OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, July 13, 1911, Image 7

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1911-07-13/ed-1/seq-7/

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Paris Press Talks of "Provoca
tions" Endurcd by Republic.
Arrest of Two Frenchmen in Mo
rocco thc Subjcct of Diplo
matic Convcrsations.
fara*. ?' '-' Ptancfl has asked the
ralrea al Madrld to
_. ,,. ? on from th." Bpanlab
rfO'.irn <"?
r mbrtreatment
Jy^.0 -,.-:.: hmen bj Bpanlab troopa al
al a?ar. M' ' :,,> Frem-hmf n. who
^ ?. .-.rrrstf.l and re
?arei of thelr revolvera on the ground
? they had vlolated b decree prohtblt
i-g Uie carrylng of waapcetfl, bjaued by
a cupylng the t.nvn.
' ^e y , ? - ? irned its atten
fr.,n th, Pranco-Oerman contro
- aniab attltude, and de
]ur.? that France wlll no longer accepl
s" from Spaln, whieh
r". _ , ?? extenslon of her mllltary
Bjaavatl ' lh*rn Mwr
Bfldr ' i froau Alcaaar
Inddent flhow that
** tr ta w< n nol mistn at. d
1 * ... ? fl'been groatly ?j |
kea r\ \:o>nt attack
rbargtng that
to | rovok* ? |
? Mr.
paper. Ia trying to
thi exploalofl it whlch la
v enormoua . onee*
rh? striffFt fleerei y is
ned wlth reference t" a me<?t
? ai.. r tulflfl II ''am
ifliador, an.1 Haron
?-. th. rjwraan Bee
. AfTalrs. Tb*
?<? than an hour, and
.?Vtew was
tmbaaeador its recalTed
?? .rn Tarls. nnd ne
on the Morocoan
!erahl? perlod wlll
in .srreement ran he r ?-. ' ? .1.
Nodarse Qivea Up Office to Chal
lenge Traducer to Duel.
U Oeneral OrencM
? ? ?- mttonal lortery,
the prounl of ill h^mtn.
? ? ? realgnatton
araa th* r>h
.- firks by the ne-w- anti
'El Dia, e hardi c
n t Ing ' ; ?
aetlon of lllflgal rom
? Thi?= money.
rltvlrled mnnne th*
-., ? Oimri Nodarae fcfl
a fl preUmtnary to a
eeneral to a duel flrltn
tor of thfl paper, tha
I rohtbttc '. duel
ofldal family
whlch is op
?plerfla tba
? ?? i. Btlmaon, tb*
?' War, and <" ? ?
?f Inveatlgatlng
?>na to foreitn
Ihe Cnban
out that tb*
for anthOT
? .ra^tf-r f'.r
pr nt, whlch, :;
. ? amount.
Kodaree betng
Prealdent Qomaa,
?<? ? ? any r.th?r
-? ? .u bta rt
? I | rtance. It hflufl
f th?
? ? f. ,r ? rii-!n^.
"The Timcs" Sors New Impor
tancc in Anglo-Japanese Pact.
Thw a" li '
rioi of thi
.... ? .._.
fully dla*
? ..a.I. a .ih
u-h tne
? BUltfl of
..n tha
? ? H
; . ?? ,t if the
tchea 1 ' ;' ??*
? vi.v. 4
Imparlal Coi
n mli '? '?""?"
. .. i, ol Ka
... a i" "?
s ..ti for
..i the Japa
Mrlll faclll
?i he Th
lo tha
.,!?! thal a r*
. .] i'?
.' foi I
?? ?
Ithcr i'..ii> to lh*
? itlon wlth whoa
.,: itration treaty
n mad
Irvlng B. Dud
j i'.i./.ii einc*
. aita< k of i" art
nftv tour
pi Ing,
. body
her. ehail
? f thfl
i .: . lamlnlni tbj
;.arl^^ al i 'on?y l-,J.,i<l
:f Ihe
l,l ki ,l ai h falr
. . .1111,1 ? I I ? ?
,,, I . . ...
S*k ... 'i 'i '"'
? ? I
Bag | al $I,8?,UOO for 2.M
:??!: UI
.Phot^ hy Aim* Dnpol ' I
Prima Donna Weds Emilio dc
Gogorza in Paris.
raris. July 12 Mm*. Emffli Eamea ani
Emilio ,ie iincnrw wara marrled in the
malrle ot the Elghth Arrondlaaement to
day. The cereroony was performed in
striet prlvflcy, no mora than th* legal
number of wltneaaafl belng preaenl
The wltnaeaefl fnr th* brlde were Will?
lam Francis War.ien, thc patnter, end
Palrchlld Blalr, th? compoaer, and foi lh?
brldegroom Qeorge Armfltrong, banker,
and Brne1 Arrai. lawyer. M Bai
flflslatanl to the Mayor, offlclated, and
mad* ? brlef fldresa, ln whlch he *
? ?-? mtractlng partlea hflpplne?a and
proaparlty on<] expresscd the fdlicll
nf the munlclpallty.
The prima donna waa dlvorced from h*i
former huaband, Jullan Btory, ln the
?prlni "t 1107 Th* baryfone, who pa*
been B??oclaled wlth the brlde profen
Ijr, waa dfcn ?? ? I '? om hla wlfi
Clfla Neumann de Qogoraa, laal year.
Five Physicians in Consultation
at His Bedside in Paris.
Paris. July 12. - After b coaaultation
thli evenlng th.' phydclani In attend
anre here on John W. Gatea, thfl finaii
cter, aald that the condltlon of thelr
patlent was aomewhal Improved. They
found thn' thi ? ongeetli n of the kld
neyi had maaaurably rolaxed, glvlng
ground for reaaonable hope thnt Mr.
Oatea will llve.
Tha conaultallon was partlclpated In
ta Dr. Reevea, who accompanled Charlea
.; Gatea from New Vork. and Dr. J.
Ruaaell Ryan, d London, together with
T.rs. Oroa, Roget nnd Vltti I.
Mr. Gatea'a mlnd has contlnued clear
through"-.t, whlch bi coriflldered an ex
ceilent algn. He was clear b< aded th -
morn ng, although hla nlght had I.
aii eplesa one.
Charlea G, Gatea bellevea hla father
wlll survlve th. preaent attack. Hi
hi has aeen hlm as lll before, and la i oi
flden! thal hla powerl tltutlon wlll
mor.- aaaure recovery.
The abao isei In the fli i ? r'a throat,
, ... .. ,,. ra ..,.. rat? d upon bui ? ? -j
fl,iiv comp Icatlone, however, reaulti d
when the pol* n of the aba eases r<
ih?- kldne a, and i au? d i ongi atlon.
Castro's Whereabouts a Puzzle
to Venezuelan Government.
Caracae, Julv 11?The Veneauelan gov?
ernment haa ? " dednlta Information yet
HS to lha ahflreabouta ol ex-Prealdenl
... i, Wa? ofllclally *i ? -J "'"'
rcb of the coaati of the
enlnsula, Colombla, formh
?d ?,: thi G H ol
ot zulla and Faleon. haa
aal ihe landlns ol any revolutl.
at Wlllematad
. U en Caatro'a frienda thera
ol bla movementa
a/aahlnd. ' ?" .JS
,..,,? haa deepened. Apparently l h
ha? opened and agali ?'"' ?P ""'
. , ! m0at -undealrable dUa.
,?. to ihe Btati Departmenl to-daj tnal
notwlthflUndlng report. lo tha <"?*"";
ao ira ' " """ "
1 Z?'w. Oarr.it. AmeHcan ******** la
L1?,?M,?i,, oi i Bfltroa fluppoaed return
n.t?ve land. and thai un ???.
ni 0IM v. bad aeen Ca tro oi had ., u l
-'^.n. .
Mi '.??"'?' ? x'"* "' ,. , reaaln power
O-j-J fi gin Vcnoflu*
Defender of thc Murdcrer Crippcn Sns
pended from Practice.
l. Jol) U Arthur WjJ*^
.? round gullty by ? commltta* og w
JU aodaty of profeaalonal mlaconduct
Zm to-dai *o.Pond*d fro.actto
Surttop.).<???-???<? '?rbuidhi.
Newton wai dlegad to bay. abua.
er;b>;"""",;; , a
llng Horallo W Boi.;/?.';?.?-. ltl
weekl) .Hcotlon. to puWlfll <?'
caa* had b? '? ndurtefl ' ? r ?. ? .
,.i ma* n ?I'J f<1. n? de
.,,. , ich Biibfli-rlhcl money ror i m
'""" " ?0,|,,It"I. Iwry gr-v* ??<
av, noUci rfMr**
Various States Plcdgc Aid to
"1911 Increasc Campaign."
i ? ? rrlbuaa.]
intlc i ity. July II Wlth fl parttng
meBsage of encoutagemenl and an ^nrn*?t
r1!*."! f'-r vrr?tcr work dnrint: the n*x' two I
Pr< ent .'lark of the Sodety of
' hriatlan Endeavor bade farewell to th*
delegatea to-nighl al tho Mllllon Dollar
IM. | The i Krteti arlll meel bi Itli In <'aii
fornla, and Prealdeni ''ark pald h* hoped
-: ... ' ??. meel arlth th>-m on that
occaalon and hear evan mora eneouraglng
n thoaa to whlch he I ad llfltefied
tl la a ? -ek.
Duiing the afternqpn aeaalon there wera
? ; rtB of the varioua fiei?i Beeretarlea,
from the mlaalonary
volunteera and mesaagea from mlaakmarlefl
and mlsalonai. a oi kera
? to-nlght'a aeivlee there waa thr- rp.og
nltlon of Btatea .'md eountrlea for the
"Chrlatlan Bnda Incraaae eam<
palgn," and n apoi aaa bj atate and pro?
' i ii Bidi nta and leadera In forelgn
land .
Th,- gr< il a idleno aaa dlamlBaed with
the benedletlon after alnglng "Bleal Ba
the Tle That Blada Our Hearta In Chrla?
tlan Love."
New York, Wcstchester & Bos
ton Will Buiid Transfer Station.
Thr- Publlc BervkM Commisalon gave per
mlaaion to the New York, Weetcheeter &
Rallway Company yeaterday to aaa
traeh ot the Harlem River & Port
Cheater Rallroad Company from i74t h
Btreei to the Harlem Rlver Thla, wlth re*
eent changefl In Ita fran. hlae, glvaa tha
former oompany the rlghl to eonatrucl a
tranafei station al ltDtl atreel and en
? - mak. .' any early date. it is
aald, connectlon wlth tbe Beoond an.i Thlrd
?ivn ie elevated of the Interborough
Rapld Tranall Company a! the Harlem
Rl ? r
L s. Mlller, prealdeni of the Naw Vork.
?? , ? ? . tei .v Boeton coi i I mi .1 a
atatem. i l
Thla atatlon la a neceealt) and wlll bean
?. nl i .ui of . ??? b York'fl
tranall t< m no matt. r ? ho bullda
. . ted gubw <\ ? or ? I. \ .'*? ?! llnea,
and if the conatructlon of thom Inea In
aroi k thal
.., r.f New 1 orn
, i?jy can be relieved to a large ext.nt
B, ,,,,,., ? '. ? inj othei aa a: In two
and .i hall f the work t>. he
ti icturee.
Mr. (ruthria Proaainent ln Literature as
Well as tho Ministry.
The Ke- Wlillam Norman fluthrle haa
ill to i .-"tn.. i- rl * "f Bt
Mark . ?' Church Mr.
Guthrle, whn will lake up hl? dutlea In
: ,n th. aroi Id of liter?
ature aa well aa it. the mlnlatry. He la th*
i ... tmong them
:-.. KIndle the Vuli L*ag." "laova
, ???,,,i, r.th." M-.i'iii Pcel Propheta."
CHd rlemlock, ' 'The Chrlat of tbe
Bl Fran
tha Treei and Olhei Veraefl -md
??The Vltal Btudj of l lt< rature ' ll< waa
,?,.,, |n i-iiii.l" . Bcotland, In 1888.
Hln( ,. \m h* i...:?? heon p of. - r ol gen
Bi) , , xt, naion m ivi menl In ll e i nn. raity
of ihe Bouth_
Cathedral Trusti.es Get Mortgiigc of
8170,000 on Propcrty.
I . Qaveg in, ln l < Buprame Courl,
illowlpi the
?.r st palrick'i ? athedral lo Place
a mortgage foi 11. 000 on ihelr propertj In
Uth and 12th treeta, between Flral avenue
. , A, .,.! i, ihe Mutual Ufe la
. compan) Tha mortgaga la to
run untii Itli at .'??? and the money
tb b. -1 ta purchaae land la
, ,, ,ntj for burlal i irpe ea
?i tbe land
irtgai ? i '"'?'? ' '?' "??'"', "" ""' ,1WI'"
d ,,, th. i Bwyera Tltli ln.
.,,,,1 -| i, ..i Compan ln maklng Ihe api ll
catlon foi permlaalon lo i ? thi naw
1 ' 'V", 84 ai ?
caih 1261.270. ind ihe debti and obllgal ona
uniounl ' "__._
"Evening Telcgram" Announccs It
Will Feature Sporting News.
Beginnlni ni ai B ind i July li "The
v, b v..rk Bv. nlna Telagram" wlll ?
t| ,. p iblicatlon of ?? Bunda) papei Ac ord
.,. menl I flued bj "Thi Bv. nlng
.,,,,,-? j,... ,|.-w ..iiii-.il wlll eontatn
,,.,.,,1;,, edltorlal, nroman'fl, iporttog aad
l,v<1 , , . and rull ? able and tele
.,,,.,. 0f all imp.irtanl neara
,\..,, hotli ii. th. ITnlled i ??''?
.,,,... i - ., atlentlon, II b d, a/ould
',; , . Una fixtun
Former United States Senator PaMtl
Tbltlllik Operation SiiiTCfisfnlly.
Uona Branch. N J. J dl >? Bdward
Murphy, |i . ol Troy, formei i nlted Btatea
ii (...in Hew rork. arbo inadorwonl
, itlon foi aa enlarged gland reator
,. ordlna t" I ' ? ?"? "' K''
long erell
,? Bternbergri ild ta nlghl thal hl pa
.,.,.. ... ?. ii .Id i-i - x
',.. " " '" ""
J,,,,!, ? arould be abla <o aa aboul
Prisoners Come to Blows in Cagc
as Fabroni Expcses *hem.
Gives Names of Thosr Who Hired
the Society to Influcncc
Elections in Naples.
Vltarbo, Italy, Joly 12 Captabi F8t>ronl,
Who, lf not Ihe star wltnesi fof 'he eroWB
in tb. Camorrlal trial, haa al leael mad?
th* ?ccuaed mo^e uncomfnrtflbl* than tbey
i bt* been made i > nny flarHer oecupanl of
lh* rtand, to-day went deep tnto the po?
lltlcal Influcncc of the fflmorra. and men
tloned namefl wlth ? boMneaa thal eao??d
,he ju ? itttloa hlm to ha moderat*
ln bla ?t?tementa. Tba ?itne*fl replled:
??I moat aaj all and gtv* an exact plctur*
of the prevalHn i ?.? ? order to
Btrlkc b leadl: blow at thi? crlmlnal aa
Pabrenl In the ?_???<? e of a < lert from lha
Mlnlfltry of Juatlce, devoted yeara to learn
Ing the alleged conectlon between the Ca
morra nnd tha Seanolltan hidietary. Aloag
thla line ha aald, In Bubfltance:
?-Thfl Camorrl ? haa no polltlcal kleale.
11. .v, lolta both the > lectora Bnd the aleel
ed for galn rhi leadera dlatrtbuta banda
throughout the lown. and they have re
coura* to vlolcnc* to oMatn tl * aot** i I lb?
electora for tbe candtdate* they hav* de
termti porl Tboae who refuee to
vote an Inatructed are txaten, alaahad ?rlth
linfvefl or kldi k| ;? d All thla ls donfl wlth
flaflurence, of Immunltv, a? they *rlll have
lha |. otecllon of Bucceasful polltlctane, who
reollae thnt they cannot he ehoecn to otfto*
wtthoul paylng toll to the Camorra."
Witness Becomes Specific.
Aflfccd to be more -perlflf Fnhronl flflld
bc had ej.pe.-l.Tllv in mind 'ormer Deputy
lulO nnd Counl Rnv.is. hleri "Th.. lat
t.r.' bc contlnued, 'Ib Uakl hire.i the Ca?
morra, whlch nt thal tim* flurpaafled all
i.if, denta ir. eorruptlon abuae* and crlm*.
Duiing ihe alectlon of Ravaachlarl, Enrlco
Alfano 'lr.- Vltoaat the prtest. nnd i;io
rannl Rapl r*Torr*flnaded the atreat* ol
Naple* weaiing largfl trl-eolor roeett**. end
?a mafltara of tha lown ordflred aii klnda
of lnwie^r.ers in order to attaln thelr ob
it *raa al thla point 'hat tha prealdenl
eautloned th* wttn****, who. however.
would nol ojuallfy hla atalernenta He went
"T1". cantorra wa? then at the ?enlwi oi
Iti power, though wllhlii two factlona ?ere
flghtlng Bflcratl* boi ferodouflly f"r eontrol
Enrlco Alfano, becau?* of rreent clectoral
Bucceaflflfl, *raj la thi aacendancy, ?nd th*
Influcncc of Oermaro Ctjoeolo, who had
been th* kine racelver of atolen gooda, waa
iranlng Alfano wtobfld to eetabllflh nn un
dlaputed ennir*. ?ith Rad, Vltoeal and
Perdenando dl Itallao a* hla llautenant*
The murdflT .>f CUOCOlO was nectflflflry, n^
he Interferad wlth the gaina of the othera,
who were in a harry to make a fortone.
Alfano trueted in hla Immunlty from ar
The eapfnln de?rTih*d spedfll branch** of
th* Camorra amnnr 'he harbor workar*
? . towna near Kaple* There waa a
branch, he aald, al Ca^ellarnare of whlch
th- leadera were OlUaOPP* <'hir!eo. Alberto
Praumeno. Paaquale Qardulo and Ferd*
nando dl Matteo, dl of whom ara among
the defendanta. Chtrlco, he ..atd. racelved
881 n month as a tax on the Cbmorra, whlch
waa atlll pnid hlm, fllthough h. *
prlaooer. The aUrtara <>f Vitoad mad*
monthly collacllona or .iu?< from the ca
morrlata foi Chlrleo and the other pris?
Prisoners Begin Disturbance.
1*00 lawyera for the rWene* attempted to
rreat* an ineldent thnt WOUld reaolt ln bl
terrupting the wttnesa, bot when the prte
onera I eCnn ? dlflturbanc* the praflldent
BtOPPCd lt. threatenin* Hapl. the DDOfll tUT
bulent, wlth removal from the courtroom.
AA ?raa hla fat? yaaterday.
a faw minutea afterward anothar fltormy
Inddent bal - taln Fabroni nn.i the
lawyera for th? defenca cauacd Brrleon* In
a (lerce rag* to ahaka the. ban Hke a mad
man. Me potnted nt Fabroni nnd BhOUtfld
?Miirdererl VOU were the eaiUM Of my
I rothers death ln ptlBOn! '
One of th* other prtaonera Beiaed fljrrl
rona *nd clapped a baad over hl* mouth,
bul Errlcon* ahok hlm ofl and Btruck hlm.
Tha prealdent Rnatly reatored order
Durlng 'he coura* of hl* teatlmonj Pa?
hronl gav* ireat pralee to Marahd Capta
buU. of tlie caraWneera, who had taken part
ha the InveatJgatlon of 'he ramorrtflt or
aaalaatlon. Ha Baaciibed mlnutely ihe
mcthodfl rollowad ln 'his Inveatlsatlon, and
??Id thal ih* nawapapar* had been of
aaatatanee, flapectalli a Romaa pubHcatlon
whlch waa then ediied by Aleaaandro Uoy,
now one of the lawyera for tha defence.
This newpaper, ha said. ahowed a wondei
ful knowledga of what was golng on
nmong tho Camorrlala, but later when the
mmorrlst' wer* arraatad it aaaerted that
t .. caraMneera had manufactured ?
asalnat them As a matt*r of fact, aaM
nl, th* carabtner* had Beted follow
,, ? denunclatlon ol the Camorra wblch
had appaared in tbal paper.
Not Poverty Stricken, According
to Medill McCormick.
Medlll M'ormi'k. the pubMeher of Chl
eaajo. WhO has been abroad BtUdylng tn'l
nlclpal flovemm?d bi Francfl nn.i .;" il
Hrltain, rMurnad yeaterday from Bouth
ampton '"? lha Whlte Btar llner Oceankr.
,).- aald he was moat favoraWy Impn
wlth th* governmenl of thi ettk
Pranea, and was Burprlaad at tbe pro
,nd prosp. ;itv h* round In [reland
i alwaya thought," he aald, "thal Ire
land waa ? poverty Btrleken country, bul
i found i waa flrrong The loeal |Ov*rfl>
ibroughout tha kdaad hav? d.
much for th* rarmerfl, tb* Baajortty d
whom appear to ba pcoaperoua Wlthta ?
romparatlvaly ahorl time the loeal govern
menta hav- aractcd ferty-avfl thouaand cot
tnire, nnd rente.l them to the fartner- >'
low ratflfl, arltb lha Brtvilag* d ultlmata
p irehase The tarwai ara aaay, and the
governmenl avaa foaa aa fnr aa to lend tha
money for p iri haaea
??i;,,ven,n,.nt ln the munldpalltlei d
Pranee la much Hk* the government d
eorporatlofia ln 'hla country. Th.- citi
Coundl corn Bponda t" th* board ol .u
,.. tora, from whose daclfltoa tb*r* ls no
appeal The Mayor, of couraa, has much
Influcncc with th. Counctl, bul bc baa nol
the powei of rata I bellava thal tiis form
o( goyernaaaail ndghl ba trled bar* a aa
Among ethera oa 'he Oc?nlc were the
Baron and Baron?a lloflenkranta, ?'
O'Hara Coflgrava, Hflrberl F. Uunniaon, J
I) Parde. nnd Mr. nnd MrH. Willlam J.
Tayior _
Topplcs Over from Hcart Discasc.
Brought on by thc Heat.
Cbartafl .i-rf.r-..n. Bfty-elghl y**a ? 11.
wi.o llved nt No M Baal Mlh Btreet, aa
? K.r "f tha "i,i - t ""I. dled auddenlj la i
nicbi oa lha Mre.i. al Ulh atreel nnd
?ii,,,.! avenue H? loppi'-i ov< r, and n.
,. ,.laal aal ""i111 "?' >' daa, w..s
i? . .,,.,n ..f No M Baal 14th Btreet,
fi| ,?. Cody, d BeMevna, *ii" wera
called, found Um ?" '"' ***** ",,?,, ",v
.lim..,i Tba bodj vvn- taken ta in.
aforguc Th* caoaa d death wai baart
diaeaaa bi^iighl en bj the baal
Man Acids $500 to His Fresh Air
Fund Contribtition.
Return from Connecticut Hills
Minus City Pallor?Thirty
Boys Fill Their Places.
Amoni; the rnnf rlhutlnri* to Th^ Trlbun->
Breah ai- Buad aeknowledgad tr. to-day'a i
I Tribuae apfaaara one .>r r> n from a rn*nd
who haa lonar been .-. Bupporter ri the ac-1
j tlVltlaa of this oi-.T inlzatl.in.
Barller ln t'i<- Preah Air ?<'a<o>\ he aaat
j thr- fund a ? h.- k fnr r*58, whlch Bura ba
: has for aeveral yeara contrlbuted nnnually
i t?. thla work. Bul feellng thal att*r th?
two weeka or terrlflc beat whlch th* city
1 haa endura .1 tl ira \ ould t' ? need of ln
.1 .-..I actlvlty iu the Preah Air campaign '
he has doubled his orlglnal eontrlbutlon by
: tl.is BBC.1 glft 10 th-- f-in.l.
It r.-.|iilr.-:< no grea! thOUgM 10 . e that
! this fiiend of |he ehlldren baa read tha
siiuaiioii atight. There ara alwaya in th.?
eongeeted aectiona ehlldren enough whoao
Impovertohed bodlea need a .-"ill ^r upbulkl
lng that they can gel ....!? i,-: th. eountry
m'|' ? a i- ; 1.1.1 ol erval ng aad <'? btlltat
I ini? heat <?ii< h bb New fork has -nr-t beeti
trylng to endure there are acorea whooe
only chancra of weatnerlng thr- aummer llaa
tn gettlng away from the death-dealtng
atmoaphare >.f the tenemenl dlatHcta,
Ctoee t.. two thonaand have been reacuad
from the terrora ..f tn.- laat ta ? weeka
Theae are ilte onea who bave been llvlng
'in the eomparatlve eool and ? omfnrt of
ih.. .hl-'i. tn i-r- .-.ti Air hotnea .r iiave been
I anjoylng th* hoepltallty of hosts whu hava
; tak-n them int,. thelr own tamlUea
I'ur two thoueand ls only a amall part of
j th.- army thal haa been BtruggUng agalnal
1 th* Intenae heat in th* narrow atreeta an.i
crowded homee ..f th<- tenementa. Thou*
? aanda mual 1.* taken awaj for . breathlng
, apell If death and dlaeeae are to t>. avertad.
The other day, when th* Tribune Bund'a
examlnlng oflleer wenl to th- Bkrhmond llii!
I 11..na... in Ifacdougal atreet, to mak* a
; prellmlnary examlnatlon >.r ehlldren who
won tn ba p. nt from thera to th* eoun
! try. auch a crowd ..t anxloua youngflten
I had gathered that lt was necaaiaary for
1 th* pollea to cleai a pafleaf-n throuaii th*
ft was pitlful t?> >** th* efforta of th*
randldatea to aqjueeae In near the baad of
th* lin*. so thal the placaa on ti.* eountry
llal would nol ba ali gone before th*ir
t'lin came Thera would ba tm-ns for ali
if every r.ri.. were aa thoughtful of conrii
tion.s and needa ba fie eontributor who
this mornlng multlpllea by thraa hi? an
uuai Preah Air aube. rlptlon.
Tha Whit* Quardfl came marchlng hom*
reeterday, Down fi.<ni tha bllbt of <onn*e.
tlcut, around Bethany, they < am* la looee
marchlng order. Th. ? were not kuch whlta
guarda a- they wera when thay wenl away
two weeka ago Tan and frecklaa had cov
ered tbe etty pallor to euch an extenl that
thay mlght approprlataly raflama thelr club
t be Broa n . iuarda
Th*y w.-r>. |ual returned fr..m two weeka
of baseball and Bwlmmlng an.i grcen apple
flghta al the Tribune Pund'a Bethany cot
KiK- The putca they left liad proved ?
land af heart'a deaire, and ihey dldn't wanl
to leave it, i.'it another party .iad to have
Ita ehan .-. .,t,.- boy wrote t.< tbe mlaalon
;ii". who had aent hlm away askinK if she
could noi in Bome way "rtx it up" bo thal
be could atay four weeka, Inatead ol two.
Th* guarda, wh", bj tbe way, are a
boya* club, wlth rooma In 28th ;-trr*t, as
they returned t" thi city, paaaad a party
of thirty boya bound for Bethany to tin
th* placaa they bad left raeant Thera was j
aun a party aanl to Warwlck, Bf. v., yes-1
it ". ' itMiti .1.1.. ySS.?0.
.1 lt
??in mamo v ..;' Tbamaa Btlllman Tajr
l'ii in, ni ? oi riogh u Metlt".
Mra 1. 0 '' ArnoW . ?
\ H ?'.
.- . . Denbj .
A .'.
. H l ipi '?'? D .
Mra if ifl O'Nelll .
II. C.
I ? i: v K.
.laii aa I ? .
a /..
,\|.s 11. ? r ? Norfolk, ''nn .
11. Vt..
II ll. .
. V I. Hauah-i-. .
Mi W ,n Robey, fltonlngton, <onn..
... ? Inaton,
. ?
\ Y
? 1 ? 10 namea F. N
C. M. ....
I ? . : \ ?. 1 .;
A 1 D .
r 1':- .
I s. Voufhi ? .?
? .. ? ?w,. ?
11 K ibln .
.. M ? .
\l- ? B N 1', 4 ?
-i.Mt.-ii [aliuid, S v.
I...||.a 4'. li ? -. 1/ Bg
*.i 1 fl Ban.
1 . . . ? . 1. 114 ? N I
Uth 4:h atreet, South
. ? ... N 1 .
Mn 1 and TIlua '.
N V. .
Da> ,1 \i 1.. ,.;.. .;-. ? a ? '.'-.n.
\ frl. n! ' ...
BUi - Mai la 1.1 *? "i naai - N V
Banaa," D.
K 1 -
N I alrlB1 *o.|*ty,
? 1 .la II Hurt m, trea
Mra. Hua .
'?' . ;. N .1 .
B 1 H .
K . Bl f Hllle, N J . .
p m . M telalr .
II 1; j,:, ?. 1 t . k -.
? -? N J.
K 1 11 1: Baat Oi .".-?
Hi.., 1: >-. -.? na N> -I- ' ? v Y
. hm.-li of the Qood Bhephard, through
1: Lerena, 0 l>
I 11 W .
?|. , .-.|. ri T. Elhman .
.; , 11.
M ' .
11. in: 11. Ma:.
II W F .
,- n 1 ... i' :, - * laland.
T Matthra-a .
-I Rjra. N". T..
- : ? r 1. a .
r,% . ;,r. ?? 11 FeltUB, Rlmhurat,
??i?, i,..t 1 ubUab nai ia," i k. L ,
F a Minotl.
II 1: \. a 1. ' aay .
Smlth, Lflka M
v Kirk' ?-. BaHabury. < *nn
,;. ,.| . 1 I?na. al. nl ala N .t.
.... V. W. M
Mn ii '. ?.-?'?
w 11 I'all, Newark. N
..a; ;,. !.? . air ' {menl
1 l. M
"Wlti ' ';r" *
T K M .
B 0
M!?- A '
??\,i naame." J '" 7.1 K.
l-,,,k M. Mal ' Eaal ? ?' 8* N ?
Marla I Ma ? N '
-,; | j , ? H 1 ' ?' ' " .
rl Hllla.
??.'l.l!' .
. .
Wlillam \ 'l""n.
j- . I I >?' ?? ' ? .
? .
? ? at nd. t ? nan a, k.
H ? . |il ifaturk. Conn.
uj , 1 Plalbuah
1 ii .1:
m .? K
Vn. ,'. ''???.? 1. m M
, ,. ,1 llmlnaton, 1 ?- 1
' B I.
, I , || 11 . , M- ' I I .
Kwifi*!. v BT.'T."..".'.'
? ? \?,, 11.1,. Mrs A N
?\\ itlmul 0 ? ?'? "' : ' ' ? ? .1 M
Bl 11 .
.M4I IN,
lim i?)
20 ...
.-, <hi
20 'Ki
8 08
., .>i
| '?!
2 '"I
18 00
28 <>?>
1 .H|
1" ">l |
2 >*>
1 88
B . Hl
B (Hl
B '41
1 00
?j 1.11
1 ...I
B 00
1 ...i
.1 .?.
8 00
2 IHl
B .-1
B 00
L'T. 00
1 no
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| .H.
B 88
1 no
r, <xi
1 mi
.". 00
1 lal
ll, ..'"
1 00
1.1 .41
1.1 B0
17. 00
1'.' <t>
ln 1 o
r. .hi
2 Kl
Ifl IHl
\\ (l. I
.... I: M
? i. Ht ln pa wlll
1I1 ..ii Hud
1*. i .
r 1. 11
Nfl. \ - ? ,.. Broa 11 I'-i . N '
Man 1' M ' ' ' Monti lali N l
y ? 1..nl'''
,, 1 i,.... fctaal >.i .it. \ .1
mj n.tin.-.''
? I
\i,v gatrham rlnla>, |ip...kUn.
Mra a P "irl .
??Wlthn.it th* donnr'a nam*." M M M. 1888
Roberl M In?*r*oil * ltrn. ]<?'"?
M O. <;*r.n*rt. ******
Will?-v 0. li"'m. WaahlnRton. D. C. J ""
Harrtft U Pfxter. illfton Sprlnaa.X.Y. ???
"Do not puMI?h name, ' L **. "'"'
f'hurrh nf th* H"ly rommnnlnn. N'w ____
Tnrk . '
?Pleas* omlt my nam'."' Mr* A. M.M. ?? ?JJ
"Do not prlnt nam*.' <?, I*. |?S
"Ni. ,mm?." K. It- K . PH
W r> Mnnn . "jH
. 1 no
flj I, K . .. Mm A*a ?ft
I'tevlouily acknnw!e<lK*'l . IT.BBWaa.
Tnlal, July 12. 1811 .$20,747 ?W
Bul* Wnlton Mooney, a member of th*
telegrnph staff of The Tribune. well known
In newspaper and real estnt* r|rrl*s. was
found deafl In he.1 In hti room at the Hotel
Breveort Ith street nnd Fifth avenue, yes
tarday mornlnK. He had lone: been a Bttf
ferer from flrtlcular rheiitnatlam. and thla,
tot-ether wlth th* l.ent, whlch affe. ted hlm
ereatly, eaoaed his death.
.Mr. Mooney left hl? desk in Th* Trihnne
nftVf !ast Frlday nlcht to take hla annual
racatlon, Inten.llnB; to start for the coun?
try yeaterday Hfl returned to hi* room at
mldnlght on To?day, laavlng a rall far I
n'elork yestrrdny m'rnlnc Wlien a hall
bey fnlled to awaken Mm an Investlgatlon
was mafle, nnd he was found dend.
Mr. Mooney, who waa forty-oflai yeara
old. araa the son of th* latfl i^eor** and
Lucy <:. Watton Hooney, ..f this clty. HB
-t idled law al Neu York 1'nlversity. hut
f>ref. rrlns newspaper work to I.'kwI prar
ti.e he Jolne.l the staff of "Th* llernld."
of Whlch he wns for flevcral yeara real ea
tal.iitor. Ma fllso Bcrvfld as Loadori <-or
:;.|ent of "The Herald " In 1!*>2 Mr.
Mooney cnterad ihe r**U afltfltfl flrm of
Willlam F, Ryan i Co., nnd on the death
<>f Mr Ryan he bflcanaa a member of the
auc erriiria: partnerflhlp, Perrleh, Phahar,
Mooney & Co.
ln \?%, with Mr. LawvflBca, a partraar ln
the old flrm, Mr Mooney formed another
real estate house. Mooney & I,awreno?,
contlnutng In bualnefl* untll about two
BgO, when h* entered the employ of
T) e Tribune.
Survlvlni; Mr. Mooney are three brofhera,
Dr Henry Walton Moor.ev. of this .'i'v;
Bdmur.fl L. Moonev, a m*mb*r of th* law
flrm of Rlandv. MO0fl)*y & Shlpman. and
Willlam I. Mooney, of Hartford, I'onn..
and three slsters, Mr*. C. C. PrOfBlt, Mrs.
\ 1 Shlpman and Mr* I'hnrl**. BtOUgbtOfl
Servires will he held at Woodlawn at I
o'clock to-tiioriow afterno^n.
,-olone| Cbarlflfl H n*nlPon, Inventor of
the marRinnl lnd*x svstem. dl*d y*st*rday
nfternoon j,, his apartments at the Hofel
Wlnthrop. |Mth slreet and Seventh avenu*
For flv* years Colonel Penlson hafl bepti
an hivalld. havlnc suffered a stroke of
kpoplexy, but the Immerliate oauso of his
death was the extreme hflflt Of th* last
Horn in Mlrhlpan a*venty-elght years
aco. i'olonei Denlflon recelved his *duea
iion ther* an,| was (traduated from th*
Unlverfltty of Mlchlgan. After helna; ad
mttted t" the bar he went to Bay Clty,
where he prartlaed hl* profcaalon for aav
f-rnl vears and beCaitt* Proaacutlng AttOT
rin his arrlvnl in this <-lty fn 1*80 h* im
medlately becam* M?iitlfled arlth the Re
publlcan <'luh, and had been an flCtlV*
worker for Its CflUflfl up to th* tlme he
was taken lll He wns nt one tbnfl irlCfl
prealdent of the Republlcaa Club and was
chalrman of th. committee on national
affalra tor nine years. His wlfe. Mra, De
mlaa t. storkins; Denison, Burdvwa hlm.
The funernl will he held to-morrow at 4
oVIo.-k, and the burinl wlll he at Sprintr
Lake, Cayuga County,
Rdward i. Halatad di*d al his bonaa, in
U'.'-t >>! r*t street, yeaterday. ln his flflVCRty
aecond year. He wns one of the six hun
f ihe 7th ReKfment of this <'ity who
in 1W1 f-nllsferl for flervtOA durinjf th* rivil
War. and aerved chlefly in the army af the
I),;r!njr the nlofllng battles in Vlrainla h*
was chief atgllflU offWr on the staff of
Oeneral Bherldan. He also s*rverl under
Qeneral Banka In the shennndoah Valley
nnd on the staffs of Qenaral* Crawford,
Hntrh, Bulllvan, Marrltt, Bedgwlck, Wrlght
nnd Torbert, being ln actlv* wrvlc* four
vears, and araa one of four brothers who
m nk" manner ser^?e.i a toiai of avar ten
yeara duiini the Clvll \\'ar.
The funernl wlll bfl prlTfltfl and th* burlal
wlll i.e in Oreenwood. His wife daugbter
and son survlve hlm.
r>l?patches from St. (Jeorsre's, Rermuda.
yeaterday annpunced the death ther* of
Judnon A. Brown. for thlrfy-flve years
Cflflhler of "The N*w York HflTflld." He
w. t i to Bennudfl three wepks ns;o for his
Mr Brown, who was aev*nty-flve years
o|r|. Ilved at N<> IM Pouth 7th *tre*t. N*w
ark, N .1 He was l?,rn In Ohlo, and came
to this clfv wbflB he wns *iahte*n years
old, enterlnc the servlre of "The H*W
York Hernld" thlrty-s*ven years a^o and
retirlnp two years amo.
Two children, <'arl Ptedman Brown. t\
lawyer, <>f No. 3S Park Row. and Miss
Qrac* T Brown, survlve. Th* body will
airive here MOfladay.
Utah Man Now Grand Trustee?
Home for Agod Membcrs.
I 8) Talafliauli la Tlia TlBnifla 1
Atlanttc Clty, July U.?Carey s. Appie
ir.iie, past exaltf.l ruler of nwensboro
Lodg* MC, OwflOflboro, Ky . but now a
reflidenl of Ball Lflk* Clty, was alectod
prand truste.. of the Hupreme I^)dKe of
Kiks at their convenUon hera t Mlay, afte
three hillots.
john Oalvln, Paal Exaltcd Ruler. sub
mltted ? reflolutlon provldlng for the eon
fltructlon "( t n?w nattonal bom* for indl
g.-nt and aR-d Blkfl. It provid*s for a
lomtnlsslon, compoflfld <>f Bxaltfld Ruler
Herrmann, Exaltad Ruler-alad BaUlvan,
thfl hoard Of grand tmateafl an.l three
member* to b* atfljiolntad by the ineom
Ing Orand Exaltad Ruler. They win pro
ceed at one* bo aseeuta ptana for the aew
home, to be bUttl "11 th* slte ?,f tli^ |.r>sent
bomfl nt Bedford Clty, Va., or such other
phtoa aa the commlaalftn may BeSael
An B ssessment of ? < 'Utt* wlll bfl levled
upon nii membara of tha erdar oa Bopt*4av
ber i af this year nnd a Hke aaaaaBinant
oa Bflptember l. 1912.
Successor to Mrs. Young To Bc
Chosen To-day.
ii;\n FranH*.'". July \1 Th* National
Bducatlon Aaaoclallon preparad bo-nlght for
its annual electloa to-morrow Th* report
,.f the raaolutloni cummlltfl* la t<> ba re.
eelved and flmandmantfl t>. tha by-laare pie
l ,n ed by ? 'oininlttee flppotntfld two years
?ao art t" bc otTflcad for Bnal aetloflL
The BO-CaUcd InsurKents tO-nlgbt ex
ed eonfldenca thal the aeaalaallafli
rommlttee, naaafld al lo-algbffl session i.y
m,- Kiia Plaga fouagi ihe praatdeat,
would ehoofl* Carroll Q Pearae of Mll
?raukaa, foi praaldant Mrs Tounc,accorO
inK ta cuatoBB, arlll baeetai Brat *1ca?praai"
dent Blavfln ..'her aice,pr?Idanta aad ?
trflflumrar win ba < boaa*i
Mra Calharln* D Blahe, ef New York,
hai been meniioned for the traaaurerBhlp,
and liiiraml W BpHngar. of lietrolt. the
preaenl treasurer. Ih r.jrard?-.l as a pi.s.-i
Mr* r.iimioiis Bla laa. "f Chlcago, ?<i
dmaflfld lo-nbjbl'a Bnaaaral >aaaifl?i of the
ronvflnlloa oa Th. Opajaftaaalty <>f ihe
Taachar," aad Cliarlfli gaebhn, "f Boaton,
?poka .?n "The l.lf? of the Teu.her."
Merchant Celebrated 73d Birtiv
day Aboard the Oceanic.
Sayg British Nation Is TakinjT
Kindly to Taft's Arbitra
tion Proposal.
John W,in?mnlt?r, the m*rrhanf and for*
m*r Poatmaater general, arrlved h?re yefl?
terday on th* Wl.lt* Star liner O. aantr-, on
whlch he ee|*hrnt*d on Tuenday hla aev
enty-thlrd Mrthday.
Mr. W'aiiamaker had h**n a'rrond thraa
montha. maklng a tour of the I'onMnent
and "wlnding Bp th* trip," a* h* expreaa*d
It, wlth a vl*w r,f the ,-orona*!rri. H* was
pr*set:t*d to King Ororge at the Cryatal
1'alace by th* Lord Vayor of LoaafOB, and
j was greatlv Impre.saed, h* aald, wlth the
i Roori (..mrnori 888848 and splendld vlrlllty
i of rfnilaad*a mirr.
Mr. \\'ananiak*r h nl a ahort elat wlth
I the King after the preaentatlon. and waa
pieoanted to Quecn Mary by her huahand.
"Th* yueen la a flne woman." aald Mr.
W'aiiamaker. "Her *up*rlor wrmanhoort
lmpr*f!-es one. Her aplendid halnnc* and
raia.ity show her to r,* an Bbtfl hHpmeeg
to a aoverelen Th* great a*-lamatlon re
earved by King <;*orR* fr-.m the people
wlll Blwaya h* rem*mhered hy hlm and by
thoa* who heard lt."
Whll* ln I.ondon Mr TA'aramak*r waa
th* gueat of Slr T. V*z*y Strong. I/irdl
Mayor of I/ondon
Aceordlng to Mr .Yanarmkrr. Knglan.f,
|? s-howing a most kindly f*e1lng for Praali
dei.t Taft a grbttrataoa propoaal
Th. F.ngllsh peopl*. I helieve," he aald*
! "feel that they ar* tha running mafe of,
Am*rlra In Ita effort to promote unlveraal
! peace. I douht tf anv one *an apeak foi*)
t!.-^ mar?'n In thla re?ard, hut I do knowl
' thal th* mak*r<a of ptiblie aentlmant and|
'?? the leadere of thoug'.t ar* largely ln favorl
i of the rre<dd?nt> Initlatory movement toj
I stop wara wlth bralns and good wlll."
Mr W'aiiamaker. who hellrves In the futa
; t,re of i.'anada. met many Canadiana ah'.la
! ahroad, among them Str Wllfrld Laurler..
I H* also was pr*aent*d to th* Duke oi
: .'onnaunht. who wlll aoon 8008808 the <"JOY4
: rrnor General of .'anada. Mr. W'anamaked
I .*aid that th* p*opla of F.ngland aeem td|
j favor in the ahstraet the ldea of reol-4
! proolty wlth C'nnada.
"Th*y hav.-r thelr dlffer*nr*s of oplnlon.'
j h* sald. "as to the varioua arttrlaa o#
' asrr. em-^nt. I thlnk ln aoma Quartera the/
favor a provlslon to dlssolv* the tarifl
! aere*ment at the end of a y*ar ahould If
; ;,r.-\* unaallatainon
. Th* vet*ran m*r*hant advorated a mU
'gration to Cnnada. "Canhda Ifl a gr*ag
' e.-untrv." he sald. "It la a flne f.*ld fofl
. Amerlcana. Tha tlda la already turnbtgj
th*r* from the lOUtb and from the W'eat.
There i? neerl no lornjer to t'll the youu;*
man t- ge Weet Ha ean ko North and d?
well. Caaada la a a-ood rteid for youn*
men." -
rt b*,-am* known on board the O.eanlO.
that Mr. W.mamaker would h* a*ventva
thr** on Tuesday. and manv pa>a*ng*ra
1oln*d his frl*n.ls on board ln complin.*nt
na him on rhe ajmlraraery. An addreaa o
eengretulatioB waa read by a cotaawttea ot
frMr W'anamaker aaBal remaln ln thla dt*
Peveral days before go'.ng to PhUadelphla,
. -
?,. a. ... ,1 Hnteblnaon, Lalltan V.
Oray. . ara n n .athertn* B.
%r.%?b?i.rzR ? ^h?.^--ri-r
Halated. l-M^r<l U ?Tettw, BataB,
Houaton. A*aafl I!
RMV'nraun belovad m'.her af **?~*?%;.
cn- f ot famlly.
mWAM i.n Taaatuur, luly 11. .lames roa-an.
-,Vv.;r. S*r I -/nn Tbttradar 'v.ntn,. lulr
i" iThlfl lat* raaldanca, N- W M ?i.-.nouflb,
,.'. Rroaahra, ar 8 BB o'rlo*k.
COX Ot Julv 11. ItlL at No. MI Madiaon ava^.
Naw Vork. of manlngltta Jamea aitaTaaraa,
^M ivea yeara, aldaat M*'*1*?1^
Bnd Bdward V. Co*. of Plalnfle.d. N ^ WO
n?ra! prhate.
rt4\\. .N-Oa Tu*aday. July 11. IBtt, Itaaaa
?Ven^ Olennora, baiaved huaband of EMaabatla
c'lannon a^naral from bla lat* raa44at?ea. No.
.-.K. 4 4rh BUaet. Hr -klyr. *n Frlday. July 14,
rcsn a m.
OBUT-Paaaad from tht. Uf* laly lt._yUt_?Mj
T48 a 'I . <"ara Oray. atf* of AndrawjfJnBjfl
?? B.T BOth v?r. iaaaral aanraeaa *n Thura-a
t. JvrnlrV Ht * o'clock at hW ba? rjflB
4.nr, \r, fl?2 Thraop aaa . Oraoblra intar-.
mont'at f>preaa BIlBI Frlrlay m?rrtn?.
nitSIUrWaXMV ?n Tu*8rla}. tuy 11. rraatraai
Ruod Oreena-nod. atf* of Uaadaa '-.rwnwo^
Fun*ral aanleaa ar her lat. raaUkaiea. Ma. 8881
Waatr-ad ava., Nee raraTati Thura^.ajr. Juiyl
ia, ei + P aa s*rvi**a aalaata.
ORIgWOfjD - The flnectaTfl of Th* Ftivyera an-a
nounea wim <i*ep ragrat tba <1*ath ?f thalr*
ralloa m"inher. Danl?l P. .triawold. on Ju.jai|
11 ' 1911 JOHN DRBTW Frealdent; HARRI-a
BOM B KODQB78, <a..-r*aary.
HAI BTBtV-July 13. 1011, at hla realrtanoa. Nj,
??,,7 weal llal at., rity, K<lwar,i L. Halated.
Tn his Mr) year. Funoral ?*rv|r?e prlvata.
Iini BTOM -)n WaflflaaOaar, Julv 12. 1911. agj
li^r" raaldenea, No. M7 Mrmroa at. BrnoWlynJ
,.\a''*? B Houston. baaBVei a-ir? of Andraw
Hl'T"'H1NSOX?e?n Tuaaday. July 11. Wll^
l.lllian V Hurr-hlnaen, alafer of tha Rav.
krthur ll'ifrilnaon. Funeral from har lat4B
raaldenea, N* 881 Warren at., Brooklyn. Frl-J
Bay, luly II, ?? B 10 * m.
iraaj/aflfl ?m July 12. 1811. at hla raaldartca.
So BM V*??rU av?. Flmab'th, N J. Aaroa
Woodruff Katlogfl, In hla BBtta >r?r Funaral
aervlcea fr*m ni? r.-atrl'n.*. on FYt'lay, July 14*
at I a rle -
MOONBT BaOaaalfi "n W'.'ln.frlay. July la?
' mll ar his r*?lrl*rc-. Hot*! Brn^n.t, Uila
Walton Maoaayi ago^ ii s?rvir?? at ageeaai
la-tn, Frl.lay. July 14. at 3 p. an.
BLANflOlt- At FMatnfl*M. N. J . on TaiBBBy, July
li ' |B11 Ellaabath, wlf* of iha iaie wnitara
k' Ranaatn, ln h*r 74th v.ar 8?rvlc?a at
tho realdenea of h?r d?ught?r, Mra Jr>hn Cor?
rata N" 881 w*?t 7ni BC, Plalnflelri. N. j..
on rrtaajr. Juhj 14, at 4 p. m
?ICMARD aaWflaral H Hlchard, VBBflW og
\,,?,,?,.? Richard, Jul> 11. 1811. Funaral e-rr-.
vlca wlll h* h?M at h*r lat* iaalrl?n.?. Vo lg
Faat 88th "1 . Tb?ra8ajr inorntnu. Julv 1.1, aa
?0 ;i.. o'clock. iBtariaaag at eflflnraaaflBflfl ol
?tol \t MBfTlBtOWn. N J. on Tueaday nlght.
Ittly 11 H>11, CathartaM HoK'rt. ?lf* of Llv-?
Inant'.n H'?*. Funoral ?*nli'?> at her lata
.. ....... Morrlatown. N J. oa Friday -luirn
iMg'ii^ 14th in?t . at l" o'clock. <'arr!aa*a
will anaal ttHin leavlaa Kaar York at 8 a aa,
lnt.-ini*nt at Wix.-lawn fematery. lt la ra
miflfltflfl ihat n.> tt-?'i> BB acnt.
sotTiiMAYi.---At tita reatdaeca in tba etty ad
Saa Tork *n Tuaaday, July il. cbarlea F.
Bouthmayd, In lha ,?7th y<ar of hia a?-*.
Fuu*ral aarvlcefl wlll he h?ld at 'ita.-a
Church "ti Kri.l.iy. lulv 14. a? 18 o'clock;
a. m. lalBlieal Ua Trmlty fem-tery.
gOITTHMATD _ . _ _ .
Tho Va?...iHtion ?f tti* Har of th* < Ky *t
N-tt York. So 12 W*?t 44th at . Jui-. 12.
i'Mi Tba aJBaara aad e?B?utl*a earamlttau
nt tha Aaeaclatlon hava baan appolatad to
rapreaeni Ibi Aaam-iation at th* ifuaaral of
Mr i tiariaa f. 8outhn?ayd, t-> ba hald ?t
,';ra. i iTiUteb, on Friday. July 14th, at 10
ti ni Thay ara r?o,u?nt?,i t.. Baai t la aha
laatlbula ?.t tl" church at I 10
g B m.i'WNFi.i. Baeratary
WariTBR Bahfll Wetter. iaaaral, Ihe I'unaral
Church Noa 241 and 243 \v*?t 2.^.1 ai (Fraak
K Campbcti lijlldin?,) Ititernimt at Stam
ford, a'onn.
la r*a,lU\ accaaalbla h> Harlaaa irala frora
llraad ''-"'ral station. \\>t.Kt>-r and Jtroina
avenua trollay aad *<?? earrlaga. I "ta ll^n ap.
ralaphana 1888 Oramarcy for Bo>>w ?.f Vl*?e
,,r i - oi eaentatlra.
.ifTl.'-. 80 F.ast 88d St . N*w York '"Itf.
I I! \M\ K. CAMTalBLL. 241 i n>?t :^,1 8t?
Chapela Frivat* Rooma. Prlvala Anihulaneaa,
T*i 1824 Chelaa ,
M VIN t)Kl I'F. ?No. I.%4 Naaaau atie.t
WAI.l. BTRBBTT "KKIi K No. 17, Wlillam
1IPTOWN .'KKIi F No. 1,iei Breadaay, of
any Am*il...n Diatrlcl T*l< araph Ofljea.
lliui.KM orriCEB So I5T RVaflt 158th Btraet.
N? Jrt:i Wcflt 128th aaraM, and No J19 U'.ag
r.'Mli alr**l.
WASHINOTON Bt'REAU?Weatory B>itldln?et

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