OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, October 10, 1912, Image 1

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The Only New York
Republican Paper.
v0L TA \ II.. Na 24,070. ??*"??? ?h.we? u,'-d.r
> ljA'V*1 Blidaj. tlearlD* aad coo
1>T>T/**4T** /"kVr*__*4 /^I7V"'T tet ??7 of New York. Jeree-7 Clt> and Holwlse*.
Panel Exhausted at Point When
Box Seemed in Fair Way
To Be Filled?No
Night Session.
New Batch of Talesmen To Be
Examined This Morning and
Taking of Testimony
Probably Will Begin
in Afternoon
Les'ie A. Wark, Juror No. 8, and John
J. DiHon, Juror No. 11, were oxcueed
and the following two men selected in
their plaees:
N0 ?_-Charlea Rauchfuas, of No. 454
West 155th street; real aatate dealer,
with businets addrosa tha ume. Mar?
N0- i*j?Alfetd Fallhaimar, of No. 505
West 142d street; architoet, with office
at Ne. 7 East 42-J Btreet. Marriad.
The Jury b<->x nt the end '>f the court
jessions yeaterda*-* at the trial of Lleti
teuant Charlea Hecker for the murder
of Hermnn Rosenthal. tha gambler.
atlll lacked ;i twelfth Juror to All U.
Ttaffe wer> eleven men ln the box when
court"bpc*'"' They were there at the
close et the nlght seaaion on Tueaday.
Two Jurors were excused from the Jury
box yeaterday by Justice Goff. and thi
turn tota! of the day'a work waa to ot>
taln two Jurors in thetr plaees wlthout
berng able to get the twelfth man be?
fore the apecial panel of talesmen waa
exhausted, and couflj adjourned at*?:3??
f. m.
Jottl Bo(_ **'?*?'? dlspoaed to hold ai
other night sesaion in order t.o com?
plete the Jury had there been any talei*
men left from whom to select the nee?l
ed twelfth. Seventy talesmen were ex
amlmd at the two long aeaslons of
court ye?t.rday. and only Vao m**n
qualified for service from tliat num
ierk P*W?H> ordered a new ape
.i_l*l anel of wm hundred talewen la**t
They are summ-netf-to H|4?ear
, rt ".his morning.
. .iglumi special panel summoned
lury coniiatt'd of 'W
ta-Jciaen. out of whlch IM appaared in
court. Evety attott waa made by Jus
tire Goff and District Attorney Whlt
man to land the JMW taiesman on tha
Jur* . bul he was flnally excuaed by tha
court on re |uest af the defence when lt.
nd that he Waa acqualnted wlth
I trttnaaa ln tba east. He wae tieor-:
j, ,.n insurance agent, llvln?
at No. _"_ Weat T4th street.
Mr Jcremlah Increased the diffleuHy
of his selfci tion. whei\ ln answer to an
early question by Distrlct Attorney
Whitman as to whether he had any
oplnion Ot impresalon of the gullt or ln
nocenif* of the defendant he replled:
"I may say that I have a vrry defloite
oplnion as to what the outcome of thla
cas-i ought to be."
Jeremiah Had to Go.
The taleaman said. however. that he
could diaregard hls oplnion If chos*-n
as a Juror, and render a falr and lm
partlal verdlet on the evldence alone.
Mr. Jeremiah lnslsted rn conferring
with Justire Goff two or three tlmea
when hia examinatlon flrat began. lt
developed that he told the court that
he knew one of the wltneaaea, nnd
thought he would be diequalifled on
that account. Juatice Goff wga not b>
cllned to let hlm go. as he was the la?t
avallabie man and there was no chance
in getting any other candidates for fhe
Jury untll to-day.
Asked the name of the witneaa ha
knew Mr. Jeremiah told the Diatrict
Attorney that lt waa John Donohue.
Donohue flgured aa the "dummy" ln
the chattel mortgage of $1.M>0 whlch
Herman Roaenthal executed. on ?he
furniture in hls gambling houae ln Weat
4-th street, after that amount had been
advanced to hlm by Lleutenant Becker.
tuniinue- oa thlr-A page.
This Morning's *\eiv$
I.OCAL. Page
Fail to Get Last Becker Juror. 1
Waldo Tells of Police Tenure. *
??>roner Holds "Red Phil".*
?"''re. Preventioo Exhlblttqn. ?
Another Glhsop Irmulry. ?
Ity for Women Politlcal Oratora. 7
Maxwell Defenda Pollclea. ?
Puhliclty Uw Teat Sult Begun.lt
Queen of Nevy Jolne Kleet.B9
Wee'.port Wreck Inoulry.M
N*w Hempahlre Crowds Cheer Taft.. *
T*Jegrams Aecuae Ls-hpr Leaders...., 4
?Mt Holyoke College Oeta 16--.000_ ?
Wl Takes Hand tn Guard Row.BO
ilontenegrina Win Flrat Battle. 1
fost of Primary Canrpalgns...,. 1
Reoeevelt Hpeaks ln Mlchlgan.'..._... 4
?traus in Upsute I'ampatgn.....'. 4
Hedgee Wins Thlrd Party Man. 9
Clark stunsps for Wlleon......_.."._ B
?Wlactwk and Chaae indortaed. ?
Another T lt Leader for Taft. ?
ir__r.ca--x.A_f bo u ?
News for Women.:..*....'. T
Kdltorlal .,. ?
?JhUuary . p
*****..10, 11 and 11
Army and Navy.19
S??*r .ii
"hipplng News.19
pnan^gi %n<- Marketa.... 19, 14 and 19
"??l fcatat._,.lf
Scene in Cettinje, the capital, at the time of the recent proclamation festivities. King Nicholas leads the procession with his daughter,
the Queen of Italy. The King of Italy, with the Queen of Montenegro, follows, then come the Crown Prince, Prince Mirko,
and others of the nohilitv.
Urges Montenegrins to Assist
Brethren in Old Servia.
t'ettin'?\ Montenegro, Oct. 9.?KIir
Nlcholas hns lasued n proHnmation
aummorrlngr thf Montenegrina to go lm?
mediately to the asslstanoe tt thelr
brethren ln Old Servia, where. he <], -
clnrea, women and rhllrlren are hevm
ma-_*cre'4. The proclamatlon o>ii
Mo*itane-?ra hat. hepe4 ta aacura tha
libarat;pn ?f tha Berba in Turkey with?
out taa aHftftJing ot blood, but poacaful
? ndaavora proved unavailing, and no
othar recouree waa loft but to taka up
the aword in thoir bahalf.
Wa ara aaaurad, in thia holy under
taking, of tho aympathy of tha whole
eivilicod world, and wa will hava tha
loyal atetstance of tha kinga of Servia,
Bulgaria and Greece and their peoplaa,
who ^ thia affair have ranged tham
aalvoa with the Montenegrina like
Montenegro ia attacking Turkey not ;
from motivaa of arroganca, but inapired
by a nobla raaolva to prevent tha final
?utermination of har brothren.
Turkey and Balkan States Have
Oraft?One.Going from Here.
Paris, Oct. t.?Alrmen boB*-B-"B to
opposlng arraieh are likeHy soon tn come
Into conflict'for the flrst time ln actual
war. for alVthe Balkan States, as wall
ae Turkey. have a number of cxpt-rt
alrmen, moat of whom have learned to
fly ln Fram-c. They also possess con*
?lderybl_v aerial i-iylpmcnt. Turkiv,
for l/istanee, recently acr-uircd .ight
monopIaMtfa In France. two In England
an<J two in Gcnpa-'ny, whlle others Itave j
been ordered by the Ottoman govern?
ment ln both England and GerniH.i>.
Bulgaria .owns one monoplane and
three Mplancs, and the War Depart- :
ment |_ Sofia haa Just ordered addl
tlonal machJriea from Germatiy. The
Greek War Department poaaesses alx
French blplaries and one hydro-aero
plane. The Berylan.army doea not own
ony maehlnes, but several of Its offlcers !
are flylng men. I
Wyr T*leantph. ta Tha Trlbune. j
Phlladelphla. Oot. 0.?The aerop'ano
fleet of Orae-e wjll he further aug-|
mented hy the addition of the airship
Ot AJjgeloa Ster.io* of Berlin. X. J..
who to-day packed"-le Wright hiplano
and armounced that hc would r'turn t i
hla natlve country and offer hls scr
vjcea to the.Grectan army as aviator.
Btergioa haa been drilllng falthfuliy
for aome tlme and Is one of the best
?mateura about thia clty. He attended
?rh-* meetlng of hls countrymen hen*
laat nlfht, and when calia wen- made
for volunteera he announced that he
would not onlyglve hia Ilfe but hls elr
ahip for the cause ln Greece. He ex
pecta to depart thts week with hla bl
plane on one of the ateamahlpa that
wlll aall from New ~ork.
Yacht Kngineer Was Trying Out
Machine on Rlverside Drive.
Whlle rldtng a motorcycb- on Rlverside
Drltfe" yeeterdayChrtstophei K. Benedlot,
an engineer. of Stamferd, fonn.. lost con?
trol of the machlne at t*7tli atreet and
craabed into the r>ll(ng aurrounrtlng the
Vlctorla Apartmenta. He waa hurrled to
the Red lYoaa Hoapltal. where he died
from a compound (racture of the skall
ReiMdtet waa engineer of the jracht
Hoigraaa. belonglnf to the Col)iml?la -"nt
verelty. lylng at ?th atreet ln tha- North
-Rlver. The motorcycle waa purcha#ed by
hlm recently, and yeaterday waa the flrat
opportunity he had of trylng It.
Dewey'e Claret or Sauterne Punch
"Tor all Boclal Kunctlon*.
H- T. D?w?y ft sona C..,W*-*uiton St.N V.
rfpESOf montenegrin [NFANTRY piohtin^turks
Strong Turkish Position Opposite Podgoritza
Captured?Battle Still Raging?Prince
Peter Fires First Shot for Balkan Lib
erty?General Advance Ordered.
Podgoritza, Montenegro, Oct. 9 ?The Montenegrin army opened
the war against Turkey this morning by attacking a strong Turkish
position opposite Podgoritza. Prince Peter, the youngest son of
King Nicholas. fired the first shot.
This was the signal for firing all along the line, and an artillery
duel ensued. Within twenty-one minutes five Turkish guns were
silenced, and the Turks retreated from their first position on Mount
Planinitza. By noon the Turks had evacuated the mountain.
Podgoritza is the headquarters of the Montenegrin forces, and
amid the enthusiastic cheering of the people King Nicholas, with
Prince Mirko, his second son, and staff, rode early to the mountains
to surveythe positions. The Montenegrin guns had been placed the
night before. and strong detachments were held in reserve should the
Turkish forces prove larger than the reports of the scouts indicated.
Punctually at 8 o'clock the first shot was directed at the Turkish
position on the hills opposite by Prince Peter, who is a captain of
artillery. At the booming of the gun the band in the Montenegrin
headquarters struck up the royal hymn.
That the Montenegrin fire was effective was proved by the quick
retirement of the Turks. After they evacuated the mountain a gen?
eral advance of Montenegrin infantry was ordered. Covered by a
concentrated artillery fire, the infantry moved toward the strongly
fortified Turkish position in Detchitch Mountain, which commands
the road to Scutari. nue,
At 2 o'clock the Turks landed troops on the shore of Lake bcu
tari near the Montenegrin frontier. A general engagement followed
and was still in progress at 5 o'clock in the afternoon over an ex
1S Crown Prince Danilo, who is commander in chief, has just ridden
in with Prince Peter from the battlefield to the King's headquarters
for fresh instructions._^ _
Device to Gain Time, Diplomats
Believe_Others Think Ferdi
nand Would Save Crown.
Paris. Oct. 0?The Fremh Foreign
Oftlre at a late hour to-night was atllf
wlthout a reply from Sofla, Athens or
Belgrade. and the only wiggeation thus
far aa to Ita poaalbla tenor la found In
the ramark of the Bulgarlan Foreign
Mlnister when the note of the powera
,a, dellv-rad. that "perhapa lt would
have had a better chance of succeas If
preaented a fortnlght earller."
Bulgariaa healtatlon 1? varlously in
tarpieted. Moat of the dlplomata ara
of the oplnion that lt la merely a da
vlce to galn tlme to complete the war
preparations. But a ahrewd mlnority
Continued en second psae^t** t*-****.
. M!3^5^?ft!^f53ft
,.T^ ri?_h_____-<J avtvla m.-ahs hlgheat road. Tickets sold OetOb?r^ "*" *J
^__tt$^ Rg ^r^to'be^'l-Adv^
Third Termer's Primary Cam?
paign Experwes Greater fften
Those 0/ the Taft Sup
porters in Ohio.
Charles P. Taft Tells Senate
Committee of Large Oifts Be?
cause He Wanted Candi?
date Free from Obli
gations to Others.
fFrnm Th* Trlhuns Uur.su]
Washington. <>ct. ?.--Dan R. Hanna,
aon of Senator Marcus A. Hanna and
the ?BOM Klynn" of the Roosevelt cam?
paign in ihe State of Ohlo, contrlbuted
nn re to the Roosevelt primary cam?
paign In that staU* than Charles P.
Taft, brother of the President, contrlb?
uted to the Taft primary campaign Ot
the present year, ac< drdlng to the tes?
timony given by the two men before
the Senate lnvestigatlng commlttee to?
To the state organizntion, Mr. Hanna
said, he contrlbuted $77,000. Mr. Taft's
contrlbutlonK to A. L. Vorys for the
same purpose was $64,800. Tha testi?
mony was all the more startling in view
of the fact that Senator Dixon, Rooiie
velt's campaign manager. had charged
hefore the commlttee that the Taft men
had fpent a fortune ln the Ohlo primary
? ampalgn.
The enntraat between the motlvea
that actuated Mr. Hanna and Mr. Taft
was no k.ss marked. Walter Brown, to
whom the greater part of the Hanna
contrlbutlons ln tha state campaign
were entrusted, sald "Ur. Hanna waa
anxious that there should be as strong
a party organtzation ln the state as
thrre hb*' ln the tlme of hls father."
Mr. Taft. explalnlng the purpose h-i
had In mind ln contributlng to the sup?
port of the Presldent'e campaign. sald:
?Personally I belleved that my brother
was admlrably equlpped for the Presl
dency. I belleved ln his integrlty and
hls fearlcfsness, and I knew that no
body could bulldoae hlm. The prlncipal
thing to be obvlated was influence from
a monetary standpolnt. My object ln
golng into the campaign wa. that lf he
waa elected Prealdent he ahould walk
lnto the White Houae free from any
monetary ohllgatlon to any indivldual.
Interest or corporation. On that basis
I waa ready to go the llmlt."
Charlea P. Taft's Contributions.
Mr. Taft testlfled that he contrlb?
uted to the pre-conventlon campaign
of 1012. ln behalf of the Prealdent.
fSttJOg of whlch amount $135,000 was
given to Representatlve McKinley, di?
rector of the National Taft Bureau. and
?ffi-l,,HOO was given for the Ohio cam?
paign. During the Presidentlal cam?
paign of 10(lH he contrlbuted t-tti-M
to the Republican National Commit?
tee. but of this amount H&.OOO waa de
voted to the peraonai expenaea of
President Taft on ona of hls speaklng
tours. and $150,000 waa returned by
('entlnord ?-, fourth page. serond relMitin.
iJaves New York 2 P. M. dally. Anrl vaa
r M next day. NEW S-SRVICE. The
b?_t of everything. Aak I*ickawanna
Tlcket Agenta.?Advt.
Tie Game Played Off
in Boston To-Day
New York Glanta play Red Sox to
a tle at 6 to 6 In eleven-lnnlng game
at Boaton, the aecond In the world'e
eerlea. Standlng stlll reada Boaton,
t| New York, 0.
Game wlll be played otl, under the
rules, In Boston to-day, the aecond
game In thia clty going over until to
Tickets eold for acheduled game at
Polo Grounds to-day good for to-mor?
row, or whenever next game la played
Officlal paid attendance yeaterday,
30,148 Total recelpta, (58,369, divided
as followa:
Playara.$31,519 2?
Clubs . 21,012 84
National Commlaalon. 5,836 90
Total paid attendance for two games,
95,878, a new record, aa last year'a
flgures were 65,567. Total recelpts
for two games, $133,496, also a new
recor-J. aa a year ago the total waa
$120,321 50. These recelpta are dlvldcd
aa followa:
Players .$72,087 28
Cluba . 48,058 84
National Commlaalon _ 13,349 90
Weather forecaat for Boston?Falr
by noon, after probable light ahcwera
ln the mornlng.
Wallet Missing Since Accident
to Autoist.
I By Telerfraph to The Trlbune. 1
Mllwaukee, Oct. 9.?Whlle Ralph De
Palma was belng carried from the place
of the accident in Saturday's Grand
Prix rare, whlch so nearly ended hls
life. he was robbed of a wallet contaln
Ing $1.0m. accordlng to an announce
ment by hla brother to-day. It appeara
that the race driver*s coat was so torn
by the crash of his automoblle Into the
dltch that the wallet fell upon the
ground. and whlle he was belng car?
ried to the hospital some spectator
plcked it up. The hospltal authorltli-s
do not belleve that he waa robbed while
In thelr cart.
Ae aoon ai De Palma recovered con
sclousness on the way to the hospltal
he aaked tbaiurffMia lf they had aeen
hls purse. Thoy suppoaed he wae de
lirloua. and said it waa all right. He
peraisted in aaklng. however. until
yesterday hia brother learned that he
had carried $1,000 ln the race and loat
lt in the accident.
Towns in Darkness Because
They Clog Electric Plant.
|Bj- Tele<rapb to Tha Trlbune.]
Pnughkeepsie, N. T., Oct. 9.?Ae a re?
sult of a remarkable run of eels in the
Hawkill, a stream which runs across
the town of Red Hook and empties Into
the Hudson near Barrytown, the vll
lages of Red Hook, Tivoli and Madalin
nre thrown into darkness nearly every
nlght. The eels cannot be kept out of
the machlnery ln the company's plant
at Blngham's Mill.
The big mlllpond is alive wlth the J
flsh. The electric llght company has |
three Intake pipea lald out Into the j
stream. and into the pipes the eels |
gltde ln droves and are pumped Into the |
big power wheela. They are whlrled
about ln the wheels and finally stall the
machlnery of the entlre plant.
The clogglng of the machlnery puts
the three vlllages In darkneas, and ker
osene lamps furnlsh the only light until
the machlnery in the plant is started
again. The offlcials have tried several
kindH of screens ln an effort to exclude
(he eels, but thua far they have found
nothing that wlll give pormanent rellef.
There 1* talk of draining the pond as a
last resort
Old Man Is Near Suffocation
When Rescued.
fBy T-legniph to The Trlbune. 1
Alton, III.. Oct. 9.?B. C Anderson.
slxty years old, of Chlcago, was almost
sufTecated in quickaand near Wood
River. eight mllea aouth of Alton,
sarly thls morning. and ls insane from
hls experleoce. Anderaon waa rescued
by four employea of the Btandard Oil
Company reflnery at Wood Rlver.
The faet that a Mlaaissippl Rlver
-toamboat was expected to land wlth
gupplles for the reflnery waa both the
cause of Anderson's strange pllght and
the meana of saving hls ilfe. for he
had rowed across the Wood River ln
a rkiff to induce the captain of the
steamer to let hlm work hia way to
Alton. and the men who saved hlm
inet the boat.
Boston'8 Mayor Sued for Big Bouquet
(By T*le(-raph to Tha Trlbune 1
Roston. Oct. ?.-Whlle Mayor Fltxgeratd
whs rldlng ln Fenway Park to-day ln a
nower decorated automoblle. ault for $4,300
waa entered against hlm by Thomaa F.
Lialvln. a Boston florlst. In the declara
tlon was an ttemlsed aecount showing 385
-ntrles for flowers sold to the Mayor be
iween 191o tnd 1911.
Arnold W. Laawson, son of Thomaa W.
Lawson. waa aued to-day by a New York
tailor for a $110 rldlnK h-Mt and other
?loth?-s. the total coat of whlch was |5*5.
Oovernor Votn was sued mr $lr?,i>X) by a
-vcllat. wbo clalma- he waa <llsflg'-rcil
n'ermanently when the Governor'a auto?
moblle knocked htm to the ground.
Pcnnsvlvanla Railroad. Only $31.60 from
Sea York. Tickets on sale October 11 14
ind tS. good to return to reach New York
not later than October 24.?Advt.
Exciting Eleven-lnning Battte
in Boston Ends with Honors
Even, Each Team Scor
ing Six Runs.
Murray and Herzog Hammsr
Out Three Hits Each and
Neutralize the Effect
of Five Olaring and
Costly Errors.
One Tense Situation Follows Another
Until Nerves of Players and
"Fans" Are Torn to Shreda
?-Darkness Finally Ends
the Struggle.
"B>* TtlrKrapb 4o The? Trlbuno.]
Boston. Oct. 9.?An eleven-lnnln* tH
game whlch wrecked the hearta af
thlrty-flve thousand "fans" and tore
the nerves of the players to ahreda waa
all that was accompllehed by the
Giants and Red Sox at Fenway Pa>k
to-day. When the peerleas Matty, wlth
notbing but hls *love and a prayer, the
heart of a Uon tamer and nerve suc*t
as even "Joe" Wood could not equal,
retlred the slde in order in the laat
lnning the National '""ommission roee
colleetlvely ln its seats and announced
that the whole affair would have to b#
gone over agaln to-morrow. In tho
gathering darkness the great throng
of spectators, who had see-aawed bajCK
and forth from the depths of despalr to
the heights of Joy, recovered its ?-'??ti
librium and flled out of the park. Thr
score was f to 6.
Never ln any world's series has aa
much action been crammed into *
short three hours. Maklng a tremen
doua uphill flght, the Giants won the
game twice, only to have the stubboru
Red Sox come back and make the lssu-_
doubtful. There waa a new hero born
avery mlnute, but among them all notw
loomed blgger than Mathewson. whi?
stood flrmly amltl th? wreck of hie coi
lapalng aupport and twice witnessed n
hard earned lead dribble away to notb?
ing. Three errors, two by Hetcher
and one hy Wllaon. were dlrectly or
lndimtly responslble for flve of the
Red Sox runs. "Jake" Stahl used thrre*
of hls star twlrlers, Collln**-, Hall and
Redlent, ln a valn effort to lieat th.
master. That they dldn't _o it was due
to llttle Arthur Shafer, who played tho
short fleld ln the last half of the
eleventh lnning. and robbed Wagner
and Carrigan of hits by miraculous
A crowd of .'14),14S "fans" found plaees
ln the stands, whlch were not quite
fllled. This was sllghtly above the
number out for the tirst game in Phila?
delphia last year. The total receip's
amounted to $.V4,3HI?. of which the
players recelve $.'U..M-*24. the club
owners fRjUl-M and the National
Commlssion $f>,<S3_90. There were ac
commodations for several thousatil
more "fans" than appeared, vacant
spots belng vlslble ln the temporary
bleachers which had lx*eii erected.
Part of the crowd was let into the fleld
Just before the game started. maklu<
ground rules necessary. These spec?
tators could easlly have been accom
modated In the bleachers. Many ~a
long drlve found Its way Into the mtdit
of the "fana." -?
Toward the end of the sensatlonal
contest the nerves of the players wera
wrouKht up to the breaking point. As
the Red Sox were tuking the fleld f_r
the eleventh inning Speaker ar.d Wag?
ner nearly came to hlowa with Charlie
Herzog. The trouble started In the
sevenlh frame, when the New York
thlrd baseman stole second and was aat
upon rather abruptly by Wagner. whose
clothes had been torn to shreds rn
darlngly blocklng off New York ha.-;
runnera. Charlie Justly complalned jf
theae vigorous methoda. When Speake**
made hls trlple ln the eleventh and w*b
rounding third to aeora on Wllaon'a
error Heraog foreed the centre flelder
to run around the bag. This so nettleJ
him that he lost hls temper. Tha
trouble makers were all pacifled by
Larry Doyle, however, and no damag*
was done.
Both Tsams Fielded Looaaly. *,**.
Sharp rtelding would have won tha
game for the Giants, but there waa
many a heartbreaklng mlsplay that
atood in the way of victory for the R-ed
Sox. Heroes aprang up like muah
rooms overnlght to cover up the multl
tude of clns committed by their matea.
It waa Duffy Lewia'a ghastly rnulf of
Snodgrass's fly Ln the atghth that led
to the demlaa of Ray Collina and tha
forging ahead of the Gianta. Sucoear
alve hits, a single by Doyle and '?
double by Murray, put a run acroaa an_
two on the bags. Merkle dled e.sllr
on a foul for the aecond out, leavlng
everything up to Charlie Herzog.
Wlth the count three and two Her?
zog llfted a hlgh foul near the stand..
whlch Carrlgih got under ln remark
able faahlon. The ball dropped In Ma
upturned glove aa he stretched bafiX,
but tn recoverlng hla balance tt*.
sphere fell to the ground. Wlth thia
new lease of life Heraog slammed th*?
ball into the temporary atanda ln left
fleld for a two-baae hlt, acorlng two
(.-ntioaed oa tealh **-age. Brat roluma.

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