OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, August 15, 1915, Image 1

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The District Leader
and Votes for Women
Tammany and Republican, they tell their
own and their followers' views.
In Monday's SUN.
Fair to-day and to-morrow; west winds.
Highest temperature yesterday, 84; lowest, 70.
Detailed wenther, mall and marine tcports on page. I ".
NEW YORK, SUNDAY, AUGUST 15, 1915 . t'oiiinliihl, 191G, by lite Sun Printing mnt Publishing Aiioclallon.
Von JIackcnseii and Prince
( Leopold Approach Rus
sian Stronghold.
U. S. Consul at IMgn Acting
for Britain Full of Os
trolcnka Rumored.
Special Vahlt fxpntcli to Tim Six
LoMkin, Auk. 14. Oftlclal reports say
(hat the armies of Field Marshal von
ttackenaen nnd Prince Leopold 6t Ba
rarla have now reached a point about
thirty-seven miles from Brest-Lltovsk,
which was to be the centre of the new
Ruaslan line.
At the same time unofficial despatches
from Russia declare that north of Kovno
the Russians have pierced the centre of
General von Buelow's army nnd have Iso
lated the wings. There Is no oftlclal
confirmation of this report. Such a j
move by the Russians If successfully''
carried out would mure than lllfely de-:
troy the effectiveness of the Oerman '
ad.-ance In the north. I
in on.y omc.ai i.gm on mc s.iuauon
eomrs from Jtlgu. where It Is reported
,k. I'nltM.I Utalu r'nn-.lll htm Ub.n ....-
.. ...... . .
u iirmsn interests, tnus snowing mat The blure buriirtl briskly for seeral termlnid to withstand Invasion with
the occupation of the city on the Pwlna J ,ourg am caused Intense excitement. the utmost energy. Itumnnl.i mean
la believed to be Imminent. Ko mmy ,,, It spread thiough the I "' ''- Partially mobilized her army
Her n maxea no mention or unv re.
Ttrets or any hard righting In the Riga
ronwessl'WIIkomlr districts.
The Herman official statement follows
North of the Nlrnun River the army
f Gen. yon Hlndenburg has reached
the region of Alesow, Kublskl, Wus
chlnty and Kowarak.
Xw enitaKements have developed In
front of Kovno. Our troops have cap
tured the fortified forest of Domini
Kauka, where 350 prisoners were
Between the Narew and the Bug our
armies have reached the legion of the
JCurite and Hllna rivers, where our
eppunenU made a fresh stand.
North of Novo aeorglevsk- a atrong
(aitpott position was taken by storm.
Mr,'.- oRlctra, 1,800 of the rank and
fie and four machine Runs fell Into
tur h'tiidi.
Th army of Trine Leopold of Ha
rarls Is approachlnK the Uuk River I
orthfiist of Sokolow.
l-t uf the Liwlec. cm the Mledana
Milt. HIT Clllll ltl,( lllflCl IU HIVIIV
our advance by means of stubborn
counter attacks, but all were repulsed.
The opposition of the Russians to
the advance of Field Marshal von
alack nsm's nrmy broke down yfster
day, following hard battles throughout
the two prec.dlng days, whon the
enemy nas defatted. Not belrg able
to rclt any longer the enemy fell
back, pursued by the Teutonic allies,
who have now reached the Radsyrt-Blardy-Vlodaw
high road,
following on the oftlclal statement
comes another report attributed to the
Beiliri l'onhchrs y.citunp announcing
that Ostrolenka has been capture.! by ,
tne iJerinans.
This leaves Oswiwiec und Kovno re- I
nulnlnK of the Russian forts (o the north 1
along the Bohr and the Nlemen. As set
forth In the official statement. Field Mar
shal von Rlndenburg's forces, continue to
batter at Kovno's defences. It la as
sumed that the liombardment of Osao
wlec still goes on.
Vienna lintelJl Iteport Records
tiiianpf af Teuton Armies.
ipM CaUt HttpaUh to The Sir.
Vienna, (via Amsterdam), Aug. 14.
The following official statement regard
ing the situation on the eastern battle
front whs made public to-night by the
lrener.il Staff:
We.t of the Bug the advancing al
lied troops drove back the Russluu
rear giuid. During the pursuit yes
terday the Austrn-Hungarlan troops
rearherl hoth sides of the Lukow-Urrst-I.ltovsk
railway line and ad
Tanced west and south of Nledzrsoc.
The Herman troops gained ground
In the Wysnlkl region and pressed the
neiny back near Wlodowa.
TV situation In eastern (I'll Ida Is
Ofltrlnl Report Mentions Hunt
PIkMIiik, lm -o Defeats.
I'ktkockaii, Aug. 14. The following
omeldl statement was given out to-dny
by the War Office:
In til. legion of Riga there was
no essential change on Friday. Near
Jarobstadt, Dvlnsk and Vllkomlr the
enemy attempted by counter ntticks
to arrest our offensive. The fighting
Ill the front bstween the Narew an 1
Hub rlverH no Important cluuige
h.is occurred.
desperate action took place jester
1 In the region southwest of Cle
elunowlce, about eight miles north
e.iKt of Nury.
U Novo Cleorglcvsk during the pas
tuo daya, besides an artillery due'
thre have been sklrmlshcH and ac
tiuiiH within the approach defences
on the left bank of the Bug there
hs righting, which Increased In ob
stinacy during Thursday night, In tin
district north of Hledlce and in th
I.kow region,
Mn the right bank of the Bug, to
id the Zlota Llpa and Dniester
nrs, there Is no change
I -I-' and Sklpprr Reported Lost.
AJeriif Vablt lf patch to Tn St
Mkiii.in, via wireleas to London, Aug.
14 - The Admiralty announces that
Commander Zerch was drowned by 11
Inkle,, nt U-12.
No mention ha yet been made, aa
fr ns known here, regarding the sink
ing of the U-li.
fluagalMi Tea. Mr. Ik.
Iniut upon being aupplled. dav,
FIRST -General New. . . 12i
SECOND -Sporting. Automobile. 1 18
Kennelt ... . 6 J
THIRD -War Articles. Foreign,
Drama, Boolci, Queries,
FOURTH -Pictorial Magazine . .16
FIFTH Special Feature Maga
zine, Faihioiu . ... 12
SIXTH Newi of the Summer Re
tort 8
SEraVrZ-SpecW Feature.. Real
Ettate, Cardens, Poul
try, School., Financial,
Problem. . . .
RtaJtrs or ntuiJtaltri uko Jo not n
ttitt oil of tkelt ittthns will tonjtt a
fator on "The Sun" by nottfylnl tkt Pub
lication Deportment ot onctbylht phont
(2200 Btibjnan) and Iht mltsinl in
flow uill It promptly Joruariti Ijpot
iroilnnd Hall and the Ardsle.v!,,nU- more "'" f"r T""'
in Peril Loss Estimated
t 9100.000.
Asbuiit TAitK, N. J.. Auk. 14. Hun-i
dreds of persons were routed out of J
three hotels to-night by a tire which i
,,rlltroyed one of tncm, ,he Hotel Carl- ,
,()n an(, f((r n threatene(I n0und ,
"nil nnd the Ardsley neHr n. .
....... . ..... ........ ...... t
v.nroir inm irnis neir cut. ......t
the safety of many children who had
Rone ' to bed before the tire started,
...i,,. ,n,hnr. ,iori..,i iHrnocli the'
I , , . 1 it ,,,i ,,f
J crowds panic stricken until nnHired of
I their children's safety.
I The fire started nbout 8:30 o'clock In
' .1,.. ,.. rinnr
some u,.e,.m.i.tu v- -
I nf ih i-urlinn. a nve story brick and
a live story nrica anci
v. . - - -
wood structure, at Heck street and First
j avenue, owned by 13. R. Havercamp.
About !00 guests were registered at
the hotel. It was Impossible for most
I of them to save their clothes and val
' uables In their rooms. The local fir
i department called Uon all the fire com
panies from I'erth Ambay to Point l'leas
, ant to help fight the lire, but In about
" hour the Carlton had been destroyed.
Meanwhile siturks cpreml to the Aras-
ley nnd HollJtnl Hall.
Uick of the
, Curttnti. hut the firemen turned stroims
'on them nnd put out the blaze In oichj
I instance, Many cottages near the no
I tcls also weie In danger. Their occu
pants, guests nt the Ardsley and Hol
land Hall and thousands of other per
sons visiting Asbury I'ark witnessed the
fire fighting.
The damage was estimated at not less
than J 100,000.
Kliinneler Will llesiinic Ills ll.illr
, Hl,u,K .
tit.K.v Cove, L. I., Aug. 14. It was
n,i(i to-day at the country home of
J. IMerpont Morgan on i'3ast Island that
he wilt ret 111 11 to the banking house In
Manhattan on Monday, having fully rt-
frnm lh.. ,.,U InlllrlpH hvlCttS COIIIplliy hhllllllng
... . ... ,,,,,, 1
Frank Holt, who tried to kill him I
early In July. ,
Precautions are to be taken to safe
guard Mr. Morgan. The steam yacht
Corsair will carry lr. Morgan each
day from Hast Island to Manhattan
and it. closed automobile will tulle him
from ths landing to his offices.
There Is no danger that Mr. Morgan
will be molested while embarking on
the Corsair, as Mist Island Is now
heavily guarded nnd the boat basin
Irom which a launch will take him j 1
to the Corsair la unapproachable from'
outside. The land entrance to I'3.ist
Island Is blocked by heavy gates nnd 1
chains and no one not positively known I
tn have business with some
the house Is permitted to pass.
one In
lllrlh uf n .Vnllnn" tn Coi.llii.tr nt
Atlantic t'lt.
Tiienton, N. J Aug. 14. A tempo,
rary Injunction was Issued by Chancellor
Walker here to-night restraining Will,
lam H. B.irtlett and other Commission
ers of Atlantic City from carrying out
their contemplated action In closing tho
film production of "The Birth of a Na
tion" at the New Nixon Theatre In At
lantic City next Monday. The Chan
cellor also allowed a rule to show cause
returnable Tuesday, August 24, vhy the
Injunction should not be made perma
nent. Former Assemblyman Kmer.son Rich
ards, representing the New Nixon Thea
tre and the lSch Producing Coriora
tlon, owners of the picture, made th
application to tho Chancellor. He ar.
gued that If the Commissioners wore
iwrmltted to carry out their purpose It
would not only affect the profits of the
theatie but also cause Irreparable dam
age to the pioductlon,
The notice that the picture would bu
prohibited did r.ol carry with It any
reason for the action of the Commis.
llrlllsh Colony linn Conscription.
HlNOAPOUK, Aug. 14, The Straits Set
tlementH Is the first colony of the British
Kmplre to ordain compulsory military
service. By a bill passed by the Legis
lature heie to-day, all men between the
agea of U and 51 arc ordered fur train.
Teutons Tlirentcn MJrit,v
Dash on Serbia anil Allies
Redouble Efforts.
.Must (let Territory in .Mace
donia Hefore Giving Aid to
Kutcntc Powers.
l,O.MN).N, ,llC, It. IMC .C..liail .C1I-
cral Stan ha ordered the rcnmv.il a.'
40,000 Hoop fioni the Wntsaw front
to Orstowi, Hungary, near where the
Serbian, liumnnlnti n ml Hungarian
frontiers meet. There ate already ie
ortnl to be 300,000 An-trlaii und (ler.
m.in tlocps massed on this fiont with
O stovn n n centre.
With th(sc facts known It l ex-
l.'ifctcd here to-nlirtit that all the Balkan
I States will lie In it stale of war at
'ulinont any moment. .Military and po
i Ntlcal ohserers believe that (lermnny
and Austria have decided definitely to
Invade Serbia and force a passage
through to Turkey, where the sltua-
i tlon at the Dardanelles Is becoming
When the first stroke Is made It !
will probably be a fit ice nnd rapid
one. The Austro.derman forces un
doubtedly will enleiivor to ih through
the northeastern corner of Serbia at top
ut.Ae.l f, llll PI1..H VI !1 Willi tllt'lll
ncy wj , meet wllh opposition In
crossing HulKarla. but the Bulgarian
situation Is still a question tn.irk. that
(overmiient being apparently as nueiy
to flop one way as tihe other.
".TbH has massed nil her available
foices on the Humsnrinn frontier, de
i"""-'"1 v.w
lli-slnvn. tthtrp n mi etc l.lnw miv
,e;1ti )f t. Teutons attempt to break
throuvrh Serbia.
Indication of the renewed activity of
Austria na.ilnst Serbia, ixisslbly with
ulltantl. uy,hl:tM.e fl0I' ern,.iry. Is
'set forth In ft 0lllcl.1l stuteme-t lssud
by Serbia at Nlsh to-night. It Is as
. follOWS t
U() J( , ,. . wp ,,er,..1ci, ,,y nf.,nlry
, ....,.... .... .....;.... .. .i"
.111,1 ,11 Linn lilt: iiir ji iitznii'ii. .iir
enemy to strengthen himself at certain
IHilnts on the left bank of the Danube.
That night our artillery effectively
tired upon t.'e supply culum'- of the
enemy on the road to Bercherova.
Orchava ar,d near the village of MIs
s.vlta In the neighborhood of Sakolo-
On the same night the enemy fired .
f ,MUn,:.v'"-bove,1,Tek!a: I
at DoitnJI Mllnovatz. above Tekla
The enemy subsequently opened 11 vio
lent artlll'eiy tire on our iwsttlons on
our side of the river near Mekia.
Our artllleiy reduced the enemy's bat
teries to silence.
The enemy attempted to cross to
the right hank of the Danub, on
Tuesday near the old Turkish fortress'
of (Jolubatz, nlHive DognJI Mllano
vatz. We allowed them to appioach
to within fifteen ynrds of the- shore
and then opened a sustained tire.
nno, (Hill, (Mill t1.irtrlilKrs Conlrnrleil
Fnr bv Itniiiniiln.
Slt(ial Vault Dfintch to Tus St.s.
I'Anis, Aug. 14. It Is learned here 01
excellent authority that Rumanln ha
. . . 1.. . 1. r..t..i .......... rn.t
cumrHce.i ... ine mint" ....
nun mil Mnnnllcher c.irtrilces.
" ' ' -
The number was settled on ns n com-
promise between 300 000.000. which the
Rumanian Oovernment wished to order,
nnd 1,000,000,000. which the Massachu-
the contra :t
wished to supply.
I)evcry nf 20o.00o.oon to be made
In December and 300,000,000 on June I
j It Is also understood that RumnnU
1 seeking to place a loan of 400,000,000
francs ( $so,o00.000) In the United
States for the purchase of the ammun1
tlon. So far as known here Bulgaria has
not sought to place nny munition ordcr.i
in the United States or elsewhere.
oiuinere.l Territory Must lie
Kepi, !n IOiivoj.
London, Aug. 14. The Serbian Mln
i ... i i ii.,,.....v,
,, ,..' . ,.nt',.m. tn.,l..v th'i.i Ser.
t,a will never accede to the demands
r.t Itnliri.rl,. fnr hurl nt M :l o, 1 mi I II
as the nrlec for her entrance Into the
war on the side of the F.ntente Powers.
M. Boskovitch said that the Bulg.i -
rian demands for this territory, now
owned bv Serbia. Imsed as they are on
the contention that the population Is
made up of Bulgarian Slavs. Is rl.llc
ma. IB uw u. .....K... ..... si. un. in . ..in--
,ln..s The Minister nolnls out that
the territory .lemande.l by Bulgaria
i... ....
was woo OJ l'uiiurni nil,. .... sue.. t.,tt-
not be relinquished to the selfish de-
sires of a country which Is hostile,
He says further that Bulgaria's ten
dency to lean tow-ird the Teutonic
nllleH Is nppureutly very short sighted,
as If Oerman wins the wnr Macedo
nia, with Salonlcn, will go to Aus
tria nftcr Serbia and Bulgaria havn
been the victims of the Germans. In
.iddltlon Turyey would take back at
l least part of the lost territories In the
AWti.ll WUKU UP KjnurjKjVj.
, . . ,
Venl.elo. I. I'.xpected tn llrelare
Pnllej To-mnrr.
Beiii.in (vln London), Aug, 11, The
correspondent of the Taprblntt at
Athens telegraphs that the King of
(Ireece, after opening Parliament on
Monday, will ask M, Vculzelos, who will
then become Premier again, If he Is pre
pared to form a Oovernment based on
the maintenance of neutrality.
It Is supnpse.l that ,M, Venlzelos will
announce his policy as soon ns Parlia
ment lias been opened.
It ii ma ii In ii (talilnrt Itefuses (ier
iinn'a i'rniiaiinrlntlnn Deiiiniitl,
iltial Vnlilt littpa'.rh to Tur. Scs,
ItoMC, Aug. II. A Huchareat despatch
aaya that It Iihh been officially un
, Coiitlinicd on T.'ilnl Ptigc,
Justice Seudder Criticises
Couht.v .Judge Lewis: Snys
Trin I Was 1 1 Irani.
Decision Hased on the Court's
Acceptance of Alleged Faulty
IMwaid Af. (Irout was released on a
."i,0()0 bond from the Raymond street
Jail In Brooklyn at 4:02 o'clock yester
day afternoon. Supreme Court Justice
Townsend Scudder having granted a
lertlflcnte of reasonable doubt on th
ground that the former city Comptrol
ler's trial and conviction for perjury In
the I'nlon Bank cae were made void
by hp error In the Indictment.
In hl written opinion Justice Scud
der criticised the trial Judge. County
Judge Henry Lewis, for refusing to dls
mi's the Indictment In the llrst few days
of the trial, whlrh went on for nine
weeks, Mr. tJrout was tried on an In
dictment which charged him with sIrii
Ing nnd swearing to a false report as
president of the I'nlon Bank. There
were two reports, one sent to the State
Banking Department and the other n
sort of duplicate, which was sent to the
newspapers for publication.
When the matter came before Justice
Scudder In a routine way District At
torney Cropsey asked that It he trans
ferred to some other Jimtlce, charging
that Justice Scudder had shown bias In
fax or of the appellant b comment,
made from the bench during argument
on a motion which came up before th
Justice Scudder denied bias,' but ex-pie-d
ulllliuiiess to tiansfer the mat
ter If he could find another Justice who
would agiee to sit. Ills quest failed,
in the opinion written yeoleiday he re-
terren to tins orieiiy, noiuing in.u me
law compelled him to act
llriillirr llitMteiin In .lull.
The decision was handed clou n at 3 :.10
o'clock. Mr. Cropsey had been not.tl.d
nnd. w.u. reiiresented by Assistant Dis
trict Attorney Ralph Hem.lrtet. who of
feied no objection to either the amount
or form of ball, The release p.ipem
were handed to IV.ul (Iruut, the for
mer Comptroller's brother, within n few
minutes, and he hastened to the Jll. a.
; 11 is unuerstoo.i ti.ai tne convicteii man W1(er routes many people were inter
j will lnes to-day nt hl city home with viewed at ',alveton and New Orlears,
III" wife, son and daughter. the two American pons In direct coin-
Justice Scudder held with the (Irout
defence that District Attorney Cropsey
described the wrong bank report Indict-
inent and that therefore the Indictment
should have been tin own out of court
when .Stephen C. Baldwin, counsel for
(Irout. brought the error to the court's
attention. instead. Judgo 1-ewis held
certain parts of the indlctmeiit to be
"surplusage"and permitted the trial to
' proceed. Justice Scudder charges.
This surplusage had particular refer-
ence to matter that appeared In the , .. . . , tn ,epubllc during the carnl
printer's copy of the bank report. I , , ,,, .,.)... raging there
notably an Insertion written In by lliout ' val of arson and anarch) ragiiu. '
i e ..... 11.... 1. in 1, , - .1.,. 1 .u. iwii ve.irs. .More man
amounting to over l,000,0iii) did not
an, u. .. .,,ii.t ,(,,.i tn.11 iiir, ia,,n.e
mature until December, 1910. when they
reniiy mntureii six months car er.
. .11.. ..........
( ulu nm itiiii-,.r ... .ne .uncial , . . . ,,,,,
report Mr. Bal I win contended that the Indies and the UUln American countries
retort described In the Indictment was!.. ...1 .....1 South America. There
not the report to which his client swore
as prescnueu uy law. Tile printer's
copy Is not necessarily sworn to. That
be'ng the case his client had not com-
mltted peijury as charged, for he hnd
never sworn to the reKrt described In
tr." Indictment, according to Mr. Bald
win. Indictment Amended,
In upholding this contention Justice
Scudder said :
"In other words the defendant was
Iml.a-tA.I nnnn rmt. iittl.lfi l t in,, .w.n
vic-ted uion another. A trial Judge
..iihm.i ...nin,tn.. ..... rA....i....t
niu"i ,..,.. nr. ... uiin.i.uiiuil C..U-
not amend an Indictment
The learned
trial court in this case by Its rulings
In effect did amend the Indictment so
ns to place defendant upon trial for a
dlf'i rent crime than that set forth In the
I indictment, anil tried him for nil offence
im which iii
foi which he li.i.l not been Indicted by a
' 'raml Jur' Th" hullclment charged
tb cf niiant wun perjury. The act by
""It" " -"iiir I..H.II1.1 us. is nn
0 ..V.
Justice Scudder tK.lnte.l ...it ih.n n,
!J. ..V V.", 1 ,Ue.
wo reiwrts were not identical and called
1 ' . .. .ruiii-... ...k. ciuien
a tenuon o o nerenccs wnich were em-
i ... .iifro.,. ...h,t
, lasizei in tne in.iieimenl, which left
I no doubt In his mind that the Oran.l
j Jury hid the printers copy In 'u'"1'
- - - -"e.- i. ...tu.
1 and not the otllclnl report to the Banking
. Departn-ent when It voted a true bill.
n -.....
, i.r p.uu eilini ,
, "The court was without power to sub-
stltule one act for another as the basis
nt the Indictment.
Tii,,,. ,,,,..
there Is no power
In a trial Judge to Indict, Vet that
Is what happened hero. The Indictment
upon which the defendant was brought
to trial hlleged no crime If Hie views
expressed by the leal tied trial Judge
are coirect, because It alleged no falsity
In any oath requited by law. The de-
fendaut was tried and convicted of a
crime for which he bad not hfteo In.
1 -
, ,c,t'"' 1,11,1 for '"H-'h, without Indict.
mt fa(1y h, . bouglt t
Prnerrillims MleKttl.
...im... . ...i ,. , ,n
t the Indictment should have been granted.
. All proceedings had subsequent thereto
worn Illegal and void, In my opinion."
The former city official was committed
to the Biiyniond street Jail on July 24.
The vei.llct of guilty was returned at
1 o tT. 1 o'clock on that a'alnrday night by
a Jury that had deliberated for fifty
three hours, Tim trial, It was said yes
terday, cost the State over $.10,000, On
July 27 Judge lewls sentenced Orout to
a mlnlnuun tnrm of one year, In Sing
Sing, but granted a stay of execution
J pending decU-lon on a motion for a cer -
u in.. i r o. reMwii.nn.p ....uiii, nuprrnie
Coutt Justice Kelly grunted an order to
show cause why the certificate alioiild
not be grautiHl, making It rsdiii liable be -
foro Justice Scudder, one of those In -
.VOlri!.'' Ii'jf. nulll!,lCMliU'lt'',,
,..,,-,(.; ..I... I'irilivi ....... i..j .
The cine will now tiu to Iht Appellate
Special Investigator Tells
Hon- Villa Waxes
xativksYay TOLL
American Adventurers Lin
inr Their Pockets How
Americans Are Bilked.
'I lie Inlloichiu nrth'lti on the
Mull mi xltutitlnii Is the ltr.it 0
11 xrrifn hi fiifmoiirf (S. Carroll,
trlilcli trill i;)j(ir lnll)i in Tilt:
SfN. Mr. Ctirrnll mi mnilr 11
tlmroiilili lurritttjntlon of the
f.'uii iik ri'imnh the recolutlun, lf.i
en imc inn ri-aiilf thus fnr, miif the
effect of the volleif nf the H'lhon
.Iffinliilifrnfoii on the elell ienr.
Il ItlAIOVII i. ClltltOI.I..
Why Is Mexico starving, her crop!
ilei-troed and hr people In flight to
riine b.-lnc drawn Into unnvalllnif
To get the facts the writer made
dlpaslon ite study of America 11 dllll-
-umes wun wie .......
lnme.ll..lely south of the Rio Orande.
The Inquiry was legun along the upper
rim if the .Mexican cornucopia singu
larly enough Mexico Is n country shaped
on the map like a horn of plenty and
eonts were observed as they appeared
upon the Is.rder screen nl Nnoo, Nogales
nml Douclas. In Arizona, and. HI l'aso.
.,., - mredo-aTta-TttownsVllle.
Th. For the drift of tnfornmtlon by
, munlcatlon with Vera Ciuz. Tampion and
' other Mexican or'ts,
Tle K,p,,t Southw.st of the I'nlted
friendly, open hearted do-
t"''1Ie" ls' " 1
, 1" ln and hold, few secrets long. Here
in tre dusty fiontler cities and towns
. ., jhe sunbaked plains of the
. i.wi.i mr.. th it. 3uu.-
U-owi-ountry are lodged more than 3(M
I Own refugee Mexicans and tnousanus 01
foreign inirn residents of Mex.ro wno
u. i' ...... -
jOti.iiOO additional Mexicans escape., inv ,
hand of the assassin oy nm'" .
, ., . .,uliu f the West
.,, 1.. 11 eo and other Islands 01 tin. " t si
' hundreds of wealthy Mexl-
" ,, . , i.-r,viB.in coun-
cans In the capitals of I.uropean couu
1 tries.
Pnld Press AgenU.
,.t ..nftratine to the heart of
Mexico the unfetterts) ' uf" !
one's eves and ears long since Minlstie.1
by commoit edict of the rival Uuid it.
A writer may contract to go In for
Villa" and accept the opportunity of
V" . .. tnini.c soeeches
clrcuiaung -" . '.., .
. ........ I...
I llouth of this unspeakable scoundrel.
. .11 , in ..for Car-
1 im 1 1 ,u.rnfc .,. .
"for Car-
nP ltM may l"Il...hr r ,
1 r-,nz i" under a hard and Wt agree
and fnt agree-
ment to boost the rsonal ty 01 ine
......... l.u!.r.l,il IOX Ol il.c
, llghuliouse. . , ,,
..mala Pablo (loiizalfs. Angeles, Al
vaio Obrcgon. Benjamin Hill. Herrera.
MaMorena. the Arrlcta brothers, Hero,
Ortega, Snlazar nnd all the rest lack
, only unscrupulous press agents to rise
' to the towering headlines of Ilia and
1 Carranz... At lircse. i mere -"
. " Ket around In Mexico ic n. . '
' r, round In Mexico and lemain
. fr., , wrlte the truth, so
i nun e. tell, tree to win.- im-
, " "" "' , .,, unUKU.. ways and
'"e;,""1.,'v ',' ',n 0iis, of official' Infor -
' 'X. limst be distrusted.
to tlsh for facts anoui ine .iiexo-u
,nut lie .UStrUSie.l.
"! . " Vs' . ' . .. . . . r .t,m
'", ''Ij',,,, erson could well
eilie. in .pe,
, . ... I,B extremes,
1 f, '...i.. nllr.i
other coadl -
Itallroads are gen
1 ' , , r i .. .. .
. wrecked and burnwl.
. .....ti.. ...... n,,ru.s i.ieir r mm. .......IK
their Hacks but stteaks of rust. t)c
which on close Inspection Is disclosed
to be a necessary link In some bandit
.. .. ...i...,i.. ... .ii .
..r i.rlvn.f L'r.tft :
. r,r an outlet fnr confiscated pioductN
' im.t in plain F.ngllsli or the means
.telle.... f r.,r..n ,
...... ............ l.hiflri.i.ill ...Mill some lartru
.... te,iu ......
aOI, interest whloh must get Its ore
, () frm tu, ,lt(.rcr t he
' Tribute nr Tnreh.
..... .ufnu.,,! ,,, vn- trih.
, uie to nimichy their factories, stores,
. mills, power and lighting plants, stieet
cars aim noiors ., .y ...o
and their lives iiiiiik ii i no i...i..nce.
Mnnv were selxe.l and held for ransom:
others, scotched III tun uyliig, barely
ni.in.iged t" escape tho country i while
hun .teds were Klllea tor nothing save to
destiny their title lo property selaed by:
their murderera.
ro get a truthful picture llrst hand,
facts must be obtained from actors j
i.. th.. irnce.lv. loos., ends that ...i.v .
1 picked up among refugees on the
liorder. For weeks Uie writer groped
fr these loose ends the loose ends
,. t(, individual sorroivs ; the
, lor e,u ,, rxlPM1ir(i i,..k , .
, .i...l.i ,i.ui.i.. . .t. i,.u ..tu a,.,.
'nmiect.d up wltih the political upheaval
Contliuul oil .Sci onrt Page.
Text of the Note Sent to Mexico
by the Pan-American Conferees
Wasiiimhox, .In;. II.- The Slnle lleiin tun nl tim e mil the noli: In
tMe.rhit In Hie fiillnirhin ftifin:
Tlu AlcxIi'Mli iK'iipIc mi' Informed Hint I lit following; niiiimtllilmtlim
lin- Urn sent In 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 luiiiiilnciil iMq-soiisMli Mi-xli'o wliu imtw inl 1 1 tt-it I
niilliotlty or military imiuci' wllliln the rcptilillc:
"Tlii- iiinlt-rslKiiiil, tln Sit fcliiiy ii( Slate nf lln- I'lillcil Slittis, (In
Ainliitssiplot's Kximnrilliinry mill I'I.miIniciiiIiii ' nf llnill, Chile nml Ai
Kciitlnti nml lite Kuvnys llxlruinilliiiiiy nml .Ministers l'lenlHileiitlitry nf
llollvlu, I'nimiiiy nml (iu.iteiiiitln nciTeillteil to Hie (ioveniineiir of Hie
l.'nlleil States of Aineilca, act 1 iik .severalty utnl liulcpeiiilPiilly, tiuaiit
lliollsly semi to yell the follnwllll.' I'Olllllltlllleatlnli:
"Inspired by the most sincere spirit nf American fraternity ami
convinced Hint they rlulilly Inlerpiel Hie eaniesi vlsi nf the entire culitl
lieiit, tliey have met informally al Hie siiestlmi nf Hie Secretary nf State
nf the United Stales to eniisiir Hie Mexican sltniillnii ami tn iisceilnlll
wlieliier I heir frlemlly nml illsliileresleil iel 11I1I successfully lie em
ployed to establish peace and coiistllnl loiinl order In our nlsfer reptil.lle.
"In the heat of the frightful strnrele which for so lone has stecM'd
hi lil I the Mexican soil doubtless all may well haw lost sight of the
dissolving elTects nf tho strife iipuit the most vital conditions nf the
liatloiial existence, not nhly iihiii Hie life and liberty of the Inhabitants
lint on the prestige nnd security of the country.
Patriotic Mexicana Expected to Respond.
"We eahimt doubt, however; no one can doubt that In the pres
ence of a sympathetic appeal front their brothers of America, recalling
to them these disastrous effects, asking; thein to save their mother land
from an abyss no one call doubt, we rceat, that the patriotism of
the men who lead or aid In any way the hloody strife will not remain
unmoved: no one can doubt that each and every one of tliein, uicasurliu:
In his own conscience his share In the responsibilities of pnst misfortune
nnd looking forward to his share in the glory of the paeilieatiou and
reconstruction of Hie country, will respond, nohly and resolutely, to
this friendly upis-al and give 'their licst efforts to opening the way to
some saving action.
"We, the undersigned, believe that If the men directing the armed
movements in Mexico whether olltirnl or military chiefs should agree
to meet, either In imtsoii or by delegates, far from the .sound of cannon
and with no other Inspiration save the thought of their afflicted land,
there to exchange Ideas and to determine the fate of the country from
such action would undoubtedly result the strong and unyWldlng ngtee
metit reulste to the creation of a provisional (ioverutueiit, with h shoidil
adopt Hie llrst steps necessary to the constitutional reconstruction of
the country and to Issue the lirst and most essential uf them all. the
Immediate call to general election.
Neutral Zona for Conferences Urged.
"An adetiuate place within the Mexican frontiers which for the
panose tnlgliMsB neutralized, should nerve as the mnit of the conference;
nnd In-order to bring about 11 (s.nference of this iiHtiire-lho undersigned,
or nny of them, will willingly, ttU)ii invitation, net as Intermediaries to
arrange the time, place nml other details of such conference. If this
action can in any way aid the Mexican iMople.
"The undersigned cxect a reply to this eomiuunlcatlou within
a reasonable time' ti"d consider that such a time would be ten days after
the communication Is delivered, subject to prorogation for cause.
"HonntT Lansims, Secretary of State of the United States.
"I. pa (Sama, Ambassiidor KMraordiliary and Plenipotentiary nl
"I'.po StwiiK Mi'.Mc, Ainbas-ador F.xtrnor.llniiry and l'leiilMieullary
of Chile.
"It. S. Naon, Ambassador F.vtraordliinry and l'leiiisileutlary of Ar
gentina. "I. Cai.pi i:o.. Kuuiy i:traof.lluary and Minister Plenipotentiary of
"Cahi.o.s Mariv pi: Pkna, Knvoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenlo
tentlary ot Uruguay.
"JoAijri.v Mr.Mir.. l.noy Kxtraordlunry and Minister Plenliotentlnry
of Cuatemala."
; A-
lluialais Helieved to UnveSliot
.loliii ilildeiiliraud After
rsinjr (Mull.
John Hlldenhrnnd, 53 jeais old. a le
tlrel real estate dealer, was shot and
fatally wounded 'In his home on the top
tloor of a five story house nt 144ti Fifth
avenue, near 117th street, last night,
The fact that $75 In cash and a watch
and chain were missing from his clothes
led the police to believe that he wns
killed b buiglars, who gained entrance i
to the building by way of an apartment
1 " the Rime llnor
Mrs. Hlldenbra
.Mrs, .. uri untie. ...i.. t,'-i ..,,...,-
c..,,, ,
' .' , . ,lVllM; ,...... M- nil.
, ' .
. ... in.ir. n.,.l f.,,,,,.1
i .... . en ... ,v.. ..v....
' ixews oi mis was nespaiei.e .. nere iiom
t ,..... v nc on the tloor between Hit,.. ...
. ,. , , ro)m .,n1 ,wrr with u bullet.
wo I over his hearb So,e .,f Ids '
upper teeth had been knocked out and
.mri ,, abrasion on his forehead. '
.. .......... .... .i i.. .. .i.
nA.L..,.i t..r....,iu nr tl,..
. iitueiii.tii . ... .
W(,Bl t -ja-l ftreet station and Policeman
,,.,..,., f ,t.. y.lK, 126th street station
........ i .1.-.. in
were caiieu 10 ...n. .nr., nm"
, Harlem Hospital. Mr. Hlldenhrnnd i
" ' ,r itmsted irled with!
ntiinhul ce i
an II l'" a'ur' . .. !
"e t,l,r(, Vnteied the adjolnlfig !
. ., ......
,tttiU.e jr, Hlldenbrand. sttlklng lilm
)n l)l( moth ,! on the forehead with
a clubi am, R)ootng mm utter railing
. . . . , , . . ,e (f mH.onsclous-
ness. It was ald that some of the ten-
,i.u libr.pit .. shot It. the house.
The police learned that two or thlee
committed In the
"'r ,' , .T'
,",",e 'V,0,1,? ',! I'.. , .u V. ,i,., i- ,.
. """v ",'",, '""" , ,,"
dent at Barnard College and his son,
John H Hlldenbrand, will soon be gradu
tl till fioni the Columbia Law School,
JO.OOO Itnllnns ()nlt Itislrln.
Paius. Aug. 14. A de.sp.itoh fioni'
Bern Hays that more than 20,000
.......... nu.riis n.,ir i.,i-hi-.. inrouKi.
ftwltzerland on their nay from Austria
to Italy. They were transported In twen.
ty-llve special trains,
! Selzi' 1 1 lo on
Hnni'li Handits Tlireateu
Texas Towns.
NofiAtxs, Ariz., Aug, II A band of'
Mexican soldiers linaded American ter-,
iltory fifteen miles we-t of here to-day j
, , I
nnd seized cattle on the llanlson ranch
near the bonier. Three autoinoblb'
loads of armed men have left for the I
BCene- ,
Another party nf Mexicans, which '
, . ,., , , , ,
numbered nearly ion men. led b
Col. Cabrera, have appeared between '
Zapata and Rio C.rande City, nlnetv
,iit u,,,. i ,.t t -i.i-
i A detnehmeut of the ! ourtee nth Cav-
nlr-v ls 'at'"'"''' nt Z-'Pata. awl with
the aid of citizens Is picp.ireil to rest
, f.,A t.m.tltt. If lh.iv rni.eh Hint nnint.
.... . ,. . . .
"'J'''1 ''""'' ... , . ., ,.,.
0 UM TJly
f,.,t ,.,,, aft(.rm,o following re-
ports of a light al Santa Maria and
...... .... .. , i .
.-u ,.... ,. ..e i. ...... it. i.......
scattered Into the brush near Mercedes.
William A. Hall of Troop rt. Third
1 .'iiiiilri- w.ts ..eeiili.ntiiUv Oin In th.,
..... ....... ,
hip to-day. a Mexican was killed last obliged to act.
"IkIU near San Juaa and one of three I The note Is liliel i. lie .lis. o,i
'"" Mexicans found near Santa Maria 1 to Americans, but officials m Was imgi
was Identified as the lender of last's..) that as p..,,. red by the ..c
Hun,,11 'H n'1'1 1,1 Nnrli,,' Ameiican di.loin lis it is Ilk. I l .
. 'a oiif'kei and st.i.iu.er icsponse f
finn finn vnvn trsrpc nvT itn
ww, """""
Prolll Hlinrluu ( hecks MHlle.l tn
Prolll stinrlim Checks MHlle.l
Purchaser of 1111, ( nr.
Pr.Tlioir, Aug. 11. Ptotlt shann
die. ks lor f,n each are now being pie
I1'1""1 1,11,1 mailed by the Ford Motor
Company to more than .iOO.oi.o pin-
elnsers of Ford ens In 101. V Miss
, tlcpelee .Morrison, H14 North Floieine
, speet, HI Pj'O, Tex., will receive check
I No. I, the company records showing that
she was the first to make a puichase on
) August I. 1914.
ICach check entries the slgnatui e.s of
three iiHslHtii.it ei.shle.M i.ihI t)it iiniKt
Inveterate scill.blcr might develop
wr'ter's cramp If some device were not
men to assist nun. Ill Ills case a
method by which all five checks on a
i.gle sheet can be signed by a single
opt ration Is being used,
Lansinji- and A It (' Kiivuya
Offer to Act us Intermediaries.
Tone of Document Kxpected
to Hrinr Kesult Quicker
man llarsli Words.
WA.siilN.iro.s. Aug. II.- The text of
the Pan-Alnerlcan appeal to the Mex
ican leaders to compose their infer
ences and establish n government was
made public to-day by Secretary
' U'inslng.
The United Smtcs in. I the six Latin
'American diplomats who Joint d In eon-
iference with Secretary LiiimIiik urgV.l
the Mexican leaders to meet in am'ty
jilt some "neutralized" p'ace In Mexico,
I "far from the sound of cannon." ami
'there settle their dllTcicnccs and pin
feed to the work nf I ell iblllt.itlng the
! sovereignty and economic life of tint
1 republic.
There Is no threat of intervention or
: other drastic action In the ev. nt that
1 the Mexican leaders fall to resVoU'l.
i No hint even is given as to the coiir.su
which this (lovernmeiit and the 10
.publics of Argentina, Chile. ISi-inn,
ilollvia, Uruguay and (iti.itcumla wo!
pursue in that event, but It is known
j that the plan of the cimferrlim nations
contemplates the Mippott of siirh l.v
Hons as ngtee to lay down their 11:111-1
If all do not yield und enter the con
ference. itstT In Ten lla.s.
The note Indicates eljar'y that the
United States ami the l.itln Anient .a
j (!ovc rnments expect that Hie wu U of
establishing liw and older In Mci. o
I will be undertalien without delay. The
I not.- s.iys that the seven slgn..:ory
1 powers will await a itusoiiabie tune
for rcille.s fiuin the Mexican leaders,
j The note adds that such .. rcii.s.in.inle
j time uoiiM be "ten days alter the c.un
' tuunlcitlou is dfllvcu.l, subject to pui-
rogatlons for ausc."
The I'nlted Slates ..nj tile six I... ill
lAnaticaii 1 !oei iiiiie!il. thus .sen. no
'lice that ill. will epe. I detlnitc ie-
plies within ten das, unless thele slmuld
! appear good cause fm exteiidinn lb"
' time. At the expiration of tlilh tune
limit, tne paitles to Hie I'.iu-Aiiui n an
confeieiice will In
in .'pal.
d to tal.c Hie
next step In their plan, w tilth, in tne
' exellt of the t.lllllle of tile Mexuilll
leadeis to agree, will consist in siippoi i
i ing the pea.eful factions in the e-i.il.
i llslimeiit of a piovistonal goveriuiieiu
which the United Slates and Hie South
and Ciitral AineiK.in tiovcnuneiin win
. ie cognize.
The Mexican note, oi appeal, ,.. it .
officially ileMcilbed, and wlil.li is .. In iff
communication, urges ine .Mexican
chieftains to assemble in a spillt of
fraternity ami lo bring to an end the
!,-,, tluti has "steeped' the louiiuy in
blood and united misery on million
"I'l"'"1 ", ,I'';M'1 '"' 'ilf'T.i
grounds of patriotism mid is pliias.il
wUl llle nl,.t, f arousing Hie spii.t
uf the Mexican people to mi In ih.-.r
own Intel. sis
III.. I nf ltilerferei.ee.
, .. ,
liven effort was made in the fi.nn-
,B t 'the not. to avoid th. sugg.
mish Intel feien.e or iiieddling
I on Hi" pat I of outside goci i nis and
to convince Hie Mexican people thai tin
. in.,,. . ...-
.v,.rt. ..ctuate.l solely b a .lesiie n. sc.
Mexico lehaliilitated. ecreiai Lansing
and Hie ha Lit. n American .liploii. :
..If ..... 1U llll I llll. ill. 1. If H .1. II.-
1 " " . r ..
iiinitiiic a time ..ml lllace 101 I. tnnitr-
euce bv the .Mexican eaoeis 't sunt ..
I ... . ,. !..i., ....
1 Tlie entile Ibnor of tne loiimon,. a-
J V 1,1 lZ
A' ' ; ' ,'!,' ' o, c efuV hm, !
1 r,,1"iat v ii. oi i ' ' 1 '
..lent oil .MfXI.o. Ill v in.u .1. .i 1 1 1 1
Ilieill on
, 1110 Mexican leadeis l i.u t.ie aui- ...
1 I"" then dltfei en.es in 0 .i si
time or tills ( .ot erilil.Cil w.n.
the Mexican . ople loan
. ,! wntten in IhecM.iiaileii.ii. sile
of American ilip.niii.itle ..iriopoi. deuce
' l'.ver thing Indicates that the not., to
'the Mexican lead. Is wis Intend. I ttil'i
as iiiuiMi for coi'Miiiiptiiin by tin- MiMivii.
people as it was for the iniliv Id lals to
whom it was aildi ced The original
of tin- note was In Spanish
Copies nf the note '.i.ie liteii foiwarde.l
tn all the lei. dels nf piomliie ine Ii
Mexico, including lioM'iiiors of tint
Slate-. An el'l 'it is In be made to gic
Hie appeal the widest possible circulation
among the mass of the Mexican proWc.
: In tills way. It Ih hopeil, a loive w.i
j he aroused 111 Mexlio that cannot be
. lanoied by any leader or faei on
I With 111. drspateli ol I tie uolc. iilllol .U
1 here seemed to be mole Unpefiil than
ever that within a conipaiaiiuuy bhurt
time a convention will ..."simblo that
I ' ' ) r s
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