OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, April 06, 1913, Image 10

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1913-04-06/ed-1/seq-10/

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-VrtPJPork ?rtbimr.
?. IMS.
0-S-M4 sad pul : -, Th. Ti mtion. a
g ' 1 i - " Raid, i'i
Jam? ? vi. Barre! t, Treai ire?
IMI i-.. Ne IM N
RIPTION l: Mal?. 1
Orcatar Ni ] ? - \
i'.i.'v ..?ni B?md?:, 1 mo..* :.".:>,. only. S
ind ?und? . S m??.? 4 ::. rjaiiv only, i yeai ? SO?
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pally i iry. i rasarth I y?ar...... S.*M
? "".h . SI ?"-". DAILY AM i H'MMl
U .-? 4?' .n ? i lonth . P1.0?
Kl'NDAY ?'N?A': On? year .. .|?u.*aS
'?'? tf? DAILY ONLT:
. 8.1' ?>.-.. roontn .:>i?
i'Ml.Y ONLT: .Leu
. ia.28 One month ., .SO
' 'i \. .?i . 4 .'.*
il n. ?York is Second ? last Mail
v -
Court Checks Paterson's Lawless
Imitation of Lawrence.
p.v releasing Haywood. the i W. W. leader, Judge
.Mimuni. in Paier-i.n. yesterday ?ii?i s real service
tu the csnss ol Isa and order.
We sa} this ?i, >|iito of lin* reckless character '?:
ihi* agitator and In -pit?* of ill?- fset thai t 11 * * public
would I??' relieved t<? see him In Jail it an** jual
<au*e existed for puttiug him there. Judge SJtnturn
held tit.it Haywood had committed no crime. This
?va- ?o plain thai hi*, c.ililiiieiuclit WOtlld have
siaini'?*<l ih * local government In Fatersou and the
?-..?iit'i*- then* as mere agencies of the mill owners
1er the suppreiwion of strike?.
tlaywood was leaving Pstereon, followed bj n
crowd of striken snd their syni|?athizer**, for th?*
?urp"?i' of bokilng n meeting i?: i town which was
willing to permit the holding of one, when be was
srrested for dteorderlj conduct and for causing an
unlawful ttaseniblage. The charge <.f disorder..*
rondtk-t eonristed in the allegatlun thai lite folio?
i"? s,, blocked Ihe Ktreel thai |i;i^its'). iinidentl
tic?!, were forced off the sidewalk lulu Ihe ruada ly,
aiiti ihe unlawful a?*seniblage ronsteted In the gutli
??liiiu .': *-! rik -r- peaceably following him l" a iteurl?,
l'.wii where i ii? > ?-'?u.?I eujuj Iheir ct?ii*?tllutl
ri xhts "i free -i.Ii.
i : ih?. riiar***?*! thus brought Haywood recivcl
: p.i-i'i'?ici'i.i'?lv !.?ii_* ? t ntt-iH-e and va? held III ah
siiiiii.v high ii.iil bj s local magistrate u|?|*olntt*d b*
a board wh?>.-e moat Intluentiai member was u mill
??w ner. If ii"' personaII*. Interested at least beluiu;
Ing to the class Interest?***] In suppressing the strike.
lh???. (?irciiiiistaiic ? make u flagran! ease of Ihe
misiisi* of tin* |ii>.cc??e? .u justice i" nerve personal1
or rlass ends. The le?on- "f l.avvivin p. Ihe u**--???i
of ?Little 1 alN. were wasted upon the autborltle?? In
|*ater**on. It i- no wonder that the Industrial
Worker- of the World had moving picture? taken
..r I lay wood* h appearance yesterdoj before Judge
Minium The oflk'lste <?l Pater?.?ii had furnished
them vviih ihe meant! of making man} convert?)
amuiig the Ignuranl furelgnen? ? ? 111 j ? 1 < >>. *< 1 In the lower
puiil Industrie? <d' the countrj.
n ?s uni* h.v perfect Justice thai agitator? like
Haywood can be deprived of their n???*?i effective
argumentK When workmen feel hiiv thai they can
count u? "ti i fair deal fjrom tin*- authorities and
from the courts, Incitements t?? violence lose ball
their force. l'ungling huai authorities who s? i
n* If they were In the employ of the local capita]
Ists cost their communities snd the countrj at large
dear In the sdveriisMnent and Ihe Impetus they have
?given to this Americsn syndicslisl DitTvement.
It i*? time that local mill owner government? ?.'"t
The Dependent Militants.
Even tli?* mofl? rampsgeons ???' the militant ku?
f*ragettes confes-i that mere men an- after all esw n
?l-il to ih?- progresa of their campaign; not merely at
th?- devoted objects of their assaulting and p..ten
tially lethal attentions, bill BUM ns tlwir aide;- : ml
abettors. A few ?lays ?il'<? they were employing
masculine "i?ouii?-ers" !?? protect them In ti?'ir vocal
agitation of the ntt**>ogphere. Son they are said to
Ih- engaging male "h"??'i?:ans" t<?.)?. all sorti of ?'..la
of destroctive \ lolence.
This is i-easonable. it ihe alliance with men i* to
!><? defensive, it maj logically be ??i-<> offensiv?'.
Moreover, there Is 8brewdn?*?i In the iiiovc, foi men
?ire now lar less under police Suspicion ami BUrvell
'ame than women are. BSd therefore enjoy grog ?-r
I'recii.'iii of ?ipi'ortuniiy M- deviltry.
P.ut suppose these m**n get csught, whst then?
Will they be perinitted t?? fs. ??nt of Jsll <m hunger
*-trik?*s'.- Will the emtaattled sedfragettes ''make for
reprisals, and see i?? it that some ?me Buffers" even
sis these helpful tuen ?H'?' suffcriii*-:'.' Surely the viim
should thus protect the <?ak !?? which it clings!
Two Congresses.
President Wilson will to-**ootrow bsve < ??n^i??-.*
ou his bsivdx, sud t?tere ?re those who fear that la
may find ?i something lik?* the proverbial "team ??i
wild h"r-i*s" of iii^ laal Democrati?- predet-easor.
.1 bait ornt i: !
Hut the nest daj E*rosideiit ?usn will ateo have g
?.ollere?? on his liaiKls. with not merely 06 but
Sboilt .'!???? ineiiihers in th<> upper OOUse, ami led a
?mggariy ?133 bul more than fJOO jn tin- lower! Tslk
?!l"C|t g team of Wild 009*068. H I- ;l whole cavsl?
cul?', a legion of <|U?'iii'-niniH*<l i*?'iilaiii's. with which
be Csthsysn Chief Msgtetrsts has t?. deal.
what more fitting than thsl at tin- Congressional
coiijiim ture the Pn'-itlt'iit of the tdtler ami small?*!
republic should sen?l recociiition and greetings
either congratulatory or eoinlolent to him of Mm*
younger hut larger? There is the a*tXOngest of bonds
Of Hympnthy between them. I.a?'h ha- ?troubles "I
Lin own.
The Great Tea Crusade.
Th?* ?tetter of Mary tiood?- t?? our absolutely pore
Mayor shows that this Is Indeed ? time f?or sll
?o<m1 men t?> come i<? Ihe from and light the sge
old battle of righteoii-ii'-s. shoulder t., should??*,
??tc. ?I?'.
This vornan actually has the lmpOdet*rCe i?? throw
th?- Major's pssl re?ord in his face ?u?i at the
present crncisl moment. Hen* be is grappling in i
1?-rri!i< ?loath .-ini'.'i.'le with the I>em..n Tea. The
"jaiMI li'?*inbl<s in the lialance. And we are l<?l?l
Hint In* ha- not siip|ir<*ss.Ki grail in (he Police
I ?eparliiH'til. thSt th?- gSmhlSTS are happy, thai vice
v.a^ never heller pro!e?l??fl. and other SOch rubbish.
\- if iiu'-e detail- cotiiii obscure the ^\f.i\ ctrntrsl
issu?* of T?ps!
ii I? a time for plain spesklng. Ev??rj one wul
Sdtnira Hi?* li^oiniis t?iiiservai?-m wbk'fa leil the
Ma.xor to ?bsi-rilii* the ?luining lea- as "ISSClviOUS
o-rgtea.*' i?ni we think in ih?* work that lies beyond
no such false ?lelicacy e.'ili ?thtain.
After th? Orgisg ??t tin* li'ii tnitt?*ries are sup
pressed th?*re waits Inevitably for attaek the tfis-(
gusting saturnalia of those a*|p sal corn from ttie
[ cob and asparagus with 11 ? ? - Dogen in our best
i restaurants. The sinister revela "i' the peculiar cull
.which ouce attained a high proficiency in eating
! peas with a knife are no! as frequently seen as on?*e.
; Bui they should nol be aoffered to escape. And bow
I about tin- g*-**a't<*?t gusxlera yel unattacked, the soup
It may be argued thai tbeae i*a*rouaels are often
??iiiiiiii'-i.'ii ?n ..ni,.i- and sobrlrty. Bui so ore the
tes trotterles. The point la thai manners and morals
can no longer i.?- permitted to loaf along In the "?"
lachada laical n aj ,
We simply musl become as pure, temperate and
polite as our Mayor.
"The Isles of Greece."
The Balkan allies1 reply lo tii?- peace proinisals
. ..i tin- powers marks i direct ?-..nili.-i between the
? two i.\ci' the disposition of Hi?' .1v.:mii islands. The
allies demand their unconditional cession i" I hem,
i while the powera Deserve ?ii^|.?"-.-ii of them to them?
These n*ere. no doubt, of "M the "Isles of Greece"
In whk'b arose and flourished some of the <-iii?'i
glories of Greek civilisation. Lesbos, Chios, Samoa,
Rbodea and others are as Inseparably i?l?-ntiti?'?i
with "ill?- glory thai uns Greece'' ?is :i?-?' a i tun-. :
Corinth and Sparta. Thai Greece should now
desire to regain Ihem Is one of the moal natural
? things in ii:?- workl.
1 ci thia i*- equnll* certain, thai those Islands are
geographically ?1 purl of A>i;i and nol of Europe,
and the seizure "i them by Gr.??? woukl therefore
: I-?- ii"i the driving h Ihe Turks oui of Europe, bul
the itivaslon of Asia bj Ibe Greeks; s very different
ibing. Tii" same historic claims which Gre?Bce has
t?. tii..-.- Islands would give her equal title lo
a Itroail fringe ?>! the mainland of Asia Minor.
h 1- nol .i tti.-iili to understand, therefore, 1
11m*IIc,i ..f ill" |H?wers in wishing t" preserve, al leasl |
1..I- the present, lin- Integrity ?'i Turkey's Asiaiic
I |MMM>SH?onS I'll?' i-\< ?> III KMI ?'I' lhal |...:i"\ Ulli
proba hl) require ihe retention ul -"in. nf ihe isl?ps
of Greece under Hie Sullau's rule.
The (ins( of Crowning Glory.
I! i- III? a; - a l?*i !?- -il al I1"- fe I -'! I'm ,
Siliiiiii Y i * 111, ? 11. lia- priilc 1" Mi" I ni 11*1 - Il
1'eiiiisy?Yiiniii. itiul beurkeu tu li?- words ni wisdom
un"ii unj subj? ? ' ' ha i bapiiens i" lie in 11"- - ?'
1.-. There i- Kiirelji i." Knglisli -,,?-: 11 i? ?_. writer
1 .?n either >?!?? <?i 1 lu- A tin n tie, always excepting Mr.
Arnold Bennett an.1 Mr. rhestertou, who talks ui.h
I greater nssurunce uf matters concerning whk*h ?i?'
I know* nothing.
i "The High <'"-i <?i Living" .\;i- ibe professors
1 subject before il.?' American Academy uf Social
an.l Political Science. Naturally this apeedll) re
iv,,i\,-,i itself into a nuestlon of the hlrl.si uf lb?'
; Anioii.-an -iri. And thutj We ?"ill" bj ?isj gmdll
lions t.. -"\ effects, ?all girls, mothers, wages, "white
slaves," read* mnde cIoiIm?s and other feminin.
: ? ?-ni-- uf the I...ur.
it wax ?n H.?- lasl Item dial Pmfessor Paiten laid
? foundation of his mam thesis. Head) made clothes
make woman "less *-?? n-??i?-11??i 1?." Iml "mon? impress
slve." Thej arc th.- chief >i-:n <?i the i.,-w woman,
we. gather, who subordinates her clothing t-> "the
needs of her ?.un |iersonality 11ml ai'tivity." Thus
building, ??ur lecturer thrusts In- argument aloft,
! reaching a culmination in iiii* striking passage:
" \- Ma- dress Is standardised ibe hat becomes
"inore Individualized -nal rises in price in relation i"
"other articles uf apparel. \ eoally hal b nol a
"-iL'ii of extravagui. hul a mark of Hie sfantlardl
??/atinii through which greater worn ales are si
"lain? il."
Jnsl uli.-n punishment a man should receive ?? |
let tins I""-?- such a traitorous Kiulenienl a ?? ?I.
know. '?!' course, Proi.?r l'ait.'.' entire Iguo
ranee and Innocence can be |)le..de-| m ext?nuation i
But ii Is Just BiK'li 1.'and Idiocies that shake Ihe
world, thai makes million homes unhappj and drivel
less husbands to ?irink.
\\ .? leave Professor fatten t" the tender mercies 1
of i!.?- Husbands' Protective Association. He should I
be made lo renllxc I.nlj tli" high eosl of making!
fool nullement *.
Ihe Horse Versus the Bet.
The borse owners and membera "i racing a-?..-ia
tious wh'i in ?t????-? 1 -?> tearfully Rgainsl Ma- divorce
..1 professional gambling from borseracing wlilcii
Un- Hughe lawi contemplated win have an excellent
opportunity '<> learn Just boa popular borseracing u
i when they present it under nea conditions, li I? a
; j;o"<l thing thai Ihe experiment of a sborl Kcasoii
I at Belmonl Park .1 n?i ?Tamalea i- t" be made. 11
will afford opportunity for those who love horses i??
enjoy them In contest, it will do whatever can be
. done by borseracing to "improve the breed ol
I bornea." And it may demonstrate thai borseracing
without public u.-inii lin- baa a Arm bold on a *_:????< 1 !>
portion of 1I10 iiniiii?- :iii?i ?an 1.?.m?' approximately
self ?upporttng,
h it does not, ihi> experimental season will indeed
I in- tiic end of borseracing In New fork State. The
people "i the state will never permit i'i" renewal
'??f tin- scandalous conditions when i'i" 1.kmakers*
stools and Ibe betting ring were ai fixed attractions
at Hi?- ra<*etracks as the bornea Horseracing then
existed largelj for the bettors. Itahlatorj since then
has tended to prove whnl was alleged then thai ii
???itilil n?.1 exist w?lient the bettors, thai Is, the pro
f> Bfdonal gamblers.
Attempts to prohibit betting betyreen friends ou
I the result of ? borseraee would be sa puerile ??s
efforts t" stop wagers al election time Probably
there will i?" some amount <>f "oral betting" <>r ?ys?
j tern of gambling <.n eredll if the tracks sre re
I opened. Thai would be as hard to atop ss placing
I of election bets with brokerage firma, and Hi?'
' trust?es of racetracks really bare hardly needed 1 ii?*
Scudder decision for protection before ?i?-?-i?tiii*_: to
..lien their t??Pka, If that kind of betting at the
races i- all they look for. They can keep betting al
? ihe tracks within reasonable i?m'?k however, and if
thej expect I 1 rehabilitate horseracing thej musl
do so.
Duty on VA.
The iiisisit'in?' of the Gennan press upon the duty
of suicide and iniiril'-r by tii?* officers and '-rows ol
I dirigibles gives rise i" sonic Interesting reflections.
', The commander of the unlucky zi. we an told,
should have exploded that vessel In midair, so thai
there would merely hare "rained ;i ghastly dew"
upon th?- Lun-tvUle parade ground, rather than have
loi it alight undamaged and tbua posalM] reveal
priceless secret to alien observer?. Doubtless lhal
would bave been magnificent; but would II have
been atlation'/
Even in time of ?war the propriety of such .1
sacrifice la doubtful, unless In some ?rery exceptional
c.'ist'v. lieu are eipeeted i?? fight warablpg until
they sink; i>ut, iu fact, their surrender is bf DO
|means ancoasaaaal atMl is not n?'?'cssarily regaidedj
as treason or cow ar.li.e. < Vrtninly H Is in?oii?'?Mv
alde tbSl the . aptuji. of ?i ?lr.-.ulii"?.-.l't wnuM ?*-???'"?
bis Ship with all aboard at sea in tun. I"'*"'''
rstber than pat ror safety Into the port of an slien
p ,wer. Wh.? ?.dd there be s ?litr.r.-nt rule for
liie airy tMVles?
The gen?rrsl Judgment will be thai the German
government shenld provide z?*ppeiin- wblcb sre
more nnfsillngly dirigible, and sbonld take mote
eare to keep them awsj trom lbs lit"' ronces ol its
neighbors. I'erhsps it would be well, too, for over
cealous patriot? to dismiss the DOtl thai cni*sorjr
in-pcct?..ii of an elaborate and subtle inecbsnlsm is
bolintl iii-lantly to reveal all its internal rst-cret?
The chsnces are Ibsl n??i a man ii I't'eiice knows
anything inore about Zeppelins non than h ? did
before /I mail'* it- involuntary visit t?> ?Lu**?fJTllle.
?..iint Zeppelin bas tsken out f<*relgn army officers
in hi- air-hips, and lien IbHt l-.-v eminent- ;ii ???*??
hsve built dirigibles thsl btwke In two wheta they
were launched.
The Germsna sbonld ?aim their hy-tctia. though it
?? a Joke upon them thsl after all the awe which
ha? been expressed by neighboring countri? alwosd
.nor secret \i-ii- by Germsny's "?i'-fi.-il battleships"
the tir-t act nal known \i-il of one sh-.tihl turn OUl to
be unintentional ami end m humiliation.
William ?a' Albany who hap the tightesl grip ?>n
that high title liovv.iihiv ?"
Mi?- Llndaf-Hagebj has been making a pretty
lulu-- speech In London, bul it is. sfter all. a mere
Obitrf ilnliuil bj th'- Side Of P' ?'"-ni'?-'s historic
?performance Besides, ihe lias made hers in In?
I stalments, while in? was In an unbroken stretch of
I twenly-eighl hour.- Thus even in loquarity does
tyrant man hud ?t over the voteless sex.
?Speaking ?>f this newest of "gresl novelists." Mr.
?i ii'. thai |a lio lr family name.
rh ? Biiecesa of pistola firing asph slating bullet?
m the hands of Ihe Pans police suggests Ihe po si?*
Mllt* of great gain through the u ? of ? oi-respond
Ing devici I Suppose that vv.id shoot at
\. and make han i top talking, at v. and make him
..mi p...- mi; and ul '/? and cauw him to cesse letter?
vv i || i, ? '
Tl er? " ill be a fat blackball ioi ? ei ??
piles for adml l< n lo Ihe ? ??' i or
There i? an Int? ?? sting i oln? Idence beta*?** n Mo or
I Caynor'i putting i1"- lid on lh? Tenderloin chafing
dish and the v>. ? Jersej Legisla! ire' enactment ol
S lull l"i ? ? - - lion "f juv.-iu!.? lohst? r?.
Th.- nntl-tani a III non have t.. b? add? .1 to
all the oth? i "ai
? ;. . ..? \i (?tul ... . ? mon? It? to : ? lm|x nd?
11 ?. ? ni t| rim j
'iiiiiii; th : ind mur. of
wiring tiitit ?
?i i? phi ? i. moral, i inim? r
i ? ?
upt society. A lit!
: tht ? .11..n. But m?m Ml H detrae?
king ?v hj ? ? ?t spok? n ?
.?i ami growii ? ' otni ex ion Tutl
Tut' Her? again bb motive i.- moral B? nllowlng
i h? ? "?m? ll ?stalk un? h? ? ?*.- ?! h? h?
Oui " : ? ? ?y the
ru matur? nam worn I th? * oung
und th. iiit.niti!. i., n fferted I their pan nt
? . . are win
Willie, | gently I
\ i? ? ....
i'ii i ' f. t I ?- Jan ?i t? ? thing*
lie.i. v\... i,ros ... ?rit I tllllna Frederick's
roai .
1 pai king Tl ?
' ' ? ? ......
? ding "n n- i- - pi?
it .-a v i in ;i London pyp? that oi ndred p) nt
? i-, n p ntln' tl ? batt I? ship lim en M: ry
stru? k, but that ? v. i h< ffort a III Is m d? to
prevent a mpatl li i ihe Rj le \< id? ml
> Ian? I his : h'.iild I . . Ill th? || III .it I V .
". mi? .in do not trul lov? ship paint? rs. It I the
: hip i in. i h? have but - luinsll i on
eealed their contempt for Academicians though the
grounds for euch disdain aw readllj comprehended.
Doesn't a ship painter wield a much hugcr brush
and cover far vaater urfsc? at greater speed and
produce an Incomparably worae smell?
? ? ? ?
m a pinch we, too, can Pepyaify: April ?">. Up
betimea and did quafl mj morning draught at Mas?
1er Hoffman's coffee house. Thence t.. Broadway,
where i did s?t. long beneath the talle tower that
belongeth unto Sir Franklin Adams. Whilst there,
did ?...ill'are su- Franklin speake klndl) of tin
1 .i quip? i ?I., urn.- ah this daye i did ?ponder
i. id Adam in word. In mj hrerl with greats
foi then Is no? more true nobleman In tins
isle ih.m the in,is,- of Adams At ten ??) the clocks
did enter Into mj closet and praj ferventlte for
wlttc to deserve Princ? Franklin's favor, ami
health? 'ill to write Bundrie amall abimsles, and
thai heaven will rates up some reader to laughe
at lh. in. And -.. t.. bed. P I. II.
Tin uniform courtes] of the Nee York subwaj guard
i4 a mattei of such general knowtedgi thsl vs.* arc
amazed iii.it a passengei resented tins ctesslc of urban*
Itj "si i .t ;. r gab; an' gll off oi on." Columbia s tut...
\ pi"i.d hm |.ne i.t.t for twenty poltoswot-nsn In
v. u Ifork City, which I sntirely propsi the strls sbotold
no longer i" deprived of thrir share of the graft -
u aanington Poj I
Tic closing of \.w fork's all night lofa ti patea -
-L"u? thai the Mayor bel*s*-rca In reforming -?rnnebody,
leven though he eaa sse m. reason foi action against the
j polio Pittsburgh I**oat
i i..m Th? W .i- bington Btai.
\\. "re ail hunting pls?*es. We'r? all In tin -
That la followed bj man after fortune or f.?m--.
Th?. great ?rant -iromotlon. A eater) small
It/Ill do foi the man tano bai no j"i> at alL
Th.. ??it).?.? boy bends !?? bis shan ()f the work,
l*xpectlng a chance to perf-trm as s tiers.
Bach k?epa up the effort la toll ?.r io learn,
In hope Of a chain <? to cllinli upward in turn
i':?.m ?i nitii p.? and? avora (?? ? hmi? t?> s -dare
W h.-re his dollars may t"ll for tie- R.I Of Ihe lace.
ii?. atrtves for a raune that is brilliantly IM
i "i ?< pi:"? "u th.- pass? where htatory*a ?rrit;
Then be k*oka even hlr-her than ?mithlj renown
\i"i aeeki to deserve both s harp ead s crown
, 'Jdongst ti..- heavenly tbropg In ii??- future not far.
w.'r? all bunting pii.?-s. its ?rsll that we are.
h mm The l ??troit l'rr.- I'rtaf-.
An t'tiRlish inventor has improved the honnierang.
I'l.ili.ihly made one for political purposes that won't
?<>m<- hacik.
JUSTICE Fair even to the Haywcxxis.
THE PEOPLE'S COU MN A" ope" '"",m *?
Public Debate
Th" OofttuM of the Drum Major Is
Noted, Among Others.
luto a I'"'H
M ? worn? n 'i"
, ? ? ......
... hiemal i.
ii. . k. .1 u It h gold co .
Ill,111 U Uli . .:? t . .
? i with Ii -
Thi m.?ni "..'l. " ? .
man arhu .Wives,
?? ? ?'. mother? I ?
nl - hlrna? II ? : I II a ii.-n he
blurts nut "wninan'a placf is in I
wrl.il? )"? .- looklni r?i
.n . ? Vork, \, 111 !
A Trip Abroad ts Suggested ami
Ur/;cd Upon Mr. Sulzor.
i,, thi _dll . ol TI . i i Ibun?
i au lui -n t.? --" un? a nott <>'? wai nina
'?"\"i-ii"i Bulger i
in i,,, t i,, i "?.. i in dt m d with
and dutle* I al sr< ol mon ? I
-.t t.. He- people ??i H"- Umpire State.
?;,,\>'iii". Bulxei - ?
tall, i am eon > !?? ? thai aoma o? our
11 i. p.i : a les i-i' aa ai ? embodl? d n ? i:
toon ai ? dl pot ed lo maki ? k?k< ol I
v i?> aertou matter, and I beap? .?k tot
Qovernor moi ? conslderaUon.
\. i i rthei ? -. Id? net ot hla am
Ing occunaUon are might mention thai
I ti,.. peoplt m tins i .ti.i thi Borough
,,i The Bronx arrota a It ttt r calling the
,,tt. ntlon ?a ii" Oovei nor to <???' lain mal
i. , which in. y tboughl mi lii'.i iii!" .?t
tention. Rt ? ? Iving no topiy, a si cond let
1.1 araa written, bul without response. At
Drei we were aurprieod, hui then found
in,i we bad acted very unwlael and
roollahl) m ait. mpUna '" dlv? rt the ..t
tentl.i a man ? ngaged UI euch Im
? portanl pui
! have a lugaeatloii i<> make. \ man
ui.. i ., worthy of oonaid? ration and
ul... itlOWI sich ?? . i. l.-tlc-s "C U.aiitloS
deaervea ?? vacaUon I auggeat a trip
abroad to th? quiet ahorca of the M"'iit?-i
i.m. .m. in?- Mwthlng mu?..m.dins - "' Ha
ii.na, a . limb t" th? top of Cheopa artth
., return bj way ol Monaco uith Ita
nil entertainment and, last of all,
in. watei - m.i i.aiiis ..f Baden Bsdsn I
uiu gladly bead a -mhocripMoa for auch ??
purpoai. J. W. J
Bpu* t. n im? vit, New York City, April
The "T. P. A." Will Help You and
the Pedestrian Will Bless You.
To the Kd11? r of The Trlbuaa
sit : The ??? a; ..n is i,..? an II advanced
for the planting ol tree* etc., In tins
vicinity in our city su.?ts. The srork
>.ii..i!i?i i..- don? thla month, tha earllsr the
better, ataoa, when planted? before tha
roota i.? unie ?Hti\. a.i.i i'"' srowth of
the youna foliage begin* the tree growa !
uiu. greater auretj ol developmenl
II 's nol ^i ,,;,,' vogua sera l" "??
m a,i^ lenargl official atia*l tree planl
Ing. aa i bogt ?.,,,?. jBy it artll i>. after
n,.- manner ?r -mbatantial foreign cities,
.' la It ??liera! in olbe* " l"v,-s- *****
what is dona in ti,M uay aauai practically
|be dime entir-gy by ui>?l ttt *** <?x|,,'nH,,
of thH imlMduai ,,ro,..rty owner. Bui a
well chocen tr<v ,,n,tjeriy planted, be
| comes auch a desirable 0*A valuable a?set
lidential i '
. rgumt a- i?- ii aun its ob
. .. . i
TI ? : .anting of treea Ii tl
' Park i
lea of trees tbst may I i
the linden and thi plan? or i
ible habit ?.'f growth.
it i- prop? rlj
i. nal-.
i tn? i.i. with
? , oni
t. full, flbro
The i'-"
t. ? t. : in ti rta
. m?. re I and a Ind ?
? vitality of tn?- roota It I i
I quired t" Hupplj al I? ? t ???" c
of g? 11 par tree and thla ii
In all caai foi nithoul plentj of aoll
i ? treea will not thrltn,
letaila thai
uia\ be deatrcd by tho a Ii t? : al I In city
: n. ?? planting may !
..|i| ! . ? ? I ttl ? .!???.-- to til"
T Wanting Aaaoctatkm, No ? IS
, or to the underi
no chai ge In elth?ti caaa
JOHN ? 'i I.YKR.
IN., lia Naaaau etreet. Neu York, April
- --
, We Prefer to Stand with the D?cision
of the Jersey Court.
To t!. Editor "t' The Tribune,
Mir Your telegram from Patereon thla
morning and your ..?it"-:.'i regarding
"i..n" iiayu.mil at" m abanto and re?
proach i. an] reapectable newapaper.
If our government only did the light
thing auch a cur ahould have been driven
mit of Jaree) long ago and peace would
i avi followed A READER.
Son York. April I, 1911
it Ii reported that the Ruaalan Depart?,
men! of Agriculture baa prej ired a law
prohibiting the i ulture of the popp) plant
in the Tian ibaikal, Anna- ami Maritime
Provineea. according t<? tins law, not
onlj n.ulUvatlon of tha ftoppy will be
a ? rtmlnal offence, but aleo the amoklng
of opium, atoring or purchaalng it. as well
aa n.?- pun baaing ol utanatla uaed fee
mokh | opium.
"N"V. i kiH.u be i .? i. ur-fluaber."
"Wh it's the matt? r now
"i I.- profeaaea t?. undei atand art."
"But a lot of men reall) do."
"I know, i.m he claim- tu iinderatand
the lateat cublat art. ' I >?-ir?>it l-v. a Pri i,
I remarkable are eacape, deaeribed in
"The Popular Mechanic-? Magasine," is
called "the tape naaaaura." ii eonalata of
., narrow band of ateel tightly rolled upon
a s|.....i oonta.i m ?t oaatng. in uatng
Hi.- device, the and of the tape is made
ia-t at ihe point froaa which the eacape
i- i?, i..- made, a leather i.cit. attached to
the si????ii eaatng, is fa atoned around the
waist, and the user drope to th,. ground,
regulating the .-i?-?'<i at erhleh th<? tai?.
Unwinds bj means of n clutch ?l.ulee.
WlSg Has thai l.-ll.iu BlghsddS much
populai It) '
wags Von bel he has, i.ut tmfortu
nately it bealitH and end? with himself -
Phlladt Iphla Record.
'i'i"- uatiiin-.- agalnat the Indiscriminate
us., of hypnotic druga contained mv this
column las? month la" recalled by an act
-n the part ..i tha Knglbrh authorltlaa ?le
clartng "vsronol and other aynthetie hyp?
notic drugs to ba poisons." -in future*''
sa.? s "Th.. Lancet." "?i w i 11 i.,- unlawful
for nay poraoa, unlaaa he ba .i duly regla*
tarad pharnisnlst. to asll any of these
druga by retail, and the registered ?seller
will ?he raqnlrsd to labal all packasajs con
lainlng ti e drug I ?"'
ur. - - and tl
, ? i|d ' ;? ?
pleai t the SI of I
to m lut"- ni.Hfl
? blott na reat?
Bold . .
? i v.nil a view '
riet) of tht Ii ? ?
?T , 't .? que? ?? ' hing ..t oui
Id the ?
' hur. .
?-U bat is the rt
a?ke<l the ?
?w ? ? ?
aloun " ? '-.
ill. raid.
| man) ?
I m that country, and the duel rea
I to i? ? tht -ti.m, ut c'
ii"ti"i ' \ i. mai k aa to the charact
..n ex-olht ? i" "i. the pai
a hose standing in the commi i I
iiim worthy of attention ? all? ,i f?
challenge t.- Light. The civilian ?.pi??
a ? .1 Cl ?-? a- a ? -.?' ??? - ' Btai 1\" KllM-l
?tuul i ludgeona .:,,i no argument on the
i art of i - ond ? ould India ?
change to - rdtnai ?
? el did not place.. A ph) alclai
pi.n tlaii i in n. n \ ork bad a
. gpei i.?!-.-.? wh?m he | roi oaed I ta
. balleng? r "with ban i of al eU."
They were holding a racing ?
- w i at'a Hi?- matter with thli
hi from .?nal- :. " ... ?? ? of
' The public i- bu ?
o urn j on him, ? el hi can i run .t fittl?
in. w hat'a arung"""
??? 'ondittona don't suit him, ' ? atoi
the ?>u tier of the plug.
"But H' 've had all aorta ?one.
We've had mud, a drj track, duut and
ever) thing ? lue.'
"I know; but thai home can'l i ice un
l?f-aa in. !? 'a a light miukt Irj Hi
\ lib ? ??uii, i ?Joui nal.
The current n iml u "f the "10
Ta.-.;., nbuch' contain? an ai ? : Fells
Welngarni r on i.| ." In a hi? I i
din ctor aa) a: "The relation betwt - I ?
public an 1 the artist reata on vrbal I
? !"i"i b) both The artist give? baa
strength, bis knowledge and th? fruit ot
his htes work; the public can ti\. noth*
m.; but Ita i' ' ognitlon \- I iadft ktual
has n"t ine ,,i t rnitj to Bpraa bis approval,
tha logical waj t.. ahoy it - '? ?"'
i.laus,." Ths writer : aya thi I ? m
never known s > ? < where thla form -a"
iatlafactioa on the i art of an a id
has failed to pi<. .-. all daelai
tha part ??f modi at atage folk t.? th?
trai? notwltbatandlpg. Beethoven n
?--i llenct and \\agner i"\?-i appl u
? \\ b) tb" bum of your Mil," erie? the
aiii-i \ patient i<? the doctor, "maki -
boil all overP"
"Ah!" aald the eminent pra? I ;
? -. ? 111 ? i >. "thai will i?- tu?, gulncaa ?
lot- atorlllalng your aystem. ' Ilt-Blta,
A N? w York business man who bail bBSS
in Florida alnce late in February baeaasa
of ins artfe'a tiims? recamad to ins esses
yesterday ? W**** snrlkar than as *af<
expected. His art/real oausad s x-?. ^11 -1 i* ?**
April fool conspira? y t?i collapse aad
mail, hast] ?vplaiiations necessary. Tb*
beati offlce bo) had asat srord t? t ? i r.^**
novicea that the --b.es-* wanted Is aa?
them In the oflh.a Taaaday mornhig.
never thinking that tha "boss" would i?*
there ami hoping t.? bava aa April (>>?<'?
laugh at tie- boya la letting the itsri
th? Mg boj sai,I. he WOn?sead what ISSUI
ths revenge for ths j?>k?' that area! astral
Would take.
Men hant- I'm afraid you won't do. On
principle I t'liKat'?' only married men.
Applicant- l>?> you happen to have a
daughter, sir'.'?Boston Transcript.

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