OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, April 18, 1909, Second Section, Image 30

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1909-04-18/ed-1/seq-30/

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r f i k
1 14 2 THE T E SUN SUNDAY APRIL 18 1909 r
fot OlIWI1I ItA4IIl nr HEll UOvFl UOvFllI vrr vrrl vrrI vrrMorr
u1 Morr lI ore rl Capital pltal Was W Ix loanlII > nrd at l 4 12 Than Thant fharat 1hat
at t S Per tr Cent la Last l Week ne cek Jood < l Uf UfNand f fnimnil
Nand for Private llnrlllnefi UWftllnjIUron UWftllnjIUron1ract flwetflnMUroflTracts Ilronx
Tracts Untight nnu ht for Development DevelopmentA
tt A substantial I amount of business wa WaJdone 3
done last wook WOfj in every branch of the thoreal therea th I
real rea estate market Tho main reason reasonfor reIiSOIfor resorfor 1
for the thevel very general difltision of activity activitywas nctivt
was no doubt to 0 U found in the ampleIIIIpply ample I
supply of capital offered at low rates of 01Interest 01 r
Interest Perhaps for the first lime in inseveral inlIeveralyelUR I
several lIeveralyelUR years the volume of money loaned loanedon lonnldoDManhattan I
on Manhattan realty at t per cent centexceeded CtIDI1eeeded ctmtxceeded
exceeded the th total recorded re orded At S per cent centSFfiere
1 There 7 ere was was apparently no difficulty din cllity in inobtaining inobtaining ir >
1 obtaining financial al support for any an con connarrative canlIervative conj
j narrative transaction trun action > Plans were ero liled iiiIdIn 1
In this borough borou h for nearly HOOOOOO OtOOOO worth worthof orth orthof i
of j new ew constructions mostly most high hi h class classapartment clas5apartment clamapartment 3
apartment houses and mercantile build buildings hllilIngs ¬
ings In the auction room property of ofthe ofthe ol r
4 the value of f about J7000000 OOOOOO was struck struckdoflto IItrllokd trUc
doflto d < tO buyers at prices which as a > a arujj arurrtbo i I
rujj rurrtbo nbwod little or no recession recei > Rinn from fromsta fromumd I
sta umd dardfnppraisals nLnpprnials The rh forced legal legalealee lealla1 legaleaJe I
ealee ewere were comparatively few fo and in a afairprbportion Rta ElfarprportlorE
fairprbportion ta proportlon of them the ortenne waf waftaken watak af aftaklln
taken tak by outsider outsiderAn 00 t61der t61derAn
An iA n important indicrtion of the general generaltrend gonra e neral neraltrend I
4 trend of the market 1I1 rklt win wi thn I h notable notabledwnond notllhldeniMd notalldMzict >
dwnond for private rivat dwellings dwlIin The Thebrokerage
brokerage deals of tli week included inctidlcl a acore I i
1 core IIIOO of puroiintM pUrci < of I town residences residencesin r iitmcA iitmcAin
4 in n good neighborhoods twighl lllUOl including noltid in g the theFifttiavenue th thFitUi I h I
Fifttiavenue FitUi aeIIU district Tho thi buyers IHI < were werefor werfor re reforthe I
for forthe the most part intending illlo nlin occupants occupantswholn occupantwho >
wholn who n neveril eel 1 instiincw int tll proposn Jirol ropo > o1 to t rt r ri
i r model tn mod el existing old fashioned fashionedIntoAmerican f llionf1 sl strCtlr strCtlrintoAmerlcn rCl1 ft ftIntoAmerlc111 I
IntoAmerican Ila l4flIt J nt hoHw hoHwThe hOI hOITl lIo Ll
The Tl ebrokor1 brokerage dealing was widely widelydistributed widJlydi r
Ti distributed di and embraced n variety arid of ofproperty orproperly n nF
F property including bolides 1J1 rll private privatedwellings
4 dwellings d well ings mercantile buildings 11Ii lin < I elevator elevatorapartment tor torapartment r
V apartment houses nnl nd the Ih ordinary run of ofmiscellaneous ofmisccllaneoou 0 0tni8cellaneoui r
miscellaneous holding holdingThe holdingi
i 1 1 The Bronx contribute 1 several vacant vacantlandtransactions vtcflIi c1n c1ni
i i landtransactions land tranll ctlOD of If th first rank rLn rLnVe1neday In On OnWednesday OnWednetlCloy
Wednesday th ttw tl AimTkin Real R a Kstat KstatCompany IsttCompany
Company acquired from th heir h PI ir = of ofWilliam ol r
> 1 William m Watson Wat ot ninctythreo ninN > thrltl acres or orabout orabout 01 01bout r
about 12 1200 < X city lots lying 1II1 north of V e CI CIchester estchester t tchester
chester avenue and ncl extending xlI < Hhlll from the theBronX thoBronx
BronX River to Clrson R Point road 1 l h hprioo1 hprice hprioo 1
price was about JlJOtinon frf Lr r in inthe inthl I Ithe
the week a realty company bought hou hl the theWaldo th thWaldo thiVaIdo
Waldo Kutchinson Hutchhl > on tract I of CBCi 00 fl lots lot rt ltRIV pJiUv
RIV Rivenialo rdalo nvenue nnd Mth street The Theproperty Th Thpro Ti
property pro etty la l near n6 the homis of GIor GIorW Jcog JcogWVperkns corg
WVperkns W 1PE Htinp and Ii lIl Darwin P Kingaloy liinI find 1nrldJdins flr flradj I I
adjoins adj in the holdings holdill of other scaIrtr scaIrtrfaxnldes altnfamlll5 ilfhy
families This sEth I It > marks practipally practipallythe praclifUith4fir practirall practirallthe
the th4fir first firtInvasion invasion of tho exclusive xelu e Iliver Iliverdale Hhordale 1tiverdale
dale section by real ostate tltte dealers The Ihttractis 1hetracti
tractis to be cut up u into cite itc4 for private privatedwellings privatedwe11lngs private4wefljngs
dwellings Another Bronx ront deal involve illoheibIQC iivolveia
a block blcckof of twentytwo lots lot on Trinity TrinitynUfE
venue vimue nUfE near Wl5t > Vt tchistT avonu avonuAn RvnuAnitem
3 An Anitem item of interest to property proplrtyw owners ownerswas owntJl8W8
was w the announwment rim tomorrow tomorrowafternoon tomorrowafternoon tomorrowafternoon
afternoon Comptroller onltroll < 1 MIT otz is lo hold holdthij holdth holdthe
the th first of a series eIie of conferenctM + with withdepartment vcihdeaijment i h hdepartment
department heads on the budget for 11110 IftlOThe 11110The 11110Theftrz
The Theftrz first meeting is i lo he with wi h Commis Commisioner Commialoner orn1ni orn1nisiqner
ioner siqner Hebberd Department of Chariti Chadtiid CharitiiPreident w wPresident
President id nt Brannan and Supt WiHinm WiHinmHSmith Vil1imHnith lli111 lli111BBrnith
HSmith of Bellevue and audAlli Allied d Hospital IInspitalCominieeioller 11ospitalComrni8ioner
Commissioner Darlington and Dr Wnlter alrr alrrBensel
Bensel of the Department of 0 of Health All Allof AUi l lof I
of these departments have hospital ser j jviopfor I 1 i Ii
i viopfor i for whose emergencies etneqenc ernerence it is some someLlwhatdifncult snrnllwbatdifficult somewhatdifflctilt i
Llwhatdifncult to provile tUteen or eigh I Iteenfnbntha Ite
t teenfnbntha te teen n fn rith in advance arlvnnceFrom advanceI 1 1From
I From time to time since ths tli mu budget budgetof budgMor1909
of or1909 1800 was voted written stateniehts f13tellll 1ls havoj havojgone hao I
gone to the Comptroller and vernal rhlll com comments cornlnentw I ImentB
ments have been made rezarclinp rKfld n the thedifficulty thedifflculty
difficulty of running liogpitals in March Marchaccording farchaccording I
according to the th bout of plans pill us mnle 111 the thepreceding Itupr thepieetJing
preceding pr eiHnl June or Octooer Octoolr To bring bringto hringtigt tIringtoI1ght
to toI1ght light aa a a many facts fluts as 0 possihl pssih < regnr regnring 1 1lug
rppar rpparIngavisble
lug Ingavisble tigt advisable cnanges chan In thf Ih > way WI in which whichthe whichthe whichthe
the budgetestmatl budget estimates shsll be b prepnreJ prepnreJandtho IHp1eJthe
andtho nsi the budget itself vofpl the i Comp ComptrUcrtha otnp otnptrollerhas
trollerhas trUcrtha arranged aranged thUponf thi thkconlernce thkconlernceSimilar confrur confrurSmir rtnr rtnrSimilar
Similar Smir conferences cnferencs aretobf ar ar to ho held T with withcther ith ithother ilhotr
other otr departments deprment from time I inl mc 10 t LI tim timo 11
o thatbefore tht that bror before even tho > iiunkn fl ¼ for fol next nextyearH
yearH yeHetmat estimatai are I one I the Depart Departrnent ttPII ttPIImniof
rnent mniof of Finance Finam will wi boy h II it l > sr thu tj0befletit h hbneft i iberiellt i
beriellt bneft of the most candid Cnrlir critioisni itici1 util utilUggestion atII atIIwggston i
Uggestion wggston that this years ftperience ftperiencemakes ppriI
makes me it possible for department depar nnl lioatU lioatUto hewlto
to make mke pihle Besides Dside the Comptroller tolptrolr the thei I theDepartn1ent I ID
Department D rtment of Finance nanc will i In1 I h repivsenttvl rtprtnlJi i i iS i
k17 i 1UtrLO hrlS S Hervoy Herve the bnrlt hlrr Ibl1ddt < t nrfhi nrfhiWho nrhit lIrohitec
t tec Who as I chief of the I h Burviu 1 Pjr r ° I iii I of ofMunicipal ofj f fMunicpl
j Municipal Municpl Investigation Imeti ation and Statistics StatisticssendR St1fl41tcsendeoit ali tl tlInd
sendR Ind endeoit out outthe the original orlyinal blanks an Hni I slper slpervises I 1
vises v the fhestaff staff str in the Finance Deportment nporn < nt nttba i ithatJnvestigates
4 thatJnvestigates tba investgates departmental departnwntallf ef lrtn1nlal siiniatp siiniatpAccording ollt olltACring
lf ACring According cordin to the th Bureau of Miniripal MiniripalKceearch MlniripdlIJerch 1niipalRrch
Kceearch Rrch which has h s arranged a conter conterence Clter Clterence einterenco
ence of volunteer voluuter civic cvic arrllr charitabU < harir hI > lo and fnd fndeductona1 aTI1educational 1 1educational
educational eductona1 agencies agences at lt the til Colony Iolon t Club ClubTuenday CluhTue ClubTuesthiy 1
Tuenday Tue d afternoon afernoon thest budget hur t plan planin plaILiU1 planain i
in iU1 April p 1 give assurance aRBurnc that taxpaying taxpayinginterests Huravill utxpnytngIntereetm I Ilnwrt
interests lnwrt will wi have no excuse O CI duringiooa duringiooafor dlringlf riuring 19KE I
for forlraing failing tf t > interest thwniHPlvna thII1I8 intel IntelJigently j I IJgty II
ligCntly Jgty in the making mal < inl of thj th budget Imdy0t for fo for1to
1910 i lAt laat ost year yer the day cla before the tax tnxpayers tx txpyem taxpayeras
payers hearing a member moml r of tli the iMat r ratr ratrS OI OINe r rNew 1
S New pyem Ne York Taxpay TIxpars rs Conference Conferlnc pro protested protsd lImoi ¬
i tested tsd that it was W impossible < for the Ih tax taxpyr taxid i ipayer
id payer aer to do anything anthin himself nn such suchshqrt Ilch SUChshnrt i ihQrtot
shqrt pyr hQrtot notice noti e It I was Wlf more difficult then then1than thenthan 1 Ithan
than it t is i today to remind taxpayers taxpayersthat la taxayr8that payrf
that even last lat year th there re was absolutely absolutelyno IbsnJllelDoexcuse absoluteirfloexcuso I
no Doexcuse excuse for any an taxpayers being unin uninformed Inin Ininformo urinf ¬
f formed formo in n October Ocber about abut budget blld ft gU gUmates st stimeg
mates Dtes meg Not only did officials ofcialR meet Imtpa1em tni tnipavers thxpaer
more than half but thl thlb
pavers mor thn way they >
had pa1em b to go almost almot all al of the way WH princi principalJyt princiLt
prncl prnclpa1xbcu
Lt palJyt pa1xbcu jzhevause caune e taxpaying txpaying organiratinns organiratinnswere or ani7aton8 ani7aton8wer
were wer not equipped equippd to study facts factI freely freelypublished freflypublhed freelypublIshed
published publhed about departmental dlparn1ntal request requestFor rqUPAtM rqUPAtMFor requestst
t For example the estimates I timats for all alltho 11 allt
t the chief departments were not only onlyprinted onl onlprtd onlyt4
t4 printed prtd in four big hil volumes oIUrpB of several severalthousand eo p r I Ithou I Ii
i thousand thou nd pages tlgeE but were ore printed in insepanttes i iTseparates i ilpart
Tseparates lpart so that any an one who wanted wantedto I It I Ito
to t study only the Police Polce Department Deprment or orTenement orTeement ori
i Tenement Teement House Department Deparment or library 1ihrar 1ihrarestimate
l estimate elt could easily eliy do so There lhmr is isno 15no isit
it I no reason rn to t believe bleve that the Board of ofEstimate ofEtltwl ofi4
i4 Estimate Etltwl will not do its part par again this thisyear tbi thisyear
year and provide for tho printing printng in ad advance adne advance ¬
vance ne of all al departmental deparmentl request requestThe requeeuTe requcetik1
k1 The Te only ony place placl placelast last year where the tax taxpayer ¬ 0 Ipayer
payer did not 10t have sufficient Burcent advance advancenotice no
1 notice notce pzer was Wi with the tb socalled aocaled tentative tentativebudget1 tentativei av I
i budget budgt There Ther it is ia true the intention intentionof
N i of the Ban Board of Estimate was Wl8 not known knownuntil knownunti knownuntil
1 until unti the morning of the day on whioh whichthe whiohthe I
the taxpayer txpyer was wa supposed tPPQsed to discuss dicul it ItI j
I This Thil however was not a matter mater of in intent int intentlon I
I tent t nUon ion but rather the th accidental accdental result re resultI > llit I Iof II
I I 1 of trying trlnp to do this thif work in a new way av avti
ti 4 With the early start that is i being made madeto
1 to prepare prepre for next years budget Imolet there ther thereis j
is I every ever reason lo believe hAlew that it will wil he heeasy h he5l4Y i ii
easy to get the tentative tentatve budsret hud1I in the thohands Ihehands thehands
i hands of t1 taxpayer P YCN two or three days daystbefore daysi Irq
i before bfore it tmi mi miit t l hI 10 > i acted a < ted upon tpon in Id October OctoberMerely OClolI OClolIf Octherlerely
f Merely llerly publishing plhi inp a tentative hmtat o budget hdett I Ihowever
t t however does do not lot inform ilrorl the th taxpayer taxpayerabout taxpIelabut tax pyer pyerabout
about abut its Is contents Heal estate Iale interests interestscannot inter interestscannot > I Icnnot
cannot cnnot possibly p08 ihl have 1 any Iny appreciable appreciableinfluence Ipprcilhlej apIIrPciahIeinfluence
j influence In ulcc upon either lhr the form or the themethod th
4 method m of distribution diltrlhlion of he I budget of ofI
1910 unlens unlI from fror now until unti October tax taxpayers taxrayem taxMi
Mi I I payers organizations orpmizatio follow each nfh Mep Mepin
j1 I rayem in n the making nakln of the th budge budgeITIvali1 I budgetI > HI p pl 1ff
I ITIvali1 Irh nl Sale SaleTWENTlllll al aIc aIc1VE
T TWENTlllll 1ENTIllt 1VE NTI1I tI STHKIT sI THEI IIEII harl larl < I Iit onnor Oinorii
ii it l has ha bough boulh I troni IrOl1 i rolut J I1 I Wnlsh IIh No o iifj o Ve Vest t 1i
i u Twentieth wenteh a i > r a 1 SVM IO I J I storj tr bulldlntt bulldlntton blldlnl
rf on lot 25xJii S X iviiiih Ilil i Ii I i I Is i ijjod 1 nn 1 the th I Ii e Nine Nineteenth N ln E ne neteent ¬
1 teenth ti prerlii1 prII prel ii polic 111 1101 I tirlon 110 I oui t It 1 I t adjoins adjoinsthe uuljoiruthe I Ithe
the Kimpson sirpsoil < rnnf 1 r rl I Coinpaiiy C OII ru1j11iY > IIIIII alnll lluild IIuiuliiIng <
i Int Ing ItlBiud aIId was a fnii I it t fiuoooo fiuoooorORTlni jU t > iOOO iOOO1IRTIT1I OO OOrj
rj rORTlni JRJrH HTT HI W rr 1 i Ildunr Itln V Curtis Irl llrtj j
jf i have sold sole for Oliver 01 d t nrd Walter SS alter Jn Jno Jennines en ennlnns
o nines nlnl the Ih three thr story Mlor Inl stible hl at a No 0 Mi In1aM i
L Kant Kortietli ortith trI > i tm lot LxiJZ X2 The Thepurchauer Th I
f t purchauer is I a arc resident of 01 Murray llrl Hill Hilland I liiiand
111 and will wil tnaUe mal rxltiiiive cxi xlIII uuuilve alterations IIHaton niterat Ionq Ifl to tothe toth tothe
the th btlllrlinic btlllrlinicElOIITVKKiMTII blld bilIdinctnhI1 Ime Imeif
if ElOIITVKKiMTII JOI1rt tnhI1 yFt ITI 11TH J rCWT 11 William Illtarmu I
Ware Var bus nhl ii < i < l for > Mrs Ir lri II 1 Frank FrankW Frlk lllam NoAI1 No l Lri
t AI1 t W Weal Cl4t i MlpliiielitliC MlpliiielitliCd MlpliiielitliCoccuimncv EJhlIrhlh street stip I t a four fOlr story Iorl IorlJ
J d dwelling dweilme on 01 lot ixUn IX t 14JII < < to I n I client rlnl for foroccuimncv f foroccuputnc1 r I IoCUPlnc
occuimncv occuimncvBKCONI occuimncvfiCONI oCUPlnc oCUPlncJ
J BKCONI J > AVKM AVKMil A 1 tN 1 t l dliiitn lliil Wolffs oln olffs Son I Iha
id fFCO has ha re resold old for or n 1 Mrs iI I rs Ihormiin I hrran No 0 itnj III i Ol IEl IElti 1
ti Second tecoml avenue 1 el u I live 11 slurv I double oolbll Hal Halwith 1 1at
il at with Ith stores on 01 lot x to Knrl Iarl Jl I Wal Wallach al a I Ilah
I lach lach1I2TH lah I IU2H l
1I2TH 3 IIl StREEt SRfE rnolit llyrn lym A Ran Ranmaim R Rmann LI I Imann
mann have sold for Kinlle 11 I lard to n nclient
client of noBiilhal fo lhl Slcrliler HIlr < Ievl vi th thJtiltODSO thJlto08I t tii I I
ii p l JtiltODSO Jlto08I lltooga At lt No o 1411 w wt > est llh 1lb I Lh street elrel a ap I Ij
1 v iM s tti
1 I 1 six II story tor elevator apartment house on onplot 001Iot ontilot
I Scoble has sold for or a client two live story
I I forty fort foot apartment clent housed housel In course COlle of ofconstruction ofconstrlutlon ofconstruction
I construction on the west side of Southern
Boulevard 243 feet south of stcheler Ves1chestersvenue > stcheleri 8tch ter terI
i avenue avenueH7TH IweuueIl
H7TH Il I I STREET 8TRI STRETWitlIam ETilam William Wolffs Son has hasi halold hassold
i 1 Hold lold for Clara Thorraan ous No 489 46 East EastU7th Ealt EaltIc7h East147th
U7th street live lot lot3x100 lotxIO lot21x1OO
Ic7h story stOr 5tOl triple flat on
3x100 xIO to Kos Heitllnger Heltlnler Heltlnler143D HeitllngerH1D tat
I i
H1D STREET STUEETOerge STREETOeOTge George Price Prc has ha sold for
Sarah Sara A Bateman to Thomas Vlokers VlokerAo
No o 443 43 East Ent MM U street a two family famiy famiyI
I j I house hOIe on lot 35x103 35x103FORTYNINTH x xl0I xl0IFORTYNINTH tOI tOII
man have sold Ild for or H H E Elliott Elott to Dr flrItarotil
I Harold larohl Barclay DArcla No o 53 3 East Est Fortyninth Fortyninthtreet FortynlnthItrEtt
street ItrEtt a five story American basement basementdwelling basement1wellIng
I dwelling lwfllng on lot 18x1003 18x1003jnST IOO 18iOOi3HT
j jnST rl STREET STREETSbaw Shaw 4 Co have old ld for lorifrf foriPorge
I iporire ifrf 1 ii Primrose Nos os 244 44 and cd Z4ft Z4ftWest 24Rt
West 1 t Pat i3i 131st t street two three story and andI
I haupmnnt hl prent brownstone front dwellings dwellingseach dwelng dwelng1ah
each 1ah on lot iegz09il iegz09ilU3TH IC8JW11 IC8JW111I1U 168x99LL1Tl1
1I1U U3TH STltKKT STll STflETTames T1ames James S Kelly has ha sold soldthi eoldIhp 501dthe
the former llarlom Republican publcan Kely Club Clubproperty Clubprlpert Clubproperty
property at Nos OR US H and UJ West est 125th 12 125thstrpt th thIlrpt
I I Htreet Ilrpt a threw thrEA tory building buUdlnl on plot ploti plotOOtE11
i SiUtxiu II It i In it located 10catP on the north aida id idoC
j of the street strEt ts L feet east et of Seventh SeEnth Serenthaveuu1e
I avenue avpIIE and adjoin on the weft wet the Hol 101
lender l1ndpr halh establishment 1i > On the th east eII eIII J
I I i the Ih lenlie Jfle Building Blidlol owned by lamest Iaml IamlI t T
i I M J Morton 10rlonho who also controls two ad adjoining ¬
joining parcels
1 IO lOiflIl TH 1I STRFKT 8TH lumen 1 I m K Holly nolv ha sold soldfor 80ldfr soldor
for or th h estate tatl of Adam rnl V V Spies 8111 the plot plot130xinuil plltI plot1Ox100i
I 130xinuil I OxIOUI I on ni thrt th south llh side of toOth UKJthstreet Ilth toOthetrcet
I street Rtrfe U4s I fper Cre Mst 1 of Hrondway Irnadwa It Ithas Ithot
has hR not 101 oh IhalhP uhai1ted a Hired hands for f or fiftynine fiftynineyears ffonil
years The plot Plntlll tins l h been > een n held at llSYOoo i5 000 000tue I IThe
i The tue buyer i < a realty iCuilt allr company ompal 110 wlilrh wlilrhll wluirIwill llh
will II ll erect an apartment olRrlPnt house hOI on 01 the theproperty Iheprop theoroperty
I property propertyST prop rlr
I lift sold for the Wills Wi Construction Conslrctlon Com Comiiany 01 0i0 0i0Pan
I iiany Pan the Ih Mt i storY Hlnr elevator npartinenl npartinenli npartwnlIOW
i now IOW nearing n1arlnl completion at the th onthea onthearorner ollh I 1
t rorner ornp of St Nicholas Ir lia avenue alnle and AI1 180th ttothtret olh <
I tr tret > et on plot IDOxiPO IDOxiPOorilitill 10xHl 10xHl1lllanton loitmIoulIIseeIlaneotit
1lllanton 1lllantonrlaudl IIseeIlaneotit IIseeIlaneotitIlrllaujt >
orilitill rlaudl E F IaltiiLr Pllner is ilbe i the huver hlVPI of the lie lieiJviiinit h
iJviiinit No o 117 17 Fmt rai N NI I netionth nEtNnlh net cntll street streetsolI I
j I solI sol repotitlv repotitlvIn rplt rpltI reuIllt I I I
I In tinriiuire IJIlap oi a p i iiti to open IOU ne OsrP4 n
nl nlnrp
inrci nrp rP4 < in il irear rea New w r York during durin the year year eor I Ip
p I I 1linl mini Ciiar tcsr Stores Company hasclosed has closed i
I l 11 > n > M in I he hI flfrHlrlonJalrhlcol following rololni locations 10atlolls No o 11251 11251seropil 1125i I I2 I2eopiI I
i seropil eopiI n IEflI n nI < jo o 144 fifth FI1h avnue Nos NosiN NosM o
I iN M In sod < I n I Iq iiliiinlinveunif hllh hush 1011 npiuus Ilroooklyn Ilroookln and ald j
No 0 I2M I Milan I IIon ill On winet Hrooklyn Irookln lirooklyntact i
IC I I < tact ra II A t To 0 of Lowell Mass report reportIII I
als Tpor
the Ih sale Il al II nnrtlon Rlrton of the plant and real realrMntH raloI realfut i
i rMntH I or ft ihi I h > Uaile HalI I and anr El ad Frost Frollnufactlrinl Manufacturing Miinufctii ring I I I
I Company flhIItflIl m Hinwrlale Hiflalp N H I The rh sale
lnrliide 1IIIId1 < a tC1 ttfi linen elu set tet woollen oolpn mill mi and 000 OO
lots lot of machinery 111hlnI stock and mechanical mechanirilequipment mthanial mechanicalPIE1piIupflt I
equipment 111111 Lot 101 I the real estate and rater raterpower Ial IalI raterIIowcr
power I r privilrirw priI I was Wil secured by lamei Iam i
uhout OBrien 1lrin SMMXI SMMXIAn of tf Ii Ilitisdale lildllf slcure The tale lale totalled totalleduhout otlled i iuhoul I
An El 0 mtrai Ilm 10 1 ru tni I 1 o hook Summer Homew
has hOl teen 11 i imi < l 1 by > y th the New ew York 10m Ontario Ontarioami OntarioIn1 ontarioand i
and In1 U toterit t rn 1 llailroatl lalroa The book explain etptaixist i
I Ih t hn ailvnnraf ad voultaglel 1111 > wi to he b caineil lallfd by the city Ii
1 lIvelier from flOll cointrj nmr living Ihin and shows showsthu how I
thu ho particular arliular rtetirability rAirbit of the region rli1 rli1I i ioiibrarini I
i oiibrarini onhrnl1 rho ho counties r0111 ie of Orango llstnr llstnrisulivaii 11nr I
isulivaii IIan and Delaware iel I aimare wnr in New OfljA e1 I ork Sat SatI I II
I I linsq comties COIlIt 0111 Ins nciMJiiy o fut IlIt3 the most 101 elevated elevatedplofnau elevateiplarezni ltOhl i
i plofnau rialiu helwfen tidewater li ul waler at New ew ork oikrh lk
i i rliy rh ty Iind nd the Ih tlrent Urfa lube Iaes at a Osweffo OfIO their Iheil i ielevation
elevation f feu I levat iol uuu nr Mr11 1 rng < HK from tror ICOO 16 I tOO feet lo 00 < >
i 1f lesei leseiI > I Ih
j I ho h Duiti L > uT lr ami Iron Com COlpal Conipan pan y u Ims leased IttedI
j j 1 th Ihn I following rolono Col1o ing drtollinus dlilj d o elliiuis For Fol William Wilall1uO Wilall1uOn Puffy I lull lullNo
No n r West H7ih street treet for or the Ihl Webhcr Webhcri Vebhor1nie
i ente 1nie nl No 0 < r est f UMh 5h Street tro for Ior A t
Drossner Irsn No n H < 4 West WtRt sRt USth t lh strew trI for
Aliriin 1111 il alloce alnco So o J07 01 West I 144th street Rlr el
for Itoliorl lolo I I Nil NiPs i s No 141 l Ed EdJAorbo EdJAorboa Eulgecornbo Eulgecornboa ecornbo ecornboaetiue <
aetiue a eltile 11 lor or Mamln Ialli I I it Cottrell Cotrel No o Ill 1 11 I tnn tnnOlE < on onII
J OlE < ftil II ii ivenio iveniolohti flhIIC flhIICtojl
lohti J 011 M I I od d has hi leased for John HI I 11
Itiornfon 1 homol to n iignst Ulst II I iylin y1n No o ail 1 2 I Fast Fasthlnyt Ea
1 hlnyt Ii I ru y lIN rond rid utrei St Ir rei near Third avomin is H ouu lie liea
i i a four Oi Kiory 01 English EItih iiaKeinent ha omAlt dwelling ond HiI HiIi
i I ha h leiisorl I teui cr1 for I Kaisoh f E alh of Collnito dwtlinl ol u Iniur 1011 Ioinra
i a store orr > loomed 10IId in No o S > First avenue near
< 0011 IPr IPrI
I Thirtyfourth l nil I irii i u street i nfi Jo l 101 o XI l lI lo I 10 tone e
I I tin 1 lmros J IM Conipiiiiy onpI hns leased 13 for fol to I L M 1 I1er I
I Jtnv It the n second eond loft InC in the building bulrinl at Xo
1 IVIrnn 01 street ft to f n C II I F Ptn Peters > t r for a aeri Ion I < Ie Ieor I
torn t eri of eltR P also nl Ills building buldinl at Nos Nostori Noiui n i
tori M nnd iui ir I IIdP > Wnm i veiicyAventh street Atr II for forIIII or
S Klrnniu IIII m 0 rhe th KoerMdry Constrio Constriotloi orstrci
efdr Conslrl
tloi r 10 Company 11IPRf uiu pe Id 3 also ol a 5I n the Iht t hu More Irr and ald bnsivtiflnt I
In t o Inn Ih Innip nMp Ruiklin nlildlmr at ft Nos os o SSB p ami ZJ 2C 4 I
Fight I hh h n ueEA vii 1 for the Shmv Hh > w estate en to 101h th ths
rr I National S > on I porfiiiK Iorlin Iort nu I loons or ods Company OIII tiny for flve flveIM n nrr me meIlihIdiri
IlihIdiri es esI n
IM 1 jui ul t lVfn I ri architects nrfhirct have hat filed IIUI ftleiI j jlur
r I q I 1 1 I 11 I EC ilp t2trintetudenI rinlndEn Iurph IurphInr I
lur b r a civ c Cu Ir Irt II i uid d store lor building huldlnl to be berri b 1ir
rri 11 F r f > < ur II I t r Cladtn t I a 11 l I 0 llfdniond II r d llnr nuo nd as a owner ownern O1r O1rI o um i Im Imn
n I no n T I illli i ill I awiiio 0 The buildinir Imildlll is isrn i i i
rn i < n 11 I I n nIlaii nPla IItIa i
Ilaii Pla ii Irve I ti 1 filed t for two 110 V wo six jx sforv 0orv1nt <
nnls ni t 1nt to U he hiiii liii for MHV Mn la < lan from dpsji dejti I > n i
b I > F I I lliitu ru rli I i Md 1 I 1 slrret west sl of
I n i avenue aI in i I n I cost 115 of SioHX St onoo and for or orn
n fv I story oni 01 rat r11 for fol the rl Holers JIIrf ConHtnictlnn lon onstructnnit rlton
I irpntiy it Ill nn ul Ifiiin 1111 I null desitfis d bv b Schwartx Hchwal HchwarturuS A <
C in 1 ruS < s anliireets 1dJtt ir Ii rers on llroadway Hmond way coutb sou I Ii of1 of1tiJll of
tiJll I U Ii stret sf to 0 cost OM 5rnf cosk1 cosk1I OM K > i i
Ilatis I ti us hive h tia IIPPII h1 filed Ii for a four story M storyutuodot r
nio 11011 utuodot < le i rnni rlnHr roinur rv for the pasteuriratloti of ofI i iMill
Mill I 1 uI to 0 ho h I bull hII for or the I Sheffield Hhfml Farms1 Farms1SlinnIVf Fall Fario 1
SlinnIVf SI t rHHd lEll ei Cninnany 011111 at fl a < cost 01 of
StnUm 01 > Iroin I loni < eiRn 11 by b Frank A I IflS Honn Honnn o i
n 1 flS arMitiit od nn Manhattan lalholall street MPM 1 of
Ilroidvir Ilrld v 1 I nnd a nd flu for or a I four fOlr story stoi loft atil I Istore
lof 1
store nr bnil tiIP jinir Ii ni nit to be 1 built for flr Marrha llrha al C I
lioliwilil it 1 1 o 7 INsex street at a rost of I
Si LINE 1 1 lie I achit irrliilcelH 1Chlp iOs are or a re J 1 II I Snooks SnooksSon noIqon ot 1
Son dnnlIa on
Ilai 1101 > s liiv 11 > lieen 11 Hied tl1 for enlarging rrie ttt
four t011 fOE I I storv S ton I or nnd Ind a rid basement bascu ii n I residence rli reud ncp owned o ti ui I i
by h Mrs rr Caroline Ioroln S i 4 Harper Ifrllr rt r the thl rorth rorl orluedict
edict 1 corner rIr tIor of Fifth ifh avenue Inlp and 311 Forr Forreixlh or I Isixth
sixth Xi h strrt I 1 iiiid 11 uid makinir 1111111 It over into a studio studioland sinulinand lu
land Ind store Slor biiildinc hlihln with wih m 11 < allotment alotm11 < of 1
furnlshe rlrllh1 < rooms The Improvements Imlrnnl nrn nr
to be h made mlr from rota tleMcns < 111 by h Francis ralri II II i
Kiinball nlrbnll nrohitpct nrli1 at lt a ooit ot of i t0 nI oOdIIatiq < i 1
Plan for nn nnIfHiol alteration ai erarloul out of the ordinary or ordtnaruatcory lnan lnanat0n
oalecory were W Pr r tllcrl IIrl by b S E i o age al as 0 > < archi arc hj
feet f for f ieorse lO 0 rd E I Fnyhs of llpn len afhi Cove 0
li I for reinoclelllns rIorWn the four story Mor an1 ant
basettient baIn apartment alartlll apart uuusult bonne hou owned nnl by hhn hi ut utSt
nt the Ihl Houthei t corner of Park avenue aVPlu and Anr 11
Seventythird ut treet t Into illn a private dwelling
which whirh Mr Ir Fayhs Fnh intends 10 plial make tusk < wllre his hi dir
house houlp The Tlp nroett 110cll orolecttwi l improvements illrovtmen el nre
to cost liono lionoNo 110 110o Cfll CfllNo
No o plan for new np buildings buildinl < were reporrpd I
In 11 The TI llronx llronxl IIIx IIIxlAn IlrneaLung wrrl rppord
l lAn Lung nc Inland 1 I nd Suburbs NuburbBelle SuburbsheIie urb I
Belle J el T Trr rre at Port Jefferson J1rlon L I 1 I bus busbeen bal lEssbeen
been designed dKhrnf to meet the thl Increasing Increuinl de demand tiemand < I
mand among amolilhe the better beter class claS of city cllydweIJr cllydweIJrfor dwellers dwellersfor
for country Iollnrr homes hor at the thE th seashore selhore not too toofar roo roofar I
far from 111 the h city cit I y to be ht easily ealiy accessible a slbl I Iand Ia
and a U1 r I I > tniirpflt t Ilire 11 Rt moderate lo rnlt cost 011 for the benefit bpneti I
nl Mdenn ulnl In II ii rpmmon common ° he advantages
n in y equipped family I country advonale club club I
nc 1 ninu wcurru rc elr ir nJ mr ino ueveiopment aeveJopmpnt of
him hi plan was sa 8A a lofty lor wooded oode peninsula
1311 t 3 < 1 acres Icr1 in extent lJtfnt which forms fon fo the Ih
easterly p lrlv shore horf of Port Jefferson Jeforsn harbor
belle terre has five miles of shore
1 lo lerr 1ve mie front Iroli
on the harbor and an Sound 8lnd and I II Ia protected
from encroachment on the land side by
natural barrier barlr of forest pierced plerer by Ilde a slnale a
gate gateA entrance avenue only onl guarded Iuarde by a Slnlie lodge lodgeA loge
A million dollars has been
milon dolarR eipended
the Improvement and beautifying prpendP of upon upn Belle
lerre lrrE l erre Including Incu lncludtn lnl forty fort bplutlfylnl mlpI miles or f roadwa roatiways f fa u Dle s
a clubhouse luhhou Rolf lolf go f link lnk tennis tlnni courts yacht
landing lannl bathing balhlnl pnjlllon llon cottages ourll Ich
complete rmplt electric lPlrle light I fa Iht ami fn snt eolals high htih pressure and
water systems rsteml The T p property proplrry has prIlr i bn o osubdivided
subdivided Into lndlvlcfuafe individual JfeSaryrnS ha
Kubcil t Int Inrlvldual eIM eSLtsq varying
In size Iz from one arm orp in to it inn acres varrlnJ
from rror Uelle lle Terre TprrE sU and will wil eight be I found faul room 11 hotn hor bungalow 10 s of lrl ill l tvneil typel types In
splendid Iln l mansions manlions In n order or pr lo meet up hn to
demandslxartlstlcand demand iixartiatic Ix artstc and attractive atraclle buntfalows hl
have ha been een built buit on an especially eepeclul landscapwl 10nIAcapdlr bUIIJows
portIon lr ion of the property pro pert Al Al of f them oon < 5m
mand Ott fine water views and 01
Ilnd roil tne 011 are Ir provided rold el
with wih private beach rights rllblN These Thr tnn1 tnn1upon
upon about an acre of woodland woodlaleaPI API > W tane Anti J i
complete In their equipment
ar eQulpmn of modern 0
xnnlary sewage dlipooal al electric l < 11
Illan sewale dlp eleclri Iheht < cht urid a
running water They are are convenient
rnlllr to
the Ih clubhouse cluhhOIe and golf links lnks The Th f archi ¬
tect for these bungalows bunlalows wai wa 3 Aymar A
Kinbury KinburySix I I l I u ry ry4lm llr
Six other cottages cotages have been erected in n
l hells > lle 1 T Trro rrre > rr during the last winter whit er and an irlll
tie t ready raI for safe all and occupancy occupaIC before beforewarm btor beloresarl wil
warm lfn weather weathlr They vary vaT In size from fromeiKht fronteight
eight lthl rooms rooml up to seventeen rooniH rOOIR and four our
haths hlh and In represent Swiss Swil chAlet chiipt Mimlinii Mimliniiottnifes Jllcl iliugilelilottageS h hollll
ottnifes nnd Ind Queen lln Anne types Ipls In 11 one onereipect on onrsiot
ollll 010 010rpf1 i
reipect the building buldlnl restrictions restritons of Belli lIeu lIeu1erre
T Trre < rre are unique I nllll I in II that therein is no minimum minimumpiice mlnlllll minluuuuinu111cc 11
piice IIf limit lmi Imposed imlo upon upn dwellings dWfllnIR iii iiiartistic de deartistic
artistic artltc character eboraellr and on location locaton of the th dwell T ¬
logs iil ale 11I alone subject HlhJEct to approval the t th dWI aim
being ll11 to make lkp Belle 1le Terre attractive olrReth lill In InrJ
desirable lmhle families of
tamll taste taRtI irrespective IrreSeN of
the Ih weight of their purses pursesOne purepOn pursesone o
One On of the IhO th largest larlFI and an most mo t elaborate elaborateof rlooap rlooapuf
of new ntw developments dlveloPllentR In ri the north shore of
Queens III Is I the tlroprry property of the RlckertFlnlnv RlckertFlnlnvlenity Rikertllln 0
lenity 11010 Company Colpurw at Great HrEal reat Neck known knowl a
Kerislnston KEIlnlron It I fronts on Middle tddh NP NProinl Nek Nekrood < k kfIII
rood fIII three Ilre blockw blut north of the Great Krrlt KrrltNtatloii k
Ntatloii tllI ttlt buti > I and ald extends XI < S to the Shore SharI road on
Maiihansel llnha 1 Bay 11 In II type it differs dlr rR materl Inprl 01
nlly Blh from Crlfl any In ni of that company pretloiit pretloiitlievelopinonf prloupIOI i >
lievelopinonf pIOI > ns n it Is intended IntlnrlJ to o lit li un unexcluslv onstlllOie
excluslv 111 residence park There Thlre Is I but one anI I
main 11111 entrance IllralU to the thl property this being
Middle lld l Neik road troprt helnl
on I 11 < pIk through Ihrlulh an elaborate
gHt gateway llw way of r Italian InUan design drlln leading directly
into 1110 uito Beverly IIvlrl road 11 > the main avenue < through dlrect I i
the h he property prol which Is lined on each side 1
with lIh suede hud trees res and nrl In I one of the moat
beautiful driven drlv on Long Island IslandIInlllu
A unique feature of the development li j
the arrangement for the laying of pipes pipesand pipesand pipesand
and conduits Through the centre of each
block runs a permanent easement In which whichall whlelall
all underground Improvements such as assewers assewers assewers
sewers water electric light and telephone telephonewirea telephonEwires telephonewires
wires will be laid avoiding the necessity necessityof
of continually tearing up and relaying the thestreet Ihlstreeta tiu tiustreets
streetaThe street streetsThe
The property is beinc divided Into villa villaplots villaplots villaplots
plots having from 80 to 30O feet frontage Ironta < e
Over llOOOOOhu 100000 baa already b enexpended In Instreet Instreet instreet
street Improvement Transportation U 18unusually Isunusually
unusually good The Theopeujngf opening of t the Queens
boro Bridge to trafllc ulv glees < a through auto automobile IIUIOl1IobUe automobIle ¬
mobile route from Fiftyninth street dlr dIrect ct to
Great Neck The present erpreas OX1 > rNl6 service rvlce
Is only thirtyone minutes from the Thirty
fourth street ferry while upon completion completionof
of the Pennsylvania ferrYj 11 tunnels the schedule schedulewill ahedtulewill
will be reduced to about twenty tWlnt minutes minutesto
to Herald Square In addition a boat boatservice boatervlce boatservice
service Is maintained during the th season seasontouching leasontouohlng seasontouching
touching only ool at Thirtyfourth street and andall
Wall Walltre all street streetA t
A syndicate represented by the Mc
Knight Realty Company has bought from
the Desmond Dunne Company pany thirtyfive thirtyfiveapre thirty thirtyfivesores ve veaora
apre sores of their 289 2 9 acre tract at Oreat Neck Neckdirectly Seckdlrcth Neckdirectly
directly oppoulU Kensington Kenaln ton the newest newestand newestand
and best development of the Rlcktrt Rlclt rtiola rtiolaCompanr inlay inlayCompany lolaompany
I Company The tract will soon be offered offeredto offereto
to homeseekera in anticipation of the com comi completlon cornpietlon
i pletjon of the Pennsylvania tunnels It Itis 11I
I is situated on Little Neck eck Bay abutting
the New I York ork city line has 4000 feet of ofwaterfront ofwaterfront
I waterfront on the bay and risen rls In a natural naturalterre naturalterrace
I terrace for onethird of a mile to an ele dcvation
I ration of ninety feet commanding a view viewof 11
of Bay Side Douela Manor anor Little Lit Ie Neck S o
j Bay na and nt the surrounding estates The TheLong
IIonll Long Island Railroad Company la s rapidly rapidlypushing rapidlr rapidlypitching
pushing the Improvements alone this di division d dvleion dlvision ¬
I vision to completion and nd the third rail aye 8YStem ayeteni ys ystera
tem will soon be established ll1bll bed
William I Markwell k Co report the thusfollowing
I following sales Hat Two lots SOzltV x It at atthe atlh atthe
the lh northwest corner of Wilbur avenue avenueand avenUAand aventieanti
and Crescent Irpsl rescetit street for John Dumpert Dumpertto
to J 1 1 O Connnll 0 also two lots roilVJ roilVJon IJU 9 9nn
on the north nide eit loll of Broadway between bet wesuu wesuuEreseent el1 el1Crescent
Crescent street and Fly avenue for the theJohn th thIohn theJohn
John Fick estate stILI to an investor five lots lots121x105 lot lotIZXI05 lotsi2xIO
121x105 on the south side of Webster ave aenue assflue
nue 21 2 feet we sest I t of Academy c8 em street for forAdolf fordolf brdoIf
Adolf Freiman to a client This his property propertywill propertwill
will be improved with modern apartment apartmenthouses apartmrhouE apartmenthotises
houses in fli rIte h near future fut lure Also for Daniel DaniolF
F Shoa to Illzabetli t Stewart one lot 10 2Sx 2Sxlon 50 X Xboo
lon on Ilia I north fort It side of Lake La street 121 121feet 12 12Crpt t2feet
feet west of Central IIrol avenue 1fn Corona CoronamonJr CoronaAmong
Among monJr the brokers who are ar now offering offrorll1ttpropert oerlngpropert
propert on reasonable terms at Spring
Held are arc W C Keevew A C Co owho who whoare are placing placingon i
on the he market Hlifhie ParK located lo < arrJlacilllt a about aboutt0E
lr t0E 50 > on < 1 feet from the Hlgbla HI ble avenue elatIon latlonI tatlnl11lwse
these I brokers will 111 run two free excursions excursionsto exeurstouto
to the Ih property today lo la < trains tral leaving Flat KlaThush tlathlsh
hush avenue Brooklyn and Long Island IslandCity IstallLlCrt Islanditt
City Crt itt at I M 20 2 anti 2 10 101 It P f M
rlatis and spniiflrations pt lion for the new newMalba nVIILlba ricoIitIba
Malba Casino lAmb and clubhouse wore r fliiislHJd fliiislHJdi Orrts Orrtslalll
last w wecc t1 ek and approved by b William C I Iol1lorel rfouiorget
Demorest ol1lorel president rp i lunr < of the 16 Realty Trust Trustand lrllllnn I rust rustan
and nn l the t Malbn lall aI ha > l Association 1 iotin I in ri The I luS biiildimr biiildimrwill bl batli ldina ldinawill i ng ngwill
will be b erected re le1 < in the centre nlre of a plot ISuxMO ISuxMOfronting 1 Iul40fronting lItlOfrolilinJj
fronting on Mai Ialha ha Drive Uri and overlooking overlookingthe
the Sound on the Ih Wlilleslono penInsula lip In >
The plans call all for n three story or Colonial Colonialstructure ColonialetruIctuIro olonialtrllctHro
structure The 1It basement will b he used lI ed for forbilliard lorbilllnrd forbilliard
billiard rooms roo and bowline alleys On In th thmain thimuniti
main floor will bn h roadinir rCadi rooms and a atnuiriot re fftnllranl
tnurint Part of tho second floor will iII h hl hldlitlof hqdivided <
divided for or usoasii Uil R as Illihr II lilirnry I The remainder remainderof
of I t tlli t his It is Moor It t > c and a nti lh I he enlirti en I t me upper it iis > r story Ion will willho willh willho
ho h nsel for sleoplnc < cliumlnTH r to accommo ccommodut1
ditto the tti h cuests of thC Mflbn Association AssociationThnesiimatPtl AssneiStlonrhe ociltlonTh
ThnesiimatPtl Th rhe etmiiuuati Ii 1110 I I rr ot > of tho structure rll < llIre is i WOio WOioAn IIOflOn
An n auction sale of biiDinlow bUDI 1los > lots on and andnCIr andnstr
ne nCIr r the II shore of Crll Urest < reit l South Bay within withinton Ithlllton
ton minute sval1 val al of the I ho lakdale station stationulll IItaliooIII
ulll I III bn h held at No a M Vpwv I8Y street under underthe IInderhe tinderthe
the direction of Bryan I I Kentielly on onMonday 011llon ontlonday
Monday llon la < April ril 2rt 0 at 12 I oclocl C10ei1 Mists per
l rent of the III purchuso price may remain on onmortuaao nnrnortlll1llA onuuuortgagc
mortuaao for or threoyenrs three ysera at < per PIonl rent with withno llh llhno
no charge for title insurance insurancoThe inraf11tTile insuranceTite
The propert is I carefully restricted f and andthe Rnrlthe sndthe
the faro of bungalows and power J boars when whennot whennot h11 h11nol
not in use 1I 0 will 111 be assumed br b the Peperidue PeperidueHall Peporidlnil
Hall nil nstite nstiteOakdnle esttteflnhdale ate ateInkdnl
Oakdnle is i one 011 of the most attractive attractivesuburbs alrnetlvhurl attractivesuburb
suburbs hurl > In the Ih South Shoro section I tlon and has hasmany hasloony I I1IIIn
many 1IIIn features to command It to well to do dotioinennkwrs dohouuucoelers
tioinennkwrs tioinennkwrsThfl I
Thfl Banister Realty rn Company ol11la of which whichi whichlacbnublinn hieh11IllI1f1ian
i Maximilian Moruenthflii lor < tnthAIt Is I president prt > ilnt ha haoolil heolil I IQold
oolil to Abraham < us u usow ow n plot of about aboutt
1 twoniy t Scull v seashore lots iul with an n 01 enn S 0 front of 1 ntIE
i in feet f e on the easfarly side of Hudson II irion nve tivenile IV j jnne
i nile 0 Fnr tJockavvay i i
i i Pnnse P Ir ft Fllltnnn hovo hn retifed for Howland RnwlllnIA l lHobbln j
A Bobbins his hi lountrv 10111 t scat known as Tho ThoOal ThotaIls
I Oal taIls > K on llriarwood Crogslng ro sll1lr Ceclarhurst Ceclarhurstto t
to Mr Henry Mill lill1 I HII Iar > av also 111 < 0 for fioorco tsnrcn P PVeomnns fIroan Peouans
Veomnns roan his hi house hou known as Murigolds Ierjwoldson
Ion 011 Ocean avenue > darhiir f to Fellowes Fellowesi Iollo IolloI
n fAj fAjTh vi viTh
Th I eat j II May II tompfln ompa riP has hs leased 1I1t rll rllror I Ifor Ifor
for I FRhr th r Levy tOy her cottare otl t on Neptune Netuneuuvenutci ollUn I
avenue n Ediroinere Ed om to K F M 1 r Dirker lekereon on for forIh forthe I
tli the seo senon aon on
mimIng I Auction t ici lOPE < > ale aleAt ipe ipeAt
At I if I i > fr O > vrcti vrctiVCNDAT fret fretC I IcNDAT
VCNDAT C IH T AT nil I 1i II Iis
I is y losptl lo II i1 1 I 1 t ttti I > i It II
lirhJrl t r hJr I Mrrct rrtl N Ni i ire 6 eau 1M I ii I lo 17VJ 1 tt cci cciiottl
1011111 UII1 It oT t SUnton Mrr ro t iiA711 t1llaiik7tII i 71ii nYc rtvritnrt n nor nYcstnr1
itnrt < or irnrnifrt flnl stars < and for f < tory I trnr trnri tcflcplftIi
pirnt I In rrrl rerr I cjiilsVlnrklr tibs I Inrklrtlli lncklr et t at l vs s I ritil rllrlr rictirirlutrlncl1frr rirr
VlnclilT I 01 V P I IVnlir ii attorney allorn t i II IIOsuirhlan IIAuidlulafl
Osuirhlan C UllIJ rrtcier rf ruirtlllon ruirtllloni rarlIlon1771h rarIIilotl7th
177th strr trcrt t sjutli 1 inn fret vr nol t of o Audu Auduhiu uotu uotuhI urIuii
hiu ii ii iviim1 1 us ti lJ 10011 1 1ts x031I 00 1 I VArant lea rant a 1 KnliUTborkcr KnliUTborkcrTrnsi Etlili o rboeker rboekerTio
Trnsi T Coiit 1010 ny v lUrnnnn lI item r ono SU tzAII uss ft al alniMon sictriitt 1 1M
niMon M I i I Yivnti ntl it I mtornry s frank 311k Und I Ii Ifrl IrrI
rrt rfrrr rtt rrr riir II tuc on luricuient llot 1Ial ta 531113 lina sub subJr subJr UbJc
Jr ti I Ulti WI Ar r 1I17 11l717r tt75 tt75I7IiI 3 3ITiHi
ITiHi 17r 1 strcl pnrti side Id KXJ feel wsi < vr l of oCwll oCwllhm iiiju titlIttsiuu
bon Rvrnnr nl irUiClll vacant Saris r1 I s s ssuc ssucai mr mrt
Aition ai or 1 vim s In S 7 IMrnf1 np si ini n lOP r rflrr redi fcrrr rec line ue on ontiuticinmat j I t
liiilcmcnt I VilXM a siilijrrt lo tnjrs I Ac r t 1 1I 1Iir 1lar
IV21 IV21ItA I
ItA arnti No 01 1i1 nn I 1170 VHI sdi sdifct i 1
IlOll fct < f I north nnrlhf of 117th 1I I lh street Vjn t1 u 1 i sur ctlrinrlriu > i it Itnr
t nririu tnr ° nl I nrul Tii1 jtor utrrw < v Ifnliiln l iIcnlt nlr l u PoscnTriiJ PoscnTriiJCharles PoollfI1hnnHel iesen frld s s sdusrlcs
Charles S < hoen5tfin < 1 fll 1 I E i Isnncs atnrnpy I
r 11 1 MrDnnalil referee rccrr rr rttie 1111 on judgment Si SirAt7 l l3CV117 Ir
3CV117 r < jiVt Ir t to tsxr Ai1 td37sl td37slatti S7 I I17tl
17tl iI slrrrt tl tX No N 0 tii sotiti sLle II l i > feet c rast cacto t I I Io
of o lfe tii > iler aviniii nTlf 1 two storj rt IlIlno dwlllnqI < vellln velllnUoolwln
Uoolwln I ot lit Krinvn I iiitwii tu Ill I lnnrr r n s J 1 fl V I 18t 18trlnOll am amtIn r rrlnton
rlnton tIn don rt nl Au 11 itEn < tla k Url attorneys 1I1m r I T T1I I ItI
ri1snilil 1I up Itt rI rfrr me frrc dueon oJlI on litilgmrnt l9Bn l9BnTITIIHT I ITirltit gg ggTnl
TITIIHT Tnl l T Hntl 20 20tv OH 0 0Ttr
tv H loscph r P I Di DiIff t 1 ilIt
1 lIt t ve 5 ninf Int hrlnnrlnz di n th on ontnirton 551 551lnzion > 1In
tnirton In lOn sKnolrcir ntlI nttIctic located bviuern nroaUwft nroaUwfti nro
anil 1I1rr ii < rrVJe Joo lirive Iri I Irise I77th stub IMsi I itt I s sIutntaIy < trcrts 11 11Innlll
oiuntaiy Innlll al < sate sateI alID 1
ID I irtiinth irt < i ID O 1 mutt Ih tile li fici ficiutst fcwsl frcuwest
west of 11 VvtnM 111 It 25X1011 J01 i e storj don tenrnient tenrnientntl ncmnl
101 ntl tnr orr M I t r I 10 tees Uin brm tio > m Bnhrach et I nl ittt j
I f I 1 Jiail Kail a rI aitnrncv at Inrn It I t ii I I rowlnif 0 111 Inc < refrrrr refrrrrdi
di I on a Jilsmept J < r 5S7I S Im 1 ivibjct bJrl lo thxes thxes4r IX tsar tsalAtti
4r 1 r dun1 dun1117th rl rl18lhlrr
117th 18lhlrr tr i 0 rt Xn n 17 I 7 porth side 2n 9 feel cmi west westof wcsiof r
of 01111 tuber avenU as flic lOtvi 11 < 11 mo IA ii story frame t8111 dwell i
tom C u Miilflr t tpsree 1 < 1 r vs < iorrK orrl lloeen lIo Itoonci II I Irt II
rt I nl C I action one i i fr I t tHn ii h sr ntiorncy u IInroe t I I ITrill IlcIle t
Trill referee rN 1111 tutue ne on jMdgoimt I < Jl B67 > 167 sub itj itjlen
Jrit len lo tam 1 1 ftr r ji ji107th s sIIULII
107th Mrret rcl No 0 11 I norh Mile 11 OC 0 fet west 5551r t tHI I Iot I
ot r U1T HI r nvenir a nlr l 1910 flxW 145 AU U ton duelling df liellln lielllnane < 111011 111011sau
5aine sau vs I curls n reCon 1011 tvvo 0 j S1 m < nttornev vfj r rcrirtu < I Irrtdt
rrtdt r1r lursn a refrrre due dI en JudTnent f I IP i9e
93117 P A luhlivt u t In iiirs Talc ftc 5W 5W107th 5 SI5l10th
107th 1 7th surest ro 0 11 north side Id lit fret wriit ossuat wriitof I Io
of o Ufver svrnue ann ISH 1900 0 two atom stor ilwrlllng ilwrlllngsame lw lIln lIlnae I
same vs e witr so irtlon three same attornry ellnrn sttumncvI
I I Ol t II ohAlnn < lefrTre rt due ttli oa Il1dfl11ntUr ludfnitfnt S I IMlnT Ijan
jan si sttjcit Jert to Ii taxes Q Ar c r II5E II5EItt r rll 011 I III
ll Itt > linan L I Kfnnellv Kfnnellvxi rln II III
xi I i ashlr ashlrlolI ton hfiiari oISr H Smith lith h > o iVI souin id d
5 feel weit W I of It llroai tmoaitW n MiViJulJjV11 HI thre threston Ihcrto thrct0n
ston to brlrk lot OI nnd store o bulldlnir I T Ion clsonadrpulrlstatrIs
rirnlrltatrii 1 > < tc s J I < Irelsnl rr t el I c I
Tuttle Jttomir HIO > 1 I II Truax TrJ referee diir diCJlldtr dti on o ojiluls
Judrent Jlldtr lent nl I100MI Ia aJIII 63 It subject suh < t to taxr t AT lrI lrDJSDIIY krtd7 K
117 I M
WEDNESDAY PUt APKIN21Dy Aputrr PUtDy 1 1fly
Dy Joseph P Day DayThird DayThird Da DaThIrd
Third avenue east tide d MS 3 feel north of
nttyMCond street 3xb axlOO 00 four story t ry buIlding bulldlntwith
with > stores and four story building In rear deco executor exeCIltOt decobr ¬
tor sale saleCornelia calpCommits
tOt Cornelia W Street Xn o M 3 northwest side 80 feet feetnortheast t feetnortheaSt e enorthat
northeast of Blcrrkrr r street nf1 t ZllxBTA 1lx91 two story
front and three thr story rrnr Vitldlnrs > executors executorssale
sale estates cSla ctaleiof 11 of Sarah and n i Sotihla Davis deceased deceasedFourth d iieecuisrdFourth < plud pludFOllrth
Fourth sIred No 18 southwest corner of Mer Merrer Merer tiermet
met er street aszgI 1x911 four story lilt and nd store build ¬
tag also a Fourth street Vo 0 W northwest corner cornerof
of Oreene street 21x914 J4 tour story loft ind store storeliullrtlnz AloreI StarSbuilding
building A ticK JoneS vs v A 1 Jones Jn s et 1 1JohnllOl si siJohnson 0Jotrnson
Johnson JohnllOl 4 J attorneys William J 1 Holder Holderreferee 11I1tcrrelrre Ilolgrrrefcrre
I referee partition partitionForthwventh parUlIol1orlhenh partitionFortheeveoth
Forthwventh street Vo o 1 m sontli side Id KO 10I
i test west w t of First nvrnii rim SlIP < 0ilont four ollr story on onnment
I I tenement and nd store CIR iIst5t Hllborn o v v Pasriualc sqlla sqllaPalll
lattetallonae Palll lMi di al tonaa on I4 I Mnttornev 1 nltn ttt11uncus r S MoAvoy Mciuyreferre I 0
i I I referee r lerc due on Judsment 1 143 < subject to Inx iiiIsles
I I taxes x lcc c S sito 1X subject bJt lo a rtrst mortgage of if iflti
I7M7SO 7 O
1 By nryin rpn I E Kennflly KennfllyFifteenth I hennellyFIfteenth nnlly
I Fifteenth street rrrl No 112 I outh side 00 feet feetwest rertwrM
west of Sixth avenue enlJ fix rtzlOti 1o1 10 nve story stIr double
Hat n with II stores or voluntary I sale saleWest SusieiVest
West End avenue n No 257 west el side 41 4 feet feetsouth f lcdsoiuh I
south h of C Seventysecond 5 HOly ad street rel lflsx about
ssnt 21I Irrcffilnr four story Sllll limestone front dwtl dwtlline d11Ilnl dscmbI
line I tic voluntiry nlll II I 5 II sale saleNelson
Nelson 1 avenue west side old tin hOt feet north of
tntith IIh tireet rr 1 TjlI5 xlt vnrant Muttinl Hank vs v
John Mnnaitluin lnna It et nl Ilushmorr n It 01 S Sattorney Snttorncl
attorney lItrnl Menim 11 tnwlnson referee rrr flue Iu on lude ludement 111 11 <
ment tVOtR 112I1n 0I IIY s All sultilcqt lieit hJp I to taxes In1 In1II1tT ftc c
TIIIIHSI II1tT > T > rniu II IIlIy
liy Ioenh I1 I Flay Flayvinue rrVTnur flayvinItr
vinue I noriiwcst Iornerof IDOl orur CS or ClevRnlh street Mr
75IB3D lalI for rOl r ant one on ito 10 ry r tmlldln II 1ln < and five Ir story stor
liiilldlnt liii lliiln e s ec tors i ore sale salelIftenullu nl nlriftermii Ic Icm <
m riftermii r street n No rvi antI Ml Ji north O OIrMmllt stile
us 7 feet west of tvenic vrnne I 11 I UitoT1 n JIi two flvaitorv flve atoms
tenement and tvo uvo stOrY trilldlnzs In rear rearr rfarruor >
r rrutors ruor sale oalrVillecnth SaleIlitefath I Illlteenlh
lllteenlh street No 117 17 to 111 I It norti nc > rti side Idp i
0s V1 8 feet west of f Avenge 1 pnllc en te l 2a1Im3 iimi tour lye nv lyeSuliry i
tory nr tenements and four sory s on O rnilullnir 1 III rear rearejecutors rearIrulon rearezecutorIl
ejecutors sale al estate eol llC < of riin Mtilrv tll decea3ei lIeCes3e1151db
sixth aynnue aIInue Vo 0 05 IJ anil II 17 wrsl side 411 45 5
fret south of Thirty cement
I street SoOxinn 50611111aiim i 1
four aiim story on building with tores tur exciMtors sale
Marsh estate estatelenol tele j
Ienoj rnol avenuo No 0 47 wet t side 31 d feet sonth sonthof 0111
of r lHlh 1 lh stress trw tr < Mniiion nvr n liv iory double lat latwith 11WII tatwIth I
with stores bMtarv sale salerorty l lforty
WII I rf I Ifcrl
forty fourtn street I No IMP north lile hl 180
feel cci west of Seventeenth avenue IrooUyn 40x 40 I
lix2 two atory frame bulldlnc buIllln estate ale of Terea Te
I orsythe deceased rleplenry8 deceasedSeventy i iSeventy
< Seventy slum 1h > street No O iz 2 south side MS I 1A
feet east lot of tolumbus avenue jii022 10 four fouStory
story OIor dwelling d lIInlr executory alo MleIark ssi ssiark aloIark
Iark row No 211 and 213 nat Mf between
Roosevelt and James JlLm itrceta avlxtAllx 3J3x l11 Inegru
tar IA live Story s buildIng I executors sale
Ocean avenue e southeast tfe f corner r of It > Park ark road roadI
r = l = =
In the Washington Heights Syndicate but one person owns more morethan morethan morethan
I than 7 72 per er cent interest Intereslall all the rest own 5 per cent or
On July 1 the Washington Heights HeightsSyndicate Heights8JDdJea HeightsSyndicate
Syndicate must be dissolved Its It prop properties propertlel propertles ¬
erties molt be sold at public auction auctionto
to the highest bidder at whatever whateverprices whateverprices whateverprlce3
prices they may bring bringYou bringYou bringYou
You are to be given a rare oppor opportunity opportunity opportunity ¬
tunity to purchase at first hand the thehighest tbehighest thehighest
highest grade of vacant Manhattan Manhattanlots
lots in plots plotsYou plotsYou plotsYou
You will UI be placed on an equal foot footing rootlnl footIng ¬
ing with every person pers n who bids II at this thissale thissale
I Isale
You will own property directly dlrectl In Inthe inthe I II
I the path of future building on streets streetsregulated i iregulated Iregulated
regulated graded curbed flagged sew sewered seweled ¬ I Iered
You ou will 111 han ha an opportunity to topurchase topurchase I I
purchase property which is on the tb eve eveof eveof
of O r a period of large increase in value valueand valueand
and for which there is good demand demandat I
at private sale for improvement for forthe forthe forthe
the growing population of Manhattan ManhattanIsland ManhattanIsland Ianhattan1IIland
Island IslandThe 1IIlandThe II IIThe
The Washington Va8hl gton Heights Syndicate Syndicatewas i iwailorganlzed
was wailorganlzed organized five years yea ago to toexist toexist toexist
exist three years yearsAt yearsA yearsAt
At A t the end of that period the country countrywas
was suffering from financial depres depression depression depression ¬
sion and the fortythree subscribers subscribersto
to the syndicate were compelled to toconsent toconsent toconsent
consent to an extension of two years
less The average averageholding averageholding I Iholding
holding is 3 per cent centTherefore centTherefore centTherelore
Therefore its proper property ¬ I Ity
ty will be sold abso absolutely absolutely absolutely ¬
lutely and a bidder bidderneed bidderneed bidderneed
need not fear being
bid up since the theSyndicate theSyndicate theSyndicate
DISSOLVED DISSOL VED and can cannot cannot cannot ¬
not protect its
239 239Manhattan 239Manhattan 239Manhattan
BOUNDED BY BY181st177Ui BY181s11771h i i181sl1771b
181st177Ui Streets StreetsBroadway StreetsBroadwayRiverside StreetsBroadwayRiverside
Broadway BroadwayRiverside Riverside Drive Driveto
to be sold at atPUBLIC atPUBLIC
At 12 oclock Noon NoonAT NoonAT i iAT
If you have not Been this property look at It today Note carefully its elevation Its surroundings 81U1OunfJl Its physical physicalimprovements P physIeaFImprovements tal talImprovements
improvements Compare it with the section bounded by 72d 86th Streets Broadway and Riverside Drive and observes observeshow oIJRrvhow O1IrVthow
how its Improvement will be similar to but better than the improvement of the middle West Side and post t yourself yourselfo ag aglo a8to
lo t o Increased values alue in the middle Vest Side section sed Ion Look at the building going on about the property propertyf i iOf 4 4I
f I
Of the purchase price there may remain on bond and mortgage mo e for 1 2 or 3 years j
60 AT V2 4 70 AT 5 80 AT 5 5JOSEPH 5JOSEPH
JOSEPH P DAY Auctioneer 31 Nassau Street 1
Advant ACCESSIBILITY L about aboutthirtyle thirtyfive minute m from the Grand GrandCentral GrandKL Grandgs
KL gs Central Station by clean electric trains trainsone is isone is isone
one of the advantages of a home at atScarsdale alScarsdale atScarsdale
Scarsdale Estates EstatesThe
The great natural beauty of the Westchester hill hilcountry hillcountry hillcountry
country in the boom b om of which there th estates are arelocated ar arlocat arelocated
located locat d i is another t chief attraction
Still other charms charmsnot
not to be found in the Great City are the hich al altitude allitud altitude ¬
titude pure dry dr air hcalhfuness and refined com community comnun cornatunity ¬
munity nun ty life lifeSitea lifeSites
Sites SitesBuild Home and villa plots plotsranging plotsranfng plotarangng
= ranging from IOOx200 feet to several s severalacres eral acres in si area aicevery areae areaever
every e ever f one ideal in situation are now available for forinvestment fotnveslmen forrve3tmnen
investment nveslmen or building purposes at price ordinarily ordinarilyasked ordinarilyIIsked ordmariyasked
asked for less desirable plots of smaller 3maer size in other othersuburbs otherubtrb5 othersuburbs
suburbs Full information and booklet on request requestThe r requestThe ut utThe
The Scarsdale Estates EstatesWhit
Build your yourhome roWhome yeurhome
home h hero r rand White Plain New York and andand andarid
and lire I 28 East 42nd Street New York City CitySites Citrov
v fIJIVvIr IJfV v1JV VIlIIvr1v
One of the trost attractive lIrl < II hou ho hoAI boise boiseAt e eAt
At Auction on Chester Hill HillApril RillI fl11April
I April 3ltli At 3 P M MOt MU
Ot U s tIE I lIE IllRMMES IllRMMESlloure lUFII1ESI SISESI l4ItS l4ItS110usd
lloure contains S U room o all A modern modernImprovements modemnIrnDrosemcnts
I Improvements 1 nrl tiled We Weo hath ib quartered quarteredodk u r 1 1o
odk o k white and gold trim HOD HODcanes nooI IlooIsees
canes e built In solid brass hardware hardwareleautlfU har hardwarefleSOtifti lware lwareeautllll <
I leautlfU extensive and S nd flu unobstructed views viewswith SimsSwith 1 1with
with Southern Kiposure xporr U lot > t 100x124 100x1241ronrrtl 111s124Iroperty 0011 0011IroprrW
1ronrrtl will lie sold 01 1 IU mu whole whol or In 2 por porlions parlIons
lions House lIou Is I so fltuated that another anotherilvplllne anotherttaIlInii nolhcrwllIll1
ilvplllne wllIll1 ma In be b erects rrrlp I on adjoining lot lotllorHK 10IItJlSE lotIItftE
1IJA1 siiiAV Aiiiu IN I S s TO i s r I 11 11lilsirrini Mlilagmanis I IIIIAl1r3m
lilsirrini i IhoioijMphs And Andlull esdtiarlbetllur
lull 11 nartlrtiljr 1 l h onici on r t of ofW ofGeorge ofGeorije
George W l1hI Bard Aaetlonrrr Aaetlonrrrrr AertloncerFleer
Fleer rr Hep lIpol i Pin I r fII H hull IlIdo IlIdoTlcphOIlf lildaTelephone l < < i iTrlephonr
I Telephone S4Mt j ItI 11 Vrrnim rllnn N V VI 1 1I 1 1ttChlSftNT
I I MtCttMONT 1ICtl UOl TlIcI1 l > eMel l rottnrr roll Oi rlh rI h rioni rioniml r ruonland onl onlI
and ml bath nil ll I Imnrovrrifntf rr prlvnti II r sriei r rI nrnr nrnrwater orureater
I water 1 depot J1 irolt got yriiin itt1Iifl U s imliirnlshd I h fon per pernnum petsnoum
Annum tOIUNf < S ft V tItle lilt st stvnn 01 01I l lEtIl
TAIIFIYTOUV llousi H I I room noJcni hn Irna tinpriivement j jnrnvemrnlt
nrnvemrnlt a I hot water hritliT rcrrlaite IIOTIP IIOTIPlnr lIo tuotictin r rtin
tin lnr river view nv j s nrrcs n r irull rent rn miKierarr miKierarrIOIIN nludlirtet
IOIIN 1011 t I I I S t nilllKlt mlll 11 1 7 re rJ11nn feI Uunn ui nn si i t I rw Yuri err rt fits fitsI dO 111 111I S
j I I II
I II 1aIiite
1 I < allUe NI S J UJi2l7 1 s11 ilifrnstorv IlIrrp ton Irimeilnelllnj Irimeilnelllnji 11101 ml I editor editori1JtOTS 11I11 11I11UflutOfA
earituors naif naifThrwlorn alr alrscAn Ic Icki1
i scAn iveflid It nortltmet tll tamer C of P Paru I mail
10115 ki1 m three star lwelin I olco I one stor storframe r ri
i frame tale oI un lb plot JrOI lflOLXsr on Id I Id ltIc or orcAn oflcCftfl
lcCftfl cAn Anlle north of Inr rollll estcjidlrg estcjidlrgto nl llriC < I
10 flallro Iteliroall 1 1Ieolle rrlll escrillars saip Ir tMilic OIC or if7heOdorS I IThodoI
Thrwlorn M I Storm pere rtcren deeeseil deeeseilrwentleth n1 I ITwntleth
Twentieth street No 0 lio south urn side sld 1kld feel feelwest Itw fretwrt
west w 1 of If f Mxth avenue JJIIC ild < n srvn n story 1 polio polioBiatlotr 1 halt haltastatboti 0110 0110Iallnll
Biatlotr United States Kxrhangr lhan llank v n s II 1 1MKiurkln rlfcooulkln la1Uekifl
MKiurkln ft I l al 1 HlUlilnits Cs A I 1 attorneys Atlom AtlomEIhrrlt a ttomnessItliherg N
icisbcrff reffee trnoiint duir tb Iu on judffmenf SIt SItati72 17 17U272 11II7Z
U272 subjec to Iwo mortgages angrojatlnir 1ItllrrrrMlnlC1J
liU 1J 1in1 It subject to 0 n Icnsr IcnsrTlflfny InceTtiteny a aTlrYrn
Tlflfny street nortliwet corner nt l Ift7th 7th slrret alrtIIZI streCi2itztoaa1paa7I
V IIZI 2itztoaa1paa7I tlxW xl4 1x1092x711 101117 I vAcant Hllen Slnnott ct nl altuul v vloul ss ssloutS
loutS Itoenbcrii Ioornt > erll et 1 nli 01 John WHelen 1IIn at atHIIY atHIIY1I1Im ttmrieViilIam > rney rneyVllllnm
Vllllnm Il lIullI rl on referee amount due II on little Juilitment littlemeat udlfmelli
meat iMn6 > IW69 sublect to taxes U Ac c SIMtu SIMtuVVBP SIf SlfdiYe I Iftenn
VVBP Ye avenue No HID It iS 9 west M Kie > 2lO ffi fee north of nrU11h itt157th
l U11h 7th street Irrt SOtHO three sIres Ill lirlck dwclllnc wllln J S SMarcu Stf sMarcus
Marcus v vs Ems Itroonf I et e a at Jeorzc lltihen lltihenstein ltuthcristein
stein tf attorney I m J 1 A r Mcrcety rr e referc fft amount amountdue anllCfltdue t tIu
due Iu on Judgment Jud menl SOoioIl > OIO1 subject to 14 taxes t1 c c1MVU caJ41 c1a4t5s
1MVU sunleft to a first mortgage of ttttn ttttnVyae ActoVIle ao aoI
VIle avenue No e 111 I went e sloe ld100 300 feet north of of211th I Il I I
I l U1Ih 7th street 20X1CO three IIr story dwelllnc same vt v vams vssame i iame i
same same Attorney P Keith referee amount amoWlIJ
amoWlIj i
THIS ill Ji Tvin T r Or si ui uiniuN uInn ill ItnN HOME HOMEIs
Is t n romtinitlon of ofar art rl comfort and economy ronooInrllllIn
I Inrludlni < llrrproof IITOt features Oat rAlllr tires in hallow 1101l brick hrUUwith hrklVllh brickwllii
with tue late or one nshctas tas roofs We ie deslcn deslcnand drlnAn1 deslcniifll
and hiilld them anywhere for a stntei SII 1 sum sumall sumall sumall
all imuer 1101 one conlrnct and hand of o comple completion eonpllion ¬
tion lending from ruin Aj A I to ii a 711 per Ie cent l nt of the theTOM theIf limelOst
TOM If lit olre 1 sired siredMl stredIi l
Ml 11 mitcrlats nnd n1 imlnur dvlrps prepared pr palt l
In our < own WI1 shop Including wooiiraft metal metalworl mI1or metalwan
worl wan or and AO ncI wall relief reliefXo reliefsNo
Xo objectIon to huildin nrrortlin nla to I your yoiiroxvn yourown ollr ollrown
own plans and IIn l icrlflcitloii Hu Invite your yourInspeetlon yourin1pertlott 011 011InpcrllDn
Inspeetlon of many rtlan ittractlvw rllllI 1 houses hou and nndbungalows andhlllloalow endbumrucalowe
bungalows built hili II In tv I last few years ear also alsonumerous alsoUllll1rrous alsoulItnlrous
numerous sketches at our studio studioOur aitidioOur lIdlo lIdloOllr
Our work Is I in riM rises hy hIIrl Ks 1151 ir No Increase
In cost over ordinary l Ip IpBUILDER > pee pesBUILDERSURAFTSMEN peeBU1LDLSC1AFTMLN
u u udll
due dll on judgment JIfllCm nl t01041 subject to t taxes Ac e
JU11V SII I subject to a first mortjaitr of 5540 5540FRIDAY 1 MII < < i iFRIDAY IFRIDAY
FRIDAY uKii armiluthy uKiilly RII 1 1II
thy II Joseph I1 I Pay lIa
ITlth 1 lh street No 231 11 north side 11 4V di > left cast of
Eighth avenue IIU COiidill five story tenement ffer ffermania fiernllL Ilerniisnla
mania nllL Life Insurance Company v V8 lames llender ilenderlion
son et e al Dillon 01 II attorneys lLlurae > O W Dohan
referee amount due on judgment Il 1lS03d1sub 10OS lsub
led c to tales Ac e 12M M tLI tLif 641yt
yt if nflr Cr r
The two years are now coming com1n to toan toan toan
an end and a settlement must be beeffected bee beeffected
effected effectedSince e effectedSince eeted eetedSinee
Since Its organization four mem members membels mernhers ¬
hers of the syndicate have died and andtheir andtheir andtheir
their estates e demand settlement That Thatis
is why this auction sale must be held heldand heldand heldand
and the property let go o on the eve of a atremendous atremendous atremendous
tremendous increase in values valuesThis valuesThis aloesThis
This property is as highly improved improvedin
in the matter of preparation of the tbeground thepound theground
ground as is any on the upper West WestSide WestSide WestSide
Side SideThe
The section Is already supplied with withrapid withrapid withrapid
rapid transit by the Broadway subway subwaywith Kubwarwltb subwaywith
with an express station at 181st Street Streetand Streetand Streetand
and another subway up Fort Washing Washington ashlogton ¬
ton Avenue Is under consideration considerationIt
It Is the highest hl best point on Manhattan ManhattanIsland ManhattanIsland ManhattanIsland
Island overlooking the Hudson River Riverfree Riverfree ftLverfree
free for all time from the noxious noxiousodors noIlowodors niIouodors
odors of factories surrounded by bYllome bYllomeof some someof someof
of the finest homes In New York City CityApartment tltytpartment CityApartment
Apartment house improvements on onand onand onand
and about the property mark it as asbest ithe ithebest tbttbest
best of the apartment neighborhoods neighborhoodsof ds dsf
of f the city cityIt I IIt
It will be sold in plots of sufRe1ens1ze uffleient4 uffleient4size umden5 umden5size
size to permit the erection of sub substantial mbi substant1al
j jtantlal
stantial buildings bulldtngsThis f fThis
This is done to protect the hlghi hlghistandard h1ghstandaM i istandard
standard of the neighborhood l
BryaniKenneIlyAuctfl BryaniKenneIlyAuctflA Bryan L Kennelly 11At1cti 11At1ctiA Auctr AuctrAnnouncement
Announcement AnnouncementWaldo A nnouncemen nnouncemenWaldo
Waldo Hutchins Estate Property PropertyRiverdale PropertyRiverdale S SRiverdale
Riverdale Av 236th St to to238th to238th t t238th
238th St StI
I I I To Be Sold at Auction AuctionSaturday AuctionSaturday
Saturday June 5 59 1909 1909I
I This estate embracing about 200 lots with two twobeautiful twobeautiful twobeautiful
beautiful dwellings is five minutes walk southwest southwestof
of the 242d st subway station at Van Cortlandt Park ParkFull ParkFull ParkFull
Full details will be announced later laterWait laterII
I Wait for This Auction AuctionBryan AuctionBryan AuctionBryan
Bryan L Kennelly Auctr AuctrWILL
AT la OTIOCK MM 000 00 kT T TUB FXCHAN K S UESKOO M tlin t itr TKSKV n 1 STKHnT STKHnTWednesday sTlmrlWednesday TIttETWednesday
Wednesday April 21 19C9Wednesday 19C t Wednesday April 28 1 109 ° 09
257 WEST END AV AV2 2 4 E Q7th St StAdjoining StAdjoining StAdjoining
Adjoining West 72d St StThe Adjoining 5th Av AvThr AsThe
The four slots IO and basement Inillaiia limestone The two s story Irusu line n front frontmfnt 11 srdle I A 5510 IrI
dwelling > 11 In 12 I rooms and n1 bath butlers psalm mfnt nvra n rooms lUttI13d and livU t tacit rli a anrari vartrn1 > anrariopen t
10lrn I open plumllnc hnnlwoort 1 trim some parquet open or > n pIimMnir 11IrI 0 < arn arnc M lici Hoi uatrr uatrrMAPS niY niYI
I doors furnace size slz of 01101 lot IBSJMIO Irregular i sc c Oil of plot a 111 areahbeli areahbeliMAPS sK < 11111
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nerDs 1111 on mortgage 3 yeme 4 lptaiiJ iits army water rights a
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Monthly tc0mmutuht tc0mmutuhtIs Commutatio Commutatioo
o cents Is per trip tripStation tripStation
Station to Water Vterin f
10 Mlnutoj MlnutojNew MInutcrk ltnul4sSw
New York Va rk to Oakdi Oakdit Ol < d dhour
t hour boarNOTEMIOnT51
ridge NOTEMIOnT51 Hail ratAid When riot In Ite ii rr ii tunloss and power boat will tc austtj IV
Anelloneer I 110 in Rwa
WANTK1J ttNTFilnformation iT Information regardIng retar llfl < a lool farm
i for sale not particular r About location wish to
hear tar from owner only who ho will 11 sell direct d I rrel to 10r
tuyer r give g price b prieetlcwrlptlon e description SlX Pn and 1 stale stalewben when pos possession posscsIoti ¬
session can be b had Add re A cc L l AUIYtiHIIlK > WA lit
tios bo lOOt II I Rochester N Y I
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AdTerll AdrllmnI < emrnl fur I III n SI sIandTliE 10 10r S Sand
and andTliE r Till T C KVIMNc I 5US Vf m mtv y h ho
Irtl Al 5fl nT American Illnrlcl 1ri i1IilrIs51Ivngr I
Hv9vngvr office mc in lli lIe h city rlivMl cityu tv tvu
Ml u KXTItA tltAIUii < foil 1011I II
I 1I NitI ISIlt1I hIi1 I1IIOU > O 11 1 i I
216 6 WesTTSOi w West s 78 78th Street StreetVcrv Streetf
Vcrv f Icslrnbk rifi mStCs bc I hEltWtutsI OI < iu < t LI i 115 115I > nu nui <
i reritlemen refrrenr refrrenrAT
AT 1 1 tXIVKUSITV 1 > t IISll IMACi 1ittIOpposite =
j opposite Washington W < hln1101 Sure larirt1 I nml nmleleirantls nnllI itn1rletsntl
eleirantls furnished rooms rno mo Kentlcmen Cen1ienudiureCrrt Cen1ienudiureCrrttxAv 1I refereii refereiiVVAVUIUKV f fAIml
VVAVUIUKV txAv AIml idht Lids Il I I IK Hefliulfillly 1i tIlIlI furni furnione tIirtlIIIc tIirtlIIIcon umd umdon
I one on room nlth ilh nrivjie IIrl hIt all flu 11110 IWM Iii v e t0 t0I lt ltMilSKY II
I Ml MilSKY EV TO I1A 1 1 N on rm fr t rut nnd tecond econotIra mo moxner toilgage
gage Ira p undlvlileil mmiii S litci I cttaps ral I cc Incluillnir Intl hung vestnl vestnltlnicriit iecteslltntpiit
tlnicriit IIn elll remaining Intertyt Inrr I s itijvct to life IIf cam1 cam1tuiynblcat C8tllj estultiO
t iO tuiynblcat l liic at riilur diii U r period at a I lirilInterest 1 11 In lerest pi t
I UOHTII v lilt I t Uill Cl > linv I tue arid I V jl 111tliI 111tliIIill Hulldlni ii umlit lna New Yort VortI
1 iiisitt i Ml HMsmi > iiodns TI TtII1 TtII1rico > IIT IITTWO U1I
TWO n o deslrnble ilwelllnes < tell large Door Doorhalh tcI0Tbath > o obath >
I bath furnace garden near station rents 116 I IInquire rl rlInqulr t tinquIre
Inquire 4SS K 173th at near HivthsaUi avo v

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