OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, July 06, 1911, Image 10

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1911-07-06/ed-1/seq-10/

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fixed riticEs oi: oi Ti'i r.
Indicted Men of the Hire Pool I'.Mirrlril
to I'lcsd Thl Mrrh rnrfcltiirc Suit
il spoilt I" l'iHlpr "nr Two lirnnd
turlri rr In Sit ll Slimmer.
A score or miin of thr Imlividitnl mem
bers nf the Km Honnl Association recently
indicted on the n'mico of conspiracy to
restrain tnnl enlore'd plea of no! Riiilly
yesterday in the I'nited Stittes I'irmiit i
Court mid have until .July .'.' to oh.itiR"1
their ple,is, They weie released in Jl.nou
bail each. Among thorn wcro Sidney
Mitchell. Wlllinm K. Smith. William f
Gear. Theodore Koter and Kohcrt, IV
McEwan. .John A (inrvcr nnd .Jmrrs M.
Beck appeared for most of the defendiinis
They authorized th? follnwitiR stnte
ment. As the newspapers would not mre to i"il -llah
a denial hy each ilefeiidnnt "f the
charges brought nsnlnst him we ate author
Ued to any In behalf of nil or tiiem tli.1t
the chnrsea n-sln' them In the (invcrn
ment Indictment ate tin' rue
We are Informed thnt l he detrmlnnts
formed a luncheon rlnli. p.irtlv for social
purposes and nn rt ! to fnrilitsie nil ex
change of tlew a to trade condition'.
Thev were rarefill to .ttnid ,iiiv agreement
as to llmlilnir onipnt. ieirictlni: piice or
allotting terrtturv
upon which otl.er tni rases nave been
ruled was presen' lnthi-ae Kaeh tneinlier
fully understood 'ha' he was hi llnriv to
produce as much paper hoaid a lie Ihouchi
proper and sell I' nt whale er pruo ho nw
flt, and his lb..rv of action as a irmler
was not in any manner affected Our clients
are confldent thai the (inverntnent canuol
establish a claim hv dediiiliiB fiom any
uniformity In price a prior as'ieenieiit
to maintain thcm.for they can fullv rstali
llsh that thre wn keen and leotoii
competition between the member of the
Eastern Rot lloaicl lluli and that there
was no uniformity of prices
If under the facts as we understand them
these defendants wer enlliy. then H would
be a violation of the Sherman law for busi
ness men to express their opinion as to
bill propose to make the Colil-j
ior of t'orp-ira'lons ii member of i
iionv to eegllate trade.
senator New lands Hants an Interstate
Commission for Mr I'nrporatlonn.
Wasiunoion. .Jtilv ." Senator New-'
land intindticod in the Senate to-day
n bill to croe.'o an interstate trade com
mission of live members to have control !
over indi'slrbil rorpornl Ions such a the!
Intcrnuiito t'otiitni'ici. Commission now
exercises oer iuieistr.to railroads.
Tim bill
missioncr or on
tho ltitt rt,i;o Tr.td.i Commission nnd to
tncfKo Ins biiienu with the rotnmispion.
Ho thinks this rominision should have
.idininisir.vie functions rather than
IwinK i ti l v mi advisory Uidy.
I'll" bill applies only to corporations
dninc an aniuinl business of tt.niKi.wi,
iIioiii'Ii innlli'r corporation may apply
for Incorporation under th terms of tho
mcaiin.. Such corporations hIiaII bo
requited torimkoM.itomrntsof cjipitaliza
tinn, tiuaticfs nnd oHrntiotis nnd shall
! know ii ns "United States registered"
Senator .Vow lands in dlscussini; tlie
moasiiri' said-
"Tho Slandatd Oil and Tobacco trust
decisions demonstrate what I have con
tended for many yeara. that there Is need
of an independent administrative tribunal
for the continuous coutiol of the big cor
porations oiKnyed in interstate trade.
"Had eitcli legislation been seured in
place or In aid of the Slieriiinn ncl over
twetilv yearn nun we would have nil.
None of the feat mes ' vanced its far in the regulation of in-
(tutii.il corporal ion a.s wo pave in that
of railroads, and we would now have nil
the benelltn of the cooperative use of
capital without the evils that have a,
tended the capitalization, the financing
and the operations of the big corpo
rations during the p.ist twenty year of
flmcwt unbridled license
'For years I have been urging that we
huoum organic nil inilepenilent, quasi-
Judicial and administrative tribunal of'
great character and (liguity. as far re
moved from lurtlai'i control as are the
courts, with power to investigate the
big corporations, to rorre-'t overcapi
taliration, bad practices at:d unfair com
iietition. and to recommend additional
legirlaliotl to Congress
"The recent ernressinns of Mr Clnrv
i woui i indicate that
tn trust managers
tr.He conditions The taw does nl compel i '""''-. i
traders to abandon oi,il relattons with each I reluctantly realised, that public regula
6ther and the liberty oi opinion a.io peeciition j in(,vtanp mi ov-n ,i0,jrahi.
tillages to a man. even tlioueh be ( en- .The report on tho steel industry empha-1
aped In interstate trade, the privilege I .bes the, necosity of such a regulating
of expressing his opinions as to trade ondi-
We believe that the preenl indictment
Ma the most evlretne application of the
Sherman law and l not warranted by lis
provisions While our clients, n reputable
business men, keenlv feel the fact of their!
Indictment, Ihey lool, forward to the Issue
of the case with ent're tonflrienre in their I
final 1 vindication.
It i understood that wime of the de-,
fendants ticmed in rhe recent indict
ment against the so-called wire pools
will plead before .Monday.
Four forfeiture suits were tiled vester
dav in the Federal District Court by As
sistant United States Attorney Cerl K
Whitnev in th Government fierman
Couipio) Heaelies an Agreement as in
Itomls Mllh State of Indiana.
Immasai'oi.in. .July .. As e ieult of a
comptomisa nzteomeut between the Gov
ernor and the officials of th Chesneake
and Ohio Ilailroad Company or Indiana
the sun instituted by the Coventor sev
eral months ao ! enjoin the company
from icaliziuK on ei'lion f niortgaRe i
Ind vim pioperty. th" old Chicago. Cin
cinnrti and l,ouisvilIe Hailrcacl, to n New
iork trust company for f tii.nnn.iion. we.s
cutlerv undervaluation iiroseciit ion Th" clismu-i-eil in the test. Circuit Court to-
Oovernment seeks to torfeit shipments . day The renditions of the agreement
valued at $3l,."Vi .VI. I between the (Jovoinnr nnd the official
Two redernl Grand juries were sworn i . . rn nko .... iukl ,,
in -eaterdav bv Judge ltbert W. Arch- , ""l " follow, 1 h $iii.imhi.ini .
bald in the criminal branch of the circuit moitice i to le crntelle.l nnd the bonds I
Court. Th foreman of th" morning already iMied th-ieunder surrendered 1
Grand .Jury is Wintleld Scott of 7 We-, ilhiee million dollaiv fp.ee value of the'
Ninety-sixth stteet. end of the afternojn ,,utMnnriin . Pf pltM M, cU of p
J. Standford Brown of onkets, N. , '
Judge. Archbald who was formerly I ' h" 1,1 "h " ,h" treasury of
Diatrict Judg in Penn-ylvania is e' i he company e rr. equity back of the
prwint a Circuit Judge resigned to the 1 bonds to be here if tor t-sued nnd eaid
Court of Commerce. He will nold Crinu- company m.'V eUn incicre its cRpitrl
nal Court here the ies' of July It i stock to hve rndlif ns. fece value, nnd pa v ,
not known ret just what matteis the new i th" -.-me in cas-Ii r. c cnh equity back o'f .
juries will be sskerl to investigite. Their ; the bonds to b herc.fier issued if it de
msions will last until September A-sire o to do This increase has !een 1
iatant United Strtes attorney Carl R j made .
Whiting, who has chRrge of th" Jenkins- j now morUesce -euiirin; a maximum '
Allen jewel smuggling cr.s". ha d"tueil amount of J:in,iioo.noo of bonds at any time
that that matter ha. been jpven to either oiitM.iiidin.i is to be executed liytheoom
of the juries or even the unv subp pnas I Mny to the Mercentile Tiiisf'lVmnanv
have been issued The criminal calendar or New Von, and Henry (' Starr as resi- 1 HIOT
aa called vesterrtiv was long, nut nnu , ueni impatia
Chicago Elevated Railways
Three-Year Five Per Cent. Cold Notes
M-.n ttiiiK.'
Haratoan Snrln.
!-arto Spring.
Authorized, $30,000,000
Dated July 1, 1011
Notes will bo in coupon form of $1,000 each
Issued, $30,000,000
Due .Inly 1, 1014
iss i e is i'Ai.i.ni.r. as a wiioi.rc ox .in mats .notice at io ami ak bikh interf.st
JYom n letter of HKXRY A HIAIR, Esq., Chairman of the Board of Dircrtora, copied of which mat
he obtained upon reiqtieit, we stttnmari.o as follows:
The Chicago Elevated Railways controls alt the elevated systems in Chicago, owning
and 'operating approximately 173 miles of single track. Through the ownership
of 210 acres of real estate, the various lines operate, to a great-extent, on private
right-of-way. The Metropolitan West Side Elevated Railroad Company alone owns
a strip of land 20 miles long and 45 feet wide through the City of Chicago, the dupli
cation of which would be impossible except at a large cost.
The above notes are secured by all these properties, subject to 532346,750 prior
liens. They are a collateral first mortgage on the Northwestern Elevated, not in
cluding the Union Loop.
The estimated value of the Elevated properties, exclusive of franchise values, ex
ceeds 590,000,000, leaving an equity of over $57,500,000 for the uotes.
The franchises of the companies are all of long duration and provide for a five cent
The earnings of the companies are now ample to meet fixed charges, including these
notes, while economies to be effected by unification of management, consequent
reduction of operating ratio, rerouting of trains and more favorable power con
tracts are estimated to amount to over $1,000,000 per annum.
The growth of traffic on the various elevated lines from (905 to 1910 has been about
40 per cent., or at the average rate of 8 per cent, per annum. The City of Chicago
now has a population of 2,500,000, which shows an increase in 20 years of more
than 100 per cent. The large population, and the fact that as a central distributing
point Chicago will maintain a steady growth, well assures the permanency of the
traffic for -the elevated lines.
Pack Your Grip
f and Come Up
If business is dull and it's
hot nnd dusty and every
body is irritable and the
city is noisy and stuffy
Saratoga Springs
New York Slate' Mineral Spring Reierralion
is the place for n few weeks' rest. You can jttst lounge about
on the wide hotel porches, in the beautiful parks, or. if vou
prefer the strenuous life, there are unsurpassed roads for
driving and automobilinp; ever)- outdoor sport every indoor
n,musement and splcnditl side trips to Lake OeorRc and
Adirondack Mountain resorts. Hundred of hotclsundboard
Ihr pieces and furnished cottages to choose from.
The famous mineral springs are now owned by the
State of New York.
Tha mineral waten are free.
A free Convention Hall seats 5,000 people.
Reached via New York Central Lines or I'eople's and
Citizens' Night Hoat Lines and Delaware A: Hudson R. R.
We will find you a furnished cottage, boarding place,
send you literature and complete Information. Address
Publicity Commission, Room 40 The Arcade, Saratoga Springs, N. Y.
Th undersigned will receive Subscriptions for the above Notes
at 98' and accrued Interest to date of delivery, at
which price they yield 5.
Subscriptions wili be closed at P. M., July io, 191 1, or earlier, the right being reserved to
reject any application and to award a smaller amqunt than applied for. The undersigned re
serves the right to close the subscriptions at any time without notice.
Pending the engraving of the definitive certificates, temporary negotiable receipts will be
delivered against payment at the oflice of the undersigned, July 17, 191 1.
The National City Bank of New York.
July 1, 191 1.
Grand Union Hotel
Saratoga Springs, N. Y.
THE social irntrr ot Saratoga lifr. I.arpct anil finest of Saratoga hotels
in perfect condition (or tirst season under new management Everv
out-of-door amu'.cmcnt and rccrr.itto'i ("id' links second to none
tnihe countrv. Splendid roads for motoring in all directions. Morntnc and
evmng concerts by us famous orchestrr.. Dancing and balls in th: spacious
ballroom attended hv the wealth and lashton of Summer visitors at Saratoga
Sprincs. The most courteous attention given to the wants and comfort of
ever guest. ,
Hooking Office at Park Avenue Hotel until ,unc 2itk.
FRED A. REED, Proprietor.
ln I'ronnrlor
Park Avenue,- 32d and 33d Streeti, New York City.
I - 1
.nkw .mnsni. .ew .iebsei.
Atlantic 'Ht. Atlantic City.
nnn iunr imi'nua iiii-i .v iuncN ruav ,
Of the rae werf iininmortaii' . I" i.uw imdr tin nv tnoitpMgf hx-. Handful of Malrnntenla Itrrp I p Strike
font r.ir (.ptvifin inirpoMw demitnafd :mrrnniritt Permits Inlrnco.
ili.'i.'iti. iiatticly. in pflvniftit-for lht idll-, ,
io.mI hikI proprtn. r.'.perl.ininKthnt i lFX,,'n r,TT- " ( "",rarv lo
iiirliidiii'j piopnu'd iHrininnl fnrilitit. r.l fxpeetation thn strt't't curs did not
111 ih city of Chicago, in fuc.-i. of the , rfntn this momma Although il was
n 1 ..1 ..... ' ,i- ' aid last night thrt all mntt.TM mumpiite , .r,, no IMXII'.I. I COHAI.AN. JusUrr.
nnmavii 01 ui controller nf 1 n treamiry
1 of th" lailmad rompaiiv that thf ptomed
in in.' ooruiB ko inrnctly into tht railroad
r prnperttt.- nppi'rtfliiiins thereto
Scheme Hair) to lime Paid f.'nml llrliirix ,
for Small Ontla). '
Charla W. finrtmer, -"i years old,
elerk in the pir-t yfTiee nt Bay Slioie,
L. 1., and Moyd W. Hnrtied '.'." yenri old,
resident of that plncc , wpip arrtHlrit
there yesterday morninc by Von Oftlre
Inspectors firieRf nnd Sinniein no n
charge that Ihey drfinudid ople
through the I'nitcd Sintrs riinil?
The arrMB Riew out of roiuplaitii
made to the oet master at Bay Slime
by persons ssho had been victimized
through an advertisement in tin- .lillv
number of a inaeame offeniiK for s.ile I h,n,n 'omni"rro ComniiMion 1 propoaod : a,.re.. 10 the settlement
ji ixiMKvr or A.NNt't.sicNT or ksistk.nxk
i Dnmptilc 4orporaltoni
1 opy nr Jtmtmeni
M Sht II Term "f Hie .Supremf rourt. Part
II hftl In and for the Cnuniv of w ork.
f'mmi, I'mirt limit S nrl rnuntv nn Ih.
1 Olh ,U ,,r .tlin. IBM
lR( lland.
A.shs nm i:ritEss ixqi im .
between the strikers and the company had irjTfpTx TMI: SrTi: or,
lieen settled, some fifty strikers assisted' NI'W VOHK," ' )
bv a crowd of the lower class refused to -tnn
allow the cart" lo leave the barns. sil. rop STKI'H NOFF I
Three luilidred of the former strikers
appeared for work at the barns this morn-1
1 inc. having accepted th" concessions made
Itcolutlmi Tniichea I pun Krpeinrnt , ,v lnp comp.in- at a mectinc lasl tllKhl.
aiiitComprtltliin Mlth Pnsl onice. j (,;,, Mnall b.ind f discontented men
'.V.ssniNfiro.N July .-, n tnvi-iipntioti 'who alleged that thev bad been insulted
of all the epies. companies liy the Inter- hv a lawer a' the meeting refused lo
They appeared
a motorcycle wicrittcfrt on account"" roii:iinii iniroouceu in ine iiouse ftt the harns aooui .1 o ciock Hruu-u nu
of a European trip" -for JM The name to-day by I!epresent.iu ,. Burleson of I stones and attacked the men who were a--
OI ueorC" Itcurne was auaciieri 10 neioxnR Invest cation if ei erv branch i mnintiri to run the cars
01 wi niisines 01 exprs companies is
ads-ertienient , but Bourne, according
totheposul uiapectirs was ie,illy Harned
Ihr Mimmont ami romplalnt In thla anion
baling t.rrn luU prii.tll) Kre1 nn the de
fmdnur aliiNf nnnmi nn trie II lb day of May. It) I,
ami tipen Ihr nnnrrd er.rni ,if ihr aboe
iinmrfi iirfrnManl. uatra uir .1I day of llay. toil,
NOW nn mutlon tf Ttiornaa I'arinody. Altorney
(Irnrinl ef thr Stale .if Nr w rk, li la
imOMIKI) MI VOJCDCKn tbal the Mid
1 nrimiallnii. ll Pen Mephaiftlt, and the
ia:ne her.''j Uiil.j).e.l and that Ita charter ha
and the ame nrre'.i I a. aierl. and lhat Ita for
pnrate exlaienre h and Ihe aame herehy la for
evei annntlrd vml II I. f
Mas Minian. nt llormich Slanliatian. Vfw YorW
1 It, 1. 1. ,.( h li.r.St' I. a..nnln..rf mmI... ...
pitched battle ensued III which several nil ine prnperlf nf lh aal.l rorpotallon wltn all
il nnrl mrtu car win. P'eri .if a iierinaneu rereber a,-e.'r.llnf id
Gardner the clerk an aliened, tinned -""-I"".-- ") hchkiiiik persons were wouwieu aim num.-, . ai .m..- , mi the arike ef nils uii and It 1
I he company men i i ill i ir r n-iiiiit n . n .ii.ii ih,i.I) thai
oser all the Bourne leiti is to Harned and a comparison of the rates with those ) dows were smashed
each man n ho hit at the inotcroscie olTcr , charRfnl by the railroad for fteicht ship- decided that it would lie
inadvisable to
the Ml. I lecriie ,,,-fon rnirrlnc upon hi diille
-.hal. wane an 1 Mle ultn Ine I leiu nf thla I mirl a
tiond In Ihe reipli-of the Suite nf Xew ori. In Ihe
nenal -.win if A'jiiidnllar. i.ndluoneil fnr the faith
ful dlachau'e nf ill. ipiilr a-i sUcn rerelier and
der the moTvX the cause or causes of the "hicher nPmpl , move the cars, as the police
him When Ihe ' nnn wdw ?B.n!''n, (,'""-ed by the r,.fnp(.d , interfere even while the light
Gardner cashed them according to the express companies." and n statement im I waH actually goingon There were plenty
complaint. The Ifderal authoritifs al to tlp physical aluntion of the express i r nolicemen on hand lo quell the trouble,
lege that neither pf the defendants owned r0mpaiii.?. their capitalisation and their i h .nM not move a finirer
a motorcycle or intended to send one in ! . . r . i i. ;.,t.:ii...
return for the inonv It is said that1' Ihe Government confessed ita inability
In a fortnicht J-Y svas clear'fl by the! r,H reaolutlon also requests that the , to protect the lives of men who attempted
Scheme Lcomiuis-tion inipiirn into Ihe stock and ' to operate the cars and the company
Gardner and Harn.d weie ai iaiRncd bond holders of the express companies I thereupon mated t Y,V""!i,? Vm, nMm.w't
before United Stater, fomm'ssioner Merle and ascenain lor whom certain inist. 1 tection was aflorded it ssoukt not attempt
In Broolrlsm. Thev were held for the comtintlles hrtlil stock ami ImiwU Tl, I to resume traffic. . . .
Grand .fury in 11.5'ki nnd Jl.oou bail i- ' commission is al-o duected to determine President do la Hurra, w ho conrorred ( peiaii ;hoi.ihiir ";, ''i'1 "f ''.taiin mnirart
to wniit exieui in- ox pious companies , JV.a,.Vi VrVln this morninir o 1 """ ln Irtnll sucli rereher at tln-e and plure
compete with ihe Cos! (Inlce Departmont, , 'lz a. epeonil train inis morniiiK m , n lirh Il(M(r stl(.t.nfll anrt lnBt n(1t'f ,
tor die due armiiniliiz of ull nionrt teieh ea hy
...in. an., ii
I'CUTit'.lt oitli'iit:n wn njt'nt:p.i oi
I Ihe hnlrl.rrlKVI.er Truat ("ompanv he anil the
, niiir nriri, Kciunnirii na inr piare ni nepoill
wherein all the fiimla of the aall rnrpotatlnn nnt
needed for Immedlaie ulibiiracineul ahall be ile
pn.lied and It la
rciiiiu ii oimi'.iM'i) m i)jri)(-,i:n thai
the mid rereher ahall shr nollce of hla appoint'
meni whlrli nnilre ahall rnnlaln Ihe malieri re
i iinlrrd hy law In notlres of Iruatera of lnnnivent
ilehior. and In addition thereto ahall require all
f 0 TiiKr,
Thla ihe booU you'll need In maklnc
arranremenia a beamUully llluatratea anl
deaenbea Ihe liland a attracllons, rli Hat
of hoteia and boardlof houaaa end ikalr
Btpsdway nd lh Ave. ad St.. N. v..
or win b mailed on rerelpt of 10c. poatate
by lha (,en l Paaar Afant. Long Island
R. n. Hoom I7S renniylvsuls Stsiton.
.saw oru
There Is No Better Place
For a Summer Vacation Than
America's greatest seaside resort, standing preeminently as
the most attractive, popular and healthful of all recreation
centres, always cool and charming, offering an unequalled
diversity of pastimes and attractions. Ideal summer accommo
dations'at any of the following:
Phone or write for Information, i.ite, etr
Amrrlran Plan I irlmk'h Hotn Vmerlcan and t'.uiopean Plana.
II I IMnard A frank II Off, M era. Jolah Wnlie A Son Company
Kstrnaltel) Improved this. Year
Walter .1. Iluzb
Newlln Maine O.
i:uropean Plan
laiob WelUel, Manaier
Win II Hood
I p reek's Son. Henry liarnvil I I. Nou.tk Iii
K e ached ta Central R R of J or Pnna. R R
t'aliklll MonnUlna.
Cataklll Mount. Int
Now open for the aeaaoa of 1911 i:ieatlon
ner r . feet UooUlei l or term anrt full
Information addre the IIRAM lldTI-'l.
i-OMI'A.NV Itlchayoiint. N.
I U'AI II 1 I. Hill)
The leadltie re.orl house of Vnierlra.
Pnrileuhrly nltraethe durl-if
AtUnllr C'lti'i a.ri-at iiiiiiiier fin.nn.
.M'nk. .M'l.i. Ai' tsr mi srn.
e) prl .Me hatha, earh Mippllrd ul'h h" ar. l
coin .e- Mtrr Kxnid! e nie.lr U a fe. re.
While erUrr In hoth nierlran and 1 .fopex.
Ill ilni itmi.ra
slli:i icit IM aMMIKKllllS. I.. I.. . ,.
HEI 11.11 1 n I. HKKK-EMIM (iolf.Ten
ni, iiecellrd Hi-htlns; Commodious Path
Init I alim (iarai.-.. Ideal Vulii Hun liooklei
rvctivelv. Accmdinif
Grlsss, Gardner made a
Implicated Harned
Inspector !
r nlessinn thai
Hotel Qramatan
.ew throuehout Ca'Tdt' i:n Prlia-'hta
elevalf.ta. 4.0,10 lert wide i norfnea, ec.
Ilonsl table, white erlre. t. eclal early ai
iale. a. to, Si:.:o up weekly. up dall'
da' lo ,onrta. illii. Hiil l't .f i in "
coats orr i nn nr.
and unsure into lli" iates Riven by the.
oireH .nrriei In ina;aiiie nnd pupera
aiiu in" cieiiinx oi n'rvicei. rendered in
coniieotion therewith, and the considern-
Afternnnn Seaalnn to He fin Out In or "tnoiinlB paul l.y the t-aid expreaa
r hir-Len Tmii Triii I coinpaines to riHWKpapci x or iimgazine or
tnirhrn ln,M any oIIutm for opposlnc llieetuTlishineiit
The trial of metiilier? of the live poul- of a parcels post -try
trust wa re-nitneil rosterdav liefore Inlot inatioti i. to whether there i anv
Judc Bosalskv after a" ieceB over the! nKirement nr iindertandinK hetweeii
,u a ii , i., - i ' epre coiiipan e or between them
Fourth. Assistant IVIrict Attorney D mi( th' r,radi. or whether there Is a
Ford called J. O, Marshall to show that the duplication or directors among them.
East 8id I.ive Poultry Dealers Ahsocki- which tends to opeiate an restraint of
tion was in nxistonre subequent lo N'o ! commerce, m also tlemanded
"Four Boroughs !
vembsr, 190S, when the
Fool was dissolved.
Marshall was treasurer of the Kast
Bide association. Jlo said that once a
week after November, IH0S. Im took slips
fixing the prices for the week to each
member of the association. .Sometimes,
he said, he left the slip with the book
keeper, He remembered leavinj; some
with Miss Mildred Hishop, bookkeeper
for her father, who in one of the men in
dicted, Miss Bishop was called and questioned
by Assistant District Attorney KHWnn.
fine said that she hud hnd no uuch slips.
Judge Ros'alsky announced that heie.
after no would open court at ii in the
morning and adjourn I an The ther
mometer in the court room veaterdnv
tood at 87 and everv one appeared uh".
out a ooat except W. T .lerome, counsel
for the defencn.
.otitic Hen Ice Hoard to llnil On) l
So Few fio lo .Xaiiliattnn lleai li.
The Publio Service ('onurilssion an
nounced yesterday that heatings would
he called shortly to ino,uire into the cut
ting down by the bong Nland Railroad
Company of the service formerly main
tained bfitween the Thirty-fourth s.rcet
ferry in 1iik Island I'lty and Manhattan
Beach The company is now op-rating
but four trains a day nvr that line on
weekdays and is running no trains at all
on Sundays, whereas formerly It operated
tlx to eight trains on weekdays and four
teen to sixteen trains on bundivb.
Ilrcreaae mil lie lirrat Lakes NoVeaaels
for I'urrlgii Trade lint),
t.vfllX(HON-. .Inly : According to a
; statement of the buieaii of navigation
I during tho fl-enl jear ended .lune Sit
l,.v.'i vest-el ni :io.',iii riosh tons weie
built m, Ihe Cniled States and efflciallv
numliered by the buieau. compared with
LWrj vessels of .IIT.il'.'.'i gross Ions for the.
fiscal year ended .lune :in, llllli The
decrease is due to a falling ofT of nS.OOO
tons in shipbuilding on the great lakes
mil iciputed in Secretary Nngel's tepfirt
last year '
Ihe year's const ructi'in comprised .2,'
sicatii and motor vessels of '.' il,.Mu tons,
' M sail vessds i f ll.aus tons and ,1l'i nu
ingged bargee and caniltioats of 41, IM
I lulls
I N'o vessels ete built exclusively fnr
I foieign trade and llieio were no square,
iigg.-d vessels constructed
mtet his lirntlier. unci is leiunung irom , put.tUlie.l for three weeka In the New oik I a
Klirope. Ill" inuutloli oi ino uovcrnmeni . .inurnai ano i ne ieekiy i niou. neine nepa
i ,.i,lnrnl,l,. liwllirnntinn iiinnnL-l I'llnieit and In rlrr'ilAllon In Hie County of .
Ii. . V". ,- i.,L ...i.A inuluV ihm il... fnnr 1 0I w'nere the principal place for Ihe conduct
um UUllt'f lfW-. , ,,,,,.,,.,
of ofTending tho strikers I causing the
(iovernment to withhold its assistance in
enforcing order and aiding in the resump
tion of traffic.
rirenian rails I'rum llraaa Pole and
llreaks a l.ra.
Mben fiuinness.Jn.) years old, a fireman
of I'ngiiie Company I.H Watkin street
near I'ukin avenue, Hrnwnsville, lost
his grip uliiln sliding flown the hi ass
nolo fnm the dortnitorv last night and
broke Ins tight leg He thought Ilia
inlurv onlv a strain and insisted upon
going to the (ire, where ho fainted from
pain He was taken to St. Mary's Hospital
The) Mere nn a Wagon landed Mllh lee
anil reThoiiKht In llae lleen Oroslns.
CiLUWKM,, X .1 , .luly .1. Henry .lonns
of Newark, a patient in l he Ksse County
Asylum for the Insane al Overbrook, was
fatally hurt and a driver employed by
the asylum was killed at a crossing on th
asylum grounds this afternoon by an
express train on the Caldwell branch of
Ihe Krie Railroad
Tho driver, Vincent Tarkowski, was on
Mb way from the hospital's ice plant with
a load of ice. There Is nothing to obstruct
one's view al the, crossing and Warden
Madman of the asylum thinks Ihe two
men must have been drowsing on the
The train swept down the incline fiom
Caldwell and blew its whistle at a crossing
just above the asylum ' grounds Th"
grade ih so steep that after the tiain hit
th ice wagon il couldn't stop until it
leached Cedar Orovp. a mile below Hoth
men were nn Ihe cowcatcher. Tarkowski
dead and .lones so badly hurl that he died
after being carried back lo tho asylum
Hoth horses wero killed .
Noted Slrulh (Hcrcome by Ileal',
TarhttoWpJ, .Inly ,'i Constable William
Roekman, the noted sleuth of the town of
OreenburRh, was prostrated hy Ihe heat
to-day after carrying hi six by six badge
around for five hours doing duty on the
warm roads A few months ago he sat
on a limb and sawed himself -off a tree
His left leg was broken and ever since
then he has had to wear his badge on
the right side, his injured limb not rieing
strong enough to support it, The town
rejoices to know that tne constable's case
of sunstroke la not serious.
of the liualneaa of aurh coipurallon la ailuated
aim u i i
rritt'iinit ominii'.n ami ii.ii ix.kd that
Ihe plalnllrt the I'eople of tlie Slate of New York '
renncr their coala and dlahur.einents herein in
be taied liy Ihel'lerk. and that Uieamnunt Iheienf
he paid hy the aald receU er mil of the nral ninne) a
lhat may ronie Into hla hand anil It la
it hi iti:it (iitnciiKi) ami Mut'iKim that,
the ..aid defendant corpointlon and Ita Iruatera, '
itltrctnra. nianaaera. ofTlcrrs. Iln-Hirenta anil aerv
anl lie and they are herel.v fnreer enlMned anil
re.tralneil from raerrlalnr any of ihe rnrpoiate,
rhl hla. prlMlrteaor franrhlaeanf Ihe said corpora
1 1on and thai Ihe ilrfendant aall Pop StephanotT.
Its. dlreclora, truateea. manager, oiucer. agenta
and aerxanla. and all person uhonthocxer halnr
notice of thla Judgment lie anrt Ihey are herehr
enlnlnrd from In any manner Interfering with
aid receuer herein appointed In hla dlanhaice
nf hi dutleaaaaifrli, and from collerlliit; any of ft
ilehlaoi; demand, and from paying out, ritpolnff
of nr lHny wav Interfering n oeioerlnr to any
lieiaon an of the money, property or rrtcrl of
tlie said defendant, ail I'np Mephannfl. ecepl
to drllier the name lo said receler.
Killer. 1). V r ,
Seal J. S. C,
. 'np
w m r si'UNKinr.rk clerk-
lo the People of Ihe Slale of New Vork- T K t"
MH'll'i: Ihal the foregoing I a copy of a Inrtg
ment of involution, aratlon of charter and an
nulmenl of elience of Vaall I'op Hlrphanoit, a
domeailc corpora I Ion. whlrli flled lt lerllncale
of Inrmporailon In the ollce of Ihe Scrrctao of
Stale on Ihe lilh day of Sepleinher. mm 'lhat
Ihe foirgolng ludgmenl wa a entered In Ihe N'e
York County Clerk's Office, anrt a rrrllfleil copy
thereof, logelher llh a rofy of the ludgmenl
loll ua tiled In theoniceof theSecretarv of Stale
on the ihlrleenlli day of .tune, mil, and that the
foregoing ludrirent U puhllaherl puraiianl to
Serilon l.A of the lienrral C'orporallon l.an.
Dated June 1.1 lull.
t.l KF. A KV.F.S IX.
Deputy Secretary ot Slate.
rWI 4r,eaaaaaamwh.
KW Oft K.
Ilsnhallan llearh, I,. I,
r.,!..)5rk Fsmnna llolela and
'IKK? Kln "Olal'IIAMS.
Manlmtun Ilea, h Hand
.1IIANNI i: CO.vri'HNI). Dlrerlor
in'IIOI'KAN I'la.N1.
e l-emSIa rfe. ;arae.
i'.t'mn,K.x im.x
. TF.XXIS -Ot-JTS. (.All Mil".
utomohlle Dinner and Supper Parties.
Automobile road direct u, )i0e) enrancea.
Iloih Hotel unilet manegemeit of
JOSKPM ! (illKANKS. of the
iinoKi.Mi (iKi'ici: :n with avf . . y
Telephone ?;2t Madlaon Suuaie.
lltiflnraa Troiitilei,
Three bids for Ihe Thomas Convllle
llrenerv have been msde In the receivers,
the hluhest beliur IIM.iam, .Indue Hand
tins ghen nil bidders until Thursday lo see
If liiey won't dn better The brewery and
btistitesa had been appraised at H.Ml.nnO
and the liabilities were tli.'.oon recured
and 3 eon unsecured.
A creditors' petition In bankruptcy has
heon died agsinat the F.nte
Adlroodiirk Muuntalna,
On UPPER Saranac Lake
IMF. ITIII.1CK' INN. Rorkdnle. N. 1.
Tcrma moderate addrc JOSKPM II IMWT.liS,
llockdal". or ,e la. 175 ( hamlier St . Clt) Tele
phone :'IH W mill
The Gladstone
OIT.N .11 NK -Jit, III I I.
Large Modern Hold oerlooldnr Ihe Ocean,
accommodate H.Vis-itejt and eciutpped with every I
ionenlence that modern luiiio can uggel
dWHcl and enjojahle fealiue of Ihe (Had
Hone whtch la not found al olher eahnre trorla
I four rtrre of well kept and beautifully ahaded
lawn which aurrounit Ihe tulldlus. Afternoon .
anil eNenlni Concert
Splendid tirarh. Iiathlng r,hlnc, polo, tennla, i
golf, auperh drive Write fnr literature
Andrew Itadel, Ortnrr I, Smllh. Manager.
Oapacliv Sim. Ideal aunmirr rewiri mldoreai,
urf bathtiiK, flahlnc: ' hour from t,iaiul
Central Siailon via steamer Irom siontneion,
Conn. Booklet
So. Camilla Ar anrt Peach I'ilai Ha'h'
running water In room, spaclou porches, en
Cap. 3n. Hooklct Hrau A William
Sprlnn l.ske Hem h.
Vutnmnlilllng, rlrtlng rirUlne. tennl f '
lanoelng. ea hathing. salllnc, nHnc
.:r itootiH. ion iitiis.
I IIANIv r. SHITF, M.in.iger.
A new anrt itellghif Jll located h ill llt U
modern Imprux cmrnt.
I KDWattll A. MIITI. tUniiier,
SI'ltlNO I.AKP nrl M. M'W .IKUrV,
Illrrrth on the Ocean.
Famlli Hole) nf Ihe lllgheat Order.
Write for circular U. S. MOSS.
NOIV lll'KN.
I'lne Iinlf Link. Tennl. Hosting, I'lahlng.
"l ". '1AKMHA1.I, Manaaer.
UalawaraWalar Cap-
ool anil
Where Sunu.icr I lw
I nr. uui
jik ChampLaln.
Keatporl on I jke Chaniplaln, .V. T.
All tha coaiforla and amuaeaenta of Lake ar J
UowiUln iteaort.
H. P. SMITH. Weatport. X Y.
The Wall Street edition of Tnr Krrs'txn St'K
rontalna all the financial newa anrt the atnru and
bond quotations to the rloje of the market, The
liming quotation. Including the bid anrt askert
tin,vi;r w vi':i( ( i i-
MlflTki .il'tltuil-. nrrl.KHiB all olher hoiela
and aurrounillne countr coo e.t I.Hallo.i r
!.', iia. in t.e nn.iur! oral b the tinct hel
lln eer iranert In tills region, enlertalns .VU
1111 r.M .l . , . H t,...ftn r.l.t Wrlle
Cue' 111 irn r.tiil. "i..r '.1" -
I for l,andomc """"""'jl",.','-'- cnVi,
j Di:i.vuii'w ti:iiiiI'.im.
I.cadlnr hoiel Capacl'.y --no ()rchrtra social
dUrraln.u. rile for Uoolet anit uto Map.
I I air and Grill niXNhlon-
Atburj I'ark.
Asnt ni rRK-Derrlptlve llierature fir
cent aiamp vimmer program in cent M"
ualk hur Park, X J.
kw HAiirtiiiRr.
White MonnUlnv
In a mot iilclurentue aectlon. with accommndn
tlona for No la hole golt courae, tennl, (add
hnrr, garage and IUcr.
on priors srnxir ai'to noi'TF.s
Detached family cottage, complete!) f ,r
niahed, wllh hotel aervlre.
CIIAItl.l'.N . MI'RPIIV, Manager
White Mountain Mnaleur (iolf ChanTlonahip
Auruit Jl, :, IS. oier Waumbek Courae.
t I IIMO.Nl.
itemrlaH T.amn
Manufacturing Compsnr of .ini washlnaton I prleea wits additional newa matter, are eon-
Llatnlltlea sre llJ.ooo ana assets I tatnetl alro in tne ulfbt ealtloo of TBI cvxmxo
te.it free on arr,lt'tl''"t to.
jnon C. Judd. The hltoi. Waiagbury, C
or UM Uroaclway, New otk CUv,
I Ml . iJ I -. . Mi 'n'0'
malloit In icgar.l n siimmei lleort "
leriunnl anrt nore Lake I batnplaln '
hotel farm and village home arcommoin
Hint I rlret M er ie-k and tin Send a.
lam' foi mailing Mqreat SL'MMI 1
HiiV.lS. No IS na'i Prnal'ta1 New o
THE 6LENW00DJ;:;;.
Itydevtlle, t. lUte i to III. W. C MOV. "

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