GLYNN AND OSBORN EASY ON BOSSES Murphy, McCooey and Mc Cabe ?Escape at State Committee Meeting. GOVERNOR PLEADS FOR A NEW CONSTITUTION Chairman Attacks Republicans and Progressif/?*! for Opposing Proposed Convention. ?? ? ivitl !? ? ? ?! ex I * Murphy, lohn ' *? * ,,;.. ..i..i H-Kt? ii?~'l i? , , . ? . ?*. and ommlt : retint ? . ??- usboi m '.? .? ? ? cl M irpl . M< Tammany i . i .v- tWO ? * bo pxci ? ? .-? Repul?l ? the , ' ' ' ? ?V . ?.. ? i two ?peak . i.- Tammany I in'' _- ? ..r iii.? ui'in'i meet? \i: \i ? i roadl] and re ? ? I lit,. * ?? t of thi ?hint h 1 ?in?. \v? i? iplifter? all right." ... , : . and Mr. Osboi ?t arei ? con ? ? ? by almos) ?-? mi.i n and -county t halr .r the RM ? of the l hes to . ? to get a full vote lion i?? I??- h? Id in April to ? I ? on ven tata < onstll nion. Murphy Aids Y. W. C. A ? ?? ? ??.?*; the 'I .? 'ii k< d to contribute I 1 " -i. "? ?mei \ o iiiti?m t -.i i?? Mi- ? M Turner, one of tii?? ? i? who an - to rala? 1100.0 O foi ? ? it ion her* Mi, Mui phy . ni* caught him ? - ndinc over the bills. ? ? - bol ween i he ? ;??>?? ? ART EXHIBITIONS AND SALES. Announcement of Public Sale* 11 I Ml Anderson Galleries sciond Section ?if the Inrballcd Collection of Lincolniana tormed h> the laic Major William H. Lambert ?>r 1'iiii.iiiiiphiH. ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION from Wednesday. March 25th. Proclamation ot Emancipation signed by Lincoln: Thirteenth Amendment signed by those who voted for it; thirty-four Autograph ? Lett. IM in \ ri *>f rlBtl? ? \. ?-. *t atioti of "the :' ? es, im- I ? :n highwa* affa '???. ??"man suf? j ? ballot home rule, ?ap? portionment "t' *.? embl1 districts, reforms ervlci reform* pai 'ion? 'The ?;,i.. m'"- ?? speech," si I Mi ? "? born "_i\ ?? -^ ua courage foi the fish' ? i. and, do not be ? ? r | .. ' , an ? we shall win. "We w ill ha? ME i COURT AND DETENTION HOME DE LUXE PLANNED FOR WOMEN \. w Building on Sitr o? Old Irndcrloin Station Will Replace Antiquated Quarters, Scattered Over the Citv. i ??: ? ? ? home i i.. t ? i . * >' ? ? Bixl ... Bevc ,,\. i ,. , ? . i g terda : *. i : tring ;itt? ntlon o Ital on, fire prol tlon. ' ? ? matters the < on n .., . ,j f ?.? . the mo**l Citj . Ill fl n|. the ?tat ? ? * ' building ? ?i! be r? ad ? ? ? i ? Thi ' ? : Mitch? : I'onim ? \ \: '? Bol ; ' * * foi ? ?? Ftoani of I 1 . trato ?! ? Minet ': I * i .. I?. . Mit Da aid cstcrdsy ..... ... ',- erected on t ?>!?i 'i end? rloln ?tat ! ' ? ' :? Iffln a \\ So. .TO ' ? Will ? ? - , ???.'?!. "Th< - * ? Irsigned I.rn ? -? ndanl upon ? ?. ? 11.- r? t ?. ' ? ? aiiiJ ?.n .fined in ti ? .pcc-iall ?ii" ??t'l WAIT ON LAW. SIEGE] DEPOSITORS T0L1 Asked t?? Not Accept l'art Pa\ ment Until Whitman Pro coeds Criminally. s ' - ? ' tor? who ?', \\,. i ? i esterds? ? ? "1 . ?? ? *' .-, ... tor pat their ? . til D trict Attoi '*?'? man hai i eded crlminall: I * ' lohn N ? " * ? i of I ton rot *: * ho wa ?ur< I i? i moi e ? han i * *, ? * . ? ? talned \ r?solut!? * ulated fot . ? ging that tin prop? rtl? ? of th ?. . ? . ?old in sepa * - * * ?timulate bids. The meetlt -.*?,. -? ? th itr? ??? ha1 ? been abandone? and Ihe depositors ?rill gather evi F ighl : : I' .??:*? B? hoot 27. 1 * ; ? i ? Hint Third svenu? \ meetlnj called " ?... ? ?or T? mpl? Ka I ' Ith ?tr? ? t. Bo?toi Marcl I - ? dit? of the Hen - * ? * of I were granted to-i dend i James M. Oil Th? tor* numbei ? rhe trust ; .n irfini : ? sal? ? * asset1 and it ted tl si ?unt will be In .. ? . th? * ??*...? . .. ? ,. i?. ted NOBODrsTAUGHTER' INSANE OVER PAST I act Thai Rich Couple Never Legally Adopted Mcr Blow to Woman. mit, N .1 . Mar? h 21 M B? a ?i, e Day, rorty-l hr? ? ? ?? ? Id, who hoi mind Iront bi ? oding over ' he i']>. !.. lure ' " wa - not the I? pally *, | -.- daui : - : Mr .?i. i Mi T i... . . i \ - 16 N'"!"'.i av?ni"j Bum mit. hci r i ??:.".! to?dfl ? . * i ? ? ? i ' . ? i ? .. ? \ : ? mold .ti 11 i ? i at ? ..un? ni tli?- llttl? I ri "is !?? l Infoi n atlon . onfld?ntial se o? ? -? si ?' ling him to I : .k on iha poll? ? ' '? M"* laj thai Ma or ?rill to the p? Hi ?? In | : ? i ,:i i . !?.rk. it is undei ? food The Ma ked yesterds I ha i ? (.;' liberall | I ? ? s "It! i . he replico . . ? . on and I don'l a ml lo ! ?' 'I up no 'ih? ? i no h'ii i j about ?pp log the cotimltte? I i hsv? ? chana t< iha JOHN JASPER TO GET A NEW TRIAL Philadelphia Bobs Dp with Plan io Out-Dickens London Next Month. MANY MEN TO BE IN OF NOTE THE FARCE Not To Re Altogether a Jest, as Bernar?! Shaw Persisted in Regarding the Other. . * Phllad? i, Mar Is n Drood, : ? ? ', ' ert?n. In 1 ?on? do * ' ? after s ensa ipe I iT'l a hat'.") j ghl ? ? ?? ? trial will h. h< Id in this < it ? undei | ti o the Dicki Pell? 01 , pi '. a th an .i:^ t ' - il talent istlce of the Btat S ; r? i ?? ? two former governors, a hall dosen oi -n 'i ' Jud| ei of I?* al eon . ?re of ? ? n ol national t eputat ' I I | rs. surgeo snd lit? ? ? - eputat Sup em? J n will .? e.lll leij Vttorne* t ieneral Bell and ttt? Common Pleas ? out Congressman George Graham snd p rclval Woodli ? '? counsel for the defence, The will he .ira\??ri t .-.?m jthls re? markable panel: Mayor Blankenburg, t" T Bj it? ibur bank? r; George r\ kins, traction ?capitalist: Joseph licCall, ? ?? tridty capitalist .lohn Luther Long, a-ithr?- nnd playwright; John B. mm? ter, ? Owen Wlster, stlthor and traveller; Flnley Peter Dunn, humorist. rjeorge Ade, humorist; former Governor! Vltacker, i": le Governoi Stuart.) h Mon ?s .lastrow, i oil? ?.? not a rthoul - ? ? ? ? rid ulged I n i ? ? At l ly-thin. Inning ?lardner was i 518 ? ? Brown's it'. From there on the to get o i .me an>i . alowl) bul sural] up on the i Vrlon Club player. In the forty-alxth innIng _. * i thi ? i ~ 11< . t oi th? evening PI '? w i?.. 'i a. waned till the lift: - ; eigl ng Gardner at that point la? i?' " ? ? i go out | it? i ?? Bi era n made his last ai d . ? ? i he ? o?'i mat Mied the broug ? to ? - !?-?? t and th? n up and cheering as he vallantl? pul together ? : .:, ?? ? I':.- n I ? ? ? ? ? ? est all ? nano for that went **?itii it. The ' who were fortunate enough * i ???? the finish and Hare were many At t .. I? ._tii ?'t* the gam? sai.i il wa in? i.."-i the?, had a en ni man? yeai v?iih the title Gardner adns permanent Ion ol thi troph?. ? he had won a li , on it In i ?'" i ha n man follonra ii?,.'. ',.,? i .. ? . l it, i . i . ., ' ? ? ! M 1 i. a h ? ? ?? ' i, I. 'i . .... MO; ' '-? ? i i . in Hamilton ? I I ?? 1 t 111, " I.. I, S, 1] 1 II 3 1 . ... ... ? , : . f ? - - CASH BACK FROM LAWYERS Court Bids Firm Pay $9,000 of Fee in Robin Bank Case. Justice Gavegan va? ted y-cstarda; ??*> order previousl] signed bj Mm. confirm? ? | the repon or ex?Justic?a Ernest Hall, is refi e, whlcl awarded to the law firm ? * Qlfferd, Hobba i i;?*-.??-,* $?-..-.., from - ? ? ??..*. ? Northern Bank The n on? * awar led *?*- si for .< - il ex? The court ordered the a - to re? menl 1 will be 1 pea th? ? utcome ? ; ? hs *g? that ? i.e., it the Law firm. When thr repet? of Mr. Hall cam? onfii matlon, loi eph O. Robin ob? l i-ted i tlon wa nads the 8ta1 Buperlnl ? : . laim of the la*a - lo I. 8 ?hrn n quest!? a ose- title l.tain f ? of the ftforth? rn Bank i snd JUBtii ? i ?ai - - ? i said ' s d? sion - I . ??. ..*,?? tlmon , i ...? ? ?? . was no ord a 1th Iha I i GIRL PAYS FOR BED BY FOILING ROBBER Given lodging in NetCOag Rail road Station. Her Cries Rout Cracksman. * i' - ? N'etcong, N. ?' ? ?isi 21. Han y \ |?ackaa inn ? tatlo* sgenl ?cov?I red this I ? t iiit; of th * nighl i" fore ' id pi e? ? nted , the ? ompanj 's safa ?? ted ?1 thlrt?r*e*vyear?o!d girl who li.??i n her train and been allowed to remain *n the atatlon all nisiit had frightened an i -, man **iio had Jimmied .? window. 0 the change from ;? telephone ? ol machine wa? miaaing, The girl, "ho said she waa Helen Meill and thai shs lived in Eastern Pennsyl? vania, arrivad In N'etcong venter-lay to geek work here B a applied al several pi.i. .- ', . Th? * ? - to and her s< became so violent I it l ?* robber, ? ing thai he would
  • s. The Rei .,?.,, ? ? ? "'" " ' M - ?" '?'fur- ? i ?? ? . . .mbassado R* . . Shernl ... * ? i:\-Attoi .... . v,..-, _ ( ' ?" h" Mi,) "'"''? ' modi ' - . '?' publl? ? - i . Consul G Q -., . >.. | r? . ? ths Lx ? of th? relattomM ' ' ? ? . and Hie aSUtk; tari ?? lov* i ??? ? to oi daaea i fag i and don t d? Pie sie. in m I ? ? expect ui ' i like growi upa Mr. Bacoi ? sd fragt a. ? th America .- p? . !"? th' ? . ? . i avi .Ion earning < t nesa of th? \t ? v. es Ith, tl lo? si patriot itlea sf Us "To - ? ? ist know th? >' ? * ? -? ? ? ? Fore the au \ the \ Buenos . riicre . South Amei lea ca : dii | ao?t ? ? laund? ?'.' ' oni !? rsoaaHtham exhibit SUSPECT POISONED WINE Police Investigate Deaths Fol lowing Brooklyn Party. Krank Senior, of 1 ' " ? ' m Mahot ??: ? died i " M""r t ? _ v.?; ? Ma " ' ? st the ' ? _?ed. ? e\? '-' ? Where Should I Buy my Piano? |M this dav of many claim'? Mid confusing prices, this in ? onbrnl question. . And yet the very firsl thought ol nine people ?nit of ifti is The Sterling Piano Compam. Why? Nol jus? because thia is Brookiyn'* iicsl Known Piano ll?usc l?ui be? cause ??ver half a century of success? ful business lias permanently estab? lished the indisputable repuUtion ol our product the absolute ivhab.lii. 0f our prices the satisfaction ol the highest type of expert service? and because this is the beat place to bu) i piano. New Pianos at $195 up New Playerp??no* at $395 up Used Piano? at $95 up Weekly or Monthly Poy-ienU The Sterling Piano Co. J Manufacturer. Sterling Building N y 518-520 Fulton Street. Comer Hanover Pl.c^Br^oklyn^^^