OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, November 02, 1912, Image 1

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1912-11-02/ed-1/seq-1/

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But Not Radical
'%>* LXX11 N? 24m
New York'. Only
Republican Paper
f'?ir and eolder t<i-dn> and to-tnnrrnw.
Brlfck nortli?e?t ulmlv
NEW-YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, l.)l-.-1s r.u.ix
* *
In?i/<|*- i W I ?? / ?l."'V'T ln < Ity of Xew York. JerBer < lt- ind Hnhe'.en.
K'l Ii M.NIj l l^ l FI>K*.\IIFRK TWO ? i:\TS.
Unconfirmed Rumor Has It That
Client Confessed Guit to Him
?Hart Also Witfidraws
from Case.
Letter Says Four Gunmen Are
Coming fro- ;~ago To-dav
to "GcV r*:.!?Another
Lieutenant Reported
Gambler's Partner.
john r Mclntyre and John w. Hart
eho ri>f>*io>.i Chariea Becker, have
wlthdrawn from the caae, and the np
peal from the convlctlon and a<
?fthefarmer head of the "atrong arm"
?#iuad wlll he made bj aome other law
This Informatlon waa glven oui lasl
night by a man entlrelj famlllar wlih
Becker's plans. Mr. Hart, who la still
Becker's eoune ' ? ' record, decllned to
jtaeuee bla ralatlona with the ex-Heu
tenar.t of pollce.
Mr. Hart. The Tribune'a Informanl
ttatft toid I iy thal he
?nd Mr M 1 I " ' nt?d t.. ?Ithdraw
irom the caae, a ?' urged hla cl
engage another la* s ?'' lo flKbi hla caw
ln th" Court of Appaela. Mr. Hart
toid Becker his caae would not euffe*
L m- couna i be ng engaged t<
the appeal.
Mr. Hart a preoenl BtatUI ap
if record wlll conttaue until Becker or
his friend*. have derided upoil l ew
eeaaael, when Mr. Hart wlll formally
inform Dlatrlct attorney (Vhltman that
hehas wlthdrawn from thi
Om rumor whlch waa cum
mj] bul for whlch there ???
feetkm, had it that the reaaon o! Mi
Mclntyr '? w Ithdra val "as b
B^ekn h, ed hla gutlt to him.
? wn, reat
Ing after the tr,
SayB Melntyra Will Aid.
I^ul, j. Qrant. who waa Be ker'a
counael before he engaged Mr. Harl
after the p al on of tbe a"
Hern- i *ee_ before hla
Bvrder, rharglng Becker with belni
pprtnei ln a gambling I ?uae, la at pr<
-nt a, t;n?r In the i apa< t> i f i ounael '
H Becker. Mr. Qranl waa Inetatent,
h0?r Mr. Mi Intyre would ae
aking lo
t?Xt himself from the electrl i I
He said tha' be talked to Becker tl ?
morning of the eantence, and
Becker waa much dlaturbed over thi
pttbUcatlon ln the morning |iai*rs that
Mr, Mclntyre had wlthdrawn from the
Mr. M< Intyn
?e make tne flght." aald Mr, Qrant
? l have kept ln t< i< b a Ith B ber
aince he *a? taken to Blng ?";;,?
] wlll vieit inm at the prlaon aome daj
rext week '
Mr. ijrant sa<l that those Intereated
in Becker'i flght were hard at wmk "ti
theiaseand had progTesK.d materlally.
Aaked if new evidence had r>. .-n dia
cavetad, Mr. 'Jrant would in.t aay.
"We ar<- work Ing ?n the caae," aaid
.Mr Orant, and aome ihings have been
Biacoetrod tha; we hope wlll be much
to Becker's may prove to
Bl i/ery startling.''
Doubte il Its Parker.
Mr. f'rant did DO( M cm to place Ull* h
iejlh m r^n,.rt? tha: Alton li. I
or aame equally emlnenl lawyer would
r>e engaged to ..rjcii" 'he ai.i";i'.
Mr. ?Ira ed to be < onfldenl
of a reveraal ..f tru verdict, and aald
lt would ba probably ten montha <.r a
>ear before the court flnally pai
iipon ;he appeaj.
iMMrut Attorney V.'hltman i* equally
eonfldent tha' _M verdict of the COUrl
wlll atand. It ia known that wlthtn the
:ast tnr<- daya ba baa gone oeer the
lecerd of Ihe raae arlth aevaral of the
higgeat lawyera in New Tork, and all
( '.ntlnued on thlrd [>ag?\ foiirlh < oliunn.
This Morning's News
LOCAL 1'nge. :
Mdatyre i iae . *|
\t? Teetamenta for Ghinmea. B
Bebin HanKer Indieted. J
gx-genator Whitlock Accuaed ol Thefl 18'
Hr ?';? ? Favora Hadle \ . 1
?Veia for T H Held ln < heck. 1,
Btflgea ttarnb Tammai liall. 4;
''Ulter RuloglSeB Sherman. 4
Straus Bpeaka ln Astorla. ?
Oev. ,lohii*ori Attacks Uall Btreet.... 4!
W'ilson va Htita baaoeratic Congreaa.. 41
Ta't VFarna ?!eloiado. fl|
f'hio for Taft Sa> s llar lan. Bl
Taft Kxpt> t? to Win. 8 !
Wllaon Carade To-day Oaocelled. g|
Trikatea 1*aid te Sherman. 8:
('ourt Hh,? Kttor Statement. B
Stnger Murder ileared. B
Her>BBter Aid Dented. 6i
I'lx Reorganlxea Mllitia.1" I
Balgara Aga.n Cruth 'iiiik*.. 1 I
l'ear of Maneaere la ' 9?BO?UIU?Ogle ? ? l|
Men..ral V. mn ln Cul.a. 1
Kx-.indge \v,ifie\ Aceuaed la Bult..., 4
?v'ewe for Women. 1
("hiireb _nd Kellgloua Newa. 7
Edltorlai . ?
facielj .? ? 8
OMtaan . 9
l.lterarr Kewe and t'rltblain . . 10 and 11
Mportfl .18 and 13
^hipping Newn.13
PinanrU! and Markete.14 and 16
Weal KeUte.M on<\ 17
Anny and Navy.17
Second Madison Square Garden
Meeting Warned No Duration
Contest with Wilson Gath
cring Is Wanted.
Big- Audience Gives Straus a
20-Minute Demonstration?
Colonel and Governorsbip
Nominee Confine Them
selves to State Issues.
For the second tiinr ln fortj elgril
houra tlir Progreeatvea rallled a1 Madl
Bon Square Oarden laal night, and
though tii?' aet-ond rnilv waa enthuai
:isti<- in apota, its Bpontanelty was nol
lo he romparad w.:h th^ rlp-roaring
personal welcome thal Theodore Rooee
vrlt koi on Wedneaday night,
Tho erowd niled the aeata ..f the Gar
dan?almoat It ma) be that thera were
aa many peraona there as on Wednea?
day, i>:m ,f ao they wera a dllferenl
erowd. Thej lacbed the punch, when
. ompared i<? th** tlrst rall).
Even the colonel hlmaelf, arrlvlng al
0:45 o'clock, did nol R?>t anythlnf like
tlio aame receptlon. The whole Oarden
rusc- iti .-I maaa, they cheered, they
thelr flaps. bul tho wlld peraona 1
_."np to a gnme man comlng back to
(he i"b that donilnated tho outburet of
Wedneaday niKlu wns not the note ona
heard last night.
Thla meetlng whs i polltical meeting
n blg polltical nioi'iitiK bu! nothlng
? ore. HotchklBB, atata chalrman of the
Progreaaivea, who Introduced Con
troller Prendergaal us the chalrman ot
the inooiiii*:. and Prendergaal hlmaelf,
. a< ii took croat palna i<> tell the > rowd
ili.it Colonel Rooaevell *i*<i nol want
an) i ompetltlon <.n duration of. heei Ing
with the Wlleon meetlng of ihe niulit
before. The rjontroller even arrangad
,.t rolonel Rooaevelt'a beheat, he aald,
: elgnal s ?t,-!ti by which the erowd
. ,-r- cheerlng when rtooaevell
The colonel wai lo raiae ; n 'f- Brm
then Ihcj wi re to etop i heei
Roosevelt Stops the Cheerinq.
W*h< n he entered thej began. bul Ii.
wenty*two mlnutea Ihe cheerlng
K.-I.1 up there were aeveral i-'ints atl
v.iu h hll voli.uld have been heard
had apefcan. Songa an.i hymna
.?,k |. H pood pi?rtion ol inr'TTfW <iv
,\, moai tration waa on, and a1 Ihe ? ni
of the twenty-two mlnutea tha i olonel'a
. . nded the cheerlng.
i. Progrt Ive i an
. ?,,, f.r.v.-i i. ? enjo ? d ?? twi nty
mlnute ovatlon when he ? ?
,. thal v .1- full aa aponlaneoua
greatlng Ibai mel T. R.
Tl . me< tlng was bandli d In Juat
:,!...ni tii<- aame manner .<* tbe rall) of
Wedneaday night Thara were thej
.... iratlona, tba aame Btuffed bull
mooae un the <i?is toward Madison ave
,, ,.t with ih?- aame caldum l>Kht
Ing >:..wii ..ii lnm and th<- Bame
turning ?.f lha calcium <?n the apeak
ttforro whi n tha apeaking began
,-,.iik.-i> contrlbuted lha only new
feature f the prelimlnarles, wban a
. ation from that city marched n>
wiiii tranaparenclea announcing ul"'
were and ahoutlng it loudly for
who dldn'l read as thay run.
The blg collaeum tiii?-<i alowly, and at
v 15 o'clock, when tha band and a alng
jng leadei who looked aometblng llka
George W. Pi rklna, excepi for a thatcfa
of almosl wh te halr, led the audiem e
Ii, The Battle Hymn of the Republlc"
and "Onward, Chrtattan Boldlera," IU
acating accommodatlona s"-m.-<l to >->
well li.x.-.i.
Mr. Btraua appaarad at lha front of
the Bpaakera' platfonn al the and of the
Blnging, and tbat Btarted lha tirst
unlted cheerlng. Tha aomlnee waa evi?
dentl) pleaaed as the wavea ??( noleo
rollad around him for twenty mlnutea,
i,,,t toward th<- end ?.f th.- daitiin-Bira'
liun he appaarad i>> be worrylng a, nt
keeplng up vvith hla Bcbedule r..r the
Hotchkiss Calms Audience.
Klnally Wllliam H. Hotchklaa atlllad
ti?-m with tba gavel from th.- Proi -
give conventlon at s>racus..
"Wa've BHed thla greal ball agaln r?r
.,,,. aecond time in forty-elgh! iiunrs."
be Nfai'i. "a thing no porty has .-ver
dared to attempl bdfore. Shall wa iak.
it agHin t.i-in. now night.''
"Bure, take it for a araak," came ona
?nawer, an.i another, "eure. Perh'a Kot
lota, tak.- a agaln." Thara wara evi?
dently aoma faw in tba hall who haif
not baan reborn, t<? tba rejolnder
ralaad a hig laugh.
Controllar Prendergaal introduced
Mr. Btraua, who was followed by PYed
arlck -f. Davanport. < mntiuiat.. for
Lleutananl Oovernor. Mr. Davanport
waa still Bpeeklng when i olonel Rooaa*
v,it arrived, and, i^<- Jobnaon on
Bda] night, ha was forcad to atop
practlcall) ln tha mlddle ol a aenteoce.
Tba colonel lai.i aii his empbaata In
hta Bpaach on tin ezbortalton r<.r rotea
f?r tba atati- ti.K.-t of bia party, and
f(ir good Baaaatrra tbraa ?" tba hint
thal thr PaOgreaaiVa party vvnulil he ln
? ,,. runnlng ln Nara v...k Clty'a nasl
Miui.icipai oaa_ptUgn.
Te < arrv Otil thv pollctafl of the party
the 00108881 said. <ne ProKrei-sives ?ro?ld
),?v?- to ha\?' tba powar <>f aii thraa
brancbea td govaitiBBatil bahlnd ihom?
naUonal, atota Uk6 munli Ipol
ii.- waa apparent^) i?a.k a little
neaurei to his oldtlma plaUoras mann.'t
than ha was on Werln.-sday. an.i tha
erowd anjored lt i'orrc'Spoi..lin?ly. As
( onilmied on thlrd waara aith coliuaa
Excitement Over Princeton
Game Gauses Wild Scene.
I By Teletrapb to Th? 1 rlboai I
Cambridge, Maaa., Nov. 1 Wrought
up by the excitement of the coming
football conteat with Princeton, near
ly a thooaand Harvard atudenta had
.me of the worai ri<?t? ln the hlatory of
thi . o ege In the Memorlal Dlnlng
Hi ii thla evenlng it aurted wh* n
the band In the gallen began io P?y
Harvard airs. I-ti an instant an <>M
time augar aml sait flght waa atarted
and the atudenta roae en maaae and
began to pelt one another with anv
thlng al hand. Tbe waltera ran to the
kit< bin and remaini d thi re until ihe
etudenta lefl th>- hall
Th.> riol contti.1 for half an hour
ii,. p- of i rockery wi re broken and
atacked up and ihe tablea were bodll)
Hfted from their placea and waved to
thi tunea by the atudenta.
Mare Island Sure It Received
Arlington Message.
Vallejo, Cal., Nov. L The gnvern
menl wlreleaa operatora al Mare laland
are certain thal thej were in corn
municatlon laal Monday with the new
Btatlon at Arllngton, Va. A meeeage,
the contenta of whlch Indlcated that
Arllngton was sending, was received,
i.ut owlng to local dlaturbancea tha
aignature was loet.
No reporl of whal may have been ac
compllahed laat night ln the waj ..f
,in..,t i-ommunlcatlon with Arllngton
waa given oui to-day al Mare laland.
gton, Nov. I{ Radio wavee
flashed by the atatlon at tht ?n erli an
naval baae al Quantanamo, i -,'-. ? <'i:
"stronK'' to the new na\al atatlon Bl
m, \ a . durlng thi teeting period
,, . igi i ?;??- |b Ihi fnrthi rt polnt yei
heard from Blnce Ihe big -tation haa been
? 01 kirg
Mexico s President Breaks with
Progressive Leadcrs.
Mexlco Clty, No\ i Preaidenl
Madero haa broken with Ihe leadera ..f
ti. Proerreaalve party, whlch placed
him in the Prealdeni y. A high offli lal
of the governmenl adml.I to night
that the Preaident had aevered hla n
lationa with the jro ip of polltli lana
leader la his i?a n brother, CJw
ta ?, Madero, ali I "'?:?
h.'d become aaaociati J to a lai
:. i t ? Ith the gr.,,i|. of the old i ? Blm
known aa the i "lentlfi ?? and that i->
their ma. hlnatlona the llla ..f thi
try wert largel) dui
itoi y of thi ? w ?' r?
eull of . otnmenl follow Ing tha i
pearam - of ?Suetavo Madero or the
. . , , ,.f i-is f.niiii al 'ii Preal
uent'e blrthda i | an
Th-' bn .ik la regai di rl aa perh ipa I
moal Impnrtani i olltlcal di i| n
of the Madero admlnlatratkin. Ita el
feet, ,t le . ali ulated, ? III n -II in an
nllgnmenl of the oppoaltlon m<
,, i longreaa a Ith tl ?? adm nli
Fruit Steamer and Sailing Ves
sel Crash Off Hatteras.
Wli eleaa atationa along the roa I
nlshl plcked up Informatlon of the rol
llalon of the Norweglan frull
-a and a threi -maated aalllng
, eaael, bupi oai ?! to ha* e been a full
rlgged ihlp, which occurred ..ff Cape
ji.,1 teraa al 7 30 o'clock In the even
i ,,s belleved along the i oaal
thul hoth veeaela wer< badly damagefl
and it would be neceaaary i<< beach
them to prevenl a total loaa.
lt was learned thal the aalllng ??
began to aettle rapldly, and though a
s.-., wai runnlng al the time the>
erew of the ateamer manner the boata
and aaalated the aalllng reaael'a erew
aboard the Noruega. The Noruega'a
, aptain belle> ed he i ould tow tbe saii
Ing veaael to Norfolk, and a llne waa
made faat.
There ^.i-4 no wlreleaa aboard the
S'oruega, but tbe colllaton occurred nol
f;), rrom tl ?? DlamondShoalK Llghtahlp,
,. hl,.|, Benl oui "S <? S" ahrnala Bei
eral veaaela, among them the revi nue
cuttor Semlnole, appeared wlthln ..
!,,,, nme. The Bemlnole waa ln
.,? | , ,i thal then waa no Immedlate
(]a?Ker ol eithei ?/eaBel'e^elnklng, bui
. he atood b; _
The Noruega, ii l" tttb ight, wa ?
(.nd for Ne? Vork. Tho aalllna; vea
ael is s ippoaed to have i.e. n from aon -
Bouth American aort, and boiind either
r,,i \. >\ v- tk ,.r Phlladelphla.
Work of Health Offlcer To Be
More Thorough.
Hereafter no ateamahlp arrlvlnahere
Ifrom a forelgn porl after auneet wlll
i? permitted to doch or land it^ paa
aengera Thla plan, whlch was worked
oui tentaiiveiy by Health Offlcer
O'Connell for the laal throa montha,
was made i?ermanent yeaterday.
Blnce the loaa of the Tltank the
?teamahlp linaa have been leaa anxtoui
for apeed and ruah la getyjng their vea
.seis to dock, and the plan of Dr.
O'Connell han mel with no oppoaltlon.
Iforeover, it has been approved bj Col
lector Loob, who beilevea the atopplng
0{ late do. klng wlll be of benofll t'?
overworked Inapectori and Inaure more
eareful oiamlnatrMf of baggaga la
dayllght, a tasl; that was dlfflcull in
the el? in. Hghl afforded l io exam
Inera <>n th*- ptmi
ihe proteciioii ?'f ihe people of the
Unlted states against dioeaao la para
monni to the eonrenleni a of paaaangara
ianaloua to get Bdwre." ?M Ihe Health
Offlcer ycsierday. 'We cannol ex
innlne earefullv a horde .,f sleerage
paaaengera by the aid of artlnclal iigbt.
i bave Bve doctora on mj atalf now.
and tha work of eaamlnatloa <an i?e
a. compiisbed thoroughly and iiilckly
in dayllght."
Nazim Pacha Tells of the Re
capture of Bunarhissar and
of Hemming In Enemy
on Four Sides.
Sultan Receives News of Vic
tory at Visa. but Reports
from Soha Indicate Com
plete Defeat of Turk?
ish Forces.
Fighting Continuous for Four Days
on Western Slope* of Istrandia
Mountains, Waning Moon
Aiding Operations
at Night.
fBi <'.ih1e te The Tr<h<:^' \
I.ond..n. Nov. 2.?Two nmnzlnc tele
grama were received from Constantino?
ple late laat ulRht. statlns: thnt N'a/im
Pacha reporta the recapture of Bunar
hlaaai hj the Turks an.i the onttlnK
nff nf a MiiIk.-ii i in i olumn.
ln th.. earllei telegram t" the B iltan
the Turkiah commander in chief
xt.-itfij thal thi Bulgarlana were be?
ing graduall) beramed In on f..tir
.. .,. i ,,ini Bpeclally commended the
. ondui t 'f th.- troopa at \ i-a. who,
had f.-nclit with ai lendld de
\ ..t lon aad i "iira^.
ln ihe "??' .".'1 measage hi - ?
"i>ur rlghl <vin? has been advan i -?
? ..i? from v '- ' Mahmoud
ii Pacha'a armj haa v mqulahed
ti ?? llulgari n . oininii. and now all of
...ir ai ii- orpa ha-< ??? >ti . rdei ?
i? ?h>??:;?' ? >>t he overlooked, h..\? ? ? r
that tbe well Informed ? orreBpond nl
l the V'lcni i ' Rel< hej ? Iflcallj
i . . -i..,i...i ihat ihe Turkiah troopi
were ntiaii' atiii completelj routed and
f.,i, ..,i t.. retraal ;n < onfualoa
. orri apond nl nl The
?. i. grapblng on Friday. alao
'The Turka yesterdaBf made .? rf#a
fforl ...
ting troopa rallh <i between
Tchorlu .t'l latrandia, and wrre reln
:.,., ,.,i b) ? dlvlaloi -? ? ' rrom Con
iph .
"They wera con-.p'etely defeated, how?
ever. by the Bulqanan*. v ho captursd
Tchorlu. Istrandia and Rodosto.
.,,. iim tho iaand
Turk.- ; ad isaembled al Tchorlu
fi. ?h scrlea of ? attlea <? rui red ovor
.... ,!i ii ? ? ? ding frorri 1 oborlu to
. i and along thi el| doml
ii iilng Rodoato. \ dh ? ralon w aa it
;..m|,t..i ..n the Turkiah rlghl wlng
on. ral Tergut. nf Albanli n I ime
la, ,i,,, nt M.'1 > v. ttti i w.iii, thouaand
,,.. n, and advi i ? d toward I'lae where
untered the Bulgai lan troopa
undei General Kutlncheff.
'i ,. Turka were compli lel ??? '? ?
. ., i, || a bethi r thej aui cei di .1 ln re
gaktlng thi Ir Bblpa <>t' ri treati d aaal
wi i.i Ii i" t Btated.
v . lolenl artiller) dui I oi i urred
yeBtenlfl.t al Adrianople M reaull la
nol known
Klng FVrdlnand. aaya "Tha Tlmea"
thla morning, Beni a meaaage to the
Bulgarian commander in chief: "To
.i,,. x i, toi loua atinv on tha Bunar-.
bleear-Lule Burgaa llne," congratu
lat Ing him and lha men ?>f aii ranka
..ii thelr glortoua vlctor) galned over
!!,, enemi it ahould alao be borne
ln mlnd thal after ih< Turka had
.?.,.,, routed al Klrk-Killaaeh an oiti
. i.ii announcemani of tba recapture of
ii,,. town a*aa laaued In Conatantl
PoBBlbl) Ihe real aolutlon <>f the
pi ihlem llea ln tba known fact th-i
ti,,. Bulgarian lefl a/lng during the
earller atages of the battle waa hard
preeaed bj lha Turkiah Iroope, and
Bccording to a Sutiu. atory, tbe pohi
i on ..f thla wing waa completely ai
tere.l by tha overtbrow 61 tbe Turk
lafa i. ii Agaln, if iii** Turka wera not
ln | periloua rituation tbe Oonatantl
nople meaeagea would Bcarcaly have
mentioned that gT&va news had been
,, i ,i\,.,i from tbe front and that ihe
Cablnet waa sittinK all night C08taJd<
, i |ng the queotlon of peace.
The truth as to the exaet situation
(iiniiol ba l"im il.ia.vi'd. I't-itainly, lf
Nazim's diapatcbaa repreaanl the prea
? nl iinsitnm. the situation of tho whole
Bulgarian army ha* became dlfftcult, in
M.ue vt n s great auccaaeaa
Conatantinople. Nov. I Hunarhlssar.
tbe recapture of whhh Is repottod hy
Nazim Pacha, is abool forty mllea
?OUtheaal Of Klrk-Kilisuch.
Late lo-nlgbl II vma reported that
tiKiitinK had been auepeaded hy tbe
Turkish and Bulgarian armles. Tli
,,,.,, ,,), both sides. ii was added, w.t.
stifferiiiir from fsitiK?"* from lha Lat ile
that had heei, m progreea contlnuouaiy
i.ir four daya Beven tbouaand more
woujaated .'"ii ai. expected to arrive
here froin tlie front to-morrow.
Wbatevef tlie inauc Ol th" terrihle
haitle ri.w raRing on the western
?lopea of tba latrandia Motwtain-i ia
<nntiniir<t on ?erund naae. fourth inluiiin.
BUTTER ? FINEST ? 86c. LB. Ahju
lotely freah. flsvor thehev. il Aeker.Mer
rsll * I'nnrllt Co.'s storea in (Jreater 18, Y
Hordes of Beaten and Demoralized Soldiers
Constitute Grave Menace to Christian
Residents?Slaushter at Salonica.
' B] .-.ii.:. la The Trlbune.| I
London, Nov. ?--News of Tur' 'al
reveraea have made the feeling
the non-Muaaulman populatlon .
Btantinople more bltter than ever, ., -
eording t" dlapatchea received bere.
Manj of th'- Chrlatlana dare nol leave
their bouaea after dgrk, and thoae who
hold promlnenl am] reaponaible p..si
tlona have been udviaed t" leave the
clty. Some have gone ali?adj and
othera are obtatntng paaaporta in rea.i
in< ea for .1. part nt. nt ;, moment'a
n.,t|, .-.
Already there are rumora thal 15.000
Turkish aoldiera who deaerted after ihe
dlaaater al Kirk-Ktllaaeh are approai h
Ing Conatantinople, plundertng th.- \ii
higes and farma ;ih thej pass and mur
dering th.- Inhabltanta. it noi altogether
laise, this rumor is probahl> a areat
exaggeratlon of fai t. bui it haa i>r<>
duced an enormoua amounl of con
aternatlon in an alreadj panlcatrtcken
'Ihe govermeni haa declded t" lodge
ail refugeea In prlvate empt) hnisos
and apartmenta, and this adda t>, the
exlating apprehenaion, as it i- feared
thal banda <>f pillagera and murderera
in,iv rind "in the aayluma and burn
th< in dou n
lt ih i,. ,> ond queation thal then haa
been a terrible maaaacn In Balonlca.
Kew tbtails are yet avallable, but i' is
j rertaln th.it the clty rontalna h large
' numrx r >,i Jew Uih Inhabltants.
i nd n aldenta "f ' tonatantlnoi
know ihe Turks thoroughly and are
nol Incllned u> take an alarmlat attl
I iiid.. aay the forelgn warahlpa could
afford Hi.tiio prote :tlon at Bal<
i*onatantlnople and other porta, bui th"
a i.le,v *. attored rataalona and i 'hriatlan
populatlona In thalr opinion are al
ready aerioualy endannwi I
Kuatendje, Rumania, Nov, ! (by
wir"1.-< ft "n. Conatantinople) The de
. .1 ul ti,.. Turkish arm) undei Naxim
r.i.ha i.pei ? the aaj '" Conatantinople
foi th. I'.ulc irlan tl oopa This, in the
..i diplomatlc . il 1>'S. uiii lead
i.. .i tituation whlch wlll nlmoet In
-. bi Ing aboul ESuropi an ? impll -
ih.. mont Immedlati danger, how
, ..;, eri, ; i - ;.,. lt ? ?
II ? Vloal authoi Itlea <? ? ?? thal no
i. f nce oui be made along the
'l'. hat ilja llnea auppoaed t., protect the
Objects to Pictures in Quarters
Sublet by a Band.
i:.. . ?ter, Noi I - The i >em< i ratl i
organlaatloti of Waterloo, whlch only
i a f.-w ii.,. s ago eatabllahed headquar
?. i ilread) wlthoul a home f"t the
| , loelng ? hlll) daya ot the i ampalgn.
.Miss Anti Webater, who owna the
| hullding, though aa yet wlthoul a vota
ln political affair". In thla caae aeema
; to have a ? eto and baa ex< t Uh d it.
The room fltled up for th.- Demo
t.iti. headquartera is one leaaed b)
the w.i'.ri.'ornel Band, whlch aub
to tbe polltli lana The room wa ?
taken poaaeaalon of b th.- part) man
agera, an.l the wlndowa were adorned
with litbographa of Wllaon, Bulxer,
Ol) mi and other i andldatea
When these caught th.- eye ??!' Mis
Webater ahe proteated, The band an.l
the I'ein... ratli leadera were aerved
with notice b) H. A. Maral all ber al
torney, that tha leaae fors.i.ls aub
lettlng, and ih,- pi. turea had to come
now n.
Farmer Mistakes fyinker's
Daughter for Marauder.
Lextngton, Ky., Not I Miss Mab< I
Dunn, twent) yeara old, daughtei ?
\V. IO. Dunn. presidt nt of the t'itizen '
National Hank. ol Nobleavllle, Ind.,
wa.s ahol and probably fatally Injured
last nlght whIU.i' huntlng with a
part] .f young foiks naor Mayaville,
The huntera were paaalng through
the iimn ..f Beal Qalt, and. thtnklng
they were Halloween niaiaud.i- he
lired on them.
Exclusively for Use of Vander?
bllt Baby, His Grandchild.
| BJf T'lritrai.h i i I Ba Tl lb?M l
Baltlmore, Nm. 1 Bxtenalve prepa
rations are being ma.ie at Brookland
\Vo,.,l, the home of Captala IM-C B.
Bmeraon. m tbe Green Bprtng Valley,
f,,r a yl.slt of Mrs Alfred I'.wynne Van?
derbllt, who anivea In New v,,rk t..
mOfTOW With ber baby. A new d B*y
haa been bulll near the houae and ?>
new Ktabie has been erected for the
((,?s II 1* said ihe dairy wlll be used
excluatvaly for the baby and that ape
, ial COWI have been WlOCtod to furtiish
It mllk.
Captaln Bmeraon atated to-day that
he had re.ehed W-.td flolll Mrs. Van?
derbllt thal ahe would rlalt him at
Mrooklaud W'o.als as BOOfl as she
"I renlly do nol kn<.? whether the
baby haa ,>ppn chrtotanod," said <'rp
tain KmerKon. "Mv daughter Intormod
me Jii^t before she left tlie other shb
that uh-- would vWI me at Hrooklnnd I
W.I, and porhaps she has a surprise
in elore for me." ___..
It has been stated that the liatn
would be cbrtatanad at Tbe Rrcnker*. |
th- home <>l tbe Vanderhilts al New - j
In tha evenl of hordea of beaten and
den.orallaed soldiers fallinK back on the
capttal, ii i? di.'ii. uit i" foreeee what
human Interventlon could aave the city
from aai k ai -I plUage Thla fa ir la
preacnl with m-.st of tba mhabltanta,
vvh.. reallae thal tbe fata ol the Turk?
ish empire hanga In th.- balance.
lt is reported thal a aecret meeting
was held recentl) In the Moaque of
Patiah, the moal fanatk-al quarter of
gtamboul, where Inflammatory speec-hes
were delivered hy a number of M?s
sulman prleats, who adviaed a risinis
agalnal the Chriatlana
P/hen the news of further Turkish
defeata aaa received Ihe authoritlaa
nrdered the Btate of ilege to be made
more Btrlct, The bridgea betwen Ga
lata and rJtamboul are now not opened
until aome boura after dawn,
Aa a reaull ??( a meetjng of the heada
of the dlplomatii mlaalona t.i conaider
the altuatlon in Conatantlnople, ihe
Marquifl de Pallavlclnl, tha Auatro
Hungarlan Arhbaaaadoi and dean of
the diplomatic rorpa, to-day v isit.-d
Noradtnghlan Effendi, tha Koieign
Minlater, ami called his attention t??
the i.Balti of adequati meaaurea be?
ing taken to maintain order In the city.
The city, however, al preeent la quite
tranqull and orderly. Buaineaa ls pro
reeding aa uaual, tbough the keenest
Interest is I..MHK taken in the niilltary
drama In the Thraclan hills. in strik
ing contraat to the feellng of Indlffer
? Inced In Turkey'a vvar with
Athena, Nov. 1.?Accounta are pub
lisli.d here of a massa.r.- of Qreokfl by
Turks in the town ot Berbla, Juatacroaa
thi Greek frontier in Turkey. They
sav thal the flaelng Turkish troopa in
passing through the village "i v
ordered the Greek Inhabitanta io follow
them "ii perll of being masaacred hy
Turkish . avalry.
nu refuaing Bfty-two <.f the <;reeks
wen made prbjonera and taken toSer
bia and lodged In tha Jall, In which
wen aevent) -three otbera of their. om
patriots. Later the governor of the
prlaon told the Greeka thej were free
and ordered them t<. leave the building.
< ui emerging the Greeka wen -
rounded by aoldlera and an armed moh,
who began a maaaacre. Only r?.tir of
the Greeka eacaped with their lives.
When the maaaacre vv >s over a aoidter
cut off tiu noaea an.i banda of..the itead
Conservative Sweep Indicated
in Orderly Election.
Rtturns Point to Loss by the
Liberals of Every Province
in the Republic.
Ilav ,m i N'.'V Tl t ? Il I "ti Of Ol
v ,i io v. noi ..i and Bnriqu l? -?
?? trona, candidatea reapectlvely t^r the
ind \ ' - Preal lei i ) of the
on me Pona vatlve ticket. and
? ( aii tiu- other Coneervatlve candidatea,
? ira practlcally asaured it mi.lnljrht.
,i M.itiu.i Bangully, Becretary of
ti laaving ti.-' Btate Department
late lo-nlgbt, t"'"i The Aaaociated Preaa
tharwhile n would be Impoaalbla fully to
.. the reault until to-morrow, the
trend <>f the ballotlng averywhere was
utrongl) favorable t" the auccaaa of the
unaervatlvea and tha dafeat >>f Alfreda
/, ?-. randldati foi tba Llberala for
Prealdent, end the otbera on the I.tneral
Ui kel
tdvlcea received at Conservative iieml
quartera here Indicate tbat General Meno
..,! had ii landallde In bla favor, ..irr>
Ing aii si\ provlncea of ti.e laland
in tlie city of Mavana Uenaral Frayre
Andrade, Conaervative, waaelected Mayor
b) a niajurltv of
Tha election waa held under the auper
vlslon of Bpeclall) detalled armj ofllcera,
..i v bom a/aa In rommand i
.-leiii ir.-n to oompel ord< i
I'atrola ..: csvalry a ??! Infar.tr] coi
-t it tl) cln ulati .1 ni i: ana daj t>>
l>i ev? nt t . ...i. i.. i ng of . roBda i* il
thelr aervlcea were nol n.-eried.
? ? a
Guests Jump from Windows
and Several May Die.
Bl Loula, Nov. 2. ?Fire thls ntorning
deatroyed th excluaive three*atory
Berlln n<>t. i. ln tha beart of the faah
lonable realdeni e dlatrict
,\ Bcore of gu ata Jumped from arin
dowa and aeveral are reported I'maiiy
Injured. A fire iragon ran ovar a
pedeatrlan and another craabi .1 Inte a
utreetcar, badly hurtins four Rremea
Tries in Vain to Sav# Crew of
Wrecked Schooner.
liarabfield, .? -N',,v ?? Tl"' f' rl
gaaolene Bcliooner Oaprey and her crew
of six iii-ii were lool al the aatranca
(,f the port Of Marsnti- I.I to da>. vv .-n
tbe vaeeel craabad Into the jettv in a
heavy aaa Captain Jacobgon trled to
t.iinx tbe BOh.ier ln over the har.
where tha vvav.-s were runnlnK moun
taln blgb, btrl the wind fai'o.l him and
ins boal btm sw.pt dowa ?-n tba jett.v.
Chrlatofferaoo, an avlator, <>f Port*
land. with a oewapaper reporter, made
tWO trips out over the vvn-.k-d vessel
in his blpiane, hut could do notbhag to
aave tba i rear.
President Here on Way to At?
tend Vice-President Sher
man's Funeral at
The Tribune's Plan for Action
on Republican Candidate
Before Election Is
Strongly Ap
Progressive of His Type Choice of
Many National Committeemen
Who Reply to Demand for
Immediate Action on Pres?
ident's Running Mate.
I're?|dent Taft arrivod here last nlght
on his way to attend the funeral of
Y(. e.President Sherman, in I'tP B, '"?
day. He spent the nlght at the Man?
hattan Hotel.
There he. had a talk with Chalrman
Hillea, of the Republican Matlonal
Committee, and F. W. Kstahrook an!
william Barnee, jr, membera of the
committee. They dlecueeed the ex?
preaalona of opinion gatherad by The
Tribune and publlahed yeaterday morn
ing: from membera of the nati.mai com?
mittee, in whlch lt was shown that
many of tha committeemen were in
favor of seieetina a candidate for Vlee*
Preetdent hefore, election, and tha'
many ot then favored the eetecttOU oi
? lovernor Hadley of Mlaaourl for that
Whlle none of those who saw th?
t*rei?ident wonid talk aboul the confer?
ence lt is underatood that the seiection
ut Oovernor Hadley would meet with
the approval of the Preatdant
As to the poaalblHty Of actually mak
in?f a choice l.et<t#? ele, tion or ln
in?c in Mme ieml-o?Iclal way who
miaht be choaen, no declalon waa
reached. lt la underatood, _lthoiiKh it is
said to l*? under serious conslders.ion.
It le-probable that the President w' I
take oceaataa) tO K>-t the vtews Of niem?
bers <.f the national committee and of
Republican Benatora after the funeral
la Utlca.
Flooded by Telegrame.
The BdrlMbtltty of eelei tina a Vlre
:;t1al candidate before the elec?
tion was stror-RlV horna in t.pon the
niembers of the Republican National
Committee ln this city yesterday by
the Rood of teleirrams which reached
them aa the remilt of The Tribune's 1n
qulry addressed to the memhers of tha
national committee throughout the
rountrv, and there. was little dlscusston
of any other toptc a' the national head
qt artere.
it waa agreed thal it WOUld be most
advantagaoua tO the party. that H was
..f itself hlahly deslrable to rIvc the
paople an opportunity to know for
Whom they were VOti-f for Vtco-Presi
dent, nnd that thla should be done If
phyalcally possible. That was the con*
aenaua of opinion not only of membera
<,f the committee here and in other
parta of the country, bui of many Re
publlcan leadera who oommunicatad
their views to Mr. Hillea.
The course of The Trlbune m bring
ltiK the matter lo the attention of the
membera of the committee was com
mended by Chalrman Hillea, aithouah
he pxpressed the fear that It would bo
found hnpoaalble to *e, ure before th->
election that dellberate aml . sref-:!
ron-Meratlon whlch should pre.le th
seiection of a >??? for th,s importan'.
Tribune Gett More Telegrems.
Membera of the committee. ln addi
tlon to those whose t.leirrams appeared
Ve?terday morning. telegraphod The
Trlbune, e_preeeing tbe vi^? that th
s, lectlon shoui.i !>?? made now, an<i ln
vartoue parta of the country the frteail
Of men who mlKht be considered ft*
the place made publlc their oplnia-i
thal one OT another man ahould Bl
Thus far a i oiisiderable majorlty of
Iboaa Whe have expresned themselres
favor the seiection of Oorernof HadlO)
and these expressions seem botitnl ta
have h BtTOUg moral eflfect r.n the coin
ntttea whenever it jihaii take its ac?
The national committeeman from ^
N,w Mexico. Charles A. Sptess, tele-'
araphed The Tribune as ft.lh.ws:
?If lt ls at all possible, the Repub
lican party should choose its cimliadt
f()r Vice-President before the el#>rtlon
I favor the nomlnatlon 'of Oovernor
Hadley for Vtoe-Presldent The Rocky
Mountaln statea have th? fullest confl?
dence in him."
1>ha fottowUig >?u]o dlapatcfc from
Roberl B. McOoy, national committee.
man from the PhUlpoinee, waa received
h> The Tribune last night:
?Mr opinion ls that a OMldMate for
Vice-President ahould b* named at
ome. Mv choice ls Secretary of War
Favore Samuel W. McCall.
F. W. Katabrook. national commit?
teeman from Ke? Hampshire. said'
?'ln my opinion. the Ideal BetOCttofl
for Vlce-President would be the Hon
Samuel W, McCall. of Maaaachueefti.
He would greatly strenslhen, the ticket.

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