OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, January 14, 1919, Image 13

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1919-01-14/ed-1/seq-13/

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Thumbnail for 13

Active S
Sumniary of Stock Exchange Dealings
Railroads . 36.300
Other stocks . 402.600
AJ1 others . 438,900
Januarv 1 to dat<;
7 S government,
Other bonds .
Yesterday. Dav before
...$7,516,000 $3J08,0OQ
- 534.C00 273.C0O
... 4.16G.000 1.228.000
...12,216.000 4,6G9,GC0
January 1 to date
Yearngo, 1919. 1918
$2,391,000 $53,882,000 $21,575,000
723.0CO 7,213.000 8.291,000
1.568X00 36.43S.0OO 14.809,000
4,682,000 96,305,000 44,675,000
Record of Stock and Bond Averages
Range Jan. 1 Range full
Yester- Day Year to date 1910. year 1918.
day. before. ago. High. Low High. Low.
80 Railroads . 71.55 71.65 65.95 72.50 71.55 79.15 66.12
als. 82.77 82.90 73.60 84.87 82.77 88.83 73.37
. 78.28 78.40 70.54 79.92 78.28 84.08 70.30
10 Railroads . 82.75 82.55 80.52 82.80 82.55 86.57 76.62
ila . 94.35 94.40 89.03- 94.41 93.72 94.03 67.40
Utilities . ?5.54 85.32 88.50 87.75 85.16 89.02 82.62
25 Bond . 87.95 87.84 85.40 87.95 87.74 89.46 83.63
The stock market was highly irregular yesterday, trading pro
ceeding on a light scale, with professional selling uncovering wcakness in
a number of the specialties. The movement, however, was not pronouneed
and the dayJs transactions developed no definite trend.
United States Steel common was a target for professional offerings
and deeiined for a time to 90 3-8, the lowest in months. Subsequently it
recovered ar.d closed virtually unchanged at 90 3-4.
Oil s'.ares resumed their upward movement, with Texas Company up
2 3-8, California Petroleum preferred 1 1-2, and Mexican Petroleum 5-8.
The as* named, in an early rise, touched 182 3-8, but did not hold.
Ar-iong the specialties which registered net losses were American
Hice Mid Leather preferred, which broke from 76 3-8 to 74 and closed 2
pcrnts off, American Ice 3 1-4, Montana Power 4 points, Savage Arms
3 3-8, United States Industrial Alcohol 2 1-4, Pittsburgh Coal 1 3-8 and
May Department Stores 2 1-4.
Attention was attracted to the bond market by the record transac
tion in United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland 5 l-2s of 1919, in?
volving the sale of a block of $10,015,000 at 100 1-16. There was active
trading in all of the United Kingdom notes.
Liberty Loan bonds were active and lower on the announcement that
vie new war loan would probably be brought out in April. The fourth
4 l-4s deeiined from 95.50 to 95.10 and then rallied to 95.24 at the close.
Yesterday's Transactions in Listed Stocks
All stocks quoted dollars per share. Annual dividend rate, also in dollars
per share, is based on last regular payment. High and low prices of 1919
are ba^ed only on transactions of 100 shares or more.
Hisrii. Los*-. Div. Xet
137'. 1919. Rate. Sales. Open. High. Low. Close. chge.
134 1;3? Ajax Rubber Rights_ 2S00 1% 1% 1% 1%? %
50 -3% ? Adams Express . 600 50 50 50 50 -?
25' 4 24 ? Advance Rumely . 100 24% 241 2 241 2 24%
60s 2 59 ? Advance Rumely pr. ICO 59% 59% 59% 59%- %
68% 66 6 .Ajax Rubber . .200 66 66 66 66 ? 1%
4 3%-- Alaska Cold Mine. 100 3% 3% 3% 3%
2's 134 ? Alaska Juneau . 900 2', 3 2' a 2 2 ? %
35'4 32 ? Allis-Chalmers Co . 2800 33% 34' 3 33' 3 331 8? %
C5! z 23 7 Allis-Chalmers Co pr. . . 5C0 84% 85 84% 85 + %
103 101 8 Amer Agr Chem. 200 101t4 10114. 101 101 + %
77 62 8 Amer Beet Sugar. 17C0 69% 09% 67% 69 ? V 8
?434 84% 6 Amer Beet Sugar pr_ 100 84% 8434 8434 84%? 1
5C33 ,+673 __ American Can Co. 4400 48'4 43% 47% 47%? %
24.; 38% 8 Am Car & Foundry Co.. 2400 89% 90 38% S8%? %
114% -,4 7 Am Car & Fdry pr. 2C0 114 1147a 114 114%+ %
45'4 39% 4 Amer Cotton Oil. 500 43% ^ 43'2 44 ??
16> 3 13% ? Amer Hide & Leather.. 1600 15 15 14% H'/jj? %
79 *1&r-5 Am Hide & L pr. 5700 76% 76% 74 75?2
-533 -40 ? American I*.e . 4100 45 45% 41% 41%? 2%
59 56% 5 American Ice pr. 200 57' 4 5714 5658 56%?? %
57'3 55 3% Amer Int Corp. 2^00 55% 53' 2 55% 55%? %
52'3 47 ? American Linseed . 1600 50 50'/2 49! 2 49' 2? 34
92% 89'4 7 Amer Linseed pr. 2CD 90 90 90 ,90 ? %
6-3 60 5 Amer Locomotive . 600 60', 2 60' 2 60 C0 ? 1
102% 101 7 Am Locomotive pr. 100 101 101 101 101 ?1
4% 2' 4 ? American Malt . 8C0 2% 2% 2\ 4 2' 4? \ 4
78% 72% 6 Amer Smelting . 8400 73% 73% 72% 7272? 34
86% 8-*% 7 Amer Steel Foundry.... 400 85 85 85 85 ? %
115%112l4 7 American ?igar . 500 113% 114i/2 113% 1l4'/2+ 11 2
115 1131/2 7 American ar pr_ 100 115 115 115 115 -
99% 96% 10 American itra . 600 97 97 96% 96%? %
101 99% 8 Amer Te 1. 900 100% 101 100% 101 ?
?6 19512 20 America icco . 100 202 202 202 202 ? 2%
106 101 4 6 Amer T new. 200 103 103 103 103
52% 49% 5 America- ol . 400 50% 50% 49% 49%? V 4
98% 95'a 7 American - ool pr. 1C0 93 95 96 96 ? %
12% 12 ? Amer Zinc & Lead. 200 12 12 12 12 ? %
61% 59% 6 Anaconda . 37C0 60'3 60'3 59% 59% ? '3
24-% 17%-- Assoc Drv Goods. 200 2C 2 20'2 20' 2 2C. 2? 3
7614 63 5 Asso Oil . 700 75-% 75'4 75% 76'4 %
9414 92 6 Atchison . 100 92% 92% 92% 92%
108'2104 10 Atlantic Golf & W I... 400 105 105 104 104 ?1
77'/8 72% ? Baldwin Locomo Co.... 6500 74 74% 72% 72%? %
50 49 4 Baltimore & Ohio. 2CO 49' ; 49' 4 49'4 49'4 - %
1% 1 2 ? Batopilas Mining . 500 1% 1% 11 2 I'/r? Vs,
63'2 53'2 10 Beth Steel, Class B. 23900 60% 60'4 53% 58%? 1%
<05 104 4 8 Beth Steel 8th pr. 1C0 10434 104% 104'2 104'. 2 - '4
26'?. 20'4? Brooklvn Rap Transit.. 1100 24% 25% 2-% 25 - %
22% 20% 2 Booth Fisheries Co.... ?00 21% 21% 20% 20%? %
157 152 10 Burns Bros . 1500 156 157 155% 155%
7'4 6 % Butte Cop & Zinc. 700 6% 6% 6'/2 6%? %
21% 19 ? Butte & Sup Copper... 300 19 19 19 19 ? '4
52% 48% 4 California Facking .... 1400 51% 52 50% 50' 2? %
23% 21%-- < alifornia Petroleum .. 1200 22% 23 22'3 23 + %
69% 64'., 7 Calif Petroleum pr. 12CC 66'4 68% 66 ; 63% h 1%
61 2 59% 3 Calumet & Arizona.... 30C 63 60 59% 59% - 2
1?134 153% 10 Canadian Paciric . 2C0 153' 7 159 153% 159 -
93% 92% 7 Case, J I. pr. 100 93'/2 93'/2 93'/2 93'/2
62^; 58% 5 Central Leather . 1200 53% 59% 58% 58%
117',-2 1Q7 6 gCentral & So Am Tel.. 20 117% 117% 117 117 -
671/2 56 4 Ches & Ohio. 100 56 56 56 56 ? %
7% 7% - Chicago & Alton. 100 7'4 7'4 7% 7%? %
41% 38% 4 fChic, M & St P. 9C0 40% 41 40% 40%? %
"; . 71% 7 tC. M & St P pr. 800 72% 72% 72% 72%
96% 95% 7 Chic & N'west . 400 95 96% 95% 96'/2
133 131% 3 Chic & N'west pr. 100 133 133 133 133 ?- 1
26% 25 -- Chic, R I & Pac ...... 1600 25% 25% 25 25 ? %
67 66 6 C, R I & P 6% pr. 100 66% 66% 66% 66%? %
36 35 C, C, C & St 1. 100 35 35 35 35 -
18% 17%-- Chite Copper . 800 17% 17% 17% 17%-- %
34% 33% 4 Chino Con Copper. 500 33% 34 33% 33%- %
65 64 6 < luett Peabody . 100 64 64 64 64 ? %
38% 36% 3 Col Fuel & Iron. 400 36'% 36% 36% 36% - %
43% 42% 4 Col Gas & Elec. 500 42% 42% 42% 42%--- %
22% 21 - - Col & South. 700 22% 22% 22 22% - 1%
'5% 48% 4 Col A South 1st pr_ 100 49% 49% 49% 49/2 + 1%
W% 93 7 Conaolidated Gas . 300 95% 95' ?> 95 95 7- %
8% 8% 3 Con Inter Calla Min... 100 8% 8'.4 8'4 8%
71% ?9,3 6 Contlnental Can. 100 69% 69% 69'% 69%? %
59 53 5 Cont Insurance Co. 200 59 59 59 59
50?a 47% - Corn Products . 5700 49% 49% 48% 48%? %
60% 68 ?- Crucible Steel . 32C0 56% 56% 56 56
3'% 24%- Cuba Cane Suirar. 16400 26'% 25% 24% 25% - %
80 74% 7 Cuba Cane Sugar pr. . . 1700 74% 76 74% 76 %
J * 3% - - Denver & Bio G. 600 5 5% 4% 5' H ? 1%
74 6% Denver & Rio <i pr_ 400 6% 6% 6% 6% - %
13 11%-. Dotbc Minea . 200 11% 11% 11% 11%? %
's % Detroit Edison Kts.... 700 % % % %
^H 49 2 Diatlllers Securities . 9500 54% 54% 52 52 ? 2%
17% 1?%? Erie . 6ro 16% 17 16% 17 ? ',
&/4 27% Erte lit pr. 1C0 27% 27% 27% 2734.-?.
19V4 19%-- Krie 2d pr. 100 10% 19% 19% 19% - 1%
W/2 29'% 4 Gatiton Williams . 300 29% 29% 29% 29% %
?*4 47 4 General Cigar. 900 53 53 51% 51% -1%
151$% 149% 8 General Electric .0_ 100 150 '50 150 150 ? %
1**% 123 12 General Motors . 800 129 129 128' a 129 + 1
??J^a 82 6 General Motors pr. 100 84 84 84 84 ? %
2% 1% ? <,en*-ral Motor Rights.. 100 1% 1% 1% 1%? %
W% M% 4 Coodrlcfa B F. 5700 57% 60% 5734 59% \ 2%
* 77% 10 Granby Mining . 500 78% 78% 78% Z8% 1%
?*/2 99/a 7 Gt Northern pr. 1100 93% 93% 93% 93%- %
^*% 81% 4 Gt North Or?> h?Iis.... 7700 34% 38% 34% 34%- %
2*% 42% 8 Gre<-r*? Can ?'-pp?-r . 600 AV H 4."5% 42% 43% - %
W? 119 10 f.uif Stat* Ste^l . 100 59% 59% 59% 59% + %
w% $T% 7 WMnom Central . 20fl 98 98 93 93 - %
]4% 10% Intfrnatlonai A?n _ 400 11 14'/a 14 14! .. 1%
j! 4? 5 IfttOTM* Agrkult Bf.... 200 57%. 57'? 57'? 5" ;, %
*/? 43%t 3 in?pir?ti?ii Copr^r .... 1500 44 44% 43% 43%+ J%
Interbor-Cons Corp .... 1900
Interhor-Cons Corp pr.. 700
Int Harvester Co. 5.0
Int Mercan Marine. 2000
Int Mercan Mar pr. 28100
International Paper .... 200
Int Paper pr stpd. 100
International N'ickel . . 10700
Kelly Springfield _.. 200
Kennecott Copper . 14CO
Lackawanna Steel . 200
Lehigh Valley . 500
Lee Rubber & Tire. 100
Lig & Myers Tob Co pr. 100
Loose W Bis Co 1st pr. . 2CC
Lorillard, Pierre . 100
Louisville & Nashville.. 100
Manhattan Elevated ... 300
Maxwell .Motor 1st pi,.. 100
May Dep't. Stores. 300
Mexican Petroleum _ 2310O
Miami Con Copper.... 500
Midvale Steel . 6400
Minn & St Louis new... 400
Missouri Pacific . 4900
Missouri Pacific pr. 300
Montana Power . 300
National Acme . 100
National Con & Oble. 5C0
Nat Enameling & Spg. . 500
National Lead. 100
Nat R R of Mex 2d pr. . 100
Nevada Con Copper . .. 100
New Or, Tex & Mex_ 200
N Y Air Brake. 500
New York Central. 200
N Y C & St L 1st pr_ 100
X Y Dock. 1C0
N Y, N H & H. 1500
N Y, Ont & Western_ 300
Norfolk Southern . 300
North American . 100
Ohio Gas . 900
Ontario Silver . 100
Owens Bottling . 200
Okla Pro & Ref. 10100
- Amer Pet. 3600
nsylvania t R. 1400
.e Marq prior pr. . . . 1C0
ierce Arrow . 800
Pierce Oil . 6000
Pittsburgh Coal . 900
Pitts & West Ya. 400
Pitts & West Va pr_ 100
Pressed Steel Car. 100
Railway Steel Spring.. 100
Rail Steel Spring pr. . . 100
Ray Con Copper. 400
Reading . 2400
Rep Iron & Steel, ._ 1200
Rep Iron & Steel pr... 1X)
Royal Dutch . 2100
Savage Arms . 100
Saxon Motors . 100
Seaboard Air Line. 500
Seaboard Air Line pr. . 300
Sears Roebuck . 100
Shattuck Ariz . 100
Sinclair Oil . 1500
SlosB-Sheff St & Iron.. 300
Southern Pacific . 73C0
Southern R R. 2400
Southern R R pr. 200
Stromberg Carb . 2400
Studebaker . 1300
Stutz Motors . 200
Texas & Pacific. 2200
Texas Company . 34?Q
Tex Company Rights... 3100
Tob Products . 6000
l'nion Pacific . 1800
l'nion Pacific pr. 100
United Alloy Steel. 200
i'nited f'igar Stores... 7100
I'nited Drug . 200
I'nited Drug 1st pr.... 100
I'nited Fruit. 300
I'nited Ry Investment.. 400
In Ry Investment pr... 100
I" S Cast Iron P & Fo. . 100
U S Ind Alcohol. 2500
U S Ind Alcohol pr. 200
I* S Rubber. 2700
U S Smelt & Ref. iCO
U S Steel. 68100
U S Steel pr. 400
I'tah Copper . 2000
Utah See Corp. 100
Va-Carolina Chem .... 100
Va-Carolina Chem pr. . . 100
Va Iron. Coal & Coke. . 2C0
Yulcan Detinning . . . . 10G
?jWabash pr A. 700
West Maryland . 3C0
West Pacific . 100
West l'nion Tel. 3C0
Westinghouse Mfg . 500
Wilson Co . 300
Willys Overland . 2600
Willys Overland pr. . . . 100
Wuolworth . 100
-'Dividend deferred pending settlement of railroad contract.
^Dividend deferred pending decision of Railroad Administrator.
SOdd lots.
Curb Market
Mining Stocks
Note, The Tribune assumes no responsi?
bility for the acc-uracy or authentieity of curb
market quotations. Transactions and prices
yesterday were as followst
Shares. Open.
700 'Aetna Expl. . . 7' 4
5000 Bi--Am Tb coup 24'..>
3175 'Dicto'ph Prot!. 8%
10000 *Gen Asphalt... 49! _?
LOOO Mo pr. 83' _
600 ?Gen M *!s db wi 80
400 ?Gilli tte Sfy R.113
2500 Hupp Mot Car 5', _
1:7111 Int Rubbtr. 21
15700 Kev Tire & R. . 541 4
1000 'l.ihby. McN&L 22%
4000 Man-oni Amer. 4'^
4000 'N.'H. Coal & I . 54' ^
3.*Perf T & R.. [h
1C00 i"r|e?s T&M Cp 19%
400 "Smith Mot T ,'.t
I 100 Sub 1'. vt ,-tfs. . 12' 2
7 00 "Swift Inter wi 46
2200 Cnited Motors. 35',*
5200 t; S .Steamship 5
5000 Wayna Coal. ... 43_
L500 "W-M A'c-ft Cp. 4 v
7. W Kilin Cp vtc. %
Hicb. Low
7'/4 7
26'a 24
9 8*;
52'2 48',
84i 2 83';
80 79';
113'/a 113
5'. ?_ 5'';
21 17
*4 1 *
193/4 1834
12'/2 11' 2
46 (_ 45',4
353-8 35
5 47s
4% 4',
4% 4
251 2
84' -.
5' i
19' |
45' 4
43 8
7 00
_r _* 1. n
7 7. 0
I Mo
tAlaa-Br C M.
?"Am Mini
* Ulanta ....
I! g Ledge Cop .
i-B >st & Mont .
* Caledonia .. .
?Cai & Jer...
Canada Cop. . .
* FCandel-Tia S.
?Cer S M & M
Con Ar:?. Sm, .
Cresson C G .
?Eureka Cr M .
First Nat Cop.
* Florence Silv
fGoldfield Con.
Hecla Min.
*Tjim Butler..
?tLib S iapi.
tLone Star...
?tMother Lode.
+ N'ixon Nev. , .
?Onnndaira M..
?Ray Hero M.
tRochester M..
Stantlai-d S-I. .
?tSuccess Min.
Tonopah Ext .
i nited Eastern
?tWard V. & M
fWaah Gold Q.
tWeat End Con
?+W U E ia pl
tWh Cars Min
Standard Oil Subsidiaries
5 Cont Oil.
20 ?11] Pipe I.inc
1" ?N1.rt.l1 P !.. .
2 ?Stand O 1 Ky
700 do <N J I . .
Open. High. Low. Last.
503 500 500
166 166 166
- 107 107 107
- 360 360 360
- 731 722 724
Sales (000 omittcd). Open. HiKh. Low.
Other Oil Stocks
301 0
: 00
n. Open.
?Harnett OAG.. A
?tBottton-Wy (). 19
?Cosdcn ,y- Co. 7' .<
?Cryiit.al Oil. . .
?Elk Basln Pet
?Ksm Oi! Cor.
?Federal Oil...
?Glenrock OH. .
?Mouston Oil...
?rMndaon Oil. .
?It>t l'c-t.
*l?land O & T.
?'Ki-niivs Oil. .
Met. i'et.
?t.Midwf.t Oil. .117
*t Northwest Otl 50
tOmur O A G. 30
?Pennock Oil.. 14!-'?
?Pitt* 0 * G. .
?tQiiM-n OH...
?Royal D n*-w.
?Sap O iu R?f.
Scni O & R_
?Sianuin Oil..
?tT.x O A U. .
?Un w <> n.w.
?Vie Oil nw fltll
Way O <fc G...
High. Low. Last.
7\ 2
61 4
? i ?
81 ?
?15?AT&T 6s wi. 99'a 993-g 99'-?
, 7 'Am T 7s 1922. .102/_ 102C. 102'/2
10 *do 7s 1923 . .103'4 103 a IO3I4
?17 'Anaconda Ba w i 98' 4 98'/4 98
:. ?!-! sti :?? 1920. .101 101 101
7 "Can Gov 7s.... 99^ 993i 993.J
125 ?C&N BP mtK fiR.1003., 100*4 IOC/4
9 ?Cud 7s 1D23 w i. 102' 8 ""
43 Mnt R T Th.. .. 911/4
7 ? I. & M 6s 1971. 993.4
10 ?NYTC db 6? w i.101
300 ?I->RR it m 5s w i 98t g
17 ?Ituaa Gov 5V6?. ? 511_
5 *<lo 6V4s. 53
15 ?W i Co cvt Ci. 93
?L'nliated. fSclls ccnta per ahare.
0121 j
103' ,
101' a
Consolidated Exchange
! (Unit of trude on tjiia exchanae. 10 ?hare?.]
Transaction* and pricea yeHterday tor tha
1 more active uharea follow:
' S.ileii. Ouen. Hisrh. Lom-. Last.
80D Am Sm ei Ruf. 73*. 73% 72% 72%
1620 Beth SU?1 B . 60'/4 60'4 58', 69
S40 Cuba Cane Sug 25! 1 25% 24% 24%
3970 Int M Mar pr.108 109% 105'-_ 105%
2270 Mexican Pet. . .178% 182' , 1781, 179%
j 127o0 U S Steel. 90%_ 91% 90% 90%
?I.IHLRTY tSOtflit,
Jlt',00 Liberty 3V6?. 99.68 99.70 99.62 99.64
1450 do I?t 4 V 96.72 96.78 96.72 96.78
".?.;,il do 7.1 Hin 95.74 96.76 95.68 95.68
?;V,n do ?'.?? t %t* 97.50 97 56 97.32 97.3:?
;; 770 do Ith IV 96.38 96.38 96.04 96.Oi
% i *rricca include interest.
L. S. Government Bonds
The following table gives in detail quota?
tions on all bonds and notes dealt in on the
New York Stock Exchange:
(New York Stock Exchange Quotations)
(Closing Quotations)
. ., ? Monday. Saturdav.
Liberty 3-s.. 99.40? 99.50 99.:T.0? 99.30
do lst 4a... 92.50? 92.60 92.80 3 92.90
do 2d -ls. .. 92.20? 92.30
do Ut C4s. 96.30? 96.50
do L'd 4I-4*. 95.10? 95.14
do 3,1 .4 Via. 96.00? 96.10
do 4th C-4s. 95.22? 95.40
2s, reg, 1930. 93
2s, coup, 1030. 98 @
3s, reg, 1946. 83 @
3s, coup, 1946. 83 @
4s, reg, 1925.106'
?ls*. coup, 1928
2a. Pan., 1935
23, Pan., 1338
3s. Pan., 1961
3s, Pan., L961
Liberty 3'-3.
do lat 4s...
do 2d 4a..
do lst 4l4s
do 2d 4:4 3
do 3d 4-43
do 4th 4Vis
U S Liberty 3'--s I U S Liberty 3d 4;4*
268,000.99.50, 3.000. 96.20
50,000. 99.54': . 96.10
92,000. 99.56 139,000 . 96.14
373,000. 99.50 1,030.000. 96.12
14,000. 99.40: 464,000. 96.10
-?- 141,000.96.08
Total .$797,000; 115,000. 96.03
U 6 Liberty lst 4s 100,000. 96.04
3,000. 92.30 81,000. 96 02
3,000. 92.70 559,000. 96.00
2,000.92.80' 1 000. 95.98
61.000. 92.70 26,000. 95.94
12,000. 92.60: 2,000. 95.92
10,000. 92.50 5,000. 95.90
18,000. 92.601 2 1.000. 95.93
-.- 213,000. 96.00
Tota! .$100,000 90,000. 96.06
U S Liberty 2d 4a 50.000. 96.08
00,000. 92.60 10,000. 96.02
60,000. 92.50 50,000. 96.06
9,000. 92.43
35.000. 92.40 Total _$3,108,000
15,.1. 92.44 U S Liberty 4th 4Vis
20,000. 92.34 125,000. 95.50
65,000. 92.30 25,000. 95.54
2,000. 92.10 11,000. 95.56
12,000. 92.20' 184,000. 95.54
2,000. 92.20 87,000. 95.52
? 3 26,0011. 95.50
Total .$280,000 16,000. 95.44
U S Liberty lst 4&a 2.000. 95.46
18,000. 96.42' 87,000. 95.42
37,000. 96.401 217.000. 95.40
29,000. 96.301 27,000. 95.33
f,l. 96.40 294,000. 95.36
0,000. 96.30' 67,000. 95 34
21,000. 95.32
Total .$97,000 15 1,000. 95.30
U S Liberty 2d 4V*a | 65,000. 95.28
125,000. 95.16 88,000. 95.28
41,000. 95.18' 59,000. 95.24
118,000. 95.16' 25,000. 95.22
32.000. 95.141 21,000. 95.20
21.000. 95.12.' 29,000. 95.18
I10.0i.i0. 95.10i 4,000. 95.16
: ' .0.'. 95.08: 13,000. 95.10
? '. IO0. 95.06 10,000. 957.2
77.000. 95.04' 25,000. 95 24
07.000. 95 08' 15,000. 95.26
00. 95.12' 7s! 000. 95.28
50,000. 95.10' 40.000. 95.24
- 30,000. 95.26
Total .$973,000
Total . . . .$2,162,000
Foreign Government and Mu?
nicipal Bonds
Am Forrign Sec 5a ' Rep o* c-t,a 5s 1914
250,000. 99% 5,0i)0.. 921;,
5,000. 993-4 U K o Gt Drit & X
Anglo-Frencli 5s 6V>8 1919
8.000. 97' s "5 000.1001-n
18 000. 97n*j 5.000.100
78.000. 97 1 0G8.000. 100 7,
3,000. 96% 1,000.100
30,000. 97 | do new
26.000. 967si 10,000 100-7
2o,0oo. 97 ' 22,000.100i?
LOOO. 96 77 1,000.100 ?
?1,000. 96% 95.000.100A
City of Rordeaux *s ? 2,000. !00-'.
5,000.100'-,- 34 1.000. 100' ?
3.000.1001*. IS 000 100 ???
20.000.10C4 7,000.1001,
City of Lyons 6s | 16,000.. IQQi '?
11.000.10C3o l 000 100-7
37.0OO.1OC/4: 111,000.100%
City of Marseilles 6a 45,000 1C0-'f
8.000.1001a 25.000.. .700%
24,'ioo.10C'-., do 5V*>s 1921
500. 99% 10,000. 98' \
City of Paris 63 1.000. 98%
70,'0. 99 ! |0 0Q0 98' ?
35.000. 98% 130 000. 98%
30,000. 983'*' 4.000. 98
Dom Canada 5-j 1921 2,000. 98%
7.000. 98 ' do BHs 1037 '
2 000. 977.3 10.000.100A
do 1031 1.000. .. 100V.
0.0O0. 97% 3 000 100A
LOOO. 975-8 12.000. 100i'i
French Gov 5 79 IJ S of Mexico 5,,
10.000.104 L.OOO ... 70
1 13 lln".1033? Virginia dfd 0s B B &
50.000.103%i Co rtf?
lOO.Ooil.1033-,' 10 000 69%
2.000.103 -V 10 000 70
138 000.1031*,. N Y Citv -17,3 io?7
155.000.103.', 22.000 101
1,000.10377 do !',s 101b
15,000.103%' 7.000. 96
83.000.103A do 47.3 1961
36.000.1031-4 2,000. 97%
20,000.103 I
Eep of Cuba 03 100 4
10,000. 93' 2
Argentinc Gov 0s 1920 Rus ext 5'-4s 1921
99 @ 991s. 4E ,a 51
do 0s 1909 do ext O'-s l'J19
90%? 94 50 ? 53
Chlneae Gov By 5s 1 Manitoba oa 19 10
70 @ 71 | 9734? 983 i
Canadian 5s Aug 7 0 ; Mex gen 5s 1899
99%? 99H 66 @ 6934
do 5s 1937 ' do 4a 1954
95 @ 96' ,\ 47 ? 55
City of Tokio 5s 1912 Newfoundlsnd 5s 1919
82 @ 82% 98%? 99%
Cuban Rep 5s 1904 Norway 0s 1923
92 @ 94 100 @101
do ser A 1949 Quebec City .",* 1320
893-4? 92%' 973i@ S834
do 4Vfea 1949 IQuebec Prov 5a
82 @ 83 973/4? 987,
Intcrnal Rus Gv 5U? Swiss gen 5s, Mar '20
118 @123 99 @ 99%
Railways, Other Corporaions
Alaaka Gold M 6s 'Lisrrtett & M 7i
ser B I.OOO.113
3,000. 32% do. i
Am Ag Ch deb -Bs 1. 0.V7.
:!.ooo.101> a 1.000.93
Am Smelting 3s 'Lorillard Co ",.-,
13,000. 923., 7 00. 9?
Am T 4 T cvt 6s Louis & Nash uni -ts
12,000.101'/j .36ia
3,000.101% do P & At 6a
3.000.107 - ; 7,000.101! 4
(i.OOO.1013-8 Midvale Steel 5s
1,000.101% IO . 88
1,000.101 M K & T lat ls
6.000.101% 2.000. 67
1.000.101% Montana Power 5a
3,000.101%' b,000. 9314
3,000..101% 1,000. 933,
docol 4s 1,000. 93%
2.000. 84 N Y Cantral deb 6a
5,000. 84% 2,600. 59
l.Oio. 84 5,000. 95534
Am Writ Paper 5s 11.000. 93?,
2.000. 90 12.00,1. 983,4
Armmir Co 17;i I.OOO. 9S%
l'.i.OOO. 87%' 3,000. 99
A T & S F gen 4s | 22,000. 983;
1.000. 85'-.v 00. 99
11.000. 85 1 do rfg 3M,s
do ndj 4? stamped ; 6,000. 7234
8.000. 78% N' Y N H & H deb
do ort 4s 1960 ' I 4s 1966
? 1.000. 94 1.000. 59
At! & C A L 5a N Y & N J Tel 5a
5,000. 96% 2.000. 98' a
BaU & Ohio rfg 5s iN Y O & W lst ls
5.0H0.82 ' 8,000. 70
12.000. 8H4;N Y Rwaya rfg 4s
do cvt 4 7,3 L.OOO. 43%
3,000. 78'/4 doadj 5a
LOOO. 78% LOOO. 14
do Pitts L E & N Y Telephone 4 7,,
W Va -ls 6 000. 89%
5.000. 77 N Y W * Boat 4>7h
Beth Steel ext Oh 2,000. 59%
1,000. 96 ' l.ilnn. 5!>%
do p m 4s 3,000. 52
LOOO. 82 Norfolk Po 5s ser A,
Braden Copper 6s LOOO. 63%
4 000. 96 'Norf & W cvt 6s
Brookvn R T 7s | 10,000.107%
5.000. 84 ! do Pocah C & C W
2,000. 83', al 3.000. 84%
Cal Gas & E 3s !Nor Pacific 3a
LOOO. 95' 'a r.OOO. 60' 2
Central Leather os Nor Stnten Pwr 5s
1.000. 9634 2,000. 903B
Ches A Ohio con 5s lOre Short Line 4?
3.000. . . 99 ! l.ooo . ?ti.'
do cvt 5* 1.000. 87
10.000. 87 lOrc-W R R & N 4s
7,000. 86i4i 1.000. 79' ,
do >vt 4',-ta IPaciflc G & B 5s
4,000. 81 | 27,,,). 88
C B & Q joint 4a IPenn Ren .Us
58,000. 95'/2 LOOO. ..... 89' 2
C Gt Western 4s 83%
. ? L000. 81% Peo Gaa 4- Cuke or
- M _; _t P cvt 4Ws Chicatro 5s
LOOO. 81 ".I 75
5.""1. 80!/. Pierce C
-.Ooo. 80 2,000
do rfg r-;- do j I;;.,
13.0<i0. 731,, a. 93
do deb 4s 1334 92' .
5,000. 73% . 93"
C & Nwn gen 5s iReading sen 4s
-1 000.1C0% . 36%
Chicago Kway 5a St 1. 1 ? Mt i. S 4a
LOOO. 81 1,000. . . 82! ,
C R I 4 P gen 4s | do Riv & Gulf div
?r>..>. 78 0...... 77
- 000. 73-% St Li & S 1-' 4a 6<?r A
do rfsr Is
LOOO. 75
00. 75%
C & West [nd 4a
0. 64%
Chile Copper col >ts
: 100 . 84~fi
do cvt -Is 2d paii!
22,000. 85
LOOO . 841/j
Col Industrial ."is
. ... 77%
Cumberland T ia 45
2,000. 93% St P & Kan Cit
Del & H cvt js Short T. 4V>a
5,000. 95 70'/a
do rfV 4s Scioto V tt- N E Is
. 85' 8 ' >0. 81
... 85 Seaboard \ L adj 5s
Detroit U Rys 4M>s . 52' 4
I ,0' 0. 73% Sinclair Oil 7s
LOOO. 74 l. 96'/a
Erie gen lien 4s _o stocK warrants
I ' ". 55% 13 )00.90-%
. 55'/4'So Be'.l f 4 T 's
6,000. 5538 . S3
do cvt 4s ser A So Pacific cvt 7s
5,000. .
tio cvt 4s ser D
Hud & M rfg 7s
: . 1 ?.
2n noo
do inc 5s do 1 -
t.000. 17% 0 . 67%
III Central rfg 4a .671/
. . 82% [S 100. 6"%
do C St L & N' O 19, 00 . 67i ,
joint 7s _o |a st Louis d ?
LOOO. 94' 3 10.74' 2
In.iiana Steel 5s I'exas Co cvt :'s
5,000. 96% ".102
Inter-' oro-Met 4'..? . . "y~" 4
00." 41% ? ' 102
1. 4< Third \v ad
... 41% 0 .... 30%
15 000. 41 Union Pacific 6s
1.000. 41% 00.... .1041 ',
2,000. 41 ' ' 0 ... .104%
8,000. 41' ? docvt is
8,000 . 41% L.). 83%
Interhoro R T rfg 5s I do rfg Is
2,000. 71% | 00 . . 81%
22.000.71 Un Ryg ,,? st L 4<
11.000. 70'/2 - 300. 50%
10,000. 71 7 . 51
.711/4 . . 52
LOOO. 71 IU S Rubh ?:?
. 71%' . lO . . 8"' \
. ... 71'% R7%
LOOO.71' 3 ZZ. 87i/4
Inter Asrrir-ul 5s i0 SV
4,000. 78% 87'/a
2,000. 73 2.000. 8%
Int M Marine fis 87
3.000 100 ' ' 0... . 85%
K C Ft S & M ?is IU S Sm. ring Gs
1,000.1023? 5,000. . .100
Kansas City So 5s U S .<*1 ?] -? f 5s
' no. 84'.- 5.0 10 ... 99%
2,000. 84% ' .100
do 2s . Q-V?
'. 62'2 . 1 000. qq%
Laelede Gas of St, 10 .100
L lst 5s Va-Car Chemi :al -: i
1 ioo. 90% r.ooo... iot 2
Lake Shore 4s 1928 West 1-7..??-:,- 5a
3,000. 83' , 1 000 . . . 97%
Lehigh Val fis [West Pacific 7s
l.nnn.102% 1,000. 86
r.ooo.... wi ,'
Bid and Asked
90 91 r ....102 i04'i
A:n ,- .- in.. 59% SO Mex I'eti il l79'-'a 179%
lo pr . ... 100% 102 io :<- . 103 3 ?
Am Mi I . 2'. 4 | Ml ni : C I p. :i 24l/4
pr.. 45 4't ? Mlcl Cenl I 15% I >
l.ti Rblpbldg. ? 112 MklvaJa - I 43% 43%
Am Smelt ... 72% 72%|M & S I icw '07, n ,
lo pr . 106 107 V1.SP& .- S M 83 99
pr A... 92 ya lo pr ...103 108
A.n SnutT . . 103 ? M IC & T
do pr ..... 91 ? lo pr 6 >, 914
Am Sl I Iry.. 84% 85 Mo I'. . 23 25'i
Am .- igar. ...II 77, 114 lo pr 5 I 4 541 j
.1.) pr ... I 14' , I 18 M t ?' n tr 88 70
Am Sum Tob 16' , .17 lo pr 103 ?
Io pr . 92 94 Morris & 7- ? 79
i8% i'i Iman V C. '20 122
10% Hv St Spring. 72% 7.1
lo pr - ? 12 lo pr 106 108
Chl Gt West. 8'4 8'.. Ray I m Cop. 20% 2::'.,
do pr .... 25 26'/, Ren llng ..... 80% ?l
C M Ic S 1' 4C., 40' : lo lst pr. !7' ? 38
?1" pr . 72% 72' , i.i j | | r . 17 I
C A N' \\7. 9ft% 97 Rop I _ S.. 73% "1
do pr .|3I 133 do pr .... mo I'M
C K l & IV 24% 2S%!Royal ' Dlil ' 73% 74
'lo fi pi- pr. 65' 3 66% -^i-.-is- Aritu . 53 Cl
do : pc pr. 73% 79'/, -;. . m - 7% 8
Cl & Pltts . ? 80 S !. .- I i\ it 14' j
CSP Y, _ (). 78 82 lo ; - . . 25 77
do pr . 105 I 15 S '. - > -2
C C C A 8 h 34'2 38 to pr 29 31
<l" pr . 66' j 75 . ? \ 1. 8 8V,
Chlle Copper. 17'. 17*4
' ?? . < I Cop .!.',4 ..... 179 180'i
Cluett Peab.. fi-? 65 l pr .. .. 115 125
do pr . . ..l.3'/j 104 Khat A.'- M7, 131/,
Col ? A L. 36', 36'4 s :.. .j.r "u ... 34% 55
do pr ... . ? 115 g-rt 8 A I.. 48 50
Col (t & K 42', 42'4 d 1 1 i- . . .. 03 90
Col & So. . . 2: : ., 22 ' 0% ' 10%
do Ut pr.. 49 54 s P R Sugar. 135 !38
do 2i1 pr. .. 41'., 43 ! , pr 102 l-'"' ?
Comp Tah.. .. 37' j 39 Sonsliera RK.. 28% 28%
Conaol Gaa . 94'; 95' t .1 , p? 69
C I C M.... 8'4 9 BtaniUrd UJU.II7 125
Cont 1 .1.'. . 68' i 09^4 do ; - . 87' ? BO
do pr 104% 107 Sti . or . . 5" .. 51%
58' 1 60 do pr .. 92% <W
Corn Producta 48'4 49 si 1 ? m ? ,.?... 49' 1 50
do i"- ... .102% lOSV, Sup Steel .. . 35% 38
Cn \ Carpvl . 47 55 d 1 pr 93 98%
Crnellile at.. 58 t-li1* I'- i.' : A > 13% 14
do pr .... 91 94 Tex if .V Pac 32 >2%
Cuha Am Bu.183 155 ! dn Ld Tr 200 2'Ki
(lilm CatiR Su 23', 25% rexaa 1 0 187% 189
il" pr 75% 7fl Av RR 14
Daere <-" pr.. 95 09 ridcwatar Oil 2'0 220
r>t-i a llit,i..l04 ? 1 T-.e. Producta 75% 7.-7,
V L & W....I73 178 I do pt .102 103',
_ . ? BM. Ask-d.!
D i R (1 5 7
6', 6V
nea ns i'V
110 117 I
KK. 00 09
52'; 527
D S S & % .1 j.^
5 7
71 55
? 4"
lf,J4 17
K,-l M i S 19 ll
Pr ?', 3J :
32 93 V
il 7>s? 2'%
"ll l"S
ru ... 51' j 52
ioo iw
. 59'.j SOvj
' - N " ? pr 3.I1, 9.V,
- s '4' - 34?,
I I , 4.J
vS>4 51*' ,
t pt 1*4 98' ?
I ' -,- 4.1 43
I : AjTrt, i i
I3*S 41
19% 21
I '2', 115
75' j _
I ' Mi r Mar 7 ?4" .
lo pf
'?' P?per . 30*. n
ri 91
do pr . 98H _
12 62
79' , JC ,
- - \l i - 59
7 i l r &. 18,
51 53
' ' 8 70 71' .
Ki ,-- H lO'.j 341
SS 91
. -;2' B J2'4
K .. ,\. l> M ; -,
? ? H*W
But Aslcd.
"-. -r !Q
Trans ft W f
M17 133
110 ?
?', II4-S
108 175
. . <14'
. - g,
0 ,
? 163
i : K.v 1
4; -
i? , 'i
?. ! T, IOI
:a ?i
dn l<t !>r 10V, I II
1 ? r? 41 4c??
-. - ?? l4 1,,
115 I'3'a
54 V.
,\ -
Wl -. ?
? w
pr n
I 1
5',' ,
9 ' .
Activity Reported
I11 Bank Securities
Earnings of Trust Companies in
Manhattan Reach 826,
886,000 in 1918
1 he net ean - ?
in Manhattan in 1918 aggr,
i and dividends pa I I
lders of these institutioi
g the ; ? ar amounted to $18,371,000
"' enty-thi w ith a
- ital '? : al ??: .; ! ?
the borough, according I
made by " rhe Fi
Age." Net earn -? Guaranty
000; ? rs ' in;-' l -
earned $5,553,000, the Certtral :
$2,922 Oi Equil ible, % 564 000,
th,' Farmer ' Loan and Trusl
: " Title Guarantee and Trust
$1,242 ' Ol
Th ? following table gives the per
comp u
ance and Trust
c, j -
40 ;
Eq litable .'.
Me1 ropolitan .
F'u ton "' ~>% 2
United States " .' .^Jj
1 ?n and : . i ompany. . . 36 ?->
Empire . 33 1
Cenl ral Union ... . . 29 6
lia . ... 26 8
i luaranty . 25 '
?arantee and Trusl 24 fl
NtT York Trusl ... ! 23.3
d Statea Mortgage and Trust Com
, ? ?. 20 3
Mercantile rrusl 18 2
. 127)
. 8.6
- ic and Trust.
T -an sal Ian1 ic .
Te :r erage earnii gs of the trust
compan e on loa.table funds were ap?
proximately the same as shown
national banks of ti;.' city f
amount exceeding 2 per cenl
n? t fun I j,
Increa ed act vity in the market for
- ???? 1 trust
:7 Wall Street. Dealers say
ted in man
two and five shari p .
-. VIcNeil and B
y en 1 lected v ci
Bank of thi
pard haa bei - : vice
The Franklin Tru I C<
leased - ?? Bnd ba ?
o f 21 1
as alterj
will op,
?- firm
of Zimmermann & For ..... v\
been locati l for
er ? f Wal
va v.
?? have Con
rra of
an*l Ri
of mii
000 The
- 7. . . James
. kner.
egular Declaraticns
Expeet Keeiier Competition
and steel ?
which in tho past they 1 ave
fam1 : .
" says
thu "Svensk Handelatidning," '7s our
ikad nti ea that ft 1
imported our iron have had to get
- on their own resource*. This
haa been done by electric renning
es which have ; great
ecially in England avid America.
Sheffield, which for years waa one of
the moat imj orl ml
steel ar.d which formerly h?,l only
electric steel ovens, now haa
eighty. Tho question is whether
these electric ovens in ? future wil]
L>e able to compete witi our Swedish
steel. Thia electric iron industry ia
not a substitute industry, but some?
thing that has come to ?tay, and we
? ?
although it is a 1
ways it will be able to displao
i.^h steel.
Alien Snfo Poslponeri
? t:i share.
? ? ? ?
.:?:. haa
: is .N< i M.
fhree an. One-Haii Per Cent.
Mi.rU3.e Eunds
? ?
1>1\ ln;:* i) SO!
? >?
I2 7TH D1VU f "'"0
The Home Insurance Company
.Vi <
? ;
^ . ?(. i,
. r
No 41 V *
TU LE 1,1 MI'.vlll n -. I Kl - I
r \ w.
f oHP<
? >f ib?
rk tor
( oji'o.
' ? h-. OOODM l> A MI \u ? -<
- \?- i
? < ?
:tiK houi ,
P il. P j ,
' M
? WM K 1! 1. ? ,
Metropolitan Trust Compajiy
of the City of New York '
Tll" HtinilHi "ut,l?l^
ot Lhta ? ,
. bc lielit _i ? ,
."? P M :
A XI.. J? I1 '"
?,K>Ki 1 N M MtlM l\\
N? ..iry IIU, .

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