OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, March 24, 1912, Image 14

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1912-03-24/ed-1/seq-14/

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Homicide Now Charge Against
Bronx Real Estate Man.
Wife Insists Her Husband Was
Killed in Cold Blood?Sister
Heard Quarrelling.
Henry Kindir, who was shot Pridf*
nifhl In the honie of Benjamin i J
it N I :SS sini).?.?iii etreet, during
:.r. \ir?. Marthe Im
. died ??.??.. ? ? morning In the
mi Hospital I'm. rharge of felonlou*
: against Jackson was
...; ;.. homl? Id? Latei in the day Cor*
Khongut, after a hearing preliminary
i.. ?i ? ... into Lavelle'i denth, t" b?
h-1.. 1.1.-. ifleased Jackson on lio,.? beil
? i freely sdmitted jri ?
i- ? ? ,,i ' . had tii?-.I the shots thai
l__veiu-'a life, bul will ;nn\,e the do
fence t:-,:t he did no in self-defence. Thla
e borne oui by witnesses oa the stand
i ? "< hearing before the f"*oroner
Thr? trouble iie?w<->-n the ?wo men woe r,f
lone standing, and eras over the relations
existing ?between Ja.ks?in Bnd Mis. Laheney.
? cordlni t.? ;? statament nude b* Mn
ui-ii? widow ..f m?- ?lead man. .'it hei
i...m. v.. mi Baal iviith Mr..?--t. TheBronT,
hei husband wan -?hot down in ?'"'?i blood
when h?. went to the Jackaon home t?? try
to persuada hie sister to leavs Jackson,
*? hot.' housekeeper .he was, and return to
h? ? husband.
The famil) had long tried to bring about
* re? en Illation bat ween the -?inter an?l her
hnoband, she said, but had not succeeded.
Failiiuj t.? K??t ble wife to leave Jackson,
Mrs Lavelk said, Labewey had started suit
loi 110,000 ..gain?t him in the ?Supreme
court for alienation, the papers having been
filed tvv?? weeks ,-iro and th?? COM ?-. I to]
l rial nr\t ?v. ? ??
At t ?' h.anng tiefore Coroner Shongiit
Mr?-, laheney testified that just before th?
ihontlng mi?, board Jackaon and her broth? r
nuarr? llinsr. in the reetlbule. I.avell?', she
?w*;d, threatened to "take Jackaoa'a ??kuii
?w;-i> with him." while Jackson pleaded
??'itii him to go away peacefully.
another sister of the dead ta-in. Mrs.
Minnie ?'aryell. et No. 1414 V>se avenue,
testlfiod that her brother h*?d recently de
- la red that he "would kill l h<? Jew,' menn
ing Jackion She also said that on the
?lay of the shooting he was intoxicated an?!
repeated his threats.
Mrs. Kntc McCullum, w-he lives near the
.1?.-k?on house, said she ?aw Lavelle hang?
ing about tin- house for several hours be- j
fore the Shooting, 1,-ater she was attracted |
hi- the lOUnds of the quarrel in the vest?- I
b ;|e, ,ind taW LaVOUe grab JoCkSOCI by the
.oat ???liar. This was Immediately followed \
b*. 'he shots, ami s""ii afterward, she Mid,
she saw .Jackson get some brandy and pout
it down the wounded man's throat
When Jackson was called to th** stand In
refused to testify on advice of COUnoeL His
verekm of the affair, however, was that for
Rome time he has boon afraid of Lavelle,
When be fame to the d'ior _*Ttda) night ?*
??"in as Ja. ks-.ii recognlxed him, he Nock? I
?h?- door with his foot, m thai he could not
enter, and tuen tri? ?I t.? pacify him J^aveile
.1 to leave, lie said, and while they
were talking thrust his arm through the
d(?or aiui grabb?d him by the throat.
He said a struggle followed, during whl? h
he could not remembei distinctly what hap
pesed, but said hi supposed he must
ibot l^i'.eiie. He always ke-.t a pistol, he
said, lying on ? small shelf near Um door
on accounl of his fear of burglara
Bpodai stress was laid by the mei
t IJgvefUatg family on th? facft that ap?
parently fciveii,. had been shot whip- his
g, - ii.'.-oC a - still iti I.? pocket it w.i
;i chara?- ISJ1?-ti.- attitude of lis, they said.
io st.ti" with hii hand In hit -pocket This
liana was thattered by a bullet and there
was a bullet hole Iti tbe cloth ?ii bla pocket.
The poll..- ?<a> the hand was still In lus
rock.-t wtien they -neked him up, seeming to
indicate that ther.- had been no ?-tru'-sl.
??receding the Mir.oHng.
lavelle ta;,s prominent as a builder in
? Bronx, and was reputed to be wealthy.
"> left three children, Jackson, who hj .1
real ratete operator, is r.lso .?aid to b?- vveii
to ?Jo He has been married three tlm?t*
?wo of his wn.fi having diod and one sepa?
rated fr.m him. ?I.? SXpreSOed regret th..i
Mrs. T.;ihene>- had been dragged ii,t?> tiie
?ffair. s.vitm she ?'as a;. ? ? ?man,
a ho htd comt to hia h??me to art n? ,
' rnt as fer his thr? ? nhlld 1 1
W. B. Parsons and Eugene Klapp Make
Trust Company Defendant,
w iilinin Harriav Paroons an<i Eugene
Klapp started a s lit iti tr.e Supreme ? ourt
) ..?f ???:.!? aaaJnsl iii<- Trust Companj ?<t
America lo r?s?i**over $1.00-7. Parsons and
Klapp ail?-,.- that tii.? money is due them
f erticei rendered .<?* dvll engineer, in
connection with t <? building of a, hydro
?lenri?- plan I at Colliera N ? The work
Tlie englneera bring ?he suit scainst the
t : ? ?.- allegi
? i ov< r to 11 by a reoi
iHroad cemi
Hetirj \\ Bean, Henry
K?hler ?I PI Illy . Babcock.
'? p.-Mtifiti In banl ruptcy vtsa hied
agalnat Mar* r Ran-ow, dealer in
Infants' snd children's wear, ..t Mounl Ver*
eon an?: New Rochelle, Judge Holi -.,?
ointed Ms rlon M ? 'ol II? ? The
... |1 0,000 and asset? 13.500
ImS. company
an Walnut
? I '? "?? ol ti - Kei tanca period, v? it.i.
I he bandaome graininge which this
tar?- WOOd Shows, at ?1 jtI. ? never
formerly. *"*). y..w, *A | 4. _?."*?.
A?.S?), i-iii?illi?-r special lor thi.? week.
rircoeoian Walnut Twin He,?s worth
>:;.*.. now, Xli>.r*.o -?eh.
\ I .-.?-. 1 t'. tnat.-li . SI'.'.,"id
. < liiffunier t<? mat?li i"
< Bungalow it?-d*-:
;j:-?asa. 2 in. posts.
j ??, in. tillers. I
j ?White I ron. Yi
1 T.r''i-*. Set.h Waverly, reeeenbllng
??'<? \iilni-?Hi>n rugs. Roll. ?...lor??. "?1I1
light two-11.11?. I?r.|-.|. 1??, :??i.\ Ml I.."tit?
:i. 7.**,
1 Ml fat fee Pumltun Booklei
15?-153 Eaat 23d Street
V.ir loingl..?. \...|inr.
Socialists Resent Being Classed
Among Bourgeoisie.
F. C. Howe Calls Sherman Law
as Effective as Fly on Back
of Rhinoceros.
If ii.<r<- is on? thine that irk. an Inter
? ?llegiate .m i.ilist more than another it I.
be called a member of the American
I? .taw. Each time Abraham ("alian.
li ?????tor of tint Jewish MF*onr_it_,"
'? red lo ' la hearers aa repr?sentative? of
I be bourgeoisie in hm speech t?? the Inter?
oolle_i?te *oiiali??tx last ni?hi at the Broad?
_,..?? Central Hotel the silence _<._ broken
by i>)o lir.isive laugh of Kim women at
? ?? itr. table What the] really <iid enjoy.
however, were the fancy epithet* which
Professor Charles A. Beard, ?if ?"*<-iluml>,a.
pinned on "The New Fork Tlmea"
Profeeeor Beard, who art?-?! nf- toaat?
er for these "middle clase" protest
ants, teachee ?politice al Columbia He
i,a- been pi. k<^?l t?> form uno of the faculty
.- hool of Journalism when it opens
In the fall. It was apropoe of "The lio?
Tranacript's" requesl tha! Profeeeor
Vida I? Bcudder resisn front th?- Weilesley
fa? iit>- because of her recent epeech to the
Lawrence .inkers that the protesaor re?
"They muai have n patwr In Ponton
vins? than 'The New York Time. .' I didn't
think i? possible lo have in any eity a
? r conglomeration of obfuscatlon than
p.- have a! 43d ati eefu"
Misa Mary K. Banford, who wenl to va_
aar. had read Ihe apeech of Miss Bcudder
In full, and after Profeaaor Beard bad re
?i .id hlmeelf, all the sterling middle claaa
men and women present rose and resolved
to condemn "The Boston Transcript." Then
the) voted to approve M Us Bcuddor*a
peech. Then they listened to ? apeech
from Frederick C Howe, on "Whal Bhall
We Do with the Trusts?" Mr. Howe point*
.-?1 out with clarity Just what they should
He started out by calling the .hetm?n
anU-trus! law "about n? effective as a fly
on the bark of a rhinoceros." Bui he fol?
lowed this with the assertion thai all
trusts and monopolies wen inefficient.
"*___>"," said he, "the Inefficient city of
N". w fork Is more efficient than almost ?any
trust or monopoly in the United Ktat.-s.
The efficiency In the steel business stopped
With the formation Of the Steel trust. Hlg
b uslnesi li less efBdenl by far than poll?
U? i."
The tanff, patent law.?, franchises and
"land monopolies" wer? tin- specific causes
of the "Industrial oppression" under which
this countr) staggered, In his eyes. Bweep
the tariff away and substitute direct tasa?
lion; abolish patenta, introduce municipal,
Mute at:d national ownership of -,
Utilities a.-:?l tax th. land _o everlastingly
that no man should d?rive any "unearned
Ii rement" were some of hi* remedlea
Gilbert t-_ Hie. th.? next speaker, used to
he a law partner of Senat??r La FoUette'e
B t Mr. H"e had no trust solution of hia
own, and admitted ". while the diners
?Uttered at such na?vet?. He did mention
a few ?i the solutions pul forth by others,
boweter. In this order:
The Roosevelt solution- "Divide them Into
? i ? -ust?."
Tail sol itlon "He doe n l ki
only <;?"i knows."
Tl ?? i- and?is Bolul i "Find oui tbe
cal valuation ol their propei
Christ's solution "Give all unto the poor
: How ma '
"The Tafl solution." said Mr. Roe, Is I
It over the B. tell method, I think. In
franki t'a Idea was tl a!
?u long aa a man s id>-a. w.ii the mere _? l
ng ??' mo ej he would take unfair means
to gain his end, no matter whal r< u
tlona wen Imposed ?ou will note tina
significance In Ilia advice to tbe rich man
to give all he had to the po?ir- lie didn't
?say, "Give it to the Church, l?uild a library
with n He said only, "Give it to th?- j.r.'
you see He wasn't afraid ol unorganised
. \.w York China Famine Relief Com
? ? ecelvad a < ontrlbutlon of IS 000
from Mra. Russell Sage. ruakinK Ihe total
received and remitted to date now more
than K?.400. The committee expects to con?
th ;?? It? effort a for another month, this
oat a ?it'- period of the famint
? month of May the sufferers will b<
il4 te atai 1 n* w cropa
? i s
Mailed anywhere ?n the United States
'or $2 50 _ year. |
[NOT a deal earthqua
Staten Island Disturbance Du<
Mysterious Explosion.
?Says Violence of Jolt Registei
by Seismograph Proves It
Wasn't Earth Tremor.
.-'??ien.-e arrayed Itself egalnsl ropt
?-uperstltiition again yeMerday aftern
when Profeooor Clement Rleacher- hoi?i
the ?hair of physics al Fordham * -oil?
announced that the jolt whi.-h aivakene
large part of staten Islaml iiif-hi brfme 1
und r-inashed a l??t ?if it? ohm. in addll
was not an eanh'iuake, hut boine aort
expiosum. The profeaaor wid that
si.u which hi*. eeismoKraph reglotered V
the most violent it had recordad ?-ince
Instalment, a veut end a half ego, ami t
after a careful consideration <.f the Ir
cations h>- had come to the -conclusion t
ti" earthquake could hav?< cauood them.
Btaten Islanders to whom the v l??w i
vanead by the p**o**eooor wa* shown iml
know-iiif-'iy an?! Inquired where theeaplca
on urred. Many ?f them r-aid that wl
they Oral felt the shock they had pone
their window... expecting t'i ?*'??? tii" y
lighted with the (lames of a tire at the Hr
onne oil works or at lint Wadewor
There were n?i llamea and the only ?
ploelOB thai o?ceurred near i>v during I
ri-.ht waa oim caused !?> yeggmon in th
efforts to open ? ?afp in s store In *?v<
Brighten about IOJ0 p. m.
This explosion, so far as rouid be learw
was not beard mote than half a hloik aw
and ?li'i not show Buffldenl force ?-ven
break the windows acroai the street Be
eral wh?msicai Inhabitants of the isir,
suggeotod thai perhape it was thin sha
delayed in some manner <>n it.?? wai to "for
ham. which the professor's Instrument i
. orded al i o'clock In t1*?. mornins?
Parts of New Jersey lying al?n? t
?hore of the hav- reported yeeterda* th
the shock had been distinctly fell In th<
vicinity, i"it it was from Btaten lelai
Itself that the moat serloui reports of dar
Bge enme in. The little village of X>
Bpiingville, in the Interior of the lelan
announced that chine and glassware hi
been shaken from ? helves. Prom M ? ri ? ? r
Harbor and Btanleton (.eighta csme simili
'.???'?.*., while surn reputable cltliena sa t"
imer Representative Montague I .easier, ?
Clifton, and Alderman Daniel T. Cornel
win. liv?-.?; at Mi. Acres, neai Qusrsntln
i.-t-il thai th-ir china ? l?>.*?? ? t?. had su
i fer.-?' from som-i disturbance of nat'ii
! which aeemed to their minds i" be an? irtl
.? ah? !..
The West Ttrichi?in explosion v? ? In lb
[store of the Btaten Inland Bupply Compan*
land --V - followed bj the shooting of I.?
iQtilnn, who attempted to rapture ih?*- rol
1 h? r.?.. 11.? w if en oi '.I t.. Bl Vim enf
Hospital, when II teas laid thai hla w?.un
i was not '-? i loua
Victim. Consciong, Sees Bcne of Brokei
Ankle Protruding Over Shoe Top.
When William Jaamajry, ? Columbia T nl
versil ? ?? ? ?? t, stepp? d oui ol th?
street auhway station l'eaterde) aft? 1001
he aras hit ' ?> nn automobile di
Richard Lan ri m e, of N ? .'. ,i
avenu? ! - t, and hurled man
The left anki. waa irouen. th?
hone prttrudlng ?ver lila --ti.-..? top
were a number <?f aluden ta who wl
the accident, end several ream*?-!
taw the automobile bit lasmagy,
He waa coi wl . , an?J
Ipluckll) eurveyed hla badl) Injured fool .-.
? ? v*...? lifted int.? another autoi
i ?. . ried t?. the .1 Hood u rlghl H pital
i M t* a h? apltal It was said ?at?
evenlni that young Jaamanr, who?? ...i
dress was at ven as r?o. TU Pe etl ? r. ? t
I Brook in, had < ? i
iti"k<ii ankle The ??live, of ii. ,
| hit the etude ? remained ..t the wen? ..."
, th- accident until Jasmagy was carried oft
! t" i*.
Interboroiigh Ordered to Complete In
stallation of Higher Power Lamp..
By an order Ol the Public Servi.-e Com?
I mission, served upon the laterborough Rap
Id Transil < on pan] esterdss
pan? It ? r.'. ...... .. ,
<?* ' m\ - of higher power In tl ?
jstatlona ?r the ?ubwey, which baa be?
progresa for s'.m.- montha end ? i
stall a aj st- m o| < rm :. ? . ? , for
u ??? Ii.-?? of s. . Ident lo th? r? ?. .. ?
...i il
? ?? i < ??? lam? i " ill be ol .: ? andl?
?power. Insti ad of ti.Id 16-randl pa ? .
kind. Th<? ord? r nrovld? 0 p? r i en!
?if the cars must 1." equipped ?.i111, th- -e
? am] ? by April I. *:. ox r cenl b* .1 in.
I per cenl bj Beplemb? r I, and the entire
i aystem I De? nl-er 1
U S. Department of Atrriniitur*.
j' .. ?.? WILLIS L MOOPC Ct ,1
'?' _.-'?.! '?' /*1*^% "
" \ el I liant T_w___Tl
??-. J" - ? W- '?? I M l<? CM.?
\ r m
. -......-. ?MM, M??S?? / ? ? ?W ?~ / >
- *.raamtaem ^ ?.., **>_ ? niV\
>v~?*s*mvm_iw ^q>. ..*..,-.- ?m (<n? ^
r ? ?? .... ? , | . ' .,... , .* ? >_
...... ..?*?, p?, p'MM? m 'ft
r ?
V )
?a ???>-?'?j,.'?r?"e??'??,'i r-r?% j/,
* r. .. in?,* m>':. ?I
.1? t- u
... ... ...*i?
?m *.i? tn*_M
,,_?,. '..I lu ||M
..? ?.I? in 1.13
Official Reeeid sad Forecast.?-Washington,
g \ dial :?!?.?? tint aa i in sr tha
mouth of tbe Rio Grand? i':liav ni ?m I .?
. ? ?.-> -,\e.iem Ti-m?fvi?? ?eh laereased In
? ' im_ been * reri?rai and <v
-.--.. i.i.rn half i>f
rain? over tha mildie
? ? loti There v.r.- aKo .n,.?-.,
? -i ti,<- ?.. ?rui nivi aouthem Keek; Moantsls n
CHr,|e*-_Mna, awl rain? In tie
western Gull ?-'?'?s. Il'avy run? f"'l In the
k?*er Miaalaalppl Valley. In the extreme West
th* weethet . | fair,
it |i colder in the south Atlantic and north
?tat? I ii ? iswhare temperature? have
Ihey are i ? ? ?
b veras? ovei most district?, ' ??
movs nort hea -
rain? In the -
an ? aouth Atlantic ami . asi . lutf
ttstsi Hi.it aseara or miaa from the southern
i..? iska regios eaat isle Mew Kngiand. In
the Went fair weather will prsvsll Sunday, snd
it ?in iw fun generally on Monday throughout
ountrj esespl ?n the Northarest, where
? .i i_in- wiii Ilk? I] contlaue
ii will N colder Puad-ur In the peat Galf
nun-? ?pi! wanner In Ih? Northwest, ami tl will
? . Monday ov? ? trlcta letw.-en
:,.- Alleghaay Moantstna
htorm warainaa aie ?:> played on the At Isa tie
t'osai from Norfolk te Jacksonville and on the
Gulf ?'?.ant from Mobile IS Odar Ke\?.
Klood warnings have bees issued for th* Pa
lifne. Triait) snd Brassa rivers of Texan and
for the Rio 0 SOdS a! Bl Pa?o.
Pspplementary warnings have h?en laeoed for
d .tut- fort} elsbl feel ?n Iba Ohio
Hirer at (*atr?i bj Mar-I? 87, anil f'?r ihliiv-.|?l?i
|??n i:i IM MlaslSalppI ltl\er al M<
b> April I,
The Wind* along the New Kngiand cossl wl:i
i. moderate io brisa, meetly ??hum. alone the
nudiile Atlante- <-oa?t. im-rea?lnr ?outheaat;
aleas tha ?o?uh Atlant!?- Coast, hri?k to high
northeast und ?MSti ?Ion* 'he emit ?Juif Poiat,
t.ilok io high niid ahlftln? over northern portion
and mo^eraie mm It ?>iir\ ?outline?! over ?OUthem
portion; aim?? the went ?iiilf i'na?.t. Iiii>'!?r?te
i.-.iih ?no norlhasat; on ij?ki- Michigan, mod
? ? oiih and inTihW-en.
?..tee?.? tar Uparla! l_a_elN___ Por the ma.
tit i sl?imh1a aad v. r-land, ral?
: te is i . prabab rali Monda . mo
????.Hi wind?, becoming variable.
J'ot \ Ifftala? rSla at... warmer to <la> . in
< -,?i g i ?? ? 'i : ?!-,- f.il r
Foi 1 ?? awa r rain to day; In r<-a?ing aouth
r.i" sad aouth alt la; probabl) fuir Monda;
f,,r Set i and Bastan i '? ; anla,
rsin and esrtner to-dsy, >? :'?? ? cressli ? _ ..?i?
eaat to soul t ' \i ' fa.r
' for t. ? i Tort ?ail? in ?outh rain or ?
ii |n north portion t"-'a\, lomewhsi ?inn
? Monday, i obabl) tur. Increastni th
wind* to .1.-.
i ? s?. itbern Nes England rsln ? -'???? to
dsj. arsrmer In ????'-?i i- rtlon modet
.- ? ? fslr In west, ? I? ?ring In ? ist
port loa
lin Northern *????? Englsnd, anoa to na-, or
te flight an \ar| -
?hie wind? to
Por W**t Virginia, rain to d?v . MoadSy,
probably fair.
for Weetei j Pennaylva ??? rala la fo ith, rain
er ?now |r? north portion lo n., \i,. - . ,,r,,|,
ah!) fiir. mod?r?t? to brisk ?hlfth
? 'ninu not . ?
i-,. tVeatem Nas Tort r or ral lo da?.
prohabl? - ? ? u? t?-.nil por?. Ma ?
? sil] iii- . i todera!? ??? i. ; ? >-.i U . -u i
om<ia' ehearvatleas et United stat.-. we.niiT
ti.r.atia taken at 8 p. m jester-lav follow:
< it\ T?-tnperature. \\?
Albany. ."? ? loud)
Atlantic ''Ity . -'-?. 'Mear
1- ton. .'il < 'lear
Buffalo . .'!? ? loudy
Chicago . S3
Nsa Orleana . 7? Rain
?-'. l.ml?. .'U Ral
\\ a. mngom . '-'-ti Rala
8 a. m. ?W|l p. m.r.*1? p m.9*
I/oral Ofll? lu? Itreord. The foll?n. Ing offlrlal
re- ? r-i tram the WTaatser Ba?as ?how? the
t nparatsra f-.i Um lart t_<-n!\
tour ho,irs, in rmaparloon n.t_ the i ai rcspiaid
lug date last I ?i
inn v.'V2 nui. tail !
.'t a. m. ,.7 "J4I ,\ p, m . ... ;tl :i_ '
ti a. m. 3_ i_<! ? p. nt. _x M ?
f? a. ni. ."._ |g||| B. m . -?> M
12 m. :.i Mffi p ? . ?-".'?
4 t?. n..':?? N
ntch.ht temparatsre yesterday, M
1 :4.', p ii. I. |OW< ?t. -_3 :?? > . '
g ? iding .I..H ;??t :'ki .i
I-..-: tin. i- ?m.t"
?. ? il loi. m Its In and u im ? to
probably fair la morro? , ni.ita.dng aouth
I wind? to-day.
Lesster's Suit for $800,000 Es?
tate Reveals Strange Contract.
Declares W. T. Gridley Also De?
manded Fees for Other Counsel
and Money for All Expenses.
Th? rotislderatlon hy the Appellate Dl
vlalon of the Supreme Court of one pha?e
of the litigation over the $MO,C*C*"> estate
Of William (\ ?yenster, whoso -rrandson.
William ?'. Lll?Hr. 2d, Ih contesting the
will, by which the testator left his entire
estate to hi? twenty-flve-y?ar-old wife,
Mrs. ?race Fell*. I^sster. hroiiRht out
i sorti? ltiterestliiK- details as to what the
contestant had a**ree.| to pay his lawyer.
.Air lister brought stilt on the ground
th.it Ils Krandf.ither was of unsound mind
and uniler und'.ie influence when he exe
? litad the will.
The rourt had tiefore it for consideration
th? ?Jei-islon of SiirroK.it? Cohalan In s'tb
stUutlne ,'nme. V. Lynch as counsel for
Leoator In place of ".Vlllls T '?rldley, and
?loo the motion of the Utter lawyer for
portntosloa la t-la. e a lien on the paper?
of tin- contestant. ("rldley said he WU
sure that ynutiK I-esster was entitled to
the entire estate of his grarulfather, |0
that In cane he Rot It < .rldley would r**
COme entltlod to |jr-0.??f?0 under an agree?
ment with hin client, besides certain costs
and dlnbure.-rnents. Hut controversies
arose botWOOU Inwyef and client over a
g woman whom I^eSHter married and
who siihK?"|iientlv sought a separation from
hini through annulment proceedings.
The Appellate Division held that Mira?
i boat! 1* Towns, who was appointed referee
lo Bunrogate Coholan to de Ids the quoo
lion of Grldlny's Hen. should also decide
th.. question of the aliased misconduct of
the attorney and the subatltatloa of other
counaaL Ac?*ordlng t?? Leastsr, Qrtdlcy
first Induced him to M-rn over to him N
per ???tit of whatever he rei-Ok'ered after
ti ?? costs aii'i dtsbursomonts liad i>een
taken ?.ut. Tills. ?al?l LOMtOT. WOUld
enable ih?> lawyer to make the rtf?t>iirse
iii?-nts anything be saw tit Baaldas this,
Leastcr had promised lO j>er cent of his rc
rover. to Mrs Oaldwyi Wright- secrotary
of Gridley. it was allegad thai it was the
Intention of Gridley to -etaln George Gor?
don Flattie is trial rounoel in the content,
and thai hi wanted to show Hattle that he
?i? Setting on1', in per cenl <?f th?' estate.
Than there whs another fixed charfre of
"8,(40 for Max Siii.er.-t.-iu. s lawyer, who
had ? client who w-i*- a material witness
f??r Lesater and whom the lawyer "could
guarantee as reliable ami truthful." Thai
arrangement, J.---t-,, -old nos inv.iii.i in
law, Another lawyer, named Klausner, was
to gal IMM for furnishing ? wttneai who
COUld Kivn ?laiuaKinK I-Otlmoflj a--.,!nst the
s Idow,
i^-ist.-i Mid ?;ridie> mid him the other
*?!<i.- wanted to settle for $*w.i*?o, but the
contestant's own information wa.s that Uro.
Lesater, the young widow, would make no
?UCh s. ttleinent The only termi ut settlf
iin-iit ehe would listen to were to p.ve the
t. st.it...-- grandson one-ninth part of the
ernte -. which would give him Just enough t?>
pa) OUI th.- money he had hound himself
i.? t-.iv in a*.e he BUCC.!??<! and would
ol even give the amount of the ?-ost.s
disbursements provided for In the
ment with < ?rldle?..
1 ' several years I ? f..re the will case
.. ? up Leooter w.is on friendl) terms
and Mrs. Wtlght Mr- Wright
h .?i a daughter named Batty. Without
the knowledge of the mother Bett) I
;. ?.??t. r w.-r? secretl* married las) Sovem
her The young woman told Laootor. so be
thai ??he was nlnsteon y?.?rs old, while
!.? r Asre -.v.?.? only Mventeen v.-.,r? .-?h?
brought annulmeal procoedlnga and tue
? oppoae her action.
Lu let I ai -?? d thai at mm Um? Oridlo)
i to <o ? complaint t?? the tt.?r
elation against a lanrysr In the will
mid to sign a petition to the Dls
trlci Attorney against Mrs. Locator, the
wldon of his grandfather, und ..n.? or more
of h< r witnesses for itatementa mud.? si.out
tar The contastanl said that Grid
ley, who was a in.-ml.er of the Wright
hold, turnad ??"t him because of the
m.h na?.-- i" Miss Wright
Urldley denied this.
T ? Igwyer rai?i also that the ./. per -*nt
arrangement had suhs-nqusplly been
???i t.. _.. per eonl He said he would
r.-t'ised any settlement unless it pro
t..i- half of ?he *Hrr..r-?r* sotata, Mr
i.. iter*! widow having tvvo children who
hin. lid r.-?-e;v?- part ?if the estate.
Klausner put in a Hi.t--.nent saying thai
he had earned his share, as It vas n?.t hs
intention t?> "OSSasatnatS the ?-n.!s of luo
llee, I.ut t?i si? thiit Hie Mai.'S wer? nv n
alancod "
Six Dork Companies and Four
Roads Plead Guilty.
Cleveland, March 23 -The six dock eom
paniei and four railroads Indict??! by th?
il graiul Jim here last April for r.
t.atinK pi.ad.d guilty before Judge Kiuits.
In ti ? federal court, here to-day. and were
? ..i final aggregating IUMM,
The railroads pleading guilty were the
Pennsylvania lb? i-sk.* Shore ?V Michigan
Bout hern, th?. Bessemer g Lake Brie and
tin Nickel rial'*. Th.- .lock eompanloa were
th? Angelina Do.-k < ompany, the Rationing
at d Bhenango ?Dock Company, th- ??hi?, am
w.vi..in Pennsylvania Dock Company, the
Union I'ocjc Company, th?? Ashtabuls Doch
Company, ami th? Pittsburgh and Con
n< oui f ?<?<-k ? 'ompan*
D T. M.i'ahe, of Pltuburgh, fourth vico?
president of the Pennsylvania Railroad
Companya and Dan R Manna ai,.l R, i.
Ireland, of Clovoland respectively prool
danl and general manager of M. A, llnnna
?? i <>.. coal and iron ora, wore ?isn Indh'ted
with tii. tan corporations for conspiracy to
?. i ..I . I'oil.. wins a i? ? on mi? rtdatlon Of 111?
Interstate < ommarca Commission, the h
? -.-mi. nts dKHi'iHt Umm tin??' Individ?ala
wi ?? killed when th?? Incorporated d?fend?
ante pleaded guilty,
it i? understood thai lbs rail oada *-v 111
now lake over the dock companl?*?, which
ronnorly operated oa ostensibly Indopend?
.?it COI (Mirations, bul w? re in rcallt) COO?
troOod by the rallrooda
Imprnvpinent in Business and Thrf.?t
ened Coal Strike Responsible.
Ti... Improvement in buataooa <>n Iba raii
roa'l? tills year, as Comparad with a v.-ar
ano, i? ?strikingly illustrate?! in th.- fort?
nightly bulletin ?>f the American Railway
Association, issued yesterday, giving Um
number ?>f HUa ?-ars in this count*, und
Canada, The repoii nh?>wH that the net
surplus of Idle cars on March l.l it? ?1 ;. I
s,ta, as comparai with IJstt tw.. weeks ago
and 2if7..">2" a year hro. Th? total numli- i "t
idle cars on the railroa?ls of the I int. d
St.ites a ml ranada, ?ir the kio?s BUrplua
was tteta on March 1.1, hut Ih?- ahortagi
amounted t?> OMt, lea*rtng th.- not eurpl i
m? already atat< d
The throatansd strike of the coal niln'-rs
is lai'Kely reeiMinslble for the ?lecrease In
PH.. sqtdpmectt in the last fortnlRht. as the
?l.tnalid for coal has heep so areat tli.t;
omit? aih svorj avHliahi.? coal ear has
I,. i, rolled bock Into service. TMa ttost
? ol ?,-'-oi'iit. h?.?.v.r. for the Knat ?le- |
o, Idle ears this ? enr n- rompai ??!
iv It h ?? rear ???-.? ?.i??-ii ia atttflbutcd to.
?. n.riii improvoonaal m buginaaa lhrotvb-1
out tin- oeuatry. i
i Machine Rams Park Bridge Rail
Where Coffyn Was Hurt.
Two Occupants Are Injured, One
Being Hurled Out Into the
East Drive.
Hrldge N'o. I on the Ka.t Orlv? in Central
Park, where Coftyu and Harvey were In?
jured in an automobile accident last
Wednesday, was tiie pesas of an aocident
last night In which two women wer? Injured
when thely automobile skl?i_"tl to the rail?
ing- of the brldKe and rested In pra.th-ally
th<- .?ame position aa the f'offyn machina.
The women said tin.-, were Miss I_oui_e
Marshall and Misa Georgiana Breodsr, of
Pittsburgh, and that, th.y were staying In
thia rltv at ? hotel in West 47tli street.
Their Injorlsa are not grrlous, and after'
treatment by a eurgeon from the Presby
terlan Hospital they went to their hotel.
The <-'?r was being operated by Bert ni?'h,
th? owner, who said he was poini* along
the East Prive at a fair rate of .speed when
the wheels straek an oily spot In the road
PDd the car .kidded toward the right side
of the brings and smashed into the railing
Rieh saw that he would nol be able to
fivnid striking the railing, and '.?lied to to?
?ro?en to hold on iiKht. When tho rat
ftrtj'k the railing Miss Marshall was
thrown out. and fell m the roadway aboul
twenty fe.-t fron ths ear. Miss Brender
whs not thrown oui, l?ut was injured by
glass fr??ni the broken wind shield, which
was up. and aras crushed erhen ths car
struck the ral!. Rich Pi ich to the .t'-erin?
wheel and was not thrown out, and escaped
practically without Injury,
Mounted Policeman Ijowfing was riding
In the drive near by, and he heard the I
crash and rode at 01. to the scene. Me
fouml Miss Marshall lying In the road, suf-|
ferme from a wound on her forehead, and I
Utas Brender*was in the rear seal
??itr. with a Quantity Of broken glass about
her. She was Buffering from a cul on tbe
lip and was m a fainting condition
Several other automobiles came tir- in the
mean time and the Injured Women were
placed In a closed car while thej awaited
the arrival of iir PVankltn, from the Pres?
byterian Hospital, When Dr, Pi
reached Um scene he had the women tak n
to the Arsenal station, where he dn
? their wounds. Four stit? bes were taken In
I Mis. Marshall's forehead and two sUtchea
I in Mia1? Brooder's lip
The automobile was lefl hanging over
; the bridle path, which is _? >?? >>11 ten feet
. below.
More than 14.000,000 Pounds of!
Fruit, Meat, etc., Condemned.
Ne\,r in the hlstorj of the Department
i-f Health ?were -n mu? h bad foodstuffs and i
m?ate destroyed .?i last j?-ir according to
officials of the department Jt _i- sal i :?- ???
terday thai 13,121,001 pounds of fruits, reg?
?-tablee, confectionery, groceries, -v-r* and
dsh wir.t,.'..-.i r--i i destroyed and
? ? pounds ?'f u-' -.y poultry ami ;
There were 1,4 oda of fr_it de?
? ?1. making t?"- biggest single Item In
the list of f.Istnffs 1.901,900 pounds of
bl? and 1 ? ???"? pounds of cat ned
; foods
Health i ' i ? ? ? Lederl
j last year and ..cam this >?-nt a rulln:: I
? ihe return to whol? sal?
Idealen of defective canned gooda Ruch
?-.- pi.. tit ? ii f >imer yean, but th?
tmenl ' ad :'?? ind in certain In I
thai bad canned goods hn-i been ?.
' ir..m t- original cana treated and then
- .i in other cans '?!:?i shipped t?? the ? Itj
again foi -.!.'?? here To m.ik.- su- h ? course
.:?!.- the ComnlasioMr prohibited IbA
return of an) canned k"<"1h when found <ie
; f?-efi\e, and all were --?'tit I I heap
and ?re still bring sent tln-r.
The figures showing I ?? i n oui I - f con? |
dennatlons sre proof enough, according to j
oftlcfala, thai the i Is mucb bad foodstuffs
?old iti Tin -it-, ind ai^" proof tha! the ,
drastic met hod i being pursued ire i
- With ?UO eh.s.
Of the 108,.21 ?pounds of t_..i? poultry
iirei game ,.\ the greateel single Item
'if food WBS lieef, ,,f whlrh 191,1(3 (Miiitid^
were destroyed, Poultry ?Mine next, with
194,17. nound* [<arge quantities ?if the
I lattei aer? ??-..?: arouna the Christmas
holiday? when large quantities of
i ami tm i. - - ?.. ?.ondemn? d.
Undue Influence of Woman May Be
Alleged by Five Sou.,
? of th? . i Ktni ??i Lewis Casi tV? a a).
the Brooklyn nui- real eatatt man, who
died suddenly on Monday, will, ii is now
bellered, ron tes I their father's all! The
win i?-rt the bulk ? i the - ?tat? to Mrs.
Mar'- i'..moy, ol So 131 ll-T.d av?
Richmond Hill, al whose bous? b? look
his ni.-ais. one>thlrd ?if the estate to his
widow Airs. Rebecca Neway, from whom
,. i ,,.i been s? parat? d for foui ??? ai
? :it nff his son- aith |S each. .Mr. N- raj
.. \- that she will accept the will.
The soni i i - t?i .?-:? -i .? ? ?? ins? i.? ??
t-. n? ? T. Ore? ? ? Thei will contend
the '.< ill was mad? under undue Influenc?
Mr. Xeway hel . i-onshb raM ite in
Brooklyn unis. Rl< ?hmond Hill and v ?
lyn, but the value of th.- e late I? nol
known Tin ?m aas made two yearn ago. i
'Forward Movement Campaign
Will Begin Hereon April 1.
Special Work Among* Boys Will
Be an Important Feature
of the Sessions.
Plans for the New York campaign of the
Men and Religion Forward Movement.
Which will open April 1 and continu? four
day., ending with the National Coasdnra
tlon Congres?, attended by delegates from
all parts of the country, are being rapidly
formulated at the headquarter?, No. 20)
Fifth avenue. Additional Impetus Is being
imparted to the movement daily, and In
hundreds of ?'hurches in the greater city
special service? will be held to-day, at
?oine of which the congregation? will be
composed entirely of men.
In many of the cities of the West ?here
campaigns? havo been conducted the phaee
of the work that, excited much Interest
arid In many Instance? was ?eeond only to
the eftortM mad? to better social condition?
was that which would stimulate the
churches to take a more active part In the
education of the hoy.
The general committee on boys' w<>rk.
Which has charge of this division of the
movement, has arranged to make its cam
palgn one of tha liveliest held glnce the i
movement was started It will be begun :
on April In, when a series of boys' meat? I
irifjo, covering a perio?! of three days, will !
i* hel.l.
"The object ?if th-? committee on hoys {
work." William A. Whiting, exeoutise m
rotary, sai.i yeatorday, "is not to atiempt
to evangelise the, boy? but to teach the;
men of th_ churches h..w to look on? for ?
the boys along spiritual, social, educational
and physical lines. Th? boy problem do.-s
n?'t s., n ich present ? problematical hoy
as it d... i problematical agencies for the
betterment, We intend to open mi
the whole question? and by putting our
studv on a scientific bast?: go forward with
l usines? efficiency to establish ideals and
principles for the work whi?'_ should be
<>n tiie evenings of April la to 17. In?
dual va services m tits interests of the
boys will hi. held at the Hroadwav Tal.er
nade, th? Reformed Church of Harlem and
th.? Mot t Haven Reformed .'hur?-h. ThO
speakers on these davs will be John S. ;
Alexand? r, James A. Whltm? re und R. A. ;
?. I I*?-. 'hi April If a i-ombltie?! meeting h
the Inter? St '.f the five divisions of the.)
? nenl win t??- held at ?'arnegl?? Hah.
where the boyi will be addressed by the
Rev. Dr. Charlee ?;iikey, pastar of the
Hyde Park Raptlst ? hurch, of Chicago,
A convention, componed of five boy del?-!
gates from each church in the city, win be
. ? .?i advance of the Cb servatloa Con
Arrangements have not b?-en <-om
pleted, but it 1* probable that an armory
will be the meeting place. Pravlous to the
convention it is toe Intention of tht com
? In charge to have an outing for tbe
' ? ^.-. al-o a supper and ^?u t-ral mass meet?
Tue social sonr?es <?? mmlt'ee. of which
??i lay Schleffelln 1h chairman, has
d a number ??f New York bus:!-.".-?
men into its eervlce, and under their direc?
tion an Investigation of moving plctute
shows dance halls, thentres and other
amusement resorts Is being made. When
th" work Is completed, the finds ?if the
committee will bo published In bi>ok t- nn
Auditor-Elect of Maryland Ac?
cused in Local Option Fight.
I .el? graph to Tb? Tr!t?un? 1
Annapolla, March IS,- The compromise
local nntlon bill passed the H"tis* thin efter
t.n I-"- a \?.|e ,if |J to ?'?'. Tin- anti
saloon forcee are disappointed, but they *ay
the amended bill is better than nothing
The result practically means that Balti?
more Cllj will remain wet It is believed
that the voten of that city never will vote
t.i make the whnle elty dry. The entire
hill may I.- killed in th.- Senate, although
this is doubtful.
Th.- State's Attorney of this county will
turn over yi the grand Jury the report of
gUlative committee ?leelartng that the
i of Repreaentatlve Smal.'wood that
Ihe State Audtor-elect, John O'Malley, a
Democratic politician, offered him $2.510 to
rote against the local option b?n w-?re sub
? tantlat? d
Waldo Believes Publicity Will Tut
Citizens More on Their Guard.
As a remit of the burglary of .Tiar?e. A.
Toarne's home, at No. 1160 Oce;iti avenu*.
Fiatbush, on Wednesday, when about UM
worth of silverware was stolen. Commis?
?loner Waldo bah announced bin Intention
?.f printing each week in "The city Rec?
ord ' I list of th?? burglaries committed the
?week bet?re. He believes publicity in th:.
regard will enable th-- citizens to be more
on ti.eir guard against the visits of the
burglars. If this weekly publication
proves -i success It Is the intention of the
l'omml! loner to give out a list every d.y
?if the burglaries committed during the
previous twenty-four hours.
In behalf Of the persons who lue ?ti
Flatbush and other outlying sections of
the city. Commissions! Waldo has an?
nounced that as soon as he get? 150 addi?
tional patrolmen he will see that the sut?
lectlons of the city rocolvs better
prote tlon.
For Further Details Consult the Advertisements in To-day's
THE I. Li KK8NER COMPAS "i I offer
Ing dtiA, pain o( men's, aromen' and chll
?ir.-n a ?hoe? .it attractive prices thii areek
Ever** pair la new and rierfect, and th?'v
are particular!) adapted t"i Eaater v\.,n
VAMTlNE*i la rlearlng out a stock ?>f
Oriental rugs, a'hloh arill he pi_c.?i ?>n aale
i'i-nioi row Tii. loi com prise? Mossouls,
Kaiaka, Kurdistans, Bhlrvana Bokhard .
Ouenjea and 11 igheatani
rii.Ml'AW is making a tpoulaltj ol Easter
hata ail purchased there h. inn trimmed
arlthoul charge. Tomorrow there will be
? ?p. rial vale ol spi inn draw matei ii mid
drjrgOOds, Ian? v n'""l'-, vv.-.ii ii. i
gi o. .ri. and kitchen ?v.. -
ABRAHAM A BTRAI H an In Un? with
? apodal ?nie >?t Easter milliner?.I wom?
en's aulla Hats, trimmed and untrlmmed
w ill be on aale through? ul t lie w . k
tA'ANAMAKER't*. win ?how spring styl
for men In all varieties ol haberdasher),
Including mu?s. i"i.????.us. n:its. neckties,
...liars, shh (a and other arttclea of or? > .
whloh vvin be on exhibition thla week, be?
ginning nith i.iinonovv. 'lie .-..ni*, an.i
?.nit.?? ropraaenl th- lateol London prlng
HRARN'i* has arranged fo i -morr?n
?.,.. .?..i vaiii.*- m w ?mcii'a aprin suits,
long <-".?t .i.. ? Rklrta, klmonoa, trimme?!
hats, meaoallne waists, poitlcoata llngeti?
ciiiiiii-.il s conta dreaaaa and .?nits, men'a
ablrto, table lin.-n.??. curtalna allka laceo.
blanktta girl household ware,
i.i?iti? .? J \\ i.??i: will . oui mu ll
\-. ? i? n ii i, alt "f la i -? Int ul- ee ol Orlei
i..i i-._-1 si ? ? nptionall loi Them
will .-i.-" ' ?? i-i'iiiiion ii showing "i lift ?.. .
Including damaok tableclotha lowelg, Im?i
npr?-?i?is, ?loiii?.- and centraplai
BLOOMIN'GDALRfl is offering a ouir,
her ?.f Oriental ruga moat of them brl.
room else. Tan. Russian calf, gun metal
pat? il coltskin and white buck lesth
- iocs, china dinner and tea sets, and laooi
i- foods, household furnishings an.
groceries are Included m th.- s-,.lal of
Till'.SlMfSoV-t'H \\\ K?mi> COMPANI
begins ii"- week with a sai.- ..f Parts-mad?
gowns fren? h lingerie and handmad?
blouses, lac? rohe.; ?ind other import hi.
tor ?.?ring, bought from the l-'r.-n.-h tlnu ol
Hi ndit ETrireS at leas ihan auction pli-?s.
.1 M OIDDINQ ft t'1)- are making .? >p?
claltj tills week of Individual and el
outer drees at senslbl? pries Their otter
inns include spring tailor-made suiis, n -
ception and afternoon gown*, motor au-1
outing ?outs ami Parisian millinery.
iTBRN BROTRBR1 will place on sale
t-. morrow a. special sale of popular priced
apparel, ronalatlng of tailored suit-.
Irrstes, women's outer garments, women's
m.i misses' wa'sts. French hand em?
broidered lingerie, the lutter at a saving
..I about on.-half, and specially NlMtsd
values In corsets. In other departments ?t
icntlon is directed to Paris model hats.
untlimmsd hats and flowers ami feathers.
COMPANY has in StOOk .OmglStS set- ??!
ib.- furatturs of ail the most dtaUngutsbed
I?. rimls of the Knglish seventeenth and
Preach eighteenth ?enturles. Pieces for
?very room in tho house are on exhibition
IAMBI U'CRRARY * CO. announce an
advance spring ntla "?' boot*, rumn-, lies
.?mi ..vi..,.!-, mad? In lin i ind Mai ^ Ros
ia calf, tfjgcd und dull Wd. suede, patent
h.iin,,- .m?: while duck, ail at unuauallj
iu_ prie an
St. John the Martyr Gets Ferdi.
nand Danton's Collection.
The collection of ?-??red palntlm*? **
Ferdinand Danton ha? been pre8ente?|
the pastor of the Church of Ht. jonn J*
Martgr. the Rev. John T. J'rout, by th
widow of the artist. Th?*. 1->tsr<*st ?f>*ttntln
Of the lot. a huge canvas. 12x17 feet, shorn
log Christ before Pilate, ha.?? been h'uni?,
the eaxt wall of the church. The ??hit
eight. If room can be found for them. m*?\
al-o adOTn the ?ails 0f the house of ??
ship in Kast ltd street, between -<?.--*)-J
and Third Hv finies.
These eiKht, which r?anto? r..R.-,rd-?.* u
l.ls life work, were calM hv the stlm
"The l,H;-t Days of the World." Six*
them are fifteen feet |ti s,z,., w?||. ,?? ^
aUghtly ?mailer. They iirP cH\\*a, sien,
in the Heavens,?? -'The Last n. su, rer tiop,.
"Judgmeni Pronounced," "r*eparfiiion n,
t>e ''.OCX from the Wicked," "Perfection?
Man." "Heaven." ??S.-ilvation of the 8>xir7
and "Perdition <?f, th.? BonL" J
\ ir.inla A\e. and H?A<-h. r*..p?. o- ?.?*
KEAJ) ?vlint .v.. nf!?r a- Hi? V?
rial lute of lia.jo IP RrKKKLTi
fi.f'O IP D.-II.V. American Plan '
Honnis with P--iv_*? Battl
Room? Sflth Hoi g Cold i.unnit.*- \tate?
liner.? l.e.iiiliin M ,?,..'
Elevator >?... ?
ill It. st Perfect ?? ?
*-e, O
<?? r.\
t rloi
rated lie
- ? ??? BL. BI.I '
ien, ?
i.- I
w if ? ?fl
fif.JIIJ RJ|h
* ?tiii'ii^ .r.
? ?Jfc.**"*""*?' i
tlld.lMI \\Y... KRAg UK*? M
tit \mk riTir. n. j.
I ?' ?.' th* >'?u-. gins tail suit?, ?i.?
! Haadsomely f n !in**i y,t<. a
.. i -.-.- urrsnoouMnts. Elsvstof to ci ftio?..
? ratea for elntsr Cspaclt* ?so.
Mr. \ ii ITAINF.** <i-*.r. r snd rroprtet^
ATt.ANTI?* i'ITT. N ?
Most *<*l<"(-t locattoa, fri.ntliii the oc#?_n. T'n-.r
o'lRiii} mo?*?*>rn; courteous ?ervt'*?-. bathronnt
with not an?i cold fresh end tee, *a-i>- at'aett?
> ti ?.how??*, Ac. Or h??ir_. Maash * i
H-.in Par! r overl'ioking the Boardw.'k in'
loif prtvllegei AI war i opte. "An
?IN HAIXHfl .'. VfPvxv
marlborouflb ? Blenheim
_<loeIah White & Kon?, '..-,. m?.
vn DeU, i.ark. >? \v. R-,
I?? KETKR (l.O'KD.
lend without r..il for ii'eratur. cr appl? it
resort, m open fur th? ...... The hom?
which will ?o-i-ommoiiate thirty guetta, lion?
farm *???* iioi.i? ?steading to ?],? ?hor*. of
?set, with plesssnt latma shade?,
with on? ?? ? | i.i? court ai.) set
?,'roiiii.t. close by are the linkt of the
Woodstock '???'*? Cloh, which g-.**-!?- st Uk?
???1? may m txi??tr
i._inii)_ and flu1 . !*1--1 by etnesti
i..ike. Th? !.. -? il provide? a co**?-l it-i'*
with tresk vegetable?, milk, .-ream, ehtthwu
.ind eses, all provided by the farm. Por fu
parttcular*. addreaa C. W. ERICMOM
Smith \\ o mi
For Bo n Sexes?City.
l??.ln*t<in Ave. and *).'.!h f"t.
srtv tX)CAT10N. NK'.V BtTLDtm)
y. ?-? -,-.?. ? f0- th? i.f'i'.
"*#alih ami .-..ii,'..rt of our gtud-fota
ri,nd for ''R?ale-tii* B.
IndltrMval Initruetl-aia
Phorthand A 1 ypewrtttss
with a Ot/ARANTt:** of
poiltton to each sraduste
N'Uht t-eMlon (taka ANT
to 9 o'clock.
ls?nd for Cafalo-raa
,-, uaaaiti -.?p Tribune Buil?inf.
IM "NAS?-AL fc.I.N>ar Brooklyn BrHgS
The Berlitz School
of Languages
Hotflsos ?foare < 11 "*"* B'oadwsy?
Harlem Branch, *>4.l Le?o. Ave., nr. ??Tth ft.
Drook.vn " 218-220 I.lvlngitor. St.
All tanguas*? by npeiiar nativ*. t*aeh?r?
Ternia Hea???nnhle. Trial l?"???ii?i "*>???.
Privai? lesson? and claisea. 6-bo.l or ttg
_ence N. - -<???* eon?taPtlv formlyg. | _
The Wright Oral School for the Detl
Hoardirs anS Day School. Klnrter-rart?n te r?l?
lese o? Bu^lIlea* 3pe??oh and Ulp-Re?"mj ?-BIT?
Kounderl V04 1 Mt Morrt? P.rk W . N T. Ut?.
Th!? ?.l\?rtl??:i ??n? ?pr*?^ every Sunwy.^
ir.\r,I.I-ll ORA1?MAR, ?)"MPOirnON tlT
? rii'ir.. neslected education, by ""tfp?
. ?... d Mis? KAT. Ml W?tlWfc
IsOOKtyc, .?"". a s? HOi-ir, ?)? ?fANP**
^Ol I \> 1 IM? THE SCHOOL *A \>TI*p ?
arltinq P I , r 4? r.--? ?So?- N ??
Ainrrl.-an _ Foreign Tea? her?' Ase?cy.--^?|?l?*
pll?... Profe???>rs. Teschet?. Tu-or?. oov-m?*?*?.
etc, to Collsce?. Hch.-ol? ?nd Fsmillea App?
to Mra si J. Young Kul'.on. 23 I'nlnn tKU-tr*
HOItOll.ll Or M\MI\TrA>.
$1?>.?-><V? ?ASH Wll.U RI'V
,?.. .-.,? doubl? M?' "-1 :;. In Ml ', t**m
renter. ra?e op ?ptlooal m*?''"
In. MIKH ?V. fO I'M VVr Ith ii
(TfTli ST.. m Br-.a.Ui.y. 'phoii? ?^ t ' J?
ma .--'lue.l Ann rl.*.in couple havlOS ? "
n "*''-:"" V"-_L_a
, _.,h ;-?,.?... r f-rei. *<**.
:-.. v? ?SHT l_3D ?ST. _K>*-anil?. ,?"?'??'?_****. "LZ
?authsra exl-JKUre. Sl?0 <MU ringt? room.?
leinen. - .-rsS?~Z
?m y CST ,\tvi.|..iS' FQ <?''TH
il i.it(,room. by month.
3D l*T.
?R rRf'CKS Al lOMOMLK."* AN^
lorcvelo? *?ld on Hnv ?'->!'?;'%. f,.rn''
loadway. New York ?'it?- Phone fO'- _
ANTIQUES. __-;-_*
NTIyIr?S s.- oii.l t.,,,1 furniture ^^
?old T. Cre-uier, M **"" *'
?*'? "-?*'_J
.liKSSM VKKK ?'.?n,*,,'?*_L11l?.,,.v*k'jaa??. '?*
?,...l?lii: .h.l.lr.-n? ?'.| "P'| l;'l'.v.?,
?,'THRYN 'xAUIM. ?he *\?,** ,*.?!? frt*
,\,, .?rlH l? health Ph?..--.Ir?-??; .,.,
|,, i?m f.ii *??th ???? c'-r- *** _
Rewriting ano TYjPBWW^g
Cnd.rwooda R.misft*?*?* ?-'?T,r* ?*"

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