HELPS I? BETTER LAWS Death of 146 Young Women One Year Ago Called Into Being Committee on Safety. LEGISLATION NOW PENDING Secretary Calls Attention to Pro tertiv. Measures Meant to Supplement Hoey Law and Requiring Action. The general public alarm sounded by } era u-ar ae?> yeaterday at n th? flach Bullding, when 141*, ien tos? their Uves, bas had its , ?? Ion, though mut h m?1 t" r Inadequate Are protection 8n?_ ; existing In thai and similar ?oft t the time, ?s hich led i !hlef froki ' I ha! ? 11 petition ol the ? h ippen .?t any time, have ? i bj .m aroused public sen i . . ? ? for one year no similar calam? Ip t- d Ihe city. 1_ t t here ere still >-cs tx fore the lnwm < ?. r i . e Ignored safely ir - ope of nil the public spirited p I ?it the time by on unre palgn on the part of The Trlb QD! trumentol In obtaining laws and inoro efllclen! local rot? ttlon from Are of t>. lofta and factory buildings ? far has reduced t.i a incea of another wanton i or human life auch aa occurred of lin Triangle Walal 1911. ... of the t ommlttee on . si ? ol Sew York, whit li hortlv after the Aach Build d other organlxat!? ?ear. ins ?gone on unceaa- j no mi ans hnishel. The | ? loey lav . a inch wen! into ' bshlng a fli ? ? r Ihe eupervlalon of ind oentrlng In the u ? ..- . n forcing Ihe ? el] as nf il BCO> inn: and where needed ??i in? i Ij d< legatt d t?i various ?? i. nts with tin attendant Irre? tap< . vvas ? alg pi In the cause ? considered sufflcienl ? on Iding for mote atrln? and designed to ? :> sterday to ih* ?'hm M. Williams, acting exec? Of tlie l'ommlttee un If the hills do no! pasa at. thi:- session of ? BUM 0| lliuch ? to th< organizations which i.Ug the last year t?> ? v, i tu rellev. the pi ? at nl n ? u conditlona In .? ifai tunnK establish thai constitute a daily menace to ilth of thousands of work and children. I? d been hoped thai the shocking loss ? he Aach Building fire ha?l ? i - and the ? ommunlty at lar?.? t?? a full sense . /i,,i but unavailing effort .escape. That door was ordlng to the teetimony many i-rlshed by dropping down the elevator shafts or trying to slide down aUea 100.000 Visited Morgue, i hundred thouaand persona visited the morgue on thai Sunday ? year ago to view ? -dus of the Triangle fire victims. were Hand in black coffin? in long town mt th- floor, n wa? a scene filled human angutah aaeh as has not been ayed In thia dty ?incft the g-ocum dls "-ter. when tsuur. than six times that many h ?die? lay m the same place Then many ?'? the boxes contained the bodlea of tiny human being?, little members of St. Mark'a Sunday school, but the ,rrh-f of those who ? ?**itwl the morgue a year ago wai not less poignant. U'lth all the public indignation aroused because of the admittedly inadequate means "f protection and escape from Are In the Am h Building at the time of the disaster. the direct responsibility for the death of those working glrla has never been fixed. ?am? and Max Blanrk. who con ?ti?ited the firm of the Triangle Waist < o*tvpany, were promptly Indicted on seven ??pgrate counts for manslaughter in the '9*1 and second degrees, were tried last "T'-embar, and were acquitted. Witnesses ^?Ufled that the Washington Place door WHY THE WOMEN LIKE THE NEW STREETCARS. Tests were inailc Thursday hv man) women, gowned in modish garb, of the new "Im*- platform" street cai m the Lexington avenue ??.inK Women with hohblt skirts, fat .nul "?lim women, and even old women (if such there be), found ihr reduction ??? the steps heiglu from l'1 to 1" inches an acceptable and appre? ciable aid to their comfort. was lock? .1. A p;?rt of the door end the lock itself were exhibits In the courtroom. ???ther witness, s testified that cuttings from the ?loth used in th.? waists and other In? flammable material! had been allows to accumulate on th?' floors for more than two months prior to the fire Why Prosecution Failed. Hut the Inability "f Ih? prosecution to - o*s .? personal knowledge of the locked ?lour at th?? time of the tire and othi : geni conditions, a legal ? n -uired to prove criminal negligence, saved the ?le fendants. Commenting ?m this polnl al the . Tim Tribun? Whenever ,t is propel and reasonable to assum? Ihi t kn ?*? ledi < ondltiona and n foi them, the burilen .if the [i knowledge and responslbtlltj should be lightei ? tl Mass meetings "f the relativ? ?? and ftiendi >,f t . lire victims were held in ; against the acquittal of Harria and B k and demanding another trial I Hat riet \t tornej Whitman took the mattei up and a <1>]\ u.?s Bel for .? second trial It wa a feu rlmer. What course ihe tariff debate will take In the ui?i?er bouae is problematical, bei of the uncertain attitude of Ihe Insurgents. The regular Republicana will offer some amendments to Ihe House steal bin and P'llnt out some of Its more RiarliiK defect! The D?mocrate win support it. Convinced, however, that they will no! i*- ?hie to mus? ter suftiiient strength to paaa it. they bava notified the Insurgents that they win lake what ii offered to them in the way of t;irirr reduction, Indicating thai thej win enter a Coalition with th? Ins?ltente as lung as if suits their purposes Senator Cummins la preparing ? steel bill Which may serve as a basis for the compromise, a similar compromise maybe reached on sugar. The attitude of the in? surgents fin the wo??) bills is doubtful, and will probablv remain so. us Senator La follette, who baa appropriated t?? blm ?if this particular :leld of ihe tariff, will prob? ably be devotlag his inure attention to big campaign. Up to the present time the in? surgent Senators have shown a disposition to oppoae all Republican tariff revision u b ss th. v ara permitted to dictate the rat?-n. The wool bill m in " -lib-mina. Tiny will be nailed mm between the Democratic ? dlcan bills, the latt.r baaed t af tha Tariff Board? f"i tit of which the insurgents COi If great fight dur? ing tin- closing di he last Congress. Similarly, ti s Insurgents are uncertain what course to pursue with respect to the exdss tax bill. Some of them are In? clined to It aa laying a burden on Industry and taxing earning capacity In? stead of capital. It Is certain that the measure will undergo I rigorous attack in the Senate. TO DISCUSS ARMY CANTEEN. The Woman's Christian Temperan, * Union will hold a meeting In Ihe small ballroom of the Hotel Astor at 3 o'clock to-day to discuss the army canteen, which w.u. abolished several years ago. The union is strongly against the maintenance of the canteen in the i nited States army, snd among those whose aid has been en llsled in ihe cause and who will address the meeting to-day are Lieutenant Gen? era! Nelson A. Miles, |T. H A., retired; Colonel I,. || Mans, chief surgeon, cen? tral division of the fnlted States army, and former Congressman William S Ben net. BENEFITS n INSTITUTIONS Carneoie Foundation Expendi? tures Now Approximate Income. BARS CASES LIKE WILSON'S Law and Mining Schools Criti? cised -University of Vir? ginia Is F('co?ni/*cd ? ? ||.?|| f" r Ih< \d IH th.- Mil? ?!?' within 1 t th? l m ? ; '. .1 11 ?-1 ..f t run. a hi? h non in lud? , ? .. n'.|'?;:v Kxpendlture has non approxln it? I ??..,.. . . ?? ? . ? ? .1 hv the ' :."i)n and ?? : ? 000 ? illowan? ? ... . tty-i . rtil Ih* tnl*? - ? " ?? ** ppll? ?i from ? s J? in? appll? ? \\a- i. fus? 'i T ?'il". ? ? (,, indatlon In leiing specla ?' ?. i '. |. ' it.. lude d< ntlsl oi other admlnls ? i ?an k in ,i olleg? oi nlv?*rsity* has I .iit it I! ? i?ng1y the < ?lit?. <f litigation, publie disregard of law and dlsn ptc! i i tiir ludieiar) Th.- Carnegie Koundatlou. n will he re tnemberod, published ? bulletin in the autn mer "f llll ?II?. Ming the t?h<*cp frmn the gonts among tho radical schools of tbe country. It nom reporta thai In th? ended lust September twent) two "unwoi thy" medical achoola passed oui ?>f exist* et:. ?'. ' unable t?i stand the light ??f r i?i nit-." while ;?n equal number ?if worthy Inalltutlona made eich advances. l*oor and pretentloua graduate achoola conducted with the funda of undergraduate colleges sad attended chiefly b* aubakllsed students, President, Prltchetl considers, oftsn merely impair the spprsciatlon of good undergraduate teaching and hamper real research, through the multiplication of mechanical semin?is, dlassrtatlons and the Ilka '* He flnds also ?i wsste of engineering ?chools, entailing duplication "f facilities, competition in low entrance requirement! ..ii?i poor Instruction. Borne stales, he asys, have four, tlvc, sewn and nui" BChOOll of engliisai Im eaeb, Bau N"iR ? * 11 > alone has six and l'?*tuiR> l\ ?uil.i thirteen, flve of these having l??-*' than tottg atudenta each, Th.? engineering aodetlea ars en operstln** with th?- foundation lo bring shout an elimination through Inststsncs upon proper standard*. Tin? prasldsnts sf Harvard, indiana Unl vsrslt] an i Veaeet collage bava besa elect ad within th?> year to uieiiih.rshlp In the board ?>f tweiity-flv?? trust.'en of the founda? tion, whirl) In com pos** I of university and college preKidentH and financiers. TUBERCULOSIS HAS NEW FOE The frisada sf i>r Charlss m. Dunoaa, visiting physician to St. ??rcgory'H Hos? pital, are congratulating him upon the hu - cess of his SXPSrkSMBtS with his new treat - in.nt for tutierculosis CaUsd the "Auto Therapy ?"ure." The tTSStmsnt, which it Is said consista of the Injection of live germs into the system of the patient, has received favorable comment from many physlolsas.aa men gg from the laaflli ?i journals. Irr Willla-n H. Freeman, who ha?? BSSd the ireatment. .?-aid last night that II aulta have been moat .atlnfactory. WHAT DRESS SHOULD COS Responsibility of Husband for Wife's Tailor Bills Involved. NEW TRIAL IN PECK CASE Appellate Division Reverses the Late Justice Truax, but Bench Is Divided. The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court has Just dlspose.l of an sppeal In? volving the question of whether . amuel \V. Pe? k or his wlf_, Mrs Josephine Peck, wa* responsible, for a hill of $,VE which the wife Incurred at her tailor's for a few suits and other artiele?. Incidentally, the case brought out sum? expert testimony as to the sartorial necessities of ,. woman who wants to he well dressed Samuel \y, {Vck. a rich clothing manu? facturer, an., his wife lived at the Hotel Ansnnln. The testimony showed that the husband's Im-onie was J4S. ?v> a year, and Mrs. 1'er-k .ad! that they lived nf the rata Of ..."On a year Peck used to allow lits wile |EM a month for clothes and tM a werk for eah fates and lunches Mrs. Peck contemplated a trip to Kurope, and to prepare fur It she visited the wom? an's tailoring establishment of one Solo? mon Rasenfeld ami ordered those few "simple" thlnga: Brown leather automo? bile coat, lliv.. bine and White suit. JUS; blue, 00; piqu? suit, Jl.VO, and a whit.- serge suit. W, making a total of ISC All these Mrs. Peck had charge,* to her husband, but matrimonial troubles in use in the Peek family. and the husband refused t,, pay the bill. The tailor sue,| Peck. Th.- suit was tried before the late Justice Truax, who dismissed the action ?without submitting to the jury thequeatlon of the defendant's liability. Counsel fui the plaintiff showed that Mr. and Mrs, Peck were living logether when th.- di bi was contrai ted ! y the wife. Rom i feld had been in tin- employ ot s Fifth avenue tailor when- Mis. Peck had 'liait, and the plaintiff wanted to shou that his pries, compared with thoae of his former empl.r. were not too inch. Jus said: ? Tin- courl ?Till take ju dlclal notice that the piare Is high prlcod." ? ? r allowam ei to his wife to vi in, i, peck test! (led, hi aid ' ?? .av? ilis wife m m.| additional before sin- _.nt i" Europe, and that she look with her a }.', -"?i |i itrr of credit k testified further thai he thought Mm Peck would buy her dresses abroad with the '??.'??? nut Mrs Julia Solomon, a slstei ... Mrs Perk, ?is a witness for Peck? tuiil how mistaken the husband waa Mr? Solomon helped her sisti r pack her liv l.i t.* ii inks, an I thi ic sre som< of ttie Pi ck I'i'ik with lier to Europe: More than thirty dresses, tlir.losen pairs ? f gloves, Iw.-hi hats. tu.i d'.z.-u pairs ihm Ik 'el icklngs .-r.?i i- n pans of riding tiRliis. It had advertisements published in I'.h is thai - ? aould nol paj any bills of ins aifi v.- to (hi requlri.nts of s well ?iresseii womai Rosenfeld, the plaintiff, testified ? ?? well dressed woman wore a dress i?r ^uit after me style had changed, and . ? ? . nged twlci i year, . Mandel .1 i lair another experl '? --tried that ?oil dn ?-? ?I worn? n U?? nol wr four months tbe sort ? Mrs Peck ordi red from Ro enfeld Thi 1 ? lie Division has reversed the l S TrU IX, and has ordered ni "Th? i uni- it necessities, strictly speak? ? u was presented if lies In the sense ii ,i ? . les of dress sull ibis ? mode of living " 1 'url ? the higher ? our! holds ? ? for the husband to show that ?? whs nmply provided fur. to pay fol (he . ? lead of ha\ tne I hi m Th?- court d< on the difll lit ?i ?es? , Hi ott, Iue1 Ice i 'hirke and .?us! ? ' I Si "' e. a litle lim; .i?isti.e [ngraham and Justice fi id's I ?il should be charged t?? Mr? Peck, it being shown Pi had ???ni prm Ided for his PASSAIC UNIONS WAR Confli.t of Authority Between Rival Organizers. in ??? The Tribune 1 i ?? \ .1 . March 21 Repr* -? i -t organizations vv ha ? - . m the textile strike tit Lawrence da) in take a hand In the strike In Ihe nulls m this vicinity. They were headed by .lames I' Thompson, one ? ?:' organisera t'i tin- Lawrence ???m This organization is distinct from the otie 'Atii'h las been active here since the beginning of the labor trouble. The local organizer is Boris Relnsteln Mr Thompson said he would endeavor t.i enroll Ihe strikers Relnsteln had en r?ii|eii in hi ? union Relnsteln insists on remaining In command. Incidental to Ihe additional strikes, thev win doubtless brin? about s llghl between the two or? ganisations Reinsten's union's headquar ti-rs are In Detroit; ?Thompson's In Chicago It was said to-day thai Die 1,000 weav? ers In Ihe Botany Worsted mills, the larg? est mill ?if Its Kind In the country, would Stl lk< in VVl dm -?lav If Hu v ?1". pla ? tlcallj the entire working tune ?f will be thrown OUt. The weavers want more mono) and better working condi? tions George Rohllg, superintendent ami head of the Botany mills, said to-day that under m? conditions would hi* mill racog? nlzo utiiuii employs* if it could n?>t ?et nun union bands the mill srould be ?dosed down for a year if neceaaary Christian Bahnsen, head of the Qers mills, employing ??,000 hands, of which number too are on strke, and Brnaal Pfenning, of the New Jeraey Wor? sied Spinning Company, In Garfleld, ware strong In their denunciation of 'outalde Influences" as being reaponolble for the si i ikes. Mr. Rohllg said his firm had al? ways been generous t?? Its help There are probably .'(..'?OH mill hands on Strike ),i. LbOUtS, snd probably as many more are ou I in consequence. WORCESTER ACADEMY MEN DINE More than 100 Alumni Discuss Widtn ing of Institution's Influence, ji.than um- hundred alumni of Worces? ter Academy living In ami mar New fork attended tbe annual dinner of the Central Alumni Association, given ai the Harvard Club un Saturday night. At the business meeting preceding Ihe dinner Carltan Mac) ?;,i ,,f the Queenaboro das and Electric Company, was elactad president for tha ensuing year. Roscos H Ooodell, tl, was toaatmaatei The subjei-i for discussion was "Practical M.atis fur Making tin- !_irge and lUpldly Increasing Bodj of Young Alumni llora BffeCtlVS m the Hevel.ipiiu tit Of thS School und in tbe Widening of its Influence." I). W, Abel-crumble, the principal, outlined tlio development of the last thirty years. The other speakers m-r. Seebrr Kdwards, '_7, of Providence; John K. Walker. '93, Assistant I'nlted States District Attorney of New York; Clifford S. Anderson. 'W. of Wunesiei. Carltan Macy, 'fii, .losepii F.. Ka.v croft, '._. Professur of physical educa? tion st Princeton, and Paul p\ la bine, fur in- 11' master In science tn the academy and now secretary of the endowment committee. ? Editor of "The Connoisseur" to Give Exhibition Here. 85 PICTURES IN COLLECTION Proceeds Will Be Devoted to Dickens Centenary Fund? Loeb Exacts No Duty. Herbert Bally, editor of 'The COnnotS ??eiir," an English magazine for art col? lectors, arrived on the Campante yesterday to direct An art exhibition in New York in aid of the Dickens Ontenary Fund. He brought a large collection of portrait?, free ?"?ntry being arranged through Collector Ixoeb. The coller-tlon, which Is valued at more than mDMM, was made through the co? operation of a powerful committee, of which Lord Chief Justice Alveistone was chair? man. The insurance alone on two of th>? pictures, Mr. Rally said yesterday, was -.-""?.?Oft. Mr. Bally added that the painting.? were packed in tin sheathed cases to pro Vldo against a possible sinking of the ?hip. There are about eighty-five pictures In all, many of which have never been pub? licly exhibited before and ha?.* been spe? cially loaned by the owners for the ??.? castos. Mis highness the puke of Tack han loaned a portrait of his grandfather, the first Puke of Cambridge, by Kir William He,i,-hey, and the Puke of Marlborough ? portrait of his great ancestor, the first duke, this being the first time that the picture has ever left Blenheim since It w.< patntsd. Van Dycfc*a picture of the fount of kil macey has been given by the Karl of Pen b'gh, who also has loaned a well known Oalmtmough. ?Lady Dorothy Novilla haa COOtrlbUtSd a portrait of Lady Hunting tower?; by f'erroneau. Sir (leorfie Tolle mache Sinclair has offered portraits of ?Lady Hamilton hv Komney and of his grandmother, Lady Sinclair, by ?'osway. sir Joshua **t?*r**"joMa*a pi? ture of ?Lady Win? terton comea from sir William Bruco'a col? lection, Canvaaes by Hoppner have been loaned by Lord Sheffield and one of Lady Charlotte pun'Iers by the Karl of Zetland. i amases by Honthoral have been contrib? uted i.v the Earl of Carriel* and the por? trait of T.ady Hunbury. hv ?Peter I/dy. be? longs t?> Sir Henry Bunbury'a eollaetloii. Pictures from the brush of Titian, Rem hrati'lr. Ruyadasl, OalnaborOUgb and others have been ??-nt over by noted i-'ngiish col? le? tors There also are a "Last Supper," by RIboItS, the Karl of Mornlngton, I !.lyn Van ClSSve from Sir QeorgS Don? aldaon. sir Henry Raven'e portrait of Mrs Boawelt, lent by Lieutenant Colonel Rrowne, and a Oslnaborough portrait of Mr. Bell from Norman l'ot 'bes*Robertson. Bodoma'a "81 Jet?me In the Desert." an Adoration." by ?Boucher; Krans Hals'.? "Strolling Musicians." a Pragooard por? trait, lent by \. I.. Nicholson, and several Van Dycka '?.ill be exhibited. The work of (leorgs Mqrland, .i.'m Northcote and Rae hiirn also will I?1 well represented ? ?f special int?-rest to Americana will be the pni trait of Qeorge Washington, by Gilbert Stewart, lent by sir William Bruce . the contemporar* copy on china of Joshua Reynolds'* portrait of Major Andr**. made by William larden, and a small drawing of Charles Saltonstall, an ancestor of Kiihu *i'aie, founder of Vale University, an?i an mul? of John Harvard, Th.? exhibition will open on April I In t ? white au..m Company ?allerlea, No. 19 "Saal B2d street. Two portraits f this author, A ipeclal feature of the exhibition Will be the four period rooms Qeorgian, William and Mary, Chippendale and an oak room K*|id i. i?, been shown at the Turin exhibi? tion. WOMAN AIDED STUDENTS? Police Hope to Fasten Other Robberies on Prisoners. Th? Brooklyn pp floor of the building nearly one hundred and fifty photographe of Jacobe and th.' woman now sought h> the pollCS w?;.> found The ?police are of the opinion that she is Implicated In esveral from th?- ?'ommitlee of twelve railroad VlCO-preSldsntS ami g.?neral man? agers The committee of engineers h?*i?i ? moot? in. at iba ?Broadway Outrai Hotel ?rests*-* ?lay to prepara for the meeting to-day. Grand Chief Stone, when asked it the rall rosd engineers would stand r we mav confer during the entlr.? week, It all dependa un Iba rtplj LYNN SHOE MEN TO STRIKE Stitchers in Twenty-one Factories De? mand an Advance. I,ynn. Mass. MarSh M ? In twenty-one Lynn shoe factorlee McKay stitchers will strike to-morrow morning because ol I'M refusal of the manufacturers to grant the union's dcmanil for an udvain-e in the piecework schedule. Although the stitch? ers on strike will number legs than one hundred probably, union l??aclers say that the effect will be to tl.? up the factories roneerned, as the strike has the Indorse? ment of the UnltS- Shoe Workers of America. In eight of the factories the demands of the strikers have been granted, |n four others the McKay stitchers are working under an arbitration agreement which pre? vents them from taking part in the strike and in three more It is sai.l that fair as? sura in es have been given that the advance will he allowed. In those ?-hops, therefore, there will be no atrlke. STRIKE A? LAWRENCE OFFICIALLY Bfl Result of Long Struggle Felt I Textile Workers All Over New England. HIGHER PRICES PROBABL Ultimate Consumer Likely Bear Much of Burden for $10,000,000 Advance in Wages. Bouton, March 24?-The great Lawren strike, which brought In its train 1 creased wages Tor 275.On. textile works :n N- w Kr.eland, was officially declared < at all the mills In Lawrence to-day. ha In* accomplished its purpose, tn the opl ton of tlie leaders That the strike hi dona this, and more. Is acknowledged I several labor leader? not affiliated w|i the Industrial Workers of the Worl which directed the Lawrence labor wa .'ames U'hitehead. secretary of the Wea eis' Association of Fall River, dec?an to-day that the Increases in wage? whli are going Into the pockets of New Em land textile worker? are the direct resu nf that two months' contest. Advances In the price of woollen et cotton goods, which have been mude i which are In prospect, will probably pl*< on the ultimate consumer much of tl burden of the additional wage cost to tl textile manufacturers. Thia will aggr gate between $1 tt.fioo.OOO and f12,000,0< during the next year. It is estimate Mill agent? in announcing advances in tl price? of certain grades of cotton a. ?.mllen goods within a few days ha' frankly said that th? upward tre_nd la tl result of wage advances In New Englar mills, and to seme extent to those In Ne York State textile planta. Uncertainty exists only as to the amoai of the advance In certain cotton mill cei tres. The employers of nearly all the buj dred thousand woollen mill workers ha? granted Increases that are nearer if? tha I per cent, and their operatives, who orlf nally asked for a 15 per cent Increase at generally aatlstled. But this Is not true i the cotton Industry, which employe 175,0 hands In New England. Th*? manufaetu ers of the coarser grades of cotton good as represented by thos? In Fall River, hat advanced their original wag? rals_ from to 10 per cent, while the finer goods man? facturera, with New Bedford as their cet tre. have refused up to the present to ai cede to the demands of their employes f< an additional ? per cent New Bedford Centre of Intereit. New Hedfopl ha? now displaced Lan ranea as the centre of interest In the textil situation. If the mill owners of that clt ih-, id? to give the Increase d?mand?d wttl in a taw days it will carry additional thoi sands of dollars to th? operatives not onl of N?w Kerlford but of other cotton CSBtra which, following custom, are awaiting th action "f th? \?w Bedford manufacture! to determine their attitude toward th?l own workers. Th? probability of a strtt of from K,0M to ttjttt operatives tn Vet R?dford. snd several thousand, at least. 1 m her plaie?, is believed to depend on th action of ths New B?dford mill owneri The onl] textile strikes of anv consequent in New England al thp ptesent tune er in iiitton mills m iMinton and W'e.t War ten over demands of the operatives f.?r si Inervase of 10 per ??nt inst?a?l of th? ." pe cent offered \? w Bedford o?peretlvea are insistent tha tr. receive 16 per cent, and William II Devoll, secretary of the manufacturera1 aa ?'ion. has promised them that the mil earners will decide the first of the weei whether or ?vit this will be g' anted BSM ??f the union officials ?aM to-day that whil? the operatives were firm In their demand of lit p?r cent, the unions probably woul< agree to a cap! an immediate increase o ~,i.t per ?ent. with a promise of an additions 2'2 per cent "ti ? given date In the ftttUTS This may he the basis of a compromise. Says Increase Is Not Justified. OtiS II Pierre, president of the New Bed f.?rd Cotton Manufacturers' Association, eg presses the upiniun that the condition o the tine go?ids market dues nut wat rant at advance In arages al th!? time, and doei not consider that the New Bedford mil owners are justified in giving an i in rea se although his mills have fallen Into Uni with the others In New England which de Lcldi i D ? I POT cent advance. Mr. Plerci says thai coarse good.? mills, such as thos? In Pall River, are doing a much better busi? ness than for a long time, and are In . mor? advantage!.us position at present than the tine goods establishments. \\. .?nsocket. R. T., March 24?An Increase la nagas of .. per cent will go Into efTect at every woollen, worsted, yarn and eloth ?neat ing mill In Woonsocket tu-morroar | morning, announcements to this effect hav? ing heen made by the manufacturers tS* d.i\. I'pward of l,t#d operatives are ?f? fe?.ed. At the same time as many more operative. In the notion milla of the city will receive a 10 per cent advance. In nc cordance with tio?cee pusted a few days a go. Lowell. Maas. March 24.?Twenty thou? sand operatives employed In th* seven cot tun mills In this city will enter on a new schedule of wages to-morrow, when notice? will be posted of an lncrea__ averaging from ?S to ' per ?*ent, the minimum being t per cent 1'nder the new scale the, wages her? will te practically tha sam? as those paid In the cotton mills at Lawrence. CHILDREN TO MARCH BY JAIL Lawrence Plans Demonstration When Little Ones Return. Lawrence. Mass, March 24?With th* official calling off of tlie big strike here to? day which has lasted for ten weeks the strike committee vue?! ttaolf oui -it exist? en?* gxavtr?m 11 ^n'iiBitO^m" ?rae*1'' af**ae _ifl> Before dissolving action eras taken on several matters. The return of the chil? dren, nearly three hundred of whom are iiuvv In homes la New York, Philadelphia und Barre, Vt., where th?v were sent dur? ing the e'rlke, was at tanged for next gat? urday. At that time a damouatratton Ii planned. A committee has bean appointed to arrange with the city officials foi ? bl? parade which will Include th? children. It is planned to have the man hers paas by, If not actually around, tbe Essex County Jail, In which ara Imprisoned the original st! Ike leader, Joseph J. Ettur, and his lieutenant. Arturo (iiovaiinitti, who are still held in a charge of CO*** pllclty to murder. The remaining leaders of the Industrial Workers of the World, Including William l> William E. Trainman and William Vates, will leave lure within a few lavs lor other fields. They declared to-night In separate statement? that th? Lawrence strike had achieved "one great, _rat il victory, ?arreachlng in resulta, which will always he r.-menibered." DR. A. B. HILL DEAD Was Brother of the Late Senatoi David B Hill l.extei. Mo., March 24 -Dr A B Hill brother of the late Senator David B. Hill of New York, died here to-day at the agi of seventy-flv? years Dr Hill tolned th# Confederate arniv as an assistant, surgeot In Uflt serving throughout the war.