I IR tiP rT Iis1e I rJ I t i NTf It 4 S < W tXI tiT Iii n L wJ rnr 1Nfl II YNI nllNNfJlHtll 1 fI tMftd NIItI 4 Th a Niicffl pAI lilt tClW t 14 0 rrrftl h rI ht fillfit 11 VsiI 1111 y Ps rF Il AI P4itI tilt t 1l1li c 1 hi I4II 4 Ifll Unnt WIII tha 4 rs NIIn tfnVa the tth114 1 y ll 1M f 14 I IPI h As lani 44 14 A i tmfltIft fi P ffilnl IM lt Ir f IM 4l 9lf iIt44nl I I i1lAllf q e I1 Inl P hlh I hl l NI t P hlrh finitII if IM Hlh nt II q t 1 I Alt I mll l yw As II I 4II IVt fl IM idh III4 0 1 I t t I tlhl AI1 I itfU 4 i Cfnl Itl p rlef fUYHIE Iat41nn4 A W4tffl Sit I fr 1 1nnI1tt I I IhI i i 4 M 1 In 6VeIr ii 11 4fl4 1 I iiiIi1a II bli4 In hii 4 MMI I I IirllIhuf thin S I4 haf44I llhll 0 I I llmI inn iin enit4 eiihW t41tIhi Ia4 m 1m I Ifll In I uS qit MfPlSIfr t11141fitflf4l t i 4 1 tIIU ti liii II VrnrnI Iii 1I14 11U mn r a I ietIt iii Arnk6n III i nmln I I tAf4If In IM I 11 IiiIlt fltsf f UIntl I i I his 1ttn f a nife1 I re I 111 In S ut tiiith f4 IfP4fl tl lt < ot frn ftil It 110 nnilty u1 4nst nrnl with In Ibllt 9 tt k nl ut lheI hIIU hl hl r 4iitIiS 1 nIlta 1 MI iirll h < hll WI tIIt I thi 11 I Mi YI III I flflhtfl flt 11n thI4 lnit In 14Ianr eit ri Vk4n nl Amn dlln IIIIIIIIlnn wu S boy About I vpr4 lit qIf I niiupI i rnllf Ii thfiIt thi Ihll ld h pl Ilill flit IhI Illlr Th thoIogIst 44frl Ihl < potnn wills Clhhrb In I 1 I foiivwl hll yinittitiI Cllo Inin Irt Sf11 t4toiiIniiIy IFATA for hI rHO Thl rNI loJI1 aa It riIaIfl4fl0 prniriuitI So one 41 I into iIIviiiflc from hi IJ nor AIt 1w Inllrd ti wnl rom I1 rIn iniI Inlllln roni trI nc th Ihuii 1lhln I hI bhl gI It I 11 Ipllll IhAI In Alnlc chid tndpntt rM tit ool Ii In InItitlni ttUI hu n 10INhf hf Ii IHI I I 4rA I fltiIIi I nonllr < tiit nlll rmlI nC th brullh and hrIPt II rrIiIn mllran pr IIII hl 1tI I tittit IIndln In plllln Into th ntl 01 lrrlrn tholclm From the blp h rlllllhl hOn or the 1ult alh Pr at nlulnth Irt and NInth nenil f h nlr hla haIuare1 duln his 111 In Sf York The day following hll arrival hAPproln to I 8unda hI 4 hll II 11 Ih rllrodlly lrnfltn a of the orhlpl at th IAullt church 11 irprl wIi rnt whe hl was told thai they nlmhre 0 alt earellr Inter ull either M worker In some branch of eburch comity or u fervent attendants upon the maM on Sunday confessing and tkln tbe ommunlon at Irut once a month ftnci many every day Je compare this con rraton with that or ehlrhll at Iarla brr I 811 1 parlh might h1 from 700 t 1 mm era hut oC them not more cent could bA called Christians lhn 10 per coull calt Chrl8tlanl ID the alrrnoon or thla his nrlt 8unday In New York the IbM visited a ruMonablA PrisbyterIn church In Firth 1nui lie nlrrf In the footsteps or perfectly clad mn and womel He waN startled at the 1lab ni rlctVnl or the Inlrlor or the huldlo from what hl cll the stage Uttado containing the organ nd pulpIt 01 tlie orator to tho richly caTe pews con talnlnr aUlrbly bound books or devotion Everrtblnl In what hl designate I this I lecture room wu comfortable and In per feet taMe He was Impressed with an In tor which the millionaires attending the tburc evidently intended should not al below the level or their luxurious homes Ho uw no evidence In the congregatIon or the vreaence or what might be called a poorer du There was In the appearance oC those present a uniform level or unlmpNchable properity lie atatf howsvlr that In the UnIted 11 la dlmcult to judge by out ward Irl oC the social grade or an indivIdual There is a uniformIty or self respecting de maor maely absent In European coun trI6 The abb note the prayers music and reading af Rcrlpturt were conducted Q with commendble dlno and that wIth this utraalsoratlo congregation worship wanot iackin In Ilncerly aaot lacklnl ID cnVrMton with Father Doyle or the Pauliiits and lubelquenty with numerous poll and prleas ot the Roman Catholic Curh the abb6 was enlhlbne In regard tci the subject whh mOt eO ale his ten tonIht or the rellroul spirit In the United Slae He concludes that on the whole 1etcn are rellou people that they oeUe almost unlverialb In od In the Imor1ly of the soul and that on solemn occasions their homage to the Mot High t Sincere that A great number believe n the meacy ot prayer and that non violently I ollc1 tl the derl What conlrl the bW I this belief la that during hil travels ID the lnlll tatf1 he madl It a business torN reid Ihe rliar journals oC various co rN 3l t In no single instance did he munltll adverse crllcl of religion al though there were Cruent discussion or rlllllIAI topics nnd oC the burning nuee lon 01 church schools Al an example or the brolJ and Impartial altilde or American onl14 towrd the Catholic Church hf Irlnl In I tootnot In English an extract of an elitorial Iii Tirr BUN ot Ootoer 21 10 In hl florlalln ccorde the tOllfrlnl carl nbls Churh ot newly arrived Italian Imml urnu which fIr the highest com pndnlon rain Proleltnls and even roli bus Inndla From Ne 1 York the bbt stops at BOlon pit rouIo Montreal II visiting this famous le1 England town it II plall to see that he PNMa a humorous desire to spcal St Icnlh 01 thl Irnlie weird CII which agitate tnvon II entiie way hl became 1m lcd nith ihe tiles that that tow II a rfnt or French elltlrl He Is evidently I predIpnii to thll bIile b reason or the Nellopr blef 1flurM iilivercl btorn limited ludlfnI by hiv drlvrld flriinetire UOlmleEd nunl Rod nnd Anatoln icrnyhaulieu While all iinnirt hn lllld the nlrhbor ni vlale of lhIIIWII Rt Important Iroquois rrr alon II was on I Hunday morning The thtrPtl ot th hnllet WHO deserted I b ni the hur ot the these he asked his way 10 the ehurrh Ot whom and In what tongue le sdirewti in French the first person bf mcl II Ial told In Enl lh tow t teach Ihnt ho was seeking The onl tlont Itlt hA o1ld In W n thAt between two old omn Their clothing wal that oC LOIly hut their face wlro of the old Indian 1P Ilr the theologian gives fervent lhblnb that hA II permitted 10 bo P Catholic that hiv rltglnii II the 1011 universal one lllol hat Ilia Ue lmo In this lrocttioia chapel I III LAIn Ibo cathedrals 01 Home parll Cologne n ntlnd Norway and In Ialeetinc where It had itv hlrlh Little dOe It concern him that the hlil iijtysgecongreqation urroundlna mbch i5itii In art unIntellIgible tongue 1 long 51 the woril or adoration And love are ad d rMf to the nod whom he worships That I they sing In their Incomprehensible jargon the common communion prayer II all the more IIplrlng and Ideal pryer leaving the church IiI albA mingles with the connel Ironb Their clothing II that of today only I r Ihltr colo happily the Phyloi Happiy boml4 had nQt 10lt the native cast retaining aborlllnl Iype or the race hb blank hilt prominent cheek bones and nOle8 tbln lips and copper tint oC the skin but al Te an thi coppr sunken eyes glowing II ke eQala ot fire Among the crowd or Amonl IndlLs Ilnllul ullr wu a young girl tOblhlnllY bMUtll with fl Cat to tn ground Buddlnly me looked UP and mst the gaza oC the abb Instantly there tn Into her blaring eyes an expression or istse hatred transforming her In moment iAt he tlroloul savage Hnw many Qln tunes ot Christianity the abb6 Ik will b aAcssary 10 lame these terrible natures 1 i Thoupsnd and thouend or years oC the wlhI life or tie fnest have permeated overy fibre oj their hodis with ineradicable savagery hdlr wllblnldloble evry Later 11 ie day In company with the loc frIt he visited the cmpny Imf oC tho thDdllln They were politely received never ltIe the bb was 111 at nase The ol1lnl t > fSLOfd hll hota Mplrld ele lnN fear tt hc1 hA hen cue or that rMrlt band 011 hmllonarlf who lInt among their wild o Mrl In the sixteenth a01ntenth and J fllhlnth centurIes hl would probAbly ae IIjrjiiNt lila life In the catise wit har Inrrll hil 10 II Ouse wih the lin 10lflftno aa did they but tmol are hnRr and wlh thlm the llr our nit nr mlr rlIicitis maryrom M AutN temper I I II an abrupt transition from In Iroquois Iliac 0 the residence of what the Ibb t1I a riuuIuonar Bishop Of western Now ork IrAtlonao mut be understood In e IMA or dIsapproval or the Iloerci attitude ci trdlalnh other American Catholic prelates OlTarci thu progressive spirit of the Uqited I prlreMlve Ullt B tati With sentiment the bbS i 1 n entire thl hone his hesitation In lsetliig this Bishop Itodid not Intend to Dlhop Illd fOlo hit an accident or travel landed In E tdl here bateau ot At Dualo however S dii tint regret what at lbs time he IqeQ Ioli u a toqlrelempa Inasmuch as found themilitant prelate anything but reaction miian laln at Iii tho matter or hospitality lle lb him a the bOIJtltYIUO which Wo Iceneur bad fOunded Aa inoidsal or > 5 I It bleat i45 tti lt rm t fly rlttll RInd I viii I S rif fi U 4 1k IiWlIIiIi fi I f nIvh lt me I Ibtn I 0141tre qptgulultIL f af tn ie hnf I 1 Iuii IiC vniwsf Jd fIflhl4Vit4 oreiluuit it yAe nIiIf r Cr IiC Its 8 pvnnI I I uItisfnns atr A fi I ipwit f Urtisutt ifeIhttt 11 Instil h qht iuIitf Ni h nf irsKC WUI Ill Inusnut hi l1 4 U JTOIIh I rid utfIuthIi 4 tf Isk1MPuiJne 4nt fIstpUientrifrft r I PtwntnenJ4lIift ihAnStt 1 Ifl tfji nMI fniny ns ef inituil hnevnhsnne ti n9 sut irnipillif hi If ftfi t t tffltInLi of ll Ifta5 tiu it4 titi Illihel roni 11 r nsf tutu IifpI 1 lit ItI Il t rMtP tutu JtIfIm4ftV I I ini nf i4ni tt f 1 nulaltsin In tttf seuf4 I I 1t ImtfliItl I fvt frhIe Iii 4 J ti 1 t lt If fl I iIftiWV1it hIrr iii ffIiCrits 1 111 fI Ii htthuf turn It I iii fl I uIWtIfi4 it t fit rffI JIineVeIf Jtestfnfl IPy eouusqt tutu cis hi W v I rfnih qet 4 fPntI 4C ts rpeesnte nr ens Cf Ifui lf IiIIrinrNt tutninni of the rhf flue IIi n 4 ftf H I U nuinhu p f ItICIInItf tnrI I intt juWtIe I iu inistelse lit sief 11 IIIVIE I cli In ufIe thi tuItsInt trntitng fW lhtlf ipefofa IPC 5f5eIflP1I 11 ths uintei R SUb I ftlend ei if thi WJIfC f N Pnlfremitt eqi un utuite flit ifutrf itt this ntiItf tue ItnIfilfIfleut ifr I I llhl I n ihVe nwntIsi thsfi I mien C10tk4 Ithnuit llfnl ni rifle mrn All n 1 the npulIleint Cohuif t Ih ntiwp IPPeICI 41 ItnoeeYPIt ilIuullet 11 lit t loo In INlf IrIS rheltoti re tilt f lirIvAl nlr tn flu ssIulant eeteuI lhuni nest eDrJIijIjy jipoinSlfini tnr his Initif reran rrnth lb foflsPritII91 Wilt diltPd rp IIh I nnl fnll 11 lSl SririS ehIe < fluent In III ulC HI rrsfsrriI lhf the IrIuInt stimuli I fntnt r iii nutite Inquu o hn I i rauihi ii fin CI tfsrrI Mt irewrpIsuJ WIth titles ti r mmA 111 1 itehuIttt for aitnis Y wis 104 In 1Crlff nf the eimIIs n ftim lflnlll iiI I wn seifed near fl tlnnmvIt In a Wr posliluin In sIiull lIl pvessloti ntb fIun I f IflhPfflsta lt hI I br the sriul lflTTerjlone nl fl jtaIlnw I uuI yIlutllr II lie 11 IJIW A magnetlo nif tint unwed rtnm Ih PrpiIutnt 4t hic slit I ni t rsa 1m eu AII it tn nI mnnii A 1III1nn of ftsJte 1h hh MW ndentnoil stist On II fllr n asserted n fl Ii the personality of Mr 10111 hii hi was a Mlnl ind lf ems toni Uini In a fIe O napinetonul Tb visitors wet Impreessil Ittu hIs wonderful rnrn wit lull eflifesal hhll eye soil what IIIht us flf III nsn TI priietis mln Iln mCI Ih rohlfnt thnt It a th Intent tori nC hil tl11 10 publish iinpreaslnne or his vIsit Cn the tnll KIQlflll alvo In his nrn patriotsotuject leanneofhenerg1 soul Inlet stw Ir the Amrjcanis T lrieklnt so proved of this Then Ihl nib IhIIVI the subject of the mmlnl In Ih t ni I Mtats of I many expatrIated fnch WOlfn fr the rlIII ordeN Mr ltnoiseviut warmly of cnmmenIed It sayIng In euIrtsnce Titer 11 cmmnt 11 cannot 501 11 to putny never Ilutl we have 10 Ilnr Pnr of that Ilnd ThIs rrlr pleased the thologtan who note thll the Irfhlnt with his absorbIng Iut hl no time 10 write he mulct Mn fin himself tn talk giving In incisive spceltps lessons ot courage and vIrtue avoiding empty phraseology ni makes futuir Ir fyi epeechee every month cacti being l 1m poflant that they wnll erl aUnlnl Vlll Ir delivered ly a elmpl citizen The ebb dId not Ihlnk hI was too rlUIIY when he toll Mr JOlt that France was greatly In ralf In hla chrctr and oplniln The Preeldent rarondei T plrlt hy nrlll personal lymlth with France There was direct reason for this some or his rIlves hr marriage being 01 Frrnfh extraction In df1 hl had f trace of 0111 blond In his veins Til bb friend tonluIAtd the IrPlldent thlt a person eeerrhIntr for him with A revolver bed foiled of Intention tl Aftapinste hm The letter replt that hI did not intend 10 change hIs habits nit that nf count nor alr the routine oC hl life tn 8vold there hypothetical Mlle Thin visitors wrre Impressed wIth the conviction that this moralist writer ortor this rhlr or lusts was capable of battling physically with any kind or nn adversary that tuci wee ii per tCdy balanced man In whom lttIIInc hlartllnd mulICllIrerluR Ih well developed a spirit and body In romplete hllrmony the American type the Idrlll product or a greet natIon one who In polltlrll never hItIlI11 to nxnress till honMt opinion who denounce boldly all abuses and who In controversies I with foreign nations maintains ntlinchlnlllr Iho rRlIlf ot hilt country IIcllnlf always so I cording 10 the precept of Lincoln Po the oo8t but if you CAt do the beet thln do the beet you 1111 The moml had com 10 tkIullot him tile IIhM cllll the greet mn of arUon the mot interesting except the Crdlnal Lovigerte Ihllt hll hot er mIlt What endllf8 Mr Itosevelt the more to him la his enrll In dpCflIdllll rIIClloHII tel rrance his friendly word for CatholicIsm lie prllll long extracts from his speeches alld writings always with laudtor oem I mAnLy I The theologian discovers tMt WhlirlflI1 I Is a more agreeable Ice ot rlrtrncl for EuroPMnlhlln SOY other city oC the United HhllO There 11111 bustle 111 nolan and 11 Is lees out oC proportion Its domInant chuaclerllIr are flult Stid harmony nil aeM II rfIIemblnCA to VsrMUle In II brood avenues radiating from the CII pit nl to the eriI 01 the tow There 110 something of Ib ChempsElye4e ot IlIrlll III Itll IIOlllltfll and the Ionic colmM oC the White Houao cccii Ihroullh the tollII flu enJoys the vrlo odd chrat1te with whom lie is hpht In COlltt lit mentions oe in prticulsr II retired Admiral who enjoyed tcilng or i1t various cruIse To Amrlna who IT ceck lime for npprrelaUon or theIr country Ihl volume front the pn oC a French priest will offer abundant eaUataction FOR THE SN JOSE SCALE New Ker08eneLlme MIxture lot Equal to Sulphnr Wuhea One of the new Insecticide oomblnatllnll for trHlment for Han JOIlt o1le oonll811 of II mixture of keroNlOll In water pro duood by the UIIO of limo in very fine par tide ThlloomblnDotlon with oIeml modi fioatlons Mil been strongly reoomnumdlld by II few experIment stittlons and hall horn ullCd on a large IIOalu with t1 dlgroo of sue OOM bYlOme orohordletfl If all relllble QI the IImllIUlpbur combination 11 a 80110 destroyer and nil nrll to UM It 10118188e1l advantages over lhllllO lIulphur lAhel In being nora elllY to prepare hoonulflno boil Ing Is required nut Iet made at the Delaware Export merit station during 111O Indlrote that the lower trengthll or the Kr mlxture are not mollnt aplnllt scale and that the suonger mlxturetthose containing larger percentAges nf kerotnoAro liable to In JUro tho trees bOOlltltlO oertalnportlonsof the mlturell contain much more DC the kerosene than other portion In other words the mixture III not uniform or not permanent At the Delaware stAtion teetH were made In five orohardsl on chortles plume peohe and applfII and nppll03t1cnA wore mdl 11 rail winter And summer mn difficulty 111111 mot In applylnR the mhturoll having the higher perootnRee of oil hecatito or the small quantity or water used In pro portion to the amount of limo omllinyed In the fall lre1tmllnt a01 with IIml111 percentages of oil the first Cow treAII or a erloe showed marked ItI11 of IIIJury front the spray while trees rncellng the last portions of the mixtures IIhool no Injury In one plum orchard where trcM sprayed with sulphur wehetl served 011 oecka the oomrrnrtiuon was Mtlcehly altllnet the Kr mlctur8 Four Burbank plum trees sprayed with a I per cent olloomhlned with a hydrated lime bore only oelIrth ofa crop or fruit while the nrijol tog sulphur sprayed roes produced full ylelllI The effect of tile 10 per coat and O ler cent mixtures on IIOlle was Dot sttlefao tory as young rouse on tree treltet with these mixtures were 18 numerous in the following Autumn as on check trees though the trIt llreellwero smoother bec1uIID uf the removal of the old eolle Incrullwlloll6 through wttbering oil of the wash Eoe where the higher percentages of oil were used there were considerable numbers of young sotina the following I16lllOn On the wholo the fail spraying with a IImolIulphur mixture prociured mitch hotter roultll A Dlddlns to a Welsh Wedding From IPie owth Companion In writing of WeIeh scenery and customs lIlr Edward Thomas finds oooalon 10 notice many characteristics oC social life that are 11ft Ilronllly mar ej II ro the features or the landscape None of the cllrlollll ussgee II more obaracterlllo ot rlmlllvII WalM than la the one mlnlontd In this paragraph I pauedthrough a village In which t found that the old fahioned blddlnao tnarrllllfe was not dead For sprinted sheet with this an nouncement In Welh rIll Into nlY hands A DlddtD 10 a Yarrlare Inasmuch as 10 tnend enertne ne state of wed lock on we 1I111e wedding gifts which will bll repaid with thanks 111 a hue occaiion t r Wzuiamm tauAlIlITn JOMa It fa exIlfQled that gifts due to thepI and to their parents and brothers will be paid On the weddlnllda hero are AmerleaOIl who know by oItXpllrlonOfl tprcttcllin in tnl eounry often dlrtcfrqm tile cutom In alesopIY nV the arNter rrankuen with which till Welsh tatt tIlcue t 11 c t I I I T Llw l = = If = r rHv wsNtN N4lW 45 a oMIt rftfut4 Wsssss I 4 liii ale 54 I M tis 504i CM f Ii l 4euIei a cnv iss tIIiP4I isv a Cf use aiwsis III IIICfI If Slid aiwl 110111 51 15544 it tisd lit ep ef jday t ill If Is 111 Mwf ef iii iweiiif IfIf1 lilt SeffilMeS i ISpite III rEiee tir It 4tvliui eiP ef Isiv I t ti tiOCtt fri V4 014 i ffIW 01 nviet sisfstltmii sit 11 4piW IS tueilst cute pious ihosli MV1s15 C j Stie 5iasInudEIetstsePiafM fWfSiliOfi I It ii I t INC isseli uf flu ifi rut II1lii flltt4 ta44 4Iil 154 III f01V1 SM IfI Asil Pier sniss tni sVww49 1111 197 tel uuv ftis III tit he 159ti IA IIitfSst4t lest 514 tflilft pests fir dIII ilatw iluai 1IfIfII i ffI Itll l Is ifS II krc1C tStpillf 41 asts Sit Mtf ti Md Mmrts44 sst 5145 I iIift clii AIlS 1 i IItW III seiil ef9 If a ysiiE fIIMIM I1ts1Iest uiI 04 5CC ieu01Sef III 11195411404 cl d1I1 154 tsi stts iini rlAstAO lie IMfI kf Iftltl flMI Asif i1pstr ru Nt itis elf fstdSef OnMas 0IiIt8Il b AM II Inn 1111 nIght p1154114 cleW tft hOt 1IMf rlltlt flutist itt 4StP ill IIWO lit 114 mntNeta 4s57 iut4tttlII 119 1151 Act Iii lilt rsuerlitilo 55055 eeiiifiutfq415i If ettfflft It Was llts 114 MIlIIIftfd nMai 1114 Mttt4 54 11ft ella III ta elaIt bEiMIAI tIuC yisesO fttII is 119t Itmlf Nntwsl Se1 tIfIf na tIC eld Ur0iI ftmtIt beti 05I Sad lfIIIt I P1145 irestuwI wtie wis Ic IMiM ae4 tut rstid 115 tvh lb 0 li taabtseM wuwilafi ie aSVa lI11 M silielitCi 111IlIIn till Ilclfll Iv40 the bmatI ult trII 4519195 tJI4 nid I cull IIIaI they at FlIId a trued III Ibl alit fuHsaed Seats Aol thiS sever rrt huar IIr d1l1fttut4 fNI het oor For lb does eat rpreaeS thefts tot their aUtt CImlnr Not rl1ld them tIe rlollolll 111111111 sad tb4I IllImItable alt 10 l lrlloI IIIm Ills 10111 ot 141 bIrds Mol t1Ie i IDUAIt 01 lb wtada ta tile tiltS i And mr 1Hr the blsedmgi of QaoI thee poor out CUU lIIoe upon her Ar tlrard In the Count Above and will stud to her credit titer When 1114 molds are fintabed aII4 ludltllfll ta pronoulled on UIII Gru lay Cnuris Pa May lit OD II Jogwos To lbs OtatfI Gloom gloom iloomt CJiv u the Isles nr thu temb Ole us tit torlta or tumor and cancer Tales ot the problems I1tll neVer a IIaWffJ Tales or tilt vandal cotaIp and lCandal Tal of dIe and storlt oC babble nrredlDI disaster and dlleM troubles Tell UII the lain or weak IOul III damulloll Tales lull 01 folk 00 the brink of starvation Coh us tile novel whose motive Is mean Murder and arson sad 11I11I1e raplllo Tell or Mad habIts nd IIearttrlckell mother Sisters gone wrong and a jail full or brothers nyc us tile dram or publIc rorruplloi Innocence grilled In otcanle eruption Tell us the tale 01 lIeelaebub time 1111 up your pages wIth fresh minted crime lIunro and w1nd1es and coward assaulter Forgers shoplifter and high plll defaulter IIlIktn and wrlcbtr and llbellere vile Turn Into roallie all of Jour bile live us our hcrolnca all meretricious lIown with the virtuous up with the vlclouV let all rour visions be rbeUmaId dark paragraph brimming Stilt cavil aDd cork Sorrow misfortune indecency woe lIuln aDd allhiesaDISS eerwhtreIO Wherever me go Erotic neurotics telli cry with a roar hiss brought twenty sorrow where one crew before Jon KKltDHICK 14NOL flesurgas To 01 firing josl en 1M cUll San lrentfrt Thou dull arlaeour CIty 01 the sunl For ever III a lien death like thine Ere scarce the flames be fled A reclfllllloa is begun Fen as In ArabI4ibe nh1n A plumed anentUried life was ihed Only anew to greet lbs skies nrln through day ud night To Jellopoll its mrUo journey bright So phtrnta both and goal or phrrnla flight OUr Jlellopoll where last the dabam IItI Sc thou again 111 rI1 Thou balt artae but late lied Alllumn polll 5tial bloom with vigor greater titan 01 old As when a Ore baa swept some virgin soil Whose clods wild Floras uncuuaed ennlDi hold Spllnll there ace growth miraculous 10 mortal eye So thou sraln balt rleelFoITR FoITR M ThOMAS WIsdom ot 14 Tou AooIlello craduto wu he His knowledge was his Jor and pride No merely theoretical Put well applied In Iclcnce well hi knew Ibo cause Tba md an earthquake jog a town And rulthermeN hlmtlt could shake Tho Old tln down had ht been hoes or Panama 110 could blova quaffed at Fortunes eup ntllld be knew the way 10 make III 1a dig up socIology dread art lie worked not merely for his health III knew lust how to make his dad JIIUlbute pAllbMcLaKDIIUllon 0 McLaKDIIUllon WILBOK Questions I Frorpu tilt Vew Orleans TlmuDlII JOY goes along lllh sorrow And sorrow on with Jot What bOolll It whIch we borrow Since each baa itS alloT Jut lire wears death for jewri And death makes Sweet our lIfo Which It more kind more cruel wrJ hlch more rdO the utile TIle Sona of tile Thrush peon lilt Cahoc Slanctad and rrnt Ah ht lIa wu grand this morulat Shun bow rould I feel forlorn In Such a landwhtn ttlC and rowe r teased their kisses to the bNrt Could aD IrIhonear be Quiet Wnlle the prlnr was runnIng riot An Ille birdied free mellca were atorlnr tn the trecat In the tongs that they were alnrllle No mlllar note was ringing nut I strove tmllllie them an Iwhltlet like a lad Ob my Malt Wall ann to love Ibem Fo the 1 newness 01 them For the auld IOnl thU they helped me to forget IJI 1 wa glad so I mocked the feathered ehotr To my hungry hearts desire An I IIIQrttdla the comradeship that made their joy mr own TIll a new 1I0le sounded stIlling All tbt reel A thruah was UIIIIDII Ahl the tbrulb lieu behind me In the drlola bout AUlIoDl1 Where upon the wbltttbom swaying lie wall minstrel 01 they Maying In mr days 01 Ion so laughter that the years ban laId at rest Urf again his note were rlnlrlnrl Du 101 lot IlIr Marl for IIncln Ab the song I could not solver was the one I Ihn J nd korw tar heat Tile LlUh LaW7ef lion Frost 1M Green Dog It was a little laWer man Who eolll blushed aa he began lIer poor dpl1bublld sIR 10 scan tie smiled while thInkIng of his let Then sold 10 tier an tended You have a nice fat legacy And when next dy be lii In bd llIh bandages upon his btld lie wondered ehat on earth he said The Short Sleeve GIrl The abort lectc girt I must confess Has hit a cute conrell of dress shes allO hit mi wad of doulll For long sleeve gloves come high yea know Three plUnks and a half per pairno less 01 louree II she your sister lIe You feel no 8d PODdult trrao nut II site be your tedob The short lIeevo girl par CupId rive you swift success If lIunlmer comes without the Yes May Mol retard Our Illcre flow IIr cl vlnl her In anand 10 Leave you the wealth to mirth Impress S Tile bor sleeve girl ZVfrA1I JIWrLnu1I I ii tU l r qrHg HHlII 4WN 4VIW I ttfIlJ 1s iitssM 1ft 115 M5ate14I tu ma t Mol IItiIeS lP eefjs hueS vowS ir Itn Mfi 1 rtl 1 I Is 11 1ft 514114 P95w tit 151510 11419 liftS 0410 lAS 11Itt1tlllJf iu I 50 t59 IllS 1145Se 145 siiKM lit tutwf isesstp M Is pirifrs It I iItI IS lAS 51110 It T S CP40 IsttUs4 liv JuJCa AitiSrI n lIves tlr 1144 1145 55 iiylfwl40SfltbH4Af5 tt4fCfIftSfM4 rIM flptata4Iii lilt ff144 fIt 014144 10 iiyt9 ti ft stem Mfu4 tic 55p It liAf 1111 SlIt Alt fl4ftftt 1I 1 Is so esunsvaM it 1ftM tm I 119 tes iIf 4 tWO 5114 lfIt lit 11Th IS 1154 iSIS flit 144 f is Hot Itit lilt nU Ills WI rt r islil 00 hIm Al tItfIf f 5f4f Ii 015 4141 petIt Alt hsflassl iffiss ftM flftlftfflt II Ills M1 ftIIff itl filas4 11154 145 1tlliuafst OtiS 5 fNf U H e veal fit 55414Sf Mt of Ahpist flsesl Is iliad i45 Vstit ftIIffIlI alflt M41tft P HSIIMMSH11141111M51000 5 1 This hti Sow 141141 I f Wekqtf S IlIft Nt if ISIm tttf tIfft1t ef AstriIl040 5154 f 0 0 tot 495155140115 4f54 11 155 4ad tltt4tr lIlft ftWftIt 544004 111 eH ibiS 14454 19540 simsM IS ttII iii wttl kitif t4lltaf eftilOId hRs 515t 514qtftM1efIf WfHdIdtIfD t tIt MI flltl itt Ifliri aI1 Jf frtMff Iae5 SItS Ie 5514111 ItrtItIt uet1er it I YstebtIe IS oef rtIeSatdI Al stIII5 If nf 11 is Rt Pftn4 If 0 peril 44 Itsa vashils It IgDi54 1ft 40 werdl tilt utne II till tM tllflol 095 Sf lii vn mMs Is 104 Item tattle 45 iti Ie fact SIrS tall HI WI4 44 440 Set v peat dissected 1118 ntiS M 1ft IIId prsvrvb by flame tiallass Semen Ii IM lrystn at yIbflfs Syth III ADlI Tbi tttn II mnhitii1t40 4 WIsite lit Yord4 tOsti letter ci III NoMt 54 It 1051 well vs tIe gasti of melyayu ha Nest rites IfI WhlyrbS ttywfii prii1ytLblI tit NIS IntWwyyi ThatliWwyUtmocoticI4ku1a af till IouJ I oW It 14 ceo Mill 0 be 8Mn sad I f the heels of hiS body tot II ILtIt osusi IIBI 0 4 bole Also to tllll IMrfIH of Wi godfl IIIIr it shall make him dolts As the aids fIIlaII pbIt sayth whit see troll fYI I rlp aWl b IIoIr belihy sad IIly L no wu thy pdeii WII4 saclalatli fltI 01 llIeId i4asbodefLouls Ztillliu df kllit Loul MoStil an 0111 ass CIlIoOTT If be eves did sat is dill priest of 14 Xliii faa Noinenil WIt tbe AbW hluurp Fuea IAllWDrtll dl Frmollt 1111 unless fares of UsIa g1suui table appears OB a cut published a trw day aftir the secuticeu Allu fill alaS tk 8m LouIs Ie rid Will Ugd oal 01 otbT of thta versions II mill a royalIst point DI view Just what tbl Irish priast IIItluld have soil III sublime disregard ot tile p111 ta which lie mlrM hare placed himself Abb rdrnlu111 IIItlllalD bat he ruuld oat recollect that in the deep grief of the moment be said any thing or IIII sort Lord Itolland recite thlll the lAJtll tit Utter lellca thatEdgeworib aaaurfd blOt of his failure to recall having IIId It and hoUsed eolltlllUIl1 that the pIous ejaculation was invested at asupperhildon Ilrlltohe tletatlon What It tile byname or New Jmeyf Lying as a doormat before the Empire Slate and till Kn 51008 Slalelt surly fount bay some pet name 01 it own but wbt Iht inly be I have nyer been able to learn edlllI COxIOT NwJerser la by DO means to be slighted even though II dON II 1 tile front doorsof New York sad PhIladelphIa for a host of metropolitan of iiher sort Ire glad 10 get away from town at even log to the enjoyment In New Jersey or their bed lower or down But New JerseY hks never beell called out of III namrand It is proud enough to bo named III oommellloralloa or a gallant delraeo III the Puritan ware without aeeldlllIIc11 renown al braggart nicknames mar grant What ii the rulll II indeed there be one concern tog the tile or proper adjectives We read that a yacht has returned from a cruise In Cuban and Florida watersshy not Cuba and Floeldani We bear tlf MexIcan Ilvera but nol of Yennonlan towns of EnglIsh hIlls but not of New Yorksb naJifu ul uft Wt manufactures of Siberian uble but not of la constnlan timber Then Is II Java sperms but the Curl soldIers sin the Russian army ht P E S It is just that wealth of idiom ruled only by ellphoD that ahould mallll a man rejoice that Enrll6h II his mother tongue IIId not a painful acquIsItion Who ta the author of the saying Ho who eon quera bmltlt Is rater than the roan Who COllquen a cltrT Dh1rlT The reference eoms to M 10 Proverbs nl a If that Is slow to anger is better than the mighty and he that ruletb bisepidi than he that taltrtll a dU The Donor enton is practically the lame Tbe patIent man is better than the valIant IIId he that rulelb his spirit than bo tbat lakelb cities aoell OzarrIt Ie seldom that a query btlge out such a wealth of replies aa has greeted the request of J J While for Ihlll pteco whIch be bu dImly remembered from childhood A hot of warm friends of the ballad have supplied such actlal informatIon al to the author 1111 available fOr III bumble life is nol written IA the work of ordinary reference At best the information Is AO more Ibll a Uille fie was J Keerall born ot lowly parents ta a village by the Nor In Queen county Ireland and be died 11118 D about 40 years old To this eraUty tenors an apprecllh cor respondent add ills poems are tborourbly Idiomatic and as IrIII 10 tbth rub of feeling and sentiment as they arc toil of pullr arid tender ness Caocb Ia to be lound tn lbs first volume ef lIaeaa nallde of Ireland tl Fords National LibrarY and In Frank Touseis Popular Songs and nalld ot the mprald Isle DUI because 01 the Interest whleb II bal IIkend and also because of its merit aa a living tpeelmen of the popul ballad II II here republished even al scene con elderable IIcllllco or space For its full compre benlolIlI ahonld be observed that the word eoch means blind Ohs winters day tong long all Whtn I was a little fellow A niCer winrred to one door Orahtded blind and yellow And oh bow rlad wu my young bNllt Though earth and sky looked dreary 10 are the stranger and his dog Poor Pinch and Coach Olesry I And when he stowed awar his bsg Croubaned with Ifreen and yellow I thought and std In Ireland a ground TneM1 nol so line a fellow And lincen Burke and Shone tarn And Elh Kate anti lO flushed in with panting haste to irA And welcome Cinch OLeary Hit 001 be with those hapoy tlmeY Oh rtte be With my chIldhood When I bareheaded roamed all day Ulrdllullnr In the tldwood Ill not forgrt those sunny hour lIolIver Vram OtOY al JIll not forget nit early frIends Nor honest Caoeb OIeO Poor Caoch and Pinch tlPl well that night And to the morning atiy t called inc un r hear hIm llal The wind that shakes the barley And then lie stroked my flaxen hair And cried God mark my d An I went wbn he said laMwell And think m tn OLesrt And IflllOot esme and went and still Old Cinch was not forgotten Although f thought hIm dead lId gone And la the cold cloy rotten And often when I walked and danced WIth Elly Kale and Un we spoke dr nlldbood TeaT hourI And prayed for Caoch OLtat Well wenlr summer hd gone past And June 5 red sun was sInkIng When I a man sat by my done Of twenty iad things thInkIng It little dog came up the way His rn was slow sad weary And as nip all a lame mM limped Twos Pinch and Caoeb arY Old Caoob but ahl bow wMberonel Ills form I bowed lId blllldinr Hie Aeshless hands are stIll and wan ArTlme is even blending The colors on his threadbare bag And Pinch II twice as hairy And thinSpate as whtn fleet I saw Ulcostif anti Csoeht oLeary 0n4a blessing here the wanderer cried Far tar bll bells bhek viper Does anybody hereabouts Remember Clloch the plpn With IwrUlnr heart grasped bl hand The old man murmuled DealT Are you the IIIItY headed child Ibat loved poor Caocb OLearYT Tea yes I MId The Wanderer wept AI It his heart were brklnr And where a vhlo machete be sobbed Is all the merrymakIng I found here twenty years agol My tale I sighed might weary enough to say theirs none but me To welcomo Caocb OLcary 0 0 vol the old man cried And wrung his hands In soqow Pray lead me In uthore mactree And Ill ro nome tomorrow Mr peace is made Ill calmly leave tHaco t PJ This world so cold anddrery And OU shall keep myjilpes and dor And pre for Caoeh OLeary With PInch I watched his bed that night Nu dill his wIsh was granted lie dledand Father lames was brought And the reqlllem mass was chanted The neighbors came we dug hi grave Near lll 1015 and Mary And there 110 aleepaJlI last wtI1Itp God rest rolll Cao OlAaf7 w Ptrnu lIN 11IA IIWI ht Vhs Mft fNIIflf sa Mklot 0 1M tiH40 It 10 41115 Mngttiras rawl Jistftiss fi ItVidStS fisPitiu relt TII fttffltltto1tlmtll smlf r msrta Pit ItirlIe 549 4IMtilMfti Itlf WIftiset ifsl It 11 Isis dnmIsseul iwilifkusf f4051IlInOS 1mfMlt 1M fIIfIfI Ther II S 9 pses sits this Ih lfithelsfldOftP ftltlfWlf IItiIM4 hy WIIltatn ft I1If Sill 1t111 lilt rllfllfflllIif Vet lit dtPSli It 11155 ifOni 0 Il iSI4V Iti fllMfIflII Ifti fl71uuIan IIItI1flM SIlt smtil1 tit Ut afitit pliso fits sttn tiemfselInt II 11 nt Ift0Mt lnIi uf1f Mtliftlt IffI fu UI qlas Iasys SM ItS liliIIetit b4tiIfdSti Hit 0b1 Itt thu Msb iiiiid stMtlafltI4sfltotijbsfprImSl54 IPIISVs IA f4ymtitnott Ifftrns rflflll hId fISIIO4 r Mttf tty Ate IA Miff V9535PII5119 tIll hHtM Cf UI RP1ll1fft 1If lIIfftf1t aN51I40UI if thu 1IG11t1f n fJttttf flitS Ill MfItI ru 45 Yo MI9 fttt 1401 04 I I95 HtfN1t tMt 54544 HIM sass nf 115 VUI44SI4IM eM dltI4lt rf Itttt 4fflhsfv Is hskUfle t N 5444 6MItt IIeMII1 S s114M44 M Ms 5 5 HtftIIK1fttt 444 estI4fi0 fII lJa5 Ysf II In 51105044 Csr4 Myr HI Hurtle 54 Ills eirt4id45C tnt L4siliftftf tOIef Oft this 111 ti9544 18 IH tf b cf WttieI HI tefflfIH It Ii 01154 frets thai U ellatt1n54ip may I Jntatta willi PitS iOiii4M ltitus IJt 511 55 or an fMlU ottllfto lot a Vw Hapuhiletea Ii WIltlIAI Il 4 list that YlfNldnt rsIthsfl4 telli be olBld fir Preeldini by r1Iff itidleltil conventIon 10 hoe IM bM tllllil OPI1M1 I 00 the ground that Hr rallbMH I 1k AllIINf 1tramllntaM 01 PrsMssI ReoItteI Other Alrbanll men say bat tb Mepubldratt oganIaatIon Of fMlan ii lat IIIperlo to thai or any other IMC whir the Rpublleanl aristhdomjfianl patt I I John lgetow sit IOItor or ulu1 J I TUrJtu willed one of 111 wIsest oo1ulfll 01 Mr TIIuMn In the day 01 his political ascendancy cendanc fa the DemocratIc part wan delegate from New fork Huts to the lie lIublclft tltlon convention which asasmb led as rhlla1t1p1lla In June INS and nominated FrmoDt ad Dayton Mr fligelow II tI 1IIl1lol1y elect and ntraordlnarll to buM 8tllpl8D A 8mllh oonftdlltlt1tmnt for AlolUt D Corallli when that LIzard on the JUU as fleeces Conlrllnr dubbed 0ev Cornell WI Governor is very Ill at Mount Clemens MIeh 8mlth slime ComllI cIlPN has been oonfldentfal mesaenger for 811116101 Thorn C Ilatt Jr Platt llpoke In Wh lorton the other day or 8mltb discretion fidelity and loyalty to this Itepubllonn part for twentft yeses 8enator Forabl friends now buoyantly declare that be will oontrol the delegates from Ohio to the Rfpubllonn national con entlon two years hence Renator Knox Pennsylvania friends proclaim with equal I onlhulrum that he wilt have the Keystone Btte delegates on the same Interesting OCOA 111011 GoT Folks politIcal supporters In llIlIIOuri Insist that he II the limon pure Southem Democrat demanded by the IIUIfIllllon oC promInent Democrats that It II about time that A Southern lmocrat was nominated for President by their national connntlon Many Northern Dllmooralll already want to wager m little something that IIryan will break the record or his party and for third time receive the nomination Present indIcations point 10 many lively primary Crlmmall for control respectively of the Democratic and Republican orQanl7a lIonllln New York county In September Not a day now passes It II said In which plans are not outlined for leadership supremacy or tbeee two battling organization IncIdentally there II a report thlot Ropre enlAlive William Bourke Cockr may rot bll rfnomlnated In the Twelfth New York district and Il II said that Representative Henry M Ooldtolle ot the Ninth may also tall by the waysIde It ii just possible Is reported that the two Sulllvnll DIll Tim and Llttlll TIm may turn up 811 Democratlo Bfnalo at Albany next winter DIe Tim III now Conn man for the EIghth New York district a place exquisitely uncongenial to him bl says and LIIIIII Tim III the Little Father or the New York hoard or Aldermen whose powers In the matter of granting franchises have been abrogated by ft recent deelllion of the Court of Appeals which lIulalns Republican legisla tion on the subject Senator Patrick H McCarrenlI district In KIngs county ball been mild by the new Senate apportionment passed At Albany even more strongly Democratic than before hut 3fr iicCarren III In doubt Ir he will return to Albany not winter Two years ago hll had similar doubts III Brooklyn Democratic rlendll are allaln urging hIm 10 remain at homo and be Johnny on his Job Democratic leader ofEings counl1 nlllhl and day In January McCarrn talked Hearst for Governor rather openly At the moment bo IIITS hn III thinking thinking thinkIng Prllllident Roollevelt carried Nebraska 1100anlI State In tOO by 88M2 McKinley In 1000 carrIed It by 7822 and Bryan In 180tl carried It by 13576 Eminent Republicans unhesitatingly declllre I that It will btt II difficult task to corral a 1111 factory successor for tDt to Cornellua N Bliss treasurer of the Itfopubllcan national committee I It II now stated that William It Hearst hall captured the Dtmocratlo State committee man for Alton B Parkers district which comprises oounlllll oC Ulster and Greene The Republicans oC Wllrren Rarlltolla I WssbIngtonFultonnnd Hamilton coun tie will support Senator Edgar Braokettor Saratoga for Governor or New York In the Republican State convention next fall The Republicans 01 the counties mentioned have issued a roan ftoato saying We have long recognized he IndefatIgable Industry the sturdy common sense the great learning and broad grasp oC arlllr the rug gad courale And the blllh devotion to duty poaleleed by Senator Drackelt and we bl Rove him unquestionably the man to grapple with the qUfllltlonl looming large Intho State lathe near future 1t iaeald that Joseph Cassidy William A Doyle Jametl BhelIn and John T Oakley are among the Democrat Stole committeemen men below The Bronx who are not to be reo elected this ru TheDemocratlocandldates for PfIIIldentlllnce IBM wero nominated In the following named cltlel Buchanan and hancock at CincinnatI Poulh andOieeloy at Baltimore McChlhln C1evelod and Bryan at Chicago Seymour lit NewYork Tilden and Cleveland second tIme at St Louis and Bryan second time St Kansas City The Republicans fIIImed their candIdate I during the same period AI tollollI Fr6 I mont Grant second time find McKlllley I second limn At Phlladclphlaltncoln Grant Grneld DJalne Harrison and Roosevelt t ChIcago Hayes al Cincinnati harrison I refCOnd time at Minneapolis and McKinley at BI Louis I For I core of years San Francisco IU1II been an ppllNlnt for either tho Hopllbllcan or the Dernocntlo convention Certain or tier Inellll lfrofl harpers 1Jrklu I The principal In ono ot Washinctonn hlllh schools flIIIICA an Incident In connection with I the last commencrment day 01 the I lilt ItUtloll mention A clover girl hAd taken one or the principal prlzM At the close of the Ilcr clM her friends crowded about hr to offer con natulatlonll Weront you ICllllr afraid you wouldnt get ItHttlt asked one when there were so mnyopnt4ltlIanta Oh not ohOfTly exclaimed Hattie Be canoe I knew th4t whet It came to Entl1ah oomPOIit1oa I 1tJa 1iIldltd alInl i i fl 0 Mt 1M1 ap p WALTHAM WATCHES I They hIlt a IifetimeIt 0 Md AlftNltM A lit ffIrHIffItl 4 if IrtItIiIftI Mfrm4n IMIt wmW N P 1fIfHI tAll WAl71lAM WATN COMIAJIV WALTHAM MAiL I = = = A eflIffJRAJ1ffN alI IJA New I1HWIArV51IpIr1l mv w otm I L4 ZONfiW May iA mwft cIo51 Iii N54II nsooU Ii thf e M Mell utusr at Ike Now Oto1ef7 1 i4t 45401 The 1Ji e zm erasitMisig Of drswls cu3ptuos a4 s IIis jswilr7 aM ferwefi4 m tItftlfth of th NfWt 0rltMI1 a ptoa qaI eM CGMIfT UM of Nte raJ s1 a fIlilhatlon 01 the OfOllTtlKn Oallnr Ie Mob issiy 01 WI1S beet works weri first seen the show 11M endua111 taken 08 auck of Ite chuaotet 01 the elder IfIttJtttUO lid for 11 OMUaJ yWtot It mllkt asa a 8 epit ome or the Witfit esMblU08 blob o at BurJlnltoe DotIMJ a week Of two atM This year the interval I lOtIIewhat longer than usual is the lint Monday In Mar the day or the AoarHmy1 opening IJt ae late as It can be In spite c4 the ge rtNIm1blanC8 b tweon tlleee two MOW there are dlfferouoee which haTe their 1nmeet What mJsht be seen equally well at tha Royal Aoad Is the greater part or the good and fairly load orb The bad tuG dUlerant They roach a depth of badness mOM profound and are chiey produced b7 quite a differ ant kind of peoplo Tbeee people profoundly convinced of the superiority ot the New Gallery ehow brinK fashion With them They are rep relieDtativeII of fashion and If there Ls any reason why they should DOt at the same time be entatltli of art the do not know It It Is the attentive visitor who begins furiously to think The catalogue open with the work of It baronet and by the time you have reached the rarefied atmosphere of the balcony you ore in company with the work of II prlnoe Numerous nobilities British and foreign arc passed on the way What do they all In this ga11f1f7 They suggest lltowaway clad In purple and fine linen As lIuch they must waItS Sargent contributes t1ve caDVIIIC Ono of them The Garden or Oetbsel14nll baa no great interelt of any kind Perhaps ho rarely tena to a geiifue loci Here he gives us 110mB eunahiIUI a monk a tree and a fraction of the earths IlUrfoll You nrrr away tho Impreaan of a work with arboricultural propsDsltl and Fran can raiment Near Ibis are two portraits ot friends Seymour Lucas R A and Napier Hemy A n A both good and tb former a brill ant sketch A still more brilliant ketch a Syrian Study hangs on the opposite wall Such adjectives as brl111aut and vivid fly after Sargent like the tall of a kite but I what othks should one use to denote that wherein be moet excels On this oooasIon I ho positively eateltlO muoh DO that some cribs look upon this sketch aa mark I leg a new stage In the development of his art I artStand qmte oloee to this sketch and you I will understand nothing at all Unlesll It be some trees again the sky In the distance I at the ploture Stand wen away And you perceive In a very stony place a flock of longhomed Syrian sheep Perhaps they are goats Anyway they are partly In the blazing sunlight and partly In the hade ot a low rocky bluff and on top oC the bluff Is a stone wall anti leaning over the wl a shephord lor goatberd wearing a fez The whole thing simply omokles with light and heat ThellItht is O intense that the shadowl are full of reflected lights and the remark able thing III that BarRent has been able to render thlll effect without forcing con tracts 01 resortIng to any of the fonnul of the impressionists It Is A notable four de force Hut remaining exhibit 18 nn interior the room of a young priest Padre Albern who sits writing at I table Flowers lie nn the able and behind It III the bed on the bed a broad brimmed hat and black cloak and crowded Into the little room all the young mans worldly possessions The face Is not painted with SURents lIl1al bravura but IIIre 110 has given npIIIRon to spirituality Some people will think this little picture more remark able more admirable than the Syrlan Study for the sake of IIn unusual depth of feeling The wonderful powers of hand and eye are more familiar Here they are also In ovldlmoo but subordinated to something else J J Shannon A n A Is represented by two portraIts Except that they Are well up to his average and that the fiittelll are Mrs Arthur H Leo and Oliver eon of Douglas Vlokers thee III not muoh to be IIIIld about them that roqulrea 81y1nl George Hitchcock sends a Return of Proserplna which might be better suited by some other Mmo It III quIte a good picture but this fresh damsel who trips ActOI a landscape blossoming from winter to spring all bo passes III not A convincing ProeerplnaProserplna daughter of Cores and Queen or linden Admitting that Pluto stoe his bride after the simple fashion of the period and that ahewas very glad to got away to epond six months of oioh year with mamma still one would not expect ber to look like a kind of glorified dairy maid Home other American eihlbitora are 4ra Von Olohn Miss Ellis StilIrarn T F SpicerSimson and Max flohm Apparently it Is the firat time the last named shows an important picture at a London exhibition and ho certainly will not complain at Its placing for It forms the centropieco of a wall in the chief room Golden Hours as he calls it a mother and two boys painted from the artists Tile and children is a composition somewhat after the manner of Sir Joshua Reynolds The mother leaning forward oere cherries tothe younger boy seated on her kueo lie wears a wdte pinforo and pink frock and fruits are in his lap Dy his U = mivrrii lIH4a54 0119554 w y NSISS SC1Ot DIECTOftY T1 MW Willals NOSOS WS swIll IN ismmtI Illi Pr iltields tw Ill T1l N 154Sf 1W eNt 1154110 Ilf 15511 WililIl 55101 II t I 454 5 NH IlNiet Hueley lebeol ass 31 51t4r relartesi Thu Tbompsa Pratled 61 coeair J so it A Wkadiseri rmnetsa tTaiwetih steeta ai and Nteeeirsphle iniiltetss 101410 F Iath let t T 0 4 Wlwerth PrincIpal Waiweith fiCslnees School 015555 halt 540th St cot 54 Ast JehaCWaiflorth principal Woods 5th AT School sin Ave and 25th SI Predevlrk Il Wood Principal Wood 7th A School 14 Ave and 111th St Prederlek E Wood Principal Plagan Ochoot of liesines 524 Brosdwsy ew York Jolte 3 Eaais President p Lens Island fluslnese ColIrge 143140 No 5th Mt ilrookiyn Usury 0 WrIght C P A PrincIpaL DACIIARD I COMMERCIAL SChOOL AT KVMINO 4ITU YFAIt Liii Ave 23d hit Subway at Door Tb Scaoot That faks5 a Specialty of Faon Student hndtvldusl Instruction Sntr at any time withoUt dlsadvantag SY1S SCHOOL 23 West 45th Street Nw buildings will be at 45 and 61 East 51st Street aide stands the elder toy with a toy beat under hlsartn The setting is a landscape Thin picture begun in France and fin jibed in London has many pxceliedt Epiali tine so many that at first onowonderb why it should not be as a whole more eatis factory Casting about for the reason seems probable that the artist hits s dii muchthat he has been subjected to many Influenoes which are not yet welded into a homogeneous whole Did one not know that Mr Bohm is a well known teacher op might exect it from the many sympatbI shown in thin picture Be seems to have looked at the old Vena Uans through the eyes of Reynolds Them In a blat of Henner a knowledge of the Munich school a recognition of George do Forest Brush Just what Max Bobms own individuality may be Is not clearly seen but it would not be surprising if he were some day to p tht a really fine picture This one containa everaI small faults Two Sargenta on the same wall emphasizo them Frank Brnngwlfl A B A needs A Wino Shop which is one of the best pie tunis he has ever painted In the fore ground are huge vegetablee pumpkinsj guord and onions and rtdn above them two dark figures half lengths One of tlittse wine sellers leans on a lajg copper pan and beyond is a lighted interiors with a group of figures seated at a tabl It is a work of great individuality fine clot and forceful expression One adght however complain that all objects for example the faces and the pumpkins aria painted with precisely the same sentiment Good portraits are shown by the welt known Scottish artist Bit George Reid and eeveml proment British painters and scitlp torn are represented by characterintip work A Royal AcaconlcIan who sends something of an unusual kind In Prof vo Ilerkomer He seems to have thoughb it time to draw some more attention to himself and hi manner of doing o Is not merely effective but quito dIsconcerting The machination with welch no etartlee the unwary lean Immense portrait of Mrs S L Lazarus The upper half of the can vas is filled by a sable curtain It mlglit be leather a most worthy material much neglected by artists One is glad to eon about twelve squarefeet of it horn Against the lower part of tn fine ox panse of leather are relieved tho ladys head and auburn hair She wears a dross of strong lapis larull bltue and a crimson waistband She Inneated cnn couch clone to a brtght green cushionandat her aide is a vMO containing lilacs Cold grays from the surroundlnga are re footed in the ladys facea hamidotno face with rather the air of a tragic muse Perhaps abe wonders why th Herr Pro feesor should beP by viqaUng the or didary yuleeot compositIon an4 Onlehby omitting to harmonize his color scheme Possibly sh has never board of Urger monismus Dainty jewelry insrired by Lalique is shown byLuclen Oalllard of Paris Couno Feodora Oloiohbn and the Countess pf Wemyaa are among the senders of sculpture A little portrait by Sir Philip flumeJones shows the former at work itt her studio in we learn St Jamess Palace The Earl of Wemynn shows little smudgee in colored chalks called Senile Sunny Sotivonirs The Marchionees of Gmanby contributes pencil portraits of languid grace and three water color sutudice of flowers como from Princess Victoria la tmlola of Connaughta firm talent ap proximating indeed to cast Iron There are other Countenses a sprinkling of Baronots and one lonely Chevalier The Now Gallery summer exhibition In a highly fashionablo show Different Front the lVashnfon Sfar What I want said the Toting man i to get married and have a peacefui quiet home sVelI said Farmer Corotoasel some times it works that way arid then again itLm95 it a like Jol1n a deatitq i e 1 I eii j t 1 i 7t 1 7 I lh tit k nj LtLti i i J e tt ir 1 I 3 ii i J4L9 1L4i it k I