OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, February 22, 1904, Image 9

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1904-02-22/ed-1/seq-9/

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4 J
I rr rI
I r b 7 > t
Thur I
v u
Morton Trust Trt Cmpany Company
Capital Capitl 2000000 2000000Surplus 20000 20000Surplus 2000000I
I Surplus and Undivided UndIided Profits Proft A 6000000 6000000Acte AAA nnn nnnActs
i Acts as Trustee Tstee Guardian Guardian Eieontor Exeoatcr Administrator Admnistrator Assignee Assgnee Receiver leoeivr Registrar and andTransfer audTsfer sndTraifcr
Transfer Tsfer Agent Ageut Takes Taks charge oF cfBeai Heal and Personal Persona Property PropertyDeposits PP PropqrtyA r1 r1Depst
A Deposits Depst reoaived reoei ved subject to cheque or oa 00 o ortifloate celfoafItmt Inttraat allowed a U wod e on o o dallj dtr balances balancesTrsvellers baacs baacsaUer balanoeryeUeth
Trsvellers aUer letters Letter of OreSit Orat IsBueii iRled Foreign Forig Eiohange EiohangeOPVICRRS Elohanga ExohingeopPIoig
LK7I P HOHTON MOtTON President PreillantTHOMAS Plelldent PlelldentTHOMAS PresidentTHOMAS
THOMAS F RYAN VicePresident VicePreident H K FRANCIS Secretary SecretaryCHARLES Secrtry SecrtryCHARLES SecretryCHARLES
CHARLES H ALLEN Vlc VicePresident Preldent CHARLES CIILI A CONANT Tr Trasurr TrasurrJAMES Trusuror TrusurorJAMES anrer anrerJAMES
JAMES K CORBlgRE CORBIIRE VicePresident T B MINAHAM Asit Alt Treasurer TreasurerIi Tasurr TasurrI
Ii I B BERRY Trait Omcer OfficerCounsel OmcerI
t John Jacob Aster 0 0 Haven HavenJoseph lnen n D 0 Mills MUl Elthu Elhu Root RootHendrlx RootGeorge RootGeor8
0 George orge ° P Baker BakerEdward Joseph C Hendrix HendrlxJames Levi P Morton WIMhropRutbertrl Vlnthrop Rutherfurd Rutherfurdlarvle RutberfurdEdvard
Edward J Berwlnd BerwlndFrederic James NJarvle NJarvleWalter N larvle Jarie Richard A McCurdy Thomas F Ryan RyanJohnston Ryanfeeric RranFrederic
Frederic Cromwell1 Cromwell1Junes Cromwel Walter S Johnston JohnstonA W 0 Oakman Jacob H Schltf Schltflard Schll SchiffI
I Junes feeric J mes B Duke DukeHenry A D Jullllard JullllardJoseph Jullarc lard George Foster Feabody Peabod1John John Sloane Sloanerocque SloaneHenry SloaneI
I Henry M t Flagler Joseph Larocque LarocqueTHOMAS rocque EXECUTIVE Samuel COMMITTEE COMMITTEEG Rca Harry larr1 Payne Whitney WhitneyEXECUTIVE Wlne WlneBXECUTIVE Wbltne WbltneRXECVTIV
X XX u
OP OPT1IE OPT1IEChicago THE THEChicago THEChicago
Chicago Alton Railway RailwayCo RailwayCoA Co CoA
A large amount of the preferred stock of The Chicago Alton Alon Railway Company Companyhas Companyba
ba has been deposited with the undersigned sublect to an agreement which may be seen seenat seenal seenat
at our office of rice authorizing the sale thereof on or before beore September 30 1904 upon such suchterms suchlerms suchlerms
lerms and at such price as shall shal be approved approve by a preferred stockholders stockholder committee committeeconsisting commitee commiteeconsist commItteetoflsj5tin
consisting consist in of Messrs John A Stewart Stewar Edward H Harriman HarIman and John JohnJ
J nitchell Holders of preferred stockof stock or said company who desire to participate participatein partcipate partcipateIn
in any sale which may be made under said agreement agement are ae requested to promptlydeposit promptly promptlydeposit promptlydeposit
deposit their stock certificates duly endorsed in blank with the undersigned at their theiroffice I theiroffice eir eiroUce
office oUce No 52 William Wiiam Street New York City Ciy The right la I reserved resered to ter termlnate termlnte tarmlnatc
mlnate mlnte the tie privilege priviege of deposit deposi at any time tme Depositors of stock will wi receive recdvotransferable receiveIransrerab1e receivetransferabie
transferable receipts of the undersigned underigned entitling enlitUiJ the holder to a pro rat rata a share of the thenet thenet thenet
net proceeds of any sale and in case no sale Is made on or orberore before September 301904 301904to 30 1904 1904to 1904to
to the return retur of the deposited stock without wihout expense expenseNew expenseNew expenseNew
New York December 29 1903
Kuhn Loeb < Co
U 4 Wall Wal Street New ew York ork City ClijNOTICE CII CIIFor Cityorict
NOTICE NOTICEFor orict orictFor rie
For Special pedil MeetIng or the thaStockholder theSlockhoider theStockhotdr
Stockholder Slockhoider of the theew theew theew
> ew fork Security Scurly SecurItynd and Ind Irmt Company CompanyNew CompanySewY CompanyNew
New SewY York February M o IDOl 1004T IDOlTo
T To the tie Stockholders Stockholder of the rklcbrUal0l rklcbrUal0lTo New lw ew Tork 1orl Secartt Secarttand Secrt Secrtad Secarttyand
and ad Tru Trut Company CompanyThe Comp COflIPIUI7The I1 I1Tie
The respective boards boa of trustees trstees of the Ne NeYork New Xework NewVork
York ork Tie Security resjeclv and Id Trust Company and nd the Ile Con Conilnentil CanInental ConUnental
ilnentil Securt Trust Company Compay of the Ile City CI of New York Yorkhiving Yorkhavlnl Yorkflaying
hiving Inental made Trst and enlered Into an agreement unde undethe under undetthe I IIle
the respective corporate seal seal o of said sId companies rorapanlefor companiesrl
Ile for the respecle e merger ot corprale said a Continental Trust s sHcrlly Compan Companof
of rl the City BI BIloY loY of New aof York Yo of Into re the 1i said New ew Yorl YorlSecurity Yor YorSecurLty
Security and Trust Trst Company prescribing presribing Ihe term termthe ters tersnS termiand
and Hcrlly nS ondLIlon1 thereof and the mode ot carrying carrlnrIle carryingth
the th same condilons Into etlect notice nolce 13 hereby given Ilven tha thaK Ilal Ilala that thata
a Ile ipeclal meeting of tbe MocUholden of lh the Net Netla rew rewYor rewYork
York pell Secu Security meetnl and Trsl Trust Com Company pany will 1 be held at atthe I
th the Yor OmtC rlr of sl said Company No o H t Wal VAt1 Street SlreetIn StreetLa
la toe Borough of < Manhattan Iahatan City Cly of New ew Yorl York Yorkat ork orkt
al t th twelve d 1 oclock noon of Monday the 711 711day 7tbdy 7thday
day Urlve of March rarl ocock one thousand thousnd nine hundred hUOlred and andfour andfour andtour
dy four < 1 5904 M to consider and Im < net upon upn said 8ld agree agreement agreement agreeSinent ¬
ment of t merger which will wi then Ih 1 tie submitted tolaJ4 to toald 10a
a laJ4 ald stockholders atckholder for or their consideration and andprov ap apP appr
P pr prov provMao Mao IJO demldMld doldd agreement arremel of ofmcrgcr melr merger t b b i ap apprvd spprOVC p pproved
proved to determine whether the te stockholders stockholdersof slokboldera slokbolderaof
of prvd prOVC the New ew detrine York ork Security s curt and al4 Trust Trl Company Companywill CopanY Companyyt11
will authorise an Increase lner ae of the tll capital capll all ioc ockof ockofaid of ofNld ofatd
mi aid aulhorre Company Com pan to three million mllon dollars dollrs 13000000 1100 ts3mmy 13000000liy
liy ly y the Issue ot twenty Iwenl thousand Ihousd 2V1O 1 additional additionalbates a additionalthsrea < dlon dlonbsre
bates of the par value of one Hundred dollars dolars Jion tltmeach Jionach tO
each < whereof wbe reof rio ten thousand luooo W shares are ae tob tobIwucd to be beI beIssued
te tlouad too
tcb Issued I ucd In exchange echance for alpck clock of the Continental Cnllenlal Trust TrustCompany T TrustCompany
Company of Us City of New York and ten thou thousand thoua4 thouand ¬
Company sand 19000 marts are r to be offered oaerd for subscrlp subscrlptlen subscrlplon aubacriplion
lion a4 stovs aL Do IWe hundred Ilare dollars doUar t IKOQ I c per r share shre to the thetockBOldera Ihelkloler theetOCkhoLder
lon tockBOldera of the New York orl security securlt and ad Trust TrustCompany rrsl rrslCmpa7 fruatCompanl
lkloler of ofSiKto ofmern ofmerger
Company Cmpa7 all u a provided provlde In laid sid agreement areemelt
merger mernAl mergerAlso SiKto Also to consider and set urxin uon In the proceedings proceedingsof nroceedlnr
of Al the board t coaler of trustees al of the tie Company Cmpany taken at ata atmeeJe ata
a meeting bard of said tlslees board bard held oa 01 the Ih 18th 11th day of ofKttoruary atfebrafll ofFebruary
February febrafll meeJe IKM sd concerning eoncmlnr the 110 at afreemet agreement reement of merger mergerand merer mereraDd mergercad
and other matters relative thereto theretoAlss IberetoAl theretoI
Also to t consider and ad act upon UPOI say aY other matter matteror malr malror
I or Al thing concerning cOlldr said ld agreement of merger or orthe orIhe orthe
the llnl mode conomlnr of earning the same Into It eflect Also Alsoto lls tiaoto
crrrlnr tb
to consider and act upon any an other matter maier or thing thingwhich thlnr thingwhich
which m maY y ad come cnle upn before beorO such urh stockholders tokbolder for fortheir forIhlr forf1
their consideration considerationThe
f1 The Th stock transfer books of the te Company Companywill CompanFwi tompanywill
will be closed tranfer at the clo cooe cloqe of Cf bnlBCM bntael bndR on the thelib tie tielb thetth
wi lib ilay da ol March 1904 and will wl remain rem clued clMeduntil dedunt cluednti1
until unt lb nti1 ihe opening 3arch 10 of business b ineeO on th the aa 10th 10ll day dayof da daor dayof
of March f arcb 1004 1004Should 10Mt
Should the agreement of merger be approredby approved approvedhy
t hy Shoud the stockholders alreemenl l r of both IM companies mrler and BPred BPrediJn d by by la lai the thewith theSuperintendent
Superintendent t of flanlea k then mll mllo and In accordance accordancenIb o
i with th iJn the terms trs and provisions proVlons of said agreement agreementof arreemenlf
of merger such persons r M shall be stockholders stockholdersof hi hiI
Ju Juety
f of i record of Uf the ep New ew York k security and Trust TrustCompany Trustompany
Company at the closing of the stock slck transfer trasfer books booksof bOk a aI
t of said Id Company coslne on the tall 614 4th 4tl day da of March Marchtnw Marcht I II
I t I tIN tl shall have and be given glv lvII a th the privilege prvlere of sub subscribing ub ubi ubLti ¬ 1
I i scribing rlblnr alal for and purchasing one II 1 share of such suchuldltlonal suchi
Lti i addItional nal stock of 0 furchalnl the New VOrtSeeurlty YOn York Secriy Secflrttr and Ind Trust TrustCompany Trt TrtCotnpany Trustlo
IdU lk
Company atand for tim Ih price of otflveflfltttlred five tve hundred hundr dollars dolar dollarstt
lo 15001 I share for each prCf share of the stock stok of ofthn ofM ofthe
I tt per lch
the M New PC ew York Security srurlY and Trust Trsl Company ompan of ofwhich otwbleh ofwhich
which be shall Ibal b be the registered relJtered reglsteredowner owner at the clos closnn coa coaI doe doeIng
I Ing of the stock transfer booka or saId Compan Compannn
t tnl nn n the said sId 4th tl day dil of March 1804 19 Immediately Immediatelyupon ImnledltelY ImnledltelYIJpon ImmediatelyJpon
upon the approval approv of the agreement alreement of merger mergerabove mercer1 mercer1aa mergersa
aa above provided notice that aad Ild agreement agreementmerger of ofmrreer 01 01m
bol has prvded been so approved shall be sent to the thestockholders thealoclbolder theatockboldera
merger m ahal an
stockholders rer la of th the New York Security Secrtv ad sndTrusI sndTrusICompanT n < JTTUitCompajis JTTUit TltCompl
aloclbolder Compajis notifying said aid stockholders Jtokbolders thaI they theyhave theyIn theyhave
have Compl such nott right lnt to subscribe for the new stock stocksuch Itorknd stofliand
In and nd the said riht stockholders shal airall be given I a perIod perIodf
of f thirty tl 30 daIs from the date t ot tlemlUlr themaillucof themaillucofsuch of oftgb6
such suchlor Ihlr notice wttht dat which t to aubecribe U ana pay paybr
tgb6 lor such t additions stock m f fIng tnD D atoekhoider OI fail failtog f
tog to subscribe almn and to t par for such stock tok within withinuld wIthinId withinad
Ins uld Id perod sbscrbe rJod of thirty days shall be deemed to have havevalved baealved havevalved
valved JerJod his prtvlleze tblry and to have lost all rights right of ofubfcrlptlon ofubcrlpton ofMlbecriptiort
hi prlvlee
ubfcrlptlon to any of such increased Increacd stock stockBr stockfly
ubcrlpton Br order of t the l ay Board of Trustees TrusteesCHARLES Tstee TrUsteesCHttLfS
1 CHARLES r s FAIRCHILD FAICHILD President PresidentALEXANDER Preeltent PreeltentLEXA PreaidenttLFXANIER
CHMPS ALEXANDER LEXA DER S WEBB w105Jr Jr Secretary SecretaryS1MPSONCIUWFOBD SeCrelar SeCrelarSn80 SecretarysrpoicflAWFOUD
A special S1MPSONCIUWFOBD Sn80 meeting CWFORD of the sk stkholder stockholders COMPANY COMPANYA COJPAiT COJPAiTA > ckEoders of the theSIMPSON the5mp theSIMPsONCRATW7T
SIMPSON 5mp SIMPsONCRATW7T Socal OCRAWFORP CHAWTOhn meelnr COMPANY COMPA V will wl be held heldon beldon baldon
on Wedneid WednMday ythe the 9th day of MarchUM March 1rbll 1901 al eleven elevn elevnoclocl elevenoclock < rtevenoclock
oclock In the forenoon at the office of said Com Company Company Cornpatty ¬
oclocl I 19th h and andfoth and20h and20th
la Its building at sixth Avenue l
foth 20th pany Streets I In buldlnr the Borough foroulb of Manhattan laDbala City Cty of ofNew atew ofNew
20h New ew Sireet York for the purpose ot efvotiog voting TolDe upon upn a propositlon propo propofive propositon
sitlon Ynrl to Increae Its puroae cpl11 capitnl stok stock frm from two milon milonlve million millionflve
siton consist consistpsr contstIng
five hundred thousand dolkri doUIU WSOOOOO 50 consit consittnI
lve of the thepar theper
thousand 500 shareS
Ing of twentydye tbousnd aMr
tnI valuo Iwenlylvo of one hundred dollars llOO 1l 10 each to toThree 10three tothree
par Three three million five nVf hundred thousand thousad dollars dalal 185 3500 3I
000 to mlUon consist of thirtyfive tnoysand tlOlnd thosan4 131 3SJOO 35000 shares sharesof sharesof barl barlof
O t Olll thrtnve each eachand eachad eachand
of this tbl par P value of one hundred dollars dolar ISO <
and also for to the purpose If 1 such Increase Increae of capital capitalstock capiAl capiAls capitalstock
ad stock as shall be tie duly authorised of acting upon upon apropoaltion a aproposition
proposition s to p classify c flut Into t r common im n and preferred preferredstock preferredatock r r e estok
stock all the capital stork torl of snld Company Compay M A In Increased Incread Increased ¬
stok al calltal
hundred hundredthousand hundredIbosd hundredthousand
creased amounting to three million nllon flvn n
cread thousand doUars ountng I3MOOOO so a that two millIon inimonflve mllon mllonfve millIonflve
flve Ibosd hundred thousand thousnd lrOI dollars dnlars I3SOOOOO 1 Mo thereof thereofbelne thereo thereofbeing
being fve the amount of the present presnt outstanding stock stockshall IlockAhU stockshall
shall blnc be common stock and one million mUlon dollars dollarsllCOOoixn dolar dollarsthereof
AhU thereof being the entire amount of ofthe orUle ofthe
the 110 llCOOoixn additional stock Slo proposed blc propoed to t entre be Led If I such suchIncrease sucbInc suchincrease
Increase aditona be authorized ed shall be preferred stock stockSuca atockScl stockSuch
Such Inc preferred author stock stck shall b be entitled entled to preference preferenceand preferenceend
and Scl priority pretered over the abAI common stock as a followsThe follows folows folowsTe folIow5The
The holders Irorlty of oer the thl pretered preferred stock to be entitled entitlednr enlt 1
Te declared from the surplus surplusor
to 0 receive when and as surlus surlusnr
nr reeIve ret proflts pron of the corporation cororaton yearly y arlY dividends dividendsat dividendsII
at the let rate of eight per centum per annum anum and ad no nomore nomore nomore
more II Thedividends on the tb preferred prerered stock stok tn tnb Inbe tohe
b be nnnulatlve Tie divdends and ad be payable rahle before beore any an divi dividends divIdend dlvidende ¬
Culaive set setapart setIparlo setapart
dends on the common stockshall stockthal be paid or
apart dend so that If In any any year dividends < lvldend amounting amountingloelttht amountingto ountnr ountnroellbl
loelttht Iparlo to oellbl ibt per percenlum centum shall ahal not have baebeen been paid p ld thereon thereontha thereol thereoltho thereonthe
the deflclency da shall be payable before any ay dividends dividendsshall divIdendtban dividendSbalI
clene ahnl
shall be paid upon or set st apart ST3rt for the common commonstock commonstk commonstock
stock In 111d the event of any aY liquidation lquidaton or dissolu dissolution dloolt dlooltlO dtetollI510am ¬
stk tion or winding t up of oUhe the Company whether Iwbethr volun voluntary volunIaf ¬
tary lO or wndlne Involuntary Ul the Cmlay holders holder of the preferred preferredstock prelered preleredAtlCI preferredteck
Iaf Involuntar In full both the par paraccrued paramont paramount
stock to be entitled to be paid tul
AtlCI amount t or their entted shares bAr ad and al all unpaId dlvdends dlvdendsIcMed dividends dividendsaccrued
accrued amont thereon before any amount snsiioe sbal Shall be paui pauito paId paidto
to IcMed the holders theen of belre tffo common a stock aock There Tere will willalso wmIs willalso
also b be submitted ubmlted to tm said meeting meetJr for Its 11 determina determination detenln detenlnlon detemininaflea ¬
and method ot Issuing IssuingMich tamingsUch
flea the 1hf terms ter conditions condlUol ad Isulne IsulneIcb
sUch lon preferred stock If authorized authorizedDated authorlredDtd authoriredDated
Icb Dated prefered New York Iok February I M 2 IMM IMMHENFIY 111 111J I9 I97fItNR
Dtd HENFIY RY SIEOET SIGEf President PresidentFIUNK PresIdentPRANK PresidentRANIC
PRANK J E VOGEL secretary secretaryNew Secrlar Secrlarew 8ecrrtaryfew
New ew York January lauard 23d 1M4 1M4St fl 1001at
St ft toil Lst oth Iron loD Mountain Joantat Co CogLECTION Southern 80ate Hallway HallwayELECTION Jialwa JialwaLCTJON ItalIway ItalIwayCo
Node U hereby berbV given rive that thL tae tie annual annua meeting meetingof naeeln naeelnef
ef Notce the stockholders teckholder S of the St t Louis LuU Iron Mountain MountainA fountalnsue1
A Southern Railway Company Compay will 1 be held at the theimeral tie tieura theIDIT1
imeral IDIT1 sue1 office Rlwy of the Company com anYyln In the City CIV of St StLoub ft ftn SiLouis
Loub Louis ura Missouri on n Tuesday March Mh th IMMat IMMatrectors 904 at atmine
n mine oclock = A M Mn Mr r for lImp aJeetg eleetlon of t thirteen hr Di Directors
rectors for the t ensuing year and far the transae transaesaid Iransitelion r rld r
lion of any ry ryt other r business fl that c may o come before beforesaid
said r meeting The annual meeting meclnr of the Directors Directorswill Directr DirectrwllJ Directorswill
T annua
will ld be meelnr held at the same office mc on the same day at attwelve attelv attwelve
twelve oeloc bell noon sme The hf transfer trlr r bock tlck will wi b bclosed be becosed beclosed
closed telv on ocock Saturday non January lolA Ih 1W4 1I at twelve twelveoclock twelveOcolIC twelveoelock
oclock cosed noon and reopened on the day dy following followingth
OcolIC th U Voting ketnr ot1nt of ibo stockholder lockboldeo or any anyeOEO aV aVhereof anyitbereof
itbereof hereof
r eOEO OEO J 1 GOULD GOUD President PresidentM PeL PeLI
M I ti f OALEF CZP CAL Secretsrr lecrelU
New N York January JIUA 33d rdm rdmELFJON n 1004 1004ELTION t tELECTION
The T Mlssonrt Jllon PaclAe P ll Hallway Raw Ce CeNotice C Crotce Cfotlro
Notice Is hereby given that Ihn the annual anua meetlni meetlniof meetne meetneot meetlnof
of rotce the stockholders of The Missouri Mllourl PaclBc Iacfc Rail Railway lal flailway
way Company Compay will wIl be held at the general leneral office orce o othe ot ottbe oi oithe
the Company Compay In the City CII of St Louis Lulsl Missouri Isoourl 01 01Tuesday on ony orTuesday
Tuesday y March 8th 1904 at nine oclock 0 clock A t M Msuing Mfor
hihl ab irk irkt irklr
for Ib i1 election of thirteen Directors o sc for t tie en enliming
suing lr year r and far the tie transaction tuuacton of any ay othe othebusiness otberbualeu otbeibusInesS
business bualeu that may ma come cme before beore eald 8d meeting melle Ththe The TheannU Th Thiannual
annU annual meelne meetIng of the Drlor Directors w will be held ci cithe
the same m office on tea same day at twelve l o ocloct ocloctnoni doc docnoom
noom The transfer e books will rte be closed on Satur Saturday Salurday tcr tcrday
day January lanual soth 9b 1S04 19 attwelve al Iwthe tWcIve oclock oclok noon noonmeeting non nonad noonand
ad and ropened reopened on the da day tol following wlnl the annual annualmeetnr annuit annuitmeeting
meeting meetnr thereof of the Ile stockholders or any adjoummen adjoummenthereof aJoummeDt aJoummeDttlereot adjournmeuthereof
tlereot OEO J GOULD President PresidentA President
A H CALEF Secretary SecretaryTHE Secrtar SecrtarTE SecretaryThE
TE NOTICE NOIC IS HEREBY GIVEN OIE that a speclameeting special specialmeeting pecal pecalmeetnr
meeting ot the stockholders atoclholder of The Te Delaware Delawar am amHudson and andl anHudson
Hudson meetnr Company called by order of the Board o oManagers oManagers
Managers g will frJ be held da daYI at YI the office f me meIg of the Ig Com Compaoy r Company
paoy PA No 21 Cortlandt Corlandt Street In the Borough BruCh o oManhattan 01 01abalM olManhattan
Manhattan abalM and City Cty otNew SteeLI York York on Monday Marc MardIseventh Marcseventh Uarb Uarbaeven
seventh aeven 7tb IdOi at 13 oclock o noon for fo the e eot pur purMS purp
MS p of considering d1 and nd acting non upon the Sb ones oneslion queclion
lion = of Increasing Iorulr the e capital call stock aok of the Com Companr Cornpan o
panr pan la the tl amount aol of one Oe hundred bundr thousand Ihou shareef share aa qhsxelof
pF ef tf the thepar par pa value of one Oe hundred hur dollars doa eacaBp each eachBy I
By order orer of lie 1 Board Lpf of Managers UaoaaeoP
P M OLYPIIANT SecretaryFebruary secretary secretaryFebruary rar
With Wih the Union Label Lbel On II I Dr Gen GenFinds Geesflnda
Finds Fnd It I a Great Vret Success SuccessThe SUcrl SUcrlThe SuoersiThe
The first frt early ely morning morlnc service snlc over overgiven evergiven overgiven
given In I a Protestant Protstt church chuch for the night nightworkers niht nihtworker nightworkers
workers worker of newspaper row was wa held at
230 oclock ocok o yesterday yeteray leWBpapr morning by the Rev RevW Rv RvW Revw
W Montague Montgue Oeer Ger in St monc Paula Pau8 Chapel Chapl at atBroadway atBroaway atBroadway
Broadway Broaway and Id Vesey street st t The at attendance at attondanc ¬
tendance tndc numbered nubrd 100 men and ad several severalwomen sverl sverlwomen severalwomen
women The T Rev Rv L L F Bower Bwer of Dr DrGeers DrGers DrGeera
Geers Gers assistants alstt sold sad that tht was a sufficient sufficientto sufcient sufcientt
to t encourage encurge a acDtluce continuance of the service serviceThe serviceThe rlo
The first frt cards cd sent snt by Dr Gear Ger to the thenewspaper thenewpapr thenewspaper
newspaper and ad other othr printing rtn offlcea OI0 where wherenight wherenight wherenight
night newpapr work la l done did dd not have hv the te union unionlabel unionlabl unionlabel
label labl and ad the te pastor pufr found foud the Invitations Invitationscoolly IittoM IittoMcoly lnvitationncoolly
coolly coly received rive Be remedied rmede this ti by byiitsulng byioiaulng
iitsulng 1 others olher on which hic the te union label labelwas labl lablwa labelwait
was conspicuous The returns rtur from trm these theseindicated theanindicated
wa indicated that tht a liberal lbrjl proportion propoton wait in infavor Infavor infavor
favor of holding such services servicesMARINE seric seric1IIXE servicesI4
3unU sU SurLWs5tSISunets < ilSSun UIS1 e t 543Uoon S43110n set slU slUIUOI setL1I41 setL1I41wion ll llman
man IUOI WATERTm WAIEH inis DAT CATRudy DATSadyUookl0IGov DATSandy
Rudy SadyUookl0IGov HooklOA4Gov IdU2 JdIjlel Id l1eilfe1I jHeJl Gate 11 11Arrived 11i 11iArrhedI 119ArriTdScNDAT
ArriTdScNDAT Arrived ArrhedI fiCNDlT T Feb 31 31Ks 21S
Ks 5 Philadelphia Pbladelpbla Southampton Sulhamptn Feb n nM t3s 11Sc
M S s Sc La L Touralne Tourne Havre Uart Feb IS ISSs IS
Ss Patricia Parlel Hamburg Feb Febto e es
S 58 to Chemnitz Bremen Feb 6 6Ss G 5Es
Ss s Chemnlz Pallanza Palalta Hamburg Jan 19 19S 10S 13S
5 S Peconle Peonle Venice Vence Dee 23 23Ss 2
S Ss Albano Hamburg rJJ Feb g3 g3s 1 18s
85 Cielida Bosirlo tan 10 10St
8s s Sydenbam Santiago fUaro Feb 1 1SsStrabo 1i 18 18Si
Si SsStrabo Strabo Santos Jan Jana 20 20Ss
a Rtiatmghm 34zanlilo l Feb 10 10J inSc
Ss Dunbar i Rio Janeiro Jan U USs 10Ss
Ss MatanlD J Philadelphia tJ rhl Feb 2 20 20Sim
Ss S Josef Joef dl Georgia Gfrla Newport eWort R I Feb 20 20Hs 2 20fS4SJetferSOn
Hs Jefferson Jereln Norfolk Norolk Feb 20 20Ss 2
Ss S 5 Northtown Xorthtov Port Por Arthur ArthubTex Tex Feb 13 13Ss 1 33S
S Manhattan Mnblan Poticzmd Porlnd De6 Fe 2 o oSc
Ss 5 H F Dlraock DImok Boston tatn Feb 20 20ASJtfVED 2 2A5BIED I I1J
Ss Dlueeber from New ew York at CherbourgSs Cherbourg Chebour Chebour8s
S 8s 3 New yorl York fm from New ew York at SuthmDto SuthmDtoSa Soutbamptos SoutbamptosSs
Ss Umbrla from rrm rO New NewVork ew York at a Liverpool LiverpoolsiJJJsD LIverpoolUn LiverpoolSAILSO
siJJJsD Un nOM roniios rJJO rows rowsSaEtrirla PORTSs PORTSas
for New ew York YorkSs YorkROlerlam Yorkas
SaEtrirla Ss EtrraJ Etrurla from fm Queenstown Queeostow
as ROlerlam Rotterdamn from BoulM BouIogrte for New York YorkS YorkSI
York Ss S Grower Gro er Kurfuent fm from frm Cherbourg Cberourr for Ne NeYork New NewYork NewYork
Saa n ToiSav ToiSavMUtta TodavSIafts
MUtta ats Vessel VtlttlCloie 1 VesselClose III IIIClo
Close CloseIroquois Clo Sail SailIroquoK nt
Iroquois Charleston 30 3 100PJ 100PJJameitown 00 P At AtJamestown
Jamestown Jamelwn Norfolk SOOPJ SOOPJJlaa 801 800PM3iJ
Jlaa Tomorrow TomorrowStatendim Tomnror 7OmorrOwtatendsm
Statendim Rotterdam nI 700AM 70 7 00 A M 1 loco 100 1000AM 1000AMSirius AM AMSlcllla A r rSicia
Slcllla Sicia Naples Joterdam 8MAM 81 8 30 A M 1100AM 1100AMCevlc I I I 0 00 A AI AICevc ALCevlc
Cevlc Liverpool LiverpoolCity LiverpoolCityolMemphic
City Cevc CityolMemphic of oUfemplls Liverpol LiverpolCIY Memphis Svnn ftOOPM ftOOPMApache 800PMApache 0 P r rApache
Apache CIY Charleston SOOPM SOOPMJefferson 80 800PMJefferson P M MJeaerson
Jefferson Norfolk scoilf scoilfSail 301 3 00 P U USai Usagi
oroU Sail Sai Wtiiutiw Udltdn Feb b t4 t4Cedrtc 24Cedric
Cedrtc Liverpool I 1100AM 1100AMonjuelo 1 1S Ii OOA U UConsuelo
onjuelo 3 l Hull HullSeiuranca HullSeguranca W
Seiuranca S luran a Colon A30AM 11 9 00 A M 100PM 100PMA 10P1 10P1Comus I 00 P51 P51Cornue
Comus Nerlel NeOrle5imit Clon A 1JOOM 1JOOMAlamo I ID 00 M MAlamo A AAlamo
Alamo Galveston GalvMln SOOPM SOOPMPrlncew 30 S tO P Al AlPIIDVCM r rPrlnceM
Prlncew Anne Norfolk Xorolk 3oo 3011 3011IKC1UO 3 00 V Jt JtIKCOXINO AliIcc0is0
IKC1UO Out Today TodayGerlv TndavGerl
Gerlv Gerl Gibraltar Glbralar Jan Jan2 K KVe 22HartlepoOi
Ve ta Welt u Hartlrpcol HarUtponlJn Jaa I7 27 27Orarene 27Granteese I7Granieoie
Granieoie Barbados Feb A AMcanla I 9Feb
Orarene Mcanla Gibraltar Gbrtr Feb 4 4Powbaun 4Powbatan 4F
Powbaun 11cal Glbralur Gbralar Feb FebIarara F eb ebFeb 4 4Xlatara
Xlatara Iarara Nsuau Feb 15 ISMartello 15Martelo 15Feb
Martello Hull lul I IMae Feb 8 8Mae 6IuanFeb
Mae Martelo San Sn Juan IuanFeb Feb 15 11Mlnnetonka 15Mlnnelonka 15MinnetOnkit
Mlnnetonka London Lndon Feb eb 13 13Brooklyn 12rollyn IDlrooklyn
Brooklyn City Swansea Feb 1eb 5 SElswlck 5Elwlrk 5ELswtck
Elswlck rollyn Orante OrangeGibraltar Ciy Gibraltar Gbralar Feb 4 4Kanu1 4KIs 4Kansas
Kansas Elwlrk City Savannah vanah Feb 19 19ponce 19ponr 10Poor
ponce KIs CI San Sn Juan Feb 16 16Maracalbo 18Iancalbl ISMarstcaihflPonre
Maracalbo MarstcaihflPonre Ponce Ionre fh fhr eb t > 17 17HI 17ri
HI Iancalbl Norte Galveston Feb 18 18Dits IeDu 15Vuo
r Dits TOmorrow TomorrovZeeltnd TomOrDU
Zeeltnd Antwerp Antwer F Fb b 11 11Carpalala UC4atlla IiCerpatbia
Carpalala leelad C4atlla N NapIfS Naples plM F Feb b 10 10Moltke 10Molle 10Feb
Moltke Hamburg H mburr Ftb 13 11Ronu 13Roma 13II
Molle Roma Japlci Feb n nArmenian 1 IIArmenianLiverpool
Armenian ArmenianLiverpool Liverpool LIvrool FIb > n nConcho I 13Concbo
Concho Galveiton Glvet GalvestonFtb Feb 17 17Comiu 17Cmu 17Orleans
Comiu Coclo New e Orleans Orlc f Feb > b is isArapahoe tSArlpahoe ISl
Cmu Arapahoe Jaek Jcbonvl onvllle Krn l cli eb1 eb1SMaroJ 21San 21 21SanMarcoi
San SanMarcoi MacoreBrunswick Brunswick Brn1ckeb Brn1ckebDUI sFeb X XDut 20atio
SMaroJ DUI Wmniidau Feb > tt ttPrlnenu UPrne 24Prineess
Prlnenu Irene IreneMajestic ntandDU Genoa GenoaLiverpool Feb 1 II IIFeb
Majestic MajesticUnited Prne Jrf Liverpool LiverpoolChtlstlansand lvrol Feb 17 17tn 17rnfed
MSIfIC Ieb eb n numldlan 12Feb
United tn ledSItCrsllansad States StatesNumldlan SlatesChilatiansand Chtlstlansand ChtlstlansandGlMgow
Numldlan NumldlanEgyptian umldlan GlMgow GlMgowce Feb 1 1EI 13 13Eaptlan
Egyptian EI llan Prince PrinceCity ce Barbados BarbadosSavannah 0aeo narbdO BarbadosFeb Fb FbCIY 17 172 17El
City > of Mscon MsconElAlba Prnce Savannah SavannahGalvMton Savanah Feb 21 21EAlba 2
ElAlba CIY El aon GalvMton GalvMtonDut GavMlnPeb reb IS ISDu 1 1Due
EAlba Ol OlRheln Due Du Thuntav Tlmdav Feb b 25 UBremen 25Rbeln
Rheln RhelnAlllaaca Bremen BremenColon Feb fb 12 12Ala 13Feb
Alllaaca AlllaacaElSlgfo a Colon ColonDw C lon Ieb Feb la laFI 15RI
RI ElSlgfo Ala Nw Oreafb Oreafbn Orlenieb 20 20This
FI 5elo Dw Friday Fr4da Fill 24 25ggi1
tdtbrUCb ggi1 n V erad Feb rlb 1 11
king to Send snd a Commission Common With 1h Exhlt ExbibIts ExhltIts
Its I to 8t Louis Lu Fair FAbla FI2Ab1InII Abjsslnla Mel MelIn Je leI leIIn
In Resources RHOucaold ResourcesGold Gold Silver Slvr Petroleum PetroleumIron Petoleum PetoleumIro PetroleumIron
Iron Iro and Coal Among Its IPodaotl IPodaotlWASUINGTON Products ProductsWASHINGTON IrodtlotIWASU1NOTO
WASHINGTON Feb 2lRobert 21RbrtP P 8kln 8klnne Ski Bkthncr
ne ncr > r United Unite Statea State ConsulOeneral Consulenera at Mar MarMilles Mr Mrsie Marll1ea
sie Milles ll1ea Franco Frace who was 1 sent by this thl Oov Qoveminent Ooverent Ooveminent
eminent erent on a special speia mission mon to t Abyuinli Abyuinliin Aby AbyIn
in November of last for the
Novembr lt year yer te purpose purposeof purs
of negotiating negotatg a trade treaty trety with w th Kinf KinfMenelik Kg Kglene Kln KlnMenelilt
Menelik lene and gathering gatherng information Inroraton respect respectIng rept respectIng
Ing ng commercial comerial resources reure of that country countryhas countr countrybaa
has ha returned reture and made mae a brief bref report reprt o ohis or orbls ol olhis
his highly successful 8uceful mission msion to the Depart Department Depat Depatment Departmont
ment of State As Asa a result of Mr Sklnneri Sklnneriefforts Skner Sknereforts Bklnneriefforts
efforts eforts direct drt trade may my now noW be b profltabl profltablopened prftbl profitab1opened
opened up with 1th a region which whcb contain containa contn
a population ppulaton of something metlnl like Ike 10000001 10000001souls 1000 IOOOOOsoulit
souls IUl a population ppulton too t which whch is dail dailIncreasing dly dlyIncrg daIlincronaing
Increasing Incrg Its Is purchasing purhug power pwer and ad ifawonts its It itswants
wants wats In I his report to Mr Loomis Lomia thi thiAssistant the theASlstnt thiAssistant
Assistant ASlstnt Secretary Seretar of State ConsulGen ConsulGeneral ConsulOenerl
erl era eral Skinner Sldnel says saysThe sys sysThe saysThe
The results of thelrnlssion confided to m mof me meot miof
of safeguarding sate uardln a valuable vauable existing msrkeIn msrke mrketIn
In Ethiopia and Increasing Icreainc It by all nllerltl nllerltlmnte legltl legltlmate legltlmate
mate means may be summarized as as follows followsA tolow tolowA followsA
A treaty has been negotiated nerotaled with th thEmperors the theEmperors tliiEmperors
Emperors Government Goverment which whlhlt If acceptable acceptablewill acceptablewi
will wi secure to t the United States Stnt for all al tint tlmthe tme tmethe tintthe
the privileges prlvleree of the most favored nation nton 1 1Ethiopia In InEthiopi ii iiEthiopia
Ethiopia Ethiopi and at the samo time tme guarante guaranteto
to our citizens ctzel and Ind to t our merchandise Un Unmunlty i fm fmenunity
munlty from discrimination discriminton in I rates upon upoiall uponal upomall
all al whaloevr whaloevr1he whatsoever whatsoeverThe publo public roads roal and lines Jnes of communlcatloi communlcutloiwhatsoever communlcatloiwhatsoever communicaton communicatonwhaloevr
The Invitation Invitaton to participate partclplto In the Louisana Louisiana Louis Loulsiann
ana Purchase S > urchae Exposition xposlton has ht been accepteiand acceptei accoptecand cceptedand
and the preliminary prelminary orders were given dur during durIna during
ing my visit to Addis Abeba Abb for the collcctloi collcctloiof colecton colectonot
of material necessary neceslry for a proper exhibit exhibitThe ehibit ehibitThe eithibitThe
The Emperor also expressed eprelsod his hil Intention Intenton o osending ot oteendlnl osending
sending eendlnl to the United States Stat during durin the com coming eomInl corning
ing Inl summer a commission cmmission of distinguishand distinguish dlstneuished dlstneuishedInd dictiogulahetand
and Ind representative repreentatve men to t take tke charge chalre o othe ot otthe othe
the exhibit exhibt at St Louis and to t expand expnd th thcommercial the thecommercia thicommercial
commercial commercia relations rlations of the empire If pos posslble ps psIlble peesibie
slble I have collected a vast amount o otrade of oftrade otrade
trade Information Itormatlon which blch will 1 be collatei collateiand eoUatedand coUatecand
and duly forwarded forware to t the Department Depatment as asseparate a a aseparate I Iseparate <
separate commercial report Acting Act1n on be behalf behalt behalf
half of the Agricultural Department I have bavsecured havesecurd havisecured
secured securd a 0 collection colecton of the seeds of the te mon monImportant moroImportnt wonImportant
Important Importnt crops cop peculiar pcular to Ethiopia a anum anumber mum mumbec numher
her of which may be b found valuable vauable In tn tnexploitation the theeploitaton thceaploltatiori <
exploitation eploitaton of the uncultivated uncutvate weaten weatenlands weater ccestertlands
lands of the United Unlt States Stte now being blnl made madiavailable madeaaiable madcavailable
available aaiable by the extension etension of our Irrlgutloi Irrlgutloisystem Irigaton Irigatonsystem irrigatlocsystem
system I have also aso In hand material mat rial for forreport i ireport a areport
report upon the agricultural airlcultural resources of the thiempire theempire fbIempire
empire empireThe empireThe empireThe
The Agricultural Department was wa particu particularly partcu partcularly partlculady
larly desirous de lrous of securing a collection oolecton of willcoffee will wid widcolee wildcoffee
coffee colee seeds eees for experimental expermentl purposes purposesThese purpss purpssThlse purposeaThese
These Thlse could not be obtained during my visit visitbut vilitbut visitbut
but have been ordered ordere and will wi be ultimate ultimateforwarded uliately ultimatolforwarded
forwarded lor ared Huch luoh a collection coUlcton could cold onl onlbe only
be found in Kaffs Klfa a remote rmote province provinc of the thicountry tbolounlry thecountry
country access Iccel to which involves a loin loinand 10nKand longand
and expensive eXIenlye journey The experts expert of thiAgricultural the theIrculural th thAgricultural
Agricultural Irculural Department have ha a theory theorjthat theoryIhlt theorythat
that Ihlt tho degeneration deeeneraton of the modern moder planta plantations plan plantationa la ¬
tions tons is due to the fact that coffee cofee culture culturehas cuiuo cuiuoha culturelies
has ha been bn based bae upon seed originally originaly im imported Imprted mmported ¬
ported prted from Arabia rablnl and lee that by getting back backto back backto
to t the wild wid coffee colee plant p ant the habitat of which whicliis wblohIs
is the Province Provloe of Kaffa Kaa a new variety may
be calculable calculableMy b created ceated the value of which w lch will W bo in incalculable Il incalculable ¬ I Icalculable
My ly endeavor to obtain a pair of large largezebras lara largezebras
zebras for crossbreeding cr08 breedlng purposes purposs pal was also alsoIn alaoIn also1cm
In vain Thegn animals are exceedingly exceedinglyrare excedlnrlY excedlnrlYrare
rare and difficult dlncult to capture alive I have haveleft havelef haveleft
left lef Instructions Instrcion however In regard rClard to this thismatter thismatter thismatter
matter and trust to be able to supply tuPply two twoof twoOf twoof
of these the animals nnlma8 some lome time tmA In the future futureIn futre futreIn futureIii
In addition additon to these thest definite detnlte results reluts the thepresence thepresenc thepresence
presenc presence of the mission mls lon In Ethiopia has h had hadthe hndthe hadthe
the effect of turning the attention ntenUon of the thebusiness thebWlness thebusiness
business bWlness etec clauses cla s of the empire toward the theUnited theUnied theUnited
United Unied States Stats as a probable source 8urco towlr of supply aupplytor uppl upplfor
for many manufactured muactue articles for which whichan whch whchan whic whican
an expanding expandig market is S arcel certain crin to t result resultupon rut rutupon resultupon
upon toe completion completon of the railway and as a a aprobable aprbnble aprobable
te raay
probable prbnble consuming cmrmll market mrket for fo such prod products prd prduc prodUcLa ¬
UcLa as may lay be available for export exportProbably exportProbably
uc Probably a for the first nrlt time eXPrt eXPrtProbabl In the modern modernand modernhistory modernhistory
history or 0 EthiopI Ethiopia h ba a foreign nilsalon nilsalonvisited ml8lon ml8lonJsled
visited Jsled the count country upon an errand of peat peatnnd patand
and amity a bringing upn no vexed veed question qUtlton of ofterritorial ofterrltorlallntBr ofterritorial
territorial terrltorlallntBr mt Integrity brn t Di or national natonl honor to de decide decde dodde ¬
cide cde and neither asking akla nor Jatng granting any anything an anthing anything ¬
thing to which both sidescouldlnot aldO side cd could not accede accedeJ acede acedetrust
J trust that tht the visit vat of tbe mission m lon will willresult willreault 1 I
result eventually eventualy in tbe expansion expaelon of Ameri American American Amencan ¬
can Interests Interesl In Ethiopia Ethopia where wher they arealready are arealready arealreay
already greater than thn those of any of the thePowers tbePowers thePowers
alreay cateI
Powers now making mlklnl strenuous atrnuous efforts elorl to tothe t toobtain
obtain the leadersip leadership I If the traty treaty which 1 1ha Ihave
ha have e ben been dIrced directed to neaoUlt negotiate b be rntle ratified bF bFt
the t he Senate Snate our commerce commerC will 1 depend depd hence henceforth henc henceforth ¬
forth not upon Upn the President Prlent nor no upon upn Con Conprent Cn Cnlesl Conrreas
prent rreas but upon the Individual Idh1dua business roan roanwithout mn mnWithout manWithoat
without lesl the presence preenc of an American Atrcan citizen citizenor ctzn ctznor
or the advantage of official oMc contact contc our ournotion ouroUon ourcotton
notion sheetings Ihfetnp by virtue of their tbel excel excellence exel exelIpne excellence ¬
lence have forced themselves tbemlTe Into It Ethiopia Ethiopiawhere EthIopiawhere
where for years year torc they have hV constituted eltut Etbol the theprincipal tbeprincpa theprincipal
principal article of Import ImportEthiopia ImportEthiopia
princpa Ethiopia aricle being blna Impor without a seaport and andwe andhemmed andhemmed
hemmed In by three Eurpan European PoweJ Poweys pr each eachone eachone
one striving trlvn6 t to spplant supplant ou our mer merchandise merchandisewe hadll
we came a me none too t soon Bn to prate prateby prt tIa a tre treby tiade tiadeby
by the negotiation nectlaton of a treaty which o should shouldguarantee shoud shoudlarant shouldguarantee
guarantee equal treatment trOtment to our merchan merchandise merchandlae merchandice ¬
dice larant not only in respect to Import Impor duties dutO but butrates butmore butmore
more Impornt important ony rlpc still ti In respect to equ e4Uaj e4Uajrates
rates of transport transportWhile transportWhile
While the demand for mlsrellsnvous mlsllanpoul mer merchandise merhandls merehandice ¬
chandise handls Whie is II extremely extrmtly limited lmted In Ethiopia Ethiopia It Itshould I Ishould itshould
should be b recalled rcaled that the country cuntr Is at this thismoment tha thamompnt thismoment
moment In a state of transition trnton and that the thepopulation tbepopulaton thepopulation
population populaton is acquiring aCQllrln6 new tastes tlts and new newneeds newnPds nowneede
needs nPds in consequence consqUfnc of closer corr contact oontAc with withWestern withWeatm withWestern
Western Weatm civilization dvllaton and Id the creation creaton of ofthe orthi ofthe
the thi new railroad which whch permits prits the sale of ofEthiopian otEthiopian ofEthiopian
Ethiopian rairad products and consequently cODeqlenty enables enablesthe enabll enahI enahIthe se
the Ih population pOJulaton proucs to become bcome purchasers purchmf While Whilethese Whe WhethlAe YbIJothese
these thlAe requirements are ar relstlvrly reitlvly unimpor unimportant untmport1nt Unimportant ¬
tant at this time and cannot Cnnot vastly vatly Increase Increaseuntil Increle IncreleIntl Increaseuntil
until the completion In of the railroad rliroad two or orthree orthre orthree
Intl three thre years comJIton hence henr tastes tatel are now being beingformed binl beingformed
formed forme leaI and markets makMs are being created the thefull thetulimporanco thefull
full Importance of which can only be b appre appreciated apprecate appredated ¬
dated tulimporanco in future tutre years and experience exprienc hasshown has hasshown lal lalAhoW
shown cate AhoW that the manufacturing manutlrurlnl nations natona which whichhave whlohhne whichhare
have been ben the first on the th ground arund In neutral neutralmarkets netral netralmlrket neutralmarkets
markets of the th world orld have been ben the first Irlt to toprofit toprolt toproflt
profit mlrket when those markets maket have acquired acquiredimportant acujredimportant cQUred cQUredImportant
important prolt proportions proportionsEthiopia proporlon proportioncEthiopia II
Ethiopia Is l wealthy altby In 1 resources rMQur 1 beyond beyondthe beyondthe beyondthe
the power of any man to calculate calclate Gold Goldexist Goldsl Goldsilver
silver vlr asphalt petrolfum petroleum Iron and coai coaioxist c
exist Ixllt sl In combination combinaton alhal with wth a salubrious slubrious climate climateatrrlcultural clmate clmateanlcultural climateagricultural
agricultural productiveness prouoUnPI and a I popula population ppula ppulaton population ¬
tion of singular slnllr docility dociity With Ith watchful watchfuleg watchul watchule8 watchfuloyes
ton oyes > eg upon the future tutlr the th Emperor seeks seeksto lekl leklto
to pit one European Europan Power Pwer against al31nat another anotherIn MotherII
In II order Jlt to preserve prp pre the t e political polical Indepen Independ IndfJn IndfJnc Indepncince
d cince nrn nr of his hil people pnpl which has been ben handed handeddown handeddown bandeddown
down c through throulh the centuries cenlrlel and ald in the tb mean meantime mntme meantime ¬
time he hopes hnpl1 to develop ceVlop the Lh intelligence intelligenceand IntUItnce IntUItnceand
tme and resources reeourcf of the population populaton to such uoh a apoint apoint apoint
point as to I enable fDbl It to withstand any pressure pressurefrom prsur pressurefrom
from without The empire Implre holds hold out ou no noattractions noaUrartons noattractions
attractions to the comnwreisl tomtroi adventurer adventurerwith adnnturerwih adventurerwith
aUrartons with limited means mfnnl Too many Europeans now nowIn nowIn nowin
In wih the 1011 field are Ire of that class cu and the Emperor Emperorwith Emperorwth Emperorwith
with just reason reRon Is l weary lay of the constant constantclamor cnltant cnltantcamor constantclamor
wth clamor for fil concessions conrAslons from all II sorts ors and andconditions andtondltons andconditions
conditions camor of persons whose whosl only nnlyobjct object Is Isto ls lsto Iato
to tondltons find a purchaser Jrlon at an n exorbitant xorbltat figure figureOn lrl dgurOn
On fld th thf the other ethlr I hand enterprises nterprlll planned plAnn d with withkill withlrl withskill
skill kill lrl and backed baokd with Wth sufficient AuMolfnt capital tRPt may maybo maybf mayhe
bo bf undertaken und rt4kln and carried carrie out with wth every everynsviranc everyRstiritneR veryR
nsviranc R lranc tout thlt property propfrt Interests Interfet will wi be berewcted ber bereapoted
r rewcted by the Government Govlrnment and that pro promoters pr promotors ¬
motors mollr Tcd of such enterprises fntprprlsf1 will Tl be Welcomed Welcomedwith 1 irelcemedwith INmd INmdfh
with fh a 1 catholic atholo spirit spiritThe spiritThe plrltTe
The list of Referees RefereesThe RelerrelTe flefereesTue
The following Li L I a Hat lat of referee appointed spplnted In InaiM Inc incanes
c canes aiM Te In lolowlne tbe Supreme lpreme Court Curt lut lal week weekBy we weekBy l
By Justice Justre Truss TrussCain Trua TruaxCases
Cain Cal Referees ntirtetHern nt RefereesStern
Stern vs VI Bermteln UernsteinChii Chi Cbl A Alal Jackson Jacksonnlversl JaCksonUniversal on ontnhersJ
Universal Talking Machine MachineCo MarblnCn MaehieCnvsMorsc
tnhersJ Co CnvsMorsc v Morse More John Hone Jr Jrtme JrSame JrSame
Same tme vs Woodruff Wodrua WoodruilJohn John Hone Ronelr RonelrPllock Jr Jrollock JrPoliok
ollock vs V Wirth WlrIhEugene Irth Eurcne H Pomeror Pomerorlatter Pmery PmeryMatler Pomeroywaiter
latter Pllock of Cowles Cowle CowlesJohn John N Lewis Lewiraade Le LewisFraade
raade vs v Drown UrownThomas Thomas Tloma W Churchill ChurchillUtter Cburcbl Churchilltiatter
Utter fater of ShArp Sar and Dn Drl nryan EUw Wm 0 C Daviei Davieilatter DUluMater DaeIeafatteT
Mater latter of Brut Drl Junes A Deerlnt Deerlntennrld Deerlnrpenltld DeeringPenfleld
penltld ennrld v V vs Muller uler Gerard Roberth Robert Robertstherman blrl
Sberman h rra n vs Eppateln Eppteln Robert Rbel Coeller CoellerTheo Geler GelerMater GotlIerMatter
Mater latter of otInkowsk1Theo Xltnirowalil Mnl ll Theo 1beo F Humphrey HumphreyArmera UumphreyIarmr humphreyrarmers
rarmers Armera Loan Lan and Trust Trsl Co Covs Covs
Iarmr vs 8 Ovsrtngton ovhrnrtn ft 4 case Isaac hae B Brenntn Brenntnlatter Brcn BrcnMalr SrenAanIfatter
Malr latter of SVlelarEdwin Wlelsr Wlela Edwin A WAtson WAtsonBy WAtmnBjr WAln WAlnBY
BY Justice Ju tc Dlschofl Dlschoflirnktn Bbchof IlischollJenkins
Jenkins vs slekln Jenkins JenkinsJohn Jonn Jnln A Straley Straleybarn Strley Strley1born StraleyPhorn
barn vs Spann Jsi 1 F C Blackaurat Blackauratiinford Bakhult Bakhultfantord fllaekhurstSanfordVa
1born fantord SanfordVa iinford vs Smith Smll LouisWendelJr LouisWendelJrBy ul Wendellr WendellrDr
By Justice lutce VacLean VacLeanTaneo MaLen MaLenFrnco MacLeanrranco
Taneo vs Franco Franc FranceClose Cbas Donohue Donohuelatter Dnohue DnohuerbY DonohueMatter
latter of Doctor DoctorJames Jsmea J 7 UeEvllly UeEvlllyirosby UevlilyrosbF
irosby rbY vs a Walker a Hua 2 Cues 0 GTStfa OT T Stewart StrwartBy StewartDy
By JustIce luslc Amend Amendavl AmendDavl AmendflaViS
Davl avl v vs DAVU Davi flavlaRichard Rtahard Rlbrd U t Martin Martinneehan MartinSheehan MartinSbrehaO
Sheehan vs a Martin Marln EdwardWCrttt Edwr EdwsrdWCrlttenden EdwsrdWCrlttendenfll W Crlenoen CrlenoenBy nilen nilenBy
By Justice Clarke ClarkeHattery ciarkeitaitery
JItlce Carlt Carlt1It1
Hattery 1It1 vs VI Lurtter LusierPaul Paul D Jude JudceMori JudeAm JudgeSm
Am AlOft Co C vs Scnub ScnubKlil SchubKegei
Klil 01 Sbub Clbert tben B Himlln HimllnBy JUmln JUmlnD ilamlinB
By B Justice JUJlct Btmtt Btmttn Bru BruDurro DarrellDugro
Durro n ro vi v Meeting Heernr D CD Cu Cilia A lalT lalTBy Mafloy MafloyBy U U07 U07By
By Justice Juatee D Dav Davis Davislittler vU vUsttlvr
laUter littler v ye nccnaatxrg eblbrr James C Hurray HurrayBy JCr8 Sfurrasfly
By Il Justice Jusic Lertntrltt Lertntrlttiiawnand LeventrittDmownand
Len11U Len11Uroad
road Fleming Flemlr Con Ca Co Covs CoS CoVa
vs S Dunne LouijUSeaattbsrg LUL1 Ltfl i e sousser
= =
MOB I AT 41 EAST n SIDE SIDEVictoria DJ D l lIctoria
Victoria VIetor GordonsMsrrIe Gordons GOron Marriage Mace Ccremon CcremonBrokethe Cremon CremonDr CerethonI3r
Brokethe Dr kehe Records Recrd for fol Corf VorceoUnes VorceoUnesVctria Gorgeousness GorgeousnessVictoria coolness coolnessVictoria
Victoria Vctria Gordon Goron tho young and ad pretty prettjdaughter prtty prttydaughtel prettydaughter
daughter daughtel of Louis Lul Gordon Gron tho Mayor 01 01Canal of ofCan 01Canal
Canal Can street strt and ad Joseph Joph Edelaon Edeln a lawyer lawyerwere lwyer lwyerwer lawyerwere
were wer married me last lat night and ad East Eat SId 8idsocial Side Sidesial SIdeocial <
social sial authorities authorte say sy that tht no wedding wedg 01 01tho on onthe orthe
the East Fat Side in I years yea has ha been bn its Is match matchThe mth mthTe matchThe
The Te brides father la i said Nd to be b the wealthles wealthlesreal weltiest weltiestrel wea1thiesreal
real rel estate 6tate owner OW r in that part p of tho city cityTho cityTe cityThe
The Te ceremony took tok place pll in the te newsyna newsynagogue ne new sya syagoge syna synagogue
gogue goge of the te Sons Bn of Israel Irl Kalwarie Klware ii iiPlko in inPl ItFiko
Plko Pl street Itrst Coition OOl on is I chairman chairmn of the thicommittee thoomit thecommittee
committee omit to erect et the to building buiding which whiolhaa whichb whichbaa
baa b not been bn entirely 4ntily completed complete As A i icompliment a aoomplment C Ccompliment
oomplment compliment to Gordon Gron it was wa decided deide U Uallow to toaow taallow I
allow aow the ceremony crony to be b held in it itThe ItTe itThe
The Te ceremony was WI announced anouo for I Ioclock I Ioclock I
oclock oolok yesterday yesteray afternoon ateroon but befoii befoiiS bor
3 oclock ociok the street trt in front frnt of the syna synagogue sya syagoge synagogue ¬
gogue goge for foka a block blok distant dltt was packed pke from froncurb fromoWb froircurb
curb oWb to curb cb by a crowd cw of glrl al4 and nd woman womanIt womnnIt womenIt
It waa Wa necessary nee to t call oal out the rewrvet rewrvetfrom rervesfrom rves rvesfrm
from order orderThe frm the Madison Mailon street stt station Itaton tatio to t preeerri preeerriorder prsre prsreorer preeervsorder
orer orderThe
orerTo The To guests guet arrived ave to I carriagea cae anc ancautomobiles ad adauto as asautonobi1es
automobiles auto oble8 and ad It was wa necessary ne ry to form forma forma
a solid 1M line lne of policemen pUceme from the sldewaH sldewaHto sidewalk sidewalkto aLdewaito
to the entrance entrce to t keep kep the t women back backAlthough bak baktrom backfrom
from the wedding
mbbg mobbing t wedi pty ptythou party
Although thou an a orthodox orhoox synagogue some sominnovations someInnovlon somelnnovationa
innovations Innovlon were permitted ygge U I is I a rare rarthug rr rarethh2g
thug thg for music mlIO mmhto to be l pntte allowed at a an a orthodo orthodoservice orhoox orhooxsec orthodo3service
service sec but bu for this th aowe occasion olon an orchestra orcheetrand orch orchestraand tr
and a choir choi of twenty boys by were preeent preeentThe prent prentThe presentThe
The ceremony orony was wa a double one th thRev the theRv theRev
Rev Rv Dr D Bernard Bm Draohman Dc from th thSixtyseventh the the8lxtYeventb theSixtyseventh
Sixtyseventh street strt synagogue perform performing performin
ing in the ceremonies cemonle of sygge the reformed reforme por churcand church chuh chuhad churchand
and ad Rabbi Rbb Israel Irl Cooper Co of the congreg congregtion congregation
tion conducting cnducig the orthodox orhox rites ritesThe ritesThe cngega
ton th
The To bride brde was Wt attended attende by re her sisters slstetGertrude slor sistersOerrude
Gertrude Gerrej Ray Ry and ad Annie Aie and Miss M Ger Gettrude Gertended Gertre
tre trude G Goldstein dn Te The bolm bridegroom 18 woe woetended a
tended tend by lawyer Lwer Jacob Jab Gordon Goron brathe bratheAfter brher brherot brotheiof
ot the bride ad and Irg Irving Lipeohita LipeohitaAfter
Lpohtz LpohtzAre
After Are the ceremony a reception repton was wa bel belIn held heldIn heldin
In Palm Pal Garden Garen ceony in I East E Fiftyeighth Ftrgbth street streetother str streetNearly
Nely Nearly ever every P1tcin politiolan ot hgh high Ind and low lowdeg ow owdegree
degree deg on the East Et Side and mny many froni froniother trm trmotler
other otler sections seion attended attonde the reception receptionThe reepton reeptonTo receptionThe
The To bridegroom brdepm 1 la a a member mmbr of the Johi JohiF Joh JobxF
F Ahearn Aher Association Aoiaton and the association associationincluding aeociationincluding Iaton IatonIcludig
including Icludig Borough Brugh President Peldent Ahearn Aher was waiout wa wasout I Iou
out ou in I force for Among Amng the te other gueeti gueetiwere get guestiwere I
were we Congressman Congman Timothy Tmohy D Sullivan SuuivanActing Sulv SullivanActing
Acting Acing Mayor Timothy TlmoU y P Sullivan Su1van Civi CiviJustices Cii CiviJustices
Justices JuicC Benjamin Benjain Hoffman Holm and ad Leon LeoiSaunders Ln LnSud LeonSaunders5 1
Saunders Sud Saunders5 Assemblyman Burns Buder Aldennai AldennaiMarks AldeninixMarks I
Marks Mrk Under Under Ambly Sheriff Sher Harburger Hrbuger FortWarden Fort Por PortWarden
Warden Charles S Adler Chairman Charla CharlaTT Charle
Waren Chrle Adlerj Chirn
TT H Muy Murray f of the T Repub Republican ll llmittec ie couty county 00 oom oommittee
mittec mltte Leader Le Jacob Jab A Neustadt Neuat of th thTwelfth tho thoTwelfh theTwelfth
Twelfth Twelfh Assembly district dlrc the Hon Ton TonFoley TomFoley ToniFoley
Foley Senator Sentor Samuel Sluel Foley oley James Jame B BMarch BllrchJ BMarch
llrchJ March Senator Sntor Fitzgerald Fitzgerld Senator Setr Rlor Rlordan Ror Rordn Riordan
dan dn Commissioner lorlont Oakley and delega delegatlons delegaton delegationa
tlons ton from frm the P Diner Association Associationthe Aoaton Aoatonthe
the Florrle Florie Sullivan Sulvan Association Aeoiaton the thiBlaine the theBaine theElaine
Blaine Baine Club the Oriental Orental Club and ad th thColumbian the theColumbin theColumblan
Columbian Columbin Club Clubirs c5iubITS lub lub17S
It I Makes lae the Pauper Puper Greater Gretel Than 1h 1hAblest the theAblNt thAblest
Ablest Statesman Itteman Dr D nix Di Says SayiThe S SaysThe
The advent of Lent Is like those few foisolemn fewsolemn
MTe aVtt Lnt lke t
solemn slem notes not in a Wagnerian Wanerian opera opra that thaannounce thatannounc thaiannounce
announce announc the coming cming of some passage passagiof p8g0 p8g0of passageof
of sublime sublme love and ad peace pc and ad accord ocord Bali Balith Bald Baldthe eaidthe
th the Rev Rv Dr Morgan Morla Dixin DIin Dix in beginning bginig hi hiLenten hi hisLenten
Lenten Lnt sermcs sro In old Trinity Trnity churchyesterday church phurcbyesterday hurch hurch7etrda7
yesterday 7etrda7 morning morn No one with wit a a con conscience conscienc conacience
science scienc goes go quietly quiety into It Lent Lnt and quletlout quietly quiety quietyouL quietlyout
out of it without being bing bettor bttr for the perlo perloof priod priodat period periodof <
of contemplation and
cntmplaton ad penanco penancoDr pnac penancoDr
Dr Dix Dx went on to Bay BayThere sy syThere sayThere
There are many outside the church am amsome and andsome andsome
some In It who disparage dl paroee this custom as i imere a amfre amere
mere mfre formality foraity they look upon It with i ifeeling a aterlna afeeling
terlna feeling of annoyance as a a I tedious tdious disagree disagreeable dlsarreeable disagreeable
able period to which they must lusteubmlt rnustsubmit submit Coo CooLord Good GoodLord GoodLord <
Lord what hearts we have around us usHow usl uslow nd210w
How ow dry and hard and cold they are arel AVishould WoIhould AVi Weshould
Ihould should be crateful Iratefu for a time tme like lie this thi for a apause a apause apause
pause to t catch our ou breath It Is I aftoppor aftopportunity abopportunity oppor opportunity ¬
tunity to t repair repai the damage wrought wouabt in I ouilives our ou ourlives
lives by the fever of tho frivolous world worldWo worldWo worldWe
Ivl Wo are losing loalnl sight llbt < of t high ideals In the thereckless thereokless thereckless
reckless dash dlsh of our 011 existence exlAtplce the sordid sordidcares lorld lorldoares sordidcares I
cares of our dally daly life le and the wasting waatne fever feverof feveror feverof
of gain laln iDr Dr Dix DIs waved his hand down downtoward downtoward downtoward
toward Wall Wal Street avl Whatever Is good goodwhatever goodwhatever ood oodwbateyer
whatever la true trll whatever Is really realy worth worthstriving wortbtrlvlng worthstriving
striving for whatever Is real gain eall and hap happiness happinees ¬
piness In this tbl world plays a email smal part com compared cor cornpared ¬
pared with the degrading degraln things that tUIt drag dragmen drai dragmen
lfn men down from their souls treasures to the thoThe theeClm thesctlm
sctlm sctlmTh
eClm eClmThe
The Th most unfortunate unrorunnte pauper In I the street streetthe streetthe streetthe
the man ma lacking Ikl sufficient sUnclent wit to provide providehis providehil
hil his humble wants wanttbe wantathe tha mind that cannot oven ovenfollow ovenlolow ovenfollow
follow the work of anothers mind with wih a ahand ahad ahand
lolow had hand that cannot produce an object of value valuebut vue vuebut valuebut
but with a heart hertul beartfull full of oflova love Is isgreaterthanthe isgreaterthantheHerbert greater createI than the theHerbert theHfrbrt
Herbert Spencer Spncer the Darwin or the power powerful pwer pwertul powerful ¬
ful magnates and ad statesmen around us tieGreater usBreater 11
Grlate Greater marats because becuse his soiil 8011 has ba retained the theImage theot thebuage
Image of his hl God Go and ad that tat Is I greater even evenIn eyenI evenin
In this world than the most mOt powerful in intellect Intlet Infeflect ¬
I tellect the word world ta has ha ever seen pOenu In action actionSuch acton actonSuch actionBuch
tlet te
Such a man ma may well wel shame the te momen momentary momentr womentary ¬
tr tary man of affairs affairsSAILORS dall dallSA1LOl affairsSAILORS
Shake Hands With Wth BUM l Gould onld and Mrs MrsSaie Ir 1rs 1rsSage
Sage Sle and Hear Ieal the Navy Nav Praised PraliedA PaSed PaSedA
A party of 100 10 United Unie States SLte marines marinesnd marine marineInd marinessnd
Ind snd nd sailors sior pry from the Brooklyn Brookly Naval Navl Young Younglens YoungMena Youngfens
lens Christian Critin Association Asoiton attended atede ser serice servlco service
vice ice at the Fifth Avenue Collegiate Clegite Church Churchesterday Cburh Cburhyeteray Churchyesterday
yeteray yesterday morning at the Invitation Invitton of ofhe ofthe ofLho
the he pastor pltOI the Rev Rv Dr Donald Donld Sage Sagetockay fageMackay ge geMcky
Mcky tockay The marines mre were we from frm the thelavy thenavy
nv navy yard yr and the sailors Il0rs from frm the IowaBaltimore Iowa Iowaialtlmora IowaBllmol I
Bllmol Baltimore and nd Hancock Hncock The Te party pary was wasmted wassMte wasseated
sMte seated in I the church churh galleries galerC which were wereraped weredraped I Idrpe
drpe raped as O wa was the pulpit with wih United UnitedItates Unie UnitedStates
Slate States flags flagsDr fgs fgsDr flagsDr
Dr Mactay acky prefaced preface his sermon senon with a aef arferec areference
rferec reference ef erence t tothework o the work of oUhe t theNaval he Naval Y M C A An AI Ain
I in n Brooklyn Broklyn and quoted quote statistics etat51c to chow chowihat ehowtht showthat
tht that the building builing while whie admirably admirbly con conelved conceive conceivod
ceive elved and planned pinne is I Inadequate Indequate for Its Itsmrpose 18 18purOe itspurpose
purOe purpose mrposeI
1 need ne not say sy we extend to these thee hundted hun hunIred hundr
dr Ired men our heartiest herlelt welcome welcme hecon heconinued he con contnue conbinued
tnue inued They Tey utand and for a navy nvy with wih a ajlorlous aglorious aglorious
glorious untarnished untamlshe record rr of mighty mightyichlevenuint mightyachlevemfnt mightyachievement
achlevemfnt achievement When Whe we offer oler them the our ourlordlal ourcordil ourcordial
cordil cordial good goo will wi for their theirfalthulne theirfaithiulnees faithfulness to toluty toduty toduty
duty and ad their loyalty loylty to tho flag fg we show showiur showour showour
our honor for and our interest Interet In that ihatbranch thatiranch hatbrc
brc branch of our countrys coutrl service serice which we woicpe wehope wehope
hope the icpe world worldAt worldAt may my help hlp to establish etablih the poaceof poaceofAt pocoot pocootthe
At the close of the service the sailors sailorsand Bailorsmd
and marines mrine cos formed fone in I line lne at the rear rer rearthe of ofhe ot
the he gallery galery pews and shook hands with withIlss wl1 withMiss
MIRe Ilss Helen Gould and Mrs Mr Russell Russel Srge Srgeho So ge gewho gewho
who ho are members member of I he church churh Dr Me Mr ckay ckaynd ckayand ckayand
and nd others other Mite li Gould built buit the Naval NavalI Nav l lY
Y I M C A and she Ihe and od Mm Mrl Sage Sg give giveargely p1e p1elargelyto giveInrgelytc
largelyto argely to its is maintenance maintenancerV
A 5lalole aynagogne Syna oitie Opened Oped and Tablet Table Unveiled Unveiledat Unveltd Unveltdat
at the EmanuEl Sisterhoods Home HomeA lome lomeA
A tablet in memoryof memory memorofhe of the Rev Dr D Qustav autavOottbeil Qustavlotthell GtavOothel
Oothel lotthell woe W8 unveiled uveie and the synagogue synagogueiullt syagoge syagogebuit synagoguebuilt
buit built in I his hi memory was M consecrated cOMerated at the theiome thehome thehome
home iome of the EmanuEl EnuEl Sisterhood SIterhoo yester yestery yeter yeterdy yesterday
dy day y afternoon ateroon The Rev Rv Dr Sllverman Sllvermantravelled Siverman SivermanIVled SilvermanuAvlled
IVled travelled the tablet which bears br the In InicriptUm Insrpto intoription
srpto icriptUm In I loving lovig memory of Rev Rv Dr DrJotthell DrGothel DrGottheil
Gothel Jotthell and ad below it are the words wordsBleesed ward wordsBlessed
NBlee Blessed 1 1 IA he that consldereth conldereth tho poor poorThe poorThe
The Te synagogue which is l in the pr prTe upper upperart upperport
port art of sralOiJe the home was a consecrated onserate by uppr upprpr the thelev theRev theRev
Rev pr George O rge Alexander Kohut and the theulogy theoulog theDulogydelivared
Dulogydelivared ulogy delivered deUvere by the Rev Stephen Wise Wisefter W WiseAfter e eMte
oulog Mte After fter the consecrating conertnC service eerlce in which whichhe whichthe whichhe
the he holy light Isht wan m lit lt Dr Wise Wle reviewed reviewedihe
the history htor of the work among atIg the Jews Jewsn JewsIn
in n that locality And described decb how the theaugntor theetabllhent thestablishxnent
etabllhent stablishxnent of the aynagqgue ad and home homeorllly homewas
was originally plne planned 8Ygogue by D Dr Gotthel GotthelTe Gottheil GottheilThe
The Te orllly cot cost of bwldnl building the chncl chancel of thetynagogue the thesyagge
tynagogue wait pid paid by the late rabbis rahbidllht rabbislatIght
dllht latIght augntor augntorDr er erDr orDr
Dr Parks Pr to t Begin Deln on Sunday SundayThe 8UQla 8UQlaThe auridayThe
The Rev Dr Leighton Parks rector rectorlect rectorIleo rectormlet
Ileo lect ofSt of St Bartholomews Baholoes Episcopal Epllcpal Church Churchs Crc
II s to begin b n work 1ork next Sunday Dr Greets Grceraisnistant Grers Grerssllsat Greetsissistant
sllsat isnistant < th the Her Re David Davd M 1 Steele Stee has ha ao aoot S SJe soepted
epted ot d the noterate of St Lukes Lues and andDplphany ad adZp1 andplpny
Zp1 Dplphany Je Church Cch norte Philadelphia Phlelphi and ed will willnova wn wnrO willsor
rO sor nova thm thr on Tuesday Tu d1
Goldfleia GoldfdC Ore oe Goes V T0 0 to the te To ToGovernment Ton Tonevlment TorGosernaibnt
Government evlment Stimulates fUmuat Development Developmenor Delopent Delopento
or o Quartz QU z Properties POre In I AlaHa A AJMIcIIrOa AJMIcIIrOa1O Ire Irere lo
e re Trad Te1 Unable t t to Agrtt A s a MOM MOMRxico fo ttioeSRuo
Rxico 110 N NSlr T F Fb Fib b n11 iUo3deId Uoldfleld la 1 I repro reproducint reproducing Pr
ducint duo the te cltinat ucmt of tat tiJ arly day n ol olTonopab otTonoOaFJ ofTonopab
Tonopab TonoOaFJ From a f f6 < r dawn dO parson It Itpopulated It itspopul
populated Ppult popul 1u hs Increased I in I sevetsi ma P wwlato wk wwla wsekato
to t or orlOlay oflr r 1000 Many of the newcotttrs Dewc Cm Cmno a nd ndno
no sleeping lp places plc even in I teat ut Stages Stageswbidarrhre tag ia iawlo i iwhich I
which wlo wbidarrhre arrive Iv In I Tonopih Tooii brine brllrof Mores rad 01 01passengers of ofpseeflgera
passengers P II who have n for UoldfleU Ulfel at apoi apoias en ena aeon aeonas
as they can secure postage Hundreds ofleases o oleases ot
a leF o oa P Hudr I
leases lea have hye been b given lye1 to t small iU operators operatorsmost opata opataIot operatorsmost
most Iot of whom wl0m dream d of the t tb fortunes torue thairewarded 1at 1atrewe thai thatrewarded
rewarded rewe lessees 1al lease of f the t Mltpah Mlapa mine m In I the theearly te teearly theearly
early days d dss of fonopah Tonopa In I mines m adjoining adjolninithe acolDla acolDlathe adjoiningthe
the Vindicator Vidictr ore o that tt runs r as a high as asto 10 tiso tisotothOtonhasbe
to t tothOtonhasbe the t ton t hat 1 been b flfound flfoundIn found foundIn foud
In the te Tonopsh TODoPI Extension htnla mine a rich rlolstrike rlohtrlke richstrike
strike has ha been bn made ms I Iast ast t fall faUSt ro at a depth deptlof depthot depthof
of 230 23 feet the shaft shat out an a east at and wes wesledge wet wetled west westledge
ledge led fl feet wide which whic carried caried 15 50 ore oreThe or oreThe
The shaft ehat was WI8 then ten deepened deopene to t 275 feet feetbut teetbut feetbut
but the ore remained remaine the same sm Then Ten Thencrosscut i icrosscut I I Ioroout
crosscut oroout was started etar At the te end pf f thirty thirtyseven tlrty tlrtysoen thirtysaved
seven soen feet the ore averaged a1rared I sso 50 a ton tonThen tonThen tonThen I
Then one foot tot of ore or on the hangIng hanglniwall haatnc haatncwal hangIngwall I
wall wal a streak Iteal of ruby and ad brittle brittl silver lver was wsifound w wfound wasfound
found only B Inches In width but carrying carryingvalues carrylnl carryingvalues
values volue as 4 high as lll 1187 7 to t the ton tn Chunks Cbunkitaken Chunkstaken hu
taken tn from frm a this thl streak strek are ae tbe finest fet spooL spooLmens spec specmens epcl epclmens
mens of ore or ever eer found toud In I Tonopah The Theremainder Thermader Theremainder
remainder ton rmader of the ledge lp averages IIS 15 T5 to t the theton thetn theton
tonThe tn
The MontansTonopah MontaTonopabCmpr Company reports reportthat reportsthat reportsthat
that the main mi shaft Ihat of the te Montana Monta has ha reached reacheda
a depth of Ms 85 feet and ad will wi be sunk to t itS 759feet 755fet itSfeet
feet fet when a station tton will wi be b established eatblle and anda anda
a crosscut Crlot started t to the north The east am amwest and andweet andwest
str te nort
west crosscuts cr08cutl on the McDonald ledge leie 01tho 01 onto omithe
the to 012foot level Inl are ae showing ahowlnl up good 10 ore oreThe ar oreThe
The Occidental Ooldent mine mie on the th Comstock Cmtk Is lidown Isdow Isdown
down dow 440 feet and ad quartz Quatz was wa found toud last wee weewhich wOk wOkwhich week weekwhich
which assayed allye 12 24 In I gold tol a I ton tn On the te 550 550foot 550 tsnfoot
foot level good Io ore has also al been ben struck struckThis Ituok ItuokThll struckThis
This la l new ground lud and ad there are ar great Qeat hopei hopeiof hops bopeiof
of the te mine mie The ore or In Ophlr holds hols up well welland wel welland
and shipments Ipment continue cntiue regularly regularlyALASKA riular regularlyAlasKa Iy IyALUKoL
SEATTLS Wash Feb ISThe is Tho Government Govern Government Ooveroment
ment has leued a quartz mill on the Klon Klondike Klondike Kiondike
dike for the purpose of testing testln ore for the thegeneral theaeneral thegeneral
general public and to encourage miners mine Itprospecting It In Inpro inprospecting
prospecting pro pectinr for quartz Ore will be crushed crushedand crushedand crushedand
and a thorough thorou b mill test will be made a aactual at atactual atactual <
actual cost and 10 per cent These tests will wllbear willb4ar wilibear
bear the official stamp of the Government Governmentand OOYernmentand
and will assist la securing capital for thede thedevelopment tbedevelopment thedeveloprnent ¬
velopment of quartz properties propertiesThe propertiesThe I
The owners own ere of tho Quartz King group groupin QTouPIn groupIn
in Klondike district contemplate the build buildbig bulidIna buildlag
big of a twentyetamp mill this spring while whiUthe whilethe whiltthe
the owners of the Violet group in the same ssmdistrict same samedistrict samedistrict <
district are considering a tenstamp plant plantWithin plantWithin plantWithin
Within the next few yean eall a large numbei numbeiof numberot
of mills will be in active acU and successful oper operatlon operation openation
ation in this part of Yukon territory territoryThere territoryThere terrItoryThere
There is a great deal of travel on the roa roabeween road roadbeween roadbeween <
beween the Tanana and Dawson The roads rosdiare roldlare roadsare
are In excellent condition Transporatloi Transporatloiis
is by dog and horse teams The rush U UTanana fo foTanBDIl tcTanana
Tanana is to anticipate the big stampede stampedithat stampedethat stampedethat
that Is regarded as certain ce twn in the spring Ii Iiis It Itle IIis
is stated that provisions are scarce in Tanani Tananiand Tananaand Tanansand
and meat would ould have been exhausted onlyfor onl onlfor only onlyfor
for the abundance of elk and deer deerParties deerParties deerParties
Parties win have just arrived from th thTanana the theTanana thsTanana <
Tanana diggings for the purpose of purchas purchasing purebuInle purchasing ¬
ing spring supplies report the outlook 01 01exceedingly al alexccedlnl1Y asexceedingly
exceedingly encouraging with activity It Itall In Inail inall
all the leading Itadln mining camps cam They say sajthat 8nythat saythat
that dumps aro plentiful in all the districts districtand districtsnnd districtsand
and estimate that the spring cleanup will willbe 11111be willbe
be from 300000 to 600000 It Is I said thaitho thai thlttthe thatthe
the production would have excceded three threequarters threeqUltrters threequarters
quarters of a million had the camps been beenbetter beenbetter beenbetter
better provisioned Tho creeks that are areturning areturnlni areturning
turning out the best are Clurey FairbanksChatharn Fairbanks FairbanksChatham FnlrbankatbatbaDl
Chatham and Pedro the two former being beingtho belnlftho beingthe
tho banner streams now lined with mines minesfrom minesfrom
from source to mouth moulb reminding one of the thefirst thef1 thefirst
first f1 t two years on Bonanza and tldorado tldoradoTheir Mdoradolbelr LldoradoTheir
Their pay Is from four to eight cents to the thepan thepan thepan
pan and the th gravel Is from four to eight feet feetwide feetwide feetwide
wide The pay extends across the creek
700 or 800 feet On Fairbanks the pay ex axtends extends extends ¬
tends for six miles and from No No3 3 above to toNo toNo8 toNo
No No8 8 below tbo dumps are large This will willm wl1lbe willbe
m be the k busiest part of iU the camp 4LI 4LIwners this thi spring springand springand
and promises to turn out the moet gold Id The Theowner Theownes
wners owner of SO > o II Clarey Creek CTeekjj who were re reticca reduced reduced
duced ticca to dry bread and tea In January anunry struck struckt
It t rich at a depth of forty fret and are now nowtaklne nowtIIklnlt nowtsrking
taklne out travel QTa vel that pays SI to 0 the panOn pan panOn panOn
On Chatham three men took out 11100 i100 with witha
a rocker In a few days daysWinter daysWinter daysWinter
Winter reports from Nome are to Deo 1 1and Iand 1and
and are or a cheerful character A crest crestdeal lTutdeal greatdeal
deal of development work Is under way and andtho andtbo andthe
the largo lar o companies are securing ecurlngfatents patents for forproved forproved forproved
proved ground t good deal of 0 pay dirt dirtIs dirtla dirtIs
Is accumulating on the dumps of individual individualsnd Individualland
land ntl company holdings on nearly all creeks creeksThere creeksThere I IThero
There has been little snow and water Is ISlcorce ISlcorcepreentlng scarce scarcepreventing scarcepreventing
preventing the thlllllr use of o steam IlteamholsUn6T hoisting plants plantsOn plaOI8OD plantsOn
On Solomon Klver about ZSO men are pass pataIng pILUIng passInc
Ing tho winter most of them engaged In Ingetting Inaetting Ingetting
getting fM dumps They The expect the largest largestcleanup Jarceetcleanp largestcleanup
cleanup In the history of the river diggings diggingsHastings dlrbi dlrbiHall diggingsHastings
Hall Hastings jnrs and Snako creeks are full of pros prospectors proepectors prospecors ¬
pectors this winter winterJ
7 I he Kougarok miners report provision provisionhortaga provisionIIhrta provisionsbnrtage
IIhrta hortaga and have been drawing on Nome Nomeut Nomfusing Nomeusing
using bo bores e for packing They think they thpywlU theywill
will be ablll to pull through the winter With Without wltbout
out ut any suffering The outlook for a good goodear aoodear goodyear
year ear Is more promising than over overDiruig everDrning Ter TerD1T1n1f
Diruig the past week 1230000 In gold dust dustras dUlltWM dustwas
WM ras brought In by the Cottage City from fromhe fromthe fromthe
the he Ktondlko and Dawson Every vessel vesself vesselfrom eNeS eNeSfrom
from the north brings mall consignments conslcnmentsor
or f gold and copper ore oreLASS oreLAXA oreLAEE
DULUTH MimI Feb IS J8Men Men represent representL rePresentIna representlog
log all branches L Of the Iron ore trade heldmeetings held heldmeetlnca
meetings this week In the hope ope of coming comingo
to o a settlement of prices and mine outputs outputsor outputsfor outputsfor
for or the coming year But ut all efforts at reo reomciliatlon reoQnclliatlon roeoncilition
mciliatlon or diverts interests were futile futilen futileIn
In n consequence there will nteEsla III be e a tree market marketor muketfOt marketfor
for or the first tlm tlmb In a number num I of years and andrices andpriceI andprices
prices rices will be at the will of Individual com comanleg campanles cornpanies
panles > anleg However It Is not expected thatany that thatrobabllity thatanr
any very ery severe cuts will 111 result and the theprobablilty theprobability
probability I Iange Is a that on Bessemer ores the therange therange
range of price PI oe for standards will be about abouts
75 s cents under last year and on nonHesse nonHesseoers nonDeNemers nonReesemers
mers about so cents under It was felt by byall byall
all 11 Interested that last years ears schedule prices priceswe priceswere priceswere
were too far apart and that Bessemers were werelUcrimlnAted weredl werediscriminated
dl discriminated agaInst agsinttIt aalnstIt
It has been decided by the mining corn oomianles 0001panles cornpanles
panles ianles intreated Intprs d that tho statistics of stocks stocksnd stocksand tock tockand
and nd production Indicate that the curtail curtailment curtailment curtailrnent ¬
ment for tt tie coming v year ar must be about 40 per perent percent percent
cent and that not to exceed ex ed 15000000 tons tonsan tonllcan tonscan
can an be dlspoaed of There will IV iii be a general generaljut renflraloui generalcut
jut in production A mine that produced pr duced
100000 tons last year should not therefore thereforeCorporation theretoremaKe thereforemales
maKe males thlll season over eoooo But the Stee SteeCorpOration Steel SteelCorporation
Corporation will probably not agree to such suchradical sucba
a radical cut Its policy has always been to tolAintaln tomRlntaln tomaintain
maintain a fairly talrlretead steady business businessovered buslnlMlhe businessThe
The Cnlalao Mining Company has been blentorm beenformed
torm formed ed nt aiDuluth DUiuth to Qperate two small wetern weternMeMba weaternMesaha
MeMba mines that have recently been dls dlsoovered discovered
covered by G O Hartley and uaoctatsTheae associatesThese associates anaocUteshese
These hese will be tho most westerly mln mines on theLake theLake the theake
Lake ake Superior ranges and they they have notAUanae notetrance not nothat
AUanae to say the difficulties with f free elllca elllcathat silicathat
that has made tbe western Mesaba an untor unforunate untortun untortunate
tun unate ate location for all miners The two twonines twomineI twomines
nines will not produce J1ro uce much ore this year yearlUt farbut yearbut
but lUt will be In shape to do a large business businessThe btlllnelsIn
In 1 ° 1006 1006Tho
The TTJnItod United States Steel Corporation Is Isipenlng IIIopenlnar isopening
opening a new mln on the t hll central Messba Messbaange IeMbaranll Mesabarange
range to o be called Cai1I the Howard and already alreadyins alreadhll alreadyhas
hll has ins a shaft in ore The mine Is to be a large largehlpper lerehlpper largeshipper
hlpper In INK It cantatas a very l IIIrJfl IIIrJfltonna let lettonnage rgfl rgflonnam
tonna tonnage of high grade colt ort ore that will willvery be berery bevpry
very easily mined
BUTTE Feb IS The Plttsburp PIU burg and Mon Monuna MonIna Monlana
lana una Company is about ready to fir lire jJte jJterurnacos the theurnaccs thlfuroacell
urnaccs ot the new Pjttsmont Plttsmont smelter Tho TholOiponys Thocopony 1110 1110conpnny
lOiponys cubes in this city are being de deroloped devlloped doveloped
roloped with all po possible slbl speed speedIn
In spite of the many drawbacks that the thoInwUamated thnAmnillamated theAmalgamated
Amalgamated company has encountered this thisrear thllllZlr thisyear
rear all of Its mines are working full blast blastThe blastTho blastrho
The dally output Is 0200 O OO tons of whloh 5000 5000ons Soootons 5000inns
tons ons are sent to the Washoo smelter in Ana Anaonda Anaconda Anaionda
onda and the remainder to thn Boston and andilonttn andMontanIL andliontana
ilonttn smelter In Greet Falls Fallsl tho Butte Buttend Butteand Buttemd
and nd Boston plant in In n Butte and the Colorado Coloradoilant Coloradoplant Coloradoplant
plant plant also In Butte The Boston and MontanAimelter MontanA MontanAmelter Iontlln Iontllnamelter
melter treats about 8500 tons a day The Thelompony Thecomptnyl8 Theompany
comptnyl8 lompony Is opening up new ground < In various variouslaces arlou arlouplnces
plnces laces > In the district and a large number of ofessees otlPIIsees ofesStec
essees are making money on mines tbe com comheir company cornpany
pany II lt < working at present preamtThe presentThe
The Heinze In interests are beln being Q pushed to totheir toheir
heir fullest extent and so far this year there thereins therehu thereins
hu ins been no decrease decr a80 In the dally output out ut of ofrs ofore ofDre
ore rs from tbe Rarus Cora and the Minnie MinnieMINING MinnieJIINING Minnie3iINI3
THE CAMERON in use us the tb world over and con conMded conceded conedsd
ceded to be the most lervlcesble ervtceablellurbla durable and nd effect effectve elTeelIn
In ve V Station and Slaking Pump pam on ti lit thLmarkcl thLmarkclodsi rnnrkei rnnrkeioday marke110da7
oday Often Ottenlcnltated imitated never equalled write for fortalogue forca foriatalogUe
ca talogue and prices I J te tbe tbeA lb lbA
Feds o iSrm Eass 314 4 New Torn Tor city O VJ I A
J l 1 lI 1
J 7
Controlling Interest InterestLarge InterestIN InteresiLarge
IN INLarge
Large Gold Mine MinpOr Min MinOre MineOre
Or Ore high grade re and free milling Id Idmease I IMeDII 1men
mease men veins elDs and large or reserve reatr reatrStapes reservesslopes reserveSlopes
Slopes reached by tunnels t QDell No Haft amafoperations HaftOferationl shaltoperation
operations Permanent water ater supply far farnislies futniahes
nislies Oferationl 11 hes all power Extensive timber tract tractNet metNet tractNet
Net earnings about five fiv hundred thou ihousand thousand < hou housand
sand f500000 S 00000 per annum front 70 70An 70stamp 70stamp
stamp mill Can be largey increased increaHcIAn
An exceptional opportunity for Individ IndIMus Individual IDIII11ual
ual us or associated interests to acquire acqutrcontrol a acquireaofltroi quJroontrol
control of rare gold mining property propertyCommunications propertyCommunicAtions propertyCommunication
Communications will be consider consideronly con14ered con14eredonly conaLderedonly
only from principals prlnclral or accredited rep representatlves nprllentlltlv riprssentatlves
resentatlves ll Full Information and term termdisclosed tn tndllclolOd termsdisclosed
disclosed at interviewAldress interview interviewLldress IntenlewAldresl
Lldress in confidence SUBSTANTIAL SUBSTANTIALbox
box i8 aSs Sun office officeHeftier officeBealey officeHealey
Heftier the latter being however how ver a dlapu dlapuproperty dlsJlIIproperty dispeted dispetedproperly
property The smelter Is kept well supplied suppliedwith suppll suppllbeen eupp ed edwith
with ore from these properties propertiestlinCt propertiesbInc
tlinCt last summer development work baa baabeen hasbeen
been In progress on the Belmont claim own ownby Olmthed Olmthedby owned ownedby
by F A Heinze The claim to located In th thsouthern the thesouthern e esouthern
southern part of the city It wa wait works worksseveral wDrkaenral
several yean ean ago For a time it yield yieldmine 1ltl 711146some e esome
some aood good copperellver ore but at a leDt leDtot depth depthof
ot 30 feet the ore turned Into Iron and the tbemine theruin
mine was abandoned The shaft has not notbeen nowbeen
been sunk to 800 feet and sinking will con contlnue continue
tlnue until It reaches 1200feet 1200 feet Hise Hiseat It Ie expected ejt1iPCtedat expectedat
at this depth to reach the copper veins as asall aam aamall in inall
all the Treat mines It has been found necesis necesisto neCOArY neCOArYto
to penetrate the Iron capping to reach t tfine the thefine theline
fine copper A number of tone levels have bavbeen hln hlnbeen havebeen
< been driven from the 400 mark and at points potnlbetween pointsbetwetn pobttibetween
between that and the bottom one level having bavinvein b havingbeen vln vlnbeen
been extended 776 feet It Is II reported that Ib a avein a avein
vein of ore has been struck at the 700 but Its itiextent Its Itsextent Itsextent
extent Is not known No ore has been holstacfrom hoisted hoistedtron J Jtrom
from the chuff chuffA
A miner in Beaverhead county has oriel orielnated oratnated origmated
nated a simple method of ventilating ventilatingatunnel ventilatingatunnelHaving a tunnel tunnelHaving tunneJRavlnlt
Having read that liquid air would keep ou oufoul out outtoul outfoul
foul air from all such openings as tunnels tunnelshe
he decided to try snow ano as a substitute anc ancthe ana anathe andthe
the result has been entirely satisfactory satisfactoryThe
The snow cools the warm air of the tunnel tunneand tulUleland tunneland
and u It cools the warm air back of It rushes nuheiIn ruahelIn
In and takes its place thus creating a draft drafthat draftthat driftthat
that comes from the opening The tunnel tunnein tuDtlOIIn tunnelin
in which this simple experiment is In us usand use useIs useis <
Is In the Sheep mine In the IDle Sheep basis bulncountry basiscountry
country and Ie 750 feet long and increasin increasinat Increlllnaat
at the rate of two feet a day Two velnihave veins nlnshave veinshave
have been encountered both copper bearing bearingThe beliriDaThe bearingThe
The vein for which the tunnella tunnel is being driver drivercarries drlf1lncarries drivencarries
carries copper gold and silver The aver averis nerage average
age copper Va vaue ue ot the vein is 15 per oat osntThe OIDtThe oatThe
The main vein on the Sheep claim is 12 I fee feewide teet teetwide feetwide
wide wideThe wideThe wideThe
The Snowshoe mine with Its mill In th thWest the tbeWest theWest <
West Fisher district has n8 imas been closed closeddown closeddownand dowi dowiand aowr aowrand
and will not resume work until April 1 Ai Aithat At Attbat Althat
that time the facilities for treating the thewill ore orewill orewill
will be largely increased increasedHELENA IncreasedHELENA increasedHEtKFA
HELENA Feb U aCopper Copper ore assa assaBM I8IAYIn
BM 53 per cent ban been found at a depth o o14P of 01
14P feet In the Erickson claim Wlckes dis disvork die dietrlot distriot
trlot which III being develoPll deveIopel by ttt tt I Wee NtVIork Weeork
vork ork ani Montana Copper Mining Company CompanyCOLORADO CompanyCOLOalDO CompanyCOLORADO
COLORADO BFRINOS PniDros Fob is lSThe Ths 1MM 1MMdividend laoidividend 1001dividend
dividend record to date approximates MOOOOO MOOOOOcounting UOCOOO UOCOOOcountlna 500 000 000counting
counting 1130000 of profits realized by coeecorporationsand clow clowcorporationsand aotecorporatlonannd
corporationsand leasing firms Public com companies companlee cornpanies ¬
panies have disbursed as follows Portland PortlandSI80
SI80 180000 180 000 Strattons Independance S 8126 125 123000 123000Le 000 0001e 000Le
Le Clftlr I17500 II7I 17 500 El Paso 123000 25000 Old Sole OoidCoin SoleCoin old oldCoin
Coin 110500 Bonanza bonanza King 15000 5000 5 ° 00 C K k N
114 14324 14 32 324 1105001 total tot total a 377334 377334The 5773242be
The Tbe teasing len ll system at Cripple Creek glvuit glvuitproprietorship alvbtgproprletorshp gIvizmproprietorship
proprietorship to hundreds of men fomeriywage former formerwage rormerly rormerlywarll
wage workers workersl Is largely responsible for foirenewed foerenewed I Irenewed
renewed activity activity resulting from rich strikes strikesHundreds trlllellHundredll strikeshundreds
Hundreds of applications for leases are beintconsidered being bel belconaldered beingconsidered
considered by big mine owners Every Everyof par parof parot
of the caran is affected particularly Ironclad Ironcladand IronCl IronCland Iron Ironand
and Bull Hills Poverty Gulch and Squaw SquawMountain SqUAWountaln SquawMountain
Mountain MountainII
II Knutsen representing London capital capitalists cpltalhts capitalists ¬
ists proposes to erect a large cyanide mill millnt mutlit mUlat
nt Colorado City The Diehl process will be beemployed beemploed beeniployed
employed The process admits of oro being bcssreHned 111 111retlned beingrefined
refined without roaslng by the direct appli application application appltcation ¬
cation of cyanIde cyanIdeCampbell
Campbell A McLaln report a rich strike strikeIn atrlkeIn
In the Dives claim Sllvcrton district The ore oreto areIR oreIs
to a variety of gray copper known as frelber frelberKltP flflb flflbIIltl frelbergit
KltP git The vein eln Is 2 2X 23 feet wide and carries carr carries2a0
250 ounces of silver 10 gold and 10 to U i5cent per percent
cent copper The strike is important ss a It Itproves I Iproves
proves that the famous North Star vein 11 11one IIone
one of the richest and most continuous In Intho Inthe
the district It has been traced through the theDives theDives
Dives Shenandoah Mountaineer and Look Xookout Lookout
out claims on the southeast and the Terrible TerribleSlide TerribleBlide
Slide Mayflower and Argentine In Arastlt ArastltOulch AraatraGulcf
Oulch on the west
SAN SA FRANCTSCO Feb 15 tSThe The unusually
heavy snowfall In the Sierra Nevada promise promisean
an ample supply of water for mining In Call Callfornia Callforrmia
fornia The snow has been the beav1eejumown heaviest heaviestknown
known In years for it craabed In several severalhundred severalhundred
hundred feet of strong snowsheds along the theline theline
line of the Central Pacific Railroad In man manmountain many manymountain
mountain camps the men have been snowed snowedIn snowedin
In for several weeks because even with snow snowshoes snowshoes
shoes It was dangerous to attempt to travel travelThe travelThe
The snow has also packed well which insures insuresIt
It lasting well into the summer summerMany summerMany
Many improvements have been made re recently toeently ¬
cently In the smelting furnaces at the Great GreatIron reat reatIron
Iron Mountain copper plant at Eeswick XeswlckShasta
Shasta 8 hut a county Coke used to be one on of the theprincipal theprincipal
principal items of expense as It had to be betransported betransported
transported over 50ft miles from tidewater tidewaterSow tidewaterNow
Sow with hot air chambers which furnish furnisha
a blast of air heated to a remarkable degreethe degree degreethe
the use of coke Is superseied The hot air airapparatus airapparatus
apparatus consumes petroleum which Is Isptinlly iseasily
easily handled and Is comparatively inex inexpensive inexpen ¬
pen pensive pensiveMuch stve stve2Icmch
Much activIty Is reported In various mining miningdistricts
districts in Kern county In Mojave district districtmorn districtreors
morn stamp mills have been installed during duriogthe duringth
th the past twelve months than In twelve years yearsbefore yearsbefore
before On Calienta creek the Zada mine minehas minehas
has shown up a large body of One ore and the theAmalle theAenalie
Amalle mine nearby will be reopened this thistpring thIsspring
spring after being shut down for many manymonths manymonths
months owing to litigation fiandsburg fiandsburgitlll
itlll sufTw from the miners strike as large largehe largenumbers
numbers of skilled miners have asandoned asandonedthe
the he camp and gone to other places In this thisounty thiscounty
SEATTLE Feb 14 14The The mines In Monte MonteWsto Montecnisto
Wsto district are opening up on a more ex exenslve exfensive
enslve scale since the new management managementnnouaced managementannounced
announced their intention of enlarging and andmprovlngthe andimvrovthg
imvrovthg mprovlngthe the smelter plant at a cost of
300000 There will be plenty for this plant plantdo plantto
to do and It shou sboul4 be able e to make a record recordxniaj recordsqpal
xniaj to the reduction plant at Tacoma TacomaIn
In Mount Baker district tbe snow has hasnterruptrd hasInterrupted
Interrupted development but work will be bemihod bepushed
pushed this spring Mines and mills are In Inndltlon Inrendition
rendition > to make a splendid showing this thisear thisrear
rear ear and the output should reach the quartermillion quarter quarternllllon
nllllon mark markAt markAt
At a recent meeting of the Sunset Copper Coppertitning Coppertiming
timing Company held at the companya companyafflce companyamoe
fflce In Everett Important changes 1mm I Iisnagement tIme tImemanagement
management were made New York capital capitalas
as gone Into the company during the past pastrear pastrear
rear and members representing this capital capitalhe capitaledre
edre elected tpon the board of directors directorsIhe
Ihe he Sunset mines were discovered several severalears severalrears
ears ago and though they have been until untilcenily untilecenhy
ecenhy cenily hard to reach they have been beenrorked beencorked
corked constantly since first discovered discoverednd
nd nearly a mile of underground workings workingsre
ire re on the property A large concentrator concentratorill
clii ill be built at the foot of the Incline where wheret
t can bs retched conveniently from Index Indexho Indexhe
ho nearest station on the Great Northern Northerntailroad NorthernEtalirosd
tailroad five miles distant distantIDAHO distantIDAHO
BOISE Feb u 14Work Work has been resumed resumedn
n the Klkhom which after producing 1300
00 was idle for sixteen or seventeen years yearsas yearsAn
An important copper and gold discovery discoverylas
as been made on the northwestern slope of ofaribou ofaribou
aribou Mountain in Blnghara county The Theein Therein
rein Is IB Net wide and nd the Average value valuef
f the copper and gold is 30 a ton The vein veincpper veintas
tas a pay streak that carries 30 per cent centoppem
cpper and five ounces In gold A shaft has haseen haseen
> een put down 50 feet feetCTAH
SALT LAKE Feb 15 15Over Over one hundred hundrednen
non are now at work developing the Utah Utahuel UtahFuel
Fuel uel Companys property in Iron Mountain MountainThe MountainThe
The management Of the Bo Boston ton Consoll Consolllated Consolilated
lated of Bingham has decided to erect a aarg aarge
arge arg mill for tbe purpose of reducing its itsow its0w
ow grade copper ores oresIX oresIN
LAD S D Feb tB teThe The Plums Gold GoldMining GoltllnLng
Mining lnLng Company Is working In fiftydollar fiftydollarire
ire In the horizontal sillclous measures ad adoinlng adloining
oinlng the Homestake property This ore oreTSS orewas
was recently encountered in a tunnel being beingiriven beingiriven
iriven above the slates and the entire face facet
> f the tunnM is now in excellent x xliles ore oreThe oreThe
The Big Four Mlnln MiningCompany is buildIng buildIngits
its new mill op upper Deadwood lulch two twomiles
miles obovo Central City and about three threemiles
miles northwest of read readKansas feedKans
Kansas Kans Winter Wheat rn a Bad Way WayTowtJU WayTorzna
TowtJU Kan Feb 21 21If If the Kansas Kansasd Kansastad
tad d Oklahoma wheat bolts do not receive receiveeavy receiveheavy
heavy eavy rains or snows soon the crop in thin thinalt thisbelt
belt alt will b be very Small All reports from fromannas fromKansas
Kansas annas Nebraska and Oklahoma show showimage showlamago
lamago image from a very dry winter The Theround Thetround
round is without moisture and the wheat wheatilant wheatlant
ilant Is yellow and sickly The crop In In Incritical InI
I critical condition
1 Arrested at the Boundary Line LineTwenty LineTwenty
Twenty women who wore driven from fromhe fromhe
he West Fortyseventh street precinct precinctn
n Saturday night wore arrcatwl by the thoenderloin theIenderloin
enderloin police as they crogaed the pre preInct proilnot
Inct boundary at Fortysecond street streetTwywere streetfby
fby Twywere were arraigned in the Jefferson Market Marketotirt Marketoiirt
otirt yeatefday and fined W 3 to IS 5 each eachtil
til 11 paid
Daughter of a Cou Court Chamberlain Twlc Twlca
a Widow mad Courted aaeeessfully by bya Dya
a 40Pleoe Bandmaster Mrs Tortletlo TortletloMay ToeslelioMay
May Now Lose Her Old Home HomeMAUIRONHCK HomeMUIAItONECK
MAUIRONHCK Feb 31 21A A romance of oflong oflongyeareiago
longyeareiago long years ago is brought to light in an orderjust order orderJust
Just signedby signed by Supreme Court Juatloe Mar ttarean Marcan
can which directs J Langdon Ward a aNew aNew
New York lawyer to sell under foreclos foreclosure ¬
ure proceedings the old colonial mansion at atMamaroneok atMamaroneok
Mamaroneok now the home of Mrs Ian Isabella Ianbells ¬
bells B Toralello who for years baa been beenknown t tknown
known aa the veiled woman womanTbe womanThe
The sale grows out of a a legal proceed proceeding proosedIng ¬
ing in which Mrs Torslello became in involved involved ¬
volved through her husband Cesar Tor Torslello TQrslob ¬
slob an Italian bandmaster She say saythat aaysthat
that he left her two years ago taking all allher allher
her diamonds and nd belongings and leaving leavingher iesyiAgbet
her practically penniless pennilessMrs
Mrs Toralello it is said Is the daughter daughterof
of a Court Chamberlain of Louis Napoleon Napoleonand Napoleonand
and was known at one time as one of the themost thomoat
moat beautiful women of Paris When she shewas shewas
was 15 years old she married CommanderEdward Commander COtflmAderEdward
Edward A Barnet of the United States StatesNavy StstesNavy
Navy who was on the Wabash when she shecaptured shecaptured
captured William Walker the filibuster filibusteron fhib ater ateron
on one of his expeditions For yean her heracquaintances heracquaintanoee
acquaintances say the pair lived at the theWiUard theWillard
WiUard in Washington and entertained entertainedavishly entertandavishly
avishly avishlyI
1 After Commander Barnets death the themarried ahpmarried
married Henry Le Grain a wealthy French Frenchmerchant u umerchant
merchant He it was who built the man mansion manslon ¬
sion one of the finest and most imposing imposinghere Imposinghere
here He too died leaving her a widow widowfor widowfor
for the second time timeAfter timeAfter
After Le Grains death Torslello fell in inlove inlove
love with the widow At first she refuted refutedhim t thinD
him but knowing her lave for music musicconsistent musichoused
housed tobningblsbindof forty piecesup piecesupfrom
from New York and pIa on the lawn In Infront
front of her house The bsndmaitare bsndmaitareconsIstent
consistent method of courting won the thewidows theows
widows ows sympathy and she finally married marriedhim marriedhire
him himMrs Mrs Toralello alleges that the bud budmaster budmaster
master acting with power of attorney attorneyand attorneymade
made a lease of her property to a frisnJ frisnJand
and that when placed on record the lease leasewas leasewu
was found to be for twentyfive years yearswith 9 9with
with rent free He U also induced her to tove togive
give ve mortgages on the property for 17100 17100oratlmflHrt 7100 7100Fois
Fois oratlmflHrt tIUDeMre Torsialla evaded the process processservers prooeseservers
servers in the foreclosure proceedings proceedingsby proceedingsbygulardlngberznanaionwithgreatDIte
by bygulardlngberznanaionwithgreatDIte guarding her mansion with great Dane Danedogs
dogs Then she attempted to have the themortgages thelease
lease and mortgages set aside alleging allegingthey allegingthey
they were obtained by fraud and misrepre misrepresentation misrepresentatlon ¬
sentation She lost however and she shecontains shewill
will have to evacuate he old mansion which whichcontainsan
contains containsan an interesting collectlonof collectionofaflti4uee collectionofaflti4ueesouvenirs antiques antiquessouvenirs
souvenirs and heirlooms The action is isbrought isbrought
brought to recover the sum of 081480 081480The 91L8SThe
The date of the sale has notbeea announced announcedas
as vet by the refereeAlthough referee refereeAlthough
Although nearly seventy years old oldMrs oldMrs
Mrs Toraiello is still seen nearly every everyday everyday
day on the streets of Mamaroneck She Shealways Shealways
always wears a heavy veil It Is said that thatshe thatshe
she was disappointed years ago by a French Frenchartist Frenchartist
artist who assured her that he would be able ableto ableto
to restore the complexion that she had as agirl a agirl
Deposits looooooo Mere Than Ever Be Before McforeTotal ¬
fore foreTotal Total Iteiourcet S1238SOO3 S1238SOO3AlBANY 11388OO M8 M8ALBANY
ALBANY Feb 21 21State State Superintendent Superintendentof
of Banks Frederick D Kilburn in a report reporton
on the condition of the savings banks of ofthe ofthe
the State to be submitted to the Legislature Legislaturetomorrow Legislaturetomorrow
tomorrow night says saysA
A comparison of the deposits of the say savings sayIngs ¬
ings bonks for Jan I last with those of the theyear theyear
year preceding shows a large growth during duringthe duringthe
the year but far short of that In 1902 The total totalamount totalamount
amount deposited was larger by bynearly nearly Jioooo
000 than over before in the like period but butIne butrnarlret
rnarlret industrial and labor conditions dun dunIng
Ine a part of th the year made It the fact also that thatthe thatthe
the withdrawals were the largest ever known knownthe knownthe
the excess over 1002 having been more than thanJ22000000
J22000000 323000 000 lInt still the deposits exceeded exceededtho exceededthe
the withdrawals by more than IITOOOOOO IITOOOOOOfor 17 000000 000000which
which with interest credits carded tma gain gainfor
for the year In the amount due depositors depositorsto
to clone upon 4000000 or to the total of ofItt3l8l9434 oft13128l043s5
Itt3l8l9434 The total resources now nowaggregate nowaggregate
aggregate Si2 1123880045061 < 88004 ftoi or about 147500 147500ooo 470
ooo more than a year ago The discrepancy discrepancyIn discrepancin
In these two Increases represents of course coursewhatever coursewhatever
whatever losses the savings banks may have haveIncurred haveincurred
Incurred the depredation In the market marketvalue marketvalue
value of their bond holdings and possible possiblepayments possiblepayments
payments in a few instances of dividends IP IPexcess ii iiexcess
excess of net earnings earningsThe earningsThe
The number of open accounts Increased by byalmost byalmost
almost exactly 90000 during the year or orpossibly
10000 under the increase In 1003 dmtite dmtitepossibly
possibly the disturbed labor condilons In Intmany Intrnany
tmany of our cities may account for this thisfalling thisfalling
falling off offSupt offSupt
Supt Kilburn In referring to the condi condition condilion ¬
lion of the trust companies and the effect effecton
on them of the depreciation of stock and andbond endbond
bond values which has been eo general generalMM generaland
and MM so severe says saysHow sayshow
How well the companies have met such suchlosses sue sueoasescharging
losses oasescharging charging the shrinkage to profit and andoss an
oss so that their statements should reflect reflects reflectheir
heir condition with substantial accuracy accuracyIs
Is s evidenced b bheir by the fact that eetfmpaung eetfmpaungtheir
heir investments Investmenheir at prices current on Jan 1 1their
heir combined surplus and undivided profits profitsvere profitswere
were l600ooo larger than the figures at atwhloh atwhlohthey which whichhey
hey are carried on the books of the respeo respeolv repcLive
Live lv companies That signifies herolo treat treatnent treatmauL
mauL as to the matter of el losses and wU I Imaglne IImagine
Imagine prove a surprise to the puouc Nor Noran ot otran
an it fail fail to strengthen confidence and it itomprehends Itroonprehends
omprehends the assurance of a correspond correspondng
log ng Cain aim in the companies profit accounts accountschen accounteethers
chen the security markets take a urn up upcard upward
card wardLast cardLast
Last year the gross earnings of the trust trustompames trustrompanles
ompames decreased H149075 while thslr thslripenses tilrszpenses
ipenses Increased 22t95W06 2196Mo reducingIn reducing reducingion
In comparison with the Dravjous year tIme tImeImount
Imount appIcable to dividends or for addi addilion
lion ion to surplus account by Sstii03006 8 He HeIdes Becides
Ides the dividends declared w were r 2 2554 2554less o or
less than for the preceding year But ev evit
it this the net earnings for 1005 thong thongwithout
without allowance for losses or for deprecla depreclalion
lion in investments were 17t635O340 or
1853375640 in excess of dividend distrtbu distrtbuions
ions Pside from the companies of corn cornaratively
aratively recent organization cli but two twor
r three paid dividends for the year ranging rangingrom rangingItem
Item rom a per cent to 80 SI per cent on their capf capfsi capial
al si This calculation does not take Into con conadtvided coniideration
iideration however the ed4itional invest investnent
nent carried as surplus which In nearly all allompanies
ompanies totted 3atterly baa been eroel
10 the capital while in some of en older oldernstitutioni
nstitutioni the accumulation of earnings earningsindivided
adtvided is several times larger than weir weirapltal theirapItsl
apltal I ICourt
Court Calendars This Day DayAppellate DayAppellate
Appellate Division DtvlsionSuprems Supreme Court CountRecu CountRecuSupreme Recess RecessSupreme
Supreme Court CourtSpecial Special Term TermPart Part I 1Motion 1Motionialenditt Motion Motionalendar
alendar called at 10 M A M A Part II IIZzoarte IIZzoartematters Expari Exparinatters
natters Part III 111Clear Clear Motions Preferred Preferredause PxefTrredaueeNo
ause aueeNo No 4440 General calendar oalemtdarNca Nos 105 105nan 4 i ipart
nan ai 4033 2579 2015 2052 1842 3122 1845 1544 1544t531
t531 part IV IGase Case unfinished Cages from fromu tipmpats
pats u ill Part V VCase CaM unfinished CAMS from fromart tremPart
Part art III 11 Part tlCue 1 < 3eae unfinished Elevated Elevatedi
B i R caies Part VII VlICaiit Case unfinished Casei Caseirom Caes1mm
1mm rom Pan lit Part VIII lIICase Case unonlsaed Cases Casesrom Casesfrom
from rom Part HI Trial Term Termpan Part H 11Cue Case un unintoned uninished
intoned Inquest InquestNo No 12028 Short causw cstraeaNos cstraeaNosiiom NOII
4490 14S43 14054 14431 13073 14433 12834 UOU UOUsm3 USIAl1es3
sm3 Part III IllCase Case unfinished No Nos 4379
253 3977 4419 3331 4323 4334 5043 M44 10U MS4 MS4OS F
5056 OS oat SOM SOW 1074 507 9077 5075 07 8060 SOM SOMCM
5005 CM 5100 100 IOS lO Jll 6118 Ml 5115 1137 14000 18T3 SSSKi SSSKiSOS 4 4totM
totM 4t48 4396 4505 11157 486 4539 4240 3700
4365 SOS 4411 11133 49 495S U szce 4437 I3M7 4714 477a
703 4707 4701 4 4S63 M > i 48SS Part IVClear Case Caserom Caseufmnm
fmnm rom Part III Part V VCase Case unfinished unfinishedrom cates cates170mm < > <
170mm rom Part III Part VI VlCase Case unfinished Cavt Cavtrom Cas Casfrom
from rom Part III Part VII VIlCase Case unfinished Case Caseram Casetram
tram ram Part IK Port VIMCase unOnlsbed In InuestNo474S inquestNo445
uestNo474S Day calendarNos UX Hill
400 4471 4201 1104 4138 3071 4020 4049 tw 4531 4531Il
Il 091 MISt 4 4514 74 4 4503d 34 4858 tool KOI MOO Mit Ml
1147 147 5148 5150 43M 13745 13112 4408 IsOOO 12 4211 4211ases
116711 504N4 lOL00 4377 5106 51k sioo s
5206 5310 5219 5220 part XCase lmnflaisliel lmnflaislielCiies
Ciies ases from Part VIII Part X XClear Clear Cases trj trjart ir irPart
Part art VIII tpi Part X1Cane XI Cam unfinished Cases from fromart frompart
part art VIII ll9 pan XII XllCsse Own unfinished Cof Cofrom Ceo Ceofrom
from rom Part VIII Part XIII XIllCase Case unfInIshed Care Cifrom CareIron
Iron rom Part VIII VIIISurrogates lIl lIlSurrogates
Surrogates CourtChambers CouflChambers4jntion Motion calender calenderailed calendnia1ied
ailed at 10A A M For prOhste41fm of Sallle C Cihaw Cthaw
thaw at 10 A M 7 William I L Smith John Bldrtl BldrtlVllllam fliddiWIlliam
Vllllam Kelly William Bird Mary Cardell FVJ FVJcnder Fv FvIkoder
cnder Schastlano Farina at 1030 lOnA A M Valentin Valentiniochfore VsientlnsItochtore
iochfore at 2 P JI Rosetta MclAughLin Fran Erect > 1i 1iV r47 r47Ic
Ic V Ford at 3JO P JI Trial Term Termo No 188JMli 188JMliCity latOtSIi ti tiDI
DI joeephtne It Flak at IOIt A At AtCity
City Court CourtSpecial Special Term TermCourt court opens t Iin
in 0 A If Motions Trial Term Termpart part 1 Hwfv Hwfvart 1lesPart
Part art IlCIear Nos No 21M 1730 t7 17 17211 2704 W X Di4 <
1220 221 2311 3132 2310 2252 22 Dtit > 7 22 57C3 3 Part ill illnear
near 1 ar Not 123J 111 2TJ4 237B 2tn rem i
420 IJM 2321 2417 2311 2321 23V 2JM 2W < W iyiai
104 Part IV IVCiesr Clear Short causes CaudesNos Xos Una UnaIM pucR02
IM nil 6370 370 Wi sans 0771 M32 WB oss 8S4J MCVi MCViritt ee eeate
ate 027 C33R eno 920 Ot 9SO H31 6Sa4 toes MS 4J3 <
1821 40 esM ease sill 6615 6313 4th ta o tn tnrant
rant is ot 6025 7lOI Equit esacoos a
177 401 Part VClear Noe 20l 5071 I

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