OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, January 24, 1913, Image 5

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Speaker of House of Commons
Makes a Ruling Which May
Cause Government to
Drop the Bill.
if Wore. "Male" Is Struck Out,
Franchise Bill Will Have
To Be Read First and
Second Time All
Over Again.
i II; ? ?,'.?. i i be Ti II
i...mi?.n. Jan. ?_'i 'i'ii,. Speaker ><*?.
?id,?? dropped ?i bombshell into the
i,?iik- ut supportera >>f ataman suffrage
mis?.?., i in?; .? point >>f order raised bj
Mr. Itoaar Law, ha- made it nuit?
plain thai if ?an: form ..f aroman sur
li?Ri I?. IntrodtJced int.. th.- Iran? his,
bin he ?ill rule i hat the moasur?* has
been eo materially altered that it in
ftT-H'l is not tlir saiiv Mil that was
in-.: Introduced t<? the House and thai
ih.r.f.r?* a Irish I.ill must be lntr?.
dua 4
This ruling created a big lenaatlon in
Ihe House, an?i tho general Impression
??n?.n?,' memberi last night was that it
means farewell to the aspirations <>f
Ihe women for at this late period of th?*
prestos it would I??* impossible for the
BOVernmeat t?> draft and carry through
nil Itl staxes ? now 1.111. and naxt ses
> ion's 'ills will he no longer under tho
??rni?,* R-gis of the Parliament act ?
i. ?-. it will no long? r \n- possible to
>.?mi them up thrice in th?* lifotimo of
this Parliament to the House of Lords.
On a Point of Order.
\ situation of profound gravity Is
- . i. arly eprung iii??n the House.
.?ni a few hours previously ;; deputa?
tion ?>r women had been a aimed in
ton**** of the utmost solemnity that the
p|? dgc "f a free vote in the House on
ii?. sulfrage question was t?> t><* ful?
filled, an?) now the whole mov. m?*nt is
t.. be "ddetracked on a point <>f ??nier.
Whatever view is taken of tho merits
? f th.* amendments, it is eiear that the
grievance fell by many women, anal ad?
raltted by sir Edward Grey and Mr.
Lloyd t.eorgo, will h?* ac?*a*ntuat?*d a
hut tJiedfold through this eleventh hour
decuri?n of the Speaker The fear is
that it will lead to a serious and wide?
spread outburst of resentment, in view
of the tangle into which the question
has developed.
\ Cabinet council will be hold be?
to-day'a Parliamentary session
.-.ms. [t [g considered Inevitable that
tin government will drop tha* bill.
The Dally Chronicle" advises the
**overnm**nl to drop the press?t bin.
I hua sacrlfi? Ins; manhood suffrage, and
?!? ?? facilities for the imm?*diate dla
mtron of alternative bills t*oa**a**espond?
ing t?> each of the amendments, with
the assumes that any bill so passed
v.ijld enjoy th?- sann* advantages as it
ould have enjoyed as any sua.oissful
mnnilmshl ??f the preaeni bill in re
taped to the operation of tha* Parlia
inent a? t and at the same tim<- adopt
Harold Bakers hill for the abolition
of plural voting Which hn*a already been
i>as.?<?l its second reading
First Victory Is for "Antis."
Another evil augury for success t?>
day was tho result of the prelimlnai .
skirmish on the franchise bill in the
House Of Commons last night. Th ?
amendment proposed by Andrew Boner
i.aw. th-- (?.?position leader, to reject
h?' Premier's time limitations in the
i?*bate was defeated by a vote of 230
to Ii?.. indicating a majority <?f ?IS be?
hind Mr. Ascpilth.
In moving the adopti-.n <>f th?- time
tl ble. ?ho Premier said that opinion nn
\? ?.man suffrage was .*-?> sharply divided
n both sides of the HoUSC that it was
mt?<?*?mt?1** for any government t?? pro
pi se tho enactment of vote for aromen.
While be himself was a strong op?
ponent >f the policy, he realised that
this war a groat hardship ?m support
01 s of the movement. Therefore, with
the full consent of the Cabinet, he had
? ? ? ided to leave the question to the
fin ? fudgin?at of the House.
l"'"?..i?. .Ian. 23. "I hop-- are ?ihall win
on .Mondpy," David Lloyd George, ''han- |
reOot nt th?* Kirhesuer. to-day, told a
?lefutatlon of Miffragett? s representing
Ihe working women ut Ihe British Isb's. I
?* hom h*j and SI? ?Sdwsrd a.r-y. t)??- K"t
Performance of "Judith" at Mrs. Lydig's House
Will Introduce M. de Max and
Mme. Yarska.
Mme. Yarska, who ?will appear at Mrs. Philip Lydig's in the Re?
lil;:;. ?' 111 lilii."
.Mrs ?Philip I.*di-?'s lions.', in K?st .'?-?I
stre?-t. "".ill he the ??????in? to-morrow even?
Ing of a ?Iramati?' entertainment, the feat?
ure of Widen, will he the perform-in??? <?f
"Judith.'' a drama of th?' twelfth year
of the relcn of Nebuchadnezzar In As?
syria, by Miss g Constant I.ounshery, of
rn*ris and New York. The entire second
floor of the manslcn ha? been made over
into a miniatura theatre and decorated
In a t",'.shion to cr?at'- an "atmosphere" ?
?listinctly oriental. Four hundred Invita
tions ha?e been sent out, and n.?t a sitmle
regrel has been received, and Mrs Lydlg,
Who had not expected more than half
that number of ac?eptancea, is somewhat
punled as to what sh?' will do with her
Incldetit-illy, the play, which is ?-?ven
for the first time In this ?country, will I
serve to Introduce f.> New Yoik the!
Rumanian actor M. d?. Max. s?. well
known to Parisiana and Mme. Yorska. of |
the Sarah H. rnhar.it Theatre. Ruth St I
Denis, the dancer, also Is In the caet.
A t?-nt has been er??.'t.d in t!i<- Lydig
theatre, and before this will stan?l two
motionless human bronze ligun-s. About
;i?:;,'i o'clock Miss I.ounsbery. the author
of the play, garbed as a scribe, ??ill read
th?? op? t:itiR lines of the nice. When th?'
time for action arrhes tbe two slav?'s
before the tent ??ill dra?v back the flaps
with their ?petara disclosing th?? opening
rim S?.r.tary, received at the Treasury '
l'epartni ?lit
"I c?Ttalnly shall do my ?. r? best t<>
see that the amendment to the franchise
reform hill, eliniitiatii./- th- word 'male,'
is paaaed by th?? lion--'? ??f Commone,
Sine?' I have been In tic ?,?hit?t i lia?.?
i?. ?.?ni. a more (*onvlnc4**d supportei "f
weman's auffrage than ever.
"My experience during the pasalng ??f |
th?- Mat? Insurance legtaletitMl has per?
suad'-d me that one "f th? rnoel ?-i??-s
pi???-s of injustice In public life is that
worn. B baVa tio voice in the det? rn illation
of matters which affect them niore closely
than men I ,-im ?convinced that We shall
win, and ??, In very goon."
Ready to Stand or Fall.
The Cham ?Hot nt th? Kxchequei th'.i
wmt ??n to aay that ti.?' Uberel ?govern?
ment was remd* i?? staid or fail by ?Pre?
nnl.-r Asciulth's pledge that if tt... Houea ol
?'(?mtii'ins approvid tt??- extension ??f the
fraiK'hise to worn? ?. the government |
??ould support It Th.? re ?vus no truth, he I
?i?,laced. In th.- published ?-rtatetnei-ts ti.at |
soin?- <>f th<- ?ablnet ministers would re?
sign If the "ote \?cr?' glvra tO worn- n
sir K?lwar?i Orej gav? alm'lar aaai4r?>|
ancea to the deiratatkm, bul warned Ihej
women lliei Hie <t-p*Meltl?~?n lo ba over-1
some was very formidable and tha' it .
eouM not be d??ne by ?menace m personal
ann?.' ani-f.
Th.- pit brow lassies from th? I ??al ti'l'l-.
tlu- flsh ?-Ive? and the mill -.'iris In llielr
briglit?<*nlor?d ?bawls, kerchief? and short
sklr's ?gava ?i picturesque touch 10 the
?group of aromen who heckled lhe iwo
cablncl mlnlaters. Thej ?seemed ?doubtful
??f the value lo be pt?? I on lhe pre-mlsea
Of the statesmen
All Blanks, No Prizes.
"If w?? dra-.? a bl.ii.k 'l??s time you ?an?
no? i.iame th<- w?.tiu n for whatever they
m?, do. f-*ot a*?oodi-eaa sake, ,i?, .?ne ua
a pri/.?> this time." was the ? mart "f a
Scottish gell ?vife
"The nieii are no good in lhe ?laundry?
We've trle.l them. Think of your shirts,
r. ?ilk met?, ironed for a penny!'' ? \
ch'ime.l an ?East Knd laundr?' en?.
Most of the nv n.bcrs of ?the deputation
loid pitiful tai? <?t " ?eating In ihelr
earioui trades
Mrs l.rii.'imond. 'he "?.cn'lal' O? the
militant su ffra at t im, . ';Blleni*??l Si.- IM
nficrtd in Manliaitan and Brook
lyn will i*c found in tho R?.???tn and
P.a.ard Register of The Tribune.
Free, upon request, at Advert.**?
ing Agencies and .?_'0 Tribune
Building? H mort convenient, till
out and mail coupon an?l Register
H ill be mailed.
Want Department
Th? ?no Beektnan .>0Oj
New-York Tribune,
32?? Tribune Huilalifig.
F'loa?? sead Rooni and Board
Keglster to
mus. run.ip i.vi?i?;
ftcene. and here the) win remain, mo?
tionless, for Ihe balance of the perform?
ance. The latter win consist <>f three
Seta The play wo written foi M de
Max. who play.? the pole of Hetofernea
uraiti Oroi and Mi Lloyd Q orge t.. toil
the House oi Com mona to-morrow that
the) would r? ?-i:;n front the ?*ahln*t If lha
amendment i?. tho Franchise Hi I ?? ?
in regard to women waa defeated, but
the two ministen remained unrespon?
? o ?
Mrs. Mary Borwick Obtains
Vindication of Character.
in? Cable to Th?. TrttNiae I
London, .Jan 23. a rait thai Mi?
a,?or?*. Borwick brought agalnat Ed
w;.r?l l'.!?..?. Robb f.?r slander t ??nui -
noted to-day aft.r evidence iia?i been
given by the defendant that he ha.l
advised Mr Borwick tha? the charge
I against the reputation of Mrs Berwick
.. niai not be persisted In
i*. E. Smith. ||n Borwlck'a counsel,
??tate.i in court that the action had
I been brought t?, vindicate her chai
lacier, and as that had been done there
was no object In continuing the sup
i further The Question of money dam*
i ogee for Blander was at no time raised
Mrs Borwick, who aras Misa Mary
Mason HaselL of New fork, where she
married George Borwick, ? London
barrister the son ?,f sir Robert n.?r
wlck, on Deeemher ~. i?"*'?*-. is suing her
husband for dlVOfCC in the KngUsh
courts, in a counter petition Bornrtck
accuses his wife ,,t misconduct, but
this petition has sine, hen withdrawn.
The slander euil arose from an Inter?
view between Mr Robo, wlip Is Mr.
Borwlck'a solicitor, and Lucy IVhltty,
former maid to Mrs Borwick, in which
Robh was* alleag?d to ha?., sccuaed Mrs,
Borwick of Intimacy with a certain
Captain F'rown.
? in the wRnesa stand to-day Mr.
Robh said thai .'liter his interview with
the maid he was aWe to advise hi?
client thai 'he charge against Mrs.
Borwick could nol be persisted In.
Pontifical Declaration Must Not
Circulate in Portugal.
Lisbon. Jan. 21.?The Minister ?f
justice has promulgated > decree pr?>
hihltlng th? iircniatii.il in Portugal of
tli?- Pontifical declaration contained In
one of the clauses of the laws of the
Apostolic S< e
Me takes the ground that this decla?
ration attacks the law of separation of
the ChUfCh anal Stata*
Demolition of Fortifications Will
Leave Thousands Homeless.
Paris, .'an tt. Ths formidable prob?
lem of almUflg a? e..nim.?lation for ltS,SSM
people who are t?. bC e? I? te.l from their
?wellins h?.ases swim te ,t"' s',,f' "f ?he
satlqusted fortlBeatlona ..f Perita t.? the
ijty authorities by the French government
i?, no? before the municipal cotiacll of
the i-'ieixii capital foi solution.
The apace occupied t*y the wall twenty*
.,,,, mltea In letififti cii'lnliiiK Pans ani
tin *? n! in? ?one*." ive hundred ysrda la
'width fa-ing 't i? to be com.iti'l into
public park* This spa.? is now covered
b) many thousande of woodes raanahackle
hi.ns? -? o. eupied in nmst ca.-es OX the
pom est ?lass ><f workpia.pl?- and rag?
pickers, hut in many Instaneea tarnsd bits
reaorta f"i SperhSS criminals and tramps
The proprietors pay a small annual sum
for the pa Ullage of being allowed to ?<?n
?triHt these hjBti am the rondition that
Ihey are subject to iCStraa"ttOS m ?.?>r of
war There is not sufficient a?*< oinmoda
tl,,n for tha ecCUplerS in other parts of
tin* city. J
Delay in Treaty with U. S. Du(
to Anti-American Element.
Partial Elections To-day Owing
to Vitiation of November
Result by Fraud.
1 '????ii 'I h? Tl il'iine Rureaii ;
tVaarmeton, Jan .'::. v iilMcal toadl
Ilona in Cuba are .?eetliin?- and there l!
much Btrife ami'ti?* the different fa."Ion?
In ? inicies- over certain measures, bul
the I?. part.iient of State un? s not appie.
band any x.-rioii? disturban.?'- There ha.
i.een delay in the ratification <?f the treat?
loohlng l<> the ac?|Uirement of n largl
tract <?f lai.d t?? -mlarge th? Americar
t aval base at (iuatitaiiam-?. l,u| u is be?
lieved there win be no aerioiia ?litibuit? la
lhe matter, althOOgh an antl-Ameri? an
clement is disposed to blo.-k the project
Hints of a filibuster lo prevent ratifica?
tion have rea? bed the State I?cpai lm? nt
Another matter In which th<? State !??
i.iiim.nt is interested is th?- ?British pro?
teal egalna* the alleged dtet-rtnalaatlea
agalnel lite (Tubaa Central ?Rallwaya
l.t'i. a Mritish ?.?orporatto-i, in favor of
.1 corporal Ion wliich ??as ?granted, <?r
pledged, a subsidy ??f Po.OM a mile, ?.r a
total of $i,<v?i.<?i?>. t.? project a ra?raad
There are hints that Praetdea! Oomat
nn.i his ehbf Ibuten.int. < 'r. ?t. s f.rrar.-i,
Spiaker ??f th? HOUSO, an- tin.? n. ial!y In
i.-r? ?Tied 'H th. i i?.J.'?'t. At th? r.?|U"St of
Ambeeeedor Bryce, the Blata i?? p.irtni?nt
haa made ?certain repn tsenratloaa t?.
I'resi.bnt ?lom-z. and .xp.its thai the
?lUestloli will be Settled to th?' satl-laitlon
.?r ih? British laten ita
A ninv.ni? nt to ha\.? the election ??f
Ma.lo Metiocal lo th?' I'residcti? y declared
Illegal i- ?being watched with Interest by
the Slate Inparttnent This fiature of
th?; pollth-al Ughl has not r? a?h. d an
elarming stage, and thus far th.- state
i?paiim?nt has contented Itaelf with
watching the developroenta
if the s'tuation beooroei acute the state
Department will oppoee tin? enactment <?f
the aweeplng amnetrtj law that would re?
,-ult In th.- r>'l>as>. of BeVeral thOU .ni'i
prisoners, mot' than a thousand ??f whom
wen i?ut in jail following th? negro re?
bellion ia--t summer.
Havana, Jan '-' I Dlsq ?etme rumors
ere curren! that ?erious disturbances are
iiiil" ndlltg in the provln?-? of Santa ?'lara,
. sp. ?lall.? at the town <>! Ansa, when t"
morrow part lui elections ??III ???- h?I?i <?ri
a? ? ..m,i ??t il.. \ itlalinn hi fraud ??t i lie
general election ol lasl N'?.\ ? ?ni., r '?'?.??
?-oveinmenl is pn?pared f? t an irtcrgenry,
,i strong f"'?e "i regulars and
??n id a' \v a ?ci also i strong column
??i tro. ps ol a'l arm??, n???? "ti a privait
, althin atriking distance,
. .n.- tejort. apparently from en authen?
Uc Bource, j ? i .? ? ?-.-.-. the number "f
mounted and armed Miserai* ? ?n? ? t.t'-at
Ing ,,t ?rlaa ai upward of i OM.
Trieste-Montreal Service To Be
Fought by Lloyd-Hamburg Pool.
Vienna, Ian B Reporta curr? nt to-day
in Austrian ihlppl?ng circles Indicate that
the ?'..im?n Atlantic steamship p??"i i?
preparing to wage ? fierce rat?' arar
agalnel the nee Til? .???Montreal s?m? >?
sboul i?? i- ?begun i>> tha ?'anadian Pa?
cifie rompa ny There i? little peo*?ysct.
steamship men say, thai ihs shipping
<?.nf. r?n?. t?. b? h? Id In M'-i-lIn n?xt
week ??in reaull In an) agreement
?"'migrants r-robaM] ??til i??- the chief
Im '??? an.? ?>f lb? tat?- ?*..ir. a? Ihs
?tecrage ..?t? s are iik.iv to ba reduced ??>
|l? b? C.re th?? cntllet et,?i?
in th? meanwhile the Canadian com?
pany is arranging t.. ?Se-gln s monthly ear
vice m March, Increasing t';?- Bulling dates
.?f It? yessel? m? Ihr tr.iftl?- re.pur. - Th.
company Is openlni thirty-two eml?-?Tatlon
offices it! rariou* centra? of Auatrla, es?
P"iail? at th.? chief points along the
Bust-Ian iionti.-r. hoping thereby t.? ob?
tain a ?ban- ?.f the ?large emigration irai
fi?- that has hitherto I.? . n mono| <?liz. ?I by
the < o rm.in 1 ne- i
; Corbett Decides to "Tell the
Truth" About Alleged Swin?
dle of Mrs. Bull.
j Magnesia-Asbestos Co. Got Only
$18,000, He Testifies,
Rest Being Used for
Personal Expenses.
Hanre) IV. Corbett, the aliened partner
Of John A. ?-'ualcy in the $3J,t>W stock
.swindle worked on the lato Mary V Hull.
Worried his etStWhlle partner more yes?
terday than did all the testimony Of Mr*.
! Hull win h bad been read Into the rocoto.
j T?> the i-onaternatle** of Qu?le*,, Corbetl
?was called H a witness by Frank Moss.
? thp Assistant i>i*trict Attorney profs
?utiiig. an?l told la ?h'tail of the upkeep ?.f
a yacht, f.-i's for an attorney lo defend
them from Mrs. Hull's a?*? usai Ions, ??ub
due?, a European trip for a women a. -
qtfslatance, and other it?-ms of personal
vanity or necessity to which, he .?aid,
[pari ..f Mrs. Bull'a mfoAm) ?as ap|?lled.
| yiailey had rooked bSCh and forth in
his tilted chair In the most uneon srnsd
manne? irhlle Mrs Hull's testimony was
being rea.i into the recoeU, but when the
name ?if Harvey W. CorbOtl was called
the lega of hla chair came down with a
bang and hla fsce paled as tie folhrarsd
With hla eyes the p**OgrCM of ihe r.-cclit
treasurer of th.* Msgwsls nfbsatoa Cora?
pan? t.. the witness stand.
"Have you at any time tMeeumed with
me or with any Other representative of
I the 1'lstrnt Attorney the testimony >.?u
are abOUl to give in this ?as-'.''' asked
Mr. Ifoea
Takes Stand to "Tell the Truth."
i have not." said Corbett, calmly. "I
talk*?! the matter over with my attorney,
II.??a ? I? Byrne, ami h<> advis,.,i me that
the heel thing I COUld IM was tO take the
atand and tell the truth."
Check after check was ahoarn to ? or?
Lett, and ti" identified them all, tracing
them back In every ?ase to ihe t.?3.,*-"J
whlcb Mis Bull paid toi stock In the
Magnesia Asbestos Company. Oaeehoek,
f..i $117 Ba, payable t.? the order of the
i International Bleeping Car Company, he
.-.?id. !??? had made out In blank to Qua?
i< >. who told him the money was to he
u.-eii b) Mrs. Ellen l?niii??p Hopkins, the
woman who la aadd to have Introduced
Mrs. Bull t" Qualey, to help pay the ex
pensea of s trip to Europe.
Mrs Hopktna was formerly an Intimate
[friend ?.f the late Mrs William C. Whit?
ney, and through that friendship ?s sui.l
to have mads man acquaintances la
blgta sodal drclea Bhe was at one time
Int? rested In th? School of Applied Design
fur u ?.m. n, ??i -.v iii ii her husband was a
i patron.
About MM "i Mrs Hull's mon ?y, Cor?
hett ?aM. went to buy ? asw est -it sails
for th. yscht which he an?I Qualey ? >ed.
? 'What kind of B rsssd Wei this'.'"
ashed JUStlCO Qath*. ?DM \ou use It for
?????? i - or for cargo purposes.1'
it was a pleasure yacht." answered
Corbett He t??i?i >>f dinners and recep?
tions given aboard the yacht si which Mrs.
Hopkins w.is ?,n,- of the guests
Corbet! Mid part ?>f Mrs. Hull's money
had gone ss fee to ./?.hn W Mclutyre,
whom Qualey and Corbett remitted wben
Mr?? Bull fir*-1 brought charges sgalnst
them A Cheek for t.".??? dated AufjiiFt if,
tr?i". he mid, w.is for Mr Melaty**a*s fee
\iioih.r ti.. had been paid to the cap?
tain Of tin* yacht for his hack salary and
about It"" had hcen paid for wharfage
fees at the Kii? Hasin Some of the
mono) t?? himself had used for personal
The Day of the Motor
Discovering America by Motor,
by .RALPH D. PAINE. The charm
and pleasures of touring. ? The
Automobile and Its Mission, by HERBERT
LADD TOWLE. The wonderful growth of the
automobile industry and the benefits it has
brought to thousands.? The Pyrenees Route, by
CHARLES LFREESTON, author of "The High
Roads of the Alps," etc Gives many points of
interest as to motoring in Europe, new routes
opened, etc. ? Steam-Coach Days, by THEO?
DORE M. R. VON KELER. A glimpse at some
of the predecessors of the motor of to-day.
Germany and the Germans from an American Point
of View, by Price Collier. Berlin. ? The Sanita?
tion of the Isthmus, by JOSEPH BUCKLIN BlSHOP. ?
Mrs. Whartons The Custom of the Country. A
novel of American social life.
S3.00 o Yoor
needs, among which ?ere ?lues in th
Players, doctors' hills and a bill fo
bardarais? Qualey had u/,<>?i some of th
money for much the same purposes, h
A? to the statement attributed to Qual?':
that the Newark plant was making i
profit Ot $3.0(??i, on which Mrs. Bull relie?
when she Invested her money, Corbet
said that was absurd. In six months no
much more than |t,Nt or $10.0<?0 wortl
'of material had b?*.-n sol?i, he ??aid, an?
then was not more than 40 per cent prof,
on that. In fact, If It had not been fo:
the $;!5.t.0?i Investeal hy Mrs. Hull, Corbet
said, the factory would have had to go V
the wall, for they would not have beet
ahle to pay their running expenses.
About MMSe Is all went directly 01
Indirectly, PorWett aai.1, Into tho treasurj
of the company. Most of this, he said
went toward salaries and office expenses
Slthough $4,000 ?was given to Qualey Ir
payment of a loan he had made to th?
company. The yacht, i'orhett said, Wal
bought before Mrs. Pull's contributor
and was paid for out of the company
Additional testimony Riven hy Mrs. Rull
In the police court was read yesterday.
She told of helng introduced to Qualey
by Mrs. Hopkins, who paid to her: "I
have heen a i batlgod woman since I went
Into MSgnSSla-AsbeStOS. r expect to be
rl?*h InsMe of two years. Why. I will
make enough out of that investment so
that I could throw it out of the windows
of my carriage for the resf,of my life."
Qualey, Mrs. Bull said, had further lm
pressed her with the wisdom of the in?
vestment, telling her that InsMe of six
months she would g*t a return of I?OO.oqo.
Qualey was kind aetOUgb, she said, to ad
\ ise her concerning: her duties as exe<u
| trlx under the will of her husband. Or.
William T. Pull, and before he left New
! p.?rt. where he and Mrs. Hopkins were
I Visiting her, she gave Qualey a copy of
the will.
Memphis, Texas. Jan. 274 -Beach P.
Bpting, charged with complicity in the
killitiK Of Al Q. Boyes, jr.. at Amarillo
!;?t BeptOmper, was found not guilty to?
il i). Kptlng was accused of having as?
sisted John B Mie.nl In his allege?! plans "
for th#* shooting
Son of T. W. Lawson Makes Big!
Purchase in England.
'Bv rabie to Th?-Tribune.] I
London, Jan. li.'i.?A great purchase
of champion bulldogs was recently,
n??d?? in Kngland by Arnold W. Law
son, son of Thomas W. Lawson, of Bos?
ton, and they were sent to ??"otithamptrm
to-night from London to ho shipped on !
the Hamburg-American liii??r Amerika)
| to-morrow morning for New York. Mr. j
I Lay-son. who has been in 1'arls for thai
last tan days, will Join the Anvcrina at (
Hip put'-hascs arc regarded as most |
trarutabte and cxmatltate th?* lnr-jest'
i onalgnineiil of prizo i.uiidogH cveri
taken t?> the United States at (me tim?, |
j inciuditiK, aa it d..?'s, six noted wlnnera,
I among them the champion ?'''iitur. thai
j holders of seven championships, tna
! winner of uh" tir-ts, the champion
; Blunderbuss, the tiif-.'-yar-nld eliam
pi??n beavywelghl Iiish ??Joy, Ute li?-av. -
weight four-?ear-old La Juanita, tin?
I heavyweight Newlngton ami *-"ii?j?r<-rti',
? Kelvington and Madura, all not?d prize
| takers.
Excessive Customs Duties Levied at
New York, Is Allegation.
Waslilaejloa. Jan. Ba^Prataata from
iiKmhcre of the Colonial l-.irllanient .?f
Bermuda that ?-ustoms tmmt9tlt in \?\v
York levy ex<-esslv<? duty on importatio ?s
of Hermudlan vegetables have htOU i?
celved by Assistant Secretary of thc
Treasury. ?'urtiM, ?*.-hn to-day <?r?l? i < ?1 an
Investigation. Although the Anuii.-.i n
tariff law pro? Ides that a?i va'oi.in
duty shall he ?as? d upon the valu?'
such produc?a In th?' country of ?growth,
it Ih de?'lar?'d that th? dut?' i* bas, ?1 up?'?
their value In the ?United BtatCB. la?
uread of ;?" cents a ?-rat?- on onion-, pal
l-?v. turnlpe and other vegetebles, n i?
said that the duty rani-?;?: from if) t.? ?7
cents a crate.
The complaint was ina?!e by B, i. Spi??
ling aii'l T. H H Otfterbrldae, who came
to the I'nited Slate- to testify before the
House Ways and M??aiis Committee re?
garding the tariff.
Irving National Bank
Chairman Executive Committee.
Vice? President Charla
Co . I.? a th. i
A Bebieren
President Belding Bros A Co., Mira
Sew Ing Silk
Treasurer Mason-Seaman Transpor?
tation Company.
of Breed, tbbott ft Morgan, Counsel?
Ion at Law.
Vice-President Childs Company
President (.'nitkshank Company.
a'hrilrnian Hanover National Hank.
Newport. R. I
Summit. N. J,
..I ?lavinnycrs ft Elder.
of L. Straus & Sons. Art Pottery and
a Uses a s to
Preshleal West Virginia Pulp and
Tap? r ?'?..
of Deerlng, Mllllhen A- Oo. Commis?
sion Pry Qooda
r*resl<|enl Electric Boodsnd Share ?'??.
Submitted at Annual Meeting of Shareholders
Cash in Vault and Checks
for Clearings.$13,151,610.58
Due from Correspondents
and Demand Loans.. 10.210,466.13 $23,362,076.71
Loans Due in 30 Days.. 6,202.742.78
United States Bonds.. 1,655,501.94
Other Bonds& Investments 2,359,374.63 10,217.619.35
Due Within 4 Months.. 15,964,123.56
Due After 4 Months.. 3,025,005.68 18,989.129.24
SURPLUS & PROFITS 3,226,183.50
C.rculatnn. 1,579.002.50
ROLLIN P. GRANT, Pretideni
of Austin Nichols ft Company, Inc.
Wholesale ('rocorH. Vlce-PresHent.
President Morse & PocerM, Wholesale
Hoots Hnd .??hoes.
President J. T. Perkins Co., Tarns.
Secretary Rutler Hron. Inc., Whole?
sale General Merchandise.
President Diamond Match Company.
of William Skinner & Sonn, Silks.
Brooklyn, Nee? York.
President Borden's ? Condensed Milk Co.
Pr?sident P*Orl Den**born National
Hank. Chicago, Illinois.
President Markt ?t Hsmmscher C
Import and Export.
\'i.e-Pi.si?i.iit i*. H. Leggetl \ ? 'o.,
wholesale Oroosrs,
Ut D W Whitmore & a'o. U h..].-. a|.
Dslry Proalua*. .
President L'nlon News Company.
President 1*. W. IVoolaorth ?'?'iii'-.'.ii; ,
Five and Ten ?'eut Stores.
Rail.I.IN P. GRANT, President.
J \.mi;s K. NICHOLS, Tm^PrestmUe*
WILLIS Q NASII, \ ice I'nsirlnit
HEN.L I. WERNER. \ i, < I'n *i<ln,t
(HARLEM ll IMHOI T. ? fee-Prt trient
I.MII, KLEIN, I ircl'rcxiilritt
HARRI E. WARP. Cniritrr
I? ii. <;. penny. itsH Omshter
RICHARD J. FAUST, Jr., \**t <<i?hy r
.1. FRANK IAN BOl'KER, \?s't Ca*ki< r
SAMUEL REDFERN, iss't rn*lthr
This Bank will lie located in the W00LW0RTH BUILDING on completion of its new quarters

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