-W,Wpw-r -Hf wvwr -A" Sl ""fetf i .. $r but ? t YrWENTY-FIFTH YEARNO. 1245. NKW YORK SATURDAY. NOVniBKR ISA9. ONE DOLLAR FOB II1 MONTH81 rWibia J-WJliiiiJiiiXhfJ -T'Js wRi tT" """ t -t-" caew -e 1 '"Nil aV'' JllrSic t - li ""S . POETRY. MBt aad Brr. vYe ty It Int when onr heart an gey, heu our li'e' young sky if bin and bright, And we diani the metalac hours ew With never e thought of ih. owning night. Bs and by" w wul win of fan on ki'ti alche In hr tmpn tlgn, The world shall no with onr honored nana la iba fara that an owning "by. and ty." Dnt Hma folk onward and bop delay Her flattering promisee lo fulfill, Yat we tut to ber song of ths future devs, And, trusting - ew-r, bettere her sun. We bam no gh tor th eanrt-winged boon That at. flitting by ua i silently, We an looking anil for to. toraleee (It were That wa an to gather ''by aud bra." Years n iimnliily speed away, MaaHiig the blonwi fn-e tbe fading c Birtearag an tunny s-cks with gey, I nam bringing th gnetl w seek. Till wtwry of km row th aching nrteft But king In th quiet gran hi as. And only lh fw lb dream Wee real Ttet abali be IU purtloa " by. and bja." Uere la onr ehryealta ateto w Iks ha-aug wtoge for a heavenly birth And tha erarrt that fain would mount end fly la bound by nfc'e piUful crania tu earth ; II t x r lal. eeeu tta oh aa b river, WeibiUsrati knowledge for which we elgh, Why inucb wa withheld atl little tivert, Wa .ball know Uod'a reasons - by and bya " 8ringfiM fts-Molt-aJt. MISCELLANEOUS. SIDNEY GREY; a tali: of SCHOOL LIFE. Br Ike luiar " Mia and Charlie." 8o thought Chariot tan the went back Into tha parlor. " tha real reason of Sidney's tidying fiti, I because ha U to anxious to prevent our having afirthlng to quarrel about, lfiheotbcra Ware lit him bow different It would be. If Ed- a mi nim now amereni it would ue. II rxi d would leare off taring dixagrerable thing. Amy not be to fretful, and frank to greedy, 1 what do I do t I am not, certainly like r. I can't aay that 1 er try to prevent ward would tear off saying disagreeable thioi ana Amy- ana 1 BsdieV, quarrel, or look after other people a laureat, or or, la snort, mere ara a good many thing that I don't d0( but I work vary- bard) I am never lair, or greedy, or fretful. Oq th whole, I am Chariot t was pacing up end down th room. Whan bar thought reached ihla point, a turn brought bar face to face with bet mother' plc tute, and Inrotuntarilr aba glanoed up at It. Th tweet, fVank, aarneat-lookrog; eyes seemed to b gailng down Into the depth of her heart, and she felt a if than wa no na In making any more fale excueel to henelf. She eat down and cot ered bar face with her band. "Ob, mamma, mamma 1" ibe aid ( "wborerer yon are, don't look at m. I an not good, I am not good 1 I thought I thould like Aunt EUioe'i aort of flghU In, and I dont. I hare let myaelf be conquer ed t and now, after all rny reaolntion about try ing, I am a far from being like you a ever." & bunt of tear (topped Charlotte' al-ccn-aatloaa, and for lome minntee they fell faater and fitter j bat Charlotte' deeponding mood narer laMed long, and In a short tlm more cheering thonghUcaaie. Bbe remembered that what Aunt Elllc had ga'd abomt the help ready for every one wa a true now at it waa then. How waa it that be bad thought little about that part of the con Teratlon t Her eoaaclenoe told ber that here at the true caoa of her failure. Eh bad Uei thinking only of benelf. I wa not too late. rhynot begin orer again in a better way f What wa it Sidney read but night bout 'Wng more than conqueror t" Charlotte bad net Uetaneu auemirait tmt in words naa now, found the place In the bible, andread and re-read tbam aeverai times, iney nuea ner lieart with a better and truer courage than ah bad aver fait before- and some reeolution rose -out of that morning' reflections and prayers, which, thougn Imperfectly xept, wrought a gra dual change in ber chancier, and Inluenced all ber future Lfe. Tbe Ant resolution the came to wet, "Aiwayt to Helen attentively at prayen." Tbe second, "To do thing for people when I can, without thinking whether they hay aright lo expect me. rne intra was, not to waste time in arguing. ' inisino. auncuu oi tion Charlotte finished writing down Docket book, last a Amy re-entered the I 'bear tbe morauig lessons: and ahe bad aa tmrae- dlete opportunity of putting it In practice, for Amy blamed her for not having prep trad tha books, and raised her eyebrows in a rather pro Yoking way, when Charlotte, inatead of ber usual volley of eacusea, said cheerfully, "I'll do it at Cnee' When th boys came from school In tbe area tog, Charlotte anticipated gTand opportunity of conquering bea-eh. There wet a dispute between benelf and Jtdward, about whose buslne- It was to shut tha parlor-shutter, as Sarah Instated aom one should do every evening. Tney gener ally quarrelled about it till Sidney, la despair. trot up to do it himself and then Edward rushed out, put up th shutten with a clatter that threatened to break every pane of glae In the window, and cam back looking sulky and la- Tbis evening Charlotte ime down stairs, re solved to slip out quietly before word was said. To htr surprise, she found that though it was early, the eindles wen lighted, and the shutten closed, and every en seated comfortably round Ahe table. I happened to be pairing," said Edward, "without looking up from hi cook. ChanotU understood El ward far tfip well to rn-ke any remark but a every evening alter that Edward happened to be passing Just at tbe time when tbe shutten ought to be put up, and, betide, fell Into habit of being ' In the way try chance" w ben any work in which he could help bad to be done, Charlotte came to tbe con clusion that he, too, bad been making reaola tlene, end she endeavored to give Jutt the quiet help towards keeping them, which tu all that Toa would take from any one but Sidney, Now, that Charlotte wa really anxious to elp th others, Instead of working only to have everything arranged In her own way, tbe began to have mure ympathy with Amy, lind to un derstand Use efforts she was mating to conquer faults ao very different from Charlotte's own. The bad nerer been very affectionate slsten be. .font but now new bond of alaurly love and mutual help was formed between them, and Amy began to woader how It was that she bad never discovered before that she and Charlotte bad ao many subjects In common to talk about, and that oenvaraation with her slater might be -more Interesting than reading story book, or than bnUdlag a castle In the air. A ray's snlnd wee brought Into more healthy nd practical tone by this Intereoune ( and In rrotirtlon a Lhariotta was drawn on to take an tenet in tha Intellectual subjects that occu j4A a m. aha lost her love of vulgar gown and eurio-lty about trifles. Frank was tha only member of the family about whom Amyfelt disinclined to write freely to their father. Tie seemed to grow men and tnore reserved every day, to shun everything like serious convenatioo, and to resent almost as aa insult any expressions of affection from hi launtOT Sitters, unanotie gueeeeu id reason for this strange conduct, but could not bear to teH her suspicion to the othen. At last htr druwr confirmed Itwaadiseovered that Frank had been for a long time In the habit of helping himself to fruit and cake whenever tbe (tore closet wa left open, -or be ceukl lay huf hands on tbe key. One un .fortunate, or fortunate day, Sarah, who wa meditating a grend autumn turn-out of the clo eta, left a email pot, containing soft soap en tha helf where Breeervee usually stood. Frank cam up In the half-light, and, mistaking tha aotl soap for a pot of Ana raspberry preserve, he helped himself to a larg spoonful, lie managed to swallow It with difficulty l bat his deplorable look and aickneas when be came down to tea betrayed him to Sarah's sharp eye. She bad been euro, she said, for long time, that tbe thins -la tb eloaet did not go fairly, and now Fnnk't sickness. -1. .. ..l I - .,. . a, ana ine mars. v. m- be spoon la hen no one had any business to tbe il soap, wnei (hit a ipoen, were certain proof. Frank was punished by banishment for s fort- Cagfet frota Anal auuos s room out amy saw with aorrow that lie cared more for th disgrace Ad trouUs be led trough t upon uiaucU taw for hU fault. When Ajny trM to talk aeriooaly tit.lm about It, he Mlenced ber by aaytog tht if th had done a h wa dVlrl, and locked th cbwet, he nhonld nrr b beenttmpted to lake an) tl ing out of it. Amy wa ready totake her full (hare of blane) bnt, In talklug th matt, r orer with eUwy, afa ad, "1 lanaotquita make up my mlud hu far am to blame. Iou know there were no locked up eloaet at home and yet we nerer tbvngbt o taking anything wiibont leare there.' "lo,1' aaid Bidney, thoughtful 'y. "I rap poee the diSemoa i that papa knew how to maxa; oa without lock and key, and we bar not taken th earn car of frank. I ara afraid we are all of u more to blame than iott fur th! neglect about the eloaet. We bare left him too moeh to hlmaalf. You know how much be wa petted and flatter ed by riaitort and the earTant at home, and how many indulgence h had, which now h meat go without. W nerer ympath!ed wit h him, or tried to make up to him for what be bad loat, rerhapa, if we bad, ha would not hare been to anxloua to get what be like for himself at all rloka." "rrank I inch a rery anmclaMe child," ttld Amy i "be nerer aeemt to nndentind what we are talking about, or t car is the leatt for our plana." "Let n try to how him, then," laid Sidney, "that we care for hi plan." Ireea that tine it eeeeed te be th faahlea in U faanlly to aay. wbeiirar aoythlng Intereat . tng wa being talked about, "toa may go way, frank, dear, for yon cant underttaud thU i or, "1 will flnUh what I am laying wbn frank la out of tbe room " or, "Frank U too much of a baby io enter Into I hi " ratk found blnualf talked to on equal term-, and felt aabamed of klipplng out of the room, In th middle of tbe erening, t re if by chance there were aay nleaeatable thing to be had by making a pitgi Image to A ant 1 lilee room, or a tenrroand tbe kitchen. Amy," said charlotte, one evening, a they i veregoing to bed after a day when earth had been in an nnitually faall-tuwllng humor, and Aant fclUc 111, and Edward rather moody, "do yon remember mamma' reading to n one Sun. day erening, long aro, aboot Christian climbing up tbe Hill Difficulty f I aald then that I thought th climbing np the hill mutt bare been rery pleaaaat part of t be journey, much better than walking along tbe plain, easy road. Mamma shook her bead, I remember and so . annum now ii any one aaw ine tame to me." I "Yea," aaid Amy i "but when we think of t'ellUl Clffiooltr, don't let ut forget that tbe rlce Beautiful and th Chamber ef feace ana at ue top. CHtPTER X. rgOJBST. "Such splendid pnrpne In hi eye." fit Hmoriam. "Come, It b blind mane holiday, certainly," aaid Charlotte. "Yon matt abut np your dic tionary, bldnayt you will not get a ray more light if you hold it orer to close to the window pane, and we mutt not light tbe candle yet. There are i nly tbeae two ilecc to but ni the w hole erening, and Sarah ha (aid to n distinct ly that we are not to hat any more. Let u tit round the Are, and talk. ThU 1 tbe Ant of Ho y ember, and we ought to aettle ouraalrea Into winter wars, and choose winter quarter to be comfortable In." "I cant think." said Sidney, why Sarah hat frown ao particular about measuring ns out ex act qnantaile of candle. She doe not iiupoct ut of eating the candle-end, I auppoee, when we hare more than we waat to barn." "Well, hem I" (aid Charlotte, "darab, per hap, ha reason for being particular about candle-ends. I confeti that I often lately hare, no, not eaten them you need not look o dis gusted, Sidney but taken them to malt np into oil, to burn In Edward's and my patent ever lasting clay lamp, whloh U going to be so ex ttemeTy useful and Inraluable to ns all th winter." "Oh!" said Sidney; "that accounts, then, for the horrible tmell that there ha been all over the house lately." "Merer mind that now, Sidney," aald Char lotte "the work 1 done, and, after many at tempt. Edward and I hare at last succeeded in making two clay lamps exactly like those mad by tbe four Bo-elan tailor ho were shipwreck- eMdu , w. . , , , iiuw f aaaair WUall VU1 (BUI pas aajLS taimiltr If we like. How useful they will be to you and Edward when von have to get no early and alt np late, preparing for the examination you talk o much about." "But when Is the oil to come from' " aald Sid ney, Ah. wall, th atll" said Charlotte. "Edward and I have only jut begun to think about tbst and I acknowledge Ibat it ia a difficulty. We Ilea that It will net answer to melt canal end j Charlotte, "melted the fat of the bean tbev kill ed to burn la their lamps and I dad one think of bear grease, especially aa I have two half pot of it In my BoMnaon Crusoe box ; but then, when that Is used, I can't afford to bay any more." "It would be cheaper to bay wax candles," aald Frank "nd yon might have eared yourself all tbe digging for clay, and pounding and drying In tbe sun, and baking and pasting, and the trouble of making all those wicks by tearing up one of j our own night" . "Hash I" said Charlotte "I have heard quite enough about that from Sarah and Aunt hlllce, and Sarah baa goo out this vary evening to buy acme stuff) and I have to make new on be fore 1 do anything else." "Wba a pity it Is, my dear Charlotte," said Amy, "that you spend ao much time and give yourself so much trouble about scheme that nerer come to anything, or do any good to any one." "Charlotte's lnrtaions answer sometimes, and an really rery Ingenious," said Sidney, who de tected a sigh, which Charlotte was resolutely turning Into a yawn. "That celebrated self. moving book-carrier, which she and Edward snent ao many morulog In working at. certain ly promised to succeed rery well, and save me great deal of trouble." "Only Sarah won't let ns use It," said Chary, lotte, ''because, she says, the rope that wind it up stairs, wean out tbe balusters." "So then Is an and to that," said Frank, "and all that time and trouble thrown away." "Well, I am sorry," said CUrUU "but, after all, what can one do You may aay what you like, but I must say that I don't think life would be worth harlsgwlthout pnJecU. 1 don't mean such projects a Edward and I hare about clay lamp, and candle-ends, and book-carrlen, but real proJecU things that ana would like to do If one wen grown up, or man, such aa as I finding oat exactly what there it at the North Pole, or cutting through tbe Ittbmus of Panama, or getting Into tbe very middle of Africa, or, still better, finding out exactly what then i on th oppotlte side of the moon, which It Is so very tantalizing to think one can never know any thing about." "For my part." said Frank, "I don't see th least ute In doing or finding out any of thee things. 1 hate projects they always Interfere with bnoortant business t ana Charlotte always Starts uere at uicvnteunM.1, t.4i., wu-u vui Just goUtg to dinner, for instance. '' " Well," laid Sidney, "we are not Just going to dinner now t sod, at we may not light the starts hers at Inconvenient time, when on 1 caiui, tor a quarter of an hour, 1 shall not bo Interrupting important buslneea, If I start a pro- Ject. I am going to tell you something that I have been thinking a great deal about lately, I wish we could Invent some way f earning mon- ey. I want tome money for very particular reason, aud wa certainly shall not bar any now unless we earn ior ouiseiyee. eea we earn It ror ourselves. - 'M l'neta your reason fur wanting mon ey t" said Amy. "Is it not for your friend Dud ding t I am afraid his mother Is trj poor. Charlotte and 1 have been to te ber several times sue Aunt Elbe said wa might call, and to-day little Elite came to doie with us. Sh Eare ma a long history of all tbe trouble they are had alnoa their father died. She said it was tome kind friend who sent her brother to school, and paid for hi being a day-boarder. It a quite sad to bear ber talking so much about money and seeming so anxious like grown-up person." l)uddlng U jut th sam," said Sidney. "He told me day or two sgo, that bis mother waa very unhappy because ahe owe some rent for ber lodgings, and that if she cannot get i be fore Christmas, she will be obliged to leave tbe rooms she lives in now, and go to some still more dismal plaoe," "I behove," said Edward, "that It Is brooding oyer tbeae thing, and thinking to constantly of hi mother's trouh.ee, that makes Dudding seem so at upii and listless, and ao unable to ander stsnd hi lesson. I don't think be U really half such fool M tbe faljowi say be U." . ana. nesiaee. oaran wot I let us nareinem. reaoia- i ... .. , .t. L. ., t m .,. . , hiw i "Ol us.eiy mat aoe anuuio, aaiu rranit "J J "you might Just a well burn candle at one." iwua v ' ill L.l . ..ll. IV ..... . l... ., .! JIHAUHUUHUIIN U TVU ISlUOUinr. BB1U Sid ''Well, Sidney," aald Charlotte, "l must tar yoa katehit nponamo-rt delghtful project. 'I see It all. It U Jutt tike the end nf one of th tor.es Amy tell ns. MrsTDuddlng will not be able te get tha money befora Chrtatmai, the ba IJTa will come to th house and take her to pris on, as they do In 'Sanfbrd and Uerton ;' ahe will be In despair Fllle will faint i and suddenly you end Amy will rush in, pay the money, sup- plr the family with new clothea1 am sure they want them and bring them all hnm to a gran 1 SiV.wn,fh' 'D ,D" nieanUme, Udward and I 1 I" n preparing. I mutt tav, Sidney, I did not think yon wen clever enough to have thought oat euch a perfect project " "And I did not," said Sidney, laughing i "the project at you bay been describing it, 1 on of yonr very own." "Ahd tbe story, too," laid Amy. "I assure you It 1 not In the leaat like the end of any of mine ' "It I a protect for spending monev no one ha raid anj thing about earning it "yet," said Kdwerd. ""lbatuondentood, of course," said Char lotte. "1 ben would be no pleasure In giving the money unlet we had earned it ! and if ou will giro me fire minute I will think of tweutr ways. Let me aeet when we left home, I thought we should, perhaps, some time bar to esn, onr own bread to I packed up in my Kob Inson Crusoe box evrry kind of ed that I could lay my hand on In th tool-bouse. I con't x attly know ht they ara, but we can plant them In the garden- aometbiae will coma up, perbapa veget able.' "ltetween Korember and ChrL'tmas," said Frank, drily. "Ah!" ald Charlotte "I wi forgetting that It had to be don 10 aoon bnt never mind, that i only one." "While Charlotte thlukl of her other nineteen plana, let ne tell you mine," said Sidney. "I nave been thinking that Amy and I might po lllly earn some money by selllnir some drawings. I beard the drawing-master at Wise' say, the Other day, that he hired some of th drawlnga he giresustocony at stationer' In the town. Now, tb ttauonar mutt bay the eople be let out from some one t and I mutt say that cur drawings are better than any I hare seen at Wise's ret. Amy and 1 could copy soma of the old Italian sketches of papa's which Aunt E lice has and Edward, if tie likes, can make some of his clerer groups of animals, In pen-aud-iuk." "It la a capital plan," said Am' . "We wiU look over the sketches to-morrow If Aunt Ellice will lend them to us, and see which we can cipy best. I shall hay time for my drawing now ; tbe lessons take up so much leu time than they used to do. What do you aay, Edward f will you dc your part 1" "I will see about It," said Edward. "Edward's 'see about It' Is worth a hundred of Charlotte's promises," said Frank who had a talent for making unwelcome remark. "I cant draw, vou know." aald Charlotte. dolefully. "What am I to do? I hope you don't mean to do It all without ma." "Then ara your other nineteen project,' aald Edward. ' Charlotte shall think them well oat, and we will contult over them after tea," said Sidney. "I think we may venture! to light one of the two candle-end, and I may go back to mr dio ti atary. Edward and I must not let the draw ing put tta examlnatioa of our heads." Sothlng more, however, w aa heard of Char lotte's rlaeteen project. Sidney missed her from tbe group after tea, and Aiund bar a be ex pected be should, fitting In the dark and cJd, on tha old camphor-wood chest fioa which mam ma and Unc Walter had looked out at the red light reflect, d In the ky. "1 am come to btve your project all to my self," tvld Bldney, sitting down) "but what Is this. Charlotte?'' be added, surprised to find tbe little cold cbeek that waa pressed close to bis wet with tears. "Oh, Sidney 1" said Chariot Ut ' I have been thinking all this time, and I bare found out something." "ibe way to look at that other (Id of tb moon?" said Sidney, cheerfully. " o I something about myself. I hare found out that It I presumptuou and conceited t be aiwayt thinking, as I do, that I can do great thing. I uaed to say to Mward, when I per suaded Mm to work so bard, and give up ao much time to our inventions, that we wen working for the good of tha family bat I see now that, In reality, I was thinking a good deal of doing something clever that people would wonder about ; and now, when there U some thing really useful to be done, 1 can do lets than one, after all my boasting." Wei;," id Sidmy, "I ballere you Am made a rery yahttble discovery more useful to Jou than one about the moon would bare been, t It not every one who has courage to make dis coveries about henelf, and act on them, as I am sun you an going to do." "lea," said Charlotte, "I have quite made up my mind. I will air up all thoughts of diatln. gulahing myself, or doing anything wonderful, even for tb good of tb family, 1 meai to be satisfied with doing unit common thinua. and to begin. Instead of thinking of any grand way of making money, 1 have asked Aant JklUos to let me do some of that plain work that aha is getting ready to (end to her granddaughter la India, and the baa promised to pay me for rt I do It well. 1 bat wot king but you shall see. Stsy, I won't say word more, for, perhaps, if I begin to talk, I shall not be able to do even that." Fmai that day till Christmas every on In the bouse bad so much work on hand that there was no time even for regrets for home. Amy found that her re ular daily duties were performed bet ter and more thoroughly when the bad to exert henelf to make the most of every moment, in order to secure tbe lightest hoars of tbe short days for her drawing and Sarah could scarcely believe her own eyee when, morning afier morn ing, she found Charlotte seated on the camphor wood box, working so diligently that It required very extraordinary noise, or an unusually loud knock at the door, to make her Jump up to see wnat was uie maiiar. owney usou to tum round every mornlog to nod to her a he went outoftheBrden-gauonlds way to tchouL and It often occurred to him, a he thought of the self -denial It mutt cost ber to lit still for so many bourn, that, after all, she was not doing such try common thing. CUArrcB xl m SMARB. " r yen had rpckn Uttk ratt ilowly, and not aald the ends of all your words so very much alike, I should hat e been mora sura that yoa had said It right," said Charlotte, returning Edward grammar to him on tha morning before the Ant day of tbe examination, after baring beard him oooestfully gabble page after page, rrota "Pro pria quts maribus" to tha triumphant "fce tnmo." "It does not much signify whether It sound lijht to you or not," laid Edward) "I know that I know it and the beginning of tie word are quit all I bare time for. It lias only last struck Are. 1 aa really very much obliged to yt u, Charlotte, for coming down so eai ly te bear me. It b wonderful how much time you can para for every one, now that yon bare given up" "All Idea of dbtugulahlng myself. That I true," said Charlotte. "I was really glad, bow ever, to get up early this morning i I have so i . . , - w. to get up early ' " work to do. 1 1 ELJce I are me to do ; cava nnisneaauthat Aant and to-nlirht th is to look it over, and pay me for It. llut now I am helping Amy to alter and mend all our win ter clotber. Aunt ElUos ha been explaining to us that the iball not be able to buy u any new clothe at present, aa. it I quite uaoertaia when papa can send ui any money, adward, appose this should have to go on for s long time suppose we have to go on wearing the sam cloth, turning them and mending them till they looked as tbe Puddings' clothes do. How do you think we could betr to so Sidney look Uk W Ulam Dudding V "As If there ever could be the sllghtsst dan ger of that 1" said Edward, Indignantly. "Obi I only meext Sidaey's elutku look Ilk 1 -uoaiDg t -- saiu cuarioiia - - ana certainly, when on puts it In that way, It doe not sound so bad. As for Amy, if sh won th shabbiest dress In the world, she would still look prettier than any one else, and at for our selves, I have always said that yoa and I. But stay, I must not boast of what I think we could do In an emergency, I have not at all left off expecting something good still to oome out of my KoUuson Crusoe box l but 1 won't wait time In talking about It. Sarah gave me leave to light afire, ao I will go down and get some ooala and chips, snd wa win try to bat bright lira by the time Sidney comes down to flaiah hi eeaay. Our old desert-Wand plays In the wood taught us to light firef , at all event. Edward." Edward Tetuntaerad ta make tha loninar to I tbe cellar, aid whoa h cam UtX be M.ad "1 bar thought so long time," said time to look on while Charlotte UM' the yoais and st.kk In the grate, .and to puttie, her whn sdenti'lc ug,wt 0us about their arrangement, and about Ibe three thing Ibat ara reairvd to mate a l.r burn. "Now t be coal are kindled tbe fire Is safe," said Charlotte. "Kneel down, Adeard, and warm your handa, I am sure yoagannot write with such frozen flrtgersi ana now, do yon re member the tin;) when we read to ra-iei in aim. Marcel what yoa have juet beeu ospUining to me about oombiistion, anil peshite and uegaiire electricity, and the rati why there mast be air to make a Are burn I Hew slran-e tt Is to look back upon that trine, when eier- lhtj It so dlrtrrnit now. And yet It ww hot all re err pleasant. How ernes we used te be eouiullinei bn we came In to thuae kea-at ereniat md lugn, because, rhia, Kes, er one of the serraau, had refused to ret a do someitihig or other In the garden. Hew long tie days often seemed, ai! bow difficult It was on a whole hi llday to n-ent something quite hew to do IlMiumtsa treu thing to say, tdoard, but 1 really think that. In spite ot Sarah, and our baring ao much to do, and no servant to wait ou us, and even in danger 1 mentioned Jii't now about shabby clot bee, that we ate happier now then we were then; nut ber Is Sidney already. Ob, Sidney ' why did you come down Ik fore I had anan.ed all j oaj things, and made a gm-d Are tV j ou 1" 'And why did ynu get up btf ire I wa ready to come and help vou " s d hde-ard " ell," said fldny,who had overheard Char lotte'alarl sen'ence ''at all events 1 cannot asy that the diff-rence bet ween Ut year aiid this I that hare fewer people to wait on me. 1 am glad I beard what you "ere saying, bowtner; it will All up tbe last cruaelng of the corner of our letter to papa and be worth the whole letter to him, fancy ." "Ah I' aald Charlotte, "when one talk of liv ing happier now, of coarse It meant if It wtr not fur pip t beiug a era) ," Ibe "if it ware not" wa so much more to Sulcey than to then hen, tha the mention of it brought a sorrowful look Into his face; and Char, lotte put a baaiy stop to tbe conversation, and occupied herself by arfangirg Sidney's books, and drawing ibe table near the Ore. "Now,' ahe said, when everything was ready, "I kn iw I must not speak while Jou ara nnlsli Ing the all-important theme bat may I Just look at the beg-DiiIng, to see what tirtae or vice you nave cuieeo hi wnia auoui r "It Is niilher a virtue nor a Ice," laid Sidney, I holding up tbe Ant pave. , "Coesnenaationt What a horribly difficult I subject I" -aid charlotte. "I should not know what to writ sbout I ." "You have beau talking about It this very morning," said SI Iney t "at.d every day of my bfe you make me think of It. "let." be addod, seeing Charlotte's puttied expreaaiun, "of hoe mv be'plewneaa ia made up for me bt your" "" Oh 1" said CluuloMe " never mind going on t I ui demand the meaning of the word now. It its strange thing that I should bare given I you an lda for your theme without knowing ' it." 1 " Bidney'a way of getting Idea for hla themes from other people ia very different from Wy- I combe's," observed fcdward. " Ever tlnoe the day when Dr. wise gave out about these theme Wycombe ha been walking up and down the playground, with hi paper iu his band, stopping tvtry little fellow he met, and j aay ing, ' Uire me ao idea this instant, you ! little rsscaL about Charity, or I'll knock you down."' ' , " What an odd subject Charity Is for Wy combe to hare chosen," said Charlotte. ' "Ob! every one has chuaan odd subjects," ttld Edward, "roster Is writing on Honesty, and DudJlngon Wlnlom, and l-yon nn Kingship, That Is rery well for him I I believe he and Sid Bey settled tbeir subject together." 'I hope he Is writing his try badly," said Charlotte. I "Can't you be satisfied with hoping that I am writing mine very wall?" said Sidney, looking up "As you like," said Charlotte "bat now I bare begun to be silent, 1 shall not speak anoth er word till you and Kdwarit I ara flnished your essays, and want me to go and tall Amy to com down and slop them." Charlotte was soared th trouble of ruunli g up to call Amy she made her appt aranvs Just at the right moment, when Sidney was writing the last word in his esaay. Edward congratu lated heron having left off keeping people wait ing, and Charlotte wondered bow she could hat a bad the patience to stay upetain so late a seven o'clock on such an Important morning Amy, however, when she bad finished (topping the essays, (bowed that (be bad done a vary good morning's work before seven odook. She brought down tbe drawing port folia, and dis played all tbe drawlrg none by benelf, Bldney anrlLdward, daring the last two months, care fully mounted, and set off with an edging of gilt paper, which the said Charlotte had givea her. "From my KoUnson Crusoe box. of course) you undentand," Charlotte explained to Ld ward. 1 1 It bad ben arranged the erening before that Sidney and d ward were to take tbe drawings that day to the stationer's, to whom they hoped . to sell them and Amy could not let Sldrey 'a go ttnout spreading luem out lor last aammng look. There wen one or two that had been done daring tbe half-year with the drawing maater, and tbeae bad to undergo t very careful examination, and tha best to be chosen out. There was to be sitter medal given tbe half year for tha beat drawing, and Amy bad made up ber mind that Sidney ebould bare It. She fait quite confident of his success when sue drew out a beautiful landsosp which be had begun at school, and been allowed by tbe muter to bring borne to AnUh. It was a sketch from memory of the little wood behind tb old Devonshire borne, with the woodman's cottage In tha fore ground, and group of roey-teoed children In the doorway. "How wonderfully you bare Improved It by yaaterday'a wotk," she aald "I ecarcely knew It eiraln- f ant iHejl Ihla U tint tyi I, utM It le sura of tbe prize. "Wewon'tbe too aure," aald Sidney- "and now, u you oar uone uuiuing to urawinga tu diffe-ent light, and Charlotte ha looked long enough at the outside of our essays, we bud better go. Stay, Charlotte- pat up tb very best pen you can find. I have promised to write I.) ens motto on ni memo tor nimt ana ne never has tuch a thing a a pen that will write. Now, good-bye." "WtO," isid SMsey to Lycn, wbs beckoned to blm as soon aa he entered the school-room i "well!" "Finished " said Lyon, drawing out a paper from his Jacket pocktt. "I am glad to see It." said Sidney "ynu bad written so Utile last night that I was beginning to be afraid." "Come," iaM Collins, "that It a little too good. Afraid that be should not get hi esssy finished, when every one knows that you ara trying with alf your might fur the prise. Who Is to believe that, I should like to know ?" "I do," aald Lyon. "Here, Urev, take It I'm tired ef It. W rite the motto on ibe outilde, and give It with yours to the Doctor." "Vied," said Collins, with a contemptuous whistle "I know If I bad a good chance of tbe f-riie s you, I should not trust my essay out of my own band but I've done with you. And Collins sat down to read over again his favorite sentence In his own them on Magna nimity. "I tar, Urey, you may as well stop, though,'' bo called out after Bldney "111 Just read you what I've said hare about the gen erosity of always attributing good motives even to our enemies. I think I've put it In very striking way. I've heard you say something Uke It once or twice) snd though 1 think It all staff to act upon It, It certainly sound uncom monly well in an essay." Before the end of tha day Sidney bad lUtened to eloquent tentcacea on nmoat every virtue and rlee, art and science, under the sun. Ills fame as a ready listener bad sprtsd all over tbe school, and the essays were Jutt now the uppermost sub ject In every one's thought. It wa the Ant half-year that prlzee had been given for draw ing or English eompeeitioa, ana tney were tbe girt of one of tbe patron of tb school, who wished to encourage the study of Kngllsh liter ature and art. The drawing prise was a very handsome silver medal, and the essay prise waa to be fire pounds' wnh of books. There had bean litti discussion among the parlor boarders, as to whether it were act lor thing to try for an English prize, and whether drawing, though well enough fur manufacturers, wa not rather beneath the attention of gentle men t but Lyon had decided It by declaring hla intention of winning both tbe prize himself, and when Dr. Wise hsd shown the fire-pound not to th assembled school, snd glren It at hla opinion, that tb boys In the lower school had quit as good achanoe of winning the prise a the mem ben of tha Ant class, the asuulatlon and ucltemeat became very general. Ou tb mora- itg when theeesaya we-e given in, tberw wa oily one boy bit be whole sthonl who did not tbluk that file own essay de-erred the prise, and that nothing but th groe-est parlUltiy or stu- Sldl'y on the part of tbe Judges could inekeltifm tenia Swslnst it. Here waa leas anxiety about who would bate the m-lal. 1 osier was consid ered lure of It. He had lean ed drawing lnng-ir than any on else in the icliod, ao 1 his produc ttoLi bad always been cnnaitlered Inimitable. 1 here were a few who stood out for I.ton'stupe rlor genius ) hut then It wa well known tlat he wa dedcieat la tbe art of Itnlebbig. lueaih'y th expectations of hi pnr l.in-, he bed begun raiid historical picture for this nc-wdon the nnnirg of the body of ceroid. It price-vd-d fa rorehly for a day or twn, and the Hgure wen sketched In with great vlgi bti' on ucklly, as tbe week wen' on, the body of liar Jd nnc.ine emai pled and Inst it tie background, a d Lit n had tot patience tu set about rinding It again. He wa. eawllv pentieeVd t abandon thea'teinpt altogether, and leave the tie d iipei to less ambi tious an kw a. Ineoiiwonv who bed n expectation of gain ing eltter prlre was Dudeing. hen he undor SVodttst he muet write aa essay, d that It would be dishi-a-st to uk kelp from aay one, he wa plunaed for some time mto a stats of lbs deepest deeieir At lest, heuue morulag cant ne teSMeey wltban eXireeakmif great aaton tshtuetit on his fee. "I say," he aaid, In awl le per ' what do t ou thin Pre dene ?" "Hew can I tell ? said Sidney "Wall, I have written eu es-y and how do you snppoee 1 did It I eat down and wrote Jutt what 1 really thought about tbe subject, and when I bad done, I found I bad mail aa essay. Here It Is." Sidney looked It orer, and advised Dudding not on any aoonunt to resntlt to any one else, or to let umaeiro pvreuaueir to alter wnat na caa written) and Dudding after weariug cut two iiiteni ana 1'uuuing alter weanug cut two pie of It by framing it l way a in bis pooket, imght up the third to Dr. Wise with trembling ep and euitowt a stipiireesed titter freta hi copies or It D' oron tei ichool fellow at the Idea of an essay on Wisdom rrom iuuaing. There was ao rauoh to be d ne on tha last day before the examination began, aod biduey bad ao many Interrupiioua, thai it waa by in tbe af ternoon before he found a favorable opportunity for writing tbe motto oo Lyon's essay. A be waa anxious that tha writing should be worthy of l be occasion and of hla friendship, he bellow ed Sum time at d pains on It. and, to be secure from interrupt ion, took bis pla.e at Lyon's own desk, which was held to be a ipnt sacred from In trusion, Ibongh It stoot flea to lb stove where all the Idle boys In the irbnol were sure lo as semb'e on a dark, cold afternoon, when the class es brvk up. Sidney bed flnished tbe last nour ish quit to his eallafaclloti, aud wasjust gather ing up hi book lo go awar, whan be noticed that be bad overturned a box of atael peua on tbe grand, and, late a It was, be thought blm i elf obliged lo creep under the deek to pick tbem up. W Idle he waa kneeling on the floor, groping for the pens la tbe firelight (for Poster bad Dome a minute before, ami ana died away hla candle), be urefbrdaeouvrealluabelwoea eotne boya eianaing rouna ine awive, tnai maue a great Im preseon on blm. '1 say, Harding " said a boy called Helcnt, "did ou see Foster face Just now ? Have you noticed bow Use he ba been looking all the afternoon ?" "Blue said Harding "II ha been loot Ing aa-gtean. Jet black, anything yoa like, and a aulkv a tea bean." "He Is In a state of mind about hi Ureek ex ercises," aald Collin "lb Doctor na been heard to growl very aaragely orer tbem. Fos ter ears It Is all (Ire? 't fault that be has cot on so badly this half, lie accuses iiny of baring tola the isuctor euoui tuoee two fieys to luat ustsi to so comfort sbl w a made monitor, "Dnt that bare beard exercise, till be some other Sue. this afternoon. "I waa Just going to tell you, If you would bare let me," said Meloot. "Fitter has some reason for being aarage. You know bow sure be ba bren of getting the medal ever since we beard there wss to ba one and now it turns out that Cray has brought a beautiful drawlng,whlch Lynn saya la sura of tbe prize. He never told anv one that be was going to try for It, and be mk away hit draw Ing untlnlsbea some time ago, o every one thought he did not care to try. 1 must tay tt It enough to rex any one to be dis appointed so luddon'y. I'm sorry for Foster, ahd I think It U rather sneaking of Qrey to keep everything so quiet." At ills point of the conversation, Sidney, who had now picked up Ibe but pen, hastened to make bis presence known, by creeping from un der tbe desk with as much nnUe as he could make. All the group turned round. "What bare yen been dolug there, drey?" said Hard ing, rudelvi "listening? Well, you've beard no good of yourself." ' btay where you are my little prime minis ter," said Collins "I should like the King to see how dignified and worthy of office you look Jutt now,'r "I have not been listening," said 81 Iney, who wa now quit clear of the desk; "I mad a nola when yoa Ant began to talk, but you did not bear." "Ue 1 welcome to all be beard," said Har ding. "Yen may as well be dvP, I think," laid a boy who bad not yet tpoken, "considering that be ba U en belidng you with your algebra all the af ternoon. This was the but sentence that reached Sid ney's eara. He saw that Dr. Wise had ruea from bis desk, and he was (bilged to hasten to peak to him before he left tbe room. He was late tha essays bad all been given In, and placed by tbe iiictor himself in his own desk in tbe study but Dr. Wise wss.aiways gracious to bldney. He eceepted his apologia for being late, and then desired him to take tbe two themes to the study, and lock them up In th duk "You will And tbe key of my desk under tbe click ou tbe mantel-piece." ba said, "lie sure you put It back In the place you take it from, . ou see 1 am not afraid of trusting you with ibe knowledge of the place where 1 keep tb key of my desk. 1 wish 1 felt the same toward all firs t-C lass boys." kidney' thoughts were so pre-occupled, that be bad scarce presence of mlud lo make a suita ble reply to the Doctor's compliment anil dur ing bis stow ptiHrrtM-a rlnwn th, -eb-vl-rccst, and alvug tbe passage to the study, he was carry ing on a warm debate with himself. "1 like him tha least of any one In the at hool. He hat alw ava behat ed ill to me. I don't owe him any kibdners. VV by must 1 care if be U mortified or disappointed? Why thould it ipoll tbe medal to me if he doea grudge It te me ? Why need 1 trouble myself about him?" Those were lb Ant and loudest thoughts ? then cam one or two otaWs. "1 am not Ilka other people ; there Is very little I can do. 1 shall be of very little use in the world have a very tUort tiaie, per haps. I must not lose any chance of dolug a emu toing, ana returning gooa ror evil After all, Foster cares more tor tbe medal, and deaerre It better tbau I do. My drawing baa scarcely uwou uvtuaa. s v-ui taae it away wunoui inert using suiy queenous asseu ana my oeug sent to tbe study to-ulght gives me such t good oppar- Sidney't band was on the study-door a hi resolution wss made. Ht bad noticed, a be wslitd along th passage, that there wa light shining through the think of the door but when he entered the room, he found It, to bit surprise, dark and empty. He fancied be moat bare been mistaken about the light, and trans acted his business a quickly as be co ild. Ha Ant placed tha essays In tbe desk, Lyon's at the top, that it might eecur the first reading ) then be returned tbe key to Its plac, and approached the table on which tbe draw log ware laid. Hit Own bad been moved from tbe place where be had left it, It looked a If some one had taken it sp, and thrown It down hastily again, as he tinrlfjdlA I ft tllA ..U...I ' 'Ibe luat ant that he had closed the door. Fos. its aat&e.aiA.a efaua. ti.t.l 1 L ter tttiiped from behind ib.eS.to.Ii.Tk7 .... , .V. t.i.i. ii. . Ii.-.. .T- . ,V In his hand ) bat the room wa not quit dark, .,..-......-,. ... IIBU u exiuiguuuiea ceuuio u .un mt cuiiaiu waa urawn aside, tno wiu ter moon shoae full Into It, Foster hsd come Into the study that afternoon, a be said to him self, to bar a last look at tbe drawing. There wa another thought in his mioJ acarcely formed or acknowledged hut a he alood with Sidney's drawing Iu hi ban.", it grew Into , vfcindic-gr..! v-lWwUA , tm it nwsa up ana uown under the uue ne made aamucnnaaie outoi ine soopae na ' , t,-A,i .. ti. , mmjM au tLii iLT kandwhlcndiunneandafierUnv culd. tUt he might keep bl countenance. . S .J? !?' rrHZJ?f?? .V!Z?.. r Is ail old newt," said Harding; "we he Hooped under th flaring gas-iight in a butcb- ,, . ' .. . iWT.. . about Grey, and the Keys, and the er's shop, to have a good leuk at tbe magical I ." uta toe emraoceei irunttau M tna we are all tired of it. There must bltoe of other, and be nolle sura that tba "Five" scnooi-nous was rat ner a temoui one to'tha) M-un fur Vi-iu'. Lwitim. .a .... Litti- .,m - nnii H-tti.lnn Awn ,vm. Srirle, - tdwani atepc strict looe-aw aar aatr . . i. .. -V. . .V V ... W.H mm .-v wm w."-w.s w- v n h mj . looa it up nimseir, ne tnougnt he heard rust- z-I1" "" ',' T, Ti.-jii of mlid to reool. ling Ublng Ibe wliidow-curtain, and he called " " sumtUn ly caloi state or mind to reool- out, "abu's there?" No one answered, and eld. b,M ,tial to Lvon's tsmner lo see ney Uughedat himself for bis fancies. ' "I slU It was 'l'ilJ l.!utllail! '' L".? W '" though. !;V """htrsfto carbon lb. IXSSSl mm ww cv.uxum. ui. uxawinir io tna tinrir.,1 a -n.i smoke-alrmg those delicately -painted tree, and Its beairty would bo entirely gone. Foster wa dally Ing with thl temptation, when be hetrd tbe sound of footstep eomin- alonar the) passage, and, afraid of Mng foand by one cf tha matters lo lb study Without leirre, ba exUawuisbed hi cawle, and took refugw eehfnd tb curtain. From thence be had a full view of ail Sidn' movements. He saw blm uwhick the desk, put the cassi in.o It, erase to the table, lor sur pnaet at the position of his own drawing, and then take tt awar. When Ki-wer cme out from tbe curtain, he hat little durrbt that Sid net twspet teI tone deslh-s against Us drawim, ml bad taken II sway tor safety, "lb little, rnra-i-Fpfriied, se-piclons siwmk!" be said lo hlmelf. "After all, I dfi't think I should htre torrbed his drawing) tit now I am de- tei miiM gay shall not trlum-d. ever us eu witn his cumiiig he shall not lis -esverythlrj." 1 hi lime Feeler did not giro himself litre to think) the tr-hptslion Came anoTwa yielded! to In a ii rmient. vt Ith trerablng hand ha lilt long the cbirMisv piece for tbe key, unlock) the desk took ml the first pa-xw that came. The at, enllgbt H She r aim wa strong enough for hrm toreeogntre'tklneyUny'ipeewHarharHl writing on lb owr-M. lie tor ovt several pages tare and there, crumpled tbem in bis porket, threw the e-san beak Into tbe 4eek, re ptaced the key, awl y-tn tsar of tbe room. II ran down the passage in an opposite direction? to the oi e 81 Iney had take, irnWi a circuit tlrr-uah the kitchen, ami rw-enterert the achod-rootrt by another rinor. No one Med happened to netloit Iris absnice, but Sidney Urwy'a waa nWrred. When be re ewiered tbcerhoes-room, Mr. MartM eel! out to hrm to know wtrev he bed been; snd why he sivy ed so ntte, Sidney expUlnori that he bad taken hla essAy to the study) bLtf there wsa a little sml-WTw-smerrt In hie manner as he spoke. He had tieen aeray singer than wa lieeeseary, and he felt, for the Ant time iu bit Ufa, that he was not sneaking the who's truth. "Te the study I and nowhere else?" said Mar tin. "And nowhere else, sir," said Sidney, color ing, because he felt that tb usher'- eye were fixed keenly un hitn. "Look at Orey, Lyon," Bald Hardin-. "What ha be been doing r DM yon ever tea any on look ao toafueed as ha due ?" "Paliawl" said Lyont "what anew! J he bar been doing ? V hen will you learn t kaow peo- Ele II anting? 1 beleve yew might live all your e with feeler and Sktney Wrey, and yet never And out to the laat that there was any difference between tbem." Late aa H waa when Sidaey left theaobool,the most Interesting part of the day's buslneea waa til to com. Edward waa waiting fbr him ia the meet, and they walked late Dunttali to- J ether, to offer their drawing to the printael'er. Award's courage wa not up to the point of standbig by while Stduey bargained wltb asnoo keeper. It suited bis lOea of hi own dignity batter toset off bom aa soon a t bad thrown tbe portfolio down ou lb counter, and to leave Sidney to enter tbe mlaterlvue bill back shop alone. It had never entered Stdney'e bead to be ashamed of taking money for hla own w era, so he enjoyed the success that attended hi Ant ef- lort, wuoout any taise pine to epou it. ine printseder wa, aguod Judge of drawings, and iaa suawriaed at the laieol shown In soma of 31- ney'a aaaacbee. lie took the por-jolm Into the froul shop to show tbe drawing to a neb. custo mer, who beppwned to be there, of whose taste j he thought highly ) and be beard sueb a flswra- ' ble opinion of them, that, when be returned to Sidney, be bad eelected ten out of the fifteen drawings, and ottered blm fire pound note In I payment iur tnem. ..vr..nr.-.",ffiw He tta 4 looking at It some time. bulUing tdetr- sant ceatlea In tbe air, that would hava almost tnai 'ied amie of Charlotte's, about a future suc cessful caieer a an artist, and about wlnniug back bl father' foriur by tbe work of hi bandu II wa rouerd from hi reverie by hearing bl name pronounced In a well-known voice, and, looking up, be aaw Wycombe's face leaning from tbe ilion-window, and bli great green eyee fixed la stupid eloolaunicut on hlia. "Hollo," ho aI l ..nl. llwti-1 r .nil al.Jrtl- ti r I llil timeofnightf What have you get la your wj -- Sidnev had no tnd nit on to enter Into long axidauallon to Wycouibe. and be remembered . . . .... . . i -i that tt was getting very 1st) so, Instead of making any reply, ne hastily returned the not Into his pocksl book, and set off on bis way bom at rather a quicker pace than utuai. Wycombe contented hiuiself with throwing a baudful of awdost after him. and would oou have furgoto ten hi curiosity If erent ibat occurred after wards, had not brought the circumstance of thl evening vividly back to hla mind. Sidney found bl brother and sisters waiting anxiously for Mm when be got hornet and Charlotte, In honor ot tha events of the cay, had endeavored to make the tea look as much Uke one of hr favorite feasts as ibe could, consid.riag that her power onlf extended lo the arrangement of tha cups, and tbe way of cutting tbe bread and bat ter. All reasonable expectations were satisfied by the light of the Ave pouud note but Amy and Cliai lotte bad been Indulging tome unreasonsble ones, so Ibat the were not quite so much sur prised and delighted a Sidney ex peited. A great part of the evening waa tpent in discussing w bst wastobedtna with the money now that they bad g t It. At but It waa deckled that Sidney should inclose the money, Including tbe sum Char lotte received from Mrs. Elites, In an eaveiope, dirotted to Mrs. Dudding, and seod it by tha post, without giviug any clue by which aha wight, ill .cover tbe donor. Charlotte thought thl rather a fist ending to (ueh a brilliant pro ject. It would be so unsatisfactory, the uried, never to know. Sidney beard ber eittema'Iou to an end, and tbeu handed berampnr, ou which be bad written a tew word. Charlotte re-td it, and passed It back to Sidaey with an acquiescing nod of tbe heed and a smile. I "1 et me eee it," said Frank, reading tba pa per as It passed. "Mr Father that eeeth In se cret What does It mean ? Why could not you have said it out load ?" "I under-tand," said Charloote, "and I liked It bi tter written than sal I out aloud. Yes, Sid ney ) 1 see you have settled on the beet way. W lien I used to make aucb grand trojecta, I am afraid I thought ery little, or, ludeed, not at all, abiut what you wrote Juat now 1 mean about lln seeing lleui." cnir-Tti xti. XrOBB IIOMOB tt UOsnUTT. Tbe three days of the exsminatlon pasted quickly : trery one wa too busy to talk, aad to muth excited to be anxlou. Tbaonlylo teirnoLlon to tbe emros.lng Intel eat that occur red wa caused by Lyon bating discovered that he had loat letter from hit father, eoulaUiiog a Ave p und uole, aeat to defray Ibe expenses of his Journey borne, and by hi disturbing himself and e er- uouy eise oy vsgue seeixnos tor it, ana atid Imp' lant exclamations ef wonder to whan it inieuui u to turn up. u it uau utaa an' In th school but Lvon who bad valuable letter, more Interest would have boat excited by Iti but Lyon'a poeeeesions, of all kinds, were well known to have snare of their master's love of Independent action. Ihey wrt constantly putting thenuelvet out of the way when tber were wanted, and turning up unex pectedly in tin pceatbl plaoe when!! need of ihem was passed. Eren Sidaey had left va disturbing bimseif t t.yon' constsnt etelama- turn or "inere now, uere are an mr uuu-a .- gain 1" and though, on thl occasion, he g rad- naturedly bell Lyon to turn tut the pockets of all bit Jackats, and to toss over and over the miscellaneous contents of his desk he Mt pretty lime, that me um. - ". i. i... i had ao maav lectures from tbt Doctor on bis tztrsnis caridessnee about uioney, that be -"H u0 I" cui" ".S" ,uf."- mw ! "t " to he orouglit u-ote uia uoimjs ,ln h.iuij.v mtUm On Saturday afternoon, at three o'clock, th. examlnstinn iIommI' Tbe Doctor wound up tbt Lalf -year's work Uy an address to the boys, val ued chiefly by tbem for the opportunity It afford ed for cheering, and making aa much nolst at they bked without offence. Tbt real tf tbe ef . ternoon w as devottd to tbt T-nmigiV of break ing up. Nothing certain, could ba knowa about the rate or tbt eseayt until Monday morning. I fc' Viv-.ioeth.1 !'"-), w,i. u hum iei uinv , . w -- citing c&Qugh t know tbst tb Doctor aud tbt wus, .eip looking too mueu iirrris-i M pieasea, arm. - frM cons-noenee that weald Mto. tf V ben be bl gun. . UttU way down tb. .treel, ZSXJZZttlZEZXZZT "" ttr akll tha -ww-f . - - .. . - .... n.i.s.ai tr itaaBt-uuua. ntssu aaea examiner tYnmOxrt-rd were htaIa thai udr sctuaUy leading them. Every bow kaU-red himself to have tbe best cbaaee but tba n.oi Urs who were Inclined to glva tbe second t Qreyn Lyon wen about eauaL ConitateVaasaJ bin self by taking bete on thetr Menace, gad br trying te rouse spirit of rWsisMipVWweei them, and to ruffle Lyon's temper by retaUdlaaT I Ma wa the first time for many half yean whan tfctre bad bei' any doubt about hi Mag-first In evert thing. He could not be swre whether ht seeoseded or not. Lycn was not la hla aanal sob It s that afternoon I but then be wa art dmrrirBaT about bli lost letter. He new thought I hat b bad shut It up In bis eesty, w Llcb be bad! beery reavTlng- orer ror tb last ti j wlwnlswltterhadrtaputbUOblbudsfand this lna wet not tendered more ' agisealtt by Collin, rwmrnding him that ha bad scrawled a llkei ess of tb examiner on the back of Ut aa- TSSOp. Tkeie was or other person who waa still l-sa Iw-Hrcl to enjoy the mirth and froO ef iHveslrg-up day, or to enter Into the prrrall. lg npics of ctetrwrsatloa. Frarter waa gen rally auipoeed to bar fond reaaoat for bi-lng oat of tamper. Ue bad been extrem ry unsiictersful daring tbe eiamlnatloa.'aad. was I nown to lie under the Doctor's dhwlaaur lMt tbote who bad lettarw to notto haul rwerw sarprl-edtoseehowUjtless and depraesed hie p prared. and how pettishly be resented any re mark about tMa essays or question freea Iyoo stiowt his tetter. 1 bey Utile knew tbe pain and fer that tbe sUghteat allasHm tb either of thee subJ-Tt gave ban; how ha wa longing to be out of tn way of hearing more of them. II hid no patierisewlth tynnf-iesearchltigaopartevattagty rWharileiter.and f-'- ---r llrk Tilth Susstta i slon when be beard him mention his recoOeo tron of baring left It In tdeeeeer, and his uneuafw nesa, lot the cricature should be reoognlzetr iij tbe Doctor. Footer could have set his mind tit eese on that point. I he eurelop cofltanlng the ante and letter waa tan In bis poeuaci ha bad found It among tb crumpled-up leare b had turn from the essay besuppo-ed to be Bid wey's. Iwenty time during tha three day ba lad com up to Lyon's desk, in the hop of bainat atil to slip th latter Into it unobserved, and' twenty tlmea some slight drcam-tanoa bad baf i tod him. It seemed suddenly to hint aa tf ha vt-re watched sif be could not say or do' tb cm atone t thktg wltaout bavin eome eye flxedr orrlriea. s e dare not destroy the money be had taijen,andthut pu'lt outof bis power ever M re story k t he wa afraid to keep ft, and very far Indeed from bartrarlbe imri-niri ti rnafaaa hon estly what be hadTdnne. la.wandareA about, afraitMo enter Into conrtrsaiiou with any one, 1 st he thould betray his nnraMlnisc.twuridoilng; vaguely bow be should get out ef hit trotrble, and yet try big to keep bis tnoagfatt from dwell ing ou It i and findJug that, ht tptu of alia effrta, tkey would constantly recur to soma hlgh-flnvevt sentence In his owa eeaay eel Hon- sty, anta the tormenting conrsoibm tbab ha bad com mUted t heft himself, and that It would certainly, at one time or another, be brought to light. Sunday waa a tedious daw to most of tba bora I sou nd good reant of thetr friends ) but tba toog- j Mt d.yBcorTiaUianend.andthaUnpartsiUatoa- 1 day mmnlru sam a', last. It wss tbe cve-tom fir the friend of tha tan boys to assents' e ut ton scbuoi-ro-ea lo see I fat prise, given away, and stray aad C'bssiotevaad utdenp their mlndt to wala with thetr bretb n to the -cbonl on Monday morning, and ttkar Ir pieces amwng the steel ators. Eiiward's oonsposare waa rather oTiMuTwed at mi arr.ngttneot. tie naa nis doabta about of our fellows who (sight be ootniag down ,t ho street, and. on the slightest appearance of a su pleieu. Jacket or cap, ha forced Amy aad Cbaa lotts to retreat Into a (hop. or instructed them 1 1 cross tbe road and look Into a shop-window, a if they had nothing to do with him, and war not going anywhere In particular. After a great dl of clever generalship, Amy and Cbarkstta Acted their entrance Into tba school, with out Its baimr known to more that half the bars that they had accompanied their brother. S-d- " spite of Ewsrd's remonstrance, aaw theat eomfortably plaeed, and then waat to bla- n seal. 1 he boys were arranged according to their 0T berin the classes, and Sidney's place was between Lyon aid Collins on ihe Ant form. Wbeuba took his seat he saw that, though all tba echoed wa assembled, Lyon's place was vaeaaU "Where's Lyon ?" he whispered toCaUbU. "II was here mlaato ago," rM VtUim "The Doctor pat bl headoulof thtciaes-ioeai n. few minutes ago, aud called him. Tber ara bavlug aom talk about something or other bl that. Perhaps they art telling him that bt bt tu bar tie eeaay prize. Ah I beta coma, tha Doetor aud th grandees 1 "sow It It ceiag to begle." V ben the Doctor and the other gentlamta bad walked up tbe room, Lyon followed, , and went quietly to bis place, bl face was flushed, tad-bis eves resolutely fixed on tba ground. Sidney tried to eaicb bis eye. He wanted te girt bint t look ibat would show aim that ba was ready to rejoice In II (access, er torwtetr the same generous sympathy from him; bat iy on carefully kroided turning hla bead. " V hat's the row. Lyon ?" whispered CoUlna, belM Sidney 't back. "Can't yoa aatwer tv fellow? Whai'atheiow?" " Ye ere not allowed to talk," answered Lyon; and, aa be could no longer look on tbe ground, be fixed ht eve ' lily on the greeu' table oa which the prlsee lay. lie was not 'ilrg of them Sidney saw in moment, aud (sit (are ha he had heard aomethlng that dliturbed hla far more than any dlaappolatmant about prize waa likely to do. Sidney was so much troubled by tbli thought I hat be did not bear one word of tba Doctor 'a opening speech. It was followed by a call on Urev, seoiur, to oome up to the table to receive the first Ureek prise. Ibsre wa a good deal nf t amping and clanfaag from tba boya a Sidney went up. While he waa'.ia tba yary act of taking tbe book from Dr. Wis be looked round to see if Lyon Joined In It. Not Lyon was sltllni- quila still, curing at tbt tibii aawl Collins had to touch hla arm to make ale) attend when the Doctor called him to receive the- first prize for Latin versa, Sidney clapped with all bl might but Lyon walked back to bit plana wltnout locuug at any one. Tha distribution ol prize to tha different cla see did col take up much time. Oa boy waa called np after another, and they received their bo-aa more or less awkwardly, were cheered, and ked back lo their plaoae. , When all these lest Imp-wtentprlaea wen dis tributed there wa pause. Tu etlrar medal and tbe long row of bandaomely-bcnnd book remained on tbt table, and thtraSras Uttla movement of anxiety among tbt boys and their friends. v Tba Doctor stood un aa-ain before tbe table. liwiaa m inair sbmsk in imnnau sma n areas at r w .aw when and every tya In th school wa ilxsd aaxloua 'I'y ly upon him. He coughed, arranged and rc loat a orraneed the book, and when beat last began to Bsk, It was la a grate tone or vote that metto at least one heart tatheruom sin. Ut said that before he told tbeat to wheat tba prUo sasay had been awarded, bt waa eerryto be) obliged to -U'e a clrcumstanct that baa? given Urn great pam. In looking over tbt eeaaya ba had found one that had been torn ntT Injured, wilb the evueni inieo'.iua c , pswvanung tna i writer of it from having tba prise. He aAd found 0ui to wnom ine iota ewaay uesagwa, laaa in. ter tu sure that It wa perlbct when tt Itft bit band) but bt iu ao unwilling to belUrt that J nyof hUcompaniona would puxpoatrynnjura , him, that he had earnaatly requested klat not to make any lavastlgauon on tat, subjeot, or Uka ny notto ot u wnaiever. That request tb Doc tor satis ne eoiuu no t lulv wltb. Ua tkoturht t bis duty to relate what had trmed before tbe tsteniUad school, and to give tbe oAaJerta opportunity of retailing bis fault by sabuciy owning It. At tb request of tbt Injured aer son, bt bad prce-lsed not ta punish tJMoaWer If h would now frankly otif- kisfaatt.Ua ttmtttly dvlsel the geuiy "- self tbt reiUf of eonf-wJoa. lltcoaMaoj lat- rlnt greater punishment than tha tafds- e J.?H whTl. Ih. l-J-r w-Vi-sk-,t4id- unatcutd fbr. .... The Dvctote solemn yploe ceased, and tbt ea ger young eye that had been fixed oa hint waa-!Lu-i curlialy around tbt icon. Would taw one corns forward. A faw.iMtvenU of brent b- l MCirfMstw . I I -Us J