OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, August 29, 1915, Second Section Sporting and Automobiles, Image 15

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1915-08-29/ed-1/seq-15/

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I """" I I 1 i 1 1 i'i . ... r- ' : im'"wy-- ""'! '!"''WJ 'itj ji'wwn, j, ;m.-
l'nd on Ihp
I lub" or "(
41" rhaaala.
Wul1 Fairer to Man Who
still Ante In Mil
lsreetlra( Intrr to thr automobile
alitor of Thk Ncn protects aerainHt th
r Hi nif taw ffM h prtmlts a motortal
b; ng awoM hand cm to otoUakn the
i. . mitiabgf on rt by thr peiinenl f
l I. in dors not allow an nuloiiufhilist
. I Bposgg of hla car to take along his
I plate to another machine Atten-
Uon has bmm called t thli ooradltron of
Iffatnt 01, anottier cs-earlim. wtmn onr
man after unlng a rap of our nukr for
aboiil. thrM months In a year traded tt
for another of the came make only
hj and lost hkl original li ime (
a. ... br
T otter epuken of COaaeg from It E
IheVtrsoll, tuLii4r.r of Baa tarn branch M
fur the Uro Motor Car (Yvr.pan, "It
It not often that I have the temertt) to
tak- i fall out of tha laws upon our
Statute hooka," says Mr. Ingrrwdl. "It
Mcma to mr, huwi ver, that there la nut
law rcl. sting to anil affecting the In4er
rs:. o automobile owners that should
br chaagia immediately.
I 'frr to ttic statute pnvernlrig the
I' sing and registration of motor r-
t: I'mlrr tree present law tho PUT-
ihaoar of a ue.w hiktomobllo ta required
to take out a liiTrac, which on a car of
the Rao vlaas i osis lln annually If
Hli owner Bella that car during tha year
a"'l purchases another ha Is required to
also purchase an entirely new II0MIM,
paying $10 lharofor, anil aa on ad In
fli.:t.fim, according to the number of -urs
tig nay pur.-haac during a given rur
"The mati who purchased the used CAT
can by making application luivr tho
II- eggau plates transferred to hla name
for SI My content! n la trait the nuni-b-
rarateg should follow the owner and
fin the citr. It frrqiientl ItSjjypeng that
a u-i-i car c.-et s far mcr-! mono) than
a n dortala pries) new car, an Uio ar
rangrmanl cannot hr Jind.tled on thr
Utaof) IhiU. a tieerl ir purch in-r hgi
Iraa niaant than the purchaser of a now
Any onr win known the altmnion
Wll Hsnn' with me that Indian C0VtfU
ion -eaults from the present law he-eniiM-
'UileHS thr owner advlaea the otllce
af Iho Secretar of Slatr thut he lmn
d -i'-irril "f hia car that car arlU I"' run
f;it around lh the hamla of OtH or ney
ml o'her people while atlll recorded mi
hi LjooIui of thr Sei-retary of Slate un
de th.: name of tha original UoalMMg,
"If, hi the other hand, the iiuml r
plati-a followed the owner of a mr In
trad ,,f ti,, ,.ar itarlf thlB oonfualori
Oou.it not pogglbly result "
In "he day grlM of automobllt mwn
U' r la nottring more Intrreatlng than
the nrwa of naw modclB. wheliier they,
' i.iirely new production! of estab
Hihrd roncema or aoiiieihitia; in the way
of i novelty produrad by a oornpony I
t''.i' hi boon ni buafnaoa a long time. I
f-:r Inatanoa, aa compltto a novelty aa
the da) - n ail affordf It Hie word that
ti'e Kngei Company in Cincinnati i
bringing out a twin-alx car at toe ag
traordlnarlly low price of I1.0I&. It,
iin'l no lone uro that thla waa a ;
."i -I .in (igure fur1 a four-cylinder ma- ,
thine I' i lea aa lOmathlng of a I
hock aa IS-eyllndtr value. The Bngar
lt yrar bull! a alx-cyllnder oar and'
I1"- mpanj is baokaal by a great dial
f rnonay.
r car not only ha tins motor, but
r UllUauall) line body on a 110 Inch
!... chaaala f'antllavor aniingnl
rr i i :ii- vhl-eibSM oomfortabll for
flilihl The motor la 2-'n Uannag lajre j
in lies stroke, the cylo. tiers belmj i
c. -' In uio. ks of six, placed at rtn de- i
I I ni.- from the cenlrc line. The
PMI Kill hai di.iral bevel (tears. The
glolor laid to be unusual In Ita flex-'
(' and range of luoada.
rgi 11 lianiels. one time vicoapeagl J
le ., general rnanggNir of the i 'au
la' I lutnr ('ar Company, la now in (
aa f .r Inmaeir ,n Iteadintr. Pi
nd 1 1 making a car called the Daniel
elicit Tiie motor In H li mailt by
Hen lel-Hpllllnutl and Hie oar ll to n
I. ni.- above i iic average in price and
Bnlah The price of the car la to be
In Hie lighborhood of and tin
IMniNi aill gnac'lgllgg in closed bodice
f'" an i haesis for the coming tfoged
tar sees. ),.
Another latUr received la on the al-
' r.. w e ibjevt of apeod (rapping.
ll coiiiea from I I 'li l ITttaw. a velvet Im-
porter of thli city, who fell foul or the!
lohri i. lawmga and tlKuns out that j
o nneo a' the rate or m-conu
'' 1 '. mi. ally .thankful that the a-
IWiarnan .lliln't follow him an hour or ha
would have btgn out IT.JOO. Tliera
aPptaxi to be more tiiaii a little Juallce
li Mr". I'hllllpa'a complaint. Imuamuch
e the polloaman followed him onl) for
110 yardl and then mude an arrest for 1
pning tWantyHUg milM an hour. Mix
111 eg hji iioiir morg than the law per- !
oi is Mr. Phlltlpg wrllea:
ortUng to the gworn complaint . r
Ml email Wanner before Judge J. Hum- J
aril Sprague In the village f Lawrence,
Nassau county, I drove my car through
(" ' lnhth of a mile of Iawrence at
tin rat,- of twenty-alx milea an hour.
MCeedlng the speed limit SIX miles
at hour Tile policeman followed llle
ti'- Oni-eMghrh r a mile I refuaed to
pi-ad aulRy and waa tlnnl $111 rir
;' nf M ihla rate of speed, aaaum- I
tag ttat eggnplallll to be correct, Uio of- j
flic followed for alajut seventeen aec
Hlda or about one nuarter of a minute. I
In thla oiic-elghth of a mile I ilroviwi
gtatul Ave gaooiHla loo fast, or glmoal
$-' (Q a aeoond. Is the village of latw-
Hnoe tijinif to . nuii iiwkafaller'g in-
on the si l v aljOOtld basis1,'
"I aaj drive slowly In liwri nce and ,
eavi alout T,lt( an hour. Automobll-
lw enmea high. How lucky that tho ,
offi . i ,iiii ,,oi follow for an hour I
liircr l.raf" ltadl,-r.
Ihree paxrimrr
Thl haa Ml api-cil.
Juat aayr,1 oyer fT.non by the k ndneaa
of the officer TlMMh roU, Mr WTaJUMr,
for the $T,(iO(i. and thiinks to .linhre
rarmgM for hia minim ttm tine on drat
off n 01 of $2 a scrotal
"We arc lh-iiiE in ,,u agl of rapid
tn.it hetnat . s; In hDOUl OtM-qUI rter of a
minute W.uiner found me koImk abOUl
onr-twrlfth of a minute t.,., fast Aa-
nulling the panalty of $m or ten days,
would It he Just to Jail a c tir.cn on a
five second uiivurai y of W.mr, r a a'l-
omi tor ."'
Motorists to Form Huge Line
Going to Shpmhral on
September n.
Knthusiaam among mot Ori eta over thr
grr.it deOO fated parade to I he Sms?i
hrad fjg) Bpiedw.ii on Seplemls r Is to
witneea the vtati of formal prnotioe for
the Vincent Agtof ("up K.ice on Ootubor
2 excnsis ail expectation! Atthottwh tha
Motor Club of New fork, which la man
.gclng the parWdaV gavi o il 1 7, Odd apph
OWtlon blinks to the tradi fat dw)trlbtl
tion among own are, m vorai dealera al
risudy have aghavuntad their tupply and
are asking for more
The parade Otgffltnlttgg of tlir New
Vork club fl, S. Tohack. cli.iinn.in .
Oeorg! Robirtaon, c. .i atcaf ban! and
w'lluam c Poort nor- has announced the
route The parade Will form on Seventh
vgntjg batwgen iTIfty-thlrd and Fifty -
ninth street! and adjacent gtreegg. The
Pfocegajlon win move rieu Columbian
CI role s.uih on Broadway i.i yorty-
aevenitli street, east to ifth avenue.
south in Fourth it reel and via laatayette
to Kenniare. rmaglng William! burtj
In idge, via Brooklyi Plaan lo Bedford
avajnuei (hence vi Parggalg ( Ocean
Avenue. dlrei to" the italway. The
Pagetaierg of the parading oara will i
the guests of the nhfopghand Bay B peed
way Oorpo ration. All othera, however,
Mil I i . neil in adrnlMslon fee
How grent la thr Interggl of motor
i'om and the general public in thr . om
1'ig racr la evidenced by the number of
hoxea an-1 arnts sold and the nnmei of
their purch.iaers. At the lpeedwny'1
uptown offi... at I did Broadway, many
i romlnenl tradeemen h tve boughi boxer,
among them brine w i Poartner, Na-
t'onal and .leffery J . ('. .1. McSbanc.
Mercer; Oagton Plaintiff, No?.i; s h
Toback, King. Charles ". Relaa, lluti-
mobllgi a. '! Knufm in. Peugeot i
Btahop, afeCormioai - Biihop, Coloi
Salra Managrr HgrrlnajtOn, Pgckgrd !
Krmk (i. Carrtg, Mgrmon j Clodlo &
i.ngs. Klggelkai . T P '' h"orlar an. I
A. J. Plcard.
other dralrra aer hui:ng hlo.ka of
aeats to provide for the to i ds of visitor
from then factorial and customers. A
reservation of 1."." seats lias been made
for th.. Packard Motor ('ar Company,
ami li. li Johngton hai a block for tha
While company. Other big buyerg in
clude William Allen. Allen Auto Rpa
cialt Company, and Honry (loodman
of i he Tunis Kqunre Automobile Com
pany. AlltomObll i 'uio are also Im.
speaking wh ile aectloni for their mem
borSi notably the Motor Club "f Hrn ik
l n. the New J, re, Automob le and
Motor Club of Newgrk and the New
Haven and Hartford cluba
Man) orders for Imixcs hale also come
by mail to he S Iway Corporation'!
main office Tin y embrace many names
of prominence in the ajoclgl gnd lli.an
clal worldg, among them being W. K.
Vanderbllti Bdwln Houi i. Percy It. Pyne
Id, M. Taylor Pyne, M. Taylor Pyne,
Jr., M ormc Wilton, Thornton WlUon,
William Payne Thompson. Ayin ir John
eon, W. Kedmond Croei, Richmond Tal
hot. Howard W Maxwell. Thomas B
Clarke. Mamden J Perry, Wadaworth
H Lewis. Hayard Domlnlcki Jnmei
ispeiei. shei in. in Day, Richard P. Howe,
Lynford Biddle, Harry Hnrkneai, i:.i-war-i
Bohroeder, Mortimer i. BchlfT, A.
li Ituasrll. W. Hull Wnklnim. Cbarlag
li Bnbin, John I-' Harrli, Daniel q,
ib id. Ueorga T h okaw, J K Rico, Jr.,
living M. pay, Prederlo it Pratt, tt B
Waring. QoOfgi A rents, Jr., ml KdgM(
Mayor and Mis Mitchel Will new the
race along with Mr gnd Mrs Vincent
Astor. as guests of I'd ll. Pyne id. a
director of tin ipeedwa)
Bdwin L. Jackson
rif iroldeiit ' III I'm Uniil
....r I oi mo tt
I ml anil well i on u ,
MelroMlltan Trado.
aaai I
Here la thr
I. mm. Ibla u
I t'll Fer short of tin I i $ ii i ai
Is . II. St-ott's Statc-
have juat completed the moat
si ssful year In our history. aalo
Richard ll. s.ott. vlca-proartdenl and
gen. ral manager of the Ui o Minor Car
Company, when on August the fac
tory superintendent informed him that
the la-t car id the Ittlt series had b,
shipped "Our volume of DUglM
the nanl year has been pet
more than Ihe year prevloui and our
growth has been anadv from the day
Iteo was Incorporated In 130a.
"Wi- have always undereotlmatod of
if we did not underestimate we under-
produced the Iteo demand This year
we fell short uf the mark further than
aver before and while ii Is a source of
mtloh gratification It la also regrettable
that for neve ral week there win not
be a new ReO car for sale any w lu re in
'be world.
"During the past three months we
have bun unable to conic anywhere
near supplying the demand of dealers,
and WS were driven almost to our wit's
em's to allot the last few hundred
cars in an equitable manner and pre
vent our dealers feeling that there waa
any favoritism
"Our original plans were su. h that
ill., fa. lory run on material for the 191T.
models would be computed about the
last of September, when the new models
were to in announced and ready, i"
our efforts to meet :l,i Insistent de
mands of the last few months, however,
we put on an extra tdgiit shift and
ih.it. of course, used up the materials
more rapidly DsspltS the fact that we
made several thousand more Iteos than
We originally planned, si 111 the material
Wag UOSd Up before thai for the new
models was ready As a result theYe
is now a gap betsSen production reason-
when ii la Impossible to buy a
now Roo.
"MllpmentS of the new models will
begin September 11.. and as our an
nouncement will appear on the llth
WS anticipate all avalanche of orders
for then. However, when the) do come
they will i. ime protn rapidly By Ihr
way. we think that this year Iteos ex
perience demonstrates conclusively that
It la poi necessary in fin t that I' is
wrong to bring out new models t ght
in the middle of IDS busiest sca-on.
June ai . I July That is thr time when
the greatest number of people want
anion Oblles, urn I it certainly l! ridicu
lous to close ihe plant to make the
neCeaaary changes in equlpmsnt, etc.
They all told us thai inasmuch as every-
body else was doing it Hen would also
have I" announce new modela and priest
ill the middle of tin SSSJH
e aald
wc would not simply hi
. all-
"We W01 1 curious p know if new
models . woui.i kffei t the Ueo de
mand, ami WS wen- not u litt.e sur
prised lu find thai t affected it not at
ati if anything, the Rga demand in
oregsed The fall .s the logical time lo
make ny chant) that may ie dc-.r-
able or nereiary, and at that period
would Inconvenience the least number
f !. yera for that rSggpM the Iteo
plan Will be adhered to. and we are
oonfld nt that Other makers will adopt
it also save In those case! where be-
CSUSS of hSVlng obsolete models Of
romnetltlve onei Ihsi may
in do ntherwlas.
en. .in... rlo- to.. si -iKT. n. int
w ti
as (he moil encouraging rcature of the
iteo business during the past year ia the
snderi ol nit l sl' " v '''
mrr ssi Isoriiidflea en resga or fesra '"
iinii'it " "' ,h'" eseaflosi o(
lifoaiii'.ie ,'..," tut "i v lal .Vaaass
Hlntl it '"ii '( I'lfnte fiaaweriag ' nil
'....-,..,- re ,,l lU illiolltf P-rttlltQ
1 fir
I. ii., n-,.".i "' i"- ii i ..... .......
I . 1 1 ( . " i lea
gt'S oi rgrslaAlsg fell iseciNSfl
wff$ltom !"' IsSfsigWes ieWI
1 1, i in:
ill '. 0
hr ii el
Mbert i Tho
o, Lgniford.
with a od
Pa TO dive
leal nf ilrlv
ri.il.ovlns I'
hi I'll
na ai n il
iter -III". Ill
grom I
ii-f.irci ilrlvi
u.ueh chunh snd ihsnis Rsston. Tha
ri.,.1 a."- Ihrough waa oatoii. s J:
I'lliiton hl(! Houae, gomat 1 cle. K ingalon,
vi ... , , I 11 i ( loll , I il) HOI " "T nt
rreahold ', JereeyvHU to Atui't
rt. road from ,l'urv khm Hlong i'
kf;i n
front to Atlantic H:
nrdcr to avoid bed ro.t.i
vh r. In
tin t-
.-.oiiii Amboe. i' mtii i
! to tdkc the
N. V
ferry gelng 10 south
i ioinK rt om i ni
tty to Now ior t. on
u lit do bog,: to drl
.tlone the It --'on I
d io Hrt.u. pTt una Miiroru.
thing tht
n Havon
anol bee
rly, It. I .
I r i ilirouith s.tvin itoi-k to n
f , ,im t lo hit ior put' o i nere
Amtttur between Mvftc nnd weal
hut moat nf 'ho noid li
thronKh N'arraganaett
n h. t iho ferry lo
iteturntne. in Inland
t-KCi llont 11 got
t Haunden
Nw port
road will b
a,, ii.
VlslUll '11 Oral! IO Ji oisuib ina -aiii-
road .is for ihe going trip ii I- itiggoeted
. i, ,i wqu go by wsy sf Providence, worcii
tar nuii gprlngfli '.I t" gtockbridge snd Qresl
Dirrlnglon, Prlva Waal then to n ,i-..:
an. I r.illnu Hi" ill-', 'll f llle llu.l.-oll
itivs. .! Rhlnebevk Hen Isks His rerry
t.i Klngaton an. i go through Hllenvlllej
iori Jervla, paiawera vvimr u!p nun
lroud!buri IS MlUOh ('hunk, utnl an home
f, Wi litin Hhatfar ll
ni it rat i. No Vorh
ia d. who h ntmi a pretty
K i
. Thlrti iao
- Tin direct
I from thi
.low me way
I t alow n and
laburg, whit i.
pt) in hii uudaburg t' to
ibiouKh Morrletown, lln
pelawara W atar Uap to itr
ii oniv im ui matenco rr
' fond to itorrlatoe n la
; Nowai k. i roaalttg tin W.
in t ho iini Tha
ached ' h roil! h
ha w krn fei rv
ll. ''iiiier. P'.i io.'- Ntwurk Btrevtt Mew
ark. V .1 Tin Lincoln HUhw iy from Mil
i Itv lo San Frenelacu ia luppoaod to be
available ihrughoui Hi full length for tha
trli lo llo- I'm III ll A booklet gUlou
deiolled laformetloii eboul the blgliwti
mil ta mil cage, hotel-, geragea, . may
Iih bud for -ii con la, alther from lha IJn
i Highway Aaaoclatlon, Dot roll, Mb h . ,
or a' lha Automobile luh of Amort, m, ;
Klftj fourth f-'int, fi of Broadway, Hta i
Vork ilty
Kngfr iwtlTf eyllader, which la
thr lowfil prle ret for a '13."
Indication that this industry haa ceased
lo 1 no of seaaons. The difference
m demand for cara In September and
I May was iut noticeable, of course it
is difficult to gauge the demand when
you have a chronic ovenlemand auch
tus Rao experleiu es,
"NM Withstanding there was a marked
difference between thla and former
yeara In that the demand continued
right through the season It aeems lust
I as brisk now. It is due of oo'urae to
the fad that peoplr have round the uuUi
mobile Indhrpenelbie in the winter as
well as In the summer, and 1 expect to
we the demand even greater than the
spring demand in the future, for tTie
reason that buyers ham come to know
thai the actual new model! are brought
out In the fill teason and that only by
buying then can they be lure of having
I a car for the spring uae To wait until
! the spring actually ois-us means that
it will Is impossible to get any of the
! more popular makes of car-."
ISSlsli Mies Manager asstari-
liakrr I'rodncllon la I licreaal na.
It. T Hodgklns, Hs!iataut sales mana
ger of the HtU'lcbaker Corporation, haa
returned to Detroit from hii vacation
here He motored Kast In a 1111 model
Studebakrr a.even pasacnger touring car j
gnd left laat Friday on tha return trip. I
mopping at the New Vork branch Mr.
Hodgklns brought the news thai pro
duction was Increasing by lea)ia and
Isjimd- It la the expectntkm to turn
out (0,000 automobile! before January 1
"All tha change! having been made
in machinery and methods," said Mr
llodgkms, "we are now about at our
maximum of production I am happy to
say iluit we arc shipping more cats than
WS Shipped during our biggest days lu-t
yeur, and our Increased facilities will
allow us o exceed even our present
figures, i 'arsi w hich w ere ordered upon
the aiitioiirH'ement of li'16 nsi.lels will
all he in the Lands of their owners
tvilhln a very few days.
"After a trip through t' e middle West
and reading reports frtiKfa other sections
of the country I am linn In the belief
that the country's condition warrant
increasing our production lo 0.0ini ours
thla season. Haw materials are not as
I ludson Closed Car Exhibition on
1 a.
aiaiBiBMIaLj. I' - -
Wliat Hiiny S Hoilpli Hudson CM
ilftrtbuUr. tays if ii1iof will u th
llnest and tnoat complgle line of . loged
cara ever aeen In this city will he placed
on eghlbliion on the AOOI or the llu.l-on
1 salesroom In the Ciu le Building
huv rnoming, HeptembgT 6
ii Mon-
This year's Hudson line or elosad oars
i oonslgls of five types of bodies. Mfhleh In
plentiful the) eere ywti w. hut
fortuntittfl) wi wui noi be iigmpered ii.
any lack in thla Mi'e-tliih Lontmct
lutve ui eadv been mtt.ii fur proxltK'llon
ami Inquiry hei dnvernped the f t thit
;hao who ure HUfiply m huvr t U-Tr
needi protected bs mateiial in .; "
S 0 Tobuck. head or the A bSlllott
Raiiney Company, distributer tor Uio
King liighi I" New Vork City, has in
corporate,! hi- business ppllctes in a
slogan, which la not like moat alogans,
a matter or two or thiee grords,
Knclosed in the King sinehl the slogfgn
ii : "There is something more Involved
lit ihe -ale or a nuHor car lha li the
mere transfer ot malvnal things
Honor, courtesy, coiialderallon. effici
ency iu. I sutp faction enter into i-verv
transaction Willi the V Klllotl Rgliliey
i lompgny."
of America
I i;is pre pared a Brochure
containing maps, itineraries,
mileages and linteli-i un the
Associated Tours
MM Mill ,,r mulled, Hlthimt i harae,
to an) molorUt on reiclpt of wrltlen
reiUeal emioiltis a eetel atamp to
i ever i",M -'v
Atidr Hurt on of Tourn,
Ihe Aiilomoblle t tub of America,
-ii 1 1 and ftM tftruota,
worn of Dnmdway. New York. OH?
AUGUST 29, 1915.
hnlll h thr larlnnatl flrni to aril
LOSE $57,000,000
Pnyi Out That Much
III Advised Weight
The number of automobiles in this
country (via now passed the two million
mark, whl h Indicates a tire output of
about twelve million for this year. Flu
urisi at aixteen dollars earh, which la a
conacrvative average, a value of $112,
ucii.unO will represent the year's output.
StatUttK which have Just been com- I
piled by t he experimental department of
the (Joodyear Tire and ltubber Company
show that 10 pgr cent, of thla aum la
being gcumndarod by in advised loading
of tirwc In ptlier words KT.fOO.OOO a ll
be WSStSd this year through failure to
ol serve procr precaution In tho matter
of loading tins
f W l.ltchtleld. factory manager of
the Ooodyoar Tire and Rubber Company,
In 'hla liatier presented before the So
ciety of Auloitabile Ktwihcui! at the
summer eonforOnCO, auggerti-d a remedy
for this waate by the adoption of a alld
Inc s.'aJe of carrying flajpgfdllsg and In
flation pressurrs This la essentially the
ie. carrying . m -
Pri-aa If Jl," 4' !' 4" gU "
30 2.0 . ...
li ggo gig
40 ggj a to von
4", ni 4SO MSI eT.v
:o sA AIA i 'i T.'id g7A toiai tun
ft.-i 4ou aaA ,.'si giA gag i i m i legg
so DOS atv "AO 'MSI tn:,o iatsJ lifo
OA (.711 of. OTA I .:i(S Uon
To 7io a;-, iir.ii IftA ti'at iMt
T.I 'HO 1I2.-. lam i.'.isi 1710
go iismi isdn i mo iit.Ni asil
ga 127. Its', foil IU4(l
so ... it. '.u iofO isiai 2('."i(i
H ... ... I ggo lean ig
100 ... ... NQO I ggo
turn Hie ftlhtd ami upholstered hi
froni -W to fle 'lifTM-nt fttedes. the
ustotner int.- an iilmovl unlimited chfiie.
' of body colors I..
I In the niatti r
thg) represenl c.
. hiMlse fro'll
of rln.sh and filtlngs
acii grork luxurv. anil
for town or suburban gturk or ev. i
lolll -
k tnese pars an leaigneo lo inawer
(very utilitarian purpose and lo have
B man and .l.ot i.,,. lines S'hlch will
Notes of Live Interest to the
Motor Trade, Local and Foreign
w i lelne uho hoa boon for tii it
two eeee end naif lotma mi with th
Wtr ft itel .i aupervleor ot alea I 'i both
Iwaatern and mlddl Weetrrn territory, h
raalgned lo I k up tho prealdency and
auiea manege) ihlp of t ne i orporetioti
o he known ni tti- in-troi; Pnmniertia)
.r Compel . Thin r oncer it la to ..fT
at llg hi uiiiv"'v wagon
Tha Rmplra Automoblla
noiincaa .t nca four j;i.okei i .i.
n tod .i "modal 4 ' The mil) outward
fheneea from th" prolou mode ara
lonntiieiiiun of ii nl o vi.i' t i ,
atreamtlfia body merging it 'i n.a hood,
and conalderable Increnaa in tin nio
Tha motor t- 'V head pa m tt u n boi
tif 11 no ii oi, ii mi at rob a of Inchea it
ie ntfpq u it h two unh r r i ayaiam,
om- unit acting aa atartcr on llywhael, tha
other " generator ot curr-ni for atartlng,
iikIimiik nd ignition Th t . ir u iint.i 1
.it g a : . a . in i onjoiii : toti . ii ii ina nan
I, ig in Mx w,t II, fitti, thla com pi iifi the
Kmplra lino for i i fi
t n n reeeni demonttraitng tnt w i
Uong, M. ' Mummera and i " tic v Ing
ton of Clavalenu climbed 1'uniidm Ho,i
inn. una ' one alghtb mile long, with
,t Krd' of j ti. - in ,t Premier If
gearad m h Ik m 1'unimm Ulll In tin iterp
ii in tho ii.muy of Cleveland, end the
80 x 100 ft.
'nao t Hmail & MgFKfM Uta.,
wAtk, N J Kxrt'ptltiititllv lit
alntNolucallnn; fnrmrli oci'tiiid i
I'ltt kanl Mii or t 'ur t 'o Iftllltahle
fnr anv "iihrr Inndneaa ritlreaa
A K M Kls.Hi;iJi.i M. J'i ljngruaa
t NrwiirU. 4S. .1.
6. 8 AND 1
at ina
adaption of the air pressure to the load
Imposed on the tlrea.
"long experience liua ahown that these
lo.ida and air preasurea are the most
- .
,'u-tory txinibliiatlon for maximum
and effective cuahioning," says
Mr latchlield. The qualities of com
fort and uiy riding must be recognised
aa vital points, equally as lmortant aa I
(Ire durability. Why are pneumatic !
tiiea uard at all if not tor easy riding
"Tlie -I.- - . to WhiCfl a tire Is flat
ISnsd against the ground varies with j
tin- load. Kor every given tire load there
la a definite issrcentage of tlra deflection
which beara a direct relation to tho In
nation pressure. Obviously, then, a scale!
of relative carrying capacities and In
flation press urss, if properly observed,
wili tend to eliminate the enormous
waste now caused by haphazard moth- i
ods of loading ami Inflating.
"Tha load proe.rly aaaigiicd to a tire j
ahould be the actual load on tho tire'
with the car fully loaded. The SOI lal
load on each tire can be ascertained by .
Weighing first the Trout of the fully
loaded car, then the tear, dividing SSI i '
riiure by two to get
t lie load per t re. '
It ca-n then be Inflated to the proper
pressure for that particular weight aa
Indk stud by the scale ,.r carrying ospsc-
Itiee and Inflation prwaures A certain
tolerance in pressure should be altoWSd
Tor leakage, but before the presgurg
drops ... per .ell 1 1 r, s ould he
I'Umped uti again.
"Bssllglngi of course, that every con
sumer l.aa a right to hie own idea! as
(0 What constitutes g. svl rerxice, and
tiiat no practical Inflation SOhSdUle will
cover all poggablS conditions of aervb r.
lie following echedule is pffertsl and
recommended as a guide under normal
condition! :
ptiunda ir (ire. Including psajajgnri and COBB prate equipment
-- i u e arei i-.n u oneier -
September 6
,f 'T9:&&i '"e"
naturally appeal
poiiifiy to t ustotnei h
111 ef!. tiist.
Briefly the Hudson
consists of a cabiiolal
vertlble ndau at $1
12,000 alld S Unions.::
at $1.(1
ir Una
i isin-
a coupe at
$:..-." The
finished m
cabriolet aial sedan ar
leather or gray aiiipoord
tile I'UStOnief has t'.e el).
the .n.u.m
ir blue or
hlii. sli gray cloih 1 the
ihet" is an almost unlimited choice of
sh.oics hoi) colors to oboose from,
. 1 1 gmtth. forma
Corpora I ion h nd
mauai ' for h
mpu . hai gtoinei
Cliulim i- Motor
ol ftO ' I.i i fp
I) ol till Stltdo-
ater S'orthwaaj
lludauil Motor
: in' s i lea fo ta
' p " tn i,
aen -t : H e
r tin
i pa i'
I .ii.- p r in' of til.- itoM.riea ra
H lha hi-i. Klaeel K.irn i ro tor tha
- ii .u." an) - Paul V Clod u ri
me I .ib. mt enu.iiiv divided betwe i
he i nabla top t pea, 'i-.- i.i ..
and h upe
"Tho naw ell yo.ir . .u ha i ide an
a in Impreaalon wherever -iw. ti.
adoption oi .in itiv rto.i top 1- oi. ho a ra
I movad 'ho leal lUaplrlon tttei ii- top l
other then i"i Intagral peri or in car
'Winter tlihlnv im year la Hlng '
; bi nior popular D Mr thun I av I aaa
. before nnd tha .ill year i t.i.i llgurea
very impottunt in thi on- whi it
owen the , inn' conveub ucn md mnfoi .
.m two - ..n bodlea ot i iv it. a
Two inrfte now factor) bulldttiei In
1 "a "lo. td by tin- National Motor fhi. .
Company i Indlanapoiii Juai a year
igo ii. Katlonui L-ompaii) removed
aightaan dwelllnga front th bloeh adjoin
ing their fa c i orj for u naw wi-ittioi, it
foil ill-tllll' lllil iltllLT all, I.-, I tt... I u I' a.
I mi mad lueh large proportlona that it waa
I deemtd advlaaola poatpona operation,
I ow , however, Vatlonal efnclela belie o
ih.it bualnaaa cpnditlona oro ao pronilatng
' th.it th- ara building more ihun doubli
t hi ii mount p latin oil uat year.
One building ' SlySf I feel, lha other
v eo ii feet i .nd both -r. two (oiT( high
rin N'mnitiui now ovuliplea io IU It a
Kvett fool of tho plan) i- to ba iieed ox
I'luaivejy for the produ tlon oi Natl I
irs The plgnl la tqulpped with tin- !ii i
. lltllOI'V tlO'Cliri tO pi ll O ;, ,..-. , Ml
th. foment!) i- planning to ittalia tha
llioal ot (liiai gdvehtttga I' hi ImpnaaiihlP
tn buy mgon naw macninary. Uecauaa ii
,.n urdera th.ii hava been pla ajj ii
i I'nlied Blatea ara mliUIni 1 thai ordi
Hai ll) 1st avaJIgb a
I "Tho Queei on df tho poui -i'li mg la ' ara
md nieturlata iho couutri over la ahetbe
I i he nnd i : cyllodei ara aoe bore
: ata " t i i c H i. u uon proaldani
'it the i iid-mioidia eonvpeny of Now Vorh
Th' gonem. impyeaMten t" thai th v iyp
dpiirir llanlrle, who waa with Ihr (Haitians', la botldlna
nt hla nnn now. Ilrrr It la, thr arw Ilanlrla "StM
Shows Real Faith
in This Tire Tube
AKATHKK daring; feat to prove
the strength of United States
Tire inner tubes was done re
cently when one of the members
of the company's advertising;
crew was lowered from the sixth
floor of the First National Bank
Building with his entire weight
held up by one of the inner
A rope was ringed on a pulley
out one of the front windows,
and to this rope was fastened the
rubber tube, after the operator
had belted it securely around his
waist. When he swung; out clear
from all support, his entire
weight was taken by the rubber
tubing, which held him until he
could be lowered to the ground.
ninlnr In I an. I 1 nlindftrs all' gain
v-rv rapidli lii cars Paling at $l.ono and
evse. In (hi- ReM the multlplWatlun ,.'
lli.lers means a rrlu,-tlan In cyllnilsr
dlemMer to thr range of i, to tU Inches
nhi. h i- being aerlously vlswsd ar tha tnwt
diameter for greatert effl. isneyi The -trnkr
queetlen rrnmins in be handled by toe an
ftnrera ..s varv.ng i-..n.lttlona are to be
Afjr I n iu information m' n out
Pr y nwiti. 1. f-prs-fl't-n iu rhargT- ut
thi S.in OtOr I ''mpUli 's It,.'
fr July KHd aUn.-t double tht of tl,
MOM pTlod h yrtavr Ago. Th month OhOlrtd
y p. r cent riiter lalM In point of mnn
bT ff ra, atid i OBeldeeaMf uuir !ht-n
ili in point of th Ir mi. . i" foe! ttit
Riony of the oraefi received p-tcitii tii
fix i yltri'lt r niotltl. WnertAi rar . n tn
Ho son company an bu! ;dlng ny four
cylinder rondettre, p.irt:y neeounti fr th"
larfa pro port I sneta in - raf In o.utn of
A an Iodic Holt of prcaprous con
dition uf thi ..iXdn Mniur 'ompatti. i-rdtrn
on oif d.f r. (f.:y titMilrd 400 of th ix
touring arnt four ylindr roadatrr
model v.
R i from dAr4 rfcfU-d a' tha
fiaa'tn fa tory f-otn many p.trta of tha
country mh.a that th rotell bttaineei hai
let r'. uril.. in i v?ry iiata.
a ii- record -141 tloctrid pieeeurc car
old mi on- Aftk- hoi ht e-tMt:ilnd by
tho Dot To U 'vnputiy fur tha k ndad
fVuVU. II, till I Ileur :r. ((!.- ail
Detroit COTI Hold In thr United Htea In
th neon daya, to mnnufacture which tna
Com pony fo Jnd H r to double
:tm fon - of mi'ti In the f.i on at
trolt. Acrordlni to h w Mnf$f, ih" Sw
York manaittr fur th rttrdt cmpriy,
thli i o jump in the 4i4$ it vertflcetlon
of th aoundntae "f hi "ornpar.'f poll, v
tn reducing th pric tf Detroit tori with
li- nhjtel f doubling tha output and gt
tny lha public the t tic lit of tjir rconum
rafuiiiug from lha Incrtoeed prodttctlon
Although there Joi been t-trone tnd -
i i hla v -.r to -it i reduction 'f nrh a
i In nut" mobllei -tori t h ir equtpmtnti if t
too beii'f .f th Knmlrf ltubb. - ar.d Tire
mpany of Treutoni v .1 . ihnr. thera will
lend abl t ma It a tiai outlay f'r hiai
gradi itandard urtn le. it in point d out
j ihat tha coming of it hoot of excellent oar
I at Ion coal la not t rlnaMfiff arty PAnld to
, ho mahera of th high priced machlnei
1 Theit r - r;oit.g; rinh nhtnd With
t Ik it lu&urlouffj inooeta, ncrm li th know'
1 edg th it a htle lh tr mar K a i ia not be
. I'li; ,i- r..r th- i h a si p i r oeir- . Is elwaa
( toJiiH aaurd
I i , iSmplrc rompan) hellevei rtd rub
! be i to I.. wor-ti th' dlfferenon In pr.
i H -I t ubber, tbe 1 inpnyi U $tp Bhowod
haa enduranea it trrt-iifr reel not
1 permitted to bdir It! ut It . then i---1
, In - h i m iiiiier itiut no ft o ftulphuf
entered hi'o th oomponition
ndltlonf '.n tho automoabtlo trade In Sew
j Ft tig 1 Hid ,-a I Jlee pCtl III Itft htftOr)', U ' C 'fd
I te io i ' i . afewatt, manage1 o foreign
' -.( oi ih Paige Detroit Motor car ro:n
I pony, ti drove a new lai t A 4t
1 j.r.ii ini.i!, tr un iiuftulo down to Lymti
:!., and then through Connecticut, uao
laachuaatti end Rhod Iftlgfid
Oommentlng on tho pieaperou lonll-
tlon of t hr autjinbi.o IndUfttri In thla
I 1. .aagaaaaaa ... ll ... M. I .11.
. t.,e , Xf.rt ' Engird ..rs" a! work
; me overtime There trrmondoun
I amount of war ordi-r hualneaa, Induatrlea
t i ,it rt.ue or connects i' ant woreina
ii I'ontricii MtiiojTitii.it tu ISO.OOO.OQo.
The cotton mllle ol Rhoda Inland and Ma
nrhtivetta are bU) 'nt With til la com
inerclal and Industrial activity thoro In,
nattiraily, proapertty and opt tm lent a
banker in 11 art ford told ma hi- Inatltu
t'on '. id opene I 3aK00 naw Hvingn ae
i ountt in t ho tout hv monthi and thai
ihe otnmr lal bualnt u waa in i ftcellent
hape Anttthei helpful condltlun, wblh
tmirtat " i ' . i- it !(! nat
thai I paeaed uver u r.- titled with tour let a.
t ra i o,i i 1 . -.'ii 1 1 i n: . .;..: v v-er v i
city Iu lha I't. .i t I he hotr, aoemod
to h tnjoytng .i 'r Ing buelneaa '
.(tsxi.i.anm.a .. , . ...A i.....uv .". d) .
. ii. ' nir in i ii, fur Ikree rear
dlgggtllg f ilir,.(lla,.a lur I lie llii.,
llutllg lur I ...I. i'ii ii . ri'i-emO pr(i
MUled le '"' Sggggl (.niersl
h Willemin
Hk3Bb ejEaaSi. evawH
What (inrfords Are Doin fer
a Contractor Over in
a. PTTMM nRlla. H. Bi Tarlesr
Hundreils of men are tO-dgjr Iviirrow
Ing undor the rarth all over 'ireater
New York, bullrllng the moat nonrlrrfol
and extrnalve eubwny ayatem ever
planned and executed. ThSSS human
burrowrrs under the earth huve ,o
throw out the (Hit and stones to ths
surface, a vast accumulation of eartti
and rock Indeed. Till! aecumula-tion
oannot be left in a mound, even if
the apace the mound would (111 were
not moat valuable and Impossible to uas
for auch a purpose. Tin re fore, this
earth nnd atone and i " i- Mil other
debna. thouaanda of tone or it. must bs
carted away from the holss leading
down to the subway excavationg
How to do thla moat rupidly and eco
nomically in tha problem confronting
the Contractor who has secured the Jot)
of exc.ivation. Tne development in dig
ging machinery during the pat few
years has been print, BO that the con
tractor can now erect a skeleton struc
ture to enrrv great buckets on an end
less chain from the bottom Of thr tube
to thr open a.r at comparatively email
coat. Th.n tlieae huge buckele. each
holding about flv. . able yard, or excava.
tion. are rapidly r. tilled by thr bis
jaiwer BhOVSlS ai d bjf ha: d sliovellera
As one of the filled bu ketg n acheg a
po.ni on thr framework about 'en fer'
nlKivr thr top ui the ground II i halted,
lipped and dumped Into a Waiting wagon
or truck beneath.
Only ii few e.n- ggo thesi wasons
were always pulled by a span of horses,
sometime three foUi To-day
most of 'he subwit) contractors employ
only motor trucks, finding a great
saving by th'lr use over horsr drawn
vehicles. And then ihe contractor hav
ing prou d 1 SXfM r in' i ' Hint h can
I avc
ipproximalely half in time and
labor gnd money by do ng Ins hsutlUg
with motor driven trucka, t n. next tiling
for him t" determine I whg make of
motor truck to bU) '
tine ,.f thr largi st ..f u.a contract
let lor building or Ihr i Bggtgfll
Parkway subway, over In Brooklyn, is
to the I'rsnford Compati) 'r 110 Monta
gue Street, Hi'" 'K'.m. will, ii hag the Flat-
bush section i" build, The uusntlty of
earth Is such thai rapid SXOnVstion can
usually be made. Iu: th rr is a hau
nt over tht"! mil lo Ret this earth
tn the icowi t" be dumped. Ilorsis ar
t..o alow to do this work with SCOnomy,
i, aftsr long i rials on other work, as
well ag Kiis. i s era I rd Company de
cided th Harford motor trucks aa tha
i a.; ground truck for their us.
At differre: mei ib company
ordered Casrfords, until now it hss
twghg of i- own in oparatlon and
haa h.rrd eleven mor) Oarford a total
of twenty-three they are now using.
Thg twelve they own themselves are
ail of thr tractor with trailer model,
til others arr r.x ton. gutoingtlc powST
dump models 11 n h truck will c.irrv
flVS or - x cubic irda of earth and
mgkg elafhteen trips a day of nine
I woure t the dumping
t, tlire-' mllee
.it. d mors gwas Multlpljinn is by I
In C rt and you rci 1.070 cubic yards o
e.rth caited a.., elghtsan t-ips a
.lay. six niiles in the trip g ttrrtegs.
patient army
Then at niulit. .i '. ,i hor es would hr
WOfrl out. even If it uere possible for
thriii to do this work. Iheae motor (rack!
im iia.ii and forth ailh another art of
drlverS) I'ri'.g.'K ft ludied stone and
gephgti end other material' Many of
them work twei ly-four hiHir a dai' nt
the hardest kind of hauling There '.a
a steep grade to tup !,; getting? to the
dtimplPS ilalf(.im by the acowi, The
Ciarford sslla right up a'lthoui hssltat
Ing ir reality, these twenty-thre Oar
fords load and dump more than twan
t ) -onr hundred . uli i a c is ..f earth and
stongs from the tunnsl excavation
nine hour day, fur II has been found
that they Mill Hand ll heavier load
th. in they nt.- reglatired f..r and Hill
keep in condltaon
It haa laen found lha' II a not
economical to pul lliorg than ilg tons
on any form of rubber t rs is! n ada
iiverloaded, ibey weal oul mogl rap
Idly, Ho a al.urter bgse factor Is pro
lelad. hsulilll a trailer wpli Meg) t "es.
On which Call DS placed load- UP to
fifteen loi . K vontractm can thui loud
UP one of Ins ti-icks Ailh t iii henvleet
ttructural iron and heai derricks and
go a ior I sarenoly
llsn of th - liehtei Qgrford trunks
ii.. aia. used le. Olitl i. tors aa ru
gboui deliver) gauoi and Iu .Mr ovge
tb gruunila ..'ii perhaps . a mm a
ihe lafhl!' eiticle
Tiiet e gtr lhousiiinl of m ,tii gsaj,
iiie.it' r ri Vork Who nai f to pul in
motor irucki, bul aba la iiivsgl
so ipuob inuiiei becguae thsy tbink this
niot.ir truck busilii'S, is un egperimgnl
llld iliev n.ll gull it'll sec slut thi
"' he - tii nk 1" fo-a
lure in To ,i: -.
ppOjgClaHl s'jiivi i .
atichi of Ihla huge
roni ma ei: h '
i .
Ihen -e
r.t out
ra i on
I i 111 a
..'I i
ing la

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