OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, December 26, 1911, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1911-12-26/ed-1/seq-2/

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? T.-.t\
for the Prot?
- ? ha\InS 1" ' H
! '.I for th ni on Sunday. Bach prisoner
ai Mis. w alkci.
, ?rroerlj probation officer for the City
on, a 'na* ea? h <?t the men i ?*? ? l> ed
*- cigar from th? Boeietj of 81 Vlncenl
d< Paul
The Day at Institutions.
l'oi t> -niie- men .?n?i *-i\ women pris?
oners in ih" "th i?istri?-t prison, adjoin?
ing Um Weal Bid? <"u?t. had Chrlatma?
tinner ol turkej and ? hi? k< n, and Miss
\i? Quade, pi obatlon otB? sr at the
Doroewtk Relations Court, ?*.:?*>' ?iirar^ to
Ih? men T?rke: ?linn?! ned >n
( , I'.la? kw? IV - Isl
, City Hoapit Ht tropoll?
? .-: ti,. pi ison. Dinner vas
? -,?> ?iistiIbuted at the
? : n Island, and about
I omen and
nner al the Mu
; , Lodging House, In Kaal -??th
\i.,..ii ten thousand person? were
; cits Instltu?
All ??in
, h,? 1,100 patients In
1 ? ? , i . ? Willi
mother a received pn ?ei !- from
,, ?. t frlendi ? ire ***
and ??Lidr? n'.- wards at Bell? rue,
? ?l ti.? i. was a ti*?*. m ea? h. i>r. So\,?k
'.??I Bant? ? I.??' . and pa -? -i
tin ough Hi? t arda, kw Ing to each
ihlld. m the Red Croat Hospital, in
Prh*e. th? regular Chrlstma?
turkey dinner was served, With the ex
le 11? ' su? " i".?? h pa
? ? ? :.. d .? book and aoroc small
additional gin
i ;?*-.**" |o C. 'f the < len?
rial Hospli I I 10-tth str? ? I
? Park W< -'. : rot ld?ed a dlnn? r
for th? M'? ..m ? tient? and
Kervan" in the Institution. Only IM ??f
? ? ? Roosevelt
tal ? ' . .? to go t" the dinner
In tie* bis ? I? bul ail tin?--? who were
n*. ' d to th? Ii i? d? had dinner brought
to iii
each p??iient.
II iy th-*
tor the L'7<? men and women In the
I * * Jail, Brooklyn, and the
i.."/xi men ?ml women In tt?. ?
a Im ?house The blg| i was
? ! ., ? .p \? here more tl n 8,000
? -r? ? 1
\i pre?, nt ?ho following battl?
' g til "ii!',:'
OVSrhs o? Ih? Botlth
Carolins th? Michigan, the North Da
krta ' . I Vermoi *
New Man? I ?tlCUt. i
i h vessel hi?
, *?s thes? ih? recel Ing sh i
??? men.
W. M. Flirss, Jr.. Gives Dinner I
for Them, as His Father Did.
' i . .. : .
? .< tmaa
sa wax
. .- ? ?
? the dining hall, on
by Superintend? nt J \t
: - 1 . ?
Rrst throng
i of ? oft-ee,
i pi<
" lr. ngratulated
*.-1- hed
'hem all n "?ten ' hrlati Happy
New Teai '?" * ? \. and
the boys? theli own
?K?* In whit? -?*.?? i i, -i
?? ? ? th? formsr
? asi Mr I I believed that thi?
ahouM tx ' * lelvely s boys' dinner.
" Appears at Y. W. C. A. to Make
Glad Girls AJone in New York.
\ v. ? - .? nt of Sai ? ??-il !
' ad legal Is i la m.,
aien-t ?-. nly ??fe?
male of tl 11 i ?-? night at
the Teung T
Ne T Bast lftk nf-t ?. tanta
- npi-'H' ?d ?r than th.- mal?-,
tor i?ii?? distributed presenta with the ?am?
I her thousand fat brother?
. mi..
Th?? r?<- HI of girl?
'*?-. in] ? In the
great iity eoni?l come; ?be did not have t?>
?? a member ? I he as?
t-oeiatiot'i- social ?eiv-h? i lub, ? '" ??
of Imshssss nu-? prsfasslnnal women, ha i
e.vited tire? hundred Dl th??? *::?:*
had a Ire? Is? then* ai ?? fun labed the pa?
il r-ajita ? lau?. M i? L>oi? Oarrlguae
lim Mabi l V, Rlvi i
aad Holland i.. Hr? ornet
"Time and Eternity" Produced
at Her House in Oramercy Park.
For a namber of roott Mr? Edward R
Hrwitt h?i? i.e?*n writing playlets, meetly
?Ai i ben of h> ! fam
: ?i hsi : . . ? m la
ally actlv? at thi? pal
ell] eempoei ?
i?,4iiiu>- for perfsoaaaae? h>* hot ofcUdren
and theit y?ouaf ???> Chrlstma?
j ?a? , .'.?'?.?i yasterda) afternooa,
i i a "'?* en'l o' the
? ??.-tuiPK ?o m of her hous?
merey Fort ? * me of ' t. and
v Jlli a IMMOtOr h"ar Kai-?, repn
i Time, and Mi?-. Lacy Hewitt th??
I hild <?f Eternit.. YOUSg \l?ran. S. Hewitt
achieved i. ol T?hs
?and Msi ??? )?? played thi part
of .1 '
???ith C'O'i a-Hl??
Among i
? -.. r Hewitt, Mi and
Mrs. Petei Hewitt, Mn Jama?
iiatk' ':?" b? with hei i?- sin..*-. Mi
..!? H ' Ml .!!? ?
Edward Robinson Mi and Mr? Chsrle?
- Ilider.
M the . n?) or the )?? ther?
refreshment? and asm Ii u- i... ? -
evening Mm Abram M H??wlt( u-\<->
family j'.'ii ? -?t her hous? on *
avenue, ti" featur? <?f the entertalnm??ni
bdng an exhibition ol ti.- coronation mov?
mn pictur??? Ii v\..-i t'.iio'.M.i by ?upper.
Drank Half Pint from Father's
Christmas Bottle.
? ? -Qm 1 rU ?n>? i
N'.-W HaV? ..I'? I ?? * Mil "I
??unking i?' ' ?i pinl of Whiekey
George Hunt, sli years old, died la ?
here to dny. J.<e Wlbakey was given i?.
?he oay .?? father ?h h holt-day pr?sent,
The -father. utter fakir** a drlnl left th?
??ncorked Vott> m th-? i?>??
Th? little hoy ram*? ?long aj.?1 took t* ?
??r?l ?wallo?.-* of it H? ?"??* ??v.' n to the
Kaw Hav?n Hospital, srher* N Mel In
Burglars Steal the Christr
Receipts of Five and Ter
Cent Establishment.
| Enter Building Through Gla
Roofed Extension?Police Sa
isfled That Thieves Were Ex
perienced Burglars.
r. irglan blew open U s s,if.* .n a Kai
' ??? cen? Btori earlj yesterday nu
ini and gol awajr with about Ken la a
They <*ov?*re?i tii??r tracks neatly, taV
away with Diem all t?i? ir t?.ol:<. leaving ?
a pair of gloves, Tha safa door waa si
tared and not much opportunlt) was
? tectlvi.? (., -??? r dngerpri
Kttot an Inveatigatlon tha polies wars i
;-'?i t at ?" robber) wai committed
: cracksmen, aa nothing i. ?. > i r ? ? ? ? *"i
the bunglinf amateur.
The robbery was la tha ata i el I
? Nos l'.J add IM West 12
street Krosga tuns a chain of Bterea
n establishment always do?*? a
business, and ?aturdas tha Christa
shopping mads th? racslpta part?cula
large Praetlcally a 11 of tha aseas] wss
silver and amsll billa, an?i muFt have si\
th< burglars troubla in takmg It as
William < laik. watchman of '?"??
:? at Seventh avenus and II
?treat, was in tha rear of that b I
I .a s o'clock, when ha hi
pened t? glan a ovsr at tl??- Krssge ate
a that ri Ng baft had been ? ut
;| ? reef ??f ?? amah wooden, i
estenalen. Inrestlgstina further, be fou
the safa In lbs Kresg? store sprawl!
open, Its door blown almost from '
n- Informed ths perita
v ?vii.- hanging from one of tii- sleet
light socket? showed that ihr- burgigra h
uaed .?ri electric ririii to bora holsa in t
r-af?*- door. Everything pointed to niti
? rlna as tha asploatva ufad, ?'.ubs h
been taken from th.- atorre Block n'
w'iai>pe<i around th". asfe t.? mufn? i
? ?n the Boor was ?? pair ol : ? ?' p'"
used to handln th? ? le-etrlc ?bill, and al
-? ?. i,. nnget i ints on '; ?? safa dot
ah .lover burglars, according to th?
gloves nowsdsys Stuck to ihr ]<a<
of -.?la.*??, which lay on ths glaai r'.?.f. was
lie??* of raj..!, it is a favorita schstne
pour mola sea ??!? .? wlndos or s'.a*s i-?><
? ,.i: ? ? to r. cut 'li- gla
?Aitii ;i diamond and then lift out t>
Nothing else in ib?* ?tot,- , i ,-i>t the sa
i? ?I ,,l*,l II U - - M ?
of Deteetlvi - i ?? lane*. iiav.r,
rell Unit th? burglars had planned the r-?'
sonn time In advance -""i wen i"
?r ? ?, ..uii.inii?s.
Another robl w ) ;? ! Isrl? ??! on I
,ir barb? r I op ol A
....... it No W i
This ts ti?- fourth robberj ?'? th?
,,i.,,. . . ? ? ? snd It ran
..'?. but a ?ai
In almila
i omi son B ''"' ? at l_
? . Her?? m Bl? si Is
this epr*?* onl> >'?'- WBI '"
Officers. Crews and Passenger
Follow National Customs.
,, ? , riBtii ? "' ,;,p ses yesterds
land It was (Thi I
pori loon vlvldl: d?*rco
,."i nilstle
toe .... . ?
and c'ni; i the forecast!
, ,i ind Hi, ir . th? '?? i sbo i
the f- stli ?
emperors, snd cr?** ? m? ? in tli
plac? - allott? -i
T ? orttlnh th? ds
r,??ir-t i"*?*?" am plum pu ?
?tan th to King ?T?-sot-ge, drunl
ting ??u H ?
Xhii ceremon) ws witnessed aboard it,
... ., ind < :? nii-fi t. Si. and th
\\ hit Btsi '? u ? amon
\ | lv? on the G? rmsn ship:
? . .i? hal ?liff- ???! ' I ?a th
Kronprins? ssln ? '? III? ol Ihi Norl ? ;?
man Uo) ?i i .in?*, th? ?
? . t ou t in ?pa rat < | * of th
ufllceri and ? ni
in the main saloon; on? for thi stes*ard
,,iui cabin
and one foi thi team? n, foi ward.
A'- layed li
i?i? i-, and .. ?riHi tel rang
mi,- f-le? s of I en Cap
tain ] ? ds, drlnkinj
a bump? r of beer st i
ng i? pris? upo
? ?
?-an lim r Ame* ik*
Il bspi ? '?? 'i Ihsi n?.i-? f i e I.,. ge tmer<
errs terday, Ti,<
Philad? ipl la r th? *????? ?? i .i ?
Baturdaj. , ? riiirstmaa ?
lion w ill is - ?es a sral tiundn d mllei
ai >?., 11 ? ever, will ml?
? or an irnlli!,
Ited Quantlt) of i hi Istmss liquid si i i.?
.i before them ?,f ?he com?
pany, sooordlng t.? ths Immemonsl cuatorri
o? tha sea.
Wireless Tells of Many Wagers
Made by the Passengers.
Psaaangi the Benauda-Atlantlc
line Oeaana and tin Quebec liner Bor?
ti. altan Brers lavish ?ith Hair ?lirlslma
money yesteids) Bants ( laus tm.r-t havs
I.i I ? tr-.ai y of them, j
from the wtreli k<-?l up by
operators within several hundred mil???.
rsdlui ?if ti??* two vessels steaming sids
?ward tin? j... t ol Ramllton. i'h?*
? " got and .laHii?.-,
to tha trained aera >,? the opsratoi i
I money, and II
??????? laying ? r ..n
wsgei bs to which *.- a? : aro il i drop an
,h?ii ?n n? - itera Hr. I
,' Into th?*
Atlat ? .i ? Bermudian pi Id ,| out
of i. :? rth In tl North Rivi r Bal
B? rmudlan picked
rival off the POl t 1, .
snd , n to ??. ? rbsul bar, i .
m ngi 11 that t piled high
it sean'l long after breakfast thai ths
1 g< sprang from tha parallel
wires sbovi h B? ,,, 1(,..s
ih. Int? i ??? nlni ah* to the Ocesi In two
b? ? ...,, j.!<?<-. an I thi
si the morning waa taken up In register
big beta ranging fror? $i?> to 11.000 B
"?.-ai I ? Bsi dlsn was almost abr? ..-t ot
the < ?'-?-??i ?. snd lat? t repoi t.- put i ? i a
i..-, n, the lead, ah th?- wireless ststlons
? wen uraltlng anxiously
last night t,. learn which company ,??i.?
K'.itiB t.. spend i1. . ? tmaa
during Ihe holidays
I''???', > i -, ? i M !-'!,,,!,:h a of NOS V'.rk
I liner-?'? A|r and Ml.? \\ < ] <r? 4 .
tones and W, li Beardi ? , . .
I* ' sana Tb? Bermudian had
aboard f-rogsagoi tlaargi ? patt? i
frtaeatoe Gilbert < o?as?- ?ad tamil
Mr? ay v, Lambert anj -, ?.^ ptuyn
COUPON NO. 23, TUESDAY, DEC. 26, 1911. Q?
$15,450 in Prizes Free
My Answer? to THE TRIBUNE'S Bookreaderi"
Pictures of This Date and Number Are:
No. 45.
No. 46.
Contestant's Name .?.
City or Town and State.
Contestants In the Tribune's H"o.'**re:nI?rs' ?"'outest rnti-f write th.elf
answers upon thla eonpnn. whi?*h will appeal on Page ? sf The Trlbi n?
e\ery day during th? eont*e?t. The compl?ta coupou mmt be returned.
Answers submitted on toiipotis which sr? not complets er which do not
bear The Trlbuns's heading win not b? ?considerad. List of prizei?.
conditions of the conte t and rrt'
Discards Sleigh and Takes Ad?
vantage of Aviation Weather.
Only Once Since 1895 Has the
Thermometer Gone So High
on December 25.
r.?., n i ither "?an k< pa pa? alth
progress, if he didn't, heaven only knot -
what would her? happened to *?n the]
mu.? h-eate, .'?'?d big heats, t?"?. *? hlch
had .?-takc'i their happinesa on ? ' i*;' I
Si.nt,? Clan? yastcrdsy. For Bants Claus*?
tr:ft t-? 'm ?If I Chi Istmaa v
pow-srful new weight-carrying aeropl
.???i ,r ; ? conldn'l hare used i? h? mightn't -
have oom? xt ??i! Hos rould one expect
Bant ? ? Id? the sky tl In ?i
rickety, old-fsshloned sleigh? But the
r man knew aboul that ?
snd presented Sea ?fork ?i*h .1 gem
slice of real aviation weather Bo Bsnta
? w gift and ' <ni'*.
couldn'1 t?e their n< ? glfU
nearl m ..m
with the weather a.*- Bant? 1 *'-n" *
ol them, In fa? t, 1 < n w? nl 11 far
athpr man for giving ? ?
old .?nit thr- kind of weatl i ? int? ?!
forgetting fT th-? moment If h? had
him ?it*?- thing else the: II be '
? n ng :??r thi lr Rifi Th? y wei
people to whom Banta broug snd
?*- .nul v.irm t|
To v-.ir HicniK Fifth avenu? tard?
afternoon on? might hav? ght I
Banl ?. Imbu? ?i * Ith ?? fanatl? /? al foi I hi
prtence of the ,-jir, .-. t 11 i 11 ??. j to pm anj "f
wint? r 1* ? ? ;
? ' gi
.... ,].<-?
abused the ntind of this notion. Hers
.i..*- -w ho ?had a peri? ctlj beautiful
Buff] ahlt? ing . ?bed
at home, lui' I.?n ?artI.Id a w<
: 1K ? thle 7 11 ? ;
other "'" who had |?J?I n elved ??
? ur i'ii'-'i coat, but, ? infound It,
lo let t
i?, envy him.
itat? ol n ? nol "";
appointment to man? s ho ? de 1
1 1- to pul ? ?' latmaa pr? ien(
1st? ni?< ' II ws? siso om? ?hin.
surprise. The weather man, thai a
Individual, apent th? whol? ol
thinking up non-committal rumora abo"'
stormi head-ad thi.-* way from the "A ? 1. d i<
tl the dawn -
hlmaell admitted thai lb? I I High!
all "? caught III m ^'. t ti<jn t gaaolene foi
tnotoi he ha Meet? ?i to ? ?
any becaua? ??i the unpromlains w? ]i
1.. r
wot hardl) pruphetl? of the daj th ?'
The tl
t? ntly, 'null .? ?" o'ekx k yeal ?- * nlng.
ii time i? 1 . 1 . and
tl.? sk'?
? on II had . K\
it touch id 43 ' mly on? c is th?
1 1 high <
; ? . *i hsl wa In ?Un rhen It r?glai
Irntini teni
a .lowei than yest? '
'Ih>*' minimum. ITei h rdaj '.-* mlnlmui
hlch thi local w ? athei H
1 |i?( wa ii*.
\,.i on? e durlnf th? da; did ai
?ik? i? 1 ? si cloud hado? t-?
the t I ouldn't
weai new wraps, treel
. "?,ntr>* Ian? 1 '" mal ? t 01 a i."M
? ?n Bv? ? hi i.-iii? ?.- - oui ??f th?
t? 11 n ha- aetuall) an
hav? been whits, it waa onl)
?ago that .'.':? ?Inches ?>f anos :??i . i?ii.??i
? , 1 ? A few peo
. nough lor the next t? I Be
th? y bops thai Bants k< 1 p hi ? set opl
This Is the Eest of All, Declarea
1 isnv? r. De? Thi? 1 t. 1 ol .-> 11
CbriStmaa da*-.*^ I have enjoyad,"
aald Ills? Mary Bhearln to-?)a;, in the ml?ls1
of h?-r quiet et lebraUon ?-?f Chrl
? th annlv? rsan of hei birthday
Mb SI serin mak? - h? r ?bon ? al Bi
Joseph's Hospital, where ah? served I
nurse for n Man] fi|? nda call? 'i
t? -iij*
- Q,
Magistrate Threatened to Do So, but
Modifies Statement.
*? :- . '. ?
I " -'? W'lvi?-? v.i,,. Int? :i?l
il? their husbands before Magistrat?
. 1 oa n, .n th? ? ? Dtral pollc? court
on chargaa ol cruelty <?r assault trill do
v.?ii t?. weigh th? circumstance?
.i< ting,
'i ?..? ?poll ?? pi ?n Uona thai the |
declara) Ion In th? ? ai - ,,, .,,
Hlmmerleln a m i.rii?< a rs
in?; wi\ ' h to 11 ? Central atation
to h?- modified .1- *? eoneaejnsne? of the vei
?ran nsagtetrata's statement 11. 1? quoted
as saying la the IHmmorlolii .?ih.- thai be
1- ready t?. whip anj wit?* baaUt mni to
foll?n th?- oaatlgatlon with nieh athei
legal punlalim. nl ?? ' hi ofl . r war?
"I ?ji'in t lnt< '.?i in ?remark? t.. ? m1ll,
lit? rath ' said the |udge
woiii*n i\f ast *r n hat th?) g? ?
had hettei keep cl? ar -?r n , -,in 1
Mailed -mywhere In th? Unit?n Its-tog
for $?.50 a year.
Large Congregations Attei
Services in Places of Worshir
Bishop Greer Talks at Cathedr
of St. John ? Moiisi?nor
Cusack at St. Patrick's.
1*? ? ?* ?"i esi i'i and wood will to m?
I? Ih? ?entlmenl ??f ? ihi Istnt? *. ?n<l II a
in on? form or anoth? ; irstlon
" ? ? ??? ? -,..!:'. n the d
rn man II ? ??.?? made the ?
reel th. m. of t?o ' and this' v
lh< ? * ?? al ? irsl "f St. .J.-hn t
?'. h? t.? Bis! ' :? |i
Intel national i-?*? ? ? good ?? III.
? iirUtni*?- snd Bsster ste the two ?o
rh ti"? largeel ? o tgi ?gatlon .??*'
I e found it. tl - ? hurcl
* ? ?? ^ - n.. -. ? ption io ?
rale. On i
? r ?brought ma * lo the r
?i coi
d to ? ? ? ? hoi .:*?? ..I I ? ?
i ...1 Ir?.
to ma i) of <: old? ' r? Id? n
of th?
i.? able to . ? i ? ???n-1 another Chriati u
vIm the ? Rork?
the ?treel ,;"* :
I of the
it seeraed thai the youi ?
found ti?? -.!
pered ?'r + no I? cordial Invitation
rellgtous devotion.
i h? m i ? lee j tot* * da? ? i - I he Hi
? 'hrl -i m? ?? ? 11'*'* thai ?en held
? fli .1. '.n the Dlvli
. ; n??? igh it were a ? lo tl
ledical m of tl
building ??? * * o i ??*** ' nd go
n ill .? do? * ? i ? ' tered
h weal
,,( th? ro, || . ? .
aftei circling around th? church found
i . ? " 1111 ? ? ?
remained there until I
Beqi'tmnn of a Better World.
"Christm i- *?? ? I ?belt?
.n a orld .it"i '
end," Bishop Ore? said * I sermoi
"Vot ? nt hus t? -' I? It. l-'!l I
-* ni \ - yt h i" ? ??? king i.rd :
' man lav? and tatuti .<>*-.i ??*
?in an? ? ? si i ' id? snd Intern?
. through enlsiging h im?n ??*?.:
. ii'in .m iclatioi -
IM'-li log! H ' I In ?!" ?* !?? , :i *i |
. ? | rope of 1 ma
? ? t< them ? 'i ; ittlng n d< i
? -f nbliarntlon ">. *
"is I ." how lo nil snd ??
?a deeper | ? ? I? -<? \
? ? Then I
-? mon ?i in i question "f ? i
adjustm? nt or .In - or si
?i ii.? ,i-i ' it la I tma m<
? ? ?? ?nuil and olltl? Beiia< in
? - ? md indivMiml V
th all Ih? ' il
? - - - md i-ir
? . i .
' ? i., th
? -' ?? ? . 'i ih? ??Id grudgm ii"
i . +1 ? -1 -?s and hate? making dlei?ord In th
v i|,.-,i out, md with th? '-'? -??'?' ?
; aim ring i n thy i oui, go
old dying ad ?depart In peace."
'ih. ? I'a'il'V ' ??'
: i he Rov. Dr. 1 ?dmnnd 1
.*\it,. - ;!?? . i was ' Bethlehem sni
ture oi M< n," md
? ,..i th" probl? ni ol unir? il
by way of th? ? ?* ? ting Hi
In ,li a
nt Cardinal Kai wa* c?l?br?t??
. ? H, TI ???n.?. I' ?
i Mu liai oi Lav? 11? Th? R
.i? im Quino wa? id the i:? I Ian
,. m 11 , must? r * r,f L?cn
. c- i. m h Do iu< mi
th? It? >*. .lohn .1. Hi i n
At ,,!i the meat? i In th? ? ??' ' ? di ??l i
1. . i I? dirai .?\\ed bj Mom Ignoi I.*.
. \. ne f; m ? "ardi?al Karle] waa r? id Tl
? r'ardlnal expr ?a? d the hop tha
'..if fni member? of in- congregation v.oui
, hapm Ltirlntmaa mi?i ??? i?ro?i>eroij
*: t. ??..ii?*? tlon taken up ai th?
. ,? ? ?. well M lito?,? al nil th.
i-a In th? ? " N s 1 di*, ?a
foi th? s. nefll oi ? '?m. ' ?ola an?
? itholl? education.
Indifference to Religion.
, ipie of i -i |k ? Indli * 'i ?
. ,i (rom th?* hon - t"p U?-daj ;
father Bhanahan, "ai ? the mod? : i
t as om '? Hcht>
. i* human ona knien? '?? ' :
analysi i. It I m i eut to I ? ens of ti ?
? rnptl? ' p ? evsi tuti.? -l ?ui
ncceptance <>r wayward human ??'?-? Tb?
world in wl ?rh we llv? i rlatl inlsed
Christian though! msy ha
u .m ?t. bul th? praeti? al etteet ' I
?. ntui |? ? of ? "in istian Influ? ne? rem
ins public and privets opinion ol lbs world
1 The ?i? gmatlc trutl i sad moral p
' ol ii?- ? -hrlstlaa religion ha ??
. .i 'I'ii. \.*i., air ?-i i
ami ?.f llf ? 1s . ii.u i-'-.l with the
? ?n prlniiplea ?>f ronduct A m m
il lui;, helm ?. - and moi .i!, t.?
extei t. undei i h ? Irciim
In '?ii-itt ? rhurch I'i William T M
I i.... h.-.: n i.i i??i sei n, n n ?m lbs t ?x t.
\\'!.. u i: ? i nine m of Um? >? u- - Im? . ? ;...i
v..-ni r,,i ? ii Ion." "For the I?? ii??. ? ?
t h|a i- ?? das ??"i ol ?i ?? i ?? bul of
.;.??, otlon." ?Id i ? Mannlni "noi n
i ,..iii bul ol aderatl? n; not <?f p illation,
hut ?.! reverend i*nih and humbl? ?? ??
?-W .. t.-. i, and rlghtl) feet, i hal II la i el
.. | fa ? o i?, -in? tt, kneel In HI presen? ?
;,. ui? ihepherda and |ha aia men did
lo heal i' ?ir Word ?bout Him
i- i. fl, .. .| ?.tu p); t1 ? ?i. ?o.i In <???? " ?-i'i
? Ihemselre
? I,,. ... .?1 Ol|l
Ifli , rirat, th,.? ft? Is Ord i' - '? ??r?. ?
1 -rli't'i-r ? n?* . *? - ' id It ,i i !?- ? mai
,,: j .-',.,"' '? * Ol ' - ' I ,V "
t?? ... ? truth ? * . ible '"
..n *i. i ? -.., ' ?
' McConnell Found in Office
Newspaper While Writin
Alleged Confession.
"Magnetic Wireless Healer'
Held for New Jersey?Wil
Says Another Woman Is
Partly to Blame.
\ in n Mot 'onnell, (hit I] -seei g
.?id. .? lecturer, win? gave Mb address si
Qrsnd r?rk Hotel, Chicago, rsui?) by
(?.?li.'?. in ii.iv. admitted shooting and I
ly Irijiirinsr his wife, Mrs. Marlon D
Connell, at iit hr?m<- ii( Ocsaa Orase, >
r<|, Saturday niii li ?. tggg ?irrr-i?t?-i1 last i
While Bitting at a r?*jir?rl? r'?- rlrsk it?
editorial room of "Tha Kew Tork Th
by Deteetlss i ???--?..??i. ..r th?* Waal Wth al
poll " station. According i<> tha police,
Connell wsa operating ?? typewriter i
am ted, an?i had written the follow in
i wh* feread to abi ol ths woman who
if- Abtiolute divor?a wsa obts
;., i spring Not one word wsa said
garding the divorce? tha night I shot
She !???.*? tried to vilify an innocent wor
Besl le the typewi Iter the rletectlve
ba found a slip of paix t on which
ti i the following;
Rver person who hsa helped to build
work has i??*?-n rillfled b) s woman
is elthei I:?!- levai ? Insane or .1 d? Igt
(tend. ?When 1 had nndi- diaeovertea In
. lectrical basis ? f I i r* * which (threi lll?ctg
?... ,,rd?i years later
IfeCOnnell#sraa t.ik?-n t.. the West
?treel porlee station, s/hers ha srsa lee
chargea of felonious sa ?? ill
Im-?hk h fugitive from Juatloe. .v-, ??r-iin
I lets?itl?/s Devotl, h?* sold:
"i shot my wif** becssae she tsas als
making tne believe I waa Insane.
\liifl"s me to different persons snd hss
my character dosm. 1 doo'l want to
ba? k to %'?*?*<? Jersey, for they will pur
back, as they did before. 1 ? -tut to gel
US 11 Is '
1 le ssi asked v. b?t he did " It h
er after shooting his wife, snd,
ording !?> thu -1 tective, n piled thist
threw It .iw.i? in,s wood naa Lak w?
\. .1. white riding In ??n automobile t
, N. .1 . prior 1" going
"Did you r*ee bei fall?" asked Detect
the prtsoi l
"Site waa about to fen" when r ran out
i he hui??- si d ?."' Into th s .innc at
mol He."
M ' '?an-, 11, ih? >Ii< ? ss? dsclai ? 'i
-., *%???- v,, k Oil on Bunds] nig
arriving at the (fete* f3r**/*itroble, Bevei
.- enue and Bdth s?r,,i. -*?????i? 7 o'clock,
The poll? <* ha\ ?? 1? ? n Inform? d,
tl ?? ifcConn? II ei sal om with
l| Vi? IT \Tni1f.-ioii n\^nit<
The lecturer, who U about . f<H
?i? ? -? ?! al the tl
,,r hi
1-11 -.- Ith ? he ?
wh!'* being taken to ?;
bous? Th? re he to ha? ?? i?*:'"*rt'
? 1 ode out to ?"? " Ife' hmi ?# I an
In and saw her in or*.?* of tha r ? ? ? ? r 1 - ?
"1 -.? ,-i 1 k ? ? 1
? ? ...? .- rala] M
I.- "
Ou?t -:,. . nd bat ' rid I J been sej
i'.iti .1 foi several * ears, an?i sin?
to ffew York City he htvl been destr?n
, divorce, ;n order 'hat h?* ?nig
-''? t . ught, msrrj a Mrs Stanford. ?*>
, . ??-?! n, th? li * rl ?.' it !"*r hu bs
. 1 ??!! Ssturd iy |
?derlng b?r 10 be saated demand
?? hen -h - .",-1 show
rc< Bh< added Mi
b? efused ind then st irted to : un f''r
the do -? of I
dining room ? old
,i ,,1 1 ?. . . of th ts hitting her
It "1 I ?fifes 11
? md mi
;. no ? :. his Id? ntlt Hi ssk? d '
..... -. : ol . d an : '
P votl dtrp itch? 1 from
??i reet si Hon.
M- ? 'onnell 1 lIva of Alabama si
.,1 on? tii?"' ws -li'i.i of "The Alkahest
,. magasin? published In Atlanta. IIa cai
tQ n, ... -, ..?-?? in 18Q1 ;,|?i ,1-iu ?, ad
ber "f if. ''.r- In 1 'arni gi< I? 1
tir. wom? n It al? ? in 1
Asbui ? r.,i k, v. J . Dee .'? \ dn w- m
Connell, th? originator of thi m<fcgnel
\- ?, ?. 1 headi t his wife
1 ? ?. .? .. ??? .,11 s??,..!-,la- night, 1 =
.. in t?i? opinion of i1
w < ? .1 1 \ alen, of rfo ?M tt si iv.i
t. Ses York, according to Polks
!. nan I Ft ink Tantum, of ? k*ean ? Iroi
ph) rdclsn wss a ? ??h' r st Mrs M
. ?? n- ir i...m.* i
\, 0 ding i" Tantum, 1 ?? .'si l'ai?
,i.i tbsl Mi ? lonnell a ??? ,<f h
toriui it men I medl?*al ?n
oitli 1 shortl* aftev l relea of Md ?,i
nell from a ileorgit inssns asylum, sboi
five years ago Mr McConnell sas instn
n? m..1 in (?curing th.mrnltmenl of h?
blind and also aided In ?*?? m
- inclined to 1.. in - 1
addition to hi- hallucination th
-i..,., . .m ntalii ws , ' rruptlng- snd dti
Inter . 1 tins bii mental though) s*sves.
; i?-r 1,,i..,..1 n, 1 \-..1 - , ? ted tu the ??hooting b
. ? n,;, i in ? on eni to s dl 11
\, ?rdtng !?? tl ?? ? ?? ?'an ? ; r??.?* polt? ??*, Mr
M<. 'onn< II i" 1" ? es thai hei hushsnd an
. in -, . u Mrs Helen Stanford, have
I atronr* bond ol sympathy ??i?.l that the
would wed If he were ;?r liberty to do M
Police Chief? Edward Remaen ?>f Sprin
'. says ??..-t McConnell and h? seen
tar) : i" nt pari of Ihni summer ;?r Sprin
! l.nk". McConnell I ..I-,, ??.??11 known .,
t.- k- ? 001I, where it I? *uiii bt u?i? ..in.
-,.????. ?1 fi .m? a prominent hot? I bs -
his odd actions
M? 1 onnell li >.ni\ sllghtl) wounds?
Mrs. Sage, Miss Gould am
Rockefeller Remembered.
Tha bets of lbs navy surprised .Mu? 1
Rockefeller, .Urn. RttsssD s.u.:- and Mis
Helen Qould with Christmas preaenta yes
la appreelgtloa <?f ii?o help the
hava liven t?? tha Totmg kfea'a Chriattai
Aaaodatlon in the navy.
A eommltt.f four btuejei k< I cam
hers fi :n Norfolk, Va., with a ban
I tabla ,..%. r which ths saltera thsmsetve
bad embroMsred, working oui tha variou
ambloma w-iti? r?rr??i.t nkin. and pre
I sentad II to Mr. Rockefeller while h?* wai
1 w ith in*- family at i?i?< town honea
? 11- told tha boya ha was happy with th.
I rsmembrsnes, Tha boya in torn told hin
bow much tir?* naval Toang Men's Chris
; tt.ii? AssoctatkHi at Korfolk, tot \> bleb Mr
feller had furnlahed tha funda, war
1 The commltl.,?,..> mads a]
of tho New Hampehire: a
-1 1 'olllna, .??' tha Loulalanai R. J Mlllei. ol
the gouth ? aroltna, and John _dmler, ol
ths \ rmont,
Taro ??th'*r saliera, M llenrlg and A
A?ii.n. ?,f ths battleahip Delaware, mad?
presents of a tin.* French oloeh to Ml?
Qould, and two eeeea Amsriean Beaut)
'"*?? to Mi* ?s#a it? behalf of ths naval
i Maa'a Christian Aaaeelatl
J:.klyn, tha mubllahment at?.) ?m
of which wai atada possibla b) their Kitt.-?
let n, W 1 D . w inn,m n,?ko
-*Kr to hi .1. ,|
? ? nt is 1
' <-i ?? .-ri. .1 on Li ? -. ,,. ,,f 1 ..,,.,
**n ?.' ??"?i-l ?? twenty yean
- 1 1 -,
"t/e O??o
Watchman' Whir key
In Non-Refillable BotUes
?And seek no further,
For better can't be found.**
? ?niilivird from Hr?! t? ic>?.
wa? '?"tain???! on ri'i>r.-s-*?iitations from Ma- :
ilero. I vi.1t/-.i m) f.ith. i in Havana and ?
than ?.t irned to Mexico to talk srith Da Is
Barra, the provision?! prcsid-ant of the re?
public, in ? few <ia\s orders were Issued
permitting my fath?-r to return to Mexico.
When he arrived Madero offered him the
efles of Minister of War, which be a. -
cepted %?iti?. tii- ides thai Madero was sin
eere, but m?a belief wa? quickly dispelled
by criticism Inspired by .Ma.i?*ru that aooa
began t., appear in ti ?> nawspap? rs.
"Madero had control ?f th? army "f the
republic and a fair ele? tlon wa? plainly
Impoosibfe. My father becami tired of be
Ini? persecuted, and two months neo the
r?volution waa started by my father*? foi
Inflict Heavy Loss on Spanish
Force in Morocco.
Madrid, t>ee, 25. An oflil ilal dlapatch
from MellHa, Morocco, lays that th?? Riff
tribesmen, undismayed by the severe to*
pulso <<f December 22, reappeared In two
?Aeree attacks on December 28 and J4.
which lasted for several bourn Tlw
Spaniards held theh poettloo and force i
the enemy to retire, hut suffered lieav- |
lly. Pr?sent liRiir."-!-? estimate tin? Span- j
I? . I?.??.-* .it ?ix oAlcers killed and thirtv
s!\ m? n MU? i "i" ?rounded.
The news >?f renewed lighting m th??
Riff country, which wan believed i'> have
lern padfled, foreshadowing the pogol?
blllty of another campaign In Morocco,
has enuaed ?? painful ?cnaatton In Mad?
i id, and Kim ? - ? ' - d< cldod to
cancel all his Immediate engagements
snd stay In '!"* ??apltal f?or the prenant.
?? i -
Six Hour?: of Fierc* Fighting at Ain-!
zara and More Imminent.
1 ?' - riii? Malts coi. eapood* ?
ent or "Th? Datlj Chronicle" ?ends ? letter
-i fi oni Tripoli, ?'!? KrlMng th?
Kurprlse at?.irk on Masan ?by \o\uu Arabo,
?n-itii srtltlery. The attack was ?o iw? * j
the Italiana wer? able le repula? th?
?nemy onlj sfter ?la hour? of hard i?k'"-i
int. ?l'lr'T't; which thej repeatedl] re
luseted reii
? report from Tripoli ?ay thai an?
I . mined attack ??i Alnsars i? Im?
minent. N" lerlou? iik.*ii?inc bas taken
place during Christmas.
?Only Thrr.r Escape Injury Whnn
Car Plunges Into Creek.
* - ? ' T ,n-? '
Poti ivilh P< mi , i i . . ? rowd? ?i *' i*li
. .,g. i -, til i -"It to SI
j tat? Hold!? ?. at Pottai * ? night, on?
I of the big ei-*.!:' trolley ?u*' of
th,? i. ? Rails sj ? ? 'om
nan ", iii?-n had gathered up theatre goera
from man? points, plunged over th? tres?
tle at < ?i ? Horn, Mount Carbon l?verai
mil. s aouth of Pottsvllle, fafllag into ;?
<?re**k which la a tributary of t ? Hchuyl?
1 uni River. There ??"??.?? aixty passenger?
I ?;i the a. ??"i onlj ihre? escaped Injury.
i Tii re were non? of the passengers mum
?outright, i?1" a versl of them wer? aerlously
? injur- -i
i .Ml of in- - ? been ?accounted
' r-.r i"'? ? i.?*. ? h?, rannol be found
nt-. rumora thai I- ptey be t-Md <-?.,-.* ? ?
beneath th? wrecked ear or that he may
i hav been hurled Into th? Brhuyltdll :<"?i
close b? and <*.ii*i !? -1 down bj t';" Btrong
? urn m.
\ numbei of ti"? Injured were t*k??n t.?
?i Pottsi?'?i? Hospital "?i ape? lal
v in!.' ,?".? i??..?, i. moi? -i to th- .
kill ? "ounl ? AUnshouw hospital
.-? Patersburg, I " ? i, Tl e 111 ?-.t dinner
ues flueeo Ispenese Society, re-cent?
held ia*?t night at th?
Japanese Bmbsssj Baron Ichiro Motono,
.iai.Hii?'-.? tmhsgaadnr in Hi. Petersburg,
and M. Kolcovtaofl the Russian Premier,
s'-'i toasts, both referring ?<? the
ra "f Russo-Japanem friendl) relation
Prospects Slighter That 160,000
Cotton Workers Will Be Idle.
B , ..r..-- is 1 i ?
London. Dae, ML?The ?"hri?uma* f>*.
thiti?*s In England have got Wen nmr-i
n far by a single BBrlODB BCBldi Bt ?.f aay
deecriptlon. There arc c\on .?-igns, tr?
that tii?- sha?iow of th<* threatened eat.
ton lockout, affecting 100,000 personara
In hospital and WOT?bOUBB orphans^,,
and homes there wrr?- sounds of r? ve|r
peaterdajr, a feature <?f the hospital on
irsrtBlnmenlg being the free nee of mov.
ing ph-tnr?- apparntW, thanks 1?; 'hiiini.
tlat|ve of MlBB Oagood, the no-.,
Birds in the midland diatricte had their
i'hriatmas tries yesterday, tenipttii-* f?>od
h?-inir pMtCed for them in the branches.
I '?.of'oiill again attracted hu??" .rowel
The Uve matched i?iay<-.i in London ahn?.
dr?*w lao.O'io people.
i "hr ??-ttii-t.s i).i; hu? cel?brate?*] at san
drlngtum In t?.? traditional Yu
manner. Queen Alexandra having around
her the children wh?e parente* royal
?lutiets have called them to the far Indian
Frank Tilford Entertains 1,200
Girls and Their Charges.
Ftfte?m hundred pounda of turke t
soup, regetaMes, pia, prsddtiig and ha
?-roam in corresponding amoui ??
?n lera 'iian two hours yeeterda
when Frank Tilford? president of ri^ \>trt
_ Tilford ?Company*, gase ';?' ant ual < hrt?t
mas dinner for twelvi hundred ? i.ttt
Moth re" of ifes Tork ??? th? Murray ltiu
i.M-. um.
One thousand of Um Httta siru were th?
in\ ltd gneata ??f tha Ltttk Msthera' A:*
?.saeelasten, whtep amlntali rant ?*
rarioua parta of the greatei city, ?nd tiv?
??th?*' - ? ? ? ??" -?*
and fslenda who "Juat rame. AH ?"*??
rever, ari'l S h- n tbi
mi t_, long table In I ballroom ?*"?r*
li|lr.?1 thO*? ?? ? ???
n.. ?? a ; ? t.ii. n cere of 1 ? bar p\
? oins,
Mrs-. ( '?am. ?* Bu?*l I and * ??
?odats? a ho s*ers in ? irg? t 'i:-- ?Unas
ras to II tbst ? ? ? r) bu?*s(
During the dinner ?
the air.- ?-f th? ?! ? . kept ? |
and '???? r -< i aude? lile show ?* ?
" loyment of t
???- ?... girl paased on? of th- ?v-'ng imti
a peeksgs, containing ? doll, - haaikw?
' "iii",". h pletura book a-*,i s ????. of
given t?i her
Mr. ..i d Mr*. Ttlfo I and <
cupied on?-? of th? 1- '? si ? the dlnme
floor fcr a while, snd a? be I? I
?aras sure "m? ndns of the litt girls,1,
tlreaom? dntlaa he strives t?
f.-.rr<?t on r?n^ day *n th* yesr, hsd st*
loyed ths occasion sa much as he bad
.Tame* WT*it''Omb Riley P.?ceivf?; \,<WI
Letters of Greeting.
Indianapolis, De Twei? ? I .
. of Christmas greet -
| cam- to ?' SB tThltCOm I
Hooaler poel who has
; months
"l . i.n't at BWer th? ' Mr It l?
? with a rueful glance a* his right snn N
; ?a hieb he has lost i agi
pencil mid. But t m
dos n- - my of H'*- i r I? ads seau n
( think. How , ?Hihi il? '
many wen islahem. from tk l Isnt?etaaV
[ Parido, whom t have never <\<m; tetr'
This ?s ? sserry * bristmaa '? ns ?aftj 1
hope, foi .iii my unknown frl
lome ef the letters an In vera? ?a ?
narr:- a?i\l?-?'?i ?; al I U*B ta WBSI
, win, his left band. "It la i an
: ira nu-, said Mr Riv irh gfl
. !. dloua I ? -
i hfhi?i?ti'iii?. al t."
?-iv ?!.*..* of P T Halk han ' th?
.f the cMt. ami r*?beed sf mor? than iW**
ir, cash bets een ? r' ele l r,*',t
and I e'clecl ?h* ? mornine
Mailed anywhere in the Unite*' ?*?<"
Wt will OGCUp> Hlii ?^
building ti rortv-flW
Street tod Sixth Arenac
on February is<? IM*
Housefurnishing Warerooms
The Largest and Best Equipped in the Country.
Cooking i i? nuls ol every kind:?Tin, Copper, Uumiiium. Nt?-'?-'1 a1"* ? M
Steel Moulds, Cutlery, Earthenwtre, China and GUm, Kitchen ?nd i-auw^
Furnitui ? Ho??? Cteatrinf Materials, Gtrptfl Swctptnt ?/????? ? Umuutu
m,:,a. UKIP OLAM um:.' ' **.*??*?? BfWK*^
Hit. l'Util <n?>N Or rUSAKLINK?? ?*>?? BtOKOMl
Attractive offerings of Special Holiday Good*
Practical and Useful Gifts.
130 132 West forty-second SI., New York

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