OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, July 24, 1922, Image 1

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1922-07-24/ed-1/seq-1/

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ITircs* ?*>*-. T _f
First to Last the Truth: News Editorials - Advertisements
Moody ind roolrr lo-?!.-?. . fair to
morr'x? ; fr??h norlherly i?in<l?.
Juli ir\>.irt
V?i. IA.WH No.
K ?prrlKhi. I?:i.
New \i.t\s Trll.iin? lnr.1
MUMMY. Jl \.\ 24, 1922
* * *
IHO II >T1 I II?. I I < I I - i
In Or?ter Sew Vert I Within IM Mil?? I Kleewh?
4 Shot, Man
Hurt as 2,.50(
Riot at Picni
40-Minute Battle Star
at Ohk Park Wh<
Polire Sei/?' Maa'l Run
Score? of Women Fig]
< lud Girl Ma} I)i
Pouted Resenre* (barf
Crouil: .i(K) Daneei
Inbolberetl by Meb
Four **?er?oai wtW ?hot. one pro
rtally. and many were ?light
ttjared in a riot Ute yesterday afti
v9on at Celtic Park, Long Island Cil
.? of Hunter* Point police st
,0:1 fe ?*?? to subd
of a atrolman
ri.cnickers. who w
? tie?? of whisl
il hit possession, caused the
More than 5.000 rcrsons were watc
iff athletic contents during the annu
-? International I'nion Stea
i?d Or* ? I neers' Lockl 20, m
MO more were in the park dance hall
Mayor Hylan, i? had been announce
?rculd Miter ?n address at 6:30. A fe
?hat time troub
Half a dozen shots were f.rc
?ame at once
?Utile ground, with more than 2,5(
?arched, including scores of wome
sri ?nd clubs were used freely
Ruth Curley, eighteen years old,
from Ireland, who live
a* 330 Ea?-' Fifty-sixth Street, Manha
tar. was shot in the abdomen. She i
tal and may die.
Patrolman Shot in Bark
Pitroltna*? John Bell, of Inspecte
i'i staff, whose home it i
Proipec' Avenue, Flushing, was she
r-\ck. His condition is seriou:
Callopey, of 35S East FM?>
Hs shot through the leg
?id lever.ly beaten while rr?istin
Dennis O'Fhea. of 31 Grand Bead
was shot in the jaw.
d Patrolman Robert Farrel
Point pr?:?<-e ?tation wa
? head by a bottle throw
ky met the ri'ters He was knock?
cmMeioua and fell from his horse.
fi* ?-everely ?rjured are in SI
/?toi's .Hospital. Those slightly hur
? r? ti et-ad by ambulance surgeons.
* the park were fourte*
Inspector Formosa's staff i
f Lieutenant Robert. Merarth;
-.-r ordered his men to arres
Hilton, of ll* East Seven?"
treet, who is allepeH
' whi.'k?
the p-Mice.Sullivan realst
<d arrest and litter a Gaelic el
- fro:.i r.ll parts o
H .dreds forsook the foot
Uli game and gathered in menacin,
fashion around the little knot of po
lice endeavoring ?o remove Sullivai
Meeaenger Sent for Aid
Hispatched i
telephone Hunten Poin
in an attempt t?
in heard th-s message de
routed for aid. An in
??!? band cf patrol
.. overwhelmed by a rush ir
Il took part, women be
iiig among thfr leaders. Revolver ahoti
shoVs of the mob as it
reach Sullivan, who was ir
?ed Patrolman Farrell
s prisoner by the
- fand endeavored to rid?
? lee iu wai hit by a
I :oppled senseless under the
Sullivin was seized
rienda, ?a.'.o formed a ring around
? McCarthy 'and his mon
roughly handled when a
from Hunters Point sta
the field with drawn
of shots fired as they
d Patrolman Bell, who
i arid was tiampled by
???bstkr.ts before he could be removed
?? an arr.bular.ee.
M Did Not lire
r**es clubbed their way to the
.?.turbancc under fir?
'?m revolver?. Empty bottlea hurtled
? ? crowd and aev
te inflicted by these
I .ict-d under "or
is because of
??ence of wu.nen. No police of
.:.' an h ,ur thirty
without cess?t
S** I the mob and again
to t::p ponce vieloTy,
i after forty n.?nutes of
????t. The seven lv ir.jur.**! win* r??
70Y'" U automobiles to St.
,"? Hor.p:tal while the riot was in
lopey had been removed to
? was recognized by
?r8'*^' If as the man who
,"'.'* ? ?" ??' *: Sg Mounted Pa
?roiman Farr. :. He was placed under
3alliran was
" rE*a with having whisky iirhispos
rf,!?f> and ?esisting arrest. These
Itp made.
T?ent> Iit.ng at Once
The police ?aid last ni??ht it had been
?Poisible to identify those who fired
hota wounding Miss Curley. Pa
?nd Callopey. At one'
? appeared that twenty men were
"C at once. Mini i sai?
t in the rush ai.d
' .'*'.'? nded while tr>ir,g to
' ? dsnei: g pavilion.
, ? ? ? .a danced In
while a battle raged
m?9 " The police inflicted
"1 *""'"? "f ?
r't subs.ded many ofneers were
"?" and |k?ir unlf0rms t#rn. The
as one of the he.ceet
? police have engaged
" ??I|y years.
. ~ -?
?xiran (?crural Die? in Duel
July K3. ? Gener?f
was killed yesterday
Puebla, in a gu*
; Porfirio de Lia???.
?*? ?as seriously wounded. The
i"'*" the outgrowth of a political
Opening Gun Fired
For Dry Germany
Com m ittee Formed to Give
It a VoUtead Act and
Show Iniquity of Beer
DARMSTADT. July 28 (By The A?
?ociated Pre??). The opening gun ef
a campaign for "dry Germany'' win
fired here to day by the "commiltee
for the introduction of prohibition In
iit-rmany," Thin committee it headed
by l>r Strecker, former Minister of
Kducation for Hfiic It comprises nu?
merous academic, political and labor
leaders and professional men and
women from all sections of Germany.
It ii ? self-constituted organization
and proposes to puraue a campaign for
the purpose of enlightening the Ger
man pe. pie on the rature of the Vol?
stead act, urging the adoption cf a
? imilar law in Germany. It will ar?
range "straw votes'' in various cities
with the object of sounding public
i-e ntiment.
1 - "
News Summary
Railroad Labor Board abandon?
immediate efforts to settle strike of
railway shopmen, Chairman Hooper
Head of National Coal Assorlat.on
sends message to President Hard?
ing urging the appointment of ad?
justment tribunal for arrangement of
differences in coal miners' strike.
Ku-Klux candidates win in first
Texas Senatorial primary. L'rofflcial
returns show Senator Culberson's
Four shot and many hurt when mob
attacks police making liquor arrest
at picnic.
McCooey will give Brooklyn Demo?
cratic votes to Hearst at Hylan's re?
Undertaker to protest attempt of
alleged enforcement agents to search
Another wall of burned Jane Street
building collar??, wrecking two
Greek statue dug up In Yonkers
onee stood in Getty Square.
Striker killed, another wounded, in
pistol battle to avoid arrest.
Duell, Lockwood and Straus named
ablest legislators by New York State
stion. which attacks Miller.
Twenty American bankers leave for
Canadian conference on financial re?
Garland's t8(K>,i>00 gift to public
servie* fund officially announted.
Pjrene. type of fire extinguisher the
best. Transit Commission report
shows, and underwriters concur.
Police hunt girl bandits who as?
sisted in early morning hold-up.
Elite Island's Immigration Appeal
Board disperses after arrival it
Washington official.
General Pershlng outlines plan for
protection of coast from landing
parties and disposition of National
Guard for defense.
.??h.pping Board announces that
government tonnage for June shows
loss of $2,783,216.29.
Increased cost of clothing will de?
feat Republican party, Senator
Walsh, of Massachusetts, asserts in
an?\rer to* Senator Calder's defense ol
Republican leaders urge Col. Theo?
dore Rooserelt not to enter the Sen?
atorial race againat Calder, but te
wait and nan for Governor of Ne-?
York in 1924.
Date for meeting of Premien
Lloyd George and Poineare to dis
cuss German moratorium set foi
early in August in London.
Irish* irregulars defeated al
Limerick numbered 1,000 to 700 ol
the Free State victo?.
Yankees end present stay at Poli
Grounds by defeating Red Sox, 11
to 7.
Giants defeat Reds at Cincinnsti
4 to I, -nd regain league iead.
Robins lose final game of series t?
Cubs in Chicago, 4 to 1.
Joe Dugan and Elmer Smith, Re?
Sox player*, are traded to Yankee
for "Chick" Fewstcr. Johnn
Mitchell. Elmer Miller and a pitehe
yet to be named.
Frank Kramer and R?y Eaton wi
one-mile "team race at the -Vewar
Ztmo Shimixu defeats Francia 1
Hunter, and Miss Leslie Bancrol
win* over Miss Helen Gilleadeau t
the singles finals of Uie Greenwic
tennis tournament.
London i-ees reparations muddl
tending toward reopening *t th
?hole international debt question*.
Business men fight fair* ?eev.rH
Germany faces money famin
while Allies demand __rtailment <
paper issues. -_
Two Shot Going for Dort
John Gargonc, thirtyV.x year, o
of 17? West Houston ***f?*A
?-other, Fraqk Gargone, of 68Lni
.?ret. ??? ?bot last "??"".**
rushed from a restaurant a Ifcjlla*
address tt obU.n medical aid for M
Frank G*fgene, who became in wn
received two bullet** m h is back
Jehn was shot la the right leg. B
were taken to St. Vincent s Ho.p.t.
According to the poli;e ? qusr
arose between the Gargones and pen?
"volved in the sale of a restaurant
them last Saturday. Detective Je
M?her, who questioned the woun?
men at the hospiUl. reportr thitt^
refused to disclose the identity of t?
Hylan Whips
i McCooey Into
Hearst Camp
Mayor"* Prestir? NX Im
Brooklyn Boss"* Pledge
of About 145 Voted to
Publisher at Syraeu??!
Murphy a Hold-Opt,
lint Is Waverinfl
Party Split Seems Sun :
Smith Will 'Tear Thin?
Wicle Open.* Friend?- Sa\
John H. McCooey, leader of the
Brooklyn Democratic organization, has
yielded to
Hylan and William I!. Heaist and ha.?
given informal assurances to William
'hat the Brooklyn delegates
in the Syracuse convention wil
fat Hearst for Governor, if at that
time Mr. Hearst is a candidate.
Within the last three week-?
Conners has culled on Mayor Hylan
twe M throe time?, with the result that
through McCooey'? aid Hearst and
?Cannon btfVO "broken into" the
York I h usually
all one way. Mr. McCooey'? or?
ganization will have about one-fifth of
;egateg in the convention,
and Mr. Coi lera'i anceoai In earn
them early gives him grounds f?.r say?
ing that Hearst will not have ?*.*
opposition at Syracuse.
?a with his political
lieutenants Mr. McCooey says that
Hears' .s entitled to the support of the
Brooklyn delegates if he nail* want?
to !.. the ? *? candidat*
Governor. According to th*
men, Minor HtUh MTO. has asked
them to do mue*? in meognitioa of his
services to the organizHt >_?>
that Hylan desires to sqmrc accounts
with H<arst and wants the Brooklyn
delegates for the publisher it is only
doing the equitable thing to give him
what he asks for, they say.
Murphy Resists Pressure
Mayor Hylaa is excr'ing the same
sort of proaaore on Charles K
phy, but the Tammany boss is avoid?
ing any sort o? assurance that the
wigwam delegation will be for the pub?
lisher. The two leaders are not simi- ?
larly environed. Mayor Hylan, like ?
M-Mooey, is a Brooklyn politician, and
he has sustained the Brooklyn organi?
zation with official patron*,?
is no special r
should not recognize his claim. In !
Manhattan it la difl ?rmer j
'nor Alfred E. Smith is about as
big a fractal in Tammany Hall as Mr.
M irphy himself. One has control of
the organization, while '.h?> other pos
sesjea the rtal affection of the rank
and file. As a matter o? politics,
phy is tempted t?. yield to Hearst and
Hylan and deliver the convention dele?
gates, as Conner? predict? he will, but
it means a break with form. * *
Smith and a probable split i
Democratic party in the ita
The Wilton non and women in th"
party will stand for Tammany r.
as "AI" Smith is the standard '?
but they thronten to holt the
' H-aret diaplaces Smith, and M
is postponing the day of -.
?!?;. of decision?in the hop.
Hearst will give up the non?] of the
Governorship ai . the ]???
Conners claims thirty counties up?
state, inciu With the
accession of McCooey and his big
egatlon, he is content t
until the convention assembles in
cuse, confident that [run's
pressure on Tammany Hall will
Murphy around to abandoning bil
time side partner >lfred E. !
classed bj the Mayor and
ns being unmistakably Identified with
"the in*. ?? ?
Party Split Forecast
There is no longer any doubt
minds of D that
? l?arat candidacy has apll
party. Th* lan-Connera com?
bination is steadily crowding I
Governor Smith to the wall. If i
"be good" and go on * ?.- tne
candidate for United Statn
the revolt against Hearstism at I
?nay be kept within bound?.
"Al's" friends predict that he will
things wide open" at Syracuse at
there will I?? *ia.
The obstacle preventing Smith from '
going on the same ticket wit
a set of resolutions read by the then
Governor himself on the night of
! or 2!>, 1919, at a crowded mas? ?
ing in Carnegie Hall, when the
ernor made the following denun* .
of the publisher:
"That William Randolph Hear
pursued a career of yellow Journalism,
in which willful misrepresentation of
policies, por .
of the truth to suit his hate and self
will have been conspicuous charac?
"That William Randolph Hearst ha?
been tried by public opinion ar.d has
been found wanting as a truly loyal
American in one of our nation's most
critical hours.
"That his vituperations, slanders end
falsehoods directed against son
our ablest and most devoted ;
?en-ants, living and dead, among *
may be mentioned former Pre
Wood row Wilson, former
Cleveland, former President Mel
William J. Gaynor, Theodore R
velt, John Purroy Mitchel and Alfred
K. Smith, have violated every j.-mciple
of justice and fair dealing and tended
to discourage disinterested pub!.
Woman of 87 Fasts 45
Days Without 111 Effe-ttf
Kpr' tit The Tribu??
MOUNT VKH.N'oN, Ky., July :
became known hot*, today that the
mountains of this county have a case of
voluntary fasting that may equal the
record made by the Rev. William Rice,
of Powell County, who jlied last week.
The case is that of Mrs. II*
eighty-aeven year? old, who lives near !
the rillage of Humble. She began a
[ fast forty-five days aao and the only
strength-giving matter she has swal?
lowed haa been M occasional glass of
buttermilk and ordinary quantities of
Mrs. ColTey thus far show? no ill ef?
fects. ?o cause ha? beer, reportai for
this voluntary fast, but it is believed
?he i? emulating the example of Mr.
Rice, who hfcld he ?topped eating in an
efTort to purify himself and to bring
i his neighbor;*, to religious beliefs. He
> lived eixty-nme days after hia hunger
period began.
Farmer Ixul Flap* Train
>m ?an Score* of Five*
In r*?< TV?t>4,?i.
-., July
-.Standing on thi- track facing
* .vr and wuvinii
a torn red handkerchief, an uni
jSJlAittati farini-r lad signaled a
a Pennsylvania resort train near
1 ;<!illac ami | .p in
? * -ave the lives of scop
A defeetifa rail had attracted
the hoy's attention and, although
part of thi- train ;
i:?-nk, it was not going
i ? ? ;,-? '
lad disappeared and railroad offi
lag f'-r hini to offer
a su> ?rd.
Garlando (lift
To Villagers
Is Confirmed
Tooth Who Foond 11.(MM)..
000 ? Dorileii ?VotboriiM
UM Vnniiimrrmctit of
sHOO.IMM, -i.li.rripti.in
I or I 'ncoiivfiilioiial I M
Beqoetl V, ill Be Di-iribut.cl
liy the \ipi riiini Food
f o r l*u I? I i ? Service
Charles Garland, the Harvard youth
of twenty-two wno _*? found the
.000 legacy left him by his father
_f but an unmitigated burden.'
has definitely deciile?! * *.ps to
get rid of it, according to a statement
?'? alter NelU-s, on
the letterhead of Hale, Nelles tt Shorr.
Rumors that he was giving it to a newly
group took definite
shape when it was officially announced
for the fir.?t time thr.t he had decided
to turn ?ver J?OO.OOO to the American
Fund for Public Service.
Mr. Nelles's communication read:
"I am authorized by Charles Garland,
rth Carver. Mass., to make the
following statement for him:
" 'I an trying to use the in'r?
wealth toward social uses I
lowing reasons: I believe that every,
person is an Integral part of society
r.nd that the interests of one indi?
vidual cannot be divorced from the In?
terests of the other members of -
it all having to pay t'r ?
it in the er.d. From this it follows
that I must strive to use whatev.
sources I have in the advantage of all.
'. ;th this object, I intend to turn
? American Fund for Pub?
lic Service the sum of about ?.-100,000."*
(.?ft Denied at First
Several days ago it was announced
that Charles Garland was donating the
entire leg..
????ich Village liberals who hav?
to take charge of the be?
quests of the wealthy who want their
rions "who will
' ?
of public service.*' Lewis I
associate ad '??lion" and
?ors of the neu
d was giving them a
large sums have been offered to
iarlnnd offered us the n:or
entirely unfounded. Although si
: that
to the fund, the
? the thousands
.-.mount to any
af ?his denini comes
I nouncement from Mr. Garland
himself, througr. . that
he intends I ? the bulk of his
legacy to the America. Fund for Pub?
lic Service, thus ridding himself for?
ever of its responsibilities.
In ..rporated In Delaware
Mr. Viles represents the corpora?
tion and it was from his office that an?
nouncement of the formation of the
?? was
m*i*. It was incorporated in
.re beeau'o of the technicalities
W York. Its purposes
were outlined as follows:
"The m group is analogous to the
various 'community trusts* now in
successful operation in a number of
the larger cities. The governing
boards of these and other funds so far
established are conservative and dis?
inclined to assist new movements.
"Various persons desiring to give or
bequeath money to public causes have
expressed the desire fur the establish?
ment of a fund controlled by persons
who will not be conventu ra? in their
conception of public service and who
will give preference to new and ex?
perimental agencies. The board of di
rectors of the new fnnd is composed
(C?|l?l_l ?? MH ill)
Sweep Texas
Secret Order 1 __h in Ml
Larger (.?tie?., Sa\e San
Viituiiin: Hnrv Senator
Colberson in 3d Place
In 101,1 Is Second
Ma? -field. Knigfatfl leader.
I'irsf : Member*? Unmask
to Hold \ ielorv Parade
? .
H, Tex.. Jol
resiful setting up of ? virtual K
Klan dictatorship in .
shown hy fairly complete retur
day from th.* Hemocratio primaries in
in the state ?o be board fn
Char!* \
conteatant?. Earl B. M
Ferguson M ic?-.
Klan \\ ins in '
vn to
Ku-Klux K
I up lead?
which amount in mi* land?
slide?. In San Antonio alone among
Ku Khiv ? | back b]
Hallas, 1 and Houston
'.be Klan-tndorsed can
overwhelming majorities in
the race for tt
Mate '
Railroad Com m
of the two Klan candidate? will :
?y a large plural
cated late onent
at the primary next : .id be
ernor. FVrgusor e
?tor Culberson, who sought renomlna
-mor Pat N< g, who has the Klan
indoraement, appears to have won a
majority ov?r three oppo?ing *
dates and therefore will not hu
enter a second primary.
paper Aattark? Futile
- cr.ndidatcs for county and di?
trict otlng cen
h, Dallas. :'
ton and Waco ?wept
nrost case? ? r newspaper oppo
?ition judicial, a
i?tra-. ! anal law enforce?
ment otTic. ?. The Klan'? victor
Dallas, where the newspaper fight |
against the organization was hi
was celebrated wth the first unmasked
Klan parade ever held in Texas. Offi?
cers rx^the Klan there revealed
and made speeches.
re were numerous instan*
r\!an candidate? winninr? clean
majorities over fields of three, fo*nr or
five opponents.
Asid?- from the general flocking of
Toter? la'a support, the prin?
cipal features of the primary we:
retirement of Senator after
two years in public life, more
than a score of them in I
winning of sec
Senatorial contest by
en from the governorship In
?t?te Mowing hi? trial on
charges that he borrowed money from
hr-wers arid committed other off.
on left the atate mansion at Au?
iony indictment? ha
then Mi? w< alth has dwindled away until !
? race this year'
?ily the profits from % small town ?
.arket to pay his campaign ex?
I.v Brer and Wine Plank
A plank in his platform dem.v
.vines and beer won him a
majority of his votes, it Is believe?!,
-reback in the face of hu
. i adversity ia cone the
less spectacular.
.1 will win over Fergus* M
.narv mo?t political I
prophet! predict, thu? clinching
Klan ?!-? other Klan candi?
date for the Senate, R. I.. Henry, of,
?A-er.ty year? a member of1
to have l<
chano ition when he ?
proclaimed himself a klansman.
bers of the organization, it was pointed j
;-nly to support him
thereafter. Mayfield adroitly evaded
all questionnaires as to his Klan affilia?
tions, contenting himself with ex;
ing approval of the Klan principles in
his speeches.
Man My-teiiou-ly Slnin
AU.ion. N. Y.? Rci-i?lrnt Victim
of I'iiknuwn A??aM?n
AI.HION*, K. V, July IS. -James S.
Gortino was shot three times in the
head and once in the chi-st by an un?
known assassin to-day.
Gortino was seen alive at noon. He
had been in th< t?te? nine
months. There Is no clew to his -nur
Hearse Carrying Body Stopped
Five Times by Liquor Hunters
A hearse belonging to the Campbell
Funeral Church was stopped five timei
day between Islip, L. I., and Long
Island City by men who said they were
prohibition agents, and who flashed
badges as if they really were.
The heurse was stopped for the fifth
time at Long Island City, and when
the driver refused for the fifth time
to open the wicker basket, which con?
tained a body, the reputed agenta fol?
lowed him to the church, at 1970 Broad?
way. The driver, Richard Norton, then
made a protest to Frank E. Campbell,
? of the Funeral Church, Inc.
and '. last won't be the
' was ?aid last night.
?ell is going to do some pro?
testing on his own account, and is de
ied to bring to a stop the pree
f persons who say they are pro?
hibition agrata in holding up hear?.?
The prohibition authorities ?ail! hear
I something of his protest?, it was ?aid.
and so will the Associated Undartaxer?
T??ter New Y'?-'_. The members o!
thi? aisoeiation share hi? views on thi
But all that doesn't help Richard
n, the hearse driver. When h?
i was stoppe?! for the first time by s
[group of alleged liquor hunters, he waa
not inclined to take them seriously, but
' he decided before he had gone very far
. that - be very serious, and
?very deUnained as well. Hearse dnv
' ers are not allowed to open a basket
holding a body en route, and N
deipite th< authoritativenei?
?e who called upon him to do so,
It was said last night that a num*
f agents were at work on Long
' Island yesterday, but none could be
: who had stopped a hearse. The
ted agents were in groups of from
i two to f.ve One of the Susy men who
aided g the hearse on one
occasion is said to have declared that
! the agents were looking for a big haul
of bootleg liquor en route from Long
Island to the city, a|d weren't taking
I any chances oa lett-tf it slip by.
Rail Board Drops Peace
Effort; Mine Owners Ask
Harding for An Inquiry
II< .ni of National (.oal
?ociulion I M| Pr
dent to Name at One
Irilmnal to (,<>. F?
National Emergeii
May B<- Declai
HoOTer to Meet Protlur
To-day to ( lon-idrr I1
Iran to Pool Out
iiANAPOLn, inly n
rr?i.lent Hai
wa? urged to appoint Immediate
nonpsrtissn fact-finding tribuna
ta the coal situation
telegram sent to him last night by <
? lent of the ?National
Association. The President annou
the consideration of such a commit
last week.
n a tribunal, if appointed in
diately, tould develop within a i
parat; ?uch facts
gsrding the coal situation," says
telegram, "as would strengthen ?
hand in carrying out your progran
start the mines in accordance
your proclamation to the Governor
the several states lnv?il
Mr. Offla, in the telegram, also i
1 the appointment of one m
and one operator as technics
but neither to have a \ot. or vue.
i:berations of the tribunal.
Immediate Action Irged
The ? id?:
nay be no r
under-- the mind? of
members of your administration or
the minds of the public concerning
attitad ; Tutors who atten
-igten conferrr,' ?
the appointa ent of a fact-tin?lir,g
bunal by you, I respectively and stro
?n you the advisability
i- on wh
you ?1- ? so that tl.
can proceed at once to investigate
questions at issue between the nun
?rators in the union I
we have pointed out b??iore, I
that this tribunal should
r.onpartissn without altkar miners
operators being included in its me
'If -idvisable by you
hnve technical advice for th'? ben?
tiibunal, I might suggest tl
- : t<d by t
miner by the mini
to sit with your tribunsl in a pur?
: ..i-, ity, but without voi
feel, and I know that
large : rmt all, at the uni
bltuminaai <'->< rators fiel, that su
Il i m me i
within a co
- '?!"?? "iit?tnn
1 facts in regard to t
? on.
Fact* Would F<?rtif> Policy
'?ire it the tl
bunal would be able to give inform
. the public and to
would strengthen your hand in ca r
ing our your program to start tl
mines in accordance with your pro
lunation to the governors af
ate* involved, on a basis
wages which inevitably must mei
f costs and prices to me
naaadi and requirements of tl
ami industry.
.,!so have in mind that a tho
vestigation of all the facts n
lating to the union bituminous coi
fields will be extremely helpful to th
American public and to the coal it
dustry ns well, and should lead to son*
constructive suggestions.
"Vou may be assured that in th
mean time the operators of Indiana ai
earnestly working with Governor Mi
Cray and the local authorities to detei
mine the best and most effective pla
under which production of coal can b
resumed, and I am informed that th
operators in all other states are work
ir.g to the ssme end. All operators i
sil districts, union and non-unior
supporting you in your deter
mination to protect every man in hi
inalienable right to work. '
Sis States in Conference
! ( By The As
sociated'Press).?Operators from th
coal producing districts of six state:
will be asked to-morrow by Secretar]
to co-operate with the govern
ment and the railroads in a plan to in
sure the distribution of fuel to thi
carriers and public utilities and U
. CtstisuW ?? ???t ????i
Rival Editors Fight a*?
Policeman Holds Gla>-e
( omli.it Over Textile Strike
Take?. Place in Front of
Tonn Hull
WARF. Mass., July 21 -Divergent
views on the merits of the textile
strike here led two rival editora to
meet iti combat in front of the Town
Hall this morning. Later in the day
irle Pickner, correspondent of a
labor periodical, swore out a warrant
charging Captain W. H. Dearden,
r ..f a local newspaper, with as?
When the 2.500 employees of the
' ompany went on strike March 7
ak the part of the strikers,
and in his articles attacked Captain
!?-n for remaining neutral in the
I of 1'ickner's articles,
which appeared yesterday, charged
:.-n with being "yellow from tie
head down to his shoes."
Karly to-day when Captain Dearden
took a walk down to the nostofflce he
found Pickner aitting on the Town Hall
"1 guess if? about time to show you
how yellow I am," remarked the cap?
? . that, according to byatanders.
he hauled Pickner to his f?*t and
knocked him down. When Pickner re
I to get up again Desrden lifted
him to hit feet and proceeded to knock
him down once more. A special police
officer held Dearden's spectacles while
the militant editor worked.
Michigan (.oui Shortagp
Forc?e (rovvrnor to Act
DBTBOITi Ju'y It. Ovmnm
reck declared to-day that
al shortage is becoming M
acute as to permit of no further
delay In ?*ff?'?-tin?; a MttltUCfit "f
the miners' strike. He announced
he was ready to offer every pos
?nducement ta the miners
in the effort to p?t them back
into the mines.
The (lovrrnor will go to Hagi
naw to-morrow to confer with T.
I/eo Jones, local head of the
He will propose that the
men return to w?/rk to inin?? coal
for state anrl municipal purpose?,
either under stnt?? protection or
thro'igh agreement.
Leaden Back
Roosevelt for
Governor in '24
Influential !N. Y. Repiibli*
ran?* Pledge Support if
He Will Keep Out of Sen
atondiip Race Tlii?. Year
Hint at 1928 Possibilities
Old Gaard No Longer (drib
"Young T. R." Nier Boy:
Takes Him Seriously \ou
By Carter Field
WASHINGTON. July 23. Pertain
important New York Republican lead?
er? have advised Theodore Roosevelt
not to permit hi? enthusiastic friends
to back him against Senator William
'der at the Saratoga convention.
A surprising development, however, Is
that they have suggested to Colonel
Roosevelt that hfl serve oit his pres?
ent term as Assistant Secretary of the
Navy and enter the race for the Gov?
ernorship in 1924.
There is excellent authority for the
statement that Colonel Roosevelt will
have tremendously strong backing for
the nomination to succeed Governor
Miller two years hence all the Re?
publican leaders taking it for granted
that Miller hrm??lf will have no trou
ble i). ted.
The fact that Roosevelt already has
acquired such amazing support from
the old line crowd in New York, who
were inclined even after he was made
Assistant Secretary of the Navy I
(?id him as just a "r. .? one
of tbe biggest political sensations to
which Washington has been treated for
some time. Neither the election of
it nor Smith Brookhart is barred
in this comparison.
See Him an Easy Winner
If Colonel Roosevelt plays his game
carefully it is predicted^ by men who.'?
words would carry a great deal of
weight if they could be quoted that he
can easily be Governor of New York two
years hence. Making good at that post,
he undoubtedly would he re-elected
they point out, and would be one of
the formidable candidates before the
Republican National Convention of
? taeeood Prealdent Hnrding, as?
suming again, of course, that Harding
is re-elected. If Haidlng by any
chance is not re-elected Roosevelt's
position would be, if anything, even
Roosevelt in th? year and a half
nearly that he haa been on the job in
Washington has very largely overcome
the Magnat thing he had to fight po?
litically the idea that he was just his
father'* ?on?a nice boy, who was all
right to command a regiment in
Frar.ee but who must not be taken too
This change in sentiment has oc?
curred most in the very recent past,
not due so much to the fact that he
has been making good at hia post as
to the fact that the first impreaaion
has just been wearing off. The i'res
l.ien* and members of the Cabinet had
b<-on sitting with him at Cabinet meet?
ings during the long absence in Japan
of Secretary of the Navy Denby. ?Sen?
ate and House leaders have been
obliged to confer with him on navy
matters, and some of them have been
won over to him very strongly.
tfged to Oppose ('aider
On the political side it has been
knovrn here for ?owe time that he ?was
being urged by some of the New York
<C???l?ll?4 I? MS* Si??)
Rich Coal Man's Son
Gone After Death Threats
Disappears From Ohio Town
Where State Guards Are
Protecting Mine?
CADIZ, Ohio, July 23 Interest in a
search for Oliver 8. Monaza, aeventeen
year-old son of A. Monaza, wealthy re?
tired mine operator at Adena, to-day
overshadowed that in the coal mine
situation in this vicinity. Young Mo?
naza disappeared yesterday morning
shortly after bank officials say he drew
11,000 from an Adena bank.
A search of Harrison, Jefferson and
Belmont counties failed to reveal any
trace of the missing youth. Because
the father recently received three let?
ters threatening him with death if a
large sum of n.one> was not turned
over to the writer, considerable im?
portance is attached to the caae by
With unite of the Ohio National
Guard on duty here, no outbreak? or
threatened marches nu ?Vos union
mines were reported today.p.
Hooper Announce?*. I)
ei'ion on Return I'Yoi
?Capital*] Intervention li
President Non loreea
Calk Off IVoposil
To (lite .)is|)ij?.mt
Altered Plans Hel.evt ?IT
He in Harmony \\ it
tile Kxceiitive*- Pr
By C.ilm.in l'.irk?*r
CI!I<\\<;<>. .J . v | i i.e Ub<
' ?? ? .-ttlo tl
striki- ?f ?M r;i I'.viy
| wan made kn?>wri t?? night I
man Bon W. H'??ixt. ? f *
! tip-in his re?>irn fro? '?'.
I "N?) further MttOB bj
I in contemplation
' clared ?Mr. 11 ?????? i concluding
Ttn? pri-.-umptl'iii It tl ?
; drawal of the b??ard I
! to brin?? about |
shopmen and UM r;?.'. I
tivi-s li-.-iv? Um v. ?y open for p?'i
?onal action \>y Pi
Intervention It? Torneen
After Chairmir ' ad eon
ferred all ?lay '-aturday in W?
with Presiu.-.t Batr-tlag I
as among the probabiliti?-? that th?
President eith-r would o
Labor I
end the ?
personally would
sum?'d here by observers that I
inatlon of the boa: ?ituatior
so far as th?- imm<..i...
cerned throws the question of settle
, nient of tb? strike upon the
l.'pon hu urnval here '
At tint he would make no ?t'l'.eraea*
but later n
"My tnp la U:.?hlngton w? ?
for the parpaae of ft?
'? in regir :
! seeks to know th >
, angle, fro
L th.npli
and the pu'"
"Then- is nothing else that ? i
, said just now othel
th.- question a-'?, d I ?
farta?? u< l ?
; in contem;
W.m't cite D?putants
The question | f'hnlr
! man Hooper was as to wh? I
t?-rt'le.| ?.. '
both the iitr;k?'rs and the i
tat? ' i '>- ?? I
to restore peace on I
t.) r. ' ??-..- tn? country J *
:il chaos now I
Chairman Hooper's i
1 a complete surprise, ???? it ho ;
. confident I-,
1 suit of his talk with I
Labor Hoard would Jui
situation with all it?
full backing of the \\ ?
emphatic, even d
. it over with.
That the board will not do go, at
? least Immediately, drew ?.wo leading
comments, an* an iaUrpretat! '
the other a criticism.
The interpretation, a? ha?
stated, was that the 1
members* of ?lie Cablaal i .-. ? I
| to handle th?- situation . |
! Washington. Tl
? by the mere announ<-<
tends to maintain a "I
! for the present, ostensibly at les
board has decided "to aid the
'in their game of letting the st
' think the ?trika is to go on inde'
and thua attempt to frighten them
, back to work."
?Some amplifications of that criticis-n
were expected to be issued later in a
I formal statement from R. M. Jewell,
| president of the railway employees'd?
| parfm. nt of the American Federation
I of Labor and the chief leader ?f th?
However, it was pointed out that
further secret negotiation? ma ?
in view, with possible citation? to
follow later. One I -e these may
take, it was said, we
obtain separate settlement? for various
of the road?, which the roads wa I
against which the strikers are
opposed as a menace to their national
"Big Stick" In Abesanc?
It was assumed, in view at recent
reports from Washington, that Chair
rr.an Hooper would return to Chicago
armed, so far as the rail managementa
are concerned, with tka "big ?tick" of
a governmental threat to take control
of and operate the railroads under
?Section 15 of the Interstate Commerce
Act, and, as concerns th? strikers, th?
further threat from tie office of At?
torney (ieneral Daugherty of ins
ing court proceeding? chary g con?
spiracy to interfere with int.-rstaU
commerce. Apparently, however, Chair?
man Hoover will not care to avail him
aclf of these weapons immrdia
he has them at hand.
So far a* the strikers are concerned,
only on? of their arifiaal demands, th?
?limination of contracting mit v.
still stands.
Strike Breakers May Quit
One solution for the ???liority prob
lern advanced her? to-mglit was that
the railroad? agree to take bark iho
striker? on restored right?, a(
iefusing tu abrogate those <
strike breakers. Fxy?ri?nee in
cases has been that strike br.
have rapidly betaken themselve?
where under each circumstances, th?
qu?-?tion ?ettling itself almost auto?
Mr. Jewell returned to Chiea?_o late
to-day from Mooaeheaat, III., where ko
vat la conference lait night vltfc

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