OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, August 30, 1915, Image 1

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Labor Day ft True Holiday.
Next Sunday's SUN shows in a symposium
of interviews how great men of this
country really labored in youth.
Showers tq.-daw ; Mtt anPficolci
Highest temperature" wtatercjjjy, 65; lowest, 57.
Detailed wither, mail and maruw reports un pugo 13.
NEW YORK, MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 1916. cw-Mt, , te tag jrigt mi j.mmv 4i
Opinions Generally Optl
nifltic Without Reference
to a "Room."
thtemploi menl Passlngsbat
Tariff Tinkering Is
Dvpst lift's Shortage Affects
Textiles Buying on
Larger Scale.
The Sin rIvcs to its readers this
Booming the opinions of n Kreat many
business mon and those who are In
touch with affairs on business pros
pects for the fall season. It will be
found that the lielief among thes?
men Is Krneral that business in this
country faces better conditions, and
that the immediate prospect Is one ot
Ill their opinion the uncertainty due
to tariff and financial changes and
the shock caused by the European
war has passed away. v'onttdenee is
returning, they say; and while many
of them said they were not sure
enounh of the future to make public
avowal ..f their beliefs, they asserted
privately that the feeling of confi
dence is steadily increasing anil that
business is Improving and will comm
as to do so.
"Ilouo. Talk ot Reported.
But while generally optimistic Thi
Scn has no "lioom talk" to report nor
any of the exaggerations of blind
hope. Indeed, certain factors still ad
verse are pointed out.
Kroni manufacturers and merchants
the opinion was obtained that the
present bright prospects are some
what dim mad by the scarcity ol dye
stuffs. The textile iniustrles are rc
itiviu: orders that it is impossible tu
fill becauss of this lack of raw mate
rials. One manufacturer of woollen? said
he intended to close one of his mills
in New Hngland unless something
is done soon to get dyes into this
count! v. It is asserted that there Is
l.ttle hope of domestic manufm t un i '
le.ng abla to produce dyes in any
thing like the quantities needed for
some ye i to come.
I '.(feet of l.calelatlon.
Another note of anything but op
timism is sounded by the railroad
men They say that this particular
lus.nes has felt the effects of adverse
legislation more than any other and
that it is impossible to attract invest -mem
in railroad property so long a.s
the present attitude toward the busi
ness is maintained by the Interstate
Commerce Co mm lesion.
Barrlni the railroad situation and
th. lack of supplies in the textile Industrie-,
there is a strong feeling that
i business is picking up. It is reported
from the hotels that big buyers havo
been .Dining to town In unusua: num
bers this summer and that they de
clare i he feeling of confidence to be
In I he statements printed this
morning II will be observed that most
of th.- predictions of a business let
tenii. rit are based on factors in nor
mal business. An attempt has been
made in discount the effects of the
Wax .11 these estimates.
rut until k . kuoi'uh. editor of
iuirricaM Industries, the publication of
I ii National Association of Manut'ac-
Any forecast of conditions for the
next six nths must discount two
considerations ! Will the Kuropeau war
(0 mi or will It StopT The second may
i dismissed summarily, with the war
continuing, Un- spotted fever which has
raised the puis.- and the temperature
of Vmerlcan business will keep the pa.
t si in a hectic state that In the minds
Of the sanguine will pass for health.
"War orders are multiplying! boom
limn .nd in fact boom towns are
flou ling, wiih the possibility of hos-
tllitlfa with ttermany fading into the
dlploumtla Umbo there Is no prospect
lii,,' six months w ill si e any reduction
in ii. volume Of adventitious output
. war has brought. On the on-
t .. manufacturing requirements be
nki fairlj win eetabllshsd, it win i
ii.. leased through the subdivision of
coi ii... is to shops, especially those of
sin lb i size. Mere and there a few
sets may be lulled by organised labor,
bin the golden egg crop will be SUhV
..' 0 tlsiale and delight the hlls-
i ,'.,: of me Uspsrtmsnt of Com
no ' i- ..it. I shell elTulgen. e over the
eiitiii est iblishmsnt.
''lii i-ral buslnsss Nuspitiouslx' awaits
' ii .." :, n Of i'. ingress Sheiinan char
is I war properly. If he had been
Gesifauss un twH 1'agt.
, un tht MMfNl facts In Ike buMne$t MmMoM 0 Iks oountrp
tn-rinii n.i OHtHlMNj In Infi l l ii ii WUk irprisinlntirr men of pgHOgg
The United States for the first time in its history has it balance
of trade in its favor with all countries.
Confidence is rettirninjr.
Money is plentiful, but is waiting to be convinced that invest
ments mean continuing; returns.
The wheat crop will be large and the money from last year'
yield is going into business.
Southern planters are hopeful regarding the cotton situation.
Lack of dyestuffs is hampering the enlargement of textile
Railroad men are pessimistic.
War orders are creating a boom in many industries.
Wouldn't Kvimi Slinko His
Hand, but Almost Became
it Progressive.
Winona i.akk. tnd.. Aug. IP. Billy
Sunday, William Jennings Bryan and
Mme. BchumannHelnk drew 15,000
IM-rsnns to-day to the Winona Bible
Mr. lunda) and Mi Bryan both
addressed audiences at the tabernacle,
while a crowd nve rows deep list, lied
at the windows Hundreds more stood
in every spot where a human foot could
Hn.l a resting pliice. The speakers after,
ward addressed overflow meetings on
the hillside, where thousands more
heard them.
'Madame, what dn you mean, sing
ing for those Progressives?"
"Progressives'.' What o IU mean
Progress! veeT'
it was .Mnu. golmmsnn Hslnk who
was telling the story at a dinner given
for the prima donna and Mr. Bryan
in the WlltonS Hotel '' Or, s C,
Dickey, director of ih. BIMi confer
ence. The dinner followed the address
of Mr. Bryan.
site Turns Peugesoslve
The Commonsr graciously smiled on
the madamOt who .t next to him, as she
recited with vigorous gssturss the story
of her dealings with certain politicians.
He seemed to know something good was
coming, for the madams had sxtolled
his own address of the .veiling before
on the "CaUSSS of the War" and the
speech of the morning as "One of t'1'
most wonderful ad.' esses she had ever
"You see." th. madams continued, "a
man came to me I will not nam.- htm
and asked lite to sing at a meeting of
the Progressives.
"I had never heard of the Progres
sives and asked him What It w-as they
were trying to do. Oh,' he said, 'we are
trying to get pure milk for the bubles.1
"That ton. hid my mother's heart. I
love babies. I wish my children would
always keep little. So 1 said. 'Of course
I will sing for y ou '' So, then it was
announced next morning in big head
lines 'Mme Bchumann-Helnk win sing
for the Progressives.'
"At s o'clock my telephone bell rang
it was my manager.
" 'Madame, what do you mean singing
for th,- Progressives'." he said. 'You
will ruin yourself getting into politics'
"'Politics'.' 1 don't know anything
about politics.' I told him
".lust then another ring came on my
telephone. It was my son, who was
what do you call it Stumping fur the
"'What do you mean, mother, giving
me a slap in the face,' he demanded.
'Don't you know I am a Democrat'."
Ilooaei el Pa CuSapllSSOIltS
I cancelled the engagement, and two
days later I received a letter from for
mer President lloosevelt, saying!
I wish to thank you. madams, for
coming out on the side of Me Progres
sives,' It read, 'and I want to congratu
late you also for the stHtid you have
"Mr. Hoosevelt didn't know- I had can
celled my engagement !"
Mr. Bryan smllsd at tin- Madsme and
Then came the outburst, "I Just de
spise Mr Roosevelt," the M tdame ex
claimed with vehemence. "I wouldn't
shake bands with him if 1 li..ii)d meet
The Madame d Id not .ease to praise
Mr. lit v an when the dinner was ftntshe I
"Mr. Bryan," she saclplmed With en
thusiasm, "is so fair: he Is mich i
statesman ; he is so diplomatic ; 1 pray
for him every day. i proj for Mr. Wll-
son. loo, for he is going to keep us out
of war. I wouldn't live in Kurope for
a million dollars. I am an American,
but I have dear friends in ttermany."
Item I ntt Ion I'IhiiI III lallt.mliMir
Han WeHklliiua mioiiu ISU0O,
ruii.Ai.Ki.i'itiA, ,U(. ;ii The 15,000
employees who will work in the nig
Remlnpton Anns plan! at Bddystone
are iieinK selected witii (treat one. Tne
company, which win handle millions of
dollare worth of war contracts for the
Allies, is in Ihe market for human ma
ehinerv S'tlleh will he as near- 10 M-r-feotlOn
1IH ale the Kreat Iron i mi slee)
machines whiott w.ii turn out the muni
tions. Booas flphters, rlvaretts fiends
and fast livers are not wanted
More than 15,000 srtlsans, meehani.'s.
ctsrks and sooouiitants hsvs appllsd ai
the KddVHinne offieee for work, appllca
lions belni 'Us' at the rale of from Q0
to 3011 dally.
Only IBs man have been tleflnltsly
fwieeied b) ' in labor experts One
quarter "f these report dall) at Hie
plsnl, and thoush there n not inii. li
work to do vet the are receiving full
London Doubt". Report That
Project to Attack Serbia
Is Aliuntloiietl.
jtrrtei f'eefe Peagetes o Tut- si .
l.o.vnoN. Aug 3". The ftmes'a corre
epundem in Bucharest is informed upon
trustworthy authority that Joo.OOo
lustrO"Gorman tioops are stationed
around llrasso, a Hungarian city near
tin- Rumanian frontlsr. The Hungarian
customs officers have been withdrawn
from Predeal, another bo, der city, to
Brasso, The intermediate district has
been h inde. I over to the Hungarian mili
tary authorities.
It is further reported that German J
has abandoned the project of attacking
Se Ida through Bulgaria, owing to the
many risks Involved and the difficulty
of providing enough troopa It is eon
s. dcied likely, nowever, that this report
has been transmitted by ( i. i many for
the purpose of calming Rumania, pan
tlcularly in -.lew of the fact that general
traffic on the Muiigaiiini railways has
been stopped, which Is undoubtedly due
to the transport.it ion of tioops.
Competent eaperts express the belief
that the Cernian invasion of Serbia will
begin in ulaiut ten days
Ht-rtiln nt Unit 0tiTii hum on llitii-
ti iir Front, Umyu Wiethe
LokooKi Aug. If. -The Serbian Wa 1
i ifTIre itssu' i) lUc following tAtOtncnt at
NlSh tod) :
I n AuffuM we rtoppd the un
rmv's drf-Mifc OptffttlOIII on the Dfttl
Ubt front at the larffe IfUtat nea
M.tla-Strati'in-va. ami lino oil the
Save front near ultf h!natai a, ppn
tte skria. i in the mna day rt in
terrupted nimiiar optrftUont ntar th1
Island of Mold-l n t lrft hank of
I me Special SeSslOa In llnluHrln.
faecisi reefs Deajsitrt to Tne si .
London, Auk The Dally Wall's
correspondent in sotia reports t. his
pair, r ti nt with a view to ronnterai titiK
Osrtnsny'l Influenees In the Bnlsarian
oapltal the Opposition leaders have Ih
SUSd a demand fur an immediate von vo
lition of the Sohranje and the eontinn-
anos of th.. nspotiatlons with the i-:n-t
nt Powers.
BOOll I.OSt Near Honolulu In ICi,Ih,-.I
nt laiHt.
IptrSff 'iiltlr pssaStCA tu Till: Si
HoNObUt.1', Auk. .'Ii. The American
submarine l-'-l. ralssd In two pnits, was
towed Into iiiaiantlne this sftsmoon
and will be laksn into drvdoek to-morrow,
Tlie bodtss will be taken out
then No mspei tiiin of t Ii,. hull was
made to-dav as the wreek n still all
t'e, i under water.
Tlie pontoons worked splendidly and
there was no hitch Whatever. The Max
..ii ihe Amorlban and Herman ships In
the port were lowered to half mast a
the tuft's towed the wrecked oubmsrlns
Adtnirsl Bollsh will begin work Im
mediately. The K-1 wss submersed on Maroh 11
MSSt, 'wo miles Oil Honolulu Harbor
Kver sin,,., guvs ami wreckliui veesels
hav, been at work Irylnu to raise the
sunken subnierslbls. The K-i carried s
crew of twenty-five nun. ami was com
mail. led by Lieut. Alfred I. Kde
Ship with H,U(M1 Caaadlan Troops
said tu Httve ii. . .1 Torpesloaeli
AMSTSRDAMi Auk 2H It i reported
by passengers on the Holland-A met U a
Line stsamshlp Ryndsm, lust arrived
here, that a British transport carrying
1,000 Canadian SOldletS wan torpedoed
and sunk off the Belli) Islands on Au-
Kllsl IT..
line thousand of (he men are said
to have been saved
I ioihiIh llenlen l,nn of Trooitn,
Ottawa. Auk. -'i The i . port that a
Can. oil, in troop ship had been sunk off
the 8. Illy Islands was ,,111, .ally denied
hsrs to-nlSjht It . said that not sines
tin end of .Inly has S transport left
I'anada with more than I1HU men aho.ud
and nil of the transports sailing prior
to Ausmit 1,1 have reached then due
UH Ho" safely.
split Nitiri to He Due to the
Tcmiii's Kapoillftl of
He Is Also sniii to Him- Been
rfrnored bj the
fYissse, under :i Washington
publishes the following
Col, Kdwnrd M House
Tex , and New York illy
chief cook m the Wilson
r Houston,
un loasjsf
ti ll, ii cab-
I net.
Col. Mouse and the President have
broken over the former's espousal of
the claims to recognition preeenttd iy
Qen Csrransa, head of the Coostltu
tlonalist part) In Msxlco,
Cor some Weeks It ha bssil nun. .red
in Washington I Has Col. Mouse no
longer had the Influence si the k
ocutlvo Mansion which he hoi enjoyed
Up I., the time of his return from his
trip tu Btirope, where he sounded the
various Dovsrntnents on their views
ss i.i ,i peace conference in the near
E. M. House.
fut in i
ei i tit it;
i untoi f
rami from httfh
I'Mift.il rfo-ji
Although he
in the iKm
has Ii. ver held
Admlnlet ration
i place
oi.i. in
fact, nHhouffh he
tendered an offlct
in ver
even been
nt Wilson,
Co'.. House up to two nionthS axu was
the President's moat iut.tn.it. adviser.
During the past two months, however,
his influence has vanished entirely,
Along wnit the break between Col,
Hons, and the President over the rscog
nltlon of Csrransa there was a break
between John I, tnd, former lioveinor of'
Minnesota and the President's Hist per
sonal envoy t.i Mexico, ..v.r the name
proposition. In many ouarters here if
is believed tiiat tfhd Influenced House
to insist upon the recognition of Car
rsnSS, and that the two advisers lost
raste at tli,. same tlmi
Llnd is known 10 have urged 'he Pres
ident that the only solution of Hie Mex-
Ican situation which would not I.- ac
companied b) armed Inti rventlon or
further lighting between factions was
ihe recognition ..f the f'lrsi Chief of
the Constitutlonsllsts. Llnd is also
known tO have told Col House of his
views and Hie Colonel is known to have
gone to President Wilson for the pur
pose of insisting upon tin- recognition
of Carransa.
land was in Washington at the time'
formal announcement was mad.- of the i
faet that the diplomstlc representatives
of Argentina. Brasili Chile, Bolivia. I'ru
guay ami Quatemala would confer with
(secretary- of state Lansing In an ef
fort to l.rniK about pea. .- in Mexico,
At the time Llnd expected to be t ailed '
into the conference. He w.is greatly
surprised when he was completely ig
nored ami Paul Puller, Br., of New York
was requested t.. participate Puller is
an Sntl-CsrrslISS man first, last and all
the nine
While Ihe meetings which were held
in Washington were going on Llnd, see
inK that his prsSSIICS her.- was nut
wanted, d-parted for Minnesota. He
has not returned Since and he has
not in en consult.-.!, formally or infor
mslly, by the Administration on Mexican I
atfairs since his departure. j
Tin- break between the President and
'oi HP use is causing much discussion
here Tlie Texan, who made his numey
dlll'llIK Hie oil boom, was one of 1'resi-.
rient Wilson's chief financial backers
duriuK the preconventlon Aght in IMS,
As a result of his aasistanca and his
sdvlcs the Prssidenl virtually made him
chief mentor of the Administration.
House ha- named more Cabinet officers
probably than any other man in the his
toiy of the country who did not occupy
the position of President of the ruled
William .1 Bryan was made Bscretary
..f si. u House's advice; Afbert
Bldney Burleson was made Postmaster
Qeneral on the same advice: ami when,
James U, Mcfteynolds was promoted
from the position of Attorusy-Oi ral
to a phi. n the United State-. Supreme1
COUH bench House llisisled upon the
selection of Thomas W. UrogOry, also'
of Texas, as his successor.
The President appointed Mr. Gregory,
who had been st-rv ihk as a special As
sistant Attorney-Ueneral in charge f
the New Haven railroad cases House
thus brought about the appointment to
tlie CablnSl of two dtlSsnX of Texas w ho
are residents of the same city m that 1
State Col. House was also interested.
in obtaining the appointment of Beers-
tary of Commerce Hedfleld.
In addition to this, during the ..no
IdSI'Ktloll of l ilies which weie lo bs I
named icserve cities for ihe new bank
ing system created bj the enactment
of the (JlSSS-OWSn reserve net. House
put in a bid lor the ri gnltlon of Tsxas
and ..lit. lined a reserve naulv lor Pallas
over the . timbUisjfl uppOsltlOM of prao- I
tU.ullv III., aailf I id 1-l-inillllilfM' nf lll gtsrsIM I
fciuutu. 1
l srW '
Linn Extending 160 Mllm
Contplpttl. Broken by
Armj of Bavarian Ptinee B.'-
uhis March Through I i -
low icsk.i Forest.
vi-..,i rHU ktspsIrA i" Tin s. see lii Germany's change of policy
Vif.nm. tin Amsterdam, Aug II I toward the submarine issue a larger
in.. Russian hold on the last part M than hp mprf, .,,,.,.,.
Hallcla seems i.i Inn.- been completely1
,.,,. if friendiv relations with tins tlovern
broken i.i the Austro-Uerman offensive
,, a . . i'.,r mem. Thev believe thai Germany.
begun in Ibis region rrluSy. I be war
imice reports to-nighi thsi ihe Ruealan " not getaatJj king to paw the
line on a fr.ni I of ne.nl ICS m les has way for peare hcantlntlnli. l at least
been pierced si icveral points, thai the preparing herself for Ihe day wheo
Russians are in retreat and that during
the rt'st two days fighting of Ilk new
Campaign in.OCO prisoners were made
The new attack is over s front reach
ing from WladimlnWollnsky, s font
miles north of the "'.alieian bonier In
IJtlssia. to a point some IS" miles south
in the vicinity of Brgeflanp. The ad
vances Indicated b) th War Office In
its statement to-night show thai already
the Russians have been driven back for
i distance varying from fifteen to twenty
miles The Statement says:
It is Officially reported that our suc
cess . ast of Wl idlmirWoilnsk and on
the BlotS UlpS has broken down Ihe
enemy's resistance over a front of MS
kilometers (IM miles i The number
of prisoners made by us has increased
to in, iinn
The army of Count Rothmer I" ad
vancing via PodhaJJCS and also toward
KboroW. Th army corps under lien
von Puhallo ; following on the
enemy's heels in the direction of l.uik.
iim rlii ii llcporl Knllrt HiimIhii
I ron I I et In lil rn I.
nptrial .f'.-v rWaaalfel tu Tni - -London
Aug 29 Ueuier eoiTaepon
iiiMit at Vienna aenda th folloelni vef'
alon of lo-dayi official Auftttian tats-
11111)1 :
The rtuattenf ar- m retreat alone
tlioir entire fro:.t. The: an' aettlni
Mi" t elltftajcf an they rrtirr.
flen rtianx- i'e iroope are pu ratlins
th enemy tOVJafd I i c at x un the
gftrfHt, twelve mitea tnrtheHt of
Koronfec I len. BohmRnnoUl occo
pted the town of Mocsowi forty miieft
nut of l-nil"rn. after th Kuslnn
he.il rt tire to It. Ne r Kohlin. where
tin- alllt-a ur' aaininu round, only
tin- way to tin- northeait i ojen to
tin Huaalana
i n t hi- reio: i of Baereatow t he
AuetroHunair1an forcea have reached
a point aouthMat of lolowlecskaja
u. -I lu- 'la.
t ntitiiiUf tu I'resm Offrs
!. In It II fats In.
ipet itji t .it.ir ittumatrn t Tin
' i,p ir. itt . i
O It DO f
Aug. '-: Th i
their offenelvi
ii. I'll ms i
ami there i absolutely no Indication to
date of at
top. The
V Intention on their part to
lerman official statement)
ssiiftl at I
t-i It it to-day. MpeaKM i'f atl-
vances of varying Importance on the
entire line south of Kovtto.
Perhaps the tnont Important of theMi-
it that made by 'he army group under
Prince leopold of Bai aria Th.e
troops an- now marching through the
1 1 1 elOW leak forest. Well lo tlie sast of
the BreetLltOVB)( and BlelOBtOh rail
way, hikI on the OUtSklrtS of the forest
one Wring of the army ih nea ling
gohereschowoi thirty miles east "' the
railway ami sixty miles 11 or t ft nsl
Further southi the armies under Pleld
Marshal von Mackensen are meeting
with inn bttie reeietancOi according to
the i lerman Artn HeadOjUartere, ami
an- advancllll apparently even Into Ihe
swampy region, which ! so extensive
in the district lying south of the
ii had been expeetpii
e that the
I the Prlpet
real Rlelowleeka forest
ma rs lies woiiht nerve as a naiurai oar
pler sgslnsi the Herman advance be
lt I ml Which the Russians minht take
shelter. gUOhi how ever, tloes no) seem
tO-day he the ease. Irian the wonltna
of tlie Official I terlin HtS temenl The
text of the statement follows
Ann gtroup of Pleld Marehal von
Hlndenburg: Southeast f Kovno the
stubborn resistance of tlie enemy has
been broken. Our troops an pursuing
tlie retreating Huaslsns The wi.t.b'i
region sail of augustowu has been
rrosssd Further southi In our pursuit
nf t lie enemy i we reached Dombrova
snd OrodSk anil the set-tor east of the
city of Nsrew.
The army group of Prince Leopold
ih sdvanclna through ths Blelowlesks
forest in pureull of the enemy, ami
has naarl) corns up with his right
wing near gcheresi howo,
Army group Kleld Marshal -n
Mackensen After i ear guard ftht
th.' Russians were pressed back
as far as thi Kovel-1 itihnn line op the
prusana road. Troops cooperating
with us from t he SOllth through lie
ma rshy region have pursued the
enemy and almost reached Kobrlu.
Houthsastern theatre "f war! The
Austro(srman troops which defeated
tite enemy have driven him buck across
t he PolorssnyKonluch -Kosowa line
snd behind I ivni ohets sect or
IStlt'lll I oilllll.len sa Near Ihe
HIH, n I'elrournd.
Npsctei t'sSIs 'isssslcl te Tas Ins,
I 'STB 00 BAH, Auk. It, The War Offlos
issued the following official italsmsnl
i.. -li, Kid :
lii Hi.- Itiga region the situation it
Unchanged. After the lust few days
of still. '.oi ii Main iiik our troops have
fVSarlwasd on A'nonil I'ayc.
Trend Seen in New iHALF A BILLION
Stmd Tayn h GgmuJ FOR DEFENCE;
Teutons Seek Xciltlill S 1 1 1 -imtliv
.Miiv Ask Wilson
to Mediate.
iVASHtwrrrOH, AUH. ISi Some olll
rlals in Washington think they can
oh negotiations will he begun.
As viewed by these officials, anil in
diplomatic cit cles here. Cerma ny Is
moving to rehabilitate herself in the
eyes of neutrals, so that when a moe
nient for peace Is art nail) undertaken
she ma) BC assured ol a larger meas
ure of synipulh) and support from
neutral Powers than would he ac
corded to her now.
The view that (lirmany is looking
forward to possible peace develop
ments from a settlement of the sub
marine issue la not mete surmise or
speculation It has a very substan
tial foundation in suggestions that
have repeatedly been thrown out by
iirmui repreaentotlvei in this coun
Ever siwv tin aubmarlne laoue be
came acute they have ururil inform
ally upon Waahlnvton offlotoia f hi
ureitt opportunity fr a Ibo
direction t pence if tin United Btntea
could only BajcceoefuUy inedinte the
aubnuurinc an I blockade difference!
between Germany and Orea.1 Brltnln,
It has in I'M their contention th.it mich
an important step would probably
prove tu be only a beginning ami that
tin way would then he open for the
1'nitetl States to uae it koi nfflcea
in pronnunir a. i ill broader under
standing, which eventually might re
i unit In peart1.
Since the Arabic incident anil t he
more conciliatory attitude of the Ger
man Government toward t he United
State, talk along this line hat been
revived in lerman quartern hen-.
Again the possibility -f the President
serving as a leader in the movement
for peare is being held out.
I illlll MrmiuiT.
nldc from th.- Qermati sug"
gesUonti officials hen acsnowledgs -hat
if the submarlns iMue in vattsfactorlly
dlnitoeed President inmi will
muni more evallabls ae a poeelbtfl peace
mediator than wouM otherwise have
been the caee Su hnf .ih itralned reia
tionri esteted between thin Qovemment
ami Oermany the door was praotlcally
closed to President Wilson attempting
to iift tin- important roi 'f peacemaii
in tlie Kuroteun xtruggl
Not onlv will a settlement of 'In- sub-
marine controversy in the opltliojli of
Washington officials make the President
more available from the flemtalt VleW"
point. I. Ill It Will alSO lift' Til It I III HII ..p.
portaalt) lit dewosstrats in tin- world
the nlis.. lately Impartial stand nf Ihe
I nlted Males ns a neutral.
There Is no doubt here now that Pres.
Idenl w ison Is eagerly awaiting the op
portunity to assert the rlghte of Hie
I'nlted siate.s against llrltiah violations
oi' International law as firmly as in- did
agalnsi ilermany. it can he said that
he will move In this direction as soon
ns the submarine issue has been disposed
of, ami if he ..in bring Ureal Britain,
to make concessions, as Herman now
seems disposed to make them. It is nc- 1
knowledges) lo re that he will he lii the '
strongest possible position to offer his
services as a mediator In the great war.
It was only a few Weeks Sga thai
nssrly everybody, Including thi PresU
dent's own advisers, were saying that
all ohonce had disappeared of the
l ulled Slates iK-ina al.c at Ihe proper
time to render tills Important service
to th. world, but HOW, Willi lb. clouds
appnreutlv rolling away fiom Hie sit
uation with Uerntnny, an entirely dif
ferent view is taken.
Many hsrs believe thai Herman) .
carefully considered tins phaee uf the
situation Slid the possibility of a
settlement oi tlie submarine Issu. Isad
iiik to sit-ps iii tin direction of peace
before she decided on a mors concilia
tory gollcy.
Note .11 Ii ren '
-dav 1111
1 1 was learned here t
..1, h:-;h
will not
authority that the president
only move speedily Bgslnet U
I .tin m violations of tin rights 1
. Ill Itl I-
cans 011 the hlsti sens hut also in Ihe
direction ot n settlement of the M.m
can Miiuaiion as soon as ihe Herman
issue has been set tied, The controversy
With ilermany has hung like a millstone
aimut the nek of the Waahlnston Ad
ministration for the last Hvs months
The President an. I his advisers have
hesitated lo push tlie isMie With HrSBt
Britain so long as they were confronted
with the likelihood of an open break
with Hermsny, an., it is being ex
plained now- thai the threatening situs
Hon Willi Hie Kaiser's lloveriimetll hai.
deterred this tloverumeui from moving
ns speedily as it desired In ihe Mexican
It Is a fuel though t'1" hOW 'he
President's advisers are promising
speedy action on both, as regards Ureal
Britain ami Mexico, as soon as the jb
ins tins troubles have denied
The nrst step in the effort .r th
t'nitad fttatsa 10 bring Hreal Britain to
a realisation of the alleged wrongs she
has committed agailisl American com
merce Will he the schdiUK ot il strotiST
note on the subjeoti Preparation of this
note has lieeit KoiiiK on for several
weeks. It is understood that the docu
ment can he quick!) put Into final form,
but it probably will lie wtttihheld until
the situation in rsgard to normany is on
a mors definite haeis.
The rjerman Ambaeaadot left Wash
ington to-day for New V.nk eiiv He
w in return hers as soon ..s his Qovern
menl has received a report from the
submai'li ommandsr mi ths torpedo
ing of tin. Arabic. An agreatnenl has
been rsgfhstt between count von Bern
niuiif anvl taeUt) huusuig tu do 110th-
fserfsl Coots Peepstcs to Tus ft n
LoNDOK, Aug. ill. Since August
Z I last l-'ridnyi. when one British
merchantman was sunk by a Ger
man submarine, nut a single attack
by the Herman submersibles has
been reported by the British Ad
miralty, It is conjectured in some quar
lers that the sudden cessation of
activity by Herman submarines Is
the immediate consequence of thi
recent (ierm.m-Amerlcan crisis
over the sinking of the Arabic, tne
inference being that the Herman
Admiralty has Instructed its sub
marine commanders to discontinue
their attacks -or at least to run
tine then activity to small British
merchantmen ami ashing trawlers
pending the conclusion of a defi
nite agreement between (i.-rm.my
and the l ulled States.
ing In regard to the submarine lsue
until ihe Arabic case his been dlspossd
of After that negotiations will he im
mediately undertaken for the settlement
Of the UuSltanlS case and for at ranging
guarantee- as to the future. Gormen)
also will accept w-hat she regards as
the offer of the I'nlted States to move
In the direction of maintaining ihe free
dom nf the seas.
"Mfc re ii vol I I-" r I e i f
n ,i lrol .
If ft trail ln l'it,
;ir'fj VlMi he-frtt t" Tin Sin
Pari a. Ang. Prof iiaiii Filchel
in a letter tii tht ipare sxplalna th.it in
hla opinion the "honorahh peace" which
him been represented as satisfying tier
many'a present demands is a mistransla
tion nf th' German wmii "ehrenvoll1 as
meaning "full of honor' or honorableM
in the old st tine, as when an "honorabls
SttfM'eaa "f an autimr or painter waa
poken of.
The profeeaor thinks the Germans do
not understand such a mediocre had
now when they use th word "ehrenvoll."
hilt ratlH r 'gtOI leUUH."
i U rman-ISngtlsh diet lonarie dellns
"ehrenvoll SI manin hOnoi able,"
"creditable'1 or "sloriout."
As used by the German Bmperor ami
his Chancetlor( as well .s scores of ier
mnn writers and Generals in this wart
the word "ehrenvpH in connection with
the subjett of peace ("honorable peaos')
im generally understood by those who .ir.
thoroughly acquainted with th German
language a- meaning "a peaos that win
not only be consistent with our honor
but will be a credit to it anil add to it."
'Temps Hai s Kates llaee
Dratltaile of HaMaallpi
.....i Cabl4 Pesselrt i Tin- S.
Pasis, A.m. 21. Thi
mehtttiK on the Qermatt
tlatlons .-on.-ei nintf the
fate, sa.VH that "the I
7 . in pi
American nepo
ttlbmarlne war-b-rman
i an no longer n.- doubted. ' and con
tinues :
"The American notes will thereb) hav..
sained tin- gratitude of all humanity."
Tile loii.i and the f'tparo believe that
: Hie lllelle, tiveliess of Ha- I ..Till, 111 Mill, -
mar. in- warfare is an imp. .riant ractoi
iii tlermany's decision. Both papers
quote the British Admiralty's words thai
it generally guarded silence concerning
tin. destruction of Herman submarines
as an indication that many have I n
deal t oyed .
The Jlofia is of 'he opinion thai iler
mail) hopes to keep Hio friendship of
the I'nlted States with a view to brillK-
ing ab..ut American intervention to re
establish peace,
"if normany, fearing a rupture, ca
pitulates before the I'nlted states." aays
Hie P'jparO, "Ml Wilson will have ren
dered a signal service t.. humanity bj
forcing the Kaiser to recognise that the
submarines have been common assassins
who will not continue."
Heard rniii-'s nit n,r llolg,
The British stsamei Begurnnca, which
arrived yesterda.i morning from Lon
don, heard tin- wireless call fot help
sent nut by tin- Arabic when she was
sunk on August 1'.'. Capt, lux. .11 re
p. nte. I yesterday that the geguranca
was then two days out from London
and 120 miles distant from the st tucked
vess. 1. Which made It Impossible ',.. ren
der assistance.
Heaters eeilMeil
lily in . r 11111 11 .
n ml fgeff ''
of Miliiplim Hul
iii Bwltserla nd.
..11. '. 1.1 Tin si v
I litis. Auk SB
i. sted at Ta . as
selling grain to
Mini ilealen
11.111 1
w a y
While I
kilograms (v.OOfi
. on. id
awltserlund in thi
,000 kilograms
sent III I :ie spring
' M
..r hhi.
nounds w
As 19,00(1
were sent
un :
nirrams . ' , 1 pounds
lerman) m t he aorlua 1
im 1. according to ihe off
1 figuri
tin- dealers are accused of lending Her
: m
ual 'luaniltj via gwitBerland
Phi- a. . used men plead 1h.1t thev mad
tin shipment m good faith, believing This tax unless extended will
thai ihe) wen dealing with new awlssiof operation in liecembei
I'listome re.
liliililM II.- . 1.1. ee In Himself
Nan Mentioned In 'in- Bible
l l.KVK
. feller pi
1 :1ml of
Hie ltd
1 am.. Aug
.im H Rocke
Identical with
after hearing
. tlire l Ills life as
the prodigal son
Samuel lands. 1
pot tray to-
; da) th. roily, r 1
lepentaiice of the
lure, wilfulness and
prodigal m ins s. r-
li.l Avenue Baptist
said Mr Itocke-
in myself the prodi.
mon in "'c Bucl
Vini ue right,'
falter, "i can "ce
gal son Vou may
, at preaching, but
I.e able to heat 111..
1011 cunt he.) me
at golf "
The challenge was sccsptsd
I game will be played io-morron
in. I Hie
OH Piped Into
mini w bile al
inn 1, -.in,, 1'ya
1 1 k .im Ineeg.
u.K, va Auk it .'..
1 the
Una. In hlStor) "f any navy a
has taken oil oil tliroiiah
pipe at sea
while iiril.niK fourteen Knots
1111. rent wa: accomplished by the bat-
tlsahip Wyoming and the collier Cyclops
before Hie tleel came into HamntOII
Loads on Friday.
The CyolODS was
from 1 e Wyomlngi
sea was rinnlngi
Kstimated Sinn to He Split
Equally Between Army
ami Navy,
short Term Notes or a Bond
Issue Relieved to lie
(.irristiii Present II lle
porl This t'ck Dan
iels's to Follow.
P t fi.ir
I.. ITeeldSttt
report on the
levelopmcnti of
national de
Garrison win pri sen
this week hit nmpl
need- of thS arnty in Hie
more adssjuate measures
' fer.ee.
Secretary Daniels wh
return t.. IVaehl gton i
he in a position by that
llsved, 10 outline t" tht
. xpected to
'f Wl-ek. w.ll'
time, it IS be-
I 'i . - dent tne
;.- . nil Hoard
recommendations ..i ths ttei
of tile i.avv .
' Am soon a.s the President
thoroughly the suggestions
, partmentt be will lay the wh
I defence programme before
I for an exchange of views,
1 ...
Hi nal
th- army and havy lulls .it
drafted the President will hold
inn of
ll, Ap-
'of conferences with ths ih.nrui
I House and Senate Military, Nova
propriatlons and Ktnani intnltt
, is thi- Intsntlon st
, pres. nt 101 'ongrsss
. will have the su
far as p,,s ibis lo
a programme wh oa
port of the Detlto-
, cratic lesdsra
The Impression prevailing In Wash
'. Ington is that the programme will call
I for a toial appropriation of nppr -i
matsly I600.OOO.009, split about equally
between the arm and navy, Tine
j sum is in round numbers about I860,-
1000,000 in excess of th mblned 11 my
' and navy appropriations authoi , d for
the fiscal year 1 '.'I "i-l 'I
the Klaanclal Problem,
Whore the money is t.. e from to
make up this additional sum i still
to he decided. Althoug Chairman Snn-
1110ns ot thi
ii. is . xpri IS.
With tile I
he financed
bolide or stli
cul utlook
preeent so u
111 111 1 1 tea
a till.
the opinion
stdent thai
hrOUgh an .-sllan
term note.- tin i nn
of tlie
tnptcd '
tile I'l
,1. nt
t at'.
ciala o
mt imat
at tins
ml) Sena I.
th.. admit
Hal to
ns In
ns that 11.
With Hie
t inn
To any tinkering
luraglng as the
ictui ns have been unde
tariff. Hie President In
til., I the I MSI .0 I'
have a longer trial
lie is described as H
(he belief thai as s....n
war Is over and Import
t lldl'l vv ooU
..mi I., believe
IK law should
ngitig finnl) to
- ihe Ktiropean
.11.- back 1
normal baals ths
iniiiv ..1 in.- rndsr-
I Wo.
ul tariff to produce necessar) reven
will i.e established
Not onlv is I p posed, It is staled,
10 any tampering with the general
schedules, but he has rebuffed sugges.
nous of a repeal nf Hi.- tree sugar pro
v. si. in of Hie law. which under a grud-
nl, . bee es cut ireiy crfei nve
in 1. thereb) topping oil &o,
oil .1
000,00(1 m revenues
11 1.- believed that the President
be fur more reconciled to the Id
Increasing me rats or the scops
111. nine lax winch, a- a level. lie
.1 of
I lb
ue pro-
.1. h is fallen -hoi I of
I ,,,
trillion'.-, especial Ions
in an) event ami eutlrelj
the requirements for lurgei
naval expenditures, the pi
continued deficit m the I
e from
11 v and
t of a
I J vv .11
011 lor
.a the
g.l OUl
make almost certain an exten
another year of Un- opera!
i w- r lax enacted I'.v H.e last 1
4 II llll I II Is
t tollable,
imposes of .1 bond
1,000.011(1 vv-.tili of
which have never
rket, Th.se. 11 is
.i.i wiiii. .nt furthor
ngreas Home of
lahle for Ihe I
ue about IliiV
issue lit'.
been put
it. al UOIHIS
.11 im- ma
ml. I b.
authorlsat Ion
tin- Prestd
preference I'l
provided "ll
Congress ..n
for more udt
amounts lo
Tlie reasoi
to i.e hound
sou f the I
hav. of the
ivi.-ei 1 . howevel . show
ShOI'l bill, hole issue,
I. be ill. I. lined ttom
grOUIld H11I Ihe lii-ed
I, fen. ' al tills time
11 emergent v
for this preference seems
up 111 tin- memory which
1,1. 1 1 icmocr.it.- in 1 lOIIgn
uiipoiiularity 1 iiffei,.,i by
President 1 leveland in bin
ministration when forced h
1 Hie (ieAcil, caused b) Un w
-1. ..mi atl.
make up
I ii tariff,
liil issue.
d Wilson's Ills
itemised stalstni
HarClSOII a nil s
slell... oil a
nt front both
.ere tary Dai -bigger
I II-. d the n.
the COSl Of III.
progratutiis has i
iresslon -ii some
I. atl wol I .,-d Ii'
quarters that the Prssi.
H.e Treasury autlooki
s'artn tuwartl the n.i-
! has srown luki
ilonsl defence miov
High offlolals ol
1 ii.tt.i i t in, uis Insist
imcnl -
ihe War and N'av;.
however, that In 11
nt glvsn the Bllgillea
an assumption. 1 1 .
declare that t ,e
wa) has the I'l'uehU'
j hint m ju tlf) sue 1
Li I... i.onlearv tli, .
1 President is cut rel) alive to the f.. t
about nfiy varda I thai his stalguneni of .. montit ago an
while a RtoosraU j notincim ins intention to support a
I "aafc and cane ' policy ot heller wte-

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