OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, September 16, 1879, Image 3

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1879-09-16/ed-1/seq-3/

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F S < S S 5 f
1111111 Z 1011111111 1111JJ11I11l1II
lICII 11 I iiinii r7i i io
u tie v 41111I111 < redllcil vv Illl IMnn
CIO nlll n Hie I I liil t llltlr t rieimilij I U lxcrt t
lulloti III 11111111I I Ir 110
I IflI I I S t 1 I U lIr t I I h I IIotlr
1IllIIIOU r S Il > 1 11 i llio lilitl or WIN
iiiuliol Ir Ih I II1l1rlel of his Iuutir
11 lin
J tolm IlIrl hlll 011 lrlllV evenliur I Deco
iniiiiI lll Ilioiiilni 111 the Hu
2i 74 v8 11111111110 0111 Illhu HI
lrlor Vtirt o raltlleld County Conlraryto
niTid 0IIltfl ncliol eaiuo Into tin court
room loollni 1 In I nowayworeo Ihlll whl ho
roor lUll Itrl t Irll afleruoon 1 I t was thought nnd I
ilil tlmt tll I stnrllliiK t revelations of Irnst I
ntk I tlio Ilii I > tit detective t I would have tlio t
h t tin prisoner down but I
iltoctol liriMklnC Ilrlolur 10 I hiI
tlifoinli II 11 h 0 8llt without n uulvir i his
I litillv In alono showlim I tie torrlblo strain
he InII
116 vul Ir iiiitl I cheerful I said
0 lIe AI1 Hur Int tiioro
Jtllor NilK on Saturdiy nnd Sunday thin it
he his lor f woel Hut we kept n vnry strict
Kited over him
1 Tho lrl > ors fnco hnil just ln touch of ted In
thoelicils niul his own hail lost tho fttaro find
Ltnruol Friday 8010 ono KIIVO him n tuoinlni
ncwintcr nnl ho rrnd It carefully I y At 1 A
31lhol tlin Judges look Ihelr 8ltS tliueomt
room nns croxriUil nnd ninonu the t thronir vxero
A tllO flU rnhir 01 1111 Tliey divided their I
nttentli In txri on thu prisoner nnd the t dptoo i
tlxexxline tistlniony I IM likely to tin ug him
iinrl looks I t Hltlo like n ditoctlro HH enl bo I I
IrnnI ticit Hid I I i filet hnn an Innocent h inodiM
cxvneel l his eyes nio mild his hnlr which
I Icmnlurol irny Is brushed smoothly hack
nod when with cyeclasccs perched on his
clean cut nos ho oils rcndlnc ho would b
taken for a professor of thin modern Inn
KiineiH and music Inn I flistclnsR tomato sem
inary ThaI ho Is pleased with time result of Ills
two months rtperlcnco In tlio Ilrldeeport Jnlt
IhoT la no doubt but ho dont show I And
Kotort A 1liikcrton tells mo tiiit > haticall thnt
ho 1 111 nut prollt any moro by being the means
of Undine I lie JjOOOO than If ho had not found
onn pen n r Neither will thin nueney
We will not men claim time reward that t
Sohulte the murdered brother
Frederick Sehule 1111fl mans
er offi red i for thifi moniiy Multi Sir Ilnkerton
WutMnt t Ltb lily work on tlio t reward plan 1
Is too lug a temptation So vvo work for so
much I ilay timid expenses cay our mini so
nnali I ilny and etpenses and whether vvt > sue <
cciiI l or fall I wo niako just tlui MUIIO 1111 flU t
Another nun who leels I pleasiil at thu result
of Mirks Imclltrntloiift I I Is State s Altorney
Olinteiul To him Is I due tIme credit of havlnc
roiulii liil 1 HIM CIIMI to Its present situation Hit
Uli I led I luiliolr of lnmvliii sunn Ilimi about
the intirdcr nr 111 money from the itart tutu In
etiileiif I pulilieand priMite iilnisn for llniinilliii
mi imiovht n an Mink to the NOUIII Derinan
like I bull lot Hit I r Itll to 11 I tlio Ojnnnii
Cuiibiil to I Ioopi rat with him In prciv
int lluilioV to bo tin 1 1 lerer or
b hlll t Th Cuncul Genera retUKml I sn
n > that lo tlioiuht Itucbo Innoient
mil furtliTinore Hnil iw BUI > was I lei
DIIII elti en It was lu tlieOiu > urb hilly to
e him rtectMt Input HIh i < p > uiiition Here
Im mailer reMed uIII I I lid 11 us auiMit for
Frederlek Schulli the lerni in Oinsul em
lnuil 1lnkol nV AIn y In wnrkimr tip tho
r or lather In llndinu the monex Mi lloli
trt A Ilnkiiton then i > iiniult > il Mr dimtend
InSt iinford Mr Olmctead nild Mv 1 plan Is
In I liaMonu of your ilnteetlM thrown Into I jail
rii multi iniiKt do somelhlni liable to lull b
ment then Is I no mist In piittlut any 013 Iii nn
Is l > 4 lie I means buxImtH Hn will havolo Itt I Ir
tftleil and tried without the knowlvilun of a 1n
of thin II1wrll mint In his trno oharai ter anil
In JII I I m treated exaillyns other lulsoniTH It
final he I 1 lonnlii of months boioro hit vhhI bu
ftl t le to bninvli tho H hull murder to llucliolz
He Inmost IK of course n Qernmn hrewd Ir
tttHiit with IloMv of neni and good niJk
miiit No other man will do <
Mr 1inkerton wild that ho had come to Stam
ford to CHID out thu uucirestlons that they
iicrtfd with r It Ideas and IUI he IIul I icon
llintcoulil do the job Tho man watt Klark nod
bov lie nit arrested on I torued order torn sup
iOid inoiiDy p tkiig sent 1 rotn Now York to a
itijii II her hits I I tin told H Inn i ft iii ii I ford was
the oily ofllilal hero token Into I eonfiduueont
art limit its thins work went on Jailer Velln hail
0 be toll Afier this revelation of tho where
ibinitx nf the I II rpt tio ketbook Ktirk was balled
jut and eomiiletd his work outxlde so well that
Xilli t > cki tlooks containing over 1500 won
uunu by l him
TliM flrt witness this mornlnir was r
on who was on I the ctind on Friday when Ins
Zoaitadjourud Htat8 Altorney Olmfteads
rt iiiietioii vas whether It madti any differ
toe tolMe tttu Stark whether ha lound the
rlinngr fiuty nr innoLvnt Gen Smith ob
leited I In IIIH I SintM Attoriipy Olmstead said
hut hewifliedonlj to proo that I tnt dti lye
KUKtmld i nu11ar sultry and tho result of his
lot vstl < lill made i no dllTereneo I pecuniarily
ihiin Tie Cut t liecided that time testimony
nis nulndinlcsilile
CrosiiainedMr Pinkerton said that ho
andfrstixjil tliat hu C 1inkirton I was ii rut em
poei I 11 the Germ in ConsulGi nernl actlnc
For Frodenil Shulte tho I flu U ruiiir it nun uis
Drolher Aftr HID mouSY wan found Schulte
Hint no futthT and the State of Connecticut
yrdiem went en with the cute Thu aKeuuy wus paid
IMictivrtKtirk recalled l stl11 that Ilueholz
told him thnt lie put t tho llrbt poeki tUf > kenn
JiinliiL1 Hjj I under I straw In I Ito t V utrni rig
thn tin murder when he
Sum on I it nlLht of Iltlor whln li
lound i Ilio I prisoner has lnarlably spo k sum
Jf I Uloi thu poekutbooks liver adinitllliii
ht he I k I lied Selilllti and Hull tillIll 1 The
intro Yi1ilJ i HIII i to lat barn and saw Ihrt
Hie law had been disturbed l lIt < stood as OIIH
drilled until lio hapinineil to see the poeket
to ik unit then it wn as though I n ray of sun
th iii had broken into tho burn nnd cheered
bun up lie I took some tino nod 150 nIl I ruin
HID book and hurled It under a Inl I At
mother iiincrHnllon llucliolz told witness that
it wihon Sunday morn Ink I that this happened
but iihualli tie Biiid that 1 slits 00 thu day after
thn murder flutiirdnt
1 1 > Ux tin time is rather I 1 porll lt for Offlcer
Jiv D rier iltirnoon was with llucholzconstautly after Sutton
Net arose prolonged local battle over Mr
xemleaNor to frays that time poeket
tonl s I und bclonced to th murdered man by
lint itt I mig < a pncsport alt papers therein I
lou nil Tlio murdered man In I I eserl lied In I tho i
hat ii mittiut aaJohn llnnry Schulte and the
nnmn on time pasLrI i and other IIII PHS was
MfiliHnii Ilium rich Seliuhe Several Germans
UKtiflid tlmt Juhnnn Ileinrich niuint John
Henry but Gen Smith disirtd to know 1 this
wits ho why 0110 of them Johann Godfried Our
tiibh I III lit tranelato his uamo John Ieaceof
toil GerlieHh and why another Hermnnn
rib Ic didnt traushitu I his tiaras MrJInn
riehlv nud If tho Secretary of tho Interiors
rival nnma was Charles Shurz This was lbs
9iil > I ii trig cheerful I thus Inr In this Mirnbro
munlir trial Even the prisoner smile at tho
lUhtioiiH of Gun Smith regarding German
5rnper names
Ur M 1 II 1ardeo the same physician who Is
counted nn Irnculnr pinctltloner by tho sIlo
Duthsof Vat n11iIi County beeailsa he consults
wild liin nlle who 1611ma path in ph ysicia a
Ithtiflid nhto niaklnc tlin autoiHy of the mur
lired man Them were two wounds one
Bale I with I sharp Instrument vount off lbs
r w k if HID hkull leaUni this brain exposed
riielrtorexlnhlted a ploco of skull nearly as
i ririii lila hand which had been cut off by
tl h 1Iw I only liuui by tho scalp when thn
wily I ncmiimti itch The other wound was bn
niiulth < 1 l r tar 1 WAR nearly round and an
Inli or more deep After recetlmr time first
cU nil I a man mluht riuisst lby l cry out or walk a
lull way Thi other wound IWIIt cause In
itiint diith In huts opinion It was uiada with
i Iimt instrument like I hummer
Ir WilunmC llnrke Ir tintlfled to bnvlnir
iiiinlnnl hun eidar nmbusti tree1 which
iti id by thus path tlr which Slinltn patsed jut1
> ° fr f In mm murdered liii found loimimmil l it
n the iluty after the murder tho footprints of I I i
huh Mini had oldently I stood looklnu I down
inthi pith and toward tlio railroad
The i r < Msuw Inatlon of Eilwnnl 11rKnr
Iii I uath Xorwalk polleeman who had cluuurguu i
1Iol7 prior to lila arrest I was the first hilt
I Bhirp work done by Gen Smith > et t I was
utcrisiiuk not to mueh to Mr Huruor an to thi
lUiln ne In It thi witness ailmllled that Im
MMcil llucliolz HID best he knew hnw Lilt was
Hlnntel to let I him co wlieru ho wanted to
wd th jU over to Westport wIts tilt of tin
ilin IIIILHS wanted to get UuehoU to Hpelii
iiripiy 1111 then Im lluchol offered IM roix
IVjhl I liilwItnusHl I motioned him to take It
1 7 itaiss unld IID bonutit tIme hay In the nrrlni
I in liupis ol lludlui somnlhlnt and Urn
a hnUloniifd him thug money110 with whiel
0 1t II lluholz thought all this tlm that ho
itiui iii I was Ills friend Wltneiii also sad
hut jinoltinniUlsHd llucliolz to own till tH all
n h iii I know about the murder or till money
jut h oiiitlnually denlo I knowini about It
01111111 1nlo klowlnl Itu I
lliiMiitii I hopes to OlmitlIntli Us teMlmony to
iirriw Then tho dofencn will I begin I tho up
Ill 1 undi rtakinu of prolni sway tlui toiitliiiiii
JI nlnrk It Is saul that theft will bu ndmlttw
nor hvlllax inil 0 uncut tier
Cotuiiigs Ohio Sept 15TheOjrtiln lIntel
fuimliivlUnrjrUnrlmi 1 i nt tItl ri ill till couiii
4 aibinn up cit nlOit by unpowlcr stil illlimiJ
the III us es rlrld tiC It nllhr or ilTOl IS
iIl III iriln it luju rut > lcl h mit C lilly It II I
V 11 tii5 ii e ho mlii iii lii I nvilcr itt the II iiullillluut I lilt
Ciiriiii II I II ttit I it Wa doii ii aiiluie ii the I vlIMuer
1M ii I iitCiii it lilt cllol 10 ccc iiIiii 111
II I 11v r ii J i SiZII S hii flint I I ciipm4 su a
liloll ii It Iy KIIIocr alil el1 lulL
itS liii fi I t tiiriillili SlY short I tliuie I 54 bitt > IT
tuii1it I to I4rit Iii 511117 mmmii irs I tirul Cii istlu ru I TIe
iIiii5 ii mliii iiiiii imiel miiuluirum siijluiiiiS I tiiiilitiiIi
lull Im 151 The cliiielisui I iU CesierlIli Ii it 11111
S iii 1 ihiy Ic ii ei rrll Ii ttliiiieuiI lcalarr 10
Iruii 11315131 I tt lllii iii their own the I 115 It mr1
Jwu unir C5 tin i4 Mior a in lut l o
LIJlas is 1 rortca ST70V
Abriilinin NInnltinlT Anlt Inrlrm Il < Mo lllon
unit I it Ciiiiiiifi Iiirj 5 Verdict
On Moittlny nlcht n week HKO Alirnhnni
BtoothofT a sailor 21 1 years of ago fihitiliflit for n
nights lodging In thu York street pollen station
In Brooklyn llo was sent to time loilcers
room by Srgeant Clancy At nbout mid
nluht HloiillKfr either fell or nprnng out
of tile window of tho lodgers room to tho
sidewalk and was picked up by two po
licemen who carried him Into tlio pollen sta
tion As SlootholT was suffering Buorcly tho
nmliulaneo was nont for and Ambulanco Bur
geon Ilvmnlon examined him but did nothing
for his relief nnd Is snld to hno asserted that
there was nothlim tho matter with him On tho
record of tho i police station StoothofT had up to
this I time I i appeared only us I lodger but niter
his fall hu was declared by the Uerguant to bo n
prisoner and wits lock Ill mm tt iii a ell i ona charge
of Intoxication Thn following despatch was
sent to 1ollce HeaiiimilerH about tho case
Alinlimii Hiinitiiir lIlt iMnriilni jiuntnl nut nt t tho
Inttcrr riMini ululou Into Die Mini n ilUMnci nrtnrnu
tut Tlc itiiliit lure mint lii i iiiiiliui1 him niul 11it i <
liiinril Mm > iur rlii4 I rum cuntiihu nhock He as
itohrioiK iniii lltn > r
StootholT wis too much Injured I to quit his
cell duo ncxt morning to go to court Ills
mother who llesat I 1HR I llergen I slrot lea rmu I mig
of his Injury i lsltiil him and h1 hr son
told her that he had had no medical attendance
and that Im had been denied lime SimiiIiIlsi com
forts of the polUo Htttion she asked Dr A
W Shepird In neo him lr Shepard fuiind
1 41 oft hioll so ITni nut from paraljHis result
hug from Injury to time spine cnuted by his fall
and aihlticd that titoothoft bn taken to his
mothers residence Accoidlngly I Stool hmoT wits
remoxed tllHI I llergen sired In I nn ambulance
Oi Sundav Dr Shepard reported this case to
Corolr llmRIOIII In whIch II wan proper thnt
nantemortem depoHltlon should lie I obtained
wing to the apparent neglect to care for Stout
loff when lie was Injured I Accordingly I on
unday night Coroner SI ci ins took BtoothofTs
ntemnrlcm deposition In tho presence of six
icn who although them was no body to low
or Illulst 10 hold were Impanelled i as a Care
ers jury In his deposition Stool tituff said
I riimmlrrrimilliialonz Yotk Iru t nloiil 11 I 3D 1 r J Jt 1
nMi > nln i nluht Ilt I Sont Hi I ii Flit Into HIP Socont
ncluct nntinii tioti < I MTkcNiit tlluiem isis In tlmriiont
hut llmr I ii kril littn Tnr ntlltililft lolilni nnl II he cillUtl
Ih ic iliurmnn nnt I MUM MWII ui > slnlrn I all iiiiwim
Iho fur I n nhllc Sit tii onl I eprnul tin1 Hinilim alit silt
Ii i lIe ilti mr siit < Unit luilll iitu I mini1 I tlicn hut my
liit liCe Ii lit till ou r w1 I lirlil on to the putter
or tin KII it inulir the hits 1 nnil Ills ft 1 In HIP Clint
tt liMln rlon I unit nn 1 tell m i > fit Die tiulirc tllkcrv
I itr e In M lipre lI I Inv oll wit II lrntiuht Innnil i I itncul I In I n
call I IIHU ml COlt nciiiM niul Intimc slit 1 mid that
I ii n lnll lulnriil The nnil iiliuice Mireri wan alit
rilkht m I nnnv Ur exnintiuil SiC nnt niil thnitiirrc
is nn nuthlni llie ninlti with lue unit tell me tiikiltip
sisi 1 uulk out I un tiimhle in wnlk u ntoxe lily lit al
IT the riitLbliiof tlie vtIi The owi
I 11 rel TheIen I i nl nun nnl
lit me IlpfL I nllllomh 11011 I him Tint I rnnud tii fn to
ieho ittal I atm eli oi nloiitf 1 In thr ci 1 wllh n < env
rinx on toy tiMlt liur anthlni I iinliT me In proret nn1
r em the I Mine iiriuluui 1ilitt Mlilcti ln I ty ilnlli Leluii n 7
til t Vcli k In I Iht liioninik 3lv 1 hciul ri nl 1 < I I ilenr
miSt IiiniKl m t r Xi n jut 11 I ilrlnK ol XMter In in the time
lie Mirion lift until ILtuein 7 nnl H oilcck Ill the
iirnln clnreor Ii lee nn oHlter nnl iloornnn I ln el
I i nt tin Iliroucli the eel tliMr xiliich WHH ti1l Inc Scil
Thu iIee i fltir nnl diHirninn main Hint 1 a n C Hireling
iretuh Ihe nklit 1 nn 1 nothhu XIM tlone tu I rrlkxe le
t Ci Ill it l site tnx lioltlon more eomrurtntile I u an
ler it hen I ii CIII hue the pohee lUtlon ttliJ uikeil Torn
tiht > liMtiin
Tho 1 Coroners jury concluded to find n verdict
Ih same as thouuli tho tentimony aslll case
01 f death and they I Utermiued m as follows
XVe tinl thnt the mid Atrnhnm Moothi cut nt to him
njnrlt Lu > u mil Irom m n xtiilui I nt the scrli1 Imlnct
ulutlluli hoiiM1 In tt > e rltv o Iliookl I on the inortiln ot
tIe Ith > 11 1 S 111 I hue r IKTU I 10 il I ne niul that the ton
ulinii lure on I tneoimetenl ml uMilItx of the irnxn
CCI HfUllM In the illochnrke 11 hlnilulv Slut that hU
onilnit nnl the 1 emutiirt ol the olue itltccra In chaise
UI I the Ma lii n lit 1 rie the Kro si t rpn ure
Moothofl Is suffering from complete paraljsls
01 the lower part of his body and his death Is I
tally evpiitiil Tlui ambnlane surgeon Mr
hurry Ilxinpton Is the son of Irof George V V
iMitPton ol roljtechnlo Institute and has
bun in llieambulaneeBerxleeUxo inonths Hu
hits tIn iini llilire of Sanitary Superintendent
lymond xx ho bald yesterday that it xras highly
Ii tO hut for the Coroners jury j to censure Mr
Itmpton without Inning llrst I heard his hid of
hostoiy Mr Plymptonsajs thnt the t Sergeant
old him tlillt MoollinIT WMH ilnink unit he him
self Iou nd that htixilhoff sins under I Influence
if liquor MonlholTdld not seem to be siliously
iijiired and us humoveil his limbs freely it nits
ixident that them I Will no paralsls then I ill
hough when ho I Dr Ilvinpton I saxy StootnotT
th next day Im dlwovered that tho left lee was
lightly paraltzed
Thu police deny that StoothofI was refused l n
rink of witer and say that ho was Intoxicated
vhen IIB asked for shelter They however per
nltted him to go Into thn lodging room as a
lodger and did not mako him a Lit isonitr until
alter he land suffered what Is likely to provo a
Illtul fall
What n Cnmpnny of CaplCHlUlB OflTer to do on
the empttvliJ 1 I Cuitl
A crowded 1 meeting of officIals and leading I I
property owners of llempstead township L I I
was held yehturday In Euet Itockaway In com
pllanco with n call of tho town Authorities who
< leslredan expression of opinion In regard to
easing I tho western part of Long Dach to n
company of capitalists represented by Mr W
II I liirtlett of Brooklyn Thin beach Is about
Iwo miles long and a iiuarterof a mil will
llarlktt proposed giUug 1300 a year for the
and for a term of twenty sear and offered to
IIU bonds thnt n hotel costing at least 23003
shall be oroctud upon It within one year from
lie datoof the I lease under penalty of forfeiting i
Kith leasi and Improvements Supervisor
Dharles II Clemens was In the chair nnd
strongly adxoHted thii grant Unsaid that llm
land i I had been entirely I alueleis 10 Ihn t town
shut hitherto and that the rental would be a
small item toxxard rndiielng the present taxa
tion of the tonnxhin in mmpailsnii with Ih
amount of taxes thai would be I In Id upon the
buildings of the hutitelt soul upon thoenatetn
plated railroad lonllng to It Hu 1 argued tlmt
one or more hotels there would elllme a demand
for farm produce and for labor throughout the I
nelghljorhooil and Inereasn thnxalnnof land
by introducing city visitors to the bench coun
try who might bn I attracted by the agreeable
scenery nnd puru air ti t l tomn purchasers of
and and so permanent residents
Assessor Treadxxcll Abrams Justice lasfo
John 1 Ilhodes Thomas Henry I Clow > s Ehona
7er Killnm and otherx spoke to till Sln effect 1
and resoluilon were almost nnanimouslypass
ed 1 to thn effect that in view of the largn amount
ol money that mIt list lii I I1xpIIItI and Ihobene I
fit 10 1111 dirixed from it through furnishing a
homo market for fanners and bar men the
Hour lot town officers bo requested execute
the lease on the necessary security being given
Tile question will therefore bo submitted for
the I approval of the town authorities nt their
next meeting
On obtaining Iho lemon the company will dn 1
clde upon tho I rout of I lIe railroad to thn beach
which will depend upon lID I facilities i offereil by
property oxvners III the right or > way Thn lo
cality enn Im reached In i thirty I I minutes I from
Long Island City nnd In proportionally less
limo from Ilrooklyn It has the advantage It Is
said of having no current or undertow along
Its shores whieh are qunntly bestrewn with
Moating diSbrls brought from thu I Central Amer
ican regions by the Gulf htream No Nexy York
garbage Is ever seen upon theheaeh andnxcol
renthtlllwaterluilhlug llshlngnnd yachting are
offered by tlio bay with s tfe harbors fur IKIIIIS
Tho land In i question siretehen from Last Itoelj
away Inlet to Luces Inlet Totheenstof thn
latter Is n line stretch ot Long lunch for llvn
miles I Both beaches havn leen Mneo tho early
settlement I of the country results for pleasure
excursions from the neighborhood
Nharpemlna the Axe In Ilroukljn
Them was feverish excitement among the
BrooMjn polltidanj > nlerilny or the lmCM1lnK
chniOi In the Olilertnt ileiarUn itt and the Muiilcl i > nl
llulMlns wa throniteil by matuy huiidreitsof office siLk
tru xaltlnj for due flame ruin thi liner chnmber where
the Hiianltif City Works was In winn The control ol
liuiMurthenrp liuui inn 10 l ell on to the thirteen Allor
men nine I3uuueu it I sit lour Itei I iibllcan si hu I loinril
JI =
In rl lirenklnu I the uitulIie k The > melt I a cam In III tile ai
ttrnoon tlit relill eF n hirh S ill not toll hUll It wem > nM
that thi ht lrOiiuUtY < ntrrii it ill on for ni ii mint I i ent vuta
rile tuicti In lue mIlls ru et ol thuM tinw itt 0 I mCi e The lloiinl I
ot Cllv i xxnrki e ill ttiti on 1 Jamen MtCarry or tile
Tenth XXnil av > ni erlntrn lent of cuiilnv In plan ol
Intrick lnyr siul I ln i lull 1 h XVnll of the Ilm I nlll VUnl i in i
PIece ni DanUI Illkklii On motion ol I grtuttiut l Vlm i
the County to rf air I the riituuFt ti 111x1 im nlH is nMHWnri
eil to 4 Thoinni A Him lor lKi I Inh Wlher i H
PemiKint I t uno n point d eli rk my I Tnx tullitlor Tuntier
av wa Hi orce VXnltrr alut 1 a kl Pimocrnl oii Hholmule
iletai llnlion of rlrrki l < ilnlly ei ecled
lute ApiMilulutenta from Horn
A cnblo deapatcli from ROIUH spoola to the
> e w York FtttivtHt Jn > tt nl announces
YiritThm lit I Rev V X Ierny hltherlo f 111hop of
St mdli Clue I hnsbMii iiiailo Admrnl trutnr nl tin a Arch
dice ol New Urlcnns with thu rulit of auiciksion us
A nh mtIiiil
lii rllllIllaIt c MnrkR I1ruIIllIf VTIImlniitiin
N 0 I h us ljen iippuluud Vicar Apotollt ot North Caro
Tliril The Rev John flapllnl A Hrnn1i I priest of the
Ilrj ol Siiallx III wn > lilintonTiriiliir > hashrFli
luarld Illilu p lii Xaliciuxer l hiiid riIluoI I us the M 101
Hi v Atihlikhi i s tfler who ham mLciumcui lh l and hit nd 1
in hi promill l toUinljnlircuni jure ol i the let 1 Rev
Alllililihup 1 1I1dI Ariliblhopnl Or KuiiCH
I Another nr lurI
The Qrmnlla 01 Onllllu N J lieu a beer
ralld Lalerulty 1here mm era 1111 iuo u Ie UIIO Iii I
Slit praelmuclu hlrh tilt retied tti rolls the lrlllrll1
Street a lIh lIIuleIIII 111 itsimuts ttlhut ct A
lultuliluer I 01 i5llilCl t imere rlireItltliii niiul lull uluiutut hl till
WllhiliC CCtC IZtuiIilluiid I Ii tile lrut flit huh
lr earl Cilhil 1111 0 e iutiI ii 0 uk a h iii I
Cli i ttI ira ohuiuUi ui 111 mit CiilC mci til or the iuihltu
brehicru shut mumer heltlerm Ii liruillile stuh Nii ti k hill
olllcr lwuu rude itt ilue I Iiiuo 010 UII
11th ur tIlt rcbt mm era thrICe it ii h 1110 flnl III I ttie I 11 tuIii
tIltS I4CCiI olhlolleam Ipnhto anu Ire 1 uris lli Uti
Iark I ellu Steve
Tim riTti wtAttiiKi nr TWO 111J111V
ix nrM Im inn toxa II > LIXI >
Sir Sets niul Mr Vuirclttlnc Ilid FITS
1enr if llnnrrelllnil me ill it Iliilit MM
Semis la Shot unit Stirs Twn Ilnja I liter
Mis Esther Helms died In her liomo near
Ilempstenil Long Island jcsterday She was
shot by her neighbor Lena Vogelsllno on Satur
day last Just outside the village of Hemp
stoad beyond the Hcmpstend Driving lark Is
little hamlet composed of four or live cottages
In which live Irish nnd German families that
work at whatever they can get to do nnd farm
small lots of land the remainder of thu time
Time HnlmBCH nnd I tho VogoMlncB lived thus
Time bazk of thin tiulmscs lot touches time end of
time Vogelstlno property Tho Vogelstlnes have
tho beat house but till Holmes own n horse nnd
wagon VogulPtlno Is popularly supposed bu
nn Italian and his wlfo n Bxvode Hi ID n ma
chinist and works In Titus Brothers shop In
tho village Ills wife worked at home Solbert
Is GO years of ago a German nnd n prudent
popular man When ho cnn get nothing I else to
do he peddles and farms Illrt wife now dead
was an Irish woman and used to go out to
work when she could nnd i employment In ad
dition to the acre or txvo of land mound tho
house the I I Sclmses had leased a large lot on thn
old mill I road leading I to tho Brook I yn water
works It was ivar their t house and as near to
HID homo of tile S 010111 Ill 1or live years Mrs
Vogelslno and Mrs Helms have quarrelled
sometimes about their thlldren nt other times
nbout their chickens and often nbout nothing
Mrs Vogelstlnn was not so genial nnd popu
lar as Mrs Helms and tho townsfolk speak of
her as sullen and mischievous but lIen I sho Is
In prison on n serious charge and publlo opin
ion Is often llIIrlJ or those circum
On Saturday morning I last tho two women
quarrelled for tho Inst time Ilrs Solmss de
position just before her death was to the effect
that at 8 oclock on that morning she saw time
Vogelstlnn cow at pnsturuln her leased lot A
boy named Charley Hart of the neighborhood
11111 n llttln daughter of Mrs VogeUtlne were
watching limo coxy Mrs SolIcit ran out nnd
ordered tho children I to return homo with tho I
oow multi never to pasture It In that lot again
Thn lot Is fenced on three sides but Is exposed
to the road on time fourth side Thn children I
drove t imo cow out Oil till road and Mrs Helms
was not troubled again until 10 oclock or about
that time when she again saw time Vogoletlno
cow In lie I forbidden Held Than sho took
H Mick two feet long and thicker
than her thumb aunt ran out to bent
the cow At limIt same thorn Mrs Vogel
Ftlnn ran In tile samu direction Mrs Holms
said You must not It your cow go upon my
land this t U I my land Sho lioat hue I cow as
sho spok Mrs Vognlctlno said If you hit
that cow Ill shoot von Mrs Helms continued 1
to hit tho cow anti Mrs Vogelstlno suddenly
produced a pistol and pointing Itat her It red I
Mrs Selins did not ceasu to beat time cow amid
Mrs VogilstnnHiilil I hun another ball hero
for you As Mrs Semis paid no heed to this
she llred ninth n and this limn I I lie t bullet grarxl
Mrs Seinms foiohead over her left oyo nnd
cut a furroxv through the skin Then Mrs Vo
gelxlnn tired n third time nnd the bullet lodged 1
In I Mrs t helmss abdomen Mrs Helms rushed
at her assailant and to nte her own language
slapped her lace xx Ith my open hands txvice
Then the women grappled and rollel on tho
u and lIre Selms wrested the pistol from
Mix t VogelsltieV i grani and I struck her twlcn
with Its Inn llo 119 sho acknowledged In her
II i yl mug declaration
Mis Selnm xvnlLol toward her homo mnetlnr
Mr Clnrles Johnson who rents nrfc of her
house on thn way nnd although ho assisted
her she l Hell iii it lull xxoak and suffered too In I
tensely to I xxalk and xvas carried into I tho room
In whieh Him breathed her last fortyeight hours
afterxvard Mis Shins was 50 years of age
and weighed about 240 pounds
Mrs VogiIMlmt sent for her husband and
with a horse and wagon he and sho rode avxaj
bill Constable Conlelns of ii nun lusteath pursued
them and caught them at Ietrsalls Mrs
Vogltlne tells locked up In tho llempstead Ill
hog jail i i and In I thu exening i the constablo took
her to the seen of the shooting anti thonco to
tliHiouiuy pilHou at Hunters Iolnt
On Sunday evening Justice Cloxyes heard the
atitemorteni deposiiion of Mrs Selms
It probable that t therexvill bean Inriucst I this
evening liner are only Iwo witnesses Char
hey Hart the 10yearold boy and Charles John
son of thii Selms household
Mr Helms returned to his homo just os his
wife was tiorno in He lbs never quarrelled
with his neighbor Vogelstlne and time two men
spoke plcaKtntlv together yesterday morning
Selms Is thn second husband of the deceased
woman whIrls eldest daughter lives In Hiver
imeati nUll is I married A second girl H years
of Hue lives with her father Mm Vounlktlnu
tIns been married twice Her daughter n lit
tle girl Is I In the cell nt Hunters Point
with hr She sIS that she nseilthu pistol In
selfiiefence I will tell you my story she
said to H reporter for Tin 1111 lastcxening
the wholntruth Ixforo God Then shnsthl
that she sent her coxv down tho road on Satur
day morning ami soon nfterxxard till boy
Charley Hart I I ran back to tho house tcrrllled by
thu violent laugnngn of Mrs Helms The boy
assured Mrs Vogelstlno thu cow hnd not
been off tho road Later In I tho I morning I
attT her husband had gone she toys Mrs
Helms never nnnoied her until her husband
went axvav Kb drove her cow and trundled
IHT little girl in ab tby xvagon toWn the road
Charley Hart I had gone to the closet and
brought I her husbands revolver tviu helm silo put
Into the poktt I of her apron She has threat
ened and tried to kill me said she to the boy
and I am going to bo prepared Mrs Seitns
sow hr tmili I applied insulting epithets to her
she says and presently came rut after her time
coxv by this time I having reached tIll edgeof
tlui lot leas > d by tIll Selmss Mrs Vogelstlnu
lily H sho told Mrs 541 tits that Ihu I cow was doing
no harm but I that th t Irlshxvoman rushed
her with her gray hair streaming behind her
soul with a mono the biiviof an egg beat mo on
tlio top of mi head This stone IB I In the War
dens possession but i hu SIlts it Is a llttln thing I i
and Ihn blood on It may havo come from Mrs
Vi gISt iil45 bleeding Ip
My 1 head bled awful Mrs t Vocelstlno I con
tlnu > d and xxhii I iawlhe Irishwoman beat
ing thn coxv ami lalllng mo every nnmu she
could lay her tonune to I told her to stop lut I
she said still would bang my cow ami Ulit inc
I pulled out my pistol IIIHII I Mliol This shnll
kep i vou nlTme lilt pistol xxas rusty loll I
wanted to see why It didnt pull I so easy as be
fore xvlien off It went and the bullet lloxv
through hIll air on 01113 side I have mother
ball for you said I dont earn if I f jou have
n dozen balls said she and with that she
rushed on to me with her teth clenched and
her hair III thus wind Sill held her club In her
hand When she xvas ton 1 feet off I llred again
and directly 1 I I fired I again I did not k miSty that t
I lilt her or I that I did not I thought my llfu I I
tells In danger What followed Is I described by
Mrs Vogelstlne just as It was by tho dying
This Is thn third time thin law has comn be
tween us salil the prisoner i who proceeded to
tell of an attack Mrs Helms made on her fence
and outbuild Ing with an axe five years ago after
she i was catiht stealing vegetables frojn Mrs
Vogelstlnes garden For this tho I ins fined
His Reims JIl Ono year ago tho Vogelstlnus
ow was found In I tho Selmss barn and tIll
Helmss demanded n poundkeepers fee of 50
cents for keeping It there Mrs Vogelstino
paid the 50 cents but as sho did so Mrs Selms
Is snld to haxo run at her with n knife As
there xviie no witnesses tile chaign was dis
missed by the local magistrate Mrs Vogelstlno
says she did nut try to run salty on Saturday
Shu lode to 1narsallM I to see lawyer Molt She
says that the lawvor promised her n tear ago
that If Mrs Helms misbehaved again hu would
lock her up for good
The Norwegian llittk Shut Cnpl llunae Fount
FloullBK In MldOcenn
Tho bark Elllslf from Kochofort forty
four days out arrived In this port yesterday
and her Captain O A Hange brought nuxvs ol
thus finding of till bark Flora deserted In lat
470 north and long 33 ° west over a third of the
way neross the ociim from II tnt to England
fnpt Hangn says that on tho morning ot Aug
29 Im iiotieil I a bark ahead that had the main
sail i fully i I set and hit I foroxard aback but tit
seemed to drift as though them was no one al
tIll helm Ho wond red Hint thn sails shnulil
Im I set anil that I yet lIe I vessel 1 continued i to drift
no h commanded till man nt thu wheel to bring
till Elllsjf within hnllingdlstancoot till strangi
bark To lit lit HangnB I I hall I thern was no re
sponse and the I CinlilnH ondor was Increased I
while his ernvv looked askance at tln strango
actions of lilt vessel flit wind was light from
thn south and lilt bark drifted coutlnuall
Finally Capt Hangn ordered MittS U Klbert
Suit with two men to put off to her
Thn an tIle Flora wan on her stern Hlu
Wall low ii loWII In I HIM water nnd tIme IIIlIt SIlW
at a glance that had n heavy wi lit sprung up 01 lt
the night previous Iho dark must have gout
down SI III Kiliertsen climbed I I up thu slits 01
I HIM bark and not n soul was on deck togree
him Ho looked alolt and no ono was In tin
shrouds Tliun hi pried open tilt hatches a nil
found that the I bark WIlt laden with red nlni
and soda Hu tried tho pumps amid found tout
fIlth III water III Iho vessel Then he went InP
tIll cabin and on Ills tablo found a piecn or
writing paper nailed I fast On It was cyrIl tint
III luk itHlainmenlhigned br Cllpl M I Joncn
sen of till Horn saying that on Aug 27 tin
Flora had slit ting a leak and that tIle crew bin
abandoned vi HHII on the next day Tin
iniitii iillkli around tho cabin and could llm
nothing of value I Tim Captains written state
inent IIlIdu1 with Ills opinion that thn barl
could not remain alloal morn than twentyfou
hums Tim mule Hili returned tIlt Kllislf
jill Ilorn wIts 71i 2 toim burden was built o
pine and llr In I Uleaborg Norway In I October
IHdl and xvas from Sharpness for Qimihitle lIer
oxvaur xvan Ihn Captain brother J Jorgonxen
It xvas repotted II Ionilun howl putpur of Sept
7 that Oil Sept II time entlrncrnw of thu Ilun
were safely lauded uKJuuuuatowu
11211 f1EI1NTS
The Xevr French OPera Coml111nf
No ono need BO to Pat Is to hinr opera
oouffo In that respect Mr o Iran has brought
Purls to Now York nnd he docs not go n word
beyond thu mark when ho asserts that not oven
In I that capital Is hero nn organization of I this
class to rival tile ono with which ho opened his
season last eveningatthnlMi AvenuuThcalre
To the many excellent artists of the old coin
puny such n Duplan Jouard Mcicrcs nnd
Jiitonu ho has added n trio who havo never been
oxcolLd on the opera bouffe stags In this coun
try Mile PaolaMarlu tile sister ot Mile Irnia
of pleasant memory Mile AngMo fluId M
Capoul These nttlfts were hoard last evening I
for the first limo In this city In Trench opera
nll1 produced ngonulnu I sensation
The opera given was Lecocq FIHo do
ladamn Angot It WAR put upon thin sllIo in
Iho most complete and careful I manner and
was set off by tho rich bizarre nnd brilliant cos
limes of the limo of hue Directory
inn handsomer women than Miles Iaola
lIla rId and Angolu hive not been seen huruiipon
I lie I 1rench Hinge TIm at IIro q ii tie In I coat rttst
31 lIe Mario being petltn and Mile i Angeln slat
losquu but both In I their WilY graceful nnd
leautlfnl amid both dimming actresses and
Mile Mario1 hrm n rich strong nnd vibrant
vole almost contralto In I Its quality of tone but
of f high range Silt Is In I tIm u lull u i cxii born 1101 01
her youth anil beauty and will carry her vitality I
or which sho evidently hns nn abundance
nto I whatever sho does Her acting though
nil enough of life Is not coarse In suggestion
or In realitv that Is not morn so than thuocca
Rlnll requires for opera buffo Is not exactly n
chool ot nell tieinrtlt and 10 bo iinlte decorous
would bo to bo tame Hut Mile Marli tempers
1110 t occasion wit Ii discretion I Sho will I prove
lerself n fascinating lutrcsx Nor will Mile
ngolo excite less admiration by her beauty
Capoul was of course welcomed with great
warmth In opera bouffo ho finds himself In
in atmosphere when ho Is thoroughly at
homo It Is n revelation to havo so inn
in artist In these roles nt least It would
in If ho had not on ono occasion
vhen for tho benefit If wo remember right of
oino Piench elmrltabln society ho nppoared at
Iho Academy of Music In Lea IJcux Aveuglcs
Isclosed his rare talents as nn eccentric como
dlllll to n surprised and delighted audience
Ho sang last evening with his oldaccustomed
grace anti charm of voice and style and made
lovo In tones thnt brought vividly to mind
iltt former triumphs In Faust when he
ang the Salte itimora casa pure In n stylo
COIl with n pathos and tenderness no artist
Inco his day has oxer surpassed The ohullle
ctlatlcof what Mr Capoul doe Is till graceful
way In which It In done and this Is as true of
his singing as of Ids acting
With this splendidly equipped company there
can be no manner of doubt hunt Mr Grati will
hllvo ito entirely successful and brilliant season
It Is his Intention to present In succession
Pericholo Tho llrlgands Olrullu
llrofla unit several new opcrasboxiffo nnd
by way of serious works Carmen Mlgnon
and Lo Premier jour do lion hour
Our Duoihlera ut Hnverlya Thtnlrc
Tho Criterion Comedy Company la tho
nnnio of nn organization which last winter
bestowed > Itself with some success upon the
provinces nnd now makes In Haverlys The
aIrs Its first appearance In New York It cx
ilblts Itself through tho medium of fouract
ranshtlon from tho German of LArrongo
entitled Our Daughters n comedy which ro
nlnds ono In nn Indefinite fashion of Our
1I0s and which possesses not a llttlo good
Thu Criterion Comedy Company also pos
sesses some good material and Is not n liltlo
I ntere ting becanso of a certain evenness
observable In Its general performance
nnd not commonly found In drunatlo
ompanlcs made up for provincial purposes
bill nrft tried on Now York mite II sort of procau
lonaryexperiment Our Daughtersconse
luently obtains n somewhat effective dletrlbn
lon of Its I characters anti Willie It Is n good
enough comedy to make ono wish It were better
plaved It is I noverlhelebs true that it IH very
imuslnsly done and hInt thoroughly Interests
andenteitalns nn nudience It was produced
for tile llrst limo last evening and with a
smoothness unusual under such circumstances
However when the members of tho company
shall havo had n more Intimate acquaintance
with their several parts they may pos
sibly conclude that Ibo value nnd
Interest of time play are not enhanced
jy their present arduous efforts in the direction
of a rather coarse quality of lowcomedv and
hat several of thu scenes will bo more effective
f gone through In n less boisterous manner
Tho resemblance to Our Boys Is perhaps
suggested us much by Mr F F Macknys
Jamb Va Dale its by anything else Tim > char
ncterlsn little unevenly drawn If not a little
ndlstluct but Mr Mnckay mnkea n very
strong and efficllve embodiment I of It
It involxcu no convulsions of laughter
antI Is devoid 01 business to a most unusual
degree for n part of thn kind but he imparts to
il a most interestIng Individuality antI
agreeable reasonableness Vtin Dale Is
n vulgar old party with an exceedingly
vulgar family who Imvo ambitious alms thu
common result unaccustomed wealth nnd Its
attendant penalty of social aspiration Tho
moral discomforts Incident thereto art made
obvious to nny observer to whom It may occur
10 look for them and some profitable Instruc
tion Is I afforded on the subject of how jonng
wives should treat young husbands and rice
All this material Is contributed by our
laughters null our sonalnlaw by nn Inci
dental young man n doctor who stammers to
I ie funny and who means excellently but over
does himself shockingly a titled person who
compromises oun of our daughters and
ono or two others AS far as It goes
It Is a clean altO wholesome production
with plenty of fun in It and only requiring to
LK > plajed 1 with a little I neater antI more retlncd
npprohenslon of its quality to bn quite as god
as am thing of tho same kind that has been In
some time t I placed before the public It f 4 neither
lilgh comedy writing nor high comedy lustIng
tint there Is I n great deal In It to be grateful for
UK uiieli things nowadavs iro
Mr I Do Wolf Hopper who plays the part of
William Knalie promises very well so too
does ii I r A H I I Canhy as Jliiran llaittnan Still
the Kaliinant MNa Newboldalthough a wholly
Inslgnlllcant part easily presented Itself for
IVIIlliiniabunih > velly Thrntre
I Tho Tourist In the Pullmnn Palace Cnr
was performed by John P Smiths musical and
comedy orgnnlJition at hue Wllllamsburgh
Novelty Theatre last evening Tile Tourist
docs not possess much of a plot but what there
Is of It Is intensely funny It evidently
Intended to serve as means of Introducing i tho t
many excellent and amusing specialties that
makn up tho performance Tim scene Is prin
cipally laid in n I Pullman palacu car west
ward bound A party of tourlsis In order to
pass thu tIme pleasantly assume various char
acters known to thin binge many of which vvero
excellent and all intensely funny Tho fun was
hearty and continuous and kept the large audi
ence in a constant oar of laughter
Brooklyn 1nrk Theatre
Emersons SleRnthorlum Minstrels at
tracted a largo audience tho Brooklyn Park
Theatre last night Tile programme was largo
nnd varied and enlisted this services of fifty
dusky artists Tho songs sketches and jokes
were ail good Thn audience attested their en
tire approbation and plensuro by hearty laugh
ter and loud applause The performance
woiiuil up vxlth Iho roaring sketch entitled
BchoolomftB Visit
Blcntnl Anilely and Attempted Hulille
JIoiiiiibToWN N J Sept 15Mr James E
14 hIll 51 rUlnlleUI N J nUemiteil suicide by hniitfliiif at
the renlJLnie of tile loll tilICW Mr F C Ulcer a New
Vurk ltriiuzullmh I vrttenliy afternoon Mr Mai with mmcv
era otlurii iotuiuue I hurcty levI nil years uut n ion a toni
klxen br the Ioiufrruuuonal Churih of Iuululili I to tho
Mutual 1111 liiiurnnu I t1olninn ol Nt H Yiirk In the
ie ill 11th lul OIHIIL I There him of late lee II lmMiinns
hi lull ihunh Inly two ol the surctlea iMilea Mr
XI aln nrelt Itnalil Mortli anxlhhnf nnl when the Mntllll
Llie Coiniiiny umil ion the henalt ut thu hunt Mr xlju
IK came nlrnll that he inkht iotv all lili property alutt
this iircyetl upoiililainlnil
Failure if the Welihlloj Mulch
BosToN Bent 15Tile miuatlo contest bo
twit 1 shut > Ilojlua SlUt rapt VXchh xihlch ixn nr
rnnucil n meek ago In lake place la thin harhor la orT
apt Wel > h r linen to conic hi re nnlittii he Uiniaranteei
MIL xvlthout n thrum lo tin ctakin ilepenJInir npou the
trial Till manakeri mill not acieilo lo Ml rtiiluiL
More ICIntlnir In Ireland
LONDON Sept 15A serious disturbance oo
currcil Hi Inrpin IrlunJ on Faturilny nlitht lait aril
Inc out ol the unUiHK i fn llonian Cnlhollc In a pnrtbni
nllriix All the pnltu of the IOXMI wi ro taIled out and
the conflict xlth the nioh Initel loniu houra
Full Itlver Sirilecra rnnvlcled
TAUNTON Mass Sept 15 Thn jury reHirnoi
nxerlict ol uiln > In mill > rums hr MlLhncI illiCit nni
Murk Di r hut Kull lliur ililkuri InUliUJ lor iiillin
daUni kuuhiUikii
To ho united Todur
CAIRO III Hnpt 15Guy Ciillum declines to t
tilt rierl in hut CUM ot Chnrleii lIlies nthli r ftnliinoi
dc uh ler llm innrlcr or Cirler Vcwamn Ulau aOl
the relturti hu hunted to niorroxv
Court Culeniliir lisle liny
ItupnRitg CluinClm tunihthsNis 21 28
Il 1 I Ii ri im II l7 fuelh Ill e7 tel iie t Iii I m m I iii
iii till IhI mlm 1u mci tel tel 001 mi 911 huihI4
N ccii a 1112kv i In ahi i i I I i utt m us i li
hluih tl iE i 411 mill liii lull mIll 1110 17u1 lslI ii
M4 M 11 en 2u1ii hit lltlllol OMII iml Ull1 IVI4
asalsoiij UM nu Iart in I I 1Nut u m 41 ijj
Jl tim 17J 17J I7 < 175 tie 17U taLl 1cm ISi
Fruit Cllnre
In teinplnui nrray Is oll at rcasuuable talus by Green
XIU 0000trti3ulsOlyiuLI
tttiIlri2 3lOhttel
Ill nnd HelluhleIlr SSfIUIS I1XKH IK
tiiI nit XloltHn I I Oh tlllc for lit er iOuillit 11110 Jaundice
111011111 M contln itlin pick hiillcht All drni isls
kteplt 8tliiple bottle > lreeit lit liroidwar room 12
It illtt illS Kuilleall mm Cured liy llr filrslii 4O
cults irnctlcal exntrlenee hue 2 vfe > nu t ACtor
luuicopposite ilL raulsChurch > uup toxxa branch
Wnrner t Ton Tiirle < Immune Pllla fog
liii Cure ni prexentlon ol chilli let ore sill malaria
held bj all drucifittH Protected b > trnlc mISFIt
I1 Silk Slots i 30 catch Inleat Hlylo fln <
Doily 101 xvorthfj lj New Church nLm > itair
The Heat KlnallcTrii Kver Indented IrIeo
low onlj J M IDMhKlA ritUSS Co Tta Hioalxxny
Spccinl Jlotttts
coji3ioiviviTii iiiHTniiiuriov co
Itsys I alwaj had their popular and successful drawing
Ott tue
21711 OP SKtTEMiirR mi LAST my OP Tim
II Illl Ill lAlliNli OUT t mmetmt MVlllUtS AND
hIlTS ilmus
i wo rnizn ft 1Z4lithlO rnizrs fti24oa
suptrvKd IJ I the lion THOS A II I I 1 mIll tnt Sfpretarx
ot state ol Kentnekx Col Ii I L II I I ii JllAV nnl 2 lilO
ticket lioldern CAII I VIN flOJKio f lila I i i noil Ton
of Slun TIckeK 11 at fj i hiilxo fl 1 Vdlrtst or
npilvtoT J fOViMKllPURHhcenurv riurlcrJournal
mluiihlle Louliilk Ki m or > nmeal lii1 llnu IxxnyN Y
CIStOIt ut 1Oct11 ii l II I I IOUTIIt A CO I J7 llroijway
TICKhTS f Kin foo f JJ fill TXX hNTIUTIIft J3
I MIITVt IlllP m 5100 Ii
WlHIl 1 TIlMT DM ll > lIR
CAIlTVI l111K lliill l
Kriis sinKT
Kteui ClumicIn Shiluim 111501 ti thenlsure Tlue very best
tiuuit rail hue prcltulreut St 1111 huFill SIX br 1 tetfoci
CultIluiCilout Ouutruihuieeut kic1uui pausnut mulrtlytnaut
llriush nniri the > ITJ boat iniii can tie priKiuceii av aa
price MX lot It l Eulcihi tlnlhed iuy any little Klrl
the very best Patent irotected rile flIts per cent
stronger than nnx otlur limhrella innle Jl each
KhMi Kill ILOVfS Foil IhNTr
thexery heel l plain or einhrolleiiil S I lOatnlr HAND I t
KKRCIlllls IIOMMtV Tlls Ac All nowls war
ranted snniplLiinii I lircularti mniUd tree
Scarf Rliuin 1ini skixu lluttoii htuda anl Collar Hut
tons eUennt osha noxveht deoUnii nt ahont half thuS
ulsuiti coht rino HtmBtliciiid t llrtudktrihitla ion tielltS
fo retInue sort ihi
hlII MAbttIlllUmilNlI CIItIIANtS SullIES
617 Hroahxnj i > > hIll tulton SL Urooklyo
IJniHrondwa > t
svusttit 1FIIIItIkIM
nnl KIILIUATINU arc rendllj cured by nlng
If yell have never tried this sure remedy cixll and
net nauiiile hottle free of chnrue atOll Xlnrray st
AitoYA i AihcriiAo it n i
nnr > II rutssi tug has 1114 n 1 > C taken l lace sell 10 Oniiltal
trill vmin I ju o4 HiAetM m huts u iuuwuya hi en HUIo 4
allluekv iule nninhi slitil > a tnkcH pliue Sent 10
ailtal prize fl UI nil Ta bets late nlHai Uenif I
J J CLOY rbh ill llroker 2111 llrialxvay
vii77 5 EN SuN S in f AS 11 itTieit IIAN
my hiniuturo on lhuul I Driiutcit nnd Crete M 11 it fl
her little nndaldenot4 limallon N VAN HblL K
riiniul > ern sLneir i hurcli
Keiitni kv Htalo Lotteries Mnin oltlee liJ Nautili st
nuar Ann st Hrnnch oilice Itlvinifton tt cur HowLry
lOtIIMIANt KIbNIlbl irvT A 11 LIT
tie lluxauucinnr hiore MllLlit A ID xnnu
71 Mnlkn lane
Jltb L Ihibltfl1it9htJ
1 11X1 IKS lM > riiAlt MOMIILY
Puce 2Aciat Snbiirlptioii if I tier vnnnm
nn Mounts riuiiAou HJ idnin tIe Ieoi
XVOXUNS i Wll 11 L
Alll IIIRY IAKT Ciii > IRKlVr i liy VV iIohIteft
OSI S MDVIKNTH WOHIC fly JI lie 11 All Illl
THI iiiun Muiin
HAM P in A lilaC
Till I I l sgt I I It Rim It iiiiilTrR I fly 1 liCttlr hhtinl
H MIX XI s is l M ill V lit riioinis W Knot
ixxu I lixiils IN Till l uunlw ICy Joaulu xiuia
IIllllS AM lb llllllllll
X > VMIIIAN llxrilh I
PHHI I Hy Iihua I XV Iurce
Till lb srultv 01 1XHV I Aliri Hy Amelia f liAr
CC hill iniiii nhori Mm In Innn tc Ui IIIKH of If I
rialln rdiliu tint li I illiiftirvtd
horknli lu l all 111sOstiIilrm
YltC K bRnlIthS PlHMSIIINil MOl < IK
SI 5 mil u i7 Puik ilaie N is aerL
j > TT vTsrru a lilCt i itK rT A vrvis
I Xil si vio 17 111k rio Niw tiutO roprn i turmmt
the Sti ntltk A itS Iltmuu Ill Fly lour > inr rxiiritiicn
Ia lltllirini iii 1au ilth llanlhuu un Taunts wiili lull
uhtoeCtlvuleauh hvlxKe Kilt lIsa
IMI ALL ornrit tliirr
Mi PatrIck Olnntty No Longer Alilo It
furry n llrnnm lit the 1rnk nf the 1ct
A limit tlmt vva Ilnnncd liy a liitiiUinun
Among tho ojicn bunts of tlio Mosquito
lleet atthellattory thin most successful Is tho
Wtery 1et At ono time after sho had won
time prhziu put up by till llattery boatmen throo
years In succession her owner Pat Qlnnlty
carrietl a broom at her foremast head to sit
olfy that shio sxvcpttlin bay Qlnnlty naturnlly
takes much pride his boat and her wonderful
chlcvementH havn inado him boastful On
Vedncsday last ho saw n now 19foot Whitehall
oat hluis bottom up on time stone cnplne of tIle
Battery Tile lines of the hull vrero unlike limo
Ilneit of most boats and for this reason a niiin
> cr of the llattery boatmen had dithered nbout
lien watchlnc her owner wli Ito lie Hind a rocker
cml heir keel Olnnlty pushed his wiy throiiKli
lie thronu Hinlled blandly and Imiulred
Who owns this ero tlilnir t 1 I 7th
IMmflnol olio of the boatmen answered
What IR It anyhow 7
Well time owner said an ho pau nd for n
moment In his work and looked up down our
Vutyt that Is on tIle 1nssale xro call It n boat
Aim I KB n boat la It 7 Ulnulty said Incied I
lously Well I If I f Its n boat mobbo shu can
sal I and If I f Rile cin sail just launch her over
tilli Moat beloxv and Ill sail round her In circles
inless youd like to Havo mo give you tt tow to
he Hehtshlp
This was too much for the owner of the now
mat With the assistance of some of thin water
fltllfl hn launched her and called I out to Qlnnlty I
to catch him The Ilaltcry Pot with Qlnnlivat
11141 stick was soon afloat To anti around Ellis
slnnd was tho courso chosen Thn wind belne
almost westerly both skippers trimmed their
ihects flat aft and squared oft with their star
board tacks aboard To the astonishment ot
tIme multitude of boatmen who stood on thin
oplnit of tIme llatlery tho stronger steered
early two points closer to thin wind than did
hut Vet When sue clime In stats she turned
harp on her heel and forged ahead In tho
winds eye thus losIng neither headway nor
impetus Silo passed the Pet and when sho
CIlia booming pant tho Battery pier on time
lomnstrctch thn former champion was only a
peck In the distance
On Friday limo police boat 19 foot and the
Crack yacht Oamo Cock started In n race around
tobblns Iteef Lighthouse for n keg of beer
Ylth them thouirh not entered In the race
vein tho wellknown boots Shadow McOulrck
and Fit IIIK Dutchman Those of the watermen
who saw thin behavior ot thin stranco boat on
Vednesdny offnred to but with their friends In
lio starting boats that tho new boat would sail
round Ihu fleet after they had had lIve mitt
11108 lead Their offers were accepted Iloforo
ti he fleet was oft Kills Island It was overhauled
by the stranger and shortly afterward aim
hovved her competitors her heels While off
BodIces Island time strancer lost the standing
part of her peak halyards and boforn the old
inlyards could bo overhauled nnd new ones
iBKcd thus fleet hnd passed tnu stranger nuid
got a lead of nearly half n mile Nevertheless
hu latter siiuared away for tIle lluht and before
they had passed tile tlircoiiuartcr stretch was
icck and nock with thin police boat which was
ending nnd as the Strange craft sWept byte
wlndxxard thin helmsman of thu police boat
ihouted Is It the Flying Dutchman for Dub
No was tho reply of Frank Kane who was
at time helm of the stranger wove got cargo
of bunclioles her llelfastl i At tho quarter
stretch on thu homoxvard course thu Stranger
vas fully I n mil i It in advance
The phenomenally fast boat which has beaten
hu best boats on tile llattery on her trial trip
vas designed and built by Mr Lawrence of the
New York Lead Ilpo and Sheet Lead Assocla
tiltii at 46 ChIll street
Yesterday afternoon Mr Lawrence and sev
eral others started for tho lltihtshlp to ascer
aln just how close to the wind till Periwinkle
would sail Off the New Jersey Hals however
hn boat was caught In tint doldrums that blow
straight up and dow n tile masts and tho party
sailed back to the Battery with a whiteneb
Mr Lawrence passed several years In the
California packets At time tirsuiking out of the
war ho served In tile United States steamship
Vandatin and was afterwards assigned to thu
naval brigade Ho has designed several very
handsome boat models among them ono of the
Confederate ram Morrlmao of whose fight
with the Monitor ho was an oyo witness Hav
ng n theory of his own about this lines and con
tour of n boats hull ho determined to put It In
practice Desmondtho boat builder In Pcclc
slip built the hull of this boat after Mr Law
Fences drawings Then the hull xvna placed In
he loft of the building In which Mr Lawrence
ins an office and during spare hours ho has
worked upon tIme boat himself
Mr Lawrence will call his boat the Peri
winkle because like thus shellfish of that namo
It Is perfectly at home In tho liter Tile shape
of tho boat is in many respects llkn tlmt of tho
surfhoat used at the lifesRvInK stations It Is
sharp Nt both ends haxInu n gradual rise on
dock Doth this forxxard and after parts are
loused over and are watertight compartments
I Iustend of having n forefoot at rluht itugles with
he piano ot till waters surface it Is cut away
to such an extent as to give an unusual pitch or
lair The mainsail has a 10foot hoist Is 102
eel along the boom with a 1Jfoot leech The
nnlnsall Is placed far aft and Is Intended I
nalnly as n steering sail or spanker ItlsSi
eel on thn lull 7 feet on tint foot with a 9foot
leech Tho jib Is 3t yards In area The boat
s It feet over all 178 on the keel mitt 47
uendtn of beam On tho keel Is fastened a
2Inch rocker to assist the boat whIle close
Their Ilnppy Afternoon nnd Krcnlna In a
I uetitj eci > ml IVnrtl IarL
Tho first nnnunl concert anti moonlIght festi
val for the IcieSt of lticNcw York Adult Illlnd Alt
Association wisphen fucceiffull jcstenla utter noon
aiul e eiuntf In the ational rnrknt81xt third street
tiiKl fuiUi a ease Ttio uclitlon a liicli ccuM ts ut
ituuhi tullul a etc tdutei by the tnroiy Mfteiuuleectlor the
tiiUteter MuhennirCitCr lie iltunuciiihuuil Sln5ltuut Suclcty
iluot tuy M r M re iso 0 raiiutJtaii uirtli a cit I ice ti
lIt hue I CniIin ttueuhure ttr 0 rltilutJeuuih W1IC C i trill
leers ICO a 0411SF iti tie cluuuuoy ol Jouuii 0 tuor
Cilultrillili or thus iihlluul AsvtuCluhlluult ouuunltu t hen
Os IICF uinut ituauuagcr oF tile NAUlullull Thlcuturu I uu Altiail I
N u A ih lulu cork heiiui a cot mm biutilS Slit lilt C I
Cliii thric tuna litter tlue tither e it maimem loud tue becattie
totultiC tuiuuut
Atuolilor Si tue oinmhtiee Mr CCII Is ttue ielluteflt
isf the amoncInlIot iot one em itt ituC I IT unit a lilT
Cul3 ulttc rI lit ill iuls case aiv ill ollue r ialleuh luillrhy
I ii ketut Our onuule 3C re It ilCV I mmiuituui mm t tie Orl3setluiuuh
curt Ct stluon ciii1utty hic it tuoi gilt tulnlai shier a
WhIle dithiiutillitieut eilCIh deIty piuuor by ireliuse Aiuouit
tm iutluIeut si the utuculuberl iir tii uiuochuliiolu tire gruiulu
aus oh the NInth Aleulue Au iuunt ron uhut illliol
There mmccl rureu toiluhux otuiretuat iiuaruet
oloe thu It ulete ti 51 r nut Mu tlruuuujeu a Itra ti urIc
llrumnuijeuin Is a auger ol Lmti tl the ijincinl
rnna ilonim of > tiirn ago now CO tired umarrled unit
llYliu Iii iillfllbUil leriuluhuty
MnetHevett Trade Dollar
Joseph Prntller a tailor came to this city yes
terday to hire a store lie carried In n satchel ninety
seven trade dollar Uc could speak noEngluh and
dropped into liver nalo n Mil I Thompson street wlier
Annul JotiAiihon the tmrlcinltr rpokc to him In Ger
man Suit they mil I drinks tivethvr Prteller tied Jo
liHimou hi ImHinoM mul atktU him to take charge of tlit
hive Is hIll hu went out tor A littlo whIle Jill liiuun
rrmtily com ntnl 1rarller retuu Filet nt 1 oclrtck ml
Julia n ton was guile Dtteriirc Murihy hmiUd tot Ji <
hmiiuii and founJ mIlls In lluilon itrcct till had a quart
tin nunure In hula hftiul which H lii found to contain thus
trail dollars At tint Joluinson rl niod knonini Trael
let hunt rtnall fttid hewm ttKlnn I the immev home for
ate kteilntf In the Iiifter on Market Police Court Jn
tic ill uluy a kid 1ricltcr m hj he hnd tell this money a huh
a atrnntiL in tn Ir at lit r sail hhluit lIe vpokc icrninn and
lie hud lontldenco lu him fnulltr was titvcu tits moot
and Juhniixoii waiilistlinrhnl
Nesm York Stck Exchaaneat Sept 15
esiecli flATCI ITATI ASP CITY COCOS ii 10011
a lb S ill St C tOut t mo flu 147 i
tn tn II lit iii F till to Ii A It J It riot
47 Il S 4 C lOJiiuu ti TetlIl Ill tiew or 27t
a ti1i e uiuili0 10 Va 01 COiiliilICuhi
kitrulouD uhttD OTHIS SOaPS 1111 liXhilb
2t flCiL NlLS0ir5uH3 t2 Caui So
159 iAt iille It 4I1i47 iul I Ii hi 2t titl
25th il I ii Pc 5 WeiL ljte Ill tiO
tnt Ii tilt Iee 1st ileti
lii K A Il JI 51 tbt 5 Ii I pr 5 113
110 tu S ii ii roll 2 t o Nil it tiu3l4
as FII7O ti i itc r Mo
tI St Ictuiir IliUlui7l 13 K I U 0 C C
nlWcouuig i La to
4 tlC thAi ctiitt4ioIi tOthlh A t U Tlt
lii I il u a lit 9Iii1iO cit
to i cutu tmmt7e tIU i7 it iv A Ii 11 111
13 L R A ilt 1 Jst1a1tm lit mrisUtitt
a cit 73c74 I SL i 1 I M iut
17 tioti it IlL Jul hi I
tie Ci tiYJttiti 5 lii I e i ti 2u17u iW
I 501 5 MIillig hue UI4 0050 1 1 I N tut
4 31tA surge iat II II 711372
iy hi U C 1 Ii sit 1 t N 21 tiuc 514
I thuim ii r tat I is i N Mi I i im
2 t tiiore r Jui I ii 2 Atm A T Ii tile 511
15 Mich 0 bO 144 tili I mmt iv ut ie tie
iriu bT con Iab it hi Sci ii h
C 74t7hh J la 0 Malt tat l0t
2hhiJMuuCA T2ut 02 Teal liIltuc3CGjIU
in Alll A ilut is I 201 liti I AVOItlan
tIn III It A N 5 74illar Mill Co
illmi south ui4i loiN York A N
3l4ltlit N 2 bllh Ni Ilivtn IMtaivVf
5il lien A tI I HdOSlJ liN V Kiev 12hl5
111 Oil AD Ntlf IO 4MsillliliiA Mix I7 1I7J
ii hit Ill A Ii I il ul III < IC l lll I X XIMf 4Ilid loOm
pihh lull A Alt tu71htOt 52u1 Iuielflc ttelt I
lull ll A Alt Ill Illli i7lIl i it 8 thi lu4i4i4 I
tnumu I Oil il N XV 8ii4lssiu hi7liui Ruil 4 A N oo21
JTimh AS XV Iu if miscue u4lli Kth A N tuf tOi5llu
tTlli H I AT IU I litilli tiuliliul
3 m n u 5 luuah U7Om0lSl IJIMlxXnha h 4iulJ
MUM I 1nui i r huli114 iIui I Slits rile WI mlK
tmriev A P liii oshuim ethu AT II lail
4MHtl ti A I 5iu5i2 IUIAII AT II 11 IWJIa
imltll 0 t 1 I xvtslj Jnl IUill Mln IlLr l i
JUKI II U I A XV lHVifr1 2ufl ill UAH 5 14 > i l IV
isinKrie Jiiiiii 7i < ntL arpriHai e
Uiilhrloll 5HV4IU 7UU ht UAH K
tulhui illItik imLJaihu4h4 11 i H < j G5uit
H7 I > nll 1 I m I INt Juil54i4il u4 4U Ilill U ti Ui
IHMIIII com HVIH million Air L 17toI7
UMihjiH Iac 7lu7l JJI Ami tS4iosi7Om
41KVI Luke blioruKiV HH wri11 EL IUJ >
JiltiLull 1U71111id LAmt4h1i
tiara Mhctu OnMWI 714 m r A Minn 410it4
iIt2J Mr A tJiit Kuit 1 Tex t71uira
isii V tenl i 11 VIIHI XIIMnrl Iii ihil54
lhlul Item A iiuuui4l1 154 ll I CI uhulhtkoltmerluueu Ij
2111 hi tU Irl h 4 4 St ilnuhel r mi
hills AI AT I Tel tih0bi4 lion mFuhl 1ite i1104114 l
401 xnur Plt T tm11 ft W iKi
2llii Rink DM l4 < OUi tIlt Mti it i hull
4WK A 1 I i M i tnYM tt II SUM l lull M II 4VJIIJ i
Jil Mnrlin ni 4irii union 44 UJ
iit Mill A Ii ci Illtlni 1 lii Nutbi A Ill 4ulil
171 Mar tlili IH M7i tO ilit if h Ainer I U
ixiuMarAC hid > Vtii Total salesmnOI7 slians
Illl IJUJ1 Illl IJI
IT P fl m Itil Illl MfiKVTex 17 I l7h
ITHIKHI 1114 im horde A imo l tWi l l > III
r H v HICIIIJ I HUV N 1 lmili ruth rlJ I MJ m
Ii I H 4 IH KilfJ till Norili5tsa rl MIJ Hi
II H 4 r 1111171111 lull Nhirihlil if i5i ivi
t h 4 C HKr7 tiC luc4li N V tA llnd IIH Illl i
U I H tIC 1110S i2i7 Rh l I hloVXI I e 171 t 7t1
Alii A Ml SI llhllt NI pi 411 Ih1l
ntml i hiiutli ti3l IIJ1 llnllrloXllnliu 4 ill
I lb lb A I 624 tiJJ Mitml Mlnliu IIM SHIJa
iltAIO I I h l4i4 HlJniMiunili limi im
hlcIIAJ 114 I I 14 in I Ticltc Mnll um 2Hj
Chen A llhln I PII HjglliiclllPnl Nit H II
Olilf A Alton 1111 117 IKK Nhtn1 Im 141
I iii 1 K x ut rixj im t l I it t rniiliMin t 4xi rij
Ikl All run 4Hi 4l < lHt Ll K O A N 24i Jl2
I rlellalliinr h3ilt inj c t I K 0 A Slur Oll 511
rrlcliiilnii ir rni ai M U A H K it 1q11 iii
tuFt ii uimi II 1U rnlin IMilllc K 1 5
I Hun A xt lo an ui XXnhiKll lli 4
HitM A 5tJu r I r > li M1 XI A IMe I I fel 1ii iOu
llnrlini rn lvi xxei LnTU tIJ iu1
tttul din A Inl HI H XllllH MX till IIUIj
tlhinuulo Cut Di I4 in i Am lX > rii 47i 4S
run Muiiitnln mi hull > II S Kns 4J 41
knnsa Inrinc Ti Dit1 XXilU lnruiix inn nil
Kc 5 ii I M I Ih I UniekMlxir Hi iiI
Lake Still < > KU tM I liilrklhiT lr 4ui 47
lmnVt Nili rHiJ fHi MilroTunlitl Ul MJi
xtkli linlril Kit Hl >
Mil A ht PI nl lOll MtJ I lliJIvWcild
Mil A Ht 1 i f U73 172
There wni nn active stock innrkit toilny Tho
most nctlVD stock xxns Luko Hhoio ninitliuro
twos a KOOI bimlinBs In Hi 1niil common IMii
XMiro Lncknxviiiiril anil WntiTn but North
xxostern wits conumnitlxclv noitlirtuil Lnitco
ojiociilntlxo Intcrihla woroiHructotl toward Iliin
iilunl I anil Rt Josttili nninion nnil priifirrid
illscoiirl Kitnsns and TDXIIH niul Iron Moiin
tain eiKli nJxnnclni but riocilliictoxxnril till
close There xxas a BOOI business In Union
1ncinunta miuterlal muultil rIce Ht Paul I anil tile
coal shares wuru tloprvniiinl Of now fniicliB
among tho llKhter xxnlyhls Kookuk ant Dos
Mollies wits allied to tin list JnlcLflllvur com
milan was moro active The rnoro Important
chanites wore AthnnoM 0 and Ie 3
Northwestern preferred J Lnko Shore Hi
Michigan Central Missouri KIUIKIIR and
Toxas 1s Cleveland and Ilttsbureli 4 Ht
Paul and Minn ti Chlcnuo nnit Alton U >
Morris anti KHSOX H Union 1iiclflc21 Illi
nois Central Ht Itul and 8 P proforrod
li Erie coinmiion Hannibal nod Ht Joseph
common Jf 3 Hannibal and HtJoauph prnferrcd
2i Ohio and MIssissippi common Y si Ohio
and Mississippi pnfeirnil Ht Iron Stountaln
i Diclluud Albany and BuHiiunliiinnii 1
Northwpstnrn common H Ht Paul preferred
I Ht 1aul common 1 WiBtorn Union i
Delaware end Hudson 3 Jersey Central > j
1ncinu Jtnll j Loulbvlllo and Kiibhxille 41
Wabasli V
Governments were firmer but dull Railroad
bonds wino moderntely active for Chc npenko
and Ohio Iron Mountain and Mo K and
Thins issues at bettor prices but wore goner
ally tlitlI Momiy on cull flivi l cint cloHlnir
at 5 The oarnhuugs of this Union Inclllo Hall
road for tile llrst twelve data of September
shownn Increase over thin corresponding po
nod last year of 1111011120 Ii cent tim hurling
ton C It nnd Northern Itallro for tho week
ending Sept 7 reports an Increaso of about 18
V cent and the St Louis nnd Iron Mountain
in Increase for the same period of nearly 40 V
The total tonnngo of anthracite coal from nil
the regions for the week ending Sept C
mounted to 490874 tons against 163318 tons
ntho corresponding week last year nn In
crease of 327MO tons Thn total mnotint of an
hrnclto mined for the year Is 1712J275 tons
against 10522232 tons for tho same period last
v car an luciensuof Udil043 tons
Pool Commissioner Ilnk has sent n circular
to till general freight agents of the trunk lines
stating that on and after Sept 15 tIn rates on
freight from New iork to Missouri lllver points
will Iw as follows First class J159 V hundred
second 120 third 95 cents and fourth 70
cents Tile former rates were respectively
1119 90 cents 60 aud CO cents
President Oownn of tIme Philadelphia nnd
leading Italhoad was In town today but as
far as could bo learned nothing ol note was
done In tile direction of n compromise Thu
only ness reported was that Harry Packer of
ho Lehlich Valley wIts in conference with tile
Lehlgh operators todny and wnuld bn In New
York tomorrow It Is reported from Philadel
phia that all thin leading Interests except the
Ijehlttli Valley have come to tin amicable un
A Chlcncodes patch says that Jay Gould passed
ho afternoon and evening In that city VisIon
day consulting with officers connected with
railroad Hues under hits control Althoueh hu
refused to talk on the subject It la learned that
ills conference was with reference to n scheme
for time consolidation of thin Wnbnsh thin St
Louis Kansas City nnd Northern nail the Kan
sas City bt Joseph nnd Council IIlufTs Hall
roads the compact to take cfleet on Oct 15sub
pet to approval by time various stockholders
Hu also consulted regarding apportionment
of Southwestern business to bo given the con
solidated roads and with reference to opening
n branch line for freight nnd passengers In this
city a step vvhldi It Is said was determined
upon He said that the rumors which are cur
rent to tilt clToct that Mr Vnnderbllt has ob
tained control of the Union Paclllo Itailroad
and that he Gould would co out of till manage
ment of that road and extend tile Kansas Paclllo
to Oirilen urn Incorrect Ho doew not belIeve
Mr Vauderbilt holds one shnro of Union Paclfla
stock Mr Oould leaves for Denver on Tues
day and will possibly go as far xvcbtas Ogdcn
A despatch from London saia7hit 1140000 In
gold was iHinght bythollnnkof Knglnnd today
and 4bOOOO In cold was bold for shipment to
Now York
Time London Time In Its financial nrtlclo
this morning savs Though tile reopening
ot tIle war In Afghanistan has produced little
or no effect on tho block Kvcnango It has
doubtless checked tho graduallyrevlvliigtrnde
A nexv element of uncertainty la felt to have
arisen rcgirding foreign politics the U ill muiitti
lisueof which It Is Impossible to sen and mer
chant In those circumstances naturally prefer
to wait to seo whether complications are likely
lieturns to till Pot nrtmont ol AcrlciiHurn
show n heavy decline In I the cotton crop during
tIle month of August Tlio ueneral nverugn is
85 against 91 for tile month previous Thu
condition as compared with last vearfsS V
cent lower nnd 1 V cent lower than at tho
same timn In Ib77 ThIn avurago condition of
corn for time whole country on Sept I was 95
nuuluM 9J In August It Is somewhat butter
than I last j ear nt tIme same tlmo 1 I when thus con
dition was 92 All hIll Southern States shoxy n
largo adxance Texas only I fchoxxs llttln I Im
provement North of tile Ohio Itlver anti west
01 the Mississippi tile crop is very large Tlio
nvoragu condition of the tobaeeo crop for tho
wholo country In September was H7 an advance
of 10 V cent from thn condition on Aug 1 nnd
nn adxauco of n V cent over hun condition nt tho
same time last i car Massachusetts reports n
gain during thn mouth of U Pennsylvania n
gain of 12 Marvland again of 11 Virginia n
gain of 11 North Carolina n gain of C Tomiis
sen n gain of 7 Kentucky n gain of C Indiana n
gain of 11 Connecticut Ohio and Missouri
Bhow 1 loss of 5 V cent each
Tile silver certificate bids fair to tnko tho
place of lilt standard dollar ton very great ex
tent In nnyluf out the ten per centum ol
checks In silver dollars the Treasurer Is gen
erally faend with thus demand for silver certiti
elItes In their stead This Is especially tile caso
with the banks fits banks then pay them out
over their counters the same as greenbacks In
this way anew form of currency will rapidly
come Into general circulation
Justice Westbrook has ordnred that all no
tices In actions In which thin oiuiituonwiththt
LIfe Insurance Company the North American
Life Insurance Company and the National
Life Insurance C ompany ann parties Deserved
on Humes coot Huvnnor In Albany
The total value thoexportsof domestic pro
visions and tallow from ten of Ihn customs ills
trills i of the United States eomprlslng Nexv York
lloston Philadelphia Baltimore HufTalo Chi
cago Detroit Huron New Haven and Oswe
gnichii > for the month of August 1871 wits
t7t n5108 belncn decieise as compared with
the samu month of liiht year of t5JJIU2
Thn IlulTalo and Lockport Itallroad which
xvas leased on Tliursdav by the Nnxv York Lithe
Enn and Western hlnil I root xxas opened for
buslui ss today II O Tailor division super
intendent of tho Krio runt has been made BU
peiintDiidcnt of tho new road Light passen
ger trains per day urn being run
Jtvw > < ik MurkeM
MONPAT Bept 15 Fioun ANt MeAL
Tile mur nt ortmil Sm illi an ulxamini unlinev
hut the cliM1 ixii il dull nnl bnrd f > tentl > XVu
nuote Flour NI J J i 2 afiKS nuitrflne fliifini
laura StIle Ac f I mnifl uib Wenimi sOniC XV
and XXX bl4lil do winter Mil plnir entras ft To
4 > iii I an XX and XXXh2fill vimneiota patents
tw < P750 cumy slirpini extras tl7V4fA3U South
urn Imkcrsi anil famllr hranls 3 bul MM hIS Houthtrn
shtppinn eilras t i55Ill I Itju Hour iiirfliu MMI
fini i Corn meal Weiuru ic lt iii42 l 45 Bramlr
wine tJ titil 79 ttluoI lead tt ton tldtttn rrv
ieee hlh
turroi Hnouwfuk sauKiWbaU mliiliiu iii1u nut
Urillk hiiturei Kenirnll lnxerIIIIMIU at I IHi i hut
KipteinWr I07 c for October ill 4u C lor Si mU
lojlc lor Deidnlier ill Cue lor m Innnnix I imi i ln t
hihriiary ami hIm U IC for Manli 51111 JJ Ii l lIlieS
ItiiilPK I at the intO Ihladav ill lOll iuuiieu Hi iinnai
n port lor A niut ilihI till Si V riCe ruiuuhiuiuuii Ill thi Nro
tile crop at Pie n mini lion ol v ironi ill 1 sly ripott
I KiKiliiss Iotk iii l lair l nuil I more HI tiv < ule ii
the iot Wnlhl J meK frtNk4rtlNi lr liitnn thh rx
IMi Mil toll tlitultr S7 > nnl Sim mhi r f H Kl
llaiolllliin llol ihIl r iuur l Imiu tlinr eels liii ion oiith
rill Miff rl hlle no Cut iiiiinn llrni allis situ tru
liliklid liilllel 10 hum Mllif nnI U H nllh i 11 ii C
loser nut irinirali dull Ml C on till I pit i73 In
prlllln Cllv Mln do i Otellll > UIO tlliKu iln
llll sit Orolt III fie lr Illlnre d Iln rx J 7VI U
sold Iktol i r IIIk N b Ul < i l7il PIIIII
iuir 5 imic slur hhil M nr 5 SK4I h7t etuh t IuliOi I tin
ajJlai < um I n nni 1 Hint J3 1 > 11 t the 1oiiliin a
it IIK tin e t hiH m iiilir i I nl fni u Xji nnl iulhC tlIC
Hutu I illil t and Ulihlllid tliKM ltul iiitlxt iuiui
luilv iuiee I linn nt IlV JOc latter f r rio Mm k
IKAIX XX iient o enel hi nu r hut trnli xUKdilllnn
thi 11 bust wii xllhnit dtilted linprox nn nt inli > 4U
tuli iilill hu InHII NI J hhlluiI i H nmWI iuut flue in
lli prUelni Si w York ur nil t No J rei vtinii r t I I4
Sm ri > jhi flin J niulir fl ll I 4 > < tCl li >
Nil I while fi I lilUM 17 Nit ldofl thi3ft II till
for lutiire ilillxeii 6iJ < x > o Uuh tucludlun tiv I xvullu
ilnT l Invtntnfl fir Octler nni No 3 unrlnj
fl m ill for Octolir hut inillx No 2 rnl xtlnler fl ICM
in l nt 4 for h i irini rr H I luifi l 1 IVf I for iielohor nut
I 11111 M hi4l lilt Vnxunlir linr Ihnino the mnrket
Si Ill Cut ihii ilrinernnt ncllte Rxc qiilrti Nn 3 XVeMern
rftts11 on tin stilt iiliui Mnrilxc m Oitn I firmer With a
hlritiiiiniidi nle llitnio hKii nt nlqllie Inr lulled
nnl WHO I for white Including Nn a lulled it hi 105
hilt i I 4 nnl do xxhlle ntaife llje Inllan corn nenlu
hllltr nnl nioli rillill l ntllxil multi on the pot ail
ih l I iiiihl I I Indnlltnr NIL u inixcil i I I 4siiOii p aflnatl
nnnriilil 1 405411u i NJ 2 it hlle r7 Y7r I rolin I 3 el
liw ftivioc i Snnlhi rn xellow tie i h e ira yellow
4V I unit hut hunt itt thin 214 1151 muss Nn 2 mixed
nl tutc ler Sell linher 4simsj4c for oclolicr mid
4He Our Not Cllt r
I lulit Cal jullOut chlee team hi Flit shut inmlemtelyncllvnt
pniiin nnd lthlrixnlfl ironi utocK I27SS IsO prlxoU
ttFull ordlnnrv to prime enrtroo IPmVe I I 1 tnlll
lithIum ithet mil unchniled Illco lii Jnfil Inn Site onlv
Mluhe < trm itt 2ut1 lorvitmt I n itnliij Cnbil I 1lc 4CH
hhl iinlrilo Cnhnjnrtnt He lti a nunrn firm ititul I
inlet I fair to I vin < l nflnlnit I tnln il45 ii i > e I nleii 512
lilnli Inrliiillnii lillCuuut ii 4tI1tuile tit centrlinirnl
7l ff iiiiliitl mm hOC Clo tt ligbtMc nor 1151111 l nut i
St f fur ii Ilutirut
Si inntu Nnxni lorennnlet dill imchnnsplt I common
mu Clue l trniniil ri tih ln 0 uJithfl311 l nu irlt niri ntlne
2iie d triileinii duller nnl tinner It lilt ai l > illh1 re
Iliuil lit 1040 Tiillnxv Henlr nnl nnlet nt ft n OMatr
Vlilskvi null to the exlint orw iiiiq I nlfion Muls
nil t cicipt llmothx nf xvlilrh ono iuuicm xverc old at
S Mix fJfVl Otena frelnhti wen utendv nnd inuderai ly
etlxi mrnln i ti I Ucrnool hy teini 71 i do li Ixmlon
hO Menni HI I t dn tnlla tlow by a ill ni I l do to Cork
ic order IN ynr i l i till It eltt eoat ot frelnnd ftn VI f
fi 7vl i do to Nit Im ni HI i nut Iln to Stockholm
a u I t dn to ltxert ool 44 11 I I i renned petroleum to
Inniliirir ttll il Ii Ill hun Continent IC aaj j ilo to Aim
ndrln la cutlet 24e
DTK Hlnek VInrUel
SEW Yonit Monday Kept 15Wlthi n largo
frerinttril In ex en to iav n nl tin Inruc week total of Ohio
3 ear lortner prleM could notho inltv ninlntnined In the
loe i f ihc ninrld ott I fliitetinca very kcncrnll report A
ilcilhtie quill i ti Kc VII The ported sale hoixexcrdo
tulO hox Shell nil uIctUl iiebiuiY hrrnn o of the helter
unlltx tiC thuu lltrlion IIJJCM retell HIP ill rkr Ciltier
tilt int inxli rlalli ofTIn price tip tufioclnck I A VI when
he nrrlxnl urn ntrck Irnin I of HI I cars one the Ientisyl
nnln i ntrnt rOil opirnlcl In I xxeiikia the ilrminU of
hp olln Inter > t TnuiMlcllniH were nlOMSo t
to ilrtotth ffi tIc Tioehil shut halt breeNnnt nt lUt
11110 todn M ti3tjh7 uhim for cominon to fnnpv nntlxe
Mra HlilpKT u vl lnio fnt ilecrs at inline V ft
hiuhlitiiiil Irnw I Suit Vork for tho xxpck were liii illS
nllle and 4 U7U ups lorn nf beef
Calxcnttcalynt a aiV V ill for cMswrn ant 4Ui
< for xcnls Iteuiptn 111 mnkliu 40AO for the
MiienfirniKl4a1ie pft talcum ta lor at 4V Wc
fit ordinary to strictly prime Receipt IJAonj tar to
irand3420 for the beck hllpineliti for the week
ciii d iturda v lastllflo cfl renews of ntton
lixe Ire Mirn n fraction litter xlth nnle nt xit71j3
430jJ mi n llecdpts lot last two daj a I2550i for
he week 28u7X
vtTdATrnii LvifiicTntt COT
onrlMi a 42Snn eu n o xtoonsels toi
andytlook 7 JUor Inland 8 4lllellOaU 10 K
ArrlveilVoDir Sent 13
SmTnteh Feren Cnrlwrljht Nepnrt Knj
HitancaHH hatterlev Vlnita AUK Z
Sm Cit nf Mncon Keinp in Saxnllimh
Milp Vlnrlhornunh Monroe Antwcrn
Milp I nut liitut Lntken Antwerp
Stilt Hooding iMackvcn Rotterdam
Hark Iibertnu llerlinnil Antwerp
Hark I Ucnfruln Ian Anlofoianlix
Hark iiulnare I iitive thee rinuil
nark Charle < Hit Sleet Dunkirk
Hark Mo7artJull her llnnihurif
llirk loMinn Soreinen I rlnt indt
Uark Kln sOountx Totter Bordeaux
AnillThD OUT
Ixvino Sept IIX The llAmhnr Amerlcin IIno ntparrv
Cr silcvlH iroin New York Mpt 4 for llnmtunc xvasfcirf
nnlled oft the flrird I thfi mfirnin
liRMToi Sept r i > The Hritih ntcnmer Arrairon from
Ness luck Ana io hinarrlxed here
IfAniK Sept 15 TiC Oiietuu Troliiuliluinite Cumpinyi
trnini CiinniU Ironi Nile Yturk SelL U arrived here a
to clink hot iiluiiil
hitch IRiS roiiimf TORTS
fJurEMiovx hept IaTuuc inion Line ulenmcr Arl
znin from Liverpool for New York naileil hence at U
1 vt iirdiy
11I nil mi
CCXMNnltAMllIRIYIIEE Sunday Sept 14
In St Stephens i Church bx the Her Father T CUrt
Owi n nnninhnm to Julia I lId tlmo
noXKyNtXVIONIn Ness York chIt Os thu 10ev 1
tI 1tinshnrv Joseph M Pole ol New York to Mary B
Newton of Hrnoklxti
unKIIKV SMillK In Brooklyn n I > on Tlnirsdiy
Bent u by the Her R 1 Illbbard EUxrard Werrey to
Millie I snook
WlllIATONBTrXTART the reMlenre of tho Hon
J H Stewart Ht 1aul Mini sept n lr C A Uhoaton
Jr to Mist Urnula Hlewart tie ltlt a vonnff tadyxfbo
nay It accepted ai the Ijpo 1 ci f fnih fl inlnlnc beauty
soul jox oim henlthtillnes as ilcvclorrd hy the wondrous
nlr ol the nortliern l1cn xrai attired In nn exquisite
toilet of white moire antique en mum I xilth WillIe satIn
rtionem the dccoraUoiii helnx Yalcncienn lace par
litnre of tnberos nnd pearls nt thront nnt farf The
mull bridal veil of illnvion was confined at tile eel ituire by
orintrc blo > oiii9 lilt ill from her rich brown hair b >
lilt meet si ttiupt oir her splendid bciut > xxltli charming
BOsiTfR in Iiroeklva jesterilnyhyjinilco Trait
Annie U Kustitcr Irom Joseph r Uoa lttr Pixorccab

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