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The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, October 11, 1912, Image 1

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Y :
Increasing cloudiness to-day; probably rata
to-morrow; moderate easterly winds.
Detailed weather reports will be found on pig: 19,
VOL. LXXX. NO. 41.
NEW YORK, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1912. Coiirfffif, 10i2. the Sun Printing nml Puhltthlng aaaoclollon.
Turkish Garrison at Detch-
Lone Fitrht.
C7 C7 .
Victors Engage Another
Force at Tuzi in Des
perate Encounter.
Mountain Forces Led by
Kin? Nicholas and
Prince Peter.
Burn Turkish Hnrrncks nt. Hoy
pnwatz Sultan's Troops
'ptriat Cable Dttpatch to Th Scm.
rtTTiNJK, Oct. 10. Detchitch, the
fortified position to which the Turks
retired yesterday when the guns of the
Montenegrins drove thrm from Mount
rian,nltz.i. was captured by the Monte
negrins this afternoon. ,
The Turkish commander and his staff
end a majority of the Turkish troops In
the KHrrlson surrendered.
The Montenegrins captured four Runs
ad tlii'lr Hags are now flying on the
fortification. The losses on both sides
wer severe.
With thu capture of Detchitch the
Untie was continued on a big scale be
fore Tuzl. The result Is unknown.
A Montenegrin force under Oen.
VtiKovltch crossed the frontier near
Bflprado. It Is reported that the Monte
negrins captured Berana, but this Is not
Klghtcen Turkish battalions on the
left hank of the Llm Itlver are Isolated
Sen inn Insurgents burned the' Ttirkli-h
barracks at Hoykowatz and Berana and
killed some soldiers. They captured
flchty. whom they turned over to the
The fighting began yesterday and was
hammer and tongs. King. Nicholas and
his son 'rlnce Peter were on the firing
The Tu-ks, at first driven back, by the
sturdy Montenegrin mountaineers with
an .ntlmate knowledge of all this Al
banian border country, managed to re
pain some of the lost ground with the
i.rrl al of reenforcements early to-day
awl for several hours hung grimly to
the r fortification.
The tlehtlng In the mountains began
ivi'h all the advantage on the Monte
negrin side. It started yesterday at 5
in lock with a hot attack on the strong
Turkifh position near I'odgorltza.
1'oilgorltz.i had been picked as the
hr.iiliiiartcr.H of the Montenegrins and
when the Klrjg and his son rode out to
th. tlrinir lino slung all along the foot
hi . opposite the town there was tho
n. first enthusiasm.
T'ic bands thundered out the na
tional anthem and the people cheered
ihf r "dl pair all the way through the
I'rown Prince Danllo. commander In
ebirt of the Montenegrins, was up In
fr'-ni mid he rode back to confer with
h, fitlier Prince Peter, who is a Cap
to n of artillery, fired the first shot at
the Turkish lines on the mountains
famine him.
The Montenegrins soon had the Turks
on the run and they followed up their
art .mtace with a general Infantry
iri"-enient. On the road to Lake Scu
tar. is Uio Detchitch Mountain", which
emmands the neighboring country, and
It was here that the Turks turned. Re
enfnrc ements were coming up on the
sli ires of the lake and they decided on
a "and. The Montenegrins, flushed
iv"h sui.-res, brought up their mountain
ba'ierles nnd began shelling the en
trn' inints, but the Turks stuck to
thci. cover.
The tiring censed at sunset, but nt
dawn ti -riay they were at It again and
the Turks weic responding briskly to
the Montenegrin fire. Messages were
a- r, headquarters In tho rear and his
t pens out In the thick of the fight
In if
M ntenegro has suspended tcle
fr.u.iv communications on tho Antl
r' SmUrl-Podgorltza-Toux and And
rioi Itrn-Beinnn lines. The Ottoman
telfcr.-iphlc administration has sus-penii.-i
mmmunlcatlon with Monto-nec-.i
M ntenegro Is still playing the game
if ..ir rtli-ne The other Balkan States
r-M' taken no nctual part In the sud
d'n ftiucRle forced so fiercely by their
dim n itlw ally.
Ii is reported from Salonlca, how
' ' -'.lit l.OHO Greek Irregulars nt
t.v 1 ' in Turkish posts near Dlskata
arvl worn repulsed.
Battle tirll,.,..,i to lie On Austria
Miililllliiw la Itrport.
. I ahir Ompatth to Ts Scs.
"ct. 11. A despatch from
In Bosnia, to tho Dally Uall
es -lund of field gun haa been
n'M t otchn, In Herzegovina not
far fr-m n)f. .Servian border. The dls
Jinr. .i apparently too great for tho
iiKM'nt! , have been nenr Podgorltza
fl' r,,no It Is believed n battlo Is on.
Th,. -,,,r Ytemin publishes the
' . u r. port In St. Petersburg that
Viiiia ' , brgun the mobilization of
jO'ir arm . I)rtmi whCh, says the llus
mil pa .e are undoubtedly Intended
'0r " n the Balkans. K Austria
Hliiln " y mnvo at Intervention 80,000
Filer ftklma From Shore In Man
Thrown Knim llowlioal.
Sea Curr, I,. I Oct. 10. A hydro
ucroplano was successfully used this
afternoon to rescue a man drowning in
Hempstead Harbor, oft here. Walter
Htrohbach went overboard from a row
boat and was having a hard fight In tho
water when Charles Wald, the avlutor,
who had been apprised of the situation,
leaped Into his machine? and In less than
n minute had covered tho half mile and
picked up the young man.
Strohbach, '13 years old, of Flatbush
nnd El wood Sawyer, 24 years, of tho
name place, who have been spending a
few days here, decided this afternoon
to go out for a row In the harbor.
Neither of them Is an expert swimmer.
When they were about half a mile from
shore Strohbach while moving about In
the boat lost his balance and fell Into
the water.
.Sawyer, who was at tho oars, tried
to row back to him, while Htrohbach
floundered about. Hawyer seemed to
mako little progress In rescuing his
friend nnd the latter was becoming ex
hausted from his own efforts.
Some one on shore noticed the plight
of the two and hurried to Aviator Wuld,
who was tuning up his machine for his
day's fflght. He Jumped Into the ma
chine Immediately and put on all the
speed he possibly could. The hydro
aeroplane seemed to fly along tho water
and Wald headed straight for tho sink
ing youth.
He reached him none too soon, as
Strohbach had gone dojsn for the second
time nnd was making n frantic effort to
keep from drowning. Wald ns he sped
up to him threw him a life preserver
and then hauled him onto the machine.
Strohbach was hurried to shore nnd
carried to the Glenwood Country Club,
close by, where a physician succeeded In
bringing him nround. Sawyer came
back to shore with the boat and then
hurried to the Country Club to look
after his friend. Later on Strohbach
was able to go to his boarding house.
Wald then made a flight out over the
bay, circling about tho scout boaM
which are to take part In the naval
parade and which have been anchored
In the Sound off here.
Vamp Smllrr, Then Tarn a Hoae
on It, and Xolblne; Happens.
After the volunteer firemen of Farm
ingdale, L. I had trundled a blazing
automobile out of a burning garage the
owner of the garage yelled to them that
there was dynamite In the machine.
They promptly scattered and when they
ventured back it was with a hose and
a stream of water. The dynamite
didn't blow up.-
The garage Is owned by LeoXappertz.
He bought seventeen sticks of dynamite
for use on his property, but thought that
It would be too dangerous for him to
handle, as he was not familiar with It.
So he decided to give the dynamite to
John Raum, foreman for Benjamin F.
Yoakum, a real estate operator. Kap
pertz put the explosive In the car on
Wednesday afternoon, meaning to tak'j
It to the Yoakum place. While work
men were burning the paint off an auto
mobile in the paint shop adjoining the
Kuppertz garage one of the men laid his
torch near a gasolene tank and the tank
blew up. The front of tho shop was
blown out nnd the garage was set on
fire. Three automobiles In tho paint
shop were destroyed and half n dozen
machines In the garage were slightly
damaged. Tho loss Is estimated at
about $8,000.
Itnrer I'lra for Xante Held for Theft
In White IMa'lns.
Whitb Plains, N. Y., Oct. 10. Helen
Louise Watson, the trained nurse who
Is under Indictment for first degreo
grand larceny nnd hns confessed to
tho crime, was before Judge Piatt this
afternoon for sentence, but at tho In
stance of her counsel, Maurice Zuckert,
she was remanded until October 15.
Mr. Zuckert said he expected to pre
sent letters from physicians to show
that the girl under proper environ
ments would change her way.
Miss Watson Is only 24 years old, and
has already served two terms for shop
lifting. She Is pretty, an accomplished
musician, Is well educated nnd comes
from a good family In Chicago. At
one time she was night superintendent
of the Long Island City Hospital. Her at
torney says she Is a kleptomaniac, and
stole after coming from long periods
of hard work.
The crime for which she Is now under
Indictment Is the theft of $1,500 worth
of Jewels nnd dresses from Mrs. George
Gregory Porter Devereaux, who died
at the home of her son, Walter Dever
eaux of Mamaroneck, on September 10,
1011, Two days after she left the
Devereaux home she was arrested for
shoplifting In Brooklyn, and for that
she nerved a ten months term on the
Attornry-Grnrml to Tnrn l'p Doth
Sides of Ohio Corruption.
Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 10. Attorney
Generay Hogen Bald to-day that In his
opinion the charters of Ohio corpora
tions whose ofllclals and agents can be
shown to have bribed State legislators
can be forfeited. Ho said proceedings
to this end would bo brought undoubt
edly following tho return of expected
Indictments by the Grand Jury ns a
result of the disclosures by Repre
sentative Oeorgo B. Nye yesterday.
Nye waa a rlnglcnder In Assembly
corruption nnd has confessed to his own
bribes and told State Attorneys of busi
ness men and politicians who for years
have controlled certain members 06
the Legislature.
As i result loo of this confession In
dictments for perjury, In addition lo
those for bribery are expected. The
trials of legislators havo .been marked
by complicated alibis and other evi
dence, and Nye's admissions confirm
suspicions entertained at tho time. Tes
timony beforo the Grand Jury Is also
thought to furnlHh the basis for per
jury charges.
1 uin.
Ut.U from Nw York. I'enniylvaal Railroad.
Krause Saw Gyp the Blood,
Whitey Lewis nnd
Lefty Louie.
Says Jack Sullivan Was Bend
ing Over Rosenthal's
Tudicntioti Tlmt. DofciiPfi Will
Try to Show Vallon Kilted
Tho trial of Lieut. Charles Becker was
distinguished late yesterday afternoon
by Louis Krause's identification at the
bar of tho court of Oyp tho Blood Horo
witz, Lofty Louio Rosenberg and Whitey
Lewis (Frank Mul(er) as three of tho four
men who shot Herman Rosenthal dead
in the doorway of the Metropole. Dago
Frank Cirofici he wa not sure about,
but he pointed to Jack Sullivan as tho
man who bent over Rosenthal's body
and who then turned with a laugh to the
The identifications were made under
the most dramatic circumstances. Krause,
who is a waiter and whoso name has been
spelled in previous court records aa Krese,
had just testified emphatically and with
every appearance of sincerity that do
splte the threats of roughs gathered In
Forty-third street he had stayed and had
seen the murder and then noticed Bridgie
Webber running toward Broadway. Dis
trict Attorney Whitman gave his witness
a chanco to demonstrate the accuracy
of his memory.
Whiter l.auaha When Identified.
Justice GofT directed that the four
gunmen and Jack Sullivan linked with
Lieut. Becker as accused murderers bo
brought from the Tombs. They entered
laughing or sneering, according to their
manner. Krauso left the witness chair
and when called upon to point out Whitey
Lewis unhesitatingly touched that gang
man on the shoulder. Iwis laugbed
In his face. He laid his hand on Lefty
Louie Rosenberg and kept it there a mo
ment unperturbed by Rosenberg's black
glances. He pointed squarely at Horo
witz, who showed his teeth in a smllo in
whloh thp.ru wah no niprrlmpnt. And
hen he turned to Jack Sullivan, who
fairly shrank away from him. Krauso
was as cool and undisturbed ns if he had
been standing in a restaurant taking an
order for dinner
For two houra John F. Mclntyre did
his best to wreck Krause's testimony but
failed utterly. Mr. Mclntyre attacked
the witness with all Die weapons of an
experienced crow-exn.mlner. Ho cooed
at him. His voice roo to a roar. Ills
questions came like the fire of a gatling.
In his curious, clone clipped Knglish, the
Hungarian replied readily and positively
and involved himself in no important con
tradictions. It was not necessary for the
District Attorney or Assistant District
Attornoy Moss to protect him by ob
jections. 1 Defence KiKht lo Clear finnmen.
80 far as tho plans of the defenoe wero
developed by the cross-examination of
Krause, it seemed evident that they are
fighting not only to clear Becker but to
exculpate tho gunmen accused of the
actual murder. Home of Mr. Molntyro'x
questions indicated that the defence wil I
try to show that Rosenthal was shot by
Harry Yallon, now one of the principal
witnesses for the prosecution.
Under rapid headway after tho selection
Just before noon of the twelfth juror, tho
fourth nay s resslon of tho trial produced
tho testimony of six witnesses. Tho State
took tho necessary steps in proving the
murder by calling Policemen John J.
Brady and William J. File, Dr. Dennis
Taylor, an ambulance surgeon of Flower
Hospital; Dr. Otto II. Schultze, the cor
oner's physician who performed the au
topsy on Rosenthal's Ixxly, and Jacob
Hecht, a waiter in the Hotel Metropole
restaurant. Krause, the waiter, tho sixth
witness, o(ened the way for the develop
ment of the larger features of the trial.
He waa called to Identify the gunmen so
that the State can go ahead with its work
of connecting Lieut. Becker with the crime
committed by the gunmen. '
nose .Mny Testify To-day,
For that general purposo the prose
cution will call for its first witness this
morning Giovanni Htanich, an Austrian,
who, like Krause, was standing in front
of the Metropole, who saw the shooting
and who later Identified sovornl of the
murderers. It Is not unlikely that Jack
Rose will take the stand some time to-day,
but the plans of tho District Attorney aro
subject to change in that particular.
Mrs. Herman Rosenthal, it Is oxpectod,
will lie one of tho main witnesBos to-day
to toll the Btory of her husband's relations
with Lieut, Becker.
The witnesses of yesterday wero ex
amined in the afternoon session. In the
morning session the jury box was filled
by tho selection of Samuol H. Haas, an
accountant, who lives at 270 Kast 201st
street, as Juror No. 12, and in the opening
address of tho District Attorney to the
jury Sir. Whitman Indulged in no high
flown orator'. He presented the history
of the crime from tho standpoint of tho
prosooution simply nnd effectively. Ho
did not put the Police Department on
trial. Ills charges concerned the one
policeman under Indictment, but of him
the District Attorney said:
"Ho was the real murderer, .the most
desperate criminal of them all; the cool,
calculating, scheming, grafting police
The opening address showed that the
prosecution has evidence that has never
Continued on Fourth Page,
'assenitrra Thrown to floors and
t.'tit by llruUen (liana.
Nine persons wero Injured this morn
ing nt 1 oVIock when a Ninth nvcntie
elevnteil train bound north rammed u
Sixth avenue truln that was slowly pull
ing Into the 104th street station.
Passengers were thrown to tho floors
and bruised and cut by flying glass and
the front platform of the Nlith avenue
train and the rear pint form of the Sixth
avenue trnln were crumpled. Trutllc was
tied up until the trains could be shifted
to the express track past tho wreck.
The Injured nre:
Bnt'NTO.v, Mrs. John, 2C1 Manhnttan
n venue, cuts on face and body; home.
Johnson', Charles 1!., colored, 130
West 13fith street, cut on face nnd
hands; home.
l.KUKitii, George, 329 Lenox nvenue,
contusions of the face und body; home.
McX'AitTlir, Joseph, "2 West 102d
street, scalp wounds and bruises; home,
O'DoN'NKl.L, .T011V, (14 West 100th
street, sculp wounds nnd bruises, home.
Pl'CKltABKL, 301 West 118th street,
laceration of the face; home.
Ryan, Annie. 2S0 West 154th street,
Injured right knee, home.
Walsh. Patrick J., 432 West Forty
second street, cut over the right eye,
tnken to J. Hood Wright Hospital.
The accident was caused by the slip
pery rails.
The only man to be taken to the hos
pital was Walsh, who was badly cut on
tho forehead.
XriT York Selentlat (lets Award for
Surxlpal Work.
Sprciiit Cablr Dripatch lo Thu Sr.
Stockholm, Oct. 10. The Nobel prize
for medicine, amounting this year to
$39,000, has been awarded to Dr. Alexis
Carrell of the Rockefeller Inxtltute, New
York city, for works In dealing with
the suture of vessels nnd the trans
plantation of organs.
$39,000, has been awarded to Dr. CarrI
of the Rockefeller Institute, New York
city, for works In dealing with the
suture of vessels und tho transplanta
tion of organs.
;The Paris papers pay n eulogistic
tribute to Dr, Carrel. They also give
high praise to the Rockefeller Institute.
Dr. Alexis Carrel, who Is In chargo
of the research work of the Rockefeller
Institute, has been engaged In experi
ments connected with the transfusion
of blood nnd the preservation of human
tissues outside of the body, which have
been the marvel of the medical world.
As early as 190C, working with Dr.
C. C. Guthrie In the Hull Physiological
Laboratory - of the University of Chi
cago, be discovered a means of deflect
ing blood currents nnd transposing
sound veins nnd arteries to replace
those which had become diseased".
At the annual meeting of the Ameri
can Medical Association Inst June Dr.
Carrel announced that the Institute was
able to furnish for medical use jmrts
cf the humnn heart, spleen and small
glands of the human body to be utilized
In the grafting processes which he ex
plained. A month later he was given
nn enthusiastic reception before the
Paris Academy of Medicine, to whom
he disclosed this the latest of his dis
'nnlaJteil From Oceanic and Km
plorr I Held on .SnmicsllUK l'!inre
Customs Inspectors arc visiting places
known to the underworld ns markets
for stolen goods In nn effort to trnco
an evening gown shipped from Paris
and missing from tho steamship
The gown, which Is valued at $500,
was taken from a cane consigned to L.
A. Consmlllcr a customs broker of 1
Broadway, after the White Stur liner
had docked nt Pier 59, North River, on
September 19, 1912. Consmlller said yes
terday that the gown had been ordered
by a New York dressmaker and he in
timated thnt the garment was to havo
become part of the wardrobe of a promi
nent woman.
Charles Murray, head checker for the
White Star Line, wns before Commis
sioner Shields yesterday on a chnrso
of smuggling. Ho was held In $1,000
ball for examination next Tuesday,
Tho information on which Murray
was arrested came from George Ram
bury, an under checker, who found tho
Consmlller consignment broken open
and the gown gone.
Assistant United States Attornoy Carl
K. Whitney said yesterday that he had
Information that Murray was courting
a girl who lives on tho upper West Side.
Ten-Yrar-Old I'nplls March to City
Hall and .March Hack Attain.
Following tho rxnmplo of the pupils
of tho 7-B grade of the Morton street
public school In Newark, twenty-two
children of the 5-A grade of the Charl
ton street school went on strike yes
terday. Walking to the City Hall to lay
their grievance before Dr. A, II. Poland,
the Superintendent of Schools, tho chll
dren wero Intercepted by officers from
tho Department of Compulsory Kdu
cation, who marched them back again.
The pupils nre children of recent ar
rivals In this country, nnd some of them
said that they were nfrald their ears
j would be cut off or that they might loso
part ot tneir tongues.
Hainan Meteor Neta Cotton Wrap
pins; Ablnir Too Moon and Dies,
Kkokiik, ln Oct, 10. C. A. Wnrbur
ton. known nil over tho country as a
high diver, died hero tn-day from the
effect of burns received early last winter
whllo diving Into tho Mississippi River
from tho bridge wrapped In burning
Wnrburton'hart accomplished this feat
hundreds of times beforo without In
Jury. His net was to wrap himself In
cotton and then set fire to It and dlvn
Into the river beforo the flames should
touch his body. He lit the cotton pre
maturely this time and was horribly
Lsktwood, If. J. rasaloBSbla and healthful
faivwinur and aprtna rtiprt. Laurel Houas
naif cpf aoU -lurwr. Utt.-A.
Stinuliml's Loss a Half Million
After Explosion on Iiont
nt Iliiyonne.
Company's Flro Fighters nnd
Tugs Fail to Savo Ships
Filled With Cargo.
Fire starting after a boiler explosion
on the oil tank steamship Dunholme of
the Standard Oil Company fleet, which
was docked at the Standard Oil Com
puny wharves at Constable Hook, south
of Hayonne. burned that vessel to the
water edge, completely destroyed the oil
schooner Coronet, scorched tho Narra
gnnsett, Saxnllne and Hohenzollern, all
of which aro large tank steamships, and
In all did damage of $500,000 to $600,000.
At midnight two men were reported
to be still missing; of these It was
thought that one was burned to death.
The captain of the Donholme Is Fred
Osborne. He, with his wife .and" daugh
ters und the crew of twenty-five men,
Jumped overboard and were picked up.
The missing man supposed to be
drowned Is Fireman Frank Nesblt.'
The Norwegian bark Concordia was a
total wreck.
The Dunholme was scheduled to leave
Bayonne for Fnglnnd this morning, and
her full cargo of 50,000 barrels of oil
was on board, packed away In enses.
Tho captain, his wife, two daughters
nnd one or two friends wero In the
cnbln when, shortly after 8 o'clock,
there was a huge explosion which lifted
the big vessel half out of tho water.
A geyser of flume fully fifty feet
high belched up Into the night, and as
tho blazing oil came down It spattered
In nil directions. Spots of flro appeared
all over tho deck; the wooden pier
caught on fire, and burning puddles of
oil fell In the water alongside the
strlrigplece unquenched by the salt
As the ship recovered from the first
explosion ehe split In tho middle nnd
down the sUIps and roaring yellow
flames poured from the gaps.
The crew, those of them that had
been below, rushed to the deck. At first
glance It appeared as If the entlro ves
sel would be consumed within a few
moments, and the captain, his family
nnd most of the crew plunged over tha
side rails. There, swimming around tho
spots of flame which dotted the water
around them, they all kept afloat until
ropes could be thrown to them from
other piers and vessels.
Alongside the Dunholme wns the Nar
rngansett, tho largest oil tank steam
ship In the world. Spots of flame, shot
far out by the explosion, reached her
nnd at tho direction of Port Captain
Smith she was towed out Into tho bay.
In the same dock were tho Saxnllne,
the Coronet and the Hohenzollern. The
Hohenzollern was badly singed by the
oil which spattered from tho Dunholme,
and the Coronet wns so badly tired that
she could not be saved.
The Coronet wns on oil schooner of
30,000 barrels capacity. The Saxallno
was saved. Tho Hohenzollern suffered
about $1,000 damage.
The Standard Oil Company's force of
fire fighters, organized to protect seven
miles of wharves which the company
has In Bayonne, found their hands full
from the start, and word was sent to
Manhnttan. The flreboats McClellnn
and New Yorker wero sent down. The
Standard Oil men fought from the shore
with streams of water, but they couldn't
get close enough to the heart of the
blaze to affect It.
Twenty-seven tugs of the Standard
OH fleet wero run to tho water side of
the fire and the men on these boats
played hose 1 on the Are.
Thousands lined tho Staten Island
shore to watch the spectacle. Tho fire
could not be seen from New York, as it
lay around a hook of land, but the
Staten Island ferryboats passed within
eyesight of it.
At first reports many men were re
ported killed,
One of the watchmen who had been
burned by oil from the first explosion was
found In the Bayonne Hospital and was
not dangerously Injured. He Is Peter
Lcnnon, 30 years old, of 207 Avenue B,
At 12:30 this morning the fire was
still lighting up the bay for miles
nround. Tho Dunholme was still hope
lessly on fire; Pier 3, nt which she was
docked, was gone nnd the flro had a
grip on Pier 4, which looked as If Jt
could not be shaken off".
The loss on the Dunholme will be
$400,000, according to G. B. Glfford, gen
eral superintendent of the plant. The
loss on the Coronet, which wns loaded
with 0,000 barrels of of oil ond parafflne,
Is about $50,000, and tho damage to the
plera and the other vessels which wero
slightly burned will amount to about
$150,000 more.
Early this morning Supt. Place said
he believed thnt tho explosion which
started the flro wns capsed by de
fectlvo wiring In tho electrical servlco
on board.
lloaton .Inilae fllvea tine 81s Months
Kxtra for Joy ItldliiK.
Boston, Oct. 10, Two law breaking
chaulTours wero sentenced to prison In
this city to.day.
Last night 11 man who said ho was John
Wentzoll, n Now York chauffeur, and had
an identification card such as Is issued to
licensed chauffeurs in New York State,
st olo an automobile valued at $2,500 in
Kliot htreet. He told Judge Kly this
morning that it was all a joko. "I was
just going to rido around tho block," he
said. But ho was sentenced to two years
In tho house of correction.
Luther Knowlton of Homervillo stole
an automobile from in front of Mechanics
Building, Speeding up Beacon street
Knowlton hit a oouptf, causing painful
injuries to Mrs. Ellon H, Curtis, a pas
enger. Then he went Joy riding until
the oar broke down In West Lynn. Judge
Ely gave him two years and a half la tb
Herlplent Kings In President Tnft'a
Cincinnati Church,
Cincinnati, Oct. 10. Miss Isnbcl
Sparked, a singer, admitted to-day that
an attempt wuh recently made by un un
known enemy through poisoned candy
sent through the malls to take her life
or permanently Injure her voice. The
candy came to her, In a box bearing the
name of a prominent firm of confec
tioners and containing a card with a
fictitious name.
Miss Sparkes was tnken violently 111
soon after eating some of the candy and
It Is believed that her life was only
saved through the efforts of tho phy
sician who was speedily summoned. A
sister who ate some of the candy also
suffered from Illness.
Detectives nnd postal authorities have
been working on the case for some days.
Miss Sparkes said to-day that she be
lieved the unknown enemy who had sent
the candy had also sent anonymous
communications to the newspapers to
the effect that she hud attempted to
commit suicide.
Miss Sparkes Is the lending soprano
soloist at Christ Church, which Is usually
attended by President Taft when In
the city.
Germany to Put Vp a Million Dollar
fltrnctare In Washington,
Washington, Oct. 10. The German
Government will construct a million
dollar embassy building near Sheridan
Circle, according to plans discussed hero
by officials who have come from Ber
lin to look over tho site already bought.
Herr Kettncr nnd Herr Saran of the
German Foreign Office nnd Prof. Peter
Behrens, an architect of the German
Government, composed the commission
to make the preliminary plans.
Say a Uoaton'a Arathrtlu Major Ones
:i,.tUR.ttM for Ten Years' Posies.
Boston, Oct. 10. Mayor Fitzgerald
has been sued by a local florist for the
recovery of $3,525.98 charged for flow
ers alleged to have been purchased In
the ten years between 1901 and 1911.
In the suit It Is declared that flowers
purchased on 285 occasions are not paid
for. The amount of the bill Is said to bo
$3,224.03, on which the Mayor Is cred
ited with $583.50, while the Interest is
set at $884.85.
la Ilanalns; On When He Slips and
Falls Under WheeW.
Conrad Carlson, IS years old, of 1857
Victor street, The Bronx, while roller
skating on Morris Park avenue be
tween Fillmore nnd Garfield streets in
that borough, yesterday afternoon, fell
beneath a Willlamsbrldgc and Mount
Vernon car of the Union Railway. He
suffered Injuries from which he Is ex
pected to die.
Ho overtook the car, and holding
to the side, was allowing himself to be
dragged along, when his skate turned
and he fell upon his head with his
right leg across tho track.
Owners Settle Claims Against Hnlld
Ins; at HO Daane Street.
Cobweb Hall, at 80 Duano street,
which Is pointed out as one of the
musty show places of the city, wns
saved yesterday from destruction.
A suit In foreclosure was started In
tho Supremo Court by the Empire City
Savings Bank, which holds the mort
gage on tho property, nnd might have
resulted In Its sale and the destruction
of the building had not tho owners,
Mary J. Ferrlgan and her two sons, who
conduct a liquor business there, settled
the claims on the bank almost as soon
as the action was started.
The old building Is said to have been
erected more than 100' years ago, and
for generations It has been the favarlte
drinking place of some of the lesser
politicians of the city. As long as any
ono can remember the placo has been
Cobweb Hall, though It does not boast
such fine specimens ot cobwebs now as
It Is said to have had when It received
Its name.
Follow Oaear Nlraaa'a Rumple and
Go to Polls To-day.
This Is the first Jsy of registration
for voters. The other days nre to-morrow
and Friday nnd Saturday of next
week. On each day the polls will bo
open from 7 A. M. to 10 P. M.
All the party leaders havo urged their
flock to register to-day If possible, for
to-morrow Is Columbus Day, a national
holiday, and there Is likely to be'"a
crush at the polling places.
"In any event do not wait until the
lost day" Is tho appeal of every party.
Tho law says that voters who have
lived In the Stoto one year, In tho
county four months and In the elec
tion district thirty dnya are entitled to
Oscar Straus, who Is speaking up
Stnte, will come to this city to register
early this morning, leaving again nt
S: 30. o'clock for Niagara Falls.
Wash Machine for Ullla goon to Re
Inalalled at Xub-'l rraaury.
Wahhinoton, Oct. 10. Approximately
350,000 pieces of paper money are sent
every day through the Now York Sub
Treasury to Washington for destruc
tion. Forty per cent, of these notes
can be saved by laundering, and four
of tho money washing machines ro
rently adopted by tho Treasury nro to
be sent to New York and Installed on
the second floor of the Sub-Treasury.
Since the machine hns been In opera
tion here tha ofllclals hnve received
many Inquiries from bnnkH and big
business houses In New York ns to
whother or not they could rent the
machines. Acting Secretary Bailey has
replied that It may be decided that Mr.
Smith, a machinist In the Bureau of
Engraving and Printing who Invented
the machine, may be permitted to sell
them to private concerns.
The Leas Sjaaa Tt tsilaaaa
1 iAuwy'J 1 ifftii 1
Bed Sox Beaton, 2 to 1, and
World Series Is Tied
at One Apiece.
Two Men on' Base, Two
Out, as Dcvore Kills
Cady's Double.
Runless Pitching for Eight
Rounds Error Cause
of Lone Score.
HcrzoK and Murray Continue t4
Shino With lint and Glove
To-dny's Game Here. ,
First same Tneaday at Pola)
Gronnda, .Nerr York. Had Best
won, 4 to 3. ntehera, Wo4
and Tearean and Crandalt.
Second same Wednesday at Feaa
way Park, Boston. Tla ajame,
to II, eleven Innings. Pitchers,
Slathewaon and Collins, Hall
and Bedlent.
Third icamr Yeaterday at Fenway
Park, Boaton. Giants won, a
to . Pitchers, Marqaard aad
O'Brien and Bedlent,
Fourth stamp To-day, Polo Gronnds
Boston, Oct. 10. Again to-day tha
Giants and Red Sox had It out tooth and
nail for the laurel wreath of baseball
and this time the Giants won. The score
by which they subdued the lied Sox
was 2 to 1 and then they won by a
squeak so narrow that everything de
pended on tho last ball hit whether they
were to have a victory over the Bos
tonlans or whether the incubus of two
defeats was to be carried by them until
resuming play In New York to-morrow.
A victory apiece, with one game a tie,
Is the reckoning now and both teams
aro going strong and bulging vlth
fighting spirit.
Somewhat different In complexion
from the first two games was this' after
noon's contest. The rivals settled dowa
to baseball which was of smoother tex
tu re and more natural in Us pace. Yet
to-day's game lacked nothing In Inten
sity nnd was carried through with all
the closeness of the two others. It waa)
In keeping with Its fellows la belnc
crammed to tho full with uncertainty,
and yet the teams played as If tha
pressuro wasn't quite so high aa It
their collective tcmperaturo had com
down t.. moro normal degree.
With opportune uso of tho bat, lni
sertlng blows not often but whon sorebJl
needed, tho Giants ran up a score of two)
and turned the Red Sox back baffled ant)
scoreless for eight consecutive innings
In the last two Innings, however, thai
Red Sox attack quickened a bit, urged
on by the speedy necessity of dolnsT
something noon or being beaten. If
never quickened sufficiently to avoid d4
feat, but the pugnacious stand made 1BJ
the last Inning did prevent a whitewash.
Just as pugnacious was New York's
defence in seeing that the damage did)
not exceed ono run, and It was stanch
enough then, as at all times, to hold tha
hard earned vantage. A muff by Mcr
kle was the only fissure in tho New)
York fielding, It coming in tho ninth!
Inning after the Red Sox had made their
hermit run. It cost nothing, but It did)
creato a perilous situation and thera
was a furor of excitement In tho stands
until Devoro with a superb running;
catch of a lino drive so hard that It was
almost Invisible brought the game to
an end with two base runners bound
1 1 . . 1 - . . . U . t . U V. t . -
lltnUL; 0JJI11 iui wiu iiuiiiu (UUIU, r
A fitting wlndup that to a gams
which terminated In a final Inning Into
which was crowded all of Boston's hopes
and most of New York's danger! It
was such a boiling, roaring inning, this
ninth, that tho emotions of the em
banked throng ran the gamut, and the
players of both sides must have been
In a nervewrncking state of being. Rube
Marquard took up the pitching burden
for the Giants; to him was trusted the
responsibility of doing the hurling in a
manner which would keep tho Red Sox
properly In restraint. Marquard was
In dire straits toward tho last, but nil
told he was the rnnster of the Red Sox.
He was tho knottiest New York pitching
problem tho American League cham
pions have faced so far In the series.
He came back In admirable style, did
the Rube, even If tho sword of Damocles
was hanging over his head In the ninth.
But tho thread that held tho sword
was beyond severing by tho Red Sox
nnd the Bubo pitched a gamo which re
dounds greatly to his credit
It wasn't nil his fault thnt he was In
trouble In the ninth, although he ap
peared to bo losing his grip. The error
by Merklo made things worse for him,
but he wns plucky even then nnd for,
the greater part of the game cool and
deliberate. The fast hop ball which hns
mado Murquard famous and formldablo
was on show tn-day and greatly per
plexed tho Red Sox. In his rear pocket
ho carried rosin or what Is colloquially
known oh curvo paste. Ho dipped his
salary hand into tho pocket after every
ball pitched and proceeded along care
fully and taking plenty of time.
In the closing Inning the Rube had to
listen to a storm of yeHJng by tha home
rooters and to the discordant blars of
a brass band, which let looae with a
wild racket as he was about, to pttoh.
But he stood uptBtre taaarytous to
, .Jt y&jSfWrSSPiXF,
r A aw. ' .! - -, . jr l - t, t .sr Kit, KW7 f-'. 1 . r a '

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