[ ON STATE ECONOMY After Tirade Against Extrava ?gance, Now Sees Need of Finding Sources of Income. WOULD PUNISH VOTE BUYING Governor in Annual Message Fa? vors Making It Felony-Amend? ments to Primary and Public Service Laws Urged. I rty Tf ?cRiaph ?o The Tribun*. ) litany, Jan. "?""Governor Dix s second annual message went to the Legislature t? r on the subject of state tcontttny The salient feature of tlie first Uix mee!?age was economy, that brand of ??era. r,,<'k hound Democratic economy whl?*h would Flash appropriations and tpare not Economy was mentioned only once in ?his second messag?-. and then It vis distinctly in qualitied phrase?"the ji)C4?t reasonable economy.'' Ijhh year the Governor*! message Bound? e? like a Democratic campaign speech ?jromeil over Republican extravagancia waste of public funds, and all the rest of it This year tho tenor of his remarks Is quite different. He talks about the ?vci - ??Tewing demands on th** state government an-i the necessity for a discovery of new rwunres of state income if the state is to make progress. It Is apparently a sadder and wiser Dix In the matter of finances who stands sponsor for this second mes? sage, a man with some slight recognition of the s ope of ?he state's business and the breadth of ?he state 8 responsibilities and th?' demands of the state's citizens for a government of profit? -s, even If ?he ledger each year does show a larger ?x penditure than that of the previous year. The Governor's message was one of th? longest on record. It took three clerks to read It In the Senate, and all were hoarse and tired before ?hey rlnished It advo? cated some changea lu Tammany's BO-called direct primary law, chiefly the election of all atate ?ommitteemen at one time, thus removing the discrimination regarding N". w York City, which was inserted for the benefit of Charle.? l\ Murphy. Also It recommends the enlargement of the state committees to a membership of 159, one ? ommltteeman from each Assembly dis? trict. It does not say a word about the ?orrertion of various other notable defects. The Governor recommends more stringent laws regarding v.?te buying and vote Belling, ?hat th^' former be made a felony and tha? Immunity he granted one guilty of the lat i?>r if he turn state's evidence. He advo ratis t!.e adoption of plans for the devel onmen? of water power sites under state control, hut the rei "tnmendation is rather vague. The Governor suggests an "ef Icieucy bureau" for the benefit of mu ?Idpalltlea and a uniform charter for third class cities, designed to foster "home rule." lie iirgei also amendments to the public ?errlee commissions law to give those bodies more power over capitalization of r-jrporattona under their Jurisdiction than ?hey have now under interpretations of the Ian St \t Stands Also he would extend their jurisdiction to include supervision of piiva'.. water ?onipanies. Sharp Discussion in Senate. ? th? ^ena?c th? reading of the message Marted ? sharp dlaeunlon. i-'cnaior New : who foresaw In th.- message a year releasing of the hungry and thirsty of 'i'ammany on the state and a portent of rganlzatlon of the state service, criti : this document even more sharply. He rally accused the Governor of deee?t und hypocrisy la his economy utterances a v?ar *??*d with the seal of disapproval by the people." Discussing the Governor's utterances on economy a year ago. Senator Newcomh said they were calculated by Insinuation and in tmen.lo to produce the idea among the peo? ple that Republican administrations had Wn guilty of lavish and unjustlli??; ?> pendHures of state funda "N'on a mor? experienced and more chas? tened Governor," said he. "talks about in creaaod responsibilities on the part of the State and increasing cos? of government whKh necessitates new sources of revenue. If all ?hat Is true now was It not true a >*ar ago In the same measure? What, ?hen. of the Governor'in Insinuations of a year ago" Was be Ignorant Of all this then'.' What kind <>f a light ?loes this throw on his sincerity if he ?ll?l know, or on his un? derstanding If he did no?? The Goverrnr should retract his criticisms of former ad Mnlstrattomi "n the score of alleged ex? travagance, for they were wrong and un Ju?. Now I think he has far overshot the rrark in the other direction. Df course, then- c?e numberless calls on ?he state for extension and development of its activities Borne of these ?demand* should be granted, ??ther-. unquestionably should be denied. I don't believe ?here |* any nces-ity ROW tot unlimited increases." Doubts Governor's Sincerity. senator Newvuinb said there whs no sign In ihe Governor's message that he had learn?*! hie lessor? regarding primary legis? lation it probably would not be profitable 'i discuss the Ideals and hopes of ardent direoi primary advocates. Nevertheless, If the r.overnor had been really sincere last >ear In hoping when he signed an Imp* r f**ct law ?hat it would be improved this year, direct nominations men might f?. number ?t signatures required for petitions for In? dependent nomination against the party candidate at the primaries which made It Practically Impossible to beat the bouses* ???ection for party nomination, and the uee ?i the party emblem In the primaries?"a ?isuae & the party ,..,,,,,?? inexcUMble ????d reprehensible, yet of It the Governor ?*yB not one word." tr8****0-* N'ewcomb paid much attention ? the Governor's remark? on civil ser tnee. To be sur.-, comment on the civil ser ? view? of a Governor who permitted 'i ,ap,prove** *''t* "somewhat peculiar ac , Ue"" of ?*? existing Civil Service Com muelon wM ?omewhat unnecessary, he felt. thV* i Gov"-"?or'-? portion waa so absurd "Th ??Ul(1 n<)l ?*? lmHtil',x oV,!r ??????'??-IC'**1 flivi !i m*rtt ?y"*"m" ?ald ,,e' "wa" not Zl, to distribute office? equally between ihi w ? PBrt,M The Governor seems ??> :"n" th?-t ?he civti etrvloe law should that'*! b,Dar,,??u'-,r'lP hi )?.). holding. If * '? hl? view, of course, he ha? mlsron ? ' "* the ,p,rlt and hiat,,ty 0f etrl\ * ?-cttvlty |? th,, pttt|, -))fl ,,,,. .oimtiv ? ??"eroor Dix? home rule Ideas male Sfnator Ncwcomh la,,-h .-The i;()vern who signed the Brooklyn ripper bills nr sheds croeodlle tears over the fate of hoi rule In this state," he aocloj-d, and ad?!. The Governor seemed to figure that municipality bore the same relation to tl Mate as the state dUl to the federal go erntnent This i.ieH. Neweomb declare Was ridiculous. He m\,\ \u , ,?imicntlng < the infamous Levy eb-ction law that tl; probably crystallized the opposition to Tat many government, and ao was response for the overturn in control of the Asser bly. The excuse for It was found in t! Ootrernor's message 0f a year ago. whe he recommended that a candidate's nan should appear on the ballot only once, at cpioted an incomplete se. Hon of Covern. HugheSTS recommendation? for a Mass CbUBOttS style ballot to back up his pos ?Ion Senator New comb criticised Idm f( misrepresenting and misquoting Govern? Hughes and for falling in the present me sage to say a word about "?he Inlquitl? of the present law." or the framing of ??roper measure to take its place. He ?sa as the Republican party was < harge?! wii no responsibility f?>r legislation this se sioi, it BhouM decline to liav?- any tralT with the Governor, and woui.l do ever; thin?; poaalble to compel the Pcmocrats ' adjourn Mar?-h 1. Benator Wagner undert-tok to ?lefenci tl (iovernor ?ml bis message and the Hem. cratlc administration. He maintained th: ihe Democratic l*ecord up to date was oi of economy and achievement He d? ?lar?d that a I'emo? rati? luv? .??Igatlon ? the Crison Department under Republict control showed ?c?.nsi?l? rabie graft In tl department which could not have been ui kno?vn to Its head, the distinguished poli' cal adviser of the cx-I'rcshlent of tl united States." He sal?! also that th?- liar ?Deportment was a disgrace up to the tin of t|?.- l?i\ ?i'lmlnistratton ami that "ma tcrs of a criminal nature" ha?i been ovei looked by Republican bank su,?erinteiident The Governor's Message. Governor Dls's message follows, in par The transactions of tb<* treasury ?lurln the us. al \.-ar ended September 30, 1911, '?' summarlxed and shown In the followln stttlcnit-m : BsJanes ..t cast) ? n hand Beptembar :;?.. i'.?i.? .B2_.411.lia ? ?Including transfers i>e tsrsea fun?Is), general fund: Ta\ for ?our?, rxp? its?. 8228,818 f>8 Kxi-I?o tax. . . .. . T.??-2.4W) l?l Corporation tax. H.7S1.7 4S T-.' Organisation or ? "t .;.ns . 3ST.2S1 11 ? !"? if ?ti.he ritan. ??? ISS) . Mi-, 108 77 Block transfer? estamp ?ax? . .'. S,?*8S.8U Sl Moitgage iax . 1 7t?T.r._i M Motor vehl? les . X7\7?9 '.'.'? ?'thrr sour,.-? . 3.4??.17l ."'?'". "lots' K'iirrai t-.ia?l.$3.'.,H7s :_, ?;r, Cuna! funds . 18.070480t8 Highway funds. 11,011,887 T8 Sa!.it?>ca Spring?. Sta'c ReserraUo? funi... i ? ?ft, ??.*? raib.-iorslntfrsti.te Park funds . 4 I'-MiS? ?is Trust tunas ... ,.._ I.StSJ'O 88 Total re.eipts . 11,818,4011 Total. |??;; 7 Expenditures llticludtng tran*f*t? between funds), general fu: ?; 1 ? r support of ih' ?late government. maintenance, ?on struct ion nul bat t.-nmnls of Ins? i luttons and mala tenant-? and repaiis of ?anal? an 1 hlgli ?vh\s .!*.',.'...1?-?77 H Cans? debt ?inking fund??. 1.?TOO.9^4 18 Highway d*b? sink? ing ft_W_. 01 I'm interest on hank I'Sia?.' ??, belonging Kj other funds- ?4.71? f*7 Tola! general fund .87?'*. '32.?137 l?2 ?anal fund? . 21.Mt7.64? 4.": Hlghwa? funds . 8.884,280T? Satat.iga Spring? Slat? Ileservsil.ii fund . . If?'?47, 74 Palisades Interstate r_rk finds . 4,070. ?W, 1145 Trust funds . 1 1E7.974 2?> T? tal expenditure?. 873.A41.12I ff Palsnre of ea*h on ?,gnd Septem? ber rift. 1*7*11. naiBB.IBI 1? in addlti?>n to the receipts shourn in th( foregoing statement there has been ?ol lect.-d shout J735.0?? aa a result of the enact? ment of the law providing an optional ta> on secured debts. The net receipts available for the pay. ment of appropriations during the past fis cal year were *_S,t-B.8**B38, as against 837. 7??.?I0 07 during the previous year. Net ex? penditures out of appropriations aggregat? *-7. ui I i the J's'luade? interstate Park . . I'.iV?"?.???. 00 -22.tVt0.O00?> Making a ??Mai *>H of. BTB.SM BOO Against which ?Inking fund? hav? been provided aiuotintlng lo. 2?\M7,372 ?V Leaving a net Sa?I uni.r?-.? ??|e,| fr,r on Baptsmbsr .'??. 1811, of. ^.SBO.TSTSi An additional $|0.0f*0,0?10 of t-atmdi foi canal construction have been subs<-qu?-iitl> Bold bv the ?'nntroller. Of the present IM.ZSf?.WA ot canal bond? outstanding. M.OOO.OOO will be redeemer January 1, 19_2, and $3,230,000 on Januarv 1 tea. Sinking Funds. The large annual Increase In sinking fun?! requtrenieats Is shown by the following: ? lit" ul }??ir en.led Sept*_ilo .;" inn. 1812. *if?i:i Canal deht Hlnklng fund?; fl.8jQO.B24 ft I2.2.*.7.044SS "_,S70._?OtVl nig eras? dehi ?inking funds: I,?_M.01|B1 l.7:..V?W7??2 2,137,200 0fl Pails*?.**. ln?er??a.e Park Hlnklng fund: 12?'?. Mr. 07 130. ? ?.o I? i Saratoga BPCillgS Slate r.e.ervatlnp fund! - 180. IM M Par??- canal terminal ?inking fund. 121.4i.2fKi To?sli>.|2,??4.943 0? ?4,13f?.-*27l*7 8?1.417.!?:.2 o?j *Ks??mated. The ?Iovernor call? n?t?-nti<>n to the need of additional revenues. "Progressive re? sponsibility and Increasing cost <>f govern? ment,*1 h? says, "necessitate increased leve nues, and the devising of new Sources of rovenae for the state through taxation that may be most easily, Justly and coultablv Lome try the people of the otate. Is B prob? lem worthy <>f the wisest and most patriotic ..f our ? ?tlzcnship." Had it not been for the Imposition of a direct tax of six mills in 1 *_ 11 tile state would now be laboring under a deficit in spite of the present op? erations of the indiri-'t tax, declares Oar* crnor _**_. After giving the figures show? ing that the moneys neoeosary for the ??Ink? ing fund bad Increased :;.") per cent bctWS ?? 1 f* 1 I and 1912. the tlo?ernor Sdds: The wisest administration and th<- most reasonable economy must be supplemented by ad?Jllional revenue measures in the near future if ihe government of this sla'?-'ls lo serve and protect ofrlciently the int.Tests "f Its people. This problem should I.?- a|. proacbe?! In 8 patriotic, not a i>aiti??n. ?pint. Its solution lies i?> ?h?? fli-ld of ? co nomlcs, not of politics. Service i?> tl?'' people of the state In the development and p.ejec? tion of their common wealth must be th? only end sought, Jn th?; least burdensome und most ?-?lultable ways. Primeries end Direct Nominations. Tho chief executive next takes up "pri? maries and dlre?t nominations" and refers to the Importa??'?' csr. the membcis th. ^ulL^um,UK"i "h0"1'1 be elected at the tip ing primaries ?n every unit of repr vi.., V r,r,|*ifn?."lve fn.m ?ach Ass. m i'iv district, and that the members of the committee should i.e dlrectlj elected at he ri.narv hy ,,,? enrolled vot(?ls ^ \? nit of representation, of such paramour,; importance In political organisation, U? ihe ?nesiion of state committee membership and election that the unit of represen ta? lion and the time and method of election should be prescribed by the law- 0f the ?'?.. ' fP6 "ot W" ,0 ,n" decision of ? ?onvenllon ?? granted to the vote seller upon condition that h?' turn state's .vid?ne- against the vote ?.iiv.-i The man of standing in the com? munity who buys a vote is distinct!' B worse citizen than tin- degraded ?itisen who s. ?l-i a vote The tlr.-t. severest anl surest puntshm? nt should rest upon ?he v.'tc buyer. i further recommend such leg - at ? ac> ? ion as may be needful to forf.it the elec? tloii of any candidate against whom, ?li icctly or indirectly, through himself or another, a material degree of corruption may be proved; such forfeiture, per se. t>. rendei such candidate thereafter Ineligible foi publie ofii, ,. Athletic Commission Bill. i earnest 1 rene* mi reeommenUeUon ol September ?t for the repeal of Chapter 77? ??I tti<- laws of Im, known as the athleth ? ommlaslon t?ill I repeal that when this bin came befon me for signature I believed it would prevent the disorderly and unregu? lated < Khlbltlons of t?"\ing which havi given in this stat?- f??r the last few I Kxperience with Ihe new law lias satisfied ni- thai it I? not adapted to produce sue?? B result. The conditions win. n have arisen under it are hostile to the feelings an?l the Interests of th? law abiding citisens of Ihs state and should be ended at oi,oe. t there fore again urge upon you ths i.-?,rai of the law under which these occurrences bava arisen. After .ailing attention to the decision >f average justice to ?hose whs hv th'ir toll COntlibUtn to our material wellbvlng and growl I and who are unfortunate enough to be Injured in the course "t theli lai.<-r. j he constitution, therefor?, should te so amended ?s to clothe the Legislature with power t" pi"- l vlde hv- proper means the relief that labor I? entitled te n reive. Th.- adoption of auch an amendment at thi-< se?s|on of the Legis? lature ?j earnestly recommended The ?iovernor urge? the advlsablllt? of amending the labor law uiatlng to ?he hours of women ii, factories si d ?-f provM? lug a suffi? lent force of Inspector.? fo? ?he bakeries tn New fork CltJ Th,- message takes up the work of the factory Investigating Commission autboi iwd by the la--t I?fglslstnrs: i'rom ?he evidence laid before ihe COttV mission it is quite rlear thai remedial 'eg let at Ion is necessary lo Improve the sani? tary conditions snd to properl) ?afcguHtd the liv.s of the worker? in factor) build Inga, and that much eon bs ?lone in the way "f improving th? methods of Inspec? tion of manufacturing estaidishmcn??. possibly by s system of registration snd licensing, which will be to the great ad? vantage snd Improve ths health and w?i fare of those working therein I firmly believe that everything should be done which will ssfssjiisrd the life of everv working man. woman and child m this stat? Humanitarian instituts and ec.inomi?- motives demand thai everv pos? sihle Hep !,f the investigation should be i i?.ad? ned SO BS to cover the en UrS State and ill estai.Ilshments where worklngnicn and woiklngv ?mien are cm plov ed. Civil Service. The Governor has this to sa;, about the civil s, i vice; Good government and fidelity to ihe rights ami interests oi the Mat.- require faithful compliance with the i onstitutlonal provision that appointments and promo? tions in ?he civil service of the atSLt? nil its ?ivil divisions shall be nia'b- according to fitness, to o? ascertained as tar a? prn<* UraMe by competitive examination. The salutary results which the people right? fuily expeci by th< separation ol ths state ?ivil service from the realm of political spoils can h- achieved In f'dl measure only by -i fair and impartial administration of the civil servie? law, it may w< u be aski i whether it is not a brea. h of the spirit ..f ? reformed civil ??-nice, to , hange ami adopt civil servios rubs snd regulations so as t.. cover into the comp?titive and permanent class large numbers of adher? ents of one political party original!.? ap? polnted without examination ami appar.-ut lv ?is a reward for political services. tSspo? clali) questionable is such B procedure When H IS take? Bl B time when ?-hange of party control of stat?- administration seems Imminent The support from public opinion neees sary to the pennanenl establishment ol a competitive civil service .-an hardly be expected If there is apparent warrant for suspicion that ni.-mhers of all political parties cannot expect equal treatment in the administration of the ,|vil service laws Bod regulation- i" bs truly non-pan lean the ?ivil service of th** sta??- must be open ? in ?-uual terms to all citizens. Irrespective of their politics. That this has not always been the case is indicated by the general belief that the protected dusses of Un? civil ?civic- aie illled almost entirely with the adherents of one political party. This Impression may not be altogether war. ian?.-d Nevertheless it Is the opinion of many members of th? p ?litkal party that at the pressai Ums Is charged with the responsibilities "? the at???- government ?hat the) have I.n, in s measure, unfairly dealt with In th'- administration of ?he ?ivil service In former state administrations exemption" were created In large numbers without protest, or with only perfunctory objections from organized odVOOates <>f ivil service reform. At this time how? ? r, when' .-ffon Is ms?l.* ?o grant present state nfflclaU elected by the people, the direct nower of removsl from and appointment to Importa-il places In their departments hat was exercised freely and without qu.-a tlon bv their immediate predecessors In filling exactly the ??in" place? there i? -trennen? protest, not ?it mixed with ex agiierHtion and mlsiepisetntatleo, ?-rvn irvlce reform " ? ?real i suse, Mit ahso uic fairness and Justice should rharartei no H" de-rl"i>in-nt and aominisiratlon Klae the citizens of the state who affili?t?! with the party that Buffers froirf disci im ination will iSel resentment foiinde?l or a substantial grievance. To place the Mat? ?.?Ivil service outside ?h? domain of parti politic? and to prohibit its use as a reward for political service l? r? laudable and pa? triotic aim Baccess cannot be achieve-, however, by making the civil set vice, Ir BUbetaace ami practice If not In form, th? perquisite ol partisans of one political faith to tb?- practical exclusion of adherents ol all other political partb'H. Fair play and equal treatment Is as necessary In civil service administrations as In ?very other ?b'PBitment of state government. That comparison may b<- made with tin? cl\ II aervice re<-or?l of the last ten years, 1 append the following statement of action bv the State Civil Service Commission on applications for exempt ? lassltlcatlon ol positions In the state Bfrvtee. l!4ftO_4'ovemor Roosevelt. 112 exempt ap? plications; 2!?7 granted: li denied. 1:*?1-1904?Governor Odell. ^?.3 exempt ap? plications: tO granted: 110 denied. .?MBVI-BS-- -Governor Hlgglns. M exempt applications; 1S4 grsnted; ?1 denied. li?'>7-191f ?h?- people, with du?- regard for th?- right? of private bualneea, wilt r?. ci-iv" tin- approval of all cltlsene. .Hydraulic energy Is a most Important ?Tactor in the growth and prosperity of tue state. The storm or Bood waters of the streams in this stat?- should be made avail? Hide for public purpose.- lo h.-n.'tlt Hi health of eommunitlee along thoee streams by increasing tin- minimum How and to ?void the devastating result? ot Rood time. I believe that every municipality should, for th" sake of pul,||. health, l?- ?-quired . .. ??? institut dispf'sai plants, whereby the ! lake? and streams ?if this stats may he 1 purified and the public safeguarded. And 1 1 recommend laws which? within the shortest I possiM? period of time, will prevent this io ?ling of state waters Two dominant factors exist in the vast ? undertasinf to control, develop and regu? ; late the water in the streams of this state. I'ir.-t. the regulation. The waters thus con? served should he utilised and disposed of h?- the people and lor the people. Stream regulation will Increaee the efficiency of the pr?-_-nt power development lu the Streat0? tu be regulated. an?l th- ?II??? t ben etit to the pn sent power owners should be ).,.!.! for by .such power owners. Secondly, the bydro-elef coal per annum. The.*" two factors are ??! great magni? tude The* are distinct and separate, rel they should ?*"*-ordlnat_ In a general pian mogeneoui development of hydr.!??<*? trie dossIbllitlea I recommend that the 1 ? gisiatui" enact laws which v?m enable the Initial construction of storage re? - v..I;?, looking forward i snle of tin- -t?te'?? reeources should be maii?-. In fact. It would s.em right an?! proper that such sale or tr.itisf.-r be nrohlbfted. The poHcy of lh< stats should be io tireserv?? ownership and con? trol of Its natural reeources an?! develop ami utilize them entirely and ?olel? for the public w.'lfare. Agriculture. Liberal Support is a?k??l for the ?tnt?'?, agricultural Institution?. nls<> th.it provision Bbould i?e made for ?he Inspection of meat ??.id in the market? of ?hr commonwealth. Th?- . bomnrgarlne law sh?.ul?l al.?o be nnien'led t?> stop the selling of that product for butter The Qor/ernor mys ther?- ?? no question of state sdtninlstrntlon of mor*? Imtnediate In? terest than that of Improved highway?, and that ih* only n'iestton n???r Is h?>w to sr.-me for the ?tat* t?i? best r< ?ulfs and highest | ? fflcnt_Li at the lowekt ? ..?t t.> the tatrpa, ers. Good roads must be th?. feeders of th. great canal enterprise, or the latter canno fulfil its mission as a factor In the growtl of the development of the commonwealth The message adds: The territory and counties adjacent ?< the canals and waterways enjov means o communication, built In part by the stat which connect then? with the KTeat centre of ?rad.-. with ?he metropolis of the contl m-nt. and with ?he -mai port of expotta Hon. ?A hy should not the other counties o the state have similar facilities? And hov chii these facilities i?. (.rea.r(j except b; the construction of ?. .?tat(. ?mern nf high ways that wih traverse ever* county am connect the most remote settlement wltl Us market and the outside world? Whenever practical;!.-. Governor DlX says local labor material and machinery slioul? b. , mployed in the repair and uiqlnts?nffl of tho unlmprov, d portion? of the stap highway system and the state should pro vide as much as |g raised by the towns. Home Rule for Cities and Villages. Much attention is given to home rule. Th? Governor ?ays: I To Anicrh-aus no right Is more ggcrs? than that oi self-government The funda mental principle of home rule, which I: but another term of self-government, Is li th.-ory the basis of the American system <> government It Is the principle upon whlci rest our federal and stale governments It is the foundation 'f material conditions surrounding children at school, ns well as inspection for physical defect? snd contagious diseases heretofore In? cluded in the permissive acts provided for medical Inspection and medical examina? tion. The m?.- Improve the ?ax system <>f the state, it. refers to Ihs re? wilting of the Inheritance tax. which Is ' now declared to be Just, a direct state tax an?l the secured debt tax. "The local ad? ministration of tax laws,'' It In said, "ha? been strengthened by statutes provldln? for the separate assessment of laml an? buildings in all the cities of the state; foi the assessment of real estate I i all th? towns and villages, to bs made agalnsi each parcel, lot or farm, regardless of th? name of the owner; for a uniform an? equitable rule of equalisation by count) boards of cjua'lsatlon, conforming to th? rule employed by the State Board ol Kuuallzatton and by changes in the torn of the roll." The expediency Is recommended of allow ing by general law som>- larger measure of home rule to the local subdivisions ol the state in determining the distributer of their local expenses upon local prop, erty; also that a study be ma?le, with I view of devising such equitable amend mentS of the present statutes as will put a stop to present abuses, without defeat ing the original purpose? of the statut? authorizing exemption of savings bank de? posits from taxation. Taxation of Msnufscturing Corporation! The Governor continues: The act of 1857, under which we tax th? Surplus tools and machinery of manu? facturing corporations, Is in urgent need of such amendment as will make ?it uni? form throughout the state in ?is applica? tion, and a better revenue producer, whil? at the same tim<> giving more encourag?? ment to capital seeking invstment Ir manufacturing. The Court of Appeals ha, ruled that this statut?? presents a m?~i extraordinary confusion of Ideas and, read literally, leads to most absurd results that umler It the assessors of our more than fifteen hundred cttles, villages an? townships have no law or rule to guld? th??n lit ascertaining the value of capita sto.-k and surplus. The assessment, there fore, being merely the result of bearsa;? and s'iesswork, the lax is Imposed wltl great Inequality and much unjas? dlscrlm1 nation throughout the state, depending en tlrely upon what the loeal assessor, un guided by any rule, chooses to do in Im? posing or waiving it. For many years Pennsylvania and othei nearby states have openly and boastfullv t.ik'it ailvanta,." of this hostile and menac? ing condition of our laws to untaS th? machinery, tools and other personal prop I erty of their manufacturing corporations Tha result Is that New York and for? eign capital has invested In manufaeturin?, in thos?' states In preference to N'.-w Y"?'< to such an extent that New York is rap idly losing Its place as tfie leading manu, factoring utat?> of the l'nlon. notwith? standing its superior location am! au vantages, and this tendency should b? stoppe?!,!)}- every legitimate means that w? can ad?>pt. The federal irovernment tax recently Im pos-.1 upon ?In? net earnings of man.fact tiring corporations suggests S met lu I Oi state taxation that Is worthy of consid?ra? tion as an Improvement upon our present unsatisfactory statute. Tin- uiing wiiii Um state authorities of a duplicate of the re? port reepilre?! to he tiled with the federa I authorltb-s would ImpOSS no additions ' burden upon the corporation and would ; affor.l a - present law Without being definitely committed, how? ever, to this or any other particular th"??ry of 'reforming our present Htatut?-. I urge the subject an?l its imp?rtame upon the consideration of the Legislature. The Governor recommends an amendment lo the Public Service Commissions lavv de* Signed to place the capitalization of iv organlsed corporations, incorporated pur? suant to th?? provision of Section 10 of th< stock corporation law, clearly within the ' regulative power of the ?onuniesloas, to the en?l that the sto? k ami bond issue shall ! lie limited to the fair and reasonable valu?; of th?: property taken over, but leaving the ?ilstrihutlon tl-, -reof, as heretoCore, to agree. \ iii?-iit between the various lot?TOStS. II? als.i recotnmeii'ls that the Public get vice [Commissions have trie supervision anil reg? ulatt.n ovfr private water companies. Lib.-ral appropriation for the abolishment of grade . losing? i* urged. Insurance. After reiountliitr the insuranet legisla i lion of th" last session Governor lux Bays: i-.-enses to insurance agents sad Is should, of right, be Issued only by the stnt?'. and the Insurance Department should have power to grant, withhold or i-evoke such lh'enses ?m definite standards of experience and efficiency. The licensing law of Ml is. therefore, bot s beginning. When ? proper organisation has been fornieil ami the correct standards ascer? tained, proposals Intended t?j bring about these re?uits should, after proper consid? eration, be enacted ln?o law. Insurance |? ? publl?- necessltv, it? csre ful regulation a public duty. Its cost ??. the peonle h public concern. The time has perhaps rosne when. In lire, ca'.ialty. em? ployers' liability and similar line- of In? surance, mean? should be. devised-as was done w|th life insurance? six years ago wherehy expense? ami commission? should be limited by law and the cost of In.-ur aii'-e thus properly reduced. Temporarily the state may. to the?.- end?, avail Itself nomination of a sue? ,-essor to ' 't ? Alvah II. l>oty as Health Officer of the Port of New York probably > will be sent to ?he tenate by Governor Dix .when the Legislature "-convenes ou Janu ! nrv i.i. The dor? rnor said to-day that there ire at bast twenty candidates.for the place. HUDSON NAVIGATION CLOSED. Albany. Jan. I?With the. departure of the | Troy boat for New "York to-night, naviga? tion en the Hodsea] Rlvgr closed for the : season. Not in thirty years has the river [been open so tato fan the winter. The Best Almanac Published The Tribune For 1912 Last year the size was doubled while the price remained the same. This year it is still larger and new features have been added. iMore than 800 Pages of Val? uable Information in this complete reference book. Should Be in Every Home, Office and Library The price is 25 Cents at ail Newsstands or sent by mail on receipt of 35 Cents. ?Copies in boards with cloth backs, 50c., at the Tribune Office, or 60c. by mail. THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE 1S4 NASSAU STREET. NEW YORK