STATE PORTFOLIO He Says That He "Would Prefer To Be the Roosevelt of the Democratic Party." O'GORMAN SECOND CHOICE McAdoo, Secretary of Treasury; McCombs, Postmaster Gen eral; Dr. Wylie, Secretary Agriculture, Possibilities. Waaatnajton, N v I. A'trmugh jendetit Republlcana atded largely ln elertion, tbe Cablnel of President Woodrow Wilson will be made up al most OXClUOlvely of the pemocrats who not merely alded In his electlon but who bclped hitn arln tho nomlnatlon a( Baltlmore. ; r Wllaon, it was learned to r.-cht, hao told i frlend of Wllllain .Ten Bji Bryan that he would be glad to ? .nr. on< m leader." noor dethroned b\ th.- rtalng of a r- w of Democracy, Iho poaltlon of Premlor of th" Wllaon admlnlatratlon?tho portfollo "t Secretary of state. Tho Preoldent-elect mode thal atate ment to frlenda of Bryan even before he was noralaated for the Preeli ? and be haa repeati a Bryon, when told of it. aald that he wouldn't mind havlng th.- job offered to hlm, but that he would i ol accepl under any clroumatancea. Ha feela thal havlng rua three tlmea for tha Prealdeno he would bo wrltlng a perlod to hla polltlcal career by acceptlng the flrat offlco aver offered him under appotnt ment He prefers to be the Roosevelt of the Democratic party-otandtng on the aide lines for twu ireare, poeelbiy plcking Bawa in tha new ruler. and poaalbiy falHng out with him, juat as Rooaevelt fall out with Taft lt waa Bryan wh< 'put one over on wu 8?n" at BalUmore by wrtttag mto tha Democratk platfonn a pledg* '" but one term, and whlle Wllaon has n ver adopted that plntform as hla own. II ( ? clulf llkely that it will be torced home to hlm before he is lonojln the WnlteHou*. *>r Bryaa. 11k. Rooae? velt, is already preparing for isio. Muat Recognize Clark. U??l4^W?oxml.tohav?adl.rupte(J Democratic party .-n his hinds.h-s 11 be forced to givo recognition to both Bryan and Champ Clark. the Mtarka lng speakc of the Houae and hav ng gained certain rights by reason of he Lt that he had a majority of VOteO at BaWmore and by rlfht of cuotom ahould have been granted the neceo Jry two-tblrde. Bryan cut clark off from auccesa when the ripe frult waa almost withln his gTaap, aad evan W .1 son cannot forget that Clark aoagnat|. mously otamped far the men who woo with fowrr vot.-s. it |a llkery Clark will deraand ? ? ^'< net appolntment for Thaodore Bell, Democratic leader of Californla. who led thO Spcakefs fight at Baltlmore. Bell is aald to have had c orporation aflllattona ln Callforala, and thla may nrevent hla MlOCtlon for a Cabinet post. ShoUld Wilson balk, he would have to tlU,.k Clark throughout the next four years. " There wii! be at leaet one thouoand nppltcants for all the minor plaoea ln ,he governroent oorvlca ot the disj.osai of President Wilson. The greatest re wardO of which he has the disposal are UM alao Cabinet i Tor Secretary of State. with Bryan elimlnated. the man OAOOt talked of among leadlng Democrats is Senator (fOorn.nn. of New York. For Attorney General, the laadlng Bten under consideration are A. Mttchall Palmer. of Pennsylvanla, who t care to I ik ? ;? the arduoui dutlee "f the p Ewlng, a newspapc-r publlshei Orleans, and Joeephui Danl< li, snotber publlsher. Hving in North Carolina and who waa obairman ol tho pub lictty eommlttee, are i Iso mentloned t> r Postmaster Qeneral. Dr. Harvey W. WIley, of Indlana, is mentloned fnr Secretary of the Depart meiit of Aojrlculture, th( pU foi which Repreeentatlvc Burleson is nnx ious. It is understi ut it is not beUered he win want to enter the C'iiblnet. Thomns J. Pence, who hundled Governor WUson'O pre-C?n ventlon game with Bignal ?UOCSSl, and who was made assistant to Chalrman McCombs, will be olfered elther tlv I osltlon of secretary to the President, or some other good post. Ono Ol the choicest piums u Coueetor of th< Pori of New York, now held l.y Wiillam Lot.b, Jr.. and sOflM of Mr Pence'l friends have urged him for the place. SULZER IMMIGRANT'S SON Next Governor a Native of New Jersey?Record in Congress. Wiillam Sulser, who, on Janucry 1 next. will succeed John A. Dix, as Governor of the State of New York, says his tatber was a German, his niother an Irish woman and he himself ls an Htensi American. The father of the coming Governor was a Heldelherg student who jolned ibe patriots of the Revolutlon of 1?IS. was Imprlsoned and fled to Switz.rland and then emlgrated. landlng In New York ln 1851. He settled In Klizabcth, N. .!.. and became a contractor and farmer. Tha son was born ln Ellzabeth, March 18, 1863. His father removed to New Y rk an-.l Wiillam Sulser was educated in the publlc achools. He was graduated from Columbla I*aw Hchool and wus admltted to the bar ln 1884. Boon afterward h? became actlve In polltlcs, afMlatlng with Tammany Ilall. In 1999 he was elected as a l>mo< rai to the Aaaembly and was returned ea4, "i the ono iiei.i in BaJUmors last He has atood by the "Peerleea ii.ce ti,.- d.i\s of fr.e xlher, for which be made many i ?? ... Ha ii^ been ? candidate for tbe nomlnatlon for Governor al oeveral prevloua i ?nventlons, Though Governoi Dii araal to tbe eee> rentlon this fall with a formldabh srrai "f delei mltted to bla caadldaey, It a the atart that his ? ininatii.n wo Id i>. Inexpedlent end thal Wiillam B tha man Itkel) i rta i'.'1'i arere Mai tln H Glynn, fierman A Msts, Qeorsje B Burd and Prancla Rurton Harrlaoa. Mr. Sulzer was nominated on tha fourtb hal* lOt Mr Hulzt-i s campaign has been . . ii,. . i,\ bitter attacki on bla sp . ; artlculai ly Mr. Btra a, and b) is ettorta t.> prove bla Independ forta weakened 9omewbel by his Injudlclou pratee of Tammany in tha courae of bla apeechea. Porelgn affalra bavo atwaya re.eived rloaa attentlon from Mr. Bulser. Koliow Ing bli champlonshlp of the i ubans and bla aubaequent ardenl approeal of the war with Bpaln, bo always "refhembered tha Maine," and Introduced the resolutlon Iprovldlng that the hisiory-makliiK wreck j be relaed from the bottem of tiavans I Uarbor Ha aJSO fougbt for the abioga. ' tlon of the Ruaatan ?.reaiv of lwi:, and for | bla SttltUde on this question be was ararmly commendod. The new OoVernOT is over slx feet ln beighl and is noted for a banglag fore locb ?f l.alr. which BOmO "f his friends aay gtvea him 9 Napoteonk sspeet Other frlenda call him "Hi m y I iny." in January, 1900, Ifr. Bulser and Mlss Clara Rodelhelm were marrled in Atlantic ( Ity. Her lainlh said si:e had been u tralned nurse In tha Naa York Hoapttal and the Representatlve m<-t her orie day whlle InsieetliiH the lnstltiitlon. Mr. Bulaer Is a thlrty-aecond degree Ifaaoa and m.'iiibersi.ii) ln tha Manhattan, Ihe M laonlc and othor eluba His church afflllatlona have alwaya been with the Preabyterlan denomlnatlon. H? nt No. 171 Second avenue, In the 10th Congreea Dtstrlct. GLYNN L0NG IN P0LITICS Next Lieutenant Governor Born on a Farm. Ml rtln M. Glynn, the SSWly elected Lteutenanl Ooeerner, was Bofonerty stute Controller and the edltor and publlsher of "The Alhanv TtnsM -l'nlnn. " He was born ln tbe town Of Klndcrhook forty-one yei rs ago. Oi iv a short dlstance away la ti.e spot arbon Martts Van Buren was born, and a feej mllcs "ff stnnds tho beoSa Where Bamiel J Tilden was born. Ml Qlynn Bral taw the light of day ln a Httle v Mte farmhouse close, by the home of Var, Buren llh early days were H?ent on the farm. untll his parSSJtO aaoved Inte tha rlllagi of Vaiatie to give the|r chtstroa ihe oppnrtunlflea offen-d by ihe pabtk acheohv Mr. Gtyan took up his Btuauaa al tbe Dsien Free Babeel Mr Qrjmn barema a mernher of the sl-iff Of The Tfrnoa-Unton." and ln tlme was BatdO mansglng adltor. At the sam' studlcl law. and was admltted to the bar In UM. The next yaar be was elected to CongraaSi arbera ba oerved two terms. PreaMaat McXlnley appotated him vw preaMent of the Natlonal Cosasalsaoaa of tbe LeulMens Parebasa AsssetaJJasi in I00L At tbe Byrai aae oniiraniloa on Octe* I Mi. Ulynn was honored with 46 ] votes for Governor on the flist ballot. m retalned ssost of tbese untn the fourth j halloi, which decfaued Sulzer the nomi ! 1">,' . Ml Qlynn was State Contrr.ller for tha term pOM-'OO. ln .lanuary. 1H)1. Mr. Glynn marrkd bUaa Merj C, B. MaaTeaa. <>f j I.yr.ti. Mass His home is at No. 2S Wll lett street, Alhany. It's To Be "Old Bill Sulzer, the Governor," Says the Win ning Candidate. AVERS HE FEELS HUMBLE _ iBoth Hedges and Straus Were Early to Ooncede Election of Their Democratic Opponent. ! After .Tflnmrv i It la n<>t to be "Hla IBxcelleney, the Oovernor," but "OldBlll S llier, the r.overnor." Th?* Oovernor-elect htmaetf *" geereed I last nlght, tWO hoir.H or ??. Hfter Ul elec | tion was ii eerteJaty, and dlplomata and i others will |>U-h?-c N. M. \ Thla decieton <>f tha forthcomlng auc? ; , <>r Qovernor Dlx waa made i.s he i atood t.ilkiii? to a ^roup of newapaper ! men nt ?he Manhattan Club. ; goma one ii;?-i laterrupted lo eongratu iiate him. and the Oovernoi ? i- ? replled: ?\o rii re aill M be 'Hla Bacetlei I The Qovernor >f the Btate of Nea Yoi-k ! is not legally entltlad to thal fOi m of a Idn ? ? " "WolL baa la H to beT" Inqulred 001 ol hla audltora "OM um Bulser, thr Qovernor." cama tho anawer. Than the tala drlftod to hla feollng over hla electlon "Ah:" he then exclalmed, and he aald ,11 with ? fchow of feollng, "1 feel more lmmble in the faee of vtctory thaa I j would in tha face of defeal When all had tranacrlbed tha eplgram ihe followlng waa qulckly added by the ?uct eaaful eandld MBul I never have been defeated!" Contlnnlng, he dl( tated a fonnal atate* raent as followa: j "Thl.s la ii vii lory for the peopla an I good government Of courae i am gratl fled, but l deeply reallxe the reaponalblll ti- ratallod, and aoa want to aee the IDemocrata aaake good The opportunity i la theirs. i am grateful to the i j and th.inkful to all my frit-nds." Thla la to be followed by a longer Btate ment this afternoon, when he aill aHo glva out repiea of tht congratulal n ti ?? Krams he haa recelved. Whlle the BUOCeaafUl .-anrtldnt* was be* tn? eaeared as New York'i o ivernor by hla frleada at tho Manhattan Cl ib, Inelud Ing Bupreme Court Juatlcea Ini i h hoff, Hatch and Mul Iqueen, Benator O'Gormai ind ea-Lleuten lant Qovernor Wllttam B. Bheehaa, hli land hla mothar wera recelvlng trw ? ilatiotu of frleada and nelghbora at i tbi '.i bomi. No. 8TB Be* ond avi j Mr. Bulser aa ? ? >'-'?< h? j inKton the latt'-r paii of ti.- month, aa ? :t.| ortani mattera d< mande . hla atten a afl chairman of Ihe Commlttee oa Porelgn Affalra ahteh ha wanted tbreugh A bundi ? ?'? I ' of ?'",? E Hedges, lh< Republl n candl late for Qovernor. gathered ln the oah ro m al Hotel Martlnlaoe to r- ? ?? r< the etee i ,,r, .. turna l let nlght Tha aen aa tertalned hy a amall cabarei aboa be . ... ota Judge U< dgea ? ?? | - ? ? ii ? o'clot k. wher< ba had been 1 part ol " ? evenlng nd Jolm d tbe - g lohi a Bti ararl rampalgn comtnltu ?-. tbi a Bhort addi Oseai B. Btraua, nomlaea for Qovernor ,, ,-,.,. progreaalve tlcket, recelved the - ? I '-.-ii:ly al :;.-. N*0 ?'? '? ? ' I ?0 te thal v 11 ? . .! rhi Ra ? , lof. in i |S6, but i ame I a< k In 1188, aa I ,,lt>| | tha ?? ay H *1U ?"? w,u' the Pro aa Mr. struua Beat the followlng lelegram: To Woodrou Wll i i eoagratulate you upon i ui.U wlah you the fulleat meaa in of ! ceaa tbreugboul roui admlnlatratloa To Mr ?alaoi l i ongratalate rou m oa youi 1 ..,,,1 ?,-.(, you and tha people ol the bm i pira BUU every aucceaa lo youi admla I uttratlon._ BIG VOTE; LITTLE DISORDER 10,000 Policeraen and Hun dreds of Detective9 Idle. If the electors ln preater N'-i even arith the heavj votlng, there waa almoat no dlaorder, In tho nrei four houri of balloUni n il one ol th( lo ioo patrolmen on ???p- clal duty made h reporl golf , unka, the theatre orto ether reeroaOaa. j EXPLAINS T. R.'S DEFEAT "Scant Time, Few Paper3, Money," Hotchkiss Says. I William H. HOOjOhklaa, etaU chairman Jof the National Progi.-aslve party, at th. , boadguartara, No. i6 Baat 88th straet, laat alght u.-uki th<- ioiiowin? atatemaati | A fc-ood IlKht la i"rfOf lOOJt The p' ?truggle was wortb ?liti<. and tha people I will piotit ilu-r. [r.'in ? ,. wera bandl I capped hy laara Inteaded to prevent Inde ; pandenl nomlnatlona; we had ? scant ihree montha ln wblch to pi> ai nl tha l'.o graaalvi programme to aa felecterato to ! whom thi maaaaga la .-tiii new. \\.- had fea newapapera tln-niKh whli-h i to rea< h tha peJople. Money waa lacklng i to y hoatiH 1 Inapeciora, and a ma-f ?t moBey waa duinped into dlatrlc t.s ahere the \enul vote i: iark;. lji tha face of tlieat- odda. over 4O0,(WJ rotea were caat for a paiis which luid no ealatence fonr montha aga That, to my mind, la the subaUnttal te.sult of tita nrol iklnruah '1 h-- -.vork will go on. Tbe ^tat.? com mlttee aill ahortly be rali.-.l toaether and atana devtsed whereby the Progreaalv urosramme will be carrlcl forward throuphout the yenr. There will I. l-t ui> ln th.- llghi The ultlmate vtctory it- aa ' > rUin aa the aunrls.- on next Elec Uoo Day. [ "Must Hold Him Responsible," Estabrook;''DrewOn!yfrom Republicans," Barnes. SOMi GRIM HUMOR HEARD Hilles Receives Returns with Pre3idenfs Wife at Manhattan Hotel?Committee Enter tains at Headquarters. Nothlng conld ruffle the smlle of James H. Rcynolds, serretary of the Republican Natlonal Commtttaei w-ho was ln chargo al natlonal h< adquarters ln The Tlmes j BtUWUng. Only once dld bla good nature. : give w.iy. He showed a llttlc annoyanee. when the messenger who was brlnglng tha returna ln from tho telegraph room Inclnded tha rarbon sheets "Take those thlngs away." he ex |clalnte& NThesa returns lonk black . nougti aa it is." Chalrman Hlllee recaJred the returns nrlfn' Mra, Taft, alfi of th- President, at the Manhattan MoteL As that arrange , mi nt had been made some dnys ago, no j invllatlons wero Usued on bla behalf to Ive returns at headquarters, as had the cijstom In former vears. For that reaaon there was not a large crowd there. Wiillam Rarnes, Jr., memher of the na tlonal commlttaa from tbla state, was at state headquartara, and the cnly Of the natlonal committee at natlonal ln adquaiters was F W. Estabrook, of New Hampshire Mr Estabrooh was ?low to give up the Bght When lt became apparcnt that Wil? son had a-on ha was stin bopeful that President Taft would at least carry som<> States tliut the early returns dld not aacm to glvo him. He was greatly pleaaed, however. that Colonel Roosevelt dld nol mak.! much of a rhowlng com pared to the Hsims that had been ad,) by bla mat.agers. is a certaln satisfactlon for all gtx .1 Republicans," said Mr. r.stabrook. "ln the faet thut we prob.ibly have burled I; ,, .? !t and his associntes for all ttme "TI re la no questlon apparcntly no* but that the Democrats will have control of both houses of Congress. The re sponalblllty will ba trielrs, and lt retnalns ?,, be ??? n arhether they will make good." "Roosevelt is Responsible." 10 what cause he attrlbuted the Mr Bstahrook replied: "We haea got to hold Colonel Roosewlt and thoea ha has a;soclitted with him; ble for heat'.ng the Republican party The combbiad Taft and Roosevelt . ; ,,, w.,y ahead of Wilson. But f,.r th* apUt caused by Roosevelt wo would haea won.'* ?jim" Reynolda was early on the. ,.th hla pad and per.cil, and the returna as recelved by speclal wlre were ,,, him With him were John W. Hutcblnson, Jr.. who had been head of ,' bureau, Tyler Page. asals Unt aecretary, and other membera of the u ' .,? i ? adquartsrs. : otbera at headquarters were : . r. or H. C. Emery. of Yale. who was the Tariff Beard, and Henry \V. ?. who ls president of the Com TravellerS' S.".ind Money I^ague. Mi s llelen Varlcb Boewell the inde ratlgabla head of the Woman's Depart { tha natlonal committee, recelved ... , :...H .,!? ti..- rourteenth tioor. i were a doacn or tifteen of tbe arhO had been wurklng with her foi tbe ? lusa i am grlavad, of course." said Mlss ? li it althOUgh I am dlaouuiased. l am not dlamayad." Wiillam Hain-s Jr.. chalrman of ihe ,i. State Committee, admltted 1 o*( leeb last mght that be | W1UMB would carry the state. , ? .t dOUbt. ln a statement lssued ii.,,,i [,.?? Nutu.iial RepubUean Heudqua: t.i . later he d.-Cared that Wlh-ron's plu rallty m NOW York would be between and l.VXOOO. At tha Republican State committee , arters, at No. m Waet Mtb street, ?.! | trnea heard the returns, and when ?whelmlng majority for natlonal ??,.| rtatS H-tr.ocratic tl, kets was Indl? cated remarbad that the result was what he had exp-.ted. Ha gave Taft 150.000 plurality over Rooaarelt ln Mew *ork. -. ireral members of the state committee gathared ln the committee roomH maln talned a grlm sllence aa bulletln after bulletln conflimed the success of the Democratic state ticket. The ogily laugh heard throughout the evening waa when a bulletln purportlng to have come from Dlxon waa read, ln which he lUtedi after bearlng tbe resuit of the election ln N-w York and Massachusetts. that "the I'p gressives had to go West for the Hoos.vclt vote." A Uttlo before 0 O'cleeb rhalrman Bamea Isauad this atatament: The reaull in tho Btate of JM*** demonatrataa one tning: that '-"^ wR movement waa aimply a Republican i?,lt and drew to almost no OXtSM noen ^"?pemocratlc party. Wtb all of the fruntlc efforts that were made to secure .from peonle g-turally. the reault ,howa that practlcally non- hu former RepuLllcana Jolned the Roosevelt move "ti'ic declalre victory of Taft and Hedges ,?. , Roosevelt and Stmus ls a demonstra 11.,n thal Ihe then Republicans of the State of N'.w Ymk deslred the re-nomlna tlon of Prealdent Taft. and that the dele aatea from thia aUta properly expr.-ssed "he pn fer.nce of the Republicans when a large majority of them voted for Mr. Taft at the CblcagO convention. S.imuel S. Koenig, chalrman of the Re? publican CeUBtJ Committee, lssued the followlng statement regar.llng the election so..n after the returns Indlcated the de ( of the Republican ticket: ts hardlv anythlng to say. The results speak for themselves. The large vote for Oovernor Wilson ls unexpectod. T>i.- spllt ln the party was much wlder ,,,??? than we thought. H ls very evldent thal thoussnda ol censereatlea Repuh II, taa CSSl their hallots for the Demo cratlc candldatea ln ord.r to make cer taln ?he defea't of Colonel Roosevelt and the I'rogresslvf ticket._ '1856, NOT '60/J)IX0N SAYS Progressives Will Now Prepare for Congress Elections. Henator M. Dlxon, chalrman 1'iogresslvc Natlonal Committee, at ttdB this mornlng lssued the followlng tatem.nt from the headquarters of tbe Progreastea Katleaal Ceasjatttee: Tlm election returns to-nlght show that moie than four milllon voters have en llatad umler the banner of the Progressive party. They have eullsted for the war. Some of oui moat enthuslastlc leaders had hoped that possibly this mlght have been IfeJ." It ls evldently "1S66.'' Ihe reault of to-day's halloting makes tha Prograealva party the domlnant oppo n,nt of the Democratic party. To-day the Old Republican party becomes "the third party" ln American ixilltlcs. The re allgnment of the votprs of the natlon has i.eiDiiie au accompliahed fact. \\. ai e going forward Immedlately with OUI pluna to rompleta our organlzation for the congnsslonal election two yeara from tbla tlmo. K AS M'COMBS^ SEESII "Noble Victory Nobly Won, and Will Be Nobly Used," Says William G. McAdoo. MURPHYMAKESSTATEMENT Enthusiasm More Marked Among Mere Voters than in Murphy's Own Coterie at Tararaany Hall. William F. McCnmbs, chairman of the Democratic National Commlttee; James A. O'Oorman and other leaders of the Democratic party recelved the electlon returns at th* -Waldorf-Astorla. They were Iti Oonetaat comni'inlcatlon with Qovernor Wilson at Prlnceton over a gpedal wirc. The early returns were received hy Mr MeComba as lndl^atlons of an absoluto landsllde for Governor Wliaon. The chairman dented all reporta tliat he had conce.Ud any of the states to Colonel Rooeevett, and throughout thn evenlng he appear-d abaohlUly eonfldent that the couniry had been swept by a Democratic vlctor>. William G. McAdoo, vice-chalrman of the D.-inocratlc National Commlttee, l? BUOd the followlng statement: It i* .a noble victory nobly won, and will be nobly uacd by a truly Bfoat mari f.?r the r.-htoration of the heat ldeala and i-tandaid^ of r**ason ln Amerlca. arid for th.- eatabllahment of auch ecoooaue, m dustrul and Bodal i-olius*e Which have . rept Into the publlc llfe of ' The^weepin* victory tn the atate mus hearten all good clt'.zen* and will Rrent lr ndvnrue the cause of good government and onrouraa-e all who. ln the face of captloua crltlclem, have worked eo un Belflahly for the last two yeura in the lrifrest of the people. (Snce more lt has been most clearly shown that the caus* of Democracy ia tha cuuse of the people. "Hlg Chlef' Murphy sat in his tepee n the Tammany wlgwam laat nlght eaaily the most important ftgure ln the scene of aettvlty around hlm. The chW had his ear to the celling and he could hear the footstepa ln the chamber ahove. But theae were the footstepa of the pro letarlat who fllled Tammany Hall to hear the returns. which were read to them from the atage by Alphons* Q Koelbb\ and they cheered and atamped ln ap proval, and when they dldn't the enthu? siasm was supplled by the band In the Kallery. All that was well ?mounh for Juat Demo? crats gathered at rundom to hear the news, and the news was Just the klnd they wanted to hear; all ona man ln the flrat row of the gallery, who Iti aiated that Theodore Roosevelt was a jtreat man and waa belng cheated out of Ihe l'r.-sldency. AS to the gatharlng ln the chief's tepee, downstairs, the electlon of Woodrow Wilson waa not permltted to becloud the Istsue, and whlle there were some few handclaps for the I'realdentlal rnndldat.-. lt waa the mentlon of the name of "Blil" Snlzer. "who belongs" .and the looal ean? dldatea that ellcited the enthusiasm. HILLESSPEAKSFORFUTURE Chairman Predicts Viotory for Republican Party in 1916. "Tho Republican party will pursue and malntaln Its polices with undlmlnished contldence," declares Chairman Hllles of tha K.publlcan National ("ommlttee ln a htatement lssued at an early hour this morning. "lt will return with Ita policles fully vlndlcated." Chairman HUlea holds Colonel Roose? velt and the defectlon from the Repub? lican party solely reaponslble for the dc feat of the party. He aays that "through the uncompromlalng warfare of Prealdent Taft a third term attack upon our lnsti tutions has b.-.-n defeated." The statement ln full la as followa. For tho third time In tlfty-two years the admlnlatratlon of the government baa been tranafeired t'rom tl..- Ut.-put.Ucan to the Democratle party. In <-ach provloua Inatance tha Republican partv haa 84 00 aoon again called to power, for Ita poli ciea, Its hlstory and Its admJniatratl >n have been found the tancat and and the moat conduclve to the well being and proaperlty of Ita people and th.' p.-r maneney of its. inatitutlona. So it will be ln 1916. Treaident Taft has aerved one term and has acqultted hlmaelf with credlt to hla country. His exeepilonal preparatioii fef tlM task waa unlveraally conoeded. in- admlnlatratlon was uiKiuaiifledlv ln cloraed by hla party. which. agOUl choao hlm for Its candldate lor a fuitlu-r term. The record of achlevenient durlng lila ad mlnlHtratlon waa unpuralleled. II.* has stood aa a hulwark In support of the Conatliutlon and of repreaentative gov? ernment as the very llfe of the naoon, The government has been admlnlstered with lldellty and economy ln every braneh, The well betng of the Amerlean wage earner ls unexampled. More men are employed to-d?y than at any tlm? ln Ihe hlstory of the country. wnges are hlgher than ev.-r before, and proaperl;y abounds. All the condltlons of trlumpl-. anl vlctorv ?-xlHted The defectlon from the Republican party accounta for to-day'a results. Tho reaponslblllty for thla muat rest aquarely and solely upon Mr. Roosevelt. But for Mr. Rooaevelt'8 actlon ln deaertlng the Republican party Mr. Taft would im questlonably have been re-elected tr would not now he fa?t to face with th' Inevltuble transltion of a ratlonal ri-n! tectlve policy to the experlmenta Uf . tariff for revenue only. ? The Republican party will puraaa ana malntaln its policies with undunini?i,!2 confldenee. It will retip i, to su,,r"m?^ ln 1911 with Ps policies fully v.ndicatM policies of reasonable prot. ctlon t,, Am^r l-an industrles and the ii,d< pendanjI Ai the judlciary. ite ?* Out of all the OOnflid of this extrnn. dlnary campalsn there ,.vn .;' premo consolatlon ln which every e| i, of the trnlon may shar-: 'throiiik the uncompromialng and mfll ,. ,(,,_ ' " far,- of President Taft an I the R?n?C lican party .1 third temi atl Inatltutlons has 1..,, statnp of condemnatlon pluced i,-,in , by a va.-t majority of th< the coiintry, and also that rhr., deterrnlnrd and \ 1 1 dangerous fallaclea of the thl d 1 party he has repelled 1 tha Conatitutlon of our fatl the. aound and baslc -1. MARINE INTELLIJENCL MINIATt.'HK A;.M.\ Sunrlse, 6:81! lunset. 4 "i mouii'i age, ^7. 3:49, BIOB WATKii. BSBdy Honk. (;AY. Veeeel. Fmm. fint ?Havans.Hainni, Nov 0.... . wg4 ?P Plsjiamund..'.!)!.. Oct -? ..Hanbiirf-Anj *Thamea.Ktngaton, Nov 1...I: ?Maracas.Port Hpain, (.. t 31 Athinai.Ptraeua, Oct 17. ,lTt.<2 Moltke.Aimerta '? . Himo-Am Bertia.Olbraltar, Oct 28..N <*. im 1 Braaaaa..Fremen. o.-t un.. n 0 Unt Ki nia.......Oahreston, Od 01....0e p?i Alamo.TStapa 1 .Miliorv Bflchlaan.Intwerp, Oct 28.Phovili Apache.Jaeksen\ille. Nov n_Clydi THt'HSDAV. N<)\ KM|;;,i: 7. ?New York.So.ithampt'-.n. Oct 00...Aner *?seapa.KfnKaton, .'o\ g . ...1;'rcs ?Uruba..He.-muda, Nov .'.. . .K Mlf I^ara.?.Airr- 1 la I'annoi.ia.._.Naples, w Orleans, Nov 'J..60 Pte Huron.Jacksonw::.-. No 4_QrdS FKIDAY. NOVBMBBB S. ?("olon.ttlstnha', N . - . ..Pan?ma ?Marncaibo.Mayaa/uot. ."??.,? 2 .. 'Eastern Prince...POrt rpKn, -r - M?tapan, Coloa. V P Oa... 9:30a 1 firenaia. Trinldad 10:00am Bermudlan, Bermuda, Que. 12:00 1 k 9 \ :? torla, ll'i, irg, x .\ ? geelsa I, ted Btai Allce, Naples, Austrlan_ - ? ('o.'.uii -h?, ,1 kaanv'fa . 1 i ? ??? 1 THURgDAT, gOVRMBBR 7 K CaeiUo, Prfrrm. N '. L 0 M ? J^a Praveo e, 1 Ihv r?. l'i . ,1 ColUe, Uverp -1. W . . M"rr'i Oaatli Mavana \v..r : '.< 1 0 Allen im la, inagua, n a ' C of M ? ? rj Osvaa, I 1 PRTDAT. Alliaaos, <'ri?toi*i. r..n A| acas, Jacki n . Camaguey, Tampioo, Ward. ? ilajumo, hantlago. W' r s . - TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. ? D-rtlnatlon ar.^1 stearaer. la N ? Tahltl, Mai - Itlani.s. Ns? Zealand, Australla .'-:a .-un Franclaco) A r....rfi. Nov S. 6:3*) iapan, Corea, ctiin* (via Tacoaaa) ?Tacoina Maru .Nov. s. 6:30 Hawali (vis Ban Prai Lirllne. HawalL Japan, Corea, Chlna tvia San K:^r, '. ?ru. . . N< Huwau Ssntoaii lalands N:? mdao. Ani'.id al the Pui at l :'. > a s -i..n:.-r Crowa sf NavaiTe .:-? : ?' : A.r, tonio Oeteoer .'>o. to tiie mnldi - i ? ira.llna (o. in oallast. Arilv*.! Bl tbi Daral 11 p m, 4th. 8team?r lluxtnla (Panl. Copenhaaer < .?to'*' 12 aad Cliilatlania 17, to Punch, :.: ? A Co, Hlth n:,lH?. Airtved at the Il at th? Hai ut '." ?? Hteamer Ni.-holan CUBOO iNin tonlo octolier .10, to tiie I with 1 [.asuenner and frult. Il.ii it 1 ? in. Hraamar Peaasylvsaia 't;.r>. | ber 2^. to the Hsmhurx \ IM iti, 140 thlnt |ja?sengers and tn l?e. Ani%. l tl ? ?-ir a? 140 a in. Steamer rrlncemt Ain>. Nawparl H Sl arl Norfoik. to the oi.i DooUnlon - heiiKen anJ m.lse. Pasaed la Quarantlna ?t 3:30 p m. steam.'r Denver. Oalvri>t<'d ln Qaaranilne at 1L: 1 n i> m. Steamer Mnt.i. Bs I '" >>'* York an.i Baltlmore Tnuw) ? *l,ft m? "; iii'lce Airlved ..? 'he Bar . 2, Stea:;.^rs N?W] rl ? ? ~ foik to the < Hd Dominlon -> . Kers an.l m.lti. PasseJ in QuBI Knndv Hook. N J. NS4 '. 0 south- loutbwest, ll?|ht breeze. ctcai l'*"1 aaa, sAir.nn Ptramen Bio Orand*. Bmnswlok i .Bri. Uverpool via (Br). Hutl: In.lraw.i.ll (Bl > hoim. -: Pawnee, P Htatfs (Dsni. C Hn\n iV ilelpiila: Lu< la i Vi-.>. Oul Norfoik snd Newporl N.?? - ( Savanimh: Aqulla t.Nor), ?lnm tDuteh), rtotterdam; fll ciement (Br). Pars a?.:-kln (Un. t'oronel; Arapsl ? and jaekaonvtlle; Pr.mi^theua "'?? Nora (Nor), Msaarla; I.. ? Ne( STEAMERS AT FOREIGN P0RTS. ABBIVKI. Hsvra. Nov 3-Priii? eriliaa i routohi. v* \rk vln WOst lnllrs a,: I ' rcf Anirtterdam Brlitol, Nov O?Kaaaaa City (Br) S*s ' :rn,. Qhuarow. Nov 9-Coluasbla iPr., New \w* rw Chrlstiansand. No* *. I s m Oscai n (usn* New Torh for Copi nbai Rouen. Nov " - ? iBi i ondon, N ? '? Ulnnehaha (1 '\nI Plvmoiith. NOV I. 3 a m "J*!! (Q r), Nea Tora f .r Chertwurg snd lianioj^ lami praceedi 1) BAJUEO _ . tfareeUlea, Nov 2- Mauouna ffrl Sev T0V?' Barbadoa. Nov 4 -Dumtan dir) ttroai ->' Yoik and N'orfolk). l'au. PagonjgA, Nov I?ABtSftca flUI). New York for Naples and llenoa. _ , f. Naplea and Oenoa; Bloomfonteia w New York for Aden, - Martlll. am VlB Altlleia. . Im ^ugre?. No\ 5 nirkhHli (Br). Nsw ) aa r? Al?;ler? t*stanla and Traj >? ' ,. , vli flollo, Nov 4 -Karonui (Br), New ?or^ *? Oran. Saiiaiik snd Blnca . ,., Kobe, N \ ( Mstoppo (Ur). New >?rk ?'? BlnSS] o ? BRd Mc.nlla. ? . .^ Port Said. Nov r.-.'levelan.l . N^* ?_? for Yokohania. stc; Koranna (Br), Nt* lv" v|a Alglers for Bombay. Calcutta, ?tc