU Nelso. ifo^aJJ^K
SBTTm1* rV,r)hdio;rVanK.eeek.
vTfiiSB*wWtfi k. Bgry.
S^t*lfflBlF-^ the Be*.
"Wflfc. Df. Al-ander, the Rev. Dr.
The f-ii cholr or Trlnlty wa* aleolii tbe
,.ommn whid, moved down ??<**_?
th_? around and itp tba ceatre abd*.TW
pareni brams of purple and boM taBjnma
K caewieka and robea of th. aamgaawo*
,?, procgton. and from the opposlte end
?f tha ehurck thunderlng aaalody hwned
from the Rreai orggg [? fhe kMfl
ThP iuv. caleb R. Bteteon. rfcar ot the
' m, Mepped te lha ehancel raH aad
"^led tbe verse from the Bfth Fat^
?,1 fr?m the fr,?.v-aeven.hmim the ln .
??For tba i.ord la hlgb. aad te be feniad.
h- te tha great Klng upon ibe eartb.
- s r,ir rnarr EbTJjes
The flrat leeeon, l aun - ? i.
v the Rev. Dr. Parker Morgan?* ?*the
Magnlfleat. wlth thi ??"V^U_fJy
Sunford. wa.Bung. Thla waa<*??***>
jUl? ,?,.??, laBaon, from Roaaana ghl. read
bv Blahop Courtney,
Nexfl cama tha Nunc Dlmlttle, aung lo
, ,,. th;,t WM ..,?,., by Stanford. nnd then
.. ^pcatleaf fl read. read by the Rev. Itr.
Btetaon Whlle tho coogrogatior kneeled
.)f,,,. ,?,, creed a aarlea of reaponaea er
ranged for the occoaion araa proaeunced
i by tha vlcar.
, Beveral prayera followed, end the cholr
laang the homage enthem eempoaed for the
eoronatlon by sir PrederteB Brtdge. it aad
jnot been heard ir thla country b fore. am
ttood and sari=r "Oad Have the Klng."
Dr. Manning's Cloaing Prayer.
! Then Dr. Manntng offered the cleetng
, prayer. in part aa follows:
We beeeech Thee. O Lord our God, thei
aa Thy aervant. Klng Oeorge V of Eng?
land, has this dav been Inveated arlth I t.
.rnsiKiis of imreriai authorlty, ao he may
be endued by Thee witli knowledge an.i
wlsdom and wlth power from on high, and
b? clothed wltn robea of rtghteouenee* and
with a garment of aalvatlon Ma; l
remember that tbe whole world la ?-jhjecr
to tiie power md empire of Chriat our Re
' dpemer and that the eceptre ol Ula klng
dom is a right eceptre, ao thal no tnan
ran re?~n happllv who dlr*cts not all hia
actiona accor-'ltiE to His lawa. through tl
Mme Thy S"n. our I.nrd. who l? the f'rin
of the klncs of tbe eerth. Klusr ct Kinga
and l.oid or Lorda and of whose kingdom
I there ahall be no end. Amen.
(\ T?ord the fountain of a'! gond thjnga
tbe dver of ai! perfectlon, granfl unto Thy
Nervant Qtieen Mary. 'hat by her pjetv
i and good a-orka ahe may adorn the hisr'i
dlanltv which she -as nttalned andI ua
: well the opportunity which Tlx.u haa. given
: her thri-ueb leaua Chriat our Lerd. .Amen.
I o'i ord fiod of our fath*ra, who ln i y
ar^dneaa haal l^d tho peonle of ihe Brltlah
1 Fmnfr* hltherto bv wondro>M -raya; wno
makesl the nationa to mralae Theiv and
???-.t b"m to.ether in the harvls 01
peare; wc beaeech Thee to pour thlne ?bun_
,.',-ii bleaalng on th" dominions over nhbh
' ThoiT hast cr'lled Thy s-ervaur (leefWe to
, be i<ln_. Orrint that one and all. "' v.har.
ever race rr color o:- tonaue, mBy graw
I together wlth heart nnd wlM beneath tbe
Khelter <?' T'v throne, unlted m the honda
' of brotherhood, tn the wa*ra of --lff.re. and
.- and in the one fellitwahlp r?f t i?
fatth ao that th?v may be found i peopfla
aceeptable unto Thee. throusr'i Joy.-.* (BtTiaf
our Lord. Amen.
i The penedic?io:i wa* prenouneed by '?
' on Courtney.
' Tlie I'nlon lack floated on both the N'o-r-h
?nd Baafl rlvera and the anehoraaaa r,f the
' harbor, tha Bouth Brooklyn doefcn and
from many bulldinga and homes ln thfs
' vicin.it v reeterdaj.
Wall Street Brightly Arrayed.
waii Btreefl waa far more brightly ar
? i yeaterday in honor of tbe ceremony
larr*aa the aeaa than it waa when Jolnlng
OECAUSE the paymcnt of in.
*-? terest and prlncipal js
fluaranteed ataaolntel-. rtrat
Morttjage Certiflcatea p?y1ng
AWh ln anounts of $2qq
$500, $1,000 and $5,00o!
You can buy the $200 certlfi.
cates ln lnstalments of $io
per month.
Capital . . $ 4,375,000
Surplus(allearned, 10,625,000
170 B'way, a. Y. 175 Rems?B St.. Bklvm
350 fultoa St.. .jamaict
in tho BoaaeetM eelebratlea of i mt aTaai
Every Amerlcan fh.g that Bew ta*n ^
?teaaory of Ita own Urthdai aai m
ln the breeze again, to abou thafl t.'-afaw
les which attendei Ita birth ad i-enioi*
forgottan, and many a Rrttiafl tunrnt
added Ita gay <oio-s te tba acena, Tb?
r ion Jai k waa moai ? < ?-,
houflea that ewaed allegtaar. lo Fi t ? ,
Klie. but ln some placea the rtgbi x*\
of the anafga Bhowwl, and ?
Scot hung oat tha Caled ,,
yellow Beld,
whlle waii Btreefl Ifl elf eieelled ln ? .
o' ...inr aad 8. ?
t!:e distrb t were not far bel Ind OfU
Bagpolea on either ride oi
itreata almoefl toecnqd at fl - l at oa,
or two atortea abova Um bi at ?> bbi
the fhgs walch hung from them
form n tllumphal anhwa- .
ing. it was whiic many of th.
goera irere stiu on thei ick
... on that tbe i hlnsi - ol "?
r.mg out "Ood I? ? ' and am
few atopped in mnm?ntai
the lasi ao rnda dled BB a
Tbe (oronatlon of Kinc Oeorge ? u abi
I by a dtai er at the H raag
last nlght. The affalr I ? ,
the auggeatl
Frederi k BU n j, managlng ' ??
boti 1. Th" dinner l ' * N?
mer car.iens nnd Ihe < I
;,}, ?r tWO hundred ln fl
aummer gardei
praaided over by WHUa - "i
Brltlah Vlce-Cona d. Tl i I ? - i *
diapateh wa* wafl to Uni H -
?_pritlal n rt* R1 - and row ama.
hled It ' ' '?
Hotel. New Tork, herewli
their alw are i ongral ?' i
esty and Queea Harj on thi
tum daj Hay " '? i ?
yours God aavfl lha I
__? a
[greeting to king and quees
General Soricty of tho CLadMl
Cables Its Congiatnla
Kewport, R t. Jum
of Kin* <;enr_c ? -i i Queen Mary ifl l.?4a
-. . | (fl Offl. Lll ie . ' ??<>*.
1 <-,;,! go. lety of tl ? - ?"???
nlal aeaaton here. D
. al lo-day*i ieaal< n the fofllo
pati n wai forwoi led > ? ? ? ?
Ambaw ador, Whltel
The Oeneral Bo< lel f
cerr.poaed of deaoendanti nf tl I - '
tha Amerlcan Army "f f - ' ?
I havlng as thelr first prealdent i ?? I un
oua WashitiK'"ti. in ^'n-:-' > ? rt -ntunt
i F- itihlr- i at N'ewport, R I . '
1 o? .lune. llUl. sends thro
; Atnb.. ? ' '' ? iri ' -? Jamw
i to their .. aj< Klng Of -??? ui1
thelr a< > sa ? n * the throi '
Klngriom of rireat Brltaln o <> \r* ?
I thi Bmplre ? f ind:., and Join.
s?l hope that thelr relan -
happy end bring the bl< ?aflna ?"' peace Bd
procperlt\- lo th^ great natlon ?? ? i w>"
th. v are called to rnl^ and I fiHlBa
t.i itreagthen the bond of frlendehl?aad
good wlll l?etwecn the two gr<
?reaklng peoplea of the aorld
The naassasre -,ri? signc l ! tVitalew
Y\arren. of Booton, pre?d'len? _-r?r;
\'.i Hir.l Uardlrier. of New forl MOBlBBf
, general.
.\t a dinner tendered to tl a ,;'' erel h ?
; ety hy fhe Bhode IM ' Be
alno to-nieht Preatdenl Oeneral ?
? Warran, of Boaton, acted ai
j To tha toa.'t. "Our Aacient and Brareiil
B*rance," Plerre Lefevre P. ??' -. ee***
i seiior of tha French Emb '?'?. ??
i ?, reaponded Jnatlee Fiancii Kef *w
i dletoa, of New Vork, grandson of tv.? aa
jthor of "Tho Btar-gpangk t
j eponded to the t"ast. ? Th* i\ t ta taw
IN the remarkable short period of three years and hy the accomplishment
of many amazing encrjneerinp feats, the ftfth great transcontinental
rail way was huilt. It is the masterstroke of railwav construction- the
shortest line between Chicago and the Puget Sound. It has opened a vast new
empire to American enterprise ? millions of acres of the richest territory to
the settler, and a new wonderland of scenic grandeur to the tourist.
New Steel Trains Over the New Steel Trail
''The Olympi<m~
"The Columbian"
a- liixtirinii'lv rqnipped as any nodrrn hotel or cluh, are operafc.l daily hefwrrn Chir.t**<\
Milwaugcr, St. Paul, Mtmetpolit. Milcs City, Butte, Missoula, Srattle and Tacoma, makini!
dirrct connrrrions fur l'ortlana "anr uvcr anc *'ictoria.
"The Olympian Icavcs Chicaeo 10:15 P- m., arrives J^attle 8:00 P m , T.uoma (): W
P m , the third day. l h<* Col.imbiarT Icivcs Chirar-o 1000 a m arnvts Srattlc |I:1S
a. m., Tacoma 12:40 p. nv, the third 4-/. The route i, over the nfw ^ trail p| (nc
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Chicago, Milwaukee & puget Sound
.V?r# f,.*#ri aSflf ilrefin/ pa* rtJtrftiAm, from nt?r?t tiiktt ***** SenJ ,?? .? ?.... A ., _.??;.-..'.
' "" '"r '?? *tr*t*J t?kltts ^*W-r?W a* *??? 'rami a?<< a ? ??
W. W. MALL, (lencral Arcnt, 381 Rrogdway, Vw Vork Ci(Vi *-, y
F. A. MILLER. Ccncral Passengtr Agont. CHICAGO

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