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The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, April 13, 1913, Image 16

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R. H. Mcy & Co.'a Attraction Are Their Low Prlct.
R. H. Macy A Co.'s Attraction Are Their Law Prices.
These two completely re-equipped and vastly improved Moors will welcome vou to-morrow with
a wealth of exceptional and timely special values. The Escalators reach thee floors quickly and
comfortably. Elevators at the .Mth St. and 35th St. sides and rear.
Broadway) 34th to 3Stb St.
Broadway, 34th to35tl St
II 1N1
mm V Herald Square, lmr
mm m mmm ueraia oquaro,
Mf V M 1 t r. r r
In this s;ile are ottered outer garments for evening, afternoon
and street wear.
This Season s Models Taken
From Regular Stock
and reduced because the size range is somewhat broken. In the
assortment, however, all sizes are well represented in many smart
st les.
In the New Department, Third Floor.
Easily Reached by the Escalators.
Bengaline Silk Draped Wrapt.
Very Special $17.74
The graceful model (illus
trated) is in the popular seven
eighth length; made of a
heavy quality of black Ben
galine silk with long shawl
collar and kimono sleeves.
Lined throughout with black
and white Brocaded Satin.
Coats Now $24.74 .
Were $29.75 to $33.75
A few white coats in Bed
ford cord or eponge for after
noon and street wear. The
majority in lace braids, co
verts, fine serges, shepherd
checks, seven-eighth length,
and short models.
Coats Now $29.75
Were $34.50 to $37.75
Evening, afternoon and street
Coats short or "-even-eighth
length models, silk lined and
made of channelise, brocade,
poplin, serge, covert or shepherd
check worsteds.
Coats Now $14.74
Were $19.74 h $22.74
Imported English Top Coats
in fine woolens, several differ
ent models. Also plain and
trimmed coats in checks, serges,
Bedford cords and fancv mixtures.
Complete protection: lowest charges possible in
order that you may feel quite safe. A 'phone call
or notification bv post will bring our wagon or
automobile withm the radius of our Delivery System.
Third Floor, Broadway.
and Evening DRESSES
Were $44.75 to $48.75, now $38.75
Were $29.75 to $34.75, now $23.74
Scores uf smart Frocks in the most fashionable fabrics and
in all favored colorings.
This Season's Models Taken From Regular Stock.
Offered at special reductions because the range of sizes is
somewnat nroKen.
In the New Department, Third Floor.
Conveniently Located Near the Escalators.
Sixty-nine Dresses Now $38.75
Were $44.75 to $48.75
Many are adaptations of imported models all are decidedly
modish, very finely made and finished.
Dresses of crepe de chine, satin charmeuse, crepe meteor and
Canton crepe, trimmed with fine laces, Bulgarian and Chinese
Seventy-eight Dresses Now $23.74
Were $29.75 to $34.75
rJmrminfT mnrlpU. with Hr.inprf. siirnlirp nr hnlar ui
effects and gracefully draped skirts. Spring s best colors in crepe
ae cnine, ciiiirmeuse unu siik.
In the New Department, Third Floor, 35th St
Long Waisted Lawn Dresses, 89c
Very dainty and well made are
these dresses (Illustrated), of fine lawn
with fronts of pretty embroidery,
Dutch neck and short sleeves, lace
edged. The waist is finished with wide
beading and ribbons. Sizes 2 to 5 years.
Infants' Yoke Dresses, 99c
These dainty little imported Dresses
are beautifully hand-made of French
nainsook with small round vokes, deli
cately hand embroidered and put in
With entrc itptiv .Tnrl on-) rUaw.r
finished with Valenciennes lace. Sizes
1 to 2 years.
Special Values in "BLOUSES
of Crepe de Chine,
Wash Silks and Voiles
The demand for Crepe de Chine Blouses and the increasing
scarcity of the fabric give this sale a very special interest. Later
in the' season Crepe de Chine Blouses may not be had at these
very moderate prices; so if you are an admirer of these soft, cling
ing' silks it would be policy to take advantage of these special
For Monday and Tuesday
in the New Department,
2d Fl Centre.
In the New Department Third Floor
Adjoining the Escalator
Crepe de Chine Blouses, $4.96
Tin charming model (illustrated at the right) is of superior
quality crepe de chine, with double collar and cuffs of chiffon,
over contrasting satin and full pleated frills, three-quarter length
Another model of white crepe de chine is trimmed with
clusters of cut crstal buttons and has the new round collar ef
fect. $4.96.
Crepe de Chine Blouses and Shirts, $3.96
The smart model (centre illustration) has a wide pointed
Robespierre collar and three-quarter length sleeves.
Shirts in white crepe de chine are of mannish model with
turn-down collar, pocket and oval pearl button trimmings.
Habutai Silk Frilled Waists, $3.96
Excellent quality of washable white habutai;
model with flat collar and double frill finely pleated,
with deep frilled cuffs.
very pretty
Long sleeve's
Black China Silk Waists, $2.97
A pretty and practical Waist, with clusters of fine pin tucks,
and hemstitching. Low neck and three-quarter length sleeves.
Tub Silk Waists, $1.98
All the newest and smartest striped effects in prettv colorings.
Robespierre collar: long sleeves with cuffs.
Fancy Striped Voile Waists, $1.98
This model illustrated at the left
is of novel tv striped voile, with
low collar aiid vest of fine white
voile edced with Valenciennes;
corded seams; short sleeves with
Lice-Trimmed Voile Waists, $1.98
( Very effectively trimmed with
Venie lace yoke, clusters of
tucks and insertions. High
necl and three-quarter length
sleeve. A verv claintv, prettv
In our new, enlarged de
partment on the Second
Floor, shopping is made de
lightful bv excellent dis
plavs of the dainty Sum
mer fabrics, finer aiid more
beautiful in quality than
ever before. The escalator
or elevators will take von
straight to the heart of the
White Goods Sect ion.
where is displaved all that
is newest, daintiest ami
prettiest in Summer Wash
Fabrics. All at "Lowe-t-tn-the-Citv
" price-.
$2.19 English
Long Cloths (H,;'1) $1.49
Width 42 inches
This is indeed ;i remarkable
value, as this i Hit finer t
quality chtimois-tinish fuiRlish
l.onadoth in an unusual width.
IJeint; closely and finely woven,
of soft linish and perfectly
blenched, this dainty fabric
wears and launders most excel
lently. Very desirable for
lingerie and children's under
wear. Supply is limited to r
hundred piece.
Imported French
Voile, Special at (yd.) 39c
Width 39 inches
Beautiful, sheer q ulitv Im
ported Crenel) Voile. diliRllt
fulb dainty for Summer frocks
and blouses. Limited quantit; .
50c Imported English
Persian Lawn (yd.) 34c
Extra 45 inch width
Vers sheer and tine is tins
beauti'tul quality Persian L;uvn.
buf because of fine weave it t
durable, substantial and laun
ders e.cellcntl . er damn
for blouse.-., frocks and fine tin
50c Imported Fancy
English Pique (yd.) 34c
Width 32 inches
A firm, substantial cloth n,
ten new and dainty pattern,
soiling at Its than wholesale
,.ost. This material i excel
lent for h!otie. separate
Uirts, dresses and coat, a r
wears and launders well.
25c Fine White
Shirting Madras (yd.) 15c
Width 32 inches
Very durable and attractive
this fabric, in ten prett.,
atm-tripe and satin-?tripe-.md-figure
patterns. Cspeciall;.
i!rirable for tailored waists.
kirts and blouses. As the
i)iianHty is limited, we ad.t
carK purchasing.
Daintiest LINGERIE
of Finest Materials
This is to be a season of soft.
dniRinK frocks fashioned of
sheerest materials. Dainty Lin
gerie of soft, pliable fabrics, cut
on straight, narrow lines, ' is
therefore imperative to give the
correct effect with these gowns.
Take the escalator or eleva
tors to the
New Department, Third Floor,
34th Street,
and critically examine the "in
finite vjrietv" of charrnmj; Lin
gerie displayed there vou'll be
delighted with the fetching garments,
From Europe
Tht French teaman's left of dainty
hand-uatk, and her ttquhlte last Is
m$t strantly ttldtneed In Iht louty
Infant? Drtsstt Jml nutted from
France. Of count thiu art clt hand
made "It pttlt infant' utart nttklnt
tin Me daintiest, softest mattrtals,
Jttehlntly lact trlmmtd. Thttt charm
tni llttlt tamtnts art offtrtd at un
usually lote prtcts far Imported Drtssis.
Infants' Empire
Dresses, $4.96.
Cunning little Dresses are
these of softest batiste with
dainty hand-embroidered yokes.
Sleeves and waist put in with
narrow Entrt Dtux and prettily
finished with Valenciennes lace,
beading and ribbon, (land
made throughout. Sizes 2 to 5
Dresses Embroidered
In Colors, $1.74.
These Dresses, daintily liand
embroldered in llornl sprays of
blue, are made in kimono
styles with Dutch neck and
loose sleeves, hand-scalloped.
Hand-made throughout. Sizes
2 to S years.
Infants' Yok.
Dresses, 99c.
Beautifully made of French
nainsook with small round
yoke embroidered by hand.
Made entirely by hand, lace
trlmmed and seams put to
gether with Entre Deux. Slits
l to 2 years.
Ntw neyartBCat. 8 VI., SCth SI.
Charming new model?, picturesque in style and fashioned of
the most favored fabrics for Sprint? and Summer wear. Many
novelties and all the most popular staple styles are now displayed in
x s
The New Department on the Third Floor.
Conveniently Located Near the Escalator.
Crepe de Chine Negligees $7.94
Kimono model, with deep round
collar and sleeve trimmings of wide
white iace and 'lurred satin ribbon.
In pale blue or pink.
Crepe de Chine Negligees $9.94
Umpire model, yoke and sleeves
finely tucked, trimmed with wide
Bohemian shadow lace insertion. Wide
satin ribbon girdle, run through lace
beading; straight skirt slashed at
strip nllH fmichnH i-!,h c-iMm Kr.it.e
In roe. Copenhagen blue, light blue
ana pniK.
Crepe de Chine Negligees $13.49
Very dainty style the Empire rosebuds. Satin ribbons and buckles
yoKe ana sleeves witn tiny tucks ana atId nn effective finish,
wide collar and cuffs of creamv , . , , ....
shadow lace trimmed with chiffon In pale blue or shell pink.
Crepe de Chine Matinee Set $21.89
A thoroughly Parisian novelty the slashed flounces of lace and shirred
Empire coatee entire imacie of shadow ribbon and lace ruffles-rosebud
use in:;, nulla .1 1 iv Miiiicru amill
ribbon is daintily trimmed with silk
rosebuds. The straight skirt has deep
In pale pink or sky blue.
Japanese Wash Silk Kimonos $4.96
Dainty striped effects, in full loose
Japanese model, with wing sleeves.
Edced with nlain silk folds and fn
ing witn large silk covered buttons.
Japanese Silk-Embroidered Kimonos $6.94
Hand-embroidered in tvoical Ori
ental designs and colors. These
Kimonos are made of silk, have
fringed sashes and are silk lined.
In all the favored light and darl
Japanese Silk Mandarin Coats $6.94
Hand embroidered three-quarter may be had in pink, blue, red, white
"Hi i, 3 w,r ,uniVLl,K" nd avender.
lined. Very effective in style. These
Flowered Crepe Kimonos, $1.98
Empire or straight models in pretty
floral patterns of Japanese crepe.
Shirred satin ribbon trimming.
Dotted Swiss Kimonos, $2.69
Two pretty Empire models, daintilj
trimmed with emhrnlrWv nr Vnian
clennes lace and satin ribbons run
tnrougn wiue Deaaing.
Fltwered Crepe Kimonos, $2.97 Florentine Silk Kimonos, $3.96
very aurakiivc muuei, w u) aeep n, i r.
. .. ..... r Verv Drettv floral n.-jtfprnc m Pnv
round collar ana cutis of moire silk. pire moae, trimmed' with mescaline
w'j" 'r'Kc cuRiiiK. couar ana cults. Kiooon girdle.
Pink, blue and lavender. In light, pretty colors.
Lawn Dressing Sacques, 49c Swiss Dressing Sacques, 99c
Printed lawn In nrnttv naffirn and
of excellent quality. Large collar
and sleeves finished with fancy edging.
Belted back.
Drift crl Kako l.ir.frlmms mrw4l
wun riDDon run oeaaing.
Also flowered lawn sacques trimmed
"IUI IIKW tlllUI UUU tlllU Ill'UUilS
Interesting special allies in Suits for avtrauo mziv! wi'mn,
and small women many models taken from regular -t v;,.
others representing an exceptionally fortunate purdia-.'.
In the New Department, Third Floor.
Conveniently Reached by the Escalator.
Russian Blouse Suits ni 7 j
of Men's Wear Serge Zl.4
A special purchase enables us to oft'ir
the very smart model (illustrated) at this
exceptionally attractive price.
Made of men's wear serge of excel
lent quality, in navy blue or black: the
coat, trimmed with straps and button., ha
a vestee of Chinese printed eponge. The
draped skirt is shirred at the bad.- and
has a fitted girdle top.
Suits Now $24.74 and $34.75
Were Formerly S.5.5.75 to 548.75.
Russian blouse, cutaway and strictK
tailored models, custom finished and ver
fmelv made in everv detail.
In all the newest materials, including:
Wool Poplin, French Serge, Bedford
Cord and Fine Men's Wear Serge.
In a full range of staple ar.d new spr,i
Women's $5.00 PUMPS and
COLONIALS, special $2.97
The season's smartest Low Slues, in the m -.t popular leather
and lasts, and in a complete range of i?e. are offered at tin special
redUCtlOn. .rruni1 Vimr :)Sl!i Mrrfi, llrar
For Monday and Tuesday Only.
Grey Buckskin "Colonials" with
buckskin covered buckle, welted oks
and Cuban heels.
Broun Ooze Calf Pumps with
heavy silk ribbon bow, welted ules
and Cuban heel..
Patent Leather and Gun Metal Calf
"Colonials" very thsh. new lats
and the new Spanish heels.
Japanese Crepes, noted for their durability wnon on h;uui
loonis, are of firm, line texture and crisp finish. LauuieT
perfectly, this fabric retains its original beauty as long as it lat.
Fashion demands crepe weaves, and the Mac ai'rtmenf
offers the most complete, charming and comprehensive vane"
of elevens at "Lowest-in-the-Cit " price.
In the New Wash Goods Department,
Second Floor Reached by the Escalator
Japanese Crepes, Solid Colors, Yard 28c.
idth AO inches. A cool, crisp fabric, in shades of pink, -k .
cadet, tan. helio. rose and grey.
Fancy Striped Japanese Crepes, Yard 29c.
Width 30 inches. Novelty striped effects in combination of
white grounds with colored stripes, also blue, pink and gre
grounds with white stripe.
Fancy Printed Japanese Crepes, Yard 29c.
Width 30 inches. For kimonos and for Summer h"iie
draperies these are very desirable. A varietv of the nm.t pictur
esque Oriental designs and colorings, including main arti'ic
blue-and-white effects.
Linens and Voiles
are among the season's most popular fabrics and are displaved in
the Macy Wash Goods Section in the most complete assortment.
40c Pure Irish Dress Linens, 24c
Every thread pure linen and in the most wanted weight and
Coptnhafin, old Hut, sky Hue. pink,, iroun. (olden btoitn.
ireen, yellow, heliotrope, nacy, black,, (tty, crfdni and uhite.
25c "Jouy" PrintecfVoiles, 12c
Exquisite printed effects in the damtv Horal design- copied
from the finest French patterns. In white, blue, pink or v eHw
grounds, with characteristic patterns in blended colonic.'
Spring Dress FABRICS
Macy's headquarters for Black and Colored Dress Good
oners at all times every novelty and all staple weaves at "Lowest-in-the-City"
prices. Compare qualities and values, and con
vince yourself that you save money when you buy here.
For Monday and, Tuesday.
Take the Escalator to the New Department.
Second Floor, 35th Street, Front.
$1.50 Silk-and-Wool Poplin, 68c
The most fashionable fabric of the reason lor afternoon and
evening dresses. A wide range of staple colors in street and eve
ning shades. This quality retails elsewhere at 51. S") a vard.
Width 24 inches.
$1.00 English Mohair Brilliantine, Special, 59c
In a pertect black, rich, silkv, lustrous finish; especial I
desirable weight for one-piece dresses.
$1.00 Shepherd Chccks-All-Wooi, 67c
For two-piece suits and separate skirts, the favored materia1.
Clear black-and-white checks in opular -hcs.

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