OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, April 08, 1913, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1913-04-08/ed-1/seq-3/

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Seeks to Cancel Mortgage for
$600.000 Held by Son of
Standard Oil Man.
Trustees Say Late Millionaire
gave Property in Question
Without Encumbrance
of Any Nature.
Herr i. R< i * of the late ?i.
i; Rog -i ?? Standard Oil Com?
I stupd b) the Messiah
-jogM - rlppl?**d Children In The
the ancellation of a IQ0O.?
of whl? h. i: |g
g to dit late the
It ituti? r
*jr> Em? line R Rogei s, hla .
ears prior t.? her death
home, which was
i of H. H.
logen - >t) It is all? ged thai
ihr ni. - - ? ? a l given by
onsideration Rog?
rrs II ? N? ? utor untlf-r ihr
ptn of his father. Two other defend?
ants - a ho i-^ the al
? my, and the letter's wife,
n ?
? itlon allege
Mi. K. - i the
t propei a ithoul en
The total ??'.*-; to Mr.
100.0(10. The home a i
I ntj -four ) ? ara ...iz...
phana and ?. blldren
?ho? d to worb
Vhe : plea th? block bound? ?i
\ ' ? a s avenues
: ITT I .-??? ? ta
Mrs ? pn aid? nt from ISO**
? her death, lasl A |
Id it* i'?M|l Mrs Rogers
nod the l" ird thai her husband
? nt the Institution ?with
|| ? ii"t until last ?vugu
Rog? i -, thai her s..n
??.at'! that he hehl h
? i N'rixi.iNHi v. In? ti in- ?-aid
had ? ? ? ad from the ?
? ?
Mr ': - ra threaten? i I I I
?me "complied \\ 1th
rdensome i on?
? tit "
,\ sear? h ?<f th.- a as made
plaintiff, which disclosed thai
: ? 7 1900, ' he property v.is
erred b} H H i: .c?>ra ami hla
George K< ,i if'-.
"? the .-?? th? property waa
" nsferred I ? Rogers, ? in
also a purchase money
m.rt' . ? r 1000.000 was
n it Rogers, jr., and
also on th- da the property, with
the mortgage at con
by Mr, and Mra Rogers t.. the
? i ?
ilntilf alleges thai Ri i r
: ? dollai for th? ?M00
??" ?? "in 11. H. Rog? is. Jr., '
? th? ?? an) notice ?n
DC Of Mr. and Mrs Rogen
that i ?ested < rtstlti Uon'a
? ? pg .pe? i Tl waa
? om Rog? fall, when
?? ? i 1 aoi if the
M r a ? ontrlbutlon.
H<- ?. r ' turwer ' My Bistera and
Tecla ?Gem?
Tlic "leda Company arc show?
ing an exquisite collection,
mounted with genuine diamonds
in platinum and gold set?
tings of rare individuality.
are considered their greatest
achievement. Th?*y possess the
identical lustre, v. eight and deli?
cate tone of pearls from ihe Orient.
396 huh Avenue 10 Rue ?e la Paix
I OiJ Bond Street 1 S I nter denLindea
PK.Ui-,-.,..? M?laui Si ?t 14*
WarUgtaa iVn liih.N W
, I or u.l ?t I Ol h
Cil? I'M i Botrdw?lk
rumian 416 Boyls'.oo Suet\
Jij Avenu- M???**?
r. .?-if.? 2 K?n>tKn?-fr?r???
koov. 144 ?Uno Umbwl?
-Nik Socks, Accordion Wesve, 2?^
liae Shirts ? Mali Price
m Seit Cu?? Negligees.
at $1.11
^e??mpit line of a high
ci|*i mir. 01 imported
*?"*l"r,i, crept and percale,
PHtti and plain hoaom?.
%inj; Inderaesr
-??'li*** Ssvinf?
ror the first time fn< members occupied seats or benches without having desks in front o? thefh. This change was made necessary
b) the increased numbei ? members of the new House
Photograph showing the desks of the n
before the change m as n adc.
I ;ii" willing to tf-mporaril) sdvi
i tfllcl? m funda to t*si ry on the h<
provid? .!???? our rspresei
make s ? h representation aa we ?-.-.
Expenditures must t ol es
monthly pro*, ision of the 1st? Mrs
H. Rogers, a decision tnual be tnadi
the return <">f my slstera as to
ultlms! ..f th?* home "
i' If alleged thai Royera lm| -? i
.. condition for the i anc? nation "?
KKJO.O00 mortgage the raisins of an
dowmeni I . ? - - fa? tory to him
- i -i.! B. The mai agei
condil ' ?oner?
Intend? ?.! bj Mr, Rog? rs, th? .
Minutes Urging Release on B
of Mine Promoter Had Him
Present on March 25.
Albert I'iffin.'iti the convicted p
motor of '.riri'.us Hawthorne mine
t? i i.iis. - ?.' bo ? ?i the Tombs psnd
,ii. appt ;ii. haa resoi i?''i to s i
Kj !.. mi!.'.- the . ..?,: i v, iiii
need for his release on ball.
in ;i ni"ii"ii m .? ? at? rday bet
the United Btati a Clr? nil ? tourl "i I
Fret man aubmltt? d a c?
minutes of a meeting of the direct?
of the Mclntyre-Porcuplne Mu:- Li
It?*-d, of which he is pi ? Id? nt, about
lug with resolutiona setting r".
? ?"?<!>'s ?s'i?i>ii faith in th? convict
Tii.jii snd expressiona ?>f the dire ue
of company and stockholdera for '
ici " itside pi Ison walls.
l-'rceiii.-.n n?aa found i*,nits- on Mai
11 .m.i ii..?? i.e. n In the Tomba e?
?In? ?? v? i tin mlnutea "i the mee) I
m hi^ ,.i.i describe him as being pr?
?m iii ?ii.- gathering on March 25 s!
noon Nothing li aald about ii?o plai
bul n." ?.in ? ' ?ni' lusion poi ai ble woti
i,.- ihal ii.' ?i"'< ting whs held In U
Tombi i;. aldi a Ki ??? man Ihor? w<
lD. ?. i, i T n un. W, T, \ and?
\?...i i mu? Rot? it St.-in.
il. m \. wise oppoied the applli
I '.i. x..\i!iK ill??' ?Treeinan'a ?nteres
a/ai ?? ? enti i -i In ( lanada, and thai II
.... 11. . . i i. ?.. ied "ii ball II might I
Hi?, last eeM of im" In these ptsrta .
th.* world, \y ih?- ' time of ?*.hi
l'i?'?-iii?iii ?4,1* . mu m i? il, usina ''
mails t.. defraud, ih nol extradltabl
i Mr. ?Vise said, be mighl eacap? pui
Iishment Argumeni will i.?- continu?
! Philadelphian Sues for Divorc
?First Wife Eloped.
IB? Talasrapli Is t???? Ti Itwn?
Philadelphia, April 7 lull;.. !.. in.,
his wlfs, Mrs Helen Wbarl ?n Korrli
v, ii<? la aoa sbroad, ?i????* not Intend i
rsturn t<? iilm. <\ C Pinckue; Norrii
promlntanl h.K'iuiiy aini wtii known smoni
!'hil.i<lil|>l.lii Cluba tins all. in.".:. lile.l ;
hm:i for illv.u.'e In th? Court of Comtnoi
Pisas, \t n.? rsqussl ol Russell Duana
his counsel. Judge Btaake Impounded al
papers, snd it was Intlm t?ed ih..i nons <>
lbs details ol the Bull srlll bmt oms pub
'I'm. ??.m mili? me pi?svloua : nhapp*
naatrimonlsl experiences ol Mi Noi-rls
,:m tin prssenl Mra N.irr'.M is the ss?concl
?rifi i.. Isav? i.ie .71. Sot ria U ,. Ilttl?
past iiit\. .un? i..- arlf? .*< aaU to lie twsn
i, ymate his Iniii.-i 'n.?*v were tnai ????!
Ill .In..., I'.", Il\e \ciilH lift?*!- Ihe lir.M
71: Norria ?u.i?IlhI.\ i?*n Phllaielphla
I b? - otni .?m* .i b) n ?'??vaJiiT Smith.
Before hsi rnai? lags <'"? i"'*??!'' Mi ?
n.ii.ih H..M Mia? ll.l.ii r\ liai Ii n. Hi
daugbtsi ol (isorgs "??harton snd tb?
Uiaii.l.|i..Hihl.*r ?>r ?'.?..>,;?? MHHIfl What
i,,e n. i ..im ???um wars apt*)) In
loutbsrn i*alifornls )? Ih? fall "f ISS*
..ii. . am? i" Phlladslphls and nada b?w
' ' ?
er a uni
much ad
t forty,
$2,000,000 FOR DAYTON
McAdoo Will Deposit in Banks
to Relieve Money Shortage.
i . . -? ?
! .
' ? ra
? ? ptcd a '
... i
those of
ment ha
. toi ? { .
itl to i
. deroai d foi m m
f;. porti fr? m the Middle W et
?bowed the ne? the fi
? :? acut? 'i?. Red ? 'roaa
repot i-i i "
? ?
lumbua ? ame a repoi i 11 .i? ? ?,000 aer?
Mi of tl..- i ? i
Btat? " ''on t to M
i i.'tt.t. a'here aanii
The Red ? Vu m head
,, .,!
the folio*/ tl? Lawr?
il : Itl I I
tted 11,000 and I ?ay to I 000
from the funda dlatiibut? d
Contrlbutlona are atUI coming In and
the total rataed In N'e? J"oi k ?? ? t?*rda*
wai ??:: 176 TO Of tl .uni 16.40 0
went to the Ma i or'i fund, 110.768 GO m the
Red ' i"-- direct, th? * bant
.. -? the Citlz? i '?iii
... lu total
; th? Ma o
tlon eaterda) wen "-.'.:?,,'.?'?"? _
ir-rzzz:"'"^?i founded i85frr _ji
Few men am help feeling nattered bj a
tavorabiV compliment ro then clothes judg?
We arc told thtl many ol our customers tre
askcd where the) gel their clothing?because
we fit th*' man we clothe.
Our large stock ol Spring Suits and Over?
e?is, enables us to show a greater number
()f patterns, styles and sizes than sou would
expect to find m any one store.
Add to this a location on the main arteries of
city travel and you know why we have grown in
popularity and size for fifty-seven years without
a change of location.
Subway, Fourth Avenue and Crosstown Surface
Line? at our door; Third Avenue L and Broad?
ly Surface Lines but a short block away?
5IH ft-QUi
I ..111 it.it. .1 from 11.-.) ?Mg?,
.-' en ii?-'.un' ? thai the pi
f.-il through
? ?li.- I! .
p x plained I h? . ? toi
? ?
:.ii.i li" said he did n
.v.-*... ihm. , hur? h. There
? ?. ti..ii hot
i and Di ?k?l ;
, 11.
Dr. ehai
i-'niii \ ? ? .
m r?- . 11?
I a rail to t
' '
1 '
II. I'. I
now pn
i m . . ...
I? i Tl.
homll? li? II?
Husband Disclaims Love loi
Wife and Trial Goes On
..I il..- Rupi .....-..?
? ? . ...
. I'lx to
1. I in 0
? ?
In the Koient
. ? ? ? ... Pal
... ....... - ?
Thi ffort of Juki ? >. ?
? with faillir? Hi
:!?? ,i tt if. With
from wh?
lion Th? tin. ill i n ,
o? i ml l * - - ? - husband ?
.. ? ..m ractor, who
Mi . Hi.
aid h? i husband had order? I ? to
lea >? him and I id told In i hi h uld no
longer s.i|.|...i i ?
i "? you lov? ??'. f' aak? .i ii...
?\. I do nol ? ; i. ?! Han
Id a? will ha* i to pr? ? ?
m ii ?i the trial war, the comn enl ol th?
Girl Thought to Have Been Fa?
tally Injured Recovers.
?ether H?.' .- ? ho, ai the result ol
I in I he Ti lani
..! So. .:: u < n March
'-'."? r.'i l. v. ? nd
.. work m a
few week?.
.it th? Hi i ?? fornfitiea
ind -i"n ' l ? So lili!) Madison
' ? r th?
I !
' ? . t ?
S!i. \>;i- li
? ? e ei of th l*i i
at t he lime
<?f the ;ii? ni'l ?m !
? ?
fifth looi and
Ing. V ol
? n her,
'.ii- il in St.
H montha
? i ' ?
u ? _
Bryan Unable to Get Satisfac?
tory Results After Two Weeks
of Negotiations.
Californians at Washington, j
Holding That Houses Are Not
Land, Say Law Would
Not Violate Treaty.
Washington, April ' The President, In
of ih" uaBU?*c?Msful effort of the
tan "i" State i.j obtain astlsfactory,
or even promising, raattlta sfter two
negotiation?*! haa taken Into
? iv.-'i hsnda the protssl of i;.-* Jspaness
? sgsinsi the proposed alien
; III in the California "legislature an.i
will attempt to bl?**ch the pssssgs .?* the
it. si.i.i.i (Vllson'a sctlon indicstes thai
altuatlon Is alarming, in his opinion,
and thai %et retsry Bryan seema uiiai.ie
'" at? m th? opular ????ntmn'nt In favor
of th?? leg-lilation, aa 'ii.l Presiden!
Roosevelt, although the relstlons between
\,, nations are far \e - -nain.'! now
.. a reault of I e dlploma?*y ..f Pr-*sldent
Tafl i tau f Knoa
? win lake up i is question
to-morrow. Senator Worka and \'.
tentative W? iks, of ? lallfornla, confei n d
with President Wilson to-nlfht, as .ii.l
Be. i. ine, .i>.. of < 'allfoi nia Wa? a
and m? am ol preventing the psassga o
the mesaure will be dlscusaed l?> tho
i . ii the general opinion
leral government i an place
I no legsl obatacle In the wsy of the legis
B an eld a sei ond wofer?
? da 'i memtjei i "f the i !sli
'ornla delegation In Conyreaa, bul wssl
again told thai the lentlmenl of Callfor-I
; nla ? Itlsena la :' of thsl
l.ill and that th*? Democratic and Tro?
gresslve leaders are united on the sub?
ject. Mr. Bryan declines to discuss thi
??uestion. l.ut intimates that he 1h hope
l" :l that international ? ompliratlon?. If
not an open breach, with Japan will b<*
One of the strongest arguments being
used by Um Department of r?tate Is thac
the legislation will seriously menace the
l'anama-r.n*ili?: Kxp,..sition, as Japan Is
almost certain to withdraw her support.
Including an api'iiii'iiation tor a $l,0?,?XnJ
building, if the law is pass...!.
Three members of the California <!<*!<*
Ration in Congress to-day took the atti?
tude that the existing treaty ?lid not COU?
?titule a bar to the proposed legislation
by Which their state would prohibit any
alien from owning land. The mustlon
hinges, they < ?intend, on the dlstincti?*n
between r?al and personal property.
Whil.? granting that the treaty accords
. itiz.-ns of both Japan and the United
Matai I?? rtain benefits in the territory of
the Other, and the tight "to carry oa
trade, ?whalaaale and retail? to own or
leass and OCCOpy houses, manufactories.
warehouaes and shopa," the CattfaralaBS
?ontend that the wor.i "houses" doe-- not
mean "land."
Connecticut Villages Would Bar
Him as Resident.
I>\ !".>?r;i!)ii in Th" Tribun? '
.South Sorwalk, ? onn., April T.?"Jack'
Rose, the gambler and Roeenthal witness
is persons non grata In the simple rum!
districts <<f ConneetlCUt. Developments
which followed his rlsll t?. w.*-tpott. Nor?
walk end Wilton last Thursday proved u
Mi Roas wanted t ? ? buy a country
home, snd select?Ml one In ?Wilton, but ne
sooner was his Identity known than the
lllage ' j v i ? ? league, the w. C T. r. and
the church societies were up in arms. Il
s. . nie.i as though everybody bad a p.;
lion ?.t protest.
ii. made It .*-" hot for it. T. Tracy,
whose place Roas ?wanted, that the opti.ii
w.is iii ailed this a't'Timoii. Pr?t ttoall?
liie same thing occurred in Weatport an-i
Norwalk. II is said that Kose wants to
slnrt ;. physical CUltnre retreat in con
junctio. with Bernard liaeFadden.
Washington. April 7 The state railro.Tl
rate caaes wer?- not decided to-day by
the Supreme Court.
. _
"Better Desks"
DESKS of high degree
?with low degree
.-._?? j small????
prices ? have a big
run here.
Don't wonder, tor they're
constructed along Matthews
QUALITY lines, look well, last
well, and match up in Roll Top. Flat Top and
Typewriter styles.
Inquiry costs you nothing.
ill*?.; ?! Um -? Kurnlt in.
275 Canal St. ?
? ,!??! . 0
,, game bststmtat kea?it ?;.
alk? Just Talk!
'E DO things the hardest way sometimes!
Those tiresome trips about town for in?
stance take a lot of time and energy
when made in person, and when the destination
is reached possibly waits, delays, and disappoint?
ments may make the trip seem all the harder.
The telephone saves all the labor of traveling,
whether you wish to go a short distance or a long
distance. It carries you at once, almost anywhere
and back again. It gets you out of the habit of
doing things the hard way because telephone
traveling is so easy and yet so resultful.
avoid those tiresome trips about town.
Don't Walk?Just Talk?by Telephone.

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