OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, February 10, 1903, Image 1

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1903-02-10/ed-1/seq-1/

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I ID Tt7JannhuUA81
L I IFair
ttfl Fair today cloudy and probably raIn or
J snow tomorro
VOLS 01 LXX LXXNO NO Wt N EV YO YORK RI TUESDAY FEBRUARY Y 10 1 0 1903c 19O3coprfaiIoo1 JlNrfl7 1001 b bi TA 8u Irinl PrnIbtg and ondjubI Iubl Mn AleQ AaociaUo PIUCE TWO CENTS
n II OttlarC Declared Ta That thl the ltoI Story Waa u lt ltOut lent lentflat
Out With th th tht UnolrdKI UflOW1Cdg and Approis Approisor
or tht tiu Prfldlnt Prrsldrnt Co o Orrrat Atempt AtemptCo Attempt Attemptto
Co nterrrro nth Trlt Truil LtIIlatoD LtIIlatoDWAlrHOTON Lesislatlon LesislatlonWAMUNOTON
WAlrHOTON WAMUNOTON Fob DWhnter tTect tTectmay
my may have boon lauINI ftUBeI b by the publ pubil pubilcttlonot
ctlonor cttlonot tho Itatlmcnt tatement that John 1 I Hockl Rockt Rocktf11er
rler f11er sent nt ov over his own iIgnnturo Ijnnturo ono or ormm ormoro
mm moro toegamR toegram to promlnpnt Sntor Seruitor Seruitorrequietng
IquOlng requietng them thoTnto to I tip the workorrming work of framing framing1glation
Igllton 1glation on tho tnIt trut quetlon ruptc oupIecI oupIecIwith
with th tho ofcal official aflllrnc airnnee that tho PI Pni Pnilent I Ident
dent would oull lnl call 01 mi extra 8el1on eeie1on or the thoFltlghth theFlttyifghth
Fltlghth Flttyifghth Conrel Congren t if the Itglslnton legislation nR nRId a angred
Id ngred upn upon fhould ehould fail ha haa not ehan ehantho changed changedthe
the Iltuaton ttuatIon In Cnpmp Congrna No Rnator Rnatorw1 Senator Senatorwill
w1 will admt admit that ho recled receIvtd fuch auch 0 tale telem taletram
tram < m I ai WI WflR quoted In tho AMdated Aockted Prp PrpltOI Prea Preator
ltOI tor t1egnphtd telegraphed from Wnlhlnlon Waahington St Sturday Sat Saturday
urday night ni although hough the author authors or the theMOr theitory
MOr itory declare tht that at ItaR least nine Senatora Senatoralid
did got tht thtThere theni theniThoro
There Is no doubt tht that the th Rtndnr Standard 01 Ott OttCompany
Company ompany oppsed opposed tho adoption or tho thoJhnnaNelfn thoBmnaNe1on
JhnnaNelfn BmnaNe1on amendmnt amendment to the Dernr Derail Derailinnt
IMnt of Comlierc Coinierca bi bill In Il ita prefent form rormtheir formtheir
their objecton objection bing being aimed paicularly paicularlynt particularly particularlyat
nt the pro prow1ion lon giving the Burtnu Burtati or Cr CrpratloD Cor Corporatlowi
pratloD poratlowi the pwlr power to gather ad and publlh publlhInottlon publish publish1ntorntton
Inottlon 1ntorntton al a to their trade wih with forgl foreign foreigncountries
rutres countries Thllr Their oppositon opposition to thl thl feature featureof
or the provlllon 111 ha ben been made known knownthrough
though through tole telegrarna gram and lottr lettera and pr prFnl per perFonal
Fnl Fonal Interews interviews At the IUt Icat meetig meeting or orthe ofthe
the Snt Senate and nd UOU ilouie onoreel confereeai on thl the De Depamont Dcpartrnent
pamont partrnent or Cmmon Commerce bl bill held last Frday FrdaySnator Friday FridaySenator
Snator Senator UI llannq calod called up thl this mter rnatteraad an a aIplrted aspirited
Iplrted spirited cntrvery controveray rolowed followed the deciion deciionblnl decision decisionbeing
being that It then too late to
blnl Cht 1 wu to chnp chnptho change changethe
the amendment a ae Inorly informally agreed grtd to a awek aweek
wek week a go a and given < von outor out for pullcaton publication In Into inthe
to nompapl newepaper newepaperBut
But evr every Senor Senator nEd named u having r re receiwed
chd ceiwed a telegr talegram fuch auch M WM wa quoted In the thoftOr theetory
ftOr etory aent nt out by th the Aoated Associated PrM Press has hastoday
today today mda made a fatrote flatfooted deni dental aCom aCompld accom accompanted
pld panted by a an exrNlo expreeaion or the opinion that thata
a m man wouW oul b be a rol fool to sond 8uh auch a tale telegr talegram
gr gram ie Mr Rokefeler Rockefeller i La alegd alleged to hnt hntaddred bay bayaddreeacd
addred addreeacd to a at leatnl least nine Sntol Senator or the theUnted theUnited
Unted United Staes State A An atempt attempt ha baa been mde mdetodT made madetoday
todT today by varous various Sntor Senatora ad and nprln nprlntaUvH Rpresen Rpresentativee
taUvH to dlcntct disconnect the Admlnltrton Admlnltrtonwth Administration Administrationwith
wth with thl the publction publication or tho Etor atory or thl thlaloge the thealleged
aloge alleged Rokeroler Rockefeller telegr telegram coupled coupled with withthe withthe
the that throat or a an oxtr extra aeeaton lo bt but the a at attempt
tempt tempt b baa raied failed for It 18 a an opn open ltrt ltrtknow aecret aecretknown
know known to at least a 1101 score or pron persona In InWuhicon inWashington
Wuhicon Washington that the Itor etory w wn fnt sent brod brodcat broad broadcast
cat cast to the Mwpapr newspapers with thE the know knowJedg knowledge
Jedg ledge ad aid approva approval or the Plldent Preeldent for rortho forthe
the puR purpose or artctn afiecting publo public opinion and andto andto
to defeat the thealIegedurpcs alegd JUr8 oC ofthebtnndard ofthebtnndardOtt ho Bt nndd
01 Ott Copny Company to Interfor Interfere with Ith the pro progrm programrne
grm gramrne of anttr antitrust Ilgllintion legislation al as agred agredupn agreed agreedupon
upn upon btwen between the Republca Republican leadl leaders or orth ofthe
th the Snae Senate and d I0Ut flour ad and the Prectnt Prectntor Prceident Prceidentof
or the Unied United Staea StaeaT Statea StateaTha
T Tha lt stataftrust at rt t Tlglaton reblatIon In Qn QnIrCN Con CongrePA
IrCN grePA at pllnt preeent I Ic this The conrer conferees confereesIt
It r thl the Senate ate and How flouso have arrrd agreed on onthl onthe
thl the IlnnaSolsn HannaNolson amfndmtnt amendment to the D Dc Dcpartmcnt
panmcnt of r Commerc Commerce bi bill eontainlng ontalnlg a apublcty apubltcity
publcty publtcity featur feature ald and wlblq wittiti the net nettwo nest nesttwo
two two or thr three day days th the rpr report or the rn rnfe con conferees
fe ferees will 1 b be adopted by both huIR huIRho huee hueeThe
The ho Elklr bl bill providing a pnly penalty for the the1ln thegiving
giving < 1ln < and taking of r rthael rebates h has pEed pEedtho pvred pvredthe
the Rnato Senate anr anct w1 will 60n soon b be rprtel reported fn fnrably fav favorably
rably to the Ho House from the Qmmtee Qmmteeon Committee Committeeon
on Inttrtate Interstate ad and Fori Foreign QmmerN Commerre CommerreThe
The h bi bill to epdltn expcdite suits brought uder uderth under underthe
th the Sherma Sherman AntTruet AntiTruat act or 18 1890 hI has hasalready
al1nry already hme become a law law1le lawThe
1le The only oppelton oppoattlon that h baa miostd miostdItNl inanifeeted inanifeetedItself
ItNl Itself to ay any of tl19 this proposed leglaton leglatonllr legislation legislationsince
since llr It WI we ajd agreed upn upon is the opplton oppltonoChe oppoeition oppoeitionoftho
oChe oftho 8tadn Standard 01 Compnnyto that flatur flaturC feature featureef
C ef the lub1city publicity proI provision lon or t the hI I Dcpart Dcpartmeat > pr
ment meat or Commerr Commerce bi bill eomp1ng compelling tJm tJmto them themto
to puhllh publish Inrormaton Information lS as to the opration oprationof operation operationof
of their fOllgn foreign buleR ljutees Sliy 1IY therefore thererorIh thereforethe
Ih the Admlntrato Administration hould caU cause to be beP1Itli5hei
Ilhl P1Itli5hei hl the InMtonal eeneatlonal ItOr atory M to thl thlRI the theelld
RI elld d Rockreler flockefellor telegram after the thetermR theterms
terms or the bi bill had been n agreed upn upnI upon uponI
I what hat rohody nobody nplllr appears to undOtand undOtandSplker undtand undtandSpceker
Splker Spceker Hlnderln Ifrndereon IR lt still 1 lomewhat lomewhatIndlcdtd somewhat somewhatIndecIIecI
Indlcdtd IndecIIecI 8 as to whether he will 1 Inro Indorso a apeal aspecial
special peal rull rule proldlnl providing for thl the lnldortan lnldortanand consideration considerationand
and 1t pas ngl nge of the fln ElItns bil bill In the 10u 10uhut Houe Houebut
hut ni nil or the oilier Jpubllan Republican leaets leaetsor leaders leadersravor
ravor or Il its prompt posage lg ad ftflt th9r there I Ithought is isthought
thought thought to bo is 10 no forious danger langI that that thP thPpla the theplan
pla plan ot tM trust t IOlldnton legislation agreed red upn upon by bythe bythe
the Rpulllnn Republiran lenI lenders wih with th the adlr advice adviceand
Md corsnt orR nt or th PrIIInt Ircslrhnt will 1 b be Inter Intrfnrd Interfeted
feted with hy thl the h lyter1cal tfrlt11 IIOr story or the thoampt theTmpt
ampt Tmpt d the Standl 01 Oil Company to tobuldoe tobulldoze
buldoe bulldoze Conlrl Congress CongressIf
I If ay anyattenipt otempt fhOlld should lI be mnd however howeverto
to 1Pt upset the prrrmml programme hy t those hol who are aresupposed I IRuppd
Ruppd supposed to he friendly to the fOllrr encelled encelledtruts 1 1tru
tru truts t 1 IL Snltor S ° rintnr who ho enjoys ljo the lnfdcnC confidence confidenceof
or the Amlnl Aiminlttration lllon stands tnnr 11 rend > to 111 tell tellthe
11 the Sento lltl all 1 about tj the nlogll alleged tlgrm tlgrmrrOl1 tukgram tukgramfroni
rrOl1 froni Mr Ir Hokefeter Ilockefelier but I it II Ii thought that thatfuch thattich
fuch heroic treat went ni as thll this scill I not ro rob cow cowbe
b be ntClry ntClryOn necessary
On One or the mot promlnemt and Infuln Infulntlnl Intuen Intuential
tlnl Senators nntorl 01 on the he Ipublcll Ropublicen side Iee of the Ihorhrler thee1amler
rhrler e1amler who ho lois 11 Iceec mfntoned mentioned n as ha haInR hay haying
InR roelwd received telegraphic orderl orders from Mr MrRockefeller 11
Rokereler Rockefeller nd and who hn has conuled conultel freely tretlylth freelywith
with lth the President 1fldent on the luhjpct subject hotli bat b be before
rom and after the telegram telegrams ern r Mid to tohae tohave
have ben been rclved received and who ha had as much muchto
to do wth with the framing or trt trust IEgllnton IEgllntonaf legislation legislationas
af as any ny other Smotor Senator Mid today todayThis todayThis
This whole 6tOr atory abut about John D Rock Rockrtler flockefeller
efeller rtler baying telegaphpd telegraphed InetrctoO Instructions to toEenatol toenatori
Eenatol enatori Is a piy silly and ialvll Illadvised attnpt attnptto attempt attemptto
to infame inflame publc public opinion and clt create a ln lnlton sen senstIon
lton stIon in atlclpntlon anticipation of the tea fear that Ime Imebdy some somebody
bdy body wi will atenlpt attempt t to brM break down the pr pro programme
lrmo gramme or trt trust legleton legislation acr agreed upn upnhy upon uponby
hy the RlpubUca BepubUcan ledfr leaders acing acting In her hnrmony hermoo
mony moo with tho thePresident Prsldent ad and which II Is on ontbe onthe
the pit point or big being competed completed and enate cnavted cnavtedInto
Into lw law I am altonlsht astonished that the PII PIIdlnt Presi President
dlnt dent of the Unlt UnIted States ould could hnt have been beenso n nR
R so Infuoncd intuenced by iripnablo irresponsible talk and andIho andthe
the ezbiition exhibition or gabled garbled and dlRtorrd dlRtorrdtolegraml distorted distortedtelegrams
tolegraml telegrams and lettr letters rrm from corprtlonl corporatIons corporatIonsInterested
Interelt Interested In legislation diretly directly alectng alectngUlr affecting affectingtheir
Ulr their Intertl Intertlor Interests InterestsOf
or rUI ceursc the Stndard Standard 01 Oil Company CompnyJ Companylas
J las Itn teen aPlulng apeaiIng to Sfnton Senators not to do dothll dothis
thll this nnd and not to do that Letters tlr and p poe poeduly
duly tel toligrains grnms have ra rasied ed and Clr Clrlanly cer certnly
lanly fIC1 rertal visits bltl tno haxo lecn tern mac machut macIchut
hut Ue same a me ran an be fold or a thowand thotwand other othercrprtlnl othercorporatlcns
crprtlnl corporatlcns el all OWl over the rntod United Stntl States StatesEvery
Every S Smator Mtor r receives les daly daIly tcErms tcErmsAnd Ielraine IelraineIInCI
And Jeten letters and aprn11 appeals or ni all sorts rts feI for ld ldr andrgalnst
r gnlnt prped proposed ItgRlatcn legislation trecCn affcctng tG tGTh tlo tlo111s
Th Lao Une 0 of least 1 Rrhlaa Restitanc Restitanctuna o ornl
tuna ofl tle the UUdD Uudaon Rher Ibmu Io Lb Woll Uobawk UobawkVaIlei
VaIlei rnl lle aw aant lh Lake Fre Erie to Puon Detroit Cclnd 5eve1and 5eve1andCalea
Calea anr lnctnnat indiiaaous sail 11 uta utaIs
I Is la I e called e CD Io h tll JcW Ztew Tor Terk uUaapl crAt crAtL ccatralAd aa Ll
Inttrnte Interest or tho people or tlo the Cnltod States BtatuRmo Statessome
Rmo some or thom mor more dictatoral dictatorial I in their theirterU theirterms
terU terms tha than the eliied alleged telegrim or Mr MrPclwrel1r MrRoclcofolkr
Pclwrel1r Roclcofolkr 1 TLe laor labor union unlona tnegrjm to too hau haunot haunot
not hen end ne Mr ar are Idle Ty They Lend Lendtelegrams cndtelElrtnl
telElrtnl telegrams to S Stiators < tator daly daily tht that are not notonly notonly
only dictatoral dictatorial but hllultng Insulting but nobdy nobdyer nobody nobodyewur
er raw fit t to seize ufln upon thel these telcerml telegrams telegramsas
I as a text for 1 an appal appeal to the Iulio public for rorl forlegislation
l legislation glllnton cupled coupled with the ie threat or an anextra
oxtr extra tllon ieIon U I It I Ia nt not u1cted u1ctedknow tnactecl
1 know al all abut about the oppiiion oppoaition l cf t the thoStandard theStandord
Standard 01 Oil OnlpaT Company to tb the terms of the theUnnnaSeltn thehennaNelson
UnnnaSeltn hennaNelson amendment ad and RO dols dolscerothlr8natarcnored does doesoveryotherSenatoroonrned
cerothlr8natarcnored overyotherSenatoroonrned in the ntor ntorforover matter matterMoreover
Moreover forover t if their opptltlon oppocitlort hd had ben been made madoknown madeknown
known 8 sooner > ncr It might 10 havo Ilen been etlc etlcthe effec effective
the They naturly naturally objrt object to ghln ghlnt gitingtheir
t their Russian rlvall rivals In the oU I trade r 1de Inrorn Inrornton tnformn tnformntion
ton tion 8 as to the detlII letidle or th their lr hURlnets hURlnetsIId business businesstitici
IId titici ns that bl1IneI 1115111cM cnllot cannot In any WR WRnrtc way wayaffect
nrtc affect thl the Intentl interests or the pople people of the theUnied theUnited
Unied United Blatl8 States whAt good can 1 be > ncm ncmpllh accem accempUshed
pllh pUshed d by mking making Ita It dotal detaIls know known Dut Duttheir fluttheir
their obJoltons objections he have nt not ben been heeded aR aRtho asthe
the 10laton legislation hd bad ben been acred agreed upn upon nld nldannouncd and andannounced
announcd announced leroro before their prtests proteata were roo roocled ro rocetwed
cled cetwed and It WC wc thought blt best t to Itanl etand etandby
by the prgrammo programme that met with tho ap apprval approval
prval proval 01 the RpublcanR Republicans or the Snat Snatand Senate Senateand
and JO House and or the Pmlident President ad and the theAtore theAttorneyGeneral
Atore AttorneyGeneral Oonoral or thl the Unied United StatoR StatoRI
I have know known al about > ut the obJpctlnl objections or ortho ofthe
the Standar Standard 01 Oil Company al all along alongbut alongbut
but I have Jclvod received no fuch such tllegram tllegramas telegrams telegramsas
as have bn been publlhe published Ind and I 10nt dont think thinkother thinkother
other Snntor Senators have I think a very graf grave gravemistake
mltake mistake hll has btn been commlttd committed In making makingpublo makingpublic
publo public such t a ladalQus ecandaiQus story and It II Ia Iaentirely
entirely unfair also to th0 those Snator Senators who whohao whohave
have yleldtd yielded their pronl personal conviction convictioni convictionin
i in a laro large degre degree In orer order to rrme frame legI legh leghlation
lton lation In acorac accordance with the dpelr desire or orthe ofthe
the Admiitrton Administration It Wol was false newl news newsand
and It wal was bd bad poltl politics Somebdy Somebody ho hoeer how however
ever mllt must haT hare thought It WM a clever cleertrck clevertrick
trck trick or It ould not be have bn bean played playedOn
On th the Invtlton invitation or th the Pslcnt Preakknt the therolowg thefollowing
rolowg following membra members or the BOI House or Rpr flepre flepresentativee
tntatV1 sentativee had a conrernc conferene at the Whie WhieHou White WhiteHouse
Hou House tonight on the luhJet subject or anti ontltrUt antitrust
trUt trust legtlaton legislation Payo Payne Dalel Daizoll OroR Grosvenor GrosvenorPowers nor norPwr
Pwr Powers Orrtrt Overatreet Cannon Inl Rod Jenklnl Jenkins JenkinsGrosvenor
Grovenor Grosvenor ad and DalzE1 Daizall rprNnted represented the thoCmmite theCommIttee
Cmmite CommIttee on R Rule which oontrols the theleclaton thelegislation
leclaton legislation or th the HoU ouee ad and Mr Jenkins JenkinsI Jenkinsill
I ill chaia chairman of th the Commte Committee on tho Ju Judlcar Judiciary
dlcar diciary Mr Pay Payne II Is the for floor leader leaderwhle leaderwhite
whle white Mr Con Cannon hold hokft the purl purse Itrlngs Itrlngsor strings stringsof
or th the ammnt Government for the loll Iloctee or orRpre8ntatvu ofRepresentative
Rpre8ntatvu Rpre8ntatvuTo Representative RepresentativeThe
To The cnrprno conference l lasted fd mor more than nn hour hourad hourand
ad and whEn when It was 1 oVlr over one of thol those pllnt pllntrrakly present presentfrankly
rrakly frankly amt admitted d that the gonerailubpc general aubect aubectof
or trs trust and anttr antitrust llI legislation lton had bOn bOnundor been beenunder
under cnsldeltlon consideratIon I it IR blepd believed that a8 a8a asa
a rsul result or thll this cnrerne eonferencoe the Elklnl Elkins Ant Anti AntiRebate
Rbte Rebate bU bill w1 will b be put through the TOlf TOlfand house houseand
and thll this Ilglllalon legislatIon In additon addition to that thatnlrdv thatalready
nlrdv already Inlcld enacted Into IIIV law or In the fnal fnalstagpBOr final finalstages
stagpBOr stages of legliatlon legislation will 1 constitute the part partprogrlmmo party partyprogramnio
progrlmmo programnio on th tiLl lIubJpct lIubJpcttUTOOK C subject subjectIIST0OK
PolN Pollee Came and Conrf Covered Tnent enl WIh nih Re ReYhaEpe Re ReotversExpIJned
YhaEpe otversExpIJned by Fnll Finger Tlk TlkD Talk TalkDaanv
D Daanv JB Con Coon Fob Feb D 0James mlR Rweeo Sweeney SweeneyRepresentative
RprlntatvQ Representative In the Cnflout Connecticut Geral GeralA9emhly General GeneralAssembly
A9emhly Assembly from thi this tow town Wa was awaoned awaonedai awakened awakenedaf
ai t oclok clock thi this morln morning b by what he thought thoughtWI thoughtwas
WI was two 0 burglar tring trying to bra break don donhi downhis
hi his front dor door Jo Ito o opened ned an uppr upper ItOr story storywindow
window ad and 8W saw two men standing In the theshadow I
Ihaow shadow o on hl his doorteps doorsteps Ho made tdgna tdgnato gn
to his son who II Is n dear mute to et get the thofaml thefamily
faml family 10111 revolver revolverMr
1fr Mr Sweony with the rvolver revolver hgn hgnIhotng began beganshooting
Ihotng shooting Olt out or th the wndow window to ntract attract the thealontlon theattontlon
alontlon attontlon or the poll police MCantmo MeantIme n ndgh ndghbl ndghher
bl her telephoned to Polo Police leadquaror headquarters tha that thattherowas
ther therowas wa murder murdcrbeing bing done u ijS ijShome 0 0honl
honl home A frgeunt sergeant and a Iqund squad vi polc police policerushed
rshfd rushed to the house Ild and law saw tht the two mlu mluItl men menstill
Itl still Itandlng standing II in the dora doorway The pole police policechew
dr chew their rvolwrl revolvers and loelkd them at atth atthit
th strangers trnngCri The later hatter IIod raised their theirhand theirhands
hand hands 01 over their heed Wih With tho pll pair paircovered
coord covered by tht th lolwrl revolvers Mr Ih Sweeney eney ad adh1 and andlit
h1 lit lon son came rorh rorhTho forth forthThe
The SOIl rcognl recognised d the etralo strangers a as asleaf
deaf mute rrlondl friends from New York Ther There ThereWa
Wt Wa a minute of fn finger r tak talk Ito to opli explain tht thtIhe that thatthe
the Sew Now Yorkor Yorkers were er Ion thflr their way to toWotprbur toWaterbury
Wotprbur Waterbury but couldnt make train con conIelonM conneetlons
IelonM neetlons and had decded decided to cal call on young youngSweeney ou
Sweney Sweeney who ho was the onl only plon person they thoyknew theyknew
knew In the to toEW town townNEW
InJllon Injections or Carbolic arhnle Acid Id Urtp aRt aRtIoutl a St StLouis
Louis hltnt Ptleflt tlive tliveST ln lnRT
RT LUI LOUIS Feb O 9Fireman Flromtn Wilam WilamWondl William WilliamWands
Wondl Wands lo life ha has bNn been prlonge prolonged rortylpht rortylphthour fortyeight fortyeighthours
hour hours at theCiIplal the City hospItal by the UI use or 0 0now anew
now remedy that Id heloed believed to bo oJtted oJttedto ecititled ecititledto
to the lonAllerton consideratIon glen to Dr Barrows Barrowsfoimalin orro t
rormaln foimalin dIAery dIAeryWlnd diecovory diecovoryVaiid
Wlnd Vaiid dwlop1 lCViOjWl a Ier severe cn case < e or lockjaw 10ckJaOn lockjawOn
On Jan 30 his rot foot wnl was crfhld crushed and RIIl RIIlthn since sincethn
thn hlhal belies been nl at the hoplnl hoplnlWhn hospital hospitalGen
Gen Dr Nletor Nietert luporlntendent suporintendent or orthe ofthe
the Ciy City ToRpltal hospital MW the 1y1ptoml symptoms or orteUnul oftethnh1i
teUnul tethnh1i II lie knew WAnd would live only 1 a afv
fpw houl hours Ir the ordinary mehod method of trat tratment treat treatmcnt
ed lIe 1e obtained the theconaent
ment Wi was Implo employed obIId thl
conont conaent or Wand d friends and rllathp rllathpal relatives relativesas
al as w1 weli R as that ot the ptiont patient hlmtlf hlmtlfwho himself himselfwho
who was aK just ablt able to talk to mke An anC
C X periment perimentDr
txprlment 11 Dr Nler Nietert Injeted Injected tfn ten drop drops or a 1 10 10cent
Iwr cInt cent 141101 solhtiofl of cArbolo carholio fcld add every everythree
thr three hour hours carholo carbolio ncil acid blonglng belonging 10 10thl tothe
thl the Iano same famiy family al as ronnlln formalin ThIs lrt lrtmlnt treat treatment
mlnt ment WM bP11 begun Int late Frda Friday nllht nidit lrd and thl this thisafternocin
afemeKJ afternocin Wand nnd wal was IhIII living although the theout theoutcome
out outcome como IR II in doubt doubtxO
Ormot flemoerte Hfnlton Senators ni Thu Not ut utC to toMae toMake
Mae Make To States ur Four our Tlrrlorf TlrrlorfWARIUWTON Territories TerritoriesWAstrtnJTo
WARIUWTON WAstrtnJTo 1eh Feb DArtr a confer conrerno conferenoo
enoo no of Repuhlcn RepublIcan Snntor Senators thll this afternoon arternoonIho
Iho conelu conelasion lon rched clted that 1 as the theelorl theefforts
elorl efforts to effect rct a olmpromL nomproiniso on tht the Stat Stats Statshood
ho hood bi bill hn lav rnlo failed ther there wi will b be no 111 111IUln legislfltiUfl
IUln lfltiUfl at ni all with fjar regard < to Htatehod Statehood by bythl bythis
thl this Cngrt Congress TilO C3 or the ralur allure allureis
Is the Inahiiy inability or HCnator Henator Qua Quay to hold his hlaDmocratic hisDemocratio
Dmocratic Democratio 011 allies tOJthor together In lupprrt support or 0 0cmpromit acompromise
cmpromit compromise hl bill for the armlulon admission or two twoRtntel twoStatvs
Rtntel Statvs carved 011 out or the four TerrioriI TerrioriIor Territories Territoriesof
or Arizna Arizona Sow Now Mexco Mexico Oklhoma Oklahoma ad adIndian and andIndian
Indian Terriory Terriory1le Territory TerritoryThe
The Icmcwrats say ny that t they hl prefer to toIlow toallow
allow 1le thlo there 1cmortl T Tcrritorles rtorlR to stay tl cut of r thl the theUnion
Ilow Union for R whlt whiiio wih with the hop hope that th thwi they theywill
will becoma nm Iamratic i tc In the future ut Ul and andelect d dllc
elect wi b Democratic Cm Senators naloN Inltl8d Inatead or JC JCplbclT Re Repitbicans
llc plbclT pitbicans Imoratc OR would l be the cafl care I if the to toprj twoprozx
prj d States were er crt credted ttd now nowTho nowThu
Tho > Reputhlccut Senators who hnI have tl all alln1oig
nlmlg beti Rrpuhlcan oPPOcd to In any Stntohoo Statehood lgIR lgIRlatlon legishation
latlon hut who ho were tr wIlllng llng to comprmlo comprmlowith compromise compromisewith
with Senator lator Quay In order to break the thedAdleck thedeadlock
dAdleck deadlock and nlow ahlowthe th prnR passegeof or thl the lp lpproprlaton op opproprlatkn
proprlaton proprlatkn hi 11115 fnd anti othtr other ncJr neeisarY mll mllUI metu metutires
UI tires al are quiI quite pl81d plased with Ith thl the fltltlcm fltltlcmand SIttIStIOTI SIttIStIOTIand
and and Iho only In tnn who ho hM raon reason 10 tounhappy r runhPlw
unhappy 01 over It I is Mr QUr 10 Ito can Rnt RntIt I Iget
It get the ic1iubitcai llublcalb to IUppr support thn Omnlhp Omnlhphii OmnIhibill
bill and ho cat cant get t the Dtmort Democrats to fUp fUppor sup supPert
hii Pert the rmpromll compromise Jtwln Detwfn th thO two twoLtols twoctoola
Ltols ctoola por h ho appelr appears to haw raeD fallen to the thogroud theground
Tide ta the FUt rist Irata Irataset r18 r18fe
set th bo dtIUf dlstante the wld world 1 baa em nr seas fWa fWac Saves Savesa j
a fe day beIWCe lb r Easi ad and ba e Wu Tbe fe Xc XcTo New NewTout
Wa t
To Tout c Clrl CSSIftII 35th 0 Ceatury UaA UaAI uttsdAda uttsdAda1qA
I 1qA
T TIlE 1 E POWI8 POWI8Iobltton IOWLJM IOWLJMMoblhhtlnn
Moblhhtlnn Iobltton or the Troop Considered Considereda onlldrrd onlldrrda
a IlealtOmlal MentsecDeniah Mao Made b by te the Porto PortoTroush PorteThrough
Troush Through thl the Par Paris EmbagsMaoe EmbagsMaoedentin
dentin RtChtd Reeelved b by PIneI Prince I rerdlnand rerdlnandSpecta erdlnad erdlnadptrl
Specta ptrl CaW Dtllrl Despaschea 10 Ti Tsr StI Sew SewSorts
Sorts Fob Grhe Bulglrlan Bulgarian Gover Govern Government
ment hI ha taken the Imprtant important stp step or ape apepalng appealing
palng pealing to the 1010 Powers to ZErt zert preur pressure on ontho onthe
the Portl Porte to Itop stop theCurkleh the Turkish miiay military prpo prporatons prepa preparations
ratons rations This mlMur measure wa was deide decided on upon uponthe uponthe
the Nlpt receipt or ofolal omoial Inrormaton InformatIon that at the theMitary theMilitary
Mitary Military Counci Council at Cnstantlnoplo Constantinople had tl re resolved
folve solved to mobilze mobilize the Sond Second and Third ThirdArmyCorpa
AryCorp ArmyCorpa the hpldqulrtelor headquartersof which care carerespectively
Ipl respectively ly at Adrlanople and Monutlr MonutlrJelOlnlln Monastirliccogniring
JelOlnlln liccogniring thlt that rettnforcemcitt tnforcemclt or the thetroopl thetroop
troop In MnCdonla Macedonia might IX ix jUftlfCr justified In Invie inview
vie view or thl the Intemnllituaton Internal situation and the ml mil milttsry
ilr ttsry prrpratonl preparations Ihat that AUtrl Auztrla end 8tr 8troa 8cr 8crvia
via oa have bten been making for lomp some timf time the theOoernmtnt theGovernment
Ooernmtnt Government felt that the themobitizatlon mohlzton or oran ofan
an army coI corps ot Adrlnnple Adrianople mUt must Inllt Inlltbly lnevit lnevitbly
bly b be 1gardld regarded 8 as 1 a mlMC menace to Bulgaria Bulnrlaand Bulgariaand
and foreseeing the ppulr popular ullement excitement It ItII ItIs
II Is rlcultfd calculated to prouC produce determined to tonppel toappeal
nppel appeal to th the Pot Powcrs to prevent It ItTie itToe
Tie Toe situation I is ngartd regarded a as graI grave but buttno buttho
tno government mkr makes alsuranotbat alsuranotbatrlyn assurance1 that thatrelying
rlyn relying upon the friendly Intcrenton Intervention or ortho ofthe
the Powers It will 1 rrmln refrain from any countlr countlrdfmOI counter counterdemonstration
dfmOI demonstration trtol Tl The mobizton mobilization or the thoBularn theBulgarian
Bularn Bulgarian Ary Arr y wi will tllrOm therefore only be becarded
carred carded out In CM case or extrme extreme nlIlty necessity
I It is ruly fully roognlzd recognized tht that en aluc a successful successfulconflict < ful fultonflct
tonflct conflict wih wIth Turkey would lultln result in fnan fnanc finan finandat
c dat 1 rin ruin for Bularl Bulgaria BulgariaVIEThA
VIEThA nuINA Feb GAmong the numerous numerousunconfirmable
unconfrmahle unconfirmable rprtl reprts eonCrlng concerning the Bl Blkan Bal Balkan
kan Iltuton situation II is one to thl the olea effect that thatBuliala thatBulgaria
Buliala Bulgaria i Is dtrmlnd determined to invade Turkey
In the eent event rf of an Insurrlctol insurrection In Mac Mace Macedonla
donia hel being tlld assured that Ir fhe she 1 is not IUC IUCcPful suc successlul
cPful cesslul Russia wi vil1 suppr support her It Ie Ietated isstated
stated that Prnc Prince FerdlnMd the nlllr ruler or orBulgaria ofBulgaria
Bulgaria In rchIng receiving a Maoedonlan faodonlan depu deputatlon deputation
tatlon Rld said that grave fntl events WEre were prllr prllrIrg prepar preparing
Irg ing and he cuted counted on the ptroURm patriotism or orthe ofthe
the Bulgariane BulgarianePARIS ulgarlan
PAns PARIS F Feb b gThe folowln following < orcl1 orcl1telgram official officialtelegram
telegram froO from COI Constantinople tnntnoplp wal was given ehpnout givenout
out log nt the Tukh Jmbl Embassy y thll this morn mornInr mornlog
Tho Porte orclal olTclally denies that ht an anorder any anyorder
order for the mohllltlon mobilbuction of trooP troops hM hMon hasbeen
been on I issued ued h by thf the Ihlltpr or Wnr ar Al All Allthe
the rpront representatives tII or the POler Powers here herphno herehave
have been en notf notified d or this denial Iolini The Thocmmander Thecommander
cmmander commander or thin Rcond Second and Tl Third rd Arm ArmCor Army ArmyCorps
Cor Corps have rtCIld received 10 no rlh fresh IlltrcloM IlltrcloMThe itcetructions itcetructionsThe
The ernter greatest clort efforts an are blnl being made to tomllntaln tomaintain
mllntaln maintain order In the vilayets laftl or Furpan FurpanTurko European EuropeanTurkey
Turko Turkey > where hMo erlthnl everything IR quip Th ThIlpral The TheIcperial
Ilpral Icperial Ooerm Government nt I is anxious for pal peace peaceand
nrllcasurl and measures will 1 contilue continue to 11 be taken for rorthe forthe
the prwrvatlon preservation of order and to aid the thotroJ thetroops
troJ troops ompoflng composing the Second ond and Third ThirdArm ThirdArmy
Arm Army Cot Corps Beyond ond the rrntorcoments rrntorcomentsmade ntorlmpntl
made n necessary lMIt by the reoganization or orthe ofthe
the 10lrrnere gendarcnerie forC force lnonrorlt in ropZn coiiforznlty with withrecent 111
rlntmprnl recent Imperial ehtCts dit f no rrlh fresh captch deapatch or ortroop oftroops
troop I cntpmpllted contemplated 10 so long 8 as order ordercntnuel ordercontinues
cntnuel continues to reign reignThe lgn lgnTho
The Porp Porte h1 has 1Itniced instructed its foreign foreignagents
agentl agents to protest enrltOly energetkeliy agnlnt agnlnttho against againstthe
the naRgrated exaggerated rpr reports which lch havt have been beencirculated eu euelrlllatrr
elrlllatrr circulated on the subject ubjEct or the Mnl Macc Maccdonipn
donlpn sluntlon situation and hM ordlnl ordercl thpm thpmto them themto
to p1aC place bror before the goverumentato oprnmnt to which whichthey whichthey
they ar are orrdled accredited docmntar ineumentary proorf proofs proofsof
or the tytNI system or calumny and 111nl lying or which whichthe whichthe
the Muasulntans hllllmans and Jreeks rpkl hn have tpn been the theIclml thevictims
victims Iclml at t the handl hands or Bulgnran Bulgarian ag agi agiIttoN i
I IttoN IttoNThe tOf
The Turllih TurJish High Cmml Commissioner lonr It ItS at atSofia
S Sofia R ha has loled called on M f OnneI Daneff the Bul Bulgarian BulgarianPremier a riln rilnPrmier
Prmier Premier to protlt protest alanlt against the ItalPIntl ItalPIntlmlde statements statementsmade
mlde made by M f Rararor the Bulgarnn Bulgarian Minister Ministerof lnltlr lnltlror
or Finance and forlrr former Ireldent > rldent or the theMncdonlan theMacedonian
Mncdonlan Macedonian lmmltr committee during his rlnt recent recentvisit
visit 1 1 to Pul PulA IarisA
A drlpatlh despatch from Sfa Sofia to thf the Ficarn rn rnfnn con confinns
fnn finns th the npr report that Turkey II is roblzng roblzngtrpop mobilizing mobilizingtroops
trpop troops for Irlue scrvi In Macedonia MacedoniaThe tacdora tacdoraThe
The Heair Cclair MY says Iher there ned flCCt i be no nllr alarm alarmover
011 over TurklYs Turkeys warlke warlike prpartlonl preparations Ser SerthplRI NeverthpIss
thplRI thpIss the fgPmlnt agreement arrived at hetln hetlntha between betweenthe
the Autrln Austrian and RUAla Russian Ooerments Ooermentsshould Governments Governmentsshould
should 11 10 put put Int into elr effeil Al All that II is no necas necassara s s1t
1t sara II is for the rprelntatlves representatives of tho lo lowess lowessat
at COItantlnoplt Constantinople to Inl Insist t tbat thattho tho rforml rformllr reforms reformsare
lr are cnrlCd carried out The Sulan Sultan II Is nt not blnd blndenouph blind blindenough
enouph enough to plunge plunge Into wa war wih with Au Austria Austriaand trla
and luMII Russia RussiaTin
Thl Tin Gallo Gaulola thinks the Imprnno importance or ortho ofthe
the Sultll Sultens prparAtion preparations has bon been much muchfxa mitchexaggerated
fxa exaggerated erated hut they arl are II significant < nlllSIt a aal as asan
al an Alarmln alarming indication cf r hIs Intrntlonl intentions intentionsLoNnoN
LONDN LoNnoN Ffu Feb IOTo 10The Sola Sofia lorrFI correspond correspondeat > nd ndCnt
Cnt eat or t the hu Time pds nds a an acount account or rcplt rcpltlntl recent recentevents
lntl events In the dlturbd disturbed parl parts or ofdorcin Ma Madonln
donln collctfd collected by an 10Cstgator Investigator or un unque unquestionable
que questionable tonnble Irprlaiy impartiality and accray accraywhich accuracy accuracywhIch
which prOR that tl lIce Agiaton agitation or the theMacedonlan
Macedonlan 1 lonla Inder leaders I iii lugly largely rrponflble rrponflbleror responsible responsiblefor
for the horror shich hlch hlo have undoubtedly undoubtedlyOurnd undoubtedly undoubtedlyovurred
Ournd OurndHe ovurred ovurredHe
He a asserts lrt that the Supreme Rvolu Rvoluloory Revolu Revolutlonary
loory tlonary Cmmlteo Cmmltteo at Hota Sofia dellrtoly dellrtolyfnt deliberatoly deliberatolysent
fnt sent hands Into Mnoonla Macedonia to provoke prookeatrocllls provokeatrocities
atrocllls atrocities on the KtrtlRth strength or which they theycoul theycould
coul could nppal appeal to thl the Powcr Powers Tet These pro procatlon provo provocottons
catlon cottons wer were only to too lucceprful successful The Thebands le leblndi
blndi bands dldlbratCly deliberately murdertd murdered a numbr number or orTrkin ofTurks
Trkin Turks in tht the Rzelog flawing diltrict listrict for the pU11 purpose purposeof
or drwlnp drawIng vengeance TIR This rolow followed < al as a amntrr amatter
mntrr matter or co uro urea anti thl the TurlI Turks raided the thoditrict thedistrict
ditrict district indulging In erly cruelty lust ald aldn and andaarice
n aarice aariceFILIPINO
Tltne Twent3fte 10 o Or to the LadrnnN fth fth1elr Wltb WltbTheir
1elr Their Anne ArmlSprral AnneSprcfal
Sprral CaWt Iepach Jtpaltlo to Tn ml ltt acie acieMANIXA
MANI MANIXA fh Fl 9 Gov Tlclon Teceon n reports reportsthat > porl
that twcntyfo twentyfive volunteers olunter In BulacoU Bulacan Bulacanwho
who wor were rtnt recently Iy nnned to vlt assist the themulclpnl themunicipal
mulclpnl municipal plN police hao have dOlcrtod deserted and joined Jolmdtht joinedthe
tht the bdrontf ladrones Hlh Such ntlol action I is rar rare 0 a major majorIy majortty
Iy tty or tIme volunteer oluntor fxpdltol expeditions against alalnstt againsttho
t tho laronelllln ladrones being lucllrul lucllrulA succeesful succeesfulA
A Iar party of ladrolpl ladrones ambul amhush d n dctalh dctalhtlnt detach detachroent
tlnt roent of ronltnhlllr constnbiiharv 11 flIlere Inn nfl from frQmIJla fromManila
Manila IJla ad and klpd killed two men Including In Inppdor Inspector
ppdor spector Harl Harris Ind and wouded wounded t two 0 ot others othersThe hor
Thl The fighting ghtln lastCd lated a an hour The con conrtabliar eonrtabulary
rtabliar rtabulary wr were r i iaforccd rorcd ad and atackrd atackrdthe attisckodi attisckodithe
the larolf laurence who ho ocupied occupied t an Cutrnched CutrnchedpRlton entrenched entrenchedposition
pRlton position The lter latter lot fleen fifteen kied kiedTho killed killedTho
Tho quler quarters Ocuplpd occupied hy thf the ladronC1 ladronC1ero ladrones ladroneswero
wero ero burod burnoil Imprtlnt Important rccors records wtr were cpt cpturd capt capturcd
urd Includllg including a rOlter roster or th the hand ald alda and anda
a pl1n plan for a gen71 RermTal atak attack on the town or orPolo ofPolo
Polo t tonight tonightPiirretts onllht onllhtha
Piirretts ha rll CoI Cocaine e kla kius dandrt dandrufT alla altars Imla Imlalon Irmitalion
lon lion anl and Ilrololt promole tie thc ImaUI gmatb or IDe tLe ralrA natrAer natrAerDrerfeot r rDHot
DHot Drerfeot Farm a 8al Sassagee SassageeNad f
Wad of the tde tende l8t meat ot dt daIry fe fed fit at young TOUDrprleD youngrr
prleD dnW MODe = 111 ced rr spIra
T Ar Iopvad p II JI Inlll
j n
I Hlaok filackflhost Ohot lorO StorI Orht lJnteaJereeylty lJnteaJereeyltyfltl a ent t tGIrl
GIrl Into JUortl Mortal Dolrlunl DolrlunlMI Delirium DeliriumMiss
MI Miss Mary 8 Shehy 22 rear years old or lOT 107Keary lOTKearny
Keary Kearny aonUe avenue Jeny Jersey CUr cied led ytor ytorday yestor yestorday
day In the Clyloflltal City Hospital or httrla hysteria ft caused causedby d dby
by worrlngoer worrylngover tal tale told her hy relow relowomplo fellow fellowemployees
omplo employees I in the Standard Watrh Watch COI Corn Cornpartys
pY1 partys racor factory In Wodward Voodward Itrt street Ibut Ibuttho about aboutthe
the waderings wanderings Qr a icledBlck tocalled Black Ohoat Ohoat1ls lhostThis
1ls This mYlteroW mysterious pnn parson In womn womans cothes cothesIs clothes clothesIs
Is Id said to hvo have hlgged bugged several verl women womonrOlnd womenfound
rOlnd found on the Street treta In tho Drren Bergen and andGrnilo andGreenville
Grnilo Greenville Iclonslate sections late at Ilght IlghtMI night nightMba
MI Mba Shehy Sheehy befmo became hplercllat hysterical last wok wokand week weekand
and rru refused o t to eo out atlr after dark rCarlng rCarlngthat fearing fearingthat
that the Bllk flkck GhoR Ghost would otch catch her herler horHer
ler Her mind fnaly finally gave way ay and In hlr her de deIrum deilriurn
Irum ilriurn she thought that somebody was waschasing
chasing her Jr Early on SturcT Saturday morning morningshe
sh she WI was taken to the City Hosplnl Hospital Erly Erlyylterdy Early Earlyyesterday
ylterdy yesterday mring morning alto dltd dltdS died diedSo
S So far M culd could ho lerned learned Miss f 8hfhy 8hfhynover Sheehy Sheehynever
never had any pfna personal nprenc experience with the thernteroU themnysterioua
rnteroU mnysterioua stranger i in black The pollee polleeMy
M My that ther there h8 has never bOn been any Back BackOholt Black BlackOhost
Oholt OholtTho Ohost OhostThe
The llarest nearest we 0 ever got to him or I it itsaid
Mid Chief Murh Murphy Ilt last night wnl wae In the thearrelt thearrest
arrelt arrest or an IIMn insane mn man lving living In Lray Lafayette Lafayetteabout t tabu
abu about two wo weeks ago for hlllng hugging a woman womanin omn omnIn
In 0Ini19 Greenville We folood followed up tho Blaok BlaokOhost BlaokGhost
Ghost ItorCI stories creruly carefully and clidnt ceuhdnt fnd fndanybdy find findanybody
anybdy anybody who hd had ever run acrO acroas It ItrGIDS itVOL4VDS
To De te the LalNt Largest Afoa Afloat and the ONt tn tnrmamet inArmament
Armament ArmamentBpet rmamet rmamet6ua
6ua Bpet fal Cable Iespaiclt Jtpatl te 0 Ta St Scx ScxLoNto
IONIN LoNto Feb 9According Alordilg to an un unofcil tinofficial
ofcil official statement In the nnrlPpr nwepapers hlr here herethe
the tuprlorty superiority or arrmlt armament which the theAmerlMn the theAmerican
AmerlMn American navy hl has admitedly admittedly heId held for rorten forten
ten rear years will m be rurpld surpassed by Iltl battleships battleshipsthe
the con construction trclon or rhleh Ilh II is about bout to be be bebegun
bgn begun hy Great DrIaln BrItain It If is Itattd stated that thalthe thatthe
the Admralty Admireltya projlmme roremme for 103 O3 111 has hasbeen
leen been lmpletlc completed Ind and that I it Influrtfl includes a ntw ntwtype
trl type > of botlflh1r battkship dfljnrd ckmigred by 111 Mr Watts WnlbOlnltor WattsDirector
Olnltor Director or XInl Yaal Cortruton ConstructIon whIch whIchwihi hlh
wihi 1 pxcced exceed and C excel cf1 th those II In fxtlnce fxtlncebth existence existenceboth
bth both In sire 110 and pwrr pwrrProbably power powerProbably
Probably t reo eo of tnc tncso 1 vessels tII1 will 1 ho belaid
11111 laid down TnI Too dl diplarcment plalmelt or each will willbe m mb
b be 180 15000 ton wlikh hlth II is nnrl nrarly 2 2000 tonl tonlmon tons tonsmore
mon thin Iln tl largest hrtllhll hrttlcelmlp In InI cx cxistence
I istence tonl E1dl wl will carry ar fOlr foor 1lr 12iot 01 and andetgnt nd ndlnt
etgnt lnt O 02Inch lneh gunl guns al all In Ilrt turrats i111f i111ften besides besidesten
ainca Th Tue seei seeiwill
ten IIncn rf1ldfm rapidfire gUI guns fJ1 fJ1wi
wi will b be 10 knotl knots Protlcalh thin eli h 10 10hul Ichull
hul hull wi wilt bo Im1r armored tli hl prilpal rlIUI feature featureby
hy whIch It i is flH sail I hff hmcsn vessels pRd will I eclipee eclipeeAmrricnn
Amlrlnn Amrricnn waChlp warships l Is tIll tice proIlon for rortWI fortw
tWI 10 1o h heavy nr nrmorplrrlnr armorpiercing 111 guns them thmlehrM themcolves
lehrM well r1 protlr protected 1 by nnor nnorIn artier artierIn
In addIIon addition to the batteship battleships Ilx six crllrl crllrlor cruisers cruisersof
or 130 13000 tonl tons each wi vI1l 0 be hult built These Thesewill
will 11 have 0 speed of 2 fl knot They wm wmcarr willcarry
carr carry Ilx six G2lneh Ip guns and nd a numbr number of ofImolor ofsmeller
Imolor smeller Onf8 ones Naval men nf are enthusiastic enthusiasticover nthulatlc nthulatlcor
or the etftlven effectiveness < or the 92lnch gun gunI gunIt
I It thro throwa a 3pound 30pound tot shot ad and cnn ho hofired
fr fired two or th three tlme times a minute The TheprJllo Theprojectile
prJllo projectile wi will pnettl penettat 3 1t1l1TFron 1t1l1TFronsR rron rronnE
sR nE JIf ncr lUTED IIV IIVOut hIM hIMnut
Out ntthM 1tethet She ho Alkf Asked 1m film to m ItII ike ikeor
or Not fh She DONn Rmtlhtr RmtlhtrMOnRIToWN Remember RememberMonnisTowN
MOnRIToWN MonnisTowN J Feb 9JoIlph 9Joseph WI With Withlrger
Ilrgor lrger or Doer wal was put on trnl trial today todafor todayfor
for ntemptnj attempting to ki kill na Rosa Iyonl Lyons or Kln KlnI Ken Kenvih
Noenbr her herthroat with witha
vih I In by bycutting cuting thrat
a pcket pocket knife MI Miss R lyons a tal tahl pr prpslng pre prepossessing
pslng possessing woman told the Itory story of the thecrlmo thecrime
crime crimeIt
crlmoI I It Wil was I a la case or pure lol love fld said the thelnol thewitness
witness lnol le 11c WA was dead In lo love with lh mi minnd ma maand
and wanted to mnrl merry mo but I told him I Icouldnt Icouldnt
couldnt hcalN because he WR n1dr already mrW married marriedlIe
used kiss Dear dean how howlie
le lIe uld to 11 me Jar low
ho would kil kiss mel melJre trier trierhItre I
Jre hItre Iho she looked Imllgly smilingly at the prR prRoner prim primoner
oner nld tutu 111d 111dI said
I just hated him I he oren often Iald said he heould hewould
would ould ki kilt hlmllr himself If I didnt marry him himbut himbut
but would ould n never er harm DI DIBlt nu nuBut
Blt But he did har harm YOI yon sold Prolcutor ProlcutorMIR Prosecutor ProsecutorMitts
MIR Mitts MittsYes
MIRYrl Yrl Yes hI he die I dont remmllr remember whether whetherI hethorI
I asked him to kl kiss m me or ho alkod asked hut hutanho hutanyhow
anho anyhow the night he came to my plac place bet betNoemher lastNovember
November hI he put put hil imis ann arms nrouna my myu myheck
heck u ck nod was al In the net of kl kissing elnl me whln whlnhe when whenho
he dr drew UI the knife acro across my thrat throat I f1 fell fellto
to the foor floor uncomclul uneonmcious uneonmciouslnst
JUlt lnst show the Jlren jurymnen your throlt throltld throat throatsaich
saich ld the Prlcutor PrlcutorUnwrapping Proseetitor ProseetitorUnwrapping
Unwrapping 0 ribbn ribbon rrm from al about > ut hlr hlrneck her herneck
neck Mi Miss L Lyons OM stepped do down from th the thewitness I
witness Itnc stand and fxlbld exhibited her throat throRtThe throatThe
The twelve Opn men arO arose from thoi their reatM and andbgnl andbegan i
bgnl began 1 a pnal personal examination Tl The Court Courtpromptly our
promptly Inrortd informed tbCm them that It was a not notnCIr notnecessary
for to In lay their bands
nCIr necessary tlcm them on onher onher
her nlck In order to ascertain whetbrr whetbrrtho whether whetherthin
thin wound h11 had bn been Inficted Inflicted InflictedT1tE I
Ianl IanlImUIG sanity sanityDilisixa 111 dotnM defence wl wilt now b be tlmpmr temporary In InIanl insanity
Race TrnoblM at laUellap FartteWhlteeaps E is istiblisli
tabUsh a Whipping Pot PotST Post PostST
ST IOUI Louis Feb 9Reports RprtK hrught lirought here heretoday liarstoday
today indicate that that a mc race war II is on at atFaeto atFayette
Faeto Fayette Mo fo Owing to thl tle In lawlessness IeIRn of ofthe ofthe
the hlcAnnd blacks and their IIRlelt Insolent hearig hearing toward townrdwhit towardwhite
whit women 1 a law and order ICaglo league hM hMbln hissbeen
been formed ly by the ltlr better dIR class or Ctzcnl Ctzcnlforl citizens citizensseveral
forl several ccrgrml clergymen Il0ng among tit tide nWlher nutnber and nndat andat
at a rernt recent mPtlnr meeting I it WB was resolved to catch eEtnhlh catchlish
lh a whlpplnr whipping pt poet for drnlcen cirimlien itninoral itninoraland
and othlrwl othervmicn < gtnlrl generally ohJelonable objectionable per perInge persane
sane Inge gee geeAsaresuht
AR Asaresuht a rfllt t threanegroetaman hrtll fPI a man and t two twowomen 0 0womeI
womeI women were er forcibly dflgld d ngged from their thplrhomeel theirhomesat
homeel homesat night hynlm by men dLull dLguised D as whl rliitecaps rliitecapsand era p p8nd
and puhlcly publicly whipped hlp d The mln man made 1 a vig vigorotta Ig IgOr1
Or1 orotta flht fight bfore before h ho was I oIrpopld overpowered and nndcUd andcursed
cUd 111 and thnItlnd threatened thc whle8p whitecaps eon eona evenas
a as the l3h lash wn was lCltlng cuttlng hl his hnrd bared hack hakHo hackHo
Ho was WI so Oten beaten that that hn had to b be crfd cared for rorhv forby
hv phYllcnl physicians 1h6 lhie omen wr were taken 10 tlo tlooutlrl the theoutelcirts
of the nod ordered to
outlrl outelcirts town ordCrd dlpn dlpnane depart departand
and nOVEr neer rot return returnA UI
ane A whltn new nl who ho hnf Itru hln lnen rraterlzln rraterlzlnlh fraternizing fraternizingwIth
wIth lh the nlrP1 negroes h has blrlcadfd barricsdsd hlr hImself hImselfin l
In 111 his hal house 81d and rruoe refuses to IMn He Hethreatens I
thruatel threatens to slimt hol n1 city ono who ntempts attempts to tom tomolest
m molest him 7ln Mvy 11lk Ick ar are 1 leaving t1n the thrtown thetown
town townfortr townFormer
fortr Former Rnator Senator Cnrk Clark who brUht brought the thonewl thenews
newl news 10 Ihi thus city says a blochpd boodshicd II is almost almotlrnln almostrtaIfl
lrnln rtaIfl to folow follow al as both skics ldcI ar are I ITrtn deter delermied determined
mied mined and crated cratedTrlng
Trtn tn epa lle nlh ilith abb abbMa abbMayor
Ma Mayor or Mlhl1 Marshal Bro1 Urowim prOIO preposes to draw drawup drawUI
up UI a hi bill conterrna conferring 01 tnt thp tht Mayor lor or thie thieBureau hl
Burp1 Bureau or Ilclf lIceuMs the power to fx fix c lb lbrtK tib tibrates
rtK rates 101 and al also providing for is staff tnl or 11 in inspecters
specters PctOr to IIf31hnto lnvcrtignto corpliltl complaints lJtll against againstIackmen > t tlatkmAn
latkmAn Iackmen and to exercise general eleral fuper fupervision
an fXtre
vision I lon or overtime tl In hnckmrt hnckmrtSeaboard IUT IUTboar ullr ullrI
Seaboard boar Air 11cc 0 RaUwa RaUwaTe RaIlway RaIlwayTb
Te Tb 11 Fast and Weal ct coast resora ln 0 of flcnjdi ire
b but fAhe vached b by the e trIple npl dlr daiy aenics lkl1da 4 Ibe Sas al
ban beam 1a rODDuloD connection with fb lb J Peisa fn B o R Pl Palms PalmsSieh 8
Jab II tiM Sieh trdtrol IJrosdwayAes IJrosdwayAesiL aCTal saC Tampa mO moat artv attractive IW flow Olt Office
iL rw
Preruelal Prcrerentlai TrcaUoft Trcatlnent In a Ntw New Form FormIta Formitaly
Ita italy Would oad Lke Like to Clet Collect 560 560000Englands e
OEllads 000Englands Protoel Pnotoeoi la 511cC ac actor
tOIlop tor Hope OUf Oilier AlN Allies Wi Will AOp Adopt I IASJNorH It ItWASIIINOTON
WASIIINOTON ASJNorH Feb 0 Gerany Germany and andIaly andItaly
Ialy Italy In brneln bringIng forard forward a new detnd detndror demand demandfor
for prrerental preferential treatment In the 1lldlton 1lldltonor liquidation liquidationof
or Venezull Venezuelas entire tre foreign debt hae haehlled have havehalted
hlled halted the ntgotltoD negotIatIons In WAlhlnlol WashIngton at atthe atthis
the momelt momorit when amicable adjustment adJuRtmentappard adjustmentappeared
appard appeared to 11 he usurd assured To The Drtllh British Gay Oovrnmont Gayerament
rnmont la I nt not In fympthy sympathay wth with this move movement movemont
mont or her prner partners and from al nih Indl Indlctlon mdicationa
ctlon cationa II is tAkllg takIng no prt part In the dlwurlon dlwurlonor discussion discussionof
or I it Enlandl Englands ltllrcwr satisfactory protooJ protocol li lirendy is isready
ready for algtur signature and wl wilt probhly probably not notbe notbe
be change changed In any mtrlll material way but the theromll thefornial
romll fornial oct or sIgning Ignllg haM ben been potpned potpnedunti postponed postponeduntil
unti until the point no now In controvtry controversy b be between
twen tween Yenuola Venezuela on tll the ono hand and andGermny andGermany
Germny Germany and 10Iy Italy on the other hal lisa ben benndJultl been beenadjusted
ndJultl adjusted adjustedhlie
hlie h OrlnIaHan GermanItalian propol proposal I is under underAto understood
Ato stood to l ha tnt tInt tie they > b perite permitted to tab tabn
n p percentage ntnlO or th the cu customs tom Iclptl receipts or orIhe oftIme
tIme Prf ports or la Ouayr Gimayra and Pero Puerto Cablo Cablorrom Cabeilo Cabeilofrom
from tie the tmo time or tIle r1ing raising of the blkdo blkdounti blockade blockadeuntil
unti until fnouph enough mopy moey 11 lisa On been aoured urd to totury tosatisfy
satisfy tury th thmir lr orRIMI original 011 cash dOrdl demands which wlMhImoltd whichamountd
Imoltd amountd to 100 340000 In I the he t case or CIr CIrmany icr icrmany
many nnl and l 1i60000 O In the 08 case or Italy ItalymlUlnclcl Italyminus
mlUlnclcl minus In cacti il Instance tan undorthn undort he IpW new propo propoeltion
Iltlon eltion th the 176 7 5 X cash w1ch which Mwlter Minister BWCI Bowen Bowenhem
hem hen blockade Is Israised
hlR tgnd agreed to IIY IY to blokndo I
rld rldUn raised raisedUnder
Un Under < rr the ar8ngcm arrangements ntl IUCgNte cuggeated Car Oermany Carmany
many would seema > uro 1 a Irn lien on the CWtO CWtOrnuel customs customsroenties
rnuel roenties of tIme porl ports named or Il26 31250 Ind IndIaly and andItaly
Ialy Italy a Icl lie of L32500 3G The lle Fchem rchemo on ontcmplatl con contcmpiafrm
the hiquidetion or tnese amounts amountsout
tcmplatl tcmpiafrm tl luldatln tnel Imountl Imountloul
out or th time cutOI customs ncclptl ccipts pnding pending a de dec de decision
c cision lol h by th time Irarnt lermarent Tribunl Tribunal or Ar Arhlrton Arhitration
hlrton hitration at lime he Hao Hague on the qusion qusionto question questionto
to b be suhmlted submitted of 111rr1 time right of the afs afsto allies alliesto
to claim pmrtrncl preference In pm payment nt by Venp Venpzuol Venezizola
zuol zizola 001 over al all 11 the noncoorlnr noncoercing nton ntonwhich nations nationswhich
which alto 10 have doba to coloct collect from tut tutcountry t1it t1itcoiirtry
country countryThil coiirtryThis
Thil This propo prnpoed d nrMgment arrangement I 14 Igarded Igardedh regarded regardedby
h by > Mr Bowen owln And thl the Washington Mhlngtol OO OOorment Ins Insernment
orment ernment 8 as a revival Ial In 1 a new form ot 1 the theold he heold
old demd demand for prrerntli preforentlal trnt treatment treatmentwhich mrnl mrnlwhich
which ntfr after ItlrjCtlon its rejection by Mr fr Dwn Dwnthe Bowen Bowenthis
the nlCo ahiien fuumltcd submitted to Pr President ldnt Roe Roewi Roose RoosevcI
wi for adultrtnt adjustment ard and upn upon hl5lrclna hl5lrclnatlon his declirca declircation
tlon to lt act tentatively agled agreed to prmit prmitThp permit permitThe
The Haue Hague 0 ur cr1 to determine It hal hallot has hasnot
lot not htm formaH formally Illd laid I before roro the Vane Vanezuslan rne rne7113n
7113n zuslan PCnlptentlary Penipotentlary hut he h hss been beennotified n nnotBd
notBd notified that I it 11 wIll probably b ho mde made by byGermay byGermany
Germay Germany nld and Ialy IalyThe Italy ItalyThe
The deay In I its prlntaton presentation t to Mr Ben BenI Bowen Bowenis
I is dUt to currnt current effort ors or Dron Baron Speck pck von vonterl von3ternttirg
3ternttirg terl mg the Oerln German Minlsterand lnWer nnd Signor Signora SignorMa
Ma a 0 des Pache Planches the Iafn jaflnn Amba8 Amba810r Ambassa Ambassador
10r dor to Indur induce thlr aermenl Governments t to ab aban abanion
don the plan and submit ubmt to The Hague Haguetribunal Haguetribunal
tribunal thl tim flmpl qUttln question iohed Involved in inthe
the he rntent contontl n or Mlniltr Minister Dwen Dowen tht that the thonUIl theallies
nUIl allies are 1 not entited entitled to preln preference over the thenational
ntlonal national par peace mdlol credItors of the fut futAmeliCon Houtht HouthtAmerican
AmeliCon American republc republic Whlo While Mr Bwen Bowan has hainot hasnot
committed hirrself tM tMouhjtct thestihiject
not dlfnltlly definitely cmmited lrpelr on
ouhjtct stihiject bing being detored deterred from doing 1 to unti until untilthin
t thin hI temld demand hn been fomllly formally pr presented presentedno ented entedno
no doul doubt rmlnl remains that ho wm reject It Itprompt itpromptl
prompt I and thU thus Igln again crete create a crsi crisis In Intl intime
tl time ncgltlntonl ncgltlntonl1lll negotiations negotiationsTIare
1lll TIare II Is a pret pretty y general rtdlng feelIng here herethat
tht that InAltln insistence h by Gernny Germany and Ialy Ialyupn Italy Italyupon
treatment mnt In the iimuIda iimuIdatioti
upn upon flrltrental preferential trlt thl 1ulda 1uldaton
their orhlnnlcuh cash claims bring bringahut
ton tioti or original cllf m brng brngabut
abut ahut 0 a hnnldn break In thl the I allinncs Ia nN G1nt Great Brtin BrtinII Britain Britainis
is and vil1ng to stand by th the
II rnd ready wlng Itald Iy ajle ajlement agree agreenent
ment rlrhld reached wil with Mr Dowcn Ipon upon ni all allpoints
plntl points except that olprrprrd ntproferrecl pmpnt paymentn paymentnwhich
which hlh cit 1 the Drlth British protocol provldf provldfII provides providesshe
II she dJlrl1 dsires to aubniit lbmlt to The JnjI hague emr ctIrt ctIrtwithout
wthout without fkln seeking nn advantage that wl Wilt rob robthe robthe
the coUrR court s drM decision lon of an any prtc prtcTho effect effectThin
Thin British draft or the prtol protocol pro provld8 provicles
vld8 vicles for the payment by Yenp7urla Venezuela or of21j00
21j00 75 calh cash the amount which Mr lw lwbl Bowen Bowenhas
bl has promi promised he wi will give 10 ldl each or the thealea theallies
alea allies when the blockade II im 11111 raised but butbyond bittbeyond
byond beyond that thCro thoro I is no provision for grant grantIng granttog
tog mor more raorlblo favorable term to ONt Great Brian Briantha Britain Britainthan
tha than Mr BOWJU Is wiUnK willing to grant to the theUnited theUnited
United StaCI States Frano France algiln Boigiuni and the thefe thefive
fe five oher other nation not onl ongaged ln Crlng CrlngVentzlo1 coercing coercingVenezuela
Ventzlo1 Venezuela I If lernmany rmar and Ialy Italy Ihould Ihouldrolow should shouldfollow
rolow follow the Inl lines or the l3ritiah rlll protol protoltho protocol protocoltho
tho clcablo amicable Itlerent settlement would ould come allt alltImm almost almostimmediately
Imm immediately lat ly thereafter therlerSir
Sir Miohneilerber Michael herbert 1 Is ftl still contnld confined to hil his hisbed
bed Whie While the atock attack of grp grip rrm from whih which whichhe
he Is lufnrlng suffering i is not rlgared regarded Il as IrOI serious serioushe
he I is m enough to Ireel lirevent hi palrpatlon palrpatlonIn participation participationin
In the VNlf7upIM Venezuelan ntgotintlor negotiations to the Ixlrnt Ixlrntthat extent extentthat
that ht he rellr desires ll Ills IUIII Itallan ad and Ocrtn OcrtncoleU German Germancolleagues
coleU colleagues and Mr Bowon han In seen him himseveral I
feral several Ur times since hi lila InO ihinoss hp began an but butthe I Itho
the thrlt throat Irrtnton irritation r11 caused hy talking talkinghas I Ihas
has mndl made It nlrlfr necessary that hI ho shll shall lot lottke not nottake
tke take part In exttndr extended conference conrerenceCIII conferencech1hIEIV
nanktr Hankers 0111 Ifler him n Money onl to ra Pay veer veeriuilii t
7uela iuilii Debts Otbtpufa Debtspec1si
pufa cat nUlarl DsptcI C Is Tn Tel Se Scar Scarrrorn
rrom T lea St Corr Correspondent pndtDt al Crlta CrltaCJACAI Caracas CaracasCARACAS
CJACAI CARACAS Felt IA UA Irlnch Irench Rttamer steamer are arerhe ar arrlted
rhe rlted hor here yesterday having Oi ott bard board a aIpentatlo areprersatative
Ipentatlo reprersatative or blnker bankers In Yalparal Yalparalwho Valparairowho
who trvolc travelled hy my or Panama Ho Hopropls Heproposes
propls proposes to Idanc advance the OoCrmtlt Government rundl minds mindsto
to mlt meet the obllntlolR obligations Incurrld incurred by time thongolat timenegotiations
ngolat negotiations lonl with the olel aliles The rt6ult rt6ultor result resultof
or hi his cOlrennC conferences wih with Prident President Castro CtroI
I is klpt kept lCret secret secretThe
11 The roluton revolution II Is makln making no headway hpadwny1le headwayTime
1le Time Government Ilng seeing that the blockade blockadoII blockadeis
II is not to be ralNd raIsed Immedlllely hM de decdf
cdf 01101 10 atack attack two groups or rllltIOI revolution revolutionlets
111 lets on one lndeI tinder len Pinal07 Penaicas ner near Hlgue Hlguerotl higuerote I
rotl rote and time other undlr under nen len Flrnandt7 Fernandez Fernandeznear
n near < r Unix Jhle hielIc In the fUCXS success of time thoreolutonits timerevolutionists I
reolutonits revolutionists uldel under that Idllhlp ieaderslilp or o Oen OenltOI OcaMatos I
Matos ltOI II Is dniy daily growing weaker weakerSCE Iaker IakerCEE
Vonhin oman Ir Held for 11 iler IIbad Itusliands Olath Olathf Death Deathtaaehes
f taaehes taaehesCutcAQo fi Utdi UtdiCICAOO
CICAOO CutcAQo Fl Fib b 9Standing at the Flele Fleleor ltle ltleof
or the coffin or her hl1hald husband for who whodfnth whose
dfnth death the polC police hele believe Ihl hm IR rlpon responsible responsibleMrs ibl iblMr
Mrs Mary Flynn 60 Larrabee street
Mr Fyn G Irnbe tmt made madea
1 a hone scene todl Th woman onll who ho In bing being
held ot the It station ton ending the Olt outcome outcomeof < OOO OOOof
of th the Coroner1 Coroners Inqullt Inquestwas WM Ilotd Ilotdto allowed allowedto
to atCnd attend thl the rlnrn ftmariai of her bubnd husband Rh RhbflO Shebecame
bflO became hIterlal hysterical and thrwing throwing herllr herllron herself herselfon
on tIm coln coflin Ild IldOh saId saIdOhi
Oh Jim I did no not 11ln mean to Itllke strike YOl you
Forel Forgive ml mn mnMn
Mr Mn Fyn Flynn who II is the mother or tWl two twochildren
chidrn children 1 Is 0 years old leI liar hrthCr brother Is
J James l Urrx farry Ytr rtrd retired champion ham pion bntam bntamweight bantam bantamweight
weight PUIIt PUIItnIrl pugilit pugilitn
nIrl n ovrlga Ael AelWa Aer1raa
Wa trud IUD be uu
we Ifae l ror 1 t
qvll St Loul L I dt ChtC
Mlu 1 Mary a Judge Otnrbf Described U 1 a NeW New York YorklrrO Torklieueu
lrrO lieueu to Bo IU 1W Foarl Fourth fe feSLT Ifa IfaSALT
SLT SALT L1 LAZI Utah Fob GI 9It Is said ld here herethat
that John W Young rntheror father of loopr looprYoug Itooper ItooperYoung
Youg Young the Now York murerr murderer I is t to marry marryMi
JIM Mi lfay Mary Judge a NoW New York heirell heiress heiressBoth
Dth Both ar are now i in Paril Paris Mr Young l there thereon
on bsl business oneted connected with time Ship Buid Buiding Build Building
ing Trut Trust 10 lIe w1 will go to Lndon London In MaT MaTwhe Maywhen
whe when tle the weding weddIng wi will b be tlemnlzed tlemnlzedMI solemnIzed solemnIzedMiss
MI Miss Judg Judge I is desrib described as bing being O Oold
old and wrt worth tO 14Z0000 In her own Dame DameShe nameShe
She Is aompio aooompanied by her mother Mr MrYoung MrYoung
Young ha has bn been mao married rouftmel fourtimes three threeof
of hR his wlve wives ha having vln 1a been plYiaoU polygamous onei ones onesIfis
Hi Ifis dulhter daughter by hi his lst last wi wife II I no now In InPari inParis
Pari Paris wIth 11m 1dm ad and I is sid said 10 bt be a glat glatrrend great greatfriend
rrend friend or hr ratherl fathers fnct flancie MI Miss Judge Judgoi Judgeis
i is kown known her here hlng having visIted lled Utah when whena
a child Her rutur future hU8 husband nd I Is rory forty years yearsbar
bar or senior seniorThe nlor nlorT
T The Itor story rrm from Par Pail that Mr Young YoungIs
Is fnncly financialiy embaraYd embarasied and hlH has bn bndesr been beendeserted
desr deserted In hl his trubl0 troubles by his aclatel associates associatesIn
II In the Ship Buldlnl Building Tru Trust t I is cOI ceii hor hero heroIt
n I us Ited stated by the Youg Young ramiy family tht that John JohnW
W Youg Young II is worh worth tO 200000 He I is the thoouget theyoungest
youngest ouget lon son or Brgham Brigham Youn YounTO Young YoungTO
Young 80clet Society Women ome or Richmond a aForm iForm
Form a nub nubRICHMOND labRTcmtMoNn
RICHMOND Va a Fb GSme 9Some or the thoIcoty themoclety
Icoty moclety girls In Rlchronl Richmond today lured luredn secured secureda
n oharer charter In the city Crcut CtCnit Court for The ThoOfrl TheGirls
Girls Cub ClUh In an organization for work workamon workamong
amon among te the labrng laboring girl girls In thl this city Th Thoulg These Theseyoung
young oulg women wonmen he have bn been engaged for some 80metim sometime
tim time In thi this work ork the obje object or which I is to toelevae toelevate
elevae elevate ad and mko make mor more enjoyable the homo homolfe homelife
lfe life or the girls In thl this cty city who are rorcd rorcdto forced forcedto
to to work for their lvig lvigTho living livingThe
The dub mot meets onc once I a wok week and takel takelup takes takesup
up mull music rdlng reading and dIRC discussion lon or mu mutu mutual
tu tual nod needs Te The ofor ofilcers ar are MII Miss Kth KthIfn Kath Kathleen
Miss Roberta RobertaWellford
leen Anderson
Ifn Andern president MI Rbra RbraWelford
Welford Wellford frt first vcprldent vicepresident Mi Miss S So Sophle
phlo Meldlth MeredIth scnd second vtcepreaident icplident MII Miss MissMaudo
Maud Maudo Morgan roordi reoordln Icrtar secretary MIl Miss MissKate
Ktf Kate Morelth Meredith Crlpndlnf correponding tcretary tcretaryAl secretary secretaryAll
Al All or thfO theee nr are dauhter daughters or tht the btknown btknownctlzenl bestknown bestknownleltizens
leltizens ctlzenl or Rchmond RchmondJUDGE Richmond RichmondJUDGE
To the Cataona Cbattanoogallanqurt UaqUtt or a Number Numberer
er Others OthersDemocratsthey
Olen OlenJmoratathey
Jmoratathey Democratsthey ar are lwyer lawyers and Judges Judgeswho
who lm seem to bo In the conldenl confidence or Chllr ChllrJudIe Chief ChiefJudge
Judge Alton tn B Parkorsld Parkersaid last niht nihtthat night nightthat
that th they y did not beloe believe tht that Judge Paker Pakercould Parker Parkercould
could find nd a way or nclptlng accepting the InI InItaUon invitation
taUon or the Ttnnleo Tennessee DemOMlt Democrats and andatend andattend
atend attend that great bnquet banquet at Chtanoga Chtanogawhich Chattanooga Chattanoogawhich
which ha has ben been propd proposed for Judo Judge Parker Parkerand Parkerand
and Miher neither WM It the opiion opinion that Judlo JudloParker Judge JudgeParker
Parker could fnd find It eoneonnt consonant with his hisjudicial
JudicIl judicial dutls duties It at Albn Albany to attend various variousbanquets 0110 0110hanquet
hanquet banquets In hi his hOloI honor In the ciy city or New NewYork NewYork
York YorkChler YorkChief
Chief Judge Parker Wllddrl wilt address the Ir IrAllaton Bar BarAssocIatIon
Allaton AssocIatIon or Georgia in the frt first wek wekof week weekof
of Jul July but outlido outside or that It was 18 lut stated statedhseeuid d dh
h hseeuid ld ot lake tme time from hil his judicil judicildutl judicial judicialduties
dutl duties at Albny Albany to Itend attend Imlolal ImlolalruUon semIsocial semIsocialfunctIons
ruUon ruUon1ORn functIons functIonsDIVORCE
Court ourt Gh ike 1m Him I Olre Decree Artr After S4 4 Tears Tearsof ean eanr I
of r Married arrll ure ureBSTS 11CcB
BSTS B ST0N Foh Fe 9ud0 Olkl Gaskihl of the theflddleNx theMiddlesex
Middlesex flddleNx Suprior Superior Court grantld granted a decree decreecf
Qr elorl divorce for gr gross nld amid confrmCc confirmed hahlR hahlRor habits habitsof
or Intxltaton intoxication to Rer Rear Admrl Admiral John ohn F F1prr FMerry
1prr Merry or Homenle Somerville aalnlt against Mr Mrs Nan Nan1rry Nany NanyMerry
1rry Merry The HOI libel WaN not ot ontostod contestod The Thoprrlt ThepartIes
prrlt partIes to thl the case Ild had bn been marlld married abut abutthJrtyrour about aboutthirtyfour
and the stands standshigl
thJrtyrour yen years ramly family
hlRh oolaly eociahly Mrs lr Morr Merry II is a woman or orcducton ofeducation
cducton education nd mind rfnemrnt refinement hut It W8 was nl nllegld allegod
legld thlt that fhn site IUd had l become > ome hopelessly ad addltted ccldicted
dltted dicted to 0 the UI ii or drgR drugs The onl only ob objec object
jec ject or tht the 11 libel I II IR said Id was l to lur secure a aJl apeaceful
rul separation separationSLCRETIR1
Jl peaceful rprton rprtonSICRETtRr
O Oem March arll 4 RUnor Rtlrnor 8a aP and Hftum Return to totlr tothe
tlr the Prteo Practice or the La LaCOMplclOUI Law LawConspicuous
COMplclOUI Conspicuous I Republicans publc1 at the Union UnionIgup UnionLeague
Igup League Club llt last night had A weleefnpd weleefnpdMlnor welldefined welldefinedrumor
Mlnor rumor that time lon lion Elhu Elihit Hoot Secretary Secretaryof rtlry rtlryor
or War In the Cabinet of Pr President ldpnt McKin McKinIcy cKln cKlnIty
Icy end PrAldClt PresIdent loolvllt hionsevelt wi will rllln rlllnhi resign resignhis
hi his pl place atfr after time adjournment or COI Con Congross
gret gross on March arch 4 amid resume um II his mc mct rnctic
t tic or the law In XC New York city dtyhe cityThe
The he RepuhlcalR Republicans or the Union Iagle IagleCluh League LeagueClub
Club who told thll this Itory story temtd seemed to think thinkthat thinkthat
that they knew what thlY they wert were talkinG talkinGIbout talkingabout
Ibout IboutPORr about aboutPORT
PORT JRJE U4IIE Wlm Ifmi IfmiTAN irEiS irEiSTake
TAN tht the World Into In onndrnf onfldenee a aMonth aMonth
Month Ialff IalffGU Iater IaterGUNNPUSCit
GU GUNNPUSCit ImIct tn cnrilusop IISCn llnda mOinijimy alnOo8 alnOo8Jan aftmrnocn aftmrnocnJan
Jan I Il lao II at lit time PUM parmvnare 01 dims irangIlcai irangIlcaiLuthsrae
Lulbrra Luthsrae Cburb Cburtb Y1 East Mil Mitt 11 at b by Ile time n ltt I it itifrbhw
Irblr ifrbhw Jobn I H GuoQr to 1 Iitrabstti b lb J Setmerl Setmerlau lerf lerff
f au blb both or the city I or New Vork VorkThe ol
The nlon above advertimcmtnt nllmclt Infurme Infurnmed the thorrltndl thefriends
rrltndl friends or Johnl Johiril Gunner Por Port Wadon Wadonad Warden Wardenand
ad and Rpubl111 Republican Icar leader or the Tenty Tentyeighth Twenty Twentyeighth
eighth Almhly Assembly dtlt dhtrict rlt that In lie hM bn bnmarrltd been beenmarried
marrltd married mo more than a month lr Mr OUnner OUnnerdidnt Iminerdidnt
didnt tel tell I n erie or hl his marriage unti until untiltwo
t two 0 wokl weeks 10 ago Id and I then hCn h he only told hil his hisreinttvcs
reinttvcs Inth And 0 few or hil his Inthot Intimate rrl friends friendsMr ndl
Mr lunimer unner I Is I a son on or former pol polire polireCertain
Certain rtaln Gunner and hM bn been 1ndCr kitder of the tho1WI theTweityelghthi
1WI Tweityelghthi olghth dltrlcl district for tlnt twent yCar years yearslilti
Hl lilti bride hi said aid to l hi n Brkln Brooklyn Vlrl VlrlThry girl girlThey
They wllh will live In a new npnrtmfnl apartment hon hmorio ut atEightythIrd I
Elght EightythIrd thlrd street rtl tld aimil Third 1nu 1nuOt avenue avenueGtflSfI
Ot GtflSfI Sl 1111 Ill 0Il1tU1 OIItATII OS OSOpera
Optr Opera Singer S SlearOld rrOld nallhttf Isughter in indergoes n ndlr
dlr dergoes oP tht the Hral irIie for Aplrndlrlh AplrndlrlhOr Appendlcitt AppendlcittDr
Or W T Dul Bull ye yesterday terdlY l lerformed rformN nn nnoratlon anoperatIon
operatIon for nppcndlclh appendicitis on tho eIght eIghtyearold
Iarold daughter or Mme Undlkl GadskI of the theMnurlc timeMatinee
Mnurlc Matinee Iran OrWra Ora Cmpny Company nt M 101 anti antiMtimu
Mlu Mtimu Tnl1hrOdsklH TaiuohirUadskimm ttdenc residence In Wesi ScstFiftyninth
Fiftyninth Itlt street Thl Time chid chIld had been 1 Ill Illfor
for lTr1 several daj1 days Ind and al although hough much 1m 1mproe unproved
proe proved Or Dul Bull thought time opration oprationnrla operation operationnecessary
nrla necessary I It wal was luCRorul luCRorulGotnK successful successfulGoing
Going to Sitik Ink HtrtlIwlelllr StreetSweepIng Can CanStreet anl anlBt
Bt Street t Clllnlnl Cleaning CommlAlonrr omrniseiommer WoodhuM Woodhury Woodhurywill
will 1 cprlment eaperiment with a eubstirfare ubur recep receptacie CI CItact
tact tacie rorthn lnnl cans that hold Itrt street Iwcerlnl sweepings sweepingsa
a Ctlmn castiron framo of flncont aumciont size 17 to hold holdthe holdtIme
the onl cans which mviii 1 10 im sunk f so that Il its top
I Is tuh flush wih with the street tnt IUr surface Id nail wi will 0 be bevrovidod
Jrdded vrovidod with a ld lid which hlch will 1 b be opened openedyuan
oplpd oplpdwhen
when tIme street tnnt elnlr cleaner 11011 shovels swtepinrs wlpllll I
Into thu can When 1len tn tlm Cn 11 Is filled It will willdamply
olply damply ha1 have to b be pulld pulled out of IIld tIme 1101 iron ironreceptacle ii I
rcptnle receptacle Ind and an Ilpt empty on one fubttuted fubttutedWhJ substituted substitutedWhy
WhJ Why Not ot VIlt IU Florida FloridaPennsylvania Iorlc I
rrnnlrJanlt Pennsylvania Halr ltallro3d 4 Tau Tours t February hrlr limb and
Yarb Macrim 3d It for rOlnd round tip trip tIckta ktla Ib S SpecIal
trim ril Appl 10 Tourist lurllt Aient I nl dJ 1 litib ni AIr AIrfW CI
New fW Irk irk Adr AdrLwaro AdrLixinlui
Lwaro Lixinlui TatD TraIn to llferala llferalait lla llano
no it sisetfle lighted Omuiand
Iune thtd OuraDd Umlo Pleat of
e IYeTflbmnt IDr Pa D nnle emite 1 1i Celo CVcato and d NortbWest lat
rn11 era iYaios Pl Parinc Ad and Iofthsri b PaciCa NorbWeal Hallways
Of OmcIL 1 m aC ass au BwrA aros4warua Pele 1
IU Ills Stied lad Gave fa isy h1men lie He Saw a lace of ofHi
itaU itaU8nprtt huditall huditallInspected
111 Hi Muet Murdered lathrRoNO FatherRouo
8nprtt Inspected o of Iln UliiIng Junk lnk Olall Dealer N NIoundBloo Nit NitFoundBloody <
IoundBloo FoundBloody Orlt Overatla In tt tile n flhTlee flhTleeAbraham 1
Abraam Abraham MendeI Mended oldos oldest eon n and bUlln bUllnprner busina businapartner
prner partner or Lula Louis Mendel the junk dellr dealer dealerwho I Iwho
who WM mudere murdered ad and robll robbed lAt last Sunday Mundaymoring Sundaymorning
moring morning i in his ofc ofYloe at 47 437 Ert East T1inty T1intytblr Twenty Twentythird
tblr third street tr wa was 8 so aleed affected ly by tbl the light sIght o of ofhis
bIl his fathers body when It was a brought broucbthomo broughthome
homo yeerBY yesterday artooo afternoon that hi his ml mind mindbecame
becmo became ubliano unbalanced le Ifo Is now Iu te the Ble Belle Bellevue
vue uo Hoplt hospital InlM Insane Plo1 pavilion In a state tlte 0 of ofmental t
mentl mental and physo lhysioaI ollp collapse collapseJacob
Jab Jacob Mendel 0 COUII cousin 8ld said last night nightthat 1 1tht
tht that yoo young < Mendel had le heart acing acting 8 as agnt agntror agent agentfor
for Adrw Andrew Clrejo Carnegie In crtin certain matwl matbsri matbsriWhat
What thl these wore ho rfu refused ed to IY say sayTime 0 0The
The by body or Lull Louis M Mandel ldel W4 was rmoY removs removsyesterday I
ye yesterday toray aftron afternoon from the Morl Morgue t to tothe
the r familys lys home at 23 234 Et East Eghlx Eighysizt Eighysiztstreet
Itrt street after a an autop autopsy y had hen been pr per performed I Irorml
rorml formed by Croner Coronors Phy Physician loln Ewa Edward T TIgglnl j jhiggins
Igglnl higgins The entire rllly famIly wa was gathered gatheredat ahr
a at the home to lIe receive It ItAbraham itAbraham
Abraham who ho li be 30 YOn years old ad and un tinmarried f I Imnrlo
mnrlo married had not hon any ezelomlt excitemeat excitemeattill
tl till then The sight or hl his father ra taos taosafter
after th h cn coffin had bn beat tken taken it into t the theroom b I Irom
rom room and opno opened 10 so Ihoke shocked him tht that hl his hismind
mind broke down le He rel fell In a faint aDd aDdwhen andwhen
when ho rIl revived went Into h imysterios imysteriosAll > terc
AU th the endovor endeavors of the ramly family t to q qhim quiet quiethim
him wer were useless lel Finally Inaly he rhe rushed ou out outof i ior
or the house yplng yplngTheye yelling yellingThmeyve
Theye kll killed my rltherl Mimer Tlyf They Theykilled
kied killed my father ad and IU ki kill thom themlHis
11 His cun cousin Jab Jacob lleldel Mendei ra ran arer after hi him himbut
but 10t lost sight or hm him on the Itret street H Hture Its Itsturned
ture turned to Polcma Policeman Hough for Illtno assistanee assistaneeAfter
AtoI After a short search arch they round the da damote donmented
mote nmented m man waderng wandering on Et East Eighty Eightysventh Eightyseventh
sventh seventh etrt street In a daZ dazed cndiion condition To Toeerhlng Toeverything
eerhlng everything sid said to him him be bad only oe oeaswer on onanswer
i iMy
aswer answer I IMyatheriadead
My Myatheriadead Myatheriadeadlie father Is dea
le lie was 1 tken taken to the Prtbrternn Presbyterian H Hpltl Ho Hopital
pltl pital and Iter later rmoved removed to the ie iepIlon insane insanepavilion
pIlon pavilion at DUeve Believtie 10 lie was 1 so we weak weakthat
that hI lie had to b be carried on a strethe stretcher stretcherMrs
Mr Mrs E 1 La Mendel crre the widow Wi was declared declaredlast cald cald18t
18t last night to 11 be out frdger O On 8tday 8tdayRhorly Sunday Sundayshortly
Rhorly shortly ater after Iha lme hl had bn been Informed or orher ofher
her huhdl husbands death her londlton condition wu 1 so soserious
serious that two ph physicians lclans were m call called in inJOph InJoseph
lrous JOph Joseph R0o Boone the 1talan Italian who ho 1llpced 1llpcedor is suspected suspectedof
or hnlnl having murdered Mendel by Itrllnl mitriking mitrikinghim I
hIm two blows on n the head with a heavy
hammer hnl has nol 11fn ixs caught Acll Acting ActingCaptain I
Cptai Captain DIt1 Daniel WAi Vaii wih with hair 0 dozn doznplain dozen dozenplain
plain cothes clothes men from the Ft Twenty Twentysecond
Ntond second Itrt street station tnton and thm three Cntral Cntralomo Central CentralOffice 1
omo Office dptfccl detectives ar are looking for him himOn himOne
On One or time mCn men detalpr detailed on the en cnms lrm from fromthe I Ithe
the Dtclvf Detective Bunau Bureau is D Drtective tocl Brgtnt Sergeant SergeantPetrosino 1 1Petrollno
Petrollno who probbly probably knoW knows mOM abut about abouttime t tthe
the Itala Italians In th this cll city Iha than a any othlr other m man manconnected I Icnnlcted
cnnlcted connected with th the PolO Pollee 1pmnt 1pmntHe tiepartment tiepartmentlie
He I is rolownr following up a tp tip that R Reese may b be befound
roud found at a hangout in Ile time Mulber Mulberry Bnd BndquroI Bend Bendquarter
quroI quarter prohtbly probably on Mot Itt street r rAltat
Altat Assistant D District trc Atorey Attorney Cawlok Chadwick Im I IIlvll Igiving
Ilvll giving atenton attentIon to the case a on hhal behalf ot ottho ofthe
the Distrc District Atorer Attorneys omc office YeRterdy Yesterday
he found a paIr of 11v bloody overalls I In tM tMcingy thedingy t
cingy dingy Oml office pr of I Mendel oral Sne Sons WMI where wherethe
the crime was 8 commited committed Jaml James Murhy Murhyetplc Murphy Murphyan
an etplc employee crm who ho rlpred reported the nurdr mtmrder and anti antiwho
who I is n now w detnllNI detained M a wtntf5 witness Identlffd Identlffdtho identified identifiedtimo
tho oerll overalls 1 as the property or the mlMlnl missing missingRoseo
RIO Roseo HI lie Mid hI he had In emen IW IW wearing wearingthem tarig tarigthfm
thfm them o on Sunday morlnl morning morningDr
Dr Hgllj HIggins who 110rmld th the autopsy autopsysaid
autopY autopYnld
said t that lt dMt death I had lJn been l caused ld hy a com comund cornpound
pound und rratur fracture or the IkuU skull and hlmorh hemorrhage hemorrhageof
or the brail bruit Oo One of time blo1 blows onlld crushed In Inth Inthe
th the entm entire top or the Ikul skull rrm from th the forhad forhadto forehead foreheadto
to the hack of tIme hta bead beadMr
Mr ltndpll Mendels funerl funeral wl will takl take pll piaee < tn tnmorroW tomorrow
morroW morrow morln morning from the famiy family hom home homeMiwcal
Miwcal Itcal Ludlo Lodgo 13 113 or t the 1 Indppndent Independent Ortr Ortro Order Orderof
of the Sons of Dnlamin Benjamin tlklnl taking chmare or ort oftlit
o t tlit h Irh services Tho burl burial II will 1 h be charg In Vmoah Vmoahmaton ph phInvlon
Invlon emetery emeteryMendel mrtpn I IMlndel
Mlndel Mendel Ivrdll lived in NCnrk Newark for or tWn twenty twentyyears i iVpl
Vpl years Id and waflt was mc mmlr lt of Nvpmllehlw several hebrew I IImll mlodges
Imll lodges t timers hln 011 omit or which hih was aR nnmtd named nfr nfrhim after afterhim
him A hrot brother her of hi his i is In t the he crop Irn IrnhllnPF iron ironiuinees
hllnPF iuinees In Xa Nswat And n mrrCd married II sister sisterlives trr
18 lives ther there
1 1lWWDJ
lWWDJ 1101101 11 IttllI il1S UROR ISROREOil
01111 Oil ten tic 1 hmn Ihh Another nnthfr Olal Death Deathanti
and a an Accident 10 Itr 11cr lnl Long Ilt IltEAH Lht I I IEAic
EAH EAic r Pint lRT I h I Felt oho hlrk hlrkOlhler hark harkOliier
Olhler do el tiison ln from Plymouth En England Englandfor < 1andt 1andtror
for New ew York In h hahIrnt lnt trounded grottndcd on j
Point LoJcut Lookout fl fist m nmios e cst bt fr of Long LongBeach uni
flech Beach laFt IIIn imigimI h I lls hmnlde hmtusideon I
on the Ilrch herch In no 0 hnmldlto imnmodiato darer darerAtempt danger dangerAttonmjmts
Atempt Attonmjmts to tot hor her hc fnlfd fnlfdTht faied faiedTim j
Tim captain dl tlhct d J 1 tr per mItre lrrf dar a aslD ago agosince
slD since wlln 10 no eiieoirtrns bFIrlln wore mlI mrca I Iand Iand
and th rntl mates flI first 1r1 rm aI z tlnrorthrrtl tineftlmeccrts tineftlmeccrtsproshnity
pminh bar proshnity vs wn Eli h Iruc st melt the oilier oilierbar IUlprbnr
bnrfhe lime 01 Dc C1rn Ciisson was t hult built in in 101 ittol and wn was cf r
2207 101 tons hurln burden Site W wan to take on onClrgolorJlpnn a aecrgulorJapnn
ClrgolorJlpnn ClrgolorJlpnnTo ecrgulorJapnn ecrgulorJapnnThe
To The 011111 Ohivier cli Ciivmiim 11 is 0111 called n lnelo unction unctionchum
Fhlj chum > She wn was Illnhd lmi3mneiIed three yeari ego ngoni egoand
ni and already lrlleh hn line n hunt rocord orl In 10 IOo ie ieran I
down tlhing smucl In I lie Enghsh Enghshhaunch
rli ran i a fhllK Kluol I EJfh EJfhluulfll1
luulfll1 haunch coil crowrrd drowned twat twmty 111 mcmi Alr After AfterU
1 U 10lg bug dI miia3 shm I fi raiimd rrm mitt Switasen with withn
n cnrlo cargo if r rnl coal for Sl San JrllcLco Francisco Thl Three Threeitiotitlie
Ioltl itiotitlie alrwnrcl afterward when hen Iho tam wit I stippoed IP M Mto f fto
to I In hoar thl time Coldln lolcien CUII bite Ihe mhi lunl1 u unt up upat
nt CaCnA Flnch French Oulaln Guiana Ur crew crewlied rew rewhad
had miltliod nimitinietl 8nd an I IIkf1 looked th t ii rnplnll eimpta in In hR hRcnbln hits hitscabin
cabin und time bark 1113110 Uld4 port ort under cm corn cornnmamid i
Illld nmamid or th thin fr fir ci t Ilt hint f fA f fA
A new cnptnlii nrtlll wnA HIt 011 h 1w her owl owner ownerin I IIn
In Nnnt Nantes thin r In ingicaders lpldll of III time nltln1 nmutinsers nmutinserswerotrensporled
werotrensporled to Frllc France rortrillandti fortrislandthe fortrislandthevcsei I III
vcsei II orcn Iom moor set t Mi saIl for Cllronlls Cllronllsfonth Callrornia CallrorniaMonth
Month nfor after month pl hmnssmst 1 and no word i m mcarneof
carneof nln of thl time Imri bark Flnnl Flmmnhlv the Wa was postl posted postedat i
I at JOIA Lloyds 54 terdii Cr lo and from Ii 15 Inr mer rnt cent centshe 4
she hf dlrlld clttmmhmai In rdnurln rinsurnnet ane al as th time da dawpnt days dayswent
went nn to M thl thou to t 0 Ind and tnal finally when when2tG hn
2 2tG dl1 ttt out nld amli titt Iut Ppmkili 1Jll hr funr funmrsh funmrshnotice 1 1notle
notice vent np el elm tI the lonrt boartle or thl the Inquiry
Room or thl the ltnl lloyd ExchAIJ Exchmnmmgr l 1sery ry 0 on onbelieved
1rle1 believed thnt hr cargo nrlo of coni In her for forover
01 over a year rlrIId lied taken 1f fire fireVhmsn
Whpl Vhmsn hn hd lKn been Olt out 217 t7 dlVI dave she hI Wi was Ii Iidescried
dMrl descried of ofT the Goln Goldn late 111 fvcry man manrornrd manforard f
rornrd forard WM down wih titli 01 setmiy nod It w wasmarvellous Vi
IMrolou how thp timer Ild had lssmt aide to work workher
her 11cr sides iookiti like new spring
lawns C CSho
Sho hind been in time port only me few days dayswhen
when arm outward bound collier ran her herdowri
dowri in a fog and took tIm jibboom and andbowsprit
bowsprit out of her VmJmiie repairing lids lidstiamnagr
tiamnagr on of her sailors was killed by a afall
fall arid with l tidimg call for a passage to toQimccnstovmm
Qimccnstovmm with wheat alma lost another anotherC
C lu cii frmn aloft mVimen she sai1e sailor I Isaid
said the would never get home
64000 Horned Vp In a lire 1 1Bmtnror
Bmtnror N V Feb 9Four thouMnd thouMndlollalS
lollalS in bills and gold was lost In the ra rawhich
which causemi time death of Mrs Yohu H HWait
Wait amid burned her home several days daysag
ag A year ago the teller if A local hank hankdrfauteci
drfauteci anti soOn altorward Mrs Veit Veitwithdrew
withdrew her litotley Since that titus titussIn
sIn hind the rnnley hi the house most of it itunder
under this carrel Ahmotit 4t otthmi money t twits
wits in gld anti tlmnt I a haeii Icund by 1 4
heirs of Mrs Vrit who eaicmrd the runs
1 he remainder of tm nmorey wniin bids and
is host
When Yo Go South wit wittravel
travel via 4u5n11e Coast iIne Mot direct mite
to Aueusta r5omasvflme flo Li iIn the sf

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