OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, June 30, 1910, Image 11

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1910-06-30/ed-1/seq-11/

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i I L jil L PUib I 1uPrV = 1Jb z 1 U l I r
j New York BOSTON Chicago ChlesgoForeign ChicagoForelp ChicagoForeign
Foreign Exchange ExchangeInvestment ExrhanltInvcstment ExchangeInvctment
Investment Securities SecuritiesLetters SecuritiesLcttera SeeuriticaLetters
Letters of Credit CreditHIGGINSON CreditHIGQINION CreditHIGGNSON
HIGGINSON CO COLondon COLondon CoLondon
London LondonB Londonr LondoniF
r B Before BetoreMakina Making Makln Investments Send for Booklet Describ Describing Olscrlbl OlscrlblIng DescrIbIng ¬
ing Tax Exempt Guaranteed Stocks StocksYielding StocksYleldlni StocksYielding
Yielding From 4 to 6K96 6K96nows 6 6V 6Vwtcn CX CXFNCft
FNCft rviciIa CHASE nd Ua thr adatu IUIaIIi nls 1k IkJt 11 resd Y tike t Tax LAW LAWlalae Lt Ltlork LwsIf
If Nw Turk 11I Jrpy r lteU IUs flb4 IiIisd al flaItMkaMt u MIa lalae 1 raaiil raaiilill ss3Ia21
a21 Olal sid NtIgm 1 pvvard b ur r 411 Atttn d H III ill Uaaraate4 Uaaraate4eapeclal Ora Oraeck 2iaa4tcks
tcks eck sd TII Tabli b I Irm HC Pltum 1 lb IJMIIII I 1 eapeclal PM Uileretl tant te Ian I Itiirs
tiirs n a4 IIIU IIIUllLY Ia th absi tI tIlJL
IIir Tha VAetIlt Walk 7lhII Uaker 20 2 Brood Si SiKWYork et etnIIe 5eI40
SONS SONSlltmberi
l I40 40Ra Rctir l r 30Stpb JVrJI WIIIflU r qVfl KWYork KWYorkJlLT NwYozklwbr
lltmberi Ntw w Tark Sleek Ktrkaaae Ktrkaaaertlratt fiihgTIvat
rtlratt hi TIvat Hire I to rklladtlciLl PhIIad lpla I
cosstr lfJS lr or WALL STHKZT STHKZTTh rlllFrn
Th break In tntockpIee ttock price yealerdabroufbl yealerda eirdarbrought Ird Irdbroub
brought tbe lb market mr dou lo Ibe Iii ll lowe loweUvtl IoweII
Uvtl I since pnc the list few f month of o los losPrice I ltPrice lOtIrt
Price Irt have declined contlnuo flflllflUOUt7 ly I In thi thilaat thntail h hJut
Jut eaven en bualneaa Iloe dare tI Uie Lb net fall Uln In lb Ibiarerege lbava lbaf
arerege ava price of atork o ka b bfolnl in latt for li lirailroad t lrailroad le leUroad <
railroad and nd II ie for or the Ih indutlrlal Indl lrl3la Om Omfeature 00flure Onfulure
feature of the th preaent decline and nd Indent Indentef IntlSflf
ef moM of 0 Ibo harp breaka ihla ron ha habeen b bbeen baa baabesn
been lbs tb comparatively araall tranaartloni tranaartloniIn
In Ihe Ih market when hn Ibo eitraordlnan eitraordlnaneilint llrllrdl llrllrdlntent itra rdlnsrr rdlnsrrpitint
eilint of Ihe Ih loaot los W I ronahlered No Nountil Sotunlll NotuntIl
until retterday 1 did aale mI 1 ou the lit Htmk iiluvkchants fr frchant lrthlla
chant amount to over 0 ICM ICulu J abarea abareaOf h hor
Of Ihe lb total i0it7i bra b the lb h trading In ItReading InJledln InRudlni
Reading I nlled Htalea dlI la Steel common and arkIbe andbeI andlb
Ibe lb beI Harriman Inks Iock enmprlaed mlrl t over one onehalf on onhalf oneha1f
half Even In rlleel common relatively fe felartt few fewlarg ew ewcr
lartt cr blocka of 0 atock 10 11 rhanfed handt lI Ia thi thimajority Ihmajorll lbtnJority
majority of ofu aalea Ml being biD1II3 In lou abare lolL lotaPennaylvanla lot lothnnlnnla lolLPennyliranla
Pennaylvanla was U the only actlvn tIy atocli atocliwhich atWksrhkh IM IMbleh
which bleh maintained Ita It price I rice Above Ihe th lo lomark I Imull low lowmark
mark of 0 June a Northern taclflc old al alnew ita t tlie
a new lie low 10 record rd point since nee January > 1 1In 1101 lWOiIn °
In addition to lha lb fact f that Ibe lb greatest greatestdamige graletdamsi
damige dm to 0 the Ih aprlng rlng wbuat cro > h hiiii taken takenplace tabnr likengIice
place r tc along Ibe tbllnn line of 0 the lb Northern larlflc larlflcthere 1IAcbn PacIAethere
there bn hive bean n perttalent rumor that Ihe IheMar lb lbfar
Mar 1 taming rnln of tI this retd lll how an anextraordinary Anstrotdlnary n nulnordlnu
extraordinary rl rt ne e In oratag eipen eipenU elpenwa elpenwaII
U U Mid thai although groa CIA reenue reenuehave rnuhn fenueehive
have Improved wilt rchrdulr iI iIolarred has ia eu eunlirged u uenlarged
enlarged that net earnlngi nlll will eihibit uhilllidO a adecrtaae adieai
decrtaae dO < nM aa a coraparpd eomperedwlth with a year r afo afoSeveral IOSiteril 0 0IInnt
Several nf the country > large > t railroad railroadcoeipanle rllrndrompanlM railroadcompanies
companies made ye yeterday trdar wed their Ulwuent Ulwuentfor
for May M home IS ef tliee II the thowrd olt fltl a remark remarkable rltNlrilble remarkabi ¬
able ble ciance Gn e from Ihu Ih report r ry tI orte ol recent recentmonlha rDImOlltha rerenIinonthi
monlha bronchi br ocb about by a MrlktaB de deTeax d dTe 4oTeii
Teax Te In operatlnc ipenw IDten IDtenrlflca I IrUlc Pi PirIcsIncrean
rlflca rIcsIncrean Increase m tnu I I Item wa sejiuoo I62IUOOOmpffd 4tuxe 4tuxetompated aa aacompared
compared with Ib a alralUr Increate Incr In April Aprilof AI
of 0 llMIOM and In March of II1TIOMI II1TIOMIIn I3tHIn
In lie tII cue cia of Ihe th Southern Iarlflc the tll to tocreate lBr Iicc
create cc r In operating eipenae Ipen wit Wi Wia1thil ijulun ijulunagalnal M Mawt
agalnal an increase IDr of llouwo lOtA In AprIl Apiiland AprIland p1nd
and nd IfMoro tlI In llareh Rroea Gro earning earningof
of both Ibe U cninpanle tre er r nolal notably > ly en enUrred eniiisd 0
Urred 111 the lncreae Incr In Aouthern rartflc rartflcBet IrinctInr Iafleg
g = tInr be4n UMnoo tnlnn Irlflc IrlflcaM IaeiIcsnit
Bet lacreaaed InCTM MMnoo 3N I compared C with llh an anbertate anherta n nIAertaM
bertate of 0 ITJni 3724 In April and an acttal acttaldecrease aet1deer actialdtcrtaa
decrease deer ef 0 tswooo 3tOO In March The Head nlIftralem ttIipritem In r rayitem
ayitem vcaa II i acuthrr road to ahow 00 great greatpruyernant Im ImpruTtraent Inlonr
pruTtraent over prerloua moatM moatMIn IJIOBI IJIOBIIn
In direct contrat nr 1 to the fertln fere join were vtMftbe wrb werelb
tbe lb b Mar fa earnn of the auaJian Ianslf Ianslfand 1 1aDd PedtdL
dL and a Bock Itlind line where oi OIHtrtlnll > ratln et etpenaee eJptQaN e ep
p penaee were 11 shown lo have ha enlarced and andIn an1In mlIn
In the lb roe of the Ih former la I a s alional iitionilmmnv alionalmanner lIn lI lI1D1JIDeC
manner In Mar the h Canadian Iaclflra Iaclflraoptratlne Iulflcoptttlnc ParlSicmoperating
optratlne eipenae Ipe InrreaMl ll5Mooo ll5MoooIB I
IB April the lb h Increase Inr waa STiuom and lu luMarch IIIMartb inMsrcb
March MTOooo MTOoooRecent 1310000JItoell1 37OOIteccal
Recent reporta porl from rom Kanaa of an n almoat almoatunprecedented alinoetiinpreeedentad 1001UIIIt1n
unprecedented rUe vie In tnt interest ret rat 1 there thereae Ih Iha
ae a reault of the th furloua IIrl lu < epepulatlen In Inland la1aJId inhad
land value are e being beln mpplementM dally dallyby dall dalIrby
by deepatcbea from other tourer In the theWeat theWiil I
Weat 1 telling of 0 a alrallar lmll aUt < of affair in inMUaourl Inolbtourl n n3IiMout
MUaourl I Nebraska Iowa Jo and oth othr > r IHHUU IHHUUIn
In Iowa rD where bl land speculation I keeneat keeneatmoner keneetmon I I1D0nrr
moner mon b reported to be hard to get t at atper 1 1per N Nper
per cent n On account < of e hue hI movetHenl movetHenland ROHBtnd I Iand
and nd purchase of 0 automobile by b farmer farmerwhich fuarswbkh arlRr arlRrwhkh
which are ettlmated tlmal to 14 amount mounllnhe In the lb middle middleWeat middleeil
Weat eil 10 IliomOOO the Ih depoalU of the IhelOllh IhelOllhtr coun country couutry ¬
try tr beak are ar being pulla1 down rapidly rapidlyand > ldlr I Ind Iand
and nd now rw ttand DIt U pr rent oc below normal normalThe nornmillb i
The stale 1le of the th loan arcounta 10110 of th Wet Wetera Westem
era em banka U I ef partlcuUr lau 11I1 > rel ui the East lUatla atIII EastIn 1
la view Ie of 0 tbe lb approach of 0 the tb1fOP lb crop moving movingaeaaon movineiaeoL
aeaaon 111 There are ar already signs that thl thlraov UIIIIOlMfIt thiernonen
raov IIIOlMfIt mnt U I likely IIhl lo begin uauullr UJ I U U earlr earlrThi nrl uI uIThe
The 111 Interview glvm IYMi out bY Judge ud fiarr fiarrkt narrllie
kt tbe lb luuel cheerful of Its It kind thai the thaStreet Ih Ih811MI thesheet
Street haa beard In tome tune 1 110 plain plainmatter plainmatt plainmiller
matter matt of 0 fact rt Inn Ihe Ih chairman of 0 the theVnUed lb lbeDIted lbVnfted
eDIted HtatM Htetl Corporation predict predictcrop predlelcrop prediciaserep
crop yield for isio aa large I aa the Ih barret barretof barvtslof
of IM YI renewed protperllr fur tlr the Ih rail railroada rallroW nflroad
roW and a resultant ullanl return of activIty actlvltrIn cutlYIIIn
In tile aleel 1 lduatrr aa a well ell aa In other otherllnea oherIII1ft otherlines
lines of trade I do not apprehend > MId aaldMr MIdWr saidir
Mr ir Gary that this Ih seasons 8 crop will willhow 1111bow willchow
how much If any n deterioration either In IniUlUr In1Ur InjeJity
< iUlUr or In Quaatltr aa compared with withlaaC withlast Ib Ibt
last t ear Whatever lose 1 tier mar m have havebeen hanHn havebeen
been la I into eoettona will 11 be b compensated compensatedfor
for or br b locra I1tcrfd d acrr u crMg ge under cultivatIon cultlratloaand IIIUllol1and
and br b greater Ior yield Ield per acre Therefore Thereforehe
he look to an n Immediate return br h the tharoflroada thetllroad
roflroada lo the lb equipment Iulpm and general generalaupplr generalsppIy nral nralupl I
aupplr upl market which will mean Improve Improvemeat lIP Improvemeal pro promt
meat In Ibe lb b ateel butlneat buln and nd In other otheratlrotd othersilnoid
atlrotd supply UNI llnea A e to hU to particular particularndoetrr pafliculerrdutny rtlcular rtlcularIIdIry I
ndoetrr the tb Iron and eteelbualneea Judge JudgeMT IUdcaId Judgeiry
< MT said Id I tonalder that the rut half halfI hiltii
ii I the calendar rear r In Ibe lb steel bualneaa bualneaagenerally bln blneca1ly buInegga1ly
generally will 11 make aa food ood a showing howmIh a aI ii iishe
I Ih she be period rind ending June II1D1JIO 3D I do not oemiv jp jpIIfY o oliev +
liev > there will 1It b be very much reaction reutlonrom reutlonromfHllUl from fromtho fromthe
the > re fHllUl ent level el Dnalaeaa generally elllrn elllrntbo1rllll la lanot I
not ihowlng any Afl ny further urch falling llne off and andeornt andpOnIC nd ndlilt
eornt lilt how alight improvem ImproY8rneulKle1 improveineuletSieei uie uieHte
Hte Kle1 l onaomption In IhU country baa b not notret n01rll notyet
ret revbed bed the h limit or anything like It ItI ItI III
I counter that the b Steel Corporation lei leiefiterlnfupon Ie I Inteninupon I Interln
efiterlnfupon nterln UPOIl a decade of prosperity equal equalID
ID thai It bleb baa b gone 011I before beto There The will willbe 1111U willbe
be to navMcUr for or anr ny > new Rnanoinc Ibis tblarear Ib Ibu Ibisyear
l rear u br I > l ie Hleel Corporation nor from frompreaent frompresent rom rompns
present pns t iMIcalion for nr a rear r lo come at atleaat athut
hut 1 Ha HOr aver the Ih company doe tins tinsistar1 i ileurj I
tI leurj ta 4 a II > p vbrra rt t I Ii end nJ I roful oflklr oflklr1mm 1 < 1 1h r rttsfssw
ttsfssw thewetrtctIon h eo eOoltnxllon rccllon whWi ailitake HI lake I place pisothu I Iwithin
within 1mm fiiUle the BKI L ave yean n will III at intat 1 equal enualtkal elu1U1 equalthewetrtctIon JI
I tkal of 0 tbe lb le I e years eara just panaed Pili
The annoueoroent nf n Ibe I lb rlerlnlont rlerlnlontbanded derision1 derision1bsded
banded down downr y the Interalate Commerca CommercaCommlMloti ommerre ommerreCommlMlln ontmerreCommiiiloD
CommlMloti otermc a aweeptaa IfIIa rvdnrilon rvdnrilonla II < D DIII
la rates rat In themoiia Ih smoua Pacinc enact tale raaearouaed 18 18lmaatd taleaniiely
arouaed e conaklavbU conav anilely ulel In n Wall a Ktrect Ktrectwben trect trecttbe triwte lWetbeA
wben beA tbe e new n 11 11laml berame be lm publk Hpon upoaIITMlleaUon OpoitlyrifIgII0O i illcailon
IITMlleaUon laml lamlfound llcailon h ho ever rer the lb d cleiona derejnne wetfo4 were werelo r rfouad
found foundbetween to have barelloelalion naaUllon lo 0 Ibe lb dlfnriilliM dlfnriilliMMfr dlmllIllbetn dimeuitibMteen
between tbe lb Admiration Ad rIIoI1 and ad tbe lb h Feat Kaalam fland Featen
am en and central mnk k line over frrleht frrlehtralea I IS
S ralea and nd no beejigj upon Ibe lb aititule aitituleof attiu4of IIC I
of 0 the Ih rommlsalon oed lBereaae4 IDe rile raleaon ra rileOS
on Ibeaej 1 the read readaBy readII roadLfly
By II Mart Marte UHt > Winlees 1 1fa
fa AIMIt1Ia few 11 111 IIIIIet Cut Cutis
ReoII 10 A 1 1ie
ie aMII k tAKa = ter 7 orll ° lllllIItIIa lllllIItIIaall ImIts ImItsWA
all II F
uI WA M 1 1Ca
If SMr U A N
1 fer Case Ca Rare IIareat aes aesaiP
Mfr MfrI at aiP So ii iiI
First Refunding Four Per Cent CentGold CentGold CentGold
Gold Mortgage Bonds BondtT
T Te lk Ike Daldera 01 tf 1 na4t n af f Ida Ut Ata Aw Ian UraeTke IanTIle hueThe
TIle number ot a ta the undersigned CemnM CemnMhatrbic COIDID1eItarn1 Comromlesbaying <
baying baea larreutit from 1DCIt fltt i la tttr lAd lAdY
a vaeaney Y barlat omirrol Uewra Jacob J JacobFarlee S SKarlee aYar
Karlee Yar Chart Uihrtip > Park C aa4 0 Uwanl rswIIII D DSml IIlnitb
Sml lnitb IIII ha bat a become mtinbtn of 0 ttt lb Comallttt Comalltttaad 0111111111
sad 1 1 Ueara Brapaoo fimps Tbaeber nil 4 DarUtll ol olNew 0 0Nrw ofNw
New York YorIIlla bare mv been Keeled t td rouowl rouowlThe roWIHIThl romaneelThe
The Conmltte hi been laformn that lb rou roupnu 1011fnl mu0O5
pnu 0O5 oo tat III abot boDams atrotd txwjt m DIU1 lirtor r Jclr Jclrtit inly1st
tit ItIO lAb 1 10 odil III not DO be pal > t Vpon l this default defaultour draulI default1our
I 1our our r latteaiia ID require the b prompt and nd earefal earefaldtlensiaatloa rarfsidetruuiostioo nr nri
i dtlensiaatloa dl < rmlAUoa of the acllijo U I be taken taIL la new rlewof newor
of the t ubliac UUac leatt Ie 10 tbt III Hu3 Pu5sio lo Suaqu Suaqukaaaa SulquI uaque uaquesam
I kaaaa sam Railway RaIl Compaar sadie Dd willet parawat parawatj
j of 0 tkt prlarliwl aa4 04 latenat toter It at your lU boata boo U Ui It1fU I ICusraateel
i ruaraale 1fU J al 1 U i d IE4 vt of the eaUllaf ezialI receIver nretverthlp r receIverI htr1 htr1blll
I thlp of o Ut property ol the III lewet e NIa par la laforerloaure tarrlta toforeclosure
foreclosure proeellan < If It la ilettrnlaM drleMDlma1II0n to tomoe toMoe
moe the Ih Trutet Tr of your nu mifltagI > rt rlR aft la 0 lottltute lottltutefonrlmgie ltulllutet Uuw Uuwolfflooull
t fonrlmgie prwrmtloo at nor N the Trustee Trill w will willululeubedtj 11I 11IUA4oubaI l lUBiloubleillr
UBiloubleillr require aa a a ewklllloa of brtajtat brtajtattuck briogineilach
tuck IIe prtxrwjlojj tnfirovrlatt laJtmultr sod aadmay sodma Dd
may ma rt require uJrt a rvqoeit oa brbalf lIaU of a lr large t fto ftoportUm rroIOItWo re reherd4 I
portUm of tat bondholders booiiboldenroatfcteratliMia bondholdersThea
I TII Thea roatfcteratliMia lr Ia < t the CommIttee < to toacala 10brla toI I
I acala bring brla Ute III mailer ilia la Ut alteallaa UoIt of such auekf ICbI
or f > ou aa a have aul alm4r def depuattel > vli I > our r bonds bundtand iI i iUU
I and suggest UU la hi l Urr III should cratniitly Ir itefimll itefimlllacai depiwitthem II II11I1
them 11I1 anger If Ut deposIt atrreneat rtlm1 dated Mat 4 4UM 4tile 1
or NEW w lUHk OK It Nattai uaa ai aueet New w erk erkCity INIICII orlI
I City CII GIKAHt II TM3t THI i OUPANY corner eon timid Hroadaaat llro I IjIOUC1IrrIIa iaudi I
aaat antavtMrreta PbHailMykia 11I11a1 lIICOUV lIICOUVTHlSf OLIJ ttt3COUNtYHI OU OUTKnrr
jIOUC1IrrIIa tYHI THlSf COUIVNY ttIII I Couri street Bo 11111I ilditoaa too or orfee orI
111I I fee CLBXHLAMD TRUVT COMPANY UIIAS earner earnerKuelt1 cornerKuciLl
Kuelt1 Avenue and all Math 3 SI reel 4rrdTraafnsble < I Cl levtlw e4 ad adTraa I I
Traa Traafnsble ler b4e eertllratea of depot 4 1C will IU tw Iwuel Iwuelfor ltaU ltaUlor issucifor
for H booda boG vj j depoalltj depoalltjllatod d depoltIIatol ld ldflA
llatod flA June J M i I mo moALY tatoALvr4 W WALVIX
I IlolI
ALVIX ALY W KRKC1L Iwalrmaat IwalrmaatIUIIM 01
IAMU a KtllX KtllXHAHtrs KlUVC
< HAHtrs UATitnnr UATitnnrMIMAKU rAh rAhrI
lennaltiet lennaltietI
I Ml IS HIIOADr Heereiirr Heereiirrl tecntera rT rTIIu
l Manau sstsu 111 5lretw Irtrl IrtrlNew
New S w lork ork Cl ClIIIACIIKK CIIWIu CUi CUiSilsu < >
i l CoOiol CoOiolutnii
1111111 A lTEUltSKMK lTEUltSKMKMAX i iInat
Inat LMAiSC MAX 1C e 1B1 1 DAY DtTtunitet I IC DAYne
tunitet ne IJtSuateit C 4N Iu4rts or J 731 J alolooa Uooo Moocdemtu MoocdemtuNWU rt 19 e tl Ill IllHI U UBIUM >
BIUM HI wtiaa ar rma UIi int intlaady IATmudy
laady Hook I2il U l2iovtsii44i4lHCUflate O I v ltlaadlJliftaOaie ItlaAdI lIftU 0 0rrl ttArrive tt ssArrived
i Arrive rrl VaimianiT W waT Juae te teSa teS I
Sa S Teutonic IDAarjOamplol Southampton Jua tt ttrAiink nwaw flw
w MA a waw dUOS 4i
I rAiink lot AI > a Alfitrv June IIA It IIntaiurau Its
ntaiurau s lurDU lloiwroaiu llolCrr Jua II IIt Ilot Its
I lot > t Api A ApaicDor iaraee barro reo Juat J U UM I IIkUL Is
M s txtoanar Mellail Juat J I Ih II IStiora
h Ill IH tiora > r liallea Alglen June JIIDfIll a aSt Am I
St m Ardaamur HL Luna Jua J Jia K Kr
I r lot a i 1 taialoca sWcs Havana II ilual ilualbe Jua JII JIItill M Maa I
aa Luuana r LubsoCalbifliJUI Calbartea lUll lUlla n nI
I ikHiwiaan a I ioeWsO inert UCl Maura Jua JIlaOII JIlaOII1IIrlCllC II IIM 31veIImHctts
M 1IIrlCllC i barittui btuMDerc bI C < uantiname Jiiaa J 21 21rte t tl
rte 4011 l I it 1111111 Ml Ha liar > June u II IIfa III 31utr1tf1a
lit fa Orient 1111 em Port xaloalo 0 Jane JOlleC 21 21r 317w
I r 7w AUo 1104 uln Tampa Juat J Jlit H Hto 2 2t
lit to t Lulaier r Ior1 1 > rt Artkur u Jew JuatM JutIIIIIl Jewa >
M a llamliuio tIIIIIl lort NortoU Juae UDe ai aiM II11I aMs
M taee itilUulelpbta JUDe It Itn IIIoIIkr aZ1
n Itoretby UalUmere BalU June IT ITto nIillna 77a
to Hermaa rrmaa Frateb rra sabtat Jose J Josehs U Ua
a 10 Jamestown Jmn KerfaU orr orfoliJooS Jus 17 17aaatvto naIRD 7 7LAZIVmD
aaatvto OUT OUTStC OVTSa OUTac
StC Sa ac C r TlttceaalCopeakagea 11 rntgceatCopmiagesfronaNwYori Co from ro New Ii York YorkM ork ork1ll1Iat1a
M 1ll1Iat1a 7 Batavla at 1 MarAe t a treat lno lnolit Aew w lor lorlit oet oetMalealk
lit tlajeattc at IjOU Southampton 1on from new I York Yorkroaamr Yoa1LIW TortsAnID
a1LIW noM roaamr na roan roan9a POlITIII
9a 5 Eaber Wllbtlo 11111I der UroaM far or X Xew w York Yorkfrom TonfIDCIt Tortfrom
from Cberbourt Cberbourti CberbonrfOceiOIc
to i Occaale for New York < II from Jlwttaaaptoa JlwttaaaptoaM 5otathorptomCatuola
M tJC Careala OIOAIclor for or New t ftvtott otk from com Qvtaeitawa Qvtaeitawaorroouro QuI0OMOOlJlO QvomiowotTOOUIQ
orroouro aruamitra aruamitraittt 1I1NT44
ittt T aaiUOli T44 aai
UOli UIIIIIfaII Vnuli VnuliCtttt tsswIiuilS
Ctttt tttt ttttPrlairrtnl faIIPrlurrwwwlmDrelllftlaA uilSriodwnhoimnrtuenAU
PrlurrwwwlmDrelllftlaA Prlairrtnl WUbtlraBremen A U Oco CDAM CDAMUiarole alAMlavote W WJalla
Uiarole Jalla roII tlarre 100AM lID A W WCbAX WCbAXLUilro 10 IOWA A AUa 34 34Slut
Ua Slut ikvana 1 n too IWAM lID AM W ucotl ucotlAltai U 13mMAludjliYti co W WAlili
Altai AludjliYti Maya aw SWAM lID AM W UOOAM UOOAMAtolfaaMJanaka II IIWAMALmIZAOW lID A if if1mIrUIlA
1mIrUIlA AtolfaaMJanaka JuWca UO MAM A W ucotl ucotlAlllaacaCrU UGHI111u 33mMAIIIAACA1rt1I01
AlllaacaCrU 111u IIJOAM 1110 W amp JIDfUToaaMdlSaToUMaplea Jill amplotamisdi W WSay
lotamisdi ToaaMdlSaToUMaplea Say 5mvol Naples II 00 Ah AhVerona A Atjrcosja Ie IeVa
Verona tjrcosja Napiea 1 II IIWAM IIWAMb 1 m A U ULily Yr
Lily of Columbia Savanb SavanbUnllUB b i
UnllUB r Suffolk 1 I
ua i ii ° r iw JITCf JITCfflyron rr w wRrroo 0 I I
Rrroo ItJrcaaJUoltro Rio Janeiro 100 S 00H W A W I a AH AHlrtna AUlrtaa A U UrioatcuanaVliaid
lrtna rioatcuanaVliaid Wuiera UIenI V Hay Hd tl HO II IIWAM t AM A if ittpM ittpMSeturaata 111I icsP icsPMiuranci W WMcurU
Seturaata Xaaaeu uuu II IIW U > U a am m P I U UComaacbe YCJuYlu urosanorbe
Comaacbe CJuYlu JaekaoavlUt loo ICOIN ICOINYoaree i co IM IMMonroe P N NMcoede
Monroe Mcoede Xerterk 100PJ4 100PJ4Pbtlo4lpblaikMinaaipiaa I 107PMMIU lID Y YUU
UU 441411 J Jsp z z11II1a4lplalkNdIIDP 2PMI4tpbIa
Pbtlo4lpblaikMinaaipiaa PMI4tpbIa Southampton aw a at AM A lot l 1009 to m A U UCrruc sarn UmicAzores
Crruc rn micAzores A or em SWAM ra Alt U tmM tmMl 13mMtit4ttambutt
l tit4ttambutt ctl Hamburg Sa1AM l A U I impit impitflodniewfous46i4 m V M MITortKi 111ortu
ITortKi flodniewfous46i4 NewfouauikM NOII TJ9AM 10 A W llmAM llmAMTreat II lImAUTrentlientiUda mAW mAWTmI
Treat TrentlientiUda I ntrnwla Iltrllll u4 IW swA4 < nA MnAU MnAUitUlfcUlpbla 39UAMp3l3isIpbia rn A U UtIIIIaJaIpale
itUlfcUlpbla Iliad O DI > La LaCuayra LtGIrra LiGaarrL
Cuayra a a7AM AVI A W IjroU IjroUaratega 1 13mMMramgsHACaia ro if ifIara
aratega MramgsHACaia Hatas Hlt i WfOAM 11Im M Imp IC9PHCrewaafOraaadaUreaada ImpC 207PMCrovstCradLGfld4lOWAM
CrewaafOraaadaUreaada C r Orda 0 10 0JOAM II A I2OIM I2OIMwnlaola 12 130734Joteiaflmtao III W WIIaa
wnlaola Joteiaflmtao Saa IVemtnio 10 IOWAN 1000A lID U IfjoIM IfjoIMPrlai III 207PMPrial I U Urtu
Prlai rtu Augutl miktln Ja JanalM I Iimalea
nalM limAM 11m tl impu impuOeorgtFrraaa 1m 107OeeriePTinaialtakls I W WOrorl
OeorgtFrraaa Ororl OeeriePTinaialtakls rrmaa Baala HOOAlf II DO A U 100PM 100PMITM I 107 107Prinemi lID P PrtR
ITM Prinemi rtR t tree Naplet Ip > II IIOJA Ol A 14 14AraWr WAulolUr UArablrUvYr000l
AraWr AulolUr ArablrUvYr000lViIdsalS Uverpoot S oo fit fitCaladteJalUaafow p Y YaJe4
CaladteJalUaafow ViIdsalS aJe4 JUCOlf JWPW JWPWttetaba 2 OJ I IUua p34 p34Uaba1o
ttetaba Uaba1o 1eorta ° ds too AmA AM AMriauad A lot lotA UflataadASIvrp
riauad flataadASIvrp Aatwerv A II 11m 1102AM 1102AMItais CO AM AMMaRa lot lotIa
MaRa Ia PtSermo PtSermoUomua laleMlloYDtllu PulertuMomua
Uomua New ew OMeaat ort U 11m m 034 034City M MCllr MCUr
CUr afSavannah or Hat Mersaitab aanab aanabVrtncni 1m a on r W WI 2tIamaiA1
IamaiA1 t4lvesi I O rw rwI P U UlvwlsoleJi
lvwlsoleJi I = SII 207PM 207PMpyiscceoAost I
Vrtncni trre pyiscceoAost Aaa Nofrolk JO3PM lID P loll W I
urconr IJIOIIIPUtu < o rratwaure rratwaurel I
pal ro r sv svCatakee
1 Catakee Huel Hulvs Juo II IInlldfll IIPYvIlicet
l raldeal > raldealVartma IJftIOft Ioo111II1I1Ott J JVart j0 j0isdma
Vartma VartmaTrteaa Vart S L Thomas lu luT Ins 34 343ne
Trteaa TrteaarUrtarataa T 10011 IuDe It IIlrtarom
rUrtarataa rUrtarataaIroquoia IIMIrr J Jlraqu 3oji 31 31proevoli
Iroquoia IroquoiaPrewut lraqu d ho II IIIreMua isProteus
Prewut PrewutKJ vw Or rIaoL h 355 23 23El I
KJ liar liarrtir jalnllOo 1 Jse U UCity
City c of 0 Mavtitnah MavtitnahTrent Iab J 37 37flOit n nTrlfll I
Trent Trenti terMods I IJIIIefYIII Jun 25 25iretu
iretu i uoU uoULa lu JIIIefYIII I 7ta n 21Do
Dw T TSA Thmrew ThmrewLa
La Praveatt PraveattAnertcto HOff Jai u uArIa 23 23Americas
ArIa AnertctoAntam Arp lull 17 17A 7 7Artar
Antam AntamHaata A INO J Je 17 17Uta ITut
Haata ut Mat Mull M MU jIfiflIOO 1ftOD Ju I Irro 23iiorroCas
U iiorroCas rre fattl fattlCHr e iv n Ia IaL Jutie 7
CHr of Jt 5 Leek Lewtft Ieeah II IIr
ft 4 Mar r UalceeIei lUll twaDi
f Di w fetor fetorLrv WWdee J Jv4g Z ZC ICampasts
C Campasts at Lrv lrerpooi = r rt 23
t r rIrene
Irene IreneAeee J I
Aeee es hM
Ilnlrlllllonal sia Traction TractionCompany TrecanOompany Tract TractCompany
Ta T la Htldert Dd af t Dead P af Ik t Abe A It ItAl twI I II IAt
Al I tke It reauetl u of 0 a lart lumbar of Ib the II bolder bolderof 110141 holdersSI
of Ib nfly nl Tear Ts n 4 Collateral al maul Tru Gold floods Don4ief 1IoIaotlb floodsSt
ef tbe lb Inumattoaal Traction Corapaay aeegrw aeegrwbr simrsdby red redb
br b its I lodestar te I tt 3 Guaranty Gur Truil Tru Compan Companef Compasyef
ef New If York a Tratte mi bearing data d July Jul I I1MB IIba IINS
INS tb the undmfgned Coraultte baa beee or ortailed orgiotird
tailed 1111 to represent ff tat laMrtiU n of 1 sect bond bondkoldrn bDca41Ioat beadholders
holders koldrnTbe 1Ioat holdersTb
TIle Tb Traction Compiny PIII a eorporaOoa < or oraalitd orsated
sated 16 under dn ut lb law I of 0 tb the Slat s of 0 New 11 Jry Jryown Sirs SirsOwn 11II
own all ef the tbIII alack et Ut las Inuraanoaal runway runwayCompany RaIIrCamr RiflwtyCompesy
Company Camr wbkh U depaillod dtpCOat under der ttt tII above abovemeaUoeed aIIonUcIa iboymesuocid
meaUoeed UcIa collateral trait Inlaature and an antllillel COB COBtduile msdWles
tduile tfc 1M male tAaI aecurtly for th Ibo nrtrVtar YII YIICoIlalaI 41 41Collateral t tu3Iatersl
Collateral Trust Tru Gold Honda Tbt n lUUway 11aU Com Comowna eonapall Co CoM
pall M ° T owna 0 and 4 operate oper the III railway rllw properttei propertteitaown proplIb pmporeetoown
taown b aa the lb lalaraatloaal Traction flytlen tn all allof allof
of 0 which an n located ed in tat tII City CII 2ty of Buffalo aad as IU IUvlctaltr IIIYldllII Italirtolt
vlctaltr vlctaltrTbe YldllIIn lirtolt2b
Tbe 2b Traction Company ba b laaueit I all nf tebwadi fie fiebond e ed
bond d WIder Ik 1M collatxral roIlI trial la Indeatur re retefvel JtY orsorYwi <
tefvel Y for eilenatont sod rI betterments tltl of 1 thi thiproperty lb lbp11 lbproperty
property There n remOn mm ueluutd u Ilimiuru tt l1 ul ulbond u ufbcods
bond 01 reserved eirlutlvtly IIdutl far lh tho acquuJUoe acquuJUoete l
te retirement ef inderlyUg hoods 4 tacured by bybta b blllao bylies
bta ea the III preptrty et the lb Railway Oompaay OompaayFor ompear ompearroe
For 01 tk paymtcl 11111 ef r such c underlying hallway Kallwayboada iCaU iCaUd hallwayhoods
hoods d Ik the coilalcral truit Indenture lOlure coatera coateraplated COCIWIDplaIN coetemplated
plated a teen sad sue ef aa equal equ amount OUD ol olla orIII ofthe
la the nftyTear rolY 4t t COllateral Trust Gold Linda Dondiot Poo
ot 0 laa i lb Tracnoa T Contar OUI rrmd r tot l aura e per purpoo r rp
poo p A As tb eaUateral etal trail n bind b4 b4at kav t ttouted allmilol
touted at market I sod 1 are U aettUg Mr mack el btlew bel par parUey pr prtII parttey
Uey tII caaaol provide pI1 auffldtat urt food f14 la t meet m turn turnundtrlytag suchunderlying udlIDda
underlying IDda obllgatloaa oblU of which lIlcl many ma will t ma maMr ID mar
Mr 1 r b Ik C the near C future futurela tutora
la I a view ne of r this situation INI0 tad d ef 1 ItO b fart ra Thai tbaluader Thaimdr h11e
uader 1e tk collateral Cl trust trII Indtnturt tadelur an a mart martboadt mor motebonds
bonds bd ea c be b latuei 11 far iteatlo9i 111 or orbr holler belterineeladamuded hollerusiadsntacdd
ineeladamuded br tb the b rapid rpd sad ad steady a t rr tooth toothr b bt4b
if r tu toc t4b kealli W MineJ tr t laMnanmal Is Isu Tr Trtloa Tis TisUn >
tloa u System StO and required rull la the tlIIINI Immediate I future Nturbr futureby u uCb
br Ib The public publc aulborltlM llIoIU thin It urient need needfr DmI oesdlet
fr I a prompt romp I and a ranplei coioe 1 reorgultaUon rlulaUo s lb lbfle lbensocci Iht Ihtfinance
finance fle and U the lb legal Ill turn IU of the II International InternationalTraeUoo InwrUII1 InwrUII1Tre IntercillonalTiselin
It ItIndicated I IIDdl IsldIcaled
TraeUoo Tre Srium IID The n urgency of thIs 11 need
Indicated IDdl by b the I foreshadowed Inability ta IIIF ef Ikt IktV I beltez
J ltez < V Company u to > pay IU tbt lb dividend < hdm < ca e Itt Ittxk II 27jct
xk 1 nerew Icnr oorsy ry la enaiilt 1 ib lbS Traction Trclo Company Companyto COl p
to male mk Ita II interest lei paymenta Imml due next IU July lu JUJ on onttt 0 onth
ttt th fifty Imr YiftrYiU Ytar Y V 4 Cotltien CI n1 > l Trust TC Oald Ol Road RoadTtta find7th d i
110 Ttta T condition 0D11 ef Ibo 22 Railway Ri Company Col baa haamulled baalelviled i iI
mulled I Oct from r lark ef r f earnIng urll i tot wer but bl on ontbe o onthe
the III contrary Ctr treat f tie rapid rp growth o1 of lla II bust bualaeaa but bustSm I
aeaa and a4 In ho contcouent COqUCI aereaaltr aal1 of devoting devotingto dole dolet
to t Improvcmenta Impronmf I and ad titeniloat I 11 pubUciy p de deBanded dcms4ed I
Banded DIad a large 1 part pr ef Ita It It tartlagt lr whlcb Mela1M tare tavtbeea
beea Ibt lb only 011 retourc rll of tat lb TracUoo T1eaO Company Companyfor CompanyforsucbripltaiIequtItmmSeItflrrlbeeIbaOsUoO opr oprlOllblpl1
for lOllblpl1 forsucbripltaiIequtItmmSeItflrrlbeeIbaOsUoO forsucbripltaiIequtItmmSeItflrrlbeeIbaOsUoOof tiKb capital lequtrcmnt ullm tlnre ta1 theeitaetUoa theeitaetUoaof 1lIIbaoo i
of 0 collateral tllrl trull n honda bA mtnred m for tuck put purpotea pr putposes I
poses A tlatemenl received od from r the I offleere offleereef Om OmIl
ef p the Il Corapaay Co la I appended ppd hrt hereto for Ib I the fur further rcj furthor ¬
thor t tafermattoo ror 11 of 0 bondbaMtia blol upon Up this I point pointSet p t tApdla
3 Set Apptadll AJ AJTbatt A AThis
This Apdla 1 tarts r I will tuggcit tb the dealrabUlty of a aproapt aprompt I IJP
prompt JP decision df whither r or not 101 you atould 1 d dpotlt tie tiet I IpoU
potlt t your rOr boodt b under Id the agreement I ot 0 wklcb a aconr acoy
coy e la Iw no buw tat la t 0 tat Ic tsvtral snr1 bondholder boodlodn Tb Tbagrreratal noal Tbartemn lal
ot d dfault drut di difault
agrreratal artemn recognlte oal It tie lraiadei 114 > cy a
fault rut la I tb pay pDfti paymeol mm I of the III July Interest t1 on 0 tie tbecollateral III IIIrllrl tiecollateral
collateral rllrl tnul n bonds kd that forecloiur proceed proceedInr proreedthis rH
this I may m cuss IU without lloul delay dl aed 1 that the I Inter Interetta 1m Ittiota I I
etta at the II bondholder dhotf sill III requIre rrull protection protrcnantbroufb protectionthrough 11
through IIt1 th 110 Committee oll rmpo rinpoerird rrrd to 1 acquire acquireIhe aequltIt ule uleI
Ihe I It pledged plr itorkaof lh or Ue lullayCompany ilor at lhe lheUI Ib Ibtoiwloiur the the1DIeCIOiUti
toiwloiur UI aalt I W and ad la 0 raute lo 0 b be ortanUed ortanUedunder orfsoIMdtaMer 1 1ur
under ur tb the law of tee tb tate I of 0 New ew w York Yo a araIlroad new newrailroad al alrUI
railroad rUI romi r rOmlaIt ay owning 11 and a operatiat opereale some wneother
other ale railroad rUI luwwblckbr line lItl btcI br merger mcr shall I acquire acquiretnl sequInOral < ul ulIn
Oral In the III alack Il and a the c U III > e physical 111 properties Broperdeaaf prprl
af tb Hallway Rlh Company op wbjecl 1 la lla I It prior priormortgage Irr IrrOCN priormortlageL
mortgage OCN Iadrr lar thb II agrrenenl oC rueb h new newompaay De DeO newcompeot
ompaay O I Is to eiecule lt a lelundlng uld mortgage mortgageronilttullnf mrrr mortgageoratIIettog
ronilttullnf 11lle a Aral lira I umn II portions prO of 1 the theprvfierty 1Mrr
prvfierty rr of tb CI tnuraatUnal ID Itr ul Railway 11r Company Companyaad o oa I
and a a Men n upon II p tbe Ib a leer other properties rd owned oaeJlroU or orcontrolled orrotatrotled
controlled lroU br la tbe Railway RI Company Cofr CofrI at embraced embracedm
m I th Ibi reergaaUatloe IrcIII aubjert C to honda l aeur swOfsi swOfsiby > l lby 1I
by I direct dl Items U thereon f whkb b mortgage 0 Uto Utoautnarir 110 ii to toautlsodn I Iu
autnarir u rh the t l Imite ue of bond b aerural Uereby la lab 1 I Iu
b 14 Used u for tk II purpoiet fr ol Itt I plan pa and u alto all ilnIe It I to torontara t I IeliIn j
rontara 1 proper p provisions prGlt far tbe III rrtundlag Irc ef efawh r I I Isuch
such oulataadlag toads and 4 for the baue I sander un4rrcarefully sanderrsrvfClty
f o ldla wr wrhlr
carefully hlr drain retliktlont rlloO tnd Id 04 sIlt ii tkeconaetit tkeconaetitol Ue Lb rooatt 11
01 the PubOc Ib 1I eivlce Commlaalog COI of 0 hondt for forf rer rerrJlrr
f rJlrr jturt etteealoat nl be bU lies a sod rd Improvraieau ImprovraieauAll 11
AU of verb b new D bondt 01 are as to t bear r ietr toterat rII I it tb tbrale 11 tbrsteufttvpetrttt
rale rsteufttvpetrttt of rlv Kv per rOI cent per perstanuanand annum Unulld and to mature mstutenoI mstutenoIearlier KOI KOIearlier
earlier fr than 11 the Ut b nnt day d ol 1 July J It I 15i thai lb being beingIte t hthgIt
Ite I It date of maturity lul of r tH u tl pretcal 11 IlllJ ri Year eat eatCollateral f fCoHalrral I Irol1
Collateral rol1 Trutl 1 Uofcl Lined of r Hi tee TractIon TraeuVnCompaay Tpl TractIonomi8nT I
Compaay CompaayTt lO omi8nTTb
Tt T aireemeal ceotemplatet ontrmste fnrUi fnrthr r rI r hat ibatut hatavon
ut I avon m roaiUffimaUoa rUI1 af 1 the l plan p or o ratter rr al 1 Ike It Iteption lj ljolO i iopdon
opdon olO af 0 tb ll the Comatlltee N la enchant neb for or their tfcdrdepotlwd theirdtpnilrd dr I
depotlwd IxHidi I tk I the deiotltlig rodaleral roil trutthondiwUera Ir roilhondbuldora
dal hondiwUera el 0 IAvIP eroii rw shall k U receive h rdber dli lbe I Iui 1 11r
ui 1r ftepcrrIal l perceal refundlcg rer I boadtof boodsuflbrtiewrosa boodsuflbrtiewrosapin oar tbenewrom tbenewrompany i iplr
pany plr pin lo tolhamounluftlihtY In M amount mo al ufetgily per purest f real I of the I par parvalue p pUIslue
value ull of such deposited drl boodt and 41 arrrnNl od Inter Interett ID IDII InterISI
ett II la full rullD la tifc al on the I deposited I hoods b from rr Ib Ibdale Iba Ibadw lbdat
dale af tb b la 11 hat l latreit paymeat m theresa b la tk tkdate li Itdue
date 4 from o which wlll tbt II lb new D bonds bda stall 1 draw d later laterrat lal lalnl lalqrF
rat F or o CM Ii ruth 1 to Ibe Ib amoual JI of aeventy 11 per P clot ceattt Ca Cap clotof
tt tb the par p raise I of such b deposited del tonal bo boa and aadalao andsIso
alao a arcmed a labial IDe la run fn on 0 tnt l depatltad depatltadbondt dp dpesiidtoads
toads d from I It II due 011 of r the II la gait t IIDlml Intern payment pavmrntIkertoa paymentlitres 1 1I
I Ikertoa to tb the dai 411 flied n by I the lb Cotamlllee ol far farluek f Seesuet
suet r sih > b pay fr paymeet paymeetThu Him lfC lfCT1 I ITtona
Ttona T1 ultimately ulltr la place pl it f suet hoed b tb tblepuainag IIIdrl the thedcpudtlal
lepuainag drl bondholders oln would DI reedy rHr new D hoodS bondtrtcktlag b hoodSptekflug
rtcktlag klf aa narb laterat I oa tbe llaC lb lavtttneat sad aadibtch sadwhich d
which 11 afcouM 1 command d a greater rt teik market lakt value valueIke Y YI valve1k
Ike I sororIty rl1 being bDC a direct < 1 Urn Il on o tbt it phytlral phytlralproperty pbalrrorl1 pbyilralpropetW
property rrorl1 ef 1 tb lbs laleraaOooal Illfd Traction Tr loa loaI irjilen irjilenat lb stem stemIniteid
I Initeid at lead of 0 ofa a collateral cla lien I oo stork tr elir ci should abouldIker shouldIDly uld uldIb
IDly Ib prefer not 101 lo 0 accept 1 Ik am sew bonds 1 they tberrcuM Ib Ibrl theycould
could rl rukt sale ef olr their preat honda b alatvmtr alatvmtrrtnta 1 1r
r rtnta oa 5 the dollar dol a aunt u la runt a of U I prestal prestalnarkel pnenestmirth
mirth pike pikeII
II I will l be observed o that the b areemeal rDI aa aaIbortaea nt maIltosis >
t Ibortaea tbe li Committee la Ita II dlacrettoa dlnlO la 1 makt maktr mmiiprovision
provision r > for o a the stockholders a t bW af 0 U CI the Trtettor TrtettorCompany T TrseUoCompany
p Company p II Ib the stock alll ef 0 1 la I tie new De railroad raL rojn rojnnr ompan
pan nr nrIf 1
If I for f tons anr f reason Ipl ebetbey brtberberanteofadecOaa brtberberanteofadecOaaloo bll baUII betasic of ofadorlias ofadorliastin rIn rIntO
tin tO ef 0 tbe lb Public lbl Service Sflc Costmluloa 010110 lo 1 give I tbt tbtlecttaerr Ibepro lb lbacceaury
lecttaerr Prt pro prior r content t lo t a aatttfactorr lwt plaa plaator pi pifr plaafor
for fr Ut 13 orgulaadoa 0III of 0 tkt I lb new compeer rP mad 1 tkt tktrue I lb lbItie
I Itie rue ef 0 II II lie mortgage lorI hood b4 or D Dol olbarwlM tb tbommlttee lbCocimittor
ommlttee ol shall tal tiers 41 It I laeipedleat Iln rn to t proc proceed proceedall td tdtllli
all tllli IU Ik I lii plan pl tt IU hood 01 deposited de 4 nub lib tbe U Com Comnllte C Cornmlii
1 nllte are r la be rrwrnrd la 1 Use I lb dtpotltan dpln viltb viltbwt tsltiset It
wt I tipeaa tipeaaArrangtmeata Upl 11pm 11pmAnancms
Arrangtmeata AURt have been t effected lrl hereby ebeerbyI herebyI
I I P ItonOAM YOnA A CO r of New S rw York oI otk City C11 silt in act actdepualury aclcfIrr actU
U depualury fur tkt lb Ia Committee and on behalf behalfif
of if tk the Committee will baue Uuatrrablt receipt recdplaor dpll dplltor
for or all depot dposltad led hoods boitdaDITTO 11014UarD hoodsDaTer
DITTO Juaa Ju II Ilia IliaRonKKT 1110RoOray 2570flOIIERT
RonKKT I TUTU Ckalnuat CkalnuatTIIONAJI nal1TItOtaue CimlemastTHOtAfi
TillHAA r M 1IfTTPlC 1IfTTPlClllAlua nrrr nrrrt nTKM
lllAlua t ItAJSIX nULl I
Coatialtle CoatialtleA
A n aiLLAXn Htfro secretary BeereUrJD < ary aryM
M 3 Wall Street Kew 11 Tort YoFaAlCU Tortriicz Tortriuncis
riuncis LTXDI L HTRTBOM HTRTBOMroaatol RTKTIIOIfh1 T34Ta0Itunsl
roaatol unsl lo the c Dtpottlarr DtpottlarrBCIXUAN D1pellUTP DopesitaryPJIII1iIt
CHI lo C the Commute CommuteA CommuteCapital CII4PrIt CemlltoiAPIIINDIX
4PrIt APIIINDIX X A ACapital ACapital
Capital RtpeadlNim PlpttI Ilto aereotailly aereotaillyM artlr
mad M > fro Jury h I UM M i Drcem DrcembtraiiS9 DecemberJII Decesatt31
btraiiS9 berJII ID iiijmoaooo iiijmoaoooCkart fU 11207000207Chargeable 7000D1IDCbar
Ckart Chargeable eabl ai foBowi foBowiMl followiallo
Ml la iallo To sale of 0 beedt beedtaad boaoIaDd boodsad
aDd securities 1I11t1 WX4n 1IN400DGI 1IN400DGIt 14lft01I O OIM
IM I t To rorrral huh la ttMOMOt ttMOMOtU
U III To net D taralat easniagsIi t f fiht 1proper
iht Ii property t432sx Jta 342307002IZ0G01 OOlID OOlID1U > ra raAH
All Ida III MftyTeer f Cotutml TrIte Gold GoldItondt Goldllond Goldlinde
Itondt of 0 the InicrntiloaAl Traction cpu CompaayretertM cpua Ceanapeayreseried
retertM a for or laiprwameaU have beta told toldI sad aadIi4 sadI
Ii4 I K ifG prGesaa toitt art a tefl Lnt4 IMI H ° 4 la a ubdlvttlua ladl Ul of ofIht etlb
Iht lb above 100 tUteAtai tUteAtaiAddlttoaal sitiThastUdIIloomi a aAddltl
Addlttoaal Addltl caplul tineadltarM IIptDdll for fat years yaanUM n
UM 10 aDd ltd amounUnr lIlIr la tWOIDB U7wa will bo boaecnaarr besetisary
aecnaarr to aittl UaaMpal Msaiel eoaUacIa C acte sad Public Pubutrequlreneata PublteIrlllllo PublicrequlreietOtm
requlreneata requlreneatala Irlllllo IrllllloI
la I view 1 ol peat uprrfteeo and tho III prevent preventrondlUoo prranOCIdltloo preaeetrondltiao
rondlUoo < of 0 Iht III property pro SIll lb normal raplul raplulroqulremeau I IlIIffIII
roqulremeau lIIffIII of till trowln tyittn Int meat III BOW BOWbo A AI nowbe
bo ntfmatod ntlala to b bo ffDffa per annum The Thtlarrtr nIIreer Thelarger
I larger amoaal U7M 2Th00 m at laillraHid 1M by the pro propovsd pmcapital
I povsd capital taI eipeadlMro 1 for ItlO and 114 Jill to todue Ia4u isdus
due 4u in the III fart 10 thai 1 because of 0 the elba of ofthe 0 0CoIItarai ofthe
the < Collateral Troat 1 floods prorldod pc for such turhpurpotea suchpurpeses u1IptIfIIOOd
purpotea tic capital tapeadltarea ulflldlCarsIll for r tb Ion iwnprortdlaf IonpremiSes
sIll yean 1 1W 1 sod in wen en abnomaHy abnomaHyand
and 4 kann harmfully fatty yOct low lowOa lowOo
Oa ttt III balk of 0 ttt III reorf reongaataallcs aaltadoa of 0 tto lb prop properqr PfCIIIrtr proscr2
erqr cr2 aa BOW propotad net taraiat earllleW aa at prrtaat prrtaatwould pmeejwold
would W ladkate a uHataetery mangle 11II over ttt tttamcmal UI tieaitowal
amcmal ateauarr lo pay tie tied charges a of ofn i tte ttereergashid e eraanaatart
raanaatart ewmptay The n aoraul laerrtao 1 1CNIoI lane I ISet a aatt
Set tantaf akevk M mar ibis a inflMteil lo loMtl Ier Ielei I Imeet
meet IM 07 aMhloaal li Sail d rharf charges ea for lone t4oro eapl eapllal r ea3 ea3tel
lei r Ire
DIVIDENDS vpa4m AND IcVTEKCTT 12 J ftmoglfM ITh1DE4DA1D XW p WTEHMT WTEHMTCtrapoas r6TER r6TERCft ITEflEfiTCeupofla
Ctrapoas Cft due d aad payftbio p lo at 1 Ute office ot the theUNITED theUNITED I
8S Cedar StM SI tm New York VorkOn YorkOn
On 9 and nd after July July1st 1st 1910
Acker Merrill Con Condit Jit Co deb July
10 61 61AlexinJrli 0 0Alexandfl 61Alcxandda
AlexinJrli U Public Improve Improvement
mint S SAmerican 5AmmclJI 1 1American <
American Felt Company 5i 5iAfk 5 5Arblltu
Afk Arblltu n aj Oklahoma wetetn R R RCo RCo RCo
Co 81 81Baton tI tIBalOIl 61Baton
Baton Route La Permanent Im Improvement 1mprowment Improvement ¬
provement 44 44Billinp 45B1IInC IsBhllinga
Billinp Montana Funding 61 61BloomfielJ II IIBloomfield 6IlIuomfietJ
Bloomfield N J Fire Department 4i 4 4BuUalo 4sBuffalo 4iBuffalo
Buffalo Creek Railroad Co 2d Si SiCairo 5 5Cllro 5Cairo
Cairo Ga Water Woikj Electric ElectricLlfht EltCtrlcCI ElectricLIht
Llfht 51 51Camiien 5 5Camden
Camden CI Couilt County N N J 7 Building n iidln 4i 4iCanandaigua i iClnandalgua 4 4Cansndslgus
Canandaigua N Y School District DistrictNo DistrictNot
No Not I I ICedrtown 41 41CedartovnGaSchool IsCedartownGsScbol
CedartovnGaSchool Cedrtown Ga Scbol Improvement 61 61Cohorj 0 0Cohoa 6iCohoci
Cohorj N Y Public Improve Improvetnefit
tnefit In InCoIdstaler CIf CIfColdwater U UColdwater
Coldwater Gat Light A Fuel Com Company ComDr Cornpany ¬
pany I 11151 11151Det it Si SiDet
Det Dr Monroe on Tol IShoit Short Line Rway RwayCo
Co Si SiDolKvUle 5 5Dolgtville
DolKvUle N Y 390i 390iDurham 390Durhm
Durham N C School SchoolEuton 4i 4iEajton
Eajton EaitonPskner Palmer Bethlehem St Rway RwayCo
Co 5 5Elbenon 5Elbcrtoo
Elbenon Ga Paving 4t 4tElmlra
Elmira Water Light and Railroad RailroadCo RailroadElyria
Co 5a 5aElyrl 5 5Elyrls
Elyria 0 Water WorKs 4Ki 4KiFrono 4 4Frano
Frono City Water Company Ss SsClisiport 5 5Glusport 5sGlassport
Clisiport PaSchool Pa School District 4Ua 4UaCUitpoft 4sGliasport
CUitpoft < rt Pa Boro ofo 4H HI and 5soNc 5 5GmeboruNCSIict 5s 5sCrwoVbattmNC
CrwoVbattmNC GmeboruNCSIictGriffin oNc SUCCI 4J 4JGrilrin
Griffin Ga Sever Water ft Light 5 SGuayaquil 5Gyqull 5Guayaquil
Guayaquil Quito Railway Co CoJulyy CoI CoiulyZ
I Julyy July Z it itHa 51j SIHawaiI
j Ha HawaiI aii Territory Improvement JV nIdbo 3a 3aIdaho i iIdaho
Idaho Falls Idaho Municipal 5 5InierOcean 5InluOcean SInterOcean
InierOcean Steamship Company i iJenninp 5Jenninfl 5s 5sJennings
Jennings La School 5s 5sKlickitat 5 5Klickilu 5Klicklfat
Klickitat County Wash Funding Os OsLong 6 6Long j jLong
Long Iiland Railroad Co Conioli Coniolidated Conolldlled Coniolidated
dated datedLong i iLone 5Long >
Long Itltnd R R Co N New v Con Conlolidated ConI Consolidittd
lolidated oUdleL08 4i 4iLong 4 4Long
I Long L08 hland nd R R Co North Sho Shore ShoreBranch ShoreBranch
Branch 5i 5iMarquette 3 3Marquette
Marquette arqueue II Bessemer Dock Nay NavCo NIVCo NayCo
Co Deb 5i 5iMont 5
Mont Monuuk uk Extension R R Company RCompnys RCompnysMonlerey 5s 5sMonterey 5 5Monterey
Monterey ft Pacific Grove Ry Com ComP Comliny Cornpatly
P liny ny s sMontgomery
Montgomery N Y Water WlerMonlltrllo 4i 4iMoniicello 4 4Monticello
Moniicello Ga Water Works WorkJMonale 5 5Moimale 3Monnale
Moimale N J Road RodMuu1 5i 5iMutual S SMutual
Mutual Life Insurance Company 5
arcllu fHroaIw Broadway A net 51 Modern c4 Saf Deposit and nd Slort SlortCoupons
1 11Ih 1 51 a su Ave aul auiu at 1 All OUkct OUkctCoupons OlficeeCoupons
Coupons Duo and Payable at atThe atThe atThe
The Trust Company of America
3743 WALL STREET NEW N W YORK YORKOn YOR1tOnandaftorjuly
II On Onandaftorjuly and after July lot 1910
American uraD lI htenn Marble Co 0 lat a aAtliBtk lit litAUatIc s sAtlantic
Atlantic Avenue pHe Railroad Co C Imp ImpAtlanlct i iAtlantic 3Atlantic
Atlantic A Danvllt lUllway nan Co 0 2nd 4 4Docota I1Jo0I1 4Ziogota
Docota CUT Cll Railway Rail Co l let t tHroadwar It ItHrOlld CoHroidway
Hroadwar HrOlld t Newport ewpoct Unite Co i ilIufTalo a aItlffalo IslItaffalo
lIufTalo llrewlag Co let letniilTalo I IItlllTaloa st Is IsfllTaIo
niilTalo A Lockport hallway nail Co 0 lat latCIr I ICe 3 3Cedar
Ce CIr lar Itlrer Water lilff Supply Fund IDII war warrente warrants u uraAII
rants renteCballanooga raAIIL1tanonr rantsChattanoogafronA
Cballanooga ChattanoogafronA Iron Imnt A Coal Coalo < V 0 lat I Inhallll fa faCbetialU isitehails
CbetialU County ounl Washington S D IJl1U1I 1 5 A AUllr 1thorn
Ullr l1U1I thorn iu Water Supply plllr Oo 0 of 0 Scrtown Scrtownjnd
jnd 11I1 11I1nak it itClarke A Aflirt
Clarke Vxmlr OOI I Wa Washington hlngtnn Funding FundingClarke FIltllInOarkr FunilingClarkeeounly
Clarke Clarkeeounly Countr QUnl Wash b rVhool HhooiiIit Phi No Non1umulIs o oIuml I IColtimlila
Coltimlila Iuml < Waah h Town of Water WaterCvnfiNtlooeni WlerClIflIt1C1 WaterConfertlooens
CvnfiNtlooeni Mf Mfg Companr ompaaatCMrl1ru tat I IConnecticut 3 3otnnertkut
Connecticut Power ro r Compunr omnr lat Sa Satar anllWul SsonnmIIcutRtflweye
nllWul onnmIIcutRtflweye RaUwAt tar A lighting Co Flint FlintCnnaolldalexl FlnlD FInesni
D sni lllafu Heturadina 11u 4S 4SCncooiidatod h hCN
Cnnaolldalexl CN liIdaIhUIl < Ughllng Co fl F ia iatonaolldate 1aOIIlIOlId1 3Consolidated
Consolidated < taUt < l i iCornlntiCaai 10 lowr to II IImlnc In InnInflaa
CornlntiCaai mlnc nInflaa nt 1 1DawMHi ElKtr1e Co Ce31istn lot lotIIIIOJI 34 34lawmm
DawMHi Railway Ratl Jk Coal Co tat It 4 CulL to Jotto 34Dr toDf
Df to Moines lnI ll Iowa Fall Ji Northern Ry RyIV R flylit
IV 0 > lit 111 111f Si SiDeveiopmenl StDevelopment
Development f Co of Amities mer Coll oil Tr U UEtt lart IaEast
East Al HId > b Bee Ily II Cu of Kanaia City CityIM 11 11Ula thyItort
IM Ula UlaF4 S SFJ
FJ Iaxu 4 > Rot IslaM R R Co IM St 14U 34U StlJIauliUonl
lJIauliUonl U law Union PlIrar > a ngrI Zepot > erMX < to > j i late later ts i iKrtet a aVrko
Krtet r lUnuf ltanucrlurinc > ytunng A Iower Co 11 I st it itFrontierTelpooa JafVIIU 34Frontinlelsphunelornpinl
FrontierTelpooa Frontinlelsphunelornpinl fVIIU TIpbuae Company lali lalitltobe 11 1134Glob Ie IeUlobe
Glob Navigation t1tlon Company Ut atlIudooD M MHudson 5aIIuton
Hudson Xavlgallon Co Debenture DcobcolUurelIultun te teMutton 3IiuttoaCompaoI
Mutton IiuttoaCompaoI Companr Tbe lat lUiakt lUiaktIndlanapolla J 35b IQoIII IQoIIIjDd1ana1K 10MIndianapolis
Indianapolis > 11a No Traction CVt lat a ainiernailocjU a anltnlallocW 34lniornmilooaS
iniernailocjU jDd1ana1K AcVaoa Graphite Co lat latlIileroreanTeiephooATekg III1I1er Isla IslalnlerOriaflTviPhOhTIet
lIileroreanTeiephooATekg 1I1er TpbOllfl T Co Ittl Ittllabell lei I II
labell I Porter Pm Co CoK Coo oon I IKing Ss SsKing
King K County W WstIl JIb hf I f ltoMne ltoMneKing I 201 teII teIIK III IIIKing
King K County WaAhlnnon Coiirt 00lft HoiiitKlltTtaaCoontr Hoiiit IneaeeKIttItaaCuonh 01 01KIlt
KlltTtaaCoontr KIlt IUoc1 t1r Waahlngton Funding KuntlngI
I JA 1405 < owe Manufaiurln ManufattuningCuenmny Iaau lurtnc Comi ComlAr < anr lal lalHallway hiJoLuoo at Ss SsMann
Mann Hallway A Ugbt Company Ul UllsU > AlII1aUaal 3iflnat33aCo
iflnat33aCo lII1aUaal lsU > Utn1 ln I ISlet laU laUt 2334htmthae tstMlemttlikt
lemttlikt t lIlU MarenotiCc areboll Loapany npaiir tat I I a alartdea s1eridPO
MrWn lartdea Soulhtngton A orapounc ornpouneTram ornpouneTramwar Tram Tramway TmCom ¬ I
way Company Com rllt rlltIwunllie lal lalMlUedgevllIe I it 34 34Mhl1dgtIlle
MlUedgevllIe Mfg to 0 Cord r Ni NiMlloauk t tMUwaukea taaukM
MUwaukea Iwunllie time Companr CompanrMonuomery clI ompanj NtJ > 3AIOIIlComr 34Montgomery
Montgomery Malvtnia Anla City CityMontogmerr at 0 0oalol1JlilrT of of1otoginer1
Montogmerr IOIIlComr lintel Companr l tet l S SNawau Sol SolNu iaNaaaau
Nawau Eortrlc ft R Co 11 Con ona 4 4Nazareth 4g 4gNazareth a aSUfth
Nazareth Cement Co 0 7 Ul att 15 U UNeu 34Keu
Neu t fUM River Mill 11 lat Vt
Burlington Missouri River RiverRailroad RiverRailroad RiverRailroad
Railroad Company in Nebraska NebraskaConsolidated NebraskaConsolidated NebraskaConsolidated
Consolidated Mortgage MortgageSix
Six Per Cent Bonds BondsDUE BondsDUE BondsfilE
DUE JULY lUL Y 11918 1 1 1918 I
WOTICE KOTICEftIIIrIIIMYGIVYNThAF ISrirRfBY lii trftrBYGth CUKVTMAria iir I II purrs purtuaar pU I ITruI Isore
sore al a Treat 1Tu Mortgage Wor Deed eiaculad i Ie I Th ThNew na naEataad TheNew
New Eagtaad Tress Coai omosy > aay Trustee TlllliMl by b K KBtrttagUn c1IvtII lbs lbsflorhlagten
BtrttagUn 1IvtII e II atlaaoaii Hlver er Railroad Comnaay nmpaayis IIaD IIaDIII
in Neoraaka lC r dated d Julr J Jill IIITa 1IfJ U follewta follewtaCwaaelldal 1 1Id
0 Cwaaelldal Id IdJ MarUajge ntsge Iliad dM 4 Jaly JalyI
I fia ot said KaUroad Compaay omppoy aoauwj mut bY bYsobi y yaald
aald J Pont ot Trual bats bees drawn maw ler er aj ajnteat
meat vtz vtzIv 02 02Iwe 11 I
Iv 1 Iwe a Uaatfrd U aM aa4ThIvt74we Tbrrtrlw nlrtY MB tilllaIIW 344
100 Kara 1Ea Xaatbern embOlilIa 1I 1I1Z
12 1Z TU 70 IIM 2i flM > me kt tot rm ai MI MIlit lit litIN a aIll
lit TOT tat nil Mil 231 I 4l toM ana anain IJI1M 0723I7
in I7 ala < i tut I 2i7i II 2113 u uu nIl MI IMI1m sa saflu MItit
flu we 2537 4 77 343 = = na v vZ75
tit ten till 1m 231 > am 3783 u 4071 tau tauau 5533Ml
au Wl IUI 3i g r 210 > l = W4 rI eil eilui l l3M
= ld ldIta
ui m IIM sti not u Ilta esa M loot taini
Ita i m 57 n nw ill Ml 23 TIX MM 40M 7 IOM4 IOM4lot 1011434t
34t > lot 1004 ills KM nw ww nor leur leurim 10141M
1M im i l7lt > 2t ttw n nu i ai ua iAM2 iAM2i t012III
III 11 i 1C4J tt4 291 IMT teN 4IM II toes IOU4i I
111 i no ITU i t M tun ITI II 417 ita f inxu inxuIIM 1011Isa
sa 35 IIM 111 IIM n ZMI v 3t I mt hiS KiM inwtMI 1 KiMAOl
MI ma tII im ua aJ n If1 TII uu IOMI IOMIill 111I11all
ill 12 UM 113 urn 2nr 7 2331 > M ITM t 4304 4 lone loratU2 loneW
U2 1140 IMI 210 nit no 37 43M IOMI IOMIUl l lIZ
Ul IZ IKI latS ZU2 23 XW Mil wn IK 110roM > J JUlt
roM usa IITl a lito lOt i4 < Ml III 4UT 111041 111041am 11101un 11104S35
am ini im 2411 KM JMT ai lIti a1 iuio iuioiia III IIIti tiztND
iia IBM irs 2UT 363 i taw Ja2 Ills UnaaM
ti I 1m = m mIt
aM IK 305 im 24a 4 lilt attrj IMM li liait
ait 5 lit It laiN law I DIM 4 nil UM t rso II tie III1MI tieC3 M MA
C3 A > lilt I IMI SUU 33 in Nil tEl 1 IIUI IIUIT
T 72 ma a DJ > lae r JIM MM tt HIM II IIm hisT2t
7 m > i IMI ami tlS 141 ti itu IU aa4 MM libi libiTit lUlII 1hZ
Tit IHI I p574 M M MM JBM 1r7 zn It ItI llU t f fTM
TM IVU I MM 2B4 4i aae a i > Mat i TIT llltl llltlTH
TH lux 2tia ZIt an M JXIt w lUll rtw e5 IIn rt
19 0 1143 flit J an n M1 tOM a Adl U lUll tutAad lUllM 11123Lad
Lad < rartyli 4O u stead > 4i > aeo 5mgas Kiaut lUllI I
Xaatb Ttl TtlM
M 14 m Mt 514 ta no mi mia NIIII I Ia I
a III tit an m MI ui ses M tu tuM itaIt
M 4 90 CI6r t 441 Mt M DOS IM 33 IMt IMttat 117lot
tat n 2N5 lit u4 tea m lit H UM UMm zuaI 2334Is
m I r m t3 47 HI we t 542 < i IUO me meIM
IM UI 441 MT Ma IU in inTke n nn PMThe
The hood Wring r Oa atava mbo W BTmttn a1latanpal4 trflU trflUpaid w wpaId
paid al tb the offic 0 ef r Oe 11II aadrralned Ddnc IM Dvoa Dvoatbta DnoaIIf Div Divshtt
tbta Strmt II Dottaa Mom a on tka 11 rim rlras Day at
July 110 wilt aemd OIl Utenal la Chi dtt dttafter di diafter
after which = = dat ate biter latenesS is said al r boaitwul boaitwuleoa heidi dm dmr w wIa I
eoa = la cooforailry r wa > tk Iii atnta ef 1 Iii Trust TrtulIN Trust1k 1 1wc
wc wcTift
IN 1k NtwEHflaMdTrMStCMpMy NtwEHflaMdTrMStCMpMyBr Hn ElllaIMI EIa d TrlsICy TrestCpay7RV23T I
TRUIiTur TRUIiTurR g gDy
Br T TI R mUTNEY wtlJ1IfcfIf Pnaktaai PnaktaaiatlM vteLPesiss
atlM Vase If J rll a 14 WJa 23
Mutuil Terminal Co of BufUlo N Y Ylit yht YIsr
lit 4 4NewYork h hNew 4sNevYork >
NewYork New York nay Extension RallwyCoSi RallwyCoSiNew
New Bern Gas Co ot N C Co Si SiNorth 5 5North
North Spring Lake N J 1 Water Si SiNorthern 5 5Nobcm 5Northern
Northern Indiana Railway Co Com ComUf ConiI Conslit
Uf I u 5i 5iNorwalk 5 5Norwalk 52NorwalkCorn
Norwalk NorwalkCorn Colin Refunding ft Sewer SewnOllts Scwcr4s Scwcr4sOskaIooa 4i 4iOikaloota
Oikaloota Ollts a Traction ar Light Com Company Comny Cornsny
pany ny Si SiPacific 5 5PICiriC 5Pacific
Pacific Telephone Telegraph Co CoJuly CoJuly CoJuly
July 2 S SPelham 5Pelhm
Pelham Ga School Si SiPelham 5 5r1ham
Pelham Ga Public Improvement Si SiPeniacola 5 5Penllcola 51Pensacola
Peniacola Fit Improvement 4H 4HPeniacoU 4HPensacoa 4spenhicoi1s
PeniacoU Pit PI Special Improve Improvement
ment mentPhlllpsburgh 81 81Philipsburgh O OPhlllpsburlh
Philipsburgh Mont Water WaterPittsburgh 6s 6sIPlttiburch Cist
Pittsburgh t Sc Fairmont Fuel Com Comj Cornht
1 psny ht htPcrIpnd st 5 5Portland 5PrId
Portland Gas Coke Co Si Sij 5 5II 5ron
j II Port Vue P Pa Funding 4 Hi HiRichllnd 1 1I
I Richland Ga Uatcr Works Elec ElecLt ElecLt ElecLt
Lt Si SiRichmond 5 5Rlcbmond 5Rkhmond
Richmond Va Ser I 4i 4iSchool 4 4Scbool 4sSchoolCity
School SchoolCity City Fort Wayne Ind 3U 3USionin 3 3SlonlngonConn5chool 33s 33sStonlngtonConnSchool
Sionin SlonlngonConn5chool onConn3 hoolDtitNol8 DlstNoIS DlstNoISSolh 4i 4iSouth 4sSllih
South Grant N J Sewer 4i 4iSouth I ISoulh 41South
South Porto RicoSugarCo Rico SugarCo July311ISquaorCruk July31 July311I JuIy3I6sSqutCrcek 81 81SquavCrcek
SquavCrcek Drainage DnainageDlstnlct District No lfii lfiiStockton USlockon 16Stockton
Stockton Gas a Eke Corporation 61 61Hulllvan CisSullivan 6iiulIivsn
Hulllvan Water Company lit 61 61ityracuie 0 01fIcuse 61ynacuse
ityracuie ynacuse N Y School SchoolHi 3 HI Vinous variouiothen Vinousolben
othen othenTampa olbenTmpa 0112311Tampa
Tampa Fla Fl Refunding < Si SiTclfttr 5 5Tellalr
Tclfttr County Ga G Court House Si SiToledo 5 5Toledo 5Toledo
Toledo Ohio Refunding 4s 4 a various variousothers variousolben virioulothers
others othersToronto olben70ronlo othersToronto
Toronto Canada Local Improve Improvement ¬
ment mentU 4ro
11 I US U S Mon ort Br TrUst Co Co Series K KU 4s 4sU 4sU
U S Mort 4 Trust Co Series SerleiOlL ° L 4i 4iWater IiI
I Water Light Power PoverCo Co of Hot Spgs SpgiISO SpgsI SpgsSD
ISO SD Ss SsWater 5 5iWiter
Water I V1 i Works Company mpan San An Antonio A Aten Antonlo
tonio ten 0 5s 5sWesterly 5sWnterly 5 5Weateriy
Westerly R I Refunding 4s 4sWeit 4 4West 4sWeit
Weit Indianapolis Funding due July JulyI
6 Bs BsWeit II IIWest
I West ct 6ct Orange N J Educational 5s 5sWitkes 5 5I
I Wilkes Rune Pa City Improve Improvement
I Ingot 4s 4sWilmington 4 4Wllmlnlfon 4Wilmington
Wilmington N C Refunding 4s 4sWoodlawn 4 4sI i
I Woodlawn Cemetery Co of Md MdI MdJuly
1 I July 15 < 11Yellowuone s sYellowstone
Yellowstone Co Mont School Dist DistNo DiuNo DktNo
No 2 4 H HYonmlte HI HIYoiemite 4I 4IYotemife
Yoiemite Valley R r R Co Si Sii s sZenith 5I
I i Zenith Steamship Company July IS 155 5s
i Xw London IJu a ai i 1 Uewlc fo ut 1 1I
I Cons CnIS la laXV I II
IS I XV New Irk York ork Butehe l road > Meat Co CoItl
Itl lstNiagara W WVUiara 110S
Niagara S r Fall no 0 A CW Co lat 11orf t tNorfolk Sm SmNorfolk
Norfolk orf lk WaraliouM Aoaoelatlon lat latNorfolk I ISlIrrlllt > 34Norfolk
Norfolk Wh Warrhxtn corp rp Cons on onOil Sa SaOil t tUll
Oil t tlly lt by > Boiler Woke ut II IIlnIUmUo letPnumLlo a afnramallo
fnramallo Transit T II Company lat I i iIVrt iIott 3Port
Port TOWMMHI < J Waahlnalon n I lie of
Municipal MunicipalPulHiahtrV olunltlpllutHillIn IunIelpaiFuLtlisbrs
PulHiahtrV Pstr P p lIr r Company lit t tJutocy fA fAIlllln cQuincy
Quincy Illlln llanche Ianeher er Sarieot sr Co t l 111 111lInrl l t tl Cs Csiloek
lInrl l 111I llanlErico landFrl 10 < co Terminal Hallway lIall
HHipany 14 U USobnUrre eI 3mPirbotarfe
SobnUrre nlarte Light A 1 Power 10 Company omln l I1Ito11I let t bt btYlaahlneion S SI4ettle
1Ito11I Wb lIly OA of I11nJ11 fJ 14gm 14gmAtIi b
I AtIi u Ylaahlneion dtr II of 0 citr l City Jail Jaillat Jailln4 ail ailifo
ifo ln4 < eIIe U A Wrlt > 0 ° iii IIM > to toI 4o1st >
lat it Ii IipOksne
I Kpokane Wash CMy Cl4 of Water Work WorkI ork ork1IIIIUkR
I ripukaA Wa Whlnllon hlnrton City Iir of 0 WAter
Woks a4dUi addlcI11 Dal and Urnaton ellenslunpokan
I HII M pokan Lr ID W ah CKy ctt of 0 Ikldn
tkR tmpnt nlr Whlnrou School hool
IIIUI tlIarI1s NI 3 and nd ii iitand41l I Itllan
tllan tand41l M tu A Electric Co of ofSietllnir 0 Raleigh
S I 11 IotA IotAS4lin t tIIIIIB
Sietllnir IIIIIB l 1lIn reln JL FlnUhlnir To lat it s sI
SI Stealenrll3 I1I1o > lltoco Jk Ohll OhIO VahVy 10 Tnie TnieKvraniw
I II tKtnIo < n tu 11i loll lollSyreetaw
Kvraniw Light A 1 Power Co Coital Collalerat CollaleratTarnm er r rTaeoma
34 34Tacoma
Tacoma Waah uh lily nc or BrWrn Brl l
1 11 aroma W wh aah Ctr Ur of bcbl 1 anti aDIIt Power
Ta T Ticotna m m W WI ali City nt of I OrIDa OrIDaI > ralna
I 1 lanueravHU Sater ater Ie Cownany Allr lat I I II In
I T Trallfld IMrM Power Company Companr III it 34
Trader Piper Bo JIoanJ nf I Vmnauy 14HR > ur ut totlolnnTrsetinn A AI 110
I I BlonTrartlnn tloan TrIn Co CoKJ of oflndtoflsn1 lIl1n IAJ s
I Inited nil I hoc hearth vruI k Paper
KJ ii01 llltlllnJ OfI5II5n
lfll III 34 34I
I I ulieU 011 d Slates KI FlnlahlBc Co o Con one ta taWalla 1 1Walla IWalls
Walla WalU Waah blll City lty of ofJlLY hly 11 II lull
W9iCrn i sW York a of1 Knziriyanta olUulaala
1rllon Co 0 III Sa SaWhrom 34Whatrom
I Whrom lollnl otanty 3TI4singfon klncrn Funding Iodlnr
Wbillnu County Wali b h n f o I II iJLIT
JlLY oil 211 211Rarlnc 21 1U10 1U10lIarln 1USDRatIn
Rarlnc Raa 0 llsht Co Cons ContWhaJconi ConaI is isWhiZLOfl
I WhaJconi la1lOnll County COunt Waah S U IiJtL i iJl IIt
Jl JtL LI ISTII SOlo lOKtCle SOloCl 011 011I
Cle CI Elum Waahlnalon Town To of ofHun ofttunt orhlunor
I Hun ttunt l r Brot Paper Company Com pan ut IIItnllNi 5 5titltt 4
tnllNi loller1 floK Ia Iloed 1 Paper Company
j 5cc first N rt21P 51Tur Gof SU SUoIlc Blads BladsII
oIlc II I Ic bivty y lie 1 that r sup 1 7
dot Jal Jnly 11 1110 Plo C Ike 3 fin 1or Mortgage
IIIYrer I Gold fleets d or the Iorlol Port of Iira r sill Ift ie
I 11 t cm 04 alt Uo Ib tht da dais Ie Jw Yrk yn a Ii
Empire Tn1 Cmpay T
louaC Coepoasmustpey liree a Ipard rornlII
ta1Jor JIm prellous 10 J911 betworn 1M boon
r II I A iI and Z r sr udr
flail flailIatol UaU Usdag forma eu bt oDWnid obtaIned ueopeo1 frolf from ttt th aU aUUaiad
Uaiad lIae4 Oil nib day d of Jon Itio Itior III 2511For
ro For r IfJRT PORT fir PARt
IL U CHI CtilPp PH ilerrctarr rr
Director alleellao to Ut lb above bo aotlr 0tIN u utu a
toIIpea referred to 5100
rtstatJoa < and tu 11
reodn thereof olU IU be paid br b E Empire Trail TrailII
II t M fKltOlt Secretary SecretaryWANTED
mnetarr mnetarrWANTED rr rrWANTED
WANTED WANTEDrMrrctTalepbooeronamjoo WANTEDOIrle
rMrrctTalepbooeronamjoo DIrect T Telephone oa ennorctlos tIoa TbaladttMadeni nla Tb
Telephone TIrp vo Company mpa mpareel Bur UID Burlogion a oa N jTiSSi J deelr delrss
Wed reel raneeeUoVa raneeeUoVavo raneeeUoVaINVESTORS frota 3tUagt to N 3
j = I
lIrhict Pa with lsdepadenl c Compao ja
YAAWIS 101 PeasayIvsnls 1 Thor I a ra 1Ir 0hi 1
fw I lidopendont = OO Telophcea O VOmpals us Duck
and adolnig touaisea Ui IonoyIso r and
dIrect Ion luor SI dtuance Id Isdeprodent omcects 01
ready u waldo 11 010 II bu4ei to I earbange UIUI Ad
dr1L dec It W IIYTIIE l3lYT1fE Pint I Sloan a10 Prod
TheWallSfrletdourftl1 TheWallSfrletdourftl1e Stra9tJaurnI Stra9tJaurnIDAIL
DAK DAKtfta 3XDtY ryYINo ryYINoA
A ee41mae for t23 fl flan23
I an23 iThetas4 1J5 j te teNO
tfta WI ryyA IIItF rrioMi 1M 1MI MtaraM MtaraMMO
MO 0 tornu HUME hI6E rtw n
I Executor TruJte Thieirtered
r II fttrfered 1822 1822The 182The 1822The
The Farmers loan and Trust Company CompanyI
Noa 161820 16 181 20 22 William Street StreetBranch StreetI
I Branoh Office 475 Fifth Avenue AvenueNew AvenueNew AvenueNew
New York YorkTravelers YorkI YorkWJDON
I LOnoN 1ft t tBt Within PARle ais U BJullnrd Ja JaTravelen U UTravele
Travelers Letters of Credit Foreign Exchange ExchangeAdministrator ExchangeAdminhtrator ExchangeAdmini3trator
Administrator Guardian GuardianAMD
Bat lag I IagIhmaks Uaaka I sIa sIaEmigrant AaIagaflasks AaIagaflasksEmigrant Satlaga Uaaka UaakaEmigrant
Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank
61 Chamber St Now York YorkThe YorkThe YorkThe
The Board of Tnutcei TfUlltcellULI haa declared a oemiantmal dividend at the raft > of otFOUR ofi
I POT annum on all deposits entitled thereto theretoDEPOSITS theretoI theretoDE15Oifl4
1roHldent Comptroller
f I4 4 43 lit MORTGAGE 601E1R GOLD BOOS BOIOSNailer BONDSeth
I Nailer 0 eth It hereby Y itlrea If that b C Cnapnn oapn N Nflue 2 2rlue 2lue
flue July J lr ut hI I ItlO IO un th the 4 H rt Ithl i Uerifme Uerifmenotear Worl5 Worl507Veir C
notear Gold 00 Itoodi ul t LIe Krafll HaUway HaUrwilt lulu lulut I urn urnPenn
t Penn > nr will lx paid 10 on and after that III date s la IatIIo New Newl 7Wherk
l herk rk it the Lb Kmplre rI Tr Tn Trvt t Cnmptay Cnmptayoupuna C lnmpiyCoupon > 1 1p
Coupon oupuna p mutt m b be kit three r clear days n for IMII IMIII rum eiamInalloa rumIItIIIUO
Inalloa nretlout to uiyihmt tMte1 hotCc the boAts kounof boAtsUIIOAMaod
of UIIOAMaod ID I A U r aad IP ptd M Jrr saturIayrrrptcdI saturIayrrrptcdIUstlog Oatunlayt I eteenlnll eteenlnllU PS PSUIIID
U UIIID Ustlog > Uii form r can be obtained from tkt lb aU saidbank > aUbaaa Id Idi
i baaa baaaUilnl bankPslnd
Uilnl this nth day d of 0 lUll tna tnaFor 1t141For IlidFor
nODNTY nou 1 II I CHllP TIc MtretarylUfrrrlnf tie TIcRdmlll tstayRmfeiytng
lUfrrrlnf la tht 11 above roUte Utt upon prrwata prrwatatun
tun anti aunender urrM or 011I1 tae routines rou relerrn errs tu UHI UHIumewtHbopaUbyEmpIr hosamewihIbepaldbyEmplr
I umewtHbopaUbyEmpIr IN be paid 1 Emplr Tr Treat t Nimpinr pn al alIUpr1nrli atI 1 1I
I IUpr1nrli Ita ItaprtirtpaiumceXo I1RrlpaJ > aJonreo Cmoavay e 42hsruiwsySewYorkttT 42hsruiwsySewYorkttTIt MevYomrtty MevYomrttyIt yOIllI yOIllII
It U lillVtill lillVtillINtKIIMATIONAI rrtarJ rrtarJl hcmretazytIEIt4ATt0tAl
A dividend dhlol of 0 oat DII ODd onehalf ball I cr r rent no nothe n Ntrnod ntt
I tt the pwftrml rnod WIt for the lIt quarter < r year ar railni railniJuat eollaJUlIe en1IgJust
JUlIe iota ma will IU bt b pld Aututt lit IBIO 1810lb tu tuIht toth
Iht lb holders bolole of record at t tht lb rto mini e of btoloeaa btoloeaaJuly bl builnesaJuly laeaa
J July Uth ina sod a dlvljead of oat per rent rentand ren rennd rentsand
sand and nd aa eitra one eDIb1f half of one per rent oo the thecommon IbeI
I common abel k will be paid epiembr < pI < I lit IVIO IVIOlo IVIcli
lo cli Iht boMm bo lrn of record al 1 the clone r of buataeai buataeaiAuruit 1Kaa 1KaaAurUlI boatomsAugust
August Um Ittf Tht n preferred stock io k transfer tranilerj luolbooh
j booka will fli h be rloaed al 1 3 H M ily 1 ttti 1910 1910and UIII 1510and
I < and remain mta rioted until 10 A U < iu zist t 3d itia itiaaal litOlie lPI0ant
ant lie lb common stock tranafer beoka will ba baefoaert tieeI bechessI
efoaert al 1 1 P U August I3U IIHi and 111 remain rtnalarioted rrmatodoo4 remainclosed
rioted untIl uaallO 19 A U Vplember Ibf U IMO IMOJAUC8 1110lAWY1i tOOIAUY8
JAUC8 L I ASHLKY A HLllY Truiurtr TruiurtrNew TIIIftI
New S ew York Iso ee Jut Jutr JI ItlO ItlOI 1530lItTlt6
lItTlt6 I NATIONAL KxriiANCK EXM 14CR HANK HANKNew tlA 11511rw K
New 0 rw lorti orU Jan Jttt 111 IKK IKKTkt 1110I 1510Tb
r Tkt 1J1r Tb IB IBavar lio Ilomrd rd of tiJlJ Mreeiora bt Is Ula hi day drriaied a auarteny aQuarterly
avar avarthec Quarterly dUUenit of Two Per i I Cesium MI mm a apIIDC1r ir I > on onheeaplulttorkof onlit
I thec lit heeaplulttorkof pIIDC1r 01111 of thIs lunlt ¼ payable Ubi MI July III litTuairtr i
I IBM 10 10I
I 1530Transfer Transfer toot t will III reseat tn closed 1 tram Juno I IU Juaaut
I 21st ut U l ICr1O 1510 4 to July II 1910 InrtiMlte InrtiMlteI Ir IrI lpetulutItAliIfl
I IIAHHY r WIff AHD 7tkfrho iaihler iaihlerTHE laIlf laIlfTilE
THE ASSO ssocnu IATiit HHItf mlu1C II4M II4Mllotieliea < U 45hiubekes
llotieliea 11 N J Jon J 3Wi lute 1M4i
I i A rrrular quarterlt dltljeiid of one < e nod one onequvler 011 011qwr onquarter
quarter per perereL r real Io < i i aaj aa 0 lIno1 ailitno i iimrlerl iimr I IAlhldOtd
I lerl terir > ilUldead of one quarter of une u per real realon realWI 1 1n
on the lint n freferred steel te k alNl jo oa a rirularquar rirularquartrrtr rftalar rola 10 10Irlr 1Sear 1Seartent <
tent dividend dIY S nf IMC it 0 aid one on half f per rent rentIlV centI 1 1I
I I IlV I lAd aa additional ldl luarttrly 1j Or1Y dlvldnd oIh ot ottae 01OoIqI ofkarqMIlr
tae OoIqI quarter nf our Os iier 1 rout Fi t ua the III rmad < Ire Irerrrrl I Iferni
rrrrl 1 stock will be b itaM 11 I Jut lila t lII l tOtS lu lunuUerm lunuUermof In 110101 110101I holdrroof
I of tte IA tTeferml ifcxVt of of t tail iloilo mniMay nr re reoM rptri
oM at 1 the lb tine of txi lonloes loei fliundal rbllhll July JI 7Ui 7UiIKWIS 1
lb 110
IKWIS YoU Seerelar SeerelarTIIK 5rlrflArTilE Serretr1u1I3
IU Hroad I1roo1r at Juae J th 1ll luwi luwiTbt IV1I9n 1510Tb
Tbt Board of Directors IMtf bat It IMa lay d deelarM drolarmiOllertenly i iourwtly
ourwtly 1 dUtdead dlt ot OM U E AND A O IXC ClX o MAIr AU AUPC
PIth PC CrNT Itl 1 paya parable alHr ie July Unit 2lta1 two 1010kltolot to tottnekkoMera tosinckboMn
ttnekkoMera kltolot of rrrord at 1 the lb loot of o buelnrtM buelnrtMJuly bulrrsJuly 1 1JK
July tun IM IMTne liiiThe
The lraa transfer fer hook will III ant 1101nHU rk tIne tInekeel e eflrck
flrck keel ler rtlthlend will 111 be I mallH to stock ttorkhetdert stockIoidrrs orlIIOW <
hetdert IIOW at 1 the addresses tail I furahked lo the Ib theTransfer
Traatferllfflrc TraatferllfflrcC Transfer 1l1Ike 1l1IkeC
C II C1IAITRK Vrretarr VrretarrCoupon Lof1 Lof1Kf
Coupon 057 00S Kf due Jaly f1 I I 1510 IO im llllt te faMuwtaig bond bondaCKITKtl bondI11rItIt
CKITKtl Or IJIillttlilA j ii IA UAIIWATi ICA IIWA 1 S Ill IllMobile
Mobile It nivltloa DiY FIrst Mice MiceMartin 111g511r0 1 1lit
I Martin lit I o IMv UI Flrtl rlr1IIldl tllgr tllgrMlditle sut sutMidair
Midair II CIa I Allaatle lib IllrHraa libat Ill Ill4ttras
Hraa < Sle lmlnhlp mklp at fa a ahaIhoaana I IJ I ICItalUaaoKa
CItalUaaoKa Item A ft It II il Itt h Mlge Mlgevrlll 3451will
vrlll J t paM 1r on and 1 afer Jul > 1 I 1340 H 1 at Me wmce wmceol flee fleeof
ol iti the liuaranty Trust Co 0 of X 1 V St X s sIII Nasa Nasa14l = au auMl
Ml V 1 V
W C MItt SCTW Treasurer Trejturernr Tr TreasurerItRli0CAHltllt urt urtrFRHOCARUIIF
MFSIIO MFSIIOlalleaal ttEZllt4aIIaat
lalleaal 111 Kallwart 011s af f Metlrot Metlrotrourxxia IrtI IrtIr Joleeaersartoes I IWCII
rourxxia 0 due July t IMn form the 11 Prior r l LIen LIenMonigeg > n nMorttar
Morttar 4t tlt lM loki < i Bondt of I hit Compaay will willho 11 11iC I
ho I paid on aid afvr that ilateunon tint tanon pretest breteaulloe pretesttlu
lloe tlu iC al JIO lb the otr of r the ompant Oois4se 11
He se at 3 IIIIOII Jtr New w tort 1 CUT lU lUu I
r I u t SOITIIKH A Assistant iIan ftl I Trea T Treasurer TreasurerJutti au auUDe urer urerJune
June UDe 141010 141010nin U 1010 1010TIll 1010un
TIll roinTii NATIOMAI HANK n K or TIfF
New X ew York orll Jon a 1 IDIO IDIOQ 1310171e M
Tfir IVwpI of DIrectors hat this 1 dar declared a aquarterly arouurtv
dI dIeror eror
j IlE IlEfr
quarterly Q dlrMeal of TWO frti CKNT fret fretfrom frisfront
from m Ua ml payable rble on 0 and after sftrJuIy Julr J lit protlroo protlrooTfca proslmTII
The TII transfer aDIf books no will 111 rlott ri BI at 1 P M Ibis
dale d rtonmlnr July lit Ida IdaII 1511CtltIfl1Z1
rn CtltIfl1Z1 II lIta IATTCItaOX lErmf Caahltr Caahltrllti CashIeriw
New N Tort Juat Utn IIII IIIInr illS ta taTt
Tt nr 1 noard of 0 Pirerton Olr have II today t dtelarav dtelarava wi wiaull
a aemlaaaual aull dividend dh of thlrlooa 101 flu pw plCtlftL plCtlftLZ teaL renurrat teaLIra
Z Ira Cf f tax payable July 11 lak li Illtt lo ilockttoMtn ilockttoMtnof DoI4 DoI4nil
of record or r tale data dataTbi dateTb
nil Iranafer books win remain remallltlooAulIlI rlmM until
J laIr Solyal ir u ino ur u nrvvrr n vvrr ambler Iller
New ew w York Juat Ju ttiit IfM IfMA IJMIA
A qttarterlr dlrldend dITd of Two per real ni niwin ESwill
win be pM JI 1 July JUI Sib 1IX > to holders 1Io1d at I ICOfRlII the IheCamauw theCommon
Common Mmrk af this rompaar ef reroM al 1 the therlott III IIItlotl theloss
loss ot buatarM bUllA Tbundiy nrJ romJ rtJIIJlb July lib l 1510 1510II w wt
A dIvidend oil of Stilt tI r HAIJ HoFr ol OVK N IKH CKVT CKVTno
no Ut lreferrad Inl Itork 1 hat b been derlarrd Iar payable payableJulr paf able ableJuly
July lu Hla b IBM lo 0 Prefrrreil I fltorhbeklrrs llortbolderiTo Wen PTall PTalllu 0 of ree reenrd reenrcUII teened
ned nrcUII it the > te e of 06 healer IP J r I U July lIt < a IIM IIMTraaaferboo IIMITrltI 150Transfer
Traaaferboo Transfer boo HU remain open o wn rhrrlt bred milled milledK
re K nTlYDr W tlYDF Secretary SecretaryHI SecretsryfltLiIa
HI fltLiIa Laala lUeky lIaekyUauuIah lloanlata f facile racl Ie Co CoNnnrf c CstuRrAcr
Nnnrf Nnnrf1VTCRMT
1VTCRMT 1 niK flrEJuly July i1tl I I iiil lo I on IM Shim iliarlnllCorce Cawiivaari CawiivaarimMorwareH empseys empseysrrslMort4agehflne4wjlisI
mMorwareH rrslMort4agehflne4wjlisI IIo Bmtdawiubc ta ald on o tad UJ45SI UJ45SIhal M tiler tilerhC lor lorIkal
hal dal d it 1 olTVre of HANKlifM Af IL THVitf TRtlfr CMi CMiPANV couIAS CUU1ANV
PANV 7 Mall 11 street New t York City CII upon stir stirreader ur urreader u urUklrr
reader at etwpnat etwpnatHEXHY roefasosHhNIIT
Trrlzr sTrrLw1The TrrlzrThe
The Railroad Situation SituationAND
AND ND OtTl LIST OK OKuy 01July OFJuly
July uy Bond Offerings OfferingsOf
Of high rarH graii aeawBed bonds boodaafttiD5 bandtDulng bondsnetting
netting 4b J toe to C wUlt wUltHailtii OIl OIlMail It ItNi1ed
Hailtii Mail in Applisafion ApplisafionH
KEW KW YORK YORKKfgtt TOEIIhoger lmallll6R lmallll6Rerr
Kfgtt err BtUdlRi ell talanMa 1 Btrit4Ha D544g
1 1Tile
The Bowery Savings Bank Bankii
A temlamval 1 dividend dYII at s th lbs raM ot ottinirj tTlllml f fI
I tinirj and oNKitAir O PElt CENT CEMTIT
IT annum um kit been declared and win tn be beI
I ctrdlled rr to deftlt dersiltoro n on aH N tuma ot 0 SSD SSDsod P PI 01 01I >
I and ad Vfiward I sad 1 a Del t tirr1lsr PA PAwtleh PInI f3071wLla
wtleh shall 011 bate has been dMwelleaalltlu depuIiwtaIIChILthree d Z Ztliree
I three II awaUM 110 w the Ant diy d of July Julykeif JItITIIUC Julybelt
belt aad 1It will IU lie I payable on and after afterUe altecUe U
Ue 11 di > y July U II 1 UW UWU 2510Mesey 9 It Itileaey
ileaey U depatlted d U1 before rnll July 10 wit witdraw II III iiAfaw
I draw lira leurott rllr frees Jury I I UM 111IIInPNRY 1520tifiIRY UMIIKXRY
IIKXRY A MCHrVX 1retMeat 1retMeatWILLIAM 1fItfLLtU lrmllcntWILLIAM
WILLIAM K KM K UX tmnplroHer tmnplroHerJOMifll CnniplrollPrJOSIEPII
JOMifll 1 11t 0 IJDULK Secretary 5erretaryN errTIs errTIsNEW SecretaryIllY1 >
N t Vf far er I4lh M and 1 itt Arenas ArenasI
i l 110 m dltldrad at the 11 raM r of ofFOUR 01FOUR ofTOURPERCENT
per annum on all 11 auma trom U 3 la Sajj atltlel atltleltbmlo ntlU aitilleltbreW
tbmlo 116 imdrr the by law lawDEPOMIT L LDCrOUT
1 nrroirrs MAIIR ON lilt it mcrtmis JULT JULTlaWILLIIUATT trLY1aWILLUtcA VLTI
JAMES U I ANULlNli Iteaaurtr 7rasurerARCIIIIIALI
1 AKCfllHALI U PeSTA P Secretary SecretaryDry SecretaryI
I Dry D h DociTsaYings Dock SavIngs Institution Institutionaa iUIIOD i
141 aa I It al3IIIIWKIMI al3IIIIWKIMITbt aa nllIU34I1C stEW r YORK YORKllai RI RITIle
TIle Trualret TN have awe declared a illvMrad < tor Ike IkeI SIa SIaI
I I all II 12 monUie ending ftiotlll ttat 1tU W J 1 1310 H > oa all 11 dtpoalt dtpoaltenUUrd dIOIImUW
enUUrd thereto uad voter r lie 1b14 brUaa at lae lb tale el ellllKtin of1U1UIC 1 1ihilthhE
lllKtin aad d ONRIIAIr per pe real C per aaanaa aaanaaoa Iua IuaOIl
WIIUAW payable 1 10 01 0 sad after t July III 1 It 110 110iKfotltt 1910IIt 1340made
iKfotltt < made kehwe aIr Ju hit r W 0 wU 11I be eatttlcd fAtitIci4loin I Ilatrrett te teIDtflttI
latrrett loin from fro July 1 IAlkEV IMA IMAANhhKV
ANhhKV WILL rrraUeak rrraUeakWJI PrraJdceW1I
ViM T PATTKHMJN Treasurer TreawrerCltAHIJII TrlVrI
I CltAHIJII M1KII1IM S Secretary SecretaryfrizENs < rreUryCITIZENS Irr IrrCiTIZENSSA
M XM 11 M U4KKH tlt Il lANAI U ST STlouril rr18Vru STtooth
tooth StIIIVNNlAL linlllKNU linlllKNUTke O OTIot
The l tusters w lc < nat Mrerkrrd e onterrd eNo la lotereal leretl at Ue III rat r of ofTIIIIKK 0 0Tllllt ofnhutlP
ixr cT awi i v td > be oaU > lo I s1moIInis > > luira on Lid 4 atMt atMtJ afWinIv I
J inIv l Illhon I tilt 00 all tun0 um 0 1 and up V 10 > IOwd sLOCOwhich IOwdwhich aaw
which w have r rrn re II alnp 1e1 > l on de I Iciosit lt I lor or the three or orH Ofu orill
ill H nioiiiaa e r441II dlnr I J June n anti lulu In accord arcorriuuf atlOtdr accordsane
sane islIb lib Me U I Una ea Ire anti All rules of r Ibt u u1r bank bankUoin bsLMorf
Uoin ilepotlted OT or before Io July 11 wtb wU wUaw olddraw 11I 11IIII
dr draw aw 1r trtcrr lr1r > t I trr ri > > Inlr I 11 251rllt
111 1rllt MO 11 IIAHII UAIILtl1 It Prtaldenl PrtaldenlII
II rr I < I > i Ne 5 rctir rctirI 11
I 1101 Si i 7 II U r M s U I trrtary trrtarya rUr7 rUr7dr
a i i IS 57 57ParkrUc A 7 Pule ParkPkcY ParkPkcYI PlacN NY NYTheTrjiteethaeeillrecteJIbat Y YThe
I 1 J 1 I TheTrjiteethaeeillrecteJIbat TheTrjiteethaeeillrecteJIbatIntrrrtt The TrII hu dlmM lira t
I imi imiITFHiitfhlntoBrTeit Intrrrtt be rredlled t to rlepntl rlepntltort
Anna i tort loeanttttcdtbctetoat emitlcJ < thereto at 1 the Iterate IterateIThvWdj rate ratefa nilDiY
IThvWdj DiY ld ° 5A fa l 1r1I > ru AI UtII UtIII 5 CM
04t1c I e rrt tWt > teo ro roWlf Ad liter literl
UI l Jit7ltlO Jit7ltlO1TPHutchlnosPrrit r I 110 110R
ITFHiitfhlntoBrTeit ITFHiitfhlntoBrTeit57ParkrUc R P 1IrIIOJI t Wlf Wlfnit W p PefC PefCIIIE ffti fftiIlia
nit nitivracr UIII4II Sktts4n Sktts4nLumen 1101 114 114lunr
Lumen ol I llcrrtp PI ai A Oiulua lhq SIC 3tiIHw SICbfuuaug 11 11ttr
IHw ttr bfuuaug i > b N < > I
Jute 11 IV I tCP tCPiRK tGPaIaUN tit titlntrrst
iRK lntrrst aIaUN eat al tfc the Mteor ette of rillll PItH TCX 10 r PC PCANNUM rr1 rr111I11 rrsASttVM
ANNUM 11I11 oUt 11 tit b rrvjlted Jlw4 M defwtlun dtpotI will willbII tan tanbank Isshant
bank July Ul st Sell tlL uo all uua > aiU 1011 < W II IIn 1ltMUltle IAfpiat
n ltMUltle aWe + le on aal 1 after It Juy J 9ut IIHI1 i U UIIJ 11nsa tl tlmade
made nsa ua or before 101 July J r iVU eM IH dr drie taiwil taiwilflow 1111lJO tetoct4frail
flow lJO Jutt l hI hIIHI > t tHH
HH > A AIi If WITH Presllent PresllentKHUIN I IYo PresIleelEtlUl
KHUIN Yo I > P W Mt7UL 4A > NHU 110 rowplrelltr rowplrelltrTHE ollIilerr OtItttiZDtlarIttlIIM
IttlIIM r mTTII mTTIImmt
mmt 11 lDIsIPt It tsl U ITtUKr ITtUKrTHE irEIltsrTHE
UIML IJItibtili SK M iU > lt 31 31T
7 U Wan HI I New Ii tons urt < Jnie lu z 1919 1919Ttie 11110T 1510the
the Hoard of IMrrUirt of The n Trust Tru ompanjr ompanjrof om omor
of America hat fIa IHi tfs clay drrlard a regular 1Iar oust qiiarbrty ousttent r rIPr
brty tent dlitdrad ot e TO T 13 t AND I I i N 3t tlY 7 t
pUtt lfST 1T upon u th the hi ranll rapllii loIlAl stork of tb II C Cpan ln lnpany s spany =
pany pan paable June J u In I 11n tel ln to aMrktoUera o oW oWrr of ofrerord ofrecord
record rr al Ibt lb now rIB of 0 but uti e cam a J h dine me 3 II lliO lliOUIANKU 118IIIAI 510IIAI
UIANKU IIAI L I HUTtlN HUTtlNrt tTtAf tTtAfIr SercaryYlflSiIt
rt YlflSiIt Ir rNiK n rnti 0 4nniiM 4nniiMfoupont COI COIrCd OflPkttCoupon
Coupon due J July 1 l 1510 1n from the Ural Marl Uorltaio u uIt Marlrat
rat rCd hoods at thIs Cuiapany = rrn will be paM oa aid aadafter aidafter
after < that 11 date upun prenenUlloa 1A11oa al l the t offlra offlraof om omor
of the tt Comoaay otuanuny
No 3S 1rn iflloAII r41 KTnrCT NT ev Tart Tar CUT CUTK I
K u WJLTllrt Ataltlaal Ircaaunr 1reu
Juae aa Ka o
Mtrckalt fleerbassEehaaqe7laslesaiflaak fleerbassEehaaqe7laslesaiflaakof oE E riekaaa Nj falUaal 1 Raak Raakof
of Iii III City 1 of el I New ew w York YorkJune YorkJ ToekJune
June J 2 i IOW IOWTbe II III 1510fl
Tbe n fl Board of Wrrrlort > n Mr II this day r Ij drrlar crtt erlaida i ia
I a semI 10111 aaaval itfvMmd 1 of TIIHRK TItK PEH CEXT CEXTIreeof CECTI
Ireeof I It oa of tat rule rsybI on and after aftetjuly July J I Iltouat3 Iltouat3wbkb IIt1l1JtII 1510 statS statSwbkh
wbkb dale d the I trantfrr book win b hi cloned clonedI
I KV It tAlllllgKCitslar tAlllllgKCitslarrn liWI tce tceiY
rn iY TOIIK TOItMAtIC1Ii4 iKA A riicfitA iiii4 MAiiaTEAMsuir MAiiaTEAMsuirCmpaaa SUILStlit 34AflflTFA7Uctwrssy SUI SUII
Ch ctwrssy ctwrssyCnspoase Y YCpou
I Cmpaaa due July Itt I l 11110 l of On = hc heeds dt tf 0 IM IMabove UIar lbahovcnaued
above ahovcnaued r aanied company paa wl clii I > e pu III al 1 maturity matarltrUH lIItartlfrr
rr UH teas > a r weunutteo si I fit Farmen ctn Loan oCn u4
Trust rmopaiiir rmopaiiirWUI1AU
WUI1AU irittJn D I MACY UACrAahstaaITtesenrr UACrAahstaaITtesenrrIfiTltOlT C AabtaaiTrtawrtr AabtaaiTrtawrtrIIRTHOIT Trerrr TrerrrITIIIIIT
IIRTHOIT lMrnD t ui o BAILTTAr BAILTTArCooimaa IU OAIIWATCoupons lW4T lW4TrOllflOll
Coupons i ale 1 n J J5l ly I aM ItHl rrera Detroit troI Oallful OallfulHaHway lalt laltliatiwsy
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