OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, July 06, 1911, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1911-07-06/ed-1/seq-2/

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to-night from Eaatern and AtlantfcCoaal
?tatea i oa a dedded falltng off. In tenv
perature durtng tha last twenty-four
hours. Boaton, whtch Bwelterad at 101
jreaterday, found rellef to-day, when the
thermometer roae oulj to M. Portland,
kfi . a*aa twet l cooler than yee
terday, ^i belm tha hlgfceat recorded
to*day Phiiad. ipiii.i and Buffalo, wlth
?4. and Baltlmore and Washtngton wlth
<*v were other Kaatern cltlea whk-h
Bhowed dropg in toinju rature f.-r tha HMt
twenty-four houra.
LiRht ahowera a#ere reported in tha
?pcx r l ka tegton and broughl rellef to
the'paopla of thal aectlon. At other
point.* in tha \\>st the weathei waa falr,
wlth th. thennouu t. r hoverlng above
th.' 16f mnrk. Concordla, kan.. \vas
th* hotteat place to-day, wlth an offlclal
remrd of i<>v Chlcago and Dodga Clty,
Kan. reported 102; Dea Motnea, lowa
gnd Omaha, N' '? W*i itanaaa Clty,
K* kuk and Duluth. 104; Wk hlta, Kan.,
10*. and st Lowla, IS.
Cool Wave Due f:om West.
Tha weather man predlcta a cool wave
from the Weal nol exactlj >? ? "'?1 wave,
b-it a cool wava it i comlng from chl?
!"?'> not, however, revel In tha thought
of crlep, i""! mornlnga and <\*ninii?.
And do nol neglect the maxima of Dr,
Laderle. Waah uud bathe In cool water
t 11 good dot tor. Thla
1k aapet-lally recommended to thofe who
rtd- in Ti,. Bi i ibwaj expreaa tralna
|gta ? tgatn, 1 ? >-a\p. 'Hress
Ugl ? i cool aa poaeible."
Bnt thi rule gg glven haa been K'H
eralb obaerved U waa notlced yeeter
day ? ? . . atora
of dowatown <>?hi ?? bulldtnga they at
on'? removed thel.ita, whlla a coated
ni'in waa a rara alght In a aubway traln,
and "ii tl ? tralna t" Coney laland a man
?_ ? i f"f re?
Tiv haervant of the
iu'.'. II im. ? ? i? ??? i ild thal aome of
them theug t tha rule waa wrltten <.a
peclally foi them.
Encouragement for Lary Folk.
? a ? aa far i* paa*
gtble." In th?-n- anxletj nol to ttans
greaa t: la ru,le many aeemed to p bi -
y..nd th* int*nt of tha K<""1 doetor. The
afllce boy bul why be capl
The i omlng of the cool wave. h '
is a aubjed "f : in H h b real aa
the rult s for l preet n atlon of tha
II haa tne
n nnnt of hopc. Thi real ler
aai n holdl] an ? ool \v ave - ? i I
i?c ? ii th* i oraea
pn. ;. drooplng ?
V ? ? ? bj the \^i>. have tha men of
the 8or le t y I I '
, i I ? ? daya?
Obet rvlng Dr. 1
of Ii: ? ' A
; ng under loada tliat
would Ii too h< ' i tht old dayi
v ni ? ? ' i.r bfute
haa a1 ? i" d i'.' the ? dlng at the
. bj the heat
gnd f a l ii
f?.ii iiar alght a Iwaj haa
I t hava
dropped under the h
Hut x'-.ol wai?
? ? itru< k Pai k i: ? ? ii lo clot k
? Ing, though, when a ther
, level regtaterad
n., , . ? r; otlock Ihe aame ther
. i when
tahall Bulld
and ona houi ter,
the t in]" ia alow !:?
? ? ;, i,. |ng ireee, Park
i bi ra kt a
. ? . n thlrty-three
? ? ???' ,in
aaphalt ' - l ;,ke
; furnaci
Halpad Alona. by Humid.ty.
? along
.... rrom ?"?" to 7<>.
i ? ?
the moat
d -
l through t
? ?
rv, t ralghl raya
of t
.-tiil to ba
: .i matti
i ? .
I at up on
?) Long la
i I ? ihriv
arld and
? of Ncv York
? ? breezi
| t. .,1S ll\\,l\.
but .
>m " that had
?>?.' ? ? .
jvt ? ? refl it choked and
i ? ? 11.
': ?
To-da; ttut
And '
l The
^ ? " it. Elizal" th had
li\ ? i'.? y. Al]
.;? ...-?*" < ? ? aa held In
that choked Wi at< hea?
!? ? But tht cool aa\a la coan ng. Nol
la be too haa! at ?ven oma
>,'? .\ Yoi k wlth ? iddan
changi ? .ndltlona
\ ?? that < 'hi
i mi rn nurse th* I mi ? -?.-, t u-.
untll to-m >i i,v
No i rom mu< )i tho
ertd, but any
Nl deg IH ba wt leomt d.
In 1 i n. I.. u
? ? - ikiln !? and a.
u? po ? ither i ukr men
tlon* d about the ui ihollc in">
iiml ;> ;i at la a dUH 01 li|o.\
at tha aoda There waa m> no
tleeabli i - of th*
atei day
Health Comniissionrr Oives Rules
for Comfort and Hoalth.
Health Conti
thr prew ar anj
t)iA' tha?
great ran : ? ' '
. ?. M'^i ii tha dally ratlon
potn f. and <?? M
(,w/>f? bevet .
entlr*ly. Bot h drlnk I, PPfel tl *
a>aiem, avaa ihough thaj nughl gffpi
mentary retlef Tha beel af ?" "|l^':,
quancara, he added, wei planty ?f ,00'
watar, n<>t ked ta a mgfcl temperature
Bunatroke lalcauecd By aacaaatve haal
and the eonatant drtnklng of alcoholle br ?
eragea, or aven a atngle eseaaa, ia o :
. ? ? m of oontrlbutlni < - - Over
exarilon, excltement, laea of alaep, urorry.
lack <>f ventflatlon or ovareatlng nrp otber
lauaes, accordlng to Ihe HeaHh i^tnrt
ment, whlch advlaea the imaaedlata eunv
moning of a phyafdan arhan a paraon
ahowa si^n* of lronmlnK prostratpd.
w n ii ;? impoaalble to eMaln tha aer
..; onca ol a phyafdan when pomp
ti proatrated iii> oapartaaanl adrteea
the ramoval of the rtettm la n ahady placo
and atratched oul Bal oa his n;?<k. Loooen
all tlghl cloiliinK aad rub hands and fpft
untll dreulatlon la reatored. Path* fa<<*
dj wlth >\/irm watar and BPf*> ?'?r i
Olve i?"t drinka-t^a. euffea, mflk
or w;ii<i
111 caaa of aunatraka, hawevar, cold watar
i. and tha aattenl ahouM be rubbtd
wttb ke,
To Inaure thp health of lnfant* during
[ hoi waatltcr aaarlj all eknhhig ahoui.i be
i-ed. A imiciin allp or gauaa aalrt la
! auffldent. The lialiy ahouM liave onp tub
j bath and BPverol !?n<in*p l.atlis aaeh day.
I if it ha* Fevor aponge avery twa or ttrfei
boura and ptaee cool eral clotha oa Ita
) aad
lafanta aheuld be kept In the <ooiest
?""in in the houaa TIm i" rpa ahouM ba
krpt free frotn rabbfafc and the aun ahould
be avetdcd When taktaj Ibewi out <?^k
adj alda "f the atreei and tha ahade
of )>arks or recreatinn l'lcrx and reofi
They sho';)?i ai?o be parmltted to aleep aa
much a*- poaatbla . n a firm ?>p'i. nol an
faathar pfllowa, Do nol giTe '?eootnlag
aiunmei 1,811 bablea dled In Nea
Vork from intaatlnal trouble, moal of them
? .. \'. i-rc fod Improparlj Many
? ra 11 la aald, i lothe thair bablea ,""
warmly, whereaa an Infanl feala the hpat:
more lhan a groam paraon it la al*" ad. j
rlaed thal ferryboal trlpa ahould ba" taken
frequently, the pura, braclna alr aff tlip
? ttag aa B lordc aftpr the hak?'il ;ii
ol atreata atm tenamenl houaaa
"There la nn Increealng tandency among
aii elaaaaa t.< <ir!nk lee cold awoet drlnka,"
aald l" Lederle. "l cannoi be loo era
Iphatlc :;. warning peraona agelnal the evlL
afferta of thia haWt. Such <i; - l
i" t?f ahilnnrd, ;is ahould the un ol alco?
hoHe drlnka
\\ here quantltlea of eool watei .<?? taken
Ihe bodj la pret'i">>; f r i omlna
Ihrough ' peraplratlon. Run
la moal llkely t" occur i.ptwirn Ihe
a m and i p m. if a fppilns.
"f dhudneea ead . - i or aa
ilon occura lo b pereon expoaed to the aun
? ? s ;i Bbad]
and applj 'I \\atei lo
? I
Both Houses Lack Quorum at Al
bany?Cullen Bills Passed.
? legrai l " un< i
iny, Julj "? Peu Ii i
i return ta Alban: lo attend I
?. "f the Benate Rnd A*-s? mi..
Both bouaea lacli< i .| loruui . and
m thi Ii ealandara,
aalde aii bllls to ain.-ii thera ";i
? \ uia objai led t" in
?.niii to-taorrow, ii i
:. a ii be fewar BV natora
i thal ilra* than lo-nlgbt. i
? '? - ? Importanl i ? pui
g thal
mlni r * ? wlll be mai l -
the Benati weri
? ? Cullen, draftad by Docg
?it Tomklna and havlng ihp ap
\.-w iTora ? ?
llen i splalned lhai Ihey proi i.: ? i
? ?? tha Improvemenl <.f i ?
from proparty In the \i<inity of ih<
ind In Brooklj n. Thi -? \. i
lo tak.<>f the in
lipplng and thadi rpand fnr Inrppr
i >n? btll provtdea for ' he Inco
? fn Igl ? ?? >.al roi 'd i.,o
? itea to :hi> recdpf, dellvery and
?' fr-'-ielit
r., t i? Bulll gn an I
t ftrat objacted 1 I .? : .ipr
? ? - iked to be
n the vote.
? ?
? . "wlll j.f ? tn | ? .
i !>'h can do
Ii c undai thi ? i , | ? r ;n an In
?. ? .
nol "niy to Kew Yora
Bi iu :.: Ita led to i
groui t the;
athlng ? wlth thp |f< i 'lellan \.
? '
- ira.'k-- 1r
teaue and othi n the
x 1 ??: /< ' :t j .
? la rolghl j it a wi go over,"
? ??!..?? affi -
be Mcl 'lellan Walker blll
Ihlnga looli
a ? ii i m't be pe i . thla
Iker blll
: Doel ??"?.,
? ?? Ing t" d i wlth ' la i ,
tlon. Bei ?? M Iflanua Introduced In the
? ? ? Mll a hii i
bj Mayoi Oaj noi. a ho I
Thi practlca of Tanuaan tgli .ioi>. toI
Interfen wlth tha diatrlcta of upatate R*.
gailn ahow n i.|ght, a ? n
itroduced /.
\ ? ? ? ?? ?.? ? ,- |n< '
itlon ? oi . -i nlng thi i ???? i ?.r the |
>mi inj - . ? .\i
'??.] ;<> Introduce ?i blll "to
Inoorporata the elty at H'aterford, whlch
la In genatoi Braakatt'a dlatrlct He wlth
drea H when objeetlon w.is aaade berauaa
of the ?:.-??n<''- of th ? Baratoaja rnembar,
, bul daclared thal he would Introduce ii to
In 1 ? ? '?' i . ol .'??>'.> ?? ork.
i hiced ' ? -v, ral blll* aate< tmg ihe
I. W ?? ? in a Ibanj
..i..? of a )i!< h haa i..-.:i r- ;?
<"?! the veto "f tin- Ifayor t?f Col.
ii. ? .mi- t?\ reaalutlon of Benati r
. < pu! oi er untll aaai Tueadaj
- - mblj
All uigna polnl !?> i ' tlip
at ]i aal la Julj II ?? ...
?? ? ? maj be taken untll fall In
<>f aetlon by the L'nlted
?? hlCh WOUld |? rnill ;?
porl i in. ? In 1 'it.w t-trit*"-.
Onc Dcath and 16 Prostvationfi?113 at
Junction City. Kan.
1. naai ( 11 ? . Mo .lui; .'. > >n.- paraon
? ||)ad and atxtaea a m praati ati
II ..f i?i degreeii of haal In Ki i
? i !i.a Ii the IhkIi mara foi 11m
.m Ovrrland Park, ??n nui""- Bouthweel "f
two lm hi - of r.iin f>-li ind n hlgh
v.in" plaj'ed in ... wlth mall buildlruja andi
Sea h"' ? 11 ' the year were
in fne s..niiiw. -> i la
nlghl a forecaai <?( ihundei howi i ?
? ha '"? -i i \\ ? .i i hi hui eau
Al Junction tllj uaualh Ih* hotteal rlty
i i . - i he " ? i ? ui i llmhad In t i :<, lha
? ?? ? ;. u-;i . r.u ii* arere
. i.lai ?
Tlw hlKheal i i ? . ... i- .1 11 itn
fmm Mu -k.'.', p h i.^
< h. ? n? . s i.. ?. i|
? li .. .i.i.i Julj I A iiik<" braeae tiii?
afternoon rauaed il>e mercurj to drop aav?
i i .i: ?:. . ? ? .? i,..) :?; de<
? ? ? ? i;>.ii au and laa .i tha
: ? ? t !< ?. ? i iii. hlgb -' mai M
? .i - ? ? ?., ra
? t.-.| |n thi bi a1 \ i mnbei of pi u
11 ..ii?.ii ? \>. i i?.| orted S'-'.entj
i ui om n <ii" ii a qimi
paoi .ii" u ii- me il dwaiii
t nriag) "! ici la caubtng '"'?' '? auaTarlng
and dVc "!ni"iu
Tribune's Towns & Cities Contest
??0uT.n $15,000 inJWs
July 6.
My answera to the Towns and Cities Conter,t Pictures of
this date and number are:
P. 0. Address.
caataataata bi th* Tewee aad CKIaa Cantaai moal wrlta thtir ?????" ?">??
?? cot,,'.?.? Whlck W.tl arrear on Paga I af Th* Trlbun* every da,tdUflag th.
eotataatLtel af prlsaa and rutoa governlng tha contaal appaar wlth
j..... Hghtl! aad aa .I aa poeatble _ #
.\M,',i phyati 'i i aerclaa i - far aa p aa
???,"?r,,i? rOOD AND DB1NK.
%?^Z?*?TMnU*n6*lcoto* beveragaa aad t- .ad roffra m
M ',: . paringly of nab. frulta. aad vegetabli ?? claan adlk aad butter
,,,,lk A oM |ch 1 ' ' raeta. M. it, i mora than oaee a da
w .., :?., .,,?* in cool aratri al leael I. tak* aall watar batha
<or*am i -.--ii i"
Take no medlrlne aaeepl on the ad Ice of ? phyelelari
,B nM 0f proatratlon, aend al ?nce for a ;?> rtdan _^^^
Knr-r. UM. gfty-tare fWWB aM, X* ***
gait r.M atieeti 'ii..i in BeMevae Haa
H?h..m BrMget. aeveMj tur raara <?<<?.
v?. M Bwatala ^'?""?'' rUeeklyai hhIcK
cii r.\ liiniii'.
I*. .,nr ir;.r aM. Ka. -'"?
( bufterfa ii k.
w.m 864 Ii
,11. ,1 In fr.Mil ?t
i ?i uni <''?? atreet.
,i;; ,|,if,| .n,,M... i;r....UI;n: elftefcea ..I
iir. oit...-"?'?'? ?????**
aaik Btereti M la ? eeatlea NaegMal.
(,,..k- hUchart Bfty-ara >*>?'* ?????? N?>
,.? pori aveaae. BMaabetb, V ?> ??""" k'
,ii Bi Imiiir.
,..?i/. Heary, aHtyata reara ",l1 ** ??]
\,?.,n,i.i.n aT?r?ei erereeaae la fataatal
v, im nyeal ni etreeti atrtfkea '"?(,ir,>
M?.?i,,,i Btteatlea raaM reeek Waa.
(?,?i,\ Marsaret, -V'"'"-' reara aM, ?*
cit Aveaae Aj alrh '','" "' ll"""'
Uiady, Blchard, Ihlrly-elgW yaara aM, Be.
?i,i, >,., ,.n.i Bvewaai rtrli haa al haaae.
Graaalirh. Mra. Harv. Ihlrtl aaxM reara
0i,, n, aaa i ?>-< "!M|' atreet, ***
? ?nx. v;? h,ri.k... in a .rii In the
Uerrlaaala ati." fhaeged aflth lataa
katloa bj her laaaaaad, lantre*
... . , .,,,. ?,t rean aM. Ka. to:;
,..,. ?"? wreet. Breeklyai atriehea at
..... -,, . rigtil aaeataa aM, Ka IM
),,.-. etreet. BreeMjrai atrtrkea al I..<??
Berhanaa, Maraaret, aa lafaa*. al I "???
pf !?,. \ J.; Btrlrkea at haaae
fjadir] Gearge, gfly-twe r*ara aM, S: 5M
Kwrren atn Jeraej CMgj alelrkea al
ii.ii.i-. Wllllaaa, *I*1J ";,'? reara "1'1 v"
lw PeKatb imwi Breaklywi atrlekea
?ii Im.'
H.rln 1. I?.' ?:? BftJ ?***? 'rir* "" "'
Mrn.r nn.l ? r.-rtn....'. -In-tv .1. r-?
, ,U .In. i PD Bi li?"ii''
Man.i.n. Jeha I.. ri?U reara aM. Ka MJ
tlrrllc BTeaaie. Breeklyai Mricfeaa Bi
Jordan. Marxaret. tea n.'-nii- bM. Na ??
Kaal 15th atrert: BtHekea al awaae.
,. iiBuader. thlrty-tw. rmn tU,
. | ? .mi.ni dwiii:*: Btrlrfcea al
Kuri. arilllaan ?' ? ??atJ ?*? ***** "M N"
1U r.faene aveawe. Br^Mrat avetcafaa
?? f,,,.! ,f v... I MaalMtpa atraati iM
latea la Baaatwh k HaaaHal.
a>|wHakl. lMrry-eta*1 r?ara aM. ?f Baaawl
, r,.,t ?!?..! kveanM I . Kawark. B". #.i
itrtrkea la the W'avetlj rrebrhl rarda,
Irimmii Jaaaph, ol BUwt l*ke, B. J.l
rnllapaad "? OxoVa Bttaet, Bearaiki
,,,i',:, io the I Mi Haaaatal, a/heaa he
,??,,. Hrnrj Ihlrtj r*?" aM, Ka. BIB
rBllaadM aveaaa, Jaraef fltj Hrtahta;
?..rr. i.iiv Bi I'th -?'?'?'?| 1"?1 l,"r'1 :'1"'
mHM ,;;..,i Ib BaNai ?'?
,.? u... ratbarhw, rarty-elghl "-.ir. aM.
v(, "Vil Vn-lrnliiMi :.\iniir; BVtliaMia
., i,,., hanM ?"'i 'i"'1* ,""'r '" **-i?,,lnK
l?a HalxMa iBeeaatal
ajaraaay. Nargaret, niiant. ..( niaaaatli,
N ,| ; .irl.-Ut-n Bl li.im*.
MrLaaahUa, Jaaaea Sftj "iir- aM. Ba.
"?, fnFBt SOth atraati aaea la Ftawat
M, \ ,:i-,. ratrtrk, niii^tr-n hmi. aM, Ka,
"i! Weal :,st'i ateerti avereaaaa at hh
baaaa an'i ?Im?i ?? ?'"? ?>?"?'' B?aaaMal
Miii.T. oeHrndB faar ataailH ..la. v<>. i.ss
\:i??au aveaae. Beaaklyai atftrkaa al
IXaiilaarT. Miramt. k'^ aaaaitba bM. K?.
;,ih W?*t BM atrarti atrlekaa ?i baane
... ?.i;. I.nrs. iif!.-m.. ?.,in- ?' Ka
n?<? Jiirk avaaae. Hoaefcea, K. i .
?u-i. | pb iit haaae
Papta, aaha. lara yaara aM, Ka HM1 Eaal
I imli -iK-rt; ?tri. I - ? :i: liom^.
Parlaa, Thaaaaa, Bl?ty-tkraB yaara aM, Ka.
^! gevealh avaamai Btrtrfcea al haaae
Qalgley, **?, i""i raata aMi iaM ai Ka,
iaa >t?rri? kirfft. Javarj Ctlj i ?;ri. haa al
in.iir.i". Jacah. aagra fartj >r:,i? ,.i.i. Ka.
M itlwr atreet, Niwurk, >. .1 . atrtrkaa
In |be 1 n Haapttal.
BaaiMaalibr Baaeat, gfty-tkree reara aM,
>? BI Bawera ataaat, JeHej < n> i Btrb u
ni i,. haaae.
IrbwattB, tkarlea. aa haaaai aeewarae al
imli -trr.i iimi Iveawe ^. ileal la it.iir
IM Baapttal.
IrMt, Annlr. hreatj aae, aexra, #IH in
r,,,Mi <f N? vr. \?r.i imii atraat.
akifhaa NaaaVa, a palrataaaa atlaelwd t"
Ike Maedaagal ilreel ?in:i"n, Ka. IM
rriarc -'i.tt; MaraaaaB ??' hia haaae mni
nicit in M, x haeaat'a HaaattaL
Ballreaa, Patrtrti f.>r" ii1' reata aM, Ka.
s! ?!iiini; atreet', SrAiirU. X. -I .i atrtrkaa
ni ii. ii"
\iu!l |li< i.iii- I! fnrlf -arvrn if?r< iil.l.
\? nn iniiniii atraat, aWBaaaaB, n i
klrirbra la a i>ii?ii al areada betaaea
ll.n.r iiml I Bhf llapatl uiik
/.d.iii.ii. Jaka. Rftj Ihrar raara iM, Ka. MI
\\ r?i BBtti airrrt; <li?".| in l i.nw ll ..
I'aMWMKaM maa abaat nn> raara aMi
,,<,r<.mi.' i" ii-ni a inii ataaat ami
'I lijnl .ixniii . .In.! :,lrr In Rellrvar
Haaplt '?
i nifirnt:n -.I Btaa, ?i?i? iHr irara bMi
araeraanr aa ni'im n\r"ur mr ni n.itrr^
, b?* bM Klrrltna I'larr, Hroakua:
,iii-.| al s'?.'li?ii Ifaaaatal
| nl l.nt itl''I u.iinin .ilinii" HiIrM ?r?ni
?,.?.i> .iiii aaa avarrmnMi la thr baaaa ..f
\|r?. I. BarkM. N" tmi l mi, rli. h mr
nnr. l-i..i.' ... i N .1 .,n<| illril llirrf
? iiinii. aiterwanl.
Whole Section Swcltcr.i, Except
Rhorle laland?78 at Ncwport.
Bi iton, Julj ."? There were elghteen
deithi due dlrecl lo ihe iir.-u wlthln the
Hmlta i ? Boa on i day and alxti
?la caaea of proatratlon In Nea Knglaml
and lowna outaldi of Roeton thlrtj
nin? ii.'Mtiis ?... . ... ?. !, maklng a total
Itng Boaton of flftj aeven up to mht
On ;" ounl "t the Intense heal Adlngl
Mayoi rolllna ^;u>. ordera to alloa people
i on 1 " i 'ommon
At thi Weather Bureau the
? ,nrn k r< a. hed bj tiic i .
? irlj ptght deareea lowei than yeeter
Ini aai wlnd helped ta da thi i
?: .iii.i Northei n New
England were swelterlng Newporl and
other pl i ? ?? i'i Rhodi laland rad rotn?
0 ? \" v.- ithi i Thi hlghi i i...iiu
t lia ii,. i- urj .it Newpo I a
? ? ?
Hrockt"'i. Maaa., Julj " One rteath dl
?. i;?. due i" i,r.I' and aboul ? do* i
tratiom ?? ?? reportad In this rltj io?day.
Thi iPinperature ro | i ? ina
employlng nearlj oni
hands, clo I ounl of
the heat. Clty I i I i '.< this
Julj ' The haal
ed three vlctlma In the yictni!
i lo-di ?...,. numeroua
i hr i .ni || y mai k
: Julj ." - itde by
p ii ii and Ifathea l>aly, both
? ?ii and i"loa< ti i. nda
.;? ..! indi . ?! ii.. i'i i ii. . ;? ? .
idi ? i. i ? ? i ??. i. ?
erda aftei noon they lefl thair
,..'i. i from the oppi?
. ?
? '. Cnstil uti d .i >? ii ? h and
II ... v -- Jul .'. u hlle .1 ||<
engaged In pr**
? r | rlal to-day, he diopped
dead from hearl
? ? il \in -<- . Jul ? l Bllsha L
pi, iideni of tho Applaton Nation il I
iit. .1 to-da; fi oni thi ? II of 1
ti.- nd - a' Bhetburne Pall i.
\'> mai i anol hei I._ itlzi n,
f thi .? ? . a hara to da:,
Temperature of 116 Dpgrecs
Oanaei Three Deaths.
\ N . .' ilj 5 a tampei
??? iched 116 hi i ta daj . aused thre*
Ri \ I.... ?. .. , - ' nion
ovan "i ?
? .!>? trjini '" remove hla
i.i: i ipplad "v? r ?r..i <i|p.l. John N
Bcardi Qenoa, whlla hoe
g ii gard . .i aunatroke *mi
? ? ",. dlcal
of 1 ?
acroaa tlie
? and nuffered
\ itroki ? hal rasultad In hla death
11 ' '? Thi offli lal n ?
pllmbi .i ? . '"> m l "'. loi k to-daj. al* de
? than the n i eakti i m irk
rdaj. Foui deatha and aeveral
? ? lha haat ware raported
ddiI he ? nuth arhli ti areni
? ? .i-????,? , afi
I BOm* i ? I ? t
' I ' 1 " ;,?-.. | ..... ? ;, , |
i' ? ? ? \ ndarki experted l
ng mi ...
'???;? ... ? ? ? .
. ' e at Tli
? n, \ 1 . lulj \t thla apot,
tl.' 1 ? dUI m*
wlntPi ? ? thei mom tei rea hed la] ? !?
I n ' .. ? i i i,i^' |a ,(,,.
I dftii da i of.rd breaklhg he <t H .
i almoi I au i ? nd< d, v< getntlon
i i> wlll be - ? .? ?
? .
? ? ctad . n v.
? ? here ??? ?! i-. .ii t": 11
a! l p. m \ - ?? in the
Two aged
? n lled from i < :.t pi ,-f> at(< n
I r ? ? K. T.. Jul
ffl <? Ug uliat
rmiwdeed b the hot|a t daj la foAgh
? ? *i? * I i ut n.it untll than ha '<
i.. ? ,i oni- d< ai ' and proetrailoni
fi' m tK ? > heal Before thi
? ? itur. iha atreei *< .1 -
i;.. i- lul i. ? Igheal
heal racord nced degrea tiii*
. ? foui dlffi reni llm<
? lh< M'oather Rurea ? ?
laten I Tnla ti mpei atun ? 1 - rai 01 d< d
ind 30 " 11". k. and at i; 1
? 1 ghtij iii.io. tha potni
prevln ? ? ? ..'. :.. u lo nlghl
the lemperatun wai M and ?< .1 breexe
runa ?p
11.. n hai a !?< ? n heal 1 1 ? >iihii->m- In ihe ?
1.1. l,ul no death Knur deatli 1
Ituil .. rurred lieri yeaterda in attrlbuted
in ina ealreme Jieal and Ihera *hav? been
ml > 1 ..f di .ihi- in Ihe \ icinity >>(
from thla ea
|n ni t '.i? "i"i nll g, ii numhei I
of . ? 1 ir 1. i..i m \s ill ?iat t Iheli in. 11 |n work '
;ii 1 i. rliM-k :n lh< umi nlna, ? ? ?? ane Ihi
rxtremi bral of the aftn noon (mona '
thi ? an 11.nt 1 ii- i.n* ? ho m<- dnlng
the work on Rocheatar'a af* Ea|?oaltloii
Owing to Heat and Drouth It
Gains Nearly 5 Cents.
Wheat Rises in Sympathy in
WiJd Market, Following
the Holiday.
fhlrago. July 5.-There ?a? ? aUdBra
market to-day In eorn and oats KOatand
drouth BPtit prlcea far abOVe any level pra
Vtoualy reached thi* araaon. Cloalng Bg"
nrp? WOfe *tronu al nearlv Hip teg paW
nf thp day, wlth eorn up <'* to He ,r"ta
rpt, ?a?a at an edraace "t 1*4 to Pd centa
and whpat ahewtng a ?uln of ??? eautt to
is to 1*4 ceata Ptotiatona rariad from
I cenu' dedlna to a greater <-.>-i of U
Alarmlng meaaagea from the Boufhweei
atart'ii com aa tha upward rueh Okia
homi and Toxa* reported CTOpg burnad to
drath tn the efggnug heal of tha last faw
o, . goutharn Kanaaa toad of temper
aliup a:i high a< IM and BJO promlae "' ra I
01 i ix l.<r weather,
DamaKP Bawa canip also from Iflaaourl,
bu1 11 waa fpnr aa ta tha proepecl of harm
apraadlag wldety on both aldea vt lha
Mis.. wippl Uiat eauaad tha greataal eadti ?
menl Trade all day ??< Immaaae m
rolume. s-> greal Indeed thal proBl tahlng
Oa .i huge acale appearad to be loet alghl
or In the atampede of aaw t"^ inr
inip omlnoua rpasim waa that eaah drai
rra reported ao offariaga of eofn from '1|"
country. During tha day tha Beptember
optlon ranged from 8tM to '''"? ctntt '""
at tha cieelag gong waa 1*4 eanta net
hlgher at ??** cpnti?.
Iu tha "at- erowd dealera wara agltated
to an pxtpnt eektoui wltnaaaai Accordlng
to one leadlng pxppm. atgna Indleated a
erop of 800,000,099 buahda laea than laal
j.#tri ,.,,;.< laafdea tha condltlon ,,f llM>'
l it ,,t m i agalnal 8M for tha ?
Bpondtng tinip twetve montha baeh Tha
rondltkm pprrpntaxp oa o.its ?n< eetl
mated al 87.1 compared wlth 17.1
ni'ini h,
por the moal parl t,'*, rtee ol
wheal markpt reaulted from aympatnj
wlth u>p big advanea of eorn and oata
\n importanl faetor, howaver, ?aa ''"'
Idi i thal North Dakota no longer had a
rdny outlnok. Then waraalao unfavornbie
rrop reporta from Pruaela, Bouthweal Bue
ai ,ni.i in Rlherla. Taklng the daj i
ahole rieptember fluetiiated balween K li
and 8l\ centa, rloaing ataadj al ''i1. lo 81H
renta i nel K*ln of 1% m i'?- r '
IJheral exporta -uamined hog pronucta
In the face of a blg Incraaae In the world
atipph "f lard. W hi n I a pll waa cleared
ohe "i two futurea eahlblted an ndvanre "f
? . is renta bul otherwlae the market
? Bubatantlal rhanga
Pollowlnaj the lead of Phleago i'^
markata here were wlldlj exdted and
prlcea of eorn, wheal and oata advanced
aharply. Tha greataal exdtemant waa in
eorn, whlch Immedlataly aftar the openlng
. ,i from 3 ?" * eanta a buehel above
Baturday'a rloaing ftgurea "t. reporta of
Ive l ? .u and drouth In the W ? M
, i*i.. daj hoflda) W heal ad
.1 from i to lli eanta a bua
?--. mpathv wlth mi n, a lille onta galned I i
i f. j', renta .i huahel on reporta that the
pi ,|, waa . iiffi rlng heat llj from lack of
molal ure.
Prlcea eaged ofl ahoul a renl a huahel
around noon on cooler weathar In tho
ui agaln advan< ed In the later
i adlnfi ' 'orn i loe< >i al a ni I ad ance of
? . j . mi n, w hlle wl eal ? loaed 'k to
ind oata al 1*4 to ! eanta ;
tl .iu on Baturda]
flainfall of 5.65 Inches ? Great
Damage in Connecticut Valley.
Kpringfleld, Maaa., Julj ?"?. -? 'no nf the
moal terrlflc thunderatorm haa
been knoa n for manj reara I ted a
i nrtlon of the ?fonnactlcul \ alla late
Ughtnihg, raln, hall and ?Irrd
rnmblned to do greal damage. Rallroad
Unaa pere tled up, telephona aar^ l< 6 p ir
alj aed, roada rendi red Imp laaahle and
houai a unro fi I
Holyoki xuffered the greataal damai
,\i .n| i" thi WTeather Bureau Bg
? |, ? , ? ? ? . ,f ."> ?;.". h
in that rltj v bad aaghout on th?
,it' th?- Boaton * Ifalne Rallroad |ua1
iior-h "f H..|\"k?' tiiMl up trafftc, and
that <'i' a a i ? "iaf.il in go fg
phunp - immunicatlon wai ??? i ? A tm
in V/llbraham the old Congregatlonal
, htu aa ati ick bj llghtnlng and da
,i bj the n aultlng fln The a Ind
over Innumi rable n??? : and wracked
ai w. Btfleld an enthnj gro^
bi ia d Bai and houaaa
ii iome hall Ii parl of thp
ati rm dlatrlet. bul preaanl ?? porta lndt>
, ...... thal Hi- tebai ro dlatrlrta of Suf?
? ,| .,n,i hlatfjdd aaeaped 11 and thal
tli, ti- w iu he no damage i" th crop.
The Cathollc i Ihurch of i hir Lady of
Hop< Ii Bpi Ingrl i I waa atruck b:
llghtnlng:, bul a aa not badlj dam ?
in w.Ht Bprtngfleld lha noted
VVhlte rhurch," one of tha landmarka ol
thi Connoctlcul Valley, waa alao itf\uck.
bul th" flremen were able to ronflne the
hlaxi t" the ateeple, and the atrueture
waa v;i\ ad.
i :hlcopee had oi e houae deati "? ed by
flre due t?> llghtnlng, and anothi r houae
waa wrecked by the wlnd.
Thirty^four Prostrations Reported from
Various Parts of State.
S( w Haven, July Electrical
and roollng breexaa broughl rell- f to many
narta i I lb? Btate lo-day, bul n.'i untll tha
iirjit had rauaed hwe daafha and ihlrty
ft.ur prostrmtlona.
T\v> deatha '!'.'? dlrectl; ta I a heat, ai ?
In whlch heal la beUeaad to hava been tha
Indlreci eauae and oaa proatratlona, \'h!"h
atay |.io\ ? fa'a'. were reported from a ajui
i . tate to-day.
\- Brl tol Mn Ifai tln ? A Vull ., h sp\
, ii- oni yeare old, dled from tha heat, and
Ifra. Joaeph Dtrneo and hei three-yaar-old
nv Tha mothar *ni ra
,.. . . bul i e el Ud > In ? pn eartoui i on
Ai Pt'illtmantlc the tbn ? ye ?r-old d
: Adolph Dallanl dled Al IVaterbury
.i youag man, unbalanced
I,., the heat, II la bellevad, threw hlmaal
Intn a mlllpond and droa nad<
Tha tharmomatar offldally ranged from
:., ta 88, whlle unofflclally on the atreeta N
i.iiii'd M To-nlgl l there waa a drop <>f
. ; degreea Teapparaturea ranglna
r om v" to i". di ? ? ? rapartad frowi
\,irl"in< pointa af lha aiale.
Seven Deaths from the Heat and 17
Prostrations Ycatcrday.
,ii %, - * A Bouthnji terlj
breese lirougbl a allghl rellef to aweltering
PtttalniiK '?? i"?-l l .ill|r Ih.- "fhrl.il ii., ?
mometei bad readatereu M degreea, from
I I.. . p ni w hlle lhare wara Indk atlei
of ihunderahowera during tha nlght, the
? . ... her bui eau repoi led no bi .-.ik n, ih,
wtiim vM-athr f.ii lo-morroa
Triere were 1 deatha from the heal ind
it proatratlona to-day, maklag i lota ??'
ll ? .ni i ti proeiratl na iliii ?? ihe hoi
?????-ii i - aai I'.'xi i'i Idaj
Kingaton, N T . in|v I A rloli ni
trl?al Btorra opened an aeeapc thla aftei
gooa f"' Ihe ia>n -r auparheatad huuiki
.in ? .i ha ? "i-'P'i auffi i ing ii>..
\Vlthln an hour Ihe temperatun aaa i.
dut ? 'i from o* d< grei io i?.
hot m kiils m
Twenty-nine Dead in Philadel
phia, 37 in Chicago.
Omaha Reports Rainstorm, with
Lower Temperature, To Be
Sweeping Eastward.
Th.' heal wxva cootlnued throughout a
large aactlon or th* oumny yeatarday, hi
many plaeea m.ikiris: n*w hlgh lemperatuM
racorda Th* fataHtlea axaaadad thoM f<t
tha precedlng daya <<( tha eacaadlngly hot
wP. ii. Dir <!..atiis rtianlng up lato th*
acoraa. Hundreda of caaaa of aroatratlOB
?rara reported, thaaa repraaaatlng but a
smaii parcenMga of tha peraona itrlcken.
in Chicagotherewarathlrty-aevati deatha
due to tha exoaaetve hftat aad al i? Phlla
delphla. whoae morgua la overcrowdad j
wlth the bqdiea "f Ihoaa who hava dBtd '
hn in the ' ifi cta of tht heal In tha inst
thrae Or four daya. There arera ftfty-Mvan
deatha reported In New Bagtaad yeatar?
day, righteen of whlch occurrad In Boaton
ind flvi In Men Haven Blaven \.na
dh>.i from th* effeeta <-f hMl m Cleveland,
rli in Paaaal . S. J., and aaven In PRta
Ona handred and ateteen degreea at '?
burn, N v. araa'the htgheat'temperature
reported, whlla al Junctlon Cttj . i<?"
Icnown aa tha hotteel dty in that vai*.
the tamparatpi i w? bul km*r'
and at Uncoln Neb.. tha tharmo el
rn ? red no in tha afternoon In nona of
the other aectlona reported dM tha tner- |
eury deacend beMa H axcapl al Nawpart,'
f[ i ... here it regtett red f*
Ralna wera reported In Maeeaehuaetta,
[owb Nebraaka and Mlchlgan laat nlght,
leeompanl ?> by rapM falb of Mmperature,
indicatlng thal tbo I aal wavi la <
a diapati h from Omaha atatad I
ralnati rm accompanled by a coo
rave, waa aweeplng eaatward and aouth
Not Enough Ambulanccs to Care
for Prostration Cases.
Chicago, Julj " Hea1 kllled thlrt: av ea
. ( inrludlng twi Ive babiea, and proa
trated don na In < 'hl< agd to day, the Hfth
- tha pn aenl heat ara l ten pera-:
,,,,,. ,,r |ni ;, degreea waa racordad al the.
n/eathei Bureau tower at Z:Z9 o'clock Inj
the aften.n, equalllng tha hlgheat tioint
rearhed a ? corrected to-da ? . whlla at tha
atreet let ? 1 the m*1'1 ui ad to 101 de?
?ri,, ? ? ? ber of po
II, .? ambulanci i In I ;" for tha
tmbulaneee ara
belng hlrad, and freQuantly wagona ara.
called altton Deaplte the
postna ii-; of proatratlon caaea cared for
.. authorltii Itealtl Dei irtment]
eetimatea tl al nol ."" ''""' ?r'
,.,...? are publtcly i >noi tad Many ar*
revlvad at drufl atorea and a greatcr num
l er ni thelr homi
Flellef in..y ? ? ? pordlng to
,:,-.. ti ?" a h" aald a
pregaure an -i a aa m
Twenty-nine Die from Hcat in
' ? hia. J ily ?"? Tw*
from th* heat a/eve reported at thi
to day, makli g a tot
ana caaea tha preaa i hol wai *
? ? ? ?
,, ,,,, .. ? here to ? N de?
greea, ??? : ? ? g?
??., -:, ? : drgrei above norn
OUR Guaranteed MortgaOg
Certlflcates combine th*
rafety of a mortgsg* and the
convenlence of a bond. g0
delav whatevcr ln Invettlna
anyatnount. Youcanstartyour
fntcrest gt once. They M.
4%% and are guaranteed. An*
amount from $200 to
$ l OO.OOO or more. Cailatany
offlce or write us about ho%
much you wish to Invest.
Capltal . $ 4,375,000
Surplus(allearned) 10,625,000
\ 7fJ B'war.N. Y. 175 Rrnun st. a^,^
.150 Fulton St.. Jamalca. "?
th* r<>ronrr that th* -I* ^aj,
crowded, and that Ii* aoi
cara for any more hodlea m
now In thi a are remo . ? ,*
ner alao caUed for help ? a reaw
t,i the pollre for a ? . ?? r,f.
audden deatha
tha from th* heal
f ..ni many parta of th* 1
aere reported from H 1 ,\ gt
. aaea In "
Lancaati ? Bheaandoah,
Hoavy Downpour in Ncbraaluu
Cool Wave Cominrr East.
1 imaha J 1. .??? thla ifien eaa a,
,,. ?t wavea waa broken I ? tu ., ,
throughout tha atat< -
? ? ;.
|ng ;it .". o'clock ,,
ptdl comlng iti a downi
eratlnn a ii of the Btai , .
?h ng thelr llnea, and from ?
the . orn '"?
h pt ralnhtg '"-a l ' I "''? banj.,
\. iaka and th? - ?,?
and raln ai ea
tht rtnomel I r-.<.
thla aft*"io
.e ? 1 a ? ?-?-?? Bajag
haa beea rttgablrghed ''?I"
_??? ?
Mcrcury 105 in Des Itdinea Two %
from Hettt.
1 ?*? Hoinea 1? aa j ? v'"' It
jo\. n n ? nl tbarmometar
had raa< hed 106 degri
lowed '
and nume itioaa
tha heat 1
throuxhoul ? ' ?' iht la gga
-raln WM ! ???
bulldlngB and ? eea 'v ?
i.id t 1 tlna fell In dltlerei t pai ' \.-.
raa to-nl| I
Dabuaue. I"v' a. Jul
,. ? 1. 1 '?? -?'???
.... iti rn towa drati 1 lea:
and. It. la fc -
Detrolt, Ju y I Heavj
out th* - tha a*
rlflc heat.
? m
110 AT LiNCOLN. \EB.
1 ?
' . ? ?
nd A agtoi ' ?' '- i'v
n an
Those Who Wish a Number of Chairs
of On? Sort, Roady for Iminediate Delivery
3r- [nvitad to Makr Prompl S^Iections from thi*list. Pft ''trei
t"if illnntrationa wtth \\\ danciUBnMM notcd will br s?nt on mii! req Wl M *he
car.not visit the salesroctm. ,
OPEN CKAIRS Pleasant Prains, $5; Maple Creek, $5i
Fairy Fatls, $6.
$7.50; Vafley View, $10.
WING CHAIRS Barbados, $12; Broadway, $12.50;
Beiknap Rccker, $13.50.
I /' ( haiti on tbis list, orders .Sj; and over, will be senl ;>>:.
< Ht the Vniied Slatos (cxp>t-s< to ntarby foiuts), or N ? ? .!
will be given witboul ckargt; titbtt coneession di the ' n |
the puftfast r,
Thisia tho kind of weather in which b rata urill gnj >y
md appreciate a Suit made from
Keep theirshape well and reqnire very little pressing Youi
nerchant taifar can make you a ?uit ti? meagure, or you can boj
ready-to>wear guita from ihe leadine clothiers,
/ ?4. -\ Thlati . Tnli ~i!k '
| gwa'r I ktoaapadontaa tewed attl
th. lai < r ebcwherc.
^iBajjafw Wa will aend you a booklrt if TOi ?
Bradfo .!, 1
Andrew Alexander
Summer Shoe Sale
Now in Progress
Women's $4 White Duck Button Pcari
Buttons- $3.25.
Women's $5 Tan CaU Button & Lace Boots. *\\
Women's $5 Pumps Tan. Black 8l White- K'"b
Women's $4 White Suede Colonial Ties, with BuC*fe
Store cioses at 6: Saturdays at Noon.
_ siXTH rWEwii? ,\i mni;h;i:ntm strei

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