OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, March 23, 1913, Image 52

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1913-03-23/ed-1/seq-52/

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Over $3,800,000 Invested in
Flatbush Last Year.
Transition of the District from
Farm Lands to High Class
Home Area Rapid.
?I? I'mri. I? .1. ? arlln. ???i".erlnl?n?1enl of
Hiillillng?. of Ihr R?roi?Rh iif Brooklal?.
The btUMlag word si ?Flatbush la an
,i laMe on? Wh*Mi ?*? ?peak of riat
kttnk w* gtmt fallj swan Ihe old ttth
W.'i.l m t)i<- 11..'..' ch i'f Krooklvi?. ?M1
lhal VSSt ta-rilt<.i. erist ?>f Prospe? t
Psrli Ib iii* xafth Werd there wen
. ? ?. ? ?. .h gn butkMngs, snd the
Murk Of putting lip III SMIS was Cott'll
.in-liT WSJ", tli" total eont of 111?? n.nil'K t?-?i
: i- .-. * Hng H,?sM.W.
* -?laiM-e at the building table- f??r last
?. ,. ?? H Mhos ttu?t the -Mh Wurd wa?
Igh? -t in ti?? number snd eosl
of bulldlnga, the Mth Ward helng Hist.
\?iti? i t??t.?i <?.st ..f J4,..:;i.?>?'.. and the
w.iHi (..'??.nd. with .? east of H.?
\\?- C' t another ?tiKlo oT tilt? building
-t cngl ?sa dlsp**ayrd b) th?* _9th unr?i
-..r 1. . ..i-iji.i i ?nt; lbs t.'tnl OX?
? .' ? '..i building ?'i Ihe a srd srlth
loti i foi th? entire horongh. The
...ii total wsa a little more than
I ?'????. snd sa the tth Ward total
?a ... ?nearly ??.-'kx?.??*??. w.- ?see thst it"*
' total ?n? ??SMMsraat** ove* one
? ..- tho entire <borough tot.?i.
Tin* I.? t rear's ggurao fot- the ?Hfl
hi? much botter than for IMI snd ere
i-o?'sld?ralily high? r thun the llttnris for
i :??;..
It should be home in mind In Jii-dging
the prssent building svhie^*ein<mta ol ?flat?
bush that tho transition < f Plstbush from
,-. small ri.fl.l-nti.il c? litre Into ;i gresl
*?M'i.?-.-i?v.ik?. ?ip-to-.iat.? horn? sisa hu??
i,..t o-x-upt**d ?? serles ol hmg ?pifrtods, bul
??. n ; ? t-oinpiisbsd within a little over
f?ft???-ii ? --..rs
vi.i.ut tuent?, year* ago, or, to be more
v ? ? ?about IM, Plstbush wsa of "ins?-.
? .: for Its ?hesjses o ? pi lag big
of ground srhtrh wer? the hornet
ol man) w? h"**?wo persona but II srsa
,,... ii..i.?.i for it- ir-.i.-u ?.-ar-ims. in
?ii ,.. dsyi nstbush ass r*onsl l- red
?tomesrhsl remote from th? big retail
trs-de ??..i buslaees ?areas of Itreohlyn.
and ;: much further lourn? > to the centre
"i* ttrsdc and flnssc? ol i m Sen v..rk
it then ls<ek?d niativ municipal Improve
mi nti it had f?**sr miles *?f mod? rn
v. \., ?>?. h.? ?-t ?????? t s and ?public highway!
wore inostly ?lin thoroughfs-*-*s. Th?
lighting far-ilHIrs were not esteoslre and
?general atnMSphere of the ?region
that ..:' r. ?.i.-, suburban place, en?
tirely ?lif-tin.-t from ti.liguons city
tenitori? -
The cause? which ha\?? brought ab??nt
auch w?BBderfol. yel bo! unexpected.
changea In Kiatbusi? ar?- many Perhaps
the principal omea are the lmprov?*d tran
-t facilities, the Invasion of spsculstlve
dors i" S li?t an? esIM the f?'.d mh
nrhsS BT4MS ??f Long Island and th?* ere?
atlon ot Brooklyn and the other boroughs
into Ihe griater rity of NOW York.
KlstbUSb to-dav Is so close an re?
gard- tin??? spent in travelling to d.wn
loWn Sen York snd to the o-titrai p.-irts
of CJothoaa that It Is really the near? st
great hasse srea, with delightful subur
bSB .harms. pg*t gnat i t th- principa.]
?"aping and trad?- i ? titre?- of Manhattan.
I It i? Irtldeed at the xery threshold of old
I N'a ?* York. Its rapid transit facilities are
Stich that the district boasts of many
hundred thousand more residents than it
?lid twenty years ago
One psrl Of this b.-autiful horn?* r?-g|on
of Brooklyn is ?. rv?-d by th?- Brighton
Ru ach "1." lin? of th?- Krookh n Flapld
Tram II s- it? m. and through another part
run tram- of th?-- Culver and ?Sea Reach
UlMO. At tho present time the BStrems
Westerly part of the dlvtrict Is near the
Brooklyn termbiua of the Bubway at Flat?
trash sad Attsnttc sveansa when that
subway Is e\t?-ii<i?-?? easterly the very
hrrirt of the ?."feat riatf.ush BOC?M ?A ill
? pi? rood b) .'ti adequate BUbWsy route.
The duRi Bubwa: plans pr?vida for such
an f\t??ri_ioii
Th?* early settlers ?t Flatbush were
pr?>ud of Its rural charms, and there Is
ample evidence that they did nothing to
impair those niral graces. l__ter settlers
?t?? as zealous a? the pion?ers in this re
BPSCt. and this work of conserving the
country features of the district has been
well attended to o\er a long period of
\.?ar- And in spite of the vast iipbulld
IngS of the district Into a great??!- and
more closely settled home region, it will
ho many years before the district puts
off Its present delightful rural garb and
assumes one with entire city f'-ature?
Klatbuj-h has already passed through
? ? stag"?? of dev??!opment : Klrst, -"rom
a ..erics of little settlements with farm
lati-is adjoining into a place dotted with
? ? Hy huPt fram?? dwellings surrounded
With truck gardens, and now Into a hlgh
? lass suburban area, with farm lands a
thing of the past and with commodious
public schools and other city con
?eiiicnces, and with the brl?k apattment
house adorning well located sites hero
8-.?J there.
1'iotti m>w on It la likely that the apart
nur.t Louses -?111 be built In larger num?
bers each year, especially along the llner
of the main transit arteries of the dis?
The heat types of frame and brick one
and two family dwelling houses have n?'?n
h'l.lt in I'latbush, and I flriu'y think that
me may travel over this wi<le countrv
und not find a place with .such a splendid
?affray Of -ubstantlal suburban homes
In r?cent --ears th?? ?MMtBg c"??vth or
Plstbush has not been so rapid as It. tiic
years just following th<? ??pening of the
subway, which was Ju 1901. The ligures
tell this part of the ?tnry very plainly.
f?i?t. of ? 0'irij??. they do not tevi-al the rea
'?? tot tue slump. Thf cause was the
BnaiKtal depression which bhi'-kcn? d the
business hsrlson in i?:??. In ?^'-? IM houses
arore put up In Platbash at a ?<.st of *>_'.
'.S"?.*4j. in tots the eosl had i-eaehes
arhal ovsi the pXoOajstS mark, an?i
th?? aasahav of ?housea put up was ?tm. In !
'- ? the mark reached was n? ally JH.?l??i,
tft ti.?' total suaabef of balldtngs being !
. T an?l in 1!?I0. Which ?J?as the batiti'r i
hjilldlng >?-ar m th?? histoiy ?.t flatbush ;
?t-.? .ost ?an i: HI M."?. and the BUSBbei
e| buildings was 1.l"3. In IDU BbSUt $.;,- |
-? no?-- -p'lit in putting up HI Iniil'l
ings. Last ?er.r there ?as a .?ons<l<iabi?'
gain o\<r the 1*J',1 flguics ?.ml u,;? y, a.
there n?. question that the btsMtng
???Kiigi'.i win i.e better nan un anai 151:.
A the dividing lines of tl?<? old towns
?It I'lalbush and rtstlsnda a" l.a"H:
_-!";? HO??. tll''?e tWO se, tlOllH STO BOW
fjrtusll) ?m?-. Hence, to shew the ?btttM?
?nc growth of what is ????niinoiily C?lb-.l
1- ,??.? ? 1 th 1 ? 1 herewith give Hie ??nop.na?
tiva, building tables <?f the eM town or
flatbush (the ?th Ward) and of the old
t.?? ii of Flattatt?o ?and Cknarole (the ?'-?d
\t ?Al-di loi the loti t? M years.
l'ii? table Is h- follows:
?I! ?pa n
No. o?
V'?r bide*.
w mu? i ?on KD w mm?
Kettln <! N" <?f I.KlIin ?1
n?1 V< ;. r. i Idgl rOOi
1008.. 8*6 $l.?aZ7.000! 100.1.... IS? W27.M7
1!??4 MO '.' l?*A.443 i?.?<>4 157 S?S.T??
1008 :.?>7 2.000,040 in:. . m r.ix'j."?"
I0M l??l 4 .'?T.:.T-" ?POH ... ?Jnfi "11.140
1001 i it:? ?..r.???;.rj" wo'.... IW T."-?'?""
IPOH ,1,|?01 ft.ait.4lS 1*008.... !'?'-' 1,"?74i'?i
1800.. 1,-g) ?.. 4.".7.1ti?l 1!?"'.' ?>?" 1.???? '"'.*?
1810. ..1.40.1 1.\0ti.6Vi l'?l? MKI I.?'?!'?-?'?T?'?
1011... Iil<? 3 !h?0.?8fl1 1011.. . IS1 ?12.210
1012... ?7? 3.W4.S?5 1012. '?'?*?- I.2B?.O?
i "iilln.ir.l from ton ri I? pug?"
mie, from Avenus O io Avenue U. AU
II,?' lit!? r??? mains Will connect with It.
Complaint frai often beard, until ro
cently, ?if the-collection of large ?pooh cf
water, .?ft?r h??a\> rains, at Kins - High?
way an?l the ciosalitp of the Brighton
Baaefa ?Railroad. Tills ??mn island ;??.???
nue sew, i wi.i rriifxe those conditions
entirely. Work ?a.?, recently don? to of?
ford tempor?r) relief. Comml
?Pounds haj also obtained from the
Hoar?! of ?Estimate preliminar] authorisa?
tion !'???? it.nsti i? li-ui of on outlet
?jewel In Kast itth street it a*ill eat? nd !
from Kind's Highway to Avenu? i M i
is real IJ tiv key or ? ?ha111 .????? r to tli? j
King's Htghwaj section.
?'outra? ts ?hove been a?ar?l??.l for the
following Improvement!?, on some of u'hleh
t; ? contractors are noa norktng, snd <?n
all of v. ,i??!i work ? III I.n pl< t< d In
t!" nest three ?>i four months:
? i: . g., ?v and ? w. means Regulstlng,
grading, curbing and laying oldewa ?? |
Albany aven ??<?. Clarkaon avenue to
Lenox rnad. r . r . ? aim - \>
Avenue F, Qravesend avenue to Weal
street, r., ?-? . c. and - a
Area .:?? If, L'tl ? a vi nue lo Flat bu i
avenue, i i. ? an?! a w.
Avenue N, East 15th afreet to Con?
Island avenue, r., ?.?. ?? ??ml s w
Avenue T. Coney laland avenue to
?????.m Parkway, r.. p., ?? and a. w.
Avenue r. Kast ?7th ati-eei lo ? ?vean
parkway, ?nd Coney Island avenue t?> i
Ot-ean Parkway, osnltarj and aiorm ? ? ?-i
Meverly r<<a?l. Kaal 2d atreet t" ?lra\??
end avenue, r.. g ? an?! s a
Beverly rotxo, Nostrand evtnue to
Rogers avenue, t x., c. and s w.
Um? iklyn avenue, Avenue ?; to Avenue
I. r?a\<? i'w ltd ?asphalt
Canarale lane, Flatbuah avenue t< Ox?
ford avenue, aewer
Church avenue. ?Ocean Parkway t??
Graveaend avenue, r.? -, ? and ? ?
?'h-ir.!, avenue, N**w York avenue lo
Brooklyn avenue, pavement, aapbali
Coney island avenue, Avenue <i t?. Ave?
nue V, sanitary and storm eeweri
Coney Isl?n?! avenue. King* lllgl wsj
t?? Neptune avenue, r., ?., ? and ? ,v.
Corte)>'ou raed. Coney island avenue to i
Fiat bus h avenue, repave with axphali
IMtmss a\*?n?ie, ?Ocean l*arkuay to l'a-'
Tt!? Stiwet, r. f., c. and >v ts
Di tinas avenue, Ocean Parkway lo
I ?Coney iMan?! avenue, pave wi'h asphalt
Ras! _',? s"??' Oreen wood avenue lo
I Port Hamilton avenue, r., g., ? an?l - ia
I iCdSt 3d street, Albemarle r?>a?J to
I < 'huroh avf-n'ie. nom ei.
!Easl :'?1 str'-f-t, Beverly road to Cortel
you mad, pave with aspl all
Bast Tth streel Church avenue lo Bev?
trp road, r.. t;. r, and ? ?
Kasi ;?i? stri-ot. Church avenue to Bev?
i erly road vu ? \? Ith asphali
Enal Itn street. Beverly ioa?l lo Avenue
I ? ", l'a?, e v. -xh asphali
?F?uil Stli street, Dltmaa <j\?>rij'? t?? Itth
>? ? ?? ? ?ave ?? Ilii a?-]?i?a!t.
i:as? l?ih street, Avenue ?? to Klnga
! Hishway r., e . ? an?i ? r
?asi l3th street, A?.??nu?- K io Avenu*
J. aewer
fast lotit str???M. Avenue H t?i Avenue
.1. ? av- a Ith asphalt
?aal |7tl ?tn o! ?Vi enue ! to Ai ???n .?
K. pave \uth ?asphalt
j.i'st khu street Avenue K to Avenue
i., a? wer.
_asi . ?. ? reet, Vewklrk avenue to
i ooter -? enue, pa-, ?- -\ h | ai p a
y.-" ? .. i ? ?in t ? i ,i ,, road i??
? a?.ai - :?? lane !?:?? ? with ai ? .
East 2Sth street, Avenue l? ;?. Xewkirk
avenue, sewei
?ttnt >t?i su?-i. Clarendon ?Road to
Ca?ante i^ir.?-. pave with asphalt
I East ?,im street, Bnydei av>_aue to Til?
\ den avenue, pave ?.nti? asphalt
East .';-'?! atreet Bnydei avenue t?.
Church avenue, pave with asphalt.
East 32d street, Carragut Road t?. water?
works pave ?a ii h asphalt.
?East Mth street, L?bos R??a?i to Church
avenue, sewer
Bast ?.4tii street, ?Clarendon i:"*a?i to
Sewklrk avenue, aewei
i:??st "^)t!i street, ? larendon Road to
Xewkirk avenue, and In Xewkirk ?? nu<
from Ka?t ;:.tii .stir?-t t<> New York nv
sue, see ? r.
Cast .".?th street, Avenue i t<? Avenu? K,
East New ^'.tk avenue, Cttca avenue
t?. Pttkln avenue, r., ?-; . c and ? w.
i.iioor?? Place, ?Foster avenue t?? Karra
gut Road, and Kenmore Place, Poster
avenue t?> Avenue <'<. repave \?u?i aaphali
l"arra(;iit Road. Ocean avenue t<> Kenil
worth Place, pave arlfh ;? > ?., ? n 11.
Olenwood Road, Brookl>n ? venue to
K?st Nth street; m Esst ::7th streel from
Olenwood Road to a joint us tet-i north,
and in Bast Mth street, Olenwood K??a?l t?>
Parragut street, sew? i
I??nos itoad. East Mth streel t" Nee
Voi ;. avenue, sew? r
Lenox Road, East 04tli .street to \. ??.
York avenue, i . g., c :in?i a w. ami pav<
with aaphali
MalbOfH street, Now Votk Hvenue to I
Xostrand avenue, pay?- with asphalt.
Malbone street, N?tw Fork avenue <??
Brooklyn avenue, gra?_Ing.
Newklrk avenue, Nostrand avenue .<?
i-it ~ t .;<itii street, r. g., <? nn?i a. w.
Newklrk avenue, Nostrand avenue to
Baal ? 41 i stieet. pave with asphalt.
N'??v\kirk avenue, East tttli streel to
Brooklyn av??n?i?v and In Ftalph avenue,
from Avenue l> to watcworka, a?
New \ ork avenue, Bnyder avenue to
Beverly Rosd, sewei
?Oeesn avenue. Avenu?- I to Ixms Island
Railroad, and In Avenue I, from Ocean
avenue to Platbush avenue, sewer.
Hutiaixi u??ad, Nostrand svenue to
Ktnsaton avenue, r . f., ??? ^n'l s. ?
S ull I va a ctr??rt. N?)Btran?l avenue t??
Rocera avenue, aewer.
in? a avenue, Church avenue to i?mg
Island Railroad, pave with asphalt
tilden avenue, Roger? avenue to
Nostrand av?enue, pave with asphalt.
'Ii ( I.f-v.is II. Mu?. <'?.ni|?ati ' has l?-a*>',?l
Hie foUowIng: At Par R<><*kswsy. i.ouk I
Island fo ? f*r??i Mai I? s. ??ottag? In <res-j
cent str??ft. to M'?nry Llpschuta; toi John |
.1 HlKKlt'S, cotfai;.. .?> ??arltoii avfiHf?.
to Bichar?! HOS", for J0_t| Porber, <??ttaK"
on PrankHa avanut. to s. Charles iiirscii
befg for E. i'., ?'?.te?. Edinburgh <ot
t?K?. on Pranklln avenue^ t<> R03 Ppote*
m Cedarhursl. l<ong Istand, i??r Mar\ .1
Connolly, eottsgo m C?dai hurst ?avenus
lo Mr? Haunah Eeksttln.
Four Solid Blocks of Stores in
Kings Highway Section.
B.v *?M?IHe .1 Iran. f. President of Ihe
Klag* iiiriiuni iinard of Trade.
The growth of the kini;'. Highway aec
ii'.n \ v ; t 1111 ) rece?? yean has been most
mi i?i. w inn i ?..ni t.. |l%-e there about
eight yea i ago there wen.'?:? three
sturea on the highway, une ^.?s a butch?
er and grocer) combined, the ottier .?
real ???tat?' ami decoration atore, and tbe
iiii.?i a drug atore.
There ??r.? non four blocks of buotneoi
buildings In Kings Highway from the
Brighton Beach l". io\.? t. ? i line i.? Coney
President of the Kings Hiqhway Board
of Trade.
Island avenue The* are I . ?
Th ? t busln< sa d? ? ; ???? ? ? ? r?-**- ; - up?
growth of the ? ntlro dloti I? i
Our greatest problem ha not been
i] . ?k?? s?, ma i ? ? ? ?f the
froster ?it>, bul the need ??f o modem
m wei sj stem Thai prob ? m a III hot
bothei itiii?'h long? ks to laett is
li. Poun Is. ? on i of Pub .? \?. oi K*
of the ?Bore igh of Brooklj n Tl ?? ort ? ??
In ?Selling thai adeq late -????? ? m is
nom ? ell wn?i. i a.? ? enti.. ?
hi.s?. ii man) sections, ....?! almllai s enei
iir?- Ilk? ;> to be enact? <i ?soon In oi ei
i'h developing part- of the dlstrtcta
Homeseekers should not forget In ? '
Dink th? ?i?- -t."ii ???? hen to live thai r n
bush can i?? ? isll) rrached from all parts
of th" ?-if da) and night and thai II
? ov.? ??f ti,?? i,i?.si healthful and entran?
placea foi a permanent i.ie in the Kr?.?i
er ?i!> N?. "i^ will make .? mistake if i
ti?, j ron ?? t.. live In i Istbush Natun
: ! think ihe Klugi Hlghwa; ? I on ?? the
' ht t t-ia? e to !??? at.? in i ..'ibu h
i 'i i ?? i:i Igl ton i ?? w ? ? oik ??' ihe ,
great art? ? f trav? ' lo and fi oi
?district la i foui ira? : ? ad In ihe ' ..?
-..?.. ? V: . |tl< Ibl? I
I co lid i?? ? '? led ? ? iwai i from Pr<
i j.? ??! Park " a to ?< a lennlnu
? Manh man \\ ? ? ?.??,?. ? ? i o ha? ? In s ? ?
I yesrs espr? ? raina ? inning *?? and fro
I Manhattan all da
I ..?.. i the entire Hi ?
? Una- fami: !,".?? s ?? ? Hie i oputar I j pe
? : - n ucture* m v ? Kings I lig
n ji?tur?
; lion. I'.t Ick Itathou ave ?? ? ? ntl )>? en
i ; niabl: ? ?.' ? i? ? In the ne? lion The
. ?uecesa of th? ? I ulldlng ventui? -
? likH) toestim .??i? ??' ?-i build? m lo i*
i . ,?.]!?'? i?lf m Itlcd ? ' nti ; vi ? ??' < ?o
; mi, streel, near Klna 11 ?? ? en
are four Hire? atprj hi Rath?
Th? King* Hlgl .i Board ??: 1
:. ',,,. ii .???. i ..:gsnlzal Ion :i a lili Ii
,..;, meet, dia i ? the ne? : ?
ro-operan ui ti\<
resulta II isk? Ihe pis? ? ??' I ie ?uld
.\. ?? England lowi meei Ing.
i < ? ir ?lisiri. t ?velfar? committee
??Sger t.. I? -, m tl -i?> ? I ft? i.I llielr
[districts: oui aorl Ing con inliteet land
; read) t.. beal? gi I ?r? igl ind ?In ?I? i
menta l< r Ilu n Ih : ?rnlch ih? bo ird
vocat? -
\\ .? HI v .? ?,. :. ? - ?.?
oi the Bi Igl ton B? acl Hal road
i . offl ' I.-??: ?i
| , (Id? ?.???'? M lit? !" I" I U
, -, i? ?? preaid? m . VlHtan ?> Ha ?
ond i -"presi.; I-?-a I - i'lirisii?:n.
ne r< isr) ?'"' " ,; "* 'an ? m?a?
?.?..?it;'- A Marshall rtnan? ecretai
Kxe? '.ir ?? ? tniin'lee \?. Illlatii I: Bay?
chairman, and Oben i.harl? \
I?>onard J i'-> ?? i oldi I? eph ?? M? i ?
roll, ? :? "iK' i' ' rlatie, Predi riel
Jahn end Manfr? ?i Ito? k< fell? i.
Yet These Modern Houses Har?
monize with One Another.
By H. Frederick H.H.
\\. 1.? Ikv? : ' ?' ?*?'? l?s n
a i n ? . j In ???ir '?? mmui ? ? <i? relopm' ni
ai Nottingham Read, Ptatbusl u I
Atta la Ihe fsd Hail we va re midi
section :m attrsctl ? ??v.; i,run Ilk.?
\t the out ???? w< ? " un ?i a isrg? ".-. i
</ csrefutl) restricted proper!) an.? he?
llding vi r beautifl? ?t the irround
artistic .. ij.i ai
Ings by ? m ? Ing
trartiv? trtatmeni
la urns.
in building we i??.? .,??? ; r ,,.I: idered
the relationship? of ?>n? house i,, gnothei
snd Hi" K'H'iit i- thai ?. i I!? each : oui ? la
distinctly' in m- -ii ??. ?iv ?? i oia neigh
borhod !?i''-?'iii? in han n ??? ? an i plct
ureaque harmon; lhai Is In itriklng con
i?ast t?. ?itii? i ? actions ?? v? ?.? |>||||.|< r
heve ?ected houses althoul anj regard
for the appearanc? a'?.i theii ?peraiion
vas ?umplet'?d
',\> have found a greal demand for
hf.nsfs rentatnlng few, bul good i/.???i.
rooms Imtci homelike living rooms, ?tin
rrai open tir??i !.???< ? lining i""ins tith
rtrrakfaSi porcliea, b? h.t aish sleep
ihk porches Iheae an?i ptany othei unique
fi-a?urrs ms found In ordlnsr) hous?M ap?
pesl lo people ?f good last? m?i |udg?
Th?? fad that the M ?id wood Aawtctates
d?r?velopmenl 1? only Ihlrtj lwo minutes
from pnrk K<.\. via Ihe Brighton Beach
" -pen air'" subsray and t. n minutes t<>
the <"-"h>i. ?.?iin a rive?cenl far?? .iihor
way. and .? station i?.- 11 ?, ? ? n?/< min?
ut?e' walk from ti?- property, makes It
eaMclall) ?Jeslrable ?.. -.i?.? moderate?
saiari??! nan ?who ?annot sfford to spend
? long va?ation in the country or at the
??faslior?-, jet ?irlobea to enj? y a luth- of
both. i
One of the Best Residential De
velopments Ever Planned.
Kings l.a'.M: is une of tie fin.'?s? tea! c.
late developments in the greater oiiy.
comprima a trscl Of five <t> reu all iat?'?l ;
t?.? Inter. .? !i..ii ..f a?enne ?,? and th" car
side of ? '.. ?tu Fa i. ?.?..?<. Brot kl) n.
TI '? i ran poi tatr.-n l?. and Ifom I h
i roperl I b; the Brighton Beach el?
? it? i line or the Smith street tro i. ? t
?Kinn Highwa*, from either line it w oni
a fow minutes1 walk, and only tlilrty -tlv
mlnut?es from Park Row.
The section which Is known a.i th
Kings lllghwsy aecthm la almost s..imi:
built "P. and one will tin?) every conven
lanes there ?rhlch is t.? be had In the eit:
p?"',' ; The new snnes of Erasmus liai
lli_-!i BclWOl im nnlv three blocks BWaj
():?? ?-ai.ia? .an be aald of the new flre
. Nun hes ? f aoveral ?i? nontlnatlone
? It'bs, rho| ? snd m.irk?'t?--, all of which ar?
..f tlie l'-rt.r . .?? -, ;ir?' !.. -, ??*?! t here
The at reel a-<- an !a!?i obi Curbs an.
ilka ! h e i" ? n bull! >sc<->ordlng ??
?. ii Hoi Btrei la are thorough!*
and ' i rit'i' i s t'.i fir ? hydrant?
and the lit** -? underground electric ser<
\ i? ? ?. i? ? n Installed
One "! Ihe Importan) f?mures In th?
la? in?: oui "? King l?t.n Is ihe private
rib ".i.iw.i- thst runs through the
??entre . ? ? blocks, a re.line t:..t in be
? i ? and of i;re?,t 1 r a : r ? na: i ??
? ? ? ? ? - 11 "i ?i i ss n? rs, as II
?... '-..!.? t;.e
? r i" Ible foi everj
I r..|?. rl "-.? i ? r I?, ha ? I ?,".'R< It
1 ill ?I? ll\ ??! l??M a, 111 |...
? ..
Wliei mpleted K l__wi t i
? ?. ? ? ? ? : ,i
o ?i an '
? i svi ?sircad? besi b?i It, of
? elg ?? ? ? ; ' ? .? treel and
racing ? ?? ? -?n l'ai ??? ?< ai r ? ? ? ? ?? i
ready for ? and the row of
?,..?, ? . ? Ith stre? t is finir. !
?....- ? ? : . ? ? rlmi ? .
... v . done during M ? sin
_ r? ?id' for the r-|.ring
mark? ?
,;. ? '.Is entlrel)
ntsii ??? '?????
,,?,., ? . ? His 1 li'ling trad? ol
? ng i ? rtalnlng w f ??? j
. i, ,tnr?' hsa be? n ellmtnst? ?l.
Dreams of the Founders of
Manhattan Terrace Realized.
The pioneers of Manhattan T??i tUCU that
is t" say, ho.--?* who have lived there ten
years or so are not even >rt I"'''' a"''
to aicu-tom themsslvsa to the present i?
sHsstion ?if their dreams, in their early
da;, s Ihev nil BCTOM t'.ts an-1 flagged I
Brighton Bescfa train, tnnslstlng of :i
couple of cara ?and a dinky little loeesBS
tiv??. runtime on ?? half-hour s.lie.lul".
Avenue .1 ended In ?'? c.il-de-s;??- Bl the
railroad, while Bast H?h :""' ,:>' ,nt*r"
reaiag street?, to ?Ocean avenue, slthough
curbed and Osutaa?, i""'?"1 '"ry hU:ik
and barran with their rows of baby trees
lust ?o? <?f the nursery, ?reel light*
there were noue, esccpt h few on Avenue !
.t. water malna were slos In eonrdng, snd
th?. nesresl stores were ? mile sway. ?? I
ira-utred courage for the h?*lf-4o*en id*-**;?
?.?.or--- to live so far ool In the "country.
: Bui th??y knes the.? were on the hlgbcsl
pari "r ?flatbush, thai the water was i s- |
.eptlonalh pure and thsl the nStUIS Ol j
the sol! insured health. The? were In the
path "f the city's growth and they had
only to wait.
But Hi" district did not attain IM I'" ?*
e?t ettracttve growth Itself. There were
men back of It ni. n with large kless;
?purposeful men, with brslns and courage- |
?Officially th?j bis kii-.wn ? the Ascutney
Realty Company. If you ask an-.Iy|
who builds theae bouses the) will telll
you, the Aacutne* iThey used t" ssy
"Hunton and cutting." ??efore Ueorge F. j
Hunte? retired ? Then '"'? "i.?y B A, '
?What kin.l Of bOU8e does the ASCUtlK v
pul UP?" and thej All: answer. In .? t?.i?? - j
that admits <?f no dispute, "'Mi-h-ii.
11-l-ne!" It w.uld be equivalent to lez'??
Sscrstsry of the Ascutney Realty
h .. ?? ?t | to ? . ? ." ? tali ? .iff' rani it
?.??ii?. i. .n ;??.?..1 pride
s?ii, 11 ? ' ?. ? t ?. ? : K pi esidenl and Qt '?rg?
!i Oeg.i. secretsrj ol trie Ascutnej
Beslt) Company, csme t?? Brooklyn from
Sun Hsmpshlre m "-?i with limited ??;?.
tal. h il a ilriorough knowl? dg? ?.f tits
bullding busliM ? ????! iri.ni tin-- modes!
beginning they bava grown to on.
the Isrgest i.rodmers of higli-gra?l?>
tachad dwfilinf?s m i'latbtish. Ttuy I
recently broken ground for their el
"th hou.s??. At present they are com?
ing hSIISei Si tbS rate o? ?hip every
teen working dsys That <i????s root ti
that they build ? house In fifteen d
but that the present demand for t
houses n.??'eMsitat<?s their beginning
n?-w ImusfO ? month, so that they I
them arriving at completion at that tl
.Mr. ?'iittinii is architect for the c
psny, an?i Mr. Oagood la ever present \
the construction. Overhee?I chsrges,
tiane of mi many hurga concerns, an:
duced to a minimum, and ail details
celve the minuto persotisl attention t
has, perhspo moro than anything e
k'i\??n their houses th.?ir high reputst
Bul aboso all Is.their sound Snsnring.
tli?:M ?la; s they have ample espltsl :
have long slnee discarded building l??a
Th"y have all th?' c<piIpment n.SSaT)
??any ?m a largo bualness with the i<
?possible friction snd wsste. Routine
systematlsed t?? the poinl Just s?? far
gystefn Is useful, bul stops g here ojrsl
becomes red tape, snd common se
rules throughout
Flatbush Answers to That D
scription, Says an Expert.
By Ward B. Rulon. manager of 1
Flatbush office of John F. James _ So
What la SeklWWledged M the best :
??urity for the none*) losner most ??.
tainiy la the best ?esurity for the mon
owner, snd Ih? fsd that ssvings haul
trust .-^ and < ustodlsns charged by law
<e\, .-t Hi" best security i'??i thrir Aduc?a
funds s??i? <?? reel estate should be as s
sufficient ?reason for the capitalist . po
iii.'ii. ?.id m. ii and )oung men, to ?si
careful and thoughtful considers?on
th" various opportunities now afforded
the suburbs of this, the ?greatest city
the world
M.? not I'nK for ouch n bargain as <?
Peter Minuit struck when ha bougl
Manhattan IslSttd f??r I'l worth of trii
ket?. Porget Astor, Randall, <.'o?l?t ar
.lohn M. Blxby, win?, when he was praet
Catty not worth a dollar, kM\e his i,?it?? !'?
Iliv? in psyment for a farm at Nth str???
?and Fifth avenue ami ?ii"?i worth mil
Qet Acquslnted with ?Orester New Tor
To n- population Neu v??rk is a?idin
OVI : 100 '" 0 I ereOU - ? v ? i ? ?. "ar.
Th" railroad builders are winking ?la
and night; tunnels and great bridges sr
bringing th? iiburba within a few mIn
ut? > >>r ? 'it'. Hall ' louseo sis spro itln
(where onl) ?? yeer ago the farmer tolled
as if ho?; ?? :-"? i had i ? < ?? sows broadcssl
th.? to,. t .. i., in? chopi ???! dont? o
i?i]iti??<l up. an?! tli" new population i
m ikii ( i- If a hoihc
Ptatbush, .?n '?!?i i' it? los v. ?settled bj
.? ?-? from Holi.iv?! ii. :? ?t, : ? ? It]
It- ?I? Is] ?I ?I? I ?loptinnt. ?lu?
lo the fact that descendants <?f th" oh
Holland settlers held va ??? ronges Intaol
? Ithln fn- ...-t?.. . ars, ha - i ??!?
: ., - .i resid? ntlal .?? lion im ?i ???::? d
in ,'ii\ part of tii.iiitr> .
illdei - ??? v ??? rlopen of Ptatbush
have created the suburb beautiful Ai ti
t,. i.otn. s. in.? Lawns, ?flowered parkways,
. \ . ',.??,! .?.? h? ???.-. ch ??
The transportal on fertllttef are <?f th?
? r-t, th.? chief alt. ?. ol ' r ??'
being the Brighton Beach Elevated lin".
traini i ? ? fee minutes ?day uti.t
? | within thirty-five minutes of Park
Row snd ? live-cent fare; five direct uol
? ???;? ?Ctlon also.
Sea aubsrsy eonnectloi i will bring
Plstbush within flfteen minutes >?f ?City
liai:, aid th.? Long (stand Railroad will
run electric tra?na t?> th? ?great Pennsyl?
, vsnta )<i i ??t. -i' W ?esl 33d street
Young Builder's Novel Plan for
Prospective Buyer.
Edward T. PW"kln.son. president of th?
Difklnson Construction ?'ompany atm
..riKlnator of the now famous ?"nilnlatur?.
in.kinson mansion--," poaslMy one of th?.
best known builder?? of Urs, kind of arch).
tcctiire In Brooklyn, reports a conat_nt
?lemand for tktS kino' of ?houses, mUl,
t-o ?row than at the siatt of tils ??pcrati'.'n
.some few years ago.
II-|m young man. ?-.ho, by the ?nay, \.
null In his early thlrti.s, nas mad?? a rep?
utation for himself for the manner j?,
which lie ???instruits Ms buildings, M_|
original In almost every Idea, alwig?
?seeking new .schemes to lm?prove lit?
He started operation'- In I'latbusi,?jssjj
twelve rears ago, ami has prs?etl?*stly f.r
the la t eight .?ear- operated esdurtieaj
In Manhattan T?errace, bull-ling ap th.
major i?>ni"ti of the Bectlon, though n?
: ?ai from time to th."p-wated In other
sections, but n?tver sbsndonlng this se?;.
lion, nnd bo states he ''?ill not until h*.
?a- made II th" BOSt up-to-dat. reS?.rv?M
handsome bouse section of Hrooklyn.
He comes from a family Of builders, lil,
father being a lar?,?? operator in Detroit,
WlMTS he op?rat?d himself quite ??onsid?
crabiy. and his brothera hsru bolH hgsMi
of ? sim-.ir.t nature to Mr. Mckinson'aksl
In other ?' ti ns of eTokmxeeh, one brother
now baring aoeae eight houses in cours?
of r*onst?ructlon?
gpesklng of his tsjceeaa yesterday, Mr.
Dicklnaon said:
?When it WM dull I felt that I must ?*t
busy and build a house that WO?M ap?
peal to the average man with a small
ani'iunt of capital, as well ns the man
?-?In? has plenty of money and wants the
?best, but docs not want an InSBStt
bouse With too many rooms, and In thin
mannet I got the Idea of erecting minia?
ture mansions.
?To ?give a fair idea of what jam fit
when von buy a 'Db-klnsou mlnlatur?
matston' house, Jus! ?pktoe yourself look
lag over ? ?booh eontalatng two h**a*M
dtfferenl kind?- of noises, fron, the Italian
lypo to the M'iorl-h typ? ,,r the ""* Kn**lli!i
type, with small mode!? ?llllSfSBJ th*?
?bouses arbsn unnpsatrd and it would fee?
nllder the average i erson aa to which on?
,,, |.? k r. h it la mad- easy by MM?
the prospective buyer if ?''?? would be
right ?and so on, until he has your Idea.
both a? to msosy atr-i a- tectsrs, an?!
giving hint a -dutch In colon of
what Ihe house is to look like "
Mrs Janet ?DWrtnaon, his arlfe, ?aaaaaH
quite an artist, coaalng from a family of
both French and Italian ?viactiOP.h.rllX
al ?Bg the ?purchaser, - the blen?l
,.,- , 01 i x at color and I i
red II ?sill hare on the ho is? fair thing
H might be Justlj asid that tin
! Dickinson i 'onetre tloi I eoessj
among ll i main advla? ? of em.
?lderable ai llity. th?sugh ?? rer r fwagg
(me of ih" Un??* tun * .rr"
s.-ar< In Ohxeeptlieo? Bai a
i, cklnson C-saetru I ?"? rompasy. a
.. thM home of J. Itis-n Tuckei
dent of the Bheepsh? id ?So; llosid of
Trade, , ...
Mr I? ckh M been a
? ttl? msnskM a" In 8
Klngi Hig ' ' ? ? :<
-- ii not llkelj iltatfb?
tempting terma. thou-j '
matters, the tetnptallo mlghl be tee
Btl t % to I' slst
Flatbush, with Eta Unusual
Transportation Facilities. Is
Brooklyn's Finest Residential
Many Opportunities Arc Now
Offered in Flatbush to Home
seekers and Investors.
The Ncwe.it and Finest Apartment ?in Biooklyn.
Large, Light, Airy Rooms and Very Homelike.
**J*?Lm S< *n ? Onsn'i
?list? 1 m
I* ??|f?$ 5W ' -* ,
Brighton Beach "L"
to Beverly Road,
l?fj| Flatbush Avenue,
i~ I Church Avenue
Rtid Avenue
Tiolley Lines.
' ? ***Fl*f?>*4pr ~ i*W*ii*ZZ-.h _t\ta*n*m*~mi- W L 1
rail it [ -y: S 3E _iE:?_?LUf5r^.'1l I
i* i?tj to_-_>:3_3_?^^
Ihr?? four und II?' room* ami hull?. and ?I? r.-..i?i? ami lu. Inilu
Onr im* lOt'g tUltt <>n fri.iinil flou?. ?<?.rii room?. I.ulli :tn?l pettOtO iMo tUAnUt*?
A $10,000 Italian garden, with pergolas, fountain, shrubbery and flowers
will be a novel and delightful attraction.
, ,. | palatial ? ? ? r ??? A ...
. ,. . ? ? ?i ?'??"i '"? ? - i l ?? '
,.' ... ? ? ' ? ? '.. v ? im r|l< m ? il? n ' ?
_ ?,l, I ... .. .? . , i ? . ,,. ? ,.,,,,1, , ii .,,, .. - pial .i ? in ub
.,, . qulpp? i ? I ihi .'.'i - ?
..... ,,,,,. -. iran?*?*? ind asnttsr? i rt?ot? aulti I rli ? i?.n ? ?n? ??? ? ,.
, ,. ,,, ? ni i.??? i? i ??i?ii ?mi? . ? i ? -?? . ? ? ?I gai lsh< i.i?*l Noon and ?
il, ni The l.ull.lln? la .ilppml ivlth ? Ian ??????? I? ?a ? Ie? ' rt< ?'
HvnSante, da* in?) i,.? ,\ camp t??ni an?) exp ?'??- -.i
nl |? on Un irai *?e a? all limes to attend to th* con.? ? of th tenant!
,,., ? ,. ? ...,1,1.1.? furnlnlii-il i. 1 Ijoxraet ? ?'?? Il ?90 ? foi nspactluii
,.,,,,, ?. i, ?, |t in I" P M , Including BlinUair.
\?. Pl.t ?>\ PRKMI-4KM.
Read! Inspect! Act Quick!
$1750 Under Value!
Ideal mod*? hnmi?: beautiful In.allon; hlrlil' re?Irtrleri ?ei-linn; N tUoi ?treel:
| khnrl l.l.vk? llrlclilnn Rrarh M?inwa> I. ??tution; highe?! ?Itltndr in I lnlhn?h. IS
rennte ?? bethroenu ?Mr.. larator- satt lelld steata teal sai and ?ieetrl? Msht;
,,.,,,|,)... Heers throimlniiii. ?" wIwIom? and OStsMs door* nielul nrallier ?.tripped;
all window? and porrh cqiilppe?! wllh arreen? and aunlnjc?; ;, reeias OS Iret l!??"'
i .?? raetna deepl ? large ehaeth ra attJ bathreees on aeeend Boer. Large Mlllurd
r....m Ri?, -i root. mottet reeai, bsthreein ?sad stem reetn m third nom ??ni, and
?nimifi Irina snd parquai floor?? iliiwglieiil Kitchen, pastry, refrtssrater reeia, ??'??
nil envorei with Useless?, nisi? cellar (stese rasas'atipas sad i""? ??"?! plaster pel
titionn with t.o|l?-r room. ] Inrg? i?t.?r.? roOSM, laiimlrv ? | tub? MP,| , ?a| r(Mge) SBd
teilet: lar?? raters perch, Bar. srlel and etatsed slosa eladeers; spen ?repla?a; deubli
Shades; tasty and OSpsasiV* do.-oration?, new ?rid fi ? -hi, m?i?l?rnlf price : open-, tarant;
?ho?n da> or evening; ?rand location and opening for phi ??It-Inn or dentlal. Apply
OWNER n?1" Srease I, esmor Bas! i?'i? H Tolepaeae MMwoed MT2
i .,?!?. .1'. Improvi re
_ mm* h. re ? mi?
7 lars? 'ikh? ?n? nil- rsoisi
quel Iteoi - ? ? l|tw ?'
PRICE $5,750, $1,000 CASH
>_^^H|?_,t 15th ?i
ut m. it? an? heal c ? 1 1 it. r*r~
? .-- ?? ? Pai ? !; ,w ?
iicrm An and Sn I?
JOHN S. DAHL, Owner and Builder? J
Real Bungalow Homes
16 Sold, Only 4 Lcit
Bfr'~? *?\Ml
M, tUOUtt ??,. bath. SISSSS hSSt. ?H ????" de? .n.?ro?r?.rutr,. Hut. I? diu.u, room, ktunt
?'??tllllS? ?Irr.iruliMl thri.ti_li? ill.
Price $4500, $500 Cash, $30 Monthly or Terms 10 an?
.,.?.?..? .,. A.?.. __ .'."? .?..'???" "- "?'"-" *?"?? "",'"
i.n.l N.i.lrmi.l ?He. ? *r? lOSfSteSt lo properl.?. *P*m '?"
C. MOGLNSLN, Owner and Builder
On Premises or 133S New York Ave. Phone 602 J, Hatbusw
|-.....'t- hall upper ostdsof ?:r?i>iiin porch
parquet Bo**rs sad hards ??>?i ? ? "i1 ' heos ?houi ?
in...?.? ?i?...lirii In . vrr\ ??) CSA he l.uuglit .it
S I'll ? K.i In ?Ml ? I1HV '??! I"?
.Ill Brd'ord Avenue. Brooklro? 1
It .Kl ?.A IN!-? '<' Kulinml ?esd.seei P ******
Fork l-" si.,ii?.n. i v'?f ?">' f*"*"*5
..... . _. . . ... . ... r?...,.. ?-?th. f
llnnslani ?sad hrltk ?hossi! i- ?roassa **
tnil??t!>. lauii.lt? pint?, fiini'i"' I"'?' ?
|nipr.>\??ii?rt?t ?lumro t oonrll- . IISS ^''*',
AM'., Br???>kljll.

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