OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1916-1920, December 31, 1916, Image 3

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030431/1916-12-31/ed-1/seq-3/

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71 3
Teutons Push Steadily Ahead
on 250 Mile Front' From
' Passes to Danube.
Petrograd Admits1 Withdrawal
of Russians and Rumanians
Before Onslaughts
tiOKDON', l)c. 39. yon Macltensqn'H
nclrcllnff utUck. Uxn tho lluslns and
Ilumanluis on the southern (.'outlet' of
.Moldavia Is making slow but steady
lregrM on tho whole 230 mil front. A
t:t battle la In progress. At one point
t'.-.a Teutons are only twenty miles south,
n-stt ot Brail. They are' also drawing
do to Focfant ,
In the Dobrudja 'there has (been In
Untry (Ithtlnf. the Rasnlan statement
it ports, but the nusaiana ntlll hold tho
Important bridgehead ot Macln, opposite
Brails. The German day statement fol
lows: On the mountains alonjr the Trail-ryh-anlan
frontier the German and
Auttro-Itunjarlan troops engaged In
he attack entered entrenched positions
detplte tenacious resistance uid puahed
further ahead In, the face ,of strong
counter attacks, durlns which the
Russians left ten officers and 6S0
men, with seven machine guns. In our
Army Group of Field Marshal von
Itftckensen: Our indefatigable troops
are following the retreating enemy
alons the whole front between the
mountains and the Danube.
The Russian statement regarding op
erations on the Rumanian front sat'Ht
The enemy Is conducting stubborn
attacks on the upper part of the ltlver
lUmna. oh the Moldavian frontier, to
tho west of Movena, near the rourco of
the River Suchttsa, nnd along the
River Putna to the west of the sta
tion ot Kosa,
On the Moldavian frontier. In the
ration north 'and south of the valley
of the River Oltux, the enemy suc
ceeded In occupying' several helghtn
and pressed -back 'our troops slightly
to the eastward. Our forces are con
solidating themsefves on new posi
tions north of, tho pillage of Ilorsha
snd east and south of the village of
-The enemy succeeded In taking, pos
session of the village of Bordescl, on
Km River illmnlk, and pressed bacR
our detachment near the village ot
Zalescl, IS versta northc.ut of ltlmnlk
HUKQAfcY C10WH1 iuLEli. '
EmperAr Charles aa aeB Zlta
f Asilrls Take Threae.
London', Dec. 30. The coronation of
Emperor Charles and Kmpresn Zlta of
Austria as King and Queen of Hungary
took place sthls morning" In St. Mathey
Church In Budapest, the Amsterdam, cor
respondent of the ICxchango Telegraph
Company cables. Tho ceremony was
marked with all the traditional medlssvul
POmn. The Klnif ftin imlA uniform
of a Hungarian field marshal and wai
surrounded by the captains of ht body-1
guard. The Quecii rode In a coach
drawn, by sixteen horses, which was fol
lowed by a pageant. Balutes were
fired an the procession moved through
tho streets. '
Cardinal Cserj.ocli, Primate of Hun
gary.' with .the remainder of the clergy,
escorted the King, and Queen Into the
church, which was filled with officials
uud diplomats. The King took the oath
to defend the Interests of tho Roman
Catholic Church against any enemy.
Afterward the Klng,,wearlng the crown,
took the oath beforo the I'Hrllamelit
building In the presence of tte populace.
VERDDMAl still
French Attacks at.Le Mort
Homme Repeatedly Repulsed,
Says Berlin.
Important Notice
live Silver Foxes
These almost priceless animals
are now being exhibited at the
Poultry Show
MaitoM Spare Caries N.Y.
Alto .war, homer. pigeons; rare game
birds; new American sheep; pedigreed
poultry. Free lectures b? experts.
Molioa pictures.
Open Sunday and Every Day
..and Evening Until January 3
AoUmtostoa Me ChlMrcat Mc
J. MiBiMHia a mm mm M i
UUV. till MAN lAhto !
Paris', Dec. SO. There s heavy
lighting on Le Mort IIonmeto.day, but
to-night the -greater' rt nf the cele
brated hill northwest of Verdun la still
In Oertnan hands, according tir'BerltnV i
The French troops returned to the at
tack several tlme during tlwvdsy. l!er.
ltn sayn, from tho ltethlncourt-Cumterea
road directly south of the hill and from
the flank. Tho attacks were -preceded
by terrlllc artillery fire.
To-nlfilil'n Krcnch ofllclal statement
reads .
'The day. relatively culm, was matked
by Intermittent artillery actions nnbotli
sides of tho Avrc and on (lie left Kink
of the Meutie. The German artillery was
very active to-day In the neighborhood
of Dlxmude and SteenstiMete. the Bel
gian Lotteries replying."
The French statement Issued duilng
the day follows:
"In the Champagne a detachment of
tlie enemy, which attempted, after a
spirited bombardment, to capture one of
our ports In tht vicinity of Heauecjoar,
was dispersed by our flro. West of Ta
hure wo carried out u succeKsful sur
prise attack on un enemy trench.
. "On tho left Junk of. the Meuse (Ver
dun front) the night wan relatively calm. !
I Public. Inauguration -Will Re
Held' in Assembly Chamber '
Aiwxr. 10. 30. Before only his
family and .two friend Charles . Whit
man took the oath of office this after
noon for liiW wcond term as Governor, i
To-day's ceremony will not prevent the
nubile , Inauguration in tho Assembly
Chamber on Monday, but was necessary
' to tide tho Governor over from, mildnlgnt
J Munday, when his present" term expires,
until he takes the oath Jiondiy in public.
A military riumt of J.OOO will head the
tiumcme Court Justice WlllUm r.
Rudd administered the oath, and the
onlv wltnesee. were Mrs. Whitman and
the Whitman children, Olive and Charlei
H.. Jr.; United States Senator-elect
William M." Calder and Representative
S. Wallace Dempsey,
Samuel S. McCalt. Governor of Massa
chusetts, with Mrs. MeCall will be house
guets of Jhe Governor during the in
augural ceremonies, and so will be Col.
nnd Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbllt. Mr. and'
Mr Charles Iltflkley llubboll. Mr. nnd
Mrs. Htuart Duncan mul .Mrs. jonn
. Ilajtler.
Th OovtriiAr's annual mensaee to the
There Is nothing to report from the re- i Legislature will bo submitted at noon
l...lHJ.. .1.. . . . .... T. ' . . . ... . .. I
malnder of the front."
on Wednraday. He will also submit
Tolnys German ofllclal announcement . tentatlv.o budget In which department
trtlllerr. AcUto , AUasT Mholr
1 Front. Sara War dace.
Roue, Dec. 30.' A, revival of activity
on the part of Italian artillery along tliei
whole 'front Is' reported In to-day's com-'
munlcatloii from the War' Office, which
rays : '
."Along the whole front our artillery
as very active against the enemy's po-'
lt!on. The euemy. again repeatedly I
shelled the city und suburbs of Gorilla'
utlhout Inflicting damage of Important..
"On tlie' Car so a suprim attack at
limpted by the enemy against our ud-
vinced lines waA checked promptly by
tsr infantry."
"Army, jrroup of Crown Pclnce Rup
precht N'orthwcst of Mile and on the
tiomme. erpeclally on the north bank, and
In isolated parts of tho Alsne front the
etlnua.trs of about S0.OOO,O0O will be
out to 101.000.000, which l a $2,000,000
The Governor will advocate th ex-1
tension of local option to cltlen In the
nrttilorv fir tmnni-!rii.. i,,r.H A.i. I iiici-sagc. This was learned from an nu-
vances by Tlrltloh and IVcnch . patroU I l',cutio source yesterday, and politicians
wero repeatedly repulsed. ''10 wfre Informed 0xprcs.cd the great-
"Army group of the German Cron "t,1JrnrU?' ,, . ,, , . I
rs.'tn...'n .k; i... .... m.... It hud been generally bc!lced that
i-..V.. .i.l V-" ..7" 'he prohibition question would be one of
.i... , .. :;. ':... 1. 1.",.. ""B5L. ' the most important to be placed lMre
ClZ.::'V::,m:: Legislature at the comln se.elon.
. . i ." ; .r.. V v.. " I but while a big fight was expected, no
. .V.. .. u ... ""' ' one for a moment thought that the Gov-
, A 7 "'' 1,10 a:" "-"e ie-crilor woul(, rerer t0 , matttI. lt)
pulsed. ' .nm.,1 I,....,,.. I
TTie Rrltlsh statement Issued to-night ' Lj
"A mine wai successfully blown by u till HZ ON ON WAR'S END.
Friday evening northeast of Neuvllle
Warshlpo OM Coast Notify Mhlpplag
tm Be on. Laokaat,
Boston-. -Dec. 10. Radio messages j
naming Entente shlpplrvt to.be on the
lookout for a disguised German raider, '
whose presence In the Atlantic was re-!
ported by British authorities some time
ego, were renewed to-nlcht at frequent
Intervals. ,
The messages, which are supposed to
"me, from British or French cruisers off
t'i eoaat, .were ,sent out alternately in
L'ngllsh and French. The description ofl
t'.:e raider as previously given was re
peated In each message. I
St. Vaast. Tho artillery carried out an
effective bonibarilnient duriin the night
on enemy lKiultlona In th neighborhood
of Seric and shelled a number bf places i
nf military Importance behind tho enemy
lines cant of "Arras.
"To-day enemy trenches Fouth of Le I
Transloy were bnmbardel with good Te
llr Declare That It Is .Vol Vet In
IA5NPOV, Dec. 30. III a
New Ve.u ''
mf stage to the Primrose Club Karl Cur-
zon. a member of the War Council,
says :
"Tills Is.the third year pf such a mes-
sults. Hast of Tllloloy, north of Neuve " ,i. , 'V TZi i Z C
Chappclle. a bridge across the River JSwlTe 1 tn '.iVrei iVSi ,h."
Uires was destroyed by our fire." g " J ' " to a. , et that the
nf exhaustion are visible In
- - .. I "Higns
Aidant, Dec. 30. The Pccond New but meunwhllo tho struggle goes on and
Vork Flold Artlller,, comprising elgh- neither Hide has obtained that decisive
fern ofP.eera and "SC.. enlisted men from preponderance which points to ronclu
New Vore city, left McAllen, Tex., early slve results. It seems likely that well
lo-day for home, according to a m'e!are Into another jar, perhaps loner, must
from Col. Wlngate. The troops are cx- we continue this dreadful tragedy that
pected to reach their destination next I Is turning the. world Into hell and wreck
Thursday. Mng tho brighter promise of nations."
S. Attmatt Sc Gin.
Extiraordlinary Announcement
- . - A Great Sale of'
to be -held -during1 the entire .month
of January
is of unusual significance, since it is increasingly difficult
to procure Eastern Floor Coverings in quantities, and as a
' consequence futisjre sales of magnitude are , more ,or less
J ' '
The collection is enormous, and practically every reason
able demand for home or office can be supplied.
In many instances the prices are less than the present
, cost of Import.
On .Saturday, January 6th, wc begin our .
Annual January Sales of
Infants' Dresses, Children's Muslin Underwear, Girls' and Misses' Lingerie
Dresses '
Fifth Avenue at Thirty-fifth Street
Established 1879
Announce, Beginning Tuesday, January 2nd
Annual January Sales
New merchandise purchased by our buyer when abroad last summer,
but delayed in shipping because of unsettled conditions. Latest
styles, selected materials and of superior workmanship .
at remarkably low prices.
Women's Hand-Made Paris Underwear -New
. Special 1.49, 2.49, 3.95, 5.00, 7.50
1.49, 2.49, 3.95, 5.00
1.95, 3.95, 5.00, 7.50
1.95, 2.95, 3.95
1.00, 1.95, 2.95
French Gowns.
French Combinations
French Petticoats,
French Envelope Chemises.
French Chemises.
Hand-Made Philippine Underwear -Tust received
Philippine Gowns,
Philippine Envelope Chemises,
Special 1.95, 2.95, 3.95, 5.00
1.95, 2.95, 3.95
Of Crepe de Chine Exclusive Models New
Gowns, beautifully tailored model?
Envelope Chemises.
Petticoats, exclusive models.
Taffeta Petticoats, street shades.
Special- 3.95, 5.00, 7.50
" 1.95, 2.95, 5.00
1.95, 2.95
5.00, 7.50
Included iif this sale' at remarkably attractive prices are
Domestic Gowns, Envelope Chemises and Bodices
1.00 1.95 2.95
Kayser Italian Silk Underwear New
Kayser Italian Silk Vests, with ribbon straps or band tops, white .
or pink. Special 1.J65
Kayser Italian Silk Vests, in white or pink, band tops, embroidered
fronts. Special 2.35
Kayser Italian Silk. Veste, in pretty designs with band tops, in
pink. Special 2.95
Kayser Italian Silk Bloomers, extra heavy, white, knee length,
closed. Special ' 4.15
Kayser Italian Silk Union Suits, low neck, sleeveless, knee length,
in white. Special 3.25
Kayser Italian Silk Bodice Union Suits, with ribbon strap, white
or pink. Special 4.75
Sale of Paris & American Hand-Made Blouses
Hand-made, of imported voile and batiste. Some embroidered
and lace trimmed. Special 5.95, 9.75, 15.00
Machine-made, five smart models of white batiste. Special 3.95
New, Exclusive, and Original Styles
Smart Apparel for Southern Wear
Women's Suits and Coats 2nd Floor.
"Khaki Kool" Suits, in vivid colorings, perfectly plain, in white
or new southern colors, 49.50 to 85.00
Silk Sport Suits, unusual and exclusive models. 47.50
Shantung Silk Suits, dressy or sports types, plain elegant models, 47.50
Wool Jersey Cloth Suits, athletic types, in rose, Copenhagen and
White Serge Suits, exclusive models,
White Silk Beach Coats, smart effects,
Angora Sports Coats, exclusive models in tan.
29.50 to 55.00
35.00 to 45.00
59.50 to 65.00
Women's Skirts and Dresses 2nd Floor.
"Khaki Kool" Skirts, sports types. .
Crepe de Chine Sports Dresses,
Georgette Dresses, new favored colorings,
White Serge Dresses, beautifully tailored.
25.00 to 3.00
65.00 to 79.50
39.50 to 110.00
25.00 to 49.50
A Wonderful Exhibition of
Hats, Blouses, Footwear, Hosiery, Sweaters and Bathing Costumes for
Southern wear.
"Correct and Original Fashions"
Important Unrestricted Public Sales
At the American Art Galleries
Madison Squara South,' New York
To Be Sld at Unrestricted Public Sale on the Afternoons ef
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of This Woek
at 2:30 o'Clock
Mr. Jhomas B. Clarke's .
Remarkable Collection of
Beautiful Pottery Vases
of Eastern Origin
lim 1X1 K, nillfTA. AIKNOPOIAMI. VAN;.- HAX. Hl'NC!.
WAX, L'lllXO, MIXi. .
Dating from the Sixth Century B. C.
to the Eighteenth Century A. D.
Formed by the owner during the past Thirty-five years
To Be Sold at 8:15 P. M. Thursday; Jan. 4th
Portraits & Prints of American Interest
Lithographs in Color by Currier and
Ives of American Race Horses and Races
On Free View Beginning Jan. 10th
To Be Sold on Ev'enings of Jan. 16 and 17
In the Grand Ball Room of
the Hotel Plaza
Highly Valuable
Modern Paintings
To Be Sold by Direction of
the Executors of the late Isidor Wormser.
Hill, Lock wood, Redfield and Lydon, Attorneys.
Mm. Florence Macy Sutton, Mn. Harold Thorne,
Mr. Edton Bradley, and
The Representatives of the Late Leon Mandel
and the Late F. L. Loring
Included Are Many Important
Works of Artistic Distinction
by the
Barbizon Masters
Their Contemporaries and
The Modern Dutch, French, American
and German Schools
The Remarkable Group of
Impressionist Paintings
Claude Monet
Collected During the Past Thirty Years by the Late
Mr. James F Sutton
An Organizer and (or Many Years the
Senior Member of the American Art Association
An Extensive Collection of
Antique Chinese Porcelain
Carved Jades and Other Hard Stones, Pottery,
Enamels, Bronzes, Japanese Ivory Carvings,
Lacquers, Greek and Roman Glass, Rare
Ecclesiastical Vestments and
A Number of Flemish Tapestries
Being the Property of
Mr. Edson Bradley
of Tuxedo, New York, and Washington, D. C.
To Be Sold on the Afternoons of
January 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20
At the American Art Galleries
Fine Old Japanese Bronzes
Antique Chinese Porcelains, Enamels, Ivory Carvings,
Objects in Silver, Netsukes, Lacquers, and a number
of Fine Old Kakemonos
From the Collection of the Late
Mr. James F. Sutton
To Be Sold on Saturday, Jan. 13th, at 2:30
At the American Art Galleries
urlhri parlli uUr ami taralosur will be (umlilirU li) tlir in,uiici.
The le will be conducted by
mid Ills uMlMant. .Mr. Oil. Rrrnrl. ul
.MAimvn q. iwuin. l.nlnmt U v.. 314 ftlrvrt, ,tw l.rk.
II IWtth.

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