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The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1916-1920, November 04, 1919, Image 1

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Cloudy and warmer to-'day; rain to.
night j to-morrow rain and colder.
Highest temperature yesterday, S0: lowest
Detailed leather report, on idiiW.i 37
NEW YORK, TUESDAY, kOVEMBER 4, 1919. Copyright, 119, by tns Bun PrtnMn,; end PuWtMng Afociatlon.
Entire City Stirred by Con
test to Reclaim Board of
Estimate Control. .
1,079,256 ON POLL LISTS
0. 0. P. Confident La Guar,
dia and Curran Will Win
by Fair Majorities.
Outlook Good for Nowhurgor
and McCook Haskell, "Wet,
to "Win in Brooklyn.
This Is election day.
The polls are open from 6 A. M. to 6
Voters will cast their ballots at the
same places that they registered.
The Board of Elections has Issued a
warning to. voters to no to the polling
places as early as possible as the reg
istration Is heavy In many of the elec
tion districts and there Is a strong pos
sibility of much congestion in the late
Great efforts will be made by all
parties to get out a heavy vote, and if
the weather is good there are indica
tions that the election will be a record
breaker for a so-called "off year.'
The total registration is 1,079,256. di
vided as follows: Manhattan, 386,427;
Bronx, 160.637; Brooklyn, 407,129;
Queens, 110.475; Richmond, 24,588.
The cltywlde issue Is that raised by
the Republicans of breaking up the close
corporation Into which the Hylan-Tam-many
combination has turned the Board
ot Estimate. This could be done by the
election of Representative F. H. La
Ouardla, the anti-Tammany candidate
for the Board of Estimate.
In Manhattan this Issue has also been
Used in the campaign for tho election of
Major Henry H. Curran, anti-Tammany
candidate for President of the Borough,
ho Is running against the chairman of
the Tammany General Committee, Ed
ward F. Boyle.
Would Block Tammnny Grnbi,
The President of the Board of Alder
men has three and the President of the
Borough of Manhattan has two votes In
the Board of Estimate, IKe live votes
Mng able to block all financial grabs
v.hlch the Hylan-Tammany combination
tr.iht try to put over.
"Let rn the light" has been the cry,
and there are evidence that It has been
In tho First Judicial district the big
light has been on the election of Justice
Joseph E. Newburger to the Supreme
Court and the defeat of Irwin Unter
myer, the thlrty-three-year-old son of
Famuel Untermyer, who was put rjn the
ticket by "Boss" Murphy to supplant
JuMlce Ncwburger.
Major Philip J. McCook, Republican,
tunning with Justice Aewburger for the
Supreme Court on the anti-Tammany
ticket, may be pulled in If there Is a
general sweep against Tammany and
the Democratic party In general.
In Brooklyn the bitter fight of Rep
resentative Reuben L. Haskell, Repub
lican cnndldate for Judge, of the Kings
County Court, against the opposition of
the Anti-Saloon League has overshad
owed the campaign for the other county
offices. It Is predicted by all Bides that
Haskell will win.
TIkct Ilrnclntr for Defeat.
In spite of the fact that the Demo
crats express supreme confidence and
the betting In Wall Street favors the
Tammany candidates, they were brac
ing themselves last night for a severe
blow that they feared might be coming.
The Republicans said they sensed,
rather than calculated, a victory that
might carry In the major part of their
ticket all over the city.
As one Republican expressed it last
"When things are going one way,
when there Is a general undercurrent
In one direction. It Is hard to calculate
the extent to which It will carry a move
ment. We all realized last year that
Gov Bmlth had things turned In his
direction. But who would have pre
dicted that he would get a plurality of
tO.OOO In Brooklyn? Or who would have
nought Frederick C. Tanner could have
-en defeated for Congress in a 'sure'
Aepubllcan district?"
Samuel S, Koenlg, Republican leader,
repeated his prediction that La Ouardla
-id Curran would carry thirteen of the
venty-three Assembly districts and the
ammany majority In the others would
rut materially.
Charles F Murphy maintained a dense
i-i ence Representative Thomas F.
'nlth, secretary of Tammany Hall, de
ti.ed that the leaders were glum.
Tammany Figures Withheld.
'That la the usual time worn cam
balgn lie," Mr. Smith declared. "Its ob-
V n la manifest. The truth Is that ouri
hi ionization has neither sought nor re
i lived any estimates, except those cus
timarlly submitted by the leaders on the
Saturday before election. '
"S'otwIthstandir.K their anxiety to
I. low, we regret we cannot sec our way
rlenr to disclose 'our figures to our
1 arst-Kepubllcan opponents."
J hn II McCooey, Tammany leader In
r ooklyn, coi.ttnted himself with claim
ir s a victory for his county ticket.
Continued oh Fith Page.
Few Bet on Election;
Odds 1 to 2 on Moran
ELECTION betting in Wall
Street is much smaller than
it has been in previous years, not
more than $60,000, it is esti
mated, having been placed on the
various candidates. In Presiden
tial campaigns the betting com
missioners have handled as high
as $1,000,000.
In some places on the Street
yesterday 1 to 2 was offered
that Robert L. Moran would be
reelected President of the Board
of Aldermen, and odds of nine to
five on Irwin Untermyer were re
ported. However, no Untermyer
money at those .odds made its
appearance, although several days
ago a bet is said to have been
made by a close' friend of Unter
myer at odds of 7 to 5 that he
would win. But it is said that a
Tammany district leader took the
other end of the bet within' an
hour after it was offered.'
In Brooklyn yesterday sevoral
bets at one to four were made on
Haskell to be elected county
Woman Born in U. S. Starts
Campaign for Election to
British Parliament.
Viscount Astor Determined to
Get Rid of His Titlo if
By the Attociated Frett.
Fltmouth, England, Nov. 8. Lady.
Astor In her speech to-night on her
adoption as Unionist candidate tor
Parliament told those who had gath
ered to hear her that It was because
she had "the mirth of the British
Tommy who could laugh while going
ovor the top" she was able to face the
tremendous responsibility of attempt
ing1 to become the first woman mem
ber of the House of Commons.
"I realize that it depends on how I
behavo myself there," one added,
"whether other women will get in."
A moment later she said: "It took
tho spirit of Drake and tho faith of the
Pilgrim Fathers to get mo hero to
night" Viscount Astor came forward to pre
sent his wife, saying: "I havo been
asked to Introduce to you my succes
sor, your future representative." This
was greeted with loud cheers and
laughter, and Lord Astor went on:
"I have been asked presumably be
cause I know moro about her than any
one else. Although she is light of
heart, nevertheless she is mindful of
the responsibilities."
Lord Astor Wishes to Loae Title. '
Vlqpount Astor declared that it was
tls Intention to do everything possible
again to become the candidate of the
people in the next election for the House
of Commons.
Lady Astor said she came before the
people as a substitute for one whom she
felt even his opponents would admit to
be one of the highest minded and ablest
men in ttie House of Commons to-day.
She was not a warming pan, although
she hoped by next election that Viscounty
Astor would once more be a free man
and able to come himself to be their
Some people, said Lady Astor, found It
difficult to get a title, but her husband
was finding It even harder to get rid of
his. He had fought the people's battlss
now for ten years, she added, and they
could elve him tholr moral support by
returning his wife to Parliament so that
she could continue his worn. She might
have many faults, she asserted, but
feebleness was not one of these.
Drives to Fish Market.
Lady Astor began her campaign this
afternoon, when she drove Into the
wharfslde flsh market In an onen par. I
rlage drawn by a team of beautiful ,
es i'ltli bridles decorated with red,
e A-td blue rosettes.
pnniiti w. kimuiEii .twin wig uujnLCiii
slum district and a miscellany of dock
laborers and market workers Imme
diately masted about tho carriage. Smil
ing tsward the photographers, Lady As
tor aBked :
"Why can't you let us have our little
election down here In Devonshire?"
Then turning to the crowd she . ex
claimed : . "Aren't these foreigners awful
persons "
One photographer asked Lady Astor
to pose aboard a flsnlng schooner moored
u tew yards away.
"I am not a movie actress," she pro
tested. Nevertheless she descended from the
carrlago and walked 'across the slimy
placement of tho fish mart and stepped
Continued on Fifth Page.
Allies Demand Bucharest
Give Reasons for Defiance
of Council.
Americans Declare Bcssaraliinn
Plebiscite Bccently Hold
"Was a Farce.
Staff Corretpondent of Tns Scs.
Copyright, IM, all righlt retervei.
Paws, Nov. S. The Rumanian issue
continues to hang Are here. Involving
the wholo Balkan situation, which the
Americans are pressing to clear up be
fore they return home. Intrigue con
tinues to show Its head, to tho great
discouragement of the Americans.
An amazing instance of what has
been going on in connection with the
Rumanian situation developed to-day
when .the Rumanians frankly Informed
tho council thoy hadn't answered the
Joint note the council sent to them on
October 17 because the Italian' Minis
ter to Bucharest hadn't delivered his
copy. They claimed that becauso of
his action the Rumanian Government
did not understand that all the great
Powers concurred In the note.
This note was drawn up following
the return of Sir George Clerk. It
called upon the Rumanians to evacu
ate Budapest, notified Rumania that
her Hungarian requisitions would be
deducted from her total claims, "!thd
finally refused to make any changes In
the Rumanian boundaries accorded her
by the Peace Conference.
Copies were to be delivered by Ave
representatives of the Powers at Bucha
rest The Italian member of the coun
cil here expressed surprise that the Ital
ian Minister there hadn't delivered the
Council Mnat AVnlt.
The council sent a telegram to-day
requesting the Rumanian Government
to answer the note of October 17 forth
with, and now must wait a few more
The telegram stated that "the Supreme
Council expresses tho formal desire to
obtain within the Bhortest time a brief
and clear reply from the Rumanian Gov
ernment on all the points discussed. As
the situation in Hungary demands an
early decision in order to Insure the
reestabllshment of normal conditions,
which is absolutely essential for the se
curity of central Europe, the principal
allied and associated Powers cannot al
low Rumania to prolong dilatory nego
tiations on the three questions stated in
the note sent In October."
Thus the game continues, with Italy's
delinquency more than suspicious and
reviving reports of a secret Italian-Rumanian
agreement The report on the
Hungarian situation from Clerk, who
Is still la Budapest presented at to
day's meeting, was not of a nature to
give encouragement as to the clearing
up of this muddle. The Clerk report
empnaeizea as tho two outstanding dan
gers In Hungary, irst, the return of
Bolshevism manifested at present in the
confusion of parties and the activity
of revolutionary agitators, and second,
the violent gutburst of anti-Semitism,
alreaay resulting in bloody pogroms.
Soclallata Strongest.
According to this report, there Is
little chance of organizing a Govern
ment to receive the treaty, which was
Clerk's special task, unless, as ho points
out the Allies extend some measure of
support to the Socialists, which appar
ently la the only rational element of
any consequence.
Rumania has authorized a denial to
the council that It had announced the
annexation of Bessarabia up to the pres.
ent moment, but considered It as a fait
accompli, Inasmuch as Bessarabia had
voted for attachment to Rumania.
It Is pointed out that the French vir
tually supervised this election, as they
were In charge; also that the Bessara
blans are njw holding elections for the
Rumanian Chamber. TheRumanlan state
ment doscr bes the union of Rumania
and Bessarabia as "a consecrated union
which nobody lr the future can prevent"
According to Americans, the plebiscite
referred to was a farce engineered by
the Rumanians.
Against the kind of dlDlomacv prac
tised by some of the European nations
In the Balkans American diplomacy. Dre
dieted on far different lines, apparently
makes little headway.
Rule by sections
Counties May Govern Them
selves by Own Vote.
London, Nov. 3. The British Govern
ment will announce during the present
week a new scheme of Irish Government,
according to a strongly supported report
In Parliamentary circles to-day.
Under the plan, said to be in prospect,
there would be a grant of home rule to
Trfihinri. with nfiwpr fnr rnnnll.. tn
themselves out and form a srovernlni-'
body for the areas which might be thus
excluded from the general scheme. A
supreme body, however, presided over by
the Lord Lieutenant, would have au
thority over both the other bodies.
Japanese Privy Council
Favored Impeachment
By the A$ociated Prett.
JJONOLULU, Nov. 3 The Jap
anese" Privy Council on Thurs
day favored the impeachment of
the Ministry of Premier'Hara and
the Versailles Peace delegation
for the unsatisfactory peace
terms, nccording to a cablegram
received from Tokio by the Ha
waii Hochi, a Japanese daily
newspaper here.
Giant Zeppelin Is Buffeted
- Against Ground in At
tempt to Land.
More Than Score of Passen
gers Carried Away on
Battered Craft.
Special Cable Despatch to Tns Set from the
London Timet Service.
Copyright, lift, all right! referred.
Behmn, Nov. 3.-r-At least eight per
sons wero killed or Injured last night
when the giant airship Bodenseo at
tempted a landing near Berlin. The
Bodenseo came from Frledrichshafen
and arrived here about 6 o'clock with
passengers. She carried about thirty
people altogether. Sho landed in a
high wind, smashed her forward gon
dola. In which were a number of, peo-.
pie, and then tore loose and was blown
Up till 2 o'clock this morning no
further news had been received of the
An eyewitness of the accident says:
"I saw the airship arrive and "the wind
won very rough. The people helping
her land were mostly voluntary peo
ple who had apparently come to wol
corao their friends. There jseemed to
bo half a dozen officials besdes assist
ing In this work. They caught hold
of tho landing ropes. There was no
order given for landing the vessel.
"I heard a battering three times as
thewind got under tho vessel, the nose
of which dived again and again, the
front gondola being smashed up like a
concertina. She dived five times. Of
the people on the ground, one was killed
and about half a dozen injured. The
Zeppelin then ascended Into the air, the
lights went out and she vanished. It
la believed one pilot or controller In the
front gondola wni killed or badly in
jured. "When the vessel first descended the
passengers were able to talk to their
friends, one woman calling to her hus
band they had a very bad voyage and
she would never undertake it again."
It Is stated that the wireless of the
Bodensce was damaged. Hopes are en
tertained that as hor crew wero all
aboard they will bo able to navigate
her. Snow Is falling and the wind Is
Intensely cold and very strong. This Is
the first serious accident to an airship
running a passenger service. The Bo
denseo has been carrying passengers
over Germany for some time. Sho Is
the latest type of a Zeppelin.
British War Office Failed to
Produce Better Model.
London, Nov. 8. Corporal Demole. an
Australian; submitted plans for a war '
tank In 1912 which were essentially I
similar 'to those used In the construction
tfi thnA llftptl In t Vi a f.nn.(riii.ttnn
of tanks and even better. This admis
sion was made to-day by the crown
counsel at a resumption of the sitting
of the Royal Commission on Awards,
which Is dealing with the claims of
eleven men seeking the honor and boun
ties attached to the Invention of this
formidable Instrument of war.
Corporal Demole, who testified to-day,
was Informed by the chairman of the
oommlssion that his documents unfor
tunately were pigeonholed In the War
Office and that the commission couid
not recommend an award to him, al
though the claimant deserved the great
est' credit.
At one of the opening sessions of the
hearing of the commission on awards
Secretary for War Churchill declared
that It was Impossible "to say that this
or. that man Invented the tank."
The testimony of Mr, Churchill wu
to the effect that various models were
constructed from numerous plans sub
mitted, and that the original tank, which
was first used in the Somme offensive in
1916, was the result of the experience e lAWr P?" naB w,on ,nt munic
galned at the trials of each of the 'Pal elections by personal touch. Their
London Men Demuntl Join, AVhlle
Bank Girls Klwht.
Special Cable. Detpatch to Inn Sen and the
Pvbltc Ledger,
Copyright, 1119, all rightt reserved.
London, Nov. 3. An "out with the
women" campaign Is on. All the
women waitresses In the Savoy Hotel
left Sunday, their places being taken
by males.
However, the bank girls have picked
up tho gauntlet flung' clown by the bank
clerks and have formed an association
of women clerks and secretaries and
will make a fight for keeping, their positions.
Anti-Red Factions Offer to
Recognize Independence
in Exchange.
Apnrccmcnt Makes Fall of Pe
trograd Practically Certain
in Near Future.
HEtsiNcroRS, Nov. 3. The Indepen
dence of Finland Is formally admitted
nnd recognized by Prime Minister
Llanosoff of the Northwest Russian
provisional Government in an effort to
secure tho assistance of Finnish troops
in tho campaign against Petrograd.
Sir. Llanosoff has sent to the Finnish
Minister of Foreign Affairs a note of
ficially demanding military assistance
In order to capture Petrograd and
agreeing to recognize tho indepen
dence of Finland.
Special Despatch to Till Sim.
Washington, Nov. 3: Premier Lian-
oscff of tho Russian Northwestern
Government In announcing the un
qualified and unconditional recognition
of Finland and formally asking for
Finnish cooperation in the anti-Bolshevik
campaign, according to an offi
cial despatch from Helslngfors, de
clared that ho represented Archangel,
Kolchak and Denlkine sections as well
as his own.
While the probable action of the Fin
nish Government was not given in the
despatcli it is considered almost certain
here the territorial demands of Finland
will be agreed to and that the fall of
Petrograd is assured.
It was also learned to-day that recent'-;'
a conference of Prime Ministers
and Foreign Ministers of Esthonla, Let
via, Lithuania and Finland was held In
Dorpat, Eathonta, to consider a peace
offer mado by the Bolshevists. The of
fer was considered lavorably by all the
countries except Finland, and It was at
the advice of the Finnish Ministers that
the proposition was rejected. Should
Finland Join the antl-Bolshevlst forces It
is certain that Esthonla, Lctvla and
Lithuania will cooperate In the cam
paign against Petrograd.
Once the Russian capital Is taken It
will be policed by the Finns and tne
strength of tho Russian units can be
devoted entirely to the Moscow cam
paign. Finland's demands are that the Pet-
changa coast be ceded to her In accord
ance with the treaty of 1864 between
Russia and Finland, by which this strip
of coast on the Arctic Sea was to bo
glvn to tho latter In return for territory
on the Karelia Peninsula between Lake
Ladoga and the Gulf of Finland that
was given to Russia. This treaty was
never kept by Russia, although the prop
erty In Karelia was at once taken over
and has been used as mtea for munition
and gun factories. Finland also asks
that tho inhabitants of eastern Karelia
be given the right to decide by a pleb
iscite whether they shall belong to Rus
sia or to Finland and that the costs of
the war shall be paid bj- Russia.
Finland, however, makes It clear that
she will take no part In the war save
to defend her own territory without the
complete approval and sympathy of the
western rowers.
Information obtained In Finland from
deserting Russian officers who have been
forced to fight -with the Bolshevists in
dlcates that the Reds are strong In their
artillery, which is handled by former
Russian officers who -have been coerced
Into tho Bolshevik ranks. It has been
declared by one of the Bolshevist com-
mlssarles that there are 200,000 former
Russian officers on their side. It Is
1rnnn that thmtutllla 11 f Tlllflfllfin Officers
have been conscripted and many of these
are sevlng in the ranks.
Municipal Food Depots and
Movies Promised.
Special Cable DetpatcJl to Tns So from tht
London Timet Setvict.
CoptrigSt, 1111, all right! reterved,
London, Nov. 3. The Labor party
goes from success to success in the
municipal elections all over the country.
Jn London a Labor "Government" Is as
sured In nine of twenty-eight boroughs.
In Shoredltch1 Labor put forward forty
two candidates and thirty-two were
elected. The chief orgunlser of victory
there was a former ash collector named
candidates are of their own class, they
know tfie electors Individually. They
have perfected their electoral machinery
by giving It personality. London Is not
excitedly alarmed ovpr Labor's victories ;
the cry here has beon "Sweep away the
profiteers I" This sentiment was one to
uhlch all parties subscribed, particularly
the women voters.
The Labor party has been prodigal of
promises and now it has three years of
uninterrupted opportunity for fulfilling
them. In London It has gone In on a
programme of municipal milk, meat,
bread and coal depots, municipal movies
and theatres. Meanwhile, the middle
classes look on cither helpless or apath
etic. Apparently throughout the country
the women candidates also have had a
remarltablo success and have obtained
much larger representation on the coun
cils than ever befort.
320,000 TRUCKS FOR U. S.
Baker Takes Precaution Against Possibilities Resulting
From Coal
Special Despatch to Tns SDN.
Washington, Nov. 3. As a precau
tion against the possible tleup of the
railway transportation system of the
country for want of coal Secretary
Baker last week called upon the Coun
cil of National Defence for a statement
regarding tho availability of motor
transport tonnage in the United States.
To-day the report of the council was
presented to Mr. Baker.
Whereas the actual motor tonnage Is
only a tiny fraction of tho needs of tho
nation in matters of transportation; it
nevertheless will furnish, according to
tho figures In Mr. Baker's possession, a
partial stop gap in the shortage of fa
cilities. The report shows there are 20,000
Coal Operators Show Charge of
Conspiring1 to Cut Output
Is False
Miners' Leader Told Buffalo
Conference No Foundation
Existed for Assertion.
Special Deipoteh to Tns So.
Washington, Nov. 3. Recent asser
tions by Samuel Gompers, president of
the American Federation of Labor, and
others of his organization that, the soft
coal operators of tho country had been
conspiring to reduce production and
thus force prices skyward were re
futed to-day by the execuUve commit
tee of the operators of tho central
competitive nolu, who quoted tne ver
batim words of John L. Lewis, acting
president of tho United Mine Workers
of America.
The statement of tho executive com
mlttee follows:
"In a recent statement President
Gompers. Vice-President Woll and Sec
rotary' Morrlxon of the American Fed
eration of Labor charged that the bltu
mlnoua coal operators of the United
States had been conspiring to curtail
production and maintain coal prices to
the consumers. In connection with this
statement the following excerpts from
the official transcript of the proceedings
of the Joint Conference of coal operators
and coal miners of the central competl
tlvo field held at Buffalo September 29,
1919, are of public interest:
Philip Penna, spokesman for the
operators at the Joint conference of
coal operators, said : "I notice that
since coming to this conference the
coal miners are reported to have told
the representatives of the press that
the operators have been purposely
cutting down their production for the
purpose of maintaining prices."
In reply, John L. Lewis, acting
president of the United Mine Work
ers of America, said: "'I want It writ
ten Into the records that neither In
Buffalo nor anywhere else have I
ever charged tho operators with shut
ting down tho mines to maintain
coal prices. I would not say such a
thing because I do not believe It Is
true. Neither do I believe that any
member of the mine workers' delega
tion would make such a statement
and I am quite sura that no respon
sible agent of the mine worKers In
Washington or elsewhere ever made
such a statement.
"On the other hand, I have denied
It for the operators. I denied It to the
Director-General of Rallroaas, Mr,
Illnes ; I denied It to other people
who have discussed the question
when charges by Inference and Im
plication were made to that effect
before the Senate Committees and
other places In Washington. . . .
"If any such statement appeared In
n Buffalo paper It was unauthorized,
unfounded and untrue; It was not
given by me and I am quite sure
was not given by any of my asso
ciates. Wo would not do It, because
I say again we do not believe the
operators have done anything of that
Denies, Though, Secretary
Wilson Sent a Despatch.
iNDfANAPOi.tr, Nov. 3 John L. Lewis.
acting president of the United Mine
Workers of America, asked specifically
to-day regarding the reported message
sent him by Samuel Gompers. president
ot tne Atnenein Federation of Liabor, and
a telephone conversation with Warren L
Stone, grand chief of the Brotherhood of
locomotive Engineers, stld he would
reply that he had nothing to say.
Mr. Lewis did deny that he had re
ceived a message from Secretary of
Iabor Wlls.m reminding him that the
offer of President Wilson to nppolnt a
tribunal to Investigate and arbitrate the I
strike still stands. I
available army motor trucks, and, fur
ther, It estimates that in nddltlon tho
Government can rely upon prlvato in
terests to furnish through tho meth
ods of commandeering- for public use
300,000 moro 'trucks.
While It Is not regarded possible lo
use motor transport In substitution for
mil borne freight to the extent re
cently employed In Great Britain during-
the strike of tho railway opera
tives, nevertheless the 320,000 trucks
of various sizes may bo expected to
relievo to a considerable extent the
elimination of rail facilities.
Along with the report the council
furnished Mr. Baker with Its best sug
gestions as to how the work of mobiliz
ing tho motor transport facilities could
and should bo accomplished.
Ecgulars Now in Brownsville,
W. Va., to Keep Organizers
Strike Beported 100 Per-Cent.
Effective in All Organized
Special Detpatch to Tnz Sc.
Pittsburg, Nov. 3. To insure con
tinued operation of the big non-union
coal fields in Fayette, Westmoreland
and Somerset counties, this State,
United States troops from Fort Niag
ara, Buffalo, areMchedulod to arrive at
Brownsville to-rfight.
Brownsvillo Is situated on the Monon
gahola River In Fayetto county, with
ur:es or communication rndlnt ncr tn
every section of tho thron r-mmtioo
where bituminous mines aro located
Particular significance is placed on the
fact that Government troops aro being
placed In tho unorganized fields In both
Pennsylvania and West Virginia,
while tho known union fields aro being
loft to shift for themselves In the mat
ter of protection.
According to coal operators and offl
cals of the mine workers' organization,
the Government Is depending on the
great unorganized fields In Pennsylvania
and West Virginia to supply the country
with coal, and every measure will be
taken to protect the' men who remain
at work there and at the same. -time
prevent organizers from entering these
fields to ply their vocation, that of bring
ing coal diggers Into tho United Mlno
Workers of America.
The Westmorland - Fayette - Somere't
non-union fields give employment to ap
proximately 60,000 miners, more than
80,000,000 tons of coal being mined In
this field annually. In West Virginia
the principal non-union fields embrace
the Guyan Valley, Tug Rlver-Pocahontas
district, more than 40.000 miners pro
ducing 50,000.000 tons of coal annually
in the pits of this field.
iMtll truoil liroluctlon tliA nnn.nnlnn
men In both fields undoubtedly will
n.v.. ..wriact mrii uuipui. .irouoje
in securing cars has handicapped mines
In the trl-State district for months In
setting out anvtvhore nenr thlr nnrn.ni
rroductlon. With this difficulty removed
It Is believed by operators In both tho
west Virginia and Pennsylvania non
union fields that a greatly increased pro-,
ductlon can be had.
Perelatent reports from the Connells
vllle fields In Fayette county are that
union miners are arriving there by the
hundreds seeking employment. The Gov
ernment Injunction, restraining officials
ot the United Mine Workers from tak
ing any part in or directing tho strike,
so far Is a dead Issue here. Contrary to
all precedent no official notification that
such an order exists has been received
b either the Federal officials her or
officers of the mine workers' organiza
tion. In the western Pennsylvania Fed
eral district tho only knowledge nos-
segued bv am' onn holrilnir -finm.,t
legal authority In tho territory has been
gleanea from the newspapers.
Tha trl-State situation can be sum
med. up in a few words.
The strike in
unionized mines is 100 per cent, ef
fective. In non-unionized mines it is
not known at all. Not a union mine Is
In operation ; not a non-union mine
has lost a man; rather, to the contrary,
they are putting on men and are in-
creasing their output. ;
The curtailing of freight trains enter-
Ing the idle coal fields and the cioslne
down of manufacturing plants la wet-
ern Pennsylvania. West Virginia and
eastern Ohio, due to the lack of fuel, aro lo rtlurn lo worK ut once,
the only new developments In tho strike. n tne effort to bring about an end
At Cumberland, Md. ; Steubenvllle, Ohio, ' of the strlko pressure is being brought
and Wheeling, W. Vo., many large to bear on tho leaders of organized la
plants were forced to cease operations bor in Washington to use their In-
bt.0aUSr ft? Not-According' !lUe"Cr Wlth th
to reports to the Stato Department of warJ a compromise, a calling off of
jMlnes to-day by Inspectors, there are
60,000 to 60.000 miners working In the grievances by an Impartial and dtsln
bituminous field. The normal number tr-rested tribunal. Just how successful
"JL . . .
The Inspectors have not yet been able
to get detailed Information relat ye to
the strike rond'tlons in thplr dlstNctV.
but with comnanitlvi-lv feu eic-.miin.,.
tho men returning to work to-day ware
non-union men. I
Reports of Desertions From
Union Come From Sev
eral Districts.
Meeting in Charleston To
day Will Invito All Work
ers to Resume.
Strike Funds Withheld by
Conrt Order and Stores Are
Eefusing Credit.
Special Dttpatch to Tns Son.
Wabhinoton. Nov. 8. With the Wsa
prevailing throughout Washington to
night that the end of the bituminous
coal miners' strike was In sight, Gov
ernment officials were seeking- a means
to bring- an acceptable offer of media
tion to tho miners. No decision has
been reached as to how this can be ac
complished, but tho prospects win toe
canvassed at a meeting- of the Cabinet
to-morrow morning.
Although there Is nothing tangible
or official on which to base the opti
mistic feeling, it was known that la
llucnces were being brought to bear to
have the 425,000 miners now on strlko
return to work. Attorney-General
Palmer departed from here for his
home, Stroudsburg-, Pa., to-night, and
It was said that ho shared the opinion
that the strike would be over before
next Saturday, the day on which the
Injunction obtained before Federal
Judge Anderson In Indlanaooll la
made returnable.
It became known during the day
that Samuel Gompers, president of the
American Federation of Labor, and
Warren S. Stone, grand chief of th
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers,
had been in communication with John
L.ewis, acting president of tha
United Mine "Workers of America.
Offer of Protection Renen-ed.
Confidential reports beine receive
by the Department of Justice showed
Jit was said, that union miners wera
i Ieuvlnf the strlko ranks soeklntr work.
m mat largxj numbers of the union
miners had declared themselves as be
ing willing to work, but feared tha
consequences. In view of this condi
tion the Government reiterated Its
promise to give adequate protection,
throueh Federal troops If necessary, to
guard any men who wished to assist
In maintaining the coal supply of th
First breaks in the ranks of tha
strikers were shown in West Virginia
and Colorado, ndvices to the operators
reporting that tho non-union mines
wero working to full capacity and that
the production of coal to-day was
larger by a considerable degroe than
on Saturday, the first day of the strike.
It was from these advices that the re
l orts that the union miners wore seek
ing employment in the non-union
fields wero received.
In Colorado the Black Diamond mine,
employing approximately fifty men, re
sumed capacity operations under
agreement between tho operators ant!
the men that any wage increases
.iHuruea in tne Kast will bo applied
hero. At Wulsenburg. Col.. 800 min.
I telegraphed to Washington that thev
njiuiig io roium to work
In Ohio live or six companies which
j mine through the trippmgTroc483l
. . "nipping proces3
r.. , 1 lcy.Wl
ere oroduclnir
int. ureaa in uie west Virglni,
was reported by tho West Vlrjl
Coal Association to the headquatl
of the operators here. The report J
that fifteen union mines small one!
in the northern part of the State hi
resumed operations.
Will Invite Othura to Itatnrn.
W. II. Cunningham, secretary of the"
association, said that the operators
wore so encouraged by the situation
that they had decided to hold a meet
ing in Charleston, W. Vo., to-morrow
and extend a public invitation tn .u
" "'K 'V"18"1 ln meir section to
4KU .. -I l.l- . ...
"lu lo worn.
C. H. Jenkins, president of tha as
sociation, said that the production of
coal In northern West Vlrelnla th
Fnirmount - Morgantown - Graf ton re
gion was 60 per cent, of normal, aa-
Thl. Zfm. received by him.
rnl8 a.'8"18"' was reiterated by Sec-
M'lary Cunningham, who asserted that
production was moro than 50 ner ent
He added that he expected a auick re.
turn to normal mnrutinn. ki 1.1.
rnr.i n . .v.-. ', V"
" L T." .I .V"
. -.. ...utl.vi.i a uesirs
tno strll0 "id a settlement of all
tills movomont will bo is problematical.
Several oillclals feel that with the Oov-
.,,,., ,.,.. ,. " uuu
'"npnt using all peaceable powers to
'rink the strike, and with the hands
nf tm renl leaders of tho mine workers'
national organization lied. leaders of

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