THE WEATHER FORECAST. Fair to-day and to-morrow; high north west winds. Detailed weather reports will be found on page 15. tin. VOL. LXXXI.-NO. 100. NEW YORK, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1913. Copyright, 1913, by the Hun Printing and Publishing .Uioeiattcu PRICE TWO CENTS. ENVOY SULLIVAN UNDERCHARGES Secretary of American Lega tion in Santo Domingo Brings Them. II K HKFt'SKS TO SKKVB Wilson to Have Dominican Klections "OttservctP Despite Protests. SOUTH INU NOTE IS SENT lie Strips Wntelierx of "Official" Status to IMaeate Presi dent llordas. W isIiis'iiton, IM', S. While President Wllmi is determined to have the elections In S.intn Domingo "observed" next Mon !. Ill spite of Dominican protests, thi State Department Is ronf routed with an Investigation Into rcpoits Involving James - M Siillhan. the American Minister to!1A'M- I-ter In the morning he was dls- they Know the inxestlgatlon will lie car . . . .... I charged by Judge Houghton with a rep- j rled forward to establish Just who coin- Santo Domingo, who was counsel for Jac, r,nunJ ,,,,,, urculll. ,,., Xlose In the Dicker trial last ) ear. Tn JOimg man came here Saturday These particular crlims are larceny. Mr. Sullivan's personal and otllcial con- I night for a dinner of Princeton students at conspliaey. forgery, perjury and viola duct Is said to be uvolvel In ehnrges i the old Mansion House. He didn't re-, tlon of the corporation laws. The per nude by Charles U. 'uitl. secretary of ' member how he came to fall out of tho sons who are believed to be Involved are legation t Santo Domingo city. Secre- h 'd"w tlr M bJ' IIc s,atl" an'' ""'-'I"' otllc.-holde. s. per tsry Curtis, It l. understood, tefuscd to I '"n ' 11 cobblestone alley, but up- . sons who hold otllcial positions In polltl wntlnuo service under Mr. Sullivan and parently suffered no brulte.. I cal parties and pet sons who have, no received permission p. e-ome to in- United ' ' "nwM -"l'.'olty. but who are high In the States with the understanding that he Is not to be returned to the Dominican post. State Department officials aic silnt gtrdlng the cha.-.e against Sulli van Prom othi r amircs. hieer. It Is learned that Mr. Sullivan's conduct In Santo Domingo city has attracted con- s'dcnblo attention and has been the sub- j jeet of mncn comment. 31 it s lie Ciinurrssluiinl Imiiilrj. liMtulrles aic luin; tnade by ui'.inbcis of ConciC'S Into the facts In thu cai-e und in some quartets there Is tallt of an at- . tempt to bring about a Congiesslonul In- I vestlgatlon. Among the matters nttract- ' ... .. .. 1 ing attention Is li.e iciwiien Kiannns m " r . , "' . , .,. . " a lall.oad concsshm In Suuto Domingo wl,h " bjlheil bjr ISM0O to wllh seeming a bribe from hlra. to T. J. Sullivan, said to be a cousin u( I ' a providing for a live rent charge 0ne ,)f tn, ncw wltl,r Is expected ' , . , ...,. for telephone conversations not more than , , testify as to tho campaign to g-t , ' ' " ' . ., ! v i'ilnute-1 long between any two points ,,.(K!,, , refrrellllm calling for an ad in the san connection much n e e, , , uw York CJ Kpe,llture of for the was aioused by the statement made last . .... . . . . . , , , .i .. Kht by jam,- U. Mc .ulre former Mk or of .xyrueue. now un.,. i chaises In New (J.... In i.iin..itliin II It II n I ni till! I'll u.r. ... " """ '" ""; iuoitiuui...iir, .,. ... ..v. count of his visit to Santo Domingo la-t e,. it r... iim lnvltutiiin nf Minister Sullivan. " . ' "The American Minister." Mcliulre ts'duced the resolution, and Assemblyman j quoted as Maying, "wrote to me In Ucto-1 Larrlmer of Kings, who was defeated at b r to go down In November and examine I the last election, made the charge against the ptojio-als and diameter of the woik I the ilovernor. (public woiks planned by the "Dominican I Mr. Larrlmer Introduced and had the! liovernini nt. While III Santo Domingo dty I lemalucd at the legation, as there Is no fit hotel. My brother-in-law Is to go clown next month and make an esti mate on a toad 12J miles long and to llguie on some railway work." It Is unusual for American Ministers to Invite their friends to tnke advantage of business opportunities, especially those involving public contracts, In foreign countrks. Thirty Watchers. Despite protests by Santo Domingo the elections to be held In that republic next Monday will be "observed" by a large group of representatives of the United States fiovernment, possibly as many as thirty. The persistence of President Wilson in his determination to sec that the De cember elections of a constituent As fcfmbly are "fair and free," even In the face of hostile attitude on the part of the Dominican (lovernmcnt, was announced oniclally this afternoon. Secretary llryan made public pait of n telegram of Instructions sent yesteiclay to Minister Sullivan at Santo Domingo city setting forth the reasons for the despatch of the election "observers." The announcement by Mr, llryan came shortly after the visit of Senor Peynado, the Dominican Minister, at the State De partment. The Minister called to supple ment his previous verbal protest against .he plun, with a written communication from the Dominican (lovcrnment to the mme effect. In protesting against the plan of "ob beivlng," tho Dominican Government understood precisely what was Intended und did not labor under any delusions jesultlng fiom a confusion of the terms "upervlslou" mid "observation." Kern Interest In Outcome, Because of the hostility of the Domini can Government to the Stute Depart ment's plan, the outcome of the action of the Administration Is awaited with extraordinary Interest, It is believed hero that the step In Santo Domingo Is only the first attempt of the Wilson Administration to make practically effective Its championship of e constitutional government In Latin Amer ica. There Is a general conviction that the action in the present situation will prove to be an enterliu; wedge for even mora advanced courses In other lntln American countries where, similar conditions pre. vail, provided of course that out of the Dominican situation the 1'nlted States does not get a sharp rebuff. Secretary Hryan's statement of the Ail ministration's intrude I action as contained In purt of the Instructions sent to Min ister bulllvan Is aa follows: 'Tie use my to President Itordns that the President has planned to send u num ber of Americans to visit the principal polling places on election day, not as u 'commission' for which this Government links any official recognition but only as Cintinutd on rAiYtf Page. FIRE m MOKAW HOME. Blast Out Waen firemen Arrive Alarm Box Woaldn'l Work. An tho family of Mrs. Isaac Hrokaw wero sitting down to dinner last night In the homo at Fifth avenue and Beventy-nlnth street Charlea Hurke, tho butler, Informed Mrs. Hrokaw that lb" house was atlrr. Ho was told to go out to the nearest Are alarm box and turn In an alarm. Burku met Policeman Klynn anil the latter ran to the box at the corner. He found It out of order and danhed away toward Madison avenue, while llurku run back to help other servants put out the Arc. Hailing a trolley car. Flynn rode to Seventy-sixth street and there turned In an alarm. When tho firemen camo he directed them tn the Hrokaw hoUMe. Hy that time the Are was out. A de fective Hue had caused a small blase and much smoke.. To make sure that the tin was extinguished the firemen went to thu roof and poured salt down the chimney. STUDENT DROPS TWO STORIES. PrlnretOB Man I'nhart After Tnm Mr, bat Get Arrested. Nnw Hnt'NJWtcK, N. J., Dec. S. Albert Hamilg.m of Washington, D. C. a Prince ton student, fell out of a second story window In a hotel here early yesterday morning and wandered about town In his athletic underwear. Finally he entered a house at Sa Wellington street and went to sleep on the parlor floor. Tnero the police found him In response to A telephone call from the house, an excited woman telling them "there's a as to whether or not crimes weio burglar here." Hannlnan was put to bed , uiltted. If this witness and cithers v;ho In the lockup at police headquarters at mnn AAA nniftn ITIA fllfl WTin $20,000 BRIBE TO SULZER FOR A VETO IS CHARGED; 1.. -...,1.1.. ...... f..b..J"l,,m!","'".v- io-iays procee.nngs are ev- t .1 .'..n III !. Illll II iiiiiiiiiii .'nini .1 Accusation Involving New York Telephone Co. Al.tu.NT, Dec. . i:-c-Olovernor William Knlxer was nrnttleallv cbarced to-night 1 liP "u " '" 1 CUMon n.hlch irP,u. lh, b. , , .Ascmul. of r(soiutlon re.iuesting ! ... m. . ,i ... ... . . . , me rui.iic neivice commission w con- iciuot - speeouy us uesnng in mo nmuer or thp ,v cent rate. uu..i.,i.u.,n M.-.rL. .!r.iai.Ar Intrn. t Senate and Assembly pass st the teg- uiai session inn ,.rin iuuik 101 'n i five cent charge for telephono service, but Oov. Sulier vetoed It. In supporting the Goldberg resolution to-night Mr. lairrlmer asserted that the 110,000 Sulzer got from Attorney Meany and another 110,000 he received In cam paign contributions came from the New York Telephone Company. "So you see we have $20,ono worth of reasons why my bill was vetoed," said Mr. I-arrlmer. The Goldberg resolution preamble re cites that "public Interest demands a speedy disposition and adjustment uf this all Important matter tn the telephone user," and that public hearings on cc plaints have been unduly delayed by tho telephone company. FIRE RESCUE WITH THRILLS. Chorus Girls llrrnme Hysterical Barstlnsr Hose Quiets Them, t'lre that started on the first floor of a boardnlg and rooming house at 348 West Thirty-fifth street last night nnd, fanned by the strong wind through an open win dow, spread rapidly drove twenty per sons to the street, Mts. Mary Knowles, who rents rooms on the third floor of the house, waited until all her tenants had hurried to safety und then started to run down stairs. She was met by a wave of smoke and run ning back to a window seemed on the point of throwing herself out. The crowd below shouted a warning and Lieut. Mc Nalley of Hook and Ladder -1 had n ladder put up to the window and he and Fireman Christian Hoffman rescued the woman. Twenty chorus girls from a nearby tha- tre watched the rescue-, became hysterical and almost started a panic in the crowd. The bursting of a hose Just under the feet of the girls restored them and they ran awuy unaided. SPEEDER CHASER HITS WOMAN. Motor Cycle Policeman Was on War to Nerve Warrant an Anlnlsl, Mrs. Minnie Aaronson, "C years old, of JI3 Powell street, Kant New York, was run down lust night by a motor cycle po liceman who was on his way to serve a warrant on William Johnson, who got a summons for speeding nfs automobile ami failed to go to court. The nccldant hap pened at Knstern Parkway anil Itock uwny avenue. Leonard J. Preston, the policeman, said he una going slowly, driving cure-fully, and that he blew his horn when the woman stepped Into the street, She said he was riding recklessly and that she didn't hear the horn. She didn't seem badly hurt ut first und went homo after some bruises were dressed. letter, how ever, she fainted, and a doctor found that her Injuries were serrous. Preston, after explaining to a crowd that gathered, went on his way to servo the speeding warrant. A Olft AuiUmslr Opera (Jlasi.n-Pow.rful, distinct dettnltlon. Npeneer, J Mieltltn hunt. NOW NEAR BIG MEN IN HIGHWAY GRAFT Whitman to Produce Witness Expected to Tin plicate High Officials. CONTHACTOKS TO TESTIFY James K. McOuire Pleads Not (iuilty mid Hull Is Fixed at 81,500. District Attorney Whitman Is going ns foro Chief Magistrate McAdoo this after noon with a witness whusu story of graft In campaign contilbutlous from highway contractors Is regarded n of such Im portance ns to lead Mr. Whitman and others who nro conducting the John Doe ptuceedlngs to refuse ull Information as to his Identity or the character of the revelation! which he is expected to make. Intimations cilno from the District At torney's eilllce that his disclosures not only would be startling, but alio would bo of a n. i till e to lniiig the whole Inquiry to a point where elelltilto lints of In vestigation may be followed. to thu ; present time Information has been sought hat a been called tell what It Is believed I """" l"u,"-" " N'enr Siilnthtn of Problem, There Is no longer any doubt In the minds of the authmltlej. that crimes have been rxniimttti'il. Th pioblein con. fronting them now is to tlx the re- peeled to go a long way towanl solvl.ig ; that ptubli ni. I Seven or eight contractors have heen I suhpienaed. At least four of them are lie. i lleved to be witnesses procured by John 1 A. Heuuess.v. It was Mr. Ilennesy who brought forward Madison It. Aldrlch. a rnnlr:iiliir n't... lt . t-i.u Tltinn.. improvement or statu lugnways. lie rw ( referendum would mean gm-l Jobs for I a ,ul llf M,opl ,.lli:iM souiethln.; ,)m ,llM.k..ts of otheis who didn't ,,.,. ,.,..... f B .,. I enuum aim inn results in lis pc-sage jKej. t t.,K(. ;l pr nnlnent place in j,,),,,' n -MtlKatloii. Metiiilre Hives Hull, jamps Mcdulre, former Mavor ere , i Syraeue, came to town veste relay from New Itochelle to not guilty to th-1 Indictment which ehnrges him with hav - j Ing solicited a campaign contribution from :i corporation. t j Hall was fixed at Jl.r.Oft and the bond was furnished by the I'nited States Kidel- j Ity and Guarantee Company. This coin- pany, which does a lug business bonding i Barge canal and State highway contrac tors, Is represented In Siiacuse by Sir Gulre and his brothers. Charles Mur phy, Jr.. represents the company also and goes shares with the MctSuIres on com missions. John It. ftanchtlelil of counsel for McGulre had n talk with District Attor ney Whitman, but declined to discuss It afterward. Mr. Whitman was equally un communicative, but admitted that the date of McGulre's trial was taken up. After his arraignment Mr. McGulre was asked to say something In addition to the account of bis travels which he gave to the newspapers on Sunday, especially on the matter nf soliciting campaign con tributions from corporations. He said; "As a member of financial and execu tive committees In various State and na tional campaigns In the last twenty years I have collected for the Democratic party more than And with all that experience few men In tho country would know better than I not to go to a corpora tion for a campaign contribution. "All n I'mnienii," He Mays. "it Is true that I saw Condlt in his office about that time, but we talked on subjects absolutely foreign to the matter tin mentions. Therev was no conversation about contracts or commissions or con tributions. This Is nil a friuneup on the part of the oil men. Tho fight with them has lasted for over ten years. Mr. McOuire sale! he had not seen his brother Georgo since his arrival at Key West, but hud heard from a mlntlve that I George wns In bad shape. It was on the testimony of George', as corroborated by ' Klllmore Condlt of the Union till Company, that James K, McGulre wns Indicted, In posing fur a photogiaph McGulre asstiineel a grin and ti iiiaiki-d : "It Is belter to I " taken iaughing lliau crying. This is somewhat different fiom the picture of poor George," Klllmore Coudll, the crcillblllly of whose testimony before Chief Magistrate- McAdoo and the Grand Jury McGulre eiiesllonei yesterday and In his previous prepared statement, Intimated that when t lie matter comes, to trial the Jury will not have to depend entirely upon his story and of George II. McGulre. He declared that ad ditional corioborntlve evidence would bo produced at the proper time. Ho said! lias Proof, nays Condlt, "When the McGulre trial takes place," he said, "everybody will know who ls tell Ing the truth. I am perfectly content to wait for the trial to Justify all 1 have said. My statements will be completely CsHMnued on Fourth Pag: WILSON SAYS HE'S VINDICATED. See In Mine Worker' Indictment ftanctlon for fllanln BUI. Washington, Dec 8. President Wll aon to-day took occasion to make pub lic his belief that through the recent In dictment of certain high ofllclals of tn t'nlted Mine Workers of America by a Federal Grand Jury at Pueblo, Col., Ids action In signing' the last sundry civil appropriation bill had been vindicated. The President was criticised because the bill contained a special provision whereby an Inhibition was placed upon the use by the Department of Justice of any of the 1300,000 appropriated for tho enforcement of the Sherman luw in cither the Investigation or the employ- incnt of special counsel against labor j unions or fanners' associations. I It was pointed out that In this Instance I the Pueblo Orand Jury had taken the) initiative. The Indictments had been brought without the expeudltuie of Fed-1 eral funds for Investigation. ' FRESH TROUBLE IN ALSACE. flush Between Soldiers and People Itrporlril In MtraaahiirK. Special Coble lleipatch to The Sin. IIkiU.IN. Dec. 8. It Is reported here that fresh iintl-mllltary trouble has stalled In Alsace. It I believed that there has been a clash at Strassburg, but no details are available, GALE BLOWS AWAY STEFANSSON'S SHIP 1 Letter I'rotll Hilll Says t ailtlj Three tlthers Are Left on Land. Ottawa, Dec. s. Vllhjalinur Stefans son. the Arctic explorer, l separated from his ship, the Karluk, which drlfteil avva.v while the leader of the expedition and a small party were ashore on :i hunting t rlj in September lust, according to a letter received here to-day from the ex plorer himself. The letter which .vas er,t from Point Harrow, Alaska, to t'lrcle, uisl thence despatched on DectmWr ., is dated Oc tober no and addrevued to l.-onre Des h.irats, acting MliiNtr of Marine. It con tlrms the leais Mt hem that a mishap had befallen the expedition when It was Named last month that nothing had been ! seen of the ship since August and tetrltlc gales In the Arctic circle were reported about that time. Stefunsson reports he has made many attempts to tind the Kniluk, uboard which aie twenty-rive membeis of his ! patty, but up to the ti:n cf hi' letter he i was unsuccessful. The men a shut e with the leader of the expedition ale Di. . . i Jl-Illie- U, 11 eillllCUO. .11 ...II I III! llllll Williams ejt Monti. al and H. M. Mo Connell ni l.e.s Atigele. e.'al. The Karlul. has plenty nf provisions and no feat s f, ,u .,,,... ..e ,u.,M .,,..,.,,,1 ! Mefhtiesnn's litter ai ( "The Karlul;, heset hy heavj i.-c on Auc.ust ", In longitude nit III, fifteen it uiin ciruicii wnn me ice until .epieni- br in, when the drift Hopped, tin Sep- n i...n..c i,... n,. i,i., r.,,- the winter and as It was mcessaiy to sc. cure fresh meat I went ashore, to hunt, "Northeast gales sprang up on Septem- ber 21. with snow and fog. When the storm cleared, on th" Hth, the ice had gone and the Karluk wllh It. rouoweei tne coast west to Harrow but the Karluk has not been sighted, The schooners Sachs and Alaska with south ern party ate safe at fnlliusoti Point. The schooner Helvldere. with e-argo of fi eight and provision. Is wintering near the in I teru.itlonal boundary. "I am planning an Ice expedition from the 145th meridian to the Mackenzie delta, nicking survey nnd taking soundings for steamer toute, "The Karluk has on board a company of twenty-five, Including Heuchat, Mackay, Mnmen, McKlnley, Murray nnd Malloch, with the members of the crew and five Ksklmo." Signed) "Stkkansso.w" The explorer believed that th" Karlul: may possibly have broken free anil steamed east, but thought it mom likely that she remained fast nnd drifted west with the Ice. In c desnnteh from Seattle .inbllsi,..,! in ,11 i, .,.-sit,it-n iiiiui s-r.iien: JJUUIIIIi'U ni. - Tin-: Su.v on November IS It was said that, ' to hive been piompted bv Ideals solely, j according to reports received by members It matters not whether these were light j of a Canadian scientific expedition ufor wiong. , Cnlllslnn Point, nothing had been heaid; L't us tako the civil war nf tin- I'nlte 1 i of the Karluk since August IS, and It was i States for comparison. Is It enne elva- feared that the ship and the whole parly, hla for a moiiicut that the Southern m-! had been lost. c-esslonl.ts should have looted open tow ns RECORD NIGHT FOR FREE BEDS. Municipal I.imIkIiik House House I.V lloieeeless Ones, The Mutilclpnl Uielglng House took care of more penniless and bedless uu-n Inst night than ever leeforc In Its llfteen 1 years history. At midnight 630 men, ' thirty-two women nnd sixteen children - had found shelter ut the lodging house land more than ESS men had been sent to tho Charities, pier, nt the foot of Kast 1 Twenty-sixth street. in the pier room was found in the waiting rooms und on tin- hteainhoat liwell. The homeless were Mill coming early this morning und the authorities agieeel that It wins u record night. The cold snap drove, the men In, anil many of them explained that the Mopping of, work on rnlltoail Improvement cemtiacts was responsible for their being lu New York. At the Municipal Lodging House it was said that u great many of , heir uppll.-an.s I . . . . ....... . an thing If they could only find em ployment. FIND WRECK OF ZEPPELIN L-l. Trawler Picks Hp Parte" , of Dlrl Klble Wrecked Off lle...'olnad. Aimridt Cable Vtpatcb to Tun Srx. llAMBUnn, Dec. . A steam trawler has fished up parts of the Ze-ppiillu L-l, which was wrecked In the North Ben on He'pte-m-ber , when thirteen were drowned. HUERTA TO MOVE HIS CAPITAL TO SOUTH; MAY ENLIST ZAPATA; WILSON BLAMED FOR CIVIL WAR Former Foreign Legation Chancellor Assails 1. S. Policy. IJ f l.'V II ITl.'IPP; i 1 1 "' WV JIULHIA .( S) II 1 110111 Itcptlhlic l.S Ullfit to (tovern Itself, He Asserts. IESP()T RULE!, NEEDKD! S. President Has Caused as, U....I. I .. f.l I .'iiiru jMiuuii: lift .'UUII'lii. Says Ev-Diploniat. Tin: Sun piesnifs herewith (in nrltrlr fH " former channltor of n rTurnjicon ('Vfltfoil In Mexico tchn hua hotl n iride Po"iV to Know und In utility UriUnn uiifiKiurin. -roiMioiini yM'sioeiir jfariro tini mnie ocf imixteil icflh lie inaleiils the artirti- It fare it u na trnt tn TltK St'N nnd If laav br token as rprrs nd'iif; fie point of rlrtr of pn xiK orern ii i, tif Mtxiro, The p!u.kl of the pi ess of the t'nlted States with Splx'ial n-ference to the c.isj of Mexico i, veals a deplorable state of Ignorance of the facts of the case and of misunderstanding as to th picullat con dition" of this country This Is chargeable in part to the cir cumstance that the leading papcis are up resented In Mexico rity bv cm respondents appointed ad hoc-, but who toscss only a superficial Knowledge of Mexican condi tion and who, by their Ignorance of tha language, mast g,-t their Information at second hand and in too many enes through the gossip of clubs anil pub'le resorts, and In part to the wilful dlsto,-. tlon of the facts tiy parties Interested in the eventual surcess of the i evolution or Inclined to sensationalism. In the Mr; pl.oe it shou.d be home in iiilnil that the so.cilled revolution ill Its ' ! tn... .,il uti.tu In fiiiv v..n lie considered a a puiih piillthal one. It lias outgiovvii it pniiti.-al aspect. If i: ever anv urn in woni ..ramiii.b, tn,. Agnews In April last the price' that .Mr. Carian.a ..r M.iyt na start r,i, , tt, J lt".!.iirt. caused a sensa-i their rebellion nude, Cie guls.. of a p.i- 1 t!nn In London art circles, as tin. hlgh I it lea I movement, at the bottom j,M ,., U(JUS ,!,,. ,,.,, f,. , i:im!.tKlr. v.a.e the h.iti-d ngniii-t Gen. IlUeita. j ,,n;j)l ,-.3,)1uu ..Tt. Malket C.n t" whose deposition of Madeio brmnrht about !'. nmi lu.nn ...,r .. i protector who placed them In power anil on trie continuance oi wims rule depended the.r peisonal Piollt and aggrandizement The example of Zapata, the bandit chleT or the south, or, as no is popuiaris I eallee! on account of the devastations pel I petrated by hlni. the Attlla of the Soutn. stimulated the leaders in their rebellion purposes, as It showe-d the comparative e-ase and Impunity with which u guer rilln war can be carried on successtullv 111 a mountainous country ULn Mexico. Their followers found It such a protlta bin occupation that the politUnl e harac ter which the movement had at the start gradually ilisappi ared and soon was re place d by simple brigandage mid van dalism In their mnt hideous foitu, widen have become by this tlmo an established Industry, tolmatesl by tln revolutionary chlefs as the only means of securing the coutinii il support of aimed followers. PielrleHle- Vlntlves Aliaurel." To show the utter absurdity nf 111" claims nf the rebel bandits of patriotic motives or of rcpi e s-ntlug the pubic' ! I onliiloii of the Mates or districts vvhleli! they Infest it Is only neeee-sary to com i pam their conduct with hlstorcal revo- lutlonary movements which are known I I ami hamlets, set liio to nubile and ti,. , vate bulbllngs, kllb-d unarmed non-corn. batants. stolen what they could cairy off and wantonly ilistroyeel what they cotihi not, exacted fenced loans and killed the! pioplo who wejee unwilling or uiiulil.- to grant them and tinally cart led olT an 1 outraged women? Is It cotici lvalile thai they couhl have done alt this, not ,u the enemy's i-uimtr. to. North, fm which them would have been some shovi j of justlllcatioti, hut in tln-u- own iouutt. i In tho South? , All this the Mexican muds an- doing to their own people of the snnn- States, dirtrlcts and towns where they raise, tin- i I evolutionary Htaudanl, thiiH proclaiming tl-i inselves, In the first place, enemies of1 their own ui'lghliors. but all unde r the pretext of n political uplislng. Zaiutn ! elestroys Ills native Stall of Moiclns, Sal gniln Ids own Stute of Gucrmro, May toreiia linn ivsipieiru ineir Mate or so- i nora Carranzu his own Stute of Coahulla ' '. ... .. ... . i and Its neiguiior, ?iieivo i.eon, nun so i .. . ,. i it . , .... i. i n .m . .m s . , " ' - -. Willi l'IIIIIIIIL'llt.',. I'., ,l"..IOIil,ll. Llll-ll III, I Slale-s und ile-Hpollln Uiclr own pe-ople and neighbor". Now. It ls a pertinent nuestlon: who ' 11,.,'i.mi H. s ivhn am i liriiiii.tilinr in., lives and piopertlis of Auieilcan citizens capital punishment Is barn.ulc ami llbval, residing lu .Mexico: Is It the Government i wio not read In open session, foices or tho lebi-ls? Is It not Illogical, What tin) boanl did lu executive) ses to say the least, to charge the cenlrul ' slon will not be known until the ndjouined Government with tho responsibility fur the lives und properties of American citi zens against tho arts of the rebels, ami Continued on Second Page. ' Developments in Mexico. fien. Huerta'd agent.-' ubrnnil are informed that he Is pie-pal lint to move the capital .siuilliwni'il to Igu ala, In the Stute of Guerrero. Guerrero Is n Zapata stmnUinld and it Is believed thcn-feiio that tho Kxccutlvo, fenrliiK the sippi 'nodi uf tho rebels from thu north, bus en listed tho famous brigand c hief und will niako his fight with blin. The Znpatlsta.s were lighting ys terday within llfteen mlli" or th iiipitnl. Pantlm Villa enters t'lillitialniu. Ills rebelH report the uiittllo of two other Important towns In thu north, l.lnaroi und Matatnotos. STILL EXPECTS OIL GRANT. Lord o,Tilrn' Iteiiresendillvc- Thine. (Olo nil, Ih Will llntlfy Ileal. I ic..if fable DenutlrK t tmi. s- v. ivi.MisTo.v. in,., s. Lord Mtiirav of Kllbnnk. the ie,r. sentatlve of I..ird Co.v. dray, who conducted the negotiations with Colombia for oil concessions to the Peai sou Kyudlc.iti-, arrived heie to-day from I llogota. Murray Informed tho cm respond, etit of Tin: Sfs- thai, although Lord e'env dra has nntaiiinced that the s.v mllcine ha abandoned all efl'orts to ohtaln the roncivsilons, owing to the opposition i,f the Pnll.-d States, h- bellevis that the ileal will go through. He said he ex pects the I'oloinblan i.'.nires to ratify the contract when It meets again in ivbrury. The representative of the Pear.-on In ten.sts expressed himself 'as sanguine of tho success of th negotiations with IVu i dor for similar concessions In that coun try. Lord .Murray said th ...ndi ate in tends to transport the oil by way of the . Panama Canal. Tho party sailed this aftern'ou for Colon. dARY BUYS $100,800 PICIURE "The .Market fart." it (inliisliiirnnicli. t'omliiR n Amrrlcn. Cable Oetpntch to Tiir. Six I.9KDOV. Dec. Judge Klbert 11. flary has puirhnsed ";aln'iornugh's "The Market I'art," which Mess is. Agne'.e boiMb: at a ..-il,. at I'hilstv's In Anril ' lal tin JliHi.fOO. V!. -rht. Market Cart" was tiotiot Tn .,.,,.. is c- i... - ,,.,.v . , ,., , 1(. ,,, BU,mill 1H ,...,.,. . ..,. .p..,...,, l, Ihr.... I,..,-.. Ill it an- time women ami two children. , w,,. j, ,,, I'.-inil.g over the side as- 1 S1t.s a ;;, in cl.inhint. ut In Iront two sheep and a dog. and in V.sjlc,. t Hi the distance am othi r sheep oin uf which Is standing In a pool ATLANTIC CITY HAS MAYORESS. Ml low iisenil, Comptroller, fills. Post Wlille superior An- Alienl. Ati.avtii' i'itv, N. .1., Die. S. At lantic City ha n Mayures to-dav. She is Miss lies ele Mny Townscnil. City Comptroller. I'rom T.l.'i o'clock thl morn ing until 2?rt o'clock this altcrnoon sh Wi the legal head of the town. This was the view of the City Hall staff. Mavor William lihld'e together with Cominlsiioners liachai ,ich, llartlett, Hewer and Thompson, win to I'hllade l - ph.a at T.I. to discuss the iuistinn of a I'rmiu.u wnn mo lie ins or tno I'enns.v Ivanln In her oillcial I capacity nf Comptroller Miss Tow use ml. ' , , - , ,, , ., . l who is 27 and a blonde, w.-.s the next' highest otllcial after the commissioners and until thev retm ned tills afternoon sho was the he-ad of the- cltv. Mi.s Tow mend ls said to be the only vvomiiu Comptinller m the country and ree-eiv es a .-alary of u'..".i)il a year. .,t WJLWaW AOIUIV urLrtlit.U 1LL.I to linve lleeti Hurt In lnioi tce-lilent In I'n lis. , I ... Pvill". I --William Cu.iiiler. ix-e 'nngi ci-nrm and -teat-.r imiIshii of, .lnhn .lac.ih Ast -:-: is -crlnitslv I" at the Aiiie i lean Iiom'HuI at .Neuillv -t in -M ine, loutMiic I'.iil. from Itijurl. s i.-c.-ivcl in an I alitninoblle accident l.isl week. r. Chin b-r Is "aid to have stiffi red a hail fiac tut.- nt tin- utic.-, lull trie imsmial an innimis ieiuo in mane a ouini- spue mi-nl icgaullng his cav- It Is believed that he will n. opci m-d upon to-mmiow, WAKEFIELD CASE IS IGNORED. I'etiiiii'i'tli'iil Pnriloii Hoard l)lsie-- mini Pleli for VI nreleri's. 1 lAiiTioiai, Conn., Dee-. K. At the semi- i ; "ui-'-tlng of the State Hoard nf I i.i .".I i ill s lit the Wetht.rsn.iM, .,..l.... .....i7 n, lo-iiav me case oi .vie, nessie vv ieketi..t.i , ..., TIH ,,,., ()f ne'Ctlcilt Wuman's Stufragu Association H,m l!" M"w "''ii r.unical Keiuallty t'lllb. begging that the muideress not be e.xecutcil on March 4. on the around that meeting on December 19, ANTKIHLU VIAN WIIISKrIV Watch Hint smile nt aatl.reictlon sreiw as h drinks that Antediluvian, l.uitlos Hi oa , N V A4V. Provisional President In torins Agents Abroad of Move. SKXDS FA3IILY AWA"i" ilgiiala. in State Held by i Mrigand Chief, Said to He Chosen. ALLIANCE IS EXPECTEl .Southern Hcbel Leader Helieved to Have (ione Over to Executive. ertal vttle llftpntch tn Till. Sir'- Lovpo.nt, Dec S. President Hnerta'a ngents liere received notlllcatlon from the Mexican capital to-day that the pro visional President Intends to transfer the seat of government from Mexico city to Iguala, In the State of Ouerrero. til the H HlthvVfst. Tho a.-ents were Informed nNo that flen. Huertu Intends tn tight the rebels to tho end, but that he his decided to send his family tn Kurope. HUERTA'S FAMILY LEAVES, Wife mill Two tin em filers Sulci tn lie on Way to t'linat. ""Ml 'Obit V..r(W. , Till, SIS Mkxic-ii i'itv, li.e-. :i (TiicMlayi.. Most nf the members of Gen. Iltiorta's family left tin; capital hurrleel'y Inst night. Two daughters of the Kxccutlv left by .-pedal train nt S.Gu and Mrs, Huertu Is belleve-d tn be with them. Their destination Is sold to bo Guada lajara and Manzanlllo nn the Put Hie cnad. It was .said here last night thul they ure merely making n plcasum trip and this was continue d b people (-.,).e in the President. Gen. Hinrtas levi- , donee le maliii'd closed to e'liller.i all dav anil no telephone communication comd ,e obtained Tile- Department of War iitilioiinceii last night that Gen. Ge-ueve-vei lie la u, one of the f.aiiatlstu h-aders. was killed .vosterday in n battle arnund Ciierna vucu. This icbel le-ader was almost aa ' greatly tcarcel as Zaputa liiinself H. VC.-1S o .l..v,...r.i.. .1........ 1 ' nllv nn nml....- ..e- i,i.w i ..... f.,r.,iv ., ,,..,. .... i,i , plimtallim In the State, of Mme ln.s, but when the Keel era Is burned his homo town, his parents were nccldentally liilhel in the lighting vvnlch ensued, and t.i'iieve.'vo vowed vengfauce. Shortly thereafter i - beianii- the dareelevll Itndin- of n baud eif riiftlans who hnvi committed many crimes. There' has hcem tcrnlic fighting since Thiirsday last between a laruo force' of Zapatistas: and .mi eiiual force of lVdorals north nf Ciict navnni. The Zupatistas huve ud- vanccti tn the foot of .Mount AJuscn, a vei.cnilo Mltei-u miles himth nf this cltv. "nil tho residents of the fashionable j suburbs of San Angel, Mi.xcna , Churn j Inis-cn and Tlalpnin, all south of the capital, are in irivm iihn-m. An order was Issued by the War Di llal'ttlli.nt v.. St.. nine e.t lli- ..II .... . ,,, , foreigners wl l have-evcrv protection in ' ' T .. ' m"".. cu. uue-u man- ; , i , , n"1 "' 'I'Siutiel l' fnri-lgin-r- w'" "t In- compelled tn take- up arms l" 1'cih-ral.s. This order wns rc ' 1'i-alcd to-day to isll tin- head Miiartc-rs mi that It sha'l apply tn foi. ' eigtn-rn throughout tin- it-public ZAPATA HAS OFTEN TURNED. lliiuiinil Clili-r Alivaj Heady lu . Ilulit for i- I eiiise. -n. (.MJIi ft tlifiit Htu-ita is ,n mnvo the seat of Govei nuu-ut from M,Ail o cltv to Iguala. in tile. State of !,,,, mm. is tal.. n m ni,.:i but j thing by those c-onvcisant with the situ ation Ihuihano .apata, Ihifeiuio Z.i pat. i. his Ineither, and "111 Tuerto" Mo i ales, the emu ej-eel sclioolmaater-lleu-tenatit of his brothers, have Jumped again. , If that weic not tho case not even liuerta would care to venture Into the new tcnltory: at least he would go with hope of peace. The only route he can take Is over tin- National line from Mexico city south to Cni'inavaca, .Monlos, where tho rail- wa Is alie-ady in tho possession of tho " - - ri-bcls. From there lie could travel by enll e.i t..v 1.... 1 1 I !n....rn. ...l.ntl.. I.. Ill rebel teiiitory, and then to get tu Iguala In- would have to use horses or burros over some vciy tough counliy, He could du It with a great army, but tho des patches 1 1 1 nut speak oi' any great escort for hlni. The Mildleis will probably bo left to defend tin old capital and op pose the advance from thu ninth. It Is no new thing for Zapata to chungo sides. Ho never changed under Poiflrin Dlnr, because- that gilm oIJ dictator seldom compromised with anv bandit or icbel, lie was with I'ranclaco Mutlern at one time; then against Ufa.