OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, June 13, 1866, Image 1

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

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y-umbpr 10.578. NrEW YORK. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 18, 100. Thirty-Third Yonr-
The Latest Mews
y Tclr-crnph to the IV. Y. Sun.
Soldiers jirnl Sailors Widows.
Nobody Wants It,
Loyal Edllor Arrested,
Fearful Railroad Accident.
Ladies Car Tumbled Down a Bank.
The Fenians on the Border.
Order From Washington,
FrincipalLeaders toboProsecutod
City &nd Sliieellancoai Netrs.
End of the Shipcarpentcrs Strike,
Rase of Ilohrrts, the Fenian.
J Ho Is Released on Parclo.
&c, etc.. tfce.
WArni'mOT, Jre-. II.
I Tbe tlotiM Committee on Invalid Petuloni or pre
term, Mil. which will loon be reported, giving to
tfcr widow of thetollleror tailor, ln addition to her
arrernt pemlon, two dnllen a month tor rich of
ler rhlldtcn. Thia paniloa will require ,n ippro.
triatlon of tr.ccatoa.
There li no doubt thl the (.ovi rnment at any lime
ntU tramff r Jff. Devli to the juiltd.ctlon o( the
llilrlct Court of Yliginla, If & writ of libra, rorpiil
mould te Pin" ! to Lrlm blm telore that lllbuor.1.
" F-ertetarr Weh'ca hai juit returtod froru lb Nival
Araditny. where the rxamlaillon of the mldihlo
wien li rouplelrd. The litter are about to il.lt on
tfcelr mrnmer trnUe.
Col. Wlllliin W. r'falon, fotmerly filler of the
lYeihlngton National iMri LinEsrri, li dying of
The Nulu Hcpubllc and tlir Atnerlcnn
(Correvriondrnre 0 the .Sun.)
WAinutcm, 3m IJ.-The following transition
f rrmttunlml.n. dated Kerne, April 31 lut, id
(trued to (he fee clary of Stele, will prore inlartit
lor to the reederi of the 8r-w :
Mb Sr.wAr -Allow me, ei fen-icr Prrtldent of
the ! I'.cpuhlc, whh h lot eri-r r'irrlibcd the
wirrr.rt i ui.nithn, ler o ir (ountrv'i enter, I ir.
romuierid the Icirernf tnete lew lines Mr. Feinx
Ilurhirr. to jour klnl rooilileriltcn ltoliaAwui,
who bat tern rnccuteged by tome of hit countrr
torn 10 vlelt America for the purroic of ptlnllag
tcme ol "ou moit remiikablo men and t.oadeiful
landrr ipr 1. 'n 1 e taken bxl 10 hit native country.
With steal eouilderatlon,
la rreildeot of the 8wln Confederation.
llrnr. AitilSI,
Mi FtcjtiATii Switzerland hat altrctively
watrbtd the mighty conteit In the I'r.iteil sum,
and now ereeu with meat Joy thevl-tonei ot the
Union. The narnri of the greil ita'ettntn and war
ilort. 10 whom the triumph It dor. are at well
known and it cush honored here ot in the I nltej
Main, I'hete nrcnraitancri euggeetrd lha Idea to
one 01 our allien locollcc tbeie flgutrw aud a men
Ln one group, to form a larro biitorleal Mcute to
fecniaecu Hall cf ncp'Ci.'Uloilici. llietalnter
tfltrtel. Mr Ituebter, 01 eo.erco, foot to America
torompcto the t 'elurn, lie It au artiit of ttritce
l.brltr. and 1 tain tun lit em ot lecoiiiiueu'.lnit h ui
Wjour kind coutiderat03. I bin he win Inwel
cotue, and wbcu bit wirk U tiniitied wo ntav
trulv tar that (be Kepubil a of tho Old and New,
World hate t ntw bona 01 I niot).
1 euibia.'e the ncrai.oUt ic
Youit tiulj, .l. Hro
TntcrcMlEa llrrrr.
ArarnA. Oa Juno li. The Leslral Hailrotd
oettroTe1! by fheiman'i trmr. hi" been ireon
attuned, aud Iralm from Maron to harasnah and
Audita, p.ned throutb to dir.
u tcrordanru with Inrtrucllont from the War
Ol'trttnent, Itlmi.tit tjuaiaiillne ft ,iiUt',ou hata
trtn eilablltlied for the iwm of Soiinn.li, llniai
wlrk and Dirlcn.
U.ti M. L zarut and .1. T. W. Walk'r, I nllel
Int.. (Vtctotr, bftvt ittlgnel, tt thiv roulJ n I
lake ll r 'fit ot. li.
.1 I. n'eif, cd tor tf th l.o at. (!cort,t the
rrreimtu't orcan, wai trrcitcd by ihnrlrll author
ity thla aftcrccon, en a chv?e of attetn. tln.-r todr
aud ncsrori out cf money 1 onoited of tbem wben
if (Hrjintl ill an ofScfr cf lb - tioTernioi'tit llo
,u itleitel, a coined roa-i lecomlnc bli iiitetr.
Toxas and Woxico.
Ciopa !n Trstna Tim Cnptureil 3.
llrbcll lu .Mf.ticu.
Nrw OsirAMi, .U-sr. li.-'lte ruan.areiult-rll
Ini a Il.vn Ie;enf l unrl, Tre 'lent uplinlcoi.
ion cop la ptoiniilni; the lo. er liudi are otr tl!of i,
inJ noihlu li etpeo o-1. Com planted on bannted
beat liuliie.-ieUeit.
The L'ontfdf rain cjplured In Meilro had istlled
in the rhtich cnfli-Vfl eo9 planlalloni. The
Utrieliclili.i tb.uai prlwiie 1 ttioi in the lu-.-rlo..
Ibo rruun p et.. e to re'rue the oil
..rn.lut put IU- youu m 11 la tho Lit erol aray.
c, ou 1 ll.aad, of JliHuan, will hi rcloiieJ,
nr.BJ a timliy. Two np'owi Mil a
nnf (im. Tilcc, were cipuri-J. flen. Shclhrl,
nf tit I In colli 11 and canu pbntto lower down tl e
alliy.and will malco a Iarecrop. He hue con
ict lor triaiportlne rallroi tna'erlil. Thewoik
1 the Vera Ctui rellioid haiUea itojped for win
fundi to Ply the binds
I'lIAKt't l. I'ATASTIlOI'lirc.
On I'crton KIIW, Thlrtren Woanded.
ntcnvom, Ve, Jane 11. A fearful accident .
eurteJ to the down mall train on the Paatllle Hall
roa.1, near C'oalf.eld, th'i afternoon, eaoied by Ihl
brciklnjof aiwltch rol. The ladlei' eir wai precip
itate 1 orer an en.bankment, ratklnf three erotu
tlom, and imai!itn the eir la the dricent. Mil.
Trotter, nf tleelclnlty of Pint. lie, wai Inilantly
L.lled 1 bittern other pertcm were Injured, anions
them UitHip Kulr. of the Mtthollit Chntch, and
Ifii.- Oterley, of Charlrtte.
Tklrty nUtai Soavloi.
WAettltDTnx, Jot It, Ur Chandler called op a
bill appropriating money for the preterratlon, repilr
anl completion of public workion the Taclfle and
Atlantic cetiti. on the likei and at other point',
which wai putod,
Aleneo'e'uck the I 111 tn.klrjt approptlatloni for
tho lirttlitiTr. Kieeuttee an 1 Judicial eipenie, of
the (i.tunuicLt for the year rndln; Juni ft th, 137,
w ai lakin up. It li a bill of fitly-one piiri, and pro,
Tldci for the lalailn of officii 1 It the ultTereat it
On the qnntlon tf edptln an amendmant playlft
10knl at the rilin.tl nf tho Srcrrlarr of the
1 lenurj-, to lo-revo at lilt dltcretlun the compenia
tlinof tber.eika ( Lit oeparltuent.
51 r llon ild be wai vppoi. 1 10 flrl-i itj-h rill'
r-i t'on to tnr man, and tipKlilly f the prttent
ecjetarr of the lieuuri-. It wojld tite that oftlcer
too much e ntiot oe the tm-n la bli deptttm nt.
Mr V,ter en mid ilo Sfte'iry wit a laitlifnl
and 1 oint tent pub'le efticer 'l.otllcv of the p o
Ntel aiiicndtniDlbul hem Intuttaled under Mr.
aadctu teiie.) ever tince.
ar. Wl'mn tiid tin' bo bad nodetiro lorn' Im
Puiatb u. upon the rl ete my of the I'loury, t ut It
a. woli kuiwli that be (tho fecrrlatr J hd .'one a
r'i miiir 1 Inatuf which ll' m it 01 the p'oplt
tbrouib the country do net tpftto.e He bad ip
' .nt I men to oil c wltLeul riquliliK Ibc oaili rt,
crt.l lv lit. 'I he f nerr f ri at coitn tntt tealul
hltn fjr hli coune In the lolliwof till, llctwll
tojj n.d tereived a Irtter In in an e mihcur nicrcbint
iu .Sew York on tnlt lulject. ll wit .err well
known tint when othenwire In favor rl mmlci
down ind rrco'nttlof ih ti.iienct cf ('eniei. he
end out denaiilly ind lolillr, In a ipaech which he
( iIkjii; woii.il net undertake torbartc trice. He
hid gone tjomt the TieiUtnt hiiutet in loaintaln
tni apuiirv tht nloetr-ulao out of every bun lied
cltize m weie eppoed to.
JU. rfin-ttdeu tald U wai In bad lute for men to
turn 'j'tettlftutof butlneit int" pollttrni atticai. It
fit la bad lute, alio, to attic i abienl men. He
"ItMiU'Iiii) did nl a(iee with thu Hie ilaiytnhlt
ipeech. and tbottiht tho .ipeech we. hi bad title,
He lll"ted It rhowed n'thln to much that the
fecretaty wai not In the htblt of milluit ipetcbet,
tnd baldly know Jmi wl.ute be wai Koine wbeu be
Mr. tirimn tald It waa a prepared ipeech. He f Mr.
(.rlmei) uaa tbeie and Leard it, and he notli-ud that
the . icretary recabed letetal icmrnrr ml tepat
ed thent, lutt m rueu do wbeu ttey are dslUciloc
prtuiiel ipieche,,
Mr. I'eiteaden raid be totnetlroea recalled unten.
rit, i el he nnor tnaJo piepated ipieihrt. Itiuly
tboeed the jnutullced t)e with wuich Mr. t.rlniri
vlewel everything .looo by the Sictetatr of the
Irreiury- H wat true the F'Yre'ary tndorred the
l'lulueui'i iio,lcy aud he (Mr r'riiotidanj did aoi.
He wai tuns however, ot the boorit lutuutioiii and
lap.Llluy ol tbe beoretiry, Ai lor tbe penoltii
imendtnent, If It waa abed principle, bo dir. I'et
lendeitjwat more ieipi.'Uiltlo lor It thau ai.y otber
Mr. (irlrnri nlJ he did not t'O tbe propriety of
taikiuc of the bad taite ol aiallluic abteut men.
Hid not lie forretary ft the Tie aiury amll Con
eieit lu lit ibtenre on the tveulof ot hit terriiade
ipiechl He bl twod re.aont for refmlnit to (tire
tun dlicrcilun.ry pawer aiked fgr to the tieciotaty,
and It wi, well known what they were. Mr. t.rltuei
then ler.ewet certain itcent acta of Mr. McCulUiiicn
-the aipoluiiueul ol turn who rjulj not tike too
catb ui, lato litea ot roil, Ac.
Mr Connrt. lu a. few rrtnaika, cbartcterlzol the
peraoni who recently torenaded toe Cabinet a. win
ucrins tniutirrla, political aciuba, (uhucal fuan ,
ultrlibio dipendeuti. et .
Mr riherniancxpialued thecaurea wblrh Induced
the Couintilt el t'inanio 10 r. mrt tbe f-eudlnc
The aiurndmcnt wai attif l to by tho lollowlni
Year Keiin. Anthony. Concrri, Parti, Doolltllf,
I'eurniteu, Totter, Oulhile. Ilimi, llruunciis
Juliiiann, Morsaa, Nortoj, Itlddiu, riaulibury, Fhtr
inau. Van iiul.-. llllaint and alet lM-
Nail Alcint. Chancloi, Cracln, (Jieii'well. Kd.
munui, drliuea, Howard, Hoe, Knk.cvl. 1. ne, .,f
Indlaua, Nrc, Poland, lituiier. riorafuc. Mean,
TruuihJ.i, Wide and Wlleou.-IT.
The atncndineut KieiJ to It In tbe followlnc Ian
Cuacei I'or computation of ttniporiry c'cirki In the
Tteatory Duntrtroeut and lor additional cotnprntt
tlon to oin ei, and rleiki In the irat drpirtiiient.
onehuudiel and iltiy tbouiaud doilari; provided
that the temporary clorlt hueln prorldtd for may
1. t-cUtiltel accordlun toiba cbatacierof their ler
Ticet, andt .at tl,o aerr'tarr ol tbe Inttity nity
award iu 'h additional comtieniation at mar be In
hi, Judituent jmt aud mar tie le-iulrel by th, pub
lic letTice, and to much f toe tald act maklDe ah.
proprlailom tor the leiltlM.ve, eaecuuvo a il luil
rtai evpenteiof tbe tiovurument, appioved March
2, lSoi,M lo.bidi tbe Mccicur? of tuu Tieitury to
award arir luch adottional ooinpentitlon alter tbe
tirttol July, ISO j, la lniety lepaled. l'rutldid
lurther tnat out ol tbe aiprcpmtlun ol ni;,0.iK")
mnil by iild net lor (onaient.tloii to (miKrtrr
clerkt In :he ireotury I iparuitout, and to. addi
tloual cfin;entallou Uicler.a in tbe time lr;ut
uicnt. thcie tbail bo paid to rich i erron tberclu ap
pjlut' d by the hCL'tetarr ai a ileta or couuur, who
lull hiv.' ierd III tuchcara It. lor one; tat pro'
Tlolll to tbe p.liaye ot lull act, auu wb.no Inr
nioinii iolei man one touiand dillati p-r au
nutn, the umof one hundred oollaii,
Mr. ro)llttle offered a rtiolution, ralllne upon the
I'litUtut for auy lufonuatton ln hli potteiiion tela
live lo the departure of Auttrlan trooi for Meilco,
and aiked In Itnmidii.f consideration. Mr, l'tnen
ob rcted. aud tbe reaolr.tion itoci over.
Mr. Ildnundt, frcin the t'nmmtttie on (.'tmnerce,
called tip in act lunbcr to provide tor the .jictyot
tbe livet ot pit euro. ion lnrd ol v. ii"U pnpoiied,
In ii bolt cr lu put. by i.etut, to tieulato ha il
atlri ol ltd intuit luipectoit, ml lor otber pur-
Tho eo,Hf "S'len of tl o Approprlit'on bill wai re,
lue ("oiuiuiitfo of l'lninre rerom-mnlel ibo
t. ihiuiM'tit . f ti i' piovi.o In tbe lollowln- I'l.ute . -'
1 oi nm'.i.iy txir ..ei In caro Jnie Ic.o rttn i He
, v i.i tic ...I UouiiirK, n iili .ilr.li.s lotiu and th.
iitu. o I' our. iiu'ii;.ij.i.iai . j.rovl.ed ll. ai no
futllier iiii'iiJilure ili.ll lo luiio lor tbe em ti
u. ultl ) . .in oi bydteitatic pr u'inj by the Irei.
run' In p.il i.r it, until iui.Ii t apeilmrnti ihali linvo
l.i-.u ueunitely atulioilrt-d nv law and a .lli'.luct up
pioprl.i on inadv ibcieturc." J bo am'udment aai
tftrerdtJ, ...
Hie tiiiimltteeof Ounfrrmr on tho dlrtjif rim
Totetoo It ujoinr riioluiiou, ulatlve to a;poltitiijouti
at Won I unit, inadK a repori, wbb b at allied lo.
I'euuiuii tbe loutidcratiuu of tbe AipiofMauoa
till ibo Mttiti- aJjuuiutd.
itoruK w nrwTiisKM .vrivr.3.
(in motion of Mr Karniond, tl e Coroinll ee r.u Ap
I ! 'Uoni w dm hi-!!td t'otu tbe couiUeratloa
ol tbe .do utloui ol tlioNe Yoik l.tiUlita aula
t.vc to ibe laimentof tuo inllitla of 132, aud tho
claim of tiroria CoUlnibam, and they wero telerred
to tho Committee on Claltua.
Mr. Hchcuck, from the Committee on Military Af
falti, reported bacL with ameadmenti Ibo tfenale
Join: reiolutton Inrerard to tiojtity to colore 1 eoU
lion all bountlia, pernio n ami allowance i lo their
hcln. Tho ainonum'nli vroro xtoel to ist tbe
Joint diolutlon ai aiu'ndeJ wat pined.
Mr. Hart, Iroui tho Coiutuilteo oa tlia Dlil-lctof
Columbia, nvorted a bill for lcalltint uarrlaiea In
tba Dlititct, which wn read thro- tiinei and pined.
It proeldci that all colored per ion i In th Dlitnci
who, p.evboi to their leiuil auanelpatlon, had uu.
deruaeu and unil to occupy the relation ol hut
hand and vile, laa who teooauUld that relUJou aa
lilU ,iliiio, whittcr U tfht ( BarrlM? bar
been celebrated ttleem thorn or nut ahull I deem
fd butliand and win, aud their chllJlto ihall bo
bold lobe legitimate.
Mr Delano Introluctd a Mil arotnJMory of tba
N'aval ApprcprlatloQ Hill of thli iciilon. III rt
rialoed that a ietlon of that bill, rrpeallnr a ice
Hon of Ibo an of lg.!t, bad tbe iffect ot Iccreiiloc
the par of Navy office n fiotn twen'y to Iblrlv-ihrio
percent, eiuaf to tl.WXI,lA)U aanually, ind laid (bat
neither llonie had any idea o( ib.lne antthlue ol the
kind. If the pay orNevv clllceri ou.-ht to be in
crrited It ibonld to done npeny aud knowingly.
Mr. I.ellknd and Mr. llke objn.iui to lit nvnld.r
atlon now, the bill waa referred lu tho Committee
on .Naval Attain.
Mr. febenck, (rom tbe Confcrepro Committee on
tli' lnlnt tttoluliou to alive to ippilnlnienti to the
Military Academy, mad, a report which n nioeJ
Ibe lUuee then, at 4 o'clock, adbrarcfd.
TIIK PIlM.lM.a),
ninttrra Alenc tba Itordcr. l"tc
IlcrrAin, X. Y., Jcm U-A liree nomler of
renlini from Maine have arrived here, they having
been furnlibtl triniporlitlon from tbire to HulTi'o
by Orn. Meade. Tbe clllreui aro Uglnnlng lo fed
uceur at tbe collection ol inch a lerre body of
1'enlim here, though Ihev have hehwej titremily
wall m far fian. Ilarrr. lite yrttfnliy afternoon,
received authority to clto tranipurutlon to the
Tealan, who deilrrd to lo fnither Wett and could
not piy their pawait. on ihrlr rivlnc their parulr,
not te attempt the tnri.ion of Canada. A ii.ud
Kmltn mitt meetlue wit In Id at HI. Janira lltil thli
evening, Thlttuieilur wat occationcd prlraatlly hr
the Inttoductlon of areeolmlon In Ctui.rvft. reilor
diy, to Inittuct ih. Committer on Foreign Aff.u, to
Inquire Into the eitfdlencr of rerirtlnc a I ill to
Hp ll 'b'' neutrality act of IM", Thlt action giel
ew l,f, to the lVtiiau movement, and the meeting
tv verv entbttiltitlc. Tb, Heiolttlloaary i mtnlt
tre or the Irlih ll.puhlh- have nnl.liil.e.1 a iilrring
appeal to the Irliu i Ittz'u. of I'tirTalo, and to all b v
ei. of republican IILcrty. Tho tvbwwtug li an exttact
Him Ihlt ippeilt
"I.tt tbe lilib rlllrer.i. In pirtlctilar, lend In ctm
niti.ary t'oree, tuch at bread, meat. roOee, turar,
&c, Juit what etcli man would like it home. We
wtutell the moniy we can rati, lor otber riirpoai
W hat tl ee lurpntei are, tbe pMpIo ran auen. I. at
no perion Imagine the rtuio udi-fi-ated, or that tbe
men v. iio hive twotu to lno their native laud, or
die. will abandon their came U'Ciute a tew over
ccalom official, bavo p'ared lome iditaclei In our
a ay. Die voice of the treat Atueilcau peop'o U at
le.it e-ud ln Hie halli of Cunatett ; not (itni a tin
gle Individual, but Iroui tbe repie.enlatn ei if thirty
mll'tont. and. true to their rallouil imtlni 'a, ther
raltel tbelr vo.iei lor the o-itirrued. iod 1 let,
them I J Her wl.l tou'e mauy an inileni ipiilt
tl.rmtghont the world and make tvrin', tremble ntt
their tbronee, ei the cry o, lortli. Aiuerlra li the
defender of Litany 1' Let the pet p'o ti'.e heart
thtruihiMit the limb -all tneettuie. put remlutioni,
tnd piedre thalr nirport to the mn who luitrtbe
up.u tbelr btiiiier, 'I nlvtr.al Llbrity ' He pAUent,
bulwoikt work If Collect tnouer ; have i tur men
realyiand wbeu the cry rf htttlo goet lurlb let
them come a. Individual,, If tbey caunot come aa
compAQleior itgluiciiti."
Hliraio, Jcnt ll.-Tbe I'eiiltnt genctally will
not accpt lraniwrtatlou home from the (lutein
mint, coupled with a pladgt not to agilu take up
atnii to invade Canada, ritrlngmt ttep, would have
to be taken by tbe Uvveiniaint to tour,l tbem to
leave thli vicinity.
rinuounr.iAni m.
OuDtxanrx), .V Y , Jc.ir. ll.-'I'L, followlnc gen
eral order ku Juit t eu promul.at. d :
tlfAi.QrAit riiA DtflTrttor nr Hr I
I.Awarncr. Owi..ni.ttU, Ji-ta H, 1560.
(kneral Orde.-a No. II.
The following initmrtloni, bated on the teeent
proclamation ot tbt I'rrildcnlol tbe Lnlie I State,
and orden from Malor lieneral Men'e, commanding
tb military dlatrlcl ol the Allinllr. aio lurnuli.U.
for tbo lnlormalton of offlcert ronimandlnf at Home,
Wateuown. Uedeuiburr, PeKalb .luuctlon, 1'jti.lim
Junction, ma lutermadlato poinK All iraiui pit.
In through Ibe ttntlont memloned alove will la
cat u.lr Inepoclct, and any IVnlani or munition,
of war movlug lutlber towardt ibe lioutier v. ill bo
baited, the item eelred and tbe I'rulani not pi r
milted to continue lu Hut dliectlon, At all pu.nte
coupled by I'nlted ftatet innpe any p'omineit
linlan agitatora, leioeiior tgeol, or Individual,
dleieiardlng tbe le.-.nt picc'amaiton, or deilxnliut
to viols' e tbe tutitrallir lawt will b- arretted Ol'.i
ceti rcmmandlng at dlifeiem pilutt will renter wl'h
railroad nnd telegraph tgeuta or opcrn'oii, and for
bid tbem. on pilu ol baring their ttiicei clottd,
from ronveylne Fenlant cr mnnliicm of war
Intended lor Hunt, or uannnlltlnr lo Ihrm any
cnniinuulrallont, either t.i rip'irr ol ollier
br Mijor . rl Lbirr. Ceptam i t tbe lint Ar.il
lrt. romminiin' nit me, will "ml in e . li pit.
encer tialn a rrllible mm, roiiimltpinned uiii ror
oldler, who will go ll Itr at Watertown, rep illng
there to Ibe commanding ofurcr, and to Mtjei hide-,
on bli to'iirn, any inioimatlou teepocilng the pai
eagoflhu lemilii or their Horn rn tbelialn, n
certalnlnir, it ttiniblo, ibe name of tho caraudcuu
diicor. Col. H.emmer. at Vvaierlown, will tend a
a rullar guard, with correfpondlug oideri, aa tar at
I'otidaiii Junction. Traint baring leiilana or inn
ntilona on lard. will not Ihi a.lowel toprocro I tinttl
tbar am retuovivl, and auntrliMit guaratilre itgltrii
trial inch mm and inuntltout will do ! train In ken
ou UaiU. Any con1 uciot. cr ether ludivlduil eui
plovea by railtoad roiupanlei, cunnivlng ill llevio
lal'oQottheteordeia, will not loalloael to prccce.1
lurtber witti l lie i iw In, but will I o held iu glvlu i aid
and eomturt to the renlini, (Viminimlliig oihrein at
nailoni will lelegiaim Immcdiataly to tho He-id-qua.teri
any arteitt or telzuiei ihit mar be mid,
and will tend any otbertnfo.tnatton which mi) como
Into thilr iMtettioti roijceitiing toe n.ovimenti of
tbe 1 iuiiiii. Allctptu.e 1 prupcily i.lll be tnt with
a lultable guard to thli plucc. Il ord".- ot
Col Viii.nii,
rgni MAi'iir.
Mai.oni:, N. y June IV. Our Tllla;e now bat the
appearance of in Irrpirtant military town. Tin
roinpanlri of I'nlted Klein Infantry are here, a part
of whom have pitched tl.rtr trnti In tho very reutre
of tbr town. Litt nighr lour i-ompanlet mtrrbolto
Conitab ei, ill tullra North ot heir, lo ripture tome
uunllloni cf war, wblrb ll wai reiorted the Fcnleu1
had ai Iced ll ere. Tbey d.d net anrreed In finding
any. and returned thla mnimug. Tbe invading army
la dlib"irtened. the men ore earl ng tor tbelr homei
by every ttuin, 'Ibey havo luere'de 1 Ingivlugour
ui-lfhliori over tha boroor amoit inigulfireat rraie.
Ve tre Informed by a geatli mau dltect Irom Caoa
da, Ibit but one lamlly remain, between I'ront lllrtr
and Huntington, a dlnacco cf over twenty nillrt
Tbe otber, bar a'l bien Irlghtened w Th, ti
,mmtlon oftheorT.iert under arrett romnicuco.1 lo
day, ,nd It now prifre'i'ng Hen MctJ' an I i-1 a u
bare Im". arrived ouaiperlal ttaln Irom ft. AI
ban., Tbey will rimaiti bie till to morrow All
quiet on the Halmou I
UiMi'h Mo-hiat. .li mi 1'.'. The I'en an pr'im-eri-Murpbr,
HtfTcrniun tnd ciiupmi wire
brought up for examination to-day, beloio Ibe I' b.
C'onunleiloner, aid remanded until tomorrow. Hill
I, detuaudeil In Ibe tuin of giuui each for Murphy
and lltfTonpan, and Sot nuh of tbe 1 1 lien
tleu. Murphy liiuod au crlcr lo-jar, cotinaellioe ull
tbo I'enion, to remilu-cctwlihi andlng which
ervrn car Inada Irlt tl.li eiuniii; I'rubablr Here I
will not lo more thau tli-eo hundred 1'eiilnoi here
to-iuurrow. 'They liate arini luf.b lout tor that riurr.
mou winni.ii.'i'ix.
AeiiiK.iuN, Juna l.
Tbe Inqultlt, made by Uijor-Meide are ei yet In
cox pit te, but to iir aa tbey bare gone Ibuy do not
iciult la coullimlng the ieprt that th Canadian
or l'..in'. forcei cicne l the loundary line, or that
any of t"D Fealtua bar lean killed by them, or
it it eny i'rolim weto raptured ou tbe Aucrlcui
Id, of tba ftonllar. Inrioly to an lninlty of DU-trlrt-AltoTcey
Hart, of To-.tiJim, Now Yott, u to
wbelhcr any of tbe uborillaile omcen and men
of tho Fenian prlaonera ahould! te Indicted, tb At.
tomeyfieueiil lelcgnphed Imliuctloo, to-dty to
ndlcttjte laidera only, and to preareil them for
Lriich.of the VdUi UUlu h'lutralllr lava. wlih
t '
i-hilillginre woott I cemlitenl with the dig
nity of tb t'ntted Plilfi.
Morrrarnt, of tbr ' (I. I, It.
IHcnMoMts Va., Jcmj li -Ur ftlephent arrlreit
from Wuhlngton tbli afternoon, and I, Hopping at
the Lrebange Hotel. He will ipend a few dayi In
lilcbmond and l'eieribitri, anl then -cturn to Nw
Vuk. Ill, pri'irnr cot being gaaertlly known bu
not ret nuiid any commotion among tbo 1'enlitii,
Th? (Tinrnn A!lnt .ludj-o Nmllh.
Atlilur, Jtria It. -Tbe Senate content 1 at 11
o'clock, The Proclamation of ibe florernor, railing
th, rttra aetiten fr the trial of charge, preferred
galtitlth Judge ol Ootid County wi, read. The
Cletk called the roll and twentr-four Keaator, were
found to lieprreenl. C. 11. 8"lwlek and Mr. Uunt
a, peered aa lb couniel for th protecutlo. and Ira
flull-r and llanry Emlth for the defrnc. .Indue
Smith Ibe accnie.1. wat pretent In per-on. Thede
fenco relied the quntlou that the Oovernot', met.
eace tranimlliln the chargia wa, not within lb
meanlnt of the Couitltutlon, In.imiif li ai It dl I not
ree.mimen-1 the removal of the accme.1. Mr ttbal
f.r t'ated that he theuld rata another queatlou In
ronnectlo with tho me-aare, and aeked for an ad
journment, which waa agreed to.
Hrntcner I'pon Hurdrrere ARlrinri).
Aiiiaxt, Jiwt Hi -The louri f A pp. all haa
afllrued tho lenteucra of tho murdarei, l',rrl,,
I'rlery, Hontaleg and galvaJor,
llir "Corruption" t nnraln tho New Jereey
l.e Bl.lnturr.
Inr.iioi.N. '.,Jcit" It.--The peraoni rharred
llh bribery end corruption In the litt Ullalatiire
hat e all lean chtrgM befot the Curt and pleaded
"Not Utility!' Tho luU Ilinlet lleliman, wu
charged to-day and gave ball In JIO,cno to antwir at
IheOrtoter term.
Tho Auicrlrun l'rotcitant AMorlntlon,
l'nn AMirnii. Jlm 12,-Th Itlght Wotthy
liianJ Ixxlge of tbe L 8. American Protettant Aeao
clatlon li holding Hi teuton hire, and will eonllnu
until Ibunliy vrnlng. Th altendanr I, nnu-
ually large, partlcslarly from the Weatein Stitti.
Tim election of office n reiulled In tb choir of tb
K. W.li.Hrtnd Matter. John It. lloenle, of Ohio;
. tl Maeirr. Jam,, McC'ouaell, ol Maeatcbuteit,,
llrand Traturer, ,limri Mnytb. of Peomrlvanla;
Hrand Mirotary, John Crsll. Petioaylvanla i A,.
kittanl f ecirttry, Ani'it H. Itedilteake, of 1'enniyl
vaata i tlramt Chaplain, Tbumat Itlaikburne, of
New koiki tirand Couduetor, Hobert Tlmenn, of
l.h.j.le liland t (Hand l'yler,Jacob llobcrta, llbod
Tbr New llrunaivlrk I.Tectloue
'r Juiiw. N ll .Jrna It. - I he New llruniwlck
elrctloni were flutthcd to-dav. Klngt and Chatlotlo
rountlei raturned Coufederale rindlJalei by eery
lirre majorltlit, Tbe (confederate, will bare S30
member. In th now legulature, and the oppcil
llou, .
Qonoral latelllgtno.
tr Jfil le Ihl .Veu reel fun )
Tun were eating cantolopta iu N,vv Orleaca on
tho Slit tilt.
A unaimiT lo the Coufeiltrato tlaad le ertetlu;
In Alabama.
Lat week the ehlpmentt e'roal, from the tllfftr
enl mtnlni regfloua of l'nn,ylvanla, reacbe.1 tbe
eunrmi'tia agj-reifale of 801,017 turn. Tbe coal via,
worth al'out tv,o mlllloua of iloltar.
Tin llicbmoml (Va. Winu alatee thai renla
have been fal Ing very raplilly In lhal rlty.
Ftorea wb.cb Ian year rntel from tf2,MV) lo
H3,li, now are really In b obtalLel for IKKI to
r I. (Kill
Hiriuil. ladlee bad their ilreuti ipolltJ on Hit
tirday evening In the city of Providence. II. I., by
il anl lampblack Itruem npou Ih.tii by acoun.
ilrtl, who pruiiienadeil the itretti nt lha city four
Tti "le-reiie nf the I'. P ilehl, letwttn lb' An
K'HN ISiV.. ami the Jime, lMil, atiternent, (blue
iiiiintl-ii la itS7.:'l.Sa. Tho atlet of ijcl.l In tnat
period are reHrlrit n have brniif;bi tnlotbe Treaa
urv lull v HT inlllione in rurroncv.
Tilt Otvrn Cjunty (Indiana) Jortait. haa the
f.i'.Iowlnn loelitii; paragraph t "Sun Curllt killed
bia favor!!, do,, yeileptay The rraoon waa,
there wa, a cuplf of ijeelrren, of th tilling
loo'.e irimbulitlu? the atreeli the day te'or.
T .e tloi 'taw loo much to lira' -an 8im aaya,"
lnitici ALraaii of Knglacd baa Unu Duke of
IVllnl urh, and te to lak bta aeat Hi th, llouae cf
L true. Tbe title lieratre extinct by tbe ueath of
l'nute William l'i ed.ru k, without lieue, on Nor.
i'llli, 1H34. Il ibetefore a uew creation lu favor
of l'ltuee Allitil, auil will b borue aa bia Urn
A cat npT In Franyabtirub, MuaMrjsum
Couulj, Oblo, cinllnulu' three wrcka, term n.ted
laei .Satiintay. The tnal oommunity of tb town,
ahlp .llelricl Into two pailltH, and ileroted tbelr
enerjiae lo tbe btvxly work, Uatunlay ar, i:iiir
they '-O'lnt. t "itlli," tnd th remit waa that 3,178
lati ha'l been kllliHi,
OwimiIu the overflow cf the country atorg the
Mim.is pin and olhar rivera, iteiiuer, otuiitinc
run foul nf tbe channel. Tbe ateanier (arilotra,
uuh-r v,ay dortn tbe tlTr, a few Cava ecu, cou
clilJl 1 Iber" waa too much water lu tbe river, anil
whan fifty mile, I, low rJhraroi-ort, ah took the
bank aud land! ou a iilautatl .n.
The W' at Indlea crop of augar Ibll year will
piobally tucb Iwclvo ihoutand hogehaade an l a
oorretion itug a lautuy of tuui aud inulaaici, aay
Ituui 111 lo c ifut thousand liogah.aiJi of m Jaiiea
aud tbrt tbouiati'l ol mm, Th:a will be lifir per
toul. inuro tlian the crip uf lnri&, aid fully double
that of thu prcceillug year.
A lloiioia paper ha, a report lhal a rl,rk In one
of lb whnlesai ,1'irei nf that city baa lately beeu
aflli tril r Ith a painful bnaklni; out on the ne V,
. in. h he at Tint itlrilniteJ l boili. bul, a pby,
i.iu telui; called, tba , atleut wa, tulurmeJ to at be
v,ia autlerlnir freti. the pitsoutii, prop-rlles of
attt.le, tiat'l iu Hie preparution of bit euanieltnt
papei LJilars. tvbioti bad beeu atavrbeil muj bia
At a renal drivi ir.g-r wi.i ol Si Jamn'a Palace,
lh Pnu' eat ul Walt, wore a tralu of pluk vtlvet,
riy triiuineJ with Ilruaarl, late t pluli tulle
-tt!cait over plok mlk ; tlounce, of llruinela lac,,
lltid-droa -tura of iliatnondi, leathera ami veil t
i,tiittri"nta pearla and dlamon la, th, Victoria ajil
Albert OrUtr, ami tbo Order uf Ctlblnue of
A nw dnvi apu a friedmin In Klnj WllllimUo.,
Ya. 1.1'. c', all r a (.eaper.le eii' ouuter. a lu n
alr autk, in,iauiioi: nearly cljj l fct bmiTi a'id
late In proportion. The couteuta ot bla auaka
abip'a nnuicn were Tin.! aud tiirii'l, n parted
a, kllow, : A youutr rabbit, tit, parirtdg e(b,,
couple of truga, mobtn't rKga, llinrd, and a
in. II clip keu. It bclucgtid to tne tribe ot black
Ttia lirKeit ulirv pi.d inv on man in New
LngUuii ib ierelve.1 by tb, a.eul of tbe Eallabury
Woollen Mllli, Ntwburjp.rt, who bu fifteen
ti uuainil dollar, a year. I lie lowrtl eaiury waa
trobabl rtcelrel by that Meiluidlit rlerurmxt
who ii4trt I at tn, Hcnion Couveoilon laal week
that bia rsmunerillou for the ftrit teal', pmchlng
conalateil of a caw bat and a buaUel of aptlat,
while at preitnt be waa more tortunat.
bli ailary tmountlng to about twiDty.flv dollar!
a year.
An Individual from tb conntry, flopping al
hotel la lb, city, wu oHmd ctnar nr on of
th boarder with whom he wa, ronre ririnf, whir b
be aereple,!. The boarder Iben panel him that
oe he waa imoklnir, for tbe purae of gieiiig
light. He carefully pltc.! the or firm handed lf
him In bla pock 1 1, an I eultn i Ml the end of Ute
llghted one that had been lu the tm nth ni h'i ge-f
ero'ia frlind, commence! antokinj, tattrr u he
did ao, "ll aln'l often thai a mm Irom the ceuu.
try rune afoul of eo clltir a ltlbiw In the rlt aa
yott are."
Till Ditrolt M. cli AtiTiiTlti' I, ipont e Ur
th, following l ' About iue year iro one ef rnir
binlnee. men Tlalleil N'w York dir. nud whil
Ibtraoril'ird a half d. e:t tirfeg uV fMffr of bun
ell. which he riltirlbu.eil fitnonr; hi friend. In
thitrlare. Afewdava aco he waa eurprUel v
rind one uf tb '. ounterf,it ramblanr,' la pnv
tition of the fam.ly coiV A" luvtai'gallon Into
th matter iliecloee l l e faet thai the hail receive
It from f.irtune teller In N-w York rlty, wbn
advert ae.1 to forward a mrrecl Itkenraa of aa
TOtint; IiJj'i future hniWimt, all fur the mm of
A'ly r,nti, which amount th' rook ha.1 remltlil,
aocordlnir to th, advartlaement, au.l iecive.1 her
eniiloyar llleatet in mum.
I'.iv. 1". II. I'Atrcimiv, pteiiJenl nf IT 'liHi'a
fo'legf, In ale-lureoa Home, eay, that Wm. W
Hlnrv la ilettlntd lo be the fitet acttlplorlti ttirrte.
An Kngliah lord haa orTarril htm ijl i,(K0 fr one ol
ble marble. II mil the fu lowing plctute cit
Mia, lkeinir, the Amirb-att auilplort ' Harriet
llnmer wa, a fid Miitarhui,lt irl, making jn,.
CPU or 15,uiJ a j e r by tier i Intel, but never auc
rieded in living wliblu her luc.uui, while ebe bi't
long a.nce eihautleil her nlritnon . rlbe ilrite
the fiiletl lionet iu P. une, ami aliemiVee the mot a
tvautlful mitt In evtr bi.urd upi.n," A teller
from ll.im ,ik, uf tht wurka m Mia, Item,r'
eludio a, follow, t 'Iliutoo and Hialnce Cenct In
pliiltri a pair of mute In marble, Hern and Daphre;
tb jouuj Au'Uitua, foraalr, rue 76 rkn.li,(abnu
Hie ileatk-ii ol a fuujiltin l..r a lady (Marian
A'tordof HiiglamP, now tiear'e ftnlihed; a Hirea
playing to Hire llilenlng llgurea ridlnn on .Mp
bhit,prlce COd Kt'ln t a fawn and rtalyr In marble,
ar.d a pretty Utile IMca, child wltu a U'tiulsaln
ore hand, Hunt iu the other, ttiied on a bat
atnohtwo or three other toul ,Uol, growlngrourxtt
alao a litt'y mt-I.ll.oii ofNixht aud Morula? In b
executinl in btiiiji, Moriuug with a torch m
rmei, r.teiiltig wlih pjppUi In her bind, ninrnlng
and aveolug itara, a lark and I at, ui.ke uptb
Tr tuck anTth. TirJrrTj
Icman MAiTitita -Tun Iinitr.rtT' F.XAlit-matiiiw-
Tlir I'ltrna-dAMi Aa WiTTre Cot..
Koiiicts ItrtrAiir.ii ot t'Anotr.. Ibli rite whtrli
wat commenced on Monday waa trrnght up agalra
yetlerdar on adjournment. The Court room wa
rrowiied. The irrilar Court under Judge lie tie b
Ing In eeiilon, Iber waa a delay of half an hwr.
after which Col. Hobert, ramo Into Court accompli
led by bit roun,el, and upon hi, aepoaranr wat
loudly clitored by Hi aidlente. Oimraliilorier
lltlli itated thai If any further drmonitratloa bC
applauie look l4ace, be would lute to clear lbe
Cou it.
11 r Jameitllbboni wu firit callid, and txamtnedl
aa to Mr. ItobeirU' handwriting. A piper waa ,hwra
blm which he atated wat net In bit opinion written
by Ibe defrndtnt. Mr MeKeon aiked toae lhpa
per. but tbe Hltrlet Attorney refuted.
Mr, John Mihnn (Puw tleporter) wai th nf xl wit
neu. II teitlfied that he knew a plarw In Itroad,
war which be In hla report, had called the Roberta
lleadquartera. Tho lut time lie went tbeie It wai tet
learn eooiMhlng atout the expedition to Canada. of
wblrh he had read In Hto rtundir napera. To hlaln
qulry Col. Kobrrta repllrd Hut ft wai llkelrthet
wa, no truth In If, Ha.1 attended a aoclled 1'enltav
matting alul tlx week, ,gn aud heant Col. Hubert
e'-eak, but did not remember more Hun one lentenr
oftbe epee,h. and thil wa, that "unl one reut of It
f money atke.1 fori thould Hani hli pocket," I re.
rle to other iineetlone Mr Mihon le-tliled that ha
had attendel a ptiblle leelure of llal. Keberla' at
Carper Inilttute, but be onlr remembeted one word,
"renltn" -and thai only by the peculiar hrogne In
which It wat lllteren, ana in wnicu nr. jioownt ie
not iceuitomed tn ipeik. II wa, then tntrndnrew
he CM. (I'Mahony. That waalefor the breach In
he llmthevlioral. He waa not a ronlimnnd knew
rot'dne of II perionilly, nor hid bo any acquaint
a iro ullti Wlahart, tne repuicl Inlorraer.
Mr I'airlck Loamy (VS'uit.u Itcp.) wai then railed,
t ' I aa L bad no klioe ledge of anything rnnnerivti
wi.u Hi' fet-lau organliallon, h waa let aiHe.
"Itlr. John M.Oallaghcr illritiLli Hep.) wu pat or
tbtnmd. Holeinncd be bad teen an ,M Drrnd-
ar, and had aeen a tautlemaa there who it
Poiotd out ai Mr, lloliertt t had ropled doenment.
Ini could noi iwear by whom written, or whether It
bid Mr. ICoborlV name attached, but aaw lhat th
naioeappeimdlnprnlaliliedlolt. He refuied t
intwer uueiUont ai to what Mr. Itolurta laid to him.
Int U thould clltnlnal hlluiell, who waa rrportel to
beaKeuluo aeo. Ibe document arove alluded ta
it'ol, Hubert.' I'iM-laniaib.n ol July 7lh) waa ibown
wlme.i. andhettaledtbat pilU of It aeerr,4 Ilk
v.be! le hai cp.(i!. , .
Mr. wrKn look advantage of a ptrjie In the pro
ceeding! bete, to ttat that li hat lent to th
(leiuilidlretldrtieaol Wlif hart to Ml htm,awlf
Le.a lor tlio delenre, but be could not lie oond
Col. IS. ll. doodwlu waa thou examined, hut
nothing wu rllclied itto that bo hato.1 Popery, 1 e.
nl.tiliui.Ac. Ha aumttlel, boeover, that he bid
lu arr.it.d and Itoprliourd for aiiaull, "
alio arrrtted for Inducing loldleia to doeert , thai he.
wn an Orangeman, and wai teady io tight th K.
man,,Vc. i that hi bad bten to JVainln.tnn Hi
"eei the T 'lendeul aud pwreuirUa heward a M
Btantou. who auiedliim thai l ealaairtii wuild
iriubr 1 1 To ibuwrd bluuelf very nlttur, and aa n
wu iiVlln. " to lun lha queitioil Into a lelllloui rli
liovotir, be wuulaild,.
Tb Diililct Attorney then announced that Hr.
ItolKiUtulghtgoonbia own parolo to attend al ll
o'clock on Friday morning, b,tt tbo care will be
concluded. A, Mr. KobeM. left lb Court and en
tered hi, carrliee. be wa, received wlih tremmdoii,
iheiia and waiving ot halt, and alter be III gono e
mne way, bo .if obllied to get out anl make, .
K "i I h' crowd who tnronged aiound blm. At
oludl.g ih net-, ot a homo ue.t ,'b corner f n.
tie aud ( bimbeti nrreti. he made a ddreii.
In which be Hated lhaltLo work, would itlllgo on
au boiuuaailut aaajl nOolllteu.
Col. lbvborti liiued auolher Hlrrlug appeal to Ihe
llrotberboo.1 yeiterday. umlog tbem lo Hand firm,
anduolbedeipoudeul at the recent drawback t thai
tin cau.e will yet trluaapb, aud thxl the aympathy ol
the nttlon la with them
riMAt urntl'iitN nnttrii ATimc.
A lirg aud enthuilatne meeting wu brl
Im e venlur, al No. V (1 Wghtli avtuur, Mr. M' He
nonili llurkllng In Ibo chair After a lew Introduc
tory remarki br Hie chairman. Mr. ITiauncfT
O'Neill dellvored a leugtby audi", m wlilcl. I.j
aiatod thai the Frnlaiu would yet rummer i.nilin
tbrouihhereomiuere end colonial ri'iiioiii, u.d
Lltlmatoly float ineHortoua lunbui.i ol Irilaod ...or
a lroo Huh lletubilc Tliey would now, Iw t.il.
Monlroal. and havo tbelr .""'V"!'.,'. T,
Waihlumon aaklng lor b.'.li'rient ilrt.lt. weie it
not thai Pretiorni Jonn.ou mi ' nn Imw to
iV.ei I umlahiutu lb wiau.ng ol th wotd ntu-
"col'i: N.Httgn.of 1-hlladrlpbla. being failed up
en. d. V.rVu a .urr.n, . U":; '""'0lll.''"
toeed." uud thoelng tuai right wu with llie.n, fail
iimt iuuii iiiireed. He iiiu lhal tho men who but
hind.ied lbclr "lion had b.ver leeu Irieud, ot Ir.
Uud llad , U ly tuui wen 'hey bail In tb. Jayi of
Andrew Jackiou, It would hat. been v.ry dill,ini.
fiPiVaieheuiui ) All Uuu Anullcaui, ho laid, tym.
Siathfied . llb t .ein. end wllbed Ibeoi lueceaa, a
Key nnlwliha l wbuaiibod w .alabliih their na.
lonall ? I . Va.u.od lutin (hat Americana woubi
tlvelb'tn ai, , It would ipnog up tecieiiy, but it
"mVub'bon,, of PhUtdelphl., wa. next
raue.ioj He ipeko itronrl In laioi oi the move
ment! aud directed lo l.avo coulUcuce. in each oil rr
md U ttue to toe ipirll ol lilrrty. aul If iUty 'were,
lb. men who were tuelr wrvanu" would b truj tj
ihem. In apaaking oi the let lulan army, b. Mit t
wh. ever uw m army go Into tne fleul. noi i tulr
without pay, but paying tb.lt own way.aud lurnitb-

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